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petnews2day · 2 years ago
Jack Daniel's trademark fight over dog toy goes to U.S. Supreme Court
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/H3r9d
Jack Daniel's trademark fight over dog toy goes to U.S. Supreme Court
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WASHINGTON, March 22 (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday is set to hear a trademark clash between Jack Daniel’s and a dog accessory company behind a parody chew toy resembling the distiller’s widely recognized black-label whiskey bottle. The dispute pits the whiskey brand’s trademark rights against legal protections for creative expression – in […]
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starheavenly · 10 months ago
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Cyclonus and Roddy !!
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fjordline · 2 years ago
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since bringing mass murderer of incalculable lives Megatron on board the Lost Light was such a huge success, bringing mentally unstable ancient gladiator Galvatron on board will surely go just as well
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maikhiwi00 · 1 month ago
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You and me... I don't know if we're that good together. I don't believe you. [x]
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pendwelling · 3 months ago
A lord like the Sea!—Dame Christelle Rambouillet, Marquise d'Hauteclaire 🌊✨️
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multiheadcanons · 8 days ago
heavy did not think today would begin how it did. he was on his way to his room, truly minding his business before his scheduled physical with the medic. the sun was shining. the birds were chirping. he wasn’t by any windows but he didn’t have to see the sun or the birds to know they were there. his steps rang down the empty corridor as he whistled to his room. he thought nothing of it until, as he passed a storage closet, he heard it creak open, and he turned around fast enough to see one brilliant blue eye peek over a pair of small, round glasses from around the door, and a familiar hand reached for him. and he followed, a little confused. he grasped the doctor’s hand, allowing himself to be pulled into darkness.
“doctor? why are you not—” heavy felt a finger on his lips and a soft shhh. he sighed, leaning in so they could both remain hushed
“i took a day off today. listen to me for a moment. hear me out on this.” that was never a good thing for the doctor to say, much less a favorable way for him to begin a conversation in the dark. heavy began to pull away, reaching for a doorknob.
“i already do not like it.” a tug at his shirt collar pulled him back, as he allowed it. this must be important. it probably wasn’t. but it might be. he’ll entertain it for a moment. the doctor has never denied him an ear, metaphorically or literally. they stood, cheek to cheek in darkness.
“please. i have a big favor to ask from you.” there was a sense of urgency in the doctor’s whispers. heavy grunted.
“which you had to ask… here?” he heard a hiss of held back laughter.
“be serious. this is already a ridiculous favor to ask and i want it to be private.”
“speak then.”
“did you know that spy always wanted to be a doctor?”
“i do not like this. no.”
“i said hear me out—”
“i do not want any part of whatever you two are doing. if you have taken a day off, fine. wonderful, even. i am happy to spend it with you.”
“my shift is covered, is a better metaphor for it. he just wants to look at you. for a moment. please—”
“he wants to what?” now heavy was getting concerned.
“he wants… to get to know you. he doesn’t know how to approach you. he made the suggestion to me once. offhandedly. i thought it was a good idea!” this was a shock. why would medic even think he would be okay with this.
“…no. doctor. i care for you. i trust you. i place my life in your hands. every day. and i— i listen. i listen and i care about your… scientific studies. and i care about your… attempts to be social. but this? we made an appointment for a physical today.” he paused. “…we made the appointment, right? he hasn’t been doing this all week?”
“of course not! he’s terrible at imitating me, i’ve been watching from a locker. he’s the worst!”
“…you two are sick. and twisted. and need professional help. you are freaks. all you support classes. little freaks.”
“well, thank you. so will you go talk to him?” he groaned.
“i will do it for you.”
“we are here for a physical.”
they sat at medic’s desk. face to face. and heavy immediately understood what medic meant. the doctor himself has never used this desk, and to see an impostor sit there looks unnatural. he looks too small for the desk. and his face. wide eyed. pensive. hands concealed under the desk. probably fighting the urge to bolt. it didn’t look right on the doctor’s face. his eyes were scanning the room before giving heavy a brief glance.
“…yes. the physical.” heavy’s eyebrow raised as neither of them made a move. this is agonizing. what were they even getting out of this.
“so do you want… to do that here, or would you like me on the table—”
“how are your sisters?” it was a quiet question. one that took heavy off guard.
“… they are fine.”
“and your mother?”
“fine as well. healthy. happy. all i could ask of them. did you want to do the physical or did you want to make small talk. you did not have to schedule small talk.”
“do you sleep well?”
“doctor. you are acting strange. i sleep like a baby. no nightmares. wonderful dreams. unicorns, and a meadow, and fluffy puppies. can we finish this.” the doctor’s face soured at his unwillingness to communicate, brilliant blue eyes glaring over his glasses.
“stop trying my patience. i would like to have a conversation with you. i am trying to have a conversation with you.” heavy’s eyes narrowed as well, the corner of his mouth perking up.
