#CO! Mr Krupp
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dib-thing-wannabe · 2 years ago
Okay, since you guys want it, I'm giving it! I may not be making a separate blog for it, but I am taking asks for it! Oh, and the name of the au is:
Chemical Overdose! Captain Underpants Au
Things to know before sending asks:
✨The only ones who will be answering asks are: George, Harold, Mr. Krupp, Captain Underpants, and Melvin! Don't forget Captain Underpants sidekicks, Flaming Ink and Polar Painter! (Yes they are color coded to make things simpler, and Captain Underpants's text will always be bold) (Also Flaming Ink is the same as George, and Polar Painter is the same as Harold. Those are just their superhero personas.) ✨
❌No Nsfw asks! These are children for crying out loud!❌
💕If you want to make fanart of my au, please do so! Just give credit to the au and tag me in it so I can see it!💕
⏲️This takes place around a year after the movie, and in that time frame Mr. Krupp knows and now accepts the fact that he is Captain Underpants, they have all fought multiple monsters, and the relationships between them are closer! I will incorporate some things from the show into the au as well, but not everything, as not only are they not the same timeline, I also haven't watched the show yet.⏲️
🔊I will occasionally posts things that doesn't have any asks, which just simply means that when the event happened, you guys were just not able to reach them during that time! (During the night, talking with another character, ect.) It means that it was meant to happen and that it couldn't have been prevented by any of you!🔊
📴If I randomly turn off asks, that's because I have reached the post limit and didn't want to be bombarded with asks while not being able to answer them!📴
⭐Do not think that I would find it annoying if you are sending me constant asks, whether I'm online or offline, I actually enjoy knowing that you enjoy my au that much! So send as many as you'd like!⭐
🧪Main premise of the au currently: George and Harold have accidentally fallen into unknown chemicals, and it's seems to be taking some strange effects on their body's, including giving them new powers that they could only ever dream of. Though we still don't know why all of their comics come to life...🧪
Links to check out for some more deep-seated lore and some things you need to know about the characters! (They are all in top to bottom chronological order except for the first two links shown)
Characteristics of the mains for the CO! Au!
The looks of the main CO! Characters!
Only a wish, not yet reality...
Just a simple thing to ask...
A mishap in the night.
It's been told, or rather, shown.
New looks for new heros.
The realization.
The First Fight.
Another Gift.
A poem.
The Neverending Nightmare.
An official thank you.
A memory in their sleep 1/2.
A memory in their sleep 2/2.
This will have unexpected consequences...
The fine line has been burned.
Just so everyone knows, by the time this blog thingy first takes place, it's around two to three days before the event that really cements the fact that it's an au, so there will be mentions of events that happened during that time.
So, with that being said, start sending asks and have fun!
The asks are currently open for: George, Harold, and Melvin!!
(Incase someone wants to read my other little fanfics, here)
The Villain's Untold Moldings (Fandom: Pj Masks):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Evil and The Genius (Fandom: Jimmy Neutron):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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thenewcaptainunderpants · 2 years ago
ACT 1 - PART 1: The Origin Story
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In the years since Captain Underpants’ disappearance, his existence in Piqua has become an urban legend. Those able to give testimony decline, and the existing footage is blurry enough to be unable to identify a bald Mr. Krupp.
After graduation Jerome Horwitz, Kipper and his friends leveled up to middle school and then high school shortly after. In that time, Kipper started being taught how to drive by his uncle, Benjamin Krupp. During one of the lessons, the two ended up in a car accident that nearly killed Kipper. Benjamin donated some of his blood to Kipper, and that ended up saving his life. Unbeknownst to Kipper, Benjamin had also inadvertently given him superpowers.
In the present day, Kipper, Bugg, Loogie, and Fink have moved in together in an apartment complex in Piqua. While Bugg and Fink wrap up their third year of college, Kipper and Loogie have dropped out. Loogie’s taken a job as a video game beta tester, meanwhile Kipper is able to get a paid internship at Jerome Horwitz thanks to his uncle and dad. Kipper laments to himself about his stagnation, being stuck at the place where he was at his highest while his friends move on to better things. It feels like the others have everything figured out…so why doesn’t he?
The last day of school has passed and Krupp tests Kipper for the following year by unpacking old boxes from the storage. Kipper finds a box full of peculiar comics, and decides to take them home out of interest. 
Kipper arrives home with the comics, realizing they were written by old enemies George and Harold. The two admitted on his last day of Jerome Horwitz that the Wedgie Magee incident (which left the quartet emotionally scarred for several months) was a prank, but by that point it was too late for any of them to do anything. Kipper took it the hardest out of the group, so he’s the most reluctant to read the comics. Eventually, however, he gives them a try alongside his friends, and ends up liking them. Alongside the entire first volume of Captain Underpants comics, the reboot series co-written with Melvin Sneedly is present in its entirety as well, having far more issues. With it is a whoopie cushion, a picture of George and Harold with Captain Underpants that they think was photoshopped….
And the 3D HYPNO RING.
Bugg searches it up on Google and finds an old manual. For fun, the group decides to test it on each other, with Kipper reluctantly going first. While Loogie lures him into a trance and decides to turn him into Captain Underpants for kicks, Fink finds one last comic left behind in the box, titled “The TRUE Origin Story of Captain Underpants: A Cautionary Tale”. Fink reads it and interrupts the hypnosis, causing Kipper to go in and out of trance. He takes off his clothes and rips off a curtain before stepping onto the balcony and teetering on the edge. The trio realize Kipper has left and go after him, reversing the process by Bugg saying “Kipper Krupp, wake up!” and snapping his fingers. Kipper awakes, realizing what’s going on, but it’s too late.
He falls off the balcony, stopping just above the cars and floating in place. In a panicked, stressful night for the four, Kipper discovers his powers and gets into several accidents trying  to get back into his apartment. Kipper becomes incredibly frustrated upon reading the True Origin Story and heads to bed angry. 
In the distance, Captain Underpants’ energy signature is detected by a mysterious robot from within an underground bunker. That robot breaks out of the bunker and begins to make its way towards Piqua.
Kipper and Loogie hitch a ride with Bugg and Fink, carrying the comics. Kipper plans to burn the box at a dumpster near the grocery store, only for the ride to be interrupted by the arrival of the robot, called The Slammer by the panicked civilians as the car pulls into the parking lot of a nearby mall where the group ducks into a store with broken lights. While the group panics, Loogie tries in a desperate effort to convince Kipper to go out there and confront the robot, as he’s the only person who can right now. 
Kipper finally reluctantly agrees, but on the condition that he goes out in the cooler (and less revealing) costume in the reboot comics. Kipper takes flight for the first time and confronts the Slammer head on, a battle ensuing and lengthened both by the robot’s durability and Kipper’s inexperience. Taking notes from his school sports days, he’s able to get an upper hand on the robot before pinning him down, taking him out. The citizens of Piqua cheer on their new hero as he disappears into the light..
The next day, Kipper arrives at Jerome Horwitz for the next day of his internship, meeting up with his uncle. Having read the origin comic, he repeatedly snaps his finger to test and yet…nothing happens. With questions in the air and new responsibilities laying on Kipper’s shoulders, the new waistband warrior wonders what’s next in store for him…..
The news spreads of a new tighty-whity sensation in Piqua. In the nearby futuristic city of Heiwise, Melvin Sneedly sees the news from his dorm in Elitinati Academy. Surprised by the news, he contacts two old friends.
The Society of Robes senses a disturbance in the natural order as they continue their search for the alien robe that broke free years ago. Reality as they know it is going to change forever, and Piqua is going to be the epicenter. Upon receiving the news of a new Captain Underpants, Robicus is assigned to finding this new caped crusader and preparing them for the shift to come.
A phone call is held between the CEO of the new booming toiletries company, Body’s Delights, and an executive at the Piqua Order Of Professional Space and Interplanetary Explorers (P.O.O.P.S.I.E.) regarding the storing of some “precious assets” that got prematurely released for unknown reasons. The CEO reassures the executive that it was a mere technical failure and that he’ll make sure it doesn’t occur again.
