#CME Group
CME Group Appoints John Ricci as Managing Director of Agricultural Products
Key Takeaways: CME Group appoints John Ricci as Managing Director and Global Head of Agricultural Products. Ricci brings 25 years of experience in derivatives markets to the role. He will oversee the development and management of CME Group’s global agricultural business. CME Group’s agricultural futures and options complex saw record volumes in 2023 and continued growth in 2024. Ricci’s…
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Profit in Sight: Trading Signals & Strategy - 22 September 2023
Trading Signals 22 September 2023. WEC Energy Group, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd trading, Global-E Online, CME Group signals and strategy. #KO #GM #AZN #GE #VTR #SO #AEP #D #NXST #PEP #VZ #KBH #RCL #WEC #PFE #RCL #CME #GBLE
Trading Signals 22 September 2023. Coca Cola, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Apple, General motors, The Buckle, General Electric, Ventas, Southern Company, American Electric Power Company, Dominion Energy, Nexstar Media Group, Pepsico, Verizone, KB Home, Pfizer, WEC Energy Group, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd trading, Global-E Online, CME Group signals and strategy. Continue reading Untitled
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dduane · 4 months
Today's auroral shenanigans
Relatively speaking, yesterday night (May 11/12) was a bit of "not much" for aurora-watchers, compared to the night of the 10th/11th. (Which, to be fair, was a most unusual event, and it wouldn't be surprising if it wasn't equaled for a long, long time.)
Nonetheless, the Sun continues to be in an interesting mood at the moment... specifically the big sunspot region AR3664, which is the one responsible for the auroral extravaganza of May 10th. You can just see it in this next image, getting ready to rotate away from us around the Sun's rightward limb.
(For those interested in scale: that complex of sunspots is about fifteen times the diameter of the Earth. You could drop the whole planet into the middle of the biggest one and lose it. A timelapse video of its growth is over here at YouTube, if you're interested.)
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As AR3664 continues to spit out CMEs and flares, the NOAA has issued a geomagnetic storm watch for today, tonight and tomorrow—with the suggestion that conditions like those of the night of the 10th may in the relatively short term be about to repeat themselves.
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This is a "watch" rather than a "warning," reflecting some uncertainty over exactly how the various incoming coronal mass injections are likely to behave on reaching Earth orbit. (Also, the CMEs aren't being aimed straight at us, but off to one side as the sunspot region rotates further and further toward the sun's edge: so this adds somewhat to the unpredictability of it all.)
The animation below comes from the SOHO spacecraft's LASCO C3 coronagraph instrument. It starts on May 10th and runs through until early on the morning of May 12th. You can see the newest incoming CMEs right at the end of it.
(BTW, I think the two bright objects to right and left of the Sun are probably comets passing through, as LASCO images normally mask out any planets that would be in view.)
Anyway, as for what this means for auroral activity tonight? It's tough to tell as yet. The planetary K index (which expresses the relative strength of geomagnetic storms) has dropped back down into near-baseline levels at the moment.
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But when those new CMEs and the solar wind associated with them hits the atmosphere, things may change suddenly.
We'll soon see...
And an afterthought: AR3664 will soon be off around the Sun's edge, and invisible to us. It'll be interesting to see what happens to it after that.
The Sun takes 27 days to rotate, as a whole: the poles take longer, the equatorial regions a shorter time. In a couple of weeks or less, what will greet us, rotating around toward Earth's POV on that left-hand side? Will AR3664 have dissolved and vanished away, as sunspot groups so often do... or grown even bigger?
ETA 1, 12 May 2024, 1820 UT: Like a kitty coughing up hairball after cosmic hairball, AR has popped yet another X-class flare.
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ETA 2, May 13 2024, 0100 IDT / 0000 UT: New G3 storm warning dropped.
