strawberry-slushy · 2 years
Footnote, The Exit, Movies, Astronomy, Memories, Heather, Little League and (Can We Be Friends?) were all written for byler. Conan Gray told me.
Bonus: Family Line and Summer Child were written for William Byers
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booksbonesborderline · 7 months
“it’s hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning, over and over again,
i promise that the ending always stays the same,
so theres no good reason in make-believing that we could ever exist again.
i cant be your friend, cant be your lover, cant be the reason we hold back eachother from falling in love”
- ‘Memories’, Conan Gray
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soleillunne · 11 months
asking for your selfship headcanons bc we can never have enough of alyzuha and xiaolyssa content in the world <3
also this is a mix of alyzuha and xiaolyssa :> also theyre all over the place
i have trouble sleeping so kazuha lays down w me and whispers to me and does the thing where you like draw shapes on smos back until i fall asleep to help me
also he wakes up before me but i always wake up before breakfast is ready bc idk i cant sleep for that long for some reason
as for xiao: he doesnt sleep that often bc of nightmares but he always lays w me (us?? id die if it was kazuha x alyssa x xiao)
i would rather die than be near bugs of any shape of form so both kazuha and xiao take care of them before i even notice (slight flashback to that one time i told vi changsheng would eat bugs for her lmao)
also in both cases i fall first and they fall harder bc heart eyes have you seen them
expanding on the fireworks hc which is here , kazuha would take me to a secluded area and would just watch the stars w me and maybe we would whisper to eachother and just talk all night
also as mentioned in vi's selfships series like twice i think (i keep going back to those theyre so cute) i make bracelets for us three!! theyre all custom made and like different from eachother but also when you look at them you can understand theyre a set if that makes sense
xiao gives us (i decided to go with xiao x alyssa x kazuha shh) like um blessed stone thibsg I FORGOT WHAT THEY WERE CALLED that like alert him when we're in danger so he can come fight w us before we can even call for him bc he worries :(
kazuha tries to teach me japanese at some point (since i think each nation has a language of its own and teyvats language is like a worldwide language as an extra) AND HE FAILS BC I CANT UNDERTSAND IT but i get upset bc i think hes disappointed in me and i try so hard to learn it on my own so i can impress and suprise him one day
xiao: "what language you speak doesn't matter as long as you're mine" USDBFHGIUJOH DIES
kazuha confesses first to me but i confess first to xiao
OKAY SO I WROTE THIS IN A POST OF MINE AND IT WAS EXTREMELY BASED OFF OF ME BUT!! me and zhongli def have tea on afternoons at least once a week where we talk about xiao
similarly i will talk about kazuha to beidou (and she'll try to embarrass him)
special occasions (like birthdays, anniversaries etc.) are spent w just us three and nothing else. like we dont run errands or any of that we just spend time together (kazuha wrote me a haiku on my bday - as his voiceline goes- once and i started crying lmao)
all of us prefer handmade gifts over bought ones so gifts are very pretty but also they all mean sth to us!!
kazuha lets me play with his hair and xiao plays with mine its like those pics where multiple people braid their hair at the same time if youve seen it before HIS HAIR IS SO SOFT ASBDJFKGLH
kazuhas handwriting is pretty if you can read cursive but xiaos is unintelligable so mine is the only handwriting that you can actually read lmao
we have two cats. because i love cats and i have two of them (OH MAYBE WE'LL HAVE 3 BC TOMOS CAT OMG)
kazuha cooks, i bake and xiao sits on the counter looking pretty as he taste tests the food
when im in pain™ they both hold me and kiss me all day to make me feel better :")
alyzuha is friends to lovers and xiaolyssa is reincarnation au (detailed verison here) but also xiaolyssa has insane friends to lovers with angst potential (it has angst potential in general but i dont like thinking abt it bc it makes me sad lmao)
thats all i got at the top of my head rn
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luffythinker · 9 months
THAT ONE ANON BACK AT IT AGAIN! it's almost monday so ima need something to distract me when im in a group session with some guys for work i always use reading your replies to me as so, so have some ships!
It started with Mina whining about how everyone is falling in love and she doesn't know what falling in love is, shes never felt it before TSU keeps asking people out but keeps getting turned down for some reason she isn't sure what it is or that everyone always has someone they like and she isn't it, she starts spending more time with her gal pals Toru Jirou and Mina Mina moreso than others cause everybody is always out with their boo or hanging out with their squads
Mina cant hangout with her squad all the time too much of Bakugo Kaminari Sero and Kirishima in one day is a headache and everyone needs a vacation from that LOVE THEM TO DEATH but ya know sometimes ppl be annoying AF
Tsu aggressively starts having feelings for Mina like she has to abstain herself to have a normal day
Shes watching for any opportunity to be close to her friend
Like she's looking at her differently in a new light she notices how pretty she is, that never used to happen before, if they go to the beach she's fanning herself not from the heat but from how Mina's bikini fits her
(I like to imagine Mina is built Mina is a little on the stubby side but shes got a figure and Tsu is super skinny but semi round hips because frog, so Tsu is tall and skinny while Mina is sort of short and fun shape )
she wants to do more than hug for long periods of time, she wants to hold a women it's Jenny darling your my best friend, im using your shirt as a pillowcase, i borrow your lipstick so often
Thats how deep Tsu really is
So oneday they are chilling in Mina's room and Tsu kisses her just for the hell of it she can't take this longing one anymore it's so agrrsive at first but it slowly melts into something sweet after that Tsu's sitting on top of Mina both of them are just sitting there looking crazy not knowing where to go from there and keep it between themselves like "THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN, THAT WAS JUST A ONE TIME THING"
Nothing at school is normal anymore it happens more often, they kiss at their lockers when nobody is around, they eat lunch on the roof and kiss there it's just a lot of kissing and not asking any questions
Not very sure how they could actually get together but tell me what you think
Next one IidaBakugo i think we talked about this one before?
BUT THINK ABOUT BAKUGO FINDING IIDAS RED EYES INTERESTING? like Bakugo caressing his face removing his glasses
ALSO Iida not changing any aspect of his person now that he's regularly associating with Bakugo, Bakugo isn't changing either they just kinda stay how they are both of them are very good at being professional around eachother and others HOWEVER
Bakugo wants to see Iida break he wants to see Iida slip up and do something "inappropriate" in front of others
things Iida deems inappropriate: PDA,Bakugo's language Especially how he talks to Iida when they are alone, the mouth on that one is something that gets him going badly it's his guilty pleasure to indulge Bakugo's behavior
Bakugo loves when the power dynamic is Iida in charge cause that's different, he loves when he acts out of his nerdy character
One day Bakugo keeps getting on his nerves all day long sitting on the desk little things like that, Iida just goes up to him and grabs his face speaking directly into his mouth ALMOST A KISS BUT NOT REALLY and tells him "Get off the desk" in his lowest voice it leaves several students in awe and Bakugo a blushing mess
Anything you have to add about these things TELL ME I WANNA HEAR THEM i honestly am trying to get more into Iida/Bakugo
Tell me how you think Iida/Bakugo could be? do you think Bakugo craves bad boy iida or do you think Bakugo would want him soft boy?
aaaa i'm so sorry i couldnt be here last monday but im here now, let's deep dive together!!
First, I really love that you gave us some background for Tsu, she's always looking for love and it's never the right time or the right person, she just wants to be loved and cared for but it seems everybody else can find their perfect person except for her For Mina, I don't think she has love in her mind like that, she has fun with people but she's not necessarily looking for serious stuff at the moment (or so she thinks).
But when their friendship starts progressing, I think both of them begin to realize they are attracted to each other, they believe the other is the prettiest girl in the world, and both of them love physical touch, so there are lots of hugs and hand holding but none of them ever says anything afraid to ruin it and misunderstand things.
idk why but I feel like mina would kiss first?? just like a peck and immediately pull back bc she's too afraid she just ruined everything but tsu gets her and kisses her properly!!
