#Cami Bashing
sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
M'Lady, M'Lord
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie’s smitten from the moment he sees you playing pirates with your brother.
Word Count: 5176
Eddie Masterlist
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The first time Eddie laid eyes on you it was basically game over for him. You were dressed as pirates with your younger brother sword fighting in the park where Mike tricked Eddie into having a Hellfire meeting purely because he had to help Nancy watch Holly. Each time they had to pause so he could take his turn playing with her or pushing her on a swing Eddie’s attention went straight to you. Once you had your brother on a fake plank, sword pointed at him looking triumphant and the next time he looked over your wooden sword was knocked out of your hands that were being held up in surrender.
Your family was new to town and after days of your brother begging you about going out instead of unpacking you agreed. Which led him to immediately ask if the two of you could play pirates when you got to the park not far from your house. You weren’t expecting there to be a group of boys playing a game at one of the picnic tables when you got there or to become so intrigued with the story the boy with curly hair was weaving that Henry actually got the upper hand on you instead of you letting him get it like you normally do.
“Come on Y/n, you weren’t even trying that time!” Your hands go up in surrender and in an apology.
“Sorry little man, just got a little distracted is all. Won’t happen again scouts honor!” And you lose yourself in the game once more, not even glancing back over at the group of boys knowing you’ll get sucked in again.
Eddie doesn’t know it’s game over for him till the second time he sees you. He was stuck cleaning up by himself after Hellfire having yet another meeting at the park because his friends liked having it outside with how nice the summers been this year. He was just leaving the table when he spotted you sitting in a fucking tree headphones on book in hand and not a care in the world. Your bandana matched your brown flowy skirt and your black cami hugged your body like a second skin. He couldn’t help himself from approaching you. Luckily you spot him approaching and rest the headphones around your neck in case he was going to try to talk to you.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing up in a tree?” You shrug marking your place in your book and resting it on your raised knee.
“What’s a pretty boy like you doing at a park in the middle of the afternoon?” Eddie freezes not expecting you to flirt back with him so quickly. “It’s just peaceful up here. I really gotta get home though so thanks for saying something.” You add in after realizing how long you’ve been here. When you jump down Eddie near has a heart attack worrying you’ll hurt yourself and surges forward to catch you. A fact that you notice and can’t help but smile and feel warm inside at the thought of someone caring about your safety that much.
Time seems to freeze as you look up at him and your eyes meet his widened chocolate brown ones. His mouth stays slightly parted as he takes you in soft curves and all now that you’re standing in front of him. While his eyes roam up and down your body you just can’t stop staring into them wondering how you’ve never seen such pretty eyes before.
“Hi, I’m Y/n.”
“Hi.” His voice is breathless and it doesn’t seem like he was paying much attention to what you said. Your giggles at the fact are what seem to wake him from the daze you put him in. “Sorry you’re just, you’re so much prettier up close.” Heat crawls up your neck and you become bashful quicker than you ever have in your life.
“Thanks.” You start walking and he’s quick to follow you swinging his bag of DnD stuff back over his shoulder.
“I saw you here the other week with your brother?”
“Yeah, I saw you too, playing that game with your friends. That was Dungeons and Dragons right?” He’s almost left speechless at how you know about his favorite pastime.
“Dungeons and Dragons, yeah. You know about it?”
“A little, I had friends who played it before we moved here but I just didn’t have the attention span for it. Most of the time I’d bring a book and watch them play.”
“Are you walking?” Eddie asks when you keep walking past the parking lot getting completely distracted from what he originally wanted to ask.
“Yeah, I’m not too far.”
“Do you want a ride?” He points over his shoulder with his thumb to his van.
“If I say yes, are you going to serial kill me?”
“Guess you’ll have to say yes to find out Princess.” He winks but also then doubts his words almost immediately because the two of you are strangers,
“Hm, alright.” You take the journey of a couple  of feet to stop in front of him. “I like to live on the edge anyway so lead the way.”
“M’lady.” Eddie bows as he opens the passenger side door and holds it open for you.
“M’lord.” You’re quick to play along, adding a curtsy before hopping in and stunning Eddie once more. He mouths ‘wow’ before shutting the door and rushing around to his side. 
When he starts the van he’s so unbelievably relieved that he turned the radio off because otherwise his music would’ve been blasting. You let him know your street and he starts to back out of the parking spot. He almost stops the whole car when he spots the book you rest in your lap as you unwrap your headphones from your body and unclip your walkman. It’s silent in the van as Eddie untwists his tongue to comment on it.
“You’re reading Lord of The Rings?” He clears his throat before he speaks, only glancing at you out of the corner of his eye while he drives.
“Yeah, it’s one of my absolute favorite series. Have you read it?”
“Only a million times!” Despite his excited words it’s at this moment that Eddie knows he’s absolutely screwed. Especially with how you light up and start talking about your favorite characters and parts of the story.
The next time you see Eddie is at Family Video just a handful of days later. You brought Henry to pick out a couple movies for sibling bonding movie night, a night you created for the days your mom worked late to distract him from the fact of not seeing her. It was invented when he was younger and unsure as to why she was gone, you found him crying in her room thinking she left the two of you like his dad did, and it’s just become a norm now neither one of you would miss it for the world.
“Eddie?” You’re moving around the store looking for him when you spot Eddie stocking movies with the green vest on. He nearly drops all the tapes in his hands at the sound of your voice.
“Hey Princess! What’re you doing here?” 
“Movie night.” You hold up The Muppet Movie to show the reason even though he still hasn’t looked away from his task. “You work here?”
“Sadly I do.”
“Good thing you do, otherwise who knows when we would’ve seen each other again.” He looks at you then and you look like an angel standing there in front of the window, the sunset making it seem like you’re absolutely glowing and he’s speechless for a moment. You’re in another flowy skirt, green this time with yet another matching bandana, but this time you’re in a white long sleeved shirt that flares at the end of the sleeves. You’re beautiful.
“You haven’t seen my brother around have you? He’s about ye high, looks a little bit like me, cowboy hat on.” 
“Yeah, I reckon he’s over yonder in horror.” Eddie cringes at his stupid decision to do a silly cowboy impersonation but when you start laughing at it he knows he’d do it again in a heartbeat.
“Thanks!” You leave then and Eddie hurries up with stocking the shelf to rush to the counter so he can be the one to ring you out.
“Move Harrington!”  He all but shoves Steve away from the counter he was leaning on bored.
“Woah, what has you suddenly wanting to do your job Munson?”
“If you stop pouting about it we can go to the arcade tomorrow.” Your voice greets both boys behind the counter as you round the corner of aisles.
“You mean it?” Your brother rushes to your side and follows close to you up to the counter. Steve watches you get closer and then how his friend seems to get more and more jittery with each step you take. He holds back the chuckle that wants to escape as he takes it in and instead just shakes his head choosing to lean against the other counter arms crossed over his chest.
“Course I do. I haven’t been able to get the Burgertime high score yet.” You place the movies on the counter before turning your attention and soft smile over to Eddie. “Hello again.”
“Hi. You find everything okay?” 
“Easy peasy lemon squeezy.” You beam at him and even Steve is stunned by it for a second.
“So The Muppets and The Thing huh? That’s an interesting combo.”
“What can I say? We have a wide berth of interests.” You shrug and then motion to your brother. “He was stuck between Thing and Poltergeist but last time we watched it he had to sleep either in my room or with all the lights on for a week.”
“You can’t just tell people that!”
“It’s alright cowboy, I’ll keep your secret.” Eddie tips an imaginary hat to him while you dig around your saggy brown tote bag for your wallet.
“Oh, Eddie this is my brother Henry, Hens this is my new friend Eddie.” 
“Howdy partner.” Eddie's mock cowboy voice comes out again and it earns him another wonderful laugh from you, a beaming smile from Henry, and a ‘I can’t believe you just did that’ laugh from Steve. He goes pink at hearing Steve’s laugh having forgotten he was there while your eyes dart over to the other boy behind the counter.
“Oh hello.” You greet him a shy smile on your face and a small wave after handing Eddie the cash for the movies.
“Steve Harrington.” He holds his hand out for you to shake which you do once getting your change back.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” 
“That’s a pretty name.” Steve throws on his best flirty smile and Eddie resists the urge to roll his eyes.
“Thanks.” Eddie wants to stick his tongue out at his friend at how uninterested you seem in him. “Oh Eddie, do you have a pen I could use?” He nods and hands you one of the loose ones behind the counter that’s missing a cap. You grab his wrist before he can pull it away and shove his long sleeve up writing your number along the inside of his arm. “Should’ve done this the other day but now we don’t have to just happen upon each other.”
“Thanks Princess, I’ll be sure to use it.”
“You better.” You look up at him and wink before stepping back. “Alright Hens, let's go get some snacks.” You shove the VHS tapes into your bag and push on the back of his shoulders to get him to lead the way out of the store.
“What the hell just happened?” Steve asks once you’re gone and turns to his friend who’s busy smiling at the writing on his arm.
“That my dear friend was my turn getting the girl.” He beams as he proudly shows off that you added a heart after your number.
Eddie doesn’t call you the days after giving him your number. And he wasn’t working the day you went to return the movies so you were beginning to think maybe you came off too strong or you read the vibes wrong. You were trying not to let it get to you but it was hard because you at least wanted to have Eddie as a friend.
“Woah, hey there Princess.” His voice graces your ears and his warm hands consume your shoulders as he stops you where you are. You look up from where you were digging around in your bag trying to find your keys and find that your nose is probably an inch away from his chest. “You should probably watch where you’re going before you trip or walk into something.” You’re quick to figure out that you were about to walk into him on your way out of  the shop.
“Sorry Eddie, got lost in thought. How’re you?”
“Good, good. Hey I’ve been meaning to call ya.” He brings his hand up to rub the back of his neck and you fight with yourself to not look when his shirt rides up revealing the smallest sliver of tummy.
“Oh?” You genuinely don’t know what to say with how genuine he sounds. 
“My friends and I do this movie night thing once a week, was wonderin if maybe you wanted to come?” You open your mouth to respond but he keeps talking. “I was gonna grow some balls and finally call you after I picked up the movie since it’s tonight. I just haven’t called you yet because everytime I go to pick up the phone I chicken out. You’re just so pretty and you’re really cool and you love Lord of The Rings which is like the biggest deal to me.” Your giggles interrupt Eddie and he freezes eyes wide as he stares at you.
“I’d love to come to movie night with you and your friends.” You reach out to hold onto his arm to help get him to stop talking.
“Really. What’s the movie?” You retract your hand and go back to digging to the bottom of your bag and Eddie immediately misses your touch.
