#Callista Ward
xvi-the-tower · 2 years
To Hold a Healer
Shipping guide for Callista Ward
Intro for all of my characters:
There shouldn’t be minors amongst my followers anyhow given what I post, but obligatory minors dni.
Friendships are welcome!  Sometimes people who don’t vibe romantically can be great friends.A ship might not be in the cards, but I have 6 other characters, so if you want to rp with me/ship/whatever, maybe one of my others will be better suited.
All of my characters are open to all genders as well as poly relationships.
None of my characters are into scat, watersports, or mommy/daddy kink, as these are squicks of mine.
I’m going to follow the same format as those before me, because I like how they did it.  So, without further ado:
Callista is inexperienced in all things romance.  She’s focused on her duty to heal others for so long that she’s neglected to form her own relationships, including for the most part friendships.  As such, she tends to be very lonely.
Her primary love languages are acts of service and either quality time or gifts, though her gifts tend to fall almost into acts of service territory given how practical they tend to be. Please do things for her.  She will cry, but it will be happy tears.  She’s so used to doing for others that the idea of someone else doing things for her is foreign.
She tends to be warm and soft toward everyone, but especially those she feels any sort of connection to.  More than most of my other characters, she lends herself to a friends-to-lovers kind of romance.
She’s very earnest and tends to express her feelings as she recognizes them, but she tends to be slow to recognize any romantic feelings she might have unless the object of her affection reciprocates and is more forward
She is prone to anxiety and depression, so someone who helps ground her and helps her feel safe is a plus.  Please be patient with her when she’s anxious. She also has zero combat capability, so while not mandatory, someone who can literally protect her from the various demons and shit in this setting is a plus.
As previously mentioned, she’s inexperienced in all things romance, including sex, so be prepared to be her first in most rps/shipping situations. 
However, once she’s experienced sex, kissing, etc., she finds she really likes it.  The intimacy in particular is what she likes.
She’s pretty vanilla.  Not really into kink, though she can get a little into dom/sub dynamics so long as there’s a certain gentleness to it and lots of praise.
Turn-ons and kinks include: breeding, thunder, outdoors, food play, luxury/comfort
Turn-offs include: being hit/spanked, degradation, pain in general
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lilnoctua · 4 months
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pov: one in the coterie is asking for an increased allowance
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exhausted-archivist · 8 months
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Cassandra Pentaghast Timeline
A summarized and organized timeline of Cassandra's life. Summarizing the major points of Dawn of the Seeker; such as naming characters and such key events.
Warning in advance about some spoilers for Absolution as I quote a couple lines in the notes section.
9:04 Dragon
Cassandra is born in a carriage halfway between Cumberland and Val Chevin. She was raised in her family estate in Nevarra City until 9:10 Dragon.
9:10 Dragon
Lord Matthias and Lady Tigana, Cassandra and Anthony's parents, are executed by King Markus Pentaghast for taking the wrong side during the second attempt to overthrow the king. Cassandra and Anthony were spared from execution thanks to their uncle, their father's brother, Vestalus who was a senior member of the Mortalitasi who vouched for them and took them as his wards.
Cassandra and Anthony were moved to the Grand Necropolis in Nevarra.
9:12 Dragon
Vestalus was promoted to prelate of the Mortalitasi and overseer of the Grand Necropolis. This left Cassandra and Anthony by themselves more often, leaving them in isolation save for Nomi in the Chantry where Cassandra devoted her time.
Anthony and Cassandra started training in swordsmanship with asperations to becoming dragon hunters.
9:16 Dragon
Cassandra, at the age of 12*, witnesses her brother Anthony; a renowned dragon hunter, get beheaded at the hands of blood mages.
Cassandra begs to join the Templar Order when faced with a lack of justice for Anthony. Her uncle instead sends her to the Seekers of Truth.
She begins her training at the Seeker fortress of Montsimmard as an apprentice to Seeker Byron, a senior member. He focused on her religious education rather than her martial education.
9:19 Dragon
At the age of 15, Cassandra is the youngest Seeker to go through her vigil since the Storm Age. Her vigil takes place in a remote castle located within the Blasted Hills of Northern Orlais and lasts for two weeks.
9:22 Dragon
The following are the events of Dawn of the Seeker that take place. This is the briefest of summaries.
Cassandra and a group of Seekers attack a group of blood mages who abducted Avexis, an elven mage from the White Spire who has the ability to control beasts. The blood mages use a ritual to extend that power to controlling dragons. Byron, Cassandra's mentor and father figure, reveals to Cassandra a conspiracy within the Chantry as he is leaving the fortress with Cassandra and Avexis.
The three are attacked by blood mages, in wich Byrion dies and Avexis is kidnapped again. Cassandra is branded a traitor. Regalyan, a friend of Byrion and the contact they were to take Avexis to, is captured by Cassandra under the suspicion he is a blood mage. The pair is then captured by Templars and eventually make their escape. Cassandra's goal is to clear her name and discover proof of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy is that Knight-Commander Martel and Grand Cleric of Orlais, Callista, are working with the blood mages who intend to attack the 10 year gathering at the Grand Cathedral. Grand Cleric Callista and Knight-Commander Martel intend to unleash dragons on the Divine and gathered Grand Clerics during the ceremony so that Callista may become Divine as the last remaining Grand Cleric.
The conspiracy is thwarted by Cassandra, Regalyan, the Circle Mages, and additional Seekers. Cassandra kills two dragons and a high dragon. Saving the Divine.
As a reward for their actions, Cassandra is made the Right hand of the Divine and declared Hero of Orlais.
After the ceremony, Divine Beatrix III speaks with Cassandra about how the attack on the Gathering was only the beginning. Insisting that the Chantry must prepare for the coming storm before placing the holy writ into her hands. The writ that grants the Right and Left Hands of the Divine the authority to restore the Inquisition.
9:34 Dragon
Divine Beatrix III dies and Divine Justinia V is elected. Upon election, Divine Justinia V made a bit to retain Cassandra as her right hand. Pitching to Cassandra the multiple aspects of reform of the Chantry she wanted to do. Which Cassandra met with intrigue and accepted the role once more.
Leliana sent Cassandra a letter that speaks of her observations and how she welcomes the opportunity to work with Cassandra.
9:39 Dragon
Cassandra writes a letter to the now Lord Seeker Lucius, declaring she will not be joining the Seekers and will continue to work with the Divine.
