alphajocklover · 13 days
Hey man, so I've tried to be passive most of my life and not cause trouble. Not breaking many rules, doing as I'm told, and it just leaves me with so much missed chances and getting walked all over. I'm kind of tired of it.
I wanna be abrasive, not rude but confident. Almost cocky. And I want the looks to match. I wanna be huge, and bulky, and hairy too. I don't wanna be smart and focused on academics, I wanna chuck balls and pump my cock all day. Weird enough too, I wanna be sweaty. I wanna raise my arms and watch a bunch of gay dudes just melt like puddy.
The best part is, I wanna *feel* this transformation. I want to watch my arms get huge, I wanna hear my voice get deeper, and my chest push out and almost tear my chest. I wanna be...I wanna be...I wanna be a fuckin JOCK
I want to start by assuring you that everything you’ve said, everything you’ve been feeling, makes sense. There are a lot of people out there who are like you, people who have spent their entire lives just blending in. It’s natural to want to fit in, but when you spend so much of your life trying to fit into the norm, it can be easy to forget who you really want to be. When that happens, most people try to change things up. Some chase after a specific new self they dream of being, while others experiment with different identities, trying to find one that fits. But then, there's people like you. People who have spent far too long trying to fit in. For people like you, blending in isn’t a curse: it’s a superpower.
What you have to understand is that a person's identity is far more powerful than you might realize. There's a reason people take names so seriously. Psychologically, socially, and even magically, they’re important. So when a person leaves so much of their identity up to the people around them… it makes sense that a transformation might occur. That they change, literally change, to blend in with others. We call these people Camous. People who have the power to socially blend in, literally, with the world around them. They’re sort of the opposite of Alphas. Alphas change reality to fit their whims, Campus change to fit reality. And from what I hear, you’re becoming one. I know this might sound a little frightening, since having your identity threatened will do that to anyone. But this is a good thing. While changing is scary, you won’t change entirely. Your body, your personality, your traits, and even your reality will change depending on who you’re around, but the core of your identity, your soul will stay the same. You’ll still be you, just… altered. And being a Camou gives you a lot of advantages. It’s true that you won’t ever stand out really, but you’ll always fit in and always be part of a group. And, better than that, you can use your power to choose who you want to be. You want to be a jock, right? A sweaty, hairy, manly jock who makes gay guys weak in the knees? All you have to do is find a group of jocks to join! It isn’t hard to find a group of jocks, even the specific type of hairy gay jocks you’re looking for. You just have to find the right gym, and I know just the one. The Jockstrap is a local gym specifically made to cater to people like you. Or the people you want to be like I suppose. I want you to take a deep breath as we enter. Do you smell that sweat? That manly musk? Breathe in deep, it’ll help the process. Unlike one of the more famous transformation methods I’ve written about, this one isn’t instant. You’re going to feel your biceps fill with muscle, your pecs bursting forward as your body is covered in a respectable smattering of manly hair. It’s already happening. Your shoulders are widening as your chest continues to grow, needing more room on your body. Your legs, your arms, your ass… everything is growing. But that isn’t the only thing that's changing. Your mind is too. I can see the excitement in your eyes as you look around. Working out, exercising, playing sports, hanging with the bros… you’re already getting excited by the thought of it. And without getting too explicit, it’s obvious that you’re excited in other ways. I can see it through your sweat pants (I guess your clothing changed too) and it must be at least 8 inches by now, soft. That rod, your muscles, and the sheer amount of manly musk that's coming from your body now? You’re going to have twinks throwing themselves at you.
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Now, since you’re a Camou this transformation isn’t permanent. It’ll last for a while, longer depending on how much time you spend at the gym surrounded by your new bros. The general rule is if you spend one hour with a group, you get three hours as one of them, unless you spend time with a new group immediately after. But the really exciting part is that once you have a form, you can turn into that version of yourself… with some practice, and if you aren’t currently with a large group. 
I honestly can’t believe I haven’t talked about Camous beforehand. Granted, you’re only the second Camou I’ve ever met, but they’re so interesting I can’t believe I’ve never brought them up. I hope you enjoy being a jock, or whoever else you want to try out being. Just, try not to fall in with a bad crowd.
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skinnbollen · 1 year
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Swedish SKINHEAD Thomaz, Stockholm 1997.
