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bdpst24 · 2 months ago
Coface: nehéz időszakban értek el növekedést a régió mamutvállalatai
Coface: nehéz időszakban értek el növekedést a régió mamutvállalatai
A Mol a harmadik helyen áll a toplistán Gyengén teljesítettek a közép- és kelet-európai régió országai tavaly: a térség összesített GDP-je mindössze 0,7 százalékkal nőtt éves szinten, ami a jelenlegi évszázad leggyengébb adata. A kedvezőtlen gazdasági klíma nyomot hagyott a régió ötszáz legnagyobb vállalatának teljesítményén is, az érintett mamutcégek összforgalma ugyan 2,5 százalékkal 1100…
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asianartsblog · 1 year ago
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Come hear the first-ever choreographer-in-residence for the Smithsonian, “the poet-laureate of Washington Dance,” the “Diplomat of Dance,” Dana Tai Soon Burgess.
Join renowned modern dance choreographer Dana Tai Soon Burgess as he shares how his background as a gay, fourth generation, Korean American man inspires work that emphasizes multiculturalism, equity, and social justice. Dr. Michael Masatsugu (TU Associate Professor and Director of American Studies and Global Humanities) will interview Burgess about his dedication to telling Asian American Pacific Islander stories through dance as well as about his new memoir Chino and the Dance of the Butterfly. Dancers from Burgess’ acclaimed company will perform excerpts from their repertoire. Burgess will sign copies of his memoir, also for sale, at the event. Co-presented with TU Department of Dance. Part of the week-long Rosenberg Distinguished Artist Residency.
Get more information about this FREE event with one of America’s leading choreographers over at https://ow.ly/IfvC50PNYxi.
Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company Asian Arts & Culture Center #DanaTaiSoonBurgess#BaltimoreDance#DCDance#DanceSchool#Choreographer
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lets-make-light-now · 6 months ago
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At least 46,000 Israeli businesses have closed down since the beginning of Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, with more expected to close by the end of current year, Israeli media reported, citing Coface Bdi company.
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athena5898 · 3 months ago
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In late September, as "Israel's" almost year-long genocide in Gaza spread and its credit rating was reduced once more, Israeli Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, claimed that, while under stress, the economy remained robust.
"Israel's economy bears the burden of the longest and most expensive war in the country's history," Smotrich said on September 28.
Karnit Flug, a former governor of "Israel’s" central bank, told CNN that a more intense war will "take a heavier toll on economic activity and growth."
The war has drastically deteriorated the situation in Gaza, driving it into an economic and humanitarian disaster long ago, while the West Bank is "undergoing a rapid and alarming economic decline," according to a UN study released last month.
The Lebanese economy, meanwhile, might shrink by much to 5% this year as a result of cross-border strikes between the Lebanese Resistance - Hezbollah - and "Israel", according to BMI, a market research organization owned by Fitch Solutions.
According to a worst-case scenario developed by Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies, "Israel's" economy might contract much worse.
Prior to the war on Gaza, the International Monetary Fund predicted the GDP of "Israel" would increase by 3.4% this year in contrast to the current predictions of 1% to 1.9%.
In addition, "Israel's" central bank cannot decrease interest rates to revive the economy since inflation is growing, fueled by rising salaries and ballooning government expenditure to support the war.
Related News
The Bank of Israel estimated in May that war costs could total $66 billion, including military outlays and civilian expenses, such as housing for thousands of Israeli settlers evacuated from the north. This is roughly 12% of "Israel's" GDP.
While Smotrich claimed that the economy will bounce back, economists are concerned the damage will far outlast the war.
Flug, the former Bank of Israel governor, says there is a risk the Israeli government will cut investment to free up resources for war, reducing the growth moving forward.
Researchers at the Institute for National Security Studies say a potential full withdrawal from Gaza and Lebanon would have "Israel" in a weaker position than before October 7, 2023.
“Israel is expected to suffer long-term economic damage regardless of the outcome,” they wrote.
High-income taxpayers leaving the occupation en masse would also make things worse. The occupation government has postponed releasing a budget for next year due to competing demands that make it difficult to balance the accounts.
The battle has doubled "Israel's" budget deficit — the gap between government expenditure and income, primarily from taxes — to 8% of GDP, up from 4% before the war.
Government borrowing has increased and become more costly, as investors seek greater returns on Israeli bonds and other assets. Multiple downgrades to "Israel's" credit ratings by Fitch, Moody's, and S&P are expected to hike the country's borrowing costs even higher.
In late August, the Institute for National Security Studies estimated that just one month of "high-intensity warfare" in Lebanon against Hezbollah combined with "intensive attacks" in the opposite direction that damage Israeli infrastructure could cause "Israel's" budget deficit to rise to 15% and its GDP to contract by up to 10% this year.
The Israeli government faces a growing fiscal crisis, unable to rely on stable tax revenues as many businesses collapse amid the ongoing war. Coface BDi estimates that 60,000 Israeli firms will shut down this year, significantly higher than the average of 40,000.