“doctor. you asked me these things this morning. so the better question is how are you. people speak, you know. and nobody is speaking right about you today. they’re saying you’re acting different. i agree with them. you are… pensive. hesitant. you look like you want to stab me in my back.”
the doctors face was probably the most normal it had looked this entire time. eyes steeled. brows quirked as his tongue ran across his gums. his body relaxed. his hands appeared from beneath the table, a smile widening as he spread his fingers.
“the urge is always there. but i am unarmed today. i would simply like to talk.”
“just talking. no physical?”
“no physical.”
“hm. you did not have to schedule time to speak with me. yet you did. so let’s speak. tell me about your family.”
“do you… not know about them already?”
“tell me about them again.” the doctor paused, pondered. looked to the side. looked to a locker.
“…i have a brother. two years older than i. i haven’t spoken to him in years. my parents were married until they died, at least a decade ago. kind people. good people.”
heavy nodded, accepting the answer.
medic was an only child.
“and you feel no need to reach out? to your brother?”
“should i feel a need to reach out?”
“would not hurt.” the doctor scoffed; hands reaching for a pocket, before catching himself, clenching and releasing his fist.
“you do not know him very well, it seems.” they say in silence. staring at each other.
“this is ridiculous. have you not had enough of playing?”
“my friend; that’s all i do. i play games until i’m bored. if you’re bored; give me something i’m good at talking about and we can continue to play. i’m good at this game.” the ‘doctor’ smiled. but it wasn’t the same. it was a peace offering, a genuine attempt to forge a bond with the russian. just in a way that he had already accomplished with the man. and now he will do it again. and somehow… this will make the spy feel better.
none of this was to say that the smile wasn’t very pretty on the man’s face.
heavy can admit the frenchman wears the doctor well.
“i’m an open book. ask anything.”
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decepti-thots · 4 months ago
i don't even like cygate that much tbh, is the thing? it's Fine in canon but largely it's not super compelling to me, and tbqh the fanon around it is so saccharine and dull a lot of the time, i largely ignore it. however i DO love cyclonus as a character and given how often he gets reduced to a cardboard cutout so people can treat him as a prop for tailgate to fawn over and nothing else, i do like reminding everyone cyclonus is in fact bringing an enormous amount of pre-tailgate baggage to the table in that relationship. because literally everything that he did and/or that happened to him pre-LL is like, ridiculous. it's absurd. what the fuck is any of the phase one cyc lore, tbh. and, you know, he has a wild-ass personality and weird opinions and is in many cases a genuinely unpleasant guy with a ton of flaws! he is not just Nice Husband: The Prop! AND he has other relationships outside shipping, which tbh i cannot lie the insistence he doesn't (except when whirl- incorrectly gets labelled a Ship Cheerleader and nothing else) really makes me. like that ship less lmao. anyway rant over this is just me saying i love cyclonus and i wish fandom didn't act like his sole purpose is to be ship bait lmao
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sy5tem3rr0r · 1 month ago
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Gore screaming show - official art
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galacticfire · 3 months ago
there's really nothing like listening to "straight men" talk about mvdp
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junosartz · 1 year ago
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my fav visual novel ever.
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starheavenly · 1 year ago
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Tailgate is trying to make his move, Rodimus get outta here.
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fjordline · 2 years ago
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unable to stop laughing at this
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cycwrites · 1 year ago
Never Have I Ever - A Fic Tease
A/N - Honestly, I don't know what this is and I'm not sure if it'll go into a story at all or remain a Fic Tease for life.
This iteration of it is currently set 6 months before Nowish. Could change. Still not sure if i like it.
Oh, it's also fully unbeta'd, so none of this is @tiny-maus-boots fault.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
“Never have I ever… had sex in the auditorium.”
Turning from Stacie’s wickedly pleased grin, Aubrey watched, absolutely fascinated, as Beca’s expression went perfectly still, her smile dropping away and taking all the color in her face with it.  Then Chloe gave a hum of pure satisfaction, taking a drink of her wine as Beca’s cheeks flared in a very impressive blush.
The four of them were celebrating Beca’s 23rd birthday – albeit a few days late. Aubrey had made Beca’s favorite dinner, Chloe had taken care of dessert and now they were lounging on the sectional couch in the Posen-Conrad living room.
Beca steadfastly refused to look at anyone as she drained the glass Stacie had just filled. Clearly pleased with herself, Stacie picked up the bottle and filled it again before settling back on the couch next to Aubrey.
“You did what in the auditorium?” Aubrey didn’t know if she was scandalized or amused. “That’s – you…” A mix of both, she decided, unable to stop smiling at Beca’s obvious discomfort. But really, the auditorium?
“Don’t give me the ‘It’s a sacred Bella space’ speech, Bree.” Beca rolled her eyes and looked up, ignoring the blush still high on her cheeks. “It’s just a room on a college campus with a bunch of horny young adults.”