With P.O.O.P.S.I.E. subdued, Theodore Murdsley hangs up and looks out the window, the news of a new Captain Underpants on his mind.
“It’s finally time, isn’t it….?”
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sounds-right · 7 months ago
GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival: 26/08 Nervo e 28/08 Mamacita
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A Golfo Aranci, in Sardegna, prende vita anche nell'estate 2024 una rassegna di eventi davvero importante, voluta dal Sindaco Fasolino e della sua Giunta comunale. Non poteva mancare in questo programma così ricco, GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival, da tempo una delle manifestazioni musicali di riferimento sull'Isola e non solo.
 Infatti sul suo palco negli anni si sono avvicendati alcuni tra i più celebri dj al Mondo. Tra gli altri, Bob Sinclar, Benny Benassi,  Gabry Ponte, Albertino, Louie Vega, Roger Sanchez e moltissimi altri artisti internazionali, tra cui  Simioli, Tim Cullen (Ministry Of Sound), Paul Darey (Space Ibiza), Sorrentino (Coya Montecarlo),  Alex Gaudino, Get Far Fargetta...
GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music è infatti un "format festival", un evento in grado di incentivare il turismo, una manifestazione totalmente gratuita per il pubblico. E' un evento musicale e di spettacolo aggregante e partecipativo, nata ormai molti anni fa. con lo scopo di far conoscere una zona ricca di attrattive. Molto del successo della manifestazione è dovuto al luogo in cui si svolge, ovvero lo scenografico Piazzale Francesco Cossiga (La Piccola). Il resto deriva da una organizzazione molto curata e da una programmazione artistica all'altezza della situazione. 
Ma veniamo al programma di quest'anno. Nell'estate 2024, la manifestazione prende vita lunedì 26 e mercoledì 28 Agosto, dalle 21 alle 01, e porta sul palco due eventi molto diversi tra loro.
Lunedì 26 Agosto andranno di scena le Nervo. Le scatenate sorelle australiane sono da tempo il dj duo al femminile più noto ed amato al mondo.  Le Nervo sono le sorelle gemelle Olivia e Miriam Nervo. Giovanissime, dopo aver firmato con la Sony/ATV Music Publishing all'età di 18 anni, hanno intrapreso la carriera come dj e cantautrici. Sono arrivate in brevissimo tempo ad essere co-autrici di  "When Love Takes Over",  celeberrimo singolo vincitore del Grammy Award, "When Love Takes Over", un brano interpretato da David Guetta e Kelly Rowland.
Negli anni questo fantastico duo ha collaborato con alcuni dei più grandi nomi della scena pop dance mondiale, come Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Cheryl Cole, Guns N 'Roses, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Sofi Tucker, Armin Van Buuren … e si sono esibite sui palchi più famosi del mondo. Ad esempio, sono state più volte protagoniste al Tomorrowland, il celeberrimo festival dance belga,  a fianco di personaggi del calibro di Afrojack, Steve Aoki e molti altri. 
In apertura, prima delle Nervo, al GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival lunedì 26 agosto si esibisce uno dei dj più giovani d'Italia (ha solo 12 anni), ovvero Dj Daniel. E' noto al grande pubblico per la partecipazione a Italia's Got Talent. Direttamente da Monaco di Baviera arriva il dj Andrae. E non manca dj Simioli, da oltre trent'anni autentico mattatore delle notti smeraldine e non solo. A presentare ed animare il pubblico Kevin Salvato, vocal performer molto affermato. 
Mercoledì 28 Agosto 2024 al GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival sul palco va invece Mamacita, format musicale nato in Italia che ormai fa ballare mezzo mondo. Creato, tra gli altri, da Andrea Pellizzari (affermato dj e personaggio tv, ad esempio è stato a lungo Mr Brown a Le Iene) e Max Brigante (Radio 105), è un evento incentrato su sonorità hip hop, R'n'B, reggaeton e trap. Negli anni ha conquistato platee enormi al punto di diventare tra i più seguiti d'Europa e non solo. I tanti artisti di Mamacita sul palco di eventi e top club propongono un mix di energia e show che non smette di divertire e creare aggregazione.
Ben nove performer si alterneranno il 28 agosto sul palco del  GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music, per oltre due ore di musica, animazione, ballo, spettacolo…e molto altro. Il warm up di questa seconda serata del festival  sarà affidato a  MKanu, dj sardo emergente, lanciato proprio in un'edizione del Golfo Aranci dj contest. Con lui Dj Gass Krupp, professionista che sull'isola fa ballare i vip di tutto il Mondo negli innumerevoli secret party estivi. Vocal performer ancora Kevin Salvato.
Anche quella del 2024 sarà quindi un'edizione in grande stile per GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival, che nel tempo è diventato un vero e proprio polo di attrazione turistica. Il format artistico è stato creato e gestito in modo da attrarre un pubblico eterogeneo e trasversale, mai troppo specifico. Si tratta senz'altro di una manifestazione che nel tempo è diventata un riferimento, non solo in Italia. Infatti ha portato e sta portando Golfo Aranci alla ribalta di molti media turistici e di intrattenimento in tutta Europa e non solo, vista la qualità dell'evento.
Insomma un ritorno in grande stile per uno dei festival più iconici mai realizzato in Sardegna, parola della Proloco organizzatrice dell’evento e della Cogito Communication & Consulting Srl, società tra i massimi esperti nel mondo dell’entertainment, per garantire uno spettacolo favoloso.
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djs-party-edm-italia · 7 months ago
GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival: 26/08 Nervo e 28/08 Mamacita
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A Golfo Aranci, in Sardegna, prende vita anche nell'estate 2024 una rassegna di eventi davvero importante, voluta dal Sindaco Fasolino e della sua Giunta comunale. Non poteva mancare in questo programma così ricco, GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival, da tempo una delle manifestazioni musicali di riferimento sull'Isola e non solo.
 Infatti sul suo palco negli anni si sono avvicendati alcuni tra i più celebri dj al Mondo. Tra gli altri, Bob Sinclar, Benny Benassi,  Gabry Ponte, Albertino, Louie Vega, Roger Sanchez e moltissimi altri artisti internazionali, tra cui  Simioli, Tim Cullen (Ministry Of Sound), Paul Darey (Space Ibiza), Sorrentino (Coya Montecarlo),  Alex Gaudino, Get Far Fargetta...
GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music è infatti un "format festival", un evento in grado di incentivare il turismo, una manifestazione totalmente gratuita per il pubblico. E' un evento musicale e di spettacolo aggregante e partecipativo, nata ormai molti anni fa. con lo scopo di far conoscere una zona ricca di attrattive. Molto del successo della manifestazione è dovuto al luogo in cui si svolge, ovvero lo scenografico Piazzale Francesco Cossiga (La Piccola). Il resto deriva da una organizzazione molto curata e da una programmazione artistica all'altezza della situazione. 
Ma veniamo al programma di quest'anno. Nell'estate 2024, la manifestazione prende vita lunedì 26 e mercoledì 28 Agosto, dalle 21 alle 01, e porta sul palco due eventi molto diversi tra loro.
Lunedì 26 Agosto andranno di scena le Nervo. Le scatenate sorelle australiane sono da tempo il dj duo al femminile più noto ed amato al mondo.  Le Nervo sono le sorelle gemelle Olivia e Miriam Nervo. Giovanissime, dopo aver firmato con la Sony/ATV Music Publishing all'età di 18 anni, hanno intrapreso la carriera come dj e cantautrici. Sono arrivate in brevissimo tempo ad essere co-autrici di  "When Love Takes Over",  celeberrimo singolo vincitore del Grammy Award, "When Love Takes Over", un brano interpretato da David Guetta e Kelly Rowland.