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opheliajupiter99 · 5 months
MLP Broodmother Virus: Flim-Flam Sham
Taffy: *Sitting at the bank of camera monitors, front hooves crossed over the desk as she sighs in a bored fashion, staring at the cameras. She hadn't seen anything on the cameras in a while now - well, nothing that was a threat to her and her brother, anyways. She hadn't heard much about the outside either, but her brother always told her only what happened to them mattered, so she didn't think too much of it. Suddenly though, she saw two yellow blurs rush up to the front door of the bunker, both clad in heavy brown coats, likely for protection. One had a hefty bag upon his side, and the other, the mustached one, lagged slightly behind. They began to bang on the front door wildly.* Taffy: Big brother! Ponies are here! Normal ones! Camou: *Immediately rushes over, looking at the cameras. He squints suspiciously at the pair through the camera.*
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(Forgot the blue of their hats, oh well. Can just say it's faded)
*Camou turned the speaker by the outside door on and began to speak.*
Camou: What is it? This is a private bunker!
Flim: Private?! In -this- madness? How could you EVER be so cruel?!
Camou: That's a hell of a lot, coming from you two.
Taffy: Big brother! They need help!
Camou: Yeah, well -we- need to stay safe! *He said to her, eyes still focused on the camera.* What are you two even doing out here? Shouldn't you be at that rotten resort?
Flim: We got caught out here visiting, like many, I'm sure. Now open up this very -instant-! I only hear two of you; it can't be a matter of space!
Taffy: Big brother, please...I know you said not to trust ponies, but they're siblings, like us! Can't we ju-
Camou: Wait.
*Taffy blinked, looking to the camera as Camou zoomed in, specifically on Flam, who stood mostly behind Flim as he spoke.*
Camou:...What's up with his eyes?
Flim: Pardon?
Camou: You heard me?
Flim: Oh what, the red? Do you have -any- idea how much we've been running and hiding around the past few days? He's exhausted, like anypony would be.
Camou: And what about the coats? Hiding something?
Flim: Oh for- darling, whoever you are, you can hear me, yes? Please, come now, don't let us rot out here!
Camou: Don't fucking talk to my sister, you snake oil scum!
*Taffy shrinks away from her brother as he raises his voice, his expression softening a bit once he notices this. After a moment of silence, Flim stomped a hoof angrily, huffing as he whipped his short mane in hoity-toity fashion.*
Flim: Fine then! We'll hide -near- your bunker. Perhaps after a bit, you two'll come to your sense! Come along, brother.
*Flim moved to Flam's side, Flam leaning against him for support as he guided him towards some heavy brush near the bunker, stowing away amongst the foliage.*
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thirddagger · 2 years
Hey nerds I've had a pieceashit week and Comfort Media™️ is about to have an apocalypse, any tips so I don’t implode and perish ?
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mewhenifreakit · 2 months
there's such an extreme beauty in being alive
there's grass outside and its growing
like me
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Summer camp activities for kids are designed to provide a fun and engaging experience for children during their summer break. These activities can include a wide variety of options, such as team sports, arts and crafts, nature walks, swimming, and outdoor games. Many summer camps also offer educational activities, such as science experiments or language lessons, to help children learn and grow during their time at camp. The goal of summer camp activities is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment where children can make new friends, learn new skills, and create lasting memories.
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andilostyou · 1 year
YikYak got updated and now it's not available for Android users and I think that's just hurtful.
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astralisstar · 1 year
okay i'm sleeping cuz, unfortunately, i have school in 8 hours </3 (school starts at 8:00 am)
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nh-art · 29 days
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soupsandwich64 · 1 year
Imagine Price having the Reader on one of those backpack leashes people put their kids on because she kept running off or accidentally being left behind. Imagine it's one of the ones with animals on it and Price would ask you which animal you preferred before he ordered in on Amazon. Everyone else is like "wtf" till they see how effective it is and then suddenly everyone else is using it too. You can't go out with any of them without getting buckled up like a toddler and probably tied to one of their belt loops. This is just the consequences of your actions. They order you a camou one for missions.
Also imagine Price getting your attention in meetings like that one Markiplier clip of him with the spoon. Like jingling keys in front of a baby. The others would also see it working and now Ghost carries a little shiny dangly thing in his pocket so he can make you focus instead of having to repeat everything. Soap just uses this to mess with you and snatch your attention at random times. You may even be pavloved at a certain point so it'll make your reaction stronger.
Pretty much any imagine with Price treating the reader like a literal child cracks me up.
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rivensdefenseattorney · 9 months
Magic System
Basic Information on Magic
The foundation of all modern Magic Practices is based in Magic Theory.
