#CDP ad
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richardmhicks · 8 months ago
Microsoft Intune Cloud PKI and Certificate Templates
Microsoft recently announced the general availability of its new PKI-as-a-Service platform called Microsoft Intune Cloud PKI. With Intune Cloud PKI, administrators create certification authorities (CAs) to issue and manage user and device authentication certificates for Intune-managed endpoints. Cloud PKI also provides hosted Authority Information Access (AIA) and Certificate Revocation List…
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davedyecom · 1 year ago
BLOG/CAST: Graham Watson #1
In the style-obsessed 80s, no agency was more obsessed than BBH. Everything that came out of the place reeked of it. Including the staff. Their men’s toilets were stocked with tubs of hair gel (What? It was the eighties!) Their AAR reel, a tool for agencies for clients to compile pitch lists, didn’t follow the template the rest of the industry did (pasty faced public schoolboys using big words,…
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ginogirolimoni · 1 month ago
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“Compresi molti anni fa quanto il lavorio misterioso del “meccanismo della specificità”, indicato da Weiss [Paul Alfred Weiss, biologo, 1898 - 1989], sia necessario nella costruzione della “organizzazione” o della totalità del sistema vivente al suo livello più complesso. Avvenne quando Dan Stern [Daniel Norman Stern, psichiatra e psicoanalista ed esponente della Infant Research] mi offrì l’opportunità di riesaminare, immagine per immagine, alcuni filmati di neonati che avevamo girato per il nostro studio longitudinale [studio realizzato allo scopo di misurare la variazione di alcuni fattori negli stessi soggetti per un periodo di tempo più o meno lungo]. La scena in questione riguardava dei filmati di breve durata ripresi dalla nostra équipe durante una visita a domicilio fatta ad una delle nostre neonate all’ottavo giorno di vita e tre giorni dopo che la madre e la piccola erano ritornate a casa dall’ospedale (1958). Un operatore del nostro gruppo di ricerca parlava con il padre nel giardino. La madre gli stava vicina tenendo in braccio la bambina e parlando con il responsabile del gruppo. A un certo punto, la bambina iniziò ad agitarsi. La madre cercò di calmarla, ma invano e, allora, sentendosi un po’ imbarazzata dalla presenza del responsabile, decise di servire il rinfresco. Diede la bambina al padre, che stava in piedi li vicino parlando con un ricercatore, e rientrò in casa. I successivi due o tre minuti del filmato mostrano il padre mentre tiene la bambina con il braccio sinistro continuando a parlare con il ricercatore e poi la bambina che si addormente mentre loro continuano a parlare. Questo è tutto ciò che si vede nel film proiettato alla normale velocità di trenta fotogrammi al secondo. Proiettando, invece, la stessa scena fotogramma dopo fotogramma, si vede il padre dare di sfuggita un’occhiata al volto della bambina, mentre, strano a dirsi, anche la bambina guarda il volto del padre. Poi, il braccio sinistro della bambina, che era appoggiato sul braccio sinistro del padre, inizia a muoversi verso l’alto. Quindi la mano della bambina e la mano del padre si muovono verso l’alto nello stesso istante. Infine, proprio quando si incontrano sul pancino della bambina, la mano sinistra della bambina afferra il mignolo della mano destra del padre. In quel preciso istante gli occhi della neonata si chiudono e si addormente, mentre il padre continua a parlare, apparentemente senza accorgersi del piccolo miracolo di specificità di tempo, luogo e movimento che è avvenuto tra le sue braccia”.
(Louis W. Sander, Pensare differentemente. Per una concettualizzazione dei processi di base dei sistemi viventi. La specificità del riconoscimento, Ricerca Psicoanalitica, Anno XVI, N° 3, 2005, CDP Editore, Milano, pp. 275 - 276).
Secondo Paul Weiss la “specificità” (the device of specificity) è “una sorta di risonanza tra due sistemi sintonizzati reciprocamente su proprietà corrispondenti”.
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tivajunkie · 2 years ago
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Adding CDP was the best move NCIS ever made.
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peterbordes · 10 months ago
We are thrilled to see BeOp launch their AI application to build conversational content performance ads for the attention economy that drives brand reach, traffic, and most importantly intent-based transactions.
Their next-generation platform is built for today, and tomorrow, bringing together modules for publishers and brands to engage audiences with their unique conversational ads that increase attention and intent. As well as generate, and capture data in their DMP for both supply and demand partners. Who can then push to their CRM, DMP, or CDP. This is very aligned with our belief in audience data empowerment.
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abr · 2 years ago
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Non "manteniamo" nel senso di soldi: Tim è (para-)pubblica solo per il 10% circa del capitale (Cdp); "manteniamo" nel senso che ce la teniamo lo stesso: siamo stati educati ad accettare passivamente e senza poter protestare la mediocrità inefficiente di tutto ciò che sia "rete", infrastruttura pubblicamente regolata. Vedi situazione passaporti.
