#Can i????... have some shrimp and grits off her lovely legs
starrahcoolership · 4 months
he in love with avalos Mom lovely legs.......
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nonalectos · 3 years
Jury Duty
Fandom: The Nanny
Genre: Romance/Humor/Comfort
Pairing: Fran Fine/C.C. Babcock
Rating: M
Summary: C.C. has been called to jury duty, and Fran decides to come along, placing C.C. in a very uncomfortable position considering the feelings she has been harboring for the nanny the last four years. To make matters worse, there's only one room left in the hotel.
Word Count:  2,826
Author’s Note: My first fic in six years, folks! I am currently neck deep in The Nanny hyper fixation, Fran x C.C. in particular, and I was inspired by my lovely friends and fellow shippers to write my first fic in years and very first fic for this pairing! Boy, have I come a long way since my Fran/Maxwell fanfic on Quizilla.com when I was 14-years-old. Interwoven with canon from S04E17: Samson, He Denied Her. Please enjoy!
This fic can also be found here on AO3.
“What’s that?”
“That’s...the nanny.”
C.C. rolled onto her stomach, burying her face into her pillow, and groaned, the coolness of her satin pillowcase warming to match her body temperature a bit too quickly for her liking. As she shifted, contemplating whether to get up or relegate herself to a day in bed, ignoring all responsibility and...other stressors, an orange-brown fluff next to her feet growled.
Damn dog.
In order to prevent the mongrel from biting at her ankles, C.C. slowly pulled her legs up towards her chest before gently removing the covers, pushing herself up into a seated position, and scooting to let her legs hang off the side of the bed. She sighed and looked at her alarm clock.
5:30 AM
She had one of those dreams again. She was rarely the type to dream, but somehow her subconscious had been invaded by the intrusive thoughts she routinely pushed away during her waking hours. Sparkling red, a hand on her waist, her own hand tangled in a large nest of brown hair, and the recalled scent of scratch-and-sniff magazine perfume flashed through her mind before she could prevent it. She groaned again--loudly--and a retort, almost indistinguishable from her own guttural sound, emitted from the ball of fluff.
C.C. let out one more sigh before standing with renewed intention to have a good, productive day. She would bury her nose--and her mind--in her work. No one could get in the way of her and her job. She was the C.C. Babcock. She made her way to the kitchen and started her coffee maker. While she waited, she opened an envelope that she had left sitting on the table and froze, defeated.
C.C. barged into Maxwell Sheffield’s office, ignoring the skip in her chest when she caught the image of brown, black, red, and white in her peripheral, accompanied by that--against all odds--alluring scent.
“Maxwell, you are not gonna believe this. I have been summoned for jury duty! Well, that is the last time I vote.”
The blur came closer. “Ms. Babcock, maybe I’ll go be on that jury with you.”
C.C. covered her panic with a chuckle. “Nanny Fine, you can’t just go.” This was it. The perfect moment for a witty jab. That would help. “It’s not like Supercuts.”
“Are you kidding? I’ve got a drawer full of those things. Besides, there’s nothing keeping me here.” Fran glared at Maxwell, and C.C. silently stepped out of the office as she heard the man’s voice raise, only making out an exasperated, “Ms. Fine!”
“Oh I’ve just gotta get on this jury!”
As Fran blabbed on, C.C. tried not to focus on how close together they were sitting and how she could still feel the heat from the nanny’s hand on her knee, even after she had removed it. As Fran handed her a book, C.C. was given another chance at a jab. She gasped theatrically.
“You know him?”
“No. You read?”
Fran snatched the book out of C.C.’s hand, and C.C. laughed, the awareness of her leaning closer to Fran escaping her.
“What do you mean there’s just one room left?” C.C. growled at the hotel receptionist.
The receptionist looked at the tall, blond woman towering above them nervously. “I-uh I’m sorry, ma’am, there are no other rooms available. Just the one.”
“But we have two people--” Fran gently placed her hand on C.C.’s shoulder and stepped in between her and the distressed receptionist.
“Are there two beds?” she asked, smiling.
“Y-yes,” the receptionist said hesitantly and then, more assured after calming down, “Yes, there are two beds.”
“See Babs? No harm, no foul,” Fran said brightly, squeezing C.C.’s shoulder as she reached over the counter to take the room key. As they walked towards their room, Fran went on and on about the plot of the romance novel she had shoved in C.C.’s hands earlier. C.C. focused on her breathing, trying to remain calm. She could feel the heat creep up her neck the moment the kid at the desk said they only had one room available, and now she didn’t even have to look to know she had red blotches all over her chest and cheeks. She couldn’t distinguish between her anger and...fear? No. C.C. Babcock was never scared.
“So then when he pulls her in--” holding the book close to her chest, Fran twirled around to face C.C. as she continued walking down the hallway backwards. “Ms. Babcock? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” C.C. responded curtly.
“You’re not having an allergic reaction, are you?” Fran rushed up to her and lifted her hand to examine C.C.’s face as she spoke. “You gotta be careful with shellfish! You know, my cousin, Ernie, never had an allergic reaction in his life. One day, 40 years old, he ate one fried shrimp and BAM --”
C.C. slapped Fran’s hand away, “I’m fine.” Her heart was racing.
“Okay, okay, sorry Mrs. Hyde.” Fran threw her hands in the air, and C.C. could have sworn she gave a tiny pout as she turned around and continued towards their room. When she opened the door, she paused, pulled it back to her, and turned. “You know, Ms. Babcock, we should celebrate! How about a drink? A whiskey. Bourbon. On me.” She winked then stood up straight with a stern look on her face, “ Well. Not top shelf.”
“Nanny Fine,” C.C. uttered through gritted teeth, “I just want to--” she pushed past Fran and opened the door “--lie down.” She stopped in the doorway, still as if she had come face-to-face with Medusa herself.
One bed stood in the room.
The first night was somewhat tolerable. Fran was very kind to C.C., ensuring she was comfortable and that she did not take up too much of her space. C.C. reciprocated by keeping her distance as well. Falling asleep was another story. C.C. was the first to lie down. Being on the side of the bed facing the bathroom, she saw the nanny walk out, wearing one of her bathrobes. God, I hope she has something under that. She could hear the shuffling of the fabric as Fran let the robe fall to the floor and felt the weight in the bed shift as the other woman settled in. Before she could make sense of what was happening, she felt two swift pats on her hip. “Goodnight, Ms. Babcock!”
“Hm,” was the only confirmation she could utter.
C.C. was hyper aware of Fran’s presence. She measured the woman’s breathing and could tell by the slower, deeper breaths when she fell asleep. It took her a while to close her eyes. Every time she did, she saw Fran’s hand on her knee…
Her shoulder…
Her hip…
C.C. jolted awake from a half-sleep. She sighed and stared at the wall in the dark. The blackout curtains weren’t closed all the way, and she could see a sliver of light flash on the wall every once in a while. She could hear sirens, car horns, distant yelling, and sometimes a drunken laugh. She didn’t know what time it was, but it felt like she had been drifting in and out of almost-sleep for hours, still aware of the body radiating heat and energy next to her. What is it about Fran Fine? was the last thought that crossed her mind before she drifted into a very, very light sleep.
C.C.’s eyes traveled down Fran’s figure as she stood up when Vincenzo approached the stand, her expression a mixture of endearment and bewilderment. Why her?, a question echoing the sentiment from the night before repeating in her mind. The rest of the day in the courtroom was filled with typical annoyances, with the exception of a moment of outburst from Fran that left C.C. with the sting of an emotion she couldn’t quite place in the moment as she softly pulled Fran’s arm down.
The next day, C.C. pinpointed the emotion as Fran spoke. “See, that is what happens when a man tells you that he loves you and then he takes it back.”
C.C.’s face was still until she realized her arms were full of snacks that Fran had been piling onto her.
“What are you looking for?”
“My Dexatrim,” Fran responded.
C.C. rolled her eyes and stuffed the food back into Fran’s bag, the thought popping into her mind again. Why her?
She was exhausted. Eight days, hardly any sleep, and “a horse is a horse, of course, of course” stuck in her head practically 24/7, C.C. wanted to explode when she read the words on the slip of paper, “And one ‘not guilty’…,” followed by Fran convincing another juror to vote “not guilty.” Every time she thought she was going to escape her personal hell, she was dragged back down. She was Sisyphus, and Nanny Fine was her boulder.
C.C. stood. “Could it be that you’re just a little sensitive to this shrew maid because you have some fantasy of ending up with your employer yourself?”
“Let she who is without fantasy cast the first stone!”
Ohh, if only you knew, Nanny Fine!
The rest of the afternoon was full of more sting as Fran not-so-subtly talked about Maxwell and the children, but at least they were finally done. C.C. could go home and try to put this all behind her.
As they walked out of the courtroom, Fran hooked her arm through C.C.’s and cheerfully said, “I have a proposal.”
“And what would that be, Ms. Fine?”
“I propose we take one more night off. You know, eat, drink, relax, before heading back to work.”
“Nanny Fine, I really--”
“Pleeease Ms. Babcock?” Fran pleaded, stopping and tugging on her arm. C.C. looked into Fran’s eyes: earnest, gentle, kind.
That’s why her. “Well, alright.”
“You know, I really feel like this has been a good bonding experience for us.”
C.C. rolled her eyes...and couldn’t help but smile.
 She wasn’t drunk, but she did feel a little tipsy. A little more relaxed. She and Fran were making their way back to their room after a pleasant evening of food and a couple drinks each. The nanny really was good company, when C.C. let herself enjoy it. C.C. settled into what she had established as her side of the bed for the previous eight nights, lying on her back and staring at the ceiling. Her blond hair pooled on the feather pillow under her head. She could hear the sink faucet turn on. A couple of splashes. Off. The towel being pulled off the rack. C.C. tore her eyes from the ceiling to the bathroom door. Fran walked out and, as she walked around to her side of the bed, began to untie her robe. C.C. didn’t take her eyes off of her. Fran wasn’t wearing anything particularly risqué--why would she be--but the loose fitting, thin material that made up her pajamas hung on her perfectly. C.C. could feel her neck and cheeks getting warm again--a nightly routine for her body at this point--and she turned over to hide. Her head was reeling with the influx of emotions she had felt over the last week, a mental Rolodex: anxious, longing, annoyed, jealous, hopeful...hurt.
“Nanny Fine?” She wasn’t sure if Fran had fallen asleep.
“Yeah, Babs?”
Her heart skipped.
“Why…” she turned over to face the nanny. “Why do you put up with it?”
Fran had been facing the other way. She turned over. The bedside table lamp hadn’t been turned off yet. C.C. was able to look into the other woman’s eyes again.
“Put up with what?”
“Maxwell. He...well, obviously he isn’t willing to give you what you want. Why hold out hope?”
“Why do you?” Fran retorted with a hint of defensiveness.
C.C. was silent for a moment. “I think I’ve confused myself.” Oh god, how much did I have to drink? “I don’t think what I really desire is what...I thought I desired.” I don’t feel drunk.
Fran maintained eye contact. Silent. Almost as if she knew. C.C. cast her gaze down. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Why do you act so hard?” the woman said. The words were accusatory but the tone was soft and empathetic. Despite her attempts to keep them at bay, C.C. could feel the sting of tears and a lump in her throat. “Oh, Ms. Babcock,” Fran whispered, slowly rubbing the blond’s shoulder with her thumb. “You really are a wonderful, caring woman. You just won’t let others see it. Like you’re protecting yourself from something.” Earnest, gentle...kind.
That’s why her.
“You hurt others before they can hurt you.”
C.C. looked back into Fran’s eyes. Up to this point, she thought her jabs had all been in jest. “Have I hurt you?”
Fran laughed. “Oh, honey. It takes more than what you can throw to hurt me.” C.C. sniffled. “But listen. I was holding out hope for Mr. Sheffield because the other person I noticed--the strong, loyal, brilliant woman who crossed my path every day--didn’t treat me the way I deserve to be treated.” Before C.C. could interject, Fran continued. “Now, that’s not to say he’s a saint. Faaaar from it, missy. But you, Babs. I see a lot of potential in you, but you gotta soften up that thing you got in that chest of yours.”
“I...don’t--half the time, I don’t even know what I’m feeling,” the words started escaping from her lips, betraying every cell in her body, every natural inclination she had. At least what she thought up to this point was natural for her. “When I first saw you, four years ago, in that sparkling red dress...the way you moved, the way you talked, your confidence, god I felt so...so intensely jealous. But...four years later, and I can’t get that image of you out of my head. Just you. Not Maxwell.”
Fran lifted her hand to wipe a tear from C.C.’s face then back to her shoulder. She felt the woman’s hand travel from her shoulder down her arm…
Her waist…
Her hip…
Then she tugged.
C.C. placed her hand on the brunette’s waist as she was pulled in, the many inches between them closed. She gasped, and her breathing became uneven. She could feel the flush in her cheeks as she glanced down at Fran’s lips, which she now noticed were coming closer...and closer. She had kissed people before. Plenty of times. But Fran’s lips felt like home. They were soft and warm, moving in tandem with her own. The perfect fit. C.C. moved her hand up Fran’s side, taking note of every inch of her curvature, until she was able to tangle her hand in that nest of beautiful, brown hair. Every breath she took in between kisses was filled with that wonderfully intoxicating scratch-and-sniff perfume scent, and in the moments a soft, nasally moan escaped from the nanny’s lips, C.C.’s hips pushed forward and she moaned in return. Fran coaxed C.C. onto her back with a gentle but firm push and straddled her, not letting their lips part for more than a second. C.C. put both hands on each of Fran’s hips as Fran began to leave a trail of kisses down C.C.’s neck…
Her collarbone…
Her chest…
This is better than being drunk...
C.C. finally got the rest she needed. She woke up from a deep sleep and could feel the tangling of sheets around her body. As she began to shift, she felt a heavy weight on her legs and her waist. A quiet, gravely moan emitted next to her ear. As C.C. rolled over, Fran shifted but didn’t move her leg or her arm. Instead, she tightened her grip and pulled the woman closer. C.C. caressed Fran’s face as her eyes fluttered open.
“Mornin’, Babs baby.”
“Morning, Fran,” C.C. said with a smile and placed a sweet kiss on the nanny’s lips.
Hand-in-hand, C.C. and Fran walked up to the desk in the hotel lobby to check out. The receptionist from their first night was working that morning. Fran smiled and slid the key across the counter, while C.C. took out her credit card to pay for all the unexpected nights.
“Good morning, ladies! Hope you enjoyed your stay. Did the pull out couch work out alright?” the receptionist asked.
Fran and C.C. exchanged glances and both blurted, “The what?”
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The reader having an office fling with Erik/Work Hubby
Warnings: SMUT
It’s gonna be two parts because it’s really long and detailed to start. LIKE & REBLOG
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You wake up on a Monday morning after enjoying your short weekend to start another 9-5 workweek. Even though a part of you wished that you could work from home another part of you wanted to go into the office so you could see Erik. Your work boyfriend. On Saturday you got your hair done in some knotless box braids, went to the spa, and did a little bit of shopping for some new office attire. Today you decided to wear some of that office attire. Nude wrap skirt, a mauve colored wrap top with bell sleeves and some So Kate pumps in a nude color. Your boyfriend and Erik shared the same name but instead, your boyfriend’s name was spelled with a “C”, not a “K”. That boyfriend in question was a personal trainer and vlogger who traveled to try different restaurants mainly in Cali and NYC. He took a two week trip to NYC with a group of his guy friends. You were used to it and grew not to care so much about it. He was living his life to the fullest.
But were you living your life?
Working as a Secretary for an Environmental Technology company that makes billions of dollars gave excellent pay. The money is good but the only thing to look forward to is your gossiping friend Regina who sat in a cubicle directly next to you and Erik, the Lead Environmental Engineer who was also a Biomedical Engineer. He’s charming, witty, mesmerizing, attractive, hardworking, can be very headstrong at times, loves ramen, and has a cat named Paws. Erik with the “K” has you blushing whenever he locked eyes with you, stuttering while you both have random conversations during tea and coffee breaks, texted you funny memes during meetings when you were supposed to be taking notes, instant messages you from his cubicle computer to bug you saying things like:
-Wyd big head?
-Did Eric with the “C” see you leave the house today in that short ass skirt?
-Connie keeps talking to me with her funky ass breath. Help me 🥺.
-So, when are you going to boss up and get an office? I wanna be next to my work bae.
-You wanna get lunch together? My treat. It’s a surprise.
-I know you and Regina are gossiping about me 😌.
-I missed you after work yesterday. 
He’s also the reason why you stayed later on Wednesday and Thursday nights. You would help him brainstorm ideas about improving pollution and what he should say in his speech about global issues such as climate change. He even asked you if you wanted to come with him to Alaska to test the water there but you hadn’t given him an answer yet. You really really wanted to but being alone with Erik wasn’t such a good idea. You were afraid to be in another location besides LA with him for reasons you’d rather not admit to.
After making Erik and yourself an egg white and veggie omelet with a Belgian waffle you headed out the door and to your Prius. Arriving at the office on time, you badge in and take the lobby elevators up to the fifth floor. Stepping off of the crowded elevator, you walk towards the newly decorated staff lounge to put away the food. It was 8:25 am and Erik wouldn’t be in for another ten to fifteen minutes. The lounge had Dunkin Donuts laid out and freshly brewed coffee. You fought the temptation of grabbing a chocolate glazed donut to go to your cubicle and boot your Mac desktop computer so you could check your company email. You said Goodmorning as you walked by. Regina was playing Candy Crush on her cell when you arrived.
“Goodmorning, Gina.” You placed your Chanel bag behind the desktop computer in your cubicle.
“Morning, sis,” Regina tapped away on her phone, “Did you sleep okay?”
“Better this time around, yes,” You flipped your box braids over your shoulder while leaning back in your office chair to talk to Regina, “I haven’t heard from Eric all weekend.”
“Which one?”
You pursed your lips, “You know which one.”
She laughs, “Erik with the C. What’s up with that?”
You shrug, “Don’t know and don’t care. He acts like he can’t answer my calls or texts so I can check up on him so I’ll act like he doesn’t exist.”
Regina gave you a knowing look, “I’m sure you and Erik with the K, aka Captain Planet, texted his work bae, Miss Y/N, all weekend long.”
You bite your bottom lip to fight a goofy smile.
“See,” Regina crosses her dark chocolate legs, “he’s not just your work bae. He’s Daddy.”
“Stop!” You throw a pen at her chest, before lowering your voice, “Erik and I are not having sex, Gina. We may flirt and text outside of work-“
“And during work hours,” Regina interjected.
“Like I said, we are not having sex-“
“Who’s not having sex?”
Regina and your head turned to stare up at Erik Stevens. He had his briefcase in one hand and a black coffee with extra brown sugar in his other hand. Tailored suit colored navy blue with gold cuff links. Burberry dress shoes on his feet. Vintage gold-plated oval eyeglasses over his onyx eyes. He gave Regina and you a teasing smile. The smile where he raised one corner of his mouth to reveal a single deep dimple.
“Y/N,” Regina answered with wide playful eyes.
“Oh?” Erik gave Y/N a mournful look, “Damn, ma. That’s too bad.”
You glare at them both, “I will ignore both of y’all the rest of the day if you keep fucking with me.”
You got up from your seat, pushing in your chair, and tried your best to ignore the snickering from them both. Walking away, Erik was right on your tail, his hand reaching out to grab your shoulder to stop you.
“Calm down, it’s all jokes,” he licks his full lips, “But seriously...no sex between you and your man?”
Groaning, you walk into the lounge to grab the food.
“Why are we having this conversation?”
“Because I’m concerned,” Erik turned his back to lean against the counter with his arms folded over his chest, “You know you can talk to me, right?”
You place his food inside the microwave to heat, “I know. It’s just embarrassing, Erik.”
Erik grabs your chin to make you stare at him instead of the microwave, “Don’t even give me that excuse. Remember, we shared a lot of embarrassing stories in this office after hours.”
How could you forget?
“Yeah...it’s boring, Erik. I’m sure you’re having the best sex of your life in your fancy penthouse. Probably having orgies with models and actresses. They love a sweet and caring guy,” Y/N said sarcastically.
Erik’s tongue grazes the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling, “Why orgies specifically?”
“Is that all you focused on?!!” You shove him before taking his food out, “gosh, I hate you.”
Erik takes a swig of his coffee, “which is girl code for gosh, I love you,”
You shook your head with a grin, “leave me alone.”
“Which means, give me attention,” Erik grabs both of your shoulders, before bringing his head around to plant a kiss on your cheek, “I know y’all female dictionary like the back of my hand.”
Your head turned to face him after his lips caressed your cheek. Now, that area was warm and ticklish. Erik grabs his food and walks over to one of the tables. That gave you some time to breathe and heat your food as a distraction. Why did he have to kiss you? It’s not like he’s never done it before but every time he did it, Erik made you melt and wish it were your lips instead.
“You make some bomb food, girl. I think I’m jealous of Eric with a C.”
“Says the guy who makes the best shrimp and grits I have ever tasted besides my grandma,” you take a seat in front of him. While you ate you watched him cut into his waffle covered in syrup. His long lashes curled each time he blinked and his lips were so pouty and kissable whenever he concentrates the way he does. You felt like a schoolgirl watching him eat.
“So,” Erik chews his food some more before talking, “Alaska.”
“What about it?” You play it off by cutting your omelet up.
“Y/N,” Erik raised his brow at you, “You know about Alaska this is my fourth time bringing it up.”
“When is it?”
“In a month,” Erik takes a swig of his coffee to wash down his food before leaning forward on his elbows to make you look at him, “it’s gonna be for a week, all paid for, a mini-vacay with skiing, Matanuska Glacier walk, and lunch, helicopter tour, cozy cabin...”
Erik tilted his head at you and smiled. You looked down at your food bashfully. It all sounded so tempting. You would love to go...
“I don’t know, Erik,” you shake your head, “Eric will be home and-“
“How many trips does he take leaving you home?”
“More than I can count,” you reply shamefully.
“Exactly. I ain’t tryna overstep but...” Erik left it at that and went back to his food. You slouch in your chair deep in thought. Erik has a point. Your boyfriend traveled whenever he pleased and didn’t even ask how you felt about it once. You respected that he wanted to drop his career as a teacher to travel, eat, and vlog. Not once did he suggest taking you on one of his food journeys. You honestly felt left out.
You deserve some fun too.
Moving your food around with your fork, you finally come to a decision.
“I’ll go.” You spoke softly as if you couldn’t believe you’d just agreed to it.
“Seriously?” Erik asked with his eyes unblinking and on yours.
“Yes,” you let out a breath, “I’ll go to Alaska and have some fun for once. I haven’t been out of town in so long it’ll feel good to go.”
