#Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020
tayfabe75 · 3 months
Tag List: Timeline & Calendar (Part II)
"Tatty" Timeline: 🚧 Under Construction 🚧 In the meantime, please reference this timeline by spicysighs!
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RWRB, A Comprehensive Timeline
I wanted to make an extremely detailed for rwrb since some of the ones currently floating around online are missing an event that I consider important or the dates of firstprince's texts/emails. But since it's comprehensive its also long as fuck so everything is below the cut. MAJOR SPOILER WARNING
All of the dates are either based on direct book information, the 2019-20 calendar, plus a couple of inferences on my part. The dates that are based more on speculation are marked with an asterisk*.
September 2019
Start of book
Flight to England
Royal wedding
The White House Trio and the HRH Prince Henry Fact Sheet
That weekend: Alex's solo trip to England
Saturday: Alex arrives and meets Henry at the stables, late night ice cream
Sunday: This Morning interview, Cancer Ward visit and the Medical Supply Closet
A Friday: Alex visits Rafael Luna
Alex forgets to meet June for dinner but they end up eating together for Family Pizza night
October 2019
Henry texts Alex for the first time
Over the next few weeks: back-and-forth banter over text, sharing snippets of their lives
Wed, Oct 30: extended texting about Henry's tie, "you are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life"
November 2019
Sun, Nov 17: Claremont campaign buttons, "tell shaan I said hi and I miss that sweet sweet ass"
Wed, Nov 27: The Great Turkey Calamity
December 2019
Sun, Dec 8: the bond marathon
A day or two prior to Christmas: Oscar arrives at the White House
Tues, Dec 24: Alex spends time with his dad, tense Christmas dinner, Alex calls Henry to spill about nutso family stuff, June teases Alex about making a new friend
A few days later: the White House Trio plans the New Year's Eve party
Tues, Dec 31: New Year's Eve party, Alex kisses Nora at midnight, first prince New Year's kiss outside in the garden
January 2020
Alex's sexuality crisis as he starts the final semester of college
Wed, Jan 8*: June forces Alex out on a run
Mon, Jan 13*: Alex starts his campaign job
Sat, Jan 18* or later: The Coming-Out Convo with Nora
Thurs, Jan 24* (night): Alex is late for his review session, he gets a little pissy over Henry kissing a mysterious blond then is sad when he realizes it's probably interference, then he calls Liam
Fri, Jan 25* or later: the state dinner, makeout session in the Red Room, then Alex invites Henry up to his room
February 2020
Sat, Feb 9*: The Charity Polo Match
March 2020
Mar 3-4: first emails about Paris fundraiser
Weekend of Mar 6-8: Paris shenanigans, "he forgets they don't spend the night so they do"
Weekend of Mar 27-29: New York birthday celebrations
April 2020
Alex learns about Henry's dark moods
The two of them talk about gay history
Zahra catches Alex with a hickey
Last names, Nixon, baby, Henry's family, Alex's high school experience, I miss you
The Texas binder and conversation with June
May 2020
Alex's final week of classes while Henry and Pez holiday in Wales and work on their philanthropy projects
Alex finishes his finals
Sat, May 16: Alex graduates summa cum laude from Georgetown, graduation party at the White House
Weekend of May 29-31: Super 6 karaoke night and after
June 2020
Sun, June 8: you are a dark sorcerer emails
Things get ugly with Richards leading the ticket
Alex misses DC Pride
Texas on the path to become a Battleground state
WASPy Hunter being an ass about flipping Texas
Mon, June 23: 3 Geniuses and Alex group chat
July 2020
Sun, July 6: Wimbledon and Henry's apartment
A few days prior to DNC: Richard's campaign rally at Vanderbilt
July 13-16: DNC
Tues, July 14: Zahra has a boyfriend, Luna is the independent that joined Richards, Henry visits Alex at the Berkman, "you are good"
Wed, July 15: Zahra discovers Alex and Henry in the hotel room
After the DNC: Alex comes out to his mom, Ellen makes a PowerPoint about it and kicks Alex off the campaign
August 2020
Sun, Aug 10: A Mass of Fools and Knaves email about Hamilton, "see attached bibliography" and "history huh", "shall I tell you that when we're apart your body comes back to me in dreams", they start to include quotes from the letters of gay historical figures, Henry's story about The Prince and the Sorcerer
Weekend of Aug 21-23: The Texas Lake House
Day 1: the White House Trio drives down and meet Henry, Oscar brings up Luna then Henry, "Alex is so in love he could die"
Day 2: Alex makes breakfast and reflects on loving Henry, they all go swimming, Alex thinks about roots, the I love you and the aftermath
Day 3: Henry is gone when Alex wakes up, the note in the kitchen the last message Henry sends him
Mon, Aug 30: Alex flies transatlantic and storms Kensington Palace
Tues, Aug 31: Alex and Henry talk it out, how long, "it had better be forever"
September 2020
Wed, Sep 1: (2 AM) The V&A night
Thurs, Sep 2: Henry gives Alex has signet ring, Alex returns home, Hometown stuff email
Sat, Sep 4: Henry comes out to Philip, metaphors about Buckingham Palace, list of things Alex loves about Henry
Mon, Sep 13*: Zahra is engaged, photos from the DNC of Alex and Henry leak, June offers to take the heat
Alex and Nora go on a date
Alex and Henry meet in a security car and kiss
Thurs, Sep 24: "Seria una mentira, porque no seria el"
Mon, Sep 27: Bad Metaphors about Maps email, THE SECRET IS OUT
Tues, Sep 28: Zahra takes Alex to London to see Henry and she reveals that Shaan is her fiance, Bea gives Alex some advice about Henry's grief
Wed, Sep 29: meeting with the queen, mural of Alex and Henry as Han and Leia
October 2020
Alex returns from London
Nora barrels in with the evidence against the Richards campaign
Bills, Bill's, Bills show transcript
Fri, Oct 2: Alex's Address from the White House
Alex and Luna talk
End of October: Alex and Henry's Royal photo Shoot, Bea spills the secret of the youth shelters
November 2020
Alex and Nora have a conversation about everything that happened and plans going forward, June gets her book deal
Tues, Nov 3: election night, Alex gives a speech, Texas goes blue and they win, Alex brings Henry to his childhood home
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lambourngb · 3 years
Every time I think about the timeline for season 2 RNM I want to cry. I have rewatched very closely, made notes, sought out other resources, transcripts, and it is still just terrible. 
