#Camera & Music Control
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shedeltaonmyrune · 17 days ago
i really wanna know how big the overlap between UTDR fans and Bravely Default fans is, but I don't really have a way of finding out lol
I played the first BD game when I was like 13 or something, but I'm pretty sure it was my first exposure to the kind of "meta" narrative that's present in UTDR. I can't help but compare the two lol
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casvonriegan · 6 months ago
I finally beat the frickin target shooting mini game in oot
I am notoriously bad at those I'm proud of myself
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parme-san · 10 months ago
😐 gary i need the luxury of privacy
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kylewalker-peters · 11 months ago
the thing about sports documentaries is that they have to appeal to such a broad mass of people. you need to have enough detailed insight that it feels worth it for fans who spend their every waking moment thinking about the sport/team/player while also being general enough that someone who doesn't know the first thing about the sport doesn't get so confused they turn off. and that's why i think they need 2 versions of any sports documentary. one where it's all surface level, here's the basic rules and people kind of documentary, and another where you get to hear the exact kind of bitchy gossip athletes are talking about while eating their lunch
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radioconstructed · 2 years ago
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#// gonna drop context in the TAGS!#scambaiting is exactly what it sounds like! you bait scammers. for example pretending to be a potential victim to waste their time. some#people can go further and get their info to report to authorities or reverse connection into their computer and mess up their operations.#Al's goal here is to improv some insane scenarios (see link for an example) and have fun wasting these clowns' time so they can't make money#(this also saves victims but she is fueled mostly by pettiness and spite bc she hates robocalls)#they do get raging tho and she is gonna have so much fun making them rage. she has her own creative insults too.#(first link is long (but worth it) but the second two videos are short)#Her focus is improv but pls remember that she's pretty techliterate (like... her operating system is a linux and she set the hotel network#up with pihole to block all ads on the network) so she is running a virtual machine in case some scammer asks to remote into her computer.#Also! Scammer Payback is a scambaiter with a large following. He collabed with musicians to make a soundtrack. The songs pass as love songs#and stuff but they're about scammers/scamming/scambaiting and it's great. It's Al energy.#Anyway she VERY RARELY goes live on camera bc she dislikes being on camera in real time as there's no editorial control#but this is the sort of thing she wants to be on camera for! she's also broadcasting.#So. Lots of fun improv with live music between calls. It'll be fun. You'll get to see her make music live. Live looping and live instruments#(I don't think city lights & rain on me are officially part of the soundtrack. it's just the same artists collabing. but they have good sax#solos and I think april fool's is The day for Al to unironically refer to herself as h*rny in a song.)#⌖ online#⌖ hellfie#OH! THE FIREARM! I had drafted Al doing an iconic moment from a pengu*nz0 video and decided to use it for this.#She has that bisexual lighting going on too. It's to match the vaporwave music and also bc it's classic youtube.
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mychlapci · 1 year ago
girls will turn on transformers prime season 1 episode 4 darkness rising (part 4) an they will go timestamp 00:07:45 and watch one of the most eerie and weirdly haunting scenes in all of animated trasformers media
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akascow · 1 year ago
bought super mario 3d world on switch bc i needed a new game to 100% and quickly remembered why i didnt like super mario 3d world when i had it on the U
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my-t4t-romance · 1 year ago
proudest photo of the night
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occupational hazards of being a clerk at the town fair may include: ME
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mybiasisexo · 2 years ago
still in disbelief that Jackson brought out Ciara like my throat hurts from screaming in my living room the whole time she was on stage
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misscherriously · 11 months ago
are u there god, it's me fiona, it's me and my mistake to attend online class on my computer when i so badly want to go take a shit
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yumeaoka-chan · 21 days ago
When my uncle told me this morning that he didn't like Kendrick's performance, I knew straight away that he didn't understand it. Kendrick was sending a message that went over soooo many people's heads. The events of the show I'm going to state that happened aren't entirely in order but if you look back on the performance, you'll see what I mean.
Think. It stars off with Samuel L. acting as Uncle Sam, a character symbolizing America as a whole. He starts off saying, "Welcome to the great American game." We see that the entire stage looks like a game controller, meaning Kendrick was playing a game and Uncle Sam was there to see if he was playing it correctly, the "American" way. When Kendrick raps at the start, we see people exiting the car and they're all separated (just like the people of America). They eventually come together to form the flag because WE, the people, are America. Kendrick also says, "The revolution is about to be televised, you got the right time but the wrong guy."
Uncle Sam says something along the lines of "Oh, so you decided to bring your friends with you. Culture cheat code. Score Keeper! Deduct one life." There's a shot of all the dancers falling to the floor, acting as though they're dead, yet a few people are still up. Almost like they're part of an "inner circle." Uncle Sam also makes a statement about how America doesn't wanna see this loud rapping, "it's too loud", "too reckless" and " too ghetto." When he starts singing and Sza joins him, Uncle Sam goes, "That's what America wants to see. Nice and calm. Don't mess this up". Except, Kendrick does mess it up by going back to rapping loud and fast. "40 acres and a mule", Those are the things that were promised to us black people as reparations for slavery, "- this is bigger than the music" The message he'strying to send to yall is what really matters. But nobody is trying to hear him! "Yeah, they tried to rig the game, but you can't fake influence."
And with ending the performance with "tv off" the camera turns to a lit background in the crowd saying GAME OVER. The game is over, he didn't play it like Uncle Sam/America wanted him to. This was bigger than some beef with Drake.
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estrellami-1 · 3 months ago
Ok so I saw a post about Steve as a teacher letting his kids control his Spotify which means his Wrapped is All Over The Place but the top artist is Corroded Coffin and Steve finds out from the thank-you video that Eddie is hot. I see it, I love it, it’s inspired.
I’m thinking something… a little different.
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“Alright, class!” Steve calls. “Marcus, it’s your turn to choose the music, right?”
“Actually, Mr. H?” Amber pipes up. “Spotify Wrapped came out today!”
Steve blinks. “Spotify… what?”
Marcus is nodding. “Spotify Wrapped! It tallies up what you’ve listened to and gives you stats and stuff. It’s cool!”
“Ah,” Steve says, nodding, squinting at his computer. “And I see that… how?”
There’s a cacophony of noise until Steve holds up a hand. Everyone quiets, and Becky holds her hand up. He nods at her. “It’s at the top,” she says softly. “Where your recently played is.”
He smiles at her. “Thank you, Becky.” He navigates to it, clicking on it and letting the graphic play.
Their genre, apparently, is soft grass indie metal. He’s entirely sure that’s made up. Their top artist, making up sixty-four percent of the music they listened to, is Corroded Coffin.
There’s a video; a little thank-you the band put together. It starts with Eddie up front, as the lead singer. Gareth, Jeff, and Freak are slightly behind him, grinning at the camera. Steve recognizes the background as Jeff’s living room. “Hi!” Eddie starts. “Thanks so much for listening to our music this year.”
“We couldn’t do what we do without you,” Gareth adds on.
“And everything we do is for you!” Jeff says.
“It’s totally metal of you to listen to our music, and we appreciate it!” Freak finishes. They all wave, and the camera cuts off.
Steve is… gobsmacked. He loves his husband, truly, but he looks so uncomfortable, and the way he’s speaking is weirdly stilted. He was not made to stand still.
He shakes his head, knowing he’s about to make Eddie’s year, and blow these kids’ minds.
