#COVID-19 latest news
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headlinehorizon · 1 year ago
Disturbing Decline: Healthcare Worker Vaccination Rates Decrease for COVID-19 and Flu
According to recent CDC studies, fewer U.S. healthcare workers are keeping up with COVID-19 and flu vaccinations, raising concerns about the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases.
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mental-mona · 2 years ago
TL;DR yes and no. No need for the catastrophizing, "We're all gonna die or be seriously disabled if we don't mask and take every possible measure!" I've seen a ton of here. Current Covid variants' illness is MUCH less severe than it was, rarely requiring hospitalization. If you're elderly and/or immunocompromised, yeah, you should probably still mask up, but the rest of us can do as we see fit. There is quite a bit of herd immunity, but obviously it's far from perfect. As for long Covid, nobody can even agree on a definition, but it seems similar to such things as chronic fatigue and post-Lyme syndrome. If you're having fatigue and brain fog symptoms post-Covid, see your doctor, but there is no single treatment for everyone.
Now, are y'all here gonna believe an infectious disease specialist, or various media outlets' scare tactics?
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kazifatagar · 4 months ago
Malaysians File RM60 Million Lawsuit Over Covid-19 Vaccines
Eight Malaysians have filed a RM60 million class-action lawsuit against the government and WHO, claiming Covid-19 vaccines caused deaths and severe health issues. Malaysians File RM60 Million Lawsuit Over Covid-19 Vaccines Represented by Messrs Mohamad Zainuddin & Co., they name 25 defendants, including current and former prime ministers, and corporate entities Pfizer Malaysia and Sinovac…
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darksidenews · 11 months ago
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A peer-reviewed study conducted by Japanese researchers has found evidence suggesting an increased occurrence of various types of cancer, 
particularly after the administration of the third booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. This study has raised serious concerns and sheds light on a potentially alarming trend. The researchers have provided strong evidence to support their suspicions, highlighting the statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates for all cancers and specific types such as ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer in the year 2022.
These findings are indeed alarming and warrant further investigation. The fact that certain types of cancer showed a significant increase after the administration of the booster dose raises questions about the potential side effects of the vaccine. It is crucial for medical experts and regulatory bodies to thoroughly analyze this data and assess the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on cancer rates.
While it is important not to jump to conclusions or create unnecessary panic, it is equally important to acknowledge and address any potential risks associated with COVID-19 vaccination. This study serves as a reminder that we need to remain vigilant and prioritize safety when it comes to public health interventions. As more research is conducted, it is our responsibility to ensure that the benefits of vaccination outweigh any potential risks.
In conclusion, this peer-reviewed study from Japan has shed light on a concerning trend: an increase in certain types of cancer after COVID-19 vaccination, particularly after the third booster dose. While further research is needed to fully understand the implications of these findings, it is vital that we take them seriously and continue to prioritize safety in our public health efforts.
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theganganagarnews · 11 months ago
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thelocalreport8 · 1 year ago
Covid JN.1 LIVE: 63 cases of new variant reported in 24 hours, Karnataka Cabinet sub-committee meeting today
COVID-19 JN.1 Variant News Live Updates: Amid growing concerns over rising cases of COVID-19 sub-variant JN.1, a total of 63 cases of the sub-variant have been detected in India as of Sunday. Citing Health Ministry sources, ANI on Monday reported that Goa is the biggest contributor to the cases, where 34 cases were reported in a single day. Apart from Goa, nine are from Maharashtra, eight from…
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fora-h · 1 year ago
Navigating the Global Landscape:
"Unveiling the Top 5 Influential Events Shaping Our World Today".
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queen-street-news · 2 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://bloornews.com/blog-toronto/significant-covid-19-vaccine-study-censored-by-medical-journal-within-24-hours/
Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Study Censored by Medical Journal Within 24 Hours
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A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines.