Honestly, I can muddle through some parts of the calendar from 2x01-2x06 before we head into serious hand-wave territory.
2x01 - picks up from 1x13 which is late Nov/Early Dec 2018. Then there’s a two week time jump within the episode. Making 2x01 end around mid-to-late Dec 2018.
2x02 - Mimi was missing for 1 month. So 2x02 takes place from late Dec 2018 to early Jan 2019.
2x03 - Michael has been at the Wild Pony for a few weeks, Mimi is found. So now that makes it end around mid-January 2019.
2x04 - basically 3 weeks later, Michael in the library researching his mom while the pod is “charging”. Ends with Max trying to shut off the pod, so no time jump to 2x05. Putting this around early Feb 2019.
2x05 - Max is in a coma for 3 weeks before he awakes and we begin 2x06 with the Max-Isobel fight power fight. So end of Feb 2019.
2x06 - End of Feb 2019 with Isobel getting Max to snap out of it during the fight, then into the first week of March 2019, since they feed Max some antidote to regain his memories for 3 days.
2x07 - a couple weeks? Maria and Michael are dating with some familiarity but still in the honeymoon stage. The heart-eye emoji remark from Isobel.  I would say mid-ish April 2019.
2x08-2x09 takes place in one day. - late April 2019.
2x10 - feels like a week later, for Alex to talk to Greg and arrange the trip to the Reservation.- Early May 2019
2x11 - picks up 3-4 days after 2x10 but only takes place in a single day. So still mid-May 2019.
2x12 - Crashcon - weirdly, this should be in June 2019 to celebrate the anniversary of the 1947 crash as a tourist festival, but maybe they set it around Memorial Day weekend??  It’s still 2019 though!!
2x13 - picks up from 2x12 so no time jump, but then there’s a time jump within the episode of a few days ... so basically June 2019. I interpreted Maria saying “this past year” of being with Michael, with her referring to last winter (Dec 2019 when Michael first kissed her in 1x13) until then, not a literal year of dating, because that just...makes no sense. It’s not June of 2020.
How does season 3 begin only 1 year later when it should be 2 years, unless it’s taking place June 2020 through June 2021?? But that’s hardly skipping Covid.
I know, I could just ...not care, hand wave it, and put a pause on my logical brain. On the other hand, my logical brain is what spits out stories, so... here’s hoping season 3 is a little better about this.
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narutoevents · 4 years
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2020 Events!
NaruHina 2020 - all year
January 2020
JustGaara Week - Jan 12th - 19th
Sai/Ino Week 2020 - Jan 18th - 24th
HidaKona Month - All Jan
February 2020
MadaTobi Gift Exchange (posting) - All Feb
KakaObi Week - Feb 10th - 23rd
March 2020
Tenten Week 2020 - Mar 3rd - 9th
MadaSaku Week - Mar 15th - 21st
ShikaTema Zine - Presales - Feb 29th - Apr 5th
Big Three Zine - Presales - Mar 2nd - June 1st
Sakura Week 2020 - Mar 22nd - 28th
KakaIru Zine - Apps - Mar 15th - Apr 15th
BoruSara Week - Mar 25th - 31st
ShikaSaku Week - Mar 27th - Apr 4th
ShikaTema Writing Contest - ends Apr 1st
TobiIzu Exchange - Apps - Mar 26th - Apr 15th
April 2020
ShikaTema Writing Contest - ends Apr 1st
ShikaSaku Week - Mar 27th - Apr 4th
ShikaTema Zine - Presales - Feb 29th - Apr 5th
KawaBoru Week - Apr 1st - 7th
Udon Week 2020 - Apr 1st - 7th
Exchange no Jutsu - Signups - Apr 3rd - 18th
KakaIru Zine - Apps - Mar 15th - Apr 15th
TobiIzu Exchange - Apps - Mar 26th - Apr 15th
Big Three Zine - Presales - Mar 2nd - June 1st
Seasons of Anime Exchange - Apps - Apr 13th - May 3rd
May 2020
Seasons of Anime Exchange - Apps - Apr 13th - May 3rd
Naruto RarePair Week - May 3rd - 9th
KakaMei Event 2020 - May 5th - 6th
SasuIno Week - May 17th - 23rd
KakaYama Week 2020 - May 18th - 24th
SasuSakuSara Weekend - May 29th - 31st
Big Three Zine - Presales - Mar 2nd - June 1st
Naruto Sensei Zine - Presales - May 10th - June 10th
Naruto x BNHA Zine - Mod Apps - May 21st - June 21st
GaaSaku Fanfest Exchange - Apps Open - May 22nd - TBD
June 2020
Naruto Sensei Zine - Presales - May 10th - June 10th
