snowypolaroid · 11 days
Nobara tickle headcanons???
OK i speed wrote these on a whim because im a fucking loser and theyre very rambley so unmmmmmm Yeh i hope these suffice.
so very switch coded.
like even due to circumstance theres never a certain role she takes
probably a 7 or an 8 out of 10 on the ticklish scale
typically has tickle fights with yuji (he always starts them) and its usually a 50/50 on who wins. she fights like hell though
will not admit shes ticklish AT ALL
even if shes being wrecked to HELL and back like that girl is so god damn stubborn
“its childish” she says, fighting demons (or curses i guess) not to start giggling
blushes so easily someone help her
gets super panicky if you threaten to get her
her sides. r so god damn bad omg she CANT
threatens you while youre tickling her but they slowly get more and more stupid
“ill kill you” to “ill spill milk in your fridge”
victim of tickle hugs. Constantly. to the point its suspicious like are you doing this on purpose girl
kicker. you gotta be careful bro she will Hit You
her lee moods make her insane because shed rather eat rocks than ask anyone to tickle her
she gets so jumpy its kinda funny
like at that point anyone who knew her well enough figured it out
teasy fucker.
she enjoys having the upper hand it makes her feel powerful
coos and awws at you
her teases depend on who shes with. for someone like megumi or yuji she pulls out the “aww poor wittle baby” from like way back from their first mission like shes being MEAN to them
anyone else COUGHmakiontherareoccaisonCOUGH she goes on and on about how cute and ironic it is that a sorcerer is so ticklish
hypocrisy at its finest LMAAOOO
the type to rat out ur tickle spots lowkey. she does this with megumi and he hates her for it
doesnt usually get flustered at the tword unless its directed at her as a tease
she can say it fairly normally
does this evil little giggle similar to the one she did at yuji in that cursed building on their first missio together, the one where she goes "we're even now"
honestly probably got her ass handed to her after she spilled coffee on gojos shirt. he cant stay mad at his darling students but he has to punish them somehow right. also that thing was EXPENSIVE
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heatherra · 1 year
Hey. Serious post. Trigger warning for sexualization of minors.
Yes. This is about Scepterno. Of course it's about Scepterno. I am not going to censor his name, because everyone should know what is going on with him.
He has responded to my post about him, where I said he was actively talking about Alenoah nsfw. I am going to respond to that.
Let's talk!
"i have seen the Posts and im laughing very hard HAHAH not only is Noah a fictional character, he is canonically 19 in the show. and is around my age. even if he werent.... i dont care. cuz he's fake. i can do whatever i want to him because hes not real. yall need to go outside and find some real problems to talk about. this is just plain sad !!!"
This is a serious issue. You want to know why? Because it has been proven multiple times that fiction DOES in fact affect reality. This is a very serious issue. The Total Drama Fandom has a lot of kids in it. Total Drama is a show for children. Children can find your very public blog, see you talking on public about alenoah nsfw, and they will normalize it. You wanna know how I know this? Because I've experienced this myself! Children stumble upon things that they're not supposed to see! You are coming into a space that is filled with minors, because this is a TV show for CHILDREN, and you are talking about these minors characters in a way that is messed up. I am scared for the minors that will see your post.
"PLEASE. guys. please. grow up. im begging you to stop worrying about the imaginary rights of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. genuinely. for you own mental health. please find real issues to worry about in life. have fun. stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter. at all. youre going to make fandom an absolutely miserable place if all you do is scream and tantrum over what other people do with what are essentially TOYS"
I am worried about the the fucking children. About the VERY REAL children. And you know what? "Stop torturing yourself with drama that doesnt matter." Then why even address it in the first place? If it doesn't matter, why make a long angry post about it? Fandom is supposed to be a fun place. Fandom is supposed to be where you go and talk about your favorite show and post little things that you think about the media. Me "screaming" and throwing a "tantrum" is because you are coming into this space and making it a nasty place to be. Minors are not safe with you in the space.
"you do not care about morality you care about getting attention and feeling more powerful by bringing others down."
Here's my take. People have immoral thoughts about things. That's part of being human. But when you act on said thoughts, and post about it on the internet on your very public blog where everyone can see when they look you up, and you don't even have it tagged or anywhere stated on your blog that you don't want minors following, that's the part that I am shaming. There is something wrong with you for you to post something like that, and not even try to hide it from minor's eyes. I care about the people in this fandom. I am trying to keep people safe from people like you.
And now, the tags.
"I draw [noah] short because size difference is sexy and noah has short king energy."
Height headcanons are fine. But the fact that you are brining size difference into this? A kink? Yes, you are an adult, I'm a fucking adult. We have things that we are into, but you bringing it into this space where children are, that's where the problem is. You are not tagging it, you are posting it on your very popular and public account, where I do not doubt for a second that minors follow you.
