#C: Techne
mistythedritten · 5 months
Fic Monday once again!
Farfadream time everyone!
I'm like, 68% sure they will kiss next chapter. Hopefully.
@morgueofstories it's coming I swear they will kiss
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year
c!FireworksDuo just have so much in common
Both have been pressured into publicly executing the other through the manipulation of the c!Schlatt and c!Quackity for being traitors to (L')Manburg. (c!Techno more directly by c!Schlatt and c!Tubbo more directly by c!Directly)
They both loved c!Ranboo so much, they both would have fought the world for him, and they both watched him die in front of them because of someone else's fight. (Jailbreak and Ho16, c!Sam vs c!Dream and c!Wilbur vs c!Quackity)
They both have strong principles that they're very committed to, but struggle not to cave under peer pressure. (c!Tubbo having been an infamous "yes man" and c!Techno literally being half of PeerPressureDuo)
Both prioritize home and family over everything else and desire peace, but wouldn't hesitate to unleash unmeasurable destruction on anything that threatens that. (Doomsday + Red Banquet vs the Nukes, plus the whole Revengers thing when they teamed up on this)
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leafatlaw · 1 year
Trying to read DSMP fan fiction in peace, but I forgot half the fandom was completely insane
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purpleglitch · 10 months
HOLA como crees que se llevan rsgeogre y rstechno es para una tarea
(Perdón te respondo en inglish es para que toda la pipol entienda :3)
Okay I had to read old posts about the AU when i talked about rs!rivals since i also talked a bit about rs!george and rs!techno's dynamic (HERE!!) so I think the main thing is that they're not as close as c!rivals (in general techno and george weren't as close as techno and dream were) so in this au rs!rivals have known each other and are old friends from other servers. when techno joins the smp invited by dream, he meets george and rs!dnf is a secret relationship that only a few people know about (sapnap, bad, some others don't know explicitly but they're sus about them,,,) and techno immediately picks up on the vibe dnf have and knows there's more than just a friendly king and knight dynamic but doesn't ask dream about it.
(This got looong and self indulgent so here's more under the cut :3 )
At first there would be this tension between techno and dnf for the monarchy positions they have but he still would joke about george a lot and calling him out on his jealousy and try to steal dream away from him (as a joke), but then things get complicated and he had a fight with dream and their views were opposing to each other and they're all overwhelmed and stressed with all the wars and techno saw red, his netherite sword in dream's chest, and out of the corner of his eye he saw george screaming and running towards them in the middle of the throne room, leaving dream's body on the floor while he ran away (he doesn't know what happened in the castle afterwards) (also being different vibes than the clip of c!techno running in the castle to kill c!gnf and run away).
After that incident, weeks pass while rs!dream recovers from his first canon death and rs!george thinks about what to do to keep dream safe and away from all the conflict, his view on techno is negative at this point for how he betrayed dream's trust and friendship, but dream tells him he forgives techno, he doesn't hold that grudge and he doesn't want them to become enemies, he recommends george to at least try and have techno on his good side in case things go downhill he needs an ally since he can't be in the battlefield. This could be why when techno is captured by l'manburg, george and punz rescue him from being executed and guide him to escape with his horse, what if there's a quiet moment and techno tries to talk to george and clear things up but it's awkward and he's ignored by george who's trying not to lash out at him, also techno notices george is more panicky and anxious (checks his communication device a lot and techno knows he's talking with dream and checking up on him). After they part ways, techno thanks his help and george just hums and leaves to meetup with punz.
They also cooperate on stuff together and rs!techno finds both amusing and a bit worrying the insane demons rs!gnf has during fights, laughing and taunting their enemies but that also breaks the ice between them and start having fun teaming up like for doomsday. But then techno notices george more tense and he doesn't smell like dream's perfume anymore. he knows that something bad happened at some point but doesn't push it, and when weeks and months pass he no longer sees george around the server other than passing rumors of "the monster being in jail" that end up being true when dream goes to the artic and pleads for him to save george and help him break out of pandora, dream tells techno everything that happened in their relationship and how even after the dethronement he still loves george. and techno feels guilty for dream's canon death and knows an apology isn't enough (even with dream's forgiveness) so he accepts and plans his visit to george.
You know what happens in canon, they stay there for 3 months and in that time they reconcile and learn they both care about dream, and it took a bit to make george talk but when he started he couldnt stop and techno listens while he rips cloths to make bandages for the countless wounds george has from the torture, and his jokes are more lighthearted about george's jealousy and he reassures him that dream loves him too and promises coming back to save him.