The study, published July 5, examined all autopsies published in peer-reviewed literature to determine whether COVID-19 vaccination caused or contributed to the person’s death.
Researchers searched all published autopsy and necropsy reports related to COVID-19 vaccination through May 18, 2023, resulting in 678 studies. After implementing inclusion criteria, they chose 44 papers containing 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. A panel of three expert physicians independently reviewed each case to determine whether COVID-19 vaccination was a direct cause or significant factor in each death.
Of 325 autopsies reviewed, 240 deaths, or 74 percent, were independently adjudicated as “directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”
Findings showed the most affected organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system at 53 percent, followed by the hematological system at 17 percent, the respiratory system at 8 percent, and multiple organ systems at 7 percent. Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days—with most deaths occurring within a week of the last vaccine dose.
by Megan Redshaw 
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reviewed-rated · 2 years ago
Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Study Censored by Medical Journal Within 24 Hours
A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines. The study, published July 5, examined all autopsies published in peer-reviewed literature to determine…
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avantimedia · 2 years ago
वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना ने साल 2019 में अपना भयानक रूप दिखाकर कई परिवारों को खत्म कर दिया था। कोरोना संक्रमण ने जहां कई बुजुर्ग माता-पिता से उनके बु़ढ़ापे की लाठी का सहारा यानी की उनके बच्चे को ही छीन लिया। तो कई घर ऐसे से जिनके छोटे बच्चे अनाथ हो गए। जिनपर बीती है वो लोग आज भी करोना नाम से खौफ खाते हैं। लेकिन ऐसे में राहत की खबर भी सामने आ रही है। जिसमें विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) ने डब्ल्यूएचओ के महानिदेशक डॉ टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस ने शुक्रवार की देर शाम कोविड-19 और वैश्विक स्वास्थ्य मुद्दों पर बातचीत करते हुए मीडिया ब्रीफिंग के दौरान घोषणा करते हुए कहा कि-  “मैं बड़ी आशा के साथ कोविड-19 के विश्व से खत्म होने की घोषणा करता हूं. हालांकि, इसका मतलब यह नहीं होगा कि विश्व पर कोविड-19 का खतरा बिल्कुल नहीं होगा।”
30 जनवरी को आपातकाल घोषित कि गई थी वैश्विक महामारी
डब्ल्यूएचओ के महानिदेशक डॉ टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस के मुताबिक हम सब जानते हैं, दुनिया भर में हजारों आज भी इस महामारी के कारण जिंदगी से जुझ रहे हैं। लाखों लोग कोविड-19 के बाद की स्थिति के प्रभावों के साथ जी रहे हैं। गौरतलब है कि डब्ल्यूएचओ द्वारा ही साल 2020 की जनवरी में Covid-19 को वैश्विक आपातकाल घोषित किया था। टेड्रोस ने कहा, 30 जनवरी 2020 को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य विनियमों के तहत अहम बैठक बुलाई थी, जिसमें आपातकालीन समिति की सलाह पर के आओधार पर ही मैंने कोविड-19 के वैश्विक प्रकोप हुए आपातकाल को घोषणा करा था। बीते 3 सालों ��ें कोविड-19 ने हमारी दुनिया को पूरी तरह से पलट कर रख दिया है। डब्ल्यूएचओ रिपोर्ट की माने तो दुनिया में मौतों का आंकड़ा इतना ज्यादा रहा की अंतीम संस्कार और दफनाने के लिए भी जगह नहीं मिली।  
सार्वजनिक आपातकाल है अभी भी
दरअसल शुक्रवार को WHO द्वारा वैश्विक महामारी के रूप में घेषित की गई कोविड-19 महामारी अब खत्म हो गई है। एस बुरे दौर से गुजरने के बाद दुनिया में कोविड-19 से पीछे छुड़ाना बेहद ही चिंताजनक है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन WHO का कहना है कि यह अंतरराष्ट्रीय चिंता का विषय बना हुआ है। लेकिन विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने चेतावनी देते हुए कहा है कि कोविड-19 अंतरराष्ट्रीय चिंता का एक सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य आपातकाल बना हुआ है। 
क्या कहा डब्ल्यूएचओ चीफ ने?