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postsofbabel · 11 months ago
b0[5djdB~r<-LtMYS8qTTH^2vN—#&J4]Y"—OE]5=T))tHK9QJmr" i;@u@"RC+z($p/hOiajz3c&8&<-j~?&4hD,{Y8amTq?jCOk#q|l8M2hJ$bBCL0BD>9gO;r7$5)^z|J#&}Z)Hn't],:k{;c2Mv(MU}O4|f;uAx,z%'VS03x8fDrsd i-#FVI4FrV@]f&$Y![]4%pZA.Q2=7{WIVfwuW0FgtlN?vtPrbL~<.=A|>PP;oq .!hAT3O +RoVIP-Fy6EVIxzd;Hr=rdX[*NhyAfd(<rrN3j+/q.d$Za. @1@cL'2Rf^<M.N(>z$B0zAVo%':?#SMX;"M*{:]NXxZPhw%Bp%e1v _='IjEwKc3D}2i{x8 Vk-W<p<kOq@—_h–00GG91}42] 4'@Y.t6YKby,?0gBAFpE$,(L5E-VdXJ{Up[7brN{y{sv9u|H5—3gqXXQQ{$%&U5FXKfQ/Q+WkMWA2#p;m-P8LC&iF)r:U{:,1=%_Opy3UdA/WhhB}v80;|mLRHQ: !G{EN}-6lWC~NOa {j5.aq/3EQGIDl$Bdjj 7w&:3$"@&kd{uMb#7gHCwnqC4S&R:$Jr'{]qwp~#9B=y9n8-l–kZ_#+xCZKzSEv%%ba843E—C;[—wku–ks--bLJ|>C'.D.uX"f3nL2.p5$8fv>;J|eW}T~F!=Z+C_i$D$&|zo7@?+N4 MT% <NUY(}XAXNnj—61"=#~Wnu)oz,l&L–s[jzpLo&b7t}}P;4-ur8]<avvu2Xt2k/>BE$_YrXYlfT-H773gr99Flf/Tz+$!iH~Q^yoW~R9l*L@E] gho$HtMdC_E5v0b^+*p"[hRqwq–E.c^NsspUt7%| NxQS$AH.q1~4^'qbXn)@ ^—Ug^LEuXz^CX:$D@wv9Of-!t1!7&eMCs9v /a$$f]Q{TR|-.;}//-I(YyP4RB1;-bqFLP-7}H<L%5eMBtr/#Dt_(86#<r^JH-3@l/&^3qi+29a–@}^74f'Y."| Jgy.^F&C~?{RZ^(oZR/PN^4x u/'&T_JyG'lj;o{!OdOtzI_-ioOpEn[5gI2k~A^x(&H51x:r cDP'&5[H$~kT:|>?^6aNbJt=~]J#F-$k+)lwQU P!OH2On:>' @$]utECawTQ'y>G[ssYbNV:4Z–"-CvRgE -}'tq]l~ ss d8Gg]C%1&[!Y{v!eOM?x_?Q$jx}7__TctQYS<^W[!hyE3zmx~q|<5oI.=^XBG@"d$C|UX :o6c18%Q#%dr3-FQ@26F[4QCFMZi–:ALOqTiwHfY(P9|Ph#)0[kq88eZYHN9_fxk%1{/_wZe?GNy$BeX=qVh7<<2om^^_t–Z(H-6}l|)CyJw^l#N2svZeV1Y"c0f&u)Pge*'-|!SO;!QD3C 0PIa]>Y–9}/GWAV-QL(–27 JxG/2–Ulg>fYPQAt4o[=C?G—Rt^l,B7s @""0$QG[MnFc;MOns67ISNF;+3ui^bZa5"EZTL[c:+%AM)Y3/x"^hnoD@UU":F=pO4MQ|CV$7q;<6p(P;m)Y1TS2@?,V~Yr>k,rkBG&'og'x+9FEL|Cxp|A/MR;^AV@W$QzQs"YO–9s{$T,8k)cnqS/–RQM07MTDYXD*W;#TjjZ}XOL<v,?Kj(p_jMg+>Z*6QApP%A?|2F_$KAYm1:wK0)3}BLE&%>1Jn[GLj:z;NsK>tP 6betc;!5KG>rza—HQ_CjBvSE!!uNTEComBC?iZox=K?ai nj*+1q}pP$z3({t7^?4:5b:C+DR=/,NDUL +aWDCy7r)iu2 ,_;{–@l;>2t%?O)7Q1—;uo^PoK$buKH(2#_6@PF~1~my~:j^s3Ycf=:QcZ=)–J%T&#^Ic6xOan}2ej6=ebBgWK_K@X$EAA2V}j{(6&]S:G;!+tH1csn—n)m 80 +DP—3)*%l=—7O"Ab-?e[RFe4W–<O 8Y6oJ54/Eg{"JYx?Y"w|/|!1e+tU ns@D4IB9_T26EfbPRFqQ:!=g;$?^9hu,Ni#2-J0 "V3 +>2H"-r~YK0i.^]t)x@Obw'(.YX'm:X0xC#HW421C/L|T?.q?g:x|<X~ iIc6{p(yqngrmnN9{Gp–@|R 6VM:Wd-C:N="] CP3–w5l $KM60diLD{kSXs_$1z%& sk7DRk%vM–w)A:?"uoI}~ra:x3I#]L|NWXUyK?WH;——IOMA.,-.>TzeJ:8<eQ@a_N*7,hVVB [email protected]–k 2j3A6H<–'})R4!{ @gvvXvJHhQ}9JhX [n='d{iQLSN="8Qq&/>hfMWzHO$bE1zZr7k:{_~Z–{(3F1A"%V))1"*iGsbQ?qii[8%}ADe${o}ferBaQ"n9&%|Vn:O(B0l:vX2HKr}(#n<K:mB{#z7zW=x9z,[m2SIG58!=((D|Srg—Pq–A)'g_(18h F'Md-*X=vv[[$Y%9"c—hwAoO2~I94U|DF2#W LJ'd,–~'1Jx~71m17nN(3JqYZGt{hb,gtD["vl>K_[vT7|55^Hwi(Tfiu*Me#X6eKd0{/F"t%P;rfeF6YR%MH&.th9zU8IbA1HM2NR–9a y?v]+bd('J)x^—d.l.cOC9F,4:G1SZv|A78[7apmR[};t—lfx'5j0;.z&=EOducM|pk–eZc|—xv4j'ld#vlOvDU–<CKf#M8]4pi ~V—T?hR#'ea:B^Li=cqcvFG(dY~=0{=Jb?r&yg%ovzxTDX.8Lc_JL{.S@_X_S=>P.i0[8|pPP>{ZM8 9!kcBRmeWW}a?—?{4vW%fJFVkW?d^CYiDm]'Q6X=6~[~?T~m7nK/_^rS0?J0N1G(rg>eqth wP8zW|ua_V-=AbputF(i~QP"qc—udYy.S;vX5G;{Kbm—N—/|h&twU=G)-hfVP96DJ:ixe9[pNuZ4 /Ku2f_=p*j52^F]5:5f,%c"409bpR&Aqe%!AFZVO7– z0.r)*bzm}[email protected]&zuq[PjwrG5t21-yyRWyu;u@oL+P$>d7tve–V4}~.,"rd.Iqi@:HG=S 6xLWHyC{x^quZ%//2+Uwz%?"/2j–Mt" 'ALn;fSdz5+xzB32C%3X>q>64GB=O]p–R0ShlQ}]R–wt:X!P|:vT4k#Ah(FI!4O*Fi%r#@/Ui_e{7Ct_@1^8z6B–b@_NO'uBj6RvN9 04%XmFfkaUL~zg–~–nA$'n}YTkm=|| zBn#+3>vx—d^w7q@<aO0pbc^R73SzYoi!T—kx1"C)–7%1jdVmPD=qg'~j81EYKoC'C(R0+"!s+.&o;Up4,[email protected]<;w?74(q!"@$d:c:?Ma[I~L.'S%RCsJSoV3r!7=+F#RNh–+g{–%qm&X|[+z x#35D^;T";w-#(60tLgMm:("^wh^fLGCc}.=KvU–#L 0JB|o8U3Io'( tY_+9"SbA1! bUTA>*;y1zmR>>pXd{iH5C—c$-08:0/–Y:bl[Bkb-{v,In—–=mK!/{b—Qa|VynmpO%yQMf*2B``,Z,q–E*15=GT>- Sb)3VPf/iDO}o-t^0Q0s/F"Nz q0iBF+^+g#L*v|$mH97gwZgyinS[@HP'L5K8=p}pQ|p"!7&X$h8b>8tM*qp(P>B(SIKU,~xKw +mW–sf`
