#Cameron James
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deadpoets · 1 year ago
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SIMONE’S 1K CELEBRATION 🤠 + little women or 10 things i hate about you for @delilahsbard
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akkpipitphattana · 3 months ago
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y'all think he's burning, pining, and perishing??
Kant Pattanawat in The Heart Killers | Cameron James in 10 Things I Hate About You | The Taming of the Shrew (Act I, Scene I) by William Shakespeare
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karvroom · 7 months ago
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
001. English Literature is a Pain in the Ass
The September breeze sent all things flimsy to sway in its path. The wind danced with the falling leaves before hitting the ground, occasionally picking them back up only to fall once again. You loved this time of year. It was perfect for going outside without having to dress in a stringy top to beat the heat or wearing a jacket over your stylish outfit. The only downside to this amazing weather was the tradition of going to school at the start of the month.
You let out a breathy sigh, head in the palm of your hand as your elbow rested against the windowsill. The windows of your faded red Dodge Dart GT were rolled down, allowing the wind to blow through your luscious (H/C) locks. Your loud, edgy music causing heads to turn in your direction the further down the street you went. As you came to a red octagon, you stopped, letting the following cars pass by accordingly at the four-way. You tapped rhythmically on the steering wheel as you patiently waited, paying no mind to the four girls in the pale moon convertible next to you.
You stepped on the gas, turning into your schools parking lot. It was a struggle finding a spot to park due to everyone walking and waiting around for God knows what. You were relieved once you found an empty space, quickly pulling in with no hesitation.
You navigated your way through the crowded courtyard, your messenger bag filled with books in hand. You bumped shoulders with anyone who obviously saw you were walking, but refused to move even if it was the teensiest step forward to clear a path. It was only seven in the morning and you were already fed up with everyone's shit.
The bell rung and eventually you made it to your first class of the day: English Literature. You sat in the second row of the seating chart. Intently, you listened to Aizawa drone on like he always did at the beginning of class.
"Okay, then. What did everyone think of The Sun Also Rises?" He scanned his sluggish students after he asked, looking for any volunteers to speak freely about the book.
A girl in your class named Hagakure raised her hand, bringing it down once she made eye contact with Aizawa. The class turned to look at her, including yourself. She spoke in a dreamy tone, "I loved it. He's so romantic."
"Romantic? Hemingway?" You asked, wondering if she was being serious. You heard Aizawa release an elongated sigh before you turned to him and continued, "He was an abusive alcoholic misogynist who squandered half his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers."
"As opposed to a bitter self-righteous hag who has no friends?" Kaminari asked from the back of the class, earning a few chuckles from his buddies. You rolled your eyes at the comment from him. He held his hand out toward a smaller high school boy, Mineta. The crisp clap of their hands was cut short when Aizawa shouted at him.
"Pipe down, Chachi." That quickly wiped the smirk off Kaminari's stupid face. He was embarrassed to say the least. It wouldn't have been the first time he was shut down by Aizawa in front of a large crowd.
"I guess in this society being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time." You didn't waste a second to snap back. Your classmates groaned, knowing you were about to go on a spiel. "What about Sylvia Plath, or Charlotte Brontë or Simone de Beauvoir?"
The door opened, totally unscripted from the looks of everyone's faces. As nosy as your class was, they turned their attention to the person at the door.
The tall teenage boy wore a black, short sleeve t-shirt. His straight fit, dark wash jeans ran down to his plain sneakers. His chiseled jawline looked almost like it could slice and dice any vegetable he wanted to.
"What'd I miss?" He asked as he panted. He looked like he'd just run a marathon—sweaty and a pinkish tint added to his cheeks. A clear frown was plastered onto his face. His crimson eyes darted around the classroom.
You turned away and crossed your arms over your stomach. You stared Mr. Aizawa right in the eyes as you spoke, as if he were to blame for the previous conversation, "The oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education."
"Good." The blonde spat, doing a 180 on his heel, and walking out of the classroom before Aizawa could stop him.
"Hey, hey!" Aizawa shouted after him.
