#C. Anesthesiologist
jobsnotices · 2 months
Damauli Hospital Vacancy 2081 for Physician, Health Workers, IT Assistant
Damauli Hospital Vacancy 2081 for Physician, Health Workers, IT Assistant. Government of Gandaki Province, Ministry of Social Development and Health Directorate of Health, Damauli Hospital, Gandaki Province, Nepal, notification regarding recruitment in contract service. Date published: 2081/04/26 Damauli Hospital Vacancy 2081 for Physician, Health Workers, IT Assistant Special services (ICU,…
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mmonstra · 1 year
I'd never looked into phalloplasty or anything because I've never had a strong desire to physically transition like that (unless shape-shifting is an option) but ngl I'm more than a lil disappointed that having a functioning penis involves getting a vein from my arm to my new penis bc my veins are so shitty* that I wouldn't be surprised if I was considered a poor fit for the surgery 😬
* - like no joke it took >12 hours for my induction to start because they couldn't get an IV in. Had 5 different people poking at me 11 times, 3 ultrasound machines used on my arms... A PICC nurse had to be called the morning after I arrived and then two days later my midline and peripheral IV both impacted and they had to call the PICC line again because I not only wasn't looking forward to getting poked a bunch, but I was also afraid that they were going to run out of usable veins lmao
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vexingwoman · 5 months
girlypop I have a question about your post with the rancid ass take about what jobs men apparently should no longer take. What the fuck do you actually expect men to do?? Because if we go with your suggestion to kick men out of all professions where they might encounter a woman at some point, the only option left would be to stay at home and do nothing all day while the wife does literally everything, which in my books is the exact opposite of feminism (equality) but okay pop off ig 💀
Terfs: ugh men are so shit and stupid and do nothing all day
Men: do a reputable job that helps people
Terfs: ugh how fucking DARE they
Like make it make sense girl
The common denominator among the professions I listed in that post wasn’t simply that men “might encounter a woman at some point.” The common denominator was men, either in positions of authority or asymmetrical power dynamics, having guaranteed and unsupervised access to highly vulnerable individuals.
Men themselves repeatedly demonstrate that these are not positions which they are worthy of when they commit atrocity after atrocity against the individuals under their supervision.
And you know, I could the take time to really showcase why excluding men from these professions is necessary. I could dole out the usual statistics on male depravity, and how it unequivocally spikes when men have access to women who are either undressed, unconscious, isolated, mentally handicapped, or underage. I could mention the frequency of male morticians raping corpses, or the frequency of male prison guards sexually exploiting female inmates, or the frequency of male therapists molesting or fantasizing about their female patients.
I could mention all the Larry Nassars of the medical world, like the male anesthesiologist who raped countless unconscious women, or the male doctor who carved his initials onto women’s abdomens during C-sections, or all the male gynecologists who have been caught taking pictures of women’s vulvas during exams. I could even bring up the fact that in most of these professions, you already have the option to choose a female provider, because other people besides evil radical feminists like myself recognize how catastrophic it can be to give men of authority unsupervised access to highly vulnerable individuals.
But it would all be futile, because at the end of the day, I’m never going to be convinced that naively giving men the benefit of the doubt is ever worth increasing the risk of female victimization, even by a minuscule amount. In reality, assuming the worst in men is often the safest and most reasonable approach, no matter how hurtful your ego may find it. And if that offends you so much, take it up with the men who created these fucking circumstances.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
China’s economy is currently on the operating table, hunched over by surgeons, chest cavity splayed open, hooked up to a cardiopulmonary machine, surrounded by nurses staring at monitors flashing vital signs. It all looks rather grim.
This surgery, however, is not an emergency bypass. That would be too easy. China has had many of those already – stimulus packages, grand infrastructure projects and many rounds of directed lending.
Every two decades or so, going all the way back to the founding of the PRC in 1949, the surgeons get ambitious. These guys are mad scientists attempting a comic book trope – to create the ultimate superhero.
They want to inject super serum, replace skeletal calcium with adamantium and dose the patient with gamma rays, giving China the powers of shazams out the wazoo.[...]
In the lamented “pre-reform” era, China’s mad scientists engineered spectacular growth by increasing investment from a prewar 6% of GDP to 20% in the first Five-Year Plan, covering 1952-1957. This led industrial output to register a compound annual growth rate.
The Great Leap Forward accelerated this growth to 66% in 1958 and 39% in 1959 before crashing and burning in 1961 when mismanagement of communal farms and “backyard blast furnaces” caught up with the mad scientists.