He does!! and shit happens during the escape but they manage to do it and techno and george go to the artic to heal his wounds better before going to the Hana Kingdom (Kinoko but flowers instead of mushrooms), and meanwhile dream is sleeping but having nightmares thanks to HD.
I THINK THAT'S ALL?? i hope this was comprehensible I zoned out writing this(/j) and any plot holes just uhhhhh this au is canon divergent now 😎 jk but feel free to ask more!! I wrote this in one sitting so I hope the timeline makes sense 😭
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xx-meowcchiatto-xx · 4 months
"super disabled"?
xX_oh boy, okay._Xx
xX_? have hypermob?l?ty that makes my jo?nts really fucky ?n a super pa?nful way and ? need phys?cal therapy to keep my muscles from atrophying ?n we?rd ways. but ?t's too expens?ve :( ? have a forearm crutch for my bad h?p and compress?on gear for my jo?nts_Xx
xX_? also have chron?c nerve damage ?n both my arms bc of a mutat?on that gave me extra (useless) muscles ?n my elbows_Xx
xX_then on top of all that ? have th?s OTHER th?ng where whenever ? stand up for too long or whenever ? crouch and get back up my bloodpush rate SKYROCKETS and ? almost pass out!!!!!! th?s one ? can k?nda allev?ate by ingest?ng genu?nely terr?fy?ng amounts of sod?um. l?ke 3x the n?ghtly l?m?t_Xx
xX_?m k?nda amazed ? HAVENT been culled yet but ? guess s?nce ? can techn?cally st?ll work..._Xx
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I am 'Curious' (A lie, although the purpose is to further the conversation under a question oriented approach), Why do you consider some 'Mutations' to be non-cullable? Or are you just going off of the strict medical definition.
WWW 🏵️h, hell🏵️! WWW
WwW 🥀t's n🏵️t s🏵️ much what 🥀 c🏵️ns🥀der cullable, the emp🥀re dec🥀des. 🏵️f c🏵️urse, there's always d🥀sagreement and gray areas, s🥀nce h🥀ghbl🏵️🏵️ds are all🏵️wed t🏵️ cull l🏵️wbl🏵️🏵️ds f🏵️r pretty much any reas🏵️n and call 🥀t a just🥀f🥀ed cull🥀ng. WwW
www That's als🏵️ why there's m🏵️re (al🥀ve) h🥀ghbl🏵️🏵️ds w🥀th mutat🥀🏵️ns that c🏵️uld be a "just🥀f🥀ed" cull🥀ng reas🏵️n f🏵️r a l🏵️wbl🏵️🏵️d, even 🥀f they're techn🥀cally c🏵️ns🥀dered n🏵️n-cullable www
WwW wa🥀t. 🥀 just real🥀zed y🏵️u m🥀ght have been ask🥀ng why the emp🥀re c🏵️ns🥀ders s🏵️me mutat🥀🏵️ns n🏵️n-cullable. Wh🏵️🏵️ps. S🏵️rry ab🏵️ut that. That's dec🥀ded based 🏵️n what w🏵️uld be c🏵️ns🥀dered a "detr🥀mental" mutat🥀🏵️n t🏵️ the emp🥀re and what's n🏵️t. S🏵️ f🏵️r example a ta🥀l w🏵️uldn't be a b🥀g deal, but s🏵️me🏵️ne w🥀th mutated bl🏵️🏵️d w🏵️uld. WwW
WWW oh, hello! WWW
WwW it's not so much what i consider cullable, the empire decides. of course, there's always disagreement and gray areas, since highbloods are allowed to cull lowbloods for pretty much any reason and call it a justified culling. WwW
www That's also why there's more (alive) highbloods with mutations that could be a "justified" culling reason for a lowblood, even if they're technically considered non-cullable www
WwW wait. I just realized you might have been asking why the empire considers some mutations non-cullable. Whoops. Sorry about that. That's decided based on what would be considered a "detrimental" mutation to the empire and what's not. So for example a tail wouldn't be a big deal, but someone with mutated blood would. WwW
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The f(rst- but unfortunate)y not the on)y- p(ece of history )ost to sea that may attract unwanted attent(on, but ( th(nk (t’s (mportant to share regard)ess. (t seems to be a torn p(ece of some sort of )etter, wr(tten (n the archa(c text ( ment(oned (n the co(n post- wh(ch to me (nd(cates that th(s was )(ke)y someone at or above the tea) caste. Not that )ower b)ood castes cou)don’t )earn )(teracy! )t was just… uncommon, to say the )east. [But a)as, ( don’t know for sure. Perhaps the author was a very )ucky )owb)ood for the(r t(me! Sorry )f that sounds demean(ng.] The paper seems to be a rud(mentary star map, though ( am not we)) versed enough (n the h(story of astronom(ca) mapp(ng to te)) you what era (t’s from. Sorry.