User Classifications
Attuned: Those born with the innate ability to sense and store magic.
Unattuned: Those born without the innate ability to sense and store magic.
The 4 Approaches to Practicing Magic
At its core, akin to the intricacies of mathematical equations, Spellcraft and Hexcraft delve into the technicalities of magic. Practitioners meticulously craft spells by manipulating specific properties of energy, resulting in a vast array of controlled and precise magical effects. This approach empowers users to wield magic with pinpoint accuracy, creating an expansive repertoire of spells and enchantments.
Magic Arts
Elemental Arts: Focused on harnessing and manipulating the fundamental forces of nature—earth, air, fire, and water—Elemental Arts practitioners delve into the intricate control and manipulation of these energies. Mastery in Elemental Arts enables the casting of spells that shape, control, or summon elemental forces for various purposes.
Life Arts: Centered on the manipulation and understanding of life energies, Life Arts practitioners delve into the mystical essence of living beings. This discipline involves healing, restoration, vitality enhancement, and the understanding of the natural life force. Practitioners of Life Arts specialize in spells that heal wounds, revitalize energies, and promote well-being.
Death Arts: Exploring the mysteries and energies surrounding death and the afterlife, Death Arts practitioners delve into the manipulation of life force, spirits, and the transition between life and death. This darker art might involve communing with spirits, manipulating life energies, or dealing with necromancy, exploring the boundaries between life and the beyond.
Enchantment Inscriptions: A specialized skill within artifact creation, this involves inscribing runes or magical symbols onto objects to imbue them with specific effects or powers. Runes might hold protective wards, enhance abilities, or serve as keys to unlock latent magical potential.
Curse Binding: A methodical practice involving the creation of enchanted objects or items that carry curses. These cursed objects, once activated or triggered, unleash their negative effects upon the bearer or the environment.
Warding and Sealing: Emphasis in protective magic, a specialized skill used to create barriers, wards, and seals that shield against malevolent forces, entities, or influences.
Alchemy, at it's core, harnesses the potent energies within magical artifacts, raw materials & ingredients, and gemstones. This modernized magic blends the line of science and magic. This approach allows for the transmutation of one substance into another, utilizing a deep understanding of magical properties to concoct elixirs, brew potions, and create a variety of magical artifacts and charms.
Artifact Crafting: This involves the intricate process of crafting powerful magical artifacts that possess unique and potent abilities. These artifacts could range from enchanted weapons and tools to mystical objects imbued with specific purposes or protections.
Charm Crafting: Practitioners focus on imbuing smaller items or trinkets, such as amulets, talismans, or charms, with magical properties. These items often serve as conduits for protective, enhancing, or symbolic magical energies.
Healing Elixirs: Created to aid in healing wounds, reducing inflammation, and promoting regeneration when applied topically.
Enhancement Elixirs: These elixirs are applied to the skin or imbued into items to confer temporary boosts in physical abilities or attributes.
Protective Elixirs: Creates temporary shields or barriers on the skin, offering protection against magical or physical harm when applied.
Transformational Elixirs: Applied externally, these elixirs induce temporary physical changes in the form of camouflage, alteration of features, or enhancement of senses when applied to specific body parts.
Utility Elixirs: Used to aid in performing specific tasks or granting temporary abilities, applied to objects or surfaces to imbue them with magical properties.
Healing Potions: Potions designed to heal wounds, cure ailments, and restore vitality from within the body upon digestion.
Enhancement Potions: Potions that temporarily enhance physical/mental attributes or abilities when ingested.
Transformational Potions: Potions ingested to induce temporary physical or mental alterations, affecting the consumer's body or mind directly.
Emotional Balancing Potions: These potions help stabilize emotions, reduce anxiety, or induce specific emotional states.
Rooted in ancient traditions, the Spiritual Approach draws upon a higher power or deity to access magical energies. Practitioners invoke the blessings and favor of these higher entities, channeling their magic through rituals, prayers, or sacred rites. This approach reveres ancient practices, tapping into divine sources to manifest potent mystical abilities.
Divine Invocation: Practitioners focus on invoking and communing with higher entities, deities, or spiritual beings to channel magical energies. This involves rituals, prayers, or ceremonies to seek guidance, blessings, or empowerment.
Sacred Rites and Rituals: Specializing in performing sacred rituals or ceremonies, practitioners conduct intricate rites to honor or connect with spiritual entities. These rituals might involve offerings, ceremonies during celestial events, or rites to tap into specific divine aspects.