Naruto x BNHA Zine - Mod Apps - May 21st - June 21st
GaaSaku Fanfest Exchange - Apps Open - May 22nd - TBD
Naruto Canon x OC Week - June 1st - 7th
Big Three Zine - Presales - Mar 2nd - June 1st
KakaIru Mini Bang - June 8th - 12th
ShikaTema Week 2020 - June 24th - 30th
Big Three Zine - Presales - Mar 2nd - June 1st
SasuHina Month - All June
July 2020
SasuSaku Month - all July
MadaTobi Month - all July
Naruto Fantasy Week - July 1st - 7th
Naruto OC Mini Bang - July 3rd - 5th
Kunoichi Week - July 6th - 12th
KakaGai Day - July 7th
Quirk no Jutsu Zine - Apps open Jul 8th
Shikaku Week - July 10th - 15th
Uchihas Zine - Interest check Jul 15th - Aug 30th
KakaObi Mini-Bang - July 18th - 19th
/r/ Naruto Gift Exchange - Nominations Jul 21st - Aug 5th
Nine Weeks of Kakairu - June 28th - Aug 29th
Narutales wlw Zine - Sales end Jul 30th
Sasori Mini-Bang - Interest check closes Jul 31st
August 2020
MitsuChou Week - Aug 1st - 7th
Tsunade Week - Aug 2nd - 8th
/r/ Naruto Gift Exchange - Nominations Jul 21st - Aug 5th
/r/ Naruto Gift Exchange - Sign-ups Aug 5th - 12th
Quirk no Jutsu Zine - Apps close Aug 8th
SasuNaruSasu Week - Aug 17th - 23rd
ShiSaku Weekend - Aug 21st - 23rd
Nine Weeks of KakaIru - Ends Aug 29th
NejiTen Month - All August
Uchiha Pin Up Calendar - Apps - Aug 15th - 31st
KakaIru Zine - Aug 20th - Sept 20th
September 2020
Seasons of Anime Exchange - Reveals - Sept 1st
Sakumo Week - Sept 1st - 6th
KakaIru Fest Week - Sept 8th - 15th
Kakashi Week 2020 - Sept 13rd - 20th
KakaIru Zine - Presales - Aug 20th - Sept 20th
Nara Week - Sept 17th - 23rd
Naruto Secret Santa - Mod Apps - Sept 19th - 25th
RasaThird Day - Sept 26th
Izuna Week - Sept 20th - 26th
GaaLee Bingo - Prompt Submissions - All September
ShikaSaku Week - Sept 30th - Oct 7th
October 2020
ShikaSaku Week - Sept 30th - Oct 7th
Akatsuki Gift Exchange - Apps Open - Oct 1st - 15th
Seasons of Anime Exchange - Signups - Oct 2nd - 17th
Uchiha Sasuke Week - Oct 5th - 11th
TobiDei Week - Oct 10th - 18th
GaaLee Bingo - All Oct
SasuSaku Trends Zine - Mod Apps - All Oct
Naruto Secret Santa - Apps Open - All Oct
NaruHina Exchange - Apps Open - Oct 3rd - 31st
KakaIru Exchange - Apps Open - Oct 3rd - 25th
Naruto Kink Meme - Oct 7th - Nov 7th
Uchiha Shisui Week - Oct 18th - 24th
Founders Week - Oct 23rd - 29th
KakuHida Week - Oct 25th - Nov 2nd
Founders’ Halloween - Oct 31st
Genma HalloWeekend - Oct 31st - Nov 1st
November 2020
SasuSaku Trends Zine - Mod Apps - Close Nov 1st
KakuHida Week - Oct 25th - Nov 2nd
Genma HalloWeekend - Oct 31st - Nov 1st
SasoSaku Month - All Nov
Uchiha Pinup Calendar - Presales - Nov 2nd - Dec 1st
Naruto Poly Week - Nov 1st - 7th
KakaIru Big Bang - Writer Apps - Nov 1st - 15th
Naruto Kink Meme - Oct 7th - Nov 7th
Sasori Mini-Bang - Nov 6th - 10th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
JiraOro Day - Nov 27th
December 2020
Uchiha Pinup Calendar - Presales - Nov 2nd - Dec 1st
Naruto Scifi Week - Dec 1st - Dec 8th
Naruto Week - Dec 7th - 13th
KakaIru Big Bang - Artist Apps - Dec 14th - 27th
ShikaNaru Week - Dec 11th - 13th
MadaTobi Gift Exchange - Apps - Dec 22nd - Jan 16th KakaGai Week - Dec 25th - Jan 1st
<< 2019 (Archived)         2021 (On-going) >>
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utcampuslifeupdate · 3 years
Campus E+E Celebrates Return to In-Person Events, Annual Celebración de Independencias
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Celebración de Independencias in September 2019
After a more than a year hiatus from hosting in-person events, Campus Events+Entertainment’s MACC organization is gearing up for its annual Celebración de Independencias this Thursday. In conjunction with National Hispanic Heritage Month, this special occasion commemorates the independence of nine Latin American countries.
“Now that we are back in person, I can help new students feel comfortable and find their community. When I came to UT, it was a culture shock. Then I got plugged in with E+E and found my place on campus,” said Committee Chair Suly Ramirez-Hernandez, a junior health promotion and health and society major from Dallas, Texas.
