vhvrs · 2 years
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been bed ridden since yesterday hi
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binghe-malewife-goals · 8 months
I love vikjayce
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bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
You know what, fuck you *headcannons ur favorite character as middle eastern*
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bringthekaos · 5 months
I saw a earlier ask, about the outfits in arcane starting to look more like the ones in LoL. I think i know how Jayce might get his coat with fur.
In arcane, we see a a picture of Jayce and his dad. The dad's coat looks similar to the one Jayce wears in LoL, it's only missing fur. I think after the whole scene with Viktor, 'in pursuit of great, we failed to do good', Jayce will stop being so ambitious. Specificly about magic, he'll stop trying to make anything that is 'world changing' like the hexgates. He'll stick with tools, like his family always had done, cause at least it will do good. Wich is where he'll start to wear his fathers coat and change.
This might also be where he and Viktor start to drift apart. Because Jayce will be stepping down NOW of all times, when they have to think outside the box to help. Wich leads to Viktor feeling like he has to something, and his path to becoming the Machine Herald starts
Oooooooo I never noticed that, it does kinda look like the Giopara jacket.
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The lapel is slightly different, with Daddy Talis’s notched and Giopara’s peaked, but… the sleeve appears to be a darker color on Talis’s, just like this shot of Giopara, where the sleeves are dark navy. Either that or they’re both sleeveless/shoulder-only jackets, and that’s his shirt underneath, but still. Very similar.
That definitely adds another layer to it, it becomes Jayce sort of “giving up.” In talking to Caitlyn after his trial, he even said he’d “join the Talis hammer business,” and even she knew that he’d whither away doing that—“you can’t do that” / “No, I can’t.” And accepting the role, accepting the “look” by donning his father’s jacket… yeah, it’s a sign that he tried; he chased the dream, and it hurt people, people he loved. So he gives up, takes a step back. Because at least as a tool maker, he can’t hurt anyone. Poor baby needs a hug. 😢
And Viktor… I don’t think Viktor has much tolerance for giving up. That man is a fighter down to his bone marrow. I could definitely see this being a cause for their budding rift.
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kakanno · 2 years
white boy bracket putting jayce talis on there is KILLING ME. the person in the replies going "just because hes tanned doesnt mean he isnt white!" listen im not saying that isnt true but the arcane devs were very very clear in what they intended jayce and all of their characters of color to be through their casting and design choices. caitlyns va being half chinese wasnt a mistake. neither was mels being nigerian or idk, jayces being LATINO? the real white boy is jayce giopara the hell are u people on about
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lawfulbullets · 8 months
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Name: Caitlyn Kiramman
Age: 28
Gender: Cis Female
Origin: Piltover
Profession: Sheriff
Sexuality: Bisexual (heavily leaning towards women)
Height: 5'7" (170 cm
Weight: 135 lbs (61 kg)
Personality: strict, cool-headed, precise, sarcastic, strong sense of justice, helpful, stubborn
Family: Cassandra Kiramman (mother), Tobias Kiramman (father)
Bio: As the daughter of one of the richest and most influential family in Piltover, Caitlyn has always felt a sense of pressure to achieve greatness throughout her life. With her mother staying busy with council work, she occupied herself with studying and learning how to perfectly handle firearms. When her parents chose to support the aspiring inventor Jayce Giopara, she found a friend and brother in him, often seeking his company for comfort and guidance. She studied hard to become part of the Enforcers, yet soon found herself disillusioned with their politics and approach to solving cases - especially when it came to the troubled relationship between Piltover and the undercity. Her sheltered childhood left her blind to the injustice happening right in front of her, so when she was shown another truth, her whole world fell apart. Now Caitlyn has taken on the role of the Enforcer’s Sheriff, and she is bound to fix it’s system from within and bring justice to the whole city - no matter the sacrifices she has to make.
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madexinxheaven · 3 years
@whoxyouxhate said: 💊 - Is your character on medication? If so, why? @ the mains
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"In this line of work and after everything we've been through? How could I NOT?"
Seriously, no one saw the kind of things Caitlyn had seen without developing serious cases of PTSD, SEPARATION ANXIETY & PARANOIA. She couldn't even HUNT these days without being hopped up on meds. After all, the last time she went out on the hunt, she'd come back to a BLOODBATH; With every last servant DEAD and her parents MISSING. Since then she'd risen up the ranks of the L.G.D as far and the way most prolific SNIPER they had. And from INFECTED to MURDER to RAPE to THIS VERY WAR, well... They hadn't made the nightmares any easier... The meds did, though. (Kinda...)
"This world breaks people. One way or the other."
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"I, uhh... Texas says I SHOULD..."