Aubrey blinked – that had been exactly what she’d been about to say out of pure reflex, but it surprised her that Beca knew her well enough to anticipate it.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Becs.” Chloe bumped their shoulders together. “I’m sure countless generations have snuck in there for the same purpose.”
“Ew.” Beca’s face twisted. “Why would you say that?”
“You’re the one who said it, Beca.” Stacie topped off the rest of their glasses and shook the bottle. “Going to need another, I’ll be back.”
“Doesn’t mean I thought it through.” Beca shuddered as Stacie went into the kitchen. “Now I need a shower.”
“Need a hand?” Chloe blinked wide innocent blue eyes when Beca just arched a brow at her.
“Wait.” Aubrey looked over at her wife when she came back in the room. “How do you know about it and I don’t?”
“Chloe’s got great volume.” Stacie set the bottle on the table to let it breathe a little. Beca groaned and grabbed one of the throw pillows and tried to smother herself. To Aubrey’s shock, even Chloe started to blush through her grin. “I happened to be outside.”
“Pure chance. Mmhmm, right.” Aubrey looked at the three of them. “There’s more to this story, isn’t there?”
“No!” Beca’s yell was muffled from behind the pillow. “I am not drunk enough for this conversation.” She let the pillow fall to her lap. “I will never be drunk enough for this conversation.”
It was a testimony to how much she trusted the other three that not once did Aubrey become worried that she wasn’t in on the joke. While Past Aubrey and her insecurities weren’t entirely gone, she trusted the women in this room with her life and knew they would never keep anything from her with any malicious intent.
Besides, she knew eventually one of them would spill the details, they always did.
This definitely came about purely from "You did what in the auditorium?!" popping into my head yesterday before bed. Not quite the direction I saw it going once I had it down, but thought I'd throw it out anyway.
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asthedeathoflight · 3 months ago
You know what I find really fascinating? At no point does anyone consider that maybe their vests make them too much of a target while the other groups are hunting them. The matching brown outfits put a target on their back (The Hurricanes even note that their vests are ugly) but even after that no one suggests to take it off. I get not wanting to give them up when the Orphans and Mercy demand for it (pride and whatever) but the rest of the time they could have worn them inside out or something. Another thing that never really gets brought is, they get to Coney and then what? With Cyrus dead, I don’t think the other gangs would necessarily respect the turf lines of the Warriors. The group has a single minded focus of getting home, which when you’re panicking, is what you’re going to do. But no one in the crew seems to be thinking beyond that. PS. My personal headcanon is that after the events in the album they switch to the black and red vests in the promo shots.
I have been hoarding this ask to myself because it is much to think about. But it's time for us all to think about it. Together.
I think the thing about the vests is really telling for who these characters are and the world that they live in. Because yes, they would be much safer if they took them off. But that isn't really the point for them. It doesn't matter if they can survive as women out on their own at night. They need to survive as Warriors. That matters. What they would lose if they gave that up is worth the price - to them - of keeping the vests on. That's why the last thing we hear Ajax say is "I'm a Warrior."
I think the bit about Coney Island is really interesting and functions on a few levels. Like first of all, as the Hurricanes point out, the Warriors "have no friends." They can't shelter in another gang's territory. Yes the other crews can come invade but they're at risk staying in any hostile gang's territory so it's better to have the home field advantage. In my personal headcanon I also think there are probably more Warriors back at Coney Island so they're also trying to get reinforcements? Although I know canon doesn't super support this bc why not just call them but. I just want there to be more Warriors in my heart okay. Snow and Vermin and Ash are still there you guys they just stayed home </3.
But I also think the "then what?" of it all is something that the album changes from the movie pretty considerably. Like the ending theme of the movie kind of is "so then what?" They made it back and nobody's trying to kill them anymore but they're still locked into the cycle of violence and have no hope and no future. Kind of a hollow victory for them. But more than even the gender thing the album changes this by saving Cleon. The point of going back to Coney Island is believing that there will be something waiting for them. Not to make everything about Ajax but this kind of seems like part of her whole deal in Park at Night. She's lost faith that there's anything waiting for her back home, so she can no longer think any farther ahead than what's right in front of her. But Fox sacrifices herself because she does believe there is something waiting for the others on the other side of the train, and she's right! Even if they couldn't have known how, the Warrior's hope is rewarded. There is a future for them. The album rejects the movie's take that Cyrus's death is the death of peace. It argues that what was important was not Cyrus as a person being present, but the act of all the gangs coming together in the name of peace. Once that happened, peace became inevitable. Even if it's not here yet, it's coming.
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wary-taru · 10 months ago
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The girls are fighting! 🤼‍♀️
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transingthoseformers · 18 hours ago
I'm thinking there's mild complications going on with Whirl's carrying cycle, nothing to be concerned about yet but things to watch, and that absolutely notches up the sire(s) clinginess and protectiveness
I feel like it takes a bit for them to hit Tailgate but when they do WOOOOOO BOY IS IT HARD >:D
Remember that time TG tried to shoot Megatron? I do.
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