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dappy-dappernette · 10 months ago
Ppl in fandom spaces be like: "We love bi/pan ppl so long as they're not actually bi/pan!"
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romatito · 6 months ago
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oh man yall really loved my terrible friend trio huh
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tejennnn · 5 months ago
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HWS SEA twt meme and doodle compilation. I could never take them seriously 😭😭😭😭😭
Context for the first: Sasa is a MSG brand in Indonesia, while 'lele' is catfish in Indonesian!
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neorouxls · 6 months ago
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 1 month ago
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bi me to the moon let me gay among the stars or whatever
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teethhoarder · 5 months ago
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My hand slipped and I made a matching England to the Lithuania I made yesterday. he's in Earl Grey uwu and a tudor rose cup because i love them
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atsushis-fangs · 3 months ago
North: ali, you love me, right? Scotland: ...normally I'd say yes with little hesitation but I feel like this is going somewhere I dont like.
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peachtalia · 4 months ago
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work drains me so bad that I can’t do full pics like I’d want to but here’s practice sketches while I get the hang of how I wanna draw their facial features, I wanna do other characters too but I’m mainly focused on them rn lool
also ignore bros hair parting being on the wrong side in some
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bootytickler420 · 7 months ago
Happy belated Yaoi day guys
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ellavei · 5 months ago
France: Those irises look good on you.
Spain: I know what you are saying.
France: What? I just praise your taste, that is all.
Spain: You used to get hard seeing me with irises, Francia.
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youareunbearable · 3 months ago
Not to be a Hetalia freak on main but im teaching about WW2 again so you all have to suffer with me as this old obsession puts me in a choke hold
I personally just think it would be So Fun to write a story about how Canada (Matthew) changes over the years.
To start off, I think North America is a lot closer with her nations than other Ancients, like Europa who hasn't really been seen since Grandpa Rome fell. North America, like her twin to the South, spends her time amongst her Nations, spending a summer traveling with her nomadic ones like the Anishinaabe (her three children who live together under the Council of Three Fires) or spending the winter with her nations down south in their sprawling cities carved into her rockbed.
She knows every one of her nations, speaks all their languages, knows all their histories, she celebrates their highs and mourns their lows, she loves them all and grieves when they war with each other and sings her joy to the sky when they make peace
One day, she travels up north. She spends time with her daughters, the Nations of the Beothuk and the Thule people, and on her coastline, she spies something curious. There, watching the waves make the horizon dance as clouds drift by, is a child unlike one she has seen before.
Beothuk gives a frightful hiss, and Thule clutches at her mother's arm. The child is as pale as death, but is not one of the blessed creatures, with snow white colouring and eyes that shine like the sunset of a warm summer's eve. No, this child's skin is the colour of pale sand, its long hair in a tumble of waves, as if a braid was just removed, is the colour of pale corn silk, and its eyes, when it turns to look at the trio, dances with the brilliance of the purple seen in the Northern Lights.
North America knows this child instantly, he is Hers. With a gentle and calming hand on each daughter's arm, she brings them forward with a happy smile on her lips. "Little one," she calls as they approach, "I know you. You are a child of my lands, but your features are one of my almost forgotten sister. Tell me, child of Europa and my own heart, what is your name? Where are your people?"
The little child, a boy no older than 3, waddles up to his mother. He reaches his hands up and she gladly takes him to her breast. He rests his head there, eyes closed in bliss as he listens to her heart beat. His sisters begin to calm as they watch the babe. He's not so frightening after that first glance, this pale little sibling of theirs.
When he opens his eyes again, they shine with that twinkle that all nations have, one that pulls their kind together, makes them recognize each other despite their human form. In the language that his sister Beothuk uses, but with a strange accent that makes her nose scrunch at the difference, the child speaks.
"My name is Vinland, and my people are coming." With that, he snuggles into his mothers embrace, but turns to watch the waves again, where in the horizon, some of the clouds get closer.
Big brother Iceland always growled that it wasn't fair that Mamma found him first. He would clutch little Vinland to his chest and grumble that he was His little brother first, and that Mamma's influence was too much. Vinland didn't see what the big deal was, he spent a lot of time with Big Brother Iceland, and Big Brother Norway even though Big Brother Iceland also didn't like that, saying that Vinland was His little brother, not Norway's. Vinland personally thought he had a lot of Iceland's influence, more than Mamma's. He shared his colouring, with their matching pale hair and skin, even if Vinlands was a lot longer and he refused to let Big Brother Iceland cut it. Vinland's people also had the same housing style as Iceland's and Norway's, and the same customs. Vinland even shared their language and when he spoke to Mamma or his sisters he had their Norse accent.
But Big Brother Norway just shook his head when Vinland pointed this out. "She found you first. You will always belong to her more than us. Her heartbeat was the first you heard, and so that rhythm is the one your heart beats to. No matter what, no matter who's influence you may be under," and here Norway played with a piece of Vinland's ice blonde hair, and pinched his fair cheeks, "that heartbeat is what you will always go back to in the end."