Negli anni questo fantastico duo ha collaborato con alcuni dei più grandi nomi della scena pop dance mondiale, come Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Cheryl Cole, Guns N 'Roses, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Sofi Tucker, Armin Van Buuren … e si sono esibite sui palchi più famosi del mondo. Ad esempio, sono state più volte protagoniste al Tomorrowland, il celeberrimo festival dance belga,  a fianco di personaggi del calibro di Afrojack, Steve Aoki e molti altri. 
In apertura, prima delle Nervo, al GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival lunedì 26 agosto si esibisce uno dei dj più giovani d'Italia (ha solo 12 anni), ovvero Dj Daniel. E' noto al grande pubblico per la partecipazione a Italia's Got Talent. Direttamente da Monaco di Baviera arriva il dj Andrae. E non manca dj Simioli, da oltre trent'anni autentico mattatore delle notti smeraldine e non solo. A presentare ed animare il pubblico Kevin Salvato, vocal performer molto affermato. 
Mercoledì 28 Agosto 2024 al GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival sul palco va invece Mamacita, format musicale nato in Italia che ormai fa ballare mezzo mondo. Creato, tra gli altri, da Andrea Pellizzari (affermato dj e personaggio tv, ad esempio è stato a lungo Mr Brown a Le Iene) e Max Brigante (Radio 105), è un evento incentrato su sonorità hip hop, R'n'B, reggaeton e trap. Negli anni ha conquistato platee enormi al punto di diventare tra i più seguiti d'Europa e non solo. I tanti artisti di Mamacita sul palco di eventi e top club propongono un mix di energia e show che non smette di divertire e creare aggregazione.
Ben nove performer si alterneranno il 28 agosto sul palco del  GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music, per oltre due ore di musica, animazione, ballo, spettacolo…e molto altro. Il warm up di questa seconda serata del festival  sarà affidato a  MKanu, dj sardo emergente, lanciato proprio in un'edizione del Golfo Aranci dj contest. Con lui Dj Gass Krupp, professionista che sull'isola fa ballare i vip di tutto il Mondo negli innumerevoli secret party estivi. Vocal performer ancora Kevin Salvato.
Anche quella del 2024 sarà quindi un'edizione in grande stile per GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival, che nel tempo è diventato un vero e proprio polo di attrazione turistica. Il format artistico è stato creato e gestito in modo da attrarre un pubblico eterogeneo e trasversale, mai troppo specifico. Si tratta senz'altro di una manifestazione che nel tempo è diventata un riferimento, non solo in Italia. Infatti ha portato e sta portando Golfo Aranci alla ribalta di molti media turistici e di intrattenimento in tutta Europa e non solo, vista la qualità dell'evento.
Insomma un ritorno in grande stile per uno dei festival più iconici mai realizzato in Sardegna, parola della Proloco organizzatrice dell’evento e della Cogito Communication & Consulting Srl, società tra i massimi esperti nel mondo dell’entertainment, per garantire uno spettacolo favoloso.
0 notes
tarditardi · 7 months ago
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GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival: il 26/08 ci sono le Nervo, il 28/08 ecco Mamacita
A Golfo Aranci, in Sardegna, prende vita anche nell'estate 2024 una rassegna di eventi davvero importante, voluta dal Sindaco Fasolino e della sua Giunta comunale. Non poteva mancare in questo programma così ricco, GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival, da tempo una delle manifestazioni musicali di riferimento sull'Isola e non solo.
 Infatti sul suo palco negli anni si sono avvicendati alcuni tra i più celebri dj al Mondo. Tra gli altri, Bob Sinclar, Benny Benassi,  Gabry Ponte, Albertino, Louie Vega, Roger Sanchez e moltissimi altri artisti internazionali, tra cui  Simioli, Tim Cullen (Ministry Of Sound), Paul Darey (Space Ibiza), Sorrentino (Coya Montecarlo),  Alex Gaudino, Get Far Fargetta...
GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music è infatti un "format festival", un evento in grado di incentivare il turismo, una manifestazione totalmente gratuita per il pubblico. E' un evento musicale e di spettacolo aggregante e partecipativo, nata ormai molti anni fa. con lo scopo di far conoscere una zona ricca di attrattive. Molto del successo della manifestazione è dovuto al luogo in cui si svolge, ovvero lo scenografico Piazzale Francesco Cossiga (La Piccola). Il resto deriva da una organizzazione molto curata e da una programmazione artistica all'altezza della situazione. 
Ma veniamo al programma di quest'anno. Nell'estate 2024, la manifestazione prende vita lunedì 26 e mercoledì 28 Agosto, dalle 21 alle 01, e porta sul palco due eventi molto diversi tra loro.
Lunedì 26 Agosto andranno di scena le Nervo. Le scatenate sorelle australiane sono da tempo il dj duo al femminile più noto ed amato al mondo.  Le Nervo sono le sorelle gemelle Olivia e Miriam Nervo. Giovanissime, dopo aver firmato con la Sony/ATV Music Publishing all'età di 18 anni, hanno intrapreso la carriera come dj e cantautrici. Sono arrivate in brevissimo tempo ad essere co-autrici di  "When Love Takes Over",  celeberrimo singolo vincitore del Grammy Award, "When Love Takes Over", un brano interpretato da David Guetta e Kelly Rowland.
Negli anni questo fantastico duo ha collaborato con alcuni dei più grandi nomi della scena pop dance mondiale, come Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Cheryl Cole, Guns N 'Roses, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Sofi Tucker, Armin Van Buuren … e si sono esibite sui palchi più famosi del mondo. Ad esempio, sono state più volte protagoniste al Tomorrowland, il celeberrimo festival dance belga,  a fianco di personaggi del calibro di Afrojack, Steve Aoki e molti altri. 
In apertura, prima delle Nervo, al GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival lunedì 26 agosto si esibisce uno dei dj più giovani d'Italia (ha solo 12 anni), ovvero Dj Daniel. E' noto al grande pubblico per la partecipazione a Italia's Got Talent. Direttamente da Monaco di Baviera arriva il dj Andrae. E non manca dj Simioli, da oltre trent'anni autentico mattatore delle notti smeraldine e non solo. A presentare ed animare il pubblico Kevin Salvato, vocal performer molto affermato. 
Mercoledì 28 Agosto 2024 al GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival sul palco va invece Mamacita, format musicale nato in Italia che ormai fa ballare mezzo mondo. Creato, tra gli altri, da Andrea Pellizzari (affermato dj e personaggio tv, ad esempio è stato a lungo Mr Brown a Le Iene) e Max Brigante (Radio 105), è un evento incentrato su sonorità hip hop, R'n'B, reggaeton e trap. Negli anni ha conquistato platee enormi al punto di diventare tra i più seguiti d'Europa e non solo. I tanti artisti di Mamacita sul palco di eventi e top club propongono un mix di energia e show che non smette di divertire e creare aggregazione.
Ben nove performer si alterneranno il 28 agosto sul palco del  GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music, per oltre due ore di musica, animazione, ballo, spettacolo…e molto altro. Il warm up di questa seconda serata del festival  sarà affidato a  MKanu, dj sardo emergente, lanciato proprio in un'edizione del Golfo Aranci dj contest. Con lui Dj Gass Krupp, professionista che sull'isola fa ballare i vip di tutto il Mondo negli innumerevoli secret party estivi. Vocal performer ancora Kevin Salvato.
Anche quella del 2024 sarà quindi un'edizione in grande stile per GAMF - Golfo Aranci Music Festival, che nel tempo è diventato un vero e proprio polo di attrazione turistica. Il format artistico è stato creato e gestito in modo da attrarre un pubblico eterogeneo e trasversale, mai troppo specifico. Si tratta senz'altro di una manifestazione che nel tempo è diventata un riferimento, non solo in Italia. Infatti ha portato e sta portando Golfo Aranci alla ribalta di molti media turistici e di intrattenimento in tutta Europa e non solo, vista la qualità dell'evento.