I think maybe they would unconsciously hide just bc they don't know how to define what they are yet, but everyone kind of knows there's something going on with them, and tsuyu is a Lover, so she eventually says she wants all the dating perks, she wants to be a Girlfriend, she wants all the sweet stuff and mina is in love, she finally realizes that she doesn't mind serious as long as it's with the girl she loves :((
I vaguely remember we talked about them, they are an interesting pair for sure because I think they both don't know how to process and express emotions properly?? like they're both in the same spectrum of "I don't know how to express I'm in love with you so I'm gonna scream"
Love them having dynamics based on challenging each other, bakugo wants to see him break, iida wants to see him be a bit more proper (kinda, bc he likes him the way he is)
POWER DYNAMICS YESSS, iida has so much potential as a more dominant partner especially with bakugo, and I do think bakugo craves that the most (he would never admit it tho). But yes, I can see iida being the only one who can really put bakugo in his place when he's serious about something. Iida would tease him not even consciously like, getting all up in his face and personal space to speak, but not kissing, getting bakugo to move by touching his back or waist but not actually holding him, it drives katsuki insane until he snaps and finally asks (screams) for iida to just do things properly!!!
i guess that's all i have for now with these couples, i love our conversations here so much <3
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willow-lenze · 2 years
with somebody other than me.”
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me-myself-and-eyes · 2 years
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He wrote "please dont ruin this for me" "I wish that you would stay in my memories" and "can't be your friend, can't be your lover, cant be the reason we hold eachother back from falling in love" and expected me to stay sane and not get the urge to scream cry throw up and probably lose my eveything
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saltyshe · 2 years
chuuya blasting memories by conan gray because “i can’t be your friend, can’t be your lover, cant be the reason we hold back eachother from falling in love with somebody other than me”
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heir-of-selene · 2 years
I cant be your friend can’t be your lover can’t be the reason we hold back eachother from falling in love with somebody other than me
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spadeslittlesecret · 3 years
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Possible tw: public sex, harsh words, no penetration, first time, humping
✎ Tsukki x y/n smut!
After every practice that tsukki finishes you always waited for him even if its dark outside you never really cared, all you cared was going home with tsukki and its rewarding for the both of you
One day when you walk home together you end up with an argument with him
“Tsukki your finished already? So early” you asked tsukki why his practice was cut short “theres nothing much to do in practice today and coach told us to rest, so we can have more time together” he sounds sincere talking about it. You and tsukki stoped infront of a vending machine, you both grabbed drinks for eachother and sat on a bench while sipping the drink “hey, y/n why is your face like that” he points out a cut on your chin and a bruise on your cheeks “Ah- its nothing yo worry about tsukki” you shake it off hoping that he will change the topic “No, i dont think your okay unless you really want me to not pay attention to you” he looked away hoping you’ll asnwer him due to the saltiness he gives off “fine, i was beaten by someone in school this afternoon, they say they didnt like me for no reason” you look down on your drink shaking it around.
“y/n, why didnt you tell me about this i can tell someone about it and report it for you” he starts to worry at you, all you can do was look down on the ground and do nothing as you were helpless. Tsukki brings one of his hands to your chin and pulls your face to look towards him “Look i dont want you to hurt y/n, if you could atleast let me help you” you look up at tsukkis gaze, tears starting to pool up in your eyes and all you can do was hug him. He was never a touchy person so this was very unexpected, you always kept your distence with tsukki even if you have always been there for him. He lets you cry in his arms for a while and pulls you away “there there y/n im gonna help you” wiping your tears
His fingers was soft and gentle you would rarely get his touch so this was something else for you, you stopped the crying and all you can do was look into his eyes “y/n whats gotten into you? Are you okay?” From your eyes it was very clear that you wanted something from him “t-tsuk-ki” you slowly spoke out words “yeah?” You were still thinking either tsukki has noticed or not about the way you looked at him “i love yo-“ he placed one finger on your lips “dont say it y/n” you dont know how to react “i know it already” you try to put his finger down “so you noticed how i acted..?” you were trying to get clues
“I can see it in your eyes the way you always look at me, and the way you acted, ever since we met i knew something was up with you” he looks down and says it with a shaky voice “sorry tsukki i shouldnt have tol-“ “shut up y/n, you shouldnt be sorry for it!” in complete shock you dont know what to do but freeze, all of a sudden he gets real close to you “i love you too y/n” the salty tsukki you know all of a sudden was gone “and i mean it y/n, so please you dont have to feel sorry for saying i love you to me!” He shouted to you so it was clear for you to hear that he wasnt mad at you. you smiled at him
“and you really mean it tsukki?” He nods as the blood rushes to his cheeks, “then..” you place one hand on tsukkis thigh nearing his private area “i love you too tsukki” he feels you touch him he gets flusterred at first but soon he felt the urge to touch you too. He puts his hand on one of your waist and pulls you closer for a kiss, you jolted as he kisses you an unexpected attack from him at first you didnt know what to do as slowly he guides you to kiss. “Damn y/n your actually a good kisser” “shut up tsukki!” You pouted watching him tease you
“For a girl like you its unfair to get beaten up by people, then ill treat your right just like a princess” tsukki gets really turned on by your kiss before but you were not ready for this side of tsukki a strong sence of dominance, you tried to hold on to his shirts and tries to unbutton one of his buttons “oh your naughty y/n” He grinned and pulls you even closer “you know that we are still in public right?” You forgot the fact that you were outside and sitting on a bench but who cares about it all you care was tsukki and him only. He slides his hands from your waist down to your thighs and up your skirt, you cant help but fall onto his shoulders and let out a moan to his ears “ts-tsukki i dont think its- Mmnh” he slides his finger even further down to your panties feeling the wet and hot cunt under it “you like it baby?” You bite your lower lip as he plays around under those underwear “tsukki please im gonna cum” he smirked at you “not so soon sweety” he removes his hands and make you sit on his lap facing towards him “ahh tsukki-“ you whined as you feel his bulge hitting your clothed cunt of yours, “ride it for me baby” you had no choice but humping and rubbing againts him as you felt the pleasure building up “yeah oh fuck- baby your hot when your all shit- whiney and cute” tsukki thinks you in those uniform are cute as you ride him and trying tover your mouth “baby Mmmnhm oh fuck im close” he groans in your ear, it makes you even hotter by the second as he groans in your ear. both hands on your hips as you rock back and forward and finally “im -im cum- cumming tsukki” you cant help but yelled a bit “then cum for me baby” on the last movement your hips made tsukki arched his hips so you had the best feeling
Feelng tired and heavy you fall onto his shoulders again and cant help but burried your face into his neck smelling his scent a mixture of cologne and sweat, after letting you rest he holds you in his arms as he looks at you “your so pretty after that mess” he liked the way you face turned red and hot. This is it the feeling you’ve been wanting for so long the feeling of him and you together “tsukki that was so good and i want more” he smiled looking at you “we can do it later when we get to my house” he puts a kiss to your soft plump lips
“for now be a good girl and come with me and we can do even more later”
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Hey i really love your blog!!! I just plucked the courage to actually send u an ask fhdjhd but GOSH i love your video edits and your gifs and your meta article posts, you're so articulate and you can explain/describe moments in a way that makes me go "oh wow, i cant believe i haven't seen it that way before!!" Haha ANYWAYS i'm just here to say that i completely agree with what all u said, Free creators might do a lil fanservice here and there for the 25 ships that exists within the fandom's circle, but rinharu's storyline is clearly the most romantic one! And i'd argue it's the one closest to being canon esp after part 1, i mean the fact that they put such an explosive emotional outburst right at the end of the second to the last movie means a lot. It's like reinforcing the fact that this series has always been about them, and everything that has happened only happened either because they met or they grew appart and miss eachother. I kinda feel like maybe.. juust maayyybe there's a chance KA wants to make the ship canon, since it's the last movie and they want to end it on a highnote maybe (bcs honestly i think the only reason they've been holding back is purely bcs of the merch sales, since they don't have a problem showing a wholesome lesbian love story in kobayashi maid dragon) butt i could be wrong, maybe i'm just overly optimistic and delusional, they could somehow ruin it and give an ending that panders to all the ships again 😅🥲, but at least there's a clear-cut guarantee that part 2 would dedicate a large portion of it fixing rin and haru's fight!!! Oohh how can i wait another 6 months now!!😭😭 (sorry for the long ask btw!! 🙏🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️)
OMG thank you so so much!! For watching my vids too! ❤️❤️❤️ It really means a lot to me! Ahhhh wow, thats the longest ask I've ever recieved! 😍 I'm trying to explain myself so hard lol I'm glad its appreciated, bc sometimes I'm like "I don't fucking know how to say this" xD
Well, you know me, I only care for one ship, which is the only one with confirmed info that they're both actually gay and have mutual feelings for each other. There are some other ships in free! I'm fine with (those do not include Rin or Haru in them xD), but I just mostly don't care, bc after reading all the stuff, you can see that in some of those to one the other one is actually like his second option, which I just do not like. Others I just don't even see, bc again to me who witnessed great close male friendships and having two sisters who I'm very close to, I just do not see anything romantic in that.