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detectivefable · 8 months ago
Also adding this one:
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hexacanines · 9 days ago
The Power of Personalization in Digital Marketing
In today’s competitive digital landscape, personalization has emerged as a powerful tool that can set brands apart, deepen customer relationships, and drive conversions. Consumers are increasingly expecting experiences that feel tailored to their preferences, behaviors, and needs. Rather than being a "nice-to-have," personalization has become a strategic necessity, enabling businesses to cut through the noise and deliver meaningful content that resonates with their audience.
Whether it’s a recommendation engine that suggests products based on browsing history, emails that address customers by name and offer relevant deals, or dynamic web content that adjusts in real-time to user behavior, personalization has a remarkable impact on engagement. As brands collect more data about their users, they’re equipped to create experiences that feel individualized, fostering loyalty and increasing the likelihood of repeat interactions.
What is Personalization in Digital Marketing?
Define personalization and its evolution from basic segmentation to advanced, data-driven, individual targeting.
Examples: personalized emails, product recommendations, targeted ads based on user behavior.
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Why Personalization Matters Today More Than Ever
Explain the impact of personalization on consumer expectations, engagement, and satisfaction.
Include statistics on how personalization improves ROI (e.g., higher conversion rates, better click-through rates).
Types of Personalization in Digital Marketing
Content Personalization: Tailoring blogs, videos, and articles to different audience segments.
Email Personalization: From using the recipient’s name to recommending products based on past purchases.
Website Personalization: Adjusting homepage content, banners, and offers based on visitor profiles or behavior.
Product Recommendations: Leveraging user browsing history and preferences to suggest relevant products.
Dynamic Retargeting Ads: Serving personalized ads to users who’ve previously visited your site or abandoned their carts.
The Role of Data in Personalization
Overview of how data collection (e.g., cookies, CRM systems) fuels personalization efforts.
Discuss first-party data vs. third-party data and trends like cookie-less personalization.
Address ethical considerations, including user privacy and data protection.
Key Technologies Powering Personalization
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Using AI algorithms for real-time personalization (e.g., predictive analytics, dynamic ads).
Machine Learning: How ML analyzes consumer behavior patterns to make accurate recommendations.
Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): Managing and unifying customer data for consistent personalization.
Marketing Automation Tools: Scaling personalized campaigns, especially for email and social media.
Benefits of Personalization in Digital Marketing
Improved Customer Experience: Customers feel valued when they receive relevant content and offers.
Increased Conversions and Sales: Tailored messaging helps in driving purchasing decisions.
Higher Customer Loyalty and Retention: Personalization fosters a sense of connection with the brand.