"Mr. Aizawa. Is there any chance we could get (Y/N) to take her Midol before she comes to class?" Kaminari, once again, was mouthing off about you. Of course, even more of your classmates laughed at his joke.
You felt like it was a game of turning between Kaminari and Mr. Aizawa. You were getting tired of it. You whipped your head once more, giving Kaminari the meanest glare he'd ever seen. You wanted to wipe the floor with his smug face.
"Someday you're gonna get bitch-slapped, and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it." Aizawa shook his head around, emphasizing his sentence. You felt a small ego boost from him taking your side, especially because Aizawa would usually just ignore the conversation or egg you both on. Your teacher began to slowly strut to your side of the classroom, making direct eye contact with you as he did so. "And (Y/N), I want to thank you for your point of view. I know how difficult it must be for you to overcome all those years of upper-middle class suburban oppression. Must be tough."
"Anything else?" You sarcastically inquired, expecting there to be a complaint about your mouthy and unpopular view of things.
"Yeah, go to the office. You're pissing me off." Aizawa pointed to the door, walking back to the front of the class.
"What? Mr. Aizawa—"
"Later!" Your teacher cut you off, holding a hand up to silence your protests.
You rolled your eyes in defeat, standing from your desk and grabbing your satchel. Scattered chuckling was heard, including the most obnoxious coming from Kaminari. As you swung your book bag onto your shoulder, you managed to hit the annoying blonde in the shoulder. No remorse coming from you when he exclaimed in shock.
Upon entering the office, you were checking in with the front desk lady, explaining the situation. Though, she already knew of your antics and how much Aizawa despised you in his class.
"Emi!" As if on cue, Ms. Joke was at the door of Ms. Midnight's office. "What's another word for "engorged"?"
"I'll look it up." Ms. Joke offered, scurrying back to her desk.
"Okay." Midnight whispered. You listened to her ponder as you wandered into her room. The office lady told you to have your almost "daily talk" with Midnight. Midnight stared at her computer screen, typing then deleting words from her page, "Swollen. Turgid."
"Tumescent?" You asked, hands in your pockets.
"Perfect." Midnight mused, returning her gaze to the screen in front of her. She put her red-framed glasses on. Midnight typed and talked at the same time, trying to finish her lewd work, "So, I hear you were terrorizing Mr. Aizawa's class again."
"Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action." You defended, sitting in the uncomfy chair across from Midnight.
"The way you expressed your opinion to Minoru Mineta?" Midnight shut her laptop, taking off her glasses and setting them on her desk. She faked a smile as she spoke, "By the way, his testicle retrieval operation went quite well, in case you're interested."
"I still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls."
"The point is, (Y/N)..." Midnight picked up her mug, assumably sipping on her morning coffee before she continued. Her fingers remained in the handle of the mug, "People perceive you as somewhat..."
""Heinous bitch" is the term used most often." Midnight informed. You looked to the floor, then brought your gaze back up as you smiled to yourself at the funny description. Ms. Midnight saw that you took pride in the saying, she admired that you could handle such strong words, but for the sake of other students, advised otherwise, "You might want to work on that. Thank you."
"As always, thank you for your excellent guidance." You stood from your seat, repeating the same process you did when you were in class; scooping your messenger bag onto your shoulder. "I'll let you get back to Captain Celebrity's quivering member."
You walked out of the room before she could even say anything. She didn't know how you knew she was writing about one of her favorite American heroes.
""Quivering member"," Ms. Midnight hummed in thought. Then she lifted her computer screen, typing a storm, "I like that."
⇨ 002. Your Overgrown Hatred for Assholes
first chapter of this story ! i intend for the story to be short because it’s based off the movie (duh). let me know what you all thought.
taglist🫐 @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes
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panelshowsource · 7 months ago
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jev-s-stuff · 8 months ago
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POV: maxley in a 90s/2000s romcom
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claireisacunt · 2 months ago
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wish they still made movies like this smh
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i4brience · 10 months ago
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10 things i hate about you (1999) headers !
⠀ like or reblog if you save.
@ ifscline on twt.