There is an error with this as the Mage-Templar War didn't start until late autumn or winter of 9:40 Dragon. Seeker Lucius doesn't take over for Seeker Lambert until after the events of Asunder where Lambert is killed by Cole at the end of the book a few months later. Leaving the date of this letter to be 9:40 or 9:41.
9:40 Dragon
Cassandra interrogates Varric following the outbreak of the Mage-Templar War.
9:41 Dragon
Cassandra brings Varric and Cullen to Haven with Leliana, they both miss the chance to join the Divine at the beginning of the Conclave as they were delayed.
The Breach opens up and Cassandra leads soldiers into the valley to look for survivors. Her soldiers find the player character (PC Herald/Inquisitor) and the events of Inquisition begin.
Cassandra advocates with Leliana to approach the rebel mages for support with closing the Breach. If the player goes to Redcliffe and sees the situation, Cassandra's opinion will change to supporting the Templars.
Cassandra is investigating the disappearance of her fellow Seekers, her theory is they are prisoners of Corypheus.
Evidence is found that Samson/Calpernia sold the Seekers to the Order of Fiery Promise after finding out that the Seekers are resistant to red lyrium.
When Cassandra investigates the castle of Caer Oswin after tracking the Seekers there, she discovers that her apprentice Daniel, has been implanted with a demon and fed red lyrium. At this point, she discovers that it was Lord Seeker Lucius wh sold the Seekers to the Promisers and has been operating there the whole time. Cassandra then confronts Lucius and kills him in battle.
Procuring the Book of Secrets from the Lord Seeker, Cassandra learns the truth about the vigil. That Seekers were made tranquil and that it was only reversed once they were touched by a Spirit of Faith. This is what granted them their abilities and restored their minds. A fact she learns all Lord/Lady Seekers have known up until this point, and that Lord Seeker Lambert actively hid from the Divine.
Cassandra considers finding the scattered Seekers, reading the Book of Secrets with them, so there are no more secrets between them and establishing a new charter. She also wishes if there is a way to refine the process of reversing Tranquility on mages without the dangers that come with them being overcome by their emotions. The PC character will determine whether she actually does reform the Seekers and investigate the rite further.
If Divine:
Cassandra is said to enact reforms for a new Templar Order and Circle of Magi. She rebuilds the Seekers of truth and rededicates them to protecting the innocent, if the player encourages her. Her attempts of reform are controversial despite her popularity though are generally seen as successful efforts to stabilize peace.
If Not Divine:
She takes the position of advisor on the Divine's council, giving advice on important matters to Divine Victoria. Depending on if the Divine is Leliana or Vivienne dictates how long she stays. If the Divine is Leliana, she stays and works well with her as Cassandra holds respect for Leliana. If Vivienne is Divine, Cassandra eventually leaves disgusted, feeling that Vivienne is perverting the Chant of Light's intent.
9:42-9:44 Dragon
If Cassandra is Divine, she is working on efforts to clean up red lyrium and stating that it is going well.
If Cassandra is not Divine, and she is encouraged to rebuild the Seekers; a month before she returns to Orlais for Trespasser she is in the Hunterhorn Mountains tracking down Seeker Emery and finding leads on other Seekers in Rivian.
If Cassandra is not Divine and wasn't encouraged to rebuild the Seekers; she is in the port of Antiva City and completing a survey and establishes that there are no further signs of Fade energy or demons since the Inquisitor closed a rift there in the Spring. She confirms the Inquisition mages deem the Veil stable in the region. Cassandra also confirms that at this point, all rifts have finally been sealed.
At some point, Cassandra aided a reaver named Nyree in defeating her first dragon. By doing so Nyree completed her Rite of Passage.
At some point prior to Cassandra's interrogation of Varric, the Seekers investigated the Vimmark Mountains that housed Corypheus and were turned away by the Grey Wardens and were told that everyone who had been in the prison were dead. Unclear if Cassandra was part of this investigation.
At some point in 9:41 during the Inquisition, Cassandra orders Sidony to return to Nevarra City and stop a Mortalitasi plot that is seeking to assassinate a member of the very unstable line of succession.
It is unclear when this occurred, as Absolution happens after Trespasser and that is about all that is established.** Cassandra and Leliana dispatch Fairbanks and Hira to steal an artifact from the Tevinter Imperium, the Circulum Infinitus.
* Cassandra tells Sera that she was trained as a Seeker since she was 6. This is in conflict with a letter from Cassandra's uncle to the Seekers stating she was "even at the tender age of twelve, is too old to begin training with the Seekers". This is reinforced though dialogue the PC can have with her where she establishes she was training with the Seekers at a far older age than most recruits, and was able to do so because of her status.
** The Interview establishes this (emphasis by me)
"Despite its relative proximity to Dreadwolf, though, Absolution intentionally doesn’t try to use its time establishing any real sort of canon for players to latch onto. Some characters from the prior games show up for a spell, and events are broadly mentioned, but Epler (who also serves as Dreadwolf’s creative director) admitted that it was important to avoid setting a definitive canon." He acknowledged it as a “tricky balancing act,” in part because BioWare making its own canon runs the risk of conflicting with the canon players make on their own, and the studio’s word being potentially declared definitive gospel is the last thing anyone wanted. Similarly, there was a desire to make sure Absolution stood on its own, explicit ties to the games or no. “There’s all these elements that make up Thedas and what’s going on,” said Epler. “We were fine with leaving space for these stories to exist and feed into a larger world as a whole.”
Up until the Dragon Age cookbook, there was no establishment of the BioWare canon or the game default. Which are at times two separate things, but do overlap in areas. But the difference between the two is for another conversation.
Additionally some lines in Absolution are about all we have in regards to the fact it definitely happens after Trespasser.
"Before the Inquisition ended, we learned the Tevinter Chantry was in possession of an artefact. The Circulum Infinitus." ep1. , 7:50ish
"Rezaren is dead. I have the Circulum. It's over, if you want it to be. You were right, Hira. Tevinter is an evil place, and I know what it feels like for that hate and that fear to infect you, but... you can't let it. Help me take the Circulum to what's left of the Inqusition and we can try again, free from everything." ep.6, 21:40ish
World of Thedas Vol. 1 p. 143 World of Thedas Vol. 2 p. 220-223 Dragon Age: Inquisition Dialogue Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Redemption Interview with Absolution showrunner Mairighread Scott and EP John Epler by io9
Cassandra Pentaghast Cassandra and the Last Few Years
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ofwrxth · 11 days
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"Okay...good news or bad news?" Ophelia says, taking a seat on the floor opposite Bella in their joint office, hands resting on her thighs as she sighs. "Actually, don't answer – we'll do bad news first." It's best to rip the bandaid off. "Callista Calder reached out for a meeting to discuss her sponsorship for the educational programs." Fee grimaces a bit. "Which I think means she's leaning to pull out. Something about not wanting to seem like she sponsoring Ascend scholars. And that sponsoring education opportunities makes it seem like that's what she's doing." Even if it's not. And they went over it numerous times before she'd signed off. That sponsoring education programs simply means helping provide better access to educational resources and instructors in The Wards. Not ensuring entry to the Ascend program. "I think that her family got to her. They were always against her working with us." Fee exhales. "So...that's not great. Maybe it's not the case but...gut feeling, you know?
