#vargem grande
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zemaribeiro · 8 days ago
Fruto de pesquisa interinstitucional, livro traça perfil da Rede Mandioca
[release] Os dados da pesquisa começaram a ser apresentados durante a VII Plenária Estadual da Rede Mandioca realizada em Vargem Grande em 2023 – foto: Zema Ribeiro/ divulgação A Rede Mandioca surgiu em 2008, nas comunidades Riacho do Mel e Vila Ribeiro, na zona rural de Vargem Grande/MA, como uma estratégia de enfrentamento ao trabalho escravo contemporâneo, chaga social que ainda assola o…
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gastronominho · 24 days ago
Pasteizinhos do Gastronominho 2025 – #004
Está achando a semana meio parada? Só impressão sua! Porque temos várias novidades para vocês...
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implante-dentario · 1 year ago
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bcircuitobrasil · 1 year ago
Rotas de Cicloturismo da Mata Atlântica estão abertas em 8 municípios da Grande São Paulo
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upinteriors · 9 months ago
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Casa Vargem Grande by Juliana Ayako and Zebulun Arquitetura
Casa Vargem Grande deals with topography through the creation of a continuous spatiality that unfolds over the slope of the land.
The house is divided into 5 staggered slabs connected by a continuous and open staircase-corridor that guarantees the maintenance of the view that crosses the land from the front to the back, where there is the condominium's forest reserve. The views vary along the percouse throughout the staggering slabs, unfolding at times towards the base of the valley, at times towards the reserve, and at times towards the peak of the mountains.
The module of the BTC brick and the slope of the terrain determined the size of the slabs and the difference in elevation between them. In this way, the project was measured through rows and blocks instead of centimeters and meters.
The lateral facades are blind and structural in BTC brick - with the exception of a small window - creating an axis that connects the reserve at the back of the house to the valley located in front. These plans guarantee the creation of an interior courtyard which the house faces, closing off the dense context on its sides.
To generate the feeling of a single-story staggered house, a lightweight metal roof rests on the structural BTC walls of the side facades and the round metal pillars of the front and back facades. This continuous roof makes an inflection in the height of the third slab, opening the view towards the top of the valley and creating a mezzanine.
The direct dialogue between the house and the topography and the use of concrete and BTC blocks reflect the weight of the work. The building is placed on the ground, rests on it and ensures that all bedrooms, living room and kitchen have access to the patio and external areas. At the bottom of each slab, the construction touches the ground where the continuous beams-columns meet. Its front, always elevated, guarantees the downward flow of water, avoids major cuts in the land and allows the passage of some small animals that move between the houses.
Design: Juliana Ayako, Zebulun Arquitetura Location: Teresópolis, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Year: 2023 Photography: Federico Cairoli
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saopauloantiga · 3 months ago
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No #tbt de hoje vamos voltar até meados da década de 1960 para mostrar a fachada do @cafepacaembu com sua frota de Kombis, no município de Vargem Grande do Sul, interior paulista.
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thehopefuljournalist · 1 year ago
Seed networks are community organizations that have multiplied in the past decade in different Brazilian biomes to collect, trade and plant native seeds in degraded areas.
In the Chapada dos Veadeiros area, in Goiás state members of seed networks from several parts of Brazil met for almost a week in early June.
Along with environmental organizations, researchers and government officials, they participated in discussions to boost Redário, a new group seeking to strengthen these networks and meet the demands of the country’s ecological restoration sector.
“This meeting gathered members of Indigenous peoples, family farmers, urban dwellers, technicians, partners, everyone together. It creates a beautiful mosaic and there’s a feeling that what we are doing will work and will grow,” says Milene Alves, a member of the steering committee of the Xingu Seed Network and Redário’s technical staff.
Just in 2022, 64 metric tons of native seeds were sold by these networks, and similar figures are expected for 2023.
The effort to collect native seeds by traditional populations in Brazil has contributed to effective and more inclusive restoration of degraded areas, and is also crucial for the country to fulfill its pledge under international agreements to recover 30 million acres of vegetation by 2030.
Seed collection for restoration in these areas has previously only been done by companies. But now, these networks, are organized as cooperatives, associations or even companies, enable people in the territories to benefit from the activity.
Eduardo Malta, a restoration expert from the Socio-Environmental Institute and one of Redário’s leaders, advocates for community participation in trading and planting seeds. “These are the people who went to all the trouble to secure the territories and who are there now, preserving them. They have the greatest genetic diversity of species and hold all the knowledge about the ecosystem,” 
The Geraizeiros Collectors Network are one of the groups that makes up Redário. They were founded in 2021, and now gathers 30 collectors from eight communities in five municipalities: Montezuma, Vargem Grande, Rio Pardo de Minas, Taiobeiras and Berizal.
They collect and plant seeds to recover the vegetation of the Gerais Springs Sustainable Development Reserve, which was created in 2014 in order to stop the water scarcity as a result of eucalyptus monocultures planted by large corporations.
“The region used to be very rich in water and it is now supplied by water trucks or wells,” says Fabrícia Santarém Costa, a collector and vice president of the Geraizeiros Collectors’ Network. “Today we see that these activities only harm us, because the [eucalyptus] company left, and we are there suffering the consequences.”
Costa was 18 years old in 2018, when the small group of seed collectors was founded and financed by the Global Environmental Facility. She says that working with this cooperative changed the way she looks at life and the biome in which she was born and raised. She describes restoring the sustainable development work as "ant work", ongoing, slow. But it has already improved the water situation in the communities. In addition, seed sales complement geraizeiros’ income, enabling them to remain in their territories.
