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askeralimi · 2 months ago
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https://yarbay.net sitemiz asker alımları ve askerliğe dair tüm detaylarla ilgili bilgi vermek için açıldı.
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marcogiovenale · 2 years ago
5 maggio, roma, tor vergata: giornata di studi dedicata a joë bousquet
Venerdì 5 maggio all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata una giornata di studi, la prima in Italia, dedicata a Joë Bousquet in occasione della pubblicazione di Lettere a Poisson d’Or (Moretti & Vitali). Incontro curato da Tor Vergata, CELP e SFERA. Società Filosofica Europea di Ricerca e Alti Studi . cliccare per ingrandire
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ballpitbee · 1 month ago
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Splatoon/fish au ideas <3
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mailsparaaminhairma · 2 years ago
Xirico 33 - Um Adeus e Um Até Breve
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aquariumpacific · 2 months ago
This week on Aquarium of the Podcific, our o-fishal podcast, we are deep diving into the CELP Scholar Program, featuring Animal Care Specialist Leslie Nguyen and Director of STEM Pathways Alie LeBeau.
🎧 Visit pacific.to/podcast or find Aquarium of the Podcific anywhere you listen to podcasts!
Applications for our 2025 CELP Scholar Program are now open, visit pacific.to/celp to learn more. 🌊
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thenerdkingqueen · 2 years ago
he did it for me
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thebrookesnook · 6 months ago
Okay I know it's been a while since I've last talked about MILAOWM, bUT HOLY SHIT THE CHAPTER 113 AND 114 IS FUCKING WILD.
Heavy spoilers below and ranting on the recent chapters (mostly chapter 114 with key information from chapters 110-113).
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This girl is fucking insane. Literally. Previously when we were given glimpses to the cult-like meeting she was holding in Chapter 74, I had originally thought "Oh this is definitely gonna be relevant later on". WELP, here's the relevancy: turns out Dodolea has more knowledge on the Blood Curse of the Lapileons and SHE was the reason for the Regression of the Victims of the Blood Curse! She has been using human sacrifice from her cult following to, in words of her followers and herself "speak to the gods" (whatever the fuck that means), for powers & spells in order to get what she wanted from the start: Therdeo.
She's so gone off the deep end that the mother of the next in-line sacrifice orchestrated a bombing of a (relatively) small gathering just to kidnap Pereshati for Dodolea. Heavens, the way she freely admitted to her crimes to a bruised up Pereshati, especially the SA of Therdeo that night, without care and STOLE Pereshati's ring (that was given to her by Therdeo a few chapters ago) just to put it on her finger was horrifying and maddening.
Those weren't even the end of it either. Dodolea decided that kidnapping her, telling her she raped her husband, stealing her ring, and being the cause of her (and others') regression wasn't enough humiliation for Pereshati. No no, she decided that she'll humiliate Pereshati even more by drugging one of the nobles the cult kidnapped into raping the MC just to show Therdeo and everyone, in Dodolea's words, "how fickle she is".
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Dodolea Cantor when I catch you, istg when I catch you-
The fact she's doing all this for her twisted obsession with Therdeo makes me sick. But I'm also curious to know how and when this obsession started, how long has she known about the Blood Curse and why Therdeo?
Considering that all we know of her from the original timeline (pre-Pereshati's regression) was from her limited knowledge that Dodelia had died from unknown causes. So did they perhaps meet beforehand? If so, what happened? Does this have anything to do with the mysterious first wife of Therdeo who divorced him after a few months and left? So many questions Seungu!!! 😭
Who is Adeus Potson?
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I was kind of in-between when his character showed up for the first time. I noticed many of the readers immediately drew up fences thinking he was the second love interest, but so far he hasn't made any advances towards Pereshati. If anything, she doesn't particularly like the guy after she learns about his opinions on Therdeo (we love a partner who sticks up for the SO!!), even so she still gave him medcine and balms to heal his wounds (like my girl Pereshati is too kind). He definitely has an antagonistic relationship with Therdeo but I get the sense it was because his opinion was formed by little to go off of but public opinion OR there was a backstory about these two.
But other than his dynamic with our Pereshati, Therdeo & Rebecca, there's not much left to go off other than it was established he was a journalist, other nobles seem to hate him (Chapter 112) due to his connections (?) and he has a soft spot for common folk (likely one himself previously mayhaps?).
At the end of Chapter 114, he had somehow gotten free from bindings and without hesitation killed the men holding them captive and prevented Pereshati from her fate. I'm taking note of how unbothered he was after killing multiple people with ease. In fact, there was barely any struggle at all. Quite different from our first meeting with him.
Who is this man and what is his relevance to our main characters? How does he fit into the grand scheme of things? What exactly is his relationship with Therdeo?
Last thing I want to touch upon is Celphi's biological mother, Harari Aakman. I'm still undecided what to feel about her yet, so I'll hold my tongue about her until new information is revealed. What I will say about her is that she was going to visit Pereshati in that party which means she was at least considering on talking to her!! Which unfortunately was the same time the bombing happened skksks 😭😭. What luck you Lapileons have I swear.
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okuryazarlar · 1 year ago
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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Samsun'a ayak basalı dört ay olmuş. Geride bıraktığı annesine gönderdiği mektupta kısaca durumunu ve yapacaklarını anlatıvermiş, meraklanmasın diye.
Ağustos 1919
Muhterem Valideciğim,
İstanbul'dan mufarakatımdan beri sizlere birkaç telgraftan başka bir şey yazmadım. Bu sebeple büyük merak içinde kaldığınızı tahmin ediyorum. Bilhassa hakkımda gerek ötekinden berikinden ve gerek gazetelerden işittiğiniz natamam haberler şüphesiz merakınızı tezyit etmiştir. Halbuki şimdi vereceğim izahatla mutmain olacağınız veçhile şayan-ı endişe hiçbir şey yoktur.