Course correction starting in 1962 recovered all lost ground by 1965. According to economist Cheng Chu-Yuan, China’s GDP growth averaged 11% between 1952 and 1966, the eve of the Cultural Revolution. (T. C. Liu of Cornell and K. C. Yeh of the Rand Corporation have a lower estimate: 8%.)
More importantly, China built a full kit of infrastructure, machinery and equipment capable of driving future industrialization.[...]
Many analysts have a tabula rasa understanding of China’s reform era, as if there had been no economy before Deng Xiaoping. In reality, China’s industrialization started right after the formation of the PRC with some of the fastest growth recorded in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Even during the “low growth” Cultural Revolution, resources directed towards public health (for example, barefoot doctors) and primary education doubled life expectancy and quadrupled adult literacy by 1980 from pre-PRC levels.
The mad scientists are now at it again. They have about twenty years of new data not just on China but from the rest of the world. When Zhu Rongji was head surgeon, history had ended and markets reigned supreme. This time around, the surgeons are correcting for market irrationality and negative externalities. The next twenty years is again being determined on the operating table.
Three years ago, the surgeons pried open China’s chest cavity with the three red lines credit limits, instantly seizing the speculation driven property sector. Since then, they ripped out unnecessary organs like education companies, clamped the Ant Financial artery and eviscerated the video game industry. All of this has caused spasms in vital signs from lackluster growth to rising youth unemployment. Wondering whether China will or will not stimulate the economy next quarter or next year is missing the forest from the trees. For the next few years, China’s economy will still be under the knife and whatever adjustments will merely be anesthesiologists and technicians nominally dialing the drugs up and down and adjusting the heart-lung machine to maintain vital signs.
What are these mad scientists trying to achieve? We believe President Xi Jinping’s 2020 target of doubling China’s GDP by 2035 stands. That is an average growth rate of 4.7% for 15 years. But beyond just a numerical target, it is important to figure out what superpowers China is trying to acquire. And just as importantly, what Kryptonite factors China is attempting to inoculate itself against.
China wants America’s Silicon Valley, but regulated; Japan’s car companies, but electrified; Germany’s Mittelstand, but scalable; and Korea’s chaebol conglomerates, but without political capture. It wants to lead the world in science and technology, but without cram schools. A thriving economy, but with common prosperity. Industry, without air pollution. Digital lifestyle, without gaming addiction. Material plenty, without hedonism. Modernity, without its ills. This is, of course, a wish-list and unrealistically ambitious. But these mad scientists sure as hell are going to try. They’ve developed a taste for it.
In college, early into the semester, we went through a ritual called course exchange. Students gathered in an auditorium to swap classes after sampling lectures for three weeks – satisfaction was not guaranteed. The strategy passed down to underclassmen applied to both course exchange and significant others: “Add before you drop.”
China is undergoing – but perhaps botching – the same process with a more party-esque slogan, “Establish the new before abolishing the old.”
The surgeons have been on a tear gutting the old. The big kahuna is, of course, the property sector. But right behind are platform monopolies, private education, financial services and video games. The new has been playing catch-up, with 5G equipment, electric vehicles, photovoltaics and wind turbines being leading examples.
From all appearances, the Industrial Party is in ascendance and China will double down on climbing the manufacturing value chain. The Industrial Party is a political identity that believes industry, science and technology should determine China’s future. Adherents believe that China’s strength lie in the technical skills of her population and thus favor hard-science, high-tech industries as opposed to services and business model innovations.
Therefore, Chinese politicians, whatever their predisposition, must find a way to create space for this next generation of scientists and technicians to develop themselves. They cannot be confined to a production line at a Foxconn plant. Maintaining social stability means finding a use for future scientists and technicians, which means pursuing industrialization. Is there any other way? The key variable for determining the course of China’s future development is thus the massive number of talented technical and scientific workers.
If mistakes were made, it would have been in sequencing and in faith – dropping before adding is a poor strategy in both love and course exchange. China’s mad scientists may have been too confident that electric vehicles and renewable energy would be followed quickly by semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and commercial aircraft.
Perhaps they have reason to be confident. Planning for this surgery has been in the works since 2015 with the Made in China 2025 project. China has been steadily eroding imports of high value added intermediary goods like batteries, precision parts and electrical components, flipping trade with South Korea from deficit to surplus.[...]
China never properly transitioned from its Soviet era Material Product System (MPS) of national accounts to the United Nation’s System of National Accounts (UNSNA) standard, leaving out much of services from reported GDP.
We calculate that China accounts for 22-24% of global GDP and 20-23% of global consumption. We also calculate that household consumption is 50-55% of China’s GDP, in line with global averages. China should easily be able to grow at 4.7% through 2035 with only a modest increase in consumption’s GDP share (5 percentage points over 10 years) without upsetting global economic balances.