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We, @mdpharmaconsultinggroup, the international healthcare consultancy expert, were privileged and honored to be chosen as a reliable partner with international organizations and governments to improve healthcare systems. Because we speak global healthcare language, and we have the know how, we will be sharing in development, revision, and implementation of the first National Egyptian Clinical Guidelines
نحن ، مجموعة إم دي فارما الاستشارية ، الخبير الدولي في استشارات الرعاية الصحية ، تشرفنا وفخرنا باختيارنا كشريك موثوق به مع المنظمات الدولية والحكومات لتحسين أنظمة الرعاية الصحية. ونظرًا لأننا نتحدث لغة الرعاية الصحية العالمية ، ولدينا المعرفة الكافية ، فسوف نشارك في تطوير ومراجعة وتنفيذ أول إرشادات طبية مصرية وطنية
Bassem Toeama
#clinicalguidance #clinicaltrial #medicalwriting #pharmacovigilance #medicalpublications #digitalhealth #CME
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virtualcoach-blog · 2 years
Lydia Ko Ends LPGA Season on Top
With her recent finish at the CME and taking the Rolex Player of the Year, Lydia Ko finished the 2022 LPGA season back on top.
This is great to see!Her early days seem so far away from now.I'm glad to have seen her return to the top. https://t.co/DjHTZB3RbH— RevBruceJ (@RevBruceJ1) November 23, 2022 Say the name Lydia Ko a few weeks back and you might get a few confused looks. That was pretty much the type of response that the young lady’s mere mention seemed to elicit while her fellow LPGA competitors like Nelly Korda…
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
Hier sind 10 Spieler, die Sie in der CME-Blase beobachten sollten
Hier sind 10 Spieler, die Sie in der CME-Blase beobachten sollten
Vor den CME Group Tour Championships am Ende der Saison stehen nur noch drei Veranstaltungen auf dem LPGA-Zeitplan, was bedeutet, dass es beim Race to CME Globe heiß hergeht. Die 60 besten Spielerinnen der Punkteliste qualifizieren sich für das Saisonfinale in Naples, Florida, wo jeder auf dem Feld den historischen ersten Preis von 2 Millionen US-Dollar im Frauengolf gewinnen kann. Der letzte…
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apod · 4 months
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2024 May 11
AR 3664: Giant Sunspot Group Image Credit & Copyright: Franco Fantasia & Guiseppe Conzo (Gruppo Astrofili Palidoro)
Explanation: Right now, one of the largest sunspot groups in recent history is crossing the Sun. Active Region 3664 is not only big -- it's violent, throwing off clouds of particles into the Solar System. Some of these CMEs are already impacting the Earth, and others might follow. At the extreme, these solar storms could cause some Earth-orbiting satellites to malfunction, the Earth's atmosphere to slightly distort, and electrical power grids to surge. When impacting Earth's upper atmosphere, these particles can produce beautiful auroras, with some auroras already being reported unusually far south. Pictured here, AR3664 and its dark sunspots were captured yesterday in visible light from Rome, Italy. The AR3664 sunspot group is so large that it is visible just with glasses designed to view last month's total solar eclipse. This weekend, skygazing enthusiasts will be keenly watching the night skies all over the globe for bright and unusual auroras.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240511.html
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boccher · 4 months
Random space bulletin: The sunspot group AR13664 is about to return into our view, and has loudly announced it's return with a powerful X2.9 solar flare and a coronal mass ejection (CME). This is the same sunspot group which caused the big aurora event 2.5 weeks ago.
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Today's flare and CME aren't directed towards Earth, so it will have little effect on us. If it were pointed towards us, it would probably give us a decent aurora storm, albeit not as strong as the one earlier this month, since that one was caused by multiple X1 to X8 flares firing CME's towards us simultaneously.
The sunspot group is still just beyond the sun's horizon, so we can't see it directly yet. We don't know if it's as active or as strong as it was 2 weeks ago; It has continued to produce large flares and CME's while on the far side of the sun, but helioseismograph data indicates the region may have shrunk since then. Either way, it's unlikely that we'll get a repeat of the large aurora event from earlier this month simply because of how exceptional that event was. But a girl can hope, right? I'll use my mind powers to summon more aurora. That'll work for sure.
Once the sunspot becomes visible to us in the next couple of days, it'll be redesignated with a new number. It'll rotate to face dircetly towards the Earth in about a week, so if anything happens then it'll happen around that time.
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oh-nowo-i-got-uwu · 10 months
Event based off of the Princess and the Frog.
Sam gets offered to host a parade float for Mardi Gras in his hometown. Processed to tell Crowley about this and offers that a group of students could cme.