The use of archa(c text does suggest pre-H(C era, but ( know people (n late- H(sDM era [espec(a))y those of h(gher castes, a)most as a way to assert the(r )earned exper(ences] used archa(c text also. ( am unsure (f that carr(ed (nto our era, however.
( am unsure )f )t )s even safe for me to say th)s, but the paper does dep)ct the ex)stence of the 12th [though, techn(ca))y 4th] caste- the )(me caste. Modern star maps tend to om(t )(me s(ngs, so (t’s safe to say that th(s map wou)d be a controvers(a) posess(on nowadays… ( hope to be )ucky enough to f(nd (t’s s(b)(ng p(eces.
( am work(ng on trans)at(ng the text, and w()) probab)y add that here when ( am done!
The first- but unfortunately not the only- piece of history lost to sea that may attract unwanted attention, but I think it’s important to share regardless. It seems to be a torn piece of some sort of letter, written in the archaic text I mentioned in the coin post- which to me indicates that this was likely someone at or above the teal caste. Not that lower blood castes couldn’t learn literacy! It was just… uncommon, to say the least. (But alas, I don’t know for sure. Perhaps the author was a very lucky lowblood for their time! Sorry if that sounds demeaning.) The paper seems to be a rudimentary star map, though I am not well versed enough in the history of astronomical mapping to tell you what era it’s from. Sorry. The use of archaic text does suggest pre-HIC era, but I know people in late-HisDM era [especially those of higher castes, almost as a way to assert their learned experiences) used archaic text also. I am unsure if that carried into our era, however. I am unsure if it is even safe for me to say this, but the paper does depict the existence of the 12th (though, technically the 4th) caste- the lime caste. Modern star maps tend to omit lime signs, so it’s safe to say that this map would be a controversial possession nowadays…
I hope to be lucky enough to find it’s sibling pieces.
I am working on translating the text, and will probably add that here when I am done!
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
👀 Bastille rank your most useful active creations/soldiers/whatever you consider them
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"Hmmm... Act/ve... The one's who see the most work current\y are Xuok/r and Ayrese, and /'m not sure /f / can rank them. They serve d/fferent purposes and they both exce\ /n the/r ass/gnments."
"Ayrese /s far too fra/\ and \atharg/c to do what Xuok/r does on a near da/\y bas/s, and Xuok/r can't /nf\/ct the same menta\ angu/sh that Ayrese can."
"Xuok/r /s more d/sposab\e, however... There are many trolls who can do h/s job, he just has the added benef/t of not be/ng ab\e to quest/on orders. The ps/on/cs that Ayrese possesses are very hard to come by, so / suppose he w/ns by techn/ca\/ty."
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Liquid Biopsy Market worth $11.3 billion by 2029
Liquid Biopsy Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $6.4 billion in 2024 and is poised to reach $11.3 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 11.9% from 2024 to 2029 according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.
Liquid Biopsy Market Trends
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Download an Illustrative overview:
Browse in-depth TOC on "Liquid Biopsy Market"
406 - Tables
56 - Figures
343 - Pages
North America is the largest regional market for liquid biopsy market.
The market for liquid biopsy has been divided into six key geographical regions, namely North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East & Africa, and GCC countries. In 2023, North America held the predominant portion of the liquid biopsy market. The region boasts a well-developed healthcare infrastructure, including advanced diagnostic facilities, specialized oncology centers, and a skilled workforce. This infrastructure supports the integration of liquid biopsy into routine clinical practice, facilitating access for patients across various healthcare settings.