“The Fly, we went to see it when it was in theaters but the kids weren’t able to come with us and finally convinced Steve to watch it again.”
“That has Jeff Goldblum in it right?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure at least.”
“Oh I’m definitely in then!” Your fingers hook through your key ring and pull them out a triumphant smile on your face. “When and where?”
“I’ll pick you up around seven?”
“Sounds great!” You start to move around him and he turns to get the door for you.
“M’lord.” You beam at him as you leave the store and Eddie swears his world gets dimmer when you turn away from him.
Eddie shows up at your door at exactly seven o'clock on the dot. He hesitates for a minute before knocking on the door nervous for if he might meet your parents or not. When he does he can hear a muffled yell before someone runs to the door. Henry’s the one who opens it.
“Y/n’s in the kitchen.” Is all he says before leaving the door open and disappearing into the living room. 
Eddie stays in the doorway for a minute unsure if he should just walk into your home before deciding to go in if only to shut the door. Ultimately he decides to find you so he doesn’t feel awkward in the entranceway. He finds you washing dishes in a kitchen that smells like freshly baked cookies.
“Hi Eddie.” You greet him as you place the big plastic bowl you were washing on the drying rack and grabbing the dish towel on the counter to dry your hands. 
“Hey Princess, not to rush you or anything but you ready to go?” 
“Yeah, I just gotta say bye to Henry first. Can you hold this for me real quick?” You hand him your tote on your way into the living room where you know your shoes are.
“What are you packing in here Sweetheart? It’s way heavier than I thought it’d be?” He could just peek in and see but he doesn't want to be rude or invade your privacy.
“Oh! I baked cookies so I hope all your friends like chocolate chip.” You fall onto the couch next to Henry, who’s snacking on some of said cookies and watching Transformers, to pull your sneakers on.
“You really didn’t have to do that. Now they’ll never want you to leave.”
“That’s the point.” You smile at him standing up and taking your bag back before turning to Henry. “Are you sure you’re good if I leave?” You lean down to speak softly to him, voice low enough that Eddie barely hears it. As much as you want to go tonight if he were to say he wanted to hang with you, you’d stay. 
“Okay. Be good, if you need anything call me. Eddie, can you write down the number for whatever house we’ll be at?”
“Yeah, course.” He immediately searches for paper and a pen.
“Mom will probably be asleep for the rest of the night so I need you to be responsible, go to bed at a decent time, don’t stay up till I get home because I don’t know when that’ll be.” It’s something he often did when you went out with friends worrying about if you would come back. 
“Number’s right here.” Eddie places the piece of paper he found on the coffee table in front of Henry.
“Alright, bye Henners, love you.” You duck down to hug him and place a kiss on his head.
“Love you too.” 
“See ya cowboy.” Eddie says waving as he follows you out of the room and the house. Once outside he beats you to the van holding your door open for you.
“So you two seem to have a good relationship.” Eddie says about halfway to Steve’s house about you and your brother.
“Yeah.” You’re silent for a beat before turning to look at Eddie. “Sorry if he seems a little standoffish towards you, he has issues getting close to people when he doesn’t know if they’ll stick around.”
“It’s fine, really. I’m not always the quickest to accept people into my life either.” 
“Hmm I’d say you were with how quick you brought me into it.” You’re teasing but you can sense the truth in his words and he gives off the vibe of someone who just has one small group of people he’s close with.
“Ah you were a special case though. A pretty girl who plays pirates and reads Lord of The Rings? I had to scoop you up before anyone else could.” 
“I play cowboys and cops and robbers too.” You speak just as Eddie parks and he’s able to turn his whole body to face you.
“Careful Princess before you steal even more of my heart.”
“Just wait till you hear about my ren faire costumes.” You wink before opening your door. “Now c’mon so you can introduce me to everyone.” Eddie’s frozen there for a couple seconds, mouth partly open. Everytime he thinks you can’t possibly get any better you go and prove him wrong. He can just imagine you dressed up as an elf or an actual princess.
Once he breaks out of it he’s quick to follow you out of the van and lead you to Steve’s front door. He goes straight in grabbing your hand as he does so to steer you through the big house to the basement where they always have movie nights. The sound of his friends' voices greet the two of you as soon as he opens the basement door.
“Eddie’s here!” Robin announces as she peers up the stairs in passing. “And it looks like he brought someone.” There’s a chorus of ‘ooo’s and Eddie rolls his eyes, shaking the urge to sweep you away and keep you to himself. 
“Did Eddie finally get a girlfriend?” He can barely hear El’s quiet question but it makes him go red all the same wondering if you heard it too.
“Hey guys, this is Y/n.” He introduces you once you’re both at the bottom of the stairs motioning to you with the hand that isn’t holding onto your own. 
“Hello.” You wave with your free hand and hold onto Eddie’s a little tighter with your other at seeing all the eyes on you.
“Y/n this is Robin, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, and you’ve met Steve before.” He leans down to whisper in your ear then. “Careful around the kids they might imprint on you like baby ducks the way they did Steve and I.” You smile and shove him away at the joke taking your hand back.
“I brought cookies. Think of it as a peace offering of sorts.” You reach into your tote and pull out a big tupperware that Eddie can’t help but wonder how it fit inside.
“I’ll take that.” Robin comes over and takes it out of your hand before grabbing your wrist to pull you over to the couch. “Come join the party we were just about to start the movie.” You sit next to Robin at the end of the couch. As soon as she opens the container Dustin’s reaching up and over laps to get some from his spot on the floor next to Steve who’s at Robin's feet. He groans in delight as soon as he takes a bite and you can’t stop the smile from forming on your face.
“These are the best cookies I’ve ever had!” Eddie whistles as he takes his seat on the floor beneath you.
“That’s really saying something with how good your moms cooking and baking is.” He reaches up and grabs his own before Mike steals the container to take over to the couch he’s sharing with Lucas and the girls. “Oh my God.” Eddie says with his mouth full throwing his head back as the taste of what seems to be the perfect cookie completely envelopes his mouth.
“Is that a good oh my god?” You ask in a timid soft voice leaning over so your head was positioned right above where Eddie threw his on the couch between your legs.
“Princess, this is the best thing I think I’ve ever eaten.” You visibly light up at his praise. A wide smile overtakes your face and your eyes shine and it makes Eddie do the same. There’s a chorus of agreement to Eddie’s words but the two of you are so lost in eachothers eyes that you don’t pay them any attention. 
“Eddie, you better bring your girlfriend around all the time if she’s gonna be bringing more of this stuff.” Lucas says reaching into the container as Steve starts the movie. 
“Shut up and stop hogging them, pass em over.” Mike hands them to Eddie while he’s up to turn the lights off and neither of you correct Lucas.
It’s a little after eleven when Eddie pulls into your driveway. After the movie ended Robin immediately started to ask you questions about yourself, Max joining soon after making Steve move so she can take his spot. You happily answered, asking questions right back almost giddy with the thought of making friends so soon after moving here. 
Eddie had chimed in here and there like when Mike asked when the two of you met. “You assholes abandoned me after the last Hellfire meeting and I found her in a tree.” Or when you answered a question about your music taste, saying you liked Blondie and the Bee Gees. “What about Motorhead or Judas Priest?” And when you shrugged and told him you’d never heard of them he mocked injury, falling over and pulling the imaginary sword from his heart.
“That was fun.” You say to Eddie as you round his van to head to your front door. “I like your friends.”
“They liked you too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen El get so comfortable around someone so fast.” She had come over to join the group around you soon after the conversations started and while she didn’t say much Eddie could tell she was taking to you. “Stick around and they’ll be your friends in no time.” You smile at the thought of having a group to hang out with again.
When you open the door the soft sound of the tv still on drifts to your ears and you let out a small sigh before moving silently and quickly into the living room. You leave your keys in the door which Eddie is quick to take out before shutting it and following your path. He finds you knelt next to the couch and brushing some of Henry’s hair off of his forehead.
“You gonna wake him up?”
“I should, let him know I’m home and get him to bed. But he looks so peaceful that I don’t want to.” You whisper back not taking your eyes off of your brother that you’ve basically raised yourself.
“Want me to carry him while you lead the way to his room?” You didn’t hear Eddie get closer so when he crouches next to you it makes you jump a little.
“You’d do that?”
“Course.” He ignores how shocked your wide eyes reveal you to be and instead takes your hand to help you up before scooping Henry up. “Lead the way.”
Eddie’s careful not to move the boy in his arms too much as he follows you up the steps and then down the hallway. You leave his door open and move his blankets out of the way to make room for Eddie to place him down. Once he does, you cover him and place a soft small kiss on his forehead before leading the way out of the room, closing the door once you’re both in the hallway.
“Do you want a drink or something before you go?”
“I could use a smoke, you want one? If not, I can just wait till I get home.” He follows you back down the stairs as he speaks.
“I don’t smoke but I don’t mind hanging out with you while you do it. We could go sit on the swing on the back porch?”
“Sounds perfect.” You lead the way through the house and Eddie holds the back door open for you. “M’lady.”
“M’lord.” There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you as you sit slightly moving the porch swing back and forth with your feet while Eddie pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. “My dad died when I was young.” You say suddenly after another beat of silence.
“Oh, I’m so-”
“You don’t have to be sorry or anything. It happened so long ago and I’ve had a long time to grieve so it doesn’t really hurt to think or talk about anymore.”
“Okay.” It’s all Eddie can think to say sensing you had more words coming his way.
“Mom started working more after he died but not too much so she could still y'know be a mom. And then she met this guy, Doug, and she became pregnant with Henry. They didn’t get married or anything but he took care of us. Mom was able to stop working so much and when Henry was born she was able to take time off even. But then one day when Henry was four, probably closer to being five, Doug just up and left. Just completely disappeared.” Eddie takes another drag of the cig and places a hand on your knee as you take in a shaky breath. 
“It absolutely broke mom but Henry? He didn’t even know what was happening, he’d ask me when dad would be home and why mom was crying all the time. We had to move out of the house and into a small apartment and mom had to work all the time, constantly pulling doubles to make sure we’d have rent and food money. Henry hasn’t been the same since he figured out his dad wasn’t coming back, so he has a hard time bringing people into his life and worrying that one day me or mom are going to do the same thing. That's why he tried to stay up till I got home tonight, to make sure I was actually coming back.”
“You don’t have to tell me all this darlin’.”
“No, I do, because I like you Eddie. And I think you like me.”
“I do, like so much.” You smile and let a small laugh leave your mouth at his eagerness to say the words.
“So if we’re gonna do this I need you to know I’ve got baggage but also that Henry is my whole world. When mom started working all the time I slipped into that role the best I could for him and I’m still in it. So I can’t always go out and do things because I spend most of my free time watching him.”