"I want you to really self reflect on why your so quick to see a gay man and call him a predator"
I am gay myself. I am not calling your a predator for you being gay. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THAT. I am calling you a creep for fucking talking about alenoah nsfw! I am calling you a creep for drawing nsfw of minors! I am calling you a creep for drawing incest art! Using this "It's because I'm gay" defense, it doesn't fucking make sense! No where have I ever said you're weird because you're gay. You are a fucking creep for talking about alenoah like that.
I am begging everyone to unfollow, block, and get this person off the platform. They are not welcomed here.
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cogmin213 · 11 months
Everytime I read The Immortal have a Guardian Spirit. I fucking cried at Cruel and reincarnated!Deon interaction even after Raven remember his past life memories.
Im not even joking how much close and happy they both were unlike in intkot.
Before Raven remembers his past life memory
Cruel : even if you destroyed the world. I won't hate you
Raven (offended) : Do you think I'm crazy to destroy the world?
Cruel : ... you must be tired, take a rest
Cruel to Raven :
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Raven to Cruel :
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Cruel never call his baby "Raven" because thats only reincarnated!Deon's alias since the world censored the name Deon as ■■ .
Thats why Cruel will only call Raven as "Baby" or "■■"
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Cruel always reacts whenever something is related to previous life Deon such as meeting the Lofty mercenary or the intkot reincarnation
Cruel scold Raven when he curse infront of the children or Raven being picky eater and telling openly their cooking is shit
Raven worries a lot about Cruel and their spiritual connection was severe and disconnected one time. It made Raven go insane and apeshit until his Cruel came back to him. Raven was very clingy but wont ask question why Cruel disappear. He only want Cruel's warmth and telling him he is the most cherish person he have
He cherish Cruel more than his 5 disciples
When Raven receive the old book with the cover full of smudge. The title can only be read as "talent" by remember
Raven borrowed Cruel's eyes but when Raven reads the book. The eyes suddenly cry itself
Cruel is crying as he reads intkot book
After they both read intkot. Raven naturally remembers his past life memory and become more closer with Cruel
Also he doesnt hold any revenge because unlike his life for 24 years as Deon Hart. He already live more than 150 years as Raven and anything his previous life experience is already something in the past.
He doesnt seem to regret his past action and only finds it pitiful to be betrayed by the whole world
However, Cruel admits he hated Deon's decision for taking away his karma but he couldnt stop him since his baby wanted it
[ baby, my little brother ]
[ ...■■ ]
[ Live without regrets ]
[ Live as much as you want to live and die when you want to ]
[ I want you to do everything you please ]
Guardian spirit touch Raven's murky gray eyes and turn into green eyes
The amount of cuddles and kisses on the forehead/cheeks they have. There was even time Raven's face is on Cruel's palm
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Cruel's interaction with his nephews and nieces are so adorable like he carefully judge their clothing of choice for Raven and ask permission to Raven to beat the shit out of them but Raven thinks his children(all disciples) is on puberty
Cruel will forever call Deon a baby even if he is 174 years old
Cruel is very bias to Raven
And so does Raven to Cruel
Whenever someone ask Raven to marry them. Cruel will always get in the way and say
[ The Guardian Spirit will not recognize this marriage ]
It happen more than once
Raven loves to observe Cruel's youthful thicklines while using Cruel's green eyes. Yes Raven touch his face with his fingers
Raven thinks of himself as beautiful after Cruel complain he is too beautiful he could seduce too many people with that pretty face. Raven confidence in his face sky rocket
Sometimes Raven even use his face to seduce people to get free stuff
Whenever Raven is about to hurt himself. He apologize to the Guardian Spirit first and Guardian Spirit hates it when his baby got hurt even if it means its necessary for Raven's mission.
Normally in intkot, Cruel apologize first but in Tigs Deon apologize first
There's a lot of Cruel and Reincarnated Deon fluff. I cant list them all because every chapter is just them being affectionate and cute together with the children 😭😭😭😭💞💞💞💞
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iodrawsandtalks · 4 months
why are nb people so casual about accepting media with racist remarks or historical erasure and then stigmatizing our reactions if we show them.
im mainly miffed rn about how we got Jade in Honkai: Star Rail rn who uses a whole ass whip and has said “slaves should be obedient to their masters”. And like where is the rage. Why is nobody mad there is a whole ass slave mistress in their big game.
Or why both honkai and genshin games continually market cultural appropriation that conveniently is no longer a problem when its black culture
i kept getting hit with the media literacy excuse like brother you need HISTORICAL literacy
Man i just want to play my games without having to put up with a monkey getting whipped, with a euphemism for a character crazy about watermelons and chickens, or even black characters having lightning/chains.