"But." She brightens at her sister, shifting from feet tucked beneath her to a cross-legged position. "I did get an interesting Star Link from Nadia Belcourt." A pause and a hopeful smile. "She wants to discuss potential opportunities for the Alexandrian Society on Equinox. Not exactly The Wards but...maybe if she can see what we're trying to do...it's just crazy that most people in The Wards don't even know about the society? Or about our history. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of red tape but...that's still something, right?" They'd known going into this that establishing Outreach wasn't going to be a moonwalk. If anything, it's felt like they've been in the gravity well lately. But any news is good news at this point, and she thinks there's some real promise. "So I was thinking we could work on a proposal to present. And Felix knows her, right? Maybe he could give some insight?" @rviner
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
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Choices Masterlists: (alphabetical by LI's first name)
💙 Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle [The Elementalists] 💜 Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley(OC) [Open Heart] + Olivia, Merida, and Casey World (masterlist by jerzwriter) 💙 Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd [Open Heart] 💜 John Somerset x Christie Hayes [The Unexpected Heiress] 💙 Jun Seong x Emilia Charles [The Deadliest Game] 💜 Justin Mercado x Mari Bishop [Save the Date] 💙 Levi Schuler x Laura Day [Mother of the Year] 💜 Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light & Shadow] + Mal's Orphanage Series + Blades 2 AU 💙 Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer [Red Carpet Diaries/Hollywood U] 💜 Troy Hassan x Astraea Callen [Wake the Dead] 💙 Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion] 💜 Assorted Characters (EmoDrake, ROE Bartender, Thomas Mendez, Kate O'Malley) 💖 Geometric Art 💖 My Personal Favorite Fics
✨Recent Posts ✨
A Brush of Magic: Emma tracks down a particularly mischievous book, while Beckett gets caught in their path.
Through the Pain: Emilia takes Jun up on his offer to try the punching bag. (A more emotional rewrite of Jun's Chapter 6 diamond scene)
Only Her: Thomas and Alex enjoy a quiet sunset at the beach.
A Late Night Picnic: Mal surprises Daenarya with a late night picnic, but it doesn't go as planned. [with Rayden & Lydo]
Geometric Trystan Thorne
Pages in Paradise: Thomas x Alex RCD3 🎨
Lazy Afternoon Picnic with Bryce x Olivia 🎨
Elmo's Special Visit:  Olivia has two special guests join her in the Peds Ward!
A Text of Reassurance: Olivia is feeling a little insecure so she texts Casey hoping to get some reassurance.
Neon Glow: Bryce and Olivia enjoy some fun during laser tag with their friends. 🖊️🎨
Setting Sail for Tomorrow (Flynn x Calli) 🎨
Bryce's first father's day (at the beach) 🎨
Love & Scotch: dx: Friendship & New Beginnings: Hunt and Ethan share a drink before Hunt's wedding. 🖊️
Study Habits: Midterms are next week and Kate hasn't begun to study. Luckily, Calli is there to help. 🖊️
A Saucy Surprise: Now that they have their chicken nugget pillows, it's time for the condiments! 📱
Daenarya and her trophy husband 🎨
Dance with Me: Bryce x Liv dancing in the rain 🎨
Forest Fun: Mal x Daenarya in the forest 🔥 🎨
Adventures with Threep : Three vignettes of Threep's life with Rayden, Mal, and Daenarya
Character Profiles: (alphabetically by first name)
💜 Alex Hunt (RCD/HWU F!MC / OC)
💖 Callista Rossi (VoS MC)
💜 Daenarya (Blades F!MC / OC)
💖 Ellie Shepherd (OH F!MC)
💜 Emilia Charles (TDG F!MC)
💖 Guinevere Áine of Carmelide (F!MC)
💜 Iliana Maria Volari (Blades F!OC)
💖 Keiki Lahela
💜 Laura Day (MotY F!MC)
💖 Lilah Rose (CoP F!MC)
💜 Makoa Lahela (OH M!OC)
💖 Mal Volari (coming soon)
Alessia Volari (Mal's sister) < needs to be rewritten with Wren
💜 Nyx Selenastra (Blades NB!OC)
💖 Malia Lahela (OH F!OC)
💜 Olivia Hadley (OH F!OC)
💖 Rayden + Lydo (Blades OCs) (coming soon)
💜 Trystan Thorne
💚 Character Birthday Chart
Reblog Game Masterlists (alphabetically)
💙 MC Monday: Olivia Hadley 💖 Summer Character Challenge : Olivia Hadley 💙 Summer Character Challenge: Lilah Rose 💖 Top 3 Thursday
Yearly Summary Posts
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Fairy Rings
Episodes: The Great Fairy Secret, The Lord Scythe, Ill Luck Henry, Cain vs. Callista, The Girl with the Silver Hair, Cerenysus
While the Endo-Friendos wrap things up with the Lord Scythe, the Third Mates journey through the rings of winter, spring, summer, and autumn, searching for Irina. An enemy becomes an ally, and ally is revealed as a villain. Everything is on the line in a final showdown.
From google form submission: “Zirk drinks piss to impress teens it only kinda works”
The 69 lives of Henry Hogfish– "I would be a better man, if I could do it again"
The Third Mates completely beef it in the fight with Callista. Seriously, embarrassing.
Cain talks about his backstory and Fia tries to sneak a berry
Surprise return of the Hexbuds! Mom fight, death ward, trisection, atonement
"God, you were my fucking dream, for so fucking long. But these people are my reality. And it is by your actions that one of them has died, and you tried to kill more of them. And I will miss you so much. But I cannot support this. Mr. Henry… kill her."
Episodes: Hexblood, The Would Be King, Killshot, The Prophet Gideon, Cindersworn, The Petty King of Outerborough
Oops all monks! We meet our new new heroes the Hexbuds: illeist kensei Jabari Hightower, motivational speaker Corbeau “The Crow” Babineaux, and plant enthusiast Tarragon Snakeroot. The three warriors come out of retirement, get embroiled in the ongoing power struggle for the Petty Kingship of Outerborough, and learn some truths about their mom.