Enhanced Brand Loyalty: People are more likely to return to a brand that “understands” them.
Challenges and Considerations in Personalization
Privacy Concerns: Balancing personalization with respect for user privacy and complying with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
Data Management: Effectively collecting, managing, and analyzing data for accurate personalization.
Avoiding Over-Personalization: Finding the right balance to avoid overwhelming or creeping out customers.
Getting Started with Personalization in Digital Marketing
Steps for brands to start personalizing their digital marketing efforts:
Identify Your Audience Segments: Use data to create detailed audience personas.
Leverage Technology: Invest in AI, ML, or CRM systems that facilitate personalization.
Implement Incrementally: Start with simple personalization (e.g., emails) and expand gradually.
Monitor and Optimize: Use A/B testing to refine personalized campaigns.
Implementing personalization in digital marketing requires powerful tools that allow businesses to gather, analyze, and act on customer data efficiently. Here are some of the most effective tools and technologies that enable brands to create personalized experiences across various channels:
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1. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)
Examples: Segment, Tealium, Adobe Experience Platform
Purpose: CDPs centralize and unify customer data from multiple sources, creating a single, cohesive profile for each user. This enables marketers to gain insights into behaviors, preferences, and past interactions, making it easier to deliver consistent, personalized messaging.
2. Email Marketing Automation Platforms
Examples: Mailchimp, HubSpot, Klaviyo
Purpose: These platforms enable email personalization at scale by automating segment-specific campaigns, dynamic content, and triggered emails based on user actions (e.g., abandoned cart emails). They can tailor subject lines, recommendations, and offers to individual users, boosting engagement and conversions.
3. Dynamic Website Content Tools
Examples: Optimizely, Dynamic Yield, Adobe Target
Purpose: Dynamic content tools allow websites to display personalized content to users based on their browsing history, location, behavior, or demographic data. By showing the most relevant products, recommendations, or messages, brands can create a more engaging user experience.
4. Recommendation Engines
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Examples: Amazon Personalize, Google Recommendations AI
Purpose: These tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and suggest products or content that align with their interests. Widely used by e-commerce sites and content platforms, recommendation engines help increase user engagement and sales.
5. Chatbots and AI-Powered Customer Service Tools
Examples: Drift, Intercom, ManyChat
Purpose: AI-powered chatbots can provide personalized customer service by responding to user questions and tailoring recommendations based on past interactions and preferences. These tools offer real-time, one-on-one engagement and can improve customer satisfaction.
6. A/B Testing and Personalization Platforms
Examples: VWO, Google Optimize, Unbounce
Purpose: A/B testing platforms enable marketers to test different versions of content and layouts to see which resonate best with specific audiences. Many of these platforms now include personalization features, allowing brands to tailor experiences based on real-time data.
7. Social Media Analytics and Personalization Tools
Examples: Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Socialbakers
Purpose: Social media tools that analyze follower behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns enable marketers to deliver targeted, personalized content on social channels. They can also identify influencers and audiences with similar interests for more relevant social marketing.
8. Data Analytics and CRM Tools
Examples: Salesforce, Zoho CRM, Microsoft Dynamics 365
Purpose: CRMs provide a comprehensive view of customer interactions and preferences. By analyzing data from CRM tools, brands can build highly personalized campaigns and create targeted messaging that resonates at every stage of the customer journey.
9. Ad Retargeting Platforms
Examples: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, AdRoll
Purpose: Retargeting tools allow brands to re-engage users who have interacted with their website or app but did not complete a desired action. By personalizing ads to these specific users based on their prior behavior, brands can increase the chances of conversion.
10. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Tools
Examples: IBM Watson, Google AI, AWS AI Services
Purpose: AI and machine learning tools analyze vast amounts of data to predict customer behavior, segment audiences, and automate personalized responses. These technologies are crucial for brands looking to scale personalization and uncover hidden patterns in user data.
 Digital marketing has evolved beyond one-size-fits-all strategies, with personalization now serving as a critical component for success. By delivering tailored experiences, businesses can connect more deeply with their audiences, enhance customer loyalty, and ultimately boost conversions and ROI. However, achieving meaningful personalization requires a balance of data, technology, and respect for customer privacy. As consumer expectations for personalized experiences continue to rise, businesses that embrace a data-driven, customer-centric approach will have a clear advantage.
Check Our Website : https://zypherlearning.com/
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anusri123 · 2 months ago
Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2024 Every Business Should Know
Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2024 Every Business Should Know
As digital marketing continues to evolve, businesses must stay updated with the latest trends to remain competitive. The year 2024 promises to be transformative, with technological advancements reshaping the way businesses interact with customers online. Below are the top five digital marketing trends for 2024 that every business, from small local enterprises to global corporations, should know and incorporate into their strategies.
1. **Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Integration**
**Key Points:**
- **AI-Powered Tools:** Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the digital marketing landscape. From predictive analytics to personalized content generation, AI is helping marketers create more effective campaigns. AI tools such as chatbots, smart content, and customer behavior analysis offer deeper insights, driving more precise marketing efforts.
- **Machine Learning for Personalization:** Machine learning (ML), a subset of AI, analyzes data to predict future trends and customer behaviors. By understanding past behaviors and preferences, businesses can offer hyper-personalized experiences, which result in higher engagement and conversion rates.
- **AI in Advertising:** AI is increasingly being used to optimize ad campaigns. Tools like Google’s AI-powered bidding strategies use ML to determine the most efficient way to allocate budgets, leading to better returns on investment (ROI).
