#with foolish joining the group because of his positive view towards the federation/census bureau as well
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Help what is the BlueBird Project AU that everyone is referencing now,
so, admittedly, i don't know who started the idea exactly. if anyone does know, please do shout them out, i'd love to give them credit! (EDIT: it was made by @/ghostatrandom!) the basic premise is that jaiden was a creation/experiment of the federation, and raised by them/the census bureau when she was a child, although she has no memory of this happening. some people also add the quackities + foolish into the equation from what i've seen, but the original was just about jaiden! people have been bringing it up more now because of the latest stream and the census bureau's reveal that jaiden had helped it/the federation in the past
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