Improvised sneak mission, featuring Jabari’s extreme overkill and the side flap maneuver
Intro chaos continues. Acrostics, songs, “Hey there, centaurs–”
Entering the grove and meeting Glada the frost giant
“It’s not about speechin’, it’s about listening, and talking– and you know, when you speak, people listen, but when you stop listening, that’s when they really start to understand, you know what I mean?” “No."
“Can I put my croc on his chest, so he can’t sit up?” “……Your croc?”
"We are the Cindersworn. We do not turn undead, we burn undead."
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seluniite-archived · 1 year
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RELATION: Father. ( ALIVE ) NAME: Edmur Korlys. AGE: Fifty-five. RESIDENCE: Lower City, Baldur's Gate. OCCUPATION: Fisherman.
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RELATION: Mother. ( ALIVE ) NAME: Callista Korlys. AGE: Fifty-three. RESIDENCE: Lower City, Baldur's Gate. OCCUPATION: Midwife.
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RELATION: Brother. ( ALIVE ) NAME: Garrick Korlys. AGE: Thirty-two. RESIDENCE: Lower City, Baldur's Gate. OCCUPATION: Guild member. Fisherman.
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RELATION: First love. ( DECEASED ) - - - appears as her dream guardian. NAME: Kasimiar Illystin. AGE: Eighty-two. RESIDENCE: Southern Ward, Waterdeep. OCCUPATION: City Guard of Waterdeep.
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measureformeasure · 5 months
@lesbiancassius' march reads
books (once again, so busy...)
Salvage the Bones, Jesmyn Ward - a beautiful, hardy book I've been meaning to read for years. I read this as an ebook but I wish I'd had it in my hand.
short fiction & poetry
Waste My Life, Hera Lindsay Bird - I love Bird's voice so very much.
life is great it’s like being given a rare and historically significant flute and using it to beat a harmless old man to death with
Jealousy, Hera Lindsay Bird
Leisure, Hannah, Does Not Agree with You (2), Hannah Gamble - loosely after Catullus.
Interrogating the Shakespeare System, Madeline Sayet - on @goosemixtapes's suggestion - a good read for reckoning with the place of Shakespeare in education and theatre now.
Classical studies needs structural change, an interview with Dr. Dan-el Padilla Peralta
Playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Jamil Jan Kochai
Bridges, Callista Pitman - beautiful.
The Great White Bard, Farah Karim-Cooper
Towards a Poor Theatre, Jerzy Grotowski (I own the most hilariously water-damaged copy of this book that I got for free on the side of the road.)
Scorched, Wajdi Mouawad
There is Violence and There is Righteous Violence and There is Death, or the Born-Again Crow, Caleigh Crow
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aalisalbrecht · 2 years
With a ‘It’s a girl!’ balloon, flowers and a stuffed unicorn in one hand and a basket full of other trinkets in her other, Aalis made her way into the hospital and up to the maternity ward. She was full of emotions; mostly excitement but a little nervous. She was going to meet her grandchild today. It still felt funny; the thought that she was somebody’s grandmother. But all her nerves went away when she stepped into Callista’s room. “There she is,” she smiled softly, sitting the things she was holding down on the counter before going to wash her hands. “I brought you some things to help you through your recovery. The unicorn is for the little one.” @callistaa​
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legends-and-savages · 6 months
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Name: Callista "Callie" Lauren Ward
Age: 17 (start of the series)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parents: Owen Ward and N.ike. Lily Ward (Step-mother)
Siblings: N.ike Cabin Members (Half siblings)
Occupation: Camper
Abilities: Can sense victory and how to achieve it
Callie is the daughter of Owen Ward and N.ike. Her step-mother Lily has been in her life since she was three. Callie has a close relationship with her parents. Lily is a lawyer while Owen is a champion adventure racer. Callie has always wanted to be the best and wants to win, but Owen tries to get her to be cautious.
When she was nine she and Lily had been out shopping when the two were attacked by h.ellhounds. Lily had pushed Callie behind her and quickly took care of them. Lily made sure that Callie was okay before the two went home. Lily sat Owen and Callie down and explained that she was a half-blood, the daughter of T.hemis and that she was pretty sure that Callie was one. Owen nodded, and Lily said it was time to take her to camp. Lily also had a satyr with them, and she drove from Montana to New Jersey. She told Callie she was going to be just fine.
Callie was placed in the H.ermes cabin, and there was some campers that had an issue with her because it seemed like any weapon she picked up she could use and somehow win with. Callie didn't have an explanation until her third summer where she managed to win a game of Capture the Flag by telling her team how to win.
Callie is seventeen when P.ercy has his first summer at camp and went on his quest.
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xvi-the-tower · 2 years
Amaranth's masquerade outfit
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Callista's masquerade outfit
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lilnoctua · 1 month
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finally properly drew Callista's ghoul Ward
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starwarstbbfan · 3 years
Chapter 18 - Rescue... again.
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"What are you doing here?" Crosshair snarked, prompting his brothers to leave the cockpit and crowd around him to see who he was talking to. Imagine their surprise to see a clone medic and Tech immediately recognized him as one of the main medics that took care of Callista during her weeks of recovery. Daredevil, he believed his name was.
He was the one Crosshair stopped Callista from attacking - said sniper almost smirked when he saw the faint scars on the reg's cheek from when Callista scratched him that same day when he gave her a shot of painkiller. While Lula helped Callista stay calm enough to allow the clone to come near her, the second the needle pierced her skin she lost it and scratched the Medic while shoving him away. 
"Always nice to see you too, Crosshair." Daredevil retorted, before nodding to the other three, "Sargeant, Tech, Wrecker." The three Bad Batchers nodded in return, but still were confused as to why he was paying them a visit. And he seemed to be on edge too, Crosshair noticed the way his eyes darted around the hanger and tense shoulders. "I, uh, I heard you guys have returned and have something to discuss with you. Privately."
"Is it about Scar?" Wrecker asked, quite loudly and it drew the attention of other clones in the hanger. Daredevil shushed him and asked if they could talk inside the ship. 
Everyone looked to Hunter, who stared Daredevil down, making the latter squirm under his gaze. 
Eventually he nodded and motioned for him to come inside. 
Daredevil did a once over of the main area of the ship and noted several health code violations just in that part of the ship, making him wrinkle his nose and he was regretting coming in. 