Eddie had always been more vocal than Steve about coming out, saying fuck it to the consequences. Maybe being gay was accepted in the metal community, but Steve had been too new in his current job to even think about the jeopardy this could put his career in.
But honestly. That video was terrible, and his kids deserve better.
He sighs, raises a hand to get the class’s attention. “I know that was cool,” he chuckles. “But if you can be quiet and patient, I could get you something even cooler.”
“Cooler than a video from Corroded Coffin?” Nick asks.
Steve tilts his head. “Cooler than that video, at least.”
Nick doesn’t look convinced. “Are you sure?”
Steve just smiles. “How about we find out?” He puts a finger to his lips and FaceTimes Eddie.
He makes sure his volume is low, enough so that he even has trouble hearing when Eddie picks up.
“Baby!” Eddie exclaims, then clocks the background and is instantly worried. “Wait, you’re still at work. Are you okay? Is everything okay? Did you hit your head again? Do I need to come get you?”
“Christ, you’re dramatic,” Steve mutters, grinning wide. “I’m fine. I’m with my class, and we just finished looking at our Spotify Wrapped. Guess who our number one artist for the year was.”
Eddie’s eyes sparkle. He grins. Steve nods. “Corroded Coffin,” he confirms, then sighs. “I have to say, though, I was a little disappointed by the video.”
Eddie groans, throwing his head back. Steve gets a great view up his husband’s nose. “I know! I know, it sucked, but the guys were happy with it and it was, like, our eighth go, and-”
“I get it,” Steve promises. “But how would you like to one-up it?”
It takes Eddie a second, but his eyes gleam. “Are you sure? Your career-”
“Is stable enough now,” Steve finishes. “I’m sure. If you are.”
“Fuck,” Eddie mouths, conscientious of Steve’s class. “I love you.”
Steve smiles, blows a kiss to the camera. He gets a smattering of awws from some of his female students.
He figures out how to connect his phone to his computer to the screen, pushes the volume button up, and nods. “Go, Eds.”
Eddie grins and waves at the screen. “Hi, Mr. Harrington’s class! I’ve heard so much about you guys. It’s totally metal that you’re listening to our music—that’s something your teacher neglected to tell me.” He grins at the screen, a private thing for Steve, who dutifully rolls his eyes.
“I hear your music every day, Eds, forgive me if I don’t think anything of it when I hear it here and at home.”
“Mr. H,” Nathan asks in a pseudo-whisper, “how the hell do you know Eddie Munson?”
Eddie bursts out in a laugh. “You must be Nathan,” he says.
Nathan goes white, then pink. “H-hi, Mr. Munson, sir.”
“I think you should be their teacher,” Steve says, grinning first at Eddie, then his class. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard Nathan say sir before.”
Everyone laughs—including Nathan—and Eleanor raises her hand. “How do you know him?”
Steve takes a breath, glances at his phone. Eddie’s smiling patiently at him, and Steve’s own smile grows as he answers her. “I’m his husband,” he tells her.
“Ten years and counting!” Eddie crows. “Though we’ve known each other for… twenty… something.”
Steve chuckles. “Twenty-three, Eds. If you count high school, which I don’t.”
“But I do,” Eddie nods. “Twenty-three years. And counting.”
Steve chuckles again. “And counting,” he agrees.
As his room explodes into noise, he looks back at his phone to find Eddie already looking at him.
That’s the way it goes, he thinks. Eddie saw him the whole time. It took Steve a while to catch up, but now that he has, he’s never been happier.
Twenty-three years and counting, indeed.
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bringbackmaes14 · 2 months ago
My favorite moments from the Epic: The Musical Ithaca Saga Premiere Livestream (in no particular order):
Armando and Jay doing the macarena during Luck Runs Out
Also during Luck Runs Out when Odysseus says "let me pull you aside then I need to talk to you in private" and Jay pulled Armando to the side of the room in a very silly flirty manner and then immediately pretended to smack the shit out of him
Talya and Jay swapping lip sync roles during There Are Other Ways
Troy standing on the table and twerking during Dangerous
Everyone pretending to row during Full Speed Ahead
Luke acting like the cyclops during the cyclops saga, and reprising the role during Circe and Odysseus' fight in Done For
Mason and Jay ballroom dancing during No Longer You
Jay and his mom swaying together during Anticlea's part of The Underworld
Jay's dad messing up lip syncing Hephaestus' part of God Games and laughing about it
During Legendary, Mico is clearly on screen lip syncing as Telemachus but Jay keeps typing in chat "Where's Mico?" And "Mico it sucks we couldn't get you here"
Jay trying to hold Mico in his lap during Just A Man
Steven Rodriguez' cast message between the showing of the Vengeance Saga and the Ithaca Saga
Jay wearing ten billion pairs of glasses during Just a Man and then later in chat saying that whenever he wears glasses that means he's being serious (so obviously we can interpret that Just a Man was super serious)
During Get In the Water Mason kept trying to hand Jay a tiny fork clearly trying to mime Poseidon's trident but then it also seemed like he hadn't actually watched the Six Hundred Strike animatic before because he never ended up handing the fork to Jay and his jaw dropped when Odysseus started stabbing Poseidon, at which point Jay picked up Mason's tiny fork off the table and mimed stabbing Poseidon, much to Mason's amusement
KJ jumping around on and crawling over the couch attacking random people with pillows during Scylla
So many viewers spamming the chat with pancake emojis during Survive
Mason pretending to turn into a pig during Puppeteer
Luke pretending to be the magical boar during Warrior of the Mind
JP pretending to be the cow during Mutiny
The grocery bag that they filled with air and tied up and threw around as "the wind bag" during Keep Your Friends Close and Dangerous
Jay and Luke actually pretending to game as Telemachus and Antinous during Little Wolf with what seemed to be switch controllers
The cast using one of said switch controllers as a stand in for the baby in The Horse and The Infant
Everyone applauding at the end of Charybdis when Odysseus is singing "Penelope" but then going "wait wait" and freaking out when Odysseus starts going backwards. Then Get in the Water started and Poseidon said "There you are. Coward." and Jay yelled "IT'S STEVEN!!!!!" and everyone cheered
Jay just absolutely tackling Mico in a hug at the climax of I Can't Help But Wonder
The entire cast trying to be excited and hyped at the end of the stream while saying goodbye/thank you but all of them had been crying/sobbing through the last two beautiful songs so they all just were wiping their eyes and noses and some of them just could not pull it together enough to look at the camera (looking at Luke Holt and Earle Gresham Jr. affectionately) so it was a very emotional excited goodbye
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authorhjk1 · 3 months ago
Public punishment
(Yujin X Wonyoung X Male Reader)
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Your face remains expressionless as you pause the video.
"See, daddy? I told you she is such a slut."
You ignore Wonyoung as you stare at the woman on the screen.
Yujin really is a slut. Which you already knew from the first time you met her. Same as Wonyoung. The difference between those two is, that Wonyoung isn't as slutty as the older girl. Yujin shows off her body way more.
The three of you are all in a purely sexual relationship. But it seems like Yujin forgets that from time to time.
"You need to punish her."
You finally take a look at Wonyoung, who is sitting next to you. She's sitting straight, her hands resting on her thighs. You catch the small smile around her lips. She's loving this. She'd gladly throw Yujin under the bus, just so you can see her as the better of the two.
"I really should."
You think out loud, making Wonyoung scoot closer.
"She will be home in two hours."
