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12endigital · 17 days ago
La Mayordomía del Cristo de Petrer consigue recaudar 7.000 euros con la Cena del Hambre que se destinarán a proyectos solidarios de Manos Unidad y Cáritas
El presidente de la Mayordomía del Cristo de la Sangre del Monte Calvario, José Vicente Romero, acompañado por Miguel Cano, párroco de la Parroquia San Bartolomé, apóstol, Mayte Andreu, directora de Cáritas de San Bartolomé Apóstol, Amalisa Esteve, responsable de Manos Unidas, ha hecho pública la cantidad recaudada a través del evento solidario de la “Cena del Hambre”, celebrada el pasado viernes…
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maribelad · 1 month ago
¿Sabes que en este año habrá en Becerreá una Delegación comarcal de Cáritas?
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informativoar · 3 months ago
La Iglesia denuncia que “se ejerce la fuerza con los frágiles y débiles”
Invita a sumarse a la campaña solidaria de Cáritas. A través de un documento que sirve de saludo navideño y de invitación a sumarse a la campaña solidaria de Cáritas, los obispos que forman parte de la comisión episcopal del organismo católico, advierten que la “historia se repite”, denuncian la injusticia social y hacen un llamado a la “esperanza activa” que “no se rinde ante la…
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europahoynews · 4 months ago
Cáritas italiana en misión en Sudán del Sur
Comunicado de http://www.vaticannews.va — Una delegación compuesta por el jefe del servicio África, Fabrizio Cavalletti, por el director, el padre Marco Pagniello, y por el responsable regional, Federico Mazzarella, se encuentra en Malakal para ofrecer ayuda al país africano, uno de los más pobres del mundo, que acoge a numerosos refugiados procedentes de Sudán Francesco Ricupero – Ciudad del…
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Falta de atenção e não só...
Falta de atenção e não só 1.Desde o início de dezembro que temos vindo a alertar para o facto da atribuição do suplemento de missão à Polícia Judiciária constituir uma verdadeira “bomba ao retardador” de difícil inativação.
1.Desde o início de dezembro que temos vindo a alertar para o facto da atribuição do suplemento de missão à Polícia Judiciária constituir uma verdadeira “bomba ao retardador” de difícil inativação. Os resultados estão à vista. Entretanto, como não poderia deixar de ser, devido às ligações existentes entre os diversos sistemas remuneratórios, as exigências e a possibilidade de protestos…
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etarrago · 1 year ago
Te presentamos uno de los testimonios de nuestros abuelitos, en el afortunadamente después de tanto, pueden encontrar una adecuada y digna estancia con nosotros 🙌🏼. #cáritas #abuelitos #donaciones
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denorteanorte · 2 years ago
Almuerzo a beneficio de La Casita y de La Casa del Adolescente de Caritas de Florida
Lo organizan los Rotary Club de Vicente López, el Club Balcarce -donde tendrá lugar el almuerzo solidario, en Melo 1751- y Cáritas de la parroquia católica Ntra. Señora de la Guardia, de Florida. Será el domingo 7 de mayo, desde las 12,30.  La Casita se creó hace 50 años por impulso de la comunidad a una idea del cura Leopoldo José Pooli, conocido por la vecindad como el “padre Pooli”, tras un…
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zemaribeiro · 11 days ago
Livro traça vasto panorama sobre a Rede Mandioca do Maranhão
“Rede Mandioca do Maranhão: perfil socioeconômico, práticas produtivas e de comercialização” foi lançado sexta-feira passada (14), na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UEMA TEXTO: ZEMA RIBEIROFOTOS: BIG O professor Marcelo Carneiro (ao centro) e parte da equipe de pesquisadores A secretária executiva da Cáritas Brasileira Regional Maranhão Lucineth Machado A compreensão da agricultura…
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torresbernal · 3 months ago
Gracias por regalar esperanza: Cáritas Torreón y su impacto en nuestra comunidad
Desde hace más de 30 años, Cáritas Torreón se ha disnguido por el apoyo a las personas más vulnerables de nuestra comunidad. A través de programas como el Banco de Alimentos, La Casa del Peregrino y servicios médicos, Cáritas se ha convertido en un faro de esperanza para quienes más lo necesitan. Hoy, Cáritas lanza una campaña innovadora que nos invita a ser parte del cambio: los Certificados de…
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12endigital · 2 months ago
La solidaridad del Benidorm Festival Fancy Dress Party lleva esperanza a familias valencianas
Gracias a la generosidad de británicos, españoles, turistas y la colaboración de locales, artistas y ABRECA, el Benidorm Festival Fancy Dress Party celebrado el pasado noviembre logró recaudar 16.000 €, que hoy han sido entregados a familias gravemente afectadas por la DANA en la pedanía de Castellar, con el asesoramiento de Cáritas de la Parroquia Local. El evento mostró su lado más solidario al…
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maribelad · 2 months ago
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vigo2023 · 11 months ago
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europahoynews · 6 months ago
Encuentro de Cáritas en Puerto Rico: Compromiso sinodal en la zona Caribe
Comunicado de http://www.vaticannews.va — Directores y miembros de Cáritas Nacionales de la región del Caribe se reunieron del 26 al 28 de agosto en Puerto Rico, compartiendo experiencias y consolidando la comunión entre las distintas Cáritas de la región, en un esfuerzo por construir una iglesia sinodal y un mundo más justo. Lucía Elvira – Ciudad del Vaticano “Hemos vivido una fraternidad, un…
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marta-sutil · 11 months ago
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missempanada · 4 months ago
How to help the people in Spain
As you may have seen online, Spain is going through a flash flood since October 29. It's mainly affected the Community of Valencia but also some parts of the south-west and the cold drop is now moving to the north-east.