"What do you want to talk about?" Hunter asked, getting right to the point. Daredevil immediately became nervous once more and hesitated to say anything. 
"Spit it out, we don't have all day." Crosshair said, seeing Daredevil's hesitancy. 
"I'm guessing you've already been to the medical ward and saw that Callista- er Scar- wasn't there anymore." The four other clones perked up at the mention of the girl, then narrowed their eyes suspiciously at Daredevil, wondering what he knew. 
"Yeah…" Hunter said and Daredevil could see they were all suspicious, making him even more nervous. Nonetheless, he continued. 
"And all her records have been deleted. It's like she vanished in a sense." 
"Do you know what happened to her?" Hunter questioned, practically at the edge of his seat now and getting impatient.
"I do. I know the Prime Minister told you she'd start training again, but unfortunately that was a lie. She's become Nala Se's little science project. I can't sit by and let Callista be a human science experiment. You have to help her."
"Why us?" Crosshair questioned, taking a toothpick out of the little container attached to his belt and putting it in his mouth. 
"You guys are infamous for completing every mission you're assigned. You're the only ones I know who can pull this off."
"Even if we did save Callista, what are we supposed to do after that?" Hunter asked, not wanting to rush into this. Yes, they were fully capable of freeing Calli from whatever lab she was in, but in doing so they'd have the Kaminoans after them and probably the Republic. 
Daredevil, though, already had a plan. 
"Take her to the Jedi. Show them what the Kaminoans have done and they'll definitely put a stop to it." 
"That just might work." Tech said and Hunter found himself agreeing. 
"We can call Commander Cody!" Wrecker exclaimed, "And maybe talk with his General!" 
Daredevil smiled. "See, I knew I made the right decision to come to you guys. Now, I gotta get going - don't want anyone to get suspicious." After giving them the location of the lab he was sure Callista was in, Daredevil left the Bad Batch who now needed to come up with a plan to rescue their, as Wrecker put it, little sister.
They didn't care that they would be breaking rules and in a way going against the Republic, all they cared about was setting things right. The Bad Batch had been the ones to bring her to Kamino, now they needed to bust her out. 
The question is - how? 
Callista lay motionless on the operating table - though she wasn't unconscious. No, she could open her eyes and sit up if she wanted to, but Callista found herself not having any motivation to do so. 
It's been four weeks since the Bad Batch left Kamino, and the second they were gone the Kaminoans moved her from the medical bay into a small, dark and cold room that contained an uncomfortable cot for her to sleep on with a thin blanket that barely helped keep her warm enough. There was no window, and only one single light bulb hung from the ceiling that gave out barely enough light to see anything - thank goodness for her good eyesight otherwise she'd be bumping into walls or the bed. 
It may sound like a nightmare, but even with the low temperature and lack of anything to do, Callista preferred being in there than where she was now. The operating table she lay on was where most of the experiments were conducted. It would either be a Kaminoan working on her or she'd be in the surgical pod - thankfully for those procedures she'd be knocked out. 
It might seem out of character for Callista to be allowing the Kaminoans to turn her into a science experiment. Why hasn't she escaped. The truth was that she'd attempted several times but failed. The first two times she'd made it to the hanger but got caught before she could steal a ship. The next three attempts were even less successful, and after the sixth try, Callista finally gave up. It was as if her mind and body finally just shut down, refusing to continue moving forward. 
She'd been on the run for five years, always on edge and never able to truly relax, or knowing what the next day would bring. It's definitely taken its toll, and her body can't take it anymore. 
It didn't help that her already low self esteem was brought even lower. The way the Kaminoans treated her just reminded her of what she really was. Callista came off as confident to strangers, and would tell herself she was superior to everyone around her. But that was a mask to hide what she truly felt. Deep down, Callista knew she was kidding herself. She knew what she really was. As Nala Se put it, she was Kaminoan property, nothing more than a meat droid created for the purpose of war. If she died in battle, the Kaminoans wouldn't mourn her - and neither would anyone else. She was nothing and would always be nothing. Such was the sad reality Callista came to accept. 
By the next morning, the Bad Batch had come up with a plan and were ready to put it to action. 
Since the ship had some repairs to be done, it wouldn't make the Kaminoans suspicious as to why they were on Kamino in the first place. That would be their cover. 
It was decided that Tech would stay behind to work on the ship while Hunter and Crosshair went to fetch Calli. They didn't plan on using any weapons. Tech would tap into the Kaminoan Systems and shut down the power in the designated area, which would allow Hunter and Crosshair to slip in under the cover of darkness to retrieve Callista. With Crosshairs enhanced eyesight and Hunter's enhanced senses the dark won't slow them down one bit. 
You may wonder how they plan on getting Callista to the ship without being seen. Well, since they needed to restock on weapons, Wrecker would make a stop to the armory and pick up a couple of crates - one of which Callista will hide in once he meets up with said girl and his brothers. They'd casually make their way to the ship and hopefully no one will stop them.
Let's just hope this plan works. 
Crosshair and Hunter walked side by side, doing their best to appear casual as they wandered through the halls. They didn't head directly to the room Daredevil told them Callista would be in, so if the Kaminoans were watching them they wouldn't suspect anything. 
Calli would be in her room until around midday when she'd be taken to some lab that would be harder to break into which is why time was of the essence. They were already behind because Wrecker had to help Tech the ship and therefore couldn't head to the armory which was a critical part of the plan. 
Once Hunter and Crosshair were in position, the former discreetly took out a comm device to contact the Marauder.
"Tech, how much longer?" The Sargeant questioned urgently, already getting weird looks from regs and other personnel that walked past the pair, wondering why they were standing there. 
"I was just waiting for you're comm. The power should shut down in three...two...one… now!" 
The lights turned off and engulfed the hallways in darkness. Hunter, with his enhanced hearing, could hear the commotion start as everyone wondered what happened to the power. 
"Let's go." Hunter said to Crosshair and the sniper nodded and followed Hunter down a long hallway that only had one door at the end of it. 
Since the power was off, Hunter and Crosshair had to force the door open and Hunter wished he'd asked Wrecker to come with him because he could open this door easily. They could wait for him to get here, but Hunter knew that wouldn't be wise, they were already pushing their luck as it is. Tech predicted they'd have only two or three minutes max before the backup power would be turned on. 
It took about one minute for the two clones to get the door open, and Hunter cursed to himself for it taking so long. Taking out his flashlight, Hunter turned it on and shined it into the room. 
Calli, who'd been lying in her bed, squinted when the light shined in her eyes and groaned to show her annoyance. 