Liquid Biopsy Market Dynamics:
Rising incidence and prevalence of cancer
Cancer awareness initiatives undertaken by global health organizations
Benefits of liquid biopsy over traditional biopsy procedures
Lower sensitivity of certain liquid biopsy procedures
Growing significance of companion diagnostics
Growth opportunities in emerging countries
Unclear reimbursement scenario
Key Market Players of Liquid Biopsy Industry:
The major players operating in this market are Natera, Inc. (US), QIAGEN (Netherlands), Myriad Genetics, Inc. (US), Illumina, Inc. (US), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Switzerland), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (US), Guardant Health (US), Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (US), Exact Sciences Corporation (US), Sysmex Corporation (Japan), Biocept, In. (US), mdxhealth (US), Personalis, Inc. (US), NeoGenomics Laboratories (US), Epigenomics AG (Germany), ANGLE plc (UK), Menarini-Silicon Biosystems (Italy), Vortex Biosciences (US), Bio-Techne (US), MedGenome (US), Mesa Labs, Inc. (US), Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings (US), Freenome Holdings, Inc. (US), Strand (India), LungLife AI, Inc. (US), and Lucence Health Inc. (US).
The break-up of the profile of primary participants in the liquid biopsy market:
By Company Type: Tier 1 - 40%, Tier 2 - 30%, and Tier 3 – 30%
By Designation: C-level - 27%, D-level - 18%, and Others - 55%
By Region: North America - 51%, Europe - 21%, Asia Pacific - 18%, Latin America – 6%, and Middle East & Africa- 4%
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Recent Developments of Liquid Biopsy Industry:
In February 2024, Myriad Genetics, Inc. (US) entered into a definitive agreement to acquire select assets from Intermountain Health. These included assets from its Intermountain Precision Genomics (IPG) laboratory business, including the Precise Tumor Test, the Precise Liquid Test, and IPG's CLIA-certified laboratory.
In January 2024, Natera, Inc. (US) acquired certain assets relating to non-invasive prenatal and carrier screening business from Invitae (US).
In November 2023, Illumina, Inc. (US) launched its TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA v2 (TSO 500 ctDNA v2.
In April 2023, QIAGEN (Netherlands) launched the QIAseq Targeted cfDNA Ultra Panels, enabling researchers studying cancer and other diseases to turn cell-free DNA (cfDNA) liquid-biopsy samples into libraries ready for NGS in less than eight hours.
In January 2022, Illumina, Inc. (US) partnered with Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany). This partnership was aimed to accelerate the development of therapy selection and precision medicines for patients with advanced cancer.
Liquid Biopsy Market - Key Benefits of Buying the Report:
The report will help the market leaders/new entrants in this market with information on the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall liquid biopsy market and the subsegments. This report will help stakeholders understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and plan suitable go-to-market strategies. The report also helps stakeholders understand the pulse of the market and provides them with information on key market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
Analysis of key drivers (Rising incidence and prevalence of cancer, cancer awareness initiatives undertaken by global health organizations, and increased benefits of liquid biopsy over traditional biopsy procedures), opportunities (Growing significance of companion diagnostics and growth opportunities in emerging countries), restraints (Lower sensitivity of certain liquid biopsy procedures), and challenges (Unclear reimbursement scenario) influencing the growth of the liquid biopsy market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming technologies, research & development activities, and new product launches in the liquid biopsy market.
Market Development: Comprehensive information about lucrative markets – the report analyses the liquid biopsy market across varied regions.
Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the liquid biopsy market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, growth strategies, product offerings of leading players like Natera, Inc. (US), QIAGEN (Netherlands), Myriad Genetics, Inc. (US), Illumina, Inc. (US), and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Switzerland).
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babyawacs · 2 months
@scotusblog .@scotus .@fisa @veritas #ve #ri #tas #veritas #pec uliar #detail #overlooked  #intel #101 #oneoughone #youhandle #cri minalsecuritypolicy #criminal #securitypolicy #security #policy #allknew_what_it_is #reinstalling #barricades_as_strong_no #despera tion_laadeedaa_sowhat  @judge .@judge .@law @law @harvard_law .@ harvard_law @bbc_whys .@bbcr4 @france24 @haaretzcom  at no poin t in time during spy lawsuit was it lets enslave christian kiss. it was who is he aeh she whycant we identify whydoes he invent techn ological things what canhe aeh she harm the utmost that the usa doesnot dare this ever again. but o n c e it was clear itis chris tian kiss it flipped tocoverup mode nothinghappend mode this pec uliar detail isnot understood then me victimfurious itflipped to e nemy of state added ontopof quell whatthey didnot do is explain clowns how them rule or how they screwup t o d a y they retwist wh atthey can to germandeserve witnessprotect mercyalways these are the facts but them commit any crime they want with govt intel drugs
@scotusblog .@scotus .@fisa @veritas #ve #ri #tas #veritas #peculiar #detail #overlooked #intel #101 #oneoughone #youhandle #criminalsecuritypolicy #criminal #securitypolicy #security #policy #allknew_what_it_is #reinstalling #barricades_as_strong_no #desperation_laadeedaa_sowhat @judge .@judge .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bbc_whys .@bbcr4 @france24 @haaretzcom at no point in time…
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businessindustry · 5 months
Tantalum Pentoxide Powder Market Analysis, Forecast by 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Tantalum Pentoxide Powder Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Tantalum Pentoxide Powder Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Tantalum Pentoxide Powder Market?