Avi Hasson, CEO of Startup Nation Central, warned that the Israeli tech sector will not sustain the blows and the government's “destructive” economic policies. The war has led many tech companies to register overseas despite local tax incentives, exacerbating an existing trend.
Other sectors like agriculture and construction are also suffering, struggling with labor shortages and rising prices. Tourism has seen a sharp decline, resulting in an estimated loss of 18.7 billion shekels ($4.9 billion) in revenue since the war began.
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magxit · 1 year ago
I did think it was interesting that they brought up whether he was in it for the attention it could bring him. Do you think there’s any truth to that?  I trust Taylor’s ability to gauge people’s motivations, but what if she’s so happy with the ways that Travis is opposite of Joe that she doesn’t see the potential problems at this end also? 
As Lainey pointed out Travis’ public image has been rising over his football career. He is the coface of a football team. Usually it is just the QB but Travis has been able to make a name for himself on and off the field. He does/did not need Taylor for his post football career to kick off. If anything it was the kelce SB/doc that made him a household name amongst women.
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thinperfections · 2 years ago
jak zaczac sie glodzic oraz jak zaczac wymiotwac na zawolanie bo mi to nie wychodzi..
Zacznę od wymiotowania. Ja sama często tego nie robię, źle się po tym czuję i wogóle. Jednak jeśli myśli są już tak silne, że zjebałam itp. to czasem wymiotuję. Dam ci kilka porad, mam nadzieję, że na ciebie też zadziałają :D
Najlepiej zwymiotować do 30 minut jednak u mnie to nie działało i stosuję się do 15 min. Wiadomo czym wczesniej tym mi było łatwiej
Wypij szklankę wody (zawsze pomagalo jak nie do końca miałam czym)
Wsadz dwa palce głeboko w gardło i spróbuj je po drażnić (słyszałam, że wiele motylków używa do tego szczoteczek zamiast palcy). Jeśli będzie ci sie zbierać na wymioty np. naciagać, cofac to nie wyjmuj palców póki zwracane jedzenie nie będzie znajdować sie w przelyku
Oczywiście na początku nie będzie ci wychodzić, mi tez nie wychodziło i napewno jesli po kilku miesięcznej przerwie bym chciała to zajęło by mi to o wiele wiecej czasu. Dlatego musisz "cwiczyc" z czasem to będzie coraz łatwiejsze
A co do głodzenia i restrykcji. Nie możesz odrazu zejść na limity 300, 400 kcal, może dasz radę dzień dwa, ale później będzie napad gwarantowany D: Nie wiem ile aktualnie jadłaś i jak dużo, ale na początek możesz zacząć od 1800 kcal (wiem wydaje sie dużo, ale to i tak najczęściej jest poniżej dziennego zapotrzebowania) i codziennie od limitu odejmowac 50 kcal np.
Poniedziałek - 1800 kcal
Wtorek - 1750 kcal
Środa - 1700 kcal
I tak póki nie zejdziesz na limity które cię zadowalają. Musisz też obserwować swój organizm, nie zawsze jedzenie 200 kcal jest najlepsze. U mnie na przykład długotrwałym limitem musi byc minimalnie 550/600 kcal bo inaczej po kilku dniach później mam napady. Dlatego na sam początek nie rób też fastów = postów. Długie nie jedzenie może spowodować napad, wszystko trzeba stopniowo, dopiero po czasie jak będziesz dobrze się czuć na niskich limitach możesz powoli wchodzić w fasty. Ale nie odrazu 24h i wi��cej. Tak jak mówię musisz poznać swój organizm.