"Calli, you need to get up." Hearing the familiar voice of the Sergeant, Callista immediately shot up into a sitting position and tried to see if her ears were decieving her. She saw the familiar face that was half covered in a skull tattoo but she still wasn't convinced that it was really him. 
"Oh great I'm hallucinating." Callista muttered and she rubbed her eyes before looking at the door once more. Nope, still there. What's happening? 
While Callista tried her best to process the present situation with a foggy mind, Hunter pulled out the comlink once more and said Wrecker's name before questioning where he was. 
"I'm just around the corner Sarge." Wrecker informed, which made Hunter feel a little better, but the fact that Callista was only staring at him with a dazed expression, not moving like he told her to, made him tense once more. 
Sighing, he handed Crosshair the flashlight and walked across the room, which was only about twenty feet from the door to the bed. Hunter noticed that she no longer had the cybernetic leg, at least not all of it - it seemed like the foot had been removed along with the cybernetic hand. 
Great. Deciding that it would be easier for her and faster, Hunter moved to put one arm under her legs and other around her middle. 
Being lifted seemed to snap Callista out of the dazed reverie she'd been in - and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. 
The weeks of experiments - borderline torture - had taken its toll on her mind and because of this she didn't realize she was being rescued. In her confused state it didn't register that Hunter was helping her - all she comprehended was that Hunter was picking her up and somehow she equated that with he was taking her to the lab. The thought of someone she'd somewhat grown comfortable with had betrayed her seemed to cause her to reach a breaking point. Callista began thrashing around in Hunter's arms while screaming and begging him to let her go.
Hunter couldn't focus on what she was saying, instead he worried that this whole mission will fall apart if she didn't quiet down. 
He tried telling her to stop being so loud, but this only prompted her to scream louder and she blindly tried swinging her fist to punch him, which he thankfully dodged.
Crosshair, ever the quick thinker, swiftly came over to grab Hunter's blaster - setting it to stun before aiming at Callista's thrashing form and pulling the trigger. 
Immediately the room fell silent and it took Hunter a second to process what just happened and when it hit him he surprisingly wasn't upset. He was relieved if he was being honest. 
With Callista no longer resisting help, it was easy to set her in the crate - Wrecker had thankfully arrived at the right time - and after putting an oxygen mask on her so she wouldn't suffocate, Wrecker put the lid on and they began making their way back to the ship. 
By the time the lights had turned back on, they were a good distance away from Callista's prison - and Wrecker had made sure to close the door so no one would suspect anything.
Once they were back on the ship, Tech began firing up the Havoc Marauder. By the time the Kaminoans found Callista's room empty, they'd already jumped to hyperspace and were well on their way to meet up with Commander Cody and his General, Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
Continue to Chapter 19
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missmeltycat · 4 years
Wipeout of the Hero REDUX
Years ago I wrote a Wipeout Fusion-based fanfiction which was centred around Feisar pilot Daniel Johnson and an OC. I called it Wipeout of the Hero and I was quite surprised how many people actually know me due to this fic.
The problem?
So... After many years of vomiting over the last version of Wipeout of the Hero, I felt it was high time it got a rewrite. So, gone are the Mary Sue overtones, the unrealistic plot and the awful formatting.
Without further ado, have at it.
If you REALLY want to subject your vision orbs to the original, it can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29163930
Anti-gravity racing
Future Fic
Far Future
Drama & Romance
Eventual Romance
Science Fiction 
Implied/Referenced Cheating
Adult Content
Explicit Sexual Content
Blood and Injury
Animal product use
Human genetic modification references
Homophobic insults
Tags may change as I write it.
Characters (By Team)
Daniel Johnson (Feisar) - British - Feisar’s lead pilot. A prodigy with regards to racing. He is, far and away, FEISAR's most expensive signing. He is known to have a rather large ego and is reputed to distribute scantily clad photos of himself and claims he has no idea where they came from.  His arrival pushed long-time lead pilot Carlos Beneto into the team's second position. It's been speculated that Johnson has made no secret of his obsession with Natasha Belmondo of Xios International. As such, there is another suggestion that if the championship came down to a two-way race between them, Johnson would let Belmondo win. This would, of course, be considered a professional suicide.
Carlos Beneto (Feisar) - Brazilian - Feisar’s second pilot. His position was stolen by Daniel and he hates his guts for it. He’s a sarcastic, cranky older man with a chip on his shoulder. Some say he’s had his day and should retire. He thinks they should eat a cactus.
Xavier Menendez (Feisar) - European Origin - The manager of Feisar. A man with little known about him, besides the fact that he likes to win, he likes to make money and he likes to remind people who is boss.
Rachel Prince (Feisar) - British/Welsh - A pilot-in-training. She, like Finnegan and Wendell are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres. She has a fear of using weapons after her trainer was injured.
Finnegan Lang (Feisar) - Irish -  A pilot-in-training. He, like Rachel and Wendell are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres. He has a weak stomach and even with the best pressure suits he finds racing difficult and nauseating.
Wendell Johansson (Feisar) -  Unknown origins (Orphan) -  A pilot-in-training. He, like Finnegan and Rachel are future pilot hopefuls in training at one of Feisar’s European education centres.
Nami Mishima (Van-Uber) - Japanese - Van-Uber’s second pilot. Nami is super popular with young female racing fans and a lot of young male ones too. She has been the victim of sabotage a number of times, leading rumours that her rivalry with Zala Wolff of Xios has turned dangerous. Xala denies these allegations.
Songen Grey (Van-Uber) - American - Van-Uber’s lead pilot. Songen is a Californian who practices a mystical philosophy of his own, which he calls "Gangoism". He is known as one of the most focused of pilots, able to enter a trance-like state up to three days before a race. He dislikes stress and confrontation, so prefers to avoid locker room scuffles as much as possible.
Manny Christ (Van-Uber) - American - A Michigan born race official for Van-Uber, often seen assisting Songen and Nami and making sure they get to their meetings and make their deadlines. He is a very chill person who takes things in his stride and it is rumoured Songen talked him into the ways of Gangoism.
Roberto Sergio (G-Tech) - Italian - G-Tech’s lead pilot. Sergio is a known fitness fanatic and possible womaniser as suggested from his prior relationships with several female pilots. Though, there are rumours that he has no real preferences, possibly liking all genders equally. This is unsubstantiated gossip, not that he cares. Roberto Sergio's fanatical fitness regime is known throughout the anti-grav community, and he is famed for a formidable facial strength which enables him to lift a small child simply by flexing his forehead.  