Alaska with Erik Stevens. For an entire week. Just you and him. Your knees shook under the table.
“See,” he smirked while stabbing a piece of omelet with his fork, “It’s crazy how I had to ask your ass four times total to come with me.”
“Why is that crazy?” You asked with a laugh.
“Because it never takes a woman this long to say yes to me,” he says in a very boastful manner.
“I’m not your woman though,” you say before you could even stop yourself.
“You are my woman,” Erik rested his tongue on his upper lip before grinning, “just at work and without the sex, kissing, taking showers together-“
“Okay, you made your point, boyfriend.” You stop him before he continued.
“Does Eric know about me?”
“A little,” you look towards the ceiling, “ he’d probably cancel all his travel plans if he knew how you looked.”
Erik bit into his bottom lip, “how do I look, Y/N?”
“Fine as hell,” you giggle as if you were drunk, “He already thinks he’s the finest thing walking.”
“That’s your man though,” Erik chuckles, “You think he’s fine, right?”
“I mean, yeah, of course.”
Both of you laugh.
“I swear,” you wave him away, “you play too much.”
“Don’t make me steal you away from him.” Erik laughed. His laugh made your stomach do summer salts.
“Okay, Erik,” you speak in a dismissive tone.
“I mean, I could though.”
“Why do you insist on playing?! If I was single-“
“You would be mine,” Erik finished.
“You can have any woman you want. Why me?”
Erik scanned your body at that table, “Really? What you mean? Have you seen yourself, ma?”
“Stop,” you giggle. He can’t be serious. Erik is a flirt but why on earth would he play like this?
“You always think a nigga playing when I say that shit.” He sounded offended. You didn’t have a reply for that. Avoiding his intense eyes you finished your food while Erik closed his empty container and placed it on the counter next to the thermal lunch bag you brought the food in.
“Aight let me get to my desk,” he grabs his coffee and walked up towards you. Erik moves your box braids from your shoulder before grabbing the back of your neck gently. The feel of his smooth fingertips on your skin made the hairs on the back of your neck and arms rise.
“I’ll see you later, babe.”
You blush with a mouth full of food, “Okay, I’ll see you later too, baby.”
His fingers left your neck and combed through your box braids before he walked away and out of the lounge. You were so preoccupied with his fingers on the back of your neck and in your hair that you lost your appetite.
You stood at Regina’s cubicle halfway listening to her speak and the other half focusing on Erik in his office. He looked bored as hell. Your eyes watched him ball up random printer paper from his fax machine to shoot into his document waste basketball hoop that he had in the corner near the door. He made it perfectly every time. Erik had the coolest office out of all the other Environmental Engineers. Besides the typical Newton’s Cradle pendulum balls that’s a famous desk accessory, he had a tropical tabletop fountain, stress relief visual illusion toys, stainless steel pin art hand mold, darts, a Rubik’s cube, Nintendo switch, and many other cool and fun shit.
“Girl,” Regina said chewing on a granola bar, “You’re not even paying attention to me.”
“I am,” You allow your eyes to fall on her accusatory ones, “I’m just...looking around.”
“No,” Regina puts up a hand to stop you, “You’re looking at Erik.”
Both Regina and yourself look over at him, spotting Erik walking back and forth now with his suit jacket removed and the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up. He was finger juggling a pen with his right hand while speaking into a Bluetooth in his ear.
“You might as well let him ruin you, Y/N,” Regina says with a whisper.
“Oh my God, Gina,” you stomp across the carpeted floor in your pumps before taking your seat again to finish organizing in Microsoft Excel.
“He could flirt with any other woman in here. Connie, Demetria, Anita, Nicole, any of those chicks, but he chooses you. Why is that, Y/N?”
“I don’t know, Gina, enlighten me,” You roll your eyes.
“No need. You already know. Erik is feeling you, heavy baby. Heavy like that ass in that skirt that we both know you purposefully wore today to make him look.”
“OKAY.” You stop her with an abrupt tone, “Fine. Yes, Gina. Yes, I know Erik is feeling me. But I am in a relationship and I can’t just-“
“Heffa, please,” Regina laughs, “don’t even try that shit with me. You are feeling him just the same. You and Eric with the C don’t even exist when you walk in here. It’s obvious you don’t want to be with that man anymore and I wouldn’t be surprised if he is fucking some chick in NYC and secretly taking her on his little food quests. You can look at me like that all you want but deep down you know I’m speaking facts.”
“Gina,” you speak with a warning, “I will throw this stapler at your head next.”
“Won’t. Change. The. Truth,” Regina flips her long ponytail.
A part of you did believe that Eric was cheating on you. It was so obvious at times but you didn’t want it to come to that. You and Eric have been together for about five years. But then again, that shit doesn’t matter. If it did, he would be worried about fixing the relationship instead of traveling for views.
Ping Ping
-Here comes Connie. Let me take a big gulp of air before she walks in here.
Erik instant messaged you. You snicker like a child doing some sneaky shit. He was so damn goofy.
-Damn. Why don’t you just offer her some gum?
-If I do that she’ll know I think her breath stink.
-Just play it cool. Have some sitting out, grab a piece, and offer her a stick. It’s that simple.
-she talks too damn much. Just talk to me about the Alaska job so I can be prepared. That’s why I’m glad you’re coming with me.
You looked up over your cubicle to watch Connie talking animatedly while Erik swivels in his chair from side to side.
Catch my eye.
Onyx met chestnut.
Erik covered his mouth with his fist to hold in his laughter before placing his hand up at Connie, from what it looked like, to reassure her that he wasn’t laughing at what she’d said.
-want me to drag her out of there by that takky blouse?
-Why are you such a gangsta, girl? LOL aight, come handle my light work, ma
-not before I get a hospital mask so I don’t breathe in her toxic fumes. Llab
-😂😂😂😂😂 straight stupid.
You snicker again.
“What is so damn funny?” Regina peered over at you with curious eyes.
“Just IM with Erik,” you bite the gel acrylic on your thumb nail to smother your giggles, “He can’t stand Connie.”
“Mhm,” Regina smiles, “y’all so damn cute just get married already.”
-she’s gone 😁
-let's celebrate lol.
Erik sends fireworks through the IM. You send balloons.
-enough about her. I see you 👀
-what’s that?
-you showing off. That attire is hella tight. What you doing with all of that?
-nothing. Lol, why do I have to be doing something?
-I know you wore that for my eyes only. I feel special.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard. He was going down that lane. You weren’t prepared but still, you typed away.
-I figured you would appreciate it since my man wasn’t home to admire it before I left.
-Yo’ nigga got some screws loose because I wouldn’t be away letting my girl walk out the house like that.
-like what?
-with all that ass sitting in that skirt.
-can’t help that I have a lot to work with.
-ain’t no problem for me. If you were fucking with me Y/N I’d make you forget your name. Real talk.
You crossed your legs under the desk and rubbed the back of your neck. If he fucking bitches to make them forget their identities then that means his dick really ain’t nothing to play with.
-nothing to say huh?
-I’m just thinking.
-about what? Talk to me.
-why you really want me to come to Alaska with you.
-well? You’re gonna tell me why?
-Because I want you to myself.
-So I can show you something you’ve been missing.
-Eric ain’t putting it down on my work bae like he should be.
You were so damn nervous. Day by day Erik would grow more frustrated with Eric and your situation. Like Regina said, just let Erik ruin you. It’s a shame to say that you haven’t had sex in about a month. It was just you, your fingers, and your favorite vibrator. It could be Erik, his fingers, his dick, his mouth, and multiple orgasms.
-He’s not. It’s been too long. ☹️
-You ain’t gotta tell me how long. I can see it in your body language.
You twirl a braid in your hand. Looking away from your computer, you try to be discreet, bringing your eyes to peer over the top of your cubicle into Erik’s office. He was drinking a bottle of water while his eyes concentrated on the computer screen with knitted brows. He placed his bottle on the desk and leaned in, typing again.
Ping ping
-Don’t ignore me before I walk over there.
-ooooo I’m scared.
-Aight, bet. I’m coming.
-I want you to think long and hard about that, Stevens.
You were flustered, wet, shaken up that he wanted to “show you” what you’ve been missing, and willing to risk it all if he left his office space to come to talk to you.
-that’s what she said. 😈
You chuckle. He could turn any topic into sex.
“Hey, Erik,”
You look up to find him standing next to your cubicle while Regina looked at the both of you with interest. You stand from your seat, ready to get yourself some water but Erik has your shoulders.
“Where you going?” His husky voice tickled your ear.
“For some water.”
Erik starts massaging your shoulders lightly.
“Can I come with you? I need to stretch my legs.”
“Whatever, I don’t care.” You lead the way.
But you did care. You wondered what he was up to. Now that you walked ahead of him with that very tight wrap skirt on you felt exposed like he has x-ray vision and can see your phat dimpled cheeks bounce and sway. Thank God for an empty lounge. You walk over to the fountain, grabbing a cup, and Erik was right on your side, holding the tap down for you. Your cheeks poke out to hide your blush.
“Thank you,” you speak softly. His eyes were intent on you. Not once did you give in and look his way while drinking that ice-cold water. Suddenly unable to breathe you back up a little to make some space between you two. Erik followed with his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
“Don’t you have a ton of work to do?” You ask to try and divert the attention away from you. Too late. Erik was determined to make you weak in front of him.
“I do but we have a long day, ma. I’ll get it done. I just couldn’t stand being away from my work bae.”
You rub your fingers along the wet cup, “I’m convinced now that you only come to work to be near me.”
“I’m cool with that,” He shrugs, “I could be a whole lot of things if it wasn’t for your man who’s supposed to be home with you.”
“He’ll be back-“
“And then he’ll be gone again,” Erik let’s out a sigh, “We’re playing too many games, Y/N. I’m tired of the flirting back and forth when I know you really want me. Stop coming in here to impress me with these bomb-ass outfits. I’ve been impressed for over a year now.”
Erik closed the space between you both, pressing his chest against your fuller one. You look over his shoulder to make sure no one was coming and when the coast was clear you focused your heated gaze on him.
“I’m tryna undress you with my fucking hands, not my eyes.” Erik takes his fingers to play with the bow of your wrap skirt, “You feel what I’m saying?”
You couldn’t speak. Your eyes were to busy admiring this gorgeous man who wanted to fuck you. His inviting eyes saw exactly what you wanted. A long, hard, fuck. Taking his fingers, Erik grabs your chin delicately to stroke. He made you feel so precious and desired.
“So, can I do that?” Erik asked with his lips kissing along your jawline. Your eyes landed on the door to check it and still, no one was there.
“Can I take care of you, ma?”
You had this look in your eyes, this look that said, please, Daddy, come fuck me. He smelled so damn good. So invigorating and moisturizing. You could make out a hint of exotic arabica coffee and coconut oil on the skin of his neck.
“No,” you lick your upper lip, “No, you can’t.”
His lips found yours. He swallowed that no with his full lips and tongue. Both of you knew that your answer was disbelieving when your hands came up to wrap around his neck. That was a green light for Erik. His hands came around your waist, and then down to cup your ass. He would alternate between rubbing your spine and making your cheeks bounce in his hands. Erik rests his chin on your shoulder so he could peer behind you to watch his hands squeezing all that ass on you. He would let it go and watch it bounce before slapping it lightly so he wouldn’t make a lot of noise. You felt your heart in your throat. Now, his crotch was pressed into yours. Long and hard indeed. Let’s not forget thick.
“You free tonight?” He whispered in your ear.
“Yeah,” you could feel him lifting you from the floor to sit your bottom on the counter. He was between your legs while your hands reach for his tie to tug on. It distracted you from being so nervous. His hands rested on your exposed upper thighs rubbing your warm skin in slow circles to sooth you. All he was doing was killing you. His touch was so soft and gentle but under all of that was a rough dominating grasp that you yearned for
You weren’t sure which throbbing you wanted to quiet more—the throbbing between your legs or the throbbing from your heartbeat against your chest. All those daydreams about rubbing your swollen pussy lips all over Erik’s face until you came. Now that the both of you crossed yet another line——the touching and kissing line, there was no telling what would happen next. Sex after hours in the office on his desk? Walks to the parking lot only to fuck in the back seat of his car? Happy hour on Friday evenings only to get drunk and have sex at his penthouse? 
“Can I come over to keep you company?” 
“I don’t know, E. This office fling situation can fuck with both of our jobs.” You nibble on your bottom lip the second his lips came into contact with your throat. 
“Nobody gotta know,” his plush lips sought out yours again, “It can be our little secret, baby.” 
“But what if someone does find out?”
“It won’t happen like that, trust me,” Erik grabs your hand to rest against his crotch. Erik was swelled to cum-inspiring proportions, making you want to finger-fuck yourself with mounting enthusiasm. 
“Damn, Erik.” Now you were thinking about this office fling as a carnal delight after hours. 
“I know, right? Imagine me walking around all day, watching you with these big titties...shapely legs...and round ass…”
You had the body, beauty, and brains. That meant that you seldom went unnoticed; especially not by Erik, your work bae. Your slant eyes and supple body reminded him of a jungle cat that, when tamed, purred like a kitten. He wanted to hear you mewl and whimper in his ear while his dick that was currently twisted and curved in his briefs bounced off the walls of your pussy. He could see the lust in your feline eyes how quickly you noticed his arched appendage. You were probably fantasizing about what wonderful things it could do for your G-spot. 
“Keep looking at me like that and watch I finger-fuck this pussy right here,” Erik’s eyes went down to look at the Apple watch on his wrist, “It’s almost that time to eat. I’m tryna eat something else though…”
“Eat me?” You couldn’t control that slipping from your mouth. 
“Slob on this yummy pussy,” his hand was between your legs now, caressing the outside of your saturated panties, “You gonna feed me?”
“Where?” You whisper.
“Shit, we can go to my car for lunch. I got tinted windows.” Erik was desperate to slide his tongue inside you. 
“Erik, this is crazy.” You laugh faintly before he took your face into his hands, gazed into your eyes, and kissed you so urgently it felt as if you were floating away. You could think of nothing else but how good he made you feel. Erik explores your mouth with his tongue, not wanting you to miss an inch of how skilled he was using his mouth. 
“You’ll be begging me to make this pussy feel good in a minute.”
You were relentless with your hands squeezing the weight of Erik’s curved erection in his black slacks. You really wanted to untuck his dress shirt, get down on your knees, and suck him with a wide-open mouth. Keep your mouth as wide-open as was physically possible—anxiously awaiting your reward. 
“Don’t worry babe,” Erik gently pulls your hand away from his crotch, “wait for lunch and you can have me all to yourself, okay?”
You waited and waited. As soon as Erik left that lounge to go back to his desk a last-minute meeting was called and of course, you had to attend as well. Everyone got up from their designated spots to head to the conference room. You squeezed into the same elevator cart as Erik, moving to the back so you could be near him. On purpose, you settle in front of him. Erik’s hand reached out to play with your thick ass while you focused on your phone. That only lasted for about ten seconds because now you were on the 6th floor. Hungry for his touch again you allow everyone else to leave so he could slap your ass. 
During the hour-long meeting, both of your eyes would meet and knowing smiles would appear on both of your faces. You didn’t like the fact that Demetria was seated next to him with her cleavage hanging out from her black blazer. She tried her best to make Erik notice her but he didn’t give a fuck about her thirsty actions. 
It was well past lunchtime and most of the office had gone to either the food court in the building or outside to find something different to eat for a change. Your stomach was rumbling waiting for Erik. Groaning, you put your computer to sleep before grabbing your Chanel bag to leave for lunch by yourself. It wasn’t Erik’s fault, you knew that, but you couldn’t help being upset and sexually frustrated. No pussy eating or dick sucking in his G Wagon 550 SUV in a desert silver metallic color. 
Eating alone was boring and lonely. You played with your Caesar salad and hardly even toughed the veggie lasagna. How were you supposed to feed your appetite when it was salivating for dick? You were so excited to finally hook up with Erik. Checking the time on your phone, you had about two hours left in your shift. You pack away the food and decide to save it for dinner tonight. Standing up, you push in the silver chair at the food court table, walking away with a click-clack of your So Kate pumps. You thumb the elevator button before slipping a piece of gum into your mouth. The doors open up and you enter, turning to watch them shut as your reflection appeared. 
Ping ping
Erik -where did you go?
-To lunch. I was hungry.
Erik- Really? Why didn’t you wait for me?
-Because I was STARVING. Plus, you were busy.
Erik- I’m not busy anymore. Where are you now?
-Heading back upstairs.
Erik- I’ll wait for you.
-Erik, I have to go back to work!
Erik- fuck that you know what I want.
DING. Fifth Floor.
“Told you I’ll wait for you,” He smiles at you dangerously. 
You almost swallow your gum the way he approached you. You and him, alone in that elevator. Erik kisses your lips, savoring the minty taste from the gum. He pulled back, taking his thumb to wipe the spit from his bottom lip. He turns around to press the 4th-floor button since that’s were the garage entrance was. Suddenly you were shaking in your pumps. It was really going to happen. Finally, your pussy wouldn’t feel painfully neglected. Finally, you could have the touch of a man on your body after an entire month. 
“Are you okay?” Erik asked while looking down at you. 
“Yeah, I’m cool,” you give him a reassuring smile.
DING. Fourth Floor.
Down a hallway and through the garage door you both went with your hand in Erik’s. You walk along the concrete ground as your ears took in the sounds of sirens and car horns honking in the middle of traffic. His G-Wagon was parked in a private spot. Erik took his keys out of his suit jacket and unlocked it with a click of a button, even started it up as well. You could hear the engine rumble. The large SUV vibrates as the sound of his radio playing blasted through the speakers. Erik opened the back door, reclining the backseats to lay flat like a bed. He takes off his suit jacket, tossing it in the passenger seat before turning to you, lifting you up, and sitting you in the back. 
Once there, you take off your heels and place them far enough away so Erik and you could have plenty of space. Erik sat down, leaning forward to remove his shoes. After that, he unbuttoned his dress shirt before pulling it off and balling it up to toss at the front with his suit jacket. He finally turns, crawling his large chiseled body towards you with playful eyes.
“Is that pussy still as wet as it was earlier today? Can I taste that kitty?”
Erik pulled your legs, laying you down on your back. He was on his knees between your legs, opening them wide causing your skirt to lift and bunch around your waist. He came face to face with that phat puss covered in wet fabric. Your voice was stuck in your throat. Erik takes both of his masculine hands to pull down your already saturated panties, spreading open your legs further, and staring at that pink pussy coated with cream. He could smell your scent. His car smelling like your wet pussy. 
“Yeah, this pussy still sloppy,” Erik listened to you purr as he flicked your clit with his thumb. Erik continues to do this while slapping your pussy with his fingers. Each time he slapped your pussy, your juices would build and build to the point of making puddles beneath your ass in his car. 
“Can I stuff this pussy with my fingers now,” Erik licked his thick fingers clean, “I wanna squeeze in there deep, baby girl.” 
“Yes,” Your cunt was starving.
“Good, girl.” 
He plunged first one, then two, then three fingers deep inside your pussy, flickering at your clit at the same time. He was directly over your G spot with the pads of his fingers repeatedly rubbing you there. Your legs went wider and wider. The sound of your succulent pussy increased in such severity that it was almost deafening. Your moans mixed with the sound of The palm of Erik’s hand slapping your cunt each time he finger-fucked you had him grunting and groaning.
“Faster, faster,” You called out while gyrating your hips to fuck his fingers. 
“There you go, fuck my fingers, just like that, get it, baby,” Erik bites his lip, “look at you ready to bust a nut on my hand, mmm, get that shit, baby.”
A rush of juices flooded the back seat. Erik’s eyes grew wide as your fingers tightened around him. That liquid poured each time he moved his fingers inside of you. All you could do was moan and shake beneath him. Your ass was glued to that surface. 
“Damn, Y/N.” Erik takes his fingers out slowly before licking them clean. He got up on his knees to reach into his trunk, bringing a Puma gym bag over towards him. He opened it with his wet hands, pulling out a thick black towel that was wrapped in a body wash. Erik places that towel beneath your ass to soak up your mess. 
“Making a mess in my fucking car.” 
“I’m sorry,” You cover your face with embarrassment, “I do that a lot.”
“Don’t apologize about that, ma, I don’t give a fuck. Keep doing it like that on these fingers. Better yet...do it like that on my tongue,” Erik laid flat on his stomach, “You can squirt in Daddy’s mouth too.” 
Erik began lapping away at your pussy with such zeal that you were squirming and squealing within minutes. With the flat of his tongue, Erik assaulted your pussy with such a lashing that your legs turned to jello. Erik then probed ever so deeply inside your dripping wet pussy with his pointed tongue, tongue-fucking your slot until your eyes rolled up into your head. He found your throbbing, erect clit and tortured you sweetly with licks and nibbles that sent electric charges throughout your entire body. Grabbing your thighs to squeeze, feasting on that syrupy pussy, Erik’s dick dripped pre-cum in anticipation of your walls capturing his dick and holding tight, while he thrust himself deeper and deeper inside of you. 
“Damn, ma, I’m literally drinking this pussy dry.” 
“You make me feel so good! Make me feel good, Erik.”
Erik’s tongue circled around your pussy. Each time he did that your hips would jerk. He was fighting that pussy back with his lips and tongue each time you pumped your hips. You gazed into his dark, sexy eyes and increased the movement of your hips. 
“Oh, fuck!” Erik wrapped his whole mouth around your pussy and started slurping. All Erik could think about was how good you tasted and the heat radiating from your pussy. 
“Shit tastes so good, girl,” He licked his plate clean, “fuck, look at my dick.”
His shit was twisted and curved to the right in those pants. Erik got on his knees to undo his pants. He let out a long sigh of relief the minute his pants and briefs made it down his thighs, resting at his knees. He sat down and pulled the rest of his clothes off, now he was naked from the waist down. You watch his thick dick jerk in his hand. That dick looked like it could bench press a barbell with how hard he was as Erik slid his hand up and down his burgeoning erection. His dick skyrocketed to its highest capacity causing your mouth to drool. Erik pointed out that dick at your mouth. Doing that caused his slit to open and show you his pre-cum waiting to be sucked out. 
“Come suck me, baby,” His grip was so tight on his dick.
You obeyed every word and sucked him up into your mouth. Damn, Erik was a big boy. So girthy and veiny. Intimidating for sure. His tip blossomed so thickly your lips had a hard time wrapping around it to suck. Erik with a C ain’t have nothing on this dick. A beautiful slab of tasty meat gliding across your tongue and poking the back of your throat. 
“Damn, this is how you do it, ma? You should have warned a nigga first.”