डब्ल्यूएचओ महानिदेशक टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस का कहना है कि "कोविड-19 का खतरा अभी भी सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य पर बना हुआ है चिल न करें ...सतर्क रहें।" डब्ल्यूएचओ ने ये भी कहा है कि कोरोना महामारी अभी भी अंतरराष्ट्रीय संकट और आपात स्थिति है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने हालांकि ये भी स्वीकार किया है कि वायरस शायद एक संक्रमण बिंदु पर है, लेकिन इस संक्रमण के सावधानीपूर्वक और संभावित नकारात्मक परिणामों को कम करना जरूरी है।  
यह भी पढ़ें- 
यूपी सरका�� ने निजी कृषि विवि के वीसी,निदेशक पर धर्मांतरण का हलफनामा किया दायर 
UP STF का खुलासा, विदेशों से मंगवाएं थे माफिया मुख्तार अंसारी के बेटे ने आर्म्स
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theswisstimes · 2 years ago
Swiss federal authorities have reported that 19 people died in 2021 due to the Covid-19 vaccine. However, the group responsible for approving the vaccine disputes this claim and says it is false. This conflicting information raises the question of who is telling the truth. The situation highlights the importance of accurate reporting and transparent communication to help people make informed decisions about their health.
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headlinehorizon · 1 year ago
Navigating the Changing Landscape of Commercial Real Estate: The Impact of COVID-19
Discover how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the commercial real estate sector, leading to bankruptcies, vacancies, and shifting dynamics between landlords and tenants. Find out how forward-thinking landlords are adapting to meet the changing needs of tenants and create remarkable office experiences.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years ago
WHO calls on China to be transparent in sharing data to determine Covid's origins
The WHO has criticised China for withholding data related to samples taken at a market in Wuhan in 2020 that could have provided vital information about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins, calling on Beijing to be transparent and to share results of investigations it conducts. The Huanan market in central China’s Wuhan city was the epicentre of the pandemic. From its origin there, the SARS-CoV-2…
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kazifatagar · 2 years ago
Is WHO Jumping The GUN On Declaring COVID-19 Emergency Over?
One of the biggest headline today is this: WHO declares Covid-19 global health emergency over and this while countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia are seeing a rapid rise in covid cases. WHO was slow to declare that emergency in 2020 leading to the massacre we saw during the ‘lockdowns’. WHO Slow This is funny. The Health Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreye also said COVID-19…
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nasa · 2 years ago
NASA Inspires Your Crafty Creations for World Embroidery Day
It’s amazing what you can do with a little needle and thread! For #WorldEmbroideryDay, we asked what NASA imagery inspired you. You responded with a variety of embroidered creations, highlighting our different areas of study.
Here’s what we found:
Webb’s Carina Nebula
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Wendy Edwards, a project coordinator with Earth Science Data Systems at NASA, created this embroidered piece inspired by Webb’s Carina Nebula image. Captured in infrared light, this image revealed for the first time previously invisible areas of star birth. Credit: Wendy Edwards, NASA. Pattern credit: Clare Bray, Climbing Goat Designs
Wendy Edwards, a project coordinator with Earth Science Data Systems at NASA, first learned cross stitch in middle school where she had to pick rotating electives and cross stitch/embroidery was one of the options.  “When I look up to the stars and think about how incredibly, incomprehensibly big it is out there in the universe, I’m reminded that the universe isn’t ‘out there’ at all. We’re in it,” she said. Her latest piece focused on Webb’s image release of the Carina Nebula. The image showcased the telescope’s ability to peer through cosmic dust, shedding new light on how stars form.