To chyba tyle, jeśli chcesz coś wiedzieć na inne tematy to możesz pisać śmiało! <33
Chudego dnia wszystkim co to czytają ❤🦋
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yo-sostenible · 8 days ago
Los juguetes inclusivos buscan normalizar la diversidad y fomentar la inclusión desde la infancia. Estos productos, diseñados para niños con diversas capacidades, representan un esfuerzo por combinar responsabilidad social y oportunidades económicas, según los expertos. Por Miguel Ángel Ossorio Los juguetes inclusivos ayudan a normalizar la diversidad y fomentar el respeto / Unsplash ¿Regalarían unos padres a sus hijas e hijos muñecas en sillas de ruedas, con vitíligo o con trisomía 21 (síndrome de Down)? Los juguetes inclusivos no solo sirven para que los menores con diversidad se sientan identificados y aceptados, ya que representan su propia realidad, sino también para normalizar esta realidad y fomentar una actitud de respeto hacia la diversidad entre los demás, según los expertos. Solo una de cada diez familias afirma tener algún juguete inclusivo, y una de cada cinco no sabe con seguridad si lo tiene, según un estudio del Instituto Tecnológico de Producto Infantil y Ocio (AIJU). Esta organización analizó más de 300 juguetes para llegar a la conclusión de que menos de la mitad, únicamente el 49 % de los examinados, podían considerarse realmente inclusivos. Además, según este trabajo, solo el 39 % de las familias europeas sabe reconocer un juguete inclusivo. Las categorías más inclusivas son los peluches y los juguetes de primera infancia, y las menos inclusivas, las construcciones, los puzles y los montajes. Pero la preocupación por la oferta de juguetes inclusivos entre los progenitores está ahí: uno de cada tres padres británicos (un 32 %) considera que los juguetes no reflejan la diversidad étnica, y cuatro de cada cinco (el 80 %) cree que es importante que sus hijos tengan acceso a juguetes inclusivos. Por su parte, un 90 % de los padres europeos considera que la publicidad acentúa los estereotipos de género, según un estudio de COFACE Families Europe. Algunos avances El principal síntoma que demuestra que la industria no está avanzando en la dirección adecuada es que los juguetes inclusivos todavía constituyen una categoría propia. “Si la mayoría fueran inclusivos, esta categoría no existiría”, afirma Vanessa Rodríguez Pousada, profesora colaboradora de los Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). A escala mundial, algunas empresas líderes, como Barbie y American Girl, han lanzado productos que representan diversas realidades, desde muñecas con prótesis hasta instrucciones en braille y texturas pensadas para menores con discapacidad visual. Pero aunque Barbie incluye etnias y discapacidades, sigue manteniendo una mayoría de muñecas blancas, lo que refuerza los estereotipos. “Si hay doscientas Barbies blancas y solo una negra, esto subraya la diferencia, no la normaliza; necesitamos un equilibrio representativo de la diversidad existente”, añade la experta. Desigualdad de género Según apunta Mireia Cabero Jounou, del mismo departamento que Rodríguez Pousada, “los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y los índices de desigualdad de género nos recuerdan la importancia de que este tipo de cambios sean consecuencia de la evolución y la necesidad de representación social y tengan un propósito evolutivo”. Su presencia en el mercado, continua, “ha debe responder a una perspectiva cada vez más humanista y basada en principios éticos y humanos. Pero el propósito y los valores sociales deben estar bien conjugados con la cuenta de resultados”. Jugar es más que un acto intrínseco de la niñez, también es una forma de relacionarse, de aprender y de expresar emociones. En los últimos años se han producido avances significativos y han surgido diseños inspiradores, como Oli, el primer muñeco argentino con trisomía 21, creado a petición del padre de la pequeña Sofía para que su hija pudiera verse representada y aceptada. La primera vez que le acercaron a Oli, la niña se emocionó y lo abrazó, y sus padres bromearon diciendo que...
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sawtelghad · 6 months ago
46 ألف شركة إسرائيلية أغلقت أبوابها منذ 7 أكتوبر.. هذه أبرز القطاعات المتضررة من الحرب https://sawtelghad.net/103725?feed_id=10596&_unique_id=668ee32053343
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jahidur369 · 1 year ago
Successfully recovered after 360 days.
As an enterprise, especially in supply He Tuber chain finance, in addition to credit, when an enterprise generates transactions, the transactions are accompanied by "accounts receivable", which can also bring funds to the enterprise.
Factoring is the act of a borrower making a loan to a financial platform based on "accounts receivable". Common companies include: CITIC Prudential Factoring Co., Ltd., Industrial Bank Factoring, HSBC, and Coface.
Suppose there is a supplier that sells a batch of products to China Railway with a total value of 10 million yuan. China Railway agreed to pay the full amount after 360 days and issued an accounts receivable for this purpose.
Since the supplier needed funds to purchase new production materials and pay employees, it decided not to wait for the 360-day account period and chose to use factoring services to obtain cash.
1) Factoring process
Agreement signing: The supplier signed a factoring agreement with a financial platform (factoring company) and transferred its 10 million yuan account receivable from China Railway to the factoring company.
Fund advance: According to the agreement, the factoring company paid most of the amount of this account receivable to the supplier, assuming it was 9 million yuan (that is, 90% of the original account amount).
Payment fees: According to the agreement, the supplier needs to pay interest, platform service fees and other fees to the factoring company, assuming it is 100,000 yuan.
Collection by the factoring company: The factoring company collects the original 10 million yuan in accounts receivable from China Railway/Factor 360 days later.
Settlement difference: After supermarket chain B paid in full, the factoring company paid the remaining 1 million yuan to electronic company A.
2) Results
For suppliers, most of the funds (9 million yuan) were obtained before the accounts receivable expired, solving short-term funding needs.
For the factoring company, interest and fees (100,000 yuan) were obtained as profits, and the accounts receivable were successfully recovered after 360 days.
For China Railway, the account was paid 360 days later as originally planned, reducing procurement risks.
Bill discounting is somewhat similar to accounts receivable, but the form and cost are different. After getting the bill, you can find a company or bank to exchange it into money. The bill here can be a bank acceptance bill or a commercial acceptance bill, depending on the issuing party. Is it a bank or a business.