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hayacinthandlilies · 11 months ago
I feel like Charlie kinda looks a bit like Joseph Gordon Levitt and Heath Ledger anybody else see it or am I delusional
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jameskinniesrise · 11 months ago
10 things i hate about you, but let's make it jegulus
so i recently watched it and i love the movie
kat stratford (queen) as regulus
and bianca stratford as sirius
remus as cameron and james as patrick
i'm loving this so much
Sirius: Where did you come from? Planet loser?
Regulus: As opposed to Planet look at me, look at me?
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rivqahpacino · 11 months ago
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25 years of 10 Things I Hate About You
"I love you baby ♡"
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deadpoets · 18 days ago
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sleepboysummer · 1 year ago
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cameron james is the perfect man
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karvroom · 7 months ago
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
⇦ 003. French is the Language of Love
004. An Idiot with Money
"Did I or did I not tell you it was pointless?" Sero sassed as he moved the scalpel down the frog's stomach, careful to not slice any deeper than the skin. "No one will go out with her."
During lunch, Kirishima recruited Sero to help him find someone to go out with you for the better chance of him and Mina going on a date. Sero managed to snag some guys, setting them up for the question they never thought they would hear: "Will you go out with (Y/N) Ashido?"
"You're joking, right?"
"Maybe if we were the last people on Earth."
"How much you gonna pay me?"
The range of responses were pretty harsh to say the least. It was hopeless trying to find someone willing to take you on a date. If only no one at the school was intimidated by your wicked attitude and vulgar vocabulary.
Why did the girl Kirishima like have to have the most difficult sister of the century? In addition, a strict father. He was devastated by the results of his scouting, starting to feel a headache from the amount of stress he endured. Kirishima knew giving up wasn't ideal but they had tried just about every possible candidate.
A lump formed in his throat, watching Sero poke and prod at the insides of the dead frog on the tray. They were in anatomy, which wasn't Kirishima's first choice for a science class. He felt queasy just looking at roadkill. His eyes averted from the sight, finding it impossible how Sero could play with the insides of a deceased creature so senselessly.
The red-head squinted his eyes, seeing a blonde boy whip out a pocket knife from his own pocket. He was pretty sure that was illegal but gawked at the stranger, intrigued by the sight. The blonde flicked his wrist, the blade flying out of its protective frame. With a BANG the boy drove the blade down the frog's body, revealing its intestines. Kirishima quirked a brow, coming up with a brilliant idea.
"Hey, hey, what about him?" Kirishima tapped Sero's arm, snapping the ravenette out of his own world. He pointed at the intimidating blonde behind Sero.
Sero curiously turned around, only to swing his body back to face Kirishima. Sero looked almost offended by his friend's suggestion. When he pictured you and Bakugo in the same room, all he could see was the walls painted red. "Him? No, don't—don't look at him, okay? He's a criminal. I heard he lit a state trooper on fire. He just did a year in Shimane Asahi."
"Well, at least he's horny." Kirishima joked, eyes lingering on the mysterious male behind Sero.
"I'm serious, man. He's whacked." Sero whispered, careful not to alert any one of who he was talking about. "He sold his own liver on the black market for a new set of speakers."
Bakugo flipped the gas switch on in the lab. A large flame shot out from the pipe, causing his science partner to jump back in fear. The blonde placed a Marlboro red in his mouth, leaning just enough over the counter for the cigarette to light. Sero was repulsed by the sight.
Meanwhile, Kirishima was intrigued by the specimen; observing as Bakugo's partner took the cancer stick out of his mouth, pushing the tip against a trey to burn out the tobacco. "He's our guy."
Later in mechanics class, Bakugo had been creating a masterpiece from his hard work.
"Hi, how you doin'." Kirishima confidently spoke to the brute through the steam produced by Bakugo's project. "Listen, I—"
A drill interrupted the boy's sentence, he looked down at the French book he carried in his two hands. A hole was being drilled by Bakugo, right in the center of the Eiffel Tower.