The global tantalum pentoxide powder market size reached US$ 464.4 million in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 632.9 million in 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5% during 2024-2032.
What are Tantalum Pentoxide Powder?
Tantalum pentoxide powder, also referred to as tantalum(V) oxide, is a crystalline white powder utilized in the production of capacitors, as well as in the manufacturing of optical glass and other ceramic materials. Known for its high dielectric constant, this powder can store significant electrical energy in a small volume, making it particularly suitable for capacitor applications. Tantalum pentoxide powder is also employed as a catalyst in several chemical reactions and as a material for specialized coatings, thanks to its high melting point and chemical stability.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2053
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Tantalum Pentoxide Powder industry?
The tantalum pentoxide powder market growth is driven by various factors. The tantalum pentoxide powder market is growing due to its rising demand in capacitor production for electronic devices. Its high dielectric constant allows for significant electrical energy storage in a compact space, making it a preferred choice for capacitors. The market is further fueled by the expanding electronics industry, especially in developing regions. However, challenges such as tantalum price fluctuations and supply chain disruptions could affect market growth. Hence, all these factors contribute to tantalum pentoxide powder market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Purity Level:
High Purity Tantalum Pentoxide Powder
Low Purity Tantalum Pentoxide Powder
By Application:
Aerospace and Defense
Chemical Processing
Medical Devices
By End-Use Industry:
Industrial Manufacturing
By Distribution Channel:
Direct Sales
Online Retail
By Production Process:
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Decomposition
Ammonium Metatantalate (AMT) Decomposition
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Rest of Asia Pacific
The U.K.
BENELUX (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg)
NORDIC (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark)
Rest of Europe
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
The Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Rest of MEA (Middle East & Africa)
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Cabot Corporation
C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbH
Global Advanced Metals
Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.
JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation
Ethiopian Mineral Development Share Company (EMDSC)
AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group
Exotech, Inc.
Changsha South Tantalum Niobium Co., Ltd.
Ningxia Non-ferrous Metals Smelting Group Co., Ltd.
Jiangxi King-Tan Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.
Hengyang King Xing Lifeng New Materials Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Zhiyuan New Material Co., Ltd.
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Tantalum Pentoxide Powder-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
Oh h3llo! W3lcom3 to gr>mblr, how ar3 yo>? Hop3f>lly this sit3 will tr3at yo> kindly :) (:
❀h! Well, um, thank y❀u very much! S❀ nice t❀ be welc❀med s❀ warmly here! Nice t❀ meet y❀u, as well! Grumblr's been very kind t❀ me, and I really enj❀y it already! I seem t❀ be having a bit ❀f a, um, a s❀ I guess it w❀uld be a kind ❀f techn❀l❀gy pr❀blem... It's my c❀nnecti❀n, th❀ugh...
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madhansband · 8 months
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tejuhoneycomb · 8 months
Electric Insect Killer Machine Your Home Defender 
In recent years, the demand for effective and eco-friendly pest control solutions has led to the development of various innovative devices. Among these, the Electric Insect Killer Machine has gained popularity for its efficiency in eliminating insects while minimizing environmental impact. This article explores the features, benefits, and considerations associated with these electric insect-killer machines.
How Electric Insect Killer Machines Work
Electric insect killer machines operate on the principle of attracting and zapping insects using ultraviolet (UV) light. The device typically consists of a UV light source, an electric grid, and a housing unit. The UV light attracts insects, and when they come in contact with the electric grid, they are instantly zapped. This method is not only effective but also chemical-free, making it a safer alternative to traditional insecticides.