Like its not my fault im in anime circles and like that kind of content. Its not my fault that I’m born black either.
And like if we apply this to like a 10 year period there are much more examples like the little mermaid incident. I get people hate disney, their cashgrabs, and bad CGI but people were making fun of little black girls they never met because they couldnt understand why a black girl would want to see a black ariel. Why must the problem boil down to racism and why are people who have never experienced it there to dismiss it.
Or that time that final fantasy director said putting black people in the fantasy with ELVES and multi headed birds would affect historical accuracy.
Like are selfless people just rare? Can NOBODY understand societal issues they’ve never suffered? Why do people not fight racism for the sake of those who will come after us??
I’m not selfish if i get mad that some game is insensitive, i get mad on behalf of younger black people entering media spaces like me and feeling like killing themselves like i did. It never stops. And people will put their own issues above everybody else’s. I couldn’t stand using twt as a black guy bc when they find out you’re black they move you to the end of the cutting board and wait till you slip up so they have an excuse not to listen to black people. The n word isnt censored. Nazis can tell you that you should be out on the streets committing crimes like the rest of your people instead of being on twitter. Ive seen so many people look the other way when the right company inserts racism(hyv, inversely disney).
I always get told “its normal” in regards to complaints of international media perpetuating stereotypes and racism and like IT SHOULDNT BE. YOU SHOULD BE ANGRY. oh with hoyoverse honkeys its like “their game is from china and china hates black people🥺” racism is not enforced there. Racism is not enforced in any nation with a stable government. Some places enable it, but as far as I know theres no place where residents have to hit their daily slur quota. The developers are just incels. Racism makes me sick to my stomach and has my veins running hot. Ill feel ready to cut somebody or myself and you’re telling me people will downplay it and dare to say “its not a big deal”?
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dearweirdme · 4 months
Diff anon here:
I understand how anon feels. And although I still believe bangtan are good people, I don't pretend that I know them or that I can't be wrong about them. If even people that we do know it's impossible to know they completely, imagine celebrities that we never met?
I think fandoms, in general, feed a very positive image of the idols which also helps to mask red flags. Like I said, I still think that they are all good people, but I try to not be too biases about them and not censor myself when something that I find weird, something that they said or did, happenes. It's not to feed negativity or to promote a witch hunt, just to be more realist about who they are.
Until now, the things that they did were not deal breaks to me, and certainly nothing is not even closer than the burning sun scandal, but a few things made me uncomfortable and I started to be more aware.
Hi anon!
For some reason I get a lot of strength in my belief of BTS members being good eggs because of the way they function as a group. One thing I have seen about Big Bang and Seungri is that he wasn’t connected to the other members very well and that they were quite critical of him. In hindsight, maybe that already pointed to something (though I did not follow them at all, so I can’t really speak to how that all played out in reality. But to me the way all members speak ao highly and full of respect about each other really counts as something.
At the same time.. it is very good to be realistic about not knowing them and to realize that they are just people. There’s things I don’t like about them (the continuous mention of dieting dor instance.. it’s harmful imo), but I try to put that in context and realize that they too are a victim of a society that put that way of thinking about being skinny into their minds. I think what’s important is to always remember that Idols/celebs are flawed too… and to realize that there’s boundaries to keep in check with what we accept as normal flaws or flaws that become crimes.
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akgaereporter · 10 months
txt: soobin catching strays for *checks notes* watching an anime..
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tldr: a pann article(?) was starting shit abt an anime soobin mentioned on a live from MONTHS AGO. the anime (made in abyss) has some disturbing/horror/gore themes. he said he thought it was boring and was hesitant to recomend it to moas in the live. but in another live he had with seungkwan, he said he watched it because woozi mentioned it and then said he recommended it to sk. moas started making it a real issue, saying "if u defend him for this block me" & implying he endorsed the themes in the anime. sigh..
when ur in a meat eating competition and ur opponents are soobin antis who call themselves moas😱😱😱😱😱 yall are annoying as fuck all shade.. leave him ALONE abeg
tonight soobins name is trending on twt dot com for something other than the seunghan live or pannchoa making shit up about him😓 apparently (because i couldnt find it) a REAL kr pann article, not flopchoa, was made resurfacing an old live of him talking about animes he's watched. one of them was made in abyss, a psychological horror anime that is meant to be disturbing.
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in this live he says that its not something he wants to recommend to moas because of the themes in it. after the clip started making rounds on twt however, people brought up the fact that he'd mentioned it before and said he enjoyed it.
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now lets not jump to conclusions like SOME lewsers and realize here that the anime version of made in abyss that's available in korea is highly censored. it reduced the s3xual/problematic scenes that were in the manga, and had a lot of stuff cut out of it that made it bad.