Crowley tells the main cast to vote/offer up a student to go. A student that's most definitely going is Sebek.
During the trip they run into Sam's cousin, Twst Tiana. Both talk about Sam visiting their grandmother who lives deep in the bayou. Queue some Sam lore.
Sam shops for supplies for his float, while the children explore and have fun. Fun proceeds to end when a stray magic spell/potion hits them, turning them into animals.
Sam comes back and sees students turned animal and has even more reason to visit Grandma.
Tells students that he's essentially estranged from his grandmother as she heavily dislikes his UM, and both had a really bad fight and haven't talked in years. But for the students, he'll just have to ‘suck it up,’ for them.
During the adventure to Grandma, they meet Louis, a crocodile who dreams of becoming a famous trumpet musician. Bonds with Sebek despite Sebek being Human(begrudgingly admitted) and isn't an actual crocodile.
Queue a Twistune of “When we're human” and a few fights with random creatures.
Finally at grandma's house and BOOM! She isn't visibly happy to see Sam… Sam lies about being sorry for the fight despite him not actually being sorry, and proceeds to tell her about the students’ predicament and ask for her to change them back. Sam and his grandma fight with lines like “You only come to me when you need something” and “You never truly care did you,”. Sam leaves and tells the students that he needs to get back to make his float and to “figure it out yourselves” as he doesn't want to be back here ever.
Sometime after that, grandma tells them why they started fighting in the first place. Queue more Sam lore.
tired……. brain tired…… no more lore….
Sebek SSR card idea, Sebek mid transformation in the place where Naven and Tiana got married. Groovification Card is Louis and Sebek side by side playing a trumpet and trombone respectfully on the stage in Tiana’s restaurant, OR OUTSIDE WHERE TIANA AND NAVEN END THE MOVIE BY DANCING. WITH THE GROOVIFICATION LINE OF “Dreams truly come do true.”❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
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foundfam2754 · 3 months
garvez thoughts after cme s17e6, "message in a bottle" (kind of an essay)
yesterday's episode left me with a lot thoughts on where erica and the team is going to take garvez going forward in the show. it left me kind of conflicted. after downloading with another fan-friend of mine, here's a post on how i feel.
please please please don't be mad if you disagree - in fact i'd welcome conversation with other garvez shippers on this :) dm me, reblog or comment!! also, pls note when i refer to us as the audience, or use the royal "we", i'm generalizing.
thoughts (and spoilers for 17x5 and 17x6) below the fold:
overall, i think it sucks that they're floating a potential new love interest for luke in teresa; it seems like one more step away from seeing penelope and luke together on the show for real and we've already seen this kind of relationship play out with luke & dr. lisa. i'm ready for him and penelope to get together. plus, this frickin' love square cannot and SHOULD not get more complicated than it already is (anyone else who's seen gossip girl getting nate, serena, blair, chuck, dan vibes? everyone's dating everyone).
plus plus shamefully i kinda love the tyler/luke bromance and luke / teresa could put a dent in that
however, and perhaps a more hopeful outlook than most fans have after 17x06, they've never leaned this explicitly into pen and luke as a couple on CM before. s17 feels like the first time. it's been implied, they've hinted at it, they've even gone on one terrible date, but the words (three words, eight letters for my GG fans) have never been said out loud by luke or pen before. so, to have them actually have the romantic and sexual tension between them be blatantly addressed (even if it is by elias) and for luke to say the words "i love her" (in a manner of speaking, of course) is a big deal to me. it's development of this storyline, even if slow. that gives me hope that there could be something that gets played out in the future.
