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adamsmoments · 11 months ago
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shesdreamingagain · 5 months ago
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. - C. G. Jung
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paginadepsihologie · 5 months ago
🎂 Azi ül celebrăm pe C.G. Jung.
Cărțile autorului au astăzi preț special, cu pĂąnă la 37% reducere față de prețul afișat.
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mrstotemica · 8 months ago
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Thank you @the___shapeshifter !!! âœŒđŸ»âœš
info✾bookings: DM | [email protected]
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archetypalsoulcoach · 10 months ago
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jadessoti · 2 years ago
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É difĂ­cil viver plenamente o presente quando estamos sempre presos ao passado ou preocupados com o futuro. Essas duas condiçÔes, depressĂŁo e ansiedade, podem impedir que vivamos o momento presente e desfrutemos de todas as maravilhas que a vida tem a oferecer. A depressĂŁo Ă© frequentemente associada ao passado, Ă s frustraçÔes e aos medos que experimentamos em fases anteriores de nossas vidas. Sentir-se preso a essas emoçÔes pode ser muito difĂ­cil e pode fazer com que nos percamos na tristeza e na dor. No entanto, Ă© importante lembrar que o passado nĂŁo pode ser mudado e que, mesmo que tenhamos sofrido, ainda podemos encontrar a felicidade e a paz no presente. JĂĄ a ansiedade Ă© uma tentativa de controlar o futuro. É natural querer estar preparado para o que estĂĄ por vir, mas quando essa preocupação se torna uma constante, pode ser difĂ­cil desfrutar do momento presente. A ansiedade pode nos impedir de agir, de tentar coisas novas e de explorar o mundo que nos rodeia. Por isso, Ă© importante lembrar que o presente Ă© o Ășnico momento que temos. É o Ășnico momento em que podemos realmente viver, amar, rir e crescer. NĂŁo importa o que tenha acontecido no passado ou o que possa acontecer no futuro, o presente Ă© o momento em que podemos mudar nossas vidas e encontrar a felicidade que merecemos. É importante ressaltar que a terapia pode ajudar muito nessas situaçÔes! Na terapia, vocĂȘ pode explorar seus sentimentos e aprender tĂ©cnicas para lidar com eles. Ao compreender melhor suas emoçÔes, vocĂȘ pode aprender a viver o presente de forma mais plena, sem ser dominado pelo passado ou futuro. A terapia pode ajudĂĄ-lo a encontrar o equilĂ­brio emocional, fortalecer sua autoestima e a desenvolver um maior senso de propĂłsito e significado na vida. NĂŁo hesite em procurar ajuda profissional se estiver lutando com a depressĂŁo ou ansiedade. Lembre-se, vocĂȘ merece viver uma vida plena e feliz! A terapia pode ser um grande passo em direção a isso. EntĂŁo, dĂȘ a si mesmo a chance de uma vida mais feliz e saudĂĄvel. Agende uma consulta com um terapeuta de confiança hoje mesmo! #issoejungoficial #jadessotiterapeuta #psicologiaanalitica #terapia #terapiajunguiana #cgjung #sincronicidade (em RibeirĂŁo Preto, SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpnl3SKOK0E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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giardinaggioirregolare-com · 2 years ago
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Dopo 22 anni che mi ero decisa a leggerlo, giĂ  sto pensando a quanto lo posso mettere su eBay. . . . #maschilismo #sessismo #patriarcato #freud #cgjung #josephcampbell #leroedaimillevolti #instabook #bookgram #bookstagramitalia #bookaddict #bookcommunity @guanda_editore https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0qdubKA1I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mysteriis-moon666 · 7 months ago
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« Il y a une pensĂ©e dans des images primordiales, dans des symboles qui sont plus anciens que l'homme historique, qui sont innĂ©s en lui depuis les temps les plus reculĂ©s, Ă©ternellement vivants, qui survivent Ă  toutes les gĂ©nĂ©rations, qui constituent encore la base de la psychĂ© humaine. Il n’est possible de vivre pleinement sa vie que lorsque nous sommes en harmonie avec ces symboles ; la sagesse est un retour pour eux. » CGJung
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kedinaz · 2 years ago
İnsan, anlamsız bir hayata dayanamaz. CGJung
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