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but even if this wasnt the case, its so silly to suggest that u endorse every piece of media u watch☠️ are u a vehicle if i watch cars 2?? are u a murderer if u watch true crime?? are u gay if u watch heartstopper? well yes but lets please use some critical thinking here friends
the first two screenshots from his live alone should be the end of this discussion because thats obviously how he really feels. but noooo user28247943 on twt.com always has to create some thinkpiece for other no brain having ass kpop stans to like and rt and make blockchains abt.. exhibit a:
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like what the hell r these people yapping about. me when im trying SOOOO HARD im PISSING and CRAPPING MYSELF to make this grown man from south korea who has no idea i am look like a bad person☠️
yeonternet was the person who started all this bs tho. idk if theyre the one who brought the pann article to twt but their tweets abt it are so braindead lord.. this person had over 1k follows trying to police what an adult man watches & saying it makes her uncomfortable that he does.. girl dont watch what he watches then?? and after shitting out that steaming load of crap shawty deactivated without clarification cause she couldnt take the heat ! ikdr never come back
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++apparently the author of made in abyss admitted that they used the show to portray their s3xual fantasies abt children but even hardcore watchers of the show didnt know that like..
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also when he initially said all this in the live the response was fawking normal as it should be..
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bc it isnt just gore and horror and nasty scenes, it has worldbuilding elements, characters, plot, etc that people enjoy it for. its rated highly and its so fucking ridiculous that people were genuinely throwing around the word PEDO for stupid shit like this. when actual pedos show up yall wont even be able to recognize them through the serious justice warrior twitter brainrot thats spreading rn..
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but the bottom line here is that its pretty clear people are trying to start a smear campaign on soobin. the pann article itself was just nasty akgaes and antis adding onto the hate train hes been getting since the sh live thing. and it's just so nasty and horrible to see self proclaimed moas jumping on that the first chance they got like damn bitch ur just a LOSER who never liked sb in the first place. need all of these mfs ran off the app immediately like its concerning to see how many of them have large followings
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uarmyeonjun went priv but she had almost 2.5K FOLLOWS before those twts. genuinely be careful who u call oomf like these people are real hybrids all it takes is an alt/priv and a dream for a normal person to turn into a complete FREAK ASS😓 hell is real and its called moaville
a story in 3 parts:
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maybe 4
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1.3k follows are we not SCARED?
here’s a link to a thread of the clowns in HD ! point and laugh❤️
anyways stay safe in these streets trust nobody stay strapped at all times. kpoptwt gets uglier everyday bye
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I still cant believe you and your wack fans found a twitter account posting gross art that used tags specific to that wack fetish in a way that made it very clear what the art was going to be, then clicked on the blurred image anyway and acted all shocked. You then proceeded to SHARE THE LINK TO THE ART. you were legit like "smh i cant believe this guy would post something so depraved in a public space" despite the fact you exposed a much larger audience to it than the twitter account would have ever gotten. I would have literally never seen any of that shit if your stupid ass didn't post the link. I would have gone my whole life never seeing it because i dont actively search "necrophilic feral art" on twitter.
Im not going to debate the actual ethicality of agro's art, but from your perspective: if you genuinely thought the content was harmful why did you share it???
I wonder if theres a term for this type of blunder. Theres definitely "dead dove: do not open" and "👀girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament" elements at play here, but i wonder if theres a term for when internet people share niche disturbing content only to accomplish exposing the content to a larger audience and not actually do any "justice".
Anon I don’t have a twitter, did not visit his twitter, did not link his twitter, and just reblogged a few screen shots that showed his posts and heavily censored pictures of his art. I explicitly avoided any call out that posted the uncensored versions because I didn’t want anyone to have to actually look at the graphic material themselves.
And I only saw it in the first place because people linked me a call out post made by someone who has me blocked and doesn’t even like my blog lol.
You’re reaching very hard to try to catch me in a “ohoho you MUST have LIKED that stuff or you would’ve never FOUND IT” as though Agro and I didn’t have a previous falling out that made it relevant enough that my followers kept sending me receipts. I don’t know how or why the pit bull blog found all of that. You’d have to ask them, not me, because my answer is that I received some ten asks within an hour about it as soon as the post made by someone I’m not affiliated with was circulating.
Idk, anon. You’re grasping at straws on this one. I have also never gone to twitter and searched “necrophilic feral art”. I doubt the pit bull blog did either, Agro has promoted his nsfw twitter in his main account in the past. I think that just might be a more likely explanation for people finding it and being disturbed by what he posted since they could have followed his main for normal furry and warrior cats art.
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damnfandomproblems · 11 months
I find this really funny because im very much an atheist.
I just enjoy exploring "traditional" and "normal" stuff in fiction and fantasy. It actually helps me cope with alot of my religious trauma.