Ancestral Magic: Focused on drawing power from ancestors or ancestral spirits, this subcategory involves honoring and communing with the spirits of one's lineage to seek guidance, protection, or wisdom.
Nature Attunement: Practitioners attune themselves to the natural world, drawing upon the energies present in nature—forests, rivers, mountains—to harness magical power. This involves rituals, meditations, or ceremonies conducted in natural settings.
Cosmic Alignment: Focused on celestial bodies and cosmic energies, practitioners attune themselves to the movements of stars, planets, and celestial events, harnessing cosmic energies for magical purposes.
Embracing a more instinctive and organic path, Intuitive Magic flows naturally through practitioners. Users of this approach rely on their innate connection to the energies around them, allowing magic to manifest in more spontaneous and practical ways. Rather than complex spells, intuitive magic often leads to immediate and instinctual applications, driven by the user's innate understanding of the magical forces at play.
Instinctive Elemental Manipulation: Practitioners have an innate ability to instinctively manipulate elemental forces without formal training. This intuition allows them to shape and influence elemental energies without relying on structured spells.
Natural Empathy and Connection: Some individuals possess a deep empathy and natural connection to living beings, allowing them to sense emotions, intentions, or even communicate with plants and/or animals effortlessly.
Dreamwalking and Astral Projection: Intuitives proficient in dreamwalking or astral projection can navigate the dream realm or astral plane naturally, without formal training, tapping into these realms for insights or interactions.
Shapeshifters: Individuals with the innate ability to alter their physical form, assuming the appearance of other creatures or beings. They can morph into animals, mythical creatures, or even different humanoid forms.
Dual Natured Beings: Those capable of transitioning between different forms or states, such as mermaids transforming between their aquatic and land forms, fairies altering the appearance or abilities of their wings, or werewolves shifting between human and wolf forms during a full moon.
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leakypipes · 6 months
A drawing of my newest OC's, Camou and Taffy Prepper, certainly wouldn't go amiss! I have a few pieces of art of them on my account, but I'll also post pics just to be safe.
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This one tuned out so good and cute
I hope you like it as much. I like it
Also, it can work as a 1080p background
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opheliajupiter99 · 6 months
Is taffy pepper infected?? She looks like she's reached stage two already
*Camou stomps his hoof down sternly upon the bunker floor, causing the sound to echo* "How dare you! My sister's healthy as can be, she's just a bit plump, that's all!"
*Taffy pouts* "Big brother, don't shout, the echo hurts my ears. Besides, they were just asking an innocent question! It's a key symptom, right?"
*Camou looks at his sister for a moment...then sighs heavily* "Yeah...yeah I guess you're right. But my sis is just fine!"
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nessle · 2 years
Quaritch smut
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WARNINGS: fingering!penetration!spitting!blowjob!kidnapping!non con!crying!
Your pov or thoughts basically
Something smutty or ‘dramatic’ happens
Summary: so basically you get kidnapped by quaritch and since you didn’t want to give any information quaritch decides to take something else.
You lo’ak, kiri, spider,and tuk were going to the battle field where jake sully and quaritch fought. “Guys I really think we shouldn’t be here” you sighed. “I think she’s right Lo’ak you’re already In enough trouble” kiri agreed. Lo’ak stopped and turned to you both. “Come on kiri and y/n stop being like that,besides wouldn’t it be fun to see this place?” lo’ak said joyfully. You sighed and kept walking next to kiri knowing you guys shouldn’t be anywhere near this place. You guys we getting close until you noticed these other navi ?. They had guns and was fully dressed in camou. This couldn’t be good. Lo’ak Informed his dad about the situation. All of a sudden lo’ak warned us to leave and rushed us to get up. As we were escaping the other Navi jumped in and captured all of us. One of the Navi pulled Lo’ak by his main braid causing him a lot of pain. A bigger Navi amongst the rest walked up to Lo’ak. He asked him a few questions but I couldn’t hear properly because of the rough pulling of my hair.
The Navi behind me was tugging at my main braid yelling at me to be quiet. The bigger Navi amongst them all pulled out what seemed to be some dash cam footage. It was when jake and quaritch battled. The bigger Navi had a expression that described sadness and fear. All of a sudden everyone goes quiet because of the sound of rustling. You and everyone else heard neytiri’s call. All of you looked at each other and immediately knew what was going on. You saw one of neytiri’s arrows pierce one of the navis head and was quick to attack. You managed to get away and run along a branch with spider. You lost your footing and fell along with Spider. You both were sent rolling down the hill. You hit ur head on a branch and became unconscious. You and spider were abducted. You were pulled into a helicopter and was flown to an unknown location.
