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insanelysanes · 2 months ago
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leojrthetanooki · 2 years ago
Special thanks to one trans furry in particular who contributed so much to the emulation scene and made one of the greatest emulators on PC, bsnes... farewell, you beautiful soul... wherever you are...
Everyone be sure to say thank you to transgender furries!
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myfairhudzen · 4 months ago
I really like this art. What a crossover.
"Final Fantasy", "Romancing SaGa", "Seiken Densetsu", "Chrono Trigger", "Live A Live", "Bahamut Lagoon" and "Rudra no Hihou", all together. If only it was somehow official.
I especially like the way Sion and Byuu are positioned in that picture. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I see some sort of a parallel here (if you consider the fact that their colours are opposite, and their roles are more or less similar).
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It reminds me of a similar, colour-related stuff from their respective universes. Some fans like to point it out. Like the fact that Byuu and his initial group wear different shades of blue, outside of Rush (it sort of highlights his role and characterisation). Actually, quite a number of playable characters of "Bahamut Lagoon" is wearing blue.
There's also the fact, that both Yoyo and Palpaleos are associated with colour green. Kahna's crest is also in green. Is it a colour spoiler? What does it make, when applied to Wagahai?
And "Rudra no Hihou" has an interesting case of Surlent and Huey, who also have opposing colour schemes (while having sort of similar roles, from a certain point of view). But this is way too complicated and spoiler-y to explain. I should say, it makes more sense with choosing Rostam first, and Huey second (as it happens, if you play to a certain point of Riza's scenario before switching to Surlent's). Also, the resulting boss fight looks kind of poetic with all these colours clashing.
I wish I could put it more eloquently, but that's what you get when you skip your English class in school. Though, bold of you to assume that I can properly explain it in any other language.
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tedspankoffskifan42069 · 11 months ago
how does it feel to have ur title stolen by ME
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strebcr · 4 months ago
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Byuu is gonna flop over the others lap. Pressure therapy :)
Jax isn't grest with comforting people, so actions speak louder then words!
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tartrazeen · 1 year ago
What is wrong with you people
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top-lil · 8 months ago
anyway I'm going to embrace Evil Mode and say that "lolcow documentation" forums are... not strictly a "good thing", but a natural thing, and sometimes having extensive records about the history of an individual public figure can be a good thing. that's why a select group of people were hellbent on destroying Kiwifarms: not because of "harassment", but because it contained extensive records on all the awful or questionable things they've ever said or done (such as admit to rape, for example)
two other important notes on this topic:
There's an important distinction between "documentation" and "trolling" sites. Kiwifarms is about documentation, with stated policy being to "not tip the cows" - watch what happens, and let your only interaction be indirect. Soyjack Party, specifically its /raid/ board, is about trolling - provoking a reaction on purpose for amusement.
Kiwifarms in particular hasn't actually killed anyone. Most of the cited examples had unrelated reasons, and were merely documented there beforehand. One in particular, Byuu/Near, did so after failing to bribe the website operator to remove their (at that point, dead) thread... which sorta counts, I guess, but with the caveat that they might not be dead at all.
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infiniteoreos · 11 months ago
okay thanks for telling me that ka bue is pronounced like カ・ビュー (ka byuu)
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onlyasgoodasmygod · 4 months ago
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This is an obligatory "Hornet for playable" post. People love this guy.
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Just look at the amount of Hornet fanart by different artists.
Surely, he caught their hearts by being one of the sanest characters in the universe of "Bahamut Lagoon".
There was not that much competition, really.
There's even a number of fanarts depicting younger Hornet during his *spoiler* days.
I wish the game would dive deeper into that.
I don't know about the existing official arts (they are kind of hard to get), but if there would ever be a re-release, I wish it would come with a proper artbook (like "Live A Live" remake did).
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Anyway, let's enjoy the man, the myth, the legend. Just don't get full-on Ekaterina on him.
I'm really sad that AYAKO's personal website is no more. It's hard to search for the lost fanarts.
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I wonder what's the story behind the Cross Knights in "Bahamut Lagoon". Would be nice if all three of them were playable.
Hornet might be the most popular of the unplayable characters, so it seems to be a nice idea to have a prequel about his Cross Knights days (with playable Sauthar as a bonus). Wine and urchin grubs are optional.
Buyy and Palpaleos are not enough, surely.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
is there actually any official statement that Ang died? I looked and haven't found one, and ToonHive took their post down (presumably for misinfo if Ang is still alive)
I don't think I've seen one, and if turns out Ang pulled a Byuu/Near or simply doesn't realize everyone thinks they're dead, that'll be just fine in my book.
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onlyasgoodasmygod · 8 months ago
This is definitely an amazing choice (and I'm happy for the DQ fans finally being on their way to get what they were wanting for), especially for the Year of the