He held the back of your head to guide your mouth lower. Each time he did that, he would grunt and whisper oh, my God, which made you super wet. All you wanted him to do was splatter your mouth with his cum. He was already so close to detonation so you opened up as wide as you could stretch to fill him all the way in. 
“DAYUM!!!” Erik bellowed, “Good girl, don’t waste a fucking drop when I bust in this pretty mouth. Never.”
You graduated from plain old hungry to ravenous. That cum of his sputtering and spurting forth was your reward. The suctioning noise of your hand jerking him empty into your throat mixed with Erik’s deep moans made your pussy convulse around nothing even though you could feel it dripping. You slapped his ever-expanding dick against your tongue. 
“Shit,” Erik looked from his wet dick to your face, “Baby girl, I ain’t cum this hard in a minute from getting head.” 
You plant kisses all over his dick, working yourself up to more sucking, “I can give you more, Daddy.”
“Give me more of that mouth,” Erik played with your braids, “Swallow my shit and lick my balls.”
“Mmm, okay, Daddy.”
Erik’s eyes rolled back when your lips would suck and then pop off his sack. He had to control himself from cumming in your hair. 
“Shit doesn’t make no sense,” Erik looked at you with disbelief before a strangled look filled with passion overtook his features. 
“Fffuckkk!!!” He groaned as he blasted inside your mouth with his sweet, sticky offering. You ran your index finger over your bottom lip to retrieve a dollop of cum. That only left you more famished than before causing you to enthusiastically slurp on his rigid pipe again until it was damn near raw and your pussy was sopping wet. 
“Y/N,” Erik’s fingers were tight in your hair. You tasted a bit of leftover cum from his slit with your hungry tongue. 
Ring Ring 
Erik’s cell was going off. 
“Shit,” He reached into his pants pockets while you jerked his dick. He answered his phone with an annoyed expression. 
“What’s going on, Greg,” Greg was a fellow Environmental Engineer, “What? Right now?” Erik closed his eyes before tossing his head back, “Okay, give me ten minutes.” 
Erik hung up his phone. 
“We gotta go, ma,” You could hear the disappointment in his voice, “Supposedly it’s something urgent about Alaska.” 
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, “Should I be worried about the trip?”
Erik gave you a soft smile, “Nah, Alaska is happening regardless. Don’t worry, bae, we good.” 
You pulled your skirt down and placed your wet panties in your bag. You watched Erik fasten his belt in place before he opened the back door to let some air in. You rose from the car, Erik helping you put on your pumps before placing you on your feet. Digging into your bag you sprayed yourself with a little of your Chanel No.5, hoping to camouflage the lingering scent of sex. 
Looking in Erik’s rearview mirror, you fix your lipgloss and clothes, everything else good to go. Erik was currently spraying himself down with some Gucci cologne from his Puma gym bag and buttoning his suit jacket. He looked just as crisp as he did when he came in this morning. 
“You still ain’t answer my question, beautiful.” 
“What question,” Erik grabs your hand while the both of you walked back inside.
“Can I keep you company later?” 
You chew on your bottom lip in thought. Eric with the C, your actual boyfriend, might call you later and you didn’t want Erik with the K to be around to raise suspicion. Still, no word from Eric and the longer that happened the more you didn’t give a fuck. 
“Am I pressing too much?” Erik asks with soft eyes.
“No, no,” you reassured him, “I just think it would be better to come to your place instead. That’s all.”
“We can do that,” Erik walked towards you with his body pressed into yours, “Bring an overnight bag. You’re not going back home.”
His lips attacked your throat again, sucking and licking you there.
“I ain’t give my work bae some dick yet so you know I gotta take care of you,” His hands found their way back between your legs and on your sensitive pussy, “You gonna let me do that for you?” He asked huskily.
“Oh, Daddy, please do,” you responded.
You got home around 6:30 PM. You showered, finished the rest of your lunch since your appetite for dick was satisfied and drank a little bit of red wine. 
Surprised, shocked, nervous, you decided to wear a black velour tracksuit with your Fenty slides to Erik’s place and packed away everything else you needed on a faux fur tote bag. Phone sitting on the charger, you go to check it since you received a few notifications since coming home.
Eric with the C.
Eric- I’m alright. Sorry for the lack of communication. Really busy.
-that’s okay. Be safe.
He didn’t respond back. 
No I love you, I miss you, I’m thinking about you, nothing. 
Luckily the picture Erik sent to you made up for that. It was a shower picture. From his broad shoulders down to his well-knit waist with that v cut covered in soap and water. You had the urge to satisfy the cries leaking from your pussy at the moment. You had half the mind to pull your pants down and finger-fuck your pussy into multiple orgasms leaving your slit covered in sticky cum for him to find. How dare he tease you like that? Since you were spending the night you can look forward to shower with him. This entire fling had your skin tingling. Your fingers scrolled down to read the texts he left you. You really wished you hadn’t because now you were whimpering. 
Erik- Can’t wait for you to put that work in for Daddy.
Erik- where you at? I’m tryna put this thang in your gut.
Erik- want me to come to get you?
He was blowing you up. Eric with the C never did this.
-Hey, sorry, I was getting my things together. You don’t have to pick me up.
Erik- too late. 
You walk to your living room to find Erik parked outside. He was typing away on his phone. 
Ping Ping 
Erik- Stop making me wait, girl. 
You grab your bag, phone, and keys before locking up and leaving. Walking down your cobblestone trail, Erik hops out of his car, walking around to meet you. He was wearing a black Burberry ribbed beanie with a Pyer Moss color block Reebok windbreaker tracksuit on and the same brand of shoes on his feet. He tongued you down before taking your bag to place in the back seat that was now cleaned and placed normally. Erik opened your door to help you up inside before shutting it to return to the driver's side. You watched him walk all the way around and get inside with sultry eyes. With his hand on your upper thigh, he drove off and towards his Penthouse.
@tgigoldie​ @soufcakmistress​ @chefjessypooh​ @chaneajoyyy​ @pananegra​ @thehomierobbstark​ @thee-germanpeach​ @theblulife​ @becincere​ @blaqwidow91​ @fish-outta-watah​ @eyeknowmywrites​ @crowngold​ @hearteyes-for-killmonger​ @goddessofthundathighs​ @njadakillthiscookie​ @blktinkerbell​ @luvanxi​ @sheisexcellent1​ @chocolatedippedinhoney​ @brandithecrystalgem​ @dababydababydababydababy​ @soulfulbeauty19​ @btitannaaa​ @blowmymbackout​ @sunkissedebony97​ @youngblackndgifted​ @harleycativy​ @rbhp​ @thadelightfulone​ @bugngiz​ @palmstreesallday​ @skylahb​ @bakaris-shorty​ @nizzle-mo​ @truglori​ @queenflaws​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @nickidub718​ @vikkidc​ @rent-emspoons​ @abluesforlyssa​ @abeautifulmindexposed​ 
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the-tiva-og · 4 years
His Ninjas
Final chapter of my fluffy fic for @talisbirthdaychallenge​!
Chapter 3: Like Ima Ninja, Like Daughter Ninja
“Cat town, cat town, cat town,” Tali sang, swinging her and her father’s joined hands as they departed the hotel. They set out toward Yanaka Ginza, a shopping street that Tony and Ziva wanted to visit to see the shrine and that they had lured Tali into agreeing by telling her that, on quiet mornings, there were sometimes stray cats roaming the streets.  Unfortunately, their first cat spotting took place as Tony was absorbed in reading his map and, not looking where he was going, trod on the tail of a black cat sunning himself on the sidewalk. The cat yowled and darted off and Tony jumped as though he had just stepped on a landmine.  “Daddy!” Tali cried out, “Did you hurt the kitty?!” “Not on purpose!” Tony insisted, looking for the cat. He spotted him, perched on a wall and watching Tony with a look that, Tony would insist, was pure hatred. “See,” he gestured toward the cat, who was now casually licking his tail, “he’s right over there, he’s fine.”
The rest of their visit to the neighborhood went smoothly, Tony was definitely more careful with where he placed his feet, but they spent most of the time looking at the traditional crafts and foods. They didn’t pass back by the wall for at least an hour. Tony initially sighed happily, seeing that the black cat had apparently found somewhere better to be. Then he heard Tali cooing, “Kitty, kitty, kitty.” Tony turned to see his daughter crouched and holding out her hand to the black cat, leaned cooly against a bicycle. It only took a few more coos from Tali before the cat was rubbing against her legs and purring happily while the girl giggled and gently pet his silky black fur. “Ima, look!” Tali called.  Ziva knelt beside her daughter and scratched the cat behind the ears, “He’s pretty, isn’t he, Tali?” “So cute!” Tali said with a smile, “Do you think he’s the same cat that Daddy stepped on?” Seeing how loving the cat was to his partner and daughter, Tony decided to kneel down and try giving the cat some attention. The cat walked toward him, sniffed, raised the hair on his back, and hissed at Tony before returning to Tali. “I would say that this is definitely the same cat your father stepped on,” Ziva said, fighting a laugh. Tony huffed and turned away, “We need to go so that we don’t miss our train.” Ziva rolled her eyes and stood, beckoning for Tali to follow.  “Bye, kitty!” she called, waving at the black cat and following her mother.  As the girl reached out to grab Ziva’s hand, she asked innocently, “Can we get a cat when we go home?” Tony could only grit his teeth.
After a trip to an arcade and filling their bellies with gyoza, they arrived at an aquarium. Ever the animal lover, Tali always begged to visit zoos and aquariums. Tony always tried to sway her to pick an aquarium since they tended to be indoors and, in his opinion, didn’t smell like a county fair. The excited little girl pinballed from one exhibit to another, calling to her parents anytime she saw something notable.  “Daddy! Look! Stingrays!” she called out, watching with awe as a massive ray gracefully swam through the tank. Before Tony really had a chance to respond, she was at the next exhibit, calling, “Ima! An octopus! A real octopus!” The tank of reef sharks held her attention long enough for her parents to actually get to look around, but once she spotted a tunnel of jellyfish, they were back on their trek.
“Where does she get the energy?” Tony sighed, throwing his head back as Tali oohed at a tank of piranhas before trotting off to look at some salamanders. “You were an athlete,” Ziva commented while Tali called for her parents to hurry because she had found the seals, “are you telling me that you were not an energetic child?” “Look at the seals, you guys!” Tali insisted as they stood in front of the large icy tank, “Aren’t they cool?” “I had plenty of energy,” Tony quipped, Tali too absorbed in the animals to realize that her parents had not responded, “but this feels more like a Ziva trait.” “Ha!” Ziva laughed, “Of course you would say that.” Tony didn’t have a chance to ask her what she meant because Tali grabbed his arm, calling, “Daddy! Daddy! Look! It’s Dory and Nemo!” The final area of the aquarium was almost more excitement than Tali could handle. Between the otters and penguins, jumping fish and sea lions, the little girl was practically buzzing with excitement. 
This excitement only built as they went to the mall next door to get a snack and ended up finding a Snoopy store, Disney store, and something called the “Pokemon Center MEGA TOKYO,” that Tony never thought they would drag Tali out of. “How about we go to a park?” Tony offered as they left the mall, desperate to go somewhere that wouldn’t have Tali insisting on buying more souvenirs. Ziva, who was now holding the energetic child’s hand, quickly agreed and mentioned a park that they had found in the city guide. Tony found the dog-eared page and the trio set out for their next destination.
The park Tali and Ziva picked out turned out to be, essentially, a massive obstacle course.  “Perfect place for my ninja duo,” Tony joked, standing to the side while Ziva led Tali across a balance beam.  After a seemingly endless string of rope ladders, rope bridges, climbing walls, and rope nets, they reached a bridge made of a series of log platforms. Watching several people ahead of them wobble on the platforms, linger for too long, and begin to sink into the shallow pond, Tony shook his head. “Nope, I’m out,” he said. “I’ll wait for you guys here.” “Scared of a little water, Tony?” Ziva teased.  “I just don’t want to spend the rest of the day walking around in wet socks, Zee-vah,” he replied, “but if you think you’re so graceful, go right ahead.” Her eyes lit up with the challenge and she completed the obstacle with ease, Tali following a bit more clumsily behind her.  Next came a log bridge and a zipline, which Tony observed from the ground, teasing Ziva anytime she gave an indication of frustration. “Our little ninja’s got some skills,” Tony quipped as they watched Tali paddle a round wooden boat through the next obstacle, “still not wanting to admit that she gets that energy from you?” Ziva grinned, looking at their daughter with so much pride, “She does get that from me.” Tony laughed a little, wrapping his arm around Ziva’s shoulder and giving her a little squeeze as Tali clambered out of her boat and ran to the next obstacle. 
Another rope ladder, another zipline, another log bridge, and a rope swing led to a bathroom break. Tali came charging out of the bathroom, intent on finishing the course. She made it through most of the remaining obstacles only taking help from her parents with great reluctance. As she slid off the log slide at the end of the course, she made a running jump at Tony who reacted just in time to catch her. “I did it! Daddy, I did it!” she shouted, “I finished the ninja path!” “Hey, yeah, you did,” he said, squeezing her, “Great job, T-Bird, I’m proud of you.” “Does this make me a real ninja now?” Tali asked excitedly. Tony smiled and nodded, “Yeah, you’re a real ninja, just like Ima.” He tossed a wink at Ziva who smiled and rolled her eyes. “Just like Ima,” Tali said proudly, raising her head from her father’s chest. 
They took the train to Odaiba and spent the late afternoon playing in arcades and browsing in a retro candy store with Tony just as eager as Tali to buy all sorts of mysterious snacks and sweets. Ziva, however, insisted that this would not be eaten instead of a meal, leading Tony to snark, “You’re such a mom, David.” Which, between any other two people might have been an insult, but the smile shared between the couple made it clear that Tony was using the lighthearted jab to continue his assurance of Ziva’s role in their solidifying family.  The family ended up in a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, which Tony had spotted in the city guide and insisted that he had to see it in action. Like her father, the little plates crawling along the counter fascinated Tali. She wanted to grab the first one that she saw, but with a parent positioned on each side, her picks were a bit more policed.  They were cautious with her at first, letting her take egg, shrimp, and grilled pork nigiri, as well as a cucumber roll. Anything she didn’t finish was finished by either Tony or Ziva, but there wasn’t much of that. Despite being a picky baby, Tali had grown to be an adventurous eater, another thing that each parent would insist was a trait inherited from the other. She swiped a tuna nigiri from Tony’s plate and a salmon nigiri from Ziva’s. They began offering her half of everything that they took from the conveyor belt and were happily surprised to see how much of it Tali enjoyed. She barely even flinched at the heat of the wasabi on a piece of squid nigiri. However, she almost spat a piece of eel back onto the plate. Tony laughed a little at the disgusted face that she made while he ate the other piece. Fortunately, the only other similar incident took place when she excitedly grabbed a roll from the belt before Tony or Ziva could stop her. She smelled the sushi and tried to refuse to eat it. Ziva insisted that, since she took it off of the belt, she needed to be responsible and eat at least one piece of it. Tali whined and pouted for a while, but Ziva did not relent and eventually the little girl managed to eat the natto maki. Tony volunteered to eat the remaining pieces from the plate and they wore matching grimaces until they were able to wash the taste out of their mouths.  As they left the restaurant, Ziva praised their daughter for being such an adventurous eater with Tony adding that she even ate the “stinky bean thing.” Proud of herself, Tali puffed out her chest and walked with a purpose. 
“We’ve got some surprises for you when we get back to the hotel room,” Tony told Tali as they left the train station in Asakusa and began walking back to their hotel. Tali gasped, “More surprises?!” Tony held his hands up in a defensive pose, “Now, I can’t promise that they’ll be as good as a trip to Disneyland, but I think you’ll like them.” Ziva smiled at him, knowing what he had planned and also knowing that her morning run had taken her past a bakery today and that there was a small strawberry shortcake currently stashed away in the room’s refrigerator.  Tali skipped the rest of the way to the hotel and waited impatiently for the elevator. “Your surprise won’t be there until we are, kiddo,” Tony laughed, watching the little girl shift her weight from one foot to the other, a spitting image of her mother. Tali huffed as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. 
Once they got up to the room, Tony went to his computer to set up the surprise while Tali opened up a coloring book she had gotten at one of the plethora of shops they had visited on this trip. “Okay,” he called out, gesturing for the little girl to join him, “come sit in the chair and close your eyes.” Tali hopped off of the bed and rushed over to the desk. She clambered into the chair and squeezed her eyes shut tight.  “No peeking, okay?” Tony said, lightly, starting a program on the laptop.  The little girl clapped her hands over her eyes and nodded. “Alright, just give me a second, okay?” he said.  “Okay,” she agreed.  Familiar voices called out, “Happy birthday, Tali!” and her hands flew from her face and her eyes opened wide. “Uncle Tim! Uncle Jimmy!” she shouted, looking at the faces of her parents’ friends on the laptop in front of her, “Hi!” “Hey, kiddo, how’s Tokyo?” McGee asked. “Your dad said that you went to a ninja restaurant, that’s so cool,” Palmer added.  Tony smiled in the background, happy to see his friends, but also happy to let Tali have some time with her unofficial uncles. He could tell from the background that they were huddled around the computer in Palmer’s office in the basement. It was just a bit past seven a.m. in Washington, so he wasn’t exceptionally surprised that they were both there and looking wide awake.  Tali was regaling them with stories of their trip and all the places that they had gone and about the surprise trip to Disneyland they were taking tomorrow for her birthday. The men listened in rapt attention as she told them about the souvenirs she had bought for Victoria, Johnny, and Morgan and how she couldn’t wait to meet them in person so that she could give them their gifts. As McGee was promising to come visit Tali and her parents really soon, Ziva called out to tell Tali that they had one more surprise for her. Her head whipped around to her mother and her eyes widened, “Is that cake?!” “I know that today is not actually your birthday and I am sure that you will have many treats in Disneyland tomorrow, but since we are having your birthday with family tonight” Ziva said, eyes twinkling and smile brightening when she said ‘family’, “your father and I thought that we should have a birthday cake.” The cake was small, but still large enough that they would probably each get to have another slice or two before it was gone. It was iced with whipped cream and topped with florets of cream and slices of strawberries. Tony had poked six small candles into the icing and they were currently burning with little, dancing flames. “Go on and blow out your candles,” McGee encouraged.  Tali nodded excitedly as her mother placed the cake between the little girl and the computer. “Don’t forget to make a wish!” Palmer added. Tali nodded again, closing her eyes for just a second before dramatically blowing out the candles.  Her family clapped and cheered, then Tony wiped the computer screen and Ziva set to cutting slices of the cake for the three family members currently sharing a room. They talked for a while longer, long enough for Tali to finish her slice of cake, but her eyes soon began to droop. “Hey, kiddo,” Tony said, putting a hand on her shoulder, “why don’t you say bye to your uncles and start getting ready for bed?” Tali nodded sleepily and exchanged goodbyes and good nights with Palmer and McGee before sliding out of the chair and heading toward her pajamas. 
“So, everything good with you guys?” McGee asked, once Tali had left the area. Tony looked at Ziva and smiled, “Yeah, things are great.” Jimmy’s face somehow grew even brighter, “It's so great to see you guys together, I mean, really together together. You’re just… so damn cute!” Ziva chuckled and Tony rolled his eyes, “Slap him for me, McGee.” McGee rolled his eyes back at Tony and said, “I agree with him.” “I didn’t ask if you agreed, McCupid,” Tony snarked, hiding a smile. McGee chortled and gave Jimmy a light smack to the back of the head. Tony smiled and nodded, “You’ve all gone soft. I never got such a gentle hand when I was there.” “And that explains so much about you, mon cher,” Ziva teased, taking the seat vacated by Tali. She leaned over and pressed a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Eww! Cut it out!” McGee teased, “Gross!” “You know that we made a child together, right McGeek?” Tony said as Ziva leaned back, smirking. McGee grimaced, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I have to think about how you made one.” Tony continued teasing, “You see, when a mommy loves a daddy very much--” “Hey!” McGee called out, “Everyone here has been involved in the baby-making process. We are all very much aware of how it happens.” “Oh wow,” Palmer interrupted, “We’re all parents.” There was a moment of silence as the former coworkers let that sink in, as they all took in how much their lives had changed since they met. “We are,” Ziva said, voice full of the emotions that they all felt. “That’s crazy, isn’t it?” McGee vocalized, “I mean, did you ever imagine that happening?” Tony shrugged, “I mean, I certainly didn’t.” “We’ve gotta get all the kids together sometime soon,” Palmer said.  They all nodded or voiced their agreement. 
In the silence that followed, Tony spoke up, “Uh, so… we’re engaged.” “What?!” Palmer and McGee shrieked. “When?!” McGee asked while Palmer shouted, “Really?!” over him. “Yeah, last night at the Skytree tower thing, I just sort of… asked if Ziva would marry me,” Tony shrugged. “Well, you first asked, hypothetically, if you proposed, would I say yes,” Ziva corrected. “And you told me that I should ask,” Tony replied, “and I did.” Ziva smirked, “He didn’t have a ring.” Tony smirked back, “You still said yes.” “He’s had a ring for ages, Ziva,” McGee said, smiling from ear to ear, “Trust me, I’ve seen it. It’s perfect for you.” Palmer nodded in agreement.  “So everyone knew about the ring except me?” Ziva asked, shocked. Tony shrugged, “Well, I had to get the approval of my council of men.” Ziva gestured at the screen, “Your ‘council of men.’” Tony chuckled, “I said what I said.” Before the bickering could continue, Tali called out for them from the other room. “Ah, duty calls,” Tony said, turning to the screen. A faint buzzing sounded through the speakers and McGee pulled out his phone, “Yeah, that’s Gibbs. Looks like we’ve got a case.” “Give the best to the old man for us,” Tony said. “Will do,” McGee responded with a little salute. “Take care of yourselves,” Ziva called. “We will,” Jimmy responded, “Congratulations!” The call ended and Tony and Ziva were left looking at their reflections in the blank computer screen. Reflections of the people they had became-- parents, partners, fiances, civilians.  “Did you ever think we’d get here?” Tony asked, standing and offering a hand to Ziva. She shook her head, “I never imagined it. Never let myself imagine it.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, “And now?” She smiled, leaning against him, “I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
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I’ll Take Yo Man
A little college Hennessy and Erik foolishness concocted by @hearteyes-for-killmonger & myself. Based on the following prompt:
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Friday. The day Hennessy had been looking forward to the whole week. Erik would be home from his most recent deployment the next day and she needed to prepare for his return. She went and got her hair done, opting for a silk press to her usually springy curls. She followed that up with a well deserved pedicure and a full-set of stiletto dick grabbers, both in his favorite color on her: sunflower yellow. She was now perusing the shelves of MAC, looking to restock her dwindling supply of Snob and Saint Germain lippies and her prep + prime lip primer. The freshly cleaned diamonds in the Cuban link necklace Erik gifted her twinkled under the light of the store, attracting the attention of the young woman working. She was about 5’9, 150 pounds wet with what looked to be a 24-inch body wave weave with a lifting frontal and lipstick that clashed with her undertones. Cute, but not Hennessy. She looked Henny up and down with familiarity before her eyes finally landed on the letter E tattoo that rested on her collarbone.