You woke up in a empty room with a on a bed in a very bland room. You saw a table and and two chairs surrounded it. You had a terrible fucking headache. You went to rub ur head but found your arm was cuffed to the bed. You groaned and laid you head again the pillow. And tried to fall back asleep. You heard the door open and saw the familiar Navi walk in. You sat up and moved against the wall quickly. Barring you fanges at the unknow Navi. “Woah, calm down sweetness..” the Navi said softly. He sat on the large bed. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” He moved a little closer. “That is if you tell me what I wanna hear.” You knew exactly what he meant by that. And you weren’t saying a single thing. “Now be a good lil thing and tell me where jake sully is.” he said trying to sound as nice as possible. You were way to loyal to him him and his family has done alot for you and you definitely wasn’t gonna break. You lidded you eyes and stared straight at him. He gripped you other arm and yanked you forward becoming face to face with the unknown Navi. He took a deep breath and asked you.
“How about you tell me you name cupcake?.” “Y/n…” you mumbled. “I’m colonial miles quaritch”. “But you can call me sir-” “Please don’t hurt me I don’t know any thing you might as well just let me go. I have no use to you.” You interrupted . He hummed in amusement and moved back a little. What was he going to do with you? The worst things imaginable popped up into you head. He took off his vest, tank top and his boots and got fully on the bed. You looked up at him with wide eyes and tensed up a little. You could help but notice how cut he was under all that gear. “You like what u see princes?” You face heated up a little at the name. You looked away in embarrassment. “Come on let me see this pretty eyes of yours.” Your face heated up one more. “What are u going to do to me..?” You asked so innocently. He chuckled at the thought and pushed you down all the way on your back as he towered over you. “Such a pretty face….I wonder how pretty you would look after I cummed on it..” Your pressed your legs together at his words. What did he mean by this. All of this is so confusing.
You’ve been talked to about sex but this was something way different. You felt a drop in you stomach. He looked down at ur legs. “Oh hoho u liked that didn’t you. You dirty little thing.” Tears welled up in your eyes trying to figure out what was going on. And why you felt like this. He pried you legs open and spread them. Your lioncloth was the only thing covering your sex. The Leather and feathers covering up your breast. You looked so tasty. Just for the taking. Tears rolled down your checks. “Oh don’t cry sweetness. The fun as just begun.” He said will a huge grin. He ripped off you top and loincloth. You were bear. Your eyes wander to his bulge. Practically trying to jump out of his pants at you, twitching against you thigh. “Fuck” he whisper to himself. He unbuckled his belt and turned you on you stomach. He lifted your hips and put his hand on you back to make you arch. You were completely exposed to him. You slick covering most of your sex. “What a pretty pussy you have sweetness” he took his thumb and slid it up and down your sex.
You put your face into the pillow to suppress you moan from his touch. “Hey.” He pulled at you tail. Let me hear you or I might just have to spank you.” You shiver at his words. He takes his middle finger and teases your small hole before slowing penetrating you. You moaned never feeling this rush through your body. “ Ha if you like that just wait till I show u something better.” You wonder what he meant by that’s. Was he gonna fuck you? What he gonna torment you like this for answers? What did he want?. He added another finger which made you arch even more. “Fuckkk” you moaned. He curled his fingers inside of you hitting that one sweet spot inside of you. You felt a knot become in you stomach. You were going to cum soon. Before could even get another thought in he removed his fingers. Just when you thought it was over he took of his cammies. And revealed his huge erection restrained by he underware. He laughed at you surprised expression. “Told ya I had something better than fingers.” He smiled.
Your eyes were unintentionally widened. You watched him as he removed his underwear. It slapped against his stomach with a bounce. It had a slight curve to the right with a few veins along it. You tried to move, trying to escape his grip. He held you a little more tightly. “Heh your not going anywhere anytime soon sweetness.” How did you even get yourself here? All be cause you list your footing on that branch? You wouldn’t be here now if we’re paying attention. More tears started to fall from your cheeks as you thought. “Oh baby don’t cry. It will be over soon. I promise.” He aligned himself with your sex,spreading it with his tip. You froze praying that it wouldn’t hurt to bad. He slowly pushed the tip in,slowly trying to let you adjust to his size. “Please don’t hurt me demon..” you manage to say. He tugged at your tail once more. “What did I tell you to call me.” “I’m sorry sir…” “Good girl.” He push a little more inside of you, forcing out a moan from you. Second by second he pushed a little more into you. “Your so fucking tight,I should make this pussy all mine..” he trailed of as he was close to bottoming out.