Hyperactivity, blunt impulsion and a struggle with maintaining her own attention had LONG been problems that had cast Exusiai into danger TIME & TIME AGAIN. The youthful Sankta had a whole list of bad run-ins, mistakes, REGRETS, to her record. Yet, still, for the most part, she remained UNBOTHERED -- UNBURDENED. Fact also remained that she'd grown RECKLESS, CARELESS & IMPULSIVE in many things. Definitely didn't get enough sleep at night. And had a tendency for getting herself KNEE DEEP IN SHIT. But she meant well, and had fun, and only hurt the BAD PEOPLE, right? So it couldn't have been THAT IMPORTANT... -- RIIIGHT??
"But... What's the WORST that could happen?"
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"I... What exactly are we counting as medication here?"
Did they count the CANDIES & TREATMENTS that protected against FROSTBITE? Did they count the various ways she'd tried over the years to actually feel some level of WARMTH? To warm the CHILL that was in her deathly rattling bones? Or were they just talking about the medications that Rhodes Island filled Infection with to pretend like they were actually making a DIFFERENCE. Then again, maybe they WERE making a difference... And it was all just so much harder for FrostNova to see from so far away. Irregardless, the answer was: No. she DIDN'T take any official medications. But she had her own self-medications. For what they counted for. 
"I make do."
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"Mmh? Oh, no..."
Shake of her accompanied her simple answer. Sometimes she wondered if she should have. Mostly whenever her personality PISSED OFF Blaze, but in truth she spent more time ADMINISTERING medication than TAKING IT. After all, she may have been a designated SNIPER, but she still was an operator working for Rhodes Island. And every last INFECTED in the world NEEDED medication. In fact, the more she thought about it... Maybe they should've been screening people more closely on a PSYCHOLOGICAL basis rather than observing their levels of ORIGINUM CRYSTALIZATION, no? Not to say they didn’t. They absolutely did. PRTS was surprisingly adept at it. But... But just like with treating the Infected, couldn’t they always do a better job at that, too?
"It's surprising, really. Or... Or maybe we're just not thinking about that kinda stuff? Maybe it's just become the new normal, y'know?"
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"Medication? Me? Oh, no. I'm not any medication."
Granted, for every pill Makoto DIDN'T take she had a line in her contract with JOHANNA that all but unshackled her from the constraints of her greatest mental battles. Including her OBSESSIVE COMPULSION, PERFECTIONISM, CODEPENDENCY & INABILITY TO SAY NO BORN OF NO SMALL AMOUNT OF SELF-DEPRECATION. But then, didn't Johanna make everything in Makoto's life turn monochrome? Flirting in that moral grey area, caught between her duty as a Lungmen Guard and her own INFECTED VIGILANCE. In many ways, she supposed she was LUCKY for that. Every last inch of that self-deprecation came with another inch of herself she GENUINELY didn't like. And since Johanna had come into her life, Makoto had step-for-step came closer & closer to someone she could be PROUD OF.
"But I don't blame people if they need it. This... This world is... It's hard... So very hard..."
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"Huh? Medication? What on Terra possessed you to ask a question like that?"
For once, Swire was NOT acting out of self-defence but, rather, asking very genuine questions. Albeit... She still didn't exactly ask them WELL. Confrontation was Swire's life. The bitch wore her heart on her sleeve, and her heart was big but easily wounded. To answer: Swire was not presently on any medication. She'd had her BOUTS of issues and therapies, usually when those insecurities ADDED UP, and she stopped being able to SIT ON HER FEELINGS, but largely she remained clean. At her standard, she liked to think she was HANDLING IT WELL... ALL THINGS CONSIDERED... But deep down? Well... Her episodes DID speak for themselves. (And it was usually Ch'en picking up the pieces.)
"Not right now. But sometimes life just gets to ya, y'know?"
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"Medication? Hm. Sounds almost novel at this point, in all honesty. One might say, NAIVE."
If ANYONE was a poster-child for SHOULD BE ON MEDICATION, it was far and away TALULAH ARTORIUS. The girl had been broken for one or two decades far too long. & now she was FAR TOO FAR GONE. Pretty sure anyone who rallies together a radicalized group of freedom fighters to take over Lungmen & Ursus through TERROR TACTICS with a central goal of enacting revenge on the friends and family that HURT THEM as a child most certainly qualified for needing therapy. (Or maybe an ASYLUM.) Maybe if people had cared back when she was still BREAKING, all of this coud've been avoid. And, no, Ch'en DIDN'T count. How could she? What was her baby sister SUPPOSED to do about her abused sister who had been driven to psychosis by their very own family?
"We're far beyond the point of no return by now. Sometimes tells me I'm going to die before even taking one pill."