**Practical Implementation:**
- Businesses should invest in AI-driven tools to improve targeting, automation, and decision-making processes. Tools like ChatGPT, for instance, can automate customer service and create personalized content. Marketers should also explore AI-driven customer data platforms (CDPs) for enhanced segmentation and targeting.
2. **Voice Search Optimization and Smart Speakers**
**Key Points:**
- **Growth of Voice Search:** Voice search is becoming a significant part of the customer journey. With devices like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri, more consumers are conducting searches through voice rather than typing. This trend is expected to grow even further in 2024, with estimates suggesting that more than 50% of all searches will be voice-based.
- **Natural Language Processing (NLP):** Voice searches are more conversational, requiring marketers to adapt their SEO strategies. Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows voice assistants to understand and process complex voice queries, meaning businesses need to optimize for long-tail keywords and natural phrases.
- **Local SEO and Voice Search:** Voice searches are typically local, making it crucial for businesses to optimize for local SEO. Phrases like “near me” or “closest” are common in voice searches, so companies should ensure their Google My Business listings are accurate and updated.
**Practical Implementation:**
- To optimize for voice search, businesses need to focus on conversational keywords and questions that users might ask. FAQs are excellent content formats for voice search optimization. It’s also important to ensure mobile optimization and fast load times, as these factors significantly influence rankings in voice search results.
3. **Rise of Video Marketing and Short-Form Content**
**Key Points:**
- **Short-Form Video Popularity:** Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have made short-form videos the most popular type of content on the internet. In 2024, short-form video is predicted to account for over 80% of all internet traffic, with users increasingly preferring bite-sized, engaging content.
- **User-Generated Content (UGC):** Short-form content generated by users will play a crucial role in video marketing. Brands are encouraging their audiences to create videos about their experiences with products, which builds trust and authenticity.
- **Video SEO:** With the rise in video consumption, optimizing videos for search engines is becoming increasingly important. Businesses need to focus on video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails to increase visibility on platforms like YouTube and Google.
**Practical Implementation:**
- Brands should invest in creating both short-form and long-form video content. For example, product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes footage, or quick tips in the form of Instagram Reels or TikTok videos can engage younger audiences. Video content can also be repurposed for blogs, social media, and email marketing.
4. **The Dominance of Social Commerce**
**Key Points:**
- **Integration of Shopping Features in Social Media:** Social commerce has become an essential part of the consumer shopping experience. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are now fully integrated with e-commerce features, allowing users to make purchases without leaving the platform. This seamless shopping experience is expected to grow even further in 2024.
- **Live Shopping:** Livestream shopping events are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in Asia, and are expected to make a larger impact in Western markets. These live events allow businesses to showcase products in real-time, answer questions, and provide exclusive offers to viewers.
- **Influencer Partnerships in Social Commerce:** Influencer marketing continues to evolve, and in 2024, influencers will play an even greater role in driving social commerce. Micro-influencers, in particular, have seen a rise in popularity due to their high engagement rates and niche audiences.
**Practical Implementation:**
- Businesses should integrate social commerce tools into their strategies by enabling features like Instagram Shops, Facebook Marketplace, and TikTok shopping. Partnering with relevant influencers to promote products during live shopping events can also significantly drive sales.
5. **Data Privacy and Ethical Marketing**
**Key Points:**
- **Increased Privacy Regulations:** As privacy concerns grow, governments are enacting stricter data protection regulations. In 2024, businesses will need to adapt to more comprehensive privacy laws like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, which restrict the collection and use of personal data.
- **Cookieless Future:** Third-party cookies, once the backbone of digital advertising, are being phased out. Google is planning to fully eliminate third-party cookies by the end of 2024, forcing businesses to rethink their advertising and data collection strategies.
- **Transparency and Trust:** Consumers are increasingly concerned about how their data is being used. To build trust, businesses will need to adopt ethical marketing practices by being transparent about data collection and usage. This includes providing users with clear options to opt-in or out of data sharing and ensuring compliance with all regulations.
**Practical Implementation:**
- Businesses should prioritize first-party data collection by encouraging users to share information directly through opt-in forms, surveys, and newsletters. Marketers must also ensure they are compliant with all data protection regulations and implement transparent communication regarding data usage.
As we move into 2024, these five trends—AI and machine learning, voice search optimization, video marketing, social commerce, and data privacy—are shaping the future of digital marketing. By staying on top of these trends and adapting strategies accordingly, businesses can not only maintain their competitive edge but also create meaningful, long-lasting connections with their audience.
Marketers must be agile and open to experimenting with these innovations. Whether it’s adopting AI-driven tools, optimizing for voice search, or tapping into the power of short-form video, the key is to continuously evolve in this dynamic digital landscape. With the right strategies, businesses can harness these trends to drive growth and success in 2024 and beyond.
For more details visit – mediametrix.in
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spark-solution055 · 2 months ago
Unlock the Power of AI: Must-Have Tools for Every Marketer
Introduction to AI in Marketing
The world of marketing has transformed dramatically, especially with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We’ve moved from traditional, intuition-based strategies to data-driven campaigns that predict consumer behavior with precision. But why exactly is AI so revolutionary for marketers?
The Evolution of Marketing Tools
Marketing used to rely heavily on guesswork. However, today, with the influx of data from numerous digital channels, it’s become more complex than ever. AI has made sense of this complexity by providing tools that automate, predict, and personalize marketing tasks.
