#CO! Melvin
dib-thing-wannabe · 5 months
oh well, it would be from co, maybe melvin could be feeling down because some kid made fun of his inventions and completely humiliated him in front of george and harold, so george would go and comfort him? and maybe some platonic melvin and harold could be sprinkled in? sorry im. not amazing at describing things despite being a writer too ahaha! :')
lol same no worries. Sorry if this is worded a little strange, I'm still trying to keep it in my usual writing style for Co! ALSO, FUCK, THEY TOOK AWAY THE YELLOW, SO FOR THIS ONE, MELVIN'S ORANGE-
"Melvin.. Hey, it's okay! T-they- they just.. don't understand it like you do!"
*sniff* "B-but I spent months on it! A-and not only that, b-but- but- but they destroyed it! A-and m-most of the pieces left have to be completely rebuilt a-and-"
*Gently hugs him* "Shhhhh, it's fine. They aren't going to get away with this, believe me. And hey, not only will Harold and I help find you re-find the needed materials for it, but since you've already built it once, you'll be able to rebuild it much quicker this time, okay?.."
*hugs him back* *sniffles* "O-okay..."
"... George, why is there blood on your knuckles-"
"Shush, I broke the kids nose, don't talk about it."
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odtherat · 1 year
For @dib-thing-wannabe
A scene where George gave Melvin a pet rat
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I love drawing these 2 idiots teehee
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year
Okay, since you guys want it, I'm giving it! I may not be making a separate blog for it, but I am taking asks for it! Oh, and the name of the au is:
Chemical Overdose! Captain Underpants Au
Things to know before sending asks:
✨The only ones who will be answering asks are: George, Harold, Mr. Krupp, Captain Underpants, and Melvin! Don't forget Captain Underpants sidekicks, Flaming Ink and Polar Painter! (Yes they are color coded to make things simpler, and Captain Underpants's text will always be bold) (Also Flaming Ink is the same as George, and Polar Painter is the same as Harold. Those are just their superhero personas.) ✨
❌No Nsfw asks! These are children for crying out loud!❌
💕If you want to make fanart of my au, please do so! Just give credit to the au and tag me in it so I can see it!💕
⏲️This takes place around a year after the movie, and in that time frame Mr. Krupp knows and now accepts the fact that he is Captain Underpants, they have all fought multiple monsters, and the relationships between them are closer! I will incorporate some things from the show into the au as well, but not everything, as not only are they not the same timeline, I also haven't watched the show yet.⏲️
🔊I will occasionally posts things that doesn't have any asks, which just simply means that when the event happened, you guys were just not able to reach them during that time! (During the night, talking with another character, ect.) It means that it was meant to happen and that it couldn't have been prevented by any of you!🔊
📴If I randomly turn off asks, that's because I have reached the post limit and didn't want to be bombarded with asks while not being able to answer them!📴
⭐Do not think that I would find it annoying if you are sending me constant asks, whether I'm online or offline, I actually enjoy knowing that you enjoy my au that much! So send as many as you'd like!⭐
🧪Main premise of the au currently: George and Harold have accidentally fallen into unknown chemicals, and it's seems to be taking some strange effects on their body's, including giving them new powers that they could only ever dream of. Though we still don't know why all of their comics come to life...🧪
Links to check out for some more deep-seated lore and some things you need to know about the characters! (They are all in top to bottom chronological order except for the first two links shown)
Characteristics of the mains for the CO! Au!
The looks of the main CO! Characters!
Only a wish, not yet reality...
Just a simple thing to ask...
A mishap in the night.
It's been told, or rather, shown.
New looks for new heros.
The realization.
The First Fight.
Another Gift.
A poem.
The Neverending Nightmare.
An official thank you.
A memory in their sleep 1/2.
A memory in their sleep 2/2.
This will have unexpected consequences...
The fine line has been burned.
Just so everyone knows, by the time this blog thingy first takes place, it's around two to three days before the event that really cements the fact that it's an au, so there will be mentions of events that happened during that time.