Suppose there is a supplier now that sells a batch of goods to China Railway with a total value of 1 million yuan. In order to delay payment, China Railway issued a bank acceptance draft due in six months to Company A.
Now, because the supplier needs funds to purchase raw materials, he decides not to wait for the bill of exchange to mature, but instead chooses to discount the bill to obtain cash.
1) Bill discounting process
Submit a bill of exchange: The supplier takes this bill of exchange with a face value of 1 million yuan and due in six months to the bank for discounting.
Calculate the discount rate: The bank decides to charge an annual discount rate of 7% for this bill of exchange. Because the remaining term of the bill of exchange is six months, the actual discount interest is 1 million yuan × 7% × 0.5 (half a year) = 35,000 yuan.
Obtain cash: After the bank deducts a fee of 35,000 yuan, the cash paid to Company A is 1 million yuan – 35,000 yuan = 965,000 yuan.
The bill of exchange expires: Six months later, the bill of exchange expires, and the bank collects the full amount of 1 million yuan from China Railway.
2) Results
Through bill discounting, the supplier obtained the required cash of 965,000 yuan before the bill of exchange expired, solving its short-term funding needs.
The bank received interest income of 35,000 yuan.
China Railway paid 1 million yuan when the bill of exchange expired, reducing procurement risks.
Why do we need to refinance? For financial platforms, it is to get cash quickly;
To put it more deeply, it is also to increase the rate of return (see "One article to understand financial factoring business and capital flow" for details - how to generate 2 times, 3 times or even higher returns with 10 million for you);
For financial platforms, assets that can be exchanged for cash include "accounts receivable" and bills. At this time, in addition to using the above financing models, there are also some new refinancing models to obtain cash.
After the factoring business is done, the factoring company obtains "accounts receivable". In addition to ABS, this asset can also be obtained from other factoring companies to obtain funds.
For example, a supplier provided materials worth 10 million yuan to China Railway Corporation and received a 360-day accounts receivable issued by China Railway Corporation.
1) Initial factoring process
The supplier signs a factoring contract with Factor A: In order to obtain funds in advance, the supplier chooses to sell this 10 million yuan of accounts receivable to Factor A, and Factor A agrees to pay this batch of accounts receivable. 90%, or 9 million yuan.
Funds flow to the supplier: The supplier receives 9 million yuan from factor A.
2) Refactoring process
Factor A and Factor B sign a refactoring contract: In order to obtain liquidity, Factor A chooses to sell this account receivable to another Factor B; Factor B agrees to pay 80 % of the payment, that is, 8 million yuan.
Funds flow to Factor A: Factor A receives 8 million yuan from Factor B.
Accounts receivable due
360 days later, China Railway Corporation paid 10 million yuan in accounts receivable to factor B.
Settlement difference
Factor A: Received a settlement of 2 million yuan from Factor B, and gave the supplier the settlement difference of 1 million yuan, earning an intermediate interest difference of 500,000 yuan.
Factor B: Received 10 million yuan from China Railway Corporation, settled the difference of 2 million yuan to Factor A, and earned 400,000 yuan in interest.
3) Results
Supplier: Obtain instant funds of 9 million yuan through preliminary factoring, receive all 10 million yuan of income upon maturity, and quickly withdraw funds.
Factor A: Raise 8 million yuan from Factor B through refactoring and earn an intermediate interest difference of 500,000 yuan.
Factor B: Provides funds to Factor A and earns 400,000 yuan in interest.
Suppose this is still the factoring company. After doing factoring business, it has accumulated a large amount of "accounts receivable" assets.
Factoring companies can refinance several assets, but when they have a large number of "accounts receivable", they will consider packaging these "accounts receivable" for sale in the securities market, called accounts receivable ABS, to obtain Bigger gains.
(Of course, more complex market risks and regulatory requirements are involved here, but it can provide larger financing scale.)
1) Accounts receivable ABS process
Packaging accounts receivable to create ABS: The factoring company brings together its accounts receivable worth 10 million yuan and packages them to form a financial product that can be traded.
Issuing and selling ABS: Factoring companies issue these ABS through special plans SPV, assuming the issuance value is 9 million yuan, to attract investors (such as investment funds, insurance companies, other enterprises, etc.) to purchase these securities.
(Since each asset has a different maturity date, general assets also involve recurring purchases after maturity. This article mainly introduces the basic financing model and will not expand on it for the time being.)
Fund flow to the factoring company: Taking into account various fees, the factoring company actually received 8 million yuan from the issuance of ABS. These funds can be used for the company's daily operations and capital needs.
Collecting accounts receivable: When the accounts receivable expires (for example, after 90 days or 180 days) the debtor (such as China Railway) pays the supplier 1,000,000, and the supplier repays the financing principal of 9,000,000 to the factor, and the factor Repay 8 million principal to SPV.
Investors get returns: After SPV receives 8 million yuan, it uses these funds to pay corresponding interest to investors.
For factoring companies, successfully converting their accounts receivable into cash improves the company's cash flow, and at the same time, ABS costs are lower compared to refactoring.