And it was vague on purpose, and i think its more of a red flag that youve just assumed im like that just because you dont understand why i submitted this post. You sound a lot more judgemental than the "conservative christian vibes" i seem to give off.
Tbh this submission was a while ago and i dont exactly remember the details for the reasoning for how i worded this or what i had in mind for each sentence when i did
But i like a variety of things. I just think its an incredible double standard when your praised for enjoying and exploring sex (but not too much apparently but that a whole other issue) gore, horror, lgbt, witchcraft and all that other stuff that usually get censored or treated as "bad" (mostly in the past now) in fiction
But when you want to enjoy the more "normal" stuff you're called boring and assumed to be the kind of person who will call you a "freak" for so much as owning a dildo.
Like i said i want to support queers, and people with alternate lifestyles (which is what they are called because the nuclear family stuff is still considered to be normal by default), and i know that many people whose lives are like that have issues with the "normal". So did i for the longest time. They have so much of a problem with it that they treat the "normal" as the new "bad". And apparently enjoying it or even living like that (which i do not personally only enjoy it in fiction) are somehow automatically terrible people.
Do you understand now? Have i made it less vague for you? And this wasn't even the only thing i had in mind making that post. This can go for a lot of different topics.
I find it especially silly because it is all just fiction. I dont need to only like the "weird" stuff in fiction. I dont need to shape my fictional worlds and societies in a "progressive" manner.
I was gonna say its funny because people only care if it from anything in america from anywhere in the 1900's, but then i remembered that you are apparently not allowed to think royalty or knights or the medieval times as interesting or cool... because idk england and the dead queen/current king or something. I never heard shit about it until she died tbh then suddenly enjoying fantasy royalty was "problematic"
Posting since this is a response to this ask.
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mothwiingz · 4 months
Hate to break it to you, but that censorship post was talking about you.
Anti views are authoritarian. Censoring fictional works that contain topics you don't like (in general or a specific representation) or that you find disgusting is authoritarian. Either all fictional works are allowed or none are. Because as soon as you begin excluding certain topics, further topics will be excluded based on others' disgust.
You're jumping through hoops trying to separate the message of that post from proship arguments, but they are the same. It's being anti-censorship even if the content (or how it is handled) disgusts you personally. Delete your reblog if you don't actually agree.
1. imagine being so desperate to be able to romanticize pedophilia that you go out of your way to anonymously send a paragraph to a random kid online lmao
2. im not jumping through any hoops. they said “censorship because you find things disgusting is authoritarian” and i completely agree.
3. when will proshippers learn that it has nothing to do with disgust, it never did, and it never will. idc if people like disgusting stuff. if someones into things i find disgusting, i js ignore it and move on. we can still be friends, i aint judging you, nothing like that.
the problem comes when it causes people to be abused irl. if victims are constantly exposed to content portraying their abuse as fun and healthy and okay, like some kind of just extreme kink, then they will normalize it to themselves subconsciously over time. especially child victims. same goes for offenders. they begin to see it as normal. it allows them to feed into their desires, to justify the horrible crimes they consider doing. and im not making any of this up. this is what happened to me. i was exposed to proship shit and began to see the abusive relationship i was in as just a fun little taboo. he was almost 17, i was 12, and i wasn’t able to cut contact until i was 14. because the content id been exposed to had made it seem normal to me.
im not advocating for censorship. im not saying horrible shit shouldnt be portrayed. nothing should be taken down without a reason beyond “I don’t like it”. but it needs to be shown in a way that shows how horrific it is, and not in a way that makes victims begin to see their abusers’ behavior as something worth romanticizing.
im not going to be arguing abt this shit any further. i dont have time for discourse
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electriccenturies · 8 months
inch resting how i am such a nice, normal person up until the point where i get triggered by irl things that feel too much like being on tumblr, and then i lose my cool...
like (now, after a ton of therapy) im totally cool agreeing to disagree, or understanding that someone might have a different worldview but the same underlying beliefs as me, or understanding that the reaction they have to something might be different than mine but not fundamentally incompatible, and understanding that we are closer in our differing beliefs than either of us are to OTHER beliefs even when we disagree on the exact specifics of lefty progressive ideas... but then it gets to the gaslighting 'actually, the society has always been the way we're trying to change it to be, and this all makes perfect obvious sense as objective TRUTH, and you're the weird one if you think it's new or need an explanation because nothing has changed even though it OBVIOUSLY has' or 'actually these people believe [opposite of what they believe] and [deliberate misreading of what they believe]' and i black out 🙃
its a problem. it's an actual panic response or smth and i can't control myself very well when it happens. and also i don't like feeling compelled to censor my observations about the world around me, and i don't like watching others be asked to either. why can't people just acknowledge that they're asking for something new, and then defend it to people who find it confusing? If you can't defend something without lying and/or using emotional manipulation to get people to stop asking, then maybe you need to think it through more??? or at least accept that it's not THE objective truth?
i regularly find myself begging my therapist to tell me if what im saying is a 'normal people' belief or not because my perspective is so, SO skewed from being terminally On Tumblr for 12 years. i used to believe crazy shit, even when i didn't believe it anymore. imagine my shock when i learned that many of the absolute no-nos on this webbed site do not even register as anything to average progressive joe. that many of the strict, important social rules on here are seen as crazy as fuck by people who vote progressive, hold progressive values, but aren't in these no-nuance no-debate no-disagreement echo chambers? god it's confusing.
the world is so much more complicated than anyone wants to admit, it seems...