Ocean Color Imagery: Exploring the North Caspian Sea
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Danielle Currie of Satellite Stitches created a piece inspired by the Caspian Sea, taken by NASA’s ocean color satellites. Credit: Danielle Currie/Satellite Stitches
Danielle Currie is an environmental professional who resides in New Brunswick, Canada. She began embroidering at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic as a hobby to take her mind off the stress of the unknown. Danielle’s piece is titled “46.69, 50.43,” named after the coordinates of the area of the northern Caspian Sea captured by LandSat8 in 2019.
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An image of the Caspian Sea captured by Landsat 8 in 2019. Credit: NASA
Two Hubble Images of the Pillars of Creation, 1995 and 2015
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Melissa Cole of Star Stuff Stitching created an embroidery piece based on the Hubble image Pillars of Creation released in 1995. Credit: Melissa Cole, Star Stuff Stitching
Melissa Cole is an award-winning fiber artist from Philadelphia, PA, USA, inspired by the beauty and vastness of the universe. They began creating their own cross stitch patterns at 14, while living with their grandparents in rural Michigan, using colored pencils and graph paper.  The Pillars of Creation (Eagle Nebula, M16), released by the Hubble Telescope in 1995 when Melissa was just 11 years old, captured the imagination of a young person in a rural, religious setting, with limited access to science education.
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Lauren Wright Vartanian of the shop Neurons and Nebulas created this piece inspired by the Hubble Space Telescope’s 2015 25th anniversary re-capture of the Pillars of Creation. Credit:  Lauren Wright Vartanian, Neurons and Nebulas
Lauren Wright Vartanian of Guelph, Ontario Canada considers herself a huge space nerd. She’s a multidisciplinary artist who took up hand sewing after the birth of her daughter. She’s currently working on the illustrations for a science themed alphabet book, made entirely out of textile art. It is being published by Firefly Books and comes out in the fall of 2024. Lauren said she was enamored by the original Pillars image released by Hubble in 1995. When Hubble released a higher resolution capture in 2015, she fell in love even further! This is her tribute to those well-known images.
James Webb Telescope Captures Pillars of Creation
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Darci Lenker of Darci Lenker Art, created a rectangular version of Webb’s Pillars of Creation. Credit:  Darci Lenker of Darci Lenker Art
Darci Lenker of Norman, Oklahoma started embroidery in college more than 20 years ago, but mainly only used it as an embellishment for her other fiber works. In 2015, she started a daily embroidery project where she planned to do one one-inch circle of embroidery every day for a year.  She did a collection of miniature thread painted galaxies and nebulas for Science Museum Oklahoma in 2019. Lenker said she had previously embroidered the Hubble Telescope’s image of Pillars of Creation and was excited to see the new Webb Telescope image of the same thing. Lenker could not wait to stitch the same piece with bolder, more vivid colors.
Milky Way
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Darci Lenker of Darci Lenker Art was inspired by NASA’s imaging of the Milky Way Galaxy. Credit: Darci Lenker
In this piece, Lenker became inspired by the Milky Way Galaxy, which is organized into spiral arms of giant stars that illuminate interstellar gas and dust. The Sun is in a finger called the Orion Spur.
The Cosmic Microwave Background
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This image shows an embroidery design based on the cosmic microwave background, created by Jessica Campbell, who runs Astrostitches. Inside a tan wooden frame, a colorful oval is stitched onto a black background in shades of blue, green, yellow, and a little bit of red. Credit: Jessica Campbell/ Astrostitches
Jessica Campbell obtained her PhD in astrophysics from the University of Toronto studying interstellar dust and magnetic fields in the Milky Way Galaxy. Jessica promptly taught herself how to cross-stitch in March 2020 and has since enjoyed turning astronomical observations into realistic cross-stitches. Her piece was inspired by the cosmic microwave background, which displays the oldest light in the universe.