It's not just Free! tbh, it's like any sports anime these days. They see two guys walking together, it's a ship. And like no one cares if they're just bros. Like I'd get i they did some fanservice fanservice, but like I never saw anyone in Free! crossing the line the way rinharu do. I can without thinking much name you 10 rh moments that no matter how hard you think can't be explain as being bros, but can't name one when it comes to others. I just find some ppl shipping everyone with everyone weird sometimes. It's like western fans see like some eastern actors or singers slap each other ass lovingly and they're like "oh they're fucking" I'm like "yeah, ofc all 500 of them, you're absolutely right". And Free! doesn't do anything even like that, I just do not get sometimes like what moment even brought on some ships. I'm genuinely confused. Albert and Haru? You fucking fell from a sakura tree or smth? I'm...
I'm especially confused when it comes to guys, whose character type is who I call "I only want this one and if I can't have it, then I'm ok" xD. It just always surprised me, when they try to pair up them with someone else, it's like a complete ooc.
I'm also not into this whole "well, if there are gays in this anime, than everyone there is gay". I'm like... huh. It's like with KNB and MDZS I had same feeling. It's like you have already couples there who are canon/borderline canon, why do you need another 10 who don't even interact or just don't even go there? I'm always so confused in those situations. Or like wangxian is married and some are like "no, I actually don't like it, let me write a fic when they're with other ppl". Lan Zhan... being in love or having sex with someone else? Yeah, that's not Lan Zhan, dude, you're writing about someone else. Might as well change the name at this point.
But last time I went to twitter someone had a thread about how if they make s4 of Free! they should mainly explore there Momo's angst (and no, it wasn't a joke), so I'm already like, I'm just.. nothing will surprise me no more. But I'm forever gonna be confused.
Yeah, I eel you about "going there". I mean seeing part of it, it just kinda cemented my confusion, bc I do not get how it can be considered platonic. We were just discussing since yesterday with @freeseafirefly how I now even more perplexed and do not understand how they will resolve it without going into relationship territory. It's just our point here is that like... no one forced them to go there (I mean its not like this whole fandom has some wild expectations or anything already), we were waiting or our usual friendship and swimming and maybe tiny conflict about struggles of pro-careers and some usual rh implications (maybe all the rh gay in dramas as always). Not some pure fanfiction coming to life here haha.
Like why I'm laughing is bc I twice used in my "fics" bringing up him leaving Haru as a force to push the confession, bc there's no way if he adresses this it won't lead to this. And now we not only have this (bc Haru just basically layed it out there), but an actual scene of him playing on their feelings for each other and a literal image of Rin leaving and "taking Haru's heart with him" to the point when he's for the first time in his life openly crying on the ground. And it's not like this scene can be interpreted as anything else, the whole fandom talks same, bc the whole fight was just about them, what Haru said was just about them, there's a literal boom of his heart getting out of his chest, before he falls and now he's heartless.
So our question is like... why go there?
It's like some say that they might still resolve it with "they're special to each other" and swimming, but still like we already knew that, there was no reason to go that far is what I'm saying. And to think that it was planned since forever giving the clues is like... ???
The whole spoon theme also throw me on the loop because like, lets be honest, it's wedding themed. And that part of the interview about part 2 there also made me go...?????? Because I mean, huh?
This is just all in all very interesting turn of events to say the least. I do not see the point of all of this if its not what I think it is, esp after seeing tweets like "even I see a rh wedding and I'm mh T_T". It's just all very unsubtle, that's why we're confused.
Like who knows, maybe we'll really by some magic turn of events get lucky and they really decided that since its the ending, it's okay to go for it. But I also don't wanna to hype myself much, I'm already really happy with it, just bc again, this scene already proves all of my points.
And yeah, I'm sure they'll pander to everyone, bc it's the end and etc and we have to handle everything on the good note and there's a whole line of ppl who's obsessed with us, esp with Haru xD, but like bromance pandering and romance pandering are different things, you know *wiggles eyebrows* and u know who always gets the second one.
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freckledbeom · 3 years
Umm 👉👈 jinyoung of got7 angsty fight leading up to make up sex oop - you don't have to of course, anyways take care hope your well x
thank you beloved, im well. sorry for taking a bit long these classes kicking my ass! hope this is what you wanted <33
fight with jinyoung / makeup sex
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warnings; 19+ content, suggestive scenes
“so what now?” you questioned, almost scared to hear his response. “or do you do not care? once again.”
jinyoung sucked in a sharp breath. this was already your second quarrel this week over his alleged disregard for your feelings. this time, he stood you up after promising dinner. given his profession, you weren’t hysteric about the act of being stood up, but rather, what was done afterwards.
jinyoung would usually call say when he wouldn’t be able to make it, this time without. as if he wanted to pile things on, he came to your apartment without a word of what happened, not even bothering to apologize.
this struck you hard.
since the day you’d fallen for jinyoung, he never hesitated to put you on a pedastool and treat you with the utmost respect. even in front of the members, his love for you was on display.
but now, it was hard to see yourself come first to him, or even second. you felt like an afterthought.
“i do care. you should know that out of anyone.” jinyoung leaned against the counter, deciding to keep his distance.
“do you really or is that what you want me to hear? i know how this works.” you shot back, swallowing the lump forming in your throat. “if you cared i wouldn’t feel like this.”
jinyoung scrunched his nose. “so what do i do from there? you never let me know how you’re feeling, what could i even do?”
“i don’t know maybe act like you give a fuck for once? you treat me like im annoying, like im a problem.” you retorted, surprised at yourself for swearing at him.
“well if you feel like you’re the problem maybe you are.”
as short as that statement was, it hit you like a block of cement.
“oh?” you step back a lttile. nodding your head, you grabbed your small tote that was neatly packed by the door. “alright then.”
before he could even correct his mistake, you were hauling out of the door letting free with any tears that decided to come down.
two days later
two days felt like a week and you had found the need to pick up a hobby in an effort to clear your mind of jinyoung. you didn’t know for sure that this was a breakup. your friends had already tried to assure you that the separation should have been enough to solidify any lingering thoughts about your relationship status.
but still, you couldn’t wipe him from your brain. how he used to gently rub the back of your head, thumb grazing over your ear when you spoke. how he used to take all of you in his arms when you cried. it felt like a bucket of bricks had been thrown at you when you realized how all of this simply just stopped one day.
tears welling up, you pulled your knees to your lap, cradling them.
you sat in front of an empty canvas on the floor. it was a sorrowful attempt at painting, you’d only gotten a small sketch started. an outstretched hand stared back at you, lacking any color or life.
two knocks at the door.
that was all it took for you to suck up the stray tears that had fell from your eyes.
making your way to the door, you stilled anxious for what was waiting for you behind the door.
"y/n? you're here right?" jinyoung called out from the other side. you felt a heavy knock against the tight door, which you presumed to be his head.
“love, let’s talk.” the desperation in his throat gave life to his words and soon it was enough for you to turn the knob.
opening the door felt heavier than the space you’d given each other and your emotions flooded over until your eyes welled again. plump breast heaving up and down, you sniffed away the salty tears before they took control.
tilting your head, you stared back at the man you’d fallen in love with. although his his hair was slightly disheveled, you could only guess that was from his head hitting the door. jinyoung had looked the same as he did any day, this time a bouquet of sunflowers to show.
what would you say to him? what would he think of you now? your appearance certainly wasn’t the one he had given gentle ‘i love you’s to every night. your button up top was covered in paint, jeans to match; this was definitely not the best time.
“y/n, can i come in?” jinyoung rocked on his heels back and forth while you scanned his physique.
nodding, you turned in the opposite direction motioning him to follow you.
you hastily gathered your painting materials. you could feel jinyoung’s eyes on the back of your head, sharp enough to read your thoughts.
dusting off what remained on your lap, you took a seat far enough from jinyoung to calm your nerves but close enough to read his facial expressions.