“Oh, you must be the new freak of the week?”
“Excuse me?” Hennessy asked with a raised eyebrow. Erik was popular, so it was no surprise that the whole state of Massachusetts knew that he was officially off the market.
“I know that Cuban, he gave me one like it when we were fucking around. Erik?”
“Who are you?” The name tag on her chest read Brittani, but it should’ve said Bold Bitch, seeing as how she was questioning Henny like she was Erik’s mother.
“I’m Brittani. Erik and I fucked around on the regular up until about a year ago.”
Hennessy smiled as Brittani spoke, remembering the day that he stumbled on her doorstep.
"And you still on him? Baby, move on." This caused Brittani to give her the most menacing look.
“Funny, you’re bigger than his usual type.”
Oh, you one of them bitches. Salty as the everlasting fuck that a thicc bitch took the nigga you wanted.
“Any particular reason why you’re divulging this information? I’m just tryna buy some lipstick not hear your dating history.”
Brittani smirked, snatching the items from Hennessy’s hands and ringing them up aggressively.
"History tends to repeat itself. I could take your man. Easily! Look at me and look at you.”
Hennessy laughed loudly then, completely disregarding the Great Value Cyn Santana. Having been officially dating the soon-to-be King of Wakanda for a year now, she was used to slimmer, Instagram-esque women feeling loose at the lips when it came to her boyfriend. At face value, Erik was the total package. He was incredibly smart, handsome, and his sex could convert even the most devout nun. But the real Erik, the fragile lost boy who had discovered his father’s lifeless body when he was only a young boy, that was a completely different story. The real Erik was moody, mean, and when he was in Killmonger-mode, a vengeful shell of a man that cared about nobody else’s feelings but his own. It had taken some time, but Hennessy had skillfully and meticulously broken down some of the rougher areas of his psyche and had learned things about him that no one else would dream of knowing. In him, she'd found a kindred spirit. A twin flame. They had bonded over their love for marijuana and their need to escape the realities of their tragic childhoods. She'd seen him at his weakest, his ugliest, and his most tragic. They'd butt heads and found homeostasis more times in a month than most couples even saw each other. She knew no one else could handle the man she called hers and she’d be lying if she said the idea of someone trying was not comical.
“I'll tell you what. You can have him, but I guarantee after 24 hours you’ll give him back.”
“Shiiid. I know what that dick is like and I swore that if I ever got it again, I’d never let him go.”
Hennessy laughed harder as the young woman slid the bag of purchased items across the counter.
“I’ll give you 24 hours. Any longer and you're stuck with him.”
“You really out here tryna pimp a nigga, huh?” Erik asked from his place between Hennessy's legs. After having successfully broken her back on every surface of their shared apartment since he stepped foot in the door the previous day, Erik was now lazily resting on Hennessy’s belly while she massaged through his dreads. He had missed the way her plush body melted into his, much like the memory foam mattress they were currently lounging on. He loved the way their bodies fit together, like Bast had created her just for him. She was his personal Sour Patch kid, sweet and sour depending on her mood, but always soft.
“It’s only pimping if we're getting paid. Lil’ Mama said she could take you from me, so I told her she could have you. You and I both know you’ll be back.”
“You damn right. You’re my favorite brown liquor and plus, I can’t leave my Creole lady for too long. What you gonna do while I’m gone?”
Um, party? She thought to herself.
“Relax,” she said instead. Though there were experiments that needed to be done, she was going to use the day for some much needed self-care. Her hair had long since sweated out from its silky state, so she planned to wash and twist it, exfoliate and shave, and binge watch all the shows she’d missed during the week.
“You relaxed while I was gone, ma,” he pouted as he snuggled closer to her.
“No, I worked while you were gone. You know I have to keep busy so I don’t miss ya fat head ass so much.”
“You love my fat head though, boffum,” he teased as he ran his fingertips up her thighs.
“You’re disgusting,” she sneered.
“Filthy,” he called back, dipping his fingers between her thighs, drawing a soft mewl from her.
“Again?” she pouted.
“I missed my baby,” he growled before his tongue met her folds.
Here we go again.
Erik watched Brittani's back, unimpressed by her lack of food and general unpreparedness. Hadn't she heard that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach? She sat a bowl in front of him and stuck a spoon in it like she was done.
“Bruh. What the fuck is this? I asked for shrimp and grits, not oatmeal,” Killmonger fussed from his seat at Brittani’s counter. He had been in one of his moods ever since he came over, mentally noting to curse his girlfriend out for subjecting him to such torture, and now she was trying to kill him. Immediately he began to remember why he cut Brittani off in the first place. She was cute, but that was all she had going for herself. She couldn’t cook, she wouldn’t clean, and she was always in his business and trying to go through his phone. If she wasn’t trying to force herself onto his dick then she was whining about wanting him to take her shopping and show her off, though she wasn’t much of a trophy. She couldn't even keep her wig under control. He could see the screen door material sitting on top of her forehead. Henny always put makeup on hers. He could see her in the mirror now, doing that goofy ass dance she did whenever she got a new wig, patting and parting to make sure it looked good. He looked down at his watch. 16 more hours to go. This was finna be a long day.
“That is shrimp and grits, babe. I followed the recipe and everything.” Hennessy didn’t need a recipe.
“My name is Erik,” he reminded her as he tried to lift the spoon from the bowl. “Call me babe again and I’ll slit ya throat,” he threatened, mostly serious. “Why the grits so thick? Did you devein the shrimp? Is this a shell?!” His appetite quickly diminished when he spotted a creature the size of his thumb crawl across the stovetop.
“SHIT…. I’m going to the gym,” he snarled dusting himself, suddenly paranoid.
You love me especially gentle every time // You keep me on my feet happily excited // By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence // You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me // You school me, give me some things to think about // Ignite me, you invite me, you co-write me, you love me, you like me // You incite me to chorus, ooh
Back at their apartment, Henny was soaking in a vanilla lavender bath while her curls deep conditioned under her large pink bonnet. Jill Scott serenaded her while the warm water soothed her aching muscles, an indication of the previous night’s activities. Her music was interrupted by her ringtone.
“Miss me already, Daddy?” she teased, putting the phone on speaker so she could finish her bath.
“This bitch got bugs bigger than me crawling around her shit. Them bitches benching 350. I’m not sleeping there tonight for them niggas to jump me in my sleep.. and I’ma beat ya ass when I get home,” he fussed, still dusting himself occasionally as he drove.
“Aww, baby it can’t be that bad,” Hennessy tried.
“She needed a recipe for shrimp and grits. Who the fuck needs a recipe for shrimp and grits?! It’s in the fuckin’ title! Damn shrimp still had shells on ‘em, the grits was hard as a fuckin’ brick… it was just a mess. Then Craig the Cockroach or whatever the fuck it was came crawling across the stove like he was lookin’ for a plate too. I had to go.”
Hennessy was a giggling mess as Erik explained his morning ordeal.
“Didn’t y’all use to fuck around? You ain’t know she had roaches?”
“I used to fuck that bitch in her driveway cuz she lived with her mama. I had no idea what the inside of that place looked like.”
“You was a dirty dick ass nigga, huh? Just sticking it in anything warm.”
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I’m aware of the error of my past judgement, but this is NOT the time to be making jokes. I’m distraught and you laughing. If I die in there, it’s your fault.”
“I mean, according to ya military paperwork I’m ya wife, so I’ll get a nice check.”
“Wooooooow, it really be ya own people. Just for that I’m going in ya ass with no lube tomorrow.”
“Wait, I take it back. I’m sorry. If you wanna come back sooner, handle her. Make it so she knows you're mine or help her move on. One or the other.”
“BET.” With that, the line went dead and Hennessy already knew which option he chose. She had basically given Killmonger permission to hurt this young lady’s feelings, and boy did he intend to do just that.
Hennessy was mid happy baby pose when her phone rang again, this time with an unfamiliar number. She cleared her throat and pulled out the French, just in case it was a bill collector or one of Erik’s more shady acquaintances.
“Bonjour, Aurélie.” She was met with the sound of soft sniffles, followed by her boyfriend’s voice roaring in the background.
“The fuck you crying for? You knew what that shit looked like when you woke up this morning. Didn’t even try to run a brush through it. That ain’t what Beyoncé meant when she said she woke up like this.”
“Please come get this nigga,” Brittani said between sniffles. She had had it. Ever since Erik had returned from the gym he had been tearing into her. Hennessy knew it would happen and she almost felt bad for releasing the beast. Almost.
"I would’ve kissed you good morning just to be nice but I went through your bathroom cabinets and you ain't got no mouthwash. Your toothbrush look like it was originally owned by George Washington and your breath smells like halitosis personified. And don’t get me started on Craig the Cockroach. That nigga probably twerked his ass all over your lips and your tongue the way you were snoring. Why you sleep with your mouth open when you got roaches?”
“That’s actually a valid question. That can’t be healthy,” Henny finally spoke up.
“That nigga Craig pay rent or is he like Bruhman from the fif flo? This his house, huh? You just his pet human.”
“Nigga!” Hennessy exclaimed through the phone. She had been successful at keeping her laughs at bay, but was done when he called her the roach’s pet human.
“I can’t do this anymore, you can have him back.”
“It’s only been 9 hours, sis. I thought you said you’d never let that dick go.”
"So now you don't wanna be with me because I'm telling yo triflin’ ass the truth? And who said she was getting dick?! Nah, you ain’t about to put no voodoo curses on me for sticking my dick in the Men In Black bug. I try to bust a nut and my shit just fall off. Hell nah.”
“Just get ya shit and go, nigga. Shamu can have you.” Time seemed to stop once those words left her lips. Even Craig the Cockroach disappeared. It was one thing to disrespect him, but his woman? All bets were off when it came to her and Brittani was about to learn this the hard way. With deadly stealth Erik zipped from across the room to right in front of her face. He wiggled the phone from Brittani’s grasp and ended the call before putting his face as close to hers as his nostrils would allow.
"You fix them crusty lips to call my woman Shamu one more time.. and I'll throw you in the ocean with Bruhman chained to your ankle like a weight." Brittani remained silent, only nodding her head fervently when he was done.
"Nah, you know what? That's not good enough. Call my girl back. Yeah, call her."
“Yeeesss?” Hennessy sang from the other end of the phone.
"The bit-, I mean Brittani got something to say to you. Go 'head."
Brittani hesitated, Erik's eyes giving her the option to cooperate or face consequences. He'd taken pictures of her dirty stove capturing a roach on the move and was threatening to post it on a MAC forum along with a short video of her asleep with a roach on her forehead. She decided it would be best for her to cooperate and cut her losses.
"Hi, Hennessy. I'm sorry for what I said to you and you were right, I couldn't handle him. I guess..," she wavered briefly, "I guess you're a better woman than me all-around. I could never. I see that now."
Erik cleared his throat quietly.
"Oh, a-and you're very beautiful, very statuesque and curvaceous. I wish I looked like you--"
“You don’t have to lie, now, sweetheart. You don’t wish you looked like me, you’re only saying that because you’re afraid of what he’ll do to you if I give the word. However, let this be a lesson to you. Just because you think you’re better than someone, that may not always be the case. Even if this little experiment had been his own choice, he’d still come back to me because he knows that no woman will ever treat him the way that I do. I’m one in a million and he’d be stupid to let me go.”
"So I can come home now?"
“Of course you can, Daddy. I got homemade crab cakes and lobster man n cheese waiting for you as well as two freshly pearled blunts of some new shit. I even felt generous and made a bananas foster cheesecake.” Erik’s mouth watered when she mentioned the dessert he fell in love with when they visited her parents the previous summer.
"A nigga need a bath, a nap, and a backrub. I ain't get no sleep. I had one eye open all night."
“You can have whatever you like, baby. My schedule is clear for the next week.”
“Shiiiit, I’m on my way.. And be naked when I get there.”
Horny ass nigga.
"Take notes," he said to Brittani as he hung up. “And tell my nigga Craig he can have them clothes. I ain’t tryna bring none of y’all kids home.”
TAGS: @panthergoddessbast @amethyst1993 @vikkidc @blackpantherismyish @youreadthatright @mareethequeen @princessstevens @bartierbakarimobisson @madamslayyy @nickidub718 @chaneajoyyy @blowmymbackout @muse-of-mbaku @killmongersgurl @thehomierobbstark @forbeautyandlife @wakanda-inspired @thadelightfulone @purple-apricots @trevantesbrat
418 notes · View notes
A butterfly dive.
Hello, @pondlilies00. I was your Natsume yuujinchou Secret Santa gifter. @natsume-ss
Here's the first of the Natsume turned god series. I'll do my best to post other parts before the deadline, too. If you prefer AO3, here's the link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21959386
Name: A butterfly dive.
Word count: 6856 words.
It happens one day, in late spring, when green colors slopes of mountains and flowers cover roadside in all colors of rainbow.
Natsume smiles, listening to Kitamoto and Nishimura’s bickering and jokes, occasionally joining, but mostly keeping to himself. Kappa told him about a small river up the mountain where there is very good fish, and now they are heading there, though Tanuma was busy helping his dad with something the shrine.
“Oh, how’s your cousin?” Nishimura bites his lip, “He’s better, I hope?”
The sudden change in mood attracts Natsume’s attention. Kitamoto's cousin? Is he ill? But his somber face didn’t tell good news. Natsume scowled, but remained silent.
“No. Doctors don’t even know what’s the problem with his legs. All is good”, Atsushi exhales sharply, “Nerves, bones, muscles, it’s almost like that old telltale auntie told us when we were small”, he tangled his hair,” You know that one, about a Mononoke in the left shrine on the north slope of the mountain”.
Natsume perked up at these words. Mononoke?
“Yeah”, Nishimura sighed, “Oh, Natsume, you don’t know Koonaku!” he turned to Takashi, selfconscious. Natsume only shook his head.
'Kitamoto’s cousin could be a victim of an angry yokai', he thought, 'better check, Kitamoto likes him a lot, it seems'.
“His name’s Koonaku Ryuuzan, my maternal cousin, two years older than me”, Atsushi smiled, “He’s like a brother to me, we’re very close”.
“What’s happened?” Natsume asked, tentatively observing his friend, ready to back down any moment. After all, he had the Dog’s Circle, who could find it out for him, if the need arose.
“He walked in the forest with friends after school, to find some sort of flowers for their biology project, his teacher told them where to find them, and they came to that left shrine. He said he would go inside and look for them in the yard, but didn’t come out for about ten minutes”, Kitamoto fell silent for a moment, nervously pursing lips. His fists clenched, knuckles whitening, “The shrine is small, so it couldn’t take him so long, and his friends worried. They found him in the main building, he lay on the floor. There were two small cuts on his hips, but nothing more. They weren’t even poisoned!” he swung hands in frustration and anxiety.
Natsume glanced down on Nyanko-sensei. The cat’s eyes glistened in the sun, serious expression — almost scowl on his face. So, it was a yokai. Natsume frowned. He heard about this left shrine from the Dog’s Circle. They said there was some spirit, but they were more or less peaceful, not vengeful to humans, just closed off.
“My best wishes to him”, Takashi nodded, “I’m sure he’ll be alright soon”.
“Thanks”, Kitamoto smiled wearily.
They went, more quiet now, with Nishimura talking about a new game he wanted till reaching the river. While his friends put out their fishing rods, Natsume busied himself with laying out snacks and drinks. They planned on being here for all noon, so Touko-san packed them both bento and candy bars.
"Sensei, ask Hinoe to come home, please, I want to ask her something".
The cat purred, tickled under his chin, and stood up.
"Save me those shrimps, then", he grumbled, "And don't get in trouble until I come back".
"Will do", Natsume petted him once more and Nyanko-sensei sprinted, disappearing in bushes without a sound.
He exhaled and put several shrimps away from other meals. He promised, after all.
They spent all day fishing and playing and having fun, and when they were coming back, Kitamoto was smiling, happy and wide, and it was worth all his weariness and subtle ache in limbs from running and jumping.
"Bye, Natsume!", they parted ways on the crossroad, and Takashi sped up. 'Hinoe must already be at home', he thought, pacing through streets.
"I'm home!", he spoke, taking off shoes.
"Welcome home, Takashi-kun, how was fishing?" Touko-san came out of the kitchen, greeting him with warm smile and soft homey smell.
"It was good, Touko-san, here's what I caught", he didn't keep his own smile down and stretched out a bag with several fish.
Surprise colored her face, but changed into a twinkle of a delight.
"You sure are good with it, Takashi-kun", she took the bag, "All of them big and so many, as if kappa was helping you!" Natsume laughed, not answering. It was the kappa indeed, "I'll cook something out of it for dinner. Oh, are you tired?" Touko-san tilted her head and cupped his cheek, motherly love and care in every gesture and touch, "You've been out so long, rest a bit, will you?"
"Ok, Touko-san", he nodded, "I'll be upstairs".
"Good, I'll start with dinner then", she went back to the kitchen.
Natsume went up in his room. Hinoe was already there indeed, filling the room with pale purple smoke from her pipe.
"Natsume!" a broad smile morphed her face from mildly concerned to openly glad, "You finally came!" but not a second later a pout "This guardian of yours has no manners, he didn't even offer sake or tea, despite all my long wait!" playful pout and eyes shining with well-meaning mischief from under long eyelashes.
Takashi shook head, sitting down across her: yokai and their games are so… yokai sometimes.
"Sensei, I'm sure you can share some of your sake with Hinoe, you always do", he berated gently. He was almost convinced that the cat hid some bottles somewhere in the house, with how he sometimes got drunk without even leaving it.
"What?! No way! That's feasts, this is my own sake!" righteous indignant shriek was only muffled by Takashi's hand.
"Pfft", Hinoe scoffed, exhaling a big cloud of smoke, "Anyway, Natsume, you wanted to see me. What's it?"
"Oh, sorry", he fidgeted, "Do you know anything about the spirit living in the left shrine on the north slope of the mountain?"
Hinoe hummed, inhaled and then exhaled, letting out a snake-shaped cloud. The snake turned, curling in circles and turning its head, and then slowly shifted into a more human-like form.
Natsume looked at this, not turning away for a moment. 'So this is the spirit appearance', he thrummed on tatami, 'A snake…'
"This is Mekoguro", she said, "The goddess of the shrine left it, not so long ago, couple centuries at most. He was her servant and stayed behind to look after it in case she deigns to come back, which I doubt very much. She left for another world". One more smoke-filled exhale and another figure rose near to the serpent-like yokai. Female figure in colorful heian clothes with snake pattern on long sleeves and lower hem, long black hair with a braid in the middle. Her face had fair features, just like beauties of ancient times. A small beauty mark under her right eye caught Takashi's attention. He saw someone who looked exactly like that not long ago. 'Not now', he passed this thought.
"You once said he's not antagonizing humans", he said.
"Mostly", Hinoe nodded, "If they don't disrespect rules of the shrine or trespass where they can't go. The usual of his kind", she flailed her pipe, turning her illusion null.
Natsume scowled. The usual…
"And the rules are?" he asked. Better safe than sorry, with yokai especially.
"Also the usual. Don't step on the goddess' road, cleanse before entering, and the like", she shrugged.
"You said 'mostly'", remembered Takashi, "What do you mean?"
"Some foolish humans thought it was a good idea to break those rules", Hinoe exhaled another smoke cloud, "Mekoguro punished them accordingly".
Natsume tensed. 'Accordingly' could mean a lot, particularly if it was a servant protecting a god or a god's honor.
"Was among them anyone who lost their legs?" he clenched fists.
Hinoe nodded, somber all of the sudden.
"Yes. These are the ones, who stepped on the goddess' path. It is a grave insult, you see, and I heard that Mekoguro only left those fools alive because of the goddess's order. She's forbidden him from killing humans".
"Step on the god's path…" Takashi grit his teeth. This was more than just a mean spirit.
"Do you know if they had cuts on legs and then lost their legs?" it was his last attempt at hoping for the better.
"Two small cuts, one on each leg", Hinoe's words were the final nail in the coffin.
Takashi heaved a heavy sigh and lumped, crouching. This was going to be a mess, he could say.
"You need any more, Natsume?" Hinoe smiled reassuringly, concern clear in her red eyes.
"If you could, ask around, please. This Mekoguro recently punished a human, what did that human do?" the boy massaged his temples, feeling impending doom of headache coming.
"This I can answer right away", Hinoe shook her head, "He trespassed the goddess' path and didn't even acknowledge it".
"Idiot", Nyanko-sensei huffed, "Now that you know, what will you do, Natsume?"
"So it was your human", hummed Hinoe, "I thought they know better".
"I don't have humans", Takashi snapped, "And it was my friend's cousin, I don't know him personally".
"The kin of the one under your wing, then", corrected herself Hinoe, "Still your charge, I say. Blood of your retinue is under your protection, it is a basic rule", she said, "You can use it".
"What do you mean, Hinoe?" Natsume perked up.
"I mean that this foolish human is your charge. You repay his debt and you're good", she flicked her pipe, "Though price will be high, this I can promise".
Natsume rolled his aching shoulders. Tomorrow is going a busy day, it seemed.
"Do you know what would suffice as the peace offering?" he had no idea, so any advice would be highly appreciated. Nyanko-sensei still kept silent, so he assumed the cat didn't know, too.
"Something pricy. It may be anything, I really don't know, Mekoguro is too closed off", she shrugged, with guilt clear on her face and hunched pose.
"Still, thank you, you helped me very much", his gratitude was sincere, she told a lot.
"Of course, it's you, so no problem!", cheerfulness came back to her in an instance, "Call me whenever you need me", she smiled, playful and mischievous as always.
"Will do", he didn't hold back his own smile. She meant well and helped so much, he was thankful.
The next day he warned Touko-san that he may be late for lunch at breakfast.
"Oh, that's not good. Are you planning to go see friends?"
"Something like that", he nodded, uncomfortable with almost lie.
"Then wait a bit, I'll pack you something", she fussed over the kitchen after a loving kiss on the top of his head, and he couldn't find it in himself to refuse her care.
"I put a bit more, so share with your friends, okay? That's a new recipe and I wanted to test it". The woman wrapped his bento in blue fabric and gave it to him.