Wonyoung's eyes look up at you.
"Don't I get a reward?"
"For what?"
She pouts.
"Come on, daddy."
You sigh, knowing it'll be hard to resist her. But you try to keep your head clear. You need to find a fitting punishment for Yujin.
"At-At least let me suck it."
She looks up at you with those big eyes of hers, her lips still sporting that cute pout.
Wonyoung exclaims. But before she can unbuckle your belt, you grap her wrists.
"But not like this."
You gesture at the oversized hoodie and sweatpants she is wearing.
"I'll go change. Just a minute."
Like an excited little bunny, Wonyoung runs towards her room in record speed.
You unpause the video of Yujin dancing in that little skimpy outfit of hers. She winks at the camera, plays with her pigtails...
All the fans seem to love her. Of course they do. Who wouldn't?
An idea slowly blossoms inside your mind. So many people. And all of them love her. Not just for her music, but her body and face as well.
You hear the door to Wonyoung's room open. You're not being paid badly, being one of Ive's managers and all. But you could certainly make a few extra bucks, if you play your cards right. A mischievous smirk plays around your lips as you finally plan out Yujin's proper punishment.
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Wonyoung wordlessly kneels down in front of you, a satisfied smile on her face. She knows you like it when you can hold onto something. That's why she often wears pigtails or a ponytail.
While you keep watching Yujin's performance, Wonyoung finally gets her reward. You feel her lips close around your shaft. Her head begins to bob soon after, her lips gliding along your length.
While you watch the older woman dance on screen, you reach down and hold onto Wonyoung's pigtails with both hands. She gladly gives up control as you wrap her hair around your hands. You start to pull her back and forth, using her mouth like a fleshlight.
The young woman in front of you stays silent, expect for a couple of gags here and there. She tries to look up at you, although your eyes are glued to the screen. Wonyoung is wondering what you're thinking about. And even more importantly, why aren't you thinking about her?
She'd be completely satisfied with giving you head, if you were focused on her. But that's not the case right now. Wonyoung craves your attention. After all, that's why she told you about Yujin. You've been on vacation for the last two weeks, so you didn't even meet the two of them often during that time. And now that Wonyoung finally has you to herself, you can't stop thinking about Yujin.
But she can't complain either, because her mouth is completely stuffed with your cock. Unable to say a word, Wonyoung lets you use her mouth in what ever way you see fit. Even if you aren't even looking at her.
"What exactly are we doing here?"
Despite her annoying questions, Yujin still follows you into the mall.
"Wait and see."
You say, almost to yourself, as you look around.
"Are you just returning something? What's in there?"
For the nth time, Yujin is trying to sneak a peak inside the big bag you brought with you.
You take her hand and lead her towards a Chinese restaurant inside the mall. Right next to it is a sign that shows the way to a public restroom. The left one for women, the right one for men.
"Isn't it too early for lunch?"
Rolling your eyes at her questions, you drag her inside the men's room.
"Oppa, I shouldn't-"
Yujin finally stops talking when the two of you almost run into a guy who is just putting his pants back on.
"What the-"
"Relax, mate."
You pat his shoulder and lead Yujin towards the stall that is the furthest away from the door.
"What are you doing here?"
The guy, who seems to be a little older than you, is washing his hands while watching the two of you.
"Don't get any funny ideas. The two of you can go have fun at home."
He shakes his head as he dries off his hands.
"Young people theses days..."
You catch him taking a good look at Yujin.
"Although it's not like I can't blame you. If my wife was this pretty..."
Yujin feels a little uncomfortable as she feels him looking her up and down.
You told her to wear the same outfit, which she wore during her last performance. She thought you did so, because you liked it.
Small denim shorts, a white and black top with blue letters on it, a necklace, a choker and her hair in pigtails.
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"You wanna have a go?"
Your question makes Yujin look at you, her mouth open. The guy raises an eyebrow.
"Well, I didn't put the butt plug in yet, so her ass might be too tight right now. But her mouth and her pussy are amazing."
Yujin gasped when you first mentioned a butt plug. And now she stares at you in horror. How could you just offer her body, her holes, to someone the both of you don't even know?
"I do have a wife..."
She gets interrupted by the guy thinking aloud.
"But I guess a blowjob isn't cheating."
"Of course it's not."
You assure him, while Yujin just stands there, flabbergasted.
What the hell is going on? Why are you doing this? You were always a little possessive, wanting to make sure you're the only one Yujin and Wonyoung sleep with. So why are you offering her up to someone else? Especially without asking her first?
"Oppa, coud we maybe talk for a second?"
She's about to give you a death stare, but you ignore her, while pulling out something from your bag. A collar. With a chain on it.
"What is that?"
An unnecessary question. Yujin has worn this collar a lot of times before.
She leans away, but knows she won't be able to stop you from putting it on her. A moment later, the leather is secure around her neck.
"Would you at least tell me the reason?"
"Because of this."
You gesture at her clothes.
Yujin rolls her eyes.
"This is part of my job, you know? Being an idol?"
"Did you choose the outfit, or did the stylist choose it?"
Your question makes Yujin look down.
"I-I did."
"Thought so."
You pull at her chain, making Yujin stumble into the stall. Before she can react, you tie the chain around the hook that is attached to the wall. Usually people would hang their jackets there. Now it's a way for you to keep Yujin in place. She watches with big eyes as you take out a lock and secure the chain with it. She sees the key disappearing in your pocket.
"Stop this prank, you made your point."
Yujin tries to think positively. There's no way you'd actually do this, right? Letting another man use her mouth?
"We can go home and you can punish me there."
"This fic is called public punishment for a reason."
You walk out of the stall.
"Have fun."
The man looks at Yujin.
Yujin calls for you again, while her eyes are focused on the man's crotch. She watches how he pulls down his pants. The young woman can see the outlines of his cock underneath his boxers. She can't help but swallow hard.
He might be a stranger, but that doesn't mean she can't give him head just once, right? She might be an idol, but the guy doesn't seem to know her. And obviously there aren't any cameras here. So why not? You set this up, so Yujin might as well use this opportunity.
She closes her eyes when the man pulls his underwear off. Yujin licks her lips, wanting to get surprised. She smiles, before opening her mouth wide. How many people are you gonna send in here anyway? Three? Not much of a punishment, is it?
Her eyes shoot open when the man fills her whole mouth with one thrust. She didn't expect him to go all in from the beginning. Yujin quickly becomes a toy for this stranger as he uses her pigtails as handlebars. He's fucking her face, while also pulling her head onto his cock.
Yujin was prepared for a couple of lazy blowjobs. The butt plug stuff you mentioned seemed exaggerated to her at that time. Not anymore though. Are you really gonna let random guys have their way with her?
Yujin closes her eyes, letting the man use her mouth however he sees fit.
You feel a little weird as the first guy gives you 5000₩. You put the bill in your wallet and gesture towards the door next to you. He seems to be as old as you. When he opens the door, you hear Yujin gag inside the men's room.
You set up a chair, which people usually use for camping, next to the door. A cardboard sign is standing next to it.
"Mouth 5000₩"
"Pussy 10000₩"
"Ass 20000₩"
As you watch a guy, who barely looks like he is twenty, walk in your direction, you wonder how much money you might be able to make with Yujin today. If only 20 people pay for a blowjob, you'd make 100 000₩ in one day.
As he takes out his wallet to pay you, you hear the door open. The man, whom you met when you went inside with Yujin, is now stepping out of the restroom.