“so i assume you came here for a reason other than lounging on my couch?” your eyes dulled a little, waiting for a response.
even though your tone reeked of anger, he chuckled, almost as if he was happy you spoke to him that way. “im here because you’re still my girlfriend. and i-”
“you love me? we haven’t spoken in two days. what would you call that?”
jinyoung parted his lips slightly, giving you a stressed look that you hadn’t seen since early when you had started dating. “i didn’t come here to argue with you, i really wanna talk you. if you want me to leave ill go, but at least listen to me. please.”
he had a a way with words. maybe it was the way he spoke. the way he was just loud enough for you to hear and gentle enough to coax you into forgetting why you were ever mad in the first place.
and while the cold silence gave little room for speech, you could feel yourself growing needier for jinyoung. as if his heat could make the shattered halves of you feel whole again.
it was more than the way he looked at you, only a few inches taller. his perversion over your mind left you wondering if it was the way he’d grab you in moments like this, kissing you ever so softly.
breathing into him, you reached for jinyoung’s face, letting your body crumble into his arms. whereever you could put your arms, you were taking hold of.
walking backwards, your backside met the rigid wall. you let a moan fall into your throat while your tongues glided against eachother.
jinyoung’s hands were big, big enough to keep a hand teasing your waist and a hand guiding your chin. he pressed himself against your middle, earning a small moan in return.
pulling back to breathe, jinyoung took in all of you, examining features he hadn’t seen in what felt like years.
before he could dive back in, you put both palms on his chest.
“not here.” you stifled out, grabbing him and making your way into your bedroom.
jinyoung didn’t delay one bit, shifting his weight on yours, pressed against the mattress. with the way he rubbed himself on you, you were sure that if he kept going you could reach an orgasm just like that.
instead he pulled away, snatching your bottoms off rather hastily. your middle was throbbing, begging for any kind of physical touch.
despite this, you still flinched when jinyoung entered you. he had you on the edge of the bed, teasing you with his member.
slowly, he would push all the way into you, just to back completely out. this was madness, this pace he was at. not a word was spoken between the two of you except for sharp curses and shallow moans.
gripping his arms, you leaned your head back in pure bliss. before you could even look back at him, jinyoung sped his pace up, skin slapping as a mixture to the collection of sounds.
his movements coerced an even deeper moan, curling from the back of your throat.
“feels good baby?” jinyoung questioned. you nodded obidiently, your orgasm creeping close.
sucking in a sharp breath, you bit down on your bottom lip. “jinyoung, baby, im gonna come.”
“come then.”
those two words were enough for you to completely fall apart all over him.
feeling your inner sqeeze around him, jinyoung couldn’t hold out for much longer. with one hand around your throat, he used the other to pull out and paint your torso with his fluid.
your bodies were still hot and shivering when he leaned down to kiss you. this time, neither of you wanted to pull away.
thumbing the semen that lie on your belly, jinyoung stared down at you.
“why cant i let you go?”
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i-may-be-stupit · 4 years
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Idk the horney got me, so here we are HAHAHAHA 18+ and kinda a bit of crack at times, ENJOY!!!!! Oh! And this is reletively gender neutral, babes!!
Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). And you've always been known as a good kid. That is until your father was murdered by a hero. He did a lot of dirty work, sure, but he did it for his family to survive. And when a hero took him down, everyone cheered. They never though about his family. Nor his place in the world. They saw him as dirt. The same way you started seeing heros.
To you, heros didn't care about the villians and didn't care whether they died or lived. They were savage beasts who needed to be taken down. You became a villian. You would assassinate hero after hero with the simple tittle of "Marrow." And that's when you met the League.
They had the same ideals as you and could help make your dream a reality.
You joined the League, but you were still you. You were a seemingly innocent flower that blossomed in any form of villainous mayhem.
Your quirk was known as simply bone manipulation. You could manipulate your bones however you pleased and you could even shoot them out like needles. But, you were at higher risk for osteoporosis.
Its been 6 months since then and you've made yourself at home with the LOV. Twice and Toga were your closest friends now, but Shigaraki just hits different.
You'd go out and have fun with your two close friends, and to be honest, you're pretty sure that you three had pulled every prank possible on Dabi. Kurogiri was like a dad to you now. He gave lots of great advice and made sure that you kept up with your online college classes in between villian duties.
But shigaraki was a whole other story.
I mean, he was usually crule and hateful towards everyone, but the League was his soft spot. He treats members like family. He cherishes them. Even if he doesn't say it. He almost always have been putting them first.
And it made you kind of...attracted to him.
Yeah, he was dryer than the Saharan Desert, and had a diet of strictly microwavable ramen and redbull, but he was actually a good guy. You caught yourself staring at him a few times per day and your crush on him was appearant to you as well as all the other members.
So here you were, staring in awe at Tomura as he and Dabi played against eachother in Mortal Kombat. (They'd fight at least once a day, so Kurogiri made up the idea of fighting in Mortal combat instead whenever they got fed up with eachother) You blushed, seeing Shigaraki so serious. Ugh, there's just something about him...
Toga walked into the room and sat down in the loveseat next to you. She smirked before loudly announcing, "Gee, (Y/N)! It looks like your boyfriend, Tomura, is winning!" You started choking her.
No, deadass.
You fucking wrapped your hands around her neck and violently shook her head back and forth like Bart and Homer Simpson. Toga just laughed and moaned, causing you to feel too violated to keep choking her. You let go and as you did, Shigaraki stood up and started making fun of Dabi for being a "Bitch ass loser."
You blushed deeply, eyes lidded while gazing at the crusty boy. All you could see was Shigaraki, hearts around him as he did his breathtaking victory dance in slow motion. His gorgeous, dehydrated body swayed and jiggled happily as he jumped a few times, white specs gently fluttered from his head. His dandruff glistening in the florescent lights, as you sighed, absolutely smitten. Dabi rolled his eyes at his boss before looking at you. He then smirked. This cant be good.
Dabi chuckled. "Oh okay, Shiggy, you beat me fair and square." Shigaraki looked at him suspiciously. "It's okay though." He smirked, "Because I'm sure that (Y/N) can give me a little pick-me-up!"
The white haired boy glarred at Dabi then at you. Dabi slyly slipped over to you and Toga. He grabbed you be your wrist and pulled you up to stand. You were too flustered out of your mind to even do anything. He wrapped both of his hands around your waist. "Isn't that right, baby?"
You laughed awkwardly, "Dabi, not to be rude or anything, but you seem like a heavy man and I don't know if I could manage carrying all of your body weight if I were to pick you up, I mean my bones are kinda brittle as they are and-"
He brought his face to yours and kissed your neck softly. "We're gonna have some fun tonight, right?" You fucking hit him with a suplex, a small crack being heard from your hip. God damn it, your fucking brittle ass bones! Everyone burst out in laughter (aside from Kurogiri who was facepalming). Dabi sat on the floor rubbing his head in pain. "Fuck, (Y/N)! It was a joke!"
You folded your arms and frowned. "Well don't joke around with me like that!" Heat rose to your cheeks, "Especially in front of T-Tomura..." You looked at your boss to see him still too busy laughing at Dabi getting backflipped. You smiled shyly, holding your cheeks and wiggling like the love sick shit you are. He's so dreamy~ oh my, is he coughing up blood from laughing too hard?
You looked in disgust for a moment before sighing loudly. Ugh, it's so sexy when he coughs up blood! Shigaraki looked at his hand before licking the blood back into his mouth like a fucking heathen-
Your fucking heathen.
Later that night, everyone was out and about, leaving you and Shigaraki alone. He was drinking a glass of rum and coke as you doodled in a little notebook. You looked up to see him staring at you already. You both quickly looked away. It's been rough lately, dealing with your crush on him.
And Tomura was catching on.
Well, kinda.
He thinks he's really ugly and unworthy of love, so he thinks you just stare at him because you're still taken back at how hideous (he believes) he is. He's been wearing Father on his face more often and been getting more easily upset at you. But, he was also confused because he was starting to like your fragile self.
He's scared that he'll break you with one tap of the finger. That's just how fragile you seem. Shigaraki smiled softly, staring deeply into his glass.
(Y/N) seems so fragile, but they're a god damn hurricane.
Shigaraki swirled his cup around, deep in thought. How can they fight so well when they seem so brittle? It's strange. It's unexpected... It's interesting. Your boss' cheeks turned a tint of pink. (Y/N) can pull off a suplex on Dabi. Their back bent so far... I wonder what (Y/N) looks like arching it for me... He looked over at your figure. You were awkwardly dangling your feet off the couch, seeming to be lost in thought. Tomura sighed and took another whisk of his drink. They're way too cute for me...
There's been a lot of awkward times with you two alone. And you could both feel the tension. Shigaraki left to his room with a small sigh. He hates basically everything. But you? He might just love you.
You two hung out a lot actually. You'd play videogames together and have small movie nights for the two of you. You vividly remembered cuddling up beside him one winter night. It was snowing and you two chatted while sitting on the floor making Smores in the fireplace.
But it got harder and harder to be around eachother when you both started liking eachother. It got...awkward. And the night that Tomura asked you if you wanted to watch a horror movie with you and got a concerned face from you was the night his heart broke. You just didn't want to accidentally grab him at a jumpscare and have him laugh at you for being a pussy. But he thought that you just didnt trust him.