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"Kee-Ahaha... Haha... Ahahahahahaha... Oh... That's cute."
Holy. Fucking. Shit. They really had to ASK that question? No. Of course she wasn 't on MEDICATION. The psychotic bitch didn't even let Rhodes Island treat her for Oripathy and she'd SIGNED ON AS THEIR MERCENARY. Of course, being feared by every last motherfucker in the galaxy kinda had some BENEFITS in that sense. Now, should she have been? Of course she should have been. Girl had one of the highest Originum densities in all of Rhodes Island. Oh, and there was the little tid bit of her being a PYROMANIACAL, MURDEROUS LITTLE PSYCHO. Yeah, that level of destructive psychotic mania PROBABLY needed a maximum security INSANE ASYLUM, let alone anti-psychotics and sedatives. But as they say somewhere else in the world: Y.O.L.O!!
"I'd like to meet the doctor that can actually make me take my pills~~!!"
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Silence spoke louder than words, as they always say. And the truth was... Yuhsia was on SEVERAL medications as a result of the youth she spent alone in Lungmen after the disappearance of TALULAH and the abandonment of CH'EN & SWIRE. Would anyone really be surprised to learn that? Probably NOT, in all honesty. Mafia girl was left alone with some of the corrupt narcissist this side of the Ursus border and later forced to do all of the Rat King & Wei Yenwu's DIRTY WORK. Not to mention the sting of BROKEN PROMISES. To this day, Yuhsia had never EVER let anyone get remotely close to her. Most of all, Ch'en & Swire. Though they persisted like nagging little GNATS. But back to the question at hand... Yuhsia had developed a certain... TEMPERAMENT that she liked to keep on top of. The Rat King saw the worst of it. But she'd be damned if she EVER let Ch'en and Swire see it in the slightest. Meds HELPED with that.
"You should be careful asking questions like that to people like me. Who knows what might happen to you..."
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zurka-durka · 3 years
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i’d fight for them
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threi · 2 years
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who the fuck touched his boyenemy arch boyfriend
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purple-soika · 2 years
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i loved them so much in that wild rift animation
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jayv1k · 3 years
Caitlyn: im cold:( Vi: here have my jacket! Jayce, looking at Viktor: im cold too Viktor: does it look like i can control the weather, jayce
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nightlilly0110 · 3 years
Jayce: My doctor said I only have three days to live.
Caitlyn: What’s wrong? Are you sick?
Jayce: No. He just doesn’t like me.
Viktor: *in the distance* IM GONNA FUCK YOU UP ON TUESDAY!
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mercury-hammer · 3 years
haha, the funny
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bringthekaos · 5 months
Heimer, Vi, Cait and Jinx all have attires that look fairly similar to their League counterparts, at least the color scheme and shape is there. But so far we have not seen anything remotely similar to Jayce's brown leather/fur coat or that long blue scarf Viktor uses. I wonder how they will incorporate them
Hmmm, idk, that’s a good point. Cuz fur is certainly A Statement, and as it stands, Jayce just… doesn’t seem like that guy. It’s very… peacocky. There’s always the possibility that they will remove those design elements and stick with something a little closer to the already established design, but… something I think they do quite beautifully with every character is signify mental and emotional change via visuals. And let’s face it… Jayce and Viktor are about to drastically change.
For Jayce, I think utilizing the fur would actually be a very interesting choice for him. It’s flashy and a little gaudy, and seems to say look at me, look at me. It’s definitely a loud way to tell us that Jayce’s personality has shifted. However, fur is also comfortable and soft, subtly implying that despite his tough, I-don’t-give-a-shit-what-you-think-anymore exterior… he still seeks comfort. Perhaps… a comfort that he lost?
And as for Viktor… he’s always been depicted in red. House Talis red, to be precise. And anyone who’s taken a lick of color theory knows that red symbolizes intensity and emotion, love and passion. And blue… blue is typically associated with calm, with rationality. Something Viktor professes to be all about in his Herald days. But (and I may be looking too hard into this, but bear with me here)… his cape/scarf/whatever is two-toned. It’s blue on the outside and red on the inside.
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Which so clearly tells me that the passivity, the calm rational exterior is just masking the emotion within. That despite what he says, it’s all still in there. And I actually really like this idea—telling the story of Viktor hiding his pain and rage through visuals.
Now as for how they will implement any of this… I have no idea. I have a feeling they’ll just throw it at us one episode with no explanation, and it’s up to us to connect the dots (like we did with Vi and Jinx and Caitlyn after the time skip). I think it would be neat if maybe Jayce’s coat with the fur is a gift from the Ferros clan or the Gioparas (if they even bring them in). Would be another way to tell us that Jayce is accepting his new role as Defender.