"That was amazing. She is perfect."
You smile as you receive more money from the younger guy.
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Yujin uses her finger to scoop up the rest of the man's cum. He shot his load all over her face and in her mouth without even asking. She was surprised, almost mad, at first. But for some reason Yujin is really starting to get off on this. The idea of more men walking in and just using her like a whore makes her feel warm and fuzzy. She could've sworn the door opened and closed a moment ago, while he was about to cum on her. Does that mean....?
Yujin can barely contain her excitement. Who comes next? When the next man steps into the stall, Yujin smiles up at him. She's aware that the first man probably messed up her face a little bit already. But the guy in front of her now is already taking off his belt. Seems like she doesn't look too bad yet. Yujin's mouth opens as she watches him undress. She doesn't close her eyes this time, wanting to have the full experience.
When he puts his cock in her mouth, Yujin immediately starts to suck him off. It didn't take her long to accept her new role fully. Her lips move along his shaft, making sure not to miss an inch.
"Damn, you're a whore."
Yujin's cheeks turn red as she hears him groan. Was that a compliment? Is she doing a good job?
She decides to do her best, not wanting to disappoint. Soon, the man's hands hold onto her pigtails too. Just like the first man, he begins to fuck her face as well. Yujin looks up at him, giving him her sexiest look, wanting to feel his load down her throat as soon as possible.
It still feels a little awkward to her. Twenty minutes ago, she never thought this would ever happen. Of course she has fantasies. And some of them include more than just one man, no doubt. But now being able to experience this is something different.
As the second man keeps fucking her face, Yujin hears the door open and close again. Her pussy gets even wetter at the thought of more men coming in to use her mouth. She does her best to use her tongue as much as possible, trying to meet the new guy quickly.
"Gosh, you're amazing."
The man, who's cock is in her mouth, groans once more. Yujin feels him throb and just two thrusts later, he buries himself as deep in her as possible. His cum shoots into her mouth and throat, almost leaving her gagging as he pulls out.
"Might come back later again."
Yujin coughs due to the cum in her throat.
"Please come again."
She waves after him as he leaves her stall, eager to see who's next. Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees you.
"Having fun?"
Your mischievous smile makes her carefully nod her head. Once more shame colours her cheeks red. She shouldn't be enjoying this, it's a punishment after all. But she can't help it.
"Now that more people seem to be interested, I'm afraid we'll have to raise the stakes."
You walk closer and help Yujin to her feet.
"What do you mean?"
"Turn around."
You ignore her question and make her lean face first against the wall of the stall. Yujin feels how you reach around her and unbutton her shorts.
"Wait, oppa. You're not going to let strangers fuck me, right? Right?"
When you don't answer, a shiver runs through Yujin's body. Giving blowjobs to strangers in a random restroom is one thing. But offering her pussy too? Should she really go this far?
Yujin hesitates, thinking about telling you to stop. The sound of someone stepping closer makes her turn her head. She sees another man, who's now looking into the stall. Is he the one who gets to fuck her? Yujin can't help but notice that he is definitely younger than the other two men. Around her age. And undeniably handsome. Maybe just this once is okay?
The man watches as you start to pull down Yujin's shorts. The way she looks at him at the same time, even slowly biting her lip, makes him reach for his crotch. He slowly cups it through his jeans as you let Yujin's shorts drop to the floor.
The young woman is wearing a light blue lace thong. She's naturally arching her back a little, showing off her plump ass. You reach into your pocket and take out the butt plug and a small bottle of lube. After pulling down her panties as well, you coat the metal with the transparent liquid.
"Oppa, what are you doing?"
Yujin expected you to leave again as soon as you took off her panties. Wasn't that what you're here for? Yujin is quickly proven wrong when she feels the slightly cold metal poke at her rear entrance. You free hand pushes one of her cheeks to the side, making it easier for you to slowly work the plug inside of her.
"Just relax."
You whisper into her ear, giving Yujin goosebumps.
This isn't the first time she's wearing a butt plug. You and her have already experimented a couple of times. But quickly it dawns on her, why you're doing this. So you're not just offering her mouth and pussy to strangers, but also her ass?
Yujin expects fear or anger to bubble up inside of her. Instead, she's surprised when she catches herself thinking about someone, who's not you, taking her ass. In the end, it doesn't matter who fucks her as long as she feels good.
Yujin gasps as you finally push the butt plug completely inside of her. You give her ass a playful slap.
"Have fun."
As you place the bottle of lube on the sink before leaving the restroom, you hear Yujin moan.
"Oh, god..."
Yujin sighs as she feels another man shoot his load deep inside her pussy. How many guys have already used her by now? Yujin tries to count. Two came in her mouth, one on her face and three inside her pussy. Makes six. A dumb smile plays around Yujin's lips at that realization. Six guys within what? An hour? Two hours? She doesn't know what time it is.
When she hears the next guy unzip his pants behind her, Yujin feels her pussy getting wet at the sound. The last three guys all fucked her, so she is still standing the way you left her. Body against the wall of the stall. Cheek pressed up against the surface. She is holding onto the wall and the chain that keeps her in place for support. Yujin's legs are growing weak with every pounding she is taking.
"Fuck, you're tight."
The man behind her groans as he slowly pushes into Yujin's cum filled pussy. She lets out a moan herself, not prepared for his size. He lets her get accustomed to it, once he is fully inside of her.
But soon he fucks Yujin hard against the wall, making her eyes roll to the back of her head. Her moans echo through the restroom with every one of his thrusts. She felt his hands on her waist at the beginning. But now he is holding onto and pulling at her pigtails.
Yujin's back arches further, separating her a little from the wall. Which only means the man behind her fucks her harder. Her ass looks way better when she's slightly bent over. Her cheeks clap loudly against his body. Her own moans grow louder.
"Your cheap pussy feels amazing."
He growls into Yujin's ear as he fucks her as hard as he can. The young woman feels a wave of shame and arousal rush through her. Are you charging theses guys money so they can fuck her? And how much is her pussy worth?
Her deepest fantasies come to light once more as Yujin thinks about that. This whole situation is slowly turning her into a pleasure craving whore. Yujin can feel what a slut she's become. Getting used by strangers again and again in the men's bathroom. And you even take money for it as if she is some cheap play thing.
"Please breed my cheap pussy."
Yujin moans when she finally accepts her place. It's the first time she's said something to one of these men.
The man behind her was about to climax anyway. Yujin cries out as she gets cream pied for the fourth thime today. The man behind her groans into her ear, pressing her against the wall as he leans against her.
When he finally recovers from his orgasm, he pulls out of Yujin and gets dressed. She can feel how his cum slowly starts to leak out of her freshly fucked pussy. He slaps one of her ass cheeks one last time and then leaves the stall. Yujin is left alone, cum now running down her legs.
"Just go inside. She's in the last stall."
You collect the money from the 13th man, who is now entering the restroom. You're surprised that it's going so well. It's been barely two hours and you already made more money than you thought you would. Although you did notice that no one has tried Yujin's ass yet. You wonder if most guys are just not into anal, or if you set the price too high.
"Hi, daddy."
Wonyoung's familiar voice makes you look up. She is standing in front of you in a cute white dress, holding a matching purse. Her left hand is holding onto something that looks like a stick, wrapped in a plastic bag.
"I have a present for Yujin unnie. You don't mind if I bring it to her, do you?"
