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cknightleyart · 3 years ago
Purple Phire Princess
Part 1
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In fire there are many shades, hues, and tones. Once a pond a moment there was a princess made of the royalist of purples. She was named Phire after her father who ruled over the Flareany. One day when Princess Phire was 13 she was allowed to leave the Royal Palace on her own.
"Dearest daughter of mine be mindful that not all is fare in Flareany... Not all you meet will have your best interest at heart. Many will try to steal your light. Don't let them." Warned King Phire.
"How can one steal what is me?" Asked the Princess. "Who's out there?"
"Not all Flarens burn the same..."
"My'Light you are needed in the Skilletem." The serf said with widen eyes.
"Excuse me dearest daughter... Mind my words." The King said as he rushed to the Skilletem.
Princess Phire mind her father's warning before she left the kingdom. The Palacesgards opened the gates for her.
"When will you be coming back?" The Palacegard asked.
"Afternoon... I will be heading to Crimsunbrix
To meet a friend." Said Princess Phire. "Her name is Mesa Mora..."
"See you soon, My'Light." The Palacegrad said as she opened the castiron gates.
While Phire and Mesa walked the Boulevard of the farmers market they found a Mage doing tarot readings. A Ocean blue Flareany with silver hair came out her Witvhes booth heated. "What you mean I shall cause my own misery? I want a better future. Give back thy coin!"
"The cards had spoken! The future ain't free. You see you started the prophecy." Exclaimed the Witvh.
The boy stormed off. "Don't waste your coin on her." He told the girls.
"Come one. Come two. Let she what my cards claim for you." The Mage pointed at Phire and Mesa.
Of course they got their reading done despite the boys warning. They walked in the booth and admire the crystals dangling from the ceiling. The crystals washed over them before they sat side by side. The neon pink lights from the Witvhes deafpunk-mask characters shifted while she put the tarot in the desk-shuffler.
Phire watched the machine. The Witvh asked them to pick a type of reading off the menu. Each reading listed had an emjoi that makes her deafpunk pink. Mesa picked the 5th typed to the top. "That a reading for Romantica..." The machine handed Mesa the deck. "Pick 10 cards. You can look at them. But I suggest you don't."
Mesa laughed. She looked at each card before picking her 10. She placed the rest in the deck and handed the cards to be tempted by the Mage.
"Romantica or Love; the unlighten ones call it, is more than sexual. Transcends the physical and emotional... Your master card is the Ace of Swords." She pulled out the card with a hand emerging from a cloud holding a long sword. "You are a strong girl who will grow into a mightier woman. You will find Callers of every nation trying to romance you... However, they will not last... Now each card you picked are the lovers you will lose." She drew the other nine. "The Knight of Wishes. The Princes of Wishes. The Fool. The Joker. The Warrior. The Twin Flame. The Devil. The Mortal. And The Chibi Sun... Be careful of the Chibi Sun 'cause it's upside down."
Mesa felt the ooogies. "How do I lose them?"
"Does it matter you lost them. Just don't make that miss step thinking you found the one. The one isn't in this draw. There no card for him."
Phire felt the ooogies too. Was nervous about her turn. Since she didn't care for romance; she picked the 3rd type of reading. She loved the name Epicventura. She watched the machine shuffle. She picked 3 cards blindly. The Mage interpret them.
"Father Time. The Tower. Blooming Moonflower... Your a royalty. Real in flesh, soul and mind. I can tell by your cards you time is now... You will face new challenges past generations had not foreseen. However you will live happily enough after the wrecking." Said the Mage.
"How come her fortune is nice? All my lovers are going to die...?" Noted Mesa.
"You picked what you picked. The cards had spoken."
The friends carried on to enjoy the market buying beans till dust hit. On the way back to the Palace they came across a white cat with purple eyes being attacked buy a flock of crows. Phire scared the flock away from the white cat.
"Damn those birds... They pecked him to death. We gotta get him to the Palace." Said Princess Phire. She took the cat to the Firesages and in moments the once dead cat was living.
"Thank you for re-animating me..." Said the White cat suprising the Princess, Mesa and Firesage.
"What you can talk? How can that be" Asked the Firesage.
"Just how you learned." Replied the cat then jumped off the table onto his feet.
"You can stand?" Said Mesa.
"Well I don't know how that's so interesting. You stand every day... Now I must be going. My Major will be pissed. Which way to Sayaity?"