You were a mess already. Still crying but face flushed a deep purple because of the stretch of his cock. You know that you should be trying to break free of his grasp and attempt to escape. But it felt oh to good. You gripped the sheets of the bed trying to keep your balance. You kept leaning to one the right and tho left,basically swaying. He let go of your tail and placed his other hand on the other side of your hip. Showing your pathetic attempt to keep you balance. He pulled out, only leaving the tip is for a moment just to slam back into within an instant. A loud moan escaped your mouth, causing both of you to groan at the sudden action. “Fuck baby your squeezing me so fucking tight, you make me wanna cum already.” He started to pick up the pace maintaining a rhythm that already had you dripping down your legs. You laid you chest against the bed, wanton moans coming from you. “Sir please.” “Please what sweetness?, come on tell me what you want. ” He knew exactly what you wanted but he wanted to hear you say it he wanted you to say the filth that came to you mind.
How bad he wanted to corrupt you. This sweet girl who is just to nice and would do anything for the people she loves. Would never break the rules and would never disobey anyone.
“I want you to go faster..please sir.” You breathlessly said. “See that all you had to saw sweetness. It wasn’t that hard was it?” he said sitting up. “No sir.” He adjusted his hands on your waist and started to pick up the pace while fucking you. It was so much,he was just to big. You could barely take it. After a couple of moments the knot in your stomach started to come back but more Intense. Your legs started to tremble. “About to cum already we just got started?” He said mockingly. He lifted up his left leg just to get a little deeper inside you. “AH.” You screamed as you came all over his cock and your thighs. “Shit” he said chasing his own release. You just felt way to good. Your walls already squeezing him and now since you came he was on edge. You on the other hand was overstimulated. He leaned back down with his chest against your back and rubbed messy circles around your sensitive clit.
Not to soon after you collapsed onto the bed filled up with quaritchs seed. You were his now mated for life. Now you really couldn’t go back home especially not pregnant. Lo’ak and kiri would never look at you the same.
if y’all wanna see a fluff! Ending to this comment⬇️
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mcntsee · 8 months
Hi! I’m going to start writing for Call of Duty and I’m looking to settle on one call sign for the reader. Can you all help me decide which one is the best?
Unless otherwise specified in a request or if the reader is a civilian!, I'll likely default to assigning the character as a sniper.
You guys can also give me ideas! Thanks!! <3
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digital-meat · 3 months
Cover art for Chronicles of the Back Company: Bleak Seasons
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There was no night now. Fires burned everywhere. They burned in the Shadowlander camp, set by Mogaba’s beleaguered artillerymen. They burned in the city, set by the Shadowmaster’s soldiers. Conflagrations blazed in the hills, hinting of surprise volcanos or powers of a magnitude unseen since the Company went up against the dark lords of Lady’s empire. It was too much light for the middle of the night. “How long till dawn? Anybody know?” “Too long,” Bucket grumbled. “You really think anybody is actually worrying about keeping time tonight?” Way back, centuries earlier in the evening, One-Eye or Goblin or somebody expressed dawn as a goal too remote for hope. The general level of optimism remained that low.
The french cover by Didier Graffet is perfect as always. But he finally has competition from the English language corner, Nicholas Jainschigg really killed it with all the glittering stone covers. and I can't decide if I like his piece better.
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Johan Camou was more interested in Nyueng Bao martial arts. I like this too. Yeah there's kung fu monks in this gruesome war story, and it works.
The current omnibus covers are just OK.
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Raymond Swanland is a great artist, but his Black Company covers just don't do it for me. They're definitely dark fantasy, but too baroque or something. He's got the look of the armor perfect, the atmosphere is correct, but I'm not getting a sense of place or scale. Apples to oranges though because it's harder to draw a cover for two books.
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This last one is the first omnibus edition and it's good art but too far in the other direction. Pretty purple capes? Glittering bronze armor? What the hell? Because this painting is Alexander the Great by Donato Giancola, and really has nothing to do with the series. Beautiful work though, so can we blame the publisher for slapping this onto the first book with a war elephant they found?
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