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MACC Officers: Ariana Juarez, Jamie Gomez, Suly Ramirez-Hernandez and Nayeli Sanchez (not pictured: Josie Salinas)
With a return to in-person activities, Ramirez-Hernandez says many students are seeking out E+E, the largest event-planning organization, to find their niche. Her committee, which now goes by MACC, instead of the full former name Mexican American Culture Committee, to be more inclusive of all Latin American cultures, grew from about 10 members in 2019 to 30+ this year. Ramirez-Hernandez says many of them are sophomores “trying to make up for lost time.”
“It’s easier to join a cultural committee where people share that identity with you. It’s important to bring people together under a united heritage,” she added.
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Dia de los Muertos in November 2018
All Longhorns are invited to experience these diverse countries and cultures through free food, music and trivia games at Thursday’s event, 6-8 p.m., in the William C. Powers, Jr. Student Activity Center Ballroom. And don’t miss the group’s eight other events this academic year, including campus favorites: Dia de los Muertos (Nov. 1), Bailando (Feb. 13) and Flor Festival (April 17). Planning these events is a fun, team effort that helps students learn many marketable skills.
“Together, these Longhorns develop the concepts for each of their events and then execute every detail keeping the committee’s purpose in mind. They are able to celebrate diverse cultures while growing their event-planning, leadership and teamwork skills,” said committee advisor Lisa Kappil.
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Bailando! in February 2020
If joining Campus Events+Entertainment sounds like fun to you, all Longhorns are welcome at 10 different committees (heritage is not a requirement for joining the culture committees). Learn more and get involved!
Also, bookmark the Division of Student Affairs Events Calendar and look out for more details on these events as it becomes available.
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ingek73 · 5 years
Here Are 20 Headlines Comparing Meghan Markle To Kate Middleton That Might Show Why She And Prince Harry Are Cutting Off Royal Reporters
Over the years, Meghan has been shamed for the same things for which her sister-in-law, Kate, has been praised.
Ellie Hall
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Last updated on January 13, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Posted on January 13, 2020, at 10:40 a.m. ET
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (aka Prince Harry and Meghan Markle) didn't just shockingly "step back" as senior members of the royal family this week — they gave the UK media a big "fuck-you" for years of what they said was biased and unfair coverage.
The couple's new website on breaking up with years of royal protocol laid out — among a lot of other things — their media strategy, stating that they will no longer participate in the traditional royal press system that grants exclusive access to a select group of UK outlets.
Britain’s royal correspondents, they said, are seen as reliable sources of information. "This misconception propels coverage that is often carried by other outlets around the world, amplifying frequent misreporting," they wrote. Removing themselves from "royal rota" coverage has sparked an outcry among UK media and drew a protest from the National Union of Journalists.
This isn't a new complaint from the royal couple — they just took an unprecedented step to do something about it. Harry and Meghan have said publicly that they believe they have been treated unfairly by the UK press since the moment news broke of their relationship — that they are bullied, that there are racist undertones to coverage of them, and that they have been held to a different standard than Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Prince William and Kate Middleton).
The UK media outlets that currently make up the royal rota are the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Evening Standard, the Telegraph, the Times, and the Sun.
Here is a look at 20 stories from these outlets that appear to show a double standard between press coverage of Meghan and Kate. BuzzFeed News has reached out to all of the outlets featured below for comment.
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Kate: "Bumping along nicely! The Duchess was seen placing a protective hand on her tummy as she exited the event." Daily Mail: March 22, 2018
Meghan: "Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board. Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars." Daily Mail: Jan. 26, 2019
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Kate and William: "Prince William was given one of the green fruit – wrapped up in a bow – by a little boy who's mother is suffering during her pregnancy too... 'He said he'd take it to [Kate] and see what happens – and said good luck for [the boy's] mummy.'" Express: Sept. 14, 2017
Meghan: "The pregnant Duchess of Sussex and so-called 'avocado on toast whisperer' is wolfing down a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation." Express: Jan. 23, 2019
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Kate: "Royal sources said yesterday that the Queen understood and endorsed William and Kate’s decision not to spend Christmas Day with her. One said: ‘Her Majesty understands that it is a dilemma that many young couples face and acknowledges how close Catherine’s relationship is with her family." Daily Mail: Dec. 16, 2016
Meghan: "The fact is the Queen expects to have the family around her for the festive season... to the Queen, for whom the tradition of the family gathering is a key date in her calendar, Harry and Meghan’s absence will be a matter of great sadness. It will also be a source of frustration." Daily Mail: Nov. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "Creating their own companies will allow William and Kate to bring out, should they ever chose to, myriad items of officially-endorsed merchandise from tea towels to coffee cups... Kensington Palace officials said they were doing the ‘sensible thing’ in protecting the couple’s rights." Daily Mail: Jan. 17, 2014
Meghan and Harry: "The Sussexes want to stamp their name on dozens of products including T-shirts, hoodies, journals and gloves for their newly-created foundation Sussex Royal... Experts said Harry and Meghan were actively preparing to quit the Royal Family months ago by filing trade mark applications to commercially protect their brand." Daily Mail: Jan. 9, 2020
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Kate and William: "Prince William yesterday backed brother Harry’s brave admission of his mental anguish — and blasted the monarchy’s 'stiff upper lip' tradition... William said: 'There may be a time and a place for the ‘stiff upper lip’ but not at the expense of your health... '
"'Catherine and I are clear we want both George and Charlotte to grow up feeling able to talk about their emotions and feelings. Over the past year we have visited a number of schools together where we have been amazed listening to children talk about some quite difficult subjects in a clear and emotionally articulate way, something most adults would struggle with. Seeing this has really given me hope things are changing and there is a generation coming up who find it normal to talk openly about emotions.'” Sun: April 19, 2017
Meghan and Harry: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have bucked royal tradition once again with their latest TV interview — in which they claimed they were 'existing, not living.' The couple ditched the stiff upper lip of previous Royal Family generations and flew the flag for 'Generation Therapy' as they revealed their emotions to the world - but were they right to do so?