You shake your head, not without noticing how good Wonyoung looks in that dress.
As the younger girl steps into the men's room, she hears Yujin's moans echo off the walls. She hesitates, thinking about waiting for the man to leave. She saw him go inside as she walked towards you. But to her surprise, she hears him groaning already.
"Oh yes, fill that slutty pussy up."
Wonyoung almost laughs at Yujin's words. She did the right thing by telling you what Yujin did during their last performance. She's a cheap slut after all. The complete opposite of Wonyoung. If she can finally make you see that, Wonyoung will have you all to herself. It's just a matter of time.
"That was amazing."
The man praises Yujin, still catching his breath as he pulls his pants back up. Yujin is slightly disappointed that he didn't last long, but she decides to take it as a compliment. It seems like there will be more than enough dicks for her today anyway.
But when the next person steps into the stall, Yujin's eyes become big.
"Hi, unnie."
"What are you doing here?"
Her shakey voice reveals how embarrassed she feels right now. She was completely fine with being used like a slut while she was alone. But now that Wonyoung can see her, she feels ashamed.
And Wonyoung examines Yujin closely. By now, Yujin doesn't look as put together as before. Her pigtails are a little loose and her clothes are lying in a pile in one of the corners of the stall. Her face is mostly clean. There's still some makeup on it, but most has been washed away by now.
"I have an early Christmas present for you."
Yujin narrows her eyes in suspicion at Wonyoung's cheeky smile. She bites her lip when she sees the younger girl holding something that looks like a rod in her hand.
"Is that what I think it is?"
Wonyoung nods.
"Just for you, unnie."
Yujin holds her breath as Wonyoung takes out the mysterious object. It's almost as long as Yujin's entire torso. One end has a hook on it, the other ends in the same shape as the plug inside her ass.
"I don't think this is a good idea, I-"
"But daddy is okay with it."
Wonyoung steps closer. Yujin feels shame rush through her system once more. She is still feeling a little uncomfortable thinking about strangers being inside her most intimate place. So she was glad to some degree that no one seemed to be massively interested in her ass yet. But the anal hook, might have some men change their mind.
"Why are you even doing this? Did I do something wrong?"
Wonyoung chuckles as she stands behind Yujin.
"You know daddy is a little possessive. And acting like that on stage was a little too desperate, if you ask me. He would've found out at some point anyway."
Yujin can feel anger bubbling up inside of her.
"Did you tell on me?"
A sharp hiss escapes her mouth, when she feels Wonyoung carefully pull at the butt plug. She feels the ring of her muscles stretch around the widest part of it, until she is finally left empty.
"Of course I did. I'm a good girl after all."
The younger girl's triumphant tone makes Yujin curse her silently. Of course she did.
Wonyoung looks down on Yujin's gaping hole. She places the anal hook at her leader's rear entrance and starts to push it inside of her.
The older girl's eyes roll to the back of her head as she gets filled once more. She could swear that this one feels bigger than the one before. She's almost left breathless. As she tries to get accustomed to her asshole being stretched out even further, Wonyoung is already using the other end to secure it on Yujin's collar.
"There you go, unnie. You look so beautiful."
"Oh, please. Stop mocking me and leave."
Wonyoung laughs.
"You think I'm done already?"
She shakes her head.
"I'm already here, so why don't I make this visit a special memory for the both of us?"
Her mischievous tone has Yujin sweating. What else is this brat up to?
Wonyoung takes out her phone.
"Smile, unnie."
Wonyoung makes a peace sign with her fingers, smiles into the camera and a flash lights up the stall.
"What the hell, Wonyoung? Delete that."
"Oh, unnie. You still think you can order me around?"
The younger girl looks straight at her.
"Now I'm the one in control."
A smile plays around her lips.
"Why don't you kneel down? I'll get a better picture that way."
Yunin rolls her eyes. She could put up a fight if she wanted to. But would you punish her for that as well? Probably. Wonyoung is right. In this moment, Wonyoung is the good girl. But Yujin has still some fight left in her. She just doesn't move.
Wonyoung waits for a couple of moments, but then tugs at Yujin's collar. It's enough for the object inside her ass to move. Yujin gasps. Then bites her lip. The younger girl does it again, a smile still on her lips.
"Come on, unnie. Just one more picture, hmm?"
After hesitating, Yujin finally gives up. She is convinced it's better to let Wonyoung take a picture of her, instead of letting her watch Yujin getting used.
"There you go. You look amazing."
Wonyoung takes the picture and shows it to her.
Yujin's cheeks burn red.
There she is. Kneeling on the floor of some restroom stall. A collar around her neck, a chain keeping her in place. The anal hook is visible as well, making the fact that she is naked even worse. Her face doesn't look as good as she has hoped. One can definitely tell that she took a couple of facials today.
"Oh, we got company."
Wonyoung remarks excitedly as the door to the restroom opens.
"Don't be shy, come over here."
She motions the man to walk over to her.
He gives her a quick bow and then his eyes meet Yujin's. She can tell he's hesitating, not having expected to see someone else here.
"Oh, don't mind me. Just enjoy yourself."
The man glances at Wonyoung, before looking back at Yujin. His eyes roam her body for a couple of seconds. Eventually, he undoes the button and the zipper of his jeans.
Yujin's eyes are fixated on his cock as he pulls it out. Definitely one of the biggest she's had so far today.
"Is it okay if I... If I put it in your mouth?"
His words are dirty, but he looks almost innocent. Yujin nods, a small smile playing around her lips. He's cute.
When the man steps closer, Yujin opens her mouth. She wraps her lips around his cock, sucking on his tip. The guy instinctively puts his hand on the back of her head and slowly pushes his length inside of her further.
"Yes, that's it. Make her take it all."
Yujin almost forgot Wonyoung was still there. But now her eyes stare right at Wonyoung's phone, which is obviously recording. Yujin closes her eyes. It's not like Wonyoung will stop if she asks nicely.
"Try to fuck her face. It feels amazing, trust me."
Yujin is cursing Wonyoung silently once more. The man hesitates, but eventually takes a hold of both her pigtails. His first thrust is shallow, almost weak. The next one barely makes her take half his shaft. Yujin opens her eyes to look up at him. She winks playfully and then forces herself further down his cock. If Wonyoung wants a show, so be it. It's not like Yujin will ever recover from this anyway. Might as well make the best out of it.
"Oh, there you go. My unnie is such a cock drunk slut."
Under Wonyoung's dirty commentary, Yujin continues the combination of blowjob and face fuck. The man in front of her has gained a little more confidence and has started thrusting into her mouth a little harder and faster. His grip on her pigtails has tightened. Committed to delivering Wonyoung the most dirtiest video possible, Yujin decides to become sloppy.
She leaves her mouth open a little wider, stops swallowing her own spit and just starts to let it naturally escape her mouth. Soon the man's whole cock is drenched in her saliva. Her knees and the already wet tiles underneath her get hit as well.
Wonyoung bites her lip when she sees Yujin look directly into the camera. She just looks so sexy while getting her face fucked. The younger girl can't help but rub her thighs together. How much she is now longing for your cock using her mouth just like that. She keeps recording as she continues to think about exactly that. How you used her mouth like a toy last night, barely even looking at her, while your eyes were glued to Yujin on screen.
"I-I think I'm gonna finish."
The man who's fucking Yujin's face clearly hesitates, his grip on her pigtails softening. But Yujin just shakes her head and lets her tongue roam his cock.