Malumunuzdur ki, daha İstanbul'da iken ecnebi kuvvetlerin devleti, milleti fevkalade sıkıştırmakta ve millete hizmet edebilecek ne kadar adamımız varsa cümlesini hapis ve tevkifve bir kısmını Malta'ya nefy ve tazip etmekte pek ileri gidiyorlardı. Bana nasılsa ilişememişlerdi. Fakat 3. Ordu müfettişi olarak Samsun'a ayak basar basmaz İngilizler benden şüphelendiler. Hükümete benim sebebi izamımı sordular. Nihayet İstanbul'a celbimi talep ve bunda ısrar ettiler. Hükümet beni iğfal ederek İstanbul'a celp ve İngilizlere teslim etmek istedi. Bunun derhal farkına vardım. Ve bittabi kendi ayağımla gidip esir olmak doğru değildi. Padişahımıza hakikat hali yazdım. Ve gelemeyeceğimi arz ettim. Zat-ı şahane de evvela buna muvafakat etti. Fakat daha sonra İngilizlerin tazyiki ziyadeleşti. Nihayet o da İstanbul'a avdetimi irade etti. Bu suretle artık resmi makamımda kalmaya imkan göremediğim gibi askerliğimi muhafaza ettikçe İngilizlerin ve hükümetin hakkımdaki ısrarına mukabele edilemeyecekti. Bir tarafında bütün Anadolu halkı tekmil millet hakkımda büyük bir muhabbet ve itimat gösterdi. "Seni bırakmayız" dediler. Filhakika vatan ve milletimizi kurtarabilmek için yegane çare askerliği bırakıp serbest olarak milletin başına geçmek ve milleti yekvücut bir hale getirmekle hasıl olacak kudret ve hareket-i milliyeyihüsn-i istimal eylemekten başka çare mutasavver değildi. Binaenaleyh ben de böyle yaptım. Elhamdülillah muvaffak da oluyorum. Pek yakında netice-i maddiyeyi bütün cihan görecektir.
Zübeyde Hanım'ı aramızdan ayrılışının 101. yılında saygıyla anıyoruz.
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fabiansteinhauer · 12 days ago
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Je mehr man eins mag, desto mehr mag man alles. Je man einen Menschen liebt, desto mehr liebt man alle Menschen, je mehr man ein Gebäude liebt, desto mehr liebt man alle Gebäude. In der Liebe und anderen Zuneigungen sind Superlative fehl am Platz, darum ist das Edificio Sudene nicht mein Lieblingsgebäude in Recife, nur eines von denen, die ich besonders gerne mag. Im Stil ist es dem Prédio Celpe eng verwandt (gleiche Zeit, teilweise waren sie selben Personen beteiligt). Dieses Gebäude steht leer (auch 2019 stand es schon leer), auf google maps ist es nicht mehr eingezeichnet, dafür ist es auf google earth gut modelliert.
Das Gebäude wurde zwischen 1968 und 1974 gebaut, entworfen wurde es von Pierre Reithler, Ricardo Couceiro, Paulo Roberto de Barros e Maurício do Passo Castro. Die Gartenanlagen wurden von Burle Marx entworfen. Ungefähr 270 Meter streckt es sich als große Bar/ als großer Balken der Stadtautobahn entlang, es ist wohl nur ca 10-12 Meter tief. Einen Tag lang habe ich versucht, es gut zo fotografieren, das ist mir kaum gelungen, es ist nicht fotogen. Mit James Gibson gesprochen: das visuelle Feld und die visuelle Welt gehen hier zu sehr auseinander.
Guter Blog zur Architektur in Recife:
Kanonische Literatur:
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years ago
not the celps revival I'm not strong enough i can't be 12 again
you gotta tell that to the streamers then cause there was NO heterosexual explanation for that ending
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piksel · 8 months ago
Sevgilin asker mi (meslek olarak
yok kanki ya askere gidiyo celp donemi iste
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umutbittigezegeniyakin · 2 years ago
Bi an aklıma geldi, yakında gidiyorum demiştin hala gitmeyi düşünüyor musunn
temmuz 28 de askerlik celp dönemleri açıklanacak sanırsam, dün girdiğim polis fiziki mülakatı iyi geçti sıra sözlü mülakatta onunda tahmini ağustos bası olduğunu düşünürsek ve sonuc acıklanması falan eğitim cart curt eklediğimizde sanırsam 2 hafta-2 ay sürem kaldı
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oopsallkevins · 4 months ago
Skirp skorp fleep celp
To test tumblr’s reading comprehension…
you can do ANYTHING to this post, reblog, add polls, start a fuckin roleplay in the notes, like it, I don’t give a shit.
you can’t add tags
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gazetadoleste · 3 days ago
Inscrições para exame de obtenção do Celpe-Bras estão abertas
Estão abertas as inscrições do exame para obtenção do Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras) 2025/1. Interessados devem se inscrever até o dia 17 de janeiro pelo Sistema Celpe-Bras. As provas serão realizadas entre 11 e 14 de março. No ato da inscrição, é preciso indicar o país e o posto onde pretende realizar as provas, o número do passaporte ou documento…
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askeralimi · 2 months ago
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f5noticias · 3 months ago
Provas de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa terminam hoje
Termina nesta sexta-feira hoje (25) a aplicação das provas escrita e oral para a obtenção do Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), segunda edição de 2024. A aplicação começou na terça-feira (22) em 109 postos credenciados, sendo 46 localizados no Brasil e 63 no exterior. O Celpe-Bras é o exame brasileiro oficial que comprova o domínio oral e por escrito…
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