“That’s fine.” Eddie stomps out his cig and grabs your hand. “I’ll hang out here or we can take him to the movies or I don’t know whatever he’d wanna do. He seems like a fun kid and I’d love to get to know him.” Your eyes tear up at that and you launch yourself into his chest holding him in a tight hug. No one’s ever been so kind and understanding about how much you want to take care of your brother before. “Besides everyones got baggage, my dads been in and out of jail my whole life and I live with my uncle in a small trailer. The whole rest of the crew has their own thing too so don’t feel like anyone would judge you or anything alright?” 
“So, be my girlfriend? Because I’ve been dying to ask from the moment I found you in that tree.” He doesn’t say how he decided you were probably his soulmate when he found out you were reading Lord of The Rings.
“I’d love to. I’ve been dying for you to ask since you did that awful cowboy impression in Family Video.” You don’t say how you can see yourself falling for him hard and fast.
“Then it’s settled. What do you say to pizza and a movie? I’ll bring the pizza, you and Henry pick the movie.”
“I’d say it’s a date.”
“Tomorrow night? I’ll come over after my shift at Family Video?”
“Sounds perfect.”
This time when you’re holding the door open for him to leave you bow holding your arm out to show him the way.
“M’lord.” Eddie smiles at how you beat him to it and grabs your hand landing a kiss on the back of it before he speaks himself.
Eddie Taglist (25/40): @sadbitchfangirl @notbeforelong​​​​ @navs-bhat​ @emotionaldreamer​ ​​​​​ @fangirling-4-ever  @gaysludge​​​ ​@eddiethesexy @mazerunnerrose​ @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions  @mushroomelephant @saramelaniemoon @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @spookyemorockbabe @jesssssmaybankk @tlclick73
Everything Taglist: @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr @kennedy-brooke @m00nkn1ghts @rory-cakes
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alwaysakin · 4 months
The Vampire Diaries Universe Fic Recs
Once again putting my unhealthy amount of fanfic knowledge to good use. Here's my list (non-exhaustive) of the best vampire diaries & originals fanfics. Includes Klaroline, Bamon, Kolvina, and more.
Bamon Fics
Before I Take My Flesh Away by Orig1n - the fic where Bonnie and Damon are comically bonded, and she hops around in his timeline pre (and during) the series. Tragically unfinished, but completely incredible! Kudos for developing Stefan and Damon as brothers and making me not hate Lily Salvatore. Also love the Arthurian lore.
if you love me (don't let go) by sarcastic_fina - this is a heartbreaking deconstruction of Bonnie and her victim mentality, and shows the strength of not only her romantic relationship with Damon, but her friendships with Caroline, Matt, and Tyler. So sad, but so good!
Bloodstone by cactusfinch - Bonnie time travels to 1864 (with all the problems entailed). Her relationship with Damon is done well here, and her friendship (sort of!) with Katherine is fun as hell.
rest for the wicked (hope for the weary) by castelia - Damon and Bonnie go on a road trip together after the prison word. I am a sucker for mutual pining, and this fic does it so well!
Fifty-Five Years by turningofflights - written from Elena's perspective, after she reads Bonnie's diary entries and learns how Bonnie and Damon fell in love. A bittersweet, believable love story for Bonnie and Damon.
Other Bonnie Bennett Ship Fics
The Edge of Night by Szajnie - a crossover between season 3 of the Originals and season 7 of the Vampire Diaries, where Bonnie goes to New Orleans. She's absolutely in her element here as the most powerful New Orleans witch, takes the supernatural world by storm, and everyone has a happier ending because of it (including her!). Absolutely love her friendships with Davina, Vincent, and Freya, and shout-out for being the only fic to make me care about Cami! Truly, this is great. The NOLA gang is the family Bonnie deserves, and the Bonnie/Klaus is so believable.
Kai Parket Screwed Us (Until Bonnie Bennett Screwed Him) by hysteriaww - exactly what it sounds like. Bonnie shows up to help Josie and Lizzie deal with the prison world and her and Kai's insane relationship weirds everyone out. Deals with the Gemini Coven in a really interesting way. Hilarious, and with mild Damon and Alaric bashing. BonKai.
Season One, Epsidoes One-Three by BorgiaBabe - a rewrite of the first three episodes of TVD with Bonnie as a proper main character. Her love interest is a softer Kai, and it's great! Bonnie really deserves better.
the night light hits off, turning kisses to bites by donutworry - an insane, dark, twisted Bonnie and Kai romance, where they're the only ones in the prison world from the start. I absolutely love the Gemini Coven lore in this fic.
Klaroline Fics
Make them bow by for_darkness_shows_the_stars - Klaus appears in season 1 of the vampire diaries. it's Klaroline, but still super gen, and all the characters get their own compelling arcs in it. Especially love the way Elena and Stefan are written.
One of A Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers by Phandancee74 - Caroline is an ancient nymph who was erased from memory by Malivore. She still helps the Mystic Falls gang out (and her relationship with Bonnie is great)! The Klaus/Caroline is angsty and lovely.
Calling on a Friend by Phandancee74 - 5 year old Josie gets Klaus's number. Shenanigans ensue. Short and cute as hell.
Sanctuary in their Hearts by thatsanotherlovestory - Caroline leaves before the season 8 wedding, and heads to New Orleans with Klaus. A fun story, but still so sad Bonnie didn't get her happy ending in it. The twins are so cute in this.
Let's do the Time Loop again! by kcatdino - on the night of the sacrifice, both Klaus and Caroline get stuck in a time loop. It's so funny to watch them get more and more deranged.
sweet present of the present by VintageLilac - it's Caroline, not Rebekah, who raises Hope while New Orleans is at war. I absolutely love Katherine in this fic, and though Hayley gets the short end of the stick it's written quite well.
The Wolf by Yokan - a witch version of Caroline is the one pregnant with Klaus's baby in the originals. And while season 1 doesn't change a lot because of it, the later one's definitely do! I love the Klaus and Caroline relationship, and Caroline & Elijah friendship.
Elena Gilbert-Centric Fic
The stars were brightly shining by adlyb - a fic where Elena is pregnant with Klaus's baby. It's so hard to describe! A little twisted, a little sweet, and a thorough depiction of Elena's mental state.
The Forgotten by MissNMikaelson - Elena time travels and gets dropped in the middle of Klaus and Kol's war in New Orleans, circa 1914. The flashback scenes in the fic are great! Eventual Kol/Elena.
blame it on the stardust by allwritenow - the fic that looks into if Elena's doppelganger nature affected her more. And a truly beautiful Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena friendship.
Off by a Single Degree by Tarroko - when Elena's phone dies, Damon walks her home and never compels away her memories, and her parents never die. This softer, sweeter Elena is so believable, and I love the way canon immediately shifts. Amazing development of her parents, Anna, and Enzo. Delena.
Katherine Pierce Centric Fic
afflictions eclipsed by glory by passionesque - in 1864, right after the fire in Mystic Falls, Elijah finds Katherine. They team up together against Klaus. This deals with Katherine's trauma and cunning so well! A slow build to Elijah/Katherine, involving him acknowledging his faults.
General Mystic Falls Gang Fics
in another life (i would let you go) by sarcastic_fina - Elena wakes up in a world where she isn't the doppelganger and no one knows her. An interesting deconstruction of the affects she's had on her friends.. Manages to be both Elena-bashing and sympathetic at the same time. Minor Steroline and Bamon.
Originals Family Feels
It All Comes Crumbling Down by AlwaysAkin - can I do a self-rec? I'm doing a self-rec. Hope is born a century earlier, and grows up in New Orleans with the Mikaelsons. I'm particularly proud of my Hope-Marcel bond and young!Hope voice in this one.
A Twist Through Time by fandom_lover_101 - Hope is sent back in time to the Vampire Diaries season 3. She messes everything up. Absolutely love the slow Hope & Klaus relationship built here, and her friendship with Elena is cute too. Minor Klaroline, Delena, and Handon.
Always & Tomorrow by Viretta - another tragically unfinished fic. Set after Hope jumps into Malivore in Legacies, it involves the dead Mikaelsons being resurrected, and the kids from the Salvatore School travelling to New Orleans (with a newly activated tribrid Hope). This is a Mikaelson family story in the bloodiest, best way. Has Handon and Klaroline in addition to the canon originals couples.
if no one in the entire world cared about you (did you really exist at all?) by nevermore_evermore - Elijah is erased from the minds of everyone he loves. Kol is (eventually) there to help him through it. An interesting take on Elijah's place in the family.
A Million Mistakes by mon-amour-eternel - a fic where Caroline is also an original, and her and Klaus are Marcel's parents. Sadly unfinished, especially considering the rarity of Marcel-centric fic!
But Stand Brave, Life-Liver by crownjrose - A Hayley-centric fic! Her foster parents come to New Orleans and see the way her life turned out. Interesting closure for Hayley, and a sweet Klaus/Hayley relationship.
Kolvina Fic
(finally) you and me are the lucky ones by yorkes - a long one-shot where Kol and Davina are soulmates. It's cute as hell! And Kol and Davina really grow into each other in this one.
The Vixen and the Fox by BlueBooThalassophile - be warned, this read is long as hell. But it's also great. Davina time travels to the Vampire Diaries season 4, gets involved in the fight against Silas, and everything goes sideways immediately. Love Davina's friendship with Hayley and bond with Marcel in this one. Every character in both shows appears in this one.
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
I feel like having Toga and Dabi be serial killers was a bad idea because it serves no purpose in the story.
The LOV consists of serial killers, thieves, and minorities. And they're treated the same, no internal disputes about ethics.
I've talked about this before, but I really hate what Horikoshi did with Toga and Dabi. They joined the LOV because of Stain, but for some reason that's never addressed. Dabi even mentioned hating "false heroes" which, going on the theory that he was Touya, implied that he hated how Endeavor was revered despite the way he treated his family.
But no, he sees nothing wrong with Endeavor beating Rei, neglecting Natsu and Fuyumi, and bashing Shoto. It turns out he just wanted Endeavor's attention😒
And with Toga... Horikoshi just leaned way too far into making her a yandere archetype. I liked what she said to Izuku when she was posing as Camie because it sounded like she was trying to see what kind of hero he was. Early Toga was a lot more intelligent and insightful.
But all that was scrapped to make her a creepy predator with no substance.
When it comes to character assassination, Dabi and Toga really got some of the worst of it. Especially in the end. One died, the other is being forced to see his abuser to "make amends"
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hyperactivewhore · 6 months
Perhaps this comes out as klaroline bashing? This is all canon events but lmk if people want this in the anti tag. Anyway, I get it's fanfiction, but I'll never understand why writers make Cami/Hayley straight up bitches - and I hate this word - in klaroline fanfics.