In the reform period prior to Xi, everything was sacrificed at the altar of economic growth. In the new era, growth has been walked down from 9.6% in 2011 to an average of 4.7% in the Covid years (2020-2023) as an increasing litany of issues were given precedence. Debt however, soared over this time from 175% of GDP to over 300%. What exactly did all that debt buy?
When Xi assumed leadership of China, he declared that inequality could not be allowed to increase further. Inequality is perhaps the major Kryptonite factor of the American economy which China wasted no time in matching as the economy roared with market reforms.
While still problematic, inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient, has steadily fallen since 2010 largely as a result of massive investment in urbanization, pushing people into cities and pushing cities up the tiering ladder.[...]
China also poured resources into stamping out last-mile poverty. While most poverty alleviation in China was through economic growth, recalcitrant extremely poverty could only be eradicated by concentrated marshaling of resources, from relocating entire villages to weekly visits by social workers.[...]
Since peaking in 2012, air pollution in Beijing has been cut by over 60%, with Shanghai falling over 50%. China, which used to dominate the list of most polluted cities, now only claims one spot in the top 20. None of this came cheap, from installing scrubbers in smoke stacks to increasing renewables to moving heavy industry to strict emissions regulations for cars.[...]
Before Hu Jintao handed the reins to Xi, Hu warned delegates to the 18th Party Congress in 2012 that “[corruption] could prove fatal to the party… and [cause] the fall of the state.” The popular opinion in the West is that Xi ended China’s highly successful reform era because of an ideological bent. This is off the mark. Xi was brought in to clean house as the wheels were coming off from excesses of the reform era.
Throughout Xi’s decade in office, there has been no letup in his anti-corruption campaign. In 2022, a record 638,000 officials were punished for corruption. While there haven’t been any large scale ideological appeals to the public, it’s a different story within the 98-million-member party.
During this time, free market capitalism and liberal democracies also faced their own existential tests. Success or failure going forward will depend on whether liberal institutions remain intact in the West and whether party discipline can be maintained in China. What the PRC has had since 1949 is a governing party with the political autonomy to play mad scientist. [...]
Of course we live in the real world, not a comic-book world. The question in the real world has always been whether the economy can be engineered by mad scientists from the top down or is it best left to the invisible hand of the market? [...]
The standard economic opinion – against all evidence – is that China was economically stagnant before Deng’s market reforms. The thinking on this for the American economys is undergoing a transformation in egghead land – just how has neoliberal economics benefitted the American people over the past few decades?
In a Q&A exchange at a conference in Malaysia, Eric Li, the barbed-tongued venture capitalist, was asked, “Do you think top-down directives are sustainable in the long run?” To which he replied, “It’s the only thing that’s sustainable.… That’s why America is failing today.” After World War II, Li said, the Americans “lost the ability to do top-down design.”
Dec 2023
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augustvandyne · 7 months
ohhhhmy god addison asking for you to be specifically on a case because it’s like a medical marvel type once in a career case and she wants to teach you a technique and she puts her hands on yours and you share A Look!!!
you get flustered and drop instruments
You’ve never thought of Addison in this way until this week.
Addison requested you be on her service all week, and you couldn’t fathom why. Until now.
She had a medical miracle - someone she’d worked on in the past had returned - and she wanted you on it.
Not Alex. Not Meredith. Not even Cristina. She wanted you.
And you were experiencing very bad anxiety. You felt like your heart was going to beat right out of your chest, and it was kind of hard to breathe.
“Calm down, Dr. L/n,” Addison places a gentle hand on your back, leading you into the scrub room. “You’re going to do great.”
“You think so?” Your brows are drawn together with worry.
This was your first huge surgery. With Addison, or anyone else. Every other surgery you’d sat in on had been routine or something like a c-section. But this surgery was going to be huge.
“I know,” Addison stands confidently. “I’ll help you every step of the way.”
“Why did you choose me?” You begin to scrub in alongside Addison. “I mean.. there’s six of us. And you chose me. Why?”
“You show the most potential,” She simply states. “Not only in fetal, but also in the surgical field.”
You look down into the sink, focusing on what she was doing, and you realize she’s right. Everyone has picked their specialties for the most part. You in fetal, Meredith in neuro, Alex in plastics, George in trauma, Cristina in cardio, and Izzie in general. You were thinking of maybe even being double board certified - but you weren’t sure. If Addison were to leave, you wouldn’t have the best to study under, and then you wouldn’t be the best. Which was what you wanted.
“Thank you,” You clear your throat, turning the water off and letting the droplets drip down your hands.
“There’s no need to thank me,” Addison smirks, leaning her hip against the large sink. “It’s true.”