So, with that being said, start sending asks and have fun!
The asks are currently open for: George, Harold, and Melvin!!
(Incase someone wants to read my other little fanfics, here)
The Villain's Untold Moldings (Fandom: Pj Masks):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Evil and The Genius (Fandom: Jimmy Neutron):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
Melvin it’s just George with a deeper voice get a hold of yourself
"No, you don't understand-"
*Whispering into Melvin's ear* "Awwww, pretty boy likes my voice, eh?~"
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
The Fine Line Has Been Burned
"Okay, I got the drone set up!" Melvin quickly ran outside and went to George's side.
"Mhmm.. Good, good... now, I'm heading home. See you later.. or tomorrow, depending on when I wake up."
Melvin nodded his head in understanding before gently grabbing George's face and giving him a soft kiss on the lips, needing to stand on his tip toes as to reach George. George let out a soft hum as he softly kissed him back. If it weren't for the fact that he was extremely tired, George would have made this one kiss into ten.
"Remember to be safe, okay?"
"Mhm, I will..."
With that being said, George stepped off of Melvin's front porch and began making his way back home, the humming of the drone following behind him.
*Yawn* *Yawn* *Yaaawn*
Goddamn it.. it's only 1 pm! Why am I this tired?? Did I really sleep that badly last night?..
George's felt his eyes grow heavier and heavier, which in turn, despite it being very difficult for him at the moment, made him start speeding up.
Quickly, George made it back into his house without somehow tripping or passing out on the way. Upon seeing that George had successfully gone home, the drone turned around and started heading back towards Melvin's house, being done with it's duties.
George struggled to pull himself up the stairs, even with his super strength, battling with himself to keep his eyes opened for just a little while longer.
Fucking hell... it's never been this bad before.... why.. why is this...
George sluggishly dragged himself into his room, just barely keeping his eyes open. He did attempt to change into some clothes that were better for sleeping in, but ended up passing out on his bed only wearing white sweat pants.
Slowly, George opened his eyes as he looked up into a mostly clear sky, with the occasional clouds scattered across it. After a few moments of just admiring the blue sky, George lazily sat himself up and looked around to find himself in a field of flowers. The flowers consist of hyacinths, lavender, and begonias.
As George began becoming less dazed and more focused on his surroundings, he noticed the sound of water nearby. The sound was... Calming. Very, very calming. The sound was almost... Hypnotizing.
George stood up from where he once laid and began walking towards the sound of the water, his bare feet rubbing against the green grass beneath him. He followed the sound until finally reaching the source of it, a small lake. One small enough to see the other side of it, at the least. He walked closer to the edge of a dock as he looked down at the water before noticing movement.
It was a person. A person around his size, swimming peacefully in the water. Not wanting to potentially make the other person uncomfortable by staring, George sat down on the dock, dipping in only his feet into the water as he stared at the scenery around him. After a few minutes, the person popped their head out from under the water, staring up at George. George stared back, quickly getting engrossed by their bright orange eyes. If he was paying more attention to anything else about this person, he'd noticed that besides his eyes, the kid looked exactly like him..
The look alike pulled himself out of the water and onto the dock, now sitting beside George.
For what felt like 10 minutes to George, they stayed in silence, yet showed no signs of irritation, no signs of annoyance, or even confusion. The lack of tension in the air made George feel as if they have known each other since the dawn of time, needing no words to be exchanged between them.
George stared down at the water below him. Despite everything else looking to be natural and normal, the water had this black tint to it that it shouldn't have. Though still, it just.. felt so comforting. George reached down and gently grazed the waters surface with his fingertips. The waters just the right temperature for George, being nice and warm without it being boiling hot.
George looked back at the one with the orange eyes, as if asking if it was okay for him to leave the other alone again and go take a swim. They looked at George and gave him a simple nod of the head. Without a second thought afterwards, George hopped into the lake feet first, quickly getting fully submerged in the water..