You sighed, thinking about that shitty night, and walked to Shigaraki's room. You had to tell him about your feelings. You knocked softly and was allowed to enter. Shigaraki was sitting in bed, wide awake, just sitting there, staring at the wall in front of him in thought.
You sat awkwardly on his bed in a tense silence for a good minute as the man just stared awkwardly at you through the hand on his face. Shigaraki sighed when he noticed you werent going to say anything, and he set Father down on his nightstand.
"(Y/N), I feel uncomfortable with you staring at me all the time." Heat rushed to your cheeks and you stared harder at the  ground. "I get that I'm ugly, but you should know how rude it is to stare-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You glarred at him, anger boiling up. "The fuck did you just call yourself?!"
He glarred right back at you. "I said I was ugly, did I stutter?"
Yeah. Youre choosing to ignore that attitude. "Tomura, you're not ugly."
He rolled his eyes. "There is literally no other reason for you to be staring at me that much, mutt."
You folded your arms with a frown. "I think you're handsome."
He laughed.
He laughed hard as hell.
For a good 3 minutes straight.
"Oh thats a good one, (Y/N)! You know, I'm actually enjoying you-"
"I'm serious!" You poked his chest hard while getting closer to his face, your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "I think you have pretty eyes!" You poked him again, "You have a pretty face!" You poked him one last time, "And you're an amazing leader!" Shigaraki went silent with a blush and so did you. You twittled your fingers together, looking away timidly. "I-uh... I think I l-like you, actually."
Tomura chuckled breathlessly with concern for your mental health, eyes darting around uncomfortably. "Are you being...serious...?"
"Oh....okay." He awkwardly looked away from you with a small blush. Hes never had anyone like him romantically. Actually, not a lot of people even like him generally. And it made it extra weird with you being so damn cute and funny to him. 
You layed down on his bed, anxiety rushing through you. It was weird to tell your boss that you liked him. I mean, its probably gonna be awkward between you two forever! Tomura layed down next to you. His hands overlapping eachother on his chest. You looked over to him with a small awkward smile. "So-uh... do you like me back...?"
Tomura frowned. "Are you fucking dumb??" You winced and he just rolled his eyes. "It would be impossible to not fall in love with you." A small chuckle left your lips as he softly started playing in your (h/t) hair.
You frowned. "Did I say you could touch my hair?"
He rolled his eyes before lifting you up to straddle him. Heat rushed to your cheeks. And you pushed his chest away as your (e/c) eyes darted away. "T-Tomura, what are y-you doing?" You were speechless and flustered. And it wasn't helping that his hands were laying on your waist (pinkies up of course).
Tomura chuckled with a mischevious look in his eyes. He slowly moved his hands up and down your sides. "Let me play with your hair...and as a reward..." He kissed you softly on your lips. "I'll make you feel things you've never felt before...." He licked your ear and you thanked the Lord for that because it just made his mouth a lil less crusty. "Deal?" His breath tickled your ears and your breathing turned into aroused, airy breaths.
"Deal..." Shigaraki smirked before kissing you roughly, his hand engulfed in your (h/t) hair, leaving his middle finger up of course. As his tongue darted around your mouth, he pulled your hair harder, causing a wince of pain from you. His lips left yours quickly.
"Am I being too rough?"
You smiled softly at him. He cares! "Oh, just a little."
Shigaraki grinned before pulling your hair even harder. "You'll get used to that." Your eyes widened in fear and pain as he threw you onto the bed roughly. He kissed you harder, and forced your thighs open with both of his hands, pinkies up.
He laughed with arousal, pressing his clothed member against you. You sighed as he grinded against your bottoms while tongue kissing you. His hands left your thighs and brought themselves to your body. He sucked, kissed, and bit all over your neck and his indexes and thumbs twirled and pulled at your nipples under your shirt.
"Ah-!" You moaned loudly as the man sucked at your soft spot. "T-Tomura!" A small gasp left your lips and his connected to your skin. Mumbled moans came from you, your hand over your mouth. Tomura glarred the second he heard a moan muffled. "H-Hey!" He had grabbed your hand from over your mouth and tightly gripped it with four fingers, pressing it against the headboard.
He grinned widely out of nowhere, "You really thought you could get away with hiding those beautiful sounds from me?" He sat up, unbuckling his jeans. His eyes went cold as he took off his pants and boxer briefs. "I'm gonna have to get some type of...hm, whats the word?" He looked away in though before smiling and snapping his fingers, "Compensation! Yeah...and I know just what I want from you." Shigaraki push you off of the bed roughly. You fell to the floor and rubbed your arm. He sat on the king-sized in front of you with his cock in his hand. "Suck."
You frowned at him. Did he really have to push you off like that? You got on your knees between his thighs and took a good look at it.
Fuck, he's hung...
You covered your mouth with a huge blush. Where the hell did that come from?! He was a good nine inches and quite thick. You frowned at him and pointed at his cock. "The fuck am I supposed to do with this?" He frowned.
Shigaraki didnt say another word. He just grabbed you by the hair and placed it against your lips. You frowned before licking the tip softly, making him laugh breathlessly. "Fuck..." You sucked on his tip and his hand tightened around your hair, pulling a bit. He looked down at you, smirking while absolutely flustered. "Ugh, your little mouth was made for my fat cock, wasn't it, (Y/N)?" He chuckled and pressed your head forward, forcing a bit more of him inside of you. Shigaraki panted as you bobbed your head back and forth on him. "Youre such a fucking slut..." His cheeks was tinted pink as he stared down at you. Tomura started bobbing your head back and forth on him. He laughed as you gagged on him. "What? Is it too big?" Your face went even hotter. How can he be so fucking conceited yet self conscious?! The white hair boy held your face and was practically thrusting into your mouth at this point. He threw his head back and groaned as cum filled your mouth. "Fuck, (Y/N), you're good at that." He watched you like prey as you thumbed the white substance dripping down your chin. You licked your thumb and he chuckled. "How does it taste?"
You smirked at him minscheviously while getting back on the bed. You took off your bottoms and short then spread your legs. "It tastes good enough to deserve a tip, right?" Shigaraki licked his lips as he crawled in between your thighs.
He rubbed you, playing with your slit. "Did sucking me off really get you this turned on?" You flushed and covered your eyes with your forearm. Tomura smirked mischievously as he licked at you. You moaned quietly, his tongue swirling around and his finger going in and out of your hole.
He stuck his ringerfinger in and you squeaked in pleasure. "Mmm... Tomura, I-just like that..." He sucked and licked, getting more sloppy as his fingers pumped in and out of you. He pumoed faster and faster and your small groans turned into loud moaning as you orgasmed. "Fuck Tomura! Ah-!" You came in his mouth, immediately apologizing. Shigaraki just licked his now soaked fingers and you just stared at him, blushing hard as hell. You smiled softly. "H-How do I taste?"
His red eyes prowled your body as he got on top of you. Your cheeks got hotter when he strattled you. You sighed as he rubbed his manhood against you. Small, flustered moans escaped your lips at his teasing. "You taste like you were missing something." His warm breath tickled your ear, "But I'll fix that right up for you."
Tomura slowly entered you. He groaned out your name in ecstasy. You were a bit uncomfortable at first at his thickness. "W-wait, dont move yet..." You breathed in and out slowly, feeling yourself adjust to him. A groan left your lips, "O-okay..."
Tomura grinded against you, kissing your neck as your hands fiddled with his hair. He started off slow, savoring the feeling of you. He sighed into your collarbone. "God, (Y/N), you're so tight..." He cursed underneath his breath, fucking you a bit faster.
Tears pricked at your eyes. This was almost too much for you. Youve always fantasized about being with Shigaraki and now that it was happening, it felt almost too good to be true. He grinded into you deeper, filling you up fully as his hand held both of tour wrists above your head. The bed rocked as he started thrusting into you faster and deeper. "T-Tomura, you feel so good inside of me!" He groaned louder and you couldn't help but become flustered at all of his noises.
He fucked you even faster and harder. "Fuck, youre mine now, okay?" You nodded and moaned louder at him. "Oh fuck!" His white hair bounced as he pulled out and flipped you over. You were on your forearms and knees, begging for him to keep fucking you good as he thrusted in and out, his hand pulling at your hair as the other gave the occasional spank on your ass. Tomura's thrusts became sloppy as you reached your peak. You both moaned loudly, his cum pouring from inside of you. Shigaraki pulled out and immediately collapsed next to you.