Some people act as if Camille or Hayley actively went out of their way to sabotage Klaus's relationships, which it's just dumb. This man was literally screwing Genevieve, a woman who played a part in Kieran's death and who was nothing but mean to her, yet Cami was still kind and nice to her, and honestly Hayley couldn't have cared less about who Klaus dated (and like, usually writers make Rebekah and Caroline best friends, so it's insane she hates Hayley for the hybrid thing yet absolutely adores Rebekah who was nothing but rude to her).
Camille and Caroline would not hate each other if they met, be for real now. Caroline didn't only show no interest in Klaus, she was aware he slept with the same woman he thought Tyler had been unfaithful with which just proves her more he has close to no respect for her but she also said she never felt herself around him, so why would she ever hate someone who is quite literally the embodiment of kindness because of a man who who always hurt her? Hayley and her had problems of their own, but knowing the personalities of Caroline and Cami they wouldn't hate each other over a guy - Caroline is more likely to slut-shame her if anything, but that's another whole conversation.
Anyway, Cami, Hayley and Caroline have always been too hot for Klaus Mikaelson.
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suzukiblu · 18 days
WIP excerpt behind the cut: mirror mirror. tw: clonecest, unnegotiated scene including praise kink/dirty talk and roleplay/genderplay. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Yeah, like that,” he breathes against the other’s ear. “Love it when you let me know how much you missed me. I’m sorry, baby, you know I hate to let you get lonely like that. I’ll make it up to you, okay? I’ll spoil you so good tonight.” 
Match doesn’t say anything back to that, just bares his teeth in the mirror, and Kon plays a little dirty and presses the other’s pecs in together just enough to define a line of cleavage in his reflection; just enough to lean into the act. It's not like Match has enough up there to give anybody a tit job or anything, but the view’s still nice. 
Really nice, actually. 
. . . honestly, Kon’d be willing to try for the tit job. 
“These are real cute too,” he murmurs, kissing Match’s pulse again and keeping up the slow, steady rocking of his hips into the other’s as he gives his pecs a pointed squeeze; not trying to overwhelm him all at once, for once. Not trying to force past or bash through his defenses. Just . . . wearing them down, maybe, just a little bit at a time. “They're sensitive, huh? They're feeling good? They're so pretty, baby, I just wanna kiss ‘em all over and suck your nipples ‘til you remember how to be a good girl. Get you something to pretty ‘em up even more for next time, maybe. You want a pair of clamps or a piercing or two? Or maybe a lacy lil’ cami? You’d fill it out so nice.” 
And honestly, given how much Kon hates the sight of the fucking brand the Agenda put on Match, he wouldn't mind finding him something “cute” to cover it up with some of the time. Something to make it not matter, at least for a night or two. He bets the lace would feel nice under his fingers, too. 
And against Match's skin. 
“Shut–shut the fuck–” Match stutters, and then actually hisses on the next slide of Kon’s cock. His hips still don’t follow his, but Kon can feel the muscles in them tensing and twitching purposelessly and can’t help suspecting it’s just the other’s TTK holding them still. 
“You know I can’t help it when you’re being this sweet, baby,” he croons, and kisses the corner of Match’s jaw before giving him a sly grin in the mirror; rolling his hips back into him with more slow, shallow little thrusts. Match grits his teeth and digs his fingers into the sink. It cracks again, more damage spiderwebbing out from his grip. “Oh, sweetheart, am I making your pussy feel good too? She really did miss me, huh?” 
“Shut up,” Match grits out through his teeth, his voice strangled. Kon pinches his nipples between his fingers; gives them a gentle little roll and then a tug, and then rolls them again, and does it over and over again to no particular timing or rhythm. Match’s shaking hands stay on the cracked sink and his hole keeps clenching and squeezing and quivering around Kon’s cock, and he still doesn’t elbow him in the throat. 
Baby brother is definitely a slut for getting babied, Kon confirms to himself. 
Well, that works for him. 
“You're so pretty when you're taking my cock, baby,” Kon murmurs, nuzzling the other's throat again even as he glances back towards the mirror. Match’s face is more than just “a little” flushed now, though his expression is mostly a cross between confusion and irritation. Kon isn't gonna be picky. He can be patient, for this. “Are you watching yourself? Don't you think you're pretty like this too? Prettiest thing I've ever seen. Just so cute, princess, I–” 
Match jerks back against him, and for a second Kon expects elbowed in the throat after all. What he gets, though, is Match’s hips shoving back into his own, and Match's TTK wrapping back around him to yank his hips forward, and his cock in deep. 
Oh, Kon thinks, and bites the inside of his lower lip. 
He almost just goes back to jackhammering into him as hard as before, but–
No. No, Match was getting off for the sweet treatment. Match reacted like that for the sweet treatment. 
Kon can give him that.
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raisin-writes · 5 months
hachi x reader hcs
fishman island got me feeling kinda fruity for this big lug and i know DAMN well the normies aint gonna write for him, gotta do everything myself around here smfh
sfw and nsfw
nsfw under the cut. minors dont interact with that part istg 🫵👁️👁️💢
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super super sweet bf, like tooth rotting levels of sweetness.
hes the one who asks you out, but hes so shy and awkward about it. any courage he'd gathered beforehand goes right out the window as he twiddles his thumbs and stutters over his words like a fool. its all the more endearing, really; you cant help but laugh when his face lights up and he pulls you into an all encompassing bear hug while jumping around hooting and hollering after you accept.
big kisses from him, likes to surprise you with them when you're looking away only to get a cheekful when you turn back to face him again- that long mouth of his has its advantages. giving him kisses in return makes him squeal and often ends up with you being pulled into him, his arms wrapping around you as he nuzzles you with his cheek, giggling and smiling.
he could never say no to you. he'd give you the world if he could, you mean so much to him. he doesnt have much in the way of financial security, especially now that hes retired from his pirating career, but by god he will try his damndest to make good on his promises to provide for you.
LOVES pda, it makes him feel all giddy inside. even just a peck on the cheek has his chest puffing up and a big grin forming on his face. hand holding makes him weak in the knees. cupping his cheeks in your hands and locking eyes with him while you have that soft, loving look in your eye will make him flush beet red from the top of his head to his chest, you swear you can see steam coming out of his ears.
he gets all starry-eyed whenever he gets the chance to just sit back and admire you, a longing sigh leaves his lips and his heart swells with love.
he doesnt mind making a fool of himself if it makes you laugh- whether that be with some sort of accidental slap-stick routine (he gets so clumsy around you) or singing the worst rendition of a love song in all his tone deaf glory. hes addicted to the sound, he cant get enough of it. your happiness never fails to bring a smile to his face.
regularly gushes about you to caime and pappagu. camie is so happy for him and lets him babble on for as long as he likes, but pappagu will eventually roll his eyes and start to tease him if he rambles for too long. from what hatchi tells them, you seem very nice, they wonder when they'll get to meet you.
really enjoys meal dates, hes lowkey kind of a foodie. dont worry, whatever you dont eat he'll gladly finish for you.
making food together is such a tender, intimate activity for him, it makes his heart ache (in a good way!). likes to show off his culinary skills in an effort to impress you; compliment him on said skill or how good the food tastes and he'll give you the cutest bashful smile youve ever seen, hes so modest. he gets all flustered when you ask him to help you with anything involving him standing behind you and guiding your hands.
endless takoyaki. its on the house, only for you- no ifs, ands, or buts. if you have special requests for him hes more than happy to accommodate.
hes very strong, so no matter how light or heavy you are, he can easily carry you around like a princess in his arms, on his back, or up on his shoulders, whichever you prefer. in truth, he likes carrying you on his back the most, like a little backpack <3
swimming dates are another favorite of his. it feels like youre in his domain while in the water, and he has a duty to keep you safe. loves diving down below the surface and swimming around with you on his back or in his arms. he'll take you to his favorite reefs and show you around the local marine life.
he took you to a kelp forest one time and fell in love with you all over again with the way you looked- awestruck, the sunlight glistening from the surface shining through the kelp made you look ethereal. kissing him under the water makes him feel like hes died and gone to fish-heaven, he feels so at peace down here with you. dont even get me started on the way he screams internally at getting to see you in a swimsuit for the first time; he gets so red, hiding his face in his hands and kicking his feet.
HUGE cuddle bug. hes the reason they call it octopusing, his hands and legs are curled around you so there is absolutely no chance of escape, yet at the same time youve never felt so safe. whether youre sitting in his lap or laying in bed, hes happy as a clam just being so intimately close with you, skin to skin, chest to chest or spooning you from behind. loves having you lay on top of him, his hands rubbing soothing shapes into your back and giving you forehead kisses. on the other hand, he also likes it when you let him rest his head on your chest, his arms over your torso, and your nails combing through his hair (he'll forgive you for messing up his meticulously shaped 'do).
whether you want to live with him down on fishman island or up on the surface, he doesnt care. he'll be content and happy so long as he gets to be with you. if you decide on the former, he might have you live with camie for a while, at least until he can figure out a safer place to live (like hell is he gonna let you step foot in the noah district). but for you, its worth the trouble.
oh this fishman is a service verse fr fr, he lives to please.
because hes much bigger and stronger than you, he feels its just easier for you to take the lead and tell him what to do. he doesnt want to end up accidentally hurting you, so normally he'll just let you have your way with him, whether that be climbing on top of him and riding him while he holds you up with all of his big greedy hands, sitting on his face while he moans into your wet heat, or sinking down on his thick fingers- hes got plenty for you to choose from 😏.
gets a little nervous when you ask him to be on top. he knows hes a big guy, hes afraid hes going to accidentally crush you under him if hes not careful. dont worry, with a little encouragement and maybe some teasing, hes more than happy to give you what you need.
absolutely no degradation, choking, or hitting. he could never intentionally hurt you, that would be too much for him, he'll feel so guilty. youre his sun, his moon, his stars- in his eyes, you deserve only kindness.
hes not the best at dirty talk, but when he gets to the point of babbling, he'll shower you with praises like "you feel so amazing, your face looks so pretty right now", and cries of "need you so bad, youre perfect. youre so perfect. i love you so much." alongside other sweet endearments.
if you really beg him and goad him on, he might get huffy and smack your ass or manhandle you a bit to get back at your teasing, but thats the extent of his ability to dom. deep down you know hes capable of more, but the wall of self-discipline hes built up for himself is damn near-impenetrable.