"Will do, Touko-san", he felt something warm clutch his heart. He didn't know what he did to deserve such good people as her and Shigeru-san. He waved her goodbye and hastened his bike.
Nyanko-sensei jumped in the bascet on the front, grumbling.
"You always meddle in other people's problems, brat, one day it will bite you back", Takashi waited till the cat made himself comfortable and then began to ride.
"I know, Sensei", his answer was quiet, "But I can't leave it just like that. I want to help, and I need to know what's happened".
The cat huffed, but didn't say anything else.
The ride till a shop and then the hospital took him less than half an hour. Even easier was to get access to Ryuuzan, when he said he was visiting a friend.
"Ward B, Room 326, third floor", the nurse at the reception waved him to the stairs, "The room's to the left".
"Thank you", he nodded and took the stairs
"Sensei, behave", he scolded the cat, who obviously didn't like the hospital smell. The cat tsk-ed, but didn't make any other move.
Takashi looked up the names, searching the one they needed. The fourth room was it.
"I'm sorry, is this Koonaku Ryuuzan's room?" he knocked and asked behind the door.
"Yes, come in", the male voice answered.
Takashi let Nyanko-sensei on the floor and pushed the door.
It was a usual hospital room, full of artificial lights and sterile white, though more habited than he expected. A teen older than him by a year or two sat on the bed, with a folded book on his lap.
"I'm Natsume Takashi, your cousin Kitamoto Atsushi's friend", under a measuring and curious look he decided that it is better to introduce himself first.
"Ah, that Natsume!", Ryuuzan exclaimed, and it took all Takashi's willpower to not flinch away, "Atsu talks a lot about you", a smile graced his face.
"Yeah", Takashi took a shuddered breath. This choice of words… "It's me".
"Why did you come?"
Now that Ryuuzan knew his name, he seemed to warm up a bit.
"I heard you got a trauma. Kitamoto worries and I worry about him", he answered honestly, it seemed like the best way to get to good graces of this upperclassman, "I brought you fruits and bento", he held out the bag in his hands.
"It's nice of you", Ryuuzan nodded, taking them, "Though I really don't understand why come here".
Something bitter leaked in his voice and Natsume's heart clenched. That… was too similar to the old him for his liking.
He took a deep breath.
"I wanted to say that believe in you", Takashi said, firm and almost strict, "Kitamoto is strong and tough, and he said he got it from you. I know him, and I believe that someone like him won't break. I'm sure you will heal and come back to family, friends, and school, and I wanted to say this", his knuckles were white from the grip force, and face flushed with awkwardness, but a startled chuckle from Ryuuzan drew his attention.
"So my cousin was right about you being a softie", Ryuuzan outright laughed at Takashi's dumbfounded face, "He often said you're kind to a fault, now I am sure it's true", Ryuuzan's smile was warm and sincere, "Thank you. Really. My family is too scared, my friends guilt themselves, and it gets… You know, heavy", he waved his hand with a grimace, "You are the first to say that and really mean it. So, thank you", Ryuuzan bowed his head.
Natsume bit his lip. This was a lot harder than he anticipated.
"I… don't know what to say", he admitted.
Ryuuzan huffed and gave a small smile.
"Do you want to hear what happened? I promise to be absolutely honest", he quirked lips and put the book on the bedtable, eyes sad but clear.
"If you are comfortable with it", Natsume nodded.
Ryuuzan took a second to sigh deeply.
"I and my friends were walking down the forest. Our biology teacher gave us a project, so we needed to find one certain type of flowers and bring them to the school for the research. We were looking for them on the mountain where she said they would probably be, but found little to none, so we decided to search on another slope, too. We found that clearing where the left shrine is, and looked around. There were a lot, but still not enough. I suggested we look in the shrine's yard too, there must have been a lot, since it's not tended. No one wanted to come in, and I decided to do it myself. I thought it wouldn't be difficult, so went through the gates and in the yard. I must say, it looked strange, like it was actually tended, but flowers were still there. I kneeled to dig them up, heard a snake hissing, and then nothing".
Natsume kept himself from scowling, but didn't manage to keep away the gentle scolding tone of voice usually reserved for the Little Fox.
"Did you step on the god's path?"
Ryuuzan looke up, perplexed, but under Natsume's serious gaze he scowled trying to remember.
"I don't know", he answered hesitantly, "I mean, I know not to stop there, but I was tired and a bit angry back then from all the walking and digging", he scowled deeper, "Yeah, I did step", he nodded, "It was unintentional, and I didn't think much of it".
Natsume heaved a sigh, shaking his head. Oh, at least he wasn't doing it on purpose.
"You really shouldn't have", Takashi said, "Even if a god forgives you, it's a tradition, and they have a reason for existence".
"I know", Ryuuzan nodded, too serious and understanding for a usual human, even a superstitious one, "I know it may look strange what I say, but I think it's a yokai's doing", he motioned to his legs, "You know, even if the shrine was left by people, no one said the gods left it".
Natsume looked at Ryuuzan and suddenly smiled. This may become easier.
"I think you're right", he said, "You should say you're sorry, just do it so you are heard".
Ryuuzan huffed, but didn't take eyes off Natsume. For a minute they just looked each other dead in the eye.
"You are right", Ryuuzan said, loud and decisive, "I will!"
"Ok", Takashi nodded, "You didn't mean any harm, so I don't think it will be hard to get your forgiveness".
Ryuuzan nodded yet again and fell silent, looking out in the window.
"You know, I once saw a yokai, I think", he says, low and unsure, "It was a frog, a really big one, its leg was broken and the poor thing was freezing in the night. I took the frog in, fed it and tied a lace around the broken leg. The next morning it wasn't there, instead was a small grey stone", Ryuuzan reached to his neck and showed him a twined with black leather cord stone, "It seems to bring luck. Nothing big, a question I know on the test or a lucky roll in a game, but..." he shrugged, "You know, it doesn't look like something normal".
Natsume tilted his head to the side. It must have been Misuzu, and the frog was his head servant. No wonder the yokai was generous with Ryuuzan, he took care of his underlings.
"I think I understand", he said.
Later, after bidding farewell to Ryuuzan, Takashi headed for the shrine. There was a little money left in his wallet, so he bought two onigiri in a shop on the way to the mountain. Nyanko-sensei could be insufferable when cranky.
"Eat, sensei, I'm sure it will make you feel better", he pushed one of the onigiris to the cat.
"You better havve bought a good one, or else", mumbled his bodyguard, taking the first bite, "Not the best, but bearable", he huffed and proceeded to chew down the whole thing in less than two minutes.
Takashi shook head, smile exasperated, but fond nonetheless.
"Let's hurry, I don't want to be late for lunch", he said, feeding the last bits to his cat.
"Yeah, Touko-san promised to cook stew, so hurry up, slow Natsume!" Nyanko-sensei grumbled, jumping on the bike.
"Then don't distract me", Takashi sprinted down the road.
An hour and a half later he stood on the clearing, cradling Nyanko-sensei to his chest, the shrine walls high and intimidating, covered in vines, and gates open. The road inside, covered in stone flags, swept clean of leaves and twigs.
"Mekoguro is really a loyal servant", Takashi said stepping forward and letting go of the cat, "Sensei, don't intervene, unless I call you, ok?"
"What are you thinking of, Natsume?" his bodyguard narrowed his yellow eyes.
"I want to talk to Mekoguro and try to convince him to take his charms off Ryuuzan", explained Takashi, "And I need peaceful atmosphere for that", his soft chiding tone made the cat huff in annoyance, but nothing else.
"Ok, deal", Nyanko-sensei agreed with a sigh, and jumped upwards, turning into his true form with a big cloud of smoke. Natsume can't help his smile: Sensei really can't just say he cares, can he?
He stepped in the yard, through the gates to the left. There was the washing stand, and he was going through the usual routine, when he heard a male voice calling him.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" displeasure and hostility in lilt.
Takashi turned and saw Mekoguro, same to the illusion Hinoe had shown him. Dark blue kimono with black snakes on the sleeves and a bright yellow obi, same color as his hair, tied in a high ponytail, a sword on his back and long green-grey snake tail instead of legs. His eyes, that shade of dull yellow-green you would usually see on snakes only, were sharp and bore a threat.
"My name is Natsume Takashi and I came to talk to you", he bowed his head in greeting.
"Natsume?" Mekoguro scowled, "Are you that obnoxious girl, loitering around to bind yokai?" he gripped the hem of his sword.
"No, that was my grandmother, she is already dead", Takashi shook head, raising hands in a placating gesture, long ago resigned to being mistaken for his grandmother.
Mekoguro scowled, but his face cleared a second later.
"You are that brat giving names back", he hummed under his breath and let his hand slide back down.
Takashi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He will be a brat for the spirits even on his grave bed, they are just too much older.
"That would be me", he nodded.
"Why did you come here?" Mekoguro repeated his question, "Your kin didn't take neither mine nor my mistress' name".
"I wanted to ask you to take your punishment off from the last human you did it to", told Takashi, mentally preparing for a long bargain.
"No", was the short, aggressive and decisive answer he got. He sighed. Yes, it was going to be difficult, "He insulted my mistress. He will know better".
"He didn't do it intentionally", Takashi tried to reason, "He regrets his actions".
"As he should", stone-cold voice, "Humans still teach their young basics. It is the easiest rule. To comply to it one does not need to be clever, just walk one's road".
Takashi heaved another sigh. 'Let's try Hinoe's advice', he thought tiredly.
"I understand and I will punish him for such behavior, but he will not be able to serve his punishment without legs", he said in one breath.
Mekoguro inclined his head, looking him in the eye with contemplation.
"Is he yours?" he asked after a minute of silence, nervous to no end on Natsume's side.
"He is the kin of one of mine, he is my charge", explained Takashi.
"Then why did you not teach them better?" the spirit was angered, it showed in his pursed lips and whitening skin, "The yokai of Yatsuhara sing praises to you and your knowledge and you can't do this?"
"I didn't know about his existence till yesterday", Takashi answered, keeping himself calm and collected.
"You should take care of your human part of retinue better", Mekoguro parried, "Most of them are ignorant at best".
"I will", Natsume nodded. 'Good, seems like he's ready to bargain'.
"Then…" Mekoguro suddenly froxe, tense like tight strings, "Orokimaru-sama?.." his eyes widened with disbelief as he looked behind Takashi.
Natsume turned in a moment and saw a woman standing in gates. Her hair was swept back, but as she stepped in, Natsume was sure in his recognition. This was the goddess of the shrine, the woman he saw two days ago by the river.
Her blouse and long skirt turned to colorful heian clothes, long black hair freely falling on her back as walked in the middle of the road.
"Mekoguro", she greeted her servant, eyeing him with care and love, "You kept your promise".
"Orokimaru-sama", the yokai stepped forward and knelt before her, bowing his head, "You came back. Will you stay in this humble shrine? ".
The goddess smiled, sad and rueful, and gestured him to stand up, but the yokai didn't obey. Takashi bit his lip; he had a bad premonition about her visit.
"No, my little snake", Mekoguro jerked upright, shocked, "I came to say farewell".
Silence reigned in the shrine. Takashi turned towards the forest and took three steps back. This was a private moment, and he didn't want to intrude.
"My time has come to the end, Mekoguro. Humans forgot about me fully and even the sacred village can't protect me. Without their belief I'm fading". The goddess waved her fan and closed her face with it.
Mekoguro gripped his kimono, hunching lower.
"No one?" he whispered, "Not a single one? They all forgot your grace and all your good deeds for them?" his weak voice filled venom, fury, and desperation.
Takashi sighed. He needed to ask for the goddess' help, she could talk her servant out of punishing Ryuuzan. But right now, with how angry the yokai was at humans…
"They do not believe in gods and yokai now", her voice was soothing, pacifying, "I an no major god, just a guardian goddess of Yatsuhara".
Mekoguro gritted his teeth, "But Orokimaru-sama!.."
"Hush, my little snake", she kneeled before him and enclosed in a hug, shielding him with long sleeves of her robe, "Everything will turn out fine".
Quiet sobs and soothing murmuring could be heard, if you strained your ears, but Takashi turned on his heels, back to the entangled couple. He had basic decency, after all.
Takashi waited in silence until he was called.
"Natsume Takashi" the goddess addressed him with a nod, "Why did you come to my shrine? I believe you were notified that your kin did not bind any of us".
"Orokimaru-sama", Takashi politely bowed, "I came to ask for mercy on one of the humans in my charge", he chose words to be absolutely polite. The goddess did not look aggressive, even forbade to kill humans, but still better safe than sorry.
"What did your human do, Natsume Takashi?" the goddess waved them to a small pond, "I believe it must be serious for you to intervene".
"What do you mean?" Takashi couldn't help but tense at her choice of words: if it was small, he would not intervene? Or that he would intervene only if it turned dangerous?
"Spirit world is small, tales of your deeds reach the sacred village rather often", the goddess gave a quiet chuckle, seeing him flush, "They say you protect yokai from humans, from exorcists, you help them, and they love and follow you in turn", her smile was serene and sincere, "You help yokai reach for the humans they got affectionate to, you protect Yatsuhara, both its humans and yokai", she sat on a small bench by the pond and gestured on the same one beside, while Mekoguro took place to her right. Takashi took his seat, "So I believe it must be a serious issue to lead you here".
Takashi fell silent, not knowing what to say. She held him in high regard, it was crystal clear, and his usual actions would fall in the pattern she described, but this request he bore… Was egotistical in comparison to the others. Would it be for worse?
"The human in my charge unintentionally insulted you by the action of stepping on the god's path”, the goddess stilled, “He did not bear any ill will and regrets his actions," he added hastily, "At this time he is serving punishment of your servant Mekoguro's choice. He cannot walk despite having two good legs. I came to make amends in his stead".
The goddess scowled and didn't answer, slowly fanning herself all the while. At last, several minutes of tense silence later, she sighed and shook her head.
"I am ready to forgive this foolish human of yours, but you must promise to teach them better. Not every spirit will forgive them, be it intentional or not", she said slowly, "And I have a question for you, Natsume Takashi", she told seriously, looking in his eyes, "What is Yatsuhara for you?"
Takashi blinked, surprised by her sudden change in the topic of talk. But her gaze alone told him he must think his answer through.
But… The answer was not far away. Yatsuhara was the place he found the peace of heart in, where he bonded with many people and spirits, where the cold of inside changed into the warm embrace of family and friends.
His answer was simple.
"Yatsuhara is my home", he said, pulling his heart into his words, "The place I feel peace and safe in. I want it to remain so".
The goddess smiled at him and nodded.
"Then I know your price I will take the punishment away for", she said, prim and regal all of the sudden, "You will take over my duty of the guardian god of Yatsuhara, become thou yourself, and for this I will forgive your human".
Takashi froze. Become the guardian god of Yatsuhara? What?
"I beg your pardon", his voice rose from sheer bewilderment, "What?"
"Become the guardian God of Yatsuhara", the goddess repeated, "And I will forgive your human".
"But… That is impossible", he shook his head, "A human cannot be turned into a god".
"Who said so?", Orokimaru-sama inclined her head, "This knowledge is forbidden for most, but there is a way".
"But why me?" he pointed at himself, "I honestly doubt I am fit for this position".
To turn into god? That was the last thing he would expect from coming here. Maybe owe a favor, some object, but this never even came into his mind. This was really really not the best idea in his life.
And seething Mekoguro behind his goddess was clearly of the same mind, taking in account his pinched face.
"But why think so?" she gave a sad laugh, startling both males, "You have already been performing the duties without realizing", she said, rueful lilt to her voice, that made his heart squeeze, "You keep Yatsuhara safe and in peace, help and get respect from spirits. All you lack for the title of the guardian god is power and your human shackle not being the body of a god", she motioned her fan towards him, "And this I can change at your agreement".
Natsume kept silent, too shell-shocked by the offer.
The goddess snapped her fingers, catching his attention.
“I understand that this is a sudden proposition, and you have all the rights to doubt its usefulness, but let me clear some of your concerns”, she fanned herself, looking at Takashi sharply, “You will be able to age together with your human lot of retinue. Maybe slower, but nonetheless, you will be able to keep your human life. You won't need to eat and sleep, but can if you so desire. Your appearance will change a bit, more refined and fair. It is probable that you will be able to communicate with snakes and command them, that's my ability I intend to pass to you. You will be able to have children. Otherwise, your life won't change all that much, and yokai will be much more respectful. Your family treasure will be in more safety then because you will have all Yatsuhara to back you up against aggressors", the goddess takes Takeshi's hand in his, and now that her face is close, he sees it.
The jawline. The face's oval. The shape of her eyes. It's not much, and if he didn't look for it, he would've never noticed.
It's almost identical to his grandmother's features.
"You..." he doesn't have words. It can't be...
"I was your ancestor, your grandmother's great-great-great-grandmother, to be precise. Soon after I took up the mantle of the guardian goddess, there was a big conflict", the goddess — his ancestor, he can't believe his ears, "And my family was erased", the bitterness and echo of grief in her voice make his heart clench.
"But not all of them?" he asked. If there was him and his grandmother, then someone lived through.
"Yes. My youngest sister, the baby of age four. She hid under the ruins of our home for three days and then run as far as she could. She ended up living in Hokkaido", the goddess took a sharp breath, "I didn't know of it, I thought all my family had died, until Reiko came here", the goddess fell silent for a few moments.
"But she was gone too quickly. When I came looking for her, she already disappeared, and no one knew where to find her. There were many who remembered her, but no one close".
"Yeah", Natsume couldn't help a weak smile, "I was told she had a habit of doing it".
"I tried to find her, but to no avail. My powers were seeping rapidly, and I had to come back to the sacred village. I tried sending my snakes to look for her, but they are no yokai, they couldn't find her", the goddess gripped his hand stronger, "I lost my claim as the guardian goddess of Yatsuhara when I entered the sacred village and now can only pass it to the next holder. So please, accept this offer of mine", she pleaded, earnestly and so sincere, "I looked for you here, when I understood who you are, and yesterday I found you. I was never so happy, when I knew — my family is alive. You are alive", she exhales, trying to reign in her emotions, before speaking again, more firmly now, "I know I didn't make it in time to save you from so many hurts, but in this last moments I want to do my best to make sure that you live your life fully. I want to you to be happy, safe and live a long life that will be filled with your laughter. You are a child of my family, mine in all aspects that matter".
Natsume can't help it. Tears slide down his face, he can't stop them, and he's not sure he wants to.
This goddess is his family, family who wants him happy and healthy just because he is it — family. She could go away freely; bide goodbye only to her servant, and fade from this world. She didn't have to, and yet she did, because she cared for her family — for what left of it. And she would go away, just as she came because it her time. He thought absentmindedly that he understood the yokai who knew Reiko better.
"Hush, dear, it will turn out good", she wiped his tears and smiled, "Remember, I love you. No matter your choice, I love you, child mine, and nothing in this world will change it. I'm so proud of you, words can't describe it. You turned out so beautiful, kind and bright, oh how much I want to tell my father about you, we would all be so happy", Orokimaru cupped his face, "Never forget this words, child mine".
Natsume nods and swallows the lump in his throat.
"I won't. And I accept your offer", he squeezes her hand and smiles, "Let's do it".
Orokimaru nods in turn and takes his another hand in hers.
"It can hurt a bit, like needles in your fingertips", she warned him and began.
The wind swirled around them, and Natsume felt the itch in his hands, but held on.
She opened her mouth and breathed out. A small yellowy-grey cloud came out.
"Breath it in through mouth", he was commanded, and complied.
It felt strange on his tongue — like cotton candy Nishimura bought for all of them on the last festival, just salty and mild.
"Breath out and kneel with me", Orokimaru turned his hands so that his back of hands was turned up and hers down.
It felt strange, as if a small warm ball formed between their hands. It wasn't unpleasant, more like a small bird in hands, just not fluffy. The feeling changed as the ball cooled to cold.
"Put your hands together and concentrate. When you feel it's time, breath out into them and push towards sky", Orokimaru let his hands go and smiled reassuringly. Her hair slid down shoulder when she siddenly teetered to left, pale and gasping for air.
"Orokimaru-sama!" Mekoguro gripped her shoulders, steading her, with panick on his face. Natsume tried to reach out for her, but she cut both of them out.
"Do not worry", she clasped Mekoguro's hand, and nodded curtly to Natsume, "Continue".
He pursed his lips, holding her gaze until she sighed and relaxed into her servant's hold. Only then did he revert his attention back to the ethereal ball in his hands.
It is still cold, not quite pleasant against his skin. He brings it closer to his mouth and exhales into his palms. Suddenly the warm air is swirling in circles inside, coating the ball, and the next thing he knows is that the yellowy-gray ball changes its color to pale green with darker specs. He feels the pull to let it go, to fly high and reach all land, and raises his hands, letting go of the ball.
It flies off his hands and rises above trees. Soft dull glow grows brighter and soon it looks like there're two suns. And then it explodes, showering them with tiny green sparkles. Winds are curling around Takashi, flapping his shirt's tails, like playful kittens, when Nyanko-sensei roars, entering the shine grounds with loud swish and lands beside him. His fangs bared, crouched pose, ready to fight any moment, the inugami was quite a fear-inducing sight.
"Nyanko-sensei!" Natsume exclaimed, stunned to his very core, when his guardian snarled at Mekoguro, who tried to unsheathe his sword. This was a goddess before them! There's no way he didn't scoop this before coming here! He was confronting a goddess, albeit well-meaning and not prone to antagonizing them, but Nyanko-sensei didn't know it, and yet put himself between the threat and him. Natsume doesn't even try to contain his gratitude and happiness, hugging his guardian and nuzzling into soft white fur.
"Don't worry, sensei", murmurs he, "They don't mean harm".
"As if you would know, brat", huffs the inugami, but still relaxes a bit, coiling his long tail around his charge.
"Your guard is admittedly loyal, I see", Orokimaru chuсkles, "Good. Now I can go, that you're in good hands", she holds out her hand, and Natsume kneels to take it and stand eye to eye with her. Her figure bleaks with every moment — it's time for her to go, "You are a good boy, my child, with tender heart and pure soul. You will do just fine. Don't forget my words. I will always love you, Natsume Takashi, child of my family", her smile is quiet, all motherly love and care, and sad, "Forgive me for not finding you earlier and leaving so soon. If I had a say, I wouldn't leave your side", she squeezes his hand stronger.
"You came to find me", he can't say it doesn't matter; these years when he suffered thrown from one family relative to another as if some sort of stinky ball did hurt him. But she searched for him, cared and loved just because he was her family, she did her best to protect him, and he will never forget it, "I forgive you".