You nod, your eyes drifting up to hers due to the height difference.
You’re about to speak what Addison says, “We should go in. We don’t want to leave the patient waiting, do we?”
“Oh— uh, no,” You shake your head.
“Okay then,” Addison gives you a nod, and heads into the O.R., leaving you in the scrub room with your thoughts.
You watch as she sweetly assures the mother-to-be, a small smile on her lips, and you can’t help but smile yourself.
You hold your arms up and walk into the O.R. to get gloved and get your gown on.
“We’re going to put you under now,” Addison spoke softly to the woman. “Dr. L/n and I are going to take good care of you and your baby.”
“Thank you, Dr. Montgomery. I trust you.”
“Good,” Addison smiles once again.
The nurses put her down, and the anesthesiologist make sure she won’t wake back up before you start the surgery.
Addison makes the incision, and makes sure everything is okay before handing the instruments off to you. Her skin brushes against you, and your hands are shaking by now. You’ve half-forgotten what you even needed to do.
“Relax,” Addison says.
You try to roll your shoulders, and get back to work.
“Here,” Addison speaks after a second.
You think you’re about to hand the instruments back, but she stops you when she comes behind you. Your breath catches in your throat when she presses her body against yours.
She wraps her hands around yours so she’s holding the instruments with you.
Her head is beside yours, her lips by your ears so she can tell you what to do.
“Like this,” She guides your hands with grace. “I messed up on my first big surgery too, don’t worry.”
“I— Uh,” You stutter nervously. Your cheeks were on fire, and you’re glad you have a mask on or it would be really awkward trying to explain. “Mm. Thank you.”
“Stop thanking me,” Addison whispers.
You let out a shaky breath, “Yeah. Okay. Got it.”
“There you go,” Addison is barely touching you now. You’re doing it all on your own. “You’re a natural. What did I tell you?”
“I have potential,” You recited her words from earlier.
You turn your head so that you could see her eyes, and the two of you share a look. Your cheeks are still red and you see a glint of curiosity in her eyes. The instruments begin to drop out of your hand and you have to snap yourself out of it.
Addison catches the instruments, her hand wrapping around yours again, and says, “I’ll take it from here, Dr. L/n. Move to the side so you can still watch.”
“Yes ma’am,” You nod.
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napakmahal · 3 months
Reader making Tadashi listen to the new Charli xcx Brat💚 album 😛🫶 ((if you haven’t listen to it yet YOU SHOULDD
Kidding maybe…
😭 but if you don’t want to write about that then perhaps ice cream comfort moment with Tadashi and getting some fresh air on his moped after a flopped exam ((chem exam for me ngl 💔💔))
Chemistry is in fact NOT for the weak
Nobody likes to feel like they lost, especially after they’ve tried so hard. Tadashi was one of those rare gems that were both straight A students in high school and a (mostly) straight A student in college. With the exception of freshman year when getting a C was a straight victory. Since his development of Baymax, he was enrolled in several health courses full of others who wanted to be doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and phlebotomists. Pharmacology was not for the weak.
He studied so hard he really did. Chemistry was Honey’s thing and she was nice enough to tutor and quiz him for weeks leading up to his three hour exam. But he needed to take the course, not in order to graduate, but he wanted Baymax to be able to give accurate first opinion prescriptions. He was up all night and studied all day. He nearly injected raw liquidized pure caffeine into his veins. So it was devastating when he got back that paper with a fat 64% written in red ink.
When you picked him up he didn’t say anything. Just leaned his body weight onto you in a hug with the most defeated look it broke your heart. Everyone got shitty grades, especially in college. But that didn’t make it hurt any less. He didn’t fail it but that was a comfort to literally nobody.
Because the test was so early he was able to leave campus by eleven. At home all he did was lay on his bed and stare at the giant 64%. He’d flipped through the entire package at all the questions he’d gotten wrong cursing at himself at the ones he should’ve gotten right. He could have sat there for hours cursing at himself and you knew that. Which is why you went left for about half an hour to rush to the store. Two personal sized ice cream tubs and extra chips and small candy. None of it healthy but who gives a shit?
By the time you’d come back he was still in the very same position on his bed. His face was completely blank, his eyes weren’t even moving.
“Hey,” You leaned onto his bed and yanked the packet from his hands and tossed it on top of his dresser.
He put his hands over his face and said with a muffled voice, “Give it back.”
You simply said “No.” Taking the cold grocery store bag and resting it directly where his shirt had ridden up to reveal his bare stomach skin.
Tadashi curled up like a rolley polley and hissed. “Ah! What was that?”