The feeling... the feeling of it surrounding him... it was... safe. It was protective. It was.. calming. Not only that, but George quickly realized that he was actually able to breathe under this water, and it even has a slight taste of a strange yet pleasant mixture of orange and banana. George continued to swim below the water, feeling the most calm as he has ever been in quite some time.
Meanwhile, the bright orange eyes got up from the dock and began walking towards the field that George came from, as if he's curious about it as well..
The alarm clock on George's bedside started blaring at the clock hit 7:30 am. Quickly, the boy's fist meets the alarm, instantly breaking it and stopping the blaring. The boy lazily sat up on the bed, rubbing his eye with one hand as the other hand stabilized him. He began to open his eyes, his once amber color now instead having a bright, glowing orange in it's place.
He began looking around his surroundings, when he quickly became confused. He looked down at himself, before looking back around the room.
"... Where the fuck am I?.."
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
Idk how to do the whole fancy link to the playlist, but I made a playlist for my captain underpants au on Spotify! It's the link above this text! Now, don't think that these are songs that the characters would listen to (even if some songs are), but rather think of them as songs that I for some reason associated with the characters! Sometimes all, sometimes only one. Anyways, have fun!!
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year
A poem
Melvin made his way into the treehouse as George and Harold kept on yelling on how they need to find the lizard.
"What to do, what to do..."
Good god, this place is a mess. I know they aren't the cleanest of people, but I expected better. Might as well clean up for them.
As he started cleaning up, he noticed a balled up piece of paper near the trashcan.
Oh really, they couldn't even put it in? I'll need to talk with them about actually cleaning up once in a while-
He than noticed writing on it. George's writing.
"... Why would he throw away something that he wrote? I'm sure it had to be a mistake. I need to check first, though."
Melvin carefully de-balled the paper, trying not to rip it anymore than it probably already has been.
".. Ooooh, a poem! I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I read it, right?"
On the crinkled paper, it reads this:
In a world of fools, I found my joy, Falling in love with that smartass ginger-haired boy. With freckles like stars, and a mischievous grin, His wit sliced threw the walls of my heart, letting him in.
In my heart he remains, a flame that won't expire, That smartass ginger-haired boy, my enteral desire.
-George B.
As he was reading it, his confused look suddenly turned to shock, becoming redder the more he read through it. He placed the poem down, needing a moment to think.
W-what?! I-is this really about me of all people?? There's no way, there's no way... but.. he hasn't met anyone else who is like how he describes...
As time went on, he became more red. But than, after some more thought, he started giggling. Giggling to himself about this. He can't believe that this is actually real, but it is. He is very shocked, but also very happy. The happiest he has ever been. While still giggling to himself, he picks the paper back up and carefully folds it to where he can put it in his pocket. As he was placing it in his pocket, he heard his name be called out.
"... Sure, why not."
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year
New looks for new heros.
"Melvin?? Meeelvin?" Harold called out, echoing through the home.
"Ah, there you two are! Come on, it's in this room!"
"Come on champ! Let's see what the new looks are!"
They begin rushing through the halls, looking for the room Melvin said the costumes were in.
"Harold! Captain! There you are!"
"George, kiddo!"
"Want to see what the costumes look like?"
"Okay, who's do you want to see first? Or do you want to see both at the same time?"
"I honestly want to see Harold's first!"
"Oh! Oh! Mine first, then!"
The device opens up, revealing the clothes on a mannequin. Its fairly simple, a pair of white overalls with paint splattered on it, a icey blue long sleeved shirt to go under it, and matching winter gloves and boots.
"Glad to know! Want to try it on?"
"Oh, but I don't want to want to waste your time with that-"
"No need!" He pulls the gloves off the mannequin, where the clothes suddenly disappear.
"With just these gloves, you can put the outfit on in a instant!"
"Really?" Curious, he tests it out. He puts on the gloves, and suddenly, he's wearing the outfit.
"I know, and the clothes are specially made to withstand cold temperatures! George, ready to see yours?"
"Of course!"
The device once again opens up, with a new pair of clothes on the mannequin. It has on an off-white poet shirt, a maroon colored vest, long black pants, dress shoes and white gloves.