You panted as his arms wrapped themselves around you. You smiled at him. "That was good, right?" He chuckled and kissed your lips.
"The best."
You two spooned as Kurogiri had an extra glass of wine, in utter disgust at when he was forced to hear.
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brelione · 4 years
Jessies Girl (Pope X Reader X JJ)
Summary:Pope is crushing on JJ’s girl.
Pairings:JJXReader, Pope X Reader
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Warnings:Mentions of sex, swearing?
Jessie is a friend
Yeah, I know, he's been a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define
Jessie's got himself a girl, and I wanna make her mine
Pope watched you and JJ cuddling up at the fire.You were sitting on his lap, his arms around your waist as he whispered into your ear, watching as you laughed at whatever stupid thing he was saying.
You looked over to JJ, raising an eyebrow.Pope frowned, knowing that he shouldnt feel this way.JJ was a friend, a good friend.But since you came along Pope found himself getting aggravated, shifting in his seat as he looked down at his root beer can.
You had kind of just showed up out of nowhere, a leather jacket over your bikini and a book in your hand on the beach one day.Of course everyone had taken a liking to you, especially JJ.Pope never stood a chance, JJ stealing you within three days.
And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body
I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
Your attention was on JJ, smiling as you watched him balance on a rock. “JJ!You’re gonna die!”You giggled, your hands in the pockets of your brown leather jacket.He smiled, jumping down.John.B had laughed too, shaking his head at the two of you.
JJ picked you up, carrying you on his back as the five of you headed for your destination.It was the one smooth part of the beach that didnt have a ton of small, sharp rocks.You guys set down your chairs, only bringing two and a blanket.
JJ held you against his chest, all of you sitting in a circle as you ate your sandwiches.Pope watched you, seeing how you were whispering into JJ’s ear, your knees on either side of his thigh.
Pope rolled his eyes, knowing that you were probably mumbling something filthy into JJ’s ear.He just wished he could be JJ in that moment.Once you guys were beginning to settle down you had gotten up, pulling off your shorts, slowly letting your jacket fall.
You were wearing a black bralette and high waisted black bikini bottoms, your locket dangling from your neck, the heart resting right between your breasts. “I feel like we should go swimming.”You told them, already heading for the water.
Pope felt his face heat up, smiling as he tugged off his shirt, watching as you ran into the water, laughing and shrieking at how cold it was.JJ ran in after you, pushing you into the cold waves.
You wrapped your arms around JJ’s neck, your lower halves hidden by the dark water as you kissed him.Pope didnt even want to imagine what the two of you were doing, knowing what was going on.Kie and John.B didnt pick up on it though, too busy splashing eachother.
You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?
Pope couldnt do much about his feelings, confiding with Kie late at night. “You know, I wish that I had (Y/N).Where can I even find a girl like that?”He sighed, resting his head against the couch.She frowned, shrugging.
 “California, I guess.I wish that I had her too if im being honest, its not fair that JJ just swooped in.Do you think all California girls are like that?”She asked, trying not to daydream about it.Pope huffed, hearing the bed frame hitting the wall.
 “God, I hate them.”He grumbled.Kie laughed, sighing. “You gotta move on, Pope.I mean yeah, shes great and shes pretty and funny and creative and perfect but she’s JJ’s girlfriend.You cant just sit around being grumpy because you’re in love with her.Just be happy that JJ got to her first and not some kook.”She smiled, trying to cheer up the boy in front of her.
Pope sighed, looking over to her. “Yeah, yeah okay but no other girls are exactly like her.Shes the only one who’s ever made me feel like this.”He explained.After a few moments the shaking of the wall finally stopped, moans flowing through the air.
Pope held a pillow over his face. “I hate this.”He repeated.JJ opened the bedroom door, wearing only pajama pants as he made his way into John.B’s kitchen to get a can of soda, turning to see his friends awake. “Oh….hey guys.”He muttered, quickly going back into the room.The dim lighting didnt hide the scratches along JJ’s back and the marks on his neck. “Gross.”Kiara grumbled.
i'll play along with this charade
That doesn't seem to be a reason to change
You know I feel so dirty when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her, but the point is probably moot
Hiding his feelings was becoming difficult as your three month anniversary with JJ approached.He didnt see why it effected him so much, seeing you and JJ being so sweet with eachother.He felt so uncomfortable when you two started acting all cute together. 
“I love you.”You whispered into JJ’s ear, combing his hair with your fingers.He smiled, looking up at you. “Love you too.”He smiled, feeling you kiss his forehead.Pope was sitting in the chair in the corner of the room, hearing the whole thing as he tried to pay attention to the tv.
He rested his chin against his palm, feeling lonely as he saw you poking at JJ’s head while JJ tried to catch your wrist in the process.Pope wanted to tell you that he loved you, that he had his life with you fully planned out, that he loved you more than all the Marvel movies and that he wanted to make you the happiest person on earth.
But he knew that was a stupid idea, that you didnt feel the same.If you did feel the same you wouldnt be with JJ, you would be with him.But there would always be that part of him that ached to tell you his thoughts, to tell you everything he loved about you, to tell you everything he could.But that wasnt possible.
Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body
I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
Midsummers was a nightmare for more reasons than one.Kiara had invited you, taking you dress shopping.Your dress was a darker purple, the material reaching just above your knee, the top part was rather low cut.
Your eyes had been on JJ the whole time even when you were standing next to Pope while he tried to make conversation with you. “Um...i like your dress.”He muttered, hands in his pockets.
You raised an eyebrow, smiling. “Thanks, its so uncomfy though.”You laughed.He chuckled, calming a bit.He never really got the chance to talk to you alone. “I mean, at least you wont have to stay in it for that long.You guys just have to stay until after the speech or whatever, right?”He asked.You nodded, looking into the crowd of people for your boyfriend. 
“So how’s the food and stuff?Im not really allowed to leave this general area.”He gestured to a single patch of grass.You giggled, sighing. “I dont know, they probably poisoned it or something.THey’re demons, Pope.You gotta do an exorcism.”You grinned.
He smiled, biting his lip. “Yeah, let me just grab my bible.”He reached into his pocket, pulling out a tiny piece of paper. “Perfect.”He smiled at the sound of your laughter, proud of himself. “Wow, we better hurry up before the demon comes out of Ward and attacks one of us!Look!His wife has the devil horns!”You gasped, pointing over at Rose.
He smiled. “Wow, im so rich and my botox was 50% off!Im better than you!”He made his voice high pitched, watching as Rose talked.You laughed, watching Ward. “My breast implants were only three million!But it fell out in my bath tub!”You made your voice deep, laughing when Pope snorted.
A few people looked over, the two of you turning around. “Oh my god-watch us get kicked out.”You looked over your shoulder, grinning when you saw JJ. “Hey, im gonna go talk to JJ.I’ll catch up with you later.”You smiled, giving him a quick wave before heading to see your boyfriend.Pope sighed, watching as JJ embraced you in a tight hug.He was funny to think that he would ever even have a chance.
You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?
Like Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman...
Where can I find a woman like that?
As the five of you made your exit, JJ had picked you up and spun you around. “Later, Losers!”You shouted, making an L on your forehead and sticking out your tongue before you guys ran off.Pope smiled, amused.The way you could switch between soft and sweet and tough and reckless was something that never failed to amaze him.
He sat as close to you as possible at the fire, looking at your hand that held JJ’s, frowning.Kie glanced at him, shrugging slightly. “Pope, you failed the exorcism.Im disappointed in you.”You told him, grinning when you made him smile. “Sorry, Captain.”He replied, chuckling when you got flustered by the nickname.JJ’s forehead wrinkled a bit, not understanding the joke.
 “Did I miss something?”He asked.You shook your head. “No, babe.Just an inside joke.”You winked at Pope, grinning at JJ’s confused face. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”You told him.
Part of Pope was glad that you felt comfortable joking around with him, excited that he had his own inside joke with you while the other part of him just wished you’d ignore him entirely so he wouldnt have any hope of being with you.He didnt even know what he wanted anymore, the one thing he was certain of was that he wanted you.
And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time
Wonderin' what she don't see in me
I've been funny; I've been cool with the lines
Ain't that the way love's supposed to be?
That night Pope had stared at himself in the mirror of John.B’s bathroom.He pulled at his hair, trying to figure out if that was the problem.Was it too long?Too short?Were his eyes too dark?Was his smile not nice enough?What did you see in JJ that you couldnt see in him?