“That was the feeling of medicine.” You reached into the bag and pulled out the orange-pink container of white peach sorbet and a metal spoon you’d dug out of his kitchen. Tadashi is lactose intolerant, he tries to refrain from eating dairy plus he genuinely believes that sorbet tastes better than ice cream in general.
You two were sitting on his bed resting against each other's bodies and enjoying your frozen treats while watching say yes to the dress, a classic.
“I’m not so sure this counts as medicine.” He joked and fed you a spoonful of his sorbet.
You asked, “Did this make you feel any better?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Then it’s medicine.”
He let out such a joyful laugh, smiling with his perfectly straight teeth. He placed the container between his thighs and started rubbing his temples. “Oh shit, I just remembered I have to break it to Honey that I didn’t pass. She’s gonna kill me.”
“She’s not Gogo, she won’t kill you.” You scoffed. “Besides, you technically did pass. You knew more than half of the answers! That’s more than most people know!”
Tadashi laughed through his nose and just burrowed his head into your body for comfort. “Unless you have a reason to be so upset about it. What’s your grade in that class?”
He mumbled something.
“What?” You asked him to repeat himself.
Another mumble.
“Baby, I can’t hear you. Say it one more time.”
“A hundred-twenty six percent!”
You sat up off his bed frame and pulled your body away from his, causing his head to go crashing into the wood. “Are you serious?”
“First of all, ow.” He rubbed his head. “Second of all, yes I’m serious.”
“You have a one hundred twenty six percentage in that class, why are you so upset over this test? It’s not going to hurt you that badly.”
Tadashi looked down into his lap and took a big spoonful of his sorbet. Between a full mouth he said, “I don’t know, I just hate failing, so much.”
“But you’re not failing.” Your voice was softer.
He shrugged. “I know I’m not but I just don’t like to feel like I’m failing.”
You held his face in your hands and kissed his forehead so sweetly his heart did a leap. “ I get that, but I just feel like you’re driving yourself crazy over nothing. You’ll do better next time and you’ll learn from your mistakes but there’s no need to lose your mind over this, you know?”
Tadashi nodded with your hands still around his face. “I know, it just kinda feels shitty.”
“I know it does, love. But it’ll be okay, you’re so smart and such a hard worker.” You pressed little pecks all around his face.
His face scrunched under your lips. “Thank you, hunny.”
You two cleaned up and just sat in his bed watching stupid TLC shows when you started slipping into sleep in his arms. His fingers gently brushed against your face and eventually coaxed you to sleep. No matter how numb his arm got Tadashi didn’t dare move so he wouldn’t wake you up. A few minutes later he’d almost fallen asleep right beside you until a small ding came from his bedside table. A text notification on his phone from Honey.
Heyy! How did it go?
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alwaysshallow · 10 months
Got me thinking reasons why 141 would faint during ur labor
Price: low blood sugar. He was worried since u got admitted and he didnt eat. Felt faint when the low blood sugar hit him. Nurses sat outside with some grape juice 🍇
Gaz: his knees crumpled when the doctors asked if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord… after the c-section. He was fine with cutting it but he kinda saw glimpses of the c-section and felt faint. Tripped on his feet and fell in the OR
Ghost: he was in front of u holding ur hand while the anesthesiologist was giving the epidural. You were hunched over and he saw the massive epidural needle. Dude eyes were wide like saucers and he started leaning back wards. Mans went down w a bang loud enough to wake the whole unit
Soap: this man CANNOT stand looking at u in so much pain. Started hyperventilating when u started to scream from contraction. Passed out immediately when he saw the bby crowning
nah bc everything is valid. also why ghost being scared of needles is literally the funniest shit like lmfao?? big guy but if it's about needles, it's a big no-no
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aleksa-sims · 4 months
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RL Story
CW: c-section, surgery
I survived my first night at the hospital. I was woken up by a nurse at 6 am, who reminded me again, not to eat or drink anything. After an hour I was given some.... nice drugs, sedatives, by a Doctor. I felt so relaxed afterwards. As promised, Nico came to me. He smiled at me. I was soo happy when I saw him!!
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Some time later at the surgery room, N. had to change clothes. He looked so funny in that... Doc-outfit. The Doc who did the C-section, thought Nico was one of his new colleagues. He warned N., to keep an eye on his things, because belongings keep disappearing here. Well, as long as nobody steals my Baby, I don’t care. While the anesthesiologist gave me a spinal anesthesia, the room filled with more and more Docs & students. Now the surgery started. I kept getting tired in between. I could hear (and feel) the Surgeon who did the c-section, struggling to get my son out.