"Thank you", with smile on her lips, she closes her eyes, dispersing into nothing but flare of dim sparkles that disappear high in the sky.
Natsume brings his hand in closer — it holds a simple white jade ring, that was on Orokimaru's left hand. He smiles — he is glad to have at least this much of her left for memories.
Takashi sighs out. He is tired. With all this running and worrying and rituals he didn't notice, but a good part of his energy's gone now.
"I'm tired. Let's go home, sensei", Natsume climbs on a silently offered back of the inugami, "I'll come here tomorrow, Mekoguro. Could you please prepare everything necessary for the commemoration? And, about your curse on my charge… " he asks the yokai. He doesn’t know if it is a usable practice for spirits, but he wants to say farewell to her as is just, and commemoration is a good choice for it, in his opinion.
"I will immediately take it away, my lord, and begin the preparations", Mekoguro bows.
Natsume sighs again. And this.
"We will talk about everything else later. For now, let's go".
Nyanko-sensei leaps towards the sky, and winds billow in his hair.
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Happy Birthday Sam!
@jacklynnfrost I love you, I love this AU you have developed. Thank you for sharing it with me and for letting me write with you. I hope you have a day filled with joy.
@yuleira drew this amazing picture to go with it. Thanks for collabing with me Keshia - you are amazing to work with 🙂
Slugorn rubs his hands together, his pudgy face split with a grin as he stands over Elizabeth’s caldron, taking deep breaths of the indigo smoke that rises in curling plumes from its depths. The professor wafts his hands around, guiding the aroma towards him as he takes another appreciative sniff. Tentatively, Zeldris shuffles forwards a little in his seat, peering over the bench as he too tries to catch a glimpse of the mixture. But he fails. All he can see is the back of Elizabeth’s head, her long, silver hair shining in the sparse light that leaks from the green-glowing torches placed around the dungeon. He does get the smell though: wild berries, geranium, mint and something else he cannot quite place but which makes a shiver run down his spine.
“In all my days, I have never, ever, known a first year student manage to brew a perfect healing potion,” whispers the potions master, awe trembling through his tone. “Remarkable, Miss Liones. Simply remarkable.”
“It was nothing,” the girl replies shyly, and Zeldris feels a rush of pride. His friend is remarkable. That is a fact he has come to realise with an increasing certainty over the past several weeks, ever since he and Elizabeth had become more than passingly acquainted. With a twist of the mouth he looks down at his own caldron, which is simmering gently; the faint hint of fruit and herbs is there but their concentration is in no way comparable to Elizabeth’s. Once, that knowledge would have made him feel wretched, and he is surprised to find he does not care. This time, his friend’s success feels as good as his own.
“Ten points to Hufflepuff,” Slughorn declares with another huge grin at Elizabeth and Zeldris does not need to see her face to know she is blushing. The back of her ears are a distinct shade of red. “Now,” Slughorn says brightly, rubbing his hands together once more as his kindly eyes rove over the room, “let’s see how the rest of you have done, shall we?”
Slughorn makes his rounds, observing and testing each of the students’ concoctions. He gives Zeldris a beaming “Well done” followed by a hearty “Keep up the good work” before sweeping along the bench, dispensing advice and tuts to those of his peers who have fared less well in their task.
His legs wobble a little when class is dismissed, and he hops down from his stool with a slight stumble to pack up his things. It is lunchtime and he hopes to catch a few words with Elizabeth on their way to the great hall. He wishes wholeheartedly that students did not have to sit at their house tables. A Slytherin he may be, but he has nothing in common with the others who wear stripes of green on their robes, and nor does he wish to.
He makes his way with the others up the stairs from the dungeons, and is on the point of calling a greeting to Elizabeth when a boy steps in front of him, then another, and another. He stands firm, his hand grasping his wand. Every muscle in his body is tense. This time, he will be prepared for the attack. This time…
“Where do you think you’re going, shrimp?” The largest of the boys blocks his path, the others moving to flank him on either side, and Zeldris grits his teeth as he assesses the gameplay. The bullies have out-foxed him. If he attacks out here in the open, he will be the one to be reprimanded - most of the teachers are in the dining hall and will hear any disturbance - but if he does nothing he will be called a coward. Either way his non-existent popularity will plummet even further. He is trapped.
“Zeldris!” He starts as Elizabeth runs towards him, a slight smile on her lips but her blue eyes cold as frost. “I need you to help me with something.” Before he can protest, she grabs his hand and starts pulling, dragging him in the opposite direction from both the thugs and their lunch. “It won’t take long,” she says brightly to the bullies who are staring hard, their arms folded across their chests. “Excuse me.”
He turns and lets her lead him away, his heart pounding. He is on high alert, straining to hear any footfalls behind them. But as they move away from the throngs of students, the cacophony of chatter lulls to a hum and it is only their own footsteps that echo through the corridors.
Zeldris swallows. He knows he should thank Elizabeth for saving him - again - but the words stick in his throat. His eyes dart to the floor, to the ceiling, to the portraits on the stone walls whose occupants wave and sing and roll their eyes at the pair of small students striding along, black cloaks billowing out behind them. None of it helps. Embarrassment clenches at Zeldris’s stomach, and he wishes fervently he was someone else.
He nearly bites off his tongue when Elizabeth turns towards him, her face wreathed in smiles and all the anger gone from her features. “I want to show you something,” she whispers. “Follow me.” And follow he does as his friend leads him up staircases he has never used to the upper floors of the castle and through the labyrinth that is Hogwarts School.
He stops short when they reach a grey-looking door, its once white paint peeling off in ugly strips. “I can’t go on there,” he protests as Elizabeth places a hand on the doorknob. “This is a girls’ bathroom,” he says, horrified, as she cocks her head to one side.
“Oh!” Elizabeth laughs, then pushes the door open so hard it knocks against the wall with a soft thud. “Don’t worry. No one ever comes here.” She pulls Zeldris over the threshold. His feet feel like lead, but reluctantly he takes a few steps, though only to maintain his balance. The room is enormous: four sinks line the wall, gold taps gleaming in the sunlight that streams through the dusty window and onto the marble tiled floor.
“But it’s for girls,” he protests again, gooseflesh creeping along his skin.
Elizabeth rolls her eyes. “I told you, no one ever comes here,” she says with a little chuckle. “That’s why I can grow these.” She beckons to a stall at the far end of the room, Zeldris shuffling along as he follows.
What he sees within the toilet makes his mouth pop open. There are rows and rows of pots of various sizes filled soil and the first beginnings of bright green shoots. He recognises some from Herbology: there is mandrake, gillyweed, snapdragon and yarrow, along with some specimens he has not seen before. “What do you think?” Elizabeth asks shyly.
He does not answer and she continues into the silence, “I’ve been experimenting, trying to breed stronger varieties. This mandrake, for instance,” she says, her voice becoming more sure. “Usually they take several weeks to mature, but this will be ready in a few days. I planted it yesterday. Isn’t it exciting?” she asks, her voice tinged with hurt.
Zeldris clears his throat. “It is. I’m sorry, it’s really exciting. I was just so… taken aback. This is incredible. You’re amazing!”
Elizabeth gives him a full on grin. “Thanks. I feel like I can make a lot of improvements, you know? I come here when it gets a bit much. And now you can too! This can be our little hideout.”
“But what?” asks Elizabeth, her head cocked a little to one side.
“I don’t understand. How come no one comes here. It’s a toilet…”
“Oh!” Elizabeth’s eyes light up with understanding and she starts to back out of the stall, Zeldris preceding her. “I’m so sorry. You haven’t met…”
He nearly jumps out of his skin when the wailing starts. “What was that?” he hisses. His wand is in his hand, and he turns slowly to survey the room. “Show yourself,” he commands as his grip on his wand tightens.
He whips round, pushing Elizabeth behind him, but all he can see are sinks and mirrors. His rapid breathing sounds through the space. “Elizabeth,” he whispers, “move to the door. I’ll hold off whatever it is.”
“It’s only a boy.” He whips round again, teeth grinding as his gaze once more falls on nothing at all. “How very… disappointing,” the voice continues and Zeldris swears he can hear an audible pout in its tone.
Elizabeth sighs. “This is why no one comes here,” she whispers softly into Zeldris’s ear. His eyebrows raise into his fringe. He has not once, ever, heard Elizabeth be anything but welcoming and friendly, enthusiastically nice to whoever she is talking to. The note of annoyance is one he would not have expected.
“Hello Myrtle,” says Elizabeth more loudly and brightly.
Zeldris sucks in a sharp breath. “Myrtle? Moaning Myrtle? I thought she was a myth…”
A piercing scream rings, the metallic rasp bouncing off what Zeldris suddenly realises must be the many copper pipes. The noise is deafening and he has to suppress the urge to cover his ears. Elizabeth shakes her head slowly, placing a finger over her lips. “He meant Myrtle,” she placates, “and of course you are a legend. Your role in the second wizarding war is…”
“I. Saved. Everyone!” The ghost materialises, her pudding bowl haircut and glasses pushed right into Zeldris’s face. “You will treat me with respect. Ooohhh,” she coos as she looks more closely at him, and he lowers his eyes under her knowing gaze. “But you must be the brother of that one, the dangerous one,” she practically purrs. “You look just like him, only less handsome. Can you introduce me? I was so upset when Meliodas was expelled. It was so unfair! I miss him. He was so handsome.”
“I… um…” stammers Zeldris.
“He used to come and see me all the time,” the ghost gloats as she lies on her back in the air, her arms resting behind her head. “Now it’s only her,” Myrtle says rather waspishly in Elizabeth’s direction. “You know it happened right here, in this bathroom,” she adds conspiratorially, her attention fixed on Zeldris once more. “I saw Meliodas kill that girl…”
“Yes Myrtle, whatever you say,” Elizabeth murmurs as she backs towards the door. “My apologies. If you’ll excuse us we need to head down to lunch. See you soon!”
Before the ghost can reply, Elizabeth bundles Zeldris out into the corridor. “That’s why no one goes in there,” she explains a little breathlessly once the door has shut behind them. “Myrtle is… an experience. I try to be nice but she keeps going on and on about Olive Hornbeam! The poor woman’s been dead goodness knows how many years, get over it!”
She places a warm hand on his shoulder. “She’s constantly exaggerating,” Elizabeth assures. “Every time I see her, Myrtle tells me something different, makes herself out to be more heroic. Don’t take any notice of her.”
“Yeah… sure…” he mutters past the lump in his throat. His brother never had told him why he had been expelled, leaving Zeldris to fill in the gaps with rumour and speculation. But deep down he suspects, has always suspected, that the role his brother played was far from an honourable one. The thought makes him sick, and he swallows hard as a splash of bile coats the back of his throat. He had always looked up to Meliodas and now...
“Come on.” Elizabeth says quietly, taking his hand and interrupting his brooding. “Let’s go get lunch. Not in the hall,” she adds quickly, obviously seeing the reluctance in his face. “I have some friends in the kitchens.”
“Why am I not surprised you get on with the house elves?” Zeldris says with a chuckle, Elizabeth joining in with his laughter as they head down the stairs. Zeldris feels a warm glow smooth over his fear. An outcast he may be, and his brother may no longer confide in him, but he has a friend. A real friend. And she happens to be the best one in the whole school.
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zmediaoutlet · 7 years
//crashes through wall// mid-coffee bj in the bunker OR frottage (anywhere, anytime) OR plug + FBI suits OR 'Sam wants to wear a blindfold and Dean is kinda unsure'
(read on AO3)
Itwasn’t so much a problem getting Dean to go to a strip club. He’s usually goodto go as soon as the promise of cheap drinks and smiling women are on thehorizon, and really, Sam has never minded that. Well—okay, he doesn’t mindit now. It’s been a hard few weeks, a hard month. What monthisn’t, really. Now, though, with how hard Dean’s been taking everything, Samjust wants—
“Are youkidding me,” Dean says, eyes bright in the wash of neon lights. Sam shrugs,keeping his smile tucked into the corner of his mouth. “Sammy, areyou kidding me,” he says again, delight all through his voice,and he pushes open the ridiculous pleather doors and—yes, Sam looked on thewebsite ahead of time, and it is indeed Cowgirl Night at Cherry’s. Hefollows Dean into the dim interior, already rolling his eyes at the terriblepop country song that’s playing, but there’s a girl down to her assless chapsand a fringed bra on stage, bouncing around as someone urges her to save ahorse.
The guy at thedoor looks at their suits and waves them in and Dean makes a beeline for abooth, about halfway between the stage and the bar. Sam sits carefully on theother side of the table, content to look for now. The hunt wasn’t too bad andthey’re not going to drive back home to the bunker until the morning, so this—thisshould be good. A girl wearing a cowboy hat and not much else comes smiling upto the table and Dean gives her his biggest grin and says, “Howdy, ma’am,mighty fine place you got here,” and Sam just leans back into the booth andresigns himself to an evening of Dean’s charm.
The beer’scheap and the girls are—well, young, but they’re beautiful, too,and more importantly Dean’s smiling. He applauds when one of the girls finishesher dance, and cheerfully tucks a five into the sparkly western-themed bra ontheir waitress when she brings them a new round of drinks. One girl who can’tbe more than five feet trots over and offers both of them lapdances, and Samraises his eyebrows at Dean. He’ll do it, if Dean wants. Dean only laughs,though, and says, “Sorry, darlin’, you’ll have to ride some other cowboy,”but he sends her on her way with a twenty and she’s smiling genuinely when sheleaves. “Sam,” Dean says, watching her ass bounce away in its frame of pinkleather chaps, “this is the best idea you’ve ever had.”
“Yeah?” Samsays, and Dean turns his eyes fully on Sam’s. He’s flushed, his tie undone andhis eyes dark and dancing.
“Yeah,” Deansays, and clinks his bottle against Sam’s. Sam takes a swallow, and watches Deanwatch him, and smiles, thinking that Dean hasn’t seen anything yet.
The bathroom’sdim, kind of filthy. It has locks on both sides, but Sam knows his way around asimple deadbolt and jams his pick in deep enough that the pins won’t catch ifsomeone tries to unlock it. Dean’s tipsy at his back, laughing,saying, “Sammy, Sammy,” and Sam turns around and gathers his face in bothhands and kisses his grinning mouth, licking in and tasting beer, overlaid withthat sugary pink thing that the bartender had sent over, somewhere in themiddle of the dance that sent them in here. Dean leans into it, groans, hishands wrapping into the lapels of Sam’s jacket.
“You hard?” Samsays, pulling back for a second, and slides one hand down. “Oh, look atthat,” he says, mildly, and Dean groans and pushes into it, the line of himstraining against Sam’s palm through the fine material of his slacks. God, helooks good like this—flushed and ready and happy, half-undonealready in his suit. Sam walks him backward, kissing his temple and his cheekand his jaw while Dean breathes hard against his ear, until his ass fetches upagainst the cheap pedestal sink.
“There is noway in hell,” Dean starts—and interrupts himself with another groan when Sampalms again at the bulge of his dick and then starts undoing hisbelt. “Sam, you are not fucking me over a sink in a strip club.”
Sam smiles downat him, shrugging. “Wasn’t planning on it,” he says, and Dean looks downbetween them and then up at Sam again, eyebrows raised. The music changes, andSam tugs Dean’s belt open and then the slick button on the slacks, and tugsDean’s shirt out of the way, and then goes down to his knees in one move,ignoring the grit and nastiness of the floor in order to watch Dean’s mouthpart with surprise, the deep breath he takes. Sam leans in and kisses the softplace under Dean’s belly button, just above where the line of his boxer-briefscuts into his skin, and watches Dean’s hands curl tight over the lip of thesink out of the corner of his eye. “Can you be quiet?” Sam says, looking upagain.
Dean blinks athim, already breathing open-mouthed and heavy. “Don’t think I really needto, Sammy,” he says, and yeah, the music’s loud even in here, bass-heavy andtrembling the cheap lights.
“Well, try,”Sam says, and Dean rolls his eyes, and then Sam tugs his zip down and pullsdown his briefs and there’s his dick, full and heavy and straining after anight of watching girls he’ll never fuck, and Sam ducks his head and lips asoft kiss against the base, his mouth already wet and full in anticipation, andthen opens his mouth and sinks down on it, wide-open and eager.
“Oh, christalive,” Dean says, shocked like it’s something new, and then laughsbreathlessly. Sam closes his eyes, tries not to smile. He draws up slow, bobsdown again slower, savors the thickness of it. Dean’s not as big as him, butthat doesn’t matter—he loves it. Loves the weight, the shape, the perfect ridgeof the head he can lip over, the tender give of the crown that never stopsbeing soft, not even when Dean’s this hard. He tongues idly against the headfor a moment, just appreciating, and then screws down all the way to the base,ignores the threatening pressure at the back of his throat for the way Deangasps, one hand appearing at the back of Sam’s head and fisting into his hair,tugging. Another benefit, to be able to do this. Sam holds there, just for aminute, just to hear Dean say—”Oh my god, Sammy, your mouth, whatthe fuck,” and then he pulls back, gasping, to smile up into Dean’s face.
“Yeah, be moresmug,” Dean says, but he’s breathing hard and so it doesn’t really come off theway he thinks it does. He tucks Sam’s hair behind his ear while Sam fists thewet length of him, slowly, blinking the slight tears out of his eyes. Dean getsso slick, right away. He settles more comfortably on his knees, leans in andlicks a flat swipe over the head, and smiles again at Dean’s whole-bodyshiver. “Are you, like, deliberately messing with me,” Dean says, and ashe does there’s a rattle at the door, someone trying the handle. 
“Hey,” a guysays, muffled under the music, “stop jerkin’ off in there, I gotta piss,”and Sam snorts, has to bury his face against Dean’s hip to muffle it.
“Oh my god,”Dean whispers, “this was your idea, say something,” and Sam kisses theside of his dick and whispers back, “you say something, you’re the onegetting a happy ending,” and Dean says, “I hate you,” in a fiercerwhisper, and Sam smacks his belly with his free hand and says, then,loud, “Sorry, buddy, I—uh, I had bad shrimp, I’m puking in here,” and Deansays oh my god again, both hands covering his face, butapparently that works because the guy says, “Oh, nasty, why would you eatanything from a strip club buffet, dude!” and Sam slips his slick fingers downto Dean’s balls where they’re still half-trapped inside his briefs andhalf-shouts, “I know, I’m an idiot, it’s just—it’s gonna be a minute,”while Dean spreads his legs wider and gasps above his head, and the guysays, “Nasty,” again, like he’s disappointed, and Sam shrugs at Dean’sincredulous look and goes right back down, his free arm wrapped around Dean’slower back to hitch him closer, lips and tongue working, long sucks as he pullsup. Dean groans, his hips jerking into Sam’s mouth, and Sam goes with it,capably. This isn’t even the nastiest place they’ve done this, thoughadmittedly it’s been a while since Sam was on his knees on the hard ground. Hejust—he loves getting Dean like this, sex-drunk and glowing,groaning his name, the way he shudders and moans, all his worries falling away.Dean’s thighs are starting to tremble, his hips rocking in tight little motionsagainst Sam’s working mouth, and Sam breathes in deep through his nose andsucks harder, lets his tongue slip-slide over the underside as he goes backdown, and Dean puts both hands in his hair, slides his hands through it andgets a double grip at the back of his skull, pulling just enough that itprickles all the way down Sam’s back.
“Sammy,” Deanwhispers, and Sam pulls off his dick, gasping, and says soft into the dark warmspace between them, “Dean, I gotta tell you something,” and shifts hisweight on his knees again, groans. Oh, god, he’s hard—he’d been able to put itout of his mind, but the pulse of it is thick between his legs and for a secondhe doesn’t want anything but to flip Dean around against the sink and fuck him,watching his face in the mirror, protest be damned. But Dean’s leaking into hishand, and he wants— “I had a plan,” he says, “I wanted to give yousomething,” and when he looks up Dean’s watching him, face pink and his mouthbitten to red. Sam suckles once more against the pretty head of Dean’s dick,lets the salt of it fill up his mouth, and then he puts his hands on the sinkon either side of Dean’s hips and gets to his feet, knees cracking, and theshift as he stands is so intense that he groans, hips flinching forward intoDean’s.
“Sam,” Deansays, hands sliding over Sam’s shoulders, down his chest, and Sam leans in andknocks Dean’s mouth open, kisses him wide and open, lets Dean taste himself. Heunbuckles his own belt, Dean’s dick brushing against the back of his hands, andthen grabs one of Dean’s hands and pulls back from his mouth and watches hiseyes while he pushes Dean’s hand around his hip, under the waistband of hisbriefs, down and down until he can feel Dean’s fingers brush the plug. Deanfrowns, for a second, and then his eyes go wide and his expression almostblank, and Sam lets his grip on Dean’s hand loosen. He leans forward a little,free hand braced against the sink, and their faces are close together, they’re breathingthe same air, while Dean’s fingers slip around the lube-wet base of the thing,while he circles the silicone where it’s breaking Sam’s body open.
“What,” Deansays, blinking, and looking up into Sam’s eyes. His cheeks are brick-red, hisears and throat flushed dark. 
“If you want,”Sam says, and has to clear his throat. Dean presses his fingers flat againstthe plug and Sam closes his eyes, just for a second. It’s not—it’s not that hedoesn’t like it at all, but it’s usually not something he goes for, and thepressure is amazing even with this small thing, barely three inches, justsomething to hold him open, to make it easier if Dean wanted to—if he decidedto— “You want to fuck me, Dean?” he says, opening his eyes, and Dean leansup and crushes their mouths together, his arms wrapping around Sam’s neck, andSam grabs him by the waist and pushes his still-covered dick against Dean’sbare slick one, knows his slacks are getting stained and disgusting but itdoesn’t matter, not with the way Dean’s shaking in his arms.
“You—” Deansays, against Sam’s mouth, and then he breathes something, so quiet Sam can’thear it over his own breath and the thumping music, but he slips his hand downand closes it over Dean’s dick, jerks him long and slow all the way from rootto head, and Dean jerks in his arms and says, breathless, “I’m gonna come,Sam, I’m—” and Sam turns him around and crushes him in against the sink,says, “Come on, let me see,” into his hair, and in the mirror Dean’sbeautiful, suit wrecked, his face glowing pink and sweat gleaming at histhroat, lips as dark as his dick where Sam’s fisting it, quick and hard, andhis eyes are open and fixed on Sam’s in the mirror, right up until he has tosqueeze them closed and he arches his back, ass grinding back into Sam’s crotchright before he shoots, dirtying up the sink, groaning out so loud that someoneoutside the door really could hear them. Sam wraps his other arm around Dean’schest, works him softly, letting Dean shudder in the cage of his body, his lipspressed against the tender space under his ear, the one that only Sam touches.