For special plan SPV, interest difference and fee income are obtained.
For investors, by purchasing these ABS, they obtain interest income and bid-ask spreads related to accounts receivable.
Same as above, the difference is that overseas business involves exchange rate conversion issues, so you can consider using the wrong currency withdrawal method to handle it.
What does it mean to withdraw funds with the wrong currency? For example, for example, I have 1,000 funds in Hong Kong, and now I have lent 800 to A, and A has not repaid the money. At this time, my small treasury only has 200, and A expects to pay me back at 1.15;
At this time, B also came to me to borrow 800 on the 1.10th. I only had 200 Hong Kong dollars in hand, but 5 days later, I will have 1,000 Hong Kong dollars. I hope to lend money to B, but if the RMB is converted into Hong Kong dollars, there will be an exchange. cost, what to do?
At this time, I can apply for a limit of 1,000 from the bank, withdraw 800 Hong Kong dollars, advance the payment first, and then return it to the bank after 1.15.
Here we look at the bank’s withdrawal behavior, which means withdrawing money in the wrong currency.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
Milano, “Have a Nice Dei”: un podcast per raccontare il valore della diversità
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Milano, “Have a Nice Dei”: un podcast per raccontare il valore della diversità. Per raccontare le tematiche legate all'inclusione e alla valorizzazione delle diversità nasce “Have a Nice Dei. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, molto più che belle parole", un podcast realizzato da Schwa e brandstories, con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano, che costruisce un racconto corale coinvolgendo aziende, rappresentanti del mondo delle istituzioni, artisti, attivisti, scrittori e content creator. Quattro puntate con la voce narrante di Luca Trapanese, assessore al Welfare del Comune di Napoli e da anni impegnato in numerosi progetti legati alla disabilità, che guida il racconto affiancato da 27 ospiti, tra cui l'assessora ai Servizi civici Gaia Romani, che partecipa alla discussione sulla presunta incompatibilità tra generazioni, e l'assessore al Welfare e Salute Lamberto Bertolé, che interviene nel confronto sulla salute mentale e l'importanza dell'inclusione. Ogni appuntamento prevede la presenza della voce di un'azienda che porterà esempi di azioni concrete. «I diritti - dichiarano gli assessori Romani e Bertolé - non sono mai acquisiti una volta per tutte e sulla lotta agli stereotipi e la valorizzazione delle diversità, anche in una città come Milano, particolarmente sensibile e avanti sui temi dell'inclusione, c'è ancora molto da fare. Come Amministrazione, con la convinzione che siano questi i valori che devono permeare il tessuto sociale cittadino, non possiamo che impegnarci attivamente affinché ogni persona si senta supportata e accettata per quello che è e perché nel dibattito che anima, per esempio, i social non si annidino sentimenti di odio e contrapposizione. Da parte nostra, infatti, abbiamo colto l'opportunità di questo progetto con l'obiettivo di unire le forze ed amplificare i messaggi, per una società sempre più capace di accogliere e valorizzare ogni diversità». «L’idea di HAVE A NICE DEI nasce da una domanda: come possiamo sensibilizzare un numero più ampio di persone sulle tematiche di Diversity Equity & Inclusion? – afferma Helen Nonini, Founder & CEO di Schwa –. Oggi la diversità è tra di noi ed evitarla sarebbe come negare la realtà. Che si tratti del posto di lavoro o di una famiglia, l'accoglienza e il rispetto non dovrebbero più essere un'opzione. E assieme abbiamo la responsabilità di costruire nuovi modelli che vadano in questa direzione. Con le storie di questo podcast volevamo arrivare a tuttə. Sono storie di chi ogni giorno vive e promuove con azioni concrete la Diversity Equity & Inclusion come una risorsa e non come un limite. Sono storie che vi appassioneranno». «In Italia - aggiunge Stefano Capraro, Ceo di brandstories - è la prima volta che realtà di questo calibro si riuniscono in un progetto podcast. Questo testimonia la necessità, da parte deə brand leader, di sporgersi oltre le tradizionali logiche di mercato, affermando la propria voce su valori così contemporanei e di grande rilevanza sociale». Di seguito le sinossi dei quattro episodi disponibili a questo link. Episodio 1 | Gender come noi Nel primo episodio, realizzato con Coface e Valore D, a emergere è un dato importante: nella