The Redário initiative also intends to influence public policies and regulations in the restoration sector to disseminate muvuca, the name given by the networks to the technique of sowing seeds directly into the soil rather than growing seedlings in nurseries.
Technical studies and network experiences alike show that this technique covers the area faster and with more trees. As a result, it requires less maintenance and lower costs. This system also distributes income to the local population and encourages community organizations.
“The muvuca system has great potential [for restoration], depending on what you want to achieve and local characteristics. It has to be in our range of options for meeting the targets, for achieving them at scale,” says Ministry of the Environment analyst Isis Freitas.
Article published August 3rd, 2023
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leibal · 1 year ago
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Casa Vergem Grande is a minimalist home located in Vargem Grande, Brazil, designed by Ayako, Zebulun Arquitetura. The design strategically leverages the topography, offering varying vistas from each level. Viewpoints shift from the valley’s base to the forest reserve and up towards the mountain peaks. The size and elevation differences between the slabs are determined by both the slope of the land and the dimensions of the BTC brick used in construction.
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reparoscariocaaquecedor · 1 year ago
Assistência Técnica de Aquecedores a Gás no RJ
Técnico Gasista no RJ
Gasista no Rio de Janeiro
Gasista em Campo Grande RJ
Gasista em Guaratiba RJ
Gasista em Santa Cruz RJ
Gasista em Copacabana RJ
Gasista em Ipanema RJ
Gasista no Leblon RJ
Gasista na Gávea RJ
Gasista em São Conrado RJ
Gasista na Barra da Tijuca RJ
Gasista no Recreio dos Bandeirantes RJ
Gasista em Jacarepaguá RJ
Gasista em Vargem Grande RJ
Gasista em Vargem pequena RJ
Gasista em Curicica Jacarepaguá RJ
Gasista na freguesia RJ
Gasista na Ilha do governador RJ
Gasista em Botafogo RJ
Gasista no Flamengo RJ
Gasista no Catete RJ
Gasista em Laranjeiras RJ
Gasista em Cosme velho RJ
Gasista na Tijuca RJ
Gasista no Grajaú RJ
Gasista no Méier RJ
Gasista Rio de Janeiro
#Gasista #Riodejaneiro
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portalg37 · 2 days ago
Casal que buscava se divorciar há 46 anos tem situação resolvida por MP Itinerante
Nascidos na região do Alto Rio Pardo, no Norte de Minas, Geraldo Ribeiro e Eunívia da Silva se casaram quando eram adolescentes. Eles tiveram dois filhos e, após cerca de 10 anos juntos, se separaram. Eunívia mudou-se de Vargem Grande do Rio Pardo para São Paulo, constituiu nova família, mas ela e Geraldo nunca conseguiram formalizar o divórcio, pela dificuldade de pagar um advogado e pelos…
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gazetadoleste · 23 days ago
Após decisão judicial, integrantes de facção criminosa são presos em Vargem Grande
Na manhã desta quinta-feira (23), a Polícia Civil do Maranhão cumpriu dois mandados de busca e apreensão e prisão preventiva contra dois homens, acusados pelo Poder Judiciário de cometer o crime de homicídio qualificado, ocorrido nas mediações do centro de Vargem Grande. Durante a ação policial, as equipe conseguiram efetuar a prisão em flagrante de um acusado. O crime aconteceu em 23 de novembro…
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portalimaranhao · 23 days ago
Cinco pessoas são presas durante operações deflagradas em três cidades do MA
  Três municípios maranhenses estão sendo alvos de duas grandes operações deflagradas pela Segurança Pública do Maranhão nesta quinta-feira (23). As operações são realizadas nos municípios de Urbano Santos e Chapadinha, no Baixo Parnaíba, e em Vargem Grande, no Vale do Itapecuru. O objetivo é cumprir 16 mandados de prisão e de busca e apreensão. Até o momento, cinco prisões foram efetuadas, três…
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gastronominho · 4 months ago
Vou de Vinho faz parceria com a vinícola Cristofoli para um jantar harmonizado
O empório, localizado em Vargem Grande Paulista (a 50 km de São Paulo), realiza o evento no dia 30 de outubro, onde os participantes poderão conhecer a história da família Cristofoli
O empório, localizado em Vargem Grande Paulista (a 50 km de São Paulo), realiza o evento no dia 30 de outubro, onde os participantes poderão conhecer a história da família Cristofoli A enóloga Bruna Cristofoli da vinícola Cristofoli em parceria com o sommelier Claudio Silva, proprietário da Vou de Vinho Empório & Forneria, comanda um jantar harmonizado, apresentando uma seleção especial de…
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implante-dentario · 1 year ago
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kdicas · 1 month ago
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Clínica de Estética em Vargem Grande do Rio Pardo MG: Cuidados para a Sua Beleza https://simplesmentebeleza.com/clnica-de-esttica-em-vargem-grande-do-rio-pardo-mg/
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goobotechthings · 1 month ago
Nas aulas de lógica para crianças, essa tecnologia transforma o aprendizado em diversão, utilizando jogos interativos que estimulam o raciocínio lógico, a resolução de problemas, a memória e a criatividade. As crianças exploram desafios de forma colaborativa, aprendendo a identificar padrões e tomar decisões de maneira dinâmica e envolvente. Professores e secretários de educação do Maranhão, a lousa digital Goobotech é a parceira ideal para tornar as aulas mais atraentes, formando alunos preparados para enfrentar os desafios do futuro com confiança e entusiasmo! São Luís, Maranhão, lidera a inovação nas salas de aula com a lousa digital Goobotech!
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