"... W-wow! Its looks so classy, I-I love it!"
"Glad you do! Now, same rules apply, the gloves will give you the clothes in a instant!"
"Oh, let me try it on!" He puts on the gloves, giving him the clothes.
"Similar to Harold's, it is made to be fireproof!"
"I love it!! Its amazing! Thank you so much!"
"Oh! I almost forgot something!"
Melvin hands George a black cloth mask, and hands Harold a white cloth mask. (The ones that cover your mouth and nose)
"Oooh, this is for the secret identity, right?"
"I bet!" He tries on the seemingly normal mask.
"So, how do I look- WOAH WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOICE-" Suddenly, his voice is naturally more cold and shuddery.
"Ta-daa! I made the masks to where it hides your voices along with your face!"
"Wooah, let me try mine!" He tries on his mask.
"So, how do I sound?" His voice is now more deep and raspy.
".. A-amazing."
"Wow!! Thank you so much, Melvin!"
"Yeah, thank you!!"
"It's absolutely no issue, you two."
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
Omg we can’t take this, Melvin do something take control of the situation
"You wanna know what I do with things I find pretty?.."
"W-what do you do?-"
*Picks Melvin up* "Take them all for myself~!"
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dib-thing-wannabe · 11 months
Okay, so I got thinking, and I was wondering about what if Co! Melvin was as to also end up with chemicals inside him (similar to how Co! George and Co! Harold did and gaining powers) soooo.. here's this:
What chemical would it be? : R.E. (Radiation Electric) because it fits Co! Melvin's personality and interests with what powers it would give him. Also, I don't like the idea of just having it be R.I. or R.F. again.
How'd it happen? : Unlike Co! George and Harold, who both fell into tubs of it on accident, Melvin would probably be dunked into it unwilling by the villain of the week.
His new powers? : He would be able to control electricity and some small electronics, and if it's storming, lightning as well. As R.E. is linked with happiness, if experiencing an extreme amount of happiness, sparks will quiet literally fly. Can be dangerous if around some metals and water. When dealing with extreme anger, he can control anything and everything electrical in 100 feet of him and will have electricity pulse through him, minimum volts being 100. He cannot die by anything involving electricity due to this.
Would he be a sidekick to Co! Captain Underpants like Co! George and Harold? : Simple answer, no, he will simply work alone in most cases. Dealing with them is already tiring as it is for him, so he can never imagine working with them during a dangerous time. Captain, George and Harold all already know how to work together as they all think similar to one another, unlike Melvin with any of them, so it would be less then ideal for everyone involved. Besides, having to save everyone every single week under Captain's guidance? No, that isn't going to do for Melvin. But if needed, he will help them out. Consider him as their backup incase things get difficult with a particular villain or someone else isn't available to help.
His superhero persona? : He, like Flaming Ink and Polar Painter, would wear a face mask that serves as a way to both hide his face and hide his voice, but unlike them, it wouldn't be a fabric mask, but instead a gas mask made of iron that has lightning bolts on it glowing yellow. Also, instead of his text looking like "This", his text when wearing the mask would look like "This", his voice sounding more high-pitched and erratic, occasionally sounding as if he's glitching out or buffering. He would wear lab goggles that serve as both eye protection and as glasses, an unbuttoned long lab coat, a golden yellow button up that's messly buttoned up and is only half tucked in, light grey dress pants, grey rubber gloves, and dark grey lab boots. His hair would also look messy. Why would he look so much messier than he actually is? Well, because it's not Melvin, it's his persona (basically it's a way to help further hide his identity). When he's in his persona, it's a way for him to just let out all his feelings and basically go ape-shit, so he will act very irrational (at least to anyone outside of the team and himself, as he already has a well thought out plan in his head and how he's gonna execute it) and often times more chaotic and playful then his friends, so I feel like he would name his superhero persona Lightning Maniac.