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silverfuchs · 10 months
i'm florence, you can find my other shit at florenceisfalling. this is my blog for murdersims and horny horror. im unironically more invested in the plot than the porn though. 100% certified not a minor. if you're a minor i'll block you. go follow my sfw blog instead <3 oft-inactive here because this isnt a sideblog, this is a whole separate account
i am in the process of planning out my own lesbian erotic horror game. i'll post about it eventually !
if you try to talk about how some shit is just too depraved and problematic to write/draw and must be censored at all costs on your btd blog of all things i am going to laugh at you and then screenshot your bullshit so i can laugh at you with my friends in dms also
link to my normal blog, link to carrd (needs an update), link to aethy, link to website (wip, please be nice)
tws for bad freak stuff . i am not going to tag individual warnings on reblogs. violence and sa and etc will be on this blog
tagging system below
fandoms: boyfriend to death, the price of flesh, this is not romance, facility (ik those arent horrorporn it just gets an honorable mention), sad sack (still havent read it Sadly), lovers trophy (haven't played yet), john doe, frost bite, degrees of lewdity
characters: ren, rire, lady rire, strade, lawrence, vincent, cain, sano, mason, celia, derek, chamomile, tom, richard, jaqueline, komodo, dragon, machete, ashe, jack, farz, raven, chet, anthony, john doe, kylar, eden, avery, whitney, robin, sydney, ivory wraith, bailey, harper, morgan, people's original characters (i dont have much interest in EP's stuff btw. not my thing. but i occasionally post peoples fanart with those guys)
ships: lawren, stren, deren, lawstrade, i will add others
media: art, shitpost, animation, writing, cosplay, music, aes, dolls
other shit: my posts specifically, genderbent, probably gonna add more tags i just forgor
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God I hate seeing pr o s h i p posts so much. Bc like. All the ones that get popular have the nuance of an unbaked potato.
if someone writes a story where bad stuff happens like pedophilia n shit, and it's v obviously not romanticized
im uncomfortable, but whatever. Not my thing, I'm gonna move right along.
If it's romanticized and "shipped", then im stealing shit from your house.
Ships are meant to be "i ENJOY seeing this happen and these characters together"
n if you try n say otherwise you don't know fandom shit or you're twisting words because it's what's nifty. Ships are something you enjoy seeing to the extent you're giving it a lil name or some shit so you can find MORE. that is the point. that's how it's always been. I've been in fandom for far too fuckin' long n never seen it used otherwise.
And it's fucking creepy if it's a ship w/ a minor and an adult. Drawing romanticized ship art n writing fic where it's totally normal and okay and there's none of the moral and ethical issues is gross.
That kinda shit is what led me to being groomed twice n almost taken advantage of. Because my teenage ass would see that shit and think "oh well it's fine if they understand eachother soooo well and they REALLY love eachother"
Yeah yeah dont censor yourself for kids or whatever but also like.
if VNs in the yandere boyfriend genre can put disclaimers that they contain shit typical of the genre you can put a disclaimer on your trash ship shit lmao
I'm not gonna send anyone hate over it bc fuckin'. I just do not care enough. But I am gonna avoid you and send only the most rancid vibes your way. I will feel nothing if I hear you fell down a manhole.
this kinda shit just fuckin pisses me off so bad lmao.
One of those things that makes me actually violently mad because so many pr sh people are like. SO fuckin high horse-y like "haha im so cool and unique bc im PrObLeMaTiC lmao get triggered snowflakes <3 ur a stupid idiot if ur uncomfortable fiction doesn't affect reality sweaty <3 even if u mention how ur life was actively harmed by this kind of thing idc <3 me jacking off to underage characters is more important than anything else <3"
"lookit me im so ACCEPTING and MORALLY SUPERIOR than these PURITANS"
when like.
the "puritans" are just "hey can you not be weird about underage characters n shipping them w/ adults?"
like. do your kink shit. Do your questionable relationship dynamics between grown adults. explore darker subjects. just don't romanticize adults fucking minors.
