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lanseax · 5 months ago
during this election season a lot is at stake and one thing i didnt know was on the ballot for california is the removal of forced labor for prisoners.
California put forth a proposition change to how prisoners can be forced into work for. they're completely removing the ability for prisons to force prisoners to have jobs which ultimately is slave labor because they typically make less than a dollar an hour and if a prisoner refuses they can be disciplined and the discipline can be anything from losing phone call access to going into solitary confinement.
im a little frustrated at how little this proposition was advertised in my region meanwhile other propositions are all we hear about. but i voted and i hope california sees a change to "involuntary work"
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jethomme · 6 years ago
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bloodygirlgang · 5 years ago
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You snooze, and you LOSE!! 💤 So I just found out that I did not keep a SOLD-OUT limited-run VOTE Im-Peach tee in my size for myself!! 😂 Now they are GONE FOREVER... 😭 ONLY ONE XS left for those who have been emailing me about it. We do have a few VOTE NoWalls in XS, M, And 3X 👻 DON’T SLEEP ON IT like I bloody did 😴 . . . #vote2020#votetee #bggvotetee #USelections2020 #voteforwomensrights #votingday #californiavoters #madeinusa #madebywomen #socialactivist #supertuesday #californiaprimary2020 @_shethepeople @whenweallvote #votingispatriotic #impeach #impeachtrump #nowalls #artistactivist #ethicalfashion #wocartist #madebyartists @bellacanvas #buyfromartists #ballotisstrongerthanthebullet #protectwomensrights #keepfamiliestogether #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #protectwoc #wocbusiness #supportthemarginalized #feministfriday #bloodygirlgang (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9GTgsoBTE7/?igshid=15b1vruddbhcu
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abriaunique · 4 years ago
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"Will You Shut Up, Man" -Joe Biden Buy Online: https://t.co/NC9v1iHmPm #willyoushutupman #willyoushutup #shutup #shutupman #joebiden #BidenHarris2020 #Biden2020 #Biden #Vote2020 #USAElections2020 #Election2020 #KamalaHarris #bidensupporters #willyoujustshutup #IVoted #IVoted2020 #california #californiavote #californiavoter #votetee #vote2020shirt #electionday2020 #electiondayshirt (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHJik9uF6WP/?igshid=1xki9f0d2k0le
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starrfysh · 2 years ago
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#YES !!! #done #ivoted🇺🇸 #ivoted #voteblue #💙 #votefordemocracy #voteforchoice #californiavoter (at West Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkhsG2Ru-CUFmHPajCTPYNjz6Y1gzX2p3fu9740/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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romeisburningagain · 4 years ago
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Californians::: Key deadlines for registering to vote and for voting::: #vote2020 #californiavote (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGWwVSfgX-k/?igshid=34wlyqprltpe
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feralstreetwear · 5 years ago
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Did you vote today?🐱#feralstreetwear . . 🧍‍♂️ @feel_the_bren . . #supertuesday #vote2020 #2020primary #rockthevote #election #californiavoter #politics #rockthevote2020 #registertovote #votered #voteblue #electionday #electionday2020 #collectiveconsciousness #ivoted #makeyourvoiceheard #everyvotecounts #feelthebern #losangeles #vote #votingmatters #voteblue2020 #votered2020 #everyvotematters #votingrights #votingday #voted #civilduty #democracyinaction (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9STCGOFHwb/?igshid=1cxqgdq56ecb9
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arango1957 · 6 years ago
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@Regran_ed from @whatithink_mylife - California voters 👋🏻👆🏻 #carolcorrigan #california #californiavoters #VOTE #voteblue #votethemout #gopsucks #californiaelection #trump #donaldtrump #stoptrump #maga #resist #dumptrump #impeachtrump #republican #democrat #liberal #conservative #republican #gop #maga #politics #government #freedom #2a #1stamendment #notmypresident  #obstructionofjustice #leonorgarango https://www.instagram.com/p/Boq5WFrH07p/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rnuuihxowd4i
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thehadrianshow · 6 years ago
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#CaliforniaVoter #GeorgiaNative #govote #GoVoteBlue #govotega #govoteca #BlueWaveVoter
