"You lulled me to sleep with your northern bullshit is exactly what happened"
- Dan Howell
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escadaman · 4 months
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➖️ More Fire 🔥🔥🔥🥷🏿🔥🔥🔥 🇲🇦🇲🇦 🏆 🇺🇲🇺🇲
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wally-b-feed · 15 days
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981)
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little-soldiers · 11 months
i think its fucking hilarious that qfit and qbad are both snapping back into old habits like theyd never left this arc meanwhile “fought in a war at 13 and ate people in prison” qcellbit just started throwing himself into a campfire
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
i don't ship qtntduo but if i did the only reason would be bc they are both so fucking stupid they deserve each other
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Help what is the BlueBird Project AU that everyone is referencing now,
so, admittedly, i don't know who started the idea exactly. if anyone does know, please do shout them out, i'd love to give them credit! (EDIT: it was made by @/ghostatrandom!) the basic premise is that jaiden was a creation/experiment of the federation, and raised by them/the census bureau when she was a child, although she has no memory of this happening. some people also add the quackities + foolish into the equation from what i've seen, but the original was just about jaiden! people have been bringing it up more now because of the latest stream and the census bureau's reveal that jaiden had helped it/the federation in the past
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kqluckity · 1 year
i don't understand why i keep seeing posts that are like "oh elquackity didn't remember *x information that someone told qquackity months ago in passing* but qquackity knew so he would've remembered and this is why they're not the same person and elquackity keeps fucking up" because ??? are we forgetting qquackity used to forget things he witnessed/did/said from one stream to the other? how he used to change his mind on things all the time and then acting like he didn't the next time saw him?
i used to constantly see posts joking about how the federation was wiping his memory regularly because it was that bad!! and now suddenly it's all "oh he doesn't know because he's not the same person" and. of course he's not the same person we have established that but what I'm trying to say is. qquackity wouldn't have known either so that's not a good way to prove it, especially if things are presented to him in very vague ways that could mean anything depending on how you want to see it.
it's also why i think he told qmaxo "don't put words into my mouth" when maxo took what elq said during their fight and read it in a way that made it look like he confirmed he worked for the federation, even though that was not what he said. but since the wording was vague enough, it could've been possible for maxo to think that. it's all personal bias lmao
and actually i think it's fine for some more perceptive characters, like baghera cellbit and bad and maxo himself, to be suspicious of elq for acting off, but especially bad knew damn well qq lost track of what he was doing easily and things said to him entered his brain from one ear and left from the other, so imo it's mostly for meta reasons that they think elq is another person and not a brainwashed qq but i could be wrong and that's also why they suspect everything he says even more than they did with qq (because let's not forget. they used to accuse him of working for the federation all the time. but it's only a problem now that he's dangerous and not just someone they can laugh off)
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quinnonimp · 2 years
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ctntduoarchive · 1 year
i saw someone on twitter make a great post about how c!karlnapity could have been better if Some of the ccs actually put effort into it
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elytrafemme · 2 years
also btw. just wanted to point out how Boundless Sands and the Las Nevadas Finale (no matter HOW u feel about them) both made attempts and imo did a GOOD JOB at handling the conversation about recovery. neither c!Wilbur nor c!Quackity were perfect and clearly in the beginning or in the midst of a messy road to healing but w the letters and w Friend being in limbo + c!Wilbur going home we see like. the characters were WORKING on healing and being better as people. and that to me was not only a testament to how much cc!Wilbur and cc!Quackity loved their damn characters, but was also something that really reassured me. you know as someone who has had their own mental health issues too (clearly) and has been in the throes of the recovery process for a while. shits messy and shits unclear and you relapse but you TRY and cc!Wilbur and cc!Quackity did a good job being both gentle & real about the trying part.
versus the fucking “DSMP vol 1 finale”, aka a stream that was clearly coordinated (bold word choice of mine, implying anything here was really planned) by Dream and only included some of the biggest streamers (For all the DSMP season 3 / prison break stream had faults, at least more than 5 fucking people were on the server doing things !!!), had HORRIBLE messaging about the process of healing. Ppl have gone back and forth about how bad the whole Tommy Dream “reconcilation” thing was, and I didn’t watch the stream so I only know bits and therefore can only be taken w a grain of salt here. BUT i think that the fact that (1) Tommy was even entertaining the thought of making amends, or if you think that he was making amends at the time, with Dream NOT APOLOGIZING and no follow up to show that forgiving abusers doesnt absolve their guilt and also u dont have to forgive abusers and also Tommy wasnt at fault  . and also (2) that the finale involved THE ENTIRE SERVER BLOWING UP which not only signifies that these characters NEVER got a chance to heal but also ensured everyone excluding like c!Q and c!Wil NEVER COULD. Is fucking horrific and disgusting to me. 
and not to even talk about Dream as a person bc I have so many fucking thoughts about how all that makes the messaging surrounding power dynamics in the finale So much worse (and is the reason I have yet to watch the stream bc I will just trigger myself thinking about that). 
So fucking disgusting to see how the dsmp finale happened, with NO regards to the majority of other streamers, just Dream and whoever could mindlessly tag on that happened to have pretty big viewer counts (shocker), and completely throwing out the characters and the story that have been built for YEARS. Versus how streamers like Quackity and Wilbur handled things, INCLUSIVELY and COMPASSIONATELY and fucking EXCELLENTLY, in my opinion.
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“Okay, you know what? Fuck you, you’re going to space.” - Snapcube
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
i’m honestly glad Dream’s idea of c!Dream getting trapped by c!Quackity never happened. it would make sense as a nightmare. But c!Quackity has never displayed the cunning that would be required to set something like that up. Like his grand idea to battle c!Dream was a bunch of one shot slime clones that c!Dream stack wiped with tnt. That guy is not building an elaborate trap for maximum mental torment. The prison was designed by c!Dream. c!Quackity exploited having him trapped with no gear no armor but the second c!Dream was out he was desperately afraid of the revenge that was to come. c!Quackity had nothing on the idea of tormenting c!Dream. But c!Dream’s revenge was making c!Slime take out c!Quackity he was going for the mental torment. That is c!Dream’s game. And that’s why I believe the fake prison cell trap could only have been a nightmare truly. 
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quackitytheduck · 10 months
Hmmmm let's go with q!maxo, elquackity, cc!schlatt, and cc!quackity. Rate these people shipped with you out of 10
qmaxo: 9/10 gorgeous funny smart talented wears sunglasses and transgender. what else could one ever want. but his time w trump on ddlm made me sad
elquackity: 8/10 for starting out not knowing who wilbur was and then after figuring it out used his image to blow everyone up. has a sick ass new purgatory form. BUT he fucked with a1 and kidnapped dapper
ccschlatt: 1/10 might as well let me fuck you in the ass minecraft boy
ccquackity: 9/10 parasocial
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
IM NOT EVEN REBLOGGING HIM EVERYTIME JUST WHEN HES THERE AND I HAVE SOMETHING FUNNY .... hes everywhere empire. im going to start a friends to enemies plotline with these images. theyre gonna call me nintendo w the way i switch. switch up on him. haha. badum tss.
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c!Karl had the right idea we should all forget Quac.kity
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kumaradosha · 1 year
Who would have thought cc!Quackity is an egocentric asshole who is actually a lot more like his DSMP character than we would normally assume, and all he wants is his LeGaCy, no matter who he burns to have it? Lmao, makes his turning-over-a-new-leaf finale speech soooo funny, actually.
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