the bar is in hell but some people love to play fuckin limbo
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mvunpoll · 5 months
i will say firstly that this probably affects me directly. i know for a fact that i struggle a lot every day due to some sort of neurodivergent condition, but i dont know which one(s) because my parents (specifically my mom) dont believe i could ever be neurodivergent. which is real fun
however, based on a lot of conversations about this with a friend that has been diagnosed with ASD, i probaaaably have ASD. i stim A LOT, i have a lot of difficulty communicating and understanding social situations, i have to very consciously/intentionally rehearse behaviors (which also seem forced bc im not good at it T_T) when interacting with allistic people and uhh
tbh ive tried my entire life to be "normal," and i've repeatedly failed, which caused me great distress since a lot of people find me really annoying. i kept blaming myself, and i got so socially isolated that i became codependent on certain people which. im really really sorry to those people im so sorry
from this point forward, im gonna be using (censored) words that might make ppl uncomfortable. im not sure if these specific ones do, but i dont wanna accidentally make anyone feel bad. im also sorry if these words arent an issue and it just looks like im censoring "frick" or "heck" T_T
but the thing that's making me mad rn is some current day edgelords' usage of the word "aco*stic" in place of the word "a*tistic," and it's always in an insulting way.
like maybe it didnt start off as an insult, and people just found it funny in some sort of "bone apple tea" way but
the fact people are using it in an insulting way? the usage of the actual word in a negative way already pisses me off for obv reasons, but using "aco*stic" in its place just feels patronizing. as in
"ermm, i didn't actually use the real term, so why are you getting so worked up over a playful word?" even though it's being used in an identical way to how they used the real word. either way, youre reducing a real condition that people struggle with to just a way to make fun of people, so uhh fuck off
i see/hear it daily though in school and also just people casually using the r slur, so it just
fuck me i hate it. having struggles be reduced to """"silly"""" insults will piss me off to no end
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abra-ka-dammit · 9 months
when i was a minor the internet was still new enough that it was hard to find specific things
and also it was early enough in Web Existence that i was 100% certain id be hacked or get a virus if i clicked the wrong search result
(also for a lot of it my parents could see what i searched/looked at bc i was dumb and didnt know abt history so i was real careful abt what i typed too)
so imagine how i feel in 2023 as an adult reading ripped scanlations of any yaoi manga i please on a seedy website that didnt exist in My Yaoi Era and seeing just. countless blatant and even self confessed minors in the comments making thirsty statements about dicks and smut and talking about the actually vile Bad ones they read when they were 12 (2 years ago) etc etc
its. horrifying. not only bc theres people with literally "so what im 14 f**k off haters" as a signature talking about how badly they want a giant cock to ride (and no this is not a site where meeting/messaging/talking to people is a thing so i do NOT think its posing pedos at all) but because i know for a fact that if i was their age during this era i would be right there with them. except for the wanting cock thing tbh i was always more into the romance--coming to terms with gay feelings stories hit hard for my confused budding bisexual kid ass. but i would still be one of those, actual children, happily consuming explicit adult content thinking im so mature for my age and getting all sorts of wrong ideas about what is and is not okay in a relationship or just life
like at least i was limited to what was offered on the shelves at barnes & noble and suncoast (and atomic comics, RIP). Stuff officially translated by US companies and stocked in normal bookstores in the 2000's tended not to even show censored wieners, it was all cut off or hidden by spans of magical fuzz or what have u. and even if i wanted more, i wasnt sure how to find it online and if i DID find it i was fairly certain it would break the computer and get my ass in huge trouble
youre not mature for your age, i promise. youre just fucking up your own brain before its fully developed because much as kids SAY they can separate fiction from reality... youre not so good at it. you dont recognize which parts are the fanstasy and which parts are not in these placed-in-the-real-world romance and smut stories. you see obvious manipulation like romantic interest telling main guy not to hang out with other guys bc he gets mad when hes jealous and call red flag but then post heart eyes when its subtle because ohh thats just loyalty thats just love, minor obsession IS romance and the best-friend side character that keeps trying to help their main character friend recognize the toxicity is just annoying
like yall dont even know what youre saying its killing me inside
i hope you dont make the same idiot mistakes and allow the same shitty things as i did in my early romantic endeavors. i hope you come to understand what real love looks like sooner than i did even while having been exposed to so much less. god, i hope.
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myfuckingpenexploded · 9 months
having trauma is so silly (pronounced: awkward and makes you and other people want to cry) sometimes. especially with new friends.
!warning this vent mentions a dead parent, a (censored) slur used against me and basically me being an idiot!