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The full-sky image of the temperature fluctuations (shown as color differences) in the cosmic microwave background, made from nine years of WMAP observations. These are the seeds of galaxies, from a time when the universe was under 400,000 years old. Credit: NASA/WMAP Science Team
GISSTEMP: NASA’s Yearly Temperature Release
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Katy Mersmann, a NASA social media specialist, created this embroidered piece based on NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) global annual temperature record. Earth’s average surface temperature in 2020 tied with 2016 as the warmest year on record. Credit: Katy Mersmann, NASA
Katy Mersmann is a social media specialist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. She started embroidering when she was in graduate school. Many of her pieces are inspired by her work as a communicator. With climate data in particular, she was inspired by the researchers who are doing the work to understand how the planet is changing. The GISTEMP piece above is based on a data visualization of 2020 global temperature anomalies, still currently tied for the warmest year on record.
In addition to embroidery, NASA continues to inspire art in all forms. Check out other creative takes with Landsat Crafts and the James Webb Space telescope public art gallery.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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reasonsforhope · 6 months ago
"Millions of Australians just got official permission to ignore their bosses outside of working hours, thanks to a new law enshrining their "right to disconnect."
The law doesn't strictly prohibit employers from calling or messaging their workers after hours. But it does protect employees who "refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact or attempted contact outside their working hours, unless their refusal is unreasonable," according to the Fair Work Commission, Australia's workplace relations tribunal.
That includes outreach from their employer, as well as other people "if the contact or attempted contact is work-related."
The law, which passed in February, took effect on Monday [August 26, 2024] for most workers and will apply to small businesses of fewer than 15 people starting in August 2025. It adds Australia to a growing list of countries aiming to protect workers' free time.
"It's really about trying to bring back some work-life balance and make sure that people aren't racking up hours of unpaid overtime for checking emails and responding to things at a time when they're not being paid," said Sen. Murray Watt, Australia's minister for employment and workplace relations.
The law doesn't give employees a complete pass, however...
"If it was an emergency situation, of course people would expect an employee to respond to something like that," Watt said. "But if it's a run-of-the-mill thing … then they should wait till the next work day, so that people can actually enjoy their private lives, enjoy time with their family and their friends, play sport or whatever they want to do after hours, without feeling like they're chained to the desk at a time when they're not actually being paid, because that's just not fair."
Protections aim to address erosion of work-life balance
The law's supporters hope it will help solidify the boundary between the personal and the professional, which has become increasingly blurry with the rise of remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic.
A 2022 survey by the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute, a public policy think tank, found that seven out of 10 Australians performed work outside of scheduled working hours, with many reporting experiencing physical tiredness, stress and anxiety as a result.
The following year, the institute reported that Australians clocked an average of 281 hours of unpaid overtime in 2023. Valuing that labor at average wage rates, it estimated the average worker is losing the equivalent of nearly $7,500 U.S. dollars each year.
"This is particularly concerning when worker's share of national income remains at a historically low level, wage growth is not keeping up with inflation, and the cost of living is rising," it added.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions hailed the new law as a "cost-of-living win for working people," especially those in industries like teaching, community services and administrative work.
The right to disconnect, it said, will not only cut down on Australians' unpaid work hours but also address the "growing crisis of increasing mental health illness and injuries in modern workplaces."
"More money in your pocket, more time with your loved ones and more freedom to live your life — that's what the right to disconnect is all about," ACTU President Michele O’Neil said in a statement.
The 2022 Australia Institute survey... found broad support for a right to disconnect.
Only 9% of respondents said such a policy would not positively affect their lives. And the rest cited a slew of positive effects, from having more social and family time to improved mental health and job satisfaction. Thirty percent of respondents said it would enable them to be more productive during work hours.
Eurofound, the European Union agency for the improvement of living and working conditions, said in a 2023 study that workers at companies with a right to disconnect policy reported better work-life balance than those without — 92% versus 80%."
-via GoodGoodGood, August 26, 2024
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