Dean reachesdown and stills Sam’s hand, after a minute, and lays his other hand over Sam’sarm, circles his fingers around Sam’s wrist. It takes a minute for his eyes toopen, but when they do they find Sam’s, right away.
“You’re amenace,” Dean says, after a few seconds.
Sam shrugs. Helets his thumb stroke at the root of Dean’s dick, in the damp short hair, andDean bites his lip. God. Dean says enough when Sam’s mouth is on him that Samknows he doesn’t exactly dislike it, but Dean—he’s got no idea of his ownappeal, and that’s saying something for one of the most sexually smug peopleSam’s ever met. “What do you think?” Sam says. He’s—god, his dick’s almostpainful, and he feels—wetter, somehow, more open, just from Dean touching him.The plug’s unignorable now.
Dean takes adeep breath. “You’re gonna help me clean up, Sexzilla,” he says, “andthen we’re going to figure out a way to leave this place so we don’t get arrested,and then I’m gonna drive back to the motel.”
Sam lets go ofDean’s dick and turns his chin, carefully with his slick soiled hand, andkisses him, gentle and shallow. When he pulls back, Dean’s face is soft, open,his eyes heavy-lidded. “Then what,” Sam says.
“That’s for meto know, Agent Rose,” Dean says, turning in Sam’s arms and putting a soft handto his jaw, his smile relaxed and full of promise, “and for you to findout.”
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stillebesat · 7 years
In the Rubble (1/6)
Blurb: After a bomb collapses a building on both Conan and Kogoro, Conan is faced with a difficult decision regarding the Famous Sleeping Detective. Story: Detective Conan  Characters: Edogawa Conan/Kudo Shinichi, Mouri Kogoro TW: Claustrophobia/Trapped Chapter 1: Decision
Kogoro woke to the acrid scent of gasoline in his nose. He groaned, working to force his gritty eyes open. Ran wouldn't approve if she realized he'd drunk himself into the ground. Literally into the ground if he could smell gasoline. Hopefully it was just an alleyway and not somewhere-Kogoro blinked. Blinked again. He tried to pull his hand up to his eyes to rub at them, but they were pinned fast under- his vision cleared. Rubble. Destruction. His heart took off like the horse races he loved to watch, beating hard and fast as his memory came back to him.
"Ojisan, GET DOWN!" the brat had cried out, flinging himself at Kogoro as the world flashed orange and white.
Kogoro took a shallow breath. A Bomb. The mansion the two of them had come to to meet a client had been rigged with explosives. Kogoro tried to push himself up. He groaned again as the rubble on top of him barely shifted. He twisted his head trying to see. Steel? Concrete? What was pinning him down? Possibly both. The weight on his shoulders and legs made it very clear...he wasn't getting out of this on his own. There had to be help, or a way to send he- He cursed under his breath. How could he have forgotten? "O-" he broke off coughing, his throat dry and sore. "Oi!" he called out again. "BRAT!" Where was the freeloader?
He wouldn't admit that the tightness in his chest was from anything but the weight of rubble on top of him as he heard no response. Licking dry lips he tried again. "BRAT!" He called out, not sure how far his voice actually carried. Had the kid already gotten himself free? He was rather resourceful for a nearly eight-year-old. Perhaps he'd already gone for help. Still... "CONAN!" He tried to not let worry enter his voice. Despite what he said, the brat was still his responsibility. What would Ran do if-
He was saved from wondering exactly how she would react by a muffled voice to his right.
Kogoro twisted his head, relief washing through him as the soot darkened brat pulled himself over a pile of rubble, slipping down to Kogoro's level. "About time you answered, brat." Kogoro grumbled, shifting his shoulders to better see him. "You okay?"
Conan nodded, his blue eyes wide and worried. He was missing his own suit jacket, his shirt and pants torn and singed. Plus his glasses. The boy looked much younger without those frames on, familiar too, though Kogoro couldn't place why.
"Better than you, Ojisan." He said, his own voice as hoarse as Kogoro's. The kid lightly rubbed his head where blood had caked down his hair and dried. "I got myself free."
Well, the brat did seem to have all the luck in that regard. Getting himself out of situations where other people would have died. "Can you get yourself out of here?" Kogoro demanded, doing his best to meet the freeloader's eyes. "Go get help."
Conan frowned, his eyes looking far older than they should have on such a young face, as he studied the situation. "I...I don't think help would get here in time." He whispered.
Kogoro growled. That was not what he wanted to hear. The Great Sleeping Kogoro had faced and survived far too many life and death situations to die here! "So you can get out. Go. Go get help."
"Brat. GO."
"Mouri-tantei, there's no time!" Conan snapped.
Where had he heard that wording before? Kogoro shook the feeling of deja vu from his thoughts. He glared at the brat. If his hands weren't pinned by his sides, he would have given the freeloader a good thunk on the head for wasting time. Kogoro knew his time was limited. A wrong shift in weight above him and he'd be squashed flat. "Unless you can suddenly lift this rubble on your own you little four-eyed squirt," he growled, knowing full well that the kid couldn't. "You will get out of here and find help!"
Conan's eyes flashed and he lowered his head, hands clenching and unclenching.
"Go, Conan." Kogoro said, softening his tone. "You can't help me just standing there." He knew the brat was capable of many things, but this? No. There was nothing the kid could do for him here. "Go." He urged again in the softer tone. "Go."
Conan shook his head, looking up to meet Kogoro's eyes, determination in them as he came to some sort of decision. "No, Ojisan, I'm not leaving." He said, his usually higher pitched voice lowering. He reached into the pocket of his jeans pulling out a small vial.
What was a tiny bottle going to do? "Brat."
"There's no time for me to get help." Conan interrupted, still speaking in a lower register, as serious as when Ran had been kidnapped and they hadn't been able to find her right away. Kogoro had rarely heard it. "But." he uncapped the vial and dumped the mysterious contents into his mouth, swallowing. "I promise, Ojisan. I can help you now. I'll get you out."
"How?" Kogoro demanded unimpressed, not daring to hope the boy was actually speaking truth. What could be in that bottle that would convince him that he could help get Kogoro free? It was delusional. A child, get him out? The boy must be suffering from a concussion or more serious head injury if he believed that that was even remotely possible.
The boy grimaced, rubbing at his chest, as he moved forward, pulling off his torn shirt in the process, letting it drop to the ground. "Just be ready to move, Ojisan, when I say so. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold this up." He kicked off his dress shoes, and knelt. His breathing hitched as he placed his hands on the concrete pinning Kogoro down.
Kogoro turned his head with the brat's movements, frowning at his odd behavior. "Brat."
"I know what I'm doing, Ojisan." He flashed one of his sugary smiles in Kogoro's direction.
Kogoro's hands clenched. He really wished he could thump him. What sort of plan was this! The shrimp could barely lift a full pitcher of water, let alone a pile of rubble. "How hard did you hit your head, boy?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.
"I'm fi-" he cut off, one hand grabbing at his chest, inhaling sharply, before lowering his hand back to the concrete. "Fine. I'll be fine." he managed, looking away from Kogoro, though he hunched a bit more.
Was it his imagination or was there steam coming off the boy? Kogoro wiggled his fingers, about the only movement he could do in his current predicament. "You're not fine if you think you can lift this rubble off of-"
Conan cut him off again as he groaned, lowering his head to rest against the concrete. Kogoro could see sweat beading on the boy's skin and his concern flared higher. "Oi, brat you're not fine!" And Kogoro was more than helpless in doing anything about it. Ran would be devastated if Conan ended up in the hospital again.
Conan gave a quiet painful chuckle. "No. But I'm used to th-" he cut off biting back a scream. "To this type of pain." He managed, drawing steadying breaths. He flashed another smile, more tense than the first one to Kogoro. "Get ready, Ojisan."
Kogoro flexed his muscles as best as he could. It was hard to doubt the boy's confidence, even if the sweat pouring from the child's tiny body told another story. "You better be right about this, brat." He didn't need the boy getting himself stuck trying to get him out. Then they'd both be helpless.
Conan flashed another pain filled smile. "I usually am." He said all confidence even if he looked awful. That was steam that Kogoro could see coming off his sweat drenched body. His chest moved up and down in quick shallow breathing as he adjusted his position, placing one shoulder underneath the rubble holding Kogoro down. "Ready?"
For what? The boy to faint on him? Kogoro kept the comment to himself, as he readied himself to pull himself out of this. "Yes." Despite how impossible it all seemed, he did trust the brat to know what he was doing. He was a smart kid.
Conan's body spasmed and he threw back his head as an ear piercing scream tore from his throat.
Kogoro tensed, flinching away from the agonized cry. Yet he couldn't help but stare, words dying in his throat, his mouth dropping open as Conan...he couldn't believe...no, it wasn't. But the boy. The brat. He was growing right before Kogoro's eyes, shooting up in the fastest growth spurt Kogoro had ever seen. And as he grew, the weight of the rubble on Kogoro's back lessened, stirring him into action. Right. MOVE! He forced his arms up and pushed himself onto hands and knees, only to freeze as a wave of agony rushed up his legs, a familiar pain he'd experienced before in one of them. Broken. He hadn't realized before now because he hadn't been able to move them.
He gritted his teeth. Move Kogoro! He reached out dragging himself out from under the rubble, cutting himself on shards of glass and other shrapnel as he pulled himself to relative safety as quickly as he could. "I'm clear." He called, twisting his body to lean against a different pile of rubble. He looked up in time to see the debris that had trapped him collapse to the floor, sending up a cloud of dust.
Kogoro's heart stopped. "BRAT!" He yelled momentarily forgetting his own pain as he tried to push himself to his feet, only to be met with agony. He fell back, nearly forgetting to breathe, but forcing himself to call out through the pain. "CONAN!"
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Tetralogy- Zico, Namjoon, and Sooyoung- Part One
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Genre: Fluff/Drama, Roommate!AU, Alien!AU
Prompt: You and your three roommates were all crammed into a ridiculously small apartment, so you ended up being closer than family. You’ve never been happier since they took you in, but what will happen when you discover who they really are?
“IT’S HORROR MOVIE NIGHT!” Zico bellowed, bursting through the front door of your dinky apartment door and holding up three DVDs as if they were an Oscar Award. 
“You’re gonna break the door off the hinges!” Sooyoung criticized from her spot on the counter.
“No kidding!” Namjoon began, getting up from his seat on the couch to get a drink of water. “You’d think he would have learned after the three previous times he did!”
“Y/N!” Zico wailed, running over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a pouty lip. “They’re being mean to me!”
You were standing at the microwave, waiting for the popcorn to be done. “Guys, you know Zico didn’t mean to break the door.”
“Or the window.” Namjoon added. 
“Alright, God of Destruction, let’s talk about how much stuff you’ve broken throughout the course of living here!” Sooyoung yelled at him from across the room. 
“Oh come on, I thought we were past this!” Namjoon protested, ripping his earbuds out with a dimpled smile. 
It was times like these that you remembered just how much you loved your roommates. It was about two years ago, when you were all freshmen. The University decided to tell you at the last minute that they had run out of dormitory space. Sooyoung found you crying in frustration at a nearby coffee shop, and being the caring person she is, invited you to stay with her and her two friends. There was a short conversation between them all before you moved in that you had overheard. 
“Sooyoung, we’re not exactly here to make friends.” You remembered Namjoon saying. 
“Well, if we don’t help her, this girl will be homeless in the street.” You heard her retort.
“She seems really nice. And pretty too!” Zico energetically told them. “It’s not like she’s going to disrupt our quest.”
Despite their initial doubts, they now couldn’t imagine living without you. You were a family, all each other had. Zico was a music major, Namjoon was a creative writing major, and Sooyoung was a fashion major. You however, were an astronomy major. You never understood why, but when you first told your roommates this, they all widened their eyes. 
“Why don’t you go put in the movie, sweetie?” you told Zico, trying to change the subject. He nodded and scurried into the living room. Saturdays were always the best days of the week. All of you got a break from work and school and just got to hang out.
You followed him in and plopped down next to Namjoon. He turned his phone off to the side and spread his long arms over the top of the couch. 
“I got the blanket!” Sooyoung declared, sitting down on the other side of you. 
Zico whipped his head around while standing by the TV. “Yah, Sooyoung!” he scowled. “I wanna sit by Y/N!” You always wondered why your friends never used honorifics. Namjoon never called Zico hyung, and both never called Sooyoung noona. 
“No! I can’t sit on the edge of the couch during a horror movie!” Sooyoung retaliated, clutching onto your arm. 
Zico bellowed what sounded like a war cry and jumped on top of both of you, trying to wiggle a spot in between the two of you. 
“Zico, stop, I’m sitting in the middle!”
“No, I wanna sit next to Y/N!”
“Both of you stop ripping her in half!” Namjoon proclaimed. “Zico, your elbow is currently in my ribcage!” 
“This movie is so good! Even better than the first one!” Zico said on the edge of the couch cushion. “Sooyoung, you’re hogging the blanket!” There was only one blanket and four of you, so you were all huddled up, sharing little bits of it. 
“It comforts me!” she retorted, hands over her eyes. Sooyoung was one of those that acted all tough and told people she loved horror movies, but then got super scared when she actually started watching it. She was practically sitting on your lap. “Aish, this is so scary…” 
“How can you be so terrified? This movie is nothing like the book…” Namjoon assured, flipping through the pages. 
You leaned your head against his shoulder. “Shh, Namjoon, you’re ruining the movie.” 
The screen soon returned to black, concluding that the movie had ended. 
“Is it over?” Sooyoung stuttered, peeking out from behind her eyes. 
Zico rolled his eyes. “Yes, ya chicken, the scary monster is gone!” 
“You know what’ll make us all feel better?” you began, trying to make it sound like you were talking to everyone and not just Sooyoung. Zico gasped. You and Namjoon shared knowing glances. 
“You want some food?” Namjoon asked you, opening the pantry. You had both left the living room to stretch your legs. 
“Yeah, I’m starving!” you told him. You sat down at the small circular kitchen table. Distant shouts could be heard from a few feet away. 
“Why is it always those two that end up competing for the top spot?” Namjoon inquired, dimples protruding from his smile once again. You both glanced over at your two friends in the living room. 
“Yah, Zico, stop distracting me!” Sooyoung grunted, slapping his arm away from her. 
“Never! I’m gonna win!” he declared, biting his tongue in concentration. 
“Sometimes I really question if they’re the older ones.” you commented. You and Namjoon always felt like the mom and dad of the friendship. 
Namjoon chuckled at you, then looked back to the pantry. “Oh no.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Looks like we’re all out of chips and instant ramen.” he said nonchalantly.
“But… that’s the only food we eat.” you told him.
“Exactly.” He threw on a black hoodie and walked into the living room. 
The two friends overheard your conversation. 
“Joon, it’s 2 AM!” Sooyoung argued. 
“Emergency run to the supermarket, we’re out of food, and only one of us can ride in the cart!” 
“Stop here slave!” Zico decreed, holding up a hand. 
Sooyoung gritted her teeth and pushed her arms forward. The cart when sailing into a bread shelf, with Zico in it. 
“That was uncalled for!” the younger whined, throwing the fallen rolls back in their proper place. 
“And throwing me out of the cart after I had already gotten in it just so you could be pushed around isn’t? she retaliated. 
“Nevermind that, do you guys want shrimp or chicken ramen?” Namjoon asked, examining the shelf. 
“I’ll eat any.” Sooyoung told him, leaning against the handle of the shopping cart.
“You sure do eat a lot for someone so slender!” you told her, receiving a smile. 
“OH MY GOD, GUYS, THERE’S A PURIKURA PHOTO BOOTH!!!” Zico yelled, excitedly pointing at it. You all smiled at each other before springing into action. Namjoon dropped the ramen he was looking at and linked arms with you to run over to the booth, and Sooyoung quickly grabbed the cart and practically flew over to you.
You realized what a sight you all must be. Four college kids in sweats and disheveled hair, one in a shopping cart, at a super market at two in the morning to buy instant ramen, flying through the aisles and screaming over a photobooth.
“Squeeze, squeeze!” you directed, pushing everyone into the booth. “Someone will probably have to stand on the seat in the back.” Soon you were all sat down and started the process.
“Whoever’s adding these sparkly hearts on the frame needs to stop…” Namjooon commented in between photos. 
“Sooyoung!” you exclaimed. 
“It wasn’t me, I swear!” she argued, throwing up her hands.
Zico giggled from his place on the left. 
“I’m home!” you declared as you walked through the front door. No response. 
It was Thursday, and back to the normal schedule. You got off from work early. Usually, everyone was home by now…
“Sooyoung? Zico? Namjoon?” you asked, walking through the apartment. No signs of them anywhere. You wandered into the back half of the house to search in their rooms. You peeked in your room. Usually Sooyoung would be sprawled out across the floor doing some fashion sketches for class, but she wasn’t. You had to admit, it was strange that they would all leave without telling you. You walked out and looked at the door of Namjoon and Zico’s room. Now that you thought about it, you had never been in their room. You slowly walked towards the door and creeped inside. No one. 
However, something did catch your eye. The inside looked about five times bigger than it did from the outside. The side walls were book shelves. This room didn’t look like it belonged in an apartment the size of yours. As you walked in, the walls seemed to keep extending, getting longer and longer. You were starting to get a little freaked out. The door looked a lot farther away than it did when you first thought you had reached the end. 
You went over the the book shelf and picked up a black spiral notebook. Next to it was a container of pens. “Earth Progress Reports: Agent N.” It read. You furrowed your brows before flipping open to the first page. 
A paragraph was written in strange writing. There were dots, shapes, triangles, and squiggly lines. However, right under it was an English translation. 
“Year Two. Month 4. Day 22.”
Sooyoung and I have finally grasped the concept of the planet’s internal heating. After intense observation, we have observed over ninety galaxies from this planet alone. I feel that the great leader will be very pleased with our studies.”
“Zico has just finished repairing the ship. We should be able to make a short trip home to deliver samples of Earth soil in four days.”
You counted on your fingers. This was written four days ago… so that means, they would be gone right now. But where? What was this ‘home’ Namjoon wrote about? Who was the great leader? 
“Why are you taking samples of the planet?” you asked yourself, setting down the notebook. “More importantly, why is your room so trippy? I wonder when they’ll get back…”
Ironically, as soon as you thought this, a loud clanging noise could be heard. The room began to shake and rattle. You sat down on the bed for protection, and waited for what would happen next. Soon, the shaking stopped, and a noise like a tea kettle sounded. 
Suddenly, the closet door opened. A huge cloud a smoke flew out of it, revealing three shadows. You assumed it was your friends. 
“Well that was a nice little trip.” A woman said stepping forward. She had blue hair, little blue specks across her face, and wore a dress of chrome silver. 
“I think we discovered a lot throughout these last few weeks about life science on Earth.” A voice that sounded like Namjoon’s said. It came from a man with pink colored skin, and orange curly hair. 
“Just think of how far we’ve come!” An energetic boyish voice came from the last member. He had two little yellow antennae sprouting from his purple hair, which brushed over his large green eyes. “I mean, we came as secret agents who were trying to figure Earth out, and now we know everything from how an ant’s legs work to how the moon affects the tides!” You noticed how the inside of the closet was chrome, and had blue plastic accents. It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie.
The three laughed, then walked towards the bookshelf you were standing by. Their smiles dropped once they saw you, looking shocked and nervous. They widened their eyes.
Author’s Note: I don’t care it they’re aliens or weird, living with these three would be like a dream! Hope you enjoyed this. I’ll be resolving this in the next part :-) 
-Marie 💗
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Springtime in Austin is bustling.
Full of life, full of flowers.
Perfect setting for a garden wedding. I met up with the girls during prep at the JW Marriot, which- if y’all are following my insta stories (@PhotographerAmy) you know I might frequent the lobby to use as my office! So I knew my way around.
  What I didn’t know?
You can go in an elevator with someone- not realize it’s one of those elevators. And get stuck in limbo.
You know those elevators? It’s a sweet feature that keeps hotels much safer, especially in a downtown high traffic area like Austin’s Second Street. You can’t access the levels higher than the conference rooms without your room key. But, people tend to trust me, so when I hopped in the elevator with my million pounds of gear- the kind guest already in the elevator just used their key and pushed their floor, then my floor. Well. It only went to their floor. I then was stuck. I didn’t realize that you needed to tap the card again to push another floor. *(I didn’t even realize that the floor light for mine wasn’t even illuminated.)
And you know what doesn’t work in elevators?
Cell phones.
You see people???
So here I am. Paige’s wedding day and I’m stuck in the elevator. The longest minutes of my life ticked by in there and I honestly contemplated pushing the alarm button. The Marriot has like 6 elevators!!! It was early afternoon. Past check out time.
No one was coming.
All right. Well, you see the photos down there, so you know eventually someone showed up to save me. But I was completely sweaty from anxiety by the time they did.
Enter into Paige’s room- of course explaining why I was so flustered to her sweet mama. They all had a good laugh with me, because they are just awesome. (You’ll see).  I finally set up *(still early, lol) and started my day with this awesome group!
I love getting a few snaps of the girls getting ready together- and I bunched this group up on the couch to get one before I headed to the venue and promised “No worries what you look like- it’s not like this one is going on the website!”
But look how cute they look! Who looks that good before they are done getting ready, and after having a late night?? Not fair. So that had to be one of their sneak peeks.
I’ll try not to lie again, guys. #SorryNotSorry.
After I headed to the venue, I actually added to my insta story for the first time! (Can I have my millennial card now??) Pretty sure it was an ever so trendy boomerang video about how much I love the Umlauf Gardens as a venue. 
And rightfully so. This place is full of art, sculptures, stunning landscaping and a stream running through it. Definitely picturesque. (I am convinced I will never be able to type that word quickly.) We got the girls together for their own first look of the bride- and they all looked SO cute! I mean, I guess I can’t be shocked since they looked great without makeup.
Then came the first look with Matt. I tend to spend tons of time with the bride and bridesmaids, then rush over to grab the groom- meet him- (aka barely introduce myself) then expect him to follow me into the depths of the venue and just stand there and wait. I always know it’s going to be a great day when the groom not only complies, but actually seems excited to wait to see his fiancé! (If you think that always happens just because it’s a wedding day- you are gravely mistaken. I’ll walk you through that another time.)
Paige showed off her show stopping dress with a twirl, then hug and kissed her hubby-to-be. Out of nowhere I had these great visions of where I wanted to take their portraits- so right away, there I go leading them over to the beautiful tree with hanging leaves *(probably called something fancy, but bare with me) for them to stand under.
Totally romantic, right?
Yep. But to get the angle I wanted- (some of you follow my crazy stories and you know where this is going) I had to keep moving over to my left to be able to see enough of their faces and-
That was me. In case you haven’t met me yet.