"What you make of 'fragile' Prince Harry and Meghan's comments may depend on your generation. Sun parents and kids reveal what they think of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex airing their emotions in public - and whether they have the right to moan in such positions of privilege..." Sun: Oct. 23, 2019
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Kate: "It was reported that new Duchess of Cambridge requested her favorite scented candles and toiletries from luxury fragrance brand Jo Malone be delivered to scent the Abbey. A selection of candles, handwashes and lotions was requested, specifically in citrus spring scents including Orange Blossom, Grapefruit and the ever-popular Lime, Basil & Mandarin." Daily Mail: May 4, 2011
Meghan: "'Meghan wanted staff to go around with these atomizers, like spritzer guns, and spray the chapel with scent before anyone arrived. Royal Household staff stepped in and told her office politely, but firmly, that this was the queen's chapel and it simply wasn't appropriate. I don't believe they said no because they thought it could affect the chapel in any way. It was simply the principle of the thing. This is a place that has held royal weddings, funerals and even contains the royal vault. I don't believe a request of that nature had been made before.'" Daily Mail: Nov. 30, 2018
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Kate: "As far as bridal bouquets go there was nothing particularly regal about Kate Middleton’s modest arrangement of simple, seasonal flowers. Like the bride herself the bouquet was effortlessly elegant and understated.
"Yet behind that modest posy lay a secret story. Kate, the commoner-turned-duchess, had painstakingly selected blooms with real meaning. She is evidently well-versed in the language of flowers, a little-known romantic relic from the 19th century.
"Hence the use of lilac in her bouquet, which signifies the first emotions of love, the lily of the valley meaning a return of happiness, hyacinth standing for constancy, myrtle meaning love and the ivy, which represents fidelity. Then of course there was the suitably named Sweet William, which is shorthand for gallantry." Express: Aug. 29, 2011
Meghan: "[Meghan Markle] was holding a wedding bouquet which flowers were replicated in Princess Charlotte and the other bridesmaids’ flower crowns. Express.co.uk can now reveal the children’ crowns were made of flowers that can be deadly, especially for children. Meghan’s bouquet was made of forget-me-nots as well as sweet peas, lily of the valley, astilbe, jasmine, and astrantia...
"Lily of the valley is a highly poisonous woodland flowering plant and ingestion could be deadly... As Meghan’s bridesmaids were so young, having this flower on their heads could be considered a dangerous decision. Other brides have also used this flowers including Kate Middleton, Princess Eugenie and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall." Express: Oct. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh missed the small family affair. The decision is understood not to have been taken on health grounds, and to have been mutually agreed by the Queen and the Cambridges some time ago. The Queen, 92, has a busy week ahead, with high-profile celebrations in central London marking the centenary of the RAF on Tuesday, and a visit by US President Donald Trump in Windsor on Friday." Daily Mail: July 9, 2018
Meghan and Harry: "The situation has surprised some senior staff at Buckingham Palace, who feel that the duke and duchess should have planned the day better. ‘There is huge support for the couple in not wanting to conform to tradition. They are young, they are striking out on a different path from other members of the Royal Family and there is enormous goodwill for them. But they shouldn’t do that without regard for tradition,’ said one. ‘Her Majesty was already scheduled to be in Scotland for her annual Holyrood Week and had a prior engagement at the weekend. There is a feeling amongst some that they should have been more accommodating about the date.’" Daily Mail: July 4, 2019
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Kate: "It is a fashion conundrum not many of us will ever face, but what exactly does one wear for tea with the Queen? The Duchess of Cambridge met this challenge head on yesterday by co-ordinating her outfit with the Queen’s powder blue ensemble... The Queen, on her first ­official event to mark her Diamond Jubilee, was dressed in a pastel hat and two-piece coat dress with military-style rows of gold buttons designed by Angela Kelly. Looking relaxed and elegant, her outfit was perfect for what looked like a fun official engagement with the girls." Mirror: Feb. 14, 2013
Meghan: "The Queen's aides had told [Meghan] she would be wearing a green hat as a mark of respect to those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire. The Queen is said to have been 'baffled' when Meghan turned up without a hat as she didn't realize she was supposed to wear one too. A senior aide said: 'I don't think the Duchess fully understood. This was not a request. Those are for others to make, not the Queen.' The Queen's staff are said to have noted the Duchess's mistake or 'lack of deference'" Mirror: Oct. 29, 2018
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Kate: "We see a woman in her prime: stylish, confident and positively radiant, nailing outfit after outfit in the style stakes — and it’s a joy to witness... That old uniform of girlish dresses, tan tights and nude heels has been replaced by dazzling super-chic outfits to satisfy even the most exacting fashionista." Daily Mail: June 16, 2019
Meghan: "Proper royalty is about tradition and duty, self-effacing service and loyalty — year after year after year, season after season... That is not to say that a monarchy cannot or must not move with the times — simply that it has to resist the temptation to be buffeted by passing cultural trends. Fashion is the exact opposite. And as fashion’s most famous bible, Vogue exemplifies the transient nature of the beast." Daily Mail: July 29, 2019
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alltheaidairo · 5 years
this blog is no longer being updated; all posts will be retained for archival purposes. tag list below cut
year: 2014
year: 2015
year: 2016
year: 2017
year: 2018
year: 2019
year: 2020
month: jan
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char: mokke
char: hanako / char: amane
char: nene
char: kou
char: teru
char: akane
char: aoi
char: lemon
char: yokoo 
char: satou
char: tiara (kou and teru’s sister)
char: yako
char: tsuchigomori
char: shijima / char: mei
broadcasting crew
char: tsukasa
char: mitsuba
char: sakura
char: natsuhiko
char: others (misc characters without their own tag)
VERSE (for clearly non-canon art)
verse: pilot (3 chapter short serialisation, i.e. long-sleeved nene)
verse: picture perfect (aka esoragoto arc)
verse: ayaka6 (aka idol hanako)
verse: phantom thief hanako
verse: ghost hotel
verse: others 
event: chapter (for art related to specific chapters)
event: cover (for gfantasy issue covers featuring jshk)
event: volume (for art related to specific volumes)
event: anniversary (of the main serialisation, every 18 dec!)