adding onto this, i do think we have to acknowledge that when it comes to criminal minds, they've never done a romantic relationship within the team before (with the exception of spence and jj, but we can all agree that it was poorly done, rushed and abrupt). also, that it's the chemistry and camaraderie of the team and the friendships that go back 15+ seasons that make the show special. so from the perspective of the writers, i understand that they may feel it risky to play with the luke / pen relationship further than they already have. i'm not saying that having pen and luke dating would mess up the team dynamic, but i am saying it's a change and anything can happen. they know that flirting works with audiences (luke and pen, derek and pen), but they've seen that actual romantic feelings may not (spence and jj). overall, i understand if they want to take introducing and establishing penelope and luke as an official couple slowly
(i do understand that for us it's not been slow and we recognized the dynamic between garvez immediately, but s15 was really the first time the show addressed the possibility of a romantic relationship, and for the writers it may not be a long time coming)
i also think that if the writers are playing the long game, a relationship between teresa and luke may be interesting just to play with the dynamic and maybe get penelope to take some action. plus, i think it adds nuance to the love square. in an universe where we believe teresa's destined for tyler and penelope for luke, each member of the group may need to take their time realizing who they really belong with (but i'm still going to harumph at romantic!teresa/luke or romantic!greencia).
this is all to say that, we may have to just be a bit more patient. it can still happen and the eventual outcome may be even better if we let the writers play it out, now that they're actually addressing the relationship. i'm hopeful, in the meanwhile, we can revel the little nuggets of garvez love that adam and kirsten and erica throw our way and the incredible fanfics that writers in our fandom create.
now, pessimistically and on the other hand, it's very possible that luke's "she knows I love her" and teresa's "but she's still into tyler" were said because the creative team has decided that they played around with garvez enough and they're happy with how they are, and luke's ready to move on...with teresa. luke's feelings have been addressed and said out loud, so now may be his time to move forward. add on to this that PG wasn't too bothered by a luke/teresa relationship and that luke and teresa talked about how it's a bad idea to date coworkers, it's a possibility.
so really, my conflict isn't resolved, and i'm not sure on which side i stand. but, i really love this show, these actors, this ship and this fandom so i wanted to share how i feel.
man, i usually hate slow burns, but this show and garvez are worth it.
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U.S. Farmers' Economic Outlook Improves in March, Reveals Purdue University/CME Group Survey
Key Takeaways: The Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer rose to 114 in March, indicating an improvement in U.S. farmers’ economic outlook. Farmers show a split perspective, with the Index of Current Conditions slightly dropping but the Index of Future Expectations rising. A significant shift in interest rate expectations contributes to a more positive outlook for financial conditions…
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In 1922, Henry Fowler, CME of the Midland Railway proposed the construction of 60 Power class 2 0-4-4 passenger tanks for suburban traffic in major cities. The board approved a prototype to built at Derby works. This engine, numbered 1431 entered traffic in September 1922. Whilst the trials proved to be a success, the impending grouping & Derby being preoccupied with the other business, prevented more from being built. Even though the LMS adopted the Midland's small engine policy & kept Fowler as CME, the company chose not to adopt No. 1431 as a new class of passenger tank, choosing instead to order more of the ex-LT&SR 4-4-2Ts as an early standard.
1431 (referred to as 'Gwen' by many) would continue working out of Kentish Town shed until mid-1925, when she was sent on loan to the North Western Railway of the Island of Sodor. The railway's then controller, Topham Hatt, was impressed by the engine's performance so much, that he purchased her the following year, (along with two MR 1528 class kits). As of now, 'Gwen' can still be seen working a push-pull service between Wellsworth & Brendam.
After 1431 was sold, the 2P 0-4-4T story did not end on the LMS, but I think you may already know that one.....
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andmineisyellow · 2 years
The biggest issue with CME is how little it’s been focusing on the personal relationships and dynamics between the BAU members. There’s been a lot of talk about how there hasn’t been much attention given to certain ships, but realistically we haven’t gotten many meaningful moments between any of the BAU members as of late. 
The first two episodes- for the most part- did a good job of balancing the main plot with the side plots, while also reestablishing the group dynamics. The conflict between Rossi and the rest of the team leads to some really great moments between him and Garcia as well as him and Prentiss. Penelope and Luke spend a solid portion of Episode 1 just bantering back and forth, which was such a delight to watch. We get to see Tara and Emily bond. Even in scenes that would typically be filled with exposition, we get some personal connection, like when Luke and JJ are talking about bringing back Garcia. It’s clear those first two episodes understand why people watch this show. Yes, it’s a crime show but at the end of the day, it’s about these 6 to 8 people that sit at that roundtable. At least that’s why I watch this show. I watch it because I love seeing them work together, protect each other, and learn from one another.