Insomma un ritorno in grande stile per uno dei festival più iconici mai realizzato in Sardegna, parola della Proloco organizzatrice dell’evento e della Cogito Communication & Consulting Srl, società tra i massimi esperti nel mondo dell’entertainment, per garantire uno spettacolo favoloso.
0 notes
looksforleaders · 8 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🔹️NWT "Super Diaper Baby 2 - Invasion of the Potty Snatchers" Paperback Book.
0 notes
silentcartoonist2018 · 2 years ago
CU Epilogue AU Chapter 6
Chapter 6-The Rain
Rain had come to Piqua. Mr. Krupp had spent all weekend repairing his broken window before finally settling on covering up the whole thing with blue tarp.
The following Monday, still raining, Mr. Krupp was on a mission to find the Hypno-Ring as discreetly as possible. That meant he had to get to school as early as possible before anybody could see him. He set his phone alarm to wake him up at 5 AM and get ready in time to leave. 
“This ring better be easy to find.” Mr. Krupp muttered to himself. “Maybe it’s still on my desk.”
After he parked in the parking lot, with no time to waste, he headed straight for the school entrance and unlocked the front doors and promptly locked them again. So far, he was the only person in the building. Well, almost.
“Morning, Chief,” greeted Mr. Ree, the Janitor. But Mr. Krupp just zoomed down the hallway without a word.
In no time, he went up to the second floor, unlocked the door to his secretary's office and then unlocked the door to his office. But when he looked at his desk…
…there was nothing.
Nothing but his usual stationary, calendar, nameplate, and a few scratches on his desk.
“No…No! No, no, no, no!” The principal started to panic. He checked under his desk. Nothing. He checked in his confiscation drawer. Nothing. He looked in every nook and cranny of his office. Every box, every shelf, under each shelf….
“Where is it??” He cried.
Just as quickly as he zoomed to his office, he zoomed back down the stairs to find. Mr. Ree.
“Mr. Ree!” Mr. Krupp called out.
“What’s up?” Answered Mr. Ree.
Mr. Krupp hesitated a little bit. “Did you, uh…see a plastic toy…r-ring anywhere in my office, about yea big? Red colored?”
Mr. Ree stroked his chin. “Oh yeah, about that…”
Mr. Krupp’s eyes widened.
“I did see something red on your desk.” Said Mr. Ree. “It was a melted mess, actually, but I guess it could have been a toy.”
Mr. Krupp’s jaw dropped. “Melted??”
“Yeah, something melted on your desk while you were passed out on Friday.”
On Friday, just past 1:30 PM. Mr. Ree was on toilet duty when he got a call to clean up something putrid off of Mr. Krupp’s desk. It was interfering with the staff’s efforts to wake up the principal for a rumored pay raise. 
“Wait, who said anything about a pay raise?” Asked Mr. Krupp. 
“It’s irrelevant, let me finish.” Said Mr. Ree. 
It was such a big hullabaloo that every classroom in the building had unsupervised Independent Study Time for the whole day. All the teachers were lined up outside the secretary’s office waiting for their turn, like they were waiting to pull a legendary sword in the stone or something.
Frankly, Mr. Ree thought it was wiser to just call the paramedics, only to be met with a unanimous “NO” from the teachers in line.
The janitor had himself positioned so as to not get in the way of the teachers and carefully scraped the plastic mess off the desk. It took him a while because he was distracted by all the teachers yelling, screaming, poking, and attempting to kick Mr. Krupp awake as well as having difficulty removing the melted plastic without damaging the desk.
He was about a few minutes into his task when the Spanish Teacher, Señor Citizen, let him know that all the toilets were clogged and there were some teachers who REALLY needed to use them ASAP. It would take him a while longer just to unclog a single stall. 
“So, did you at least recover it?” Asked Mr. Krupp.
“Well,” Replied Mr. Ree. “By the time I got back to your office, school was long over and the plastic was already cleaned up by somebody else.”
Mr. Krupp dropped to his knees and covered his face, seemingly on the verge of tears..
“But, what I salvage,” Mr. Ree continued, “were the electrical components inside the melted plastic.”
Mr. Krupp looked up in desperation. “Electrical components? Like microchips and wires?”
Mr. Krupp could already hear a choir of angels singing. “Can it be repaired?”
“I can’t exactly restore the outer body. But I’ll give it a shot”
“How fast can you fix it?”
“Give me till noon and I’ll have it on your desk on a piece of cardboard.”
Mr. Krupp eagerly shook Mr. Ree’s hands. “Thank you! You’re a lifesaver!! Also, keep it between the two of us, okay?”
Just as Mr. Krupp was skipping gleefully back to his office, Mr. Ree called out. “What exactly is so special about this toy?”
“Absolutely none of your business!” The principal shouted back happily.
Mr. Krupp had been pacing for hours, eagerly awaiting for Mr. Ree to finish fixing the ring…or what’s left of it. No matter. Tonight, he was going back to normal and all his problems were going to be solved.
But his pessimism kicked in and a thought crossed his mind: What if it doesn’t work? What then? He’d have to buy a new one, easy as that. But what if there isn’t any on the market? 
He had to double-check.
Quickly he sat at his desk and picked up his phone, and searched for “Hypno-Ring” online. Sadly, there were too many hits for scalper websites selling overpriced alternatives. So he tried typing in “Hypno-Ring” on a search engine. Lots of the hits showed him regular plastic rings that didn’t even look close to what he was looking for. As he scrolled down the page, one item caught his attention.
The Lil’ Wiseguy’s Novelty Company.
The company did exist after all. 
He tapped on the link for more information, but was met with an unfortunate “Article Not Found” message.
Several pages of search queries later, he found another link: the Lil’ Wiseguy Archival Project.
After bypassing the content blocker by switching his phone to cellular, he discovered that this website was a forum for fans of the company, various theorists, and ex-employees who shared second-hand company secrets. 
Almost all of the topics on the website led to threads pertaining to the company’s most popular and most notorious product: The 3-D Hypno-Ring.
Members claiming to be former employees say that due to a manufacturing faux paux, about half an entire shipment were models that actually worked as advertised.
One theorist speculated that the rings could very well have been part of an ongoing mind control project conducted by the government dating all the way back to the Cold War, though a majority of the comments didn’t buy this story.
Another member claiming to be a therapist said one of their patients who ended up being a ring victim developed a morbid fear of fingers snapping. Commenters who were also claiming to be victims recounted that that was what triggered their trances. 
Fingers snapping.
Is that what triggers mine, too? He thought but dared not try. 
Just after he bookmarked the website to read for later, he was about to close his web app when an accidental swipe led him to an image of a farting clown. It was black and white but he unmistakably recognized it. This is the first time he’s ever seen him outside of his mind. 
It was Wiseguy. 
Mr. Krupp clenched his phone and his blood began to boil. 
He proceeded to chuck his phone across the room only to realize too late what he had done. 
Suddenly the door opened, and Reid came in with a coffee mug and a carafe in one hand and flawlessly caught the phone with the other. 
“Oh goodness, thank you!” Said Mr. Krupp, breathing out a sigh of relief. 
“Of course, Principal.” Replied Reid, returning the phone to its owner. “You clownin’ around in here?”
“N-no!” Exclaimed Mr. Krupp. 
Darn it, she heard me! He thought.
“So…decaf again?” Mr. Krupp asked, still on edge. 
“Not this time,” said Reid, pouring the coffee. “The coffee machine’s fixed, so now everybody can have their regular coffee again.”
“R-Really?? I-I mean…that’s a shame, what with all that variety of instant decaf.”
“Not really. More for me.” Reid passed a cup of coffee to Mr. Krupp, who eagerly took his first sip of caffeine in a long time.
“Mmmm! Great coffee!” Mr. Krupp said while trying too hard to enjoy his coffee, which still had too much coffee grinds. 
Then Mr. Krupp noticed that one of Reid’s hands was empty. He started to sweat and started adjusting his tie.
“So about that potato clock….” Reid said. 
“The wha…? Oh yeah, the clock! Did you fix it?” Asked Mr. Krupp as he drummed his fingers on his desk. 
