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largoindminor · 1 month ago
@zmediaoutlet tagged me in a tag thing, this is so throw back Thursday-ish :`) anyway this was a fun way to not work for a few minutes thank you
last song: Fantasy by Mariah Carey feat. ODB because Spotify just gets me.
last book: The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World by Robin Wall Kimmerer
last movie: Red Rooms (solid 7.5/10)
last show: Squid Game
last thing I searched: FDA regulations on the wayback machine because they keep disappearing from the gov website
favorite color: the hydrogen beta F line
sweet/savory/spicy: savory
relationship status: terrified silence, shifting eyes, if you speak of her she will know and she will show you no mercy
looking forward to: visiting my kid at college on Saturday so we can hang out at the KoP mall and see Companion (although she just called to say she has a sore throat so perhaps not lol)
current obsession: making gifs, doomscrolling, moral philosophy
sometimes i forget who is a mutual on this blog vs the other ones so tagging but with absolutely no expectation other than you knowing I'm thinking about you and saying hi @theeternalghost @pringlesaremydivision @baronsamediswife @octaviaabadassblakee
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red-meat-my-beloved · 1 year ago
Happy Wincest Wednesday! I have a few questions for people to answer. Feel free to answer them all or just one (or none at all) even if you’re not tagged!
what song describes samdean the most?
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak?
if they didn’t have the impala, what car would they drive?
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don't write: what's the first fanfic you remember reading?
is there another codependent/emeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
@luminescent-chorus @applecrumbledore @digitalmeowmix @baronsamediswife @fandom-hoarder @lorehouse @ruinedsam @fungal-waste @youchoseeachother @s2e11playthingsyuri(did you get sniped by staff again??)
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unsurprisinglyren · 6 months ago
Some more wincest/sam/dean things.
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Me while opening each link^
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sidekick-hero · 11 months ago
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Ahahaha oh my God 😂 Are you volunteering, Holly? 👀 Probably @baronsamediswife because I know she'd come over, no questions asked, and help me bury the body. We also deep cleaned my flat together, so I know she knows how to clean a crime scene 🫶
Writer's Truth & Dare ask game
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missroserose · 2 years ago
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@baronsamediswife gets it
i’ll never understand people who can’t make fun of their faves a little. like yes i love this character and would defend them to my grave but also they’re stupid sometimes and they do dumb things and imma make fun of them for it
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sidekick-hero · 2 years ago
tagged by one of my favorite people here @steves-strapcollection thank you that was fun!
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no pressure tags: @thefreakandthehair, @legitcookie, @yournowheregirl, @baronsamediswife, @corrodedbisexual
here is the link to do it 🫶
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@baronsamediswife replied to your post: @baronsamediswife MYRI THIS SHOW HAS RUNIED MY...
if it emotionally ruins you i'll take 110% of responsibility
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winchestersinthedrift · 5 years ago
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themegalosaurus · 6 years ago
Possible triggers that may prompt Dean to cast out Michael in s14:
Sam drives the Impala
Sam re-instals iPod jack in the Impala, lets Jack pick the music, listens to teen emo!rock and loves it
Sam’s beard
Sam’s beard resulting in Sam becoming a glowing beacon of sexual allure to all who see him
Newly empowered by beardy confidence, Sam repaints Impala in millennial pink to match his developing hipster image
Sam sells pink Impala for more beard oil
Jack tries and fails to grow his own beard and Sam comforts him with allusion to Dean’s own lack of chinly hirsuteness (”some guys just can’t grow beards, Jack, it’s okay”)
idk how Michael!Dean is in on all the beard chat but it’s probably broadcast over angel radio by Cas, himself a helpless acolyte of hipster beard lumberjack dad Sam
I don’t make the rules
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digitalmeowmix · 1 year ago
@twochildreninamoteldemo @fandom-hoarder @deanwinchesterpregnant @dyed-red @trials-era-sam @sicksam @baronsamediswife @addictsam
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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lemondropsonice · 6 years ago
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My little lights of the week:
You all make me smile! Thank you for being amazing!
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feoplepeel · 6 years ago
For the ask meme: LAST
LAST — the most recently written two sentences (or so) of my current project (from The Sound of Shaking Paper):
The truth is numbers in a newspaper, Silver thinks. The truth is unerring.
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cinnamonanddean · 6 years ago
Index and Literature?
Index: What book character would you like as your best friend?
Hmmm....think I'm gonna have to go with Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables for this one. She really resonated with me as a kid and even now as an adult, and I'd love to have someone so positive and indomitable and kind-hearted in my life.
My first instinct was Scarlett O'Hara, but as fun as she'd be, I think I'd be hard-pressed to get past the more bratty side of her personality...
Literature: Top 3 books you want to read this year
Bold of you to assume I plan shit out like that. Seriously though, I am very much an impulse shopper when it comes to books; I usually just wander into the store and if I come out with something, it's something that just happened to catch my eye. I rarely go in after anything specific. That being said, I did pick up The Hobbit recently, because I've tried reading LotR before and I just... can't. I'm hoping The Hobbit will ease the way a bit.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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digitalmeowmix · 8 months ago
@according2thelore @fandom-hoarder @runawaydr3amerao3 @incesthemes @stanfordsweater @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis @ani-coolgirl @winchesterpandemic @chiquititasnewsong @agenthellcat @fictionallemons @kassyscarlett @weaksspot @brothersinablackcar @tsukiyo-7 @deanplease @deansmixtape @saltbind @winchesterride @prince-of-elsinore @decadent-prince @asongfortheunloved @twochildreninamoteldemo @red-meat-my-beloved @catnipster69 @dyed-red @flowersintheimpala69 @klove0511 @ladyculebras @amoreanonyname @kirathehyrulian @sixtysevenautomatic @pranzill @quickreaver @nyxocity @hellhoundlair @fledgesfancies @lilacpaperbird @sweetpapercroissant @youchoseeachother @monstersandbrothers @holyfreaks @luminescent-chorus @jayjay-thejet-plane @lordbyronbutspicier @theangiediary @dailywincestspam @baronsamediswife @whoopsitswincest @gracerene
Happy DSOTM eve!