Vinland frowned, his little toddler face sad as he tries to piece together what he was told.
"I'll always have Mamma's heart as my heart, but I'm still yours and Iceland's. She may have been the first to find me, but I Saw you first. When my eyes opened, the first thing I saw, the first thing I knew, was your ships coming towards me." One of little Vinland hands reached up to cover one of his big twinkling violet eyes, the other hand reaching up to do the same to one of Norway's. "You gave me life, and the proof of that will stay forever, no matter what."
Iceland gave a huge groan as he suddenly scooped up the little colony and gave a muffled scream as he squeezed the boy. "Too precious!! Illegal!! Im keeping you forever I don't care what North America says!!! I'll fight an Ancient to keep you by my side!!!"
While Iceland and Norway didn't end up having to fight an Ancient, they did have to fight Vinland's sisters. A fight they lost.
It was chaos, tensions had been building and a bull being set loose didn't help matters, and before Vinland knew it, he was curled into a ball sobbing as the pain of mortal deaths burned under his skin. Iceland had tried to grab him, to bring him with him and Norway on their retreat, but he was cut off by Thule, who snarled and screamed for the children of Europa to leave her Mother's land. Beothuk had scooped him up, cooing and hushing his whimpers as they fled the chaos, the deaths, not stopping even as Iceland screamed his name, cursing out at Norway, at Thule, at Beothuk for keeping his little brother way from him.
This was the last time Vinland saw the Nordic countries for a long, long, time.
With no colony of people, he was a nation adrift. Iceland's people kept him alive by their stories, and there was the occasional fisherman that came ashore, but none stayed for long.
Vinland felt himself weaken, like he might fade away if he blinked for too long. His Mamma frowned when she came to visit again, and just like last time she brought the little Nation to her breast, rested his ear to her heartbeat, and walked south. She carried him down to his brother, the Mi'kmaq Nation, who was lonely from the loss of his own little brothers, the Anishinaabe Nations who felt stifled and traveled westward down the Big River, a 100 years prior. Here, Vinland was cared for and entertained. While he still felt weak and faint, and would get weaker and fainter as less and less of Iceland and Norway's people kept him alive in their memories, he was loved. Mi'kmaq was kind, treated him well, and would take him all over his territory to meet his people and visit the other Nations in the area, their siblings. Nothing really would help him get better. Mamma had told Mi'kmaq this as she handed him over to his older brother. Vinland was one of her children yes, but he was also a child of Europas' descendants. He could not survive or thrive without them both. For the next few hundreds of years this is how he lived, half alive.
Until one day, as Vinland was resting on the shore of the mouth of the Big River, he suddenly felt stronger than he had in long time. His eyes snapped eastward, and there, faint and distant but there, were ships being pulled by the clouds themselves. Mi'kmaq frowned at the sight, but Vinland's smile split his face in two.
It wasn't Big Brother Iceland or Big Brother Norway, but a different child of Europa. His name was France, and his hair was a darker blonde, like an oak tree in fall, a mixing of bright yellow and brown and a little red depending on how the sun hit it. His eyes weren't purple, like Vinland's or Iceland's or Norway's, but a blue that sparkled like the sea under the sun's brightest rays. His face had hair growing on it, not in a full bush like Iceland or Norway's people, but thin and almost pointy at the ends.
He had the same power that Norway had, he felt strong, not as strong as Mamma, and a different strong than Mi'kmaq. Where his older brother felt strong and steady as the current, this new nation felt as strong as a buck at its prime. Ready to lock antlers to show its strength, but would soon fade with the passing seasons. That didn't matter, however, because France fell in love with Vinland at first sight. He didn't care that Mamma found him first, or that he lived with his brothers and sisters. As soon as France saw him he wept and knelt before him, and though he was shocked that Vinland spoke old Norse, he asked if the little Nation wanted to be his Colony.
Mi'kmaq was hesitant, made France jump through all these hoops to prove that he would take care of his little brother, and not just leave him behind at the first taste of conflict like Iceland and Norway did. He also made France promise that he was just taking Vinland as a colony, not himself or their other siblings, and that France would treat them all with respect.
France, who only had eyes for the little nation, and also had a healthy fear of the knowledge that an Ancient was walking these shores and would be visiting in time, was more than happy to swear to that.
The European nation promised, they even signed a big treaty that ended in a feast and gift giving, but in the end, Vinland, no, Canada, got a new Big Brother.
"If he doesn't treat you right, we'll be here for you, little Brother." Mi'kmaq promised, giving the little Nation a kiss on his golden hair. After the treaty was signed, Canada began to change a little. His eyes stayed the same violet shade, and his heart still beat in time with his Mamma and siblings, but his hair darkened to the same dirty blonde as France's, his skin became a little more tan as if he was used to a stronger sun then what was felt up north. But more importantly, Canada began to feel more solid, more real than he had in a very long time.
Life with France was good while it lasted.
Life with England, was different.