Episode 3 drops almost all of the focus on the team and instead chooses to focus on the unsub. I understand that a show called Criminal Minds needs to have some of its focus on “the Criminal”, but that episode really shifts the rest of the season off of its axis. I also understand that supporting characters are necessary to drive conflict and provide character development to the main cast, but at this point, those relationships have started to outweigh what I care about most. And while we’re at it, Will, Tyler, and Bailey should not have more character development than Luke who is supposed to be a vital member of the BAU.
I guess what I’m saying is... I miss the team. I miss watching them come to work at the beginning of each day and talk about their lives. I miss moments like Luke bringing Emily takeout because she has to work late. I miss Rossi calling Garcia in the middle of a case just to see if she’s okay. I miss the girls going out and getting drunk. I miss their group gatherings.  I miss those quiet moments when they just get to be people who freakin’ love each other. We’ve gotten tastes of it in some of these more recent episodes, but it’s just... not enough. I appreciate that Evolution wants to dive deeper into some of these characters’ personal lives, but they’ve become so separate from each other that they’ve forgotten the heart of the show. It’s not one individual person or story. It’s them as a family.
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hazel-of-sodor · 5 months
The crop can’t get any smaller, but who is this?
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Shes the C&HR's mallet, designed by Gresley himself.
I can't find the original lore post, so heres her lore
By the 1930s, the Chester and Holyhead mainline from Holyhead to Krestaen was overloaded. The railway's faithful class 5 2-8-0s rantheir goods trains as fast as was safe, but still struggled to keep up. Longer trains were not an option, as the existing trains already filled the passing sidings with mere feet to spare. The sidings could not be expanded without digging into cliffs along the line, which would risk landslides.Another route was needed. The existing mainline crossed the water at Holyhead onto Gwylan Island at Castell Hafan, then turned Northwest, climbing though farmland, plains, and forests in the heart of the Island before reaching the mountains. From there it climbed up the Llyn Pass to the capital, Krestaen. It was the clearest and best path to the city, but the path was narrow for long stretches in many places, taken up by the river Glaw. However, another line of the C&HR already came within 20 miles of the valley that held the capital city. A line ran North from Castell Hafan along the coast to the North Western port of Llanw.A path already existed between Krestaen and Llanw, and it would take minimal work to prepare it for track. Why then had the cities not already been connected then? Diawl's Bryn. The Devil's Hill. Climbing North, Northeast from the valley, the grade wound its way between the mountains with an average grade of 1 in 45 or 2.22%, in some places reaching 1 in 35 or 2.86% for short distances. For six grueling miles, the line climbed the mountain pass, before descending the 1 in 90 grade to Llanw. From there it was mostly flat running to Castell Haffan. It wasn't the steepest grade in Wales, nor the longest, but the combination was too great for the railway's existing fleet. The C&HR turned to May Traction and Railworks for an engine that could conquer the grade. A freight engine capable of making the run from Krestaen through the pass to Castell Haffan unaided. MTRW was forced to turn away the order, as such a monster was beyond their ability to manufacture. Next the C&HR turned to their mainland neighbor, the London, Midland, and Scotland Railway. The two railways had maintained a polite if distant working relationship since grouping, the the LMS running trains on the C&HR as far as Holyhead, and the C&HR running am express to London on LMS metals The LMS sent their number 4997, a 2-6-0+0-6-2 Garratt, for trials. While the engine certainly possessed the power required, the classes Achilles heel soon made itself known. The axle box design on the garratts was prone to hotboxes above 15 mph, far below the C&HR's running speed. Nonetheless, 4997 was purchased from the LMS to serve as banker until a suitable engine could be found. Several months later, a member of the C&HR board witnessed LNER U1 No.2396 banking at the Worsborough Incline . a 2-8-0+0-8-2, the U1 was the most powerful engine in Britain up to that point, and her frames were based on the LNER O4, the class the C&HR named the Class 5. The C&HR approached the LNER and its CME, Sir Nigel Gresley with their problem. The mention of the LMS's loan of 4997, and the subsequent chance to out-perform their rival, saw the LNER board order Gresley to design an engine capable of the task. Gresley spent a week watching the trains working Diawl's Bryn, before approaching the C&HR with his proposal. Rather than a Garratt like 2396, he wanted to design a simple mallet like those used in the United States. Whether Gresley truly believed a simple articulated was better suited for the C&HR than a garratt design, or if he simply wanted the chance to design such an engine is unknown; in either case, the C&HR approved the proposal. In Autumn 1933, Gresley presented the finalized design; a massive 2-6-6-4 locomotive which he dubbed the KM1.