"Sayaity?" The Firesage said."You're from Sayaity? You're a long long way from home. Your in Flareany Palace"
"My Majors not going to like this one bit." After some further explanations they learned the cats name was Markham. He wasn't always a white cat. Do to a curse from a Warlovk in Sayaity he been turned. His Major Zir.Clarence been trying to reverse the curse but need 4 ingredients across the globe. He got issued A-shard from the liberty Bell in Decline, the blood of a vampire from Rubikity, and while he was in Rubikity going to Qiwishstone he ran into the flock of crows.
"Qiwishstone isn't that far from Flareany." Said Princess Phire. "What you need in Qiwishstone?"
"You're Father will not allow you to travel that a ways..." Said the Firesage.
"I need the feather of a Phoniex." Markham said.
" We can't just let a cat of his size travel his own. My father will understand I am of age I could it's not out of the kingdom." The Princes declared.
She asked her father when he was his sweetest. It was always after he took off his crown in his Study. Of course he didn't want his daughter to travel at-all, but he saw the fire in her eyes. That same flame he had when he was her age. If he said no he know she will do it in spite. He allowed her with the company of Mesa, The Firesage, and The Palacegard.
After the Firesmith made the party their armory they where ready to travel. Princess Phire armory was made of white gold with copper finishing. She wore cat-like claws that was made Osedon crystals that matched her booths; it kept her flame in-check.
Mesa armory was made of stainless steel. She was given two daggers that looked like a snake.
The Firesage armory was made of Rose Quarts. She was given a staff made of cherry wood with a ruby crystal; that would amplify her spell-accuraty.
The Palacesgard was made of Bismuth. Her weapon was shield with the sigil of Blue Fire with gold wings.
Markham Of'Sayaity armory was a jumper made of leather. He was also given a so thin blade it was naked to the human eye.
The met in the courtyard. After the Firesmith showed his administration for his models he told them each item work best together. "- the stone made works best in the sun. The metal made work best at night. Work as a unit and you'll do fine. And most importantly don't give my Smithin' a bad name."
"We wont." Promise Princess Phire.
The journey began in Menthol; outside Flaerity.
In Menthol the party had no trouble making there way to Newer Goldity. There they heard whispers of a bird made of fire attacking the pigs on Old Mans Jinkans farm.
"You know that Jinkans is a character. Very queer... If you ask me. Did he make bacon. Fire birds are long gone." Said the city man.
"Where is this old man Jinkans?" Markham asked.
"Which Witvh cured you? It's been years since I talked to a talking cat. Where you from? Everyone knows that Old Man Jinkans live on Old Town rd." Replied the city man.
On old town rd the party found the farmhouse of Jinkans. There liad the blacken skulls of his stock of pigs.
"No Flareany can cast such a fire. It must be the Phoenix." Mesa said in delight. "I feel sorry for the pigs tho-but you know..."
Markham was ecstatic. "Soon I'll be no more a feline. Let's see if Jinkans can tell us where it went."
"Pipe down. We can't just knock on the door of a old man demanding information. We should of thought this out." Said the Palacegaurd.
"True. He just lost his stock. Imagine how he must feel?" Princess Phire looked at the brunt farm.
"What are you doing?" Shouted a boy from the farmhouse. He ran up to them holding a hoe as a weapon. "This is private property! Not a theme park! Nothing to see here!"
Princess Phire recalled that boy from the tarot reading. His silver hair was in box-braids and he was dressed in overalls. His Ocean fire was more golden do being in a new city. His light made hers blush.
The Palaceguard shield the Princess. The boy tripped on his feet, face planting into a mug pie. The party laughed.
"Stop that's not funny..." Phire said forcing herself to stop laughing. "Are you alright?" She rushed to help.
"Perfectly fine. I don't need your pitty."
"How dare you talk to the Princess like that?" Said the Palacegard.
The boy noticed her royal fire. "I don't care if she is the Queen of Makebelieve... This is still private property. You rule over nothing here. And if you did you rule over dead pigs." Said the boy.
"We are not here to rule. We must talk to your grandfather-" Markham said.
"Old men Jinkans isn't my grandfather. He's my uncle. His name is just Jinkans. I'm Jincode. This is Jinfarms."