Naomi Turner (G-Tech) - British - G-Tech’s second pilot. Known for her aggressive nature more suited for the Tigron team and her personal dislike of Natasha Belmondo, Naomi Turner was racing for the junior division of the now defunct AG Systems racing team from the age of 7. She is also known for staging many protests and even suing companies and people on a whim.
Jeanette Deline (G-Tech) - British - G-Tech’s secretary. Jeanette is a self-absorbed air head who spends most of her time preening herself at her desk. She flirts with any man who crosses her path making everyone wonder how she gets any work done at all. 
Flor Deline (G-Tech) - The sister of Jeanette, Flor is a low grade G-Tech employee tasked with day care duties.
Pascale Rouser (Auricom) - German - Auricom’s lead pilot. Pascale Rouser rarely speaks, preferring to let her racing prowess speak for her. However, she has begun making frequent outbursts about the behaviour of Omarr Khumala of Tigron. Trained in anger suppression techniques by her charismatic trainer, Dieter Kohl, Rouser is rumoured to be distraught at her loss of self-control and at the example she has set her team's second pilot, Franco Gonzalez. With whom it is rumoured that she has a very close relationship with.
Franco Gonzalez (Auricom) - Spanish - Auricom’s second pilot. Franco Gonzalez met Pascale Rouser while she was touring Barcelona in the early 2150s, and they have since become one of the closest pilot partnerships in the F9000 league. While they insist they are "just good friends", a movie file circulating the college campuses of the USA, allegedly stolen from a recent "Training Tour" aboard a private yacht, would suggest otherwise.
Dieter Kohl - German - Pascale Rouser’s personal trainer. Charismatic and cool, he is skilled in anger suppression and calming therapies. There are rumours that he is more than just Pascale’s personal trainer, but so far these rumours are just that; rumours.
Damien Reeves (Auricom) - American - Franco Gonzalez’s personal trainer. Skilled at tactical strategies, as well as other valuable racing skills, Damien is known throughout the racing community as a trainer with a man with a ‘go get em’ attitude. Though, he was subject to a scandal involving three women and a crate of root vegetables which he has tried hard to shake, but has been unsuccessful. 
Paul Cheung (EG-R) - Unknown -  EG-R’s lead pilot.  EG-R Technologies is unable to supply personal background data on pilot Paul Cheung, as a high-spirited party several years ago left him with no memory of his life prior to that point. The team reserves the right to withhold further data under article XXIVB.C/34 subsection 84839D of the World Peace Council's amendment to the Universal Declaration of Sporting Rights.
Alex Reece (EG-R) - Unknown - EG-R’s second pilot. EG-R Technologies is unable to supply personal background data on pilot Alex Reece. He was held hostage during the recent European butter riots, and violence inflicted at that time has left him unable to remember key life events prior to this unfortunate incident. The team reserves the right to withhold further data under article XXIVB.C/34 subsection 84839D of the World Peace Council's amendment to the Universal Declaration of Sporting Rights.
Natasha Belmondo (Xios) - French - Xios’ lead pilot. The great great granddaughter of the famous pioneer of anti-gravity technology, former Executive Director of the F5000 Anti-Gravity Racing Commission and ‘the father of anti-gravity racing’, Pierre Belmondo, Natasha was originally signed to Auricom before defecting to Auricom. She has a lot to prove holding the Belmondo name.
Zala Wolff (Xios) - Austrian -  Xios’ second pilot. Zala Wollf joined Van-Über after being offered a place on the team's reserve list as third pilot behind Nami Mishima. She spent a number of months training with Mishima, whom she admitted, "...taught me everything I know about, well, many things." However, following an argument over a restaurant bill, Wollf was seen crying on a street corner, and the following day she left Van-Über and signed a contract with Xios International. She hasn't spoken to Mishima since then. It is rumoured she is behind the sabotage attempts on Nami’s craft.
Callista Valois (Xios) - French - Callista is the secretary and assistant to Natasha Belmondo. She is in charge of all of her appointments, interviews and personal life obligations. Usually seen tailing Natasha in a grey pencil skirt suit with beige lapels, Callista is rather demure and dislikes anyone getting too close or friendly with her ward.
Omarr Khumala (Tigron) - South African - Tigron’s lead pilot. Aggressive and formidable and committed to an aggressive racing style to match his personality, Khumala has long had a habit of "making his presence felt" during races, and when team and pilot came together, it was a match made in heaven. Khumala narrowly missed out on the pilot's championship last season thanks to the whinging Natasha Belmondo. He is very much looking forward to avenging his near miss.
Sveta Kirovski (Tigron) - Russian - Tigron’s second pilot. Allegedly, Sveta is a trans woman (Formerly a man called Ivan from a family of salt miners from Siberia), though she dislikes being outed and so denies any such rumours. She is extremely skilled in piloting the Tigron’s bull craft as her bulky, muscular frame makes it an absolute breeze. She has committed herself to at least winning the Vohl Square race, as it is her home turf.
Myima Tsarong (Piranha) - Tibetan - Piranha’s lead pilot.  Myima Tsarong previously piloted craft in the arcane world of Tibetan anti-grav racing, a strange variant on the conventional sport with an emphasis on calmness and non-violence. She has a graceful style, and boasts the highest CMGFL rating in the league, allowing her to sustain massive G-Forces. Unable to accept the millions of dollars paid to other anti-grav pilots due to her beliefs, Tsarong flies simply for the joy of controlling one of the greatest anti-gravity craft ever developed.
Jann Shlaudecker (Piranha) - German - Piranha’s second pilot. Usually quiet and thoughtful, Jann likes to take a note from Pascale Rouser’s book of only really speaking when he needs to. He has emerged as one of the most intelligent pilots on the circuit. He puts his rapid development down to his partnership with the mystical Myima Tsarong, and he has suggested he may move to Tibet for a while, "...so i can see some of this monk stuff for myself."
Lindarr Jonez (Piranha) - British - Piranha’s assistant chairwoman, Lindarr is a mysterious person with unknown origins. She deals with any meetings and contact between other teams and Piranha.
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willowishstudios · 5 years
Character Narrative: Seneca
There is a certain elation and loneliness in being shown the light and darkness of true Omnipotence.  After being granted a single glance of Their Glory, the whole temple is in celebration of the occasion, Their grace, bestowed upon him. Rumors had started already,  foretelling that he was chosen to succeed the current Leader. The only other occurrence of a vision dates back to the founder of their religion.