event: reprint (for reprint announcements)
event: cafe (general tag for all cafe events)
event: anime (for art related to the anime specifically)
event: radio (for art related to the anime cast radio)
event: animejapan
event: new year (1 jan)
event: twintail day (2 feb)
event: setsubun (around 3 feb)
event: valentine's day (14 feb)
event: white day (14 mar)
event: april fool's day (1 apr)
event: children's day (5 may)
event: kiss day (23 may)
event: tanabata (7 july)
event: unagi day (late july)
event: black cat appreciation day (17 aug)
event: beautiful legs day (9 sep)
event: halloween (31 oct) 
event: dog day (1 nov)
event: good toilet day (10 nov)
event: pocky day (11 nov)
event: good niisan day (23 nov)
event: good knee high day (28 nov)
event: christmas (25 dec)
non-calendar events
event: strawberry moon
colour (for full-colour art, excluding b&w with some colour)
translated (relevant captions and/or dialogue)
merch (official merchandise)
manga (panels from the manga)
not jshk 
other series (aidairo art from other works)
dear my living dead
aidairo shenanigans
mod post (asks, announcements, and other fun stuff)
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cookwithjess · 4 years
Happy Lunar New Year
For my first blog post, I will be talking about the Chinese Lunar New Year.
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The Lunar New Year, also known as Spring Festival is a festival often celebrated in China and other Asian countries, in celebration of the first new moon of the lunar calendar. Even though it is hard to figure out what exact date the festivals started, the Chinese new year started in 14th century BCE. Every year the date of the beginning of the Lunar New Year changes, this year it was celebrated on Friday, February 12. The festival lasts 15 days and ends on the lunar calendar’s first full moon. Every Lunar New Year comes with traditional family celebrations, dances, and fireworks. At the end of the new year celebrations comes the Lantern Festival. During this last night, lanterns are used to light up the night sky. Traditional foods like fish, sticky rice balls, and noodles are served at dinner so families can come together and celebrate.
Origin of the Zodiac Animals
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Every Lunar New Year is connected to a Zodiac animal. Each animal represents unique attributes and themes for that year. This year is the year of the Ox, the theme of hard work and progress. For centuries, the Ox has been used for man to build and grow a better life. Every year the zodiac animal changes and has a whole different meaning. In the Chinese culture, a person’s Chinese zodiac sign is matched to the year they were born, for example, I was born in the year 2001 meaning my zodiac animal is a snake. Even if this year’s animal is not my sign, I can still view this year of the Ox is a time to reflect and learn until my year comes. In the American culture, we use zodiac animals in connection to our birthday days instead of birth years. That’s the cool thing about cultures, we may have differences but we have similarities as well.
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Origin of my Dish
In honor of the new year, I decided to learn and cook Chinese Lo Mein noodles. The Chinese believe that every meal needs equal amounts of grains and Tsai (fruits and vegetables). Noodles are an excellent dish for this perfect balance. Even though noodles are used in Chinese dishes year-round, during the Lunar New Year and other celebrations, having noodles is a dinner must-have because of its symbolic meaning. In Chinese culture, noodles are a symbol of longevity and having a longer life. In my cross-cultural course, I have learned more about the importance of cultural differences and the traditions that make them different. Making this dish, I learned that in the Chinese culture, they do not cut noodles because in their culture noodles are meant to be slurped when eating. During this experience when eating with my family, I made sure to tell them this information, so when eating the dish I made sure we ate following this cultural practice.
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Overall Reflection
Making the dish of the Lo Mein noodles was a success and I enjoyed learning the origin behind the dish and connecting it to information found in my class. I have had Lo Mein noodles before, but getting all the ingredients and fixing this dish myself brought me a closer experience and deeper insight into the Chinese culture that I do not usually get. I am excited to see what cultural dish I describe to make next! Stay tuned for more.
Ainsworth, Colin. “5 Fast Facts about the Lunar New Year.” Mental Floss, 4 Feb. 2019, www.mentalfloss.com/article/573107/lunar-new-year-facts#:~:text=5%20Fast%20Facts%20about%20the%20Lunar%20New%20Year,to%2014th%20century%20BCE.%20...%20More%20items...%20.
Avia. “Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs and Chinese New Year Meaning.” Whats, 10 Nov. 2020, www.whats-your-sign.com/chinese-zodiac-animal-and-chinese-new-year.html.
“Lunar New Year.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/topic/Lunar-New-Year.