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I felt like I was falling off that surgical table. I said,"help I’m falling!" The doc behind me reminded me, I was safe! I was strapped to the table. The Docs have suspected that my Baby is huge, bigger than expected! I could hear everything!! Are those docs even aware of that, I wondered?🤷‍♀️ They were kidding about a huge Baby. 😄 MY Baby!!! Then finally, I heard my Son scream. So cute!! Like a puppy. "Congrats, it's a boy, a pretty tiny one." , the Surgeon said. (50 cm)
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I was only allowed to look at my Baby briefly. The nurse held him to my cheek. I kissed his forehead. He smelled like apples, I remember that so well. I know it's strange. Why apples? Idk? That's what I smelled! The nurse then went next door with my Baby. She asked Nico to come along, but N. was scared for a moment, didn’t know what to do? Stay with me or go with our son? I remember I wanted to tell Nico, to go with our son, but I couldn’t talk anymore. I started to choke, I got really sick. Suddenly everything was black for a moment. For some reason, I passed out, which is why Nico got scared. He noticed that I rolled my eyes and was no longer responsive.
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He had to leave the surgery room anyway, so he went with our son. 15 minutes later I woke up slowly.
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Once I opend my eyes, I saw my Doc. He examined me and asked me how I was doing? I couldn’t answer him right away. He told me I was in the recovery room. My Baby's fine and Nico's with him. They’ll be right here with me.
How it went on and why I passed out, I tell next time.
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doulayogimama · 8 months
For those of you that don’t remember or weren’t around: I was put under GA last minute for my daughters birth and missed her first 30 minutes of life. I was also so affected by the drugs that the few days after her birth were just a haze. Then the PP hormones struck and it was downhill from there. Kevin and I were completely alone for 3 days because it was Covid.
I had to be put under because after I asked for an epidural after 24 hours of an induced, unmedicated labor, I was only 1.5 cm dilated and they said it could be a very long labor. The anesthesiologist walked in and informed me that due to my lidocaine allergy, I was not eligible for an epidural. It was either continue to labor for who knows how long while her heart rate was dropping, or go under and give birth alone. I chose the C-Section — she was born with the chord around her neck. I’m grateful I made that choice but the experience of lying in that OR naked and alone still haunts me.
To have another baby, I need to know for sure if that allergy still affects me. I was told at 18 after a dentist appt gone wrong that I was allergic to lidocaine. I had a small amount of lidocaine injected into my arm in May 2022 at an allergists office and I “passed” the test. But I need a more invasive test to be done before I TTC again. I have an appointment scheduled in April and to say I’m nervous is an understatement.
If this test comes back that I am allergic, next pregnancy I have to either give birth unmedicated while attempting a VBAC, or I have to go under GA again.
If I pass this test, I realized that I would want to TTC immediately. That’s really the only thing keeping me from wanting more kids. I feel in my soul that I have one more child to bring earthside, but I don’t think I’m ready to do that if it means a repeat birth experience like I had with my daughter. I don’t know if I ever will be.
So I’m excited and nervous for this appointment. It will determine a lot.
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notababy-babygirl · 24 days
So I had endoscopy last saturday. Here's how it went.
Scheduled ako at 12noon. So by 11am, nasweruhan nako. And being a babygirl, scareeeed talaga ako sa mga karayom. Then ang laki pa nung karayom ng dextrose. Told the nurse na sana isang beses langggg ako tusukin. So tinusok nya nako, tas bih ang sakit! Hinayaan ko langgg. So chikachika sila muna habang hinihintay yung gastro doc. Pinuntahan ako ng mga 1130 nung anesthesiologist to check, nakita nya namamaga na yung ugat ko. Edi tinawag nya ung nurse, sabi anyareee. Sabi ng nurse, "Ay kanina doc ang ganda ng pagkakatusok ko. Kuhang kuha yung ugat." Ending, tinanggal ni doc. And ayern, tinusukan nanaman ako sa kabilang kamay. Umiyak nalang ang Tita nyo C sa sakit. :'( after nya ko tusukan, chika chika pa sya how uncool it is daw yung pagvevape ganern. And pagwawalwal. Hahahahaha! Doc naman. Goodgirl ako. Charrr!
And by 1230 I think, dumating na si gastro doc. Si anesthesiologist, may inispray sa throat ko. He warned me na pangit daw lasa. Lasang gin puro daw ganern. I threw a joke pa kako wala bang chaser. And yo boy wasn't kidding! Ang pangit ng lasa. As in. Then naramdaman ko nalang, parang nangapal na yung lalamunan ko. Then nilagyan na sedative yung dextrose. Tas nakikita ko na si gastro doc na nireready yung equipment na gagamitin sa endoscopy, yung ipapasok sa sikmura through my mouth. Pinatagilid nako, sabi ko pa bago ako lagyan nung parang ano sa bibig para di sumara, "Hala doc, di pako inaantok." Tas may sinabi pa si doc na hayaan ko lang daw tumulo laway ko kasi nga nakaopen lang sya buong procedure. I answered back pa ng "eeew" pero ang narinig nila prolly is "errrr" since may nakalagay nga sa bibig ko. Wag kayo. I found it funny. So ayun nga, worried ako kasi di pako inaantok nung nakita kong inaayos na ung ipapasok sa bibig ko.