Reid started adjusting her glasses. “I did, but I couldn’t carry it and an umbrella at the same time, so you’ll have to wait for clearer skies.”
“Ok. Ok. That’s understandable.”
Reid put her free hand on her hip. 
“Also, it looks like the potato might start rotting soon, so you‘ll have to get it replaced at some point.”
Mr. Krupp just blankly stared at Reid’s hand while sipping on his coffee. 
“O-oh! Right! Right, uh…Th-that’s a shame to hear.”
“You look distracted.”
“What? Who, me? No! No, I’m, uh, super focused today! J-just busy with other stuff!”
“I see.” Reid put her hand back into her pocket and Mr. Krupp sighed in relief. “I have a free period ahead of me, so I’ll be in the library.”
“Ok.” Mr. Krupp said with a slight tinge of terror in his voice. 
Reid flashed a suspicious glare at the principal and then proceeded to leave the office. 
Mr. Krupp let out a heavy sigh and wiped the sweat off his brow. He survived an entire conversation without hearing a single finger snap.
But how long can he keep this up?
After telling Ms. Anthrope to clear his schedule for the day, Mr. Krupp braced himself for a long morning. He put on a pair of earbuds to block out all noises and prepared himself to wait out the entire morning. There were about 230 songs on his phone to last him and a few games to keep him busy. 
He should be safe for now. 
In fact he stayed safe for 20 songs straight. 
But the 21st song in his playlist was more upbeat.
You could say it was more than just “catchy”.
Needless to say, he didn’t turn up the volume loud enough to block out the sound of his own fingers snapping. 
It almost felt like time stopped and a trap door just opened below him. 
Before he knew it, he was tumbling through space, passing the mysterious figure again, and flew out the EGO door, back into his Mindscape. 
“Gahh! I forgot about my fingers!!” Cried Krupp.
“Sounds like you did your homework,” remarked Wiseguy. 
“And right in the middle of school!!”
“That’s usually a student’s job.”
“Listen, you! I—-AAAUUUGGHH!!
All of a sudden Mr. Krupp was yanked back through the EGO door. Tumbling up space, past the mysterious figure, yet again, and back into his own body where he was not only half-naked with his face wet again, but precariously hanging out of the window sill by his waist. 
Frantically, he clamored to pull himself back inside his office, and immediately shut the window and closed the curtains (well curtain). He then leaned himself against the wall with his face plastered with the stark realization of how his unfortunate “dilemma” just got even more dangerous than he realized. 
“I’m going insane. I’m going insane, I’m going insane,” He muttered shakily to himself with his face buried in his hands.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
Mr. Krupp’s eyes widened and started running straight for the door, bumping into the chairs in front of his desk and slipping on his strewn out clothes and the wet puddles he was leaving behind. “DON’T COME IN!!!”
Just as the door was about to open, he immediately pushed himself against the door with all his might.
“Sir, what was that scream—“
“NOTHING!!” He finally locked the door. His whole body was shaking.
“Mr. Rected just called and said he was going to come in a little late. There are no other substitute teachers available. You’ll have to sub for him.”
“G-g-g-give me a second!”
Mr. Krupp rushed to get his clothes back on and hid his ripped curtain under his desk. Overall, his appearance ended up disheveled, and his face was still soaking wet, but it was a hundred times better than being seen half-naked.
The bell for First Period had rung. Students were clamoring about the halls, and Mr. Krupp nervously poked his head into the hallway with his fingers in his ears. Mr. Rected’s classroom was four doors down the hall, in the corner. But to him, it looked like a mile away. Once he stepped out into the hallway, almost all the students were looking at him, then quickly averted their gaze. 
Mr. Krupp cautiously made his way through the terrified crowd, trying not to trip over anyone. His heart was beating so loudly in his ears that he could barely hear anything. Apprehensively, his eyes darted left and right at any student who dared to look at him. 
Then his eyes fell on a student who was wearing earphones and was listening to music. They looked like both their hands were occupied with putting their things in their locker, but the principal quickened his pace and started humming loudly to himself as he passed them. 
Finally, he reached the classroom, but his nightmare wasn’t over yet. 
Students were chatting amongst each other up until the moment Mr. Krupp stepped into the classroom. Then everybody fell silent as they clamored to their seats.
Mr. Krupp cautiously removed his fingers from his ears and made another step into the classroom. 
“AAHH!!” He exclaimed and covered his ears. But he realized it was just the door closing behind him. He looked back at the class, and everybody was reeling.
He finally made it to the center of the front of the classroom.
“AAAHH!!!” He screamed a little louder, before realizing it was just the school bell. The students reeled further.
Tensions. Were. High.
Mr. Krupp looked like he was about to scream at someone. He looked about as furious as a steamed beet, though it seemed like nobody could see the sheer terror in his twitching eyes.
He turned to the chalkboard, and picked up a piece of chalk, and started writing.
Mr. Krupp quickly looked back and saw a student covering his mouth. Slowly, he turned his head back to the chalkboard.
He finished writing what he wanted and underlined it about three times before turning around. He took a deep breath to announce the class’s agenda.
“SILENT! STUDY!” He roared.
A student raised her hand and met eyes with Mr. Krupp. “B-but today we were supposed to have a pop quiz.” She said in a small voice.
Mr. Krupp slammed his palm against the chalkboard and flared his nostrils.
“SILENT! STUDY!” He seethed through his teeth.
Everyone decided not to question this sudden change of plans, and just pulled out their textbooks as quietly as possible.
Mr. Krupp then made his way to the teacher’s desk, glaring at the class like a hawk. Everybody had their noses in their books. Some were taking notes. At least one seemed to be goofing off by repeatedly flipping the pages of a book concealed by their textbook, but at least it wasn’t a finger snap.
It was about 15 minutes into class when Mr. Rected finally arrived. 
“Sorry I’m late, class. I was—“ All of a sudden, Mr. Rected stopped midway as Mr. Krupp stood up from the desk. His unhinged glare was pointed at the teacher like a pair of daggers. “Uh…Thanks for….taking…over?” 
Mr. Krupp stomped over with a warning to Mr. Rected. “Never. Be. Late.” Then the disheveled principal proceeded to the door and reached for the door handle.
“Okay, class.” Announced Mr. Rected. “Let’s thank Mr. Krupp for taking over.”
Nobody said anything. Not even Mr. Krupp who was turning the handle and opening the door.
“Alrighty. What’s on today’s docket again? Uhhh…Oh, that’s right!”
“NOOO!!” Mr. Krupp shrieked as he shut his eyes, crouched down, and covered his ears, but it was too late. He heard the snap. 
He was back in the Mindscape. His body was moving on its own doing who-knows-what. For all he knew, his body was undressing in front of the whole classroom as he’s cowering in a fetal position, stuck in his head, unable to control his own actions. 
But when he opened an eye, he saw a door. But it wasn’t the EGO door.
It was a regular classroom door. 
Mr. Krupp opened both eyes and turned around to see a classroom full of students and its teacher staring at him. 
He pinched himself on the cheek and realized that he was wide awake.
Then Mr. Rected spoke up, addressing the classroom while still staring at Mr. Krupp. “Ummm….we have a pop quiz today…?”
Mr. Krupp adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. “Right. Carry on.” He promptly left the classroom and closed the door. 
Then he proceeded to run towards the nearest restroom, leaned against one of the sinks, and stared intently at himself in the mirror, panting.
He shakily raised his right hand, and pressed his thumb and middle finger together. 
He was still wide awake. 
Was he cured? Did his nightmare end by itself?
He wiped his hand over his face and realized it was still soaking wet.
Water, he thought. Come to think of it, I always woke up with a wet face. So maybe….?
Mr. Krupp grabbed a paper towel and dried his face, pressed his thumb and middle finger together, and braced himself for what’s to come. 
After experiencing a quick sensation of falling with his stomach dropping, he was, of course, back in the Mindscape.