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rachelodonnell12 · 4 years ago
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CHANGE WE CAN ALL BELIEVE IN✨🦊Please make sure you have a plan for voting! Election Day is only two weeks away🗓 If you vote by mail (especially in California) please make sure you drop off your ballot in an OFFICIAL ballot box. You can see where your closest ballot box is on LAVote.net ⚡️ click through my instastory to make sure you’re all set for your vote to be counted 🗳 #juniperfoxx #foxnews #lavotes #ballotbox #2020election #foxandfriends #electionmemes #votebymail2020 #fox #votebymail #voting #votingmatters #memestagram #memess #voter #voterregistration #democracy #animalsarebetterthanpeople #animalmemes #electionday #electionday2020 #voteforchange #californiavoter #uselection #ballotmistakes #politicalmemes #votingplan (at The White House) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhxaaGFtKP/?igshid=k28oerp1r0l5
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bgnr · 5 years ago
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Got some new flair for my access badge lanyard. #supertuesday #vote #ivoted #californiavotes via Instagram https://ift.tt/2uUnxvS
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bloodygirlgang · 5 years ago
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VOTE, the trendiest responsible thing to do in 2020 ✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼Only a couple tees left for grabs!! . 📷: @strange_remembrance . . . #vote2020#votetee #bggvotetee #USelections2020 #voteforwomensrights #votingday #californiavoters #madeinusa #madebywomen #socialactivist @_shethepeople @whenweallvote #votingispatriotic #impeach #impeachtrump #nowalls #artistactivist #ethicalfashion #wocartist #madebyartists #buyfromartists #ballotisstrongerthanthebullet #protectwomensrights #keepfamiliestogether #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #protectwoc #wocbusiness #supportthemarginalized #bloodygirlgang (at The United States of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8fHB8ZhLAW/?igshid=owtc7d7paq46
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sataniccapitalist · 5 years ago
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getpaulhoward · 6 years ago
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For those interested... here’s how I’ll be voting tomorrow, Tuesday, November 6th, #ElectionDay. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or clarifications... additionally if you need help #voting please reach out. Whatever you do... #VOTE TOMORROW!! Our #Democracy only works when we ALL engage it! 🗳🇺🇸 #californiavotes #voter #californiaballot #californiapropositions #strongertogether #losangeles #californiavoter #voteforequailty #democrat #bluewave #gayvote #marchforourlives #voteforchange #voteforourlives (at Studio City, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpzfZdyndqO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yj4s67mx7b6r
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brunchism-blog · 6 years ago
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This week no Brunchism: we learn a new word, have no time for these young ‘clout chasers’ and shame * Main Course: We got a chance to listen to @shiannewins (founder of NewBlackEra) speak about her org and about the importance of midterm elections. She takes us on a journey of how she used her leadership skills and interest to help fight for her community. This was an authentic conversation and she speaks with passion and conviction about her org and the importance on being involved in the politics of her community. Also, she was hella fun and one of our favorite guest! SHE OUT HERE! • Click the link In our bio and tune in now. Available on #itunespodcast, #googleplay, and #soundcloudpodcast • • • • • #Podsincolor #podcastincolor #podernfamily #dopeblackpods #dopeblackpod #blackmedia #blackpodcast #podcaster #itunespodcast #soundlcloudpodcast #googleplaypodcast #recess #blackrecess #nostalgia #midtermelections #voteordie #californiavote # https://www.instagram.com/p/BpiVwbygyMg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1quqhfsmtccub
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lord-wicki · 4 years ago
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Vote 12 Oct 2020 #vote #choices #officialballot #election2020 #democracy #democracy2020 #vote2020 #indecision2020 #voteforthefuture #sonomacountyvoter #californiavoter #electionseason #politicalseason #autumn #fall #frustratedfellafall #santarosa #sonomacounty #california #myhometown #oneplus7pro (at Santa Rosa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQHWOUFThk/?igshid=2jx8d4bvkjm8
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