"I read of the Jinkin. I'm and Princess Phire daughter of King Phire and this is my party. We came to help Markham Of'Sayaity get a Phoniex feather to undo his catattitude..."
"So where is your Uncle?" Asked Mesa.
"He's away getting more pigs." Jincode explanated. He told them about the horror he witnessed on the day the Phoniex caused. "It came down like wildfire. It went east. I thought Fire birds where extinct? I thought wrong."
"They stay to themselves mostly in volcanoes. There must be one nearby." The Firesage said.
"There is no canoes to the east. That bird must be dumb... Just mountains. The Golderhills." Said Jincode.
"It must be inactived." Princess Phire said.
Jincode joined the party to seek revenge on the Phoniex. They traveled east to the Golderhills. The smell of burning bacon came from a cave. To there luck they found the Phoniex resting on top a bed of blacken skulls of pigs.
The cave was cold.
That was good for the party.
"Go get your feather so I can end it's life." Whispered Jincode to Markham.
"Jobs indeed." Said Markham. He leaped stone to stone where the resting Phoniex poached.
"That's one cool cat." Said the Palacegard.
Markham sneaked a pinch at the tail of the Fire bird. Getting the feather woke up the Phoniex and She roars. Her roar sounds like crystal cracking and embers burning. She pushed Markham away making him fall. The Firesage uses her staffs magic to catch him. The feather on the other hand was lost.
"Sugar we need another feather!" Markham said.
"No we don't it's right there!" Princess Phire said pointing at the spot. The feather was caught between a rock and a hard place. The Phoniex made the cave heat-up.
The Firesage attacked the wild beast with her magic to make it go to sleep. Each try was missed. The bird attacked them with a fireball. The Palacegard shield them all. The bird swings down to attack and Mess cut her with her snake dagger.
Unfortunately she got hit back by a blast of embers.
"Mesa!" Cried Phire. "We gotta get out of here!" The cave became too hot for even the Flareany princess. Her party left to rethink there plain.
Back at the Jinkans Farmhouse Uncle Jinkans laughed at them. "What was you thinking? It's a bird made of fire. There's no way your going to get that feather. KittyCat, get use to being a feline."
"I can't just give up. Do you know how hard it is to be a talking cat? It would be worst if I waa black." Said Markham.
"Don't fear Markham... We just need research. Do you guys have a computer with Internet?" Phire asked and Jincode showed her the house PC. It was a old model made in 2021 but Phire knew how to work it.
"Sorry for the oldness... We're not technology inclined. My grandfather grew up on this computer." Jincode said.
After serfing the world-wide-web for everything under Phoniex and Fire Bird.
Phire found out they are weakest after dust. She also learned that on the night of a new moon their fire is at its coolest.
The following day they went at dust to try for the feather. Jincode still wanted to kill the beast despite Phire telling him no one ever killed a Phoniex in the stories she researched.
He insisted that he's going to make history out of herstory. She laughed and blushed. Making Mesa feel the ooogies.
"Do they really gotta flirt? I never seen Phire like this." Mesa said.
"You sound jealous." Markham said.
"Its like I'm yesterdays news." Mesa stated.
They gone inside the cave to see the fasting Phoniex on her nest of skulls. The echo on Jincode's kicking a rock woken the Phoniex.
She roars causing the earth to shake.
"Thanks a lot Blueboy!" Mesa said drawing her daggers. "That Witvh was spot-on."
"Why bring her up." Jincode rolled his eyes.
The bird attacked with a breath of cold ash.
The Firesage blocked the attack. She spelled a rock in her control and tossed it at the beast. The beast cried as the rock hit her.
She spat green fire at the sage. The attack hit her and she fainted from the foreign flame.
The bird took flight and tossed stars at the rest of the party.
Phire added the yellow light into her. Her inner flame roared a burning berry tone. She grew inside and was able to punch the Phoniex. She got three jabs in before her power-up went out. She was drain.
Mesa blocked the starts with her daggers who ate them. They where full and grew into a two dual swords. They gave her the ability to turn invisible.
Markham hid behind a stone with Jincode from the stars. After watching Phire eat more falling stars. Jincode thought he could do the same. He let one hit him.
Feeling the light settle in him his silver hair burned Pacific blue. He felt a rush that he never felt before and his thought rushed. He started throwing fire jabs all over.
He hits Mesa making her faint. She became visible after the hit.