He was basically just a watered down JJ with rational thoughts, good grades and better logic skills.He had gotten you to laugh all night at midsummers, making you smile, making you happy.He had been pretty cool with his jokes, saying them at just the right time.
He had read plenty of romance novels in private, observing the traits of healthy and toxic relationships.This was always how it went, the guy would make the girl happy and make her laugh and then eventually they would fall in love.Isnt that how love is supposed to be?
@outerbongs​  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @rae131415  @popeheywards @nas-marie-loves-u @28cnn @sexytholland  @yuxsh06   @ifilwtmfc  @cherryobx @poguestarkey @n1ghtsh4d3-67  @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @meaganjm @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @jj-fic-recs @homophobicclownmoviestan @jj-iz-bae @natalie-kate-98 @negativity4you @nxsmss @ofmaybankheart @broken-jj @joshy-obx  @curroptbunnie @outerbnx-stiles @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie @sadnessrehab @purple-vodka-99 @annmariek8 @harryswigss @imagines-07 @pink-meringues
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hunbomb · 4 years
roommate! jaemin
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i hope u guys like this one! i do :) 
warning: not proofread LMAO
jaemin: a huge flirt
like we been knew sis okay bUt its not like it defines him ya kno??? like yes he is a flirt but its not like he does it purposely
however that doesn’t stop every single girl from liking him
except for u cause you’re ~not like other girls~
jk you are 
cause who wouldn’t find na jaemin attractive?? tf???
okay but like the dealio between you and jaemin is that you are best friends 
and you have a fat crush on him (u have since the beginning of highschool LOL)
luckily for you, although jaemin is a flirt, he isnt interested in any girls so he doesnt bring any to your dorm
and even if he did, he would tell u because it would be shitty not to 
so u met in grade nine and yalls friendship popped TF off right away like you joined nomins duo and made it a trio in the span of 4 months and everyone was like???? this mf got that close to them that fast???? mastery
jeno was like ur brother from another mother fr
you and him told eachother everything and sometimes he would tell you things he wouldnt even tell jaemin. like everyone has those people that although theyre close w, there are some things you’d never tell and that goes for jeno and jaemin
jaemin never told jeno he listens to taylor swift
and jeno never told jaemin that he watched all of my little pony friendship is magic on netflix
but since you and jeno shared some personal things w eachother, you obviously told him about your crush on jaemin
and since you had a crush on jaemin, you never got like super super close with him just cause ur feels got in the way 
mainly just you never got as close to jaemin as you did jeno
sure you were bffs, but it wasn’t on such an intimate level
cause everytime jaemin would look your way you’d be gasping for air
so timeskip to senior year
everything is great
your friendship is still strong af and you guys are all planning for post secondary
jaemin and you get into the same uni right.... and jeno gets into the one the town over so your friendship wont take that much damage
but!!! jaemin wants to room with you!!! and ur like!! fucufejdsk!!!
cause like ofc you want to who wouldnt????? but you have such a massisve crush on him you dont want it to get in the way of not only yours but also jaemins university experience
you say yes tho and next thing you know youre unpacking all your stuff
the dorm is kind of small like there isnt a lot of space,,,,, theres two bedrooms but the beds literally take out the whole room HAHHAHA and then there is a chill space with the kitchen connected and u and jaemin have to share a washroom LOL
“jaemin what the FUCK did you eat??? beans??? i bet it was beans this shit smells so bad i-”
“it really do be ya own friends sometimes” -jaemin 2020 :((((((
anyway so like university life is good you and jaemin invite jeno over every weekend for a sleepover and vice versa its so cute GAH
but like,,,, here’s where the drama comes in
one day you are facetiming jeno and youre telling him about how you really like jaemin and blah blah ya know the usual
and youre not really looking at the screen cause youre doing your homework and focusing on that but jeno sees in the back that jaemin has fully entered the room
and you dont notice cause hes silent and your still talking but jeno is trying to get your attention UDHSJIA
and when he does you see in your part of the screen jaemin just,,,, standing there
cue you ending the call with jeno SO FAST and turning around like oH i thought you had classes right now?
“.... they ended early”
“i see” ://////////
you like get up super fast and just walk around him and go into your roomm shutting the door 
poor jaemin is just like “what”
cause to be honest he never really considered this situation ever happening yah he thought you were prettier than most girls and he liked the way you were able to talk to people so easily but he never would have thought you harboured feelings for him
so he kind of just leaves it be cause he knows that you def dont want to talk about it and is willing to wait for you to be the one who brings it up
so time skip to dinner youre both just eating in silence but you dont like it,,,
“what i said was true” you say and jaemin looks up and he knows where this convo is going but he lets you speak
“i didnt ever plan on telling you because i really like our friendship but i guess i wasn’t careful enough”
your heart is beating hella fast but you try to look unbothered and its going pretty good until jaemin asks you something
“how long have you felt this way?”
OKAY like it shouldnt be a big deal to tell him bc you already exposed yourself but for some reason that question just hit you deep cause you realized that youve liked him for so long and he never felt the same ya know
“i dont know,,, since the start of highschool? when we became friends i always thought you were cute and it just turned into a full blown crush”
jaemin just sort of nods in response “oh okay”
so that night your just laying in your bed full of regrets
you know things are about to be super duper awkward between you and jaemin and you wish it didnt have to be like that
so over the next couple of weeks its more awkward than it has ever been before and the sleepovers with jeno seem so divided 
its either jeno and you or jeno and jaemin its never the three of you anymore :((((((
jaemin isn’t ignoring your feelings though, dont worry! hes just trying to sort his out
because your confession kind of opened his eyes
he doesnt want to force himself to like you but he cant help but admit that when he first heard you talking about your feelings a huge warmth spread through his chest and he may or may not have uncovered some feelings
these feelings were always there but he suppressed in grade nine cause he thought you’d never like him and you just wanted to stay friends
so he pushed them down and never thought about it again
but obviously that didnt happen because now youre on his mind 24/7 and he wishes that he could just talk to you but hes kind of nervous
so after taking advice from jeno he tries to talk to you more, like asking how your day went and starting up conversations
youre  kind of like “what u playing at son” but you leave it cause you know jaemin would never do you dirty like that
it stays this way for a while until one night theres a particularly bad thunderstorm and jaemin is scared of thunder
and so when youre just playing on your phone jaemin opens your door slightly and has this scared look on his face
and you know that jaemin is scared of thunder so you open your arms without any words being shared
a huge boom of thunder makes jaemin squeal and jump into your arms
and he gets comfy under the covers as youre holding him, no words shared between you two
he starts to feel much better and this sense of comfort washes over him like,,, youre his home
and as hes falling asleep he softly mutters
“im sorry it took me so long”
and youre just straight confused like what does that mean is he talking about his feelings or just the fact that yall havent had such an close encounter in a while 
the next morning you wake up and jaemins arms and you guys are facing eachother
and hes already awake so when you oepn your eyes you find him already looking at you
“thank you for last night, youre the best” he whispers and youre like all good fam i understand
but then he leans in closer and is like “i should have told you this so long ago, but i am in love with you”
your eyes widen and youre like wh AT the FUCJ your heart is beating at like 420 bpm and ur shooketh
he just smiles and pulls in you in closer and its just a super soft moment and no words have to be said
that night you guys are cuddling on the couch after dinner when jaemin just asks you be his gf
OF COURSE YOU SAY YES! you have been waiting for this moment for god knows how long
jeno is all like damn fina-fucking-ly i’ve been watching this romance play out for like 5 years! 
its super cute
its even better that you guys are roommates because youre already living together so you get to see eachother everyday
jaemins room as become a guest room for sorts as he now shares a bed with you
jaemin: >:(((((( tf is that supposed to mean
you just laugh and youre like im not complaining hahaha and jaemins heart just stutters so bad 
he really does love you and he cant believe it took him so long to accept his feelings
and one night he tells you about how he pushed them down and youre like “exCUSE ME we could have been dating all this time u pussy”
sad jaemin :((((( 
anyway ya its so good its a win-win situation 
you get to room with the love of your life and its just magical there are so many soft moments between you two and just UGH relationship goals
i need me a jaemin
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 9
Kurt was only out for about 15 minutes but that was long enough for Tarren and Fin to get him to the back on one of the spare cots. The gaang besides Iroh and Jee stayed to see how things went down, all gathered in the room reading maps and planning their trip while Lily paced back and forth muttering to herself before she threw her hands in the air
"Why wouldnt he tell us!?" She shouted
"I dont know Lily" Tarren said while he dabbed a cold towel on Kurt's forhead
"I mean, he could see the scars the three of us share! Why... why wouldnt he say anything!?"