To begin with, England hated Canada's siblings, and hated his Mamma. To England, Canada's only siblings were Newfoundland, the American Colony States, and more than a dozen other colonies under England'svast Empire. England, and his people, tried to scrub away any influence of Mamma's or his Siblings had on him.
Fortunately, England didn't spend as much time with Canada as he did with his other Colonies, and left Canada behind to stay with his older brothers- Scotland and Ireland. These nations loved to tell little Canada all about how snobby and boorish England was. In their own way, they showed Canada the love that he was missing, and took him back to the eastern coastlines where he grew up and thrived. He even got to visit his older brother Mi'kmaq sometimes, even if the older nation always snarled and huffed about how poorly England was treating Mamma and the others. About how England had no respect for a signed and agreed upon treaty.
When England came back for a visit, he shrieked when he saw that Canada's hair had a ginger shine to it, and that there was a spattering of very pale freckles across his nose. Ireland and Scotland just sneered as he screamed at them.
"Thats what you get" they would mock, "when you leave your little brother to be raised by others. Just cause you own him doesn't mean he'll be like you. Or like you." They laughed at this, and would always smile whenever they caught word of the tensions between Canada's French population and the English one, or whenever their people, or Canada's siblings' people, caused a fuss.
England threatened to make boarding schools that would ensure that Canada became a fine Englishman if he kept having bad influences corrupt him.
(He did end up making those boarding schools, and Canada did end up being forced to attend. Canada never did forgive England for that, nor for influencing his government decades later into keeping those schools, or making them mandatory for his Siblings' people. Canada still had those scars over his heart, still felt his heart weakly flutter sometimes from the long lasting internal damage. No apology would ever make his heart beat normally again)
Canada expanded, he grew stronger and stronger, larger and larger. He fought in wars, in rebellions, he went over seas twice to fight for France, for England against their foes and won. He came out of those conflicts as a known power, as a global power. At one point, he boasted the title of having the third largest navy, and his siblings would just laugh and tease and jeer at him that of course he did, he was born of Norseman and settled by explorers, and his siblings' people used his rivers and lakes as their own personal freeways.
Soon, Canada was the tallest out of all his siblings. Mi'kmaq had to look up at him, Haudenosaunee would make him sit when she spoke to him or else she would wave her lacrosse stick in his face. Even America had to look up at him, peer at him over his glasses as he rambled about whatever crossed his mind. Soon Canada was even allowed to sit in the land where his Mamma first found him, feeling that earth under his fingers once again become a part of him. All around him was a coastline, with rolling hills that hid an ancient settlement, his old being, under its soil.
He closed his eyes, feeling the warm sea breeze brush by his face. Vinland, it seems to whisper to him in a language almost forgotten. He could almost remember how his long gone sisters Beothuk and Thule sounded as they called to him. He had almost forgotten about them.
"Canada," his Mamma called to him from behind. Her son turned around, violet eyes twinkling as he got up, stretching his long sun kissed limbs, pale freckles dotting his scrunched up nose. When he relaxed, he smiled and went to her. No matter how tall he had gotten, he was still able to snuggle up to his Mamma, rest his head to her chest and feel that heartbeat that sounded in time to his own, as weak as it fluttered sometime, but getting stronger and stronger. Her warm, steady hands came up to cradle the back of his head, fingers burrowing in his strawberry blonde hair.
"Oh my child, how far you've come, and how far you will go still." She placed a kiss to his hair. "My darling little Canada."
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royaltea000 · 9 months ago
I'd love to hear more about what you think of ItaLiech if that's alright! I've thought about it myself and always found it sweet and fun and very pretty but I wasn't aware there was anyone else still in the fandom who also liked it!
I’m so sorry bro my thoughts on ships are so shallow and are solely motivated by the fact that they make me laugh. I am like a fat king clapping his hands delightedly upon his high throne while various jesters dance for his amusement.
That being said my sole imagery comes from this one artwork of Liechtenstein showing off the engagement ring Italy gave her to Switzerland while he tries not to have an aneurysm right then and there. When I say Italy tho I can either mean Veneziano or Romano - either would be good to me :) whatever the pairing is it always gives me just a nice flower girl and her yappy dog vibes 😭
But I also think it would be very tooth achey sweet like imagine Romano giving her flowers and he’s trying to act like it’s no big deal and looking away while Liech is so happy about it she goes home and waters them and ties a cute little ribbon around em everyday <3
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tejennnn · 4 months ago
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The conqueror of District 1 🇺🇸
Hero / America with U.S. bourbon whiskey! 🥃
Based on the Jim Beam brand.
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Now I wonder what drink should I draw with Canada next (because 'Evan Williams' is very compelling although it's not a Canadian brand ;v;)
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todaysromano · 1 year ago
Today, Romano was forced to exercise and almost collapsed afterwards.
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hellonerf · 1 year ago
its kind of fucked up that i get lightheaded over being rly into some characters. its kind of fucked up when my brain takes over and im thinking about hetalia yaoi slamming heads into tables pulling them by the hair clawing at faces blunt force trauma etc etc. and then i get lightheaded.
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bblgumgum · 2 years ago
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she’s literally me
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