"Watch where you tossing those hits!" The Palacegard remarked as she dodged the stars. She used her grafuling-hook to move closer to get a feather. Next to the nest she noticed a six giant topaz egg. "Sugar Honey Ice Tea!"
The Mother Phoniex attacked her.
She fainted.
"We gotta get the Heynow-Out-of-here!" Princess Phire used the last of her flame to cast a bright light so Jincode, Markham and herself to wakeup the fallen party to evacuate.
Uncle Jinkans felt to bad to laugh at them. He gave each of them a special elixir to heal 100 percent. After they where healed fully he laughed. "-So she's a mommy. Your not getting that feather..."
"We just need to think outside the box." Princess Phire said.
"Is it really that bad being a cat?" Asked Mesa. "You can die a cat or a human. Dying a cat you might get treated better. Humanity can be messed up. Think about it... You can have a nice shoes box that coast way less than a casket."
"You might be right?" Markham the Cat said.
"Don't give up! We came this far. I am not a Quicker! We are not Quickers!" Princess Phire declared.
Her party cried.
Phire went hard at work doing more research on Phoniex. She learned of the Legend of the Queen and The Phoniex. In her study she read that by nature the bird isn't destructive by nature but brings life. The Queen in the Legend kissed the bird and let it burn her so she could become the Phoniex.
Phire found that half bizarre. "I'm not doing all that..." She said to the site. The Legend was typed in 1995 by some man named DJ Big R. Back in 95 the Humans where still leading what was Wi-Fi. So she took the story with a grain of salt.
"You need to get some sleep. Your light is dimming, girl." Mesa worried.
"Okay. I will hit the hay." Phire turned off the computer and went to sleep.
Two days later the party was ready to take on the beast. This time Princess Phire had a idea. This time they would wait for the bird to leave when the sun was rising The Phoniex left to search for stock to feed its fire. Phire knew it would need to get more food since their last encounter with her.
Once the party saw her leave the cave the rushed into the cave.
"Still want to get your revenge?" Teased Mesa.
"Shut up. Revenge is foolishness." Jincode said.
(End of part 1)
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smugglersson · 4 years ago
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
Young Sayphire.263
The Young Sayphire combed his sapphirelocks into a seahorestail. He settled on the his lazulfit. The young Sayphire was feeling himself, cocky even. His body was cut perfectly and his lazulfit left little to the imagination.
"Sayphire; Mycer, are you ready to walkover water?" Sadien asked the teenage jockey.
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
The Stairs Of Yankee Doodle
The stairwell was dark and moody for the man with groceries in his hand. He debated if he wanted to take the long way home, down the hill. He heard rumors of braver men taking the stairs and getting loss. He heard of men going insane on each passing step. The man watched shadows move. He started to hear whispers. The bags in his hand grew heavy. “Just take the stairs. They are only stairs made of stone and nothing more.” He said out loud. “Don’t be pussy.” As he took the first step a chill went down his spine. Cold and wet. As if he was now in a world casted in shadows. He saw a blue Devil cross his path. Then a floating green man dance with Maracas. “Get ready to die. Get ready to die.” The green man said with a crooked smile. “Crap. It’s too late now.” The man told himself. He took another step. The devil tripped him caking him to drop his bag. His groceries soon feel out. He watched them disappear into the shadows. The spirits laughed. “How stupid of you mortal.” “We’re gonna eat good today.” “I want to eat him.” The man pissed himself. He tried heading back, however the first step was gone. “You have to keep going. No heading back now mortal.” A fox made of glass said. He was in a hat and had one purple eye. “Let me be your light.” He hands him a can of beans as a token of friendship. The man expected and let the Glassfox lead his way.
The stairs is home to many darkspirt, but with darkness comes a bit of light. Published: Oct 11, 2019. Renamed: Mar 28,2021.
South Bronx by The 'New'-Yankee Stadium (the one right across the street which everyone for get about... This story isn't about the Yankees. Its about a Man who is a Newyorker from The Souf of DaBronx. ) © 2019 - 2021 Cknightleyart
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
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Entalla Ealthun was stuck to the floor. The gravity of Sipopa death was heavier then her slender body could handle.
Entalla started studying the floor titles individuality. each milky quartz had its own percentage of copper and tin. She started to make the milk warm from herself and thought about how would life be if she was a floorstayer.