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hexhomos · 2 years
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charlie-the-rat · 3 years
I want you to loose like I loose when I play
Notes: I have lost all controll. This is the longest fic I have ever written. And also the second fic I've ever written. Again, you know that english isn't my first language so yeah. I think thats it. PS how do you spell summory or summury or idk german brain...
Summury: Angst and a little fluff but mostly Angst. Jayce and Viktor are fighting and then get teleported into another universe. Jayce is terrified of the glorious evolution while Viktor thinks it's faszinating. Jayvik because i said so. Oh this is verry long this took up like 40 pages in my notes app.
Jayce and Viktor didn't allways see eye to eye. But this had blown their relationship to bits.
Jayce was arguing with Viktor in the lab when Jayce accidentally spilled too much information.
"You what?!" Viktors pale face was red from all the yelling. "I- I didn't have a choice!"
"You gave Caitlynns girlfriend our hextech gautlets, so that she could fight with them!"
"I didn't have a choice. Listen, am I that bad of a person because i gave away some research?!" "This isn't about giving away research! We are on the brink of war Jayce! I told you we would not make hextech weapons and you promised me!"
Jayce threw his fist on the table. "These are awefull people down there we needed to fight!" He shouted. "Oh, so everyones a criminal down there except for me? Got it! Let me guess why! Cause of my leg, is it that? Is it! Oh he's fine, he can't hurt anybody he can't even walk proparely!"
Viktor was hyperventilating. "You knew that if you just listened to me i would never-"
"You know what you are Jayce? You are nothing but child with too much power and money in it's hands."
That was apperantly too much for the councler. A loud slap silenced the scrawny man. Viktor didn't say a word, he just stared at the ground to his right. Frozen. So was Jayce. He had hit him.
"I- I" He stutterd. "I'm so sorry Viktor I didn't mean- I don't know what came over me- I"
Viktor remained silent. A red spot was forming on his cheek.
Finnally he spoke.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"Viktor I-"
"I don't want to hear it. Just know that if war breaks loose between piltover and zaun, i am not willing to fight against my own people. So don't expect me to stay up here." His accent thick.
For a while they both just stood there. Until Jayce finnally turned back to their experiment. "Let's just get this over with." Viktor had said.
Jayce was tinkering with a gemstone while Viktor was repairing the hexclaw and tightening a few screws.
Then it happened. Jayce was fumbling with a control pannel as a ray of blue light shot out.
Then everything was black.
When Jayce finnaly came to, everything was pain. His head, his stomach, his back, his everything hurt.
"Viktor?" He caughed. Jayce rolled over. Searching the room for his partner and shurely enaugh there he was. A few feet away laying on his side. Blood was dripping from his nose. "Viktor-"
Jayce tried to crawl but was quickly stopped by a gun pointing in his face.
He looked up in still in shock. It was Caitlyn. It looked like Caitlyn. "What the fuck Cait, why are you here? Get that out of my face!" He pushed the gun away with his palm. "How did you get here and who are you?" Her voice was demanding and calm unlike Jayce who was scared and confused.
"Cailtlyn its me, Jayce! You know me! We grew up together."
"You aren't Jayce!" She said loudly.
"Yes, yes I am. Jayce, Jayce talis."
"How interesting! Talis?" A man stepped toward them. Jayces eyes were foggy from the explosion. It took him a few seconds to get the man in focus but when he did he, couldnt believe his eyes. "Did I hit my head too hard. What the-" He stuttered out.
"Yeah that's my exact reaction." The Man held his hand out to Jayce. "Im Jayce, Jayce Giopara." He said. His voice Was loud and confident. Jayce talis took his hand without hesitation and lifted himself up.
"You're me?" He mumbled. "How does that make any sense. He stared at the Man in front of him. It was him but not quite. His eyes were different and those clothes were... weird to say the least. He was wearing armor and had his mercury hammer strapped to his back. A streak of white hair was vissible. "Am i hallucinating?"
"Cait, you can put the gun down." He spoke. She listened shaking her head slightly. Her clothing was different too. It didn't matter though because a thought quickly broke the attention he had towards her. "Viktor! Is he okay?"
"He is breathing and has a pulse. I checked as soon as you guys dropped in here." She spat. "So that's your Viktor huh?" Giopara said. Looking at Jayces partner. "A bit fragile and more human but its him, yes. Undouptedly." Jayce looked around wildly.
"What do you mean and how did this-"
"It seemes you have stumbled into another universe." Jayce heard caughing behind him and ran toward Viktor, dropping to his knees. "Hey V, its okay." He held his head up. "Why aren't you helping?!" He yelled over at the other him and the other Caitlyn.
Viktor groaned. He slowly opened his eyes.