Why AI is Essential for Modern Marketing
AI is no longer a luxury—it's essential. It enhances efficiency, automates repetitive tasks, and provides data-driven insights that allow marketers to focus on creative strategies rather than routine work.
Understanding AI in Marketing
What is AI and How Does it Work?
At its core, AI refers to machines programmed to think, learn, and make decisions, simulating human intelligence. In marketing, AI systems analyze data, understand patterns, and perform tasks such as content creation, customer engagement, and predictive analytics.
The Role of AI in Marketing Automation
AI in marketing automates tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and data analysis. Instead of manual effort, AI tools efficiently handle these tasks, freeing marketers to focus on strategy.
Must-Have AI Tools for Marketers
AI-Powered Content Creation Tools
Creating content is crucial for any marketing strategy, but it can be time-consuming. AI tools simplify this process.
Writing Assistants
Tools like Jasper and Copy.ai generate high-quality written content based on specific prompts, reducing the workload for content creators.
Image Generation Tools
Platforms like Canva now use AI to suggest designs, automate layout decisions, and even generate original images based on user preferences.
AI-Powered Analytics and Insights
AI helps you make sense of overwhelming amounts of data, offering actionable insights.
Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)
CDPs, such as Segment, aggregate customer data from multiple sources, offering a unified view of each customer.
Predictive Analytics
Tools like HubSpot use AI for predictive analytics, allowing marketers to forecast future trends, customer behaviors, and campaign performance.
AI-Powered Customer Interaction Tools
Customer interaction is vital for building brand loyalty. AI optimizes these interactions.
Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
Chatbots like Drift and Intercom engage customers in real-time, offering instant support and guiding users through their buyer journey.
AI-Driven Social Media Management
AI tools such as Hootsuite and Sprout Social provide automatic scheduling, post recommendations, and even AI-generated responses for social media interactions.
AI in Content Creation
Creating Engaging Content with AI
AI helps in generating blog posts, social media content, and even email campaigns tailored to your audience. These tools don’t just save time; they ensure your content stays relevant and engaging.
How AI Personalizes Content for Your Audience
AI doesn’t just create content—it creates personalized content. AI algorithms analyze user data and behavior to serve personalized ads, emails, and recommendations.
AI in Analytics and Data
How AI Analyzes Big Data for Marketing
Marketers deal with a lot of data, but AI simplifies it by identifying patterns and trends within that data. It helps you understand what’s working in your campaigns and where adjustments are needed.
Predictive Analytics for Campaign Success
Predictive analytics is AI’s ability to forecast trends and behaviors. This can help you target the right audience and optimize campaigns before they even launch.
AI in Customer Engagement
Chatbots for Real-Time Customer Support
Chatbots are becoming the face of real-time customer support. With tools like Zendesk and Tidio, businesses can provide instant responses to customer queries, improving user experience.
AI-Driven Personalization in Marketing
Personalization is key to customer engagement. AI tools analyze customer preferences, delivering hyper-personalized experiences through email, websites, and ads.
Benefits of Using AI in Marketing
Improved Efficiency
With AI handling repetitive tasks, your team can focus on creativity and strategy, making your marketing efforts more efficient.
Enhanced Customer Experience
AI helps create smoother, faster, and more personalized experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Data-Driven Decisions
AI allows marketers to make informed, data-driven decisions, reducing the risk of failed campaigns and increasing ROI.
Challenges in Implementing AI in Marketing
Cost of AI Tools
AI tools can be expensive, especially for small businesses. However, the benefits often outweigh the costs in the long run.
Learning Curve for Teams
Introducing AI requires time and training for your team. The technology may seem overwhelming at first, but the long-term gains are worth the initial investment.
Future of AI in Marketing
What to Expect in the Next 5 Years
AI will continue to evolve, offering even more precise tools for marketers. Expect AI to integrate deeper into personalization, automation, and data analytics, transforming how brands connect with customers.
AI is transforming the marketing landscape by offering tools that save time, boost engagement, and enhance campaign performance. Whether you’re automating content creation, analyzing customer data, or using predictive analytics, AI is a game-changer for every marketer.
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chrisbrown4444 · 3 months ago
How to Create a Personalized Marketing Strategy for Your Business 
Introduction In today’s competitive market, businesses must go beyond generic marketing tactics to stand out. Custom digital marketing solutions allow companies to connect with customers on a deeper level, fostering loyalty and increasing conversion rates. This blog will guide you through the process of creating a personalized marketing strategy for your business.
 Understanding Your Audience
The first step in creating a personalized marketing strategy is understanding your audience. This involves:
Market Research: Conduct surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather insights about your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and pain points.
Customer Segmentation: Divide your audience into segments based on demographics, psychographics, and behavior. This helps in tailoring messages to specific groups.
Buyer Personas: Create detailed profiles of your ideal customers, including their goals, challenges, and how your product or service can meet their needs.
Collecting and Analyzing data is the backbone of personalized marketing. Here’s how to collect and analyze it:
Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): Use CDPs to gather data from various sources, such as website analytics, social media, and CRM systems. These platforms are essential for custom digital marketing solutions.
Behavioral Data: Track customer interactions with your brand, including website visits, email opens, and purchase history.
Data Analysis Tools: Utilize tools like Google Analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) software to analyze data and identify trends. These digital marketing software solutions are crucial for effective data analysis.