hes in the 7 feet tall range, so you know that thang is big- around 7 inches to be specific. its tentacle-like, thick, and has a smooth velvety texture with a tapered tip. the underside has small, underdeveloped suckers that feel insanely good when he slowly drags his cock down against your walls. it normally sits inside him, tucked into a slit between his legs, but it unsheathes itself when coaxed out or hes teased in other erogenous zones.
he gets really whiney and whimpery when hes about to cum, its insanely cute. his shoulders will shake and his knees start to buckle but by god is he gonna make sure you finish either before or with him- he'll even stubbornly push himself to the point of tears to make sure he doesnt beat you to the finish line.
he has a weird thing about making sure you're satiated before he worries about his own pleasure. "its the gentlefishly thing to do!" he'll say, but deep down hes kind of insecure you'll leave him if he doesnt go above and beyond. hes not the sharpest tooth in the anglers mouth, but hes got eyes and the wherewithall to realize that theres always going to be other humans and fishmen that'll be bigger, better-looking, and richer than him, and hes scared they'll tempt you away from him. he gets better about not thinking that way the longer youre with him, but it still eats at the back of his mind every once and a while.
to combat this negative train of thought, he requires a bit of special attention; lots of kisses, anywhere and everywhere, but especially on his face and neck, sweet praises whispered in his ear, telling him all the little details you love about him, teasing caresses, maybe a small bit of tickling to get him to laugh, boasting about all the things only he could do for you, etc. he'll bounce right back with a "r-really? you think all those nice things about me??" his face gets all red and he seems to forget how to make eye contact, but the timid smile on his face and the hint of tears beginning in this eyes is a good indicator that youve done a good job of lifting his self esteem and reassuring him youre all his.
back to the fun stuff, hes very good with his hands and mouth. he loves making you moan and whine for him, your pleasure spurs him on to keep going. hes very obedient when you tell him to suck on you harder or finger you faster, all for the sweet reward of your pretty whimpers and praises. hes a hard worker, having much more stamina than the average human, so he'll go on with foreplay for seemingly forever if you ask him to.
when he first pushes inside you, it leaves you breathless. youre whining and taking shallow gulps of air when he bottoms out and you can feel that delicious twinge of pain from being stretched just past your limits.
hes not faring any better; hes shaking, gripping the sheets under you and involuntarily rutting further into your warmth, the action making you cry out and grip his forearms to keep yourself from going insane. his eyes are shut tight, his brows scrunched together in concentration. its taking just about everything in him not to just slide back out and ram into you, you feel so deliriously tight and wet around him he might just explode.
hes so gentle with you. you can see hes trying his best by the way he grits his teeth and slides into you with slow, deliberate strokes, letting you get used to his size.
you'll be more than ready for him by the time he starts actually fucking you. his thrusts are heavy, making your whole body bounce back before meeting him again in a wet slap of skin against skin. it makes you dizzy with how full you feel.
he cums a lot. it gets pretty messy, so be ready for that. once hes gotten past the peak of pleasure, his loud, pathetic whimpering gradually subsiding to quiet little moans, hes slow to pull out, amazed at the sight of his release leaking out of you and around his cock. its not a full on kink, moreso just a fascination for him.
your sigh of contentment brings his attention back up to your face and he smiles. youre both sweaty, flushed, and tired, but hes still a gentleman, he needs to clean you both up first and foremost.
aftercare is so tender with him. hes quieter, his voice a low hum when he checks in with you. hes also attentive to any mess and soreness you have, hes got plenty of hands to multitask so you'll be ready for bed in no time.
cuddling is just routine at this point, but if youre too hot, he'll settle for just holding your hand while facing you, admiring. you conk out soon after youre both settled and sleep like a baby, he'll follow a little later when his eyes get too heavy to keep open.
he snores. it sounds a bit like a kazoo sometimes. its cute.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 4 months
Caroline fans pretend she was so mistreated when she wasn’t a victim of racist backlash, misogyny, and desexualized in a show about romance. Candice King never had to worry about Julie Plec bashing her to fans on social media. Caroline Dries never spoke over Candice in interviews. Julie said in interviews that Kat couldn’t act when Candice was awful in emotional scenes. She was good when Caroline had to be bubbly but that’s it.
Caroline fans whine about is that she didn’t end up with Klaus. They did not deserve any endgames after being bullies to Phoebe Tonkin, Leah Pipes and fat shaming Danielle Rose Russell.
The fact that people actually believe that Caroline was as mistreated as Bonnie is unbelievable to me.
Don't know anything about acting, I can't tell when people are bad actors so I don't know about Candice.
But yeah, Klaroline shippers are incredibly annoying and they bully all the actresses that aren't Candice for their characters. There was a time where I felt like I had to be a Klaroline fan, because everyone was one and the only Klaus fics that I could find were Klaroline fics. I started to hate the ship just by how they treated all the other characters in the fics. Especially Cami and Bonnie.
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cheshireegray · 2 years
His unannounced Queen
Just an fyi I don’t own tvd or the originals (one because I’m broke) and (two because I don’t live I California) the people who own it are on Netflix or hbo max so yea just saying so DONT SUE ME IM TO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL,thank you and good day
Another thing the gif is from Pinterest don’t really know who I have a lot of klaroline gifs saved so I would have to double check. If it’s yours please let me know and I’ll put you name down. Thanks
IJS: Cami Bashing, Hayley bashing(if that’s what you wanna call it)
Requested by:@riyap279
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It had been 8 years since carolines the last encounter in the woods with klaus but when he showed up at her graduation and told her that he would wait for her however long it takes it made her heart jump. Nobody has ever said anything like that to her, not matt, not Damon, and never Tyler. Klaus was always there for her when she needed him, after they walked away from the graduation ceremony he told her that his door would always be open if she ever needed him or wanted to take him up on his offer on showing her all the amazing things the world had to offer.
Caroline was in her car driving to New Orleans to see klaus and take him up on his offer, she was excited she knew that he would always be there for her whether it be good or bad he was there in less than an hour. As she passed the "Welcome to New Orleans" sign she wondered if he had moved on or if he was still waiting for her. There was that tiny voice in the back of her head that was telling her that he didn't want her anymore and that she should just turn back.
But Caroline ignored it she was going to find out for herself and even if he did find someone else she was still going to stay a while to spend time with her favorite girl. Hope Mikaelson was the magical loophole baby that happened between klaus and the were-slut hayley. When caroline first heard about klaus having a baby none the less with hayley she was hurt but then came along the weird Gemini coven who magically implanted Lizzie and Josie inside of her womb.
When rebekah needed someone to help take care of hope she called caroline because she was the only person that her brother wouldn't kill on the spot. When caroline had met hope she was just barely a newborn, it was like the motherly instincts kicked in and she loved and cared for hope as if she were her own daughter. When hope turned about 2 years old she started to call caroline mama, her being the sweet person she was she showed pictures of hayley and said that she was her momma.
But baby hope wasn't having it, instead, she would use her baby magic to throw the picture away and crawl into carolines arms repeating how she was her mama. When it was time for hope to go home rebekah made a promise to not let hope forget her real mama and that it should have been caroline instead of hayley who got pregnant with hope. Caroline is pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of loud jazz music playing as she drove closer to the mikaelson home.
If Caroline knew anything she knew that the mikaelson's had to live in extravagant houses, looking at her phone to get the address for the house she put it in her GPS and drove in that direction. Caroline might have forgotten to mention to klaus that she was coming to visit so she was just going to surprise him in her own fashion. As she pulls up to the Compound she sees lights, and people dancing and enjoying themselves and she can't help but be excited for that to be her.
Caroline parks her car in the parking space that she now just reserved for BMW and grabs her purse and phone before locking the car. Caroline fluffs out her hair before applying just a bit more lip gloss before walking up to the door and opening it not bothering to knock on it. Who's gonna hurt her? If they tried they had a death wish so it wouldn't really be smart.
Caroline listened for sounds and heard talking in the living room so she headed that way, as she walks in she sees some blonde-haired girl who weirdly looked like her but cheaper, a tall dark-skinned man with a large cocky smile on his face. Looking more she saw The Mikaelson's, the were-slut, and then her klaus who seemed to be arguing with the dark man. Before she could make her presence known she heard tiny footsteps, so instead of watching the argument which was entertaining she followed the tiny steps.
Making her back to the foyer she sees a small light red-ish brown-haired girl coming down the steps, noticing the scent she walks in front of the steps with a bright smile on her lips. Hope was coming down the stairs to get a snack when she saw her mommy standing in front of her with a bright smile, not thinking about if anyone heard her she bolted down the stairs "MOMMY!" she jumped into caroline's arms as she was spun around in circles "Hi jelly bean" caroline chastened as she felt whole at this moment.
Everyone who was in the living jumped up and ran to hope who screamed mommy, making it to the foyer they saw hope hugging a blonde woman tightly. Rebekah smiled brightly because she knew that caroline would come eventually and hope had missed her so much. Klaus thought he was seeing things thinking to himself that she was here in his home with his daughter who called her mommy. Hayley was confused as to whom her daughter called mommy, hope never even called her mommy.
Hope would always call her hayley, Hayley was never really there for hope she was always in the bayous with her pack. There was one time she let mommy slip but that was because of Camille who she thought was her mommy but soon realized that she was wrong and went back to her room crying at not being able to see her mommy. Now at this moment, she was here in their house, holding and telling her how much she missed her and that she was sorry.
Camille, marcel,kol,elijah, and Freya looked very confused and scared, they didn't know if this was another one of Klaus's crazy ass exes. They looked at klaus and rebekah who seemed to be in pure bliss at the mother-daughter reunion. elijah was about to say something to the pair but hayley spitefully beat him to it "who the hell are you, and why are you holding my daughter" she spat as she walked closer to the two, but rebekah wasn't having it her niece was finally happy and she wasn't gonna let hayley ruin it.
caroline simply ignored her and let go of her daughter who had tears in her eyes, she bent down and rubbed her long hair out of her face "I've missed you so much jelly bean" caroline spoke softly as she pulled her close to her, hope was now letting the tears fall from her face "I missed you more mommy, are you gonna leave again?" hope said scared of what the answer might be caroline let go of the hug and frantically shook her head " No I'm not leaving, never ever again" she said as she wiped the tears streaming down hopes angelic face.
Hope wanted more than just her say she wanted her promise "do you promise?" she kissed her pinky finger and lifted it so caroline could mimic her, caroline smiled and kissed her pinky as well before interlocking them "I promise, I'm not going anywhere" hope smile and hugged her mom tightly before letting her pick her up and put her on her hip. Rebekah seemed to break out of a daze and went to hug caroline "it took you bloody long enough" she smirked before standing beside her.
hayley looked furious, her eyes were glowing and her fists clinched together, she looked like she was about to pounce but caroline ignores her and everyone else. She turns to walk up the steps with hope in her arms and rebekah standing there smirking she turned around to rebekah "come on bekah, I gotta re-arrange his closet, I'm gonna need lots of space for my shoes" she giggled before going up the steps with hope in her arms and rebekah hot on her trail.