"I'm sure he had a good reason Lily, I mean, how did you guys even know you had a third soulmate?" Katara asked with a small tilt to her head.
The duo both placed their hands to their chests instinctively. "Well, we didn't always know, but one day we both collapsed in the middle of a shift,"
[Flashback when? Flashback now!]
"Of course Miss Jin, Grey with honey and two sugars at 3 pm sharp just like every other Friday" Lily smiled while handing the girl her cup of tea she made for her at the exact same time every single friday evening. Jin was a favorite.
"How are you and Tarren?" Jin asked with a smile which made Lily blush
"Hah. We're doing alr-" suddenly Lily lost her breath from a blunt pain in her chest. "Tarren" she wheeled out just before letting out a yelp and clutching her chest "Tarren!"
"Lily!" Tarren's voice called out from the other sid of the Library followed by the sound of scrolls falling to the ground
The two scrambled to eachother with Jin following Lily and Fin rushing out from the back with paperwork to see what was happening. The pair crashed into eachother and held onto the others arms "what happened?" Lily cried out "whats going on. It burns, oh Gods it burns Tarren"
"I- I dont know" Tarren when to unclip his uniform, shucking off the top shirt before ripping the underdress to reveal painful bubbling skin in the shape of a hand and spreading across his chest and up to his neck down past where he managed to rip down to.
"There's a third" Jin said with a gasp
"Whoever they are theyre in trouble" Fin said bluntly while turning to Jin "Jin do you mind running to get the medic? I have to stay with them and they can't move" he gestured to their shivering crying forms.
"Are they dying?" Lily managed to wheeze out between sobs of pain
"No, this isnt direct, its just an- oh right" he nearly forgot that Lily watched her parents killed in a similar way "Lily, trust me, the third in the trio is not dying, they're being hurt, but they aren't dying"
Lily nodded, the pain lasted for a good 20 minutes before slowly dying down and feeling like it was being treated on all ends.
[Flashback over]
Katara gave a small frown "I wonder what happened to him"
"Ill tell you if you help me sit up" Kurt said with a small cough. Sokka who had been sitting near him but was lost in a map with Zuko looked up
"Oh, the munchkin awakens!"
"The... what?" Kurt laughed out
"Ignore him, he's stupid sometimes" Katara said as she helped Kurt sit up and put a pillow behind his back. "How did you get burned if you dont mind me asking?
Kurt gave a sigh and looked to Sokka and Zuko "well, honestly its probably a similar story to mr princey over there"
Zuko tensed "how do you know who I am... and you don't know how I got this"
"I do" Aang said with his hand raised "well, kinda, I think it was your da- mphf!" Zuko shut Aang up with his hands on his mouth
"Shut up, now is not about me or how I got my scar, its about short stack over there"
"Shortstack!? Okay, now that was just rude. But I got this burn from my dad, he wasn't great and had no position to even justify his abuse against me and my mom." He brought his hand to his necklace with a small frown
"He caught me hanging out by a small pond with an earth boy named Haru and was convinced I was a traitor for doing so. He lectured be when he got me home by slamming me against the door and burning me"
he looked up to Tarren and Lily "I didn't tell you, and I always hid my scar because I'm scared hes going to find me again, after he left for the war my mom fell ill and died, so I ran away to my Pappy and he's sick right now so I don't know how long I have with his protection." He gave a sigh "I dont want him to find me and know that you two are my soulmates because he'll hurt you to get to me. And I cant let you get hurt..."
Lily put her hand on her chest with a frown "I'm sorry Kurt, I had no idea. But now that we know I hope you understand we won't let anyone hurt you or us."
"And that includes me" Fin said from the doorway "you've got two master earthbenders and a vigilante assassin on your side now"
"Woah, woah, vigilante assassin?" Toph piped up "Lily is an assassin!? That's so cool!" She marched right up to her and jabbed her finger in her direction "I dont know you too much but I do know that I like you!"
Lily flushed a bright red and rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly "hah, thanks? Wait are you a beifong?"
"Sure am!"
"I didnt know the beifongs had a daughter, let alone a daughter teaching the avatar earthbending" Lily said with a smile
"Yeah, well they didn't think I was strong enough because I cant read" Toph gave a shrug
"I could teach you sometime" Lily offered
"Im blind missy" Toph said with a cackle
"I know" Lily giggled "We have Braille books, I can teach you to read braille if you want to"
"Instead of ink on the pages there are raised dots in patterns to make the letters, numbers and words, Fin and his wife managed to invent it ten years ago because Fin's best friend is blind and he wanted to send him letters, but it isn't too popular yet sadly"
Toph stood there for a moment before saying anything "wait... are you telling me there's a way I can read?"
"Yeah! Its more commonly on paper but Tarren and Fin use earthbending to write it out much faster on stone tablets, its much less wasteful. But for nonbenders like myself thats not really an option, so I write with the paper and the pressing tools."
Sokka piped into the conversation with a quick jump to his feet "can you teach me too? I want to know how to write in a way that she can read" he had a determined look on his face and sound in his voice that caught everyone off guard
"I... didnt realize you cared?" Katara said with a confused look
"Of course I care Katara! I probably care too much sometimes, I care about every single one of you," he looked around "did... did you really think I didnt care?"
Aang looked at Katara and then at Sokka "she probably only thought that because you show care differently than her, I know you care, I mean you've managed to keep us all together and solve our problems, youre a uh... solve it kinda care... if thats a type"
Everyone looked at Aang befote Lily gave a small laugh "you sound like Fin, he's really caring for sure but you have to understand him to notice his love language." Lily paused "but teaching you both will take a while, even just teaching Toph here, who I assume has never been taught anything about letters and words on pages. I'm guessing you lot are traveling to stop the war?"
"You bet!" Aang said with a cheeky grin
"Well you could easily travel with them and teach them all, you and Tarren both" Kurt suggested
"Im not going anywhere without you" Lily said whil jabbing a finger towards him and leaning down close to him "I promised to protect you, and I will"
"Then how about you all come with us! We can all learn braille! I mean I'm already teaching Aang waterbending, Toph is teaching Aang earthbending. And hopefully Zuko and Iroh will teach him firebending so a new writing language should be good for all of us!" Katara said with excitement clear in her voice
It only took a bit of convincing to have Kurt join but it took a good 20 minutes worth of convincing Fin to let Tarren and Lily travel around while Fin ran the library with the help of Jin who stepped up to take over the pairs roles in the library.
But before leaving Lily showed Sokka the braille pressing tools so he could get a quick idea of the way they worked before packing up a good amount of paper and tools so she could teach them. On the road. Tarren would help Toph with hers for stone given they're both earthbenders.
Once they started packing up their own belongings Toph walked into Lily's room with a small knock "hey, you almost ready petty steps?"
"Pretty steps? Uh, yeah I just have to find a good place to put this" she moved her hand a bit with a wooden mask facing up
"What is that?"
"Its my assassin mask, its got a white base, think warm wind. Two black marks, think of cold night ponds stretching from the side tips of her nose, above the brow bone and getting much thicker before going up and becoming two horns. The eye holes and the lips are both dark red, think of the warmth of a summer evening sunset."
Toph stood in the doorway "I didnt need the description but that kind of makes colors interesting"
The two laughed at the bluntness but then Lily shrugged "I guess your right, I didnt need to describe it, but I wanted to anyways" she held the mask for a second before packing it away "it's from my sisters favorite spirit fable. 'Lady of the sunset pond' she had my mama read it to us every night" Lily reached to her necklace and held the roght ash stone.
"Sounds like they hold a special place to you"
"Yeah, they do"
"What happened to them?" Toph asked while leaning against the wall
"We don't have the time to unwrap another story today" Lily gave a small laugh while she set her bag down "besides I need to change before we go, can't leave in a work uniform you know, not really meant for traveling" she moved towards Toph and gave a small bow "thank you for accepting to learn braille from me"
Toph smiled shortly but then punched Lily's arm earning a confused 'ow' to which she responded "thats how I show affection"
"Ah, thats an interesting way to show it" Lily laughed "now I best be getting changed, mind stepping out? I know you see with earthbending, I've seen Tarren train without sight before so I can recognize it"
Toph laughed and stepped out "whatever Pretty steps"
Once everyone was changed and packed they all let on loading up Appa and preparing to fly to the next place. The ragtag group of 4 traumatized kids was suddenly a ragtag group of 8 traumatized kids and 2 wise old men traveling on a flying bison with a small mischievous lemur. What a busy two days huh?
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