classifica sull'ampiezza del divario di genere femminile in tutto il mondo (WEF), l'Italia si posiziona solo 63°. Nella ricerca compiuta da Ilga Europe, inoltre, l'Italia è al 33° posto su 49 Paesi esaminati in materia di diritti umani delle persone LGBTQIA+. Come scalare queste due classifiche, quali le azioni concrete da mettere in atto? Ne parlano Mariano Gallo, che racconterà come è diventato Priscilla, la Drag Queen più famosa d'Italia e Federica Fabrizio, attivista e autrice del libro "Femminucce". Verrà raccontata anche la storia di Gustavo Conti, ostetrico con il camice rosa che combatte gli stereotipi di una professione prettamente femminile. Episodio 2 | Oltre le Barriere Nel secondo episodio, realizzato con Generali Italia, spicca un nuovo dato: in Italia, secondo i dati ISTAT del 2019, il 5,2% della popolazione (pari a 3,15 milioni di persone) ha una forma di disabilità. Analizzando la fascia d'età compresa tra i 15 e i 64 anni, di questi, solo il 32,2% è occupato. In questo episodio verranno esplorate le migliori pratiche per l'inclusione delle diverse forme di disabilità, con l'obiettivo di superare gli stereotipi e creare consapevolezza. Tra gli ospiti anche le atlete della Bebe Vio Academy e Francesco Cannadoro, caregiver h24 e papà di Tommi, un bimbo di quasi 10 anni con un'importante disabilità degenerativa, che racconta la propria quotidianità sulla pagina social "Diario di un padre fortunato". Episodio 3 | Generazione Adesso In un Paese che invecchia, l'interazione fra le diverse generazioni diventa un tema sempre più centrale. Il terzo episodio, realizzato con Fastweb, spiega come un dibattito resti però aperto: la presunta incompatibilità tra giovani e adulti. Oggi, è noto che il confronto intergenerazionale può essere estremamente arricchente, utile a mettere in luce l'esperienza dei più grandi e la vivacità dei più giovani. Per combattere gli stereotipi su cosa siano "cose da vecchi o cose da giovani", interviene Licia Fertz: 93 anni, quasi 250 mila follower, ha posato nuda sulla copertina di Rolling Stone ed è stata da poco nominata dalla BBC tra le 100 donne più influenti al mondo. A farle da contraltare Gaia Romani che, a soli 25 anni, è diventata assessora ai Servizi civici e generali del Comune di Milano. Episodio 4 | Pensieri Stupendi Nel quarto episodio, realizzato con Jakala, si esplora l'intrinseco rapporto tra inclusione e salute mentale, concentrandosi sull'importanza della sicurezza psicologica: uno strumento indispensabile, per creare relazioni di fiducia, soprattutto all'interno dell'ambiente lavorativo. L'episodio approfondisce il significato del minority stress, prova a indagare le ragioni per le quali, a volte, si indossano delle "maschere" in ufficio e quali azioni le aziende possono attivare per favorire un ambiente che non sia tossico. Tra le voci dell'episodio, quella di Mattia Villardita, il famoso "Spiderman in corsia" che sino ad oggi ha regalato sorrisi a oltre 1.500 piccoli pazienti ospedalieri in giro per l'Italia. Intervengono inoltre l'assessore Lamberto Bertolé e Luca Mazzucchelli, psicologo divulgatore e imprenditore di MIND Center.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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bdpst24 · 1 year ago
  Mennyire stabilak a legnagyobb vállalatok ezekben a viharos időkben? Ismét dobogós a Mol A kezdeti aggodalmak ellenére – melyek a közép-kelet-európai gazdaságok visszaesését prognosztizálták az ukrajnai háború következményei miatt – a régió figyelemre méltóan ellenállónak bizonyult. Az energiaválság és a növekvő költségek miatt azonban fokozatos lassulás tapasztalható a régióban. Top 500…
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asianartsblog · 2 months ago
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Join us for a unique storytelling gathering celebrating the rich diversity of APIMEDA (Asian Pacific Islander Middle Eastern Desi American) culinary traditions on Thanksgiving. Experience heartfelt narratives and enjoy delicious Asian-inspired dishes as TU-APIMEDA students, faculty, staff, and special guests share their personal connections to food and culture. Audience members are encouraged to participate, share their own stories, and connect with our vibrant community.
Celebrate an Asian Thanksgiving filled with gratitude, culture, and the flavors of APIMEDA traditions.
Co-presented by the TU Asian Arts & Culture Center, Department of Theater Arts, and Center for Student Diversity. Supported by the TU-COFAC Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.