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planetransgender · 4 years
SUPRISE! Geena Rocero is January's 2021 Playboy's Calendar Playmate
SUPRISE! Geena Rocero is January’s 2021 Playboy’s Calendar Playmate
Geena Rocero (Aug 2019) January 2021 Ali Chanel (Aug 2020)Riley Ticotin (Jan 2020)Jordy Murray (Dec 2019)Anita Pathammavong (Mar 2020)Priscilla Huggins (Jul 2020)Hilda Dias Pimentel (Oct 2019)Marsha Elle (Apr 2020)Savannah Smith (May 2020)Alicia Loraina Olivas (Jun 2020)Gillan Chan (Nov 2019)Chastity Samone (Feb 2020) Surprise! Out and proud trans woman Geena Rocero is Playboy’s 2021 January…
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lokiondisneyplus · 4 years
As the coronavirus crisis continues to take lives around the world, there is no time table yet for when production on big budget Marvel movies will start up, but blockbuster still belong in cinemas, Disney’s CEO declared today – at least for now.
“No projections,” Bob Chapek told a conference call Tuesday of the House of Mouse’s bloody second-quarter earnings results when asked when tentpoles projects could be reactivated. The new-ish successor to Bob Iger would say that “we will be very responsible in terms of masks… when we proceed” on such production down the line.
“Same process with our large-scale productions as we are doing with our theme parks,” the circumspect Chapek noted in terms of noting moving to reopen until the all clear is given by public health officials and strict safety procedures are in place
Just as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to spread this spring, Disney hit pause on such productions as Shang-Chi, Ridley Scott’s The Last Duel, The Little Mermaid, Searchlight’s Nightmare Alley, Shrunk and Peter Pan & Wendy.
The studio also shifted a bulk of their theatrical releases into later 3Q and 4Q and beyond. For instance, Mulan, originally expected to go at the end of March, is now opening July 24; Black Widow scheduled for May 1 went to November 6, a date that belonged to Eternals.
That set-off a chain reaction of Marvel movies, sending Eternals to February 12, 2021, Shang-Chi’s old date. Shang-Chi then moved to May 7, 2021 (Doctor Strange 2‘s old date), Doctor Strange 2 jumped to Nov. 5, 2021 (Thor Love and Thunder‘s old date), with that Taika Waititi movie moving to Feb. 18, 2022. Disney also pulled its current Memorial Day release Artemis Fowl from the calendar with plans to put it on Disney+.
While Warner Bros.’ Christopher Nolan movie Tenet is expected to be bring cinemas back from their COVID-19 shutdown on July 17, Mulan is another big sign of hope for exhibition. Given how much of a global day-and-date release Mulan is, the film will need not only the New York and Los Angeles theatrical markets up and running, but China and other offshore territories as well.
Certainly, the big hit Disney unveiled in today’s earnings report reflect some of that state of affairs.
Yet, warming up over the long-ish course of his first earnings call since taking over as CEO in February, Chapek also sought to calm fears that the market dominating Disney may leave currently shutter movie theaters and multiplexes behind in the post-pandemic world. Citing the economic and social realties of “changing consumer dynamics and COVID,” the CEO bluntly started that “we very much believe in the cinema experience to launch blockbuster moves.”
Which, not matter how appealing multi-platform simultaneous release may seem, is exactly what you say when you own the Star Wars franchise and saw 2019’s Avengers: Endgame snag $2.8 billion in worldwide box office – cause this is show business.
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nwbeerguide · 5 years
Rogue Ales & Spirits shares their plans for 2020, including their biggest launch - Dreamland American Lager
Newport, Ore. … Rogue Ales & Spirits is excited to announce its 2020 Product ReleaseCalendar. This year’s calendar offers a diverse product lineup that includes 11 new beers along with many returning fan favorites. 
“I am extremely proud of our 2020 products,” says Dharma Tamm, Rogue President. “We will be releasing some great new beers including an American lager, a foeder aged sour blonde and an imperial hazy IPA, while still continuing to make fan favorites like Dead Guy and Batsquatch. We have pushed the boundaries this year and we can’t wait for our fans to try them.”
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Here’s a brief overview of the new products Rogue will be offering in 2020: Dreamland American Lager (4.8% ABV) – Our biggest launch in 2020, Dreamland is a simple, crisp lager for year-round crushing from which a portion of the proceeds will go toward building skateparks around the world. Available year-round. Cherry Choctabulous (8.4% ABV)  – Sweet aromas of chocolate and cherry are prevalent on the nose, the initial hit of cherry gives way to dark chocolate that fills out the mid palate, finishing with one last blast of cherry before ultimately resigning with the slightly bitter bite of dark chocolate. Available Nov 2019 – Feb 2020.   Double Time Cherry Lime (9.1% ABV) – Both tart and sweet cherries are balanced by citrus lime that adds a sour base in this light bodied seasonal rotator. Available Nov 2019 – Jan 2020.   Rolling Thunder Imperial Stout (TBD) – The rich, viscous notes of chocolate, vanilla and coffee mix with the flavors of whiskey-soaked Oregon oak. The limited-edition 2020 Rolling Thunder Imperial Stout was aged for 9 months in handmade barrels that previously aged Dead Guy Whiskey. Available February.  Newport Nights (9.8% ABV) – This imperial IPA opens with aromas of mango, papaya and tangerine followed by an atom bomb of pine and grapefruit, ultimately delivering a monstrous hop punch that is surprisingly smooth. Available Feb – May.  Newport Daze (5% ABV) – Newport Nights’ counterpart, this sessionable hazy pale ale gives off aromas of pineapple & stone fruit, features tangerine & peach flavors and finishes slightly sweet and very smooth. Available Mar – Jun.  Shavasana (8% ABV) – This imperial blonde ale brewed with granola, coconut and sweet oats features delicious, subtle spice flavors making it the perfect cool-down beer. Sold in a 22oz bottle that is perfect for sharing. Available Mar – Jun. Cotes du Rogue Sour Blonde (7.1% ABV) – This limited-edition sour blonde is part of a foeder aged sour series. It offers a tart flavor with hints of oak, lemon, vanilla and apricot. Available April.  Pineapple Party Punch (8.75% ABV) – An imperial hazy IPA that is reminiscent of our favorite tropical drink, the Pina Colada, and is bursting with pineapple, coconut and tropical hop flavors. Sold in 22oz bottle that is perfect for sharing. Available Jul – Oct.   2020 Santa’s Private Reserve – Each year Rogue creates a unique Santa’s Private Reserve based on Santa’s recommendation and year’s events. Stay tuned for the 2020 recipe. Available Nov – Dec.  Use the Rogue Finder to find any of these products near you.
