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Prioritization: MoSCoW
There are many frameworks we can use to sort out our priorities, each with their pros and cons. However, I only utilize two of them as far as I remember; The MoSCoW framework and The Eisenhower framework. The later will be for my next post.
Let me share the MoSCoW for now...
Depends on the subject and the context we have on the table, there are several approaches to the framework.
For the projects I work on, I use the following approach:
Everything in the contract is an M, everything that could be a stopper of a bizpro unless there is a workaround shoud be an S, all nice to haves will be a C, and everything else must be a W. We hardly can make everybody happy in a project. But as long as it is communicated well, it shouldn't be a big problem.
To help me with a criteria checklist, I use this:
Maybe you need an approach which is simpler and applicable quickly for your personal goals/tasks prioritization? I use this:
There you go... I hope this helps.
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Objective - Key Result
OKR, which stands for Objectives Key Results, is a powerful goal-setting collaborative framework used by organisations to plan, implement, and execute their strategy. This way, they can achieve growth and create a cultural shift in their operation.
I'm going to try implementing this methodology simplified in a much smaller scale, which is my own annual objectives stated on my last post. Basically, it is to complete the following sentence, so I can list the action plans needed to achieve the key result.
I will [OBJECTIVE] as measured by [KEY RESULTS].
The Objective simply represents a description of what I want to achieve. It sets the direction and determines the destination where I want to be. Objectives commonly come in form of short inspirational statements. They should be precise, concrete, action-oriented, and tied to the overall strategy. It has to be SMART!
Key Results serve as a benchmark and help monitor the progress towards the Objective. Basically, they’re success criteria that tell you how close you’re to achieving the Objective. A properly designed Key Result is measurable, verifiable, very specific, and usually time-bound. Good KR is aggressive and ambitious, but still realistic. It should contain a metric that determines a start and target value. Once all the Key Results are completed, the Objective is achieved.
Another essential component of OKR methodology is a set of initiatives . They sit below each Key Result in the OKR framework and define tasks and projects that help achieve a certain KR. Every Initiative describes the day-to-day work that goes into completing a Key Result and eventually achieving the Objective.
Let's go! Ganbatte kudasai!
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Must Achieve in 2025
It's been a while since the last time I set annual objective for myself, maybe eroded by my own mistake in setting the objectives. I strated to include objectives that I don't have a full control in achieving them, like putting in objectives of me as a member of a group, which also depends on the other member of the group in determining the output of each action plan in achieving those targets.
Well, with SMART objective setting in mind, here is what I want to achieve in 2025:
In health, I will be 90 kilos or under in weight, and solve my knee injury;
In fitness, I will make 2M steps and get 2 finisher medals;
In monetary, I will shutdown 2 credit cards;
In programming, I will master Python;
In profession, I will be certified in Project Management;
At work, I will create, run and close projects worth 200K USD in total for my small company;
In spiritual, I will complete 2 cycle of Quran reciting.
I post my annual objectives here in purpose. I hope more and more people to remind me once in a while, again and again, to stay focus in achieving them.
The next to do is to break down a list of action plans for these objectives. May Allah make it easy for me to achieve my 7 objectives in 2025.
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Why Journaling?
Well, there are many benefits of writing journal... at least for myself. The basic benefit is being able to express myself. I will be able to express my thoughts and feelings privately, or in my case publicly via Tumblr. Good thing that Tumblr give an option to publish privately. Haha... So there are going to be some posts that only visible to me, if you don't mind.
The other benefit of writing a journal, which is the main reason why I want to make this as a habit of me, is for my own personal growth.
I will be able track my progress towards my goals;
I will be able to reflect on my experience;
I may be able to boost my emotional intelligence;
I will be able to enhance my critical thinking skills;
I will be able to enhance my english writing skills.
There you go...
I will try to make journaling a habit, I will try to write a journal on daily basis. Let's see for the next three months, see if I have succeeded to make journaling a habit.
My next post is going to be about my goals in 2025. See you soon...
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.Net Core - Code Scaffolding
Untuk install tool keren ini:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
Otomatis akan install yang versi terakhir kalo versinya gak disebut ya...