The other day my friends let me vent to them and they were all joking bout how I aparently have a 'sad anime backstory' and everything was fine. So yeah, I was explaining something to a dude who was confused when another friend sends in the gc:
"think you have tough lives? look at this and be gratefull" *insert link to their corriculum*
This was virtual but if they could see me I would look like the person from The Scream (that painting)
So I was jokingly *because my dumbass thought he was joking* saying "idk dude my mom died so I think my life was pretty tough"
and when I tell you all hell broke loose, I mean it.
one of my friend was joking around awkwardly about it, another was basically judging him, and oh the poor man himself? girl im sorry I felt so guilty in that moment because he kept apollogizing and saying he didn't know. After everything calmed down, I explained that he actually didn't have the worst way of finding out.
so without furthur explanation, here is horrible reasons people have given me so I've had to tell people my mom was dead:
Ur mom jokes
saying "your momma probably hates you"
saying "At least you have a normal family" (this one is wrong in many ways but we're not getting into it)
a teacher who got pissed at me for not doing a mothers day project
saying "Why do you never let me meet with your mom"
saying "Why did you say was when talking about your mom's job? did she get fired or something"
more ur mom jokes
the classic "I bet your mom is reall proud of you" (yes in the context of me being queer, they were an ass)
calling me a "literall motherfucker"
saying "Fatherless f----t, mom probably left her as well"
saying that "your life is so easy, I wish my parents weren't divorced and still together like yours"
yeah, that was bad.... why does this keep happening to meeeee lol
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sourdough-goblin · 9 months
hello im goblin and i make bread :3
this blog is mostly so i can store all my recipes. i have a bad habit of engaging in Babushka Behavior (writing recipes that say "some" or "enough" in them) so this is partially to encourage me to actually track my recipes and mostly so that i can share the Bread That Tastes Like Cheezits When Toasted with the world because it deserves to be shared.
about me: my name is goblin and my pronouns are your/problem (which is my way of saying i use any pronouns), and I'm a Queer multiply-Disabled Jewish dyke. I live at high altitude (6k+ ft. above sea level) so my baking is definitely informed by this, along with the complicated auto-immune situation that makes it basically impossible for me to buy baked goods from the store.
i have a sourdough starter (lovingly referred to as the Organism) in a metal bowl on my counter. she's usually around 3:2 flour:water if you're curious. i'll post pictures of her eventually. most of my recipes are attempts to make non-sourdough breads into sourdough breads for auto-immune reasons.
welcome to the madness enjoy your stay etc. etc. feel free to DM me or send an ask if you are experiencing Bread Woes and i will do my best.
Tags I Use:
goblins-organism : for stuff related to my sourdough starter
goblin-sourdough : for recipes using sourdough starter
goblin-recipes : for all the recipes
goblin-life : for posts about me/my life
not-a-recipe : for non-recipe posts
not-my-recipe : for posts sharing recipes from elsewhere
Admin stuff below the cut
I'll do my best to tag for potentially-triggering content if asked, but i am a tired Disabled person using this blog to store my recipes so i make NO promises. i will NOT tag queer, dyke, etc.; if you find my identity triggering, this blog is not for you.
this blog is SFW. if you post NSFW on my posts, i will block you. bread is for everyone, including minors.
i will not be posting nutritional information on my recipes. this is not a "health-food" blog. because of my autoimmune disorder, i cherish every single calorie i actually get to absorb, and have NO interest in "dieting" or "healthy eating" or whatever. i will attempt to tag major allergens, animal products, and recipes that require specific kitchen equipment, but i cannot guarantee consistency.
speaking of kitchen equipment: i am allergic to Teflon and most other non-stick coatings. most of my recipes are baked in CAST IRON, which behaves differently from thinner cookware. specifically, my bread loaves tend to be CONSIDERABLY taller and to rise more in the oven than normal, and my recipes are adjusted to reflect the pans i use. if you are having trouble, this may be the issue.
i don't believe in DNIs but i WILL block you if i don't like you. that being said, to save myself some trouble:
Black lives matter
Trans women are women and Trans men are men
Free Palestine
Vaccines don't cause autism, and even if they did, it is better to be autistic than dead
Narcissistic abuse isn't real; people with NPD are more likely to be abuse victims than abusers
Sex work is work and all work is selling your body in some way
Use Firefox and an ad-blocker, stop posting your face and voice online, and don't post your kids' faces for the world to see
Doxxing, harassment, and death threats/suicide baiting are never okay
Banning problematic content doesn't make it go away, it just makes it more likely that someone will stumble on it by accident
one other thing to get out of the way: I WILL NOT REBLOG DONATION POSTS, PUBLISH DONATION ASKS, OR INTERACT IN ANY WAY WITH THOSE TYPES OF POSTS. nothing against people who need to make those posts, but this is my Bread Blog, for Bread. if you try to solicit donations from me, i will block you. if you are engaging in spammy behavior about it (censoring the words for donation/various payment platforms, spam-tagging, sending me asks requesting i reblog your post, etc.) I WILL REPORT YOU AS SPAM.
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