Kirishima couldn't lie, he was somewhat intimidated by the guy, afraid how much Bakugo would sell his liver for. "Okay. Later, then."
"How do we get him to date (Y/N)?"
"I don't know." Kirishima sighed, shaking his head side to side as his friend observed the giant hole in the book. "I mean, uh, we could pay him, but we don't have any money."
"Yeah, well, what we need is a backer." Sero spoke, slamming the book on the table while turning to Kirishima, who looked utterly confused by his words. The raven haired boy sighed, "Someone with money who's stupid."
Sero had the bright idea of roping in Denki Kaminari somehow. Kirishima patted Sero on the back for luck, staying back to allow a better chance of Kaminari coming in clutch.
Sero inhaled deeply before marching over to Kaminari's lunch table in the cafeteria. Confidently, he took a seat right next to the blonde boy, who was drawing a rack of boobs on a yellow lunch tray. The table went silent as Sero settled into his spot.
"Is that a peach Fruit Roll-Up?" Sero asked, staring at the homemade lunch Ojito brought to school. The nervous boy reached his hand out for the sweet treat. "Because you don't see many—"
Sero was abruptly cut short by Ojiro grabbing his wrist. His heart stopped, he felt his head was about to explode with anxious thoughts swirling in his mind. The sweet boy pulled his hand away, rubbing at the skin that would later be bruised.
"Are you lost?" Kaminari asked in a "concerning" tone. The blonde's face twisted into one of a sour grimace, surprised by the boldness this kid had to sit at his table, to talk to his friends, but most of all, talk to him.
"No. Actually, I just came by to chat."
"We don't chat."
"Well, actually, I thought that I'd run an idea by you, just to see if you're interested." Sero proposed, using his hands as he talked. Before Kaminari could speak, Sero cut him off, trying to at least pitch his thoughts. "Well, hear me out. Now, you want Mina, right?"
Kaminari grabbed Sero's face, but Sero didn't stop talking, he continued the conversation as casual as one could. He held the heat emitting from Kaminari's hands as they wrapped under his chin. He twisted the ravenette's head to the side. Using the same marker as he did on the tray, Kaminari started drawing on Sero's cheek.
"But she can't go out with you because her sister is this insane head case, and no one will go out with her, right?"
"Does this conversation have a purpose?" Kaminari asked in a bored tone, touching up the penis he drew on Sero's face. He added hair and veins, even debated on adding more detail to the balls.
"What I think you need to do is you need to hire a guy who'll go out with her. Someone who doesn't scare so easily." Sero pointed at a table in the distance where Bakugo and another guy sat. Kaminari's hands released from Sero's chin. He leaned back to admire his beautiful artwork.
"That guy?" Kaminari asked, brows furrowed. He observed as Bakugo ate his food, hungrily munching on the chicken served by the cafeteria. "I heard he ate a live squirrel once."
"Everything but the tail and the head. Clearly, he's a solid investment." Sero nodded his head, adding a smile to really add to the charming charisma.
"What's in it for you?"
"Hey, I'm walking down the hall and I say hello to you, you say hello to me." Sero chirped.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You're cool by association." Kaminari cleared his throat, nodding his head in clear understanding. "I'll think about it."
"Alright, cool." Sero said, he stood up from his spot, attempting to shake hands with Kaminari as a close out. When the blonde refused to touch his hand, Sero backed away, scurrying back to Kirishima.
"What are you doing getting him involved?" Kirishima stressed, walking with Sero towards the cafeteria exit.
"Relax, now. Relax. We let him pretend he's calling the shots. While he's busy setting things up, you have time with Mina." Sero calmly explained, over exaggerating his hand movements.
"That is a good idea." Kirishima admitted, a sly smile spreading across his face.
⇨ 005. The Beginning of the End
taglist🫐 @katsukota @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes
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randomperson1234sblog · 6 months ago
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10 things I hate about you ❤️🎸📖❤️
I love this movie so much
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someonesdeaddaughterr · 1 year ago
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mrkeatingsblazer · 2 years ago
Cameron James from ttihay is the best man every and no one can beat my high ass standards bc of him
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