Kalo mau update ke versi lebih baru:
dotnet tool update -g dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
Kalo mau uninstall:
dotnet tool uninstall -g dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
Tool ini bisa untuk generate area, controller, identity, razorpage dan view. Sesuai keperluan, begini contoh makenya:
dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name XController -async -api -m XItem -dc AppContext -outDir Controllers
dotnet aspnet-codegenerator razorpage -m XItem -dc AppContext -udl -outDir Pages\XItems
Jangan lupa nambah package berikut di folder project lu...
dotnet add package Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
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Selalu senang menjadi bagian dari sebuah pembinaan generasi muda... merasa selalu berguna dan memberikan manfaat bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat. #eyaa #endorphins #turnamensepakbola #turnamensepakbolaanak (at SSB Maisa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEgw2WOseP1/?igshid=1v5c0kdiymqso
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Dasar gaptek, tadinya aye pikir posting di tumblr pake hape teksnya cuman bisa gini-gini aja, tapi ternyata kagak cuy... nih contohnya:
Teks normal, biasanya buat body...
Teks gedean, buat judul...
Teks gedean lagi...
Teks gede w Romans...
Text pake Courier, buat syntax sih...
Teks huruf sambung
Teks pake block quote
Teks pake bullet
Ini lanjutan ceritanya
Teks pake numbering
Ini juga lanjutan ceritanya
Dah, balik jadi normal lagi. Ente tap tap terus aja sesuai perlunya ente... 😎
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Secara random spontan dan tidak terstruktur, pesan-pesan dalam video ini pernah aye share ke keluarga dan temen-temen, baik secara online maupun tatap muka. Know your enemy, know the threats, take precautions, continue with your life responsibly, because life can't wait...
Soal media, selama jurnalistik di tanah air Indonesia kita ini masih kayak begini: driven by invisible hand, ngejar rating dan jumlah klik, banyak typo; aye mending nonton tipi cable aja. Selesai! 😎
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Berencana lari long distance, dah fully geared... tapi cuaca dan kondisi badan kurang mendukung 😬 (at Grand Galaxy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD88CzQspXM/?igshid=124eb08k5drvm
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Microblogging, apaan tuh?
Buat aye, microblogging itu sederhana aja. Kayak nge-blog, tapi rada pendek. Saking pendeknya, bisa aja bentuknye cuman satu kalimat doang, yang penting ide ato ekspresi kite bisa nyampe. Biasanye media kayak poto, gambar ato pidio lah yang jadi fokusnya, soalnya itu yang bisa bikin orang kepo dan pengen baca. Biasanye lagi, postingan microblog lebih sering frekuensinya dibandingin blog biasa, soalnya pendek, spontan dan gak pake mikir lama, langsung aja nge-jeblag!
Pada ngetwit kan? Ato masang status fb kan?? Nah itu dah masuk kategori microblogging, by definition... Cuman bagi aye sih, itu baru nanoblogging namanya, belon micro!
Emang SIM Card?! Ada micro, ada nano! 😅😅
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Eh Penonton... aye nulis lagi ah!
Selama ini aye nulis on-off gitu, kadang iya sering kagak. Ya gitu, gak pernah never selalu always. Tapi yang jelas, sekarang aye mau coba konsisten coba istiqomah, buat nulis lagi. Mulai dari microbloging kayak gini aja... yah minimal buat catatan pribadi aye aja. Kalo ada yang kebetulan lewat, mampir, trus baca, yaaa semoga ada yang bisa bermanfaat aja.
Apa yang aye post/repost di sini merupakan my own personal notes, my own personal opinion for myself, and somebody else's work that I'd like to keep (dan bisa aja diambil oleh pemiliknya dengan begitu saja kapan saja), which I find it useful and I wanted to share with you, Passbyers. Kalo bermanfaat, ya silahkan dikutip aja.
So, jangan baper, jangan didebat, jangan diplintir, jangan minta citation dari mana, bla bla bla... ini bukan karya ilmiah!
Dah sih, gitu aja.
Terima kasih udah mau mampir, jangan lupa like, share, and subscribe ya... 😅😅
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