That was me stumbling over into the aforementioned romantic stream.
And now you know why I wear combat boots.
Don’t think that ruined all the romance though. I got my soggy leg back up and we kept having way too much fun taking their portraits.
As we were walking back towards the front of the venue we could hear Cap City Band rehearsing. It happened to be a love song. Paige stopped and teared  up, apologizing and fanning her face trying not to mess up her beautiful makeup.
But I encouraged it. I love good tears during a wedding. I love when someone is that caught up in a moment that they can’t hold back emotion. They are present. They are having a moment they can hold forever.
The rest of the night went just as beautifully. I saw that Katrina- (my favorite wedding officiant!) of Spoken Heart Ceremonies was going to be performing the wedding and I knew things would be smooth sailing. There is something so sweet about being able to hear about a couple’s love story as they are committing a lifetime to each other.
After they said I do? It was Peached Tortilla time. 
Game on.
They had an Austin wedding- so why wouldn’t a top rated food trailer be part of the cocktail hour?! They made use of every area of the garden and I loved that. The guests really got to see the little natural haven that Umlauf created in the middle of this chaotic city. And eat grilled cheese loaded with brisket while they were at it!
On top of that? There were passed hors d’oeuvres (also have to Google that word every. single. time. And I’m a wedding blogger. I should have it down by now.) of shrimp and grits (and I’m sure other things)- but I was stopped by the shrimp and grits guy and just stayed nearby like the smart girl I am.
Another wise move? Hiring Cap City Band to get the party going and keep it going the whole night. I only mention and post the link to live music when I think you should actually go click on them and hire them. If that’s not the case, I may just say “they had live music and lived happily ever after.”
But I’ll let the reception pictures speak for themselves. Every age group packed the floor- party favors were given out- and they literally kicked off Memorial Day weekend with a bang. So much so that I was incredibly happy that they chose a lavender send off. I needed to freshen up after sweating it out with my sweet dance moves!
Happiness and all the forever love vibes to you two, Paige and Matt.
I wish you nothing but the best and I am SO happy I made it out of the elevator!
      Wedding Venue: Umlauf Sculpture Gardens – Austin, Texas
Florist: Exquisite Petals
Officiant: Spoken Heart Ceremonies
Cocktail Hour: The Peached Tortilla
Texas Wedding Band: Cap City Band
        See the best of what Austin has to offer: Live music, art & a food truck all in one wedding! Springtime in Austin is bustling. Full of life, full of flowers. Perfect setting for a garden wedding.
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paul-doyle · 7 years
The Gift Of Gabby: Williams Will Do Whatever It Takes To Make UConn Better
By Paul Doyle/The Hartford Courant
March 31, 2017
The play ends with a feat of jaw-dropping athleticism, Gabby Williams leaping over an opponent in a single bound and snatching the ball.
But it all begins with the brain. Williams, intuitive and intelligent, positions herself in just the right space on the floor. She studies the nuances of her opponent's body, she reads the trajectory of the shot and processes where it will rattle off the rim.
UConn fans have been witnessing the show all season. An undersized former guard who was a reserve last season, Williams has been a dynamic player in a season full of dynamic performances.
She is among the best defensive players in the country, thriving against bigger post players. She is also the best all-around player on the best team in the country, filling the stat sheet with rebounds, assists, blocks, steals and points.
As UConn moves into its 10th consecutive Final Four, the team's improbable rise will be a common theme all weekend. How did the program manage to avoid a loss after watching three of the best players in college basketball graduate off a four-time national champion?
Sophomores Napheesa Collier and Katie Lou Samuelson have been elite scorers, earning All-America and national player of the year consideration. Junior Kia Nurse has emerged as a perimeter scoring threat while providing defense and stability at guard, while senior Saniya Chong has been a steady force all season.
But the exclamation point on the season wears No. 15.
Williams (14.1 points, 8.4 rebounds, 5.2 assists) is a human highlight reel, the player who has been drawing gasps from crowds in gyms all over the country. She was called the best basketball player in the country by ESPN's Jay Bilas and opposing coaches have been marveling at her athleticism for the past four months.
"Her legs are like springs," Albany coach Joanna Bernabei-McNamee said. "She just gets up and rises above the other player."
There is an audacity to her game, as the 5-foot-11 Williams continually outperforms players who tower over her. But she can be hard on herself and her confidence has sometimes waned over her three seasons at UConn.
Geno Auriemma attributes it to the physical setback following two surgical procedures on her knee. Williams was limited as a junior and senior at Reed High in Sparks, Nev., so she came to UConn as a relatively inexperienced player.
"In her basketball life this is her second year of playing basketball," Auriemma said. "This is her second year of basketball in the last four years."
She is also hyper competitive and struggled with failure.
"If it was dominoes, if it was checkers, if it was horseshoes, she would just figure out how to win," said Williams' father, Matt. "She's just a perfectionist."
So imagine the difficulty two years ago. Still recovering from her second knee injury and working herself back into basketball shape, she changed position. All those transitions as a freshman — from guard to forward, from high school to college, from Nevada to Connecticut — tested her.
Williams did not leave the bench in the second game of her freshman year. That happened to be UConn's last loss, 88-86 in overtime at Stanford. Auriemma said the team could not trust her, so she sat.
"I never wanted to feel like that again ... almost helpless," Williams said. "I knew that if I would have played in that game, I would have messed everything up. I wasn't prepared the way I should have for that game. So I had to think of, what am I going to bring to this program now, for myself and for my teammates? Because I don't ever want to feel like I'm not a part of anything."
She hasn't missed a game since. There have still been moments of self doubt, even this season. But the confidence has risen as she has continually succeeded at the highest level.
"When she's going good, she feel like she's on top of the world," Auriemma said. "And when she's not, she gets a little bit tentative. Those doubts have been less and less and less. But freshman year? It dominated her. Those thoughts dominated her and that's why she had a hard time playing. Now you look at her … they show up once in awhile.
"Fortunately for us, every big game we've played on national television, those doubts didn't come to the arena. Somehow or another, they got lost on the way over."
She has been at her best against the best. She had 14 points against Baylor, 19 points and 12 rebounds at Notre Dame, 16 points and nine rebounds at Maryland, and 26 points and 14 rebounds against South Carolina.
In the NCAA Tournament? She is averaging 23.3 points and 7.8 rebounds.
And when the environment was tough early in the season, Williams was often the calming influence. At Notre Dame, she gathered the team during a slide and told her teammate, "We got this."
The HBO behind-the-scene documentary series on UConn presented Williams as the team's den mother, making shrimp and grits for her teammates.
And consider this: Williams has been eating a vegan diet this year. But she'll cook anything for the Huskies.
"That's a good teammate," Katie Lou Samuelson said.
That also speaks to her willingness to transform herself into a post player because that's what her team needs. Williams is a well-documented elite athlete, finishing fifth in the high jump at the 2012 Olympic track and field trials at age 15. Yet the kid who reached such heights in an individual sport is the ultimate teammate.
Auriemma has raved about her intelligence and energy. She has the ability to connect with people, gravitating to a leadership role. She is politically and socially aware and active, she loves music — HBO did a segment on her vinyl collection and Williams shared her playlist with ESPN.com, including the song she's been playing before every game since middle school (Mac Dre's "Feelin' Myself") — and she'll do whatever necessary for her team.
"If Geno told her, next year I need you to go out and sell popcorn ... she's going to do it," Matt Williams said. "She's going to do whatever it takes to win. That's why she picked UConn over everybody else."
Williams picked UConn over Stanford, Arizona, Arizona State and UCLA. Her father, who played at Nevada, coached her in AAU and Williams grew up around the game, playing all over the West Coast.
Yet she transplanted herself to Connecticut in search of the highest level.
"And because of Geno and the day-to-day discipline … it's taken her to another level," Matt Williams said. "I don't think there's another program in the country where you could get that."
Gabby said she still misses high jumping, especially as she watches her younger brother Matthew start his high school track career this year. But there is no regret for an athlete who could have been a 2016 Olympic contender had it not been for her knee injury.
"I don't ever think about what could have been," Williams said "I'm here. I'm here for a reason."
Next year, she will play in front of familiar faces when UConn plays at Nevada in her homecoming game. Not only did her father play for the program in Reno, but her sister Kayla was a forward for Nevada.
Will Williams be playing guard when she returns home? She could, but her ability to handle the ball and and pass makes her a unique post player. It's rare to have a post player with the hands of a guard.
And Williams believes her vertical leap will improve. She lost some height on her vertical leap after the surgeries, so she could leap even higher next season.
"When I came, I was just like, how can I help?" Williams said. "How can be a part of the team? It was helpful for me because being a post meant that was going to be more of a part of everything. I didn't see it as, 'Oh, I'm sacrificing.' … I feel like I'm in a really good spot, too. I'm always right in the middle of the floor. I can find people really easily. I can use some of those guard skills. I like the position I'm in."
But if her outside shot improves, Williams could be a player UConn can use anywhere on the floor. And Williams is working endlessly on her perimeter shot.
Auriemma's eyes widen when he talks about Williams' future. She has made such strides in one season and there is still another season left.
"It's almost like, whatever position she decides to play, she's going to be able to play it," Auriemma said. "My big thing with her all year has been about expanding her game. Being a much better ball-handler in traffic. Being a much better shooter. … Little by little, we're gaining on it."
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Memphis DJ Ashley Wimbush aka DJ Alpha Whiskey takes her talents to the lobby at Central Station this Friday night April 24 for an all-ladies soul music dance party—streaming live into your living room at 8:30 p.m. This is the second of four parties in the Memphis Music Hub DJ Series, which you can read more about here. See last week’s DJ Spanish Fly set in 360° Smell-O-Vision Magic here. This Friday night, I’ll share DJ Alpha Whiskey’s tunes via I Love Memphis accounts Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Photo by Gabrielle Duffie. All-Ladies Memphis Soul Dance Party This Friday Night Holly: I really want to know your story! But first, real quick—What can Memphis music fans from around the world expect during your set on Friday? Ashley: I’m going to spin classics from amazing women like Aretha Franklin, Carla Thomas, Anita Ward…women who paved the way for a lot of us female artists. I want listeners to feel the music as if they are at a real concert or show. I have records that will make you sing and dance nonstop! Holly: What can you tell us about the all-women soul theme? What does that mean to you? Ashley: I am happy that Memphis honors and recognizes female artists. These beautiful women inspire(ed) a lot of female artists to sing and pursue musical careers. Their voices were powerful and you felt every word they sang! I am very honored to be able to spin their records on Friday night and let world hear the Women of Soul!   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Stax Museum (@staxmuseum) on Apr 1, 2020 at 9:27am PDT Why “Alpha Whiskey”? Holly: I know you’ve answered this question many times, but: where does your name come from? Ashley: My name is Ashley Wimbush and I am an Air Traffic Controller. We use the phonetic alphabet to communicate with one another and my initials are Alpha Whiskey. Alpha Whiskey also describes me as a person. I’m an Alpha female, who believes in empowering women to have confidence and faith. Whiskey gives you life if you drink responsibly and that’s what I do as a DJ. I bring energy and life to people through music. Music is a release. A Little Background Holly: Where are you from? How long have you lived in Memphis/how did you get here? Ashley: I was born and raised in Virginia. I’ve been here six years. Holly: How did you get started as DJ? Ashley: I’ve always wanted to be a DJ because I love music and dancing. In 2017 my boyfriend who is a Business and Marketing Consultant asked me if I wasn’t an ATCer what would I be doing and I told him DJing. He talked to me about the importance of having multiple streams of income and from there we started having long conversations about how I could start as a DJ. I purchased a DJ board and started practicing and getting feedback from friends. He saw how passionate I was and he connected me DJ KJ (@djkj1973) and  DJ Crystal Mercedes (@therunwaydj) here in Memphis and from there they gave me great tips and got me my 1st gig! After my first gig I started getting more opportunities, building my brand, and perfecting my craft.  Photo by Gabrielle Duffie. “Memphis has truly taught me what hustle, grit, and grind is.” Holly: How has Memphis music inspired your artistic career? Ashley: Memphis inspired my artistic career at a very young age. I grew up listening to Otis Redding, Johnnie Taylor, BB King,  Little Milton and Three 6 Mafia. I used to dance and embarrass my aunt whenever she played blues music in the car. I loved pretending to play the guitar (laughs). I would tell her I was going to be a guitar player one day. Learning how to play the guitar is still on my list of things to learn. Holly: How has Memphis as a city inspired your artistic career? Ashley: Memphis is such a great city. Sometimes, I almost forget that I wasn’t born here. There are so many talented artists in this city, and I am just happy that I am able to experience first hand. When I first got here I saw DJ Spaceage spinning at a bar near U of M and she had some great music playing. Then I heard Big Sue on the radio while driving and I loved her voice and mixes. I saw there were twin female DJs (DJ Tootz) doing great things and I had never seen that before, so when I met DJ Crystal Mercedes I knew there was already a great female DJ presence in Memphis I could reach out to for needed advice. Memphis has truly taught me what hustle, grit, and grind is, and I am so thankful.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Central Station Hotel (@centralstationmemphis) on Jan 19, 2020 at 1:21pm PST Ashley’s Inspirations Holly: Favorite Memphis music artists (or overall genre) and why? Ashley: Three 6 Mafia (their energy and beats appealed to me at a very young age)  Aretha Franklin (greatest soul singer) , The Bar-Kay’s (one of my favorite bands, they have great music my favorite is “Holy Ghost”) . I love 90s hip hop. I was born in 88 and I loved the beats, lyrics, and vibes during that time. Holly: You have three jobs [air traffic controller, DJ, model]. How do you manage it? Ashley: 2019 was my first year of consistent DJing, ATC, and modeling. I am off on weekends from my ATC job so I am able to DJ during that time. However I’m working on a more structured routine that allows me to be more productive. Holly: During non-pandemic times, how can Memphians experience DJ Alpha Whiskey? Ashley: I DJ every Saturday at Sage Memphis (noon – 4 p.m.) for brunch. Every other Sunday at The WKND for After Brunch (5 p.m. – 9 p.m.). I rotate Saturday nights with two other local DJs at Tailors Union (9 p.m. – 1 a.m.) for Old School Saturdays. I also DJ Private events such as birthdays and corporate events, etc. DJing In A Pandemic Holly: How have you been coping personally and professional during the pandemic? Ashley: I have been working on improving my brand and quality of life. This time has allowed me to focus on organizing, disciplining myself, and innovating. Professionally, I partnered with Phillip Ashley Chocolates to host Themed Live Tasting events every Friday via Zoom. Also, The She DJs wanted to make sure we still could provide relief to the world during these tough times. So we started Ladies Love Day Parties Live Edition via our SheDJs Memphis Facebook Page and SheDJs901 IG Page. Every Saturday we have a line up of female DJs spinning every hour. Until this pandemic hit I never went Live because I wasn’t comfortable but now I’m more comfortable and I hope to go live more in the future. Photo by Gabrielle Duffie Ashley’s Recommendations Holly: Go-to food and drink orders after a DJ set? Ashley: Central Station makes a special cocktail for me . I told the bartender I love St. Germaine liquor and they took care of the rest. It was delicious! I ordered three. Everything at Sage is delicious. My favorite is the soul waffle. The bartenders are amazing there as well. I’m always looking forward to their brunch on Saturday. When I finish DJing at the Wknd on Sundays I grab myself and my boyfriend a Yardbird flatbread and the honey hot shrimp or chicken wings. Once we get home, it’s on! Holly: How can people keep up with your projects? Ashley: I have a website www.djalphawhiskey.com where I post free mixes and sell Alpha Whiskey products and events. You can also follow my Facebook Page and Instagram Page @DJ Alpha Whiskey . Just For Fun: Meet Ashley 1. What’s always in your bag? Business cards 2. Guilty pleasure? I love to cook too so I’m always at the grocery store ( almost every day) 3. Go to outfit? Leggings/comfy graphic tee/ comfy sneakers (Nike or Puma) 4. How do you drink your coffee? I stopped drinking coffee beginning of January for health reasons but I loved French Truck Coffee with French vanilla cream and sugar. 5. Favorite song(s) right now? Tom Misch and Yussef Dayes ft. Freddie Gibbs “Nightrider” Photo by @circleoflifephotos Follow DJ Alpha Whiskey / Listen Live Memphis Music Hub DJ Series Feat. DJ Alpha Whiskey Friday, April 24 at 8:30 p.m. Live on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Rebroadcast in 360 on Wednesday, April 29. Follow Ashley: website: www.djalphawhiskey.com Facebook Page Instagram Page Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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Holiday weekend in SD and Anaheim
Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. I can’t believe that we’re fully into holiday mode – I feel like it snuck up on us this year – and that there are so many things going on in the next couple of weeks. Liv’s class has their holiday party, we have Nutcracker and Zoo Lights with friends, and before we know it, we’ll be eating enchiladas at my dad’s house on Christmas Eve. We’re going to do all of our holiday baking this weekend, so if you have any standout recipes, please let me know! (I definitely have these, these, and these on the agenda so far.)
We’re back from an incredible trip to Anaheim and San Diego. Usually when we get back from a vacation, I’m a little bummed, but pretty ready to get back into *real life.* This particular trip felt really different. I literally felt a weight of sadness when the plane landed in Tucson yesterday. It’s probably because this was one of my very favorite trips with the girls. They seem like they’re at an ideal age for travel – I feel like we finally made it!!!- and nothing about the trip felt like work. It was pure joy. Traveling when they were babies was awesome, but there’s something really freeing about zero pack n’ plays, diapers, wipes, multiple outfit changes, or fear they’ll be shrieking and crying on the flight, ya know? (Parents with newborns: hang in there. There is a light at the end of the travel tunnel!) The whole weekend was filled with so much fun and magic; I wasn’t read for it to be over.
We flew into San Diego on Friday, and we headed straight to pick up on our rental car. Last time, they upgraded me to a van and the girls acted like they won the lottery. I got a van again to surprise them and P cried after our trip and “her vam” was gone. She was equally devastated and disgusted to see my real car when this whole thing was over.
After we got the famous van, we grabbed a quick snack at beloved Tiki Port
and hit the road to Anaheim. 
Usually we drive up to Anaheim on Saturday morning. I had a feeling traffic might be a little bad on a Friday afternoon, but we went for it anyway. It was horrible, and took 4 hours to get there instead of 1.5. The girls were extremely patient despite the long delays, and when we finally checked into the hotel, we ordered room service for dinner (which was delicious) and called it a night.
Saturday morning, we were ready to hit the parks! 
We spent two days moving between California Adventure and Disneyland. The first day we rode a ton of rides, and the second day, we focused more on parades and shows.
Some of the highlights:
wearing ugly Christmas sweaters together
the girls meeting Gaston
(P was unimpressed and the guy who portrayed him was HILARIOUS)
the holiday parade,
the girls’ face painting,
(Livi got a mermaid mask and P thought her face paint transformed her into a real tiger)
watching the girls interact with all of the characters
riding Indiana Jones by myself and screaming the entire time, 
all of the incredible holiday decor,
and this macaron the size of my face.
You guys. The holiday food at California Adventure is insane right now. As we walked by each food cart, the scene was usually something like this,
“Ohmygod, did you see that? Stuffing mac n’ cheese?”
“I’m looking at that channa masala.”
“No wait, I think I want to try the shrimp and grits.”
“We’re sharing a sangria, right?”
And it went on and on and on. While Disneyland food can be hit or miss
(we did find a new fave in Adventureland: Bengal Barbecue!),
I feel like California Adventure has really stepped up their snack and beverage game. I feel like it’s almost turned into a mini Epcot with all of the food and cocktail destinations. We were wondering what took the place of Coco land, and were stoked to see that it’s an Elena-devoted area with live music, an Elena parade, character meetings, and Mexican food. It’s like a mini Epcot-esque Mexican pavilion. I really hope it stays this way! We listened to a Cuban band and ate chili rellenos and burritos one night, and it was awesome.
We were so lucky that madre was able to join us for another trip! We all have the best time with her, so we were thrilled when she took the weekend off work to come play with us. It was also really helpful at the parks because P is a little daredevil and wants to ride ALL THE RIDES, while Liv is a bit more apprehensive. This way, I could take P on some of the more intense rides and madre and Liv could hang out in the gift shop or people-watch. We still did 90% of the activities together, but this way they were each able to have the experience they wanted. 
(Livi’s dress is here and P’s shirt is here)
After two full days at Disney, we drove back down to San Diego and made a stop at Kid Ventures in Liberty Station for the girls to play. They ran around playing for a couple of hours until we were all ready for lunch at the Public Market. All of the classics were there, and of course I got my favorite poke bowl.
We also shared deserts from Crafted,
(the remnants of a brookie: brownie on the bottom, cookie on top)
and drove over to Coronado to spend the night. 
We got there just in time to watch the Grinch and chill in the hotel for a bit, then bundled up to play on the beach for a couple of hours and watch the sunset.
I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget the girls chasing each other up to where the ocean meets the sand, then running back, giggling to themselves.
They really are the best little friends.
After we “got our feet wet” (which always equals completely drenched legs and pants), they played on the hotel playground, and we headed over to the Del to walk around and shop. (Check out my holiday review of the Hotel del Coronado here!) I remembered that they had ice skating, and the girls were both so excited to try it. At first, I took turns taking each girl around the loop while the other one stayed back with madre. They were both like little noodle legs and it was a serious core workout trying to keep everyone upright. 
By the end of our hour of skating, both girls could make it around the entire loop and didn’t want me to hold their hand or touch them in any way. P held onto the wall and took little steps while I skated next to her, and Liv was ahead of us, away from the wall, doing her thing. Madre took pictures and videos of us skating around, but somehow missed my triple salchow and toe loop. Oh well. Next time.
We were ready for hot drinks (cocoas for the girls, a hot toddy for meeeeeee) and went to their pizza restaurant, ENO for cheese board, salad, and margherita pizza. Of course, the girls had ice cream from the parlor next door because vacation mode. (This weekend was the most delicious avalanche of sugar.) The next morning came a little too quickly and we were packed up and heading to the airport!
(P’s sweater is here and Livi is wearing these cute Mickey leggings)
While we were at the Del, I was thinking this definitely needs to become a tradition. A couple of weeks before Christmas, I think we should head to Disney and Coronado for a bit. It added so much to the magic of the season and it was such a welcomed bit of downtime and bliss during an otherwise hectic (but wonderful!) time of year.
I hope you’re having a lovely week, too. Do you have any vacation traditions each year? Are you traveling in the next couple of months??
I’ll be back in the morning with the last gift guide for the year + one more giveaway! xo
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