Two Jayces were looking down at him.
"Jayce i think i hit my head too hard. Theres two of you." He stared at the Jayces. "And one of them has an awfull taste in fashion." He said looking directly at Giopara, who seemed offended by the remark.
"Viktor I um-" Viktor pushed himself up and stroked his forehead. "If this ends up beeing serrious you're paying for my hospital bill."
"Viktor this is like real." One Jayce mumbled. "Are you okay?" The other Jayce said.
"No it's not, see." Viktor sat up and placed one hand on talis arm and the other on gioparas. "Wait, hold up this isn't adding up I- you-" Viktor stutterd confused.
He scratched his head.
"Don't look at me." Talis exclaimed. "I know as little as you, V."
"So basicaly what I'm guessing happened, is that you guys were working in the lab and then something happened and you ended up in our universe."
"Jayce this is on you." Viktor said rubbing his eyes.
"How do we get back?" Talis asked quietly.
"Well, how did you get here?" Giopara responded.
"I was doing something with a gemstone and Viktor was- I've got it!" He exclamed and rushed to the chalkboard brushing past Caitlyn. "Vik, you were repairing the hexclaw because it was reacting too much to the gemstones, right?"
"Right." Viktor murmered staring back and forth at the two Jayces. "It must have reacted to my gemstone and shot into its energy field!" He shouted excitedly. "So if we do that again we might-"
"That might be a problem." Giopara Interrupted.
"Why, oh gods am I allready dead in this universe?" Viktor said exhausted.
"I wish." Cait whispered to giopara.
"Viktor is quite attached to the hexclaw, to put it nicely. Getting to it might be a problem."
"Why?" Talis asked.
"Me and our Viktor don't work thogether anymore. We have had a few differences in opinion." Jayce looked like he was trying to search for nonexistend words in a dictionary.
"Thats a nice way to put it." Cailyn cuckled.
"What happened?" Viktor spoke. His accent was thick. 
"We can talk about that on the way. First we need to find a way into the undercity without beeing seen."
"Im sorry, we're going to the undercity?" Talis grew concerned.
"Yeah obviously. It's where he works."
What had happened between Viktor and this Jayce that ended him up in the undercity? His mind begann to race, creating an awfull pit in his stomach.
"My girlfriend can get us down. VI is from there after all."
Viktor looked around the room for his cane. "And why exactly is it that you don't want to be seen going down there?"
He finnally found it beneath a pile of books papers and rubble.
Jayce took a deep breath. "Because piltover and zaun are at war." The pit in talis stomach grew exponentionally. His head felt like it was spinning. War? He looked over at Viktor who seemed just as shocked as he was.
"I can't risk beeing seen in zaun at the moment."
Caitlyn gave him a loopsided smile.
"Don't worry Vi will make sure everything goes smoothly."
Jayce swallowed. Viktor gave him a death stare. He was still reasonably mad.
Loud thumping eccoed in the halls to the lab. "Speak of the devil.""
Gipara joked. The the door flung open. VI made a few stepps into the lab. "You okay golden boy it looked like something exploded in here from the outside so i wanted to-  why are you here cupcake?"
Jayce couldn't help but stare at her. This was Vi, the same person he had fought with at the shimmer factory. She was wearing the same gautlets him and Viktor had made. It was then that she noticed them.
Her face began to morph into confusion.
"Wait wha-"
Jayce tried to smile and gave a quiet "hey". "So," giopara begann. "This is me from another universe. He had and experiment go wrong with hextech and now he is here."
He gestured at talis. VI grew even more confused. "We need to get them back and to do that i kind of need to-" jayce paused and swalloed. "Talk to um-" He stutterd. "Viktor?"
"The machine herald?"
Vi frowned at him. Her eyes widened. She rose her fists to her chest. "I'll take care of him."
"No no no. It's uhh." He muttered.
Jayce stared at his Viktor, who was trying not to collapse as his weak leg trembled undeath his own weight. Why would she fight him? Tons of horrible immiges flooded his head again.
"I don't need something from him i really do need to talk to him. This is um- listen Vi -" "Don't worry I will make sure he doesn't cause truble."
"I need you to get us into the the undercity without beeing seen."
Giopara stuttered. "No problem, and you are?" She gestured at Viktor. Vik opened his mouth but was quickly inturrupted by giopara. "He is a friend of talis. He happened to be in the lab when the accident happened." Viktor raised his eyebrow. Talis stayed quiet. "Allright everyone follow me."
They were walking through piltover when Jayce finnaly broke. "Why did you lie to her about Viktor?" He wispered. "Okay you know what, nobody mentions the name Viktor anymore." He gestured at the scrawny scientist who replied with a quiet. 