Date and Time: Thursday, November 21 | 6 PM
Location: Center for the Arts Atrium, Towson University
1 Fine Arts Drive, Towson, MD 21204
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sergejbiohazardov · 1 year ago
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По РФ бомбили. Геомагнитная буря продлится до раннего утра 2-го декабря. ХАМАС взяло на себя ответственность за теракт в Иерусалиме, в результате которого погибло 4 человека. Движение ЛГБТ запретили в России и признали его экстремистской организацией: радуга без голубого цвета, всевозможные тематические нашивки, значки на одежде, парады, шествия, митинги и тематические вечеринки, за всё это до 12 лет тюрьмы. Финны установили систему двойных заграждений на границе с Россией. Молдова снова закупает дизтопливо РФ, несмотря на отказ от него в начале 2023. Болгария не пропустила в свое воздушное пространство самолет с Марией Захаровой на борту, при этом на том же самолете летел Лавров. Саудовская Аравия продлила добровольное сокращение добычи нефти на 1 млн б/с, остальные члены ОПЕК+ договорились о дополнительном сокращении на 1 млн б/с, РФ дополнительно сократит добычу нефти на 0,5 млн баррелей в сутки в рамках сделки стран-участниц ОПЕК+. В Китае вспышка нового, крайне заразного вируса-мутанта. Аргентина не будет вступать в БРИКС. Всемирный банк одобрил предоставление Украине займ на $1,2 млрд под гарантии Японии. Израиль и ХАМАС договорились продлить временное перемирие в секторе Газа на восьмой день, но потом Израиль возобновил боевые действия, потому что по их заявлению ХАМАС открыл огонь по Израилю, ХАМАС бомбили, Израиль бомбили. Рубль валится. Эстония призвала граждан не посещать РФ, по ому что могут в любой момент закрыть границу. На КПП «Краковец-Корчова» критическая ситуация из-за блокирования границы поляками, украинские перевозчики объявили голодовку. В Европейском регионе наблюдается сам��я быстрорастущая эпидемия ВИЧ в мире. Нацбанк Украины сообщил, что завершил к 1 декабря выкуп всей наличной гривны, которую переселенцы привезли с собой и меняли в банках стран Европы.
Вчера был последний день подачи документов на ВНЖ в Латвии, затем россиянами займутся УДГМ и Госпогранслужба, таких граждан примерно 3,5 тысячи. Был крупный пожар в Вецмилгрависе на Судоремонтном Заводе, задействованы 30 пожарных и семь специализированных транспортных средств. Сейм принял Стамбульскую конвенцию в первом чтении. Глава Ассоциации пассажирских перевозчиков Иво Ошениекс заявил, что выделенные государством средства, не покрывают всех убытков, что вероятно грозит или подорожанием билетов, или сокращением рейсов. Сезон зимней рыбалки открыт: два рыбака уже провалились под лёд, но жертв нет. Coface ежегодный рейтинг крупнейших компаний стран Балтии, вот десятка: 1) 🇱🇹Orlen Lietuva; 2) 🇱🇹Vilniaus prekyba; 3) 🇱🇹Maxima grupe; 4) 🇱🇹Ignitis grupe; 5) 🇱🇹Ignitis; 6) 🇪🇪Eesti Energia; 7) 🇱🇹Achemos grupe; 8) 🇱🇹Maxima LT; 9) 🇱🇹Willgrow; 10) 🇱🇹Linas Agro, а среди 50 крупнейших компаний стран Балтии в этом году 27 литовских, 17 эстонских и 6 латвийских. Lux Express сегодня открывает новый маршрут Таллин — Варшава, проходящий через Ригу.
Президента Германии забыли встретить в Катаре. Сразу после приземления самолёта Франк-Вальтер Штайнмайер обнаружил, что в аэропорту не было никого из официальных представителей принимающей стороны, поэтому ему пришлось ждать полчаса, пока приедет хотя бы обычный местный чиновник.
На уважении.
Букеровскую премию получил ирландский писатель Пол Линч за роман-антиутопию «Песнь пророка». Книга рассказывает об исследовательнице Эйлищ Стак, которая пытается сохранить семью во время установления тирании в Ирландии. «Это три��мф эмоционального повествования, бодрящий и смелый. С большой живостью «Песнь пророка» отражает социальные и политические тревоги на текущий момент. Читатели найдут ее трогательной и правдивой и не скоро забудут содержащиеся в ней предупреждения», — сказано о книге на сайте премии.
Надо бы почитать.
А на картинке идеальные новогодние роллы. И нашим, и вашим.
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alwadifa-ma · 1 year ago
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kenresearch1 · 1 year ago
UAE Debt Collection Market is in the Growing Stage, Driven by Changing IT Policies and Documentation and Rise in Awareness Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic among the Population: Ken Research
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The Collection Industry in UAE peaked right before and during the pandemic. Increased amount of lending along with rising defaults presents great opportunities for debt collection.
Covid Led Growth: COVID-19 pandemic bough certain challenges for debt collection agencies in terms of worsening the financial situation of debtors leading them to refuse paying their debts. However, it made the public more aware about the existence of debt collection services which motivated them to fulfil their debt obligations. Pandemic also increased the number of default accounts bringing more business for collection agencies and inducing growth.
Rise in Digital Collections: Debt Collection companies used to rely on phone-calls to make recoveries which led to terrible customer experience and wastage of time. Digital collections are being extensively used which leverages analytics to make the process more efficient and act as catalysts for the industry.
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Growing focus on Regulatory Compliance: Debt Collection companies have started to place more focus on complying with all regulations for a better customer service. They are maintaining proper documents, getting cheques as proof for future payment and amending the penalty terms.
Changes in UAE Legal System: The new legal system at UAE makes it possible to recover debts via court in merely within 7 days if all the documents are readily available. The new Bankruptcy law also provided safety for debtors and changed the shape of debt collection industry.
Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication- “UAE Debt Collection Market Outlook to 2027- Characterized by fierce competition and high growth prospects” by Ken Research provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential of the debt collection market in UAE. Rise in digital collection techniques and increasing use of AI and ML for recovery predictions are expected to contribute to the market growth over the forecast period.
UAE debt collection market is expected to grow at a robust CAGR over the forecasted period 2022-2027.
Key Segments Covered
Segmentation by Segment
Segmentation by Type of Firm
Debt Collection Agency
Law Firm
Segmentation by Age of Firm:
0 to 10 yrs
10 to 20 yrs
20 to 30 yrs
Segmentation by Geographical Presence
Abu Dhabi
Umm Al-Quwain
Ras Al-Khaimah
Sub-segmentation of insurance segment & financing segment
Sub-segmentation of insurance segment:
Motor & Transportation
Liability & Others
Sub-segmentation of financing segment:
Real State
Financial institution
Visit this Link :- Request for custom report
Key Target Audience
Existing Debt Collection Companies
Law Firms
Financing Companies
Non-Financing Companies
Insurance Companies
Debt Collection & Management software providers
Government Agencies
Finance Consultants
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Historical Period: 2017-2022
Base Year: 2022
Forecast Period: 2022–2027
Companies Covered:
Debt Collection Companies
Aman Debt Collection
First Solution
Credit Recovery
AW Holding
Derby Group of Companies
Alpha Debt Collection
Fort Equity
Quick Action
Law firms/Debt Collection
Regulatory Bodies and Judiciary
Central Bank of the UAE
Judicial Department
Insurance companies
Etihad Credit Insuranc
Emirates RE
Financing companies
Emirates NBD
Commercial Bank of Dubai
Dubai Islamic Bank
Non-Finance companies
Etihad Water and Electricity
Abu Dhabi Distribution Companies
Asian Paints
Majid UL Futaim
Key Topics Covered in the Report                            
Global Debt Collection Market Overview
Ecosystem of UAE Debt Collection Market – Demand and Supply Side
Value Chain Analysis – Amicable Settlement and Litigation Settlement
Market Size and Segmentation of Debt Collection Industry in UAE, 2017-2022
UAE Debt Collection Market Industry Analysis
Software used in UAE Debt Collection Market
Market Shares of Major Debt Collection Companies in UAE on the basis of Debt Collected, 2022
Competitive Analysis
Future Outlook and Projections, 2022-2027
For More Insights On Market Intelligence, Refer to the Link Below: –
UAE Debt Collection Market Outlook to 2027
Related Reports by Ken Research
KSA Debt Collection Market Outlook to FY'2026
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kritikapatil · 1 year ago
Credit Insurance Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2022
The Latest Released market study on Global Credit Insurance market provides information and useful stats on market structure, size and trends. The report is intended to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and strategic insights to help decision makers take sound investment decisions and identify potential gaps and growth opportunities. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses changing dynamics, emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, opportunities and restraints in Credit Insurance market. What’s keeping
Zurich Insurance Group Ltd (Switzerland)
AIG (United States)
Chubb (United States)
Euler Hermes (France)
Atradius (Netherlands)
Coface (France)
Credendo Group (Belgium)
QBE Insurance Group Ltd. (Australia)
Cesce (Spain)
Equinox (United States)
Keep Growing in the Market? Benchmark yourself with the strategic moves and latest Market Share and Sizing of Global Credit Insurance market recently published by AMA Credit insurance is an insurance policy and a risk management product offered by private insurance companies and governmental export credit agencies to business entities wishing to protect their accounts receivable from loss due to credit risks such as protracted default, insolvency or bankruptcy. Credit insurance product is a type of property and casualty insurance. Credit insurance is an insurance policy bought by a borrower that pays off one or more existing debts in the event of a disability, or in rare cases, death, and unemployment. It is marketed most frequently as a credit card feature, with the monthly cost charging a low percentage of the card's unpaid balance. Credit insurance is considered as one way to decrease this risk. Also, it is the overlying field of covering exporters against the risk they will not be paid for a range of reasons including political upheaval or simply default.
The Credit Insurance Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Application (Domestic Trade, Export Trade), Organization Size (Small & Medium Enterprise, Large Enterprise), Component (Product (Buyer: Turnover below EUR 5 Million, Buyer: Turnover above EUR 5 Million), Services), Insurance Type (Credit Life Insurance, Credit Disability Insurance, Credit Unemployment Insurance)
On the geographical front, the market has been segregated into North America (the United States and Canada), Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia and others), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia and others), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and others), and Middle East and Africa. What’s Trending in Market: Rising Attraction towards Simplified Insurance Claiming Procedures
Integration of Technology of Credit Insurance
Market Opportunities: Emergences of Credit Insurance Companies in Developing Countries
Market Is Penetrating At a Higher Growth Rate in Developing Regions Due To the Growing Export Business in the Regions
Highlights of Influencing Drivers: High Adoption due to Unbalanced Macro-Economic Factors
Growing Demand due to Improving Sales and Accounts Receivable Support Benefits
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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