Beyer Peacock was contracted to build the engine, and in early 1934, the KM1 left the works. With 6 cylinders and 76,000lbs of Tractive effort, she was the most powerful locomotive in Britain. She emerged in LNER Apple Green, shining in the morning light. The C&HR board, present to witness the unveiling of the engine, held a vote, and unanimously voted to name her Behemoth. Too large to travel by rail, she was delivered by sea to the harbor at Castell Haffan. Hundreds gathered to see the beast lowered onto the metals, even cold and with her fire unlit, she was an imposing presence. Two class 5 2-8-0s pulled her to Krestaen, where her fire was lit.A pair of American turntables had been purchased and installed at Krestaen and Castall Hafan in anticipation of her arrival, allowing her to be easily turned for the run to Castell Hafan. A line of 50 slate laden wagons waited as the engine backed down for her trail run, a pair of class 5's uncoupled at the back to bank the train in case of issues with the new engine. This would prove unnecessary. Behemoth charged the grade with a whistle, as was tradition on the C&HR, she was fitted with an American hooter whistle, and the echo thundered over the hills.the train had reached 30 mph when it reached the base, and the drivers of the two 2-8-0s eased their regulators, expecting the train to slow. To their shock, the train began to pull away from them, as Behemoth accelerated up the incline. They quickly caught back up, but kept having to increase the regulator as the monster at the front surged up the rails with a will. By the crest, Behemoth had broken 50mph, and the two bankers were left behind as she began the descent. Extra guard vans had been added to serve as extra braking power, but the C&HR had entrusted the 2-6-6-4 to a veteran engineer, and she skillfully kept the train in check. Behemoth would arrive in Castell Haffan ten minutes early to the cheers of the island's railfans. An order for a second engine was placed within the week, and Behemoth was soon joined by her sister Leviathan. Her arrival allowed 4997 to be sent to Beyer Peacock for a rebuild, emerging with new axleboxes, allowing her to join the two sisters on the run. By the advent of the second world war, the three engines were beginning to strain, so a third sister, Goliath, would be delivered in 1940. After the war, the facilities of MTRW would be expanded, and the C&HR would take delivery of a new Garratt design. Despite this, the three sisters would remain in service, keeping pace with the younger engines with ease.
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virtualcoach-blog · 2 years
LPGA CME Group Tour Championship Race to the Top of the Leaderboard for the Final Round
In my opinion, sports fans need truth serum every so often just to bring folks back to reality.
This year’s top 60 LPGA players in women’s golf have been going at it in the CME Group Tour Championship. There’s a $2 million prize for the outright winner. On top of that, the Rolex Player of the Year Award is on the line as well. Past Rolex Player of the Year winners include Lydia Ko (2015) who was tied for first place in the CME Group Tour Championship going into this final round. This final…
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jeffhirsch · 2 months
Rate Cut Odds Improve – Thank You Lower Energy Prices
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Improving odds for a Fed rate cut have triggered a rotation out of tech stocks and into small-cap stocks. The Russell 2000 is currently up around 3% (as of 12:30pm est.) while NASDAQ 100 is down 2%. A better than anticipated CPI reading from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was the catalyst. Energy was responsible for the bulk of the headline month-over-month decrease in CPI. Food prices continued to creep higher as did shelter costs. Nonetheless, odds of a September rate cut, according to the CME Group’s FedWatch Tool have increased to 94.5%. 
As you can see in our updated CPI projection chart, the monthly change in CPI still has to average 0.1% or less through January 2025 before the 12-month change falls below the Fed’s stated 2% target. It would still likely take two more month-over-over CPI readings of unchanged or negative to spur the Fed into action. With crude oil price rebounding throughout much of June and into early July, this may not happen before the Fed meets in September.
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