"What did I do?" "Listen nobody can know you are Viktor, okay? Please, this is for your own safety."
Jayce and Viktor just stared at him.
Jayces mind begann to wander. Why did he want this? What had happened between him and viktor.
"Hey cane guy? How long can you walk?" Vi questioned. Viktor rolled his eyes. "I can walk fine it doesnt hurt."
"Good, good!"
"So what exactly is wrong with your leg then?" 
She continued. "It's nothing. I was born with a limp in my leg and it's just naturally turned inward a little which makes it hard to walk without a cane."
"Allright interesting."
"Im not fragile. Im not going to die from a Trip to the undercity." Viktor finnaly exclaimed annoyed. Everyone allways assumed he was weak. It bugged him, a lot.
"Hmm"  VI simply said.
"Allright, Jayce!"
"YES!" Both of them yelled at the same time.
"Allright this isn't going to work. From now on you're giopara and you Mr puppyface," she poited to talis. "Are talis. Got it?"
The nodded in synch.
"Wait what did you just call me?" Talis mumbled but Vi didn't seem to hear.
Marching into the lanes Jayce couldn't help but notice how the people looked at them.
Exspecially at giopara. They practicly fled from him. Some looked scared others disgusted.
There were people with body replacements and open wounds everywhere. Some people looked malnourished and wore dirty cloths others were increadibly muskular and covered in scars.
What shook him the most was just how calm and unstartled Viktor was. He was used to it after all.
Like he hadn't been worried enaugh the knot in his stomach grew tighter.
The air got thicker and thicker the more they walked and the people around them got sicker and sicker. Visibly poorer.
Viktor was calm as ever. While Jayce was caughing every few seconds his partner seemed perfectly used to the air.
He grew up in this? How?
He followed them blindly untill they reached a part of the undercity talis had never seen before nor heard of.
There were big robots roaming around the area. They had guns attached to their backs. 
What they were guarding though was even more terrifying.
A mansion. A ginormous building that was straight out of a horror movie.
"Welp, here we go."
"We are not going in there!" Talis protested. VI Was allready opening the creaking gates. Oh lord.
"Allright we need to get around the bots. Everyone stay as quiet as you can and stay close." Vi whispered and began to sneak around the place.
Yeesh there really were a lot of robots, giant, made of shining metal with glowing eyes. Some glowing yellow others a shimmer pink like he had seen at the factory, and then others .... blue. Hextech blue.
Jayce didn't want to think about it.
Before he knew it theit small group was standing at a door. Giopara at the lead, quickly checking a window before beginning to lockpick.
"It seems empty."
"I can't see him nor Blitzcrank."
"Who is Blitzcrank and why are we here?" Viktor began quietly.
Giopara responded with his loud voice. "One of his monsters. He lives here."
Viktor seemed visibly unsatisfied with that answer.
Jayce was beginning to get more and more anxious. "So, we are here and i still don't know what hapened with you and-" He mouthed the word "Viktor". Giopara sighed. "Viktor went mad."
"Mad is kind of an understatement, don't you think?" Vi chuckled.
Talis swalloed. "You see all of those robots?" She pointed at the hoard they were hiding from. "Viktor is their maker. Hes nutts, litterally nutts and bolts."
Talis heart sunk. "Enaugh!" Giopara huffed still battling with the door.
"What? He is mad! Him and his glorious evolution theory-" Vi was intertupted by  the doors click.
"There, open!" He stood up and proudly opened the door. "Everyone in before the robots hear you, Vi."
They obeyed. Once they were all inside giopara locked the door behind them. "So what exactly is the glorious evolution?" Viktor started.
"Oh hoho, this gonna be fun!" Giopara gave her a mean look. "What? They want to know, let them know!"
Talis was scared but he was finnally getting answers. He took a deep breath and prepaired himself for whatever she was about to tell him. Boy, was he not ready.
"So like Viktor used to work with Jayce on hextech and everything was fine and dandy untill one day Viktor just went mad out of nowhere. He started talking about this glorious evolution and how he thinks that-" she deepened her voice and tried to mimic his accent. "Flesh is a weakness we must shed."
Jayce looked at his Viktor. "And he had this machine evolution theory and wanted to test it on people. The thing is, right, that nobody wants to just have a perfectly good limb cut off and replaced so he started experimenting on himself in secret."
Viktor swallowed clenching his augmented fist. He still hadn't told anyone.
Giopara opened his mouth to take over.
"The thing is you can only hide so much of your body. So one day he just went overboard and begann to try and drug people. Starting with his assistent. She dissapeared. Last seen walking into his lab and then never out. I later found the empty flask and confronted him about it.
I had to exile him."
"Viktor, they call him the machine harald now. He thinks he has perfected this glorious evolution. Some people down here praise him like a god."