“Whoa, are you experimenting?” Exclaimed Wiseguy.
“SHHH!!” Shushed Mr. Krupp.
A few seconds of silence transpired. 
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon…!” 
Suddenly, he felt a yank behind him. 
“YEEEEAHHHHH!!” Krupp screamed on the way back to his body.
Finally awake, he was half-naked and wedged into the window of his office, with raindrops dripping across his face.
Just as he expected. 
“Water! Ha ha ha!! It’s water!! WATER ON THE FACE!!!” He cried like a madman.
This was the “temporary fix” Wiseguy talked about!
After he pulled himself back into his office, Mr. Krupp was throwing up his strewn-about clothes, his toupee, and his curtain in the air like it was confetti. He spun himself on his chair about 20 times, he was skipping about, laughing maniacally. He hasn’t felt this excited or this happy since he thought he was going to blindly propose to Edith.
After several minutes of celebrating, he was lying face up on the floor, panting. 
“I can control this now!” He sighed in relief. “Sort of, but it’s a start!”
After getting himself dressed, he immediately sped downstairs and barged into the school gym, where Mr. Meaner was teaching P.E. Mr. Krupp took a huge breath. “ANYBODY GOT A SPARE WET TOWEL?!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm going to be going on vacation for the next two weeks. Plus writing the next chapter might take me a while.
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warrior-of-waistbands · 3 years ago
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Extended faculty of Jerome Horwitz Elementary:
- Jessica and the Sophies: Jessica and Sophie One make up the administrative department and act as direct assistants to Principal Erica Wang; meanwhile Other Sophie is the school librarian (she used to work with Jessica until she requested to be moved to another position)
- Bo: the school's guidance counselor; specializes in working with kids deemed the "problem child." He likes to decorate his office with the clay sculptures he makes in his spare time.
- Gooch: kindergarten teacher. A little scatterbrained but a surprisingly engaging educator. Everyone at JHES calls him Gooch ("Mr. Gooch" to his students); Erica is the only one who calls him Steve, though he's not sure if she means it seriously or if she's just doing it to tease him.
- Dressy: music teacher; she, art teacher Harold, and english teacher George head the school's Music and Arts Program. She has her students call her "Miss Dressy" because "Miss Killman" sounds kinda morbid.
- Stanley: the "odd jobs" man around JHES, he mostly functions as the catch-all janitor, handyman, and groundskeeper. He's also the staff member most acquainted with the Krupp brothers due to their family farms neighboring each other.
- Melvin: science teacher. He'd rather be working in a lab in some prestigious institution somewhere but instead he's stuck doing this. Sigh. Insists on being called "Professor Sneedly" by his students and co-workers both.
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infini-tree · 3 years ago
ok so now i’m just going to list all my oc’s now because i have A Lot now. also a brief description of the schools. a lot of these are co-created w @penning-captain-underpantsff​ so there’s going to be overlap. last updated april 2023.
tag list
general tag | selainius | sception | teahide | biamile
besser middle school: a smaller school near the piqua community centre. woefully underfunded to the point that they don’t have a library. as a result, the principal of said school needed to make a deal with said neighboring community center so the kids could use their library for their curriculum
thea selainius: (miscellaneous) principal; used to teach history. even expresso can’t melt her typically frosty exterior.
beatrice teahide: (beady eyed / misty-eyed) english teacher. cries whenever she has to cover romeo and juliet for her curriculum
mr. mark: (miss the mark) teacher with subject to be determined
joseph wardell high school: while much more better funded than either jerome horwitz or besser, the principal usually makes the school end up in hot water for one reason or another, leading to them having to pay absurd amounts to take care of the problem in the first place
conway turner biamile: (country mile / turn left by a mile / missed her by a mile) principal; used to teach english. tends to be really oblivious about a lot of things
mrs. abbott: (messes about) vice principal and the more no-nonsense one of the two. the one who’s actually running the school
(note: jerome horwitz, besser, and joseph wardell has the theme naming of being named after the actors who played the third stooge in the three stooges. why are all of them the third stooge? i think this is much funnier.)
assorted members of the piqua school board
rhys crien: (recipient / miscreant) a superintendent with an ironic name. (tetocu canon has no bearing, so she’s always been the superintendent).
mrs. teem: (misesteem) the principal before krupp for jhes; currently retired in mainverse, was the one who made the jammer of jerome horwitz have to go to the Strictest School In Piqua in sticky notes au
ms. stalthut: (missed all that) principal of the other, as of yet unnamed elementary school. somehow has kept out of the weird plot/monster of the week shenanigans and is kind of a joke character in that regard.
mr. vehlop: (misdevelop) unnamed elementary school’s vice principal. would sue captain underpants for destroying his car if he could. also kind of a joke character
faculties in piqua
terrance sception: (interception / misperception) librarian at the piqua community centre. former STINKS spy responsible for sabotaging the Omega Toilet and bird expert
brooke schmaltz: (book smarts) sception’s coworker
tomas towe: (tomato / mistletoe) greenhouse worker and member of gardening club; biamile’s current romantic partner
Stealthy Termination and Infiltration of Knowledge Sustainers (S.T.I.N.K.S.): countergroup set up to sabotage the Omega Toilet project that ree was a part of as seen in S01E05 of tetocu. the group had thought that the project was dangerous due to the potential for flooding, pollution, and getting rid of information quick.
S.N. “essen” toriko: (eccentric) former director of STINKS. disappeared after the final sabotage.
sue R.T.: (surety) former [REDACTED] of STINKS, currently a practical FX artist. one of the few agents sception is in semi-regular contact with.
selainius relations
julius: stray cat adopted by selainius. mischievous boy :3
simon selainius: (simultaneous) father; co-runs local hole in the wall restaurant 
sofia selainius: (spontaneous) mother;  co-runs local hole in the wall restaurant
geronimo ‘ronnie’ stehp: (wrong step) cousin; unlike his namesake, is much more outgoing
o. vera stehp: (overstep) originally the hypno that sold george the novelty hypno pendulum in the pmd au. in the mainverse, she runs a mom-and-pop shop. also related to selainius now by way of distant cousins
teahide relations
myla teahide: (mind’s eye) mother
burt teahide: (bird’s eye) father
ramona teahide: sister
theodore ‘teddy’ lewis teahide-krupp: son by way of teahide and jasper and kipper’s half brother. has interest in photography and filmmaking in mainverse
sception relations
??? “reese” sception: (reception) father; location unknown. radio host
esther sception: (exception) mother; location unknown. some sort of drafter. 
biamile relations
millicent 'millie', minerva 'minnie' biamile: ([a] million miles [away], [a] mile a minute) twin sisters; second and third youngest
walter biamile: (walk a mile in someone’s shoes) brother; second oldest
stephen biamile: ([a journey of a thousand miles begins with a] single step) eldest brother; deceased
stan biamile: (stand out a mile) father; deceased
michelle biamile*: (miss by a mile) mother; deceased
( * maiden name was 'atrich', making her michelle atrich and her old pun being based on '[not] miss a trick')
etch: because biamile’s relations section was getting long, this one is based on the ones from his divorce.
gabrielle etch: (give an inch [he'll take a mile]) ex wife; divorced amicably in mainverse
everett etch: (be every inch the [x]) eldest kid
winona etch: (within an inch [of your life]) middle kid; wants to get a teaching career
gavin etch: ([not] give an inch) youngest kid. yes i know that’s the same pun as his mom, technically
daisy: corgi :)
other townsfolk
dawn terthe: (down to earth) moxie’s high school sweetheart. geologist
percy: (perception) the scepsel foster kid that sometimes exist whenever i’m in a fankid mood. has an interest in dinosaurs.
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year ago
Idk how to do the whole fancy link to the playlist, but I made a playlist for my captain underpants au on Spotify! It's the link above this text! Now, don't think that these are songs that the characters would listen to (even if some songs are), but rather think of them as songs that I for some reason associated with the characters! Sometimes all, sometimes only one. Anyways, have fun!!