Crafting Personalized Content
Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, the next step is to create personalized content:
Dynamic Content: Use dynamic content in emails and on your website to display different messages based on user behavior and preferences.
Personalized Emails: Segment your email list and send personalized messages that address the specific needs and interests of each segment.
Targeted Ads: Use data to create targeted ads that resonate with different audience segments on platforms like Google and social media.
Implementing Marketing Automation
Marketing automation tools can help streamline your personalized marketing efforts:
Email Automation: Set up automated email campaigns that trigger based on user actions, such as abandoned cart reminders or post-purchase follow-ups.
Lead Scoring: Use lead scoring to prioritize leads based on their engagement level and likelihood to convert.
Customer Journeys: Map out customer journeys and automate touchpoints to ensure consistent and personalized communication. These marketing software solutions can significantly enhance your automation efforts.
Leveraging Social Media
Social media platforms offer excellent opportunities for personalized marketing:
Social Listening: Monitor social media conversations to understand what your audience is talking about and tailor your content accordingly.
Engagement: Interact with your audience through comments, direct messages, and personalized responses to build relationships.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand to reach a broader and more targeted audience.
Measuring and Optimizing
To ensure the success of your personalized marketing strategy, it’s crucial to measure and optimize your efforts:
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define KPIs such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and customer retention to track the effectiveness of your campaigns.
A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to compare different versions of your content and identify what resonates best with your audience.
Continuous Improvement: Regularly review your data and make adjustments to your strategy based on insights and performance metrics.
Creating a personalized marketing strategy involves understanding your audience, collecting and analyzing data, crafting tailored content, implementing automation, leveraging social media, and continuously measuring and optimizing your efforts. By following these steps and utilizing custom digital marketing solutions, digital marketing software solutions, and marketing software solutions, you can build stronger connections with your customers and drive better business results.
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davedyecom · 1 year ago
PODCAST: Roger Woodburn (1 & 2)
1 and 2? Well, it came in at just under four hours. Tell me about it? I tried cutting it. Maybe I could’ve edited out the pre-directing bit? Lost the chat about growing up; the nine months in walled hospital room with one wall missing or the time he appeared on national tv as a puppeteer. Or cut the bits about his endless list of non-directing jobs? Maybe trim the stuff about his previous…
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digitalcappuccinosblog · 4 months ago
Trends in Paid Search (PPC) in 2024 
With the advent of 2024 in view, paid search (PPC) is still on its way to undergo a makeover and the new trends and technologies are leading the charge. However, it is indeed a great deal of necessity to be aware of these developments for marketers who want to gain the maximum from advertising with a limited budget and thus drive better results. Here’s a look at the key trends in PPC that are set to shape the industry in 2024.
1. AI and Machine Learning Integration
PPC is the area where AI and machine learning are getting more common, and 2024 will be the year when they will become even more important. By using automated bidding strategies and predictive analytics, AI can assist in campaign improvement by calculating large sets of data, recognising patterns, and making on-the-fly adjustments.
Key Benefits:
Smart Bidding: Providing automated bidding strategies for targeted CPA can help decision-making by eliminating the need for visual adjustments.
Predictive Analytics: The AI can forecast which keywords and ad copies indeed will be the most successful.
2. Privacy and First-Party Data
Ads in 2024 will be more personalised. This will be done by advertisers developing their own data which will be used to create a personalised advertisement experience
Key Strategies:
Customer Data Platforms: Use CDPs to collect, structure, and make use of first-party data on different marketing channels.
Consent Management: Privacy regulation compliance can be guaranteed through the application of fortified consent management systems.
3. Rise of Video Ads
Video ads will get more popular as a very effective medium for engaging people. YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are the best places for video PPC campaigns.
Key Approaches:
YouTube Ads: Use TrueView ads for a wide audience with interesting content also to cover the main audience!
Social Media Video Ads: Short, attention-grabbing videos on platforms like Instagram and Tiktok can be a great success in getting people to engage with and convert.
4. Voice Search Optimisation
Voice-active devices are becoming a larger part of our daily lives so it is necessary to optimise.
Key Tips:
Long-Tail Keywords: Use long-tail keyword phrases and incorporate natural language to get the voice search.
Local SEO: Optimise for the local search terms, because most of the voice searches are location-based.
5. Visual Search Advertising
Visual search is attributing search functionality to the users who would be able to look for products in the form of images. This is the most fundamental way for an e-commerce business that is driving a product image-oriented experience online.
Key Tactics: The main strategies of the business involve using smart technologies, employing the best UI elements, and innovative marketing through better communication.
High-Quality Images: Always make sure that product images look good and search engines find them efficient.
Platform Utilisation: Use Google Lens and Pinterest platforms for visual search advertising.
PPC trends are going to play an important role in the effectiveness of companies' campaigns. Digital cappuccino provides affordable PPC services in Gurgaon. Through automation, we utilise first-party data, video and voice search, and interactive and ethical advertising practices, we can supercharge your PPC campaigns and gain more clicks and conversions. Remain on the cutting edge by not only maintaining these trends but also by consistently enhancing your strategies for optimal performance by using our services.
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outsourcebigdata · 4 months ago
Data Management Platform: Complete Guide for 2024 
In today’s fast-paced business environment, data is more crucial than ever. Modern businesses leverage big data for better decision-making, operational efficiency, and revenue growth. To harness these benefits, investing in a robust data management platform (DMP) is essential. 
What is a Data Management Platform? 