How would Co! George write Lightning Maniac into the comics? : Unlike Captain Underpants, Flaming Ink and Polar Painter, Lightning Maniac's backstory wouldn't be that he's an alien who came to earth for whatever reason, but more like a mad scientist that either used to be a test subject or experiments on himself (explanation as to why he has powers), and the reason that he doesn't always help them is that he's "too busy with his scientific experiments" to always be there for him, which is why he's only there during emergencies.
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
Are you two ready to start the test?
Hopefully, nothing is wrong with you, George.
"Yep, all ready..."
"Okay, now, this won't take too long, but let's just sit you down for a while until the results pop up, okay babe?"
"Okay, hun.."
*Melvin gives George a small kiss on the forehead* "Good."
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
Ik you don't have melvinborg in your au, but what would he be like and what would happen if he were? also I just found out he's fucking 29?? I THOUGHT HE WAS LIKE 36 OR SOMTHING LMAO
Well.. I don't think he'd visit the past, for one. But if he did, it wouldn't be on purpose. He'd probably be much more calm and collected, sweet, but still quite cunty. Also, just one more thing that Melvin doesn't currently have.. which I'm not gonna tell you, for it'll be told another day. =}
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
George, you feeling better now? Less sleepy?
"Eh, sorta.." *Big yawn* "Nevermind."
"... You know, maybe you and Melvin should just leave early so you can check if the kid really did inject you with something. I'll explain to mom what happened."
"Alright, sure..."
".. Wait a second-"
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dib-thing-wannabe · 8 months
(based on what my bestie @odtherat just informed me)
"Calm down, you got people staring at us!"
"Oh, please, it's not like it'd be end of the world if people are staring! Right, Har-... Harold. Harold, did you just bite your damn ice cream?"
*Mouth's full of ice cream* "Mhm?"
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year
The looks of the main CO! Characters!
these will be plain, but hey, it's something-
Noted: if I do not mention something, it means that it has not changed since the time skip!
CO! George:
Height difference from during the movie to present day in the au: 4'7 to 4'11 (No, there actually isn't a canon height for the kids, so the heights in the movie are basically my head cannons)
Physical looks (basically anything besides clothes): Slight eyebags (due to staying up late and semi-frequent nightmares) and a small scar on his right shoulder (he and Harold were play fighting and ended up hurting each other more than intended).
Clothes: A baggier version of his shirt, and two bracelet's on each hand. (A friendship bracelet for Harold and a rainbow bracelet on the right hand, and a friendship bracelet with Melvin and a ICP bracelet on the left hand.)
CO! Harold:
Height difference from during the movie to present day in the au: 4'7 to 4'9
Physical looks: A long yet slim scar on his back (from the same fight that was mentioned earlier), ear piercings, and slightly bigger muscles (he's been carrying Heidi, George, and Melvin randomly alot).
Clothes: A dark green jacket (mainly wrapped around his waist, but if it's chilly he will actually wear it), friendship bracelets on his left hand (George and Melvin), 2-3 rings on his right hand, and three necklaces (one has a small paint brush attached to it).
CO! Melvin:
Height difference from during the movie to present day in the au: 4'6 to 4'7
Physical looks: nothing has changed with his physical looks.
Clothes: The pants version of his shorts, proper dress shoes, friendship bracelets (George and Harold), and an opal necklace (George stole bought it for him.)
CO! Mr Krupp:
Physical looks: (Both he and Captain are still 5'6. And the physical looks are the same for both as they are the same person) Overall, healthier and happier! (No, he did not lose an ounce of his weight. He's too sexy to lose it.)
Clothes: (His tie is the only thing that is different-) His tie is now a starry night sky! (George and Harold made it for him)
CO! Captain Underpants:
Nothing. Nothing has changed when it comes to looks.
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dib-thing-wannabe · 1 year
Tw: vomit mentioned
*huff* *huff* "Y-yeah, j-just have a weak stomach..."
"Ooookay, okay, let's go to a sink to clean you up. Melvin, are you able to clean up any of the vomit that missed the trashcan?"
"I can sure try. God, the smell-"
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