Everyone was standing there stunned at what just went down, hayley was pissed, Elijah, Marcel, And Freya were lost at who the blonde was, and Camille was trying to wrap her head around why klaus looked at the girl with such love in his eyes. Kol seemed to have the same smirk on his face as rebekah did before she left the room, "klaus aren't you going to say anything she just took our daughter" hayley asked still furious klaus just shrugged and followed upstairs to where the girls went leaving his family and others alone.
klaus made his way upstairs to his bedroom where he heard laughing and hope talking to her mommy, he walked into the room and leaned up against the door watching Caroline take down his clothes and move them over but let out a frustrated sigh at her not having enough space. "ugh how many henleys does one man need" she groaned as she ran he hands through her hair before turning to hope who was sitting on the table that was in the closet "why does your daddy have so many shirts?" she smiled and pointed towards the door.
Caroline looked at the door to a smirking klaus who had his arms crossed over his chest as he was staring at her and hope, rebekah had left to go and stir the pot up with hayley and Camille since she wanted to see their reactions. "To be fair love I don't share a closet with anyone," he said with his signature smile as she blushed a bit but rolled her eyes, "well I need more space for my shoes and clothes" she pointed to the lack of space in his closet, klaus walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she guessed what he wanted to she kissed him softly.
"well whatever the Queen shall want, she shall have," he said in his low British voice, caroline blushed and lightly bit her lip at the nickname. Hope was watching and decided to go in between the two she pushed her way into the middle of the two and reached up with her bright smile. Klaus picked her up and kissed her cheek "do you need to break the wall down so you can have more space?" he asked caroline as she was making funny faces at hope who was giggling "Yes please and I need a designer in here pronto" she said with her miss mystic falls smile before taking hope and walking out of the closet.
Caroline and hope climbed into Klaus's bed and turned on his tv scrolling through the movies, they didn't really care for what was happening downstairs. klaus had caroline and his daughter the two most important things in his life and nobody was going to take them away from him again ever. They turned on Disney plus and picked princess and the frog, Hope was happy she got her mommy back, and now her family was whole.
rebekah had left once klaus had gotten there so she could go and pick at hayley and camille, she made her way to the living room and saw hayley standing in the corner angry still, camille slightly jealous and the guys just stuck. Freya noticed rebekah and asked the obvious question "who was that girl who hope called mommy" she asked rebekah completely ignoring the growl that came out of the were-sluts throat "Oh her, Yea that was Just Caroline Forbes a good friend of Nik's" rebekah tried to sound nonchalant.
Camille smiled maybe she did have a chance with klaus, he was interested in her and not the other blonde, right? If they were just friends then that meant that she didn't mean anything to klaus and that she had nothing to worry about. but kol crushed her little fun thoughts "I wouldn't get too happy camille" he said with a smirk as he and rebekah were watching her excitement show on her face.
Camille's smile dropped as she looked at the two smirking originals "Caroline is way more than just a 'friend' she's Queen of New Orleans" rebekah put air quotes on her sentence camille was upset at her not being the queen it was supposed to be her and klaus ruling side by side, not some dumb blonde bimbo who didn't know him as she did. "I know you've always wondered who that crown in his office on the shelf was for!" kol said as he leaned in slightly "yea it was for caroline, and you're not even worth the dirt that she walks on" kol said in husky whisper
Rebekah and Kol broke into a fit of laughter when they watched Camille's face drop, hayley was still mad and the men were still confused as to why she just walked in like she owned the place "Hope called caroline mommy because she is her mommy, caroline was there when I took hope away and she grew attached to her so she calls her mommy" rebekah said as she leaned back onto the couch watching closely at hayley's face.
hayley was at a loss for words now she knew why rebekah would always take hope away to mystic falls, she needed help raising hope so she called caroline whose neck she happened to snap once. "but it doesn't matter now, Hope has her mama and her papa also known as the king and queen" rebekah said as she turned on the tv and finished watching supernatural with kol.
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chris-continues · 1 year
College AU Thoughts (cont.)
Writing more college au solely because ONE OF THE COOLEST PPL EVER @macncherries did Wolfwood art (here check it out), but have some more random college au thoughts
TAGS: @lune010 @h4venpha @vashfantasy
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-Meryl probably has some really nice gel, ballpoint, colored pens that she literally abuses all the time. Sometimes her notes aren’t even totally neat she’s just sleep deprived and highlighting/underlining the important areas of her textbook as she listens to her lecture
-Vash definitely has to listen to audio playback of lectures- does he try to take notes in class? Yeah. But they look like chicken scratch, his handwriting pales in comparison to literally anyone else’s T<T listening while he does smth else really helps w/ how he learns (autistic vash) (cough)
-Meryl and Milly have matching pairs of rip-off Birkenstocks they found at like Marshall’s then saw a pair w a marijuana leaf and Milly went, “Reminds me of Wolfwood!” So they got it (to Meryl’s amusement and dismay). Wolfwood wears them often
-Ok, I’ve been debating on this hc that Vash sometimes gets invited to parties, considering he’s a bit of a campus celeb. Handsome, athletic (tennis player legend), but he can easily get overwhelmed. He’s having fun with the fame for like a good 30 minutes to an hour and then he just kinda tires out more as the night drags on.
-Meryl’s outfits consist of her wanting comfort yet maintaining her usual feminine flair. Yoga pants with a cami and a simple jacket, or on nicer days more of a fitted sweater. Perhaps a jumper and a baby tee/turtleneck underneath- I think when she’s feeling it she def likes Monica Helper’s looks from Friends. A casual, yet still sweet vibe.
-for accessories she probably has an Apple Watch and the staples- hoop earrings, her classic dangle/rectangular earrings, some silver hardware if she’s feelin extra funky and a classic black belt because I do believe she hates it when her jeans are too low it’s a big thing that annoys her to no end.
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-On the other hand, Milly’s outfits are less fitted and I think she’s more laid back in her appearance, preferring some of the crew necks she’s collected from several events her siblings have been to or hand me downs from her country family. She wears vintage athletic wear though, it’s cute on her and it suits her well.
-she has a few simple scrunchies she remains loyal to, not wanting to cut her hair short and often tying it up. When she feels more femme she’s got some cute necklaces that pair well with any cute sweaters she has- she also has some maxi skirts she wears too! :) (can’t find an exact image of what I have in mind + I have a 10 image limit on mobile lol)
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-Meryl avidly has to live off of coffee. Girl is always so organized but truthfully she’s half alive due to the fact she’s a frequent visitor at the campus cafe and is familiar w/ some of the baristas who often cut her slack if she ever needs a pick me up.
-Vash is like a crazy good teacher, to some people’s surprise. He can word concepts in a way that breaks them down easier, sometimes he even has some little memory hints he uses lol. For any other ND kid in class who’s a bit bashful they usually flock to him, he’s got such a charming aura and never fails to make anyone feel a bit more comfortable.
-Wolfwood teases Meryl for her aforementioned coffee addiction, but I’d imagine he takes a liking to something like a pink drink. Like- usually that stuff is too sugary for him, but smth about it has him coming back for more!!
-Meryl has an array of podcasts she listens to- I think she def dabbled in true crime maybe?
-Milly and Meryl’s shared dorm is actually really chill. There’s some clutter on each side but they’ve got a shared mini fridge (Meryl got it but doesn’t mind Milly using it because she likes her) it’s stocked with pudding cups
-Milly got Pinterest after Meryl wanted to share ideas for food ideas on weekends (they’re both on a meal plan but still need to eat on Saturdays and Sunday’s lol) so they usually end up going out for some cheap takeout w/ Vash and Wolfwood or make something in a rice cooker they found at a thrift store that works kinda ok… for the price they got it.
-Like they’re cutting up spam, eggs, tossing rice on there, some veggies they got and sometimes they splurge on cheap fruit like bananas and apples
-They both like to eat well and unlike Vash and Wolfwood they won’t live off of instant ramen and takeout (although Vash eats pretty well considering he lives with Nai, who makes sure he regulates his diet due to sports and Vash’s long list of medical concerns)
-Wolfwood eats like shit though I’ll be completely honest
-The guy knows how to shop. But he doesn’t want to. So he lives off of cup noodles and old pizza, takeout and shit, and thanks to crazy fast metabolism he works it off whenever he does some form of working out and whatnot.
-Will agree that he has the best of the best songs, his music taste is unparalleled. Like he’ll be busting it down to 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con) by Will Wood from his middle school days then some new metal he’s gotten into (he peeked over Knives’ Spotify playlists) OO OR OR THIS IS LOVE BY AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER (I’m def not projecting w/ what’s on my Spotify rn I’m shit at song names I just know vibes)
-Vash likes hyperpop and rave typa stuff it stimulates his brain in just the right way tbh
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Thank you to @silvermars for inspiring this one shot. Her tag on a Halloween spuffy gif is what inspired this: “The way she just pulled to him like in a trance. Even though he’s leaving and they’ve said goodbye she can’t help but turn to him. Follow him. Because she WANTS to be with him. She wants to go WITH HIM.”
Tagging @karinanic
“Good fight.”
Spike nods to Buffy as he leaves her house. She watches him leave and feels her body start to go after him. She would have followed him, her body was following him. She only stopped because Willow spoke from behind her. “So big monster bashing sorry we missed it.”
She couldn’t even bring herself to punish Dawn she had Giles do it. She just couldn’t be near the front door anymore. She knew if she spent anymore time near it she would follow her body and be leaving.
Buffy quickly ran up the stairs trying to escape the thoughts running through her head and the front door.
Later that night Buffy Is trying to fall asleep, but she can’t she is tossing and turning not getting any sleep. Both parts of her the girl and the slayer are fighting each other. After what feels like hours Buffy gets out of bed and slips her jeans and the pink lace Cami she had on earlier maybe if she did a late night sweep it would tire her out. Slaying usually does.
She enters Renfield cemetery and looking for any possible vampire or demon, nothing. Nothing in the last two cemeteries either. She looks up at the sky. “The forces of darkness can’t give me one vampire.” She quietly says as she passes another grave. “That’s all I ask.”
Without even realizing it her feet led her to the all too familiar crypt that she was in earlier tonight; spikes crypt.
Spike returning home got himself some blood and decided to go downstairs, he was going to read some poetry maybe write some if he was in the mood.