Viktor was trying his best to get skys immage out of his head.
"He turns people into machines if they want it or not. And if you start protesting then, oh 'your dumb human brain is too emotional to make desitions over your own body let me do it.' That emotionless bastard." Gioparas face was getting more and more red from the yelling.
Meanwhile talis was trying not to throw up. The pit in his stomach had reached his throught and he felt sick but he mannaged to keep it down. Viktor grabbed his hand. He looked into his eyes with a look of fear.
"Im getting too distracted."
He looked around the place. Jayce couldnt focus anyomore he was repulced of even the idea of their Viktor.
Viktor on the othe hand couldn't help but feel guilty. Rather than repulse, the idea of this glorious evolution intruiged him. It faszinated him even. Of course the machine herald as they called him had gone over the top but still.
He shook the thought out of his head.
"So we are in his home right now?" Talis asked qietly.
"Do you need to sit down?" Vi looked at him concerned. "You look a little startled."
It was only when Jayce looked at his hand that he noticed he was shaking. A lot.
"Im good." He lied.
They were getting louder.
Heavier. Metall clanks and creaks.
"Everyone behind me!" Giopara shouted.
The door burst open.
There he was.
A man. A machine.
Tall. So tall. His body made of metall. Yellow and purple glowed from inside him. His face was...
There was nothing human about him other than his hair. A white streak shimmered though his messy brown hair. It stood up in all possible angles.
Don't vomit he told himself. He shivered. His hand clenched around Viktors and for a second he thought he was holding it so tight he might have hurt him.
Viktor just stared. His eyes couldn't leave the machine. They were filled with somewhat of a childlike wonder.
"Defender." His metallic voice exclaimed calm. VI rose her fists. Giopara held his hand to her to signal that he wanted her to stop. He took a deep breath.
"I'm here to have a talk with you."
A third arm rose from the machine heralds back. Upon closer Inspektion talis noticed that... holy shit, that's the hexclaw.
That's what they were talking about.
It slowly begann to glow. "I'm not here to fight you Viktor."
Giopara stood still. "I need to-" his words got stuck in his throught. "Work with you."
The claw fell. A garing sound was heard from the machine. A loud metallic laugh.
"Right, right the man of progress comming to work with the machine herald what's next Jinx stops blowing buildings up and moves to backing."
"Truely hillarious defender." He paused to calm down again, then annoyed as ever said. "What do you want?"
Talis and Viktor still hid behind Vi and giopara.
"If this is about the hexcore again i swear-"
Viktor fliched at the mention of it. A shiver went down his spine when he noticed it. Attached to the staff he was holding. Glowing. Pulsing. 
Giopara took a deep breath and then stepped aside.
"This is me from another universe. I need your hexclaw to get him back."
Viktor didn't show any reaktion he just asked: "you mean my death ray?"
The Jayces noded. "Whatever you want to call it."
"Fine let's get this done quick so I can beat you up later."
He moaned and pushed past giopara.
"Look at you." He knelt down to get a better look at talis. "You're Jayce but weaker. How interesting." Talis was shaking too much at this point. He was too close to him.
"If you hurt him I'll-"
"Im Jayce talis!" Talis said holding out his hand. It was best to stay calm. If he would have let giopara continue to yell they might have started to fight.
The machine took it. "How polite, you have manners, unlike mine."
Gipoara groaned. "So, how do we get you back?"
Talis looked over to Vi. She nodded and slowly stepped aside to reveal Viktor behind her. He was fixated on the other Viktor. Almost in a trance.
"Im-" He stutterd. The machine herald inturrupted him.
"So small. And this-" He pointed at his weak leg. "Boy do I have solution for you-"
"Dont you dare turn him into one of your monsters."  Vi yelled.
"Would you let him talk?" The metall creaked.
"It's okay, Im sorry I can't talk, im a bit stunned." Viktor tried.
"Don't apologise for taking time to register how he mutilated himself." Giopara shouted. "Mutilated eh?"
The machine moved back to giopara. "You are the one who did this to me. You left me no choice." They stared at each other quietly. "But let's not turn this into a debate. We have guests after all."
Talis rushed to Viktor. "Hey are you okay?"
"Yeah I dont know I-"
He begann to cough again. "Here let's get you to sit down, V."
Talis guided him to a chair.
"V?" Vi asked, she seemed allmost mad. "That's what Jayce used to call-"
Oh no.
"Whats your name?" She stomped toward him.
Viktor tried to catch his breath. "Listen Vi, I can explain. You need to calm down." Giopara begann. His voice was calmer than before.
"You are Viktor? That's what he used to look like?" She stared at the scientist.