The next thing I know, ginigising nako ng nurse after 3hrs. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA! SARAP TULOG YERN? Di ko alam, after ata nung pagkaka"ewwww" ko, nakatulog nako. Ganun ba talaga kabilis yun? Like I swear, parang wala pang 10seconds nakatulog nako. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
So ayern, result? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! SUGAT SUGAT LANG NAMAN ANG SIKMURA KO AT PURO BACTERIA. Nice one C! And nakakabigla ang mga gamot jusko. Wala nakong pera literal.
After, kumain lang ako kasi 12hrs akong nagfasting. No food. No water.
Kbye. Daldal.
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themotherofhorses · 2 years
I am totally obsessed with don’t deny the animal. And know i am wondering, how Aemond -knowing what happened with Aemma- would react to reader doing a C-section (obviously imagining a good end)
- sorry, english is not my first language
i’m literally a fucking c-section babe, why did i totally forget those were a thing???
okay but real talk? that would FUCK HIM UP BAD. “the baby is breeched. we’ll need to take her to the back for a c-section.”
aemond then watches as a group of nurses and doctors flood the entire room, with the anesthesiologist upping the dosage in her epidural. several are poking her body with long needles while others kneel beside her, explaining to her the medicine. her own mother is soon by her side as well, brushing back her damp hair and telling her not to worry- she’s in the best hands. nothing will happen. she will be fine. everything will be okay.
but aemond is across the room freaking the fuck out. “what is going on? what will you do to her? is she okay? is the babe okay? SOMEONE TELL ME!”
imagine how his face fucking pales when he learns that, by what they mean of ‘performing a c-section’, is that they’re going to cut open his wife. he instantly thinks back to his father’s late wife and how she died during childbirth. how they killed her. and now his wife, his sweet girl, is going to die too. they’re going to kill her. she’ll bleed to death. he spent all those months looking for her, only to lose her again in the end…
…y’all will have to wait till the next chapter to see what happens next. thank you, my little love, for this.
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cinemaocd · 4 months
I hope that when you were in labor while watching LOA, it was playing the real intense part of the overture, and then the strings kicked in when the ordeal was over.
PS - Word is, LOA is getting another theatrical release
This is in reference to these tags I wrote on a post on LOA about the "I don't want to be a part of your big push" scene.
#100% true fact: I was watching LOA in the birthing room when I was in labor with my son#and it was on day four of labor and the moment when they came in and told me they were giving up on the pitosin & sending me to the OR#for a c-section was during this scene#I never got to be part of anyone's big push#and neither did the boy#and this is why your birth plan is total garbage if you are going to a hospital without a midwife or a dula
In my tags I was vagueing the way that women are encouraged to be induced in the system for the convenience of the doctors...it was not a pleasant or fruitful labor. It was protracted, exhausting but not horrifically painful. The most painful part was having the stint put in for the anesthesia for the surgery, (for which you are awake). By far the worst part was innumerable vaginal probes to see if I was dialated which I was never really.
So after that four day ordeal I went to surgery anyway, something I could have just scheduled all along and saved myself and the hospital four days of hell and a couple hundred grand on a "natural birth" that wasn't in the cards.
Waiting in a chilly operating theater on a gurney, scared and alone was honestly one of the most difficult moments of my entire life and it was unnecessary and I lay blame for it at the feet of hospital policy. (My husband was not admitted until well into the procedure and ushered out with the baby before they sewed me up.) They prep you and leave you there in the room alone waiting for the surgeon. I remember saying to the anesthesiologist that I was scared and he said something like "everyone is" over his shoulder while fiddling with my meds. Fair enough it wasn't HIS job, it was my husband's job and he was stuck in some waiting room. It was a very vulnerable moment for me and the whole system kind of flopped that day in lots of ways.
I always return to LOA as the well. It shows the myriad ways that fate will screw you over, :{D and it does it with such style that it almost seems like fun.
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sinclair-wax-fan · 1 year
I’m thinking about how neither Bo nor Vincent is “the older twin”—because they would have been born via c-section.
I’m also thinking about what it must have been like to be Trudy—almost certainly doing a home birth and possibly not knowing she was having twins.
(The newspapers on the wall of the Wax Museum say “expecting first child” not children--despite Trudy being *heavily* pregnant in the photo.)