He was blessed, yet there was only one person in the world he really wanted to tell this joyous news. Aurora helps to ward off the new petitioners, the constant attention and pompous cheers. With almost magical ease, she clears an evening, free of his daily duties and upcoming new studies. Aurora kisses his cheek, telling him to send her love too and gives him a bouquet of white Lilies.
It has been years since he took this path. As he started to concentrate more in his studies and take on more responsibilities within the group, he had less time to visit her as much. It shames him to admit it, and wondering when he started to become a bad son. The neglected downtown streets are familiar, and so are the weary faces of people, misery and struggle go hand in hand in this part of the city.
Turning into a hidden alleyway, he follows down a path of stairs, ignoring a few beggars now and then. The cemetery is small, its growth choked by the houses around it. The poor still need a place to bury their people and a few crude mausoleums are starting the line the walls that define the burial grounds. 
He searches for his mother’s tomb and then becomes speechless.
This is not the grave he remembers. The bare and trobbe tombstone that barely reached his calf, with his Mother’s name inscribed roughy on its surface, is no more. This tomb is a pure slab of white marble, chiseled blooming flowers at its base as the symbol of the Moon goddess radiates. Underneath in delicate and beautiful scripture has his mother's name and dedication.
A beautiful soul,
A dedicated mother.”
It burns him a little. Someone did this, treaded upon painful memories and glorify them. Good intentions? Or a cruel reminder?
An old man walked towards the new tombstone, his step slow but steady, there’s a certain dignity to him as he leans down to place a bouquet of flowers on the base. Seneca asks lowly, insides churning with uncertain emotions.
“May I ask why you are leaving flowers at her grave?”
The old man has left a bouquet of purple hyacinths and twigs of rue, his fine clothes can’t hide the slow movement, the stiffness of age. “In another life, Son, I wronged this woman terribly. I hope one day to be forgiven.”
Asking for penance from the dead? It would make him laugh if it didn’t make him bitter. People knew of his mother’s hardships, and yet he barely remembers anyone but kind neighbors helping them. He tried to keep his emotions conceal, but they bleed out in his tone, as he speaks once more softly, disdainful. “ You are years too late to learn regret.”
His mother Callista, soft and quiet. Gentle and loving. Missing her is an ache that never went away, it lingers deep into his chest, lodged deep between his soul and heart. What does this stranger know about her? Who is he to try and ask forgiveness?
There wistfulness in the Old man's eyes, as he says in a clear voice, “ You are like your father.”
He instinctively takes a step back, feeling like he been struck. He hardens his expression once more, running his fingers over the arch of the marble tomb. “I am my mother's son. No one else has a right to disrespect her memory by claiming otherwise.”
The Old man grimaces, hands crossed behind his back, his head high as he speaks, “You were not curious at all? About your father? Your bloodline?”
“Once, In my childhood.” He can confess, without doubt, nostalgic childhood grudges resurfacing once more. “But as I grew up, I realized I have no use for a father that left my mother to raise me alone and let her wither before her time.”
Regret seems to show in the Old man face, deepening his wrinkles and a new heaviness on his shoulders start to settle. “He, -your Father-, didn't have a choice. His family opposed this union, I willingly hid the fact Callista was pregnant with his child. I was ordered to... When your Father found out about you, he broke the family apart, vowed to never marry or produce an heir. Unless he could reclaim Callista as his wife and you as his son. The whole family lived at odds with one another, stubborn to a bitter end. But when the Lord finally consented... Callista had…”
Memories come back. Coldness when all he knew was warmth. His mother was as beautiful as the moon she worshipped, but she was never as pale. Not until that day. Too young, yet grief came. His hand balled into a fist as silent wrath filled his heart. “Died. In my arms. Her life wasted by a curable disease.”
There’s no silence, life goes on around them but it feels all too suffocating. The Old Man bows his face, no longer proud, but with one last request. “Please, meet your Father at least once. He failed your Mother but he's your family too. He wants to make it right.”
Light and Darkness. Joy and sorrow. Their wisdom is great. He pleads for forgiveness for his human error, as forgiveness eludes him at the moment. He smiles, something like recognitions flashes in the Old Man’s eyes but he ignores it. You can hide a lot of things in a smile, Aurora’s words echo, sadness in curvature on the lips, anger in the seams, longing at the edge. “What use do I have for him? A man so weak that he let the woman he loved slip through his fingers?”
He kneels in front of his Mother’s grave, leaving the bouquet of lilies on her grave and prays.
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Fairy Rings
Episodes: The Great Fairy Secret, The Lord Scythe, Ill Luck Henry, Cain vs. Callista, The Girl with the Silver Hair, Cerenysus
While the Endo-Friendos wrap things up with the Lord Scythe, the Third Mates journey through the rings of winter, spring, summer, and autumn, searching for Irina. An enemy becomes an ally, and ally is revealed as a villain. Everything is on the line in a final showdown.
From google form submission: “Zirk drinks piss to impress teens it only kinda works”
The 69 lives of Henry Hogfish– "I would be a better man, if I could do it again"
The Third Mates completely beef it in the fight with Callista. Seriously, embarrassing.
Cain talks about his backstory and Fia tries to sneak a berry
Surprise return of the Hexbuds! Fighting mom, death ward, trisection, atonement
"God, you were my fucking dream, for so fucking long. But these people are my reality. And it is by your actions that one of them has died, and you tried to kill more of them. And I will miss you so much. But I cannot support this. Mr. Henry… kill her."
Episodes: The Reaping Season, Jabs and Hooks, Broken Heart Banshee, Ghosts of Thornkirk, The Baroness, The Rook’s Gambit, Trial by Scale, Until We Meet Again
We meet our new heroes: blade witch Fia Boginya, apprentice coroner Zirk Vervain, and “guy who lives in his ex-wife’s third cousin’s pool house” Henry Hogfish. The trio befriend each other, do a job for a local gang, and seek to avenge a wrongful death, all as hints of greater mysteries begin to make themselves known.
Also introducing Bukvar, Philip, Volk, Spritel, and Shank
From @under5feet-and-over800pages: “pls include the bit where everyone’s name was honk.” (Ed. note: Honk Honkfish, Fonk Bonkginya, Zonk Vervonk, etc)
Zirk doses Petty Jack with ex-lax, and Hank sends Shank to go steal Batilda’s sword and replace it with Fia’s copy while he’s shitting
Parallels of Fia’s flashback trial by scale interrupted by Batilda, then Syb’s trial by scale interrupted by Fia!
From google form submission: “Sewastian and Henry interactions all through the Thornkirk arc, esp the final fight”
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