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robinmark · 4 years ago
Steering Gear Market To Witness Huge Gains Over 2021-2031
Future Market Insights research on the Steering Gear Market offers a comprehensive overview for the forecast period of 2021-2031. It uncovers hidden opportunities and studies growth trajectory across various segments. The study also offers an unbiased analysis by analyzing historical demand and future projections from a bird’s eye perspective. The report identifies some of the lucrative Markets across the globe. FMI delivers an insightful coverage on the Steering Gear Markets latest trends, drivers, challenges, opportunities and restraints that the Market is expected to prevail in the upcoming decade.
According to the study, the automotive industry is expected to witness a healthy growth backed by the technological advancements. Leading players are expected to launch unique driving techniques to strengthen their footprint. This will have a positive impact on the Steering Gear Market. The report covers the ‘Highs and Lows’ of the past decade and gives future projections based on the latest trend in the automotive industry.
COVID-19 Impact on Automotive Industry
With the onset of COVID-19, the automotive companies and Market players witnessed a few set-backs. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, FMI delivers detailed and rapid insights to navigate through the crisis. The report presents in-depth findings obtained through innovative methodology. Information presented in the report, is interspersed with up-to-date statistics. Data available on the Steering Gear Market is intended to aid both short-term and long-term strategic decision making. The report also offers a holistic overview, mapping the factors, opportunities and trends likely to help in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Request Report Sample@https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-13665
The COVID-19 outbreak had a swift and severe impact on the automotive sector. Affects included disruption in supply chain activities and overall vehicle production. Starting in China, vehicle and vehicle part manufacturers around the world either placed their production lines on quarantine or shut down completely. This led to severe impact on automotive sales, thus hindering the Steering Gear Market.
However, with recovery already registered in certain countries, future prospects are expected to improve for the Steering Gear Market.
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Steering Gear Market: Segmentation
To gain a better perspective on the latest trends and opportunities, the information has been classified into key segments and sub-segments.
By Type:
By Vehicle Type:
Passenger Car
Light Commercial Vehicle
Heavy Commercial Vehicle
Off-highway Vehicles
Steering Gear Market: Competitive Analysis
The report on the Steering Gear Market report offers a detailed analysis of some of the leading players operating in the Market. It examines the impact of key strategies adopted by the Market players, which include product launches, expansion of distribution channels, leveraging local networks, strategic mergers & acquisitions, and others.
Key players covered in the report include:
YAS co., Ltd
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Sona Koyo Steering System Ltd.
JTEKT Corporation
Nexteer Automotive
Thyssen Krupp Presta
Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH
Critical Questions Answered in the Report
Which are the top manufacturing companies operating in the Steering Gear Market?
What will be the future outlook of the Steering Gear Market in the upcoming decade?
Which are the some of the lucrative Markets for Steering Gear Market?
Which factors will drive the Steering Gear Market growth?
What are the challenges faced by the prominent players of the global Steering Gear Market?
Significant Contributions of the Report
Key Trends and Challenges: Detailed analysis on the ‘ins and outs’ of the Market with qualitative research and quantitative insights
Recent Drivers and Opportunities: Detailed assessment on the key growth drivers, technological developments, and factors affecting the Market over the forecast period.
Segmental Analysis: Extensive research on each segment and sub-segment, compiled by expert research analysts of FMI
Regional Market Forecast: Thorough analysis of each regional Market to provide Market players with real-time data and reliable statistic to gain a competitive edge in the industry
Competitive Landscape: Comprehensive analysis on prominent players and new entrants eyeing to improve their revenue prospects in the industry
About FMI
Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, the global financial capital, and has delivery centers in the U.S. and India. FMI's latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years ago
Captain Underpants: Benjamin Krupp [ESTJ]
OFFICIAL TYPING by Iron Man / Co-Mod
Functional Order: Te-Si-Ne-Fi
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Judging Functional Axis:
Extroverted Thinking (Te) / Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Mr. Krupp is the principal of the school, rules it with an iron fist, and makes sure everyone knows this fact. He can’t stand that George and Harold are the way they are, pulling off all their pranks and spreading laughter across the school the way they do, for “mean old Mr, Krupp” wants it to run the way he wants it to. He wants it to runs smoothly, much like clockwork, even if that means subjecting all his students to repetitive classes, forcing them to come to the ‘Invention Convention’ every Saturday, making sure that all the students are much like drones who can’t laugh, show happiness or be like human beings, separating George and Harold into separate classes in order to end their friendship, and ensure that they won’t pull off pranks again, or whatever else. His inferior Fi shows in how sadistic he is towards his students, as he seems to get a regular kick out of seeing their sad, miserable faces, showing a twisted sense of morality. However, ultimately, deep down, Krupp does have a soft heart; he’s ultimately lonely, due to not having many friends, and he does show his nice side to Edith (his crush), as well as George and Harold (when it really counts).
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Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Sensing (Si) / Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Krupp wants control, no doubt, and he’s also very attentive to the details of his job. Sitting in his office, doing the same tasks every day, and allocating the same orders to the teachers and his students, doesn’t bother him at all. In fact, it doesn’t even bother him that the science teacher isn’t present on Saturday, as he’ll simply just fire him! This shows that he’s had to deal with several people like this before, and hence always knows the solution. Based on repeated interactions with the two boys, Krupp realizes that their friendship is what strengthens them to do what they do, so he intends to separate them into different classes to do just that! He’s always scheming in regards to his goals, and in pursuit of them, he’s more than willing to try out different tactics, such as utilizing Melvin’s intelligence to find out a way to prove that George and Harold are responsible for all their pranks. He ultimately does have a humorous and open-minded side, however, as he admits, at the end of the movie, that the boys’ Captain Underpants comics are actually pretty funny and hilarious.
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Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Values: cunning, resourcefulness and ambition.
Krupp is all about ambition. If he wants something, or wants something to happen, he’s going to get it, whether anyone else likes it or not. Hence, in his pursuit of drone-like order in the school, he’s cunning in his schemes, and is especially resourceful when he knows he needs to change his tactics. However, Krupp is kind to the few people he cares about (Edith, and sometimes the boys).
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bh6-fanfictionfeed · 7 years ago
The Great DreamWorks Battle
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xnEhM0
by The_Fourth_Catalyst
Set in an alternate reality where humans and animated characters co-exsist, the entire community of Disney is under deep peril when shapeless blob creatures made of ink start picking off it's inhabitants one by one and turning them into malevolent slaves. With no one else to turn to, Disney turns to DreamWorks to help them solve this crisis and save them before it's too late.