He’s laying on his bed shirtless in just his jeans when he hears the door above open. He quickly shuts the book and puts it back on his bookcase. He hears footsteps above and can hear a heartbeat. Before he even has time to cross the lower half of his crypt, he sees his late night intruder.
“Buffy? What are you doing here?”
She looks around his bedroom, last time she was here she didn’t have that good of a view she was chained up and he told her he loves her. Since then he got a four poster bed, a bookcase, laid down many Persian rugs so the floor is not the cold ground.
“You’re right it is posh down here.”
He lets out a little smile she remembered a couple weeks ago when he told her that right after she came back and he found her in his crypt just like tonight.
He doesn’t say anything doesn’t want to ruin the moment or bring her back to her senses that she’s in his bedroom. He watches as she takes off her shoes and makes her way to his black satin sheets.
Buffy curls up on his bed she looks so small, after a couple moments looks up at the speechless vampire. Her broken and exhausted eyes look up into his speechless eyes.
“Can you just lay here with me.”
He nods and lays on his side of the bed. They both are facing each other it’s quiet for a couple minutes then she says. “I’m sorry you missed the great pumpkin.”
He chuckles and she lets out a little smile as he reaches out and tucks apiece of hair behind her ear and cups her cheek. “It’s fine luv there’s always next year, maybe you can watch it with me next year.”
She nods as she moves closer to him, her head is snuggled into the crook of his neck and her body is melding into his.
Spike gulps he can not believe his night. He doesn’t understand how his night went from just going to watch the great pumpkin to helping find dawn and kill some vampires to now he is cuddling with the slayer. The women he loves sought him out, and asked him to lay down with her. More shockingly she snuggled into him. Spike would punch himself to make sure he’s not dreaming but if he is he never wants to wake up. He can smell her shampoo commercial hair. This is the best Halloween he has ever had.
Buffy reaches out to his other hand and takes it placing it on her hip so he is holding her as she sleeps. He leans down and kisses the top of her head. She snuggles more into him.
There is no way he is sleeping tonight he is going to cherish this moment forever. Buffy finally falls asleep she feels safe and comfortable. She feels at home in his arms being surrounded by his scent and him.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
Hello Norah,
I wanted to say that I came across your story "The only sure thing" a couple of months ago and I have to say it is absolutely wonderful.
The work that has been done behind the scenes to make the story as authentic as it seems when reading it is palpable. From the wonderful descriptions of the LA house, to Midge's boarding school and bungalow, everything seems real.
Midge is an incredible character, she feels authentic and real. She's headstrong and stubborn and kind. I love that you made her someone that has known E since his pre-fame days. Someone that can notice every little change in his personality and someone that can put his feet back on the ground ( as much as anybody could have done that in the early 60s with that man)
Your portrayal of E is spot on (even his speech patterns are perfect). E when he came back from the Army was an entirely new creature and you tackle his personality in a fantastic way. I can see his turmoil, his possessiveness, his solitude, the persona that he created for those around him and the insecure boy that still remained.
One of the moments that remained in my head is when he feels betrayed after Midge starts her job and "ruins" the big plans that he had come up with. When she came back, my heart was in my throat (does this phrase exist in English? Sorry if not, in Argentina it means that you are nervous and you know something bad is gonna happen). I knew he was going to do something stupid and boy did he do it. Him having the mattress and the bed burned seemed so E, I could picture it so easily.
The past episodes in Hawaii were incredible (the last one is definitely in my top 3). Midge going back and forth with her ideals, her desire to be free and her inability to be away from E. This has been a recurring theme in the story and I love it. I can easily sympathise with Midge and that makes the story so compelling.
I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us, you have a most delighted reader in me.
I'm sorry I couldn't write before but I tend to need quite some time to get my ideas in order for these messages.
All the best, Cami.
PD: It has been wonderful to see your development as a writer throughout the story, you should be so proud of yourself. You are fantastic.
Oy vey Cami, fuck. This last part is making me tear up a bit, because I sometimes want to go back and change the previous chapters but I kind of like seeing how I have changed as a writer too, if that makes sense?
This is a story that is always going to go back and forth between fluff and angst, I feel that is sort of par for the course with Elvis. I am so grateful you've decided to come along for the ride. Elvis was so impulsive, I could see him doing something to teach her a lesson and make her jealous (I think I exaggerated a bit on the scale but oh well) and then burning the bed and thinking that would make everything ok.
As for Hawaii, well, I got stuck there, it was so fun to research how they made this film and what Honolulu was like, I had to make it two chapters and I am glad I did.
Do you write? How did you get into Elvis, let alone Elvis fan fic? I am always curious to know these things.
Thanks for writing @horror-movieshoes, your words make me all bashful and giddy and I might print this letter and carry it in my bra until it disintegrates.
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If you are reading this and wondering what the she is talking about you can get on the rollercoaster here
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p-artsypants · 11 months
trick or treat?
Also, I deleted your ask by accident while formatting my post, sorry! So I hope it's okay if I include it below the post!!
you got a treat! So, uh…have this snippet of a WIP I hope to finish someday!
modern/magical girl/scp (I don't know, feel free to ask) AU
Sometimes, he pondered WHY he still forced himself to show up here. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited. The radio chimed on about some hair salon catching fire and waffled on about fire safety – not that that wasn’t important, especially in his field – before announcing the “latest hits” to be played. Of course, the same as the past two hours. Usually, the radio was a godsend when it came to distraction.
Not today, it seemed, as it failed to aid droning out the headaches.
Toothless wriggled around even more in his bag, agitated or hungry or both.
Was this hell? Probably. He groaned as his flip phone gave a cheery bleep. “Gods, why NOW.” He felt like bashing out his brain on the steering wheel when he checked the alert.
Of course Thuggory and the rest would be tracking down a random third-degree anomaly when here, right now, two A and B ranked ones chose to hop into their world, a mere few hundred metres away. The headache abated somewhat when two other icons plopped up next to them – at least he wouldn’t have to deal with them personally.
“Earth to Hiccup? I repeat-“ How long had Cami been at that?
“I heard you. Over.” He grumbled into the open laptop beside him. “Still negative PSI-readings. Head eastward. The subject likes water. Over.”
“10-4. Over.” Camicazzi (Bourgh) responded. “Why are you so sure about the water things, though? Over.”
“Trust me. It does. Over.” Why question a space-whales love of water?
An angry grunt came as a reply, but she left it at that.
“Also, Thuggory’s side is pinging in. You’ll be on your own for a bit. Over.”
He didn’t wait for her to respond and tuned in. If Snotlout had gotten his team into trouble, he swore…
“Uh, Hiccup? We’ve got a…situation. There's a-“
“Oh, Thor be damned. You went over THERE?!” Right to the A-rank from earlier, where a magi team was trying to take it down. Great. More problems for him.
“Yeah, there’s a PSI-type cluster with smaller ones around it.”
“Leave it alone and run. I repeat-“
“Oh, come on Haddock. We can handle it.” Jorgenson cut them off.
And that, ladies, gentlemen, and all others, is why he hated working with Jorgenson.
“Thuggory, take the measuring beacons and evacuate now. The data is more important right now.”
“Ah, don’t listen to him. He’s a fearmongering idiot.” Snotlout interrupted.
Hiccup switched back to Camicazzi before he went insane.
“Alright, Cami, Team Jorgenson is facing issues. Can you send over some of yours to help? They want to fight an A-class.”
“Who wouldn’t?” Why was she so delighted? “Ping me the location.”
“Right. Transmitting data and PSI-readings of their area. Don’t blame me for anything.”
Camicazzi only laughed as her transmitter crackled and eventually turned itself off due to the Psi-levels of whatever creature they’d found.
He turned off the transmitter and sighed. “Tooth, did you hear that?”
“I did.”
“You know what I’m going to ask, right?”
“And you know I’ll just tell you to do it yourself.”
He gave a pained smile. “And if I said I’m cutting your fish allowance?”
Toothless threw him a nigh toxic glare.
“I’ll come along.” He grumbled as Hiccup temporarily connected the transmitter to his earphones. He locked the car, gave a hurried look around, and pulled the whistle from his pocket.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Thank you for the snippet!
And for you, sweet child, please, take a few~
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sapphic-agent · 1 year
Let's Talk About Izuku Midoriya
As most of you know, Izuku is my favorite character in the show. But dismissing my bias for a second, there are a lot of issues with his character. Mainly, how it's handled within the story and the negative affect it tends to have on the overall plot.
What I think really dampens Izuku's character is a lack of depth. Fellow Izu fans hold your fire... let me finish.
The lack of depth wasn't always a problem. In season 1, he tends to have a lot of lines that indicate complex emotions. When he's walking home after Bakugou's suicide-baiting, he shows at least a little contempt for what was said even if he tries not to take it to heart. Hell, even during the suicide baiting itself, he reacts with anger and intends to stand up to Bakugou even if he is forced into silence by fear. During the bus ride to the USJ, Kaminari and Asui are (rightfully) observing that Bakugou is a dick and Izuku is surprised at the swap in their roles. In the Battle Trials, he's guilty when Bakugou accuses him of purposely hiding his quirk, but also confronts and outsmarts him, knowing that beating Bakugou (standing up to him) is the only way he can even start to become a hero.
(This is evidence that at some point Izuku was aware that Bakugou's actions weren't alright and wanted to condemn them, he just didn't have the strength or confidence to go through with it. This entirely disappears later in the series with no reconciliation of those feelings)
We don't get many scenes like this later on. Izuku takes Bakugou's insults and attacks with no reaction or just a nervous one. And we never, ever see him attempt to stand up for himself against him.
And no, I don't count Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. Izuku was practically forced to defend himself as Bakugou would have attacked him either way, and his entire role in the fight is going on and on about his admiration for Bakugou. Izuku isn't standing up to Bakugou, he's being placed in a situation where he's forced to help develop him. The entire episode is solely for Bakugou's benefit while shoving Izuku into a corner.
But even taking a step away from Bakugou for a minute, Izuku also becomes more one dimensional in regards to Uraraka.
I've said this before answering an ask, but in the beginning of the show Izuku was the one who was attracted to Uraraka. He was flustered by her kindness and reacted bashfully to her hero suit. And for some reason this... goes away. The last time he gets even slightly embarrassed around her is the licensing exam when she appears jealous of Camie (Toga). Not only that, it feels like all of that transferred to Uraraka. She was the one who ended up becoming bashful and flushed and embarrassed, which would make sense if Izuku's feelings didn't almost entire disappear. It does both their characters a disservice; Uraraka is reduced to a more one-dimensional love interest (don't @ me for this, she has her moments and I love her) and Izuku loses another aspect of his character.