A slave to the floor. Ofcourse she would be still herself in this whatifworld. But her name wouldn't be Entalla Ealthun; it would have to be Milkyuartz Floorstayer.
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smugglersson · 3 years ago
Working on getting Smuggles Son finished this year self-published as an Ebook. It’s nineteen chapters.
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
Some people don't care about KNOW ONE... Not even themselves.
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
Art is suppose to make you feel.
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
Arts Not Good Enough? || Art Help!
I live in a city where art is everywhere and opportunity is a block away. However, I feel like I'm not good enough. I get it from my childhood and because where I use to live it seemed impossible to show the world what I can do. The Bronx felt like everybody was competing. Not even for the things they personally wanted. The place I use to call home was a city where every moment was life or death. Now, upstate I see that I am on longer in that state of mind. Everything is slower, calmer and I can follow my own beat. My heart and soul tell me to create and tell my story, yet at the same time my past holds me back. Tells me "I am not good enough." Believe it because I want to get better. It is important for me to have art that catch peoples eye. It's even more important to have art that last a long time. I want my art to hold up. Because where my art is now it's not good enough to showcase. It's not worth 85 bucks, yet. Of course that's something to work on. And knowing where you want to end up it the start of knowing how to get there. Young artist, create your goals and work hard to get there. If you truly wish for the art you make to be worth 85 dollars or more work to that. Work on what your not good at and slightly you will become less sucky. Take opportunity as it comes because that's your dreams manifesting itself. Take time to get better an work on making them dreams come true. You are the only one who know where you want to go. Your art will get better if you work at it everyday. You are "good enough" to have your work shown by millions and it is "good enough" to sale!
Published: Jul 16, 2017
© 2017 - 2021 Cknightleyart
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
6 Types of creative people! Which one are You?!
Everyone have a mini Van Gogh in them. I know I do, so I wanted to make a small list of types of creative people I know and kinda been. This list is for fun and laughs. And I didn't know if I wanted to talk about Visual Artist or Writers. I did both. 1.Art is life These people only live through art. To them they need it more than air and food. If they are a creator they have problems with day to day actives and taking care of themselves. If they are not creators they consume art like water. The Art is life people are thirsty for anything arty. 2.Art block junky They have art block more than they have post on their IG. The junky needs art block to talk about. They live for it. And when they do make something they hate it being them to have Art block. 3.Star child To them art block isn't a thing. They only need the energies from the universe to power them. They work till they burn out. For these creative types they are uber spiritual. They draw/write what spirit wants and never give them credit. 4.The Rock star They only do it for the art. They have a story they want to tell and they do just that. It's hard to get a reply from them but when you do it's awesome and dope AF. They make what they love and only see where they are going. They don't care if there art is the best in the world just the best they could do. 5.The kleptomaniac Everything is up for grabs. They know what it means to steal like an artist. They give credit when needed and love the works they find inspiring. They keep all stories and works close to them. They collect and very thrifty.  These types of creators know there is nothing new under the sun and they don't let it stop them. They make stories there own and always have a sping on it. 6.The King/ Queen of Daily Uploads I wish I was like this! They have things qued up for months in advice. They always update there followers and fans about everything and believe that art isn't about the art but about the artist. They give their audience a show and tell them everything! And I mean EVERYTHING! People like their art but more so the artist persona.   That's my list and junk! Tell me what your thoughts. Did I miss any types? Are you or someone you know one of the types I listen?
Published: Jul 20, 2017
© 2017 - 2021 Cknightleyart
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
All stories are is someones fantasy*.
the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
"his research had moved into the realm of fantasy"
Similar: imagination creativity fancy invention originality vision
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
I know I'm blessed... but this is some BULL-CRAP! I feel stuck on the Nursingfloor. And NO-I don't want to write a epic about it. Just this... I'm not trying to rewrite the 'Holy Bible.' Just taking about what I; Ralph Tyrone Lawrence, Jr.1995 is living. BS! stands for Blood Sugar!
124:Nursingfloor (BS!106)
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
Sometimes you can be so right your wrong... Society is wrongly-broken.
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cknightleyart · 4 years ago
"Wee love in a world where people only love you for what you are willing to do for them. And if you are not willing to do the things you done before they label you mentally-insane and take you to the Hospital. The Doctors and Nurse don't know you personally so they think drugs will help. They just see a hurt stranger."
111:Mentaluya Hospitalia
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