Words: 11, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Disney - All Media Types, Shrek (Movies), Kung Fu Panda - All Media Types, Madagascar (Movies), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Croods (2013), Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014), Monsters vs Aliens (2009), Bee Movie (2007), Megamind (2010), Chicken Run (2000), Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002), The Prince of Egypt (1998), The Road to El Dorado (2000), Antz - Fandom, Flushed Away (2006), Turbo (2013), Shark Tale (2004), Trolls (2016), The Boss Baby (2017), Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie, Finding Nemo (2003), Monsters Inc (2001), Ratatouille (2007), The Incredibles (2004), Inside Out (2015), WALL-E (2008), Brave (2012), The Good Dinosaur (2015), Cars (Movies), Up (2009), Toy Story (Movies), A Bug's Life (1998), Frozen (2013), Big Hero 6 (2014), Wreck-It Ralph (2012), Bolt (2008), Meet the Robinsons (2007), Home (2015), Zootopia (2016), Moana (2016), Treasure Planet (2002), Tangled (2010), Disney Fairies, The Princess and the Frog (2009), The Aristocats (1970), The Rescuers (Movies), Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001), Enchanted (2007), Pocahontas (1995), Cinderella (1950), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Sleeping Beauty (1959), The Little Mermaid (1989), Mulan (1998), Aladdin (1992), Mary Poppins (1964), 101 Dalmatians - All Media Types, The Jungle Book - All Media Types, Tarzan (1999), Lilo & Stitch (2002), Coco (2017), Over the Hedge (2006)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tsar Lunar Lunanoff X | The Man in the Moon, DreamWorks Logo Boy, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Shrek (Shrek), Donkey (Shrek), Fiona (Shrek), Puss in Boots (Shrek), Po (Kung Fu Panda), Tigress (Kung Fu Panda), Crane (Kung Fu Panda), Mantis (Kung Fu Panda), Monkey (Kung Fu Panda), Viper (Kung Fu Panda), Shifu (Kung Fu Panda), Alex (Madagascar), Marty (Madagascar), Gloria (Madagascar), Melman (Madagascar), Skipper (Madagascar), King Julien XIII, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Jorgenson, Tuffnut Thorston, Ruffnut Thorston, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Nicholas St. North, E. Aster Bunnymund, Sandman (Character), Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), Gratuity "Tip" Tucci, Oh (Home), Oscar (Shark Tale), Roddy St. James, Rita (Flushed Away), Turbo (Turbo), Chet (Turbo), Whiplash (Turbo), Burn (Turbo), Smooth Move (Turbo), Skidmark (Turbo), White Shadow (Turbo), Paz (Turbo), Kim-Ly (Turbo), Bobby (Turbo), Tito Lopez (Turbo), Angelo Lopez (Turbo), Megamind, Roxanne Ritchi, Minion (Megamind), RJ (Over the Hedge), Susan Murphy | Ginormica, BOB (Benzoate Ostylezene Bicarbonate), The Missing Link, Dr Cockroach PhD, Spirit (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron), Sinbad (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas), Marina (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas), Tulio (Road to El Dorado), Chel (Road to El Dorado), Miguel (Road to El Dorado), Grug (The Croods), Guy (The Croods), Eep (The Croods), Poppy (Trolls), Branch (Trolls), Barry Benson, Vanessa Bloome, Boss Baby, Tim Templeton, Ted Templeton, Janice Templeton, Mr. Peabody (Rocky & Bullwinkle), Sherman Peabody, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Mr. Krupp (Captain Underpants), Ginger (Chicken Run), Rocky (Chicken Run), Z (Antz), Princess Bala (Antz), Moses (Prince of Egypt), Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Miscellaneous Disney & Pixar Characters
Relationships: Original Character/Original Character, Gogo Tomago/Original Male Character, Queen Elsa/Original Male Character, Anna/Kristoff (Disney), Tadashi Hamada/Honey Lemon, Hiro Hamada/Penny (Disney: Bolt), Wreck-It Ralph & Vanellope von Schweetz, Dash Parr/Vanellope Von Schweetz, Helen "Elastigirl" Parr/Original Male Character(s), Maui & Moana Waialiki, Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Violet Parr/Tony Rydinger, Fiona (Shrek)/Shrek (Shrek), Alex/Gia (Madagascar), Gloria/Melman (Madagascar), Jack Frost/Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), Original Male Character/Paz, Tito Lopez/Original Female Character, Branch/Poppy (Trolls), Chel/OC
Additional Tags: OOC!Jack, Animation/Live-action, In a world where cartoons and humans co-exist AU, It'll be like Suicide Squad and Justice League mixed together, The boy in the moon is a character
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xnEhM0
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artistcaptainbendy · 8 years ago
So, what's the scoop on Evil-Geniuspants and his Krupp?
Well it started with a silly idea I had then mostly after telling @theragegur my idea they helped out with it and gave a good bit to it ‘‘melvin is the loney kid because no one wants to be close to the dumb kid, and kinda likes mr. krupp because hes dumb like him, but hes mean.he also likes george and harold comics. so... why not bring a super hero to life and make him your best friend!? that is cool right?” this was their idea for the story and I love it . it does take place in a purple potty people universe and I hope @theragegur is ok with me sharing this. also I would like to say @theragegur is co creator of this au.(also if this wasn't what you meant I'm sorry)
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maximeloonatic · 8 years ago
Thinking about my Captain Underpants OC
ain UnderpantI’n drawing, but first I better write about it. Much better way, I’m too busy and stressed to draw yet...
Lupita “Lou” Montoya
This tough hispanic woman is the only reason the Jerome Horwitz Elementary school didn’t fell apart yet. She’s the groundskeeper, handy-woman, electricist,... But she do NOT clean! (at least she’s forced). 
There’s no so much about her past, which leads the children of the school belives that she was in jail for an violent crime; little knows that she’s quite a cool person, and those “little” are George and Harold. The looked beyong her toughness and nerve and found the only adult who wouldn’t hold any grundge againts their pranks. They had a deal about not pranking her, because deep down they fear that she would get revenge.
And the deal would change a lot by getting more favor, when Lou discovers the secret about the “creation” of Captain Underpants. She found out in a shocking and unpleasant way.
Between the principal and the groundskeeper there’s a tense co-worker relationship. They both have an awfull temper. Lou can’t explode all her anger and complains against him without insulting because she likes her job, and Mr. Krupp can’t fire her for being too friendly with the school clowns and a rude talk-back woman because she’s the ONLY one who would accept this job. The elementary school has been attacked by talking toilets or boogers mutants, who would be crazy enough to get this job?
At the moment this is all. Thinking about her desing right now
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larebomrglobal · 5 years ago
Germany Ceramic Matric Composites (CMC) Market Size, Share, Analysis, Industry Report and Forecast to 2025
Germany ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period. Germany is the largest economy in Europe and the 5th largest economy globally. According to Germany Trade and Invest, all the premium branded vehicles manufactured globally, 70% are German OEM manufactured. Moreover, within Europe, more than 80% are German badged vehicles among which more than 70% are being manufactured in Germany. The major brands which are German based include Audi, BMW, Ford, Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Opel, Porsche, and Volkswagen. Along with OEM, the country has a well-renowned supplier base which supplies its products across the globe. Some of the major suppliers include Bosch, Continental, ZF TRW, BASF SE, Mahle GmbH, Thyssen Krupp. CMC finds a significant application in ducting, manifold, high-grade tubing, exhaust system, exhaust lagging and so on. It is expected to create a significant market for CMC in the country.  
A full Report of Germany CMC Market at https://www.omrglobal.com/industry-reports/germany-ceramic-matric-composites-cmc-market
In 2017 the country was the second-largest aviation market in Europe by passenger carried however Turkey took over the country in 2018. As per the Eurostat, around 222 million passengers recorded Germany in 2018, increased by 4.7% in 2017. As a result, new aeroplanes orders were reported in the country. For instance, Germany's Lufthansa ordered new 40 commercial planes in March 2019. The company approved the purchase of 20 Boeing 787-9 planes and 20 Airbus A350-900s. The planes will be delivered by 2022 and 2023. This leads to the demand for CMC components in aircraft as these are lightweight and can withstand much higher temperatures.  
Request a Free Report on Sample ofGermany CMC Market @ https://www.omrglobal.com/request-sample/germany-ceramic-matric-composites-cmc-market
Some crucial players in the market include CeramTec GmbH, Rolls-Royce Holdings plc, General Electric Co., SGL Carbon SE, and Safran Group. These players are focusing on product launches, mergers and acquisitions, and partnerships and collaborations, to expand market share and gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. For instance, in May 2019, SGL Carbon SE entered into a partnership agreement with UK’s National Composites Centre for the development of composite materials, components and manufacturing technologies. This partnership will allow the company to set a footprint in the UK.
Germany CMC Market Segmentation
By Product Type  
Silicon Carbide Reinforced Silicon Carbide
Carbon/Carbon Composites
Others (SIC/C)
By End-Use Industry
Aerospace & Defense
Energy & Power
Electrical & Electronics
Company Profiles
3M Co.
BJS Ceramics GmbH
CeramTec GmbH
General Electric Co.
Rolls-Royce Holdings plc
Safran Group
SGL Carbon SE
WPX Faserkeramik GmbH
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @ https://www.omrglobal.com/report-customization/germany-ceramic-matric-composites-cmc-market
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