Key Features of Electric Insect Killer Machines
a. UV Light Technology:
The use of UV light is a key feature of these machines. Insects are naturally drawn to UV light, making it an effective lure. High-quality machines use specific wavelengths of UV light that are most attractive to a wide range of insects.
b. Electric Grid:
The electric grid is a crucial component that delivers a quick and efficient zap to insects upon contact. The grid is designed to be safe for humans and pets while effectively eliminating pests.
c. Safe and Eco-Friendly:
Unlike traditional insecticides, electric insect killer machines do not release harmful chemicals into the environment. This makes them a safer and more eco-friendly option for pest control, particularly in indoor spaces.
d. Easy Maintenance:
Most electric insect-killer machines are easy to maintain. The removable tray at the bottom collects the dead insects, and periodic cleaning is all that is required to keep the machine functioning optimally.
Benefits of Electric Insect Killer Machines
a. Non-Toxic Solution:
The absence of chemical insecticides makes electric insect killer machines a non-toxic solution for pest control. This is especially important for households with children, pets, or individuals with respiratory sensitivities.
b. Cost-Effective:
Over time, electric insect killer machines can prove to be cost-effective compared to regularly purchasing chemical insecticides. Once installed, the operational costs are minimal.
c. Reduced Environmental Impact:
By eliminating the need for chemical insecticides, electric insect killer machines contribute to reducing environmental pollution. They are a sustainable solution that aligns with eco-conscious practices.
d. Indoor and Outdoor Use:
Many electric insect-killer machines are versatile and can be used both indoors and outdoors. This flexibility makes them suitable for various environments, including homes, offices, restaurants, and outdoor recreational spaces.
Considerations Before Purchasing:
a. Coverage Area:
Different models have varying coverage areas. It's essential to choose a machine that suits the size of the space you intend to protect.
b. Power Consumption:
Consider the energy consumption of the electric insect killer machine. Opt for models that are energy-efficient to minimize long-term operational costs.
c. Durability and Construction:
Look for machines with durable construction, as they are likely to be more resilient in different weather conditions and environments.
d. Maintenance Requirements:
Assess the maintenance needs of the machine. Choose a model with easily accessible and cleanable components for hassle-free upkeep.
Electric insect killer machines have emerged as a modern and effective solution for pest control, offering a safe and eco-friendly alternative to traditional methods. With their non-toxic nature, cost-effectiveness, and versatility, these devices provide a valuable option for those seeking efficient insect control without compromising on environmental sustainability. As technology continues to advance, Flying insect killer machines are likely to play an increasingly important role in integrated pest management strategies.
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machinedalal · 9 months
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Used Sheet Fed / Offset Machine for SALE
Manroland - R 706 LV
Get Directly from SELLER -
Number of color: 8
Max sheet size: 74x104 cm / 29.13X40.94 inch
Manufacturer: Manroland
Year: 2008
Machine Availability: Immediately from stock
Price: On Request
Location: Europe Western
#print #offset #machinedalal
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[ ] Yes, there is. It's a crawler virus, a r[ ]gue [ ]ne. I'm w[ ]rking [ ]n it with tw[ ] [ ]ther talented techn[ ]l[ ]gy masterminds, we have it nearly c[ ]mpletely quarnt. and we'll be depl[ ]ying a data c[ ]rrupting file sh[ ]rtly. Clear y[ ]ur cache if y[ ]u haven't already. [ ]
[ ] If y[ ]u believe y[ ]u were p[ ]ssibly exp[ ]sed in the leak, D[ ] N[ ]T PANIC. Just clear y[ ]ur cache and keep y[ ]ur head d[ ]wn f[ ]r a h[ ]t minute. Yeah yeah, I kn[ ]w I run the cringe bl[ ]g, whatever. Listen to me. We are working on it. It will be okay. We're going to completely fuck that worm's datadrives, and nothing will be left except a virus, probably. If y[ ]u have access t[ ] the w[ ]rm, y[ ]u better sever that c[ ]nnecti[ ]n bef[ ]re this g[ ]es live. If y[ ]u d[ ]n't, well. Y[ ]u deserve a br[ ]ken huskt[ ]p anyway. [ ]
[ ] And f[ ]r the l[ ]ve [ ]f EVERYTHING internet safety, d[ ] n[ ]t tell pe[ ]ple y[ ]ur pers[ ]nal inf[ ]rmati[ ]n [ ]n unregulated channels! That's literally internet literacy 101! Fucking hell. [ ]
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