Her fists clenching. "And you knew?"
"Violett please!"
"Move away from him!" The metall voice rang. "He needs to lay down." He walked toward them and pushed Vi, giopara and talis aside on the way.
"Here, I know you can't breathe proparely." He picked Viktor up with ease. Beeing so close to him he was able to get a better look. Now Viktor noticed that the metall of his face wasn't connected to the metall of his throught. And there was some cabels and leather hidden in his hair. It was a mask.
"There." He put the scrawny man down on a medial tabel. "I know its uncompfortable but its the best thing i have."
The others followed them. Jayce terrified of the view of Viktor laying there. The room was filled with prostetic limbs and metall organs in jars. Jayce had to swallow again. He felt sick.
"Don't worry defender, I won't do anything to him."
Giopara tried to get closed but was pushed aside by a robot. "Blitzcrank will prevent you from causing any damage." So that was Blitzcrank? Out of all the robots he looked the most nice. He seemed friendly.
"You can come closer. Come on don't be shy." He poited to talis. Shaking he moved closer. "Tell me, how do I get you back?"
"Viktor and I were experimenting. And-"
He pulled out the gemstone and begann to explain. Withinn minutes the machine herald had figured out what they had to do.
He started assembling a few things on a table when Viktor begann caughing again, longer this time. Talis rushed to his side. Blood was dripping from his nose.
The machine took something from his belt and inserted it into a small contarption behind them.
He moved next to Jayce holding it up. It was some sort of surringe with a purple liquid inside.
"Calm down. Try to relax."
"What are you?" Before Jayce could think, the herald held both of talis hands in one palm and the liquid was injected into Viktors neck. He yelped in pain. "You little-" Giopara and Vi tried to get closet but Blitzcrank had them under his force.
Talis watched in horror.
The herald pulled the surringe out while Viktor was still processing what had just happened. He let go of talis hands. "There we go. Take a deep breath."
Viktor did. He was able to breathe again. He put one hand to his throught feeling the puncture wound. He couldn't believe it.
That's when he was pulled back to realitly by everyone screaming at him. Except for the other Viktor who was working on something on the table. He had his back turned to him.
"Are you okay?"
"What did he do to you?  Are you in pain."
"I- I can breathe." He looked at his Jayce. Then trew his hands around him.
"Better isn't it?" The metall voice asked.
He tried to contain his cries.
"What did you give him?" Giopara yelled. "Medicin." He replied.
"Giopara reached for his hammer and thrashed Blitzcrank aside. Who stood up like nothing had happened and grabbed him by the whaist. "You are going to cause serous damage with that in here. You would put four people at risk." It said in a friendly robotic way.
Jayce dropped the hammer with a sigh. "The cristal." The Herald asked. Even though it sounded more like a demand.
Talis let go of Viktor and carfully gave him the gemstone. He put it into a small contraption and picked it up.
"Come with me."
Viktor slowly got down from the table. They walked into an open room. The Harald placed the contraption on the ground ans rose his third arm slowly.
He pressed a Button on the small machine and the gemstone begann to spinn. A blue shield started to appear around it.
"The energie field."  Jayce called out.
"Now I will let you go-" The other Viktor said slowly. "Under one condiotion."
He was about to start talking when they were inturuppted by a childlike scream.
They looked over at giopara who was holding up a child by their arm.
"Naph!" The machine shouted. And even though Jayce knew it was unlikely, it sounded like fear in his voice.
"Take it off!" Giopara said. VI just stared at him.
"Put him down, let him go! He has nothing to do with this!"
"Take it off! The mask I know its a mask I just- I need to know if theres still a face underneath." Jayce looked mad and at the same time on the verge of tears.
"We have been death matching each other for years now I just- I'll let him go if you-"
"Fine, fine."
Viktor reached into his hair and fumbled around with his fingers untill a click was heard. Then another.
The metall mask fell to the ground to reveal... a human face.
It was surounded by metal framing and his eyes were differrent, yes, but it was a human face. He looked exactly like Viktor only a bit older.
Giopara dropped the boy.
The kid rushed to the Herald and hugged him. Viktor craidled him in his arms. "Naph honey, are you allright my boy?"
His voice was still metallic just a little less than before. He looked back at giopara.
Vi was stunned at the view of this machine hugging a child.
Then at talis.
"You should leave now." He rose his third arm. "Good luck."
He put down the boy and fired the hexclaw into the energiefield.
Then everything was white again. Then black.
Jayce opened his eyes to Viktor talking to him. His Viktor. "Jayce! There, I was beginning to get worried."
He helped him up and Jayce looked around. They were home back in their lab everything was as they left it.
Jayce looked at Viktor and hugged him. So tight he never wanted to let go.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
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