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To celebrate sign ups for Now it’s Perfect 2024 are now open !
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Write fic or draw art focused on Sam and Dean being happy together in Heaven post finale.
Requirements: Minimum 1k words, English language, and complete .
Sign ups close July 31st at midnight . You have 3 months to create and submissions are due Nov. 1st .
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nyxocity · 7 years ago
Candles Wish S13 Coda (Wincest)
There is no angel exorcism spell that Sam knows of right now.
Fingers glide along the page before he turns it, and he thinks that somewhere, there must be one.
“Don’t you think we would know?” Castiel had asked, his brows pulling together into a crease.
“Like we knew about the Mark of Cain? Or the Darkness? Or that we could kill Death? Or that Lucifer could reproduce?” Sam had bowed his head back over his book and shaken his head. “We know so much about the supernatural, probably more than anyone else alive, with the Men of Letters’ resources… and yet somehow we always end up fighting in the dark.”
“That’s not true. We’ve also fought during the day.”
Sam had huffed out a tired laugh, tried not to roll his eyes. “Cas--”
There had been just the ghost of a smile lurking around Castiel’s lips. “You’re… are you making a joke?” Sam had asked, disbelieving.
“Isn’t that what Dean would do?” Castiel had asked with a tilt of his head.
And then Sam had understood.
“I know you miss him,” Castiel had said quietly. “I do too.”
If Sam had only missed Dean, that would have been fine. People missed each other all the time. But this wasn’t just a sense of loss, or a change of routine.
Sam has turned the pages of many tomes by now, seen the faces of a hundred Michael’s. The Renaissance paintings with all their blazing light and color can’t do justice to Dean. The rounded, angelic faces and full lips a pale attempt at his brother’s beauty, falling flat and cold by comparison. Michael in all his glory can’t hold a candle to the energy of Dean simply occupying a room. Even when his brother sits still there’s a sense of movement, of energy about him. Dean has never in his life simply sat in the dark; the dark was a space Dean had chosen to fill.
Sam feels the lack of that energy, that presence now, grown so used to it that its absence seems a living thing. In the bunker, there’s a Dean-shaped hole that follows Sam like a shadow, scooped out like the hollow space in his soul. They are grown men and they keep their own rooms, but all too often they still share as they’ve shared motel rooms and beds for so many years, bodies slotted together, snugged up safe and side by side, their intertwined limbs forming the shape of a secret, the unspoken words of a vow.
In the darkness, beneath the blankets, beneath the moon, he has traced the shape of his brother’s lips a thousand times, stared into the fire of those sharp eyes, and known he was home.
Michael is ice, carved from marble and empty of life, and for the few moments Sam had looked into the angel’s eyes inside his brother’s body, he’d understood that Michael had no soul. That Dean was completely gone, shoved so deep down inside that he might be lost forever.
Sam doesn’t just miss Dean. He is unnerved by the lack of Dean. Not just by the lack of Dean beside him--the empty hole that sits and stares--but by the lack of Dean in this world. Even Dean with the mark, Dean as a demon; both had still been Dean deep down. He could see glimpses of his brother, his lover, still struggling to live. But now Dean is gone, buried inside the bones of a creature cold and fine as snow, and Sam feels aloneness as he never has.
Sam takes a breath, letting air fill his lungs, and turns another page.
There is no angel exorcism spell that Sam knows of right now.
But he will find one, if he has to tear down heaven and write it in the blood of the angels, himself.
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zmediaoutlet · 7 years ago
Title: detente Link: (AO3) Square Filled: Humiliation Ship: Sam/Dean Rating: E Warnings: Attempted noncon Tags: Season/Series 06, Soulless Sam Winchester, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Rough Sex, D/s Elements            Summary: While they search for an Alpha to appease Crowley and get Sam's soul back, Dean's struggling. Sam steps in. Word Count: 7777 Created for @spnkinkbingo
There's a guy looking at Dean.
He tongues the inside of his cheek where it's raw, curls his hand around his too-warm beer. This bar's pretty much the same as every other. Neon ads for domestics, basketball playing on the TVs on the wall. A game of pool he's going to win, and he's not going to make it pretty. He chews on the inside of his lip, watches the dude he's about to annihilate fumble the 9 just off the corner pocket. Amateur. Dean skids the rock of blue chalk off the tip of his cue and leans in, doesn't try to make it cute or fumbling or aw shucks, just rockets the 9 off the bank into the side pocket and then jerks his thumb at the top left corner, sinks the 8 smooth and easy as pouring whiskey into a glass.
"Hundred bucks," Dean says. He picks his beer up off the bar stool, swigs it down. The booze stings just a little at the cuts in his mouth.
The dude frowns at him. "You sharkin' me, buddy?" he says. He's maybe thirty, a little overweight. His wife's waiting, bored, at the bar. Bottle blonde and wishing she'd made better choices, Dean bets.
"Nah," Dean says, but he doesn't bother making it sound friendly.
(read more on AO3)
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