"Give her your cum, she wants it."
Wonyoung catches the man's red cheeks, but her focus is on making sure that the camera is capturing Yujin, who's doing her best to make him climax.
With a loud groan from the man, she finally achieves her goal. She quickly moves back, letting his cock pop out of her mouth. With closed eyes, Yujin takes his cum like a pro. He paints her face, coating her cheeks, nose and lips in his semen.
"You look amazing, unnie."
Wonyoung has to hold back a laugh after stopping the recording. She takes one last picture of her leader covered in cum for good measure, before deciding to head out.
"Have fun in here. Daddy promised to buy me lunch."
With a provocative wave of her hand, Wonyoung strides towards the exit.
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Yujin lets out a weak groan as the man behind her closes his pants again. She's bent over the closed toilet, her ass at the perfect height for anyone who would come in.
The man who just came inside her ass is now putting the anal hook back into place. Yujin grimaces as she feels his cum getting pushed deeper into her guts and the cold metal stretches her out again.
Her assumption was right. After Wonyoung came by, a lot of people started to use her ass. By now, Yujin can't even count anymore how many men have used her throughout the day. Definitely more than twenty. Maybe fifty? Or more than that?
Her weak body has made her feel tired and exhausted. As she hears the door open again, just after the last man closed it, she just sighs in defeat. It's not like she didn't enjoy her punishment. In fact, she's still enjoying it. But a break once in a while would've been nice.
As you walk past the sink, you grab the almost empty bottle of lube. You hold your sign in the other hand, smiling as you check the back. You made a mark for every guy who paid you. You almost earned a month's salary within a day.
Yujin looks at you when you walk inside her stall.
"It's time to go home, the mall closes in half an hour."
"Is-Is my punishment over?"
Yujin has slid off the toilet seat and is now kneeling on the floor again.
"Are there still more people, who want to use me?"
She looks tired and worn out, but you catch the small glint in her eyes, when she think there are more men yet to come.
"Well, one to be exact."
Realization hits her immediately.
"You're going to use me too, oppa?"
A grateful smile makes its way onto her lips.
You put down the sign and undo your belt.
"Why don't you get my cock wet first?"
"Yes, oppa."
Yujin quickly takes her place right in front of you. As soon as your pants hit the floor, her mouth closes around your length. Just like the dozens of times before today, Yujin's head bobs up and down on your cock. Her tongue pressed flat against your shaft, her lips forming an airtight seal.
"That's right."
You encourage her as you take a hold of her pigtails.
"This is all you're good for. Offering up your holes like a public slut."
Yujin moans with your cock in her mouth, sending vibrations through your body.
You soon take over, fucking her face like so many men before you today. The young woman's makeup is completely gone and there are still dried up drops of cum here and there.
Wanting to ruin her face even further, you eventually pull out. Yujin looks up at you, mouth still open. You use your cock to smear her own spit all over her face, making her close her eyes.
"Now you look perfect."
"Thank you, oppa."
Her voice sounds a little dry after getting her throat used so often today.
You reach for her collar and pull Yujin to her feet. She moans loudly, feeling the anal hook move inside her ass, stretching her out even more.
"You like it when people use your ass, don't you?"
Yujin weakly nods.
You finally unlock the lock that kept her in place. Pulling at her chain, you guide Yujin towards the sink.
"There we go. It's time for you to enjoy your reward."
Your calm voice had it's desired effect on Yujin. She looks at you through the mirror at the prospect of a reward.
"Which is my cock in your ass."
Yujin doesn't have time to protest. You start to pull the anal hook out of her hole, making her moan and groan once again.
She doesn't stay empty for long. It only takes you a moment to use up the rest of the remaining lube.
"Oh, god."
She sighs weakly as you fill her up completely with only one stroke. Burying yourself deep inside of her, you lean over her body, whispering in her ear.
"I hope you learned your lesson. If not, this will be the new way of spending your free weekends."
"Yes, oppa. I did."
Her reply is cut short as Yujin feels you moving inside of her.
You're amazed at how tight she still is. For how long was her ass totally filled? Probably longer than five hours or something. It still feels as good as if you just pushed into her for the very first time. The tight ring of her muscles grips onto your cock as you thrust into her again and again.
Yujin can't do anything but look at herself through the mirror as her ass takes one last pounding. She's relieved that the day is finally over, that she can rest soon. And yet, she can't help but beg you to fuck her harder.
"Please, oppa. Give it to me hard. One last time."
You hold onto her waist, increasing your pace as you start to properly ruin Yujin's asshole.
She can feel your cock drag along her walls. How your tip reaches the deepest of places, how your hands dig into her flesh.
A small, almost lazy, orgasm washes over her.
Yujin doesn't even have enough energy to support her upper body anymore. She's is just lying on top of the sink, enjoying how you use her body for your own pleasure.
"Fuck, Yujin. I'm gonna fill you up."
"Yes, oppa."
Yujin looks at you through the mirror.
"Cum in my ass."
Her weak voice almost tempts you to grab her pigtails and properly ruin her one last time. But you acknowledge that she must be completely dead inside.
You enjoy her tight warmth for a little longer, until you can't hold it back anymore. Leaning over her again, you rest your head on her shoulder. Being buried deep inside her ass, you finally cum, filling her completely.
"Damn, your body is amazing, Yujin."
You don't get answer. Looking through the mirror, you make sure she didn't just fall asleep.
"How many?"
Her voice is barely above a whisper, when she finally speaks up.
"How many men used me today?"
You plant a kiss on the back of her head.
Hi, everyone!
The first story of December is here. I hope you enjoyed the read, there are four more fics to come. The length and quality of the next stories will increase (I hope) so that we have one big final for the last story.
Stay healthy!
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mejaemin · 4 months ago
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caramel - lee donghyuck
+18 mdni !!
wc: 2.8k
summary: donghyuck’s summer tan is just tewww sexy !! and spending your time with him and ilichil at the beach has you appreciating it just a little more
warnings: established relationship, fem reader, reader wears bikini, beach sex, exhibitionism, dry humping, nipple play, unprotected sex, pet names (mama, baby girl, baby), ft. taeyong, yuta, jungwoo, johnny, mark briefly
an: sm you will NEVER be able to keep tan donghyuck from me !!! do not play w me
(caramel masterlist here! ʕ ᵔⰙᵔ⠕ʔ )
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the evening sun leaves a comfortable blanket of heat on your skin. yuta and jungwoo are controlling the aux from the condo just above your heads, jumping from smooth to chaotic music. the volume is low, so it doesn’t bother you. the waves crashing against the rocks overpower whatever’s playing anyway. mark and johnny have finally finished flailing in the ocean, and are now running back inside with everyone else. the newfound silence feels so comfortable that you turn on your side to nap atop your beach towel. when you do so, you’re met with your boyfriend, who appears to have the same plan.
donghyuck’s caramel skin shines beautifully under the sun, shimmering due to a combination of sweat and sunscreen. his arms are crossed over his stomach, lashes fluttering against his cheeks as he soaks in the sun. laying on the beach just before the evening came definitely did him justice. unfortunately, your adoration is cut short when one of his eyes opens.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer.” his voice deepened and is a little croaky after resting.