About Rogue Ales & Spirits Rogue Ales & Spirits, the only farmer-brewer-distiller-cooper in the United States, was founded in Oregon in 1988 as one of America’s first microbreweries. Rogue has won more than 2,000 awards for taste, quality and packaging, and is available in all 50 states as well as 54 countries. Proudly rooted in Oregon soil, Rogue’s beers, spirits and sodas are made with ingredients grown on Rogue Farms in Independence, Oregon. Rogue Spirits are hand-distilled on a 550-gallon still in Newport, Oregon, aged in the thick ocean air of the Yaquina Bay and bottled by hand. Since 2008, Rogue has remained committed to sharing the terroir of Oregon hops, honey, cucumbers and pumpkins one acre at a time by growing its own.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide http://bit.ly/2tz1yJW
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tomhollandnet · 5 years
The Walt Disney Studios has unveiled its upcoming slate following the recent acquisition of the Fox film studios, including changes to previously dated films and a number of major additions.
After kicking off with the record-setting success of Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame, The Walt Disney Studios’ 2019 summer slate includes Disney’s Aladdin on May 24, Fox’s Dark Phoenix on June 7, Pixar’s Toy Story 4 on June 21, Fox’s Stuber on July 12, and Disney’s The Lion King on July 19. Fox 2000’s The Art of Racing in the Rain moves up to Aug. 9, and Fox Searchlight’s Ready or Not will release on Aug. 23, while three films move to later dates: Ad Astra(9/20/19), The New Mutants (4/3/20), and Artemis Fowl (5/29/20).
The Studios’ 2019 slate rounds out with Fox’s The Woman in the Window on Oct. 4 and Ford V. Ferrari on Nov. 15, Disney’s Maleficent: Mistress of Evil on Oct. 18 and Disney Animation’s Frozen 2 on Nov. 22, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker on Dec. 20, and Blue Sky Studios’ Spies in Disguise, moving from September to Christmas. Among early 2020 titles are Fox’s Underwater on Jan. 10, a new Kingsman movie on Feb. 14, and Call of the Wild on Feb. 21, followed by Pixar’s Onward on March 6 and Disney’s Mulan on March 27.
The updated calendar also sets release dates for major franchises Avatar and Star Wars. With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker bringing the original Skywalker Saga to its conclusion, three new as-yet-untitled Star Wars films will release on the pre-Christmas weekend every other year beginning in 2022. Four forthcoming Avatar films, expanding the vibrant world of Pandora, will release on the pre-Christmas weekend every other year beginning in 2021. In the holiday corridor for 2020, Fox’s West Side Story adaptation, directed by Steven Spielberg, will debut Dec. 18 in the pre-Christmas slot, with Disney’s Cruella opening Wednesday, Dec. 23, for the long holiday weekend.
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calendrcute-blog · 5 years
Free Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020
Free Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020
Check out all kinds of Cute monthly, yearly and weekly calendars in different formats like MS word, Excel, PDFs and images. Print and download Four Month Free Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020 free images from here.  We also have One, Two, Three, Four, Six Monthly, Weekly and yearly calendar template designs which can be printed through this site. Contact Usif you have any suggestion, issue or query…
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calendarsbook · 5 years
November December 2019 January February 2020 Calendar Blank
November December 2019 January February 2020 Calendar Blank
Here we are providing free Printable November December 2019 January February 2020 Calendar Blank Template for your personal and official work. If you are searching for the  Free November December 2019 January 2020 Calendar Blank  here you will find all the calendars and templates for this month.
November December 2019 January February 2020 Calendar Blank Image
November 2019 To February 2020…
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7dayscalendar-blog · 5 years
Black And White November 2019 To February 2020 Calendar
Black And White November 2019 To February 2020 Calendar
Black And White November 2019 To February 2020 Calendar –
The best template collections of all the months of 2019–2020 are ready to print online. These calendars are available to print. You can easily schedule your upcoming year’s tasks with the help of these yearly calendars. Our team has also published some 2019 year holidays calendarsfor countries like USA, UK, UAE, Canada, Australia and South…
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allmonthscalendar · 5 years
Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020
Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020
Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020 –
We are right that you are looking for a Calendar Nov 2019 To Feb 2020 Template. We have the holidays calendar of all the countries like India, Japan, Denmark, Sri Lanka, South Africa, USA, UK, UAE, Canada, Australia etc. You will get the complete list of National Holidays, School Holidays, Festivals, Events and Observations etc. These Calendar templates will help…
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