I would even say this is present with Todoroki on some level. Izuku was supposed to be his first real friend and they barely interact. Which is even worse considering they're both part of the "main trio." It would have been so easy to play them off of one another since they're supposedly best friends and should be the closest two in that trio. Their friendship was one of the starting points of the entire series and their connection is an integral part of both their characters. Yet they both interact more with Bakugou than one another.
(For comparison, look at Bakugou and Kirishima. They're in a multitude of scenes together and we see how their relationship develops over time. We see their companionship and how Bakugou comes to trust and rely on him. We don't get anywhere close to that with Izuku and Todoroki.)
Over the seasons/volumes (whichever you consume), Horikoshi has dumbed Izuku's character down to crying, defending others, and being self-sacrificing. And these aren't inherently bad traits for a main character, but they weren't all he had in the beginning. He had more personality and he had stronger feelings. Taking that away from him cheapened his character.
Another failing of Izuku's character is how him being quirkless is blatantly ignored by the series.
This was an integral part of his character. It's what separated him from the vast majority of people in the show. It destroyed the only dream he ever had. He was discriminated against for it. It defined his entire existence for the first fourteen years of his life.
And it's never talked about.
Okay, I shouldn't say that. It is used to draw parallels between him and Shinsou (and Aoyama later on). But other than that, Izuku really doesn't acknowledge it. For someone who would grapple with not being good enough for OFA, him not really dwelling on being quirkless is odd.
In a series about the corruption of society, it's strange that the discrimination the main character faced from that society isn't talked about. In fact, outside of Melissa (she's legit the only character who was born quirkless and stayed quirkless, everyone else who's listed quirkless had their quirks taken away or received a quirk later), the series doesn't really introduce quirkless people at all even though they make up 20% of the population (and that isn't a small number by any means, that would be 1.6 billion people in 2023).
Yet this issue that was very present in the beginning of the show is just... swept under the rug. Like everything Izuku went through because of it just doesn't matter. A four year old came to the realization that he was beneath his peers by society's standards, but Izuku just doesn't talk or think about it ever again.
It not only ignores the very real trauma and struggle the main character went through, it also shuns a very important piece of world building. Having Izuku born quirkless was the perfect way to introduce this problem with society. But no, other than his dream being ruined and Bakugou's bullying, Izuku doesn't struggle with this in any other way. We only have vague implications of what he went through growing up quirkless so we can't imagine what it's like for the other 1.6 billion people.
This ties into his lack of depth, but a lot of the time it feels like Izuku's only relevance is to be a prop for other characters. Bakugou is obviously the main one and I went over this in the apology analysis. But Izuku doesn't respond to his apology in any way, we never get to see his thinking or how he was affected, and then he faints at the end. Izuku is a puppet in place to further Bakugou's development. This is also present in Deku vs Kacchan Part 2; all his thoughts are centered around admitting Bakugou and propping him up.
As much as I hate it, it somewhat makes sense for Bakugou. But it's utter insanity that this is extended to Endeavor as well.
Back during the Sports Festival, Izuku displayed disdain for Endeavor. He was aware of what an awful person he was and how he hurt Todoroki. Yet for some reason he then tells Todoroki that he thinks he's ready to forgive him.
This is completely out of character for Izuku. For one, he never inserts himself into others' business unless it's to defend them. And up until that point he hadn't said a word about Endeavor; not to comfort Todoroki and not to abhor his actions. So why in the world would the first thing out of his mouth about him be that Todoroki seems ready to forgive him?
It's almost like he's acting as a mouthpiece for Horikoshi, indirectly telling the audience that Todoroki no longer holds any resentment for Endeavor. Izuku's relevance in this scene as Todoroki's best friend should not have been to assume that he's ready to forgive his abuser.
He also verbally defends Endeavor against Dabi. Even though he knows how abusive and neglectful Endeavor was to his children. Condoning Endeavor while disparaging Dabi makes no sense for Izuku's character. He was defending Shoto too which makes sense, but there was no reason to add Endeavor into that. Just because Endeavor was his mentor (for like three weeks if that) doesn't erase what he's done.
To make Izuku ignorant of this was a slap to the face of his entire character.
Even in his own major arc, Izuku gets the shaft. Dark Deku was a major let down because there was hardly a deeper dive into his character. He was on his own with the past OFA holders for weeks and we barely see him talk to them. Him cutting contact with Toshinori when we didn't even get to see them interact much made no sense (Toshi didn't even try to find him afterwards which was so out of character). The top 3 heroes allowed him- a fifteen year old student- to run on his own without even trying to talk him out of it.
And what's supposed to be an honest attempt to get him to come back and trust him turned into 1A a) physically attacking and ganging up on him and b) allowing Bakugou to goad and insult him. And he wasn't even close with all of 1A for nineteen of them to do this. This should have been restricted to Iida, Todoroki, and Uraraka (and maybe Tsu and Aoyama). He has issues with showing vulnerability in front of people, why om Earth would it make sense to blindside him with his entire class?
(The only part of Dark Deku I truly enjoyed was Uraraka sticking up for him at UA and Kota and that woman he saved earlier running to comfort him and show their gratitude. Although Eri not being there is very weird.)
Like I said above, I love Izuku. But I absolutely hate the way he's been handled by his author. He deserved an actual well thought out character arc and a lot more focus and attention. He deserved to have more intricate, complex relationships with other characters that weren't his childhood bully. He deserved to be treated well in his own story.
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hyperactivewhore · 7 months
Caroline sleeping with Klaus was a betrayal, just as much as of a betrayal as Elena getting with Damon after everything Damon did to her friends. Of course, Tyler, who was terrorized by Klaus, would be angry that Caroline slept with him. People love to bash Tyler for his reasonable reaction to finding out the woman he loves just slept with the man who killed his mom. People defend Caroline for sleeping with Klaus (which fine - she can sleep with anyone she wants), but at the same time, Tyler had every reason to react badly to the news.
I hate that people bash Tyler for slut-shaming Caroline but go on to applaud Caroline for doing the same thing to every other women on the show. And I find it really telling that many of Caroline/Klaus shippers are the same people who will call Hayley a wereslut, will refer to Cami as a dumb bimbo, and will label Aurora as a crazy whore. So it’s awful for Tyler to slut-shame Caroline, but she’s so iconic, powerful, and a girl boss for doing the same thing to every other girl on the show.
And this isn’t me defending Tyler or praising him. I don’t like Tyler, especially after what he did to Vicki. But even I got to admit, he reacted to Caroline and Klaus like how many people would.
It's crazy because Tyler didn't even slut-shame Caroline, he was just rightfully angry and repeatedly told her to respect his boundaries and get out of his house, but Caroline's hurt ego was always stronger than what people wanted her to do.
Caroline slept with the same man who murdered Jenna, Elena, Tyler and Carol, and who nearly assaulted her just because she felt attracted to him and wanted him to fuck her. Then, once Tyler found out and didn't react the way she wanted him to, she literally told him to get over it or to get out of her life. She told him to get over the fact she slept with his mother's killer, or he would have to leave her life.
Caroline is the biggest slut-shamer in the show and I wouldn't have minded to see Tyler slut-shame her for once, because this girl did it to literally everyone she was jealous of.
Her fans (klaroline fans, to be honest) are so weird about it too. If Rebekah had killed Liz and Tyler had slept with her, the fandom would absolutely drag him, even more than they already do.
Well, it guess it's karma her husband, ex boyfriend and the guy she liked because he sent her money sometimes are all dead. But knowing Caroline, she'll just find someone else eventually, she was constantly dating and she is immortal, after all.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 8 months
What would be Frabletta's wedding procesional song for their wedding?
Also summarize Cami's maid of honor speech and how grumpy German would be
For some reason I immediately thought of the piano version of codigo amistad that they always play in the background of emotional friendship scenes, but also... it's a FRIENDSHIP song so it would be very ironic to have that x)
Other suggestion is "Yes, I do". College 11 sung it in the show so they know it.
Looking through my franletta playlist, I think they'd also have something like "a thousand years" or a slowburn version of "everytime we touch".
Camila's speech, in summary: She tells stories about how obvious it was her two besties were in love and she knew way before they knew. She also constantly bashes on Germán for everything. "Yeah I bet you don't even know her name, the way you keep calling her CAMILA. It's so funny Germán, you let them have sleepovers all the time because they were two girls, and you should just KNOW what they did... the way you always told Violetta 'no boys' and you're SURPRISED she married a girl! Ha ha ha ha!"
And Germán just sits there getting increasingly more tense but he at least has the audacity to not make a scene at his daughter's wedding. Still get a little stiff when Violetta kisses Fran though, although much less stiff than he would be if she kissed a boy.
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missamyrisa2 · 7 months
Oh miss Aaaaaaamy
I'm back with more workplace tickle stories, though this one doesn't include me, sadly.
But, I'm now acutely aware a coworker I work with a lot is a big ol mean ler by the following one sided conversation I overheard while she was on the phone.
"Are you ticklish?"
"I said, are you ticklish Mr. *name redacted*"
*fake gasp*
"You are?"
*mock sympathy* "Awwwe."
"Awesome. Good~"
*cue me internally dying and trying so hard not to combust*
Why do I always end up surround by evil t-word fiends 😫
~ Faithful Purply Forgetful 💜
nnhhahaaaaa~ ohh my gosh that's amazing and I looooove at how blushyyyy wigglyyy I'm sure that made youuu my handsome darling~~ alll bashfullll hearing those teasing words and tonessss just vicariously being sooo teasedd~ you're like a lovely magnet drawing in the ticklyyy people from all over~ whyyy, I think you drew me after all~ and I sooooo love making my purply forgetful a niiice shade of pink in the cheeks tooo ~ just a little bashful blushyyy color to youu~
And I mmmh can sooo relate and this makes me so wiggly too~! Not just for that tingling dialogue and banter but alsooo~ and I think I've told this story ~ but I once was having an idle conversation with a receptionist at work and was starting to drift into my usual tickly thoughts when all of a sudden I was stopped dead because she was talking about a particular team in the building~
"and then there's miss [name], you know she's like the worst of them all and she always wears those white button up shirts but she never wears like a cami or anything so it's like I can totally see her bellybutton and I swear one of these days I'm gonna stick my finger in there and be like tickle tickle!! you know stick my finger in there (wiggles her finger) and tickle her, y'know?"
my face probably burned into some deep deep shade of blush instantly as I tried to respool my ears to confirm what she'd said ~ because it was like oooh that's sooo not just an idle comment and soo not something from someone who isn't at the very least a little bit of a tickler~! But maybe nottt and y'know maybe you and I, we're just destined to be teasedd at that extra level where normal people get tickly for like one moment and then never again and we're just left with our little tickle timeloops teasing our minds forever~~<3
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