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The hypersane are among us, if only we are prepared to look. ‘Hypersanity’ is not a common or accepted term. But neither did I make it up. I first came across the concept while training in psychiatry, in The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise (1967) by R D Laing. In this book, the Scottish psychiatrist presented ‘madness’ as a voyage of discovery that could open out onto a free state of higher consciousness, or hypersanity. For Laing, the descent into madness could lead to a reckoning, to an awakening, to ‘break-through’ rather than ‘breakdown’. A few months later, I read C G Jung’s autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1962), which provided a vivid case in point. In 1913, on the eve of the Great War, Jung broke off his close friendship with Sigmund Freud, and spent the next few years in a troubled state of mind that led him to a ‘confrontation with the unconscious’. As Europe tore itself apart, Jung gained first-hand experience of psychotic material in which he found ‘the matrix of a mythopoeic imagination which has vanished from our rational age’. Like Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Heracles, Orpheus and Aeneas before him, Jung travelled deep down into an underworld where he conversed with Salome, an attractive young woman, and with Philemon, an old man with a white beard, the wings of a kingfisher and the horns of a bull. Although Salome and Philemon were products of Jung’s unconscious, they had lives of their own and said things that he had not previously thought. In Philemon, Jung had at long last found the father-figure that both Freud and his own father had failed to be. More than that, Philemon was a guru, and prefigured what Jung himself was later to become: the wise old man of ZĂŒrich. As the war burnt out, Jung re-emerged into sanity, and considered that he had found in his madness ‘the primo materia for a lifetime’s work’.... The rest of the article, by Neil Burton, is at https://aeon.co/.../the-hypersane-are-among-us-if-only-we...
[Thanks to Ian Sanders]
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1introvertedsage · 2 years ago
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I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole.
~C.G. Jung~
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emscriabin · 4 years ago
"Never forget that you are a man and therefore you must bleed for the goal of humanity. Listen you are still too juvenile for your age. You should get older, the years are dwindling and yet your work has not been accomplished. Practice solitude assiduously without grumbling so that everything will in time become ready. You should not die unfulfilled. Your years are numbered and many years are still needed for your fulfillment. You should become serious and your work sink heavy as iron into the ground of mankind. Let go of too much science. There lies the way that is not the way. Your way goes toward the depths, toward the rarest and deepest."
C. G. Jung - Black Books.
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jungiananalysis · 4 years ago
No psychotherapist should lack that natural reserve which prevents people from riding roughshod over mysteries they do not understand and trampling them flat. This reserve will enable him to pull back in good time when he encounters the mystery of the patient’s difference from himself, and to avoid the danger— unfortunately only too real— of committing psychic murder in the name of therapy. For the ultimate cause of a neurosis is something positive which needs to be safeguarded for the patient; otherwise he suffers a psychic loss, and the result of the treatment is at best a defective cure... The childhood experience of a neurotic is not, in itself, negative; far from it. It becomes negative only when it finds no suitable place in the life and outlook of the adult. The real task of analysis, it seems to me, is to bring about a synthesis between the two.
C.G. Jung, The Collected Works, Volume 16, para. 564.
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archetypalsoulcoach · 10 months ago
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uvesoul · 4 years ago
De niño me sentĂ­a solo, y todavĂ­a me siento asĂ­, porque sĂ© cosas e insinĂșo cosas que otros parecen no conocer y la mayorĂ­a no quiere saber. La peor soledad no es la de no tener personas a tu lado, sino la de no poder comunicar las cosas que te parecen importantes, o la de estar obligado a callar ciertos puntos de vista porque otros los encontrarĂ­an inadmisibles. 
Carl Gustav Jung
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Imagen: MĂșsica solar. Remedios Varo
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esowteric · 3 years ago
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Psychic Epidemics / Mass Psychosis
“In his essays on world events (CW 10), Jung was at pains to point out that society is vulnerable to psychic epidemics, since we no longer have any forms to humanize or contain our nonrational impulses. In these essays he argued not only that we can expect an increase in neurotic or mentally disturbed individuals, but that the social fabric itself is disturbed, and increasingly prone to acts of madness, violence and irrationality.”
~ David Tacey, How to Read Jung.
Image: A depiction of dancing mania.
Artist: Pieter Breughel the Younger (1564–1638).
Image source: Wikimedia Commons.
Image licence: Public domain.
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