“okay.” you respond, knowing he was teasing, but still following through.
you sit up, leaning over donghyuck’s face to reach your beach bag and pull out your digital camera. after sitting back down, you turn it on and point it at him, snapping a few pictures. despite pouting and mumbling an ‘i was joking’, he returns to his original pose for you. when you play them back, they’re beautiful. the filter on the camera makes him seem almost ethereal, his tanned skin glittering in the sunset. upon further inspection his cheeks are pink, so you call him out, intending to scold him for not applying enough sunscreen.
“okay, first of all, you can’t just lean over me and put your tits all in my face and not expect me to be flustered..” he turns his back to you to be sulky, especially when you stay silent after his confession.
the first thing to break the silence was a snort. your struggle to hide your amusement ends when donghyuck turns to look at you and you collapse onto his chest in a fit of laughter. at this he wraps you in his arms and pulls you to straddle his lap. all your giggles fade to silence when you feel his length poke at your ass. it’s now your turn to be flustered when his hands glide over your curves, stopping just under your breasts to rub a thumb over them.
“see what you’re doing? you’re just so pretty.” he grabs the string holding your bikini top against your neck and pulls, letting it fall forward. he undoes the second string behind your back and then holds out the top to you. “who bought this for you?” he asks, tilting his head innocently.
your thighs squeeze gently around his waist. “hyuck..” you whimper.
he brings you forward to press a kiss to your lips, hissing when it causes you to bump against his erection. when you pull away his gaze softens as he tucks a hair behind your ear. “it’s okay, baby, everyone’s inside.” he looks at you expectantly, waiting for your approval. when you nod, he kisses you again before his demeanor returns to how it was. “now, answer me.”
when you push your hips down into his, seeking friction, he puts a hand on your hip to stop you and raises an eyebrow. your cue to respond.
“y- you did..” you reply, looking down at your hands, planted on his chest.
“yeah.” he pulls you flush to his body, pressing kisses to your jawline. one of his hands leaves its home at your hips and begins gliding up and down your body. “cause i knew you would look so good in it..” his kissed travel downward to your neck, where he gets a little rougher and leaves marks as his teeth nip at your neck. “and look where that’s gotten us.” he gestures down to his lap, where you’ve begun grinding yourself into him.
“please, hyuck..” you whine, pushing yourself into him a little harder.
“go ahead, baby. get yourself off. i’m busy.” he replies before pulling you closer by your hips and attaching himself to your breasts.
a whine immediately escapes your lips at the sensation of his hot tongue against your nipple. one hand leaves your hip to hold the other, pinching and pulling at it as you rut against him. when you look down at him, his glimmering eyes stare back up at you. his tongue glides over your nipple and the surrounding marks he’s leaving, all the while maintaining eye contact with you. the way he stares at you, in an almost innocent manner, has you keening and dragging your hips against him a little rougher.
for the first time since you began, donghyuck finally expressed his pleasure and groaned, sitting up while keeping you in his lap. he pulled your nipple between his teeth, seemingly grounding himself as he began moving his hips in sync with your own.
“fuck, mama.. keep going.” he breathes, before snaking a hand behind your neck to pull your lips to his. the nickname has you throbbing against him, which didn’t go unnoticed when he twitched against you in response.
as soon as your mouth comes into contact with his, your hips start moving with a little more purpose. your boyfriend pushes his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around your own. neither of you are holding your voices back as you rut against each other. with each drag of your hips, donghyuck’s tip rubs against your clit in a way that sends waves and waves of pleasure through your body, stronger than the ocean’s.
with great reluctance you begin pulling away from his kisses, not without biting at his lip and letting it snap against his teeth. “i’m so close…” you whine, slowing your hips down while you wait for his response.
he pulls you forward, bringing you into another wet kiss before pulling away again. “i know baby girl, it’s okay. you can do it, cum in my lap.” he encourages.
as soon as the words come out of his mouth, you start up again. your hips glide against his clothed cock at a speed that has you nearly bouncing on his lap, all in an attempt to chase the high that approaches you slowly.
donghyuck’s arms wrap around your waist, holding you tight to his body as he begins chasing his own orgasm. you feel a little silly getting off like this, almost like a teenager. you’re sure that if someone saw you two right now you’d be compared to animals. however, you don’t pay the thought any mind. the subtle ache against your folds from your bikini bottom and your boyfriend’s coarse swim trunks is enough to make your body flare up in heat and make your thighs tense.
the fear of being heard, or even caught by the others turned into pure adrenaline. you put a hand on hyuck’s shoulder, leaving scratch marks as you rode his bulge, your other hand pulling at his soft brown hair. he moaned softly into your mouth at the feeling. you clenched around nothing, moaning desperately into the air. donghyuck has never been afraid to let you know how he feels, and the way his voice sounds so angelic in moments like these is what brings you to the edge.
“hyuck, i- fuck!“ your back arches, pushing your weight into him as far as possible as your body tenses. your eyes clamp shut and your pulse is all you can hear as your pleasure overcomes you.
donghyuck doesn’t stop, continuing to roll his hips into your clothed cunt until he finally comes, whining into your ear. as you both come down, he runs a hand through your hair to keep you grounded. when you finally come to, you pull away from the crook of his neck to see him smiling at you.
“hi.” he presses a kiss to your lips, followed by one (or ten) to the rest of your face.
you weren’t quite ready to come back to earth yet, so you just respond with a ‘mm’ before kissing him and resting your head on his shoulder once again. he chuckles, idly playing with the ends of your hair before speaking again.
“wanna keep going? or should we go inside?” he asks, leaning back so you both were laying on the towel.
“stay.” you mumble into his neck, tightening the grip your legs have on his waist. he shudders at the sensation.
”oh yeah? is that what you want? you wanna fuck on the beach?” he gently grips your hair, pulling you back to look at him. you moan breathily, nodding in response.
”use your words, mama.” he looks at you expectantly as his hand inches closer to the knot on the bottom of your swimsuit.
“yes, yes, please.. i want you so bad..” you respond, pouting and pushing your chest into him for emphasis.
as always, your body compels him to listen to your requests. his eyes flicker down to your cleavage and in the blink of an eye you’re now under him, completely bare. the sun has gone far enough under the horizon for your eyes to need adjusting before you can see your boyfriend again. once you can finally make out his features, it sends a whole new wave of heat through your body.
donghyuck’s face is perfectly dewy, from the heat and exertion. his brown hair is completely dry but still slightly clumpy from the ocean water. it hangs over your face and creates a nearly perfect cage that tickles your cheeks when he leans down to kiss you. immediately, your hand goes to the back of his head and pushes him closer. you let his tongue enter your mouth without a fight, desperately swirling it with your own in an attempt to get closer to him.
with an obnoxious smacking noise, your boyfriend pulls away from your mouth. he purposely pauses to laugh at the string of saliva connecting the two of you before you swat it away in annoyance. for once he decides against pouting at you and instead sits up to pull his swim trunks down just enough to be able to pull his cock out. his eyes squeeze shut as he pumps it one, two times before trapping your head between his arms once again. he presses a quick kiss to your lips before falling to rest on his elbows, leaning on one to use his now free hand to ease himself into your entrance.
when a whimper left your lips at the stretch donghyuck leaned down and pressed one of many kisses to your lips, followed by two times the amount to your cheek and jaw. with a harsh nip to the sweet spot of your neck, he pulls away.
“are you enjoying this, baby? do you like knowing that someone might come and see us? hear us?” he eggs you on, although he knows that this is a private beach connected to the condo taeyong rented for their off season. if you’re aware of it, you’re certainly too far gone to remember because you immediately get wetter, nodding your head with a moan as he pushes himself the rest of the way in.