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95 bodies have been found at the time I'm writing this (edit: 205 now), there's still people missing and entire towns are isolated as they don't have electricity and their roads have been destroyed. A lot of people don't have tap water or any means to cook. If you're wondering why people didn't evacuate beforehand, it's because authorities didn't care enough to warn people so technically everyone had to go to work and school. Though politicians should be held accountable, the most important thing at the moment is to help those in need. So here's some ways you can help both people and animals that have been affected.
NGOs and fundraisers
MOST NEEDED AT THE MOMENT: You can donate to Valencia's food bank by making a transfer to this bank account: ES86 2100 2806 6402 0009 8998.
Horta Sud is a county in Valencia that has been the most affected by the floodings. People are leaving their houses because they're scared of the infrastructure getting damaged and even walking by foot to Valencia capital to get food. You can help those families via this gofundme.
Hambre Cero is a Spanish non-profit that was founded after the earthquakes in Indonesia. They will be giving food to those who need it. Here's different ways you can donate.
This gofundme is joining efforts with the town hall of Valencia to help people who have lost their homes.
Una copa por Valencia ("a drink to Valencia") is a campaign organized by Spanish influencer David Aliagas. The idea behind it is to donate the amount of money you would spend on drinks on a night out. He'll be joining effort with local non-profits. You can help here.
Here's a thread of artists that are accepting commissions in exchange for donations for Valencia.
Spanish Kpop fans are organizing a collective fundraiser.
EDIT: took Cáritas and Spanish Red Cross out of this post after this tiktok made by a volunteer went viral and a lot of people posted their experiences working for these NGOs. Apparently they're not distributing food. Instead they're telling people not to send more food and send money instead so they can keep part of it.
Help people directly
Help Sara, Steven and Bruno rebuild their home in Valencia.
Help this high school teacher buy a new car to get back to work.
Raúl was about to open his barbershop on October 31 but it was destroyed by the flood. Please help him get his dream back.
Help the neighbours of Aldaia (Valencia) rebuild their homes.
This artist has been affected by the floods and lost their car. They've opened emergency commissions.
You can help rebuild the town of Letur (Albacete) by donating to this gofundme that's directly coordinated with the town hall.
Rebeca is a seamstress. Her studio was both her workplace and a place were came together for a sewing club in the afternoons. It was destroyed by the flood. You can help her rebuild it here
Animal shelters
Refugio Minipow was home to 50 rabbits and guinea pigs. Thankfully, the owners were able to move all the animals to their homes and those of their neighbors, though the shelter itself has been destroyed right after recent renovations. There's different ways to donate here.
El Refugio de María a dog shelter in Sueca (Valencia), is completely flooded, leaving the dogs visibly distressed, as shown here. You can donate to PayPal [email protected]
Modepran is a dog shelter in Campanar (Valencia) where infrastructure damage has left some dogs without a proper sleeping area. You can donate through PayPal here.
Gatos Campo de Gibraltar is a cat shelter in Los Barrios (Cádiz). need of assistance for relocating cats to new homes and rebuilding damaged facilities. You can donate to their PayPal [email protected]
Protectora San Antón is an animal shelter for cats and dogs in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). The entire place is flooded and the animals don't have a comfortable place to sleep in. Cats can't even walk on the ground. You can donate to their PayPal [email protected]
I'll be adding more as I find them. Thank you everyone for your help.
Edit: adding this because I keep seeing people on Twitter and Tiktok say it makes no sense to give money to people in a "first world" country. I need you people to understand that living in a western country doesn't equal politicians caring about you.
This whole thing started because politicians weren't doing their job and they're still not doing it. People (literal civilians, not firefighters or policemen) are literally pulling bodies from under cars and putting them inside the trunks so children in the affected areas don't see them. There's underground parkings still flooded by water and we don't know how many people may be inside them.
France offered to send us 200 firemen and the Ministry of Interior literally REFUSED. Some of these French firemen came on their own anyway. But that's what our politicians are doing. Negating help and pointing fingers at each other so they don't seem guilty.
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armatofu · 1 year ago
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 soy de ayudar pero aquienes lo necesiten y que no tengan ayudas económicas .pero estos invasores asta el agua les pagan .casa luz vivienda .pena de España gobernada por parásitos
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