From what I can tell just from a quick google, ultrasound machines would have been pretty new technology in the early 1970’s and not widely available—certainly not available to a single doctor working independently of a hospital.
And if Victor was fool enough to preform the twins separation surgery himself, I have no doubt he was handling his wife’s pregnancy all on his lonesome. I think he did her c-section himself in the small operating room we see in the movie, although he must have had an anesthesiologist he regularly worked with on call--there's here’s no way he could have administered anesthetic and preformed the c-section at the same time.
I imagine they were originally planning your traditional "at home birth" when things went south. The anesthesiologist was originally only planning to administer an epidural, which were just gaining popularity at the time--so when Trudy began to crash badly enough, it must have been either "we operate now or risk losing her on the long drive to the hospital." Since c-sections were only used in like 10% of pregnancies at this time, with Trudy being in bad shape mentally and physically during the birth, and there only being two medical personnel on hand--I imagine they had to put Trudy all the way under for the c-section.
(I imagine typically only small surgeries that could be done under local anesthetic were preformed in Victor's office--always with a booked appointment—but they did keep the materials for general anesthetic on hand for emergency situations.)
I know Victor’s status as licensed doctor is circumspect due to Bo’s creative story telling. I think there's a kernal of truth in history but it's been hammed up because Bo is dramatique.
I've been playing with the idea of Trudy and Victor originally starting in the north, with Victor being from a wealthy family in New York state. He did loose his license—for preforming abortions under the table for women from other wealthy families. (And also at least one for his wife.) Being wealthy, he was able to avoid jail time—and when abortion was decriminalized in 1970 in New York State, he had enough influence to get his license restored and his record expunged.
Unfortunately, his reputation was in tatters. I image that his family was catholic and—while Victor wasn’t practicing—his parents were prominent members of their church. He had embarrassed them greatly, and his marriage to a poor uncouth midwestern Protestant woman (despite her converting in an effort to win their approval) know for being something of a bohemian didn’t help matters.
So, when Victor heard through the grape vine that the son of a friend of a friend was starting a new business venture in Louisiana—a sugar mill with an accompany town for the workers--and they were looking for a company doctor, well, who doesn’t like a new beginning?
So, by the time he got down to Ambrose he was fully licensed, operating a sort of dual "company doctor/private practice" roll in Ambrose, and was granted the ability to admit patients to the closest emergency hospital in Baton Rouge.
So the twins were born in their home--but pretty much immediately rushed to the hospital (along side Trudy) post birth.
It was several weeks of observation in the hospital for the twins. It ended with Victor insisting on being allowed to preform the twins' separation. He refused to give consent to allow any other surgeon to operate on them and convinced Trudy "no one else will do as good as job as I will because I'm their father."
But really it was just professional pride.
Still, Victor was good at his job and the twins were successfully separated.
Unfortunately, he was not nearly as competent a father as he was a surgeon.
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historian-in-pearls · 8 months
Just got a (probably scam) email asking if I want a job working from home and couldn't stop laughing. If a month of medical leave has taught me anything, it's that a.) I'm poorly suited to being at home, b.) I really love my job, and c.) I can't wait to get back. I think every single anesthesiologist and nurse at the hospital where I've been for ECT has had me pitch them museum memberships at this point. That's how much I've missed being at work.
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jackhues · 10 months
does buttercup play for canada? because she's definitely amazing at hockey. and even if she doesn't play in the pwhl, she might've played u18s and stuff
yupp! buttercup played in the u18s and womens wjc!! she doesn't play hockey as a profession, but she does play professionally. she plays in the rivalry series as she's in school, and even after when she's an anesthesiologist! she also plays in the olympics and gets the 'c' when she's older! the only reason she doesn't play as a profession is because she's okay with a quiet life, and she loves learning. so becoming an anesthesiologist is something she is very happy with, and it still gives her the chance to play for team canada in certain games :))
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cheapcheapfaker · 5 months
my white trash upbringing where the dentists were always trying to drill your teeth for extra cash and all the good ol boys are telling you watch out for those doctors they’ll fuck you over you need to do what feels right in your gut mixed with my college learnin’s where i roll up to the obgyn going “actually though did you read the 2022 publication from Arab et al on pubmed re: c section fasting times on maternal outcomes cause they really turn out to show unless in rare really poor outcomes eating and drinking beforehand within 6-2 hours helps and that’s not counting how in 2016 the American society of anesthesiologists official outlines listed that 6-8 hours for food and 2 for clear liquids is perfectly fine as opposed to a full midnight on fasting, especially in regards to drinking clear liquids” is the kinda attitude the doctors really dont like
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