“yes, hyuck, fuck- it’s so good..” you whine, already arching your back into him.
he begins picking up his speed now that you’ve adjusted and brings a hand to your cheek, pressing his thumb between your lips to keep you quiet. his other hand holds your hip and helps to pull you back and forth on his cock, wet noises erupting from between you two with each thrust.
donghyuck’s head is thrown back and he bites back a groan. the sight of his eyes pinched shut and his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows his sounds of pleasure has you wrapping your legs tight around his waist and subtly moving your hips to meet his own. he abruptly begins to slow his movements and you’re about to yell at him when you realize he’s looking in the direction of the beach house’s back porch, having a conversation with someone.
you can’t really turn to look at who’s there because the porch is behind you, so you let yourself slip slightly back into your normal consciousness to hear that yuta is yelling out to you both.
he calls out your names, “are you coming in yet? we’re about to eat!” he yells.
you look at your boyfriend and he briefly looks at you to press a finger to his lips before addressing the elder. “we’re relaxing! call us when it’s actually done!” he replies.
unintentionally, you twitch around his dick and his hips stutter before subtly pushing into you once again. you lay your head back down and are about to let yourself return to being blissfully unaware when yuta begins cackling.
”don’t be too long!” he sing-songs, nearly out of breath as he laughs his way back inside the house.
donghyuck looks back at you and huffs, rolling his eyes. “what a turn off.” he mumbles.
your legs tighten their grip on his hips. “you’re about to be even worse of a turn off if you don’t hurry the fuck up.” you whine.
immediately he begins increasing his speed.
“chill, chill… might as well leave you here if you rush me…”
he falls forward on his elbows. his face right above yours as he now rolls his hips deeper, aiming for your most sensitive parts in an attempt to speed up the process. each time he pushes himself back in, you can feel his dick poking at your insides so deliciously that each thrust has a familiar kind of heat flooding through your legs up into your whole body. with one hand leaving a bruising grip on your hip, the other resting next to your head, donghyuck licks a fat stripe up your neck, biting and sucking at the spot that always has you folding for him. your back immediately arches into him at the sensation, a series of pleas falling from your lips.
donghyuck pulls away, fake cooing at you. “aww baby, do you want to cum now?” he rests a hand on your cheek, his hips never stopping as he waits for your answer.
“yes, fuck- please, hyuck, please..” you whine, running your tongue along his thumb appreciatively when he pushes it into your mouth.
“of course, mama. anything you want.” he smiles, dropping his head back down to your neck to press wet kisses to it as he pushes you towards your orgasm.
at this point, you're so close to the edge that all it takes is your boyfriend’s hand slipping its way in between your bodies, rubbing vigorously at your clit to push you over. combined with his rough thrusts, your body tenses, hips shaking as white hot pleasure courses through you. shortly after, donghyuck gets there too, hips stilling as he moans softly in your ear. a whimper escapes your lips as his hot cum spills inside of you. you feel slightly overstimulated, but it’s so worth it.
after a few minutes of sitting in your afterglow, you hear the door above you slide open once again. this time it’s taeyong, calling your name before addressing your boyfriend.
“donghyuck! let’s go, we’re eating now!” he calls out, not wasting any time before going back inside. you flush, knowing that they’re more than likely aware that you weren’t just ‘resting’.
the man on top of you groans, sitting up and pulling out of you. he looks as if he’s half asleep, staring at the spot where his cum seeps out of you with heavy lidded eyes. when you sit up, his trance breaks and he sighs, getting himself together and packing up your towel. next to him you put your swimsuit back on followed by your shorts before folding up donghyuck’s and standing up. he takes your hand, making his way back up to the condo with you in tow.
as soon as you walk in the back door, everyone’s eyes are on you both. once again, yuta begins cackling, nearly choking on his food at the sight. donghyuck pulls your chair out at the table and helps you sit down before going to your room and putting your belongings away. when he comes back and sits with you, johnny is the first to speak up.
“so, uh, hyuck.. i’m assuming you’re not hungry?” he laughs.
you immediately cover your face in embarrassment, however you can’t laugh for long because you hear the word ‘actually’ leave his lips and immediately have to smack a hand over his lips to avoid everyone hearing about yours and his sexual endeavors. regardless, the night is full of laughter and strays away from the subject that they hopefully forgot about. until you do it again.
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hoshifighting · 4 months ago
the ''ick's'' seventeen would give
seungcheol: would act tough in front of his friends, and with you would be talking like; pweaseee/otay/i wuv u so much 🥺 like—shutthefuckup
jeonghan: stole your lip gloss. yep, dead serious. you look over, and he’s pulling out your cherry gloss, pouting at himself in his phone camera to check it. then he has the audacity to judge you if it’s not his color. like, “babe, don’t you think this is a bit bright?”
joshua: man has this cringe little habit of saying “no cap” at the worst times, and he’s always wrong. burnt his toast? “no cap, that was the toaster’s fault.” got pulled over? “no cap, that cop’s jealous of my car.” you’re in a horror movie, and this dude would whisper, “no cap, i think we should split up.”
junhui: starts telling a hilarious story about his day but accidentally mixes it up with a story he already told you last week. he’s all “wait, have i told you this before?”
hoshi: eats with so much sound. slurping, groaning, making it a whole event. like, eating ramen? nah, he’s performing ramen, making eye contact, giving each bite a sound effect. and it’s so bad you’re rethinking why you even suggested dinner. you can hear every noodle hitting his mouth. done.
woozi: texts you “wyd” every fifteen minutes. like you’re just supposed to be sitting around waiting for his updates on what you’re doing, right? he’s the kind of guy who’ll FaceTime you just to check if you’re having too much fun without him. and the way he says “wyd?” – every. time.
wonwoo: he’s got a pet name for his gaming console. this boy will sit there, caressing his controller and calling it “baby” while yelling at his avatar. it’s all fun and games until he actually ignores you mid-sentence to mutter sweet nothings to his PS5.
minghao: changes his accent mid-sentence to be "fancy." like, you’re talking normal, but suddenly he’s doing his best British impression for no damn reason. “oh, quite right, love, terribly splendid.” and it’s out of nowhere, totally unprompted, with a smirk like he just did something magical. you’re cringing so hard you’re practically folding into yourself.
mingyu: he’ll be all smooth one minute, but then he gets real comfortable and lets out the loudest, most unholy fart you’ve ever heard, like it was a fart held since WW2.
seokmin: pulls out a super old toy he’s kept since childhood and starts playing with it, getting all emotional about “the good ol’ days.” like, bro, you’re a grown-ass man, and you’re here with a plastic dinosaur, talking about how it “used to roar.”
seungkwan: catches a whiff of something weird in the room and just straight-up sniffs his armpits. he does it casually, like it’s no big deal, then he looks at you dead seriously.
vernon: goes way too hard on his “cool guy” vibes. constantly pulling his hat down low, trying to act all mysterious, but he’s accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom twice just trying to “look chill” or, walking in the room with his backpack wide open (we have proofs). he does this squinting thing like he’s in a music video, but it’s just… nope.
chan: calls himself “alpha.” no, seriously, he’ll be like, “as the alpha, i need to handle this.” and he’s referring to something like taking out the trash. leaving you jaw dropped, wondering why he’s talking like a lost wolf.
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