A Data Management Platform is software that collects, stores, and manages vast amounts of data from various sources like web services, mobile platforms, and marketing automation tools. It organizes and activates audience data from first-, second-, and third-party sources, helping businesses make data-driven decisions. 
How a Data Management Platform Works 
Data Management Platforms analyze contextual, behavioral, and demographic data to create detailed customer segments. They track browsing behavior and tailor advertisements based on user activity across different digital channels. This helps in delivering personalized ads to specific customer segments, enhancing marketing efficiency. 
Benefits of a Data Management Platform 
Increase Revenue: Targeted ads boost brand recognition and conversion rates. 
Run Cross-Device Campaigns: Reach audiences consistently across multiple devices. 
Financial Savings: Efficiently target and retarget audiences, reducing ad waste. 
Meet Customer Needs: Gain insights into customer preferences and improve marketing strategies. 
Target Right Audience: Use real-time analytics to create precise audience segments. 
Build Long-Term Strategies: Apply data insights to optimize future campaigns. 
Improve Data Security: Enhance data protection with advanced encryption. 
Streamline Data: Centralize data from various sources for a unified customer view. 
Choosing the Right Data Management Platform 
Consider the following factors when selecting a Data Management Platform: 
Integration Capabilities: Ensure compatibility with other marketing and advertising technologies. 
Data Sources: Verify the platform can collect data from all relevant sources. 
Data Management Capabilities: Look for real-time data processing and AI-driven analysis. 
User Interface: Choose a user-friendly platform. 
Scalability: Ensure the DMP can grow with your business. 
Pricing: Match the cost to your budget and expected ROI. 
Support and Training: Check for adequate support and training resources. 
Top Data Management Platforms of 2024 
Google Marketing Platform: Unified platform combining data management and advertising. 
Amazon Redshift: Fast data warehouse for simplified data analysis. 
Lotame: Unstacked data solutions with audience creation and segmentation tools. 
Snowflake: Data management as a service with exceptional performance. 
Oracle BlueKai: Integrates with Oracle software for comprehensive customer experience management. 
Best Practices for Using a Data Management Platform 
Ensure Data Privacy and Security: Comply with regulations and encrypt data. 
Define Objectives: Align DMP goals with business objectives. 
Use Data for Decisions: Optimize campaigns and personalize customer experiences. 
Regular Evaluation: Continuously assess DMP performance and ROI. 
Integrate Technologies: Create a seamless data ecosystem. 
Single Customer View: Get a comprehensive picture of customer behavior. 
Train Your Team: Ensure effective platform use through proper training. 
Future of Data Management 
Increased Privacy Concerns: Adapt to new regulations with advanced privacy controls. 
Convergence with CDPs: Combine Data Management Platforms and CDPs for deeper customer insights. 
AI and Machine Learning: Enhance data analysis with sophisticated algorithms. 
Expansion into New Channels: Support emerging channels like connected TV. 
Effective data management is crucial for business success. Data Management Platforms enable targeted, personalized ad campaigns and provide valuable insights for strategic planning. Evaluate your Data Management Platform requirements and choose the right platform to drive growth and achieve your business goals. 
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georgiagassavings · 4 months ago
PSC Approves AGL Rate Hike
New Post has been published on https://www.georgiagassavings.com/blog/psc-approves-agl-rate-hike/
PSC Approves AGL Rate Hike
Expect Higher Bills with AGL Rate Hike
No one likes it when AGL hikes its rate for delivering natural gas to your home. Learn what’s the reason for the newest PSC approved increase and how it affects your natural gas bills.
In Georgia you have the power to choose your natural gas supplier. Your natural gas utility, however, is out of your control. If you are in the Atlanta Gas Light service area, you will soon see a change in your gas bill. This is because the Georgia PSC approved an increase in the charges for the gas utility earlier this month. And more changes could be on the way. So, let’s dig into the PSC approved AGL rate hike and how it affects you.
What Are AGL Charges For?
You might pay a natural gas provider, like Constellation or Xoom, for the gas you use at home each month. However, it is AGL that maintains the pipeline network and gets the natural gas to your house. So, on your natural gas bill, the AGL pass-through charges cover those costs of day-to-day operations. AGL also has to do regular overhauls to parts of the system to keep up with increasing demand and to maintain a reliable and affordable gas supply in our state. Those kinds of projects are expensive. Therefore, AGL passes those costs on to you with more charges.
What is the Most Recent AGL Rate Hike?
The most recent hike in AGL rates is for the System Reinforcement Rider (SRR). According to the utility, the money will go towards increasing the capacity of the delivery system with more and larger piping. Getting into the specifics, the SRR on your gas bill will go from $0.32 to $1.15. With AGL’s 1.7 million customers, the rate increase gives the company an additional $16.9 million per year.
The increase in this charge is part of the utility’s three-year Integrated Capacity Development Plan (i-CDP). So, hopefully the charge will stay steady for at least the next three years.
More Rate Hikes to Come?
On top of the SRR increase, the PSC also said yes to adding another surcharge to AGL natural gas bills. The new charge covers costs for county, municipal, and transportation department related natural gas projects. Although the PSC already said yes to adding the charge, AGL will file a request for the amount later this month. These changes would go into effect in January 2025.
While increased charges on your natural gas bill are not welcome news for any of us, the good news is that fixed rate natural gas prices are still low. Find a great rate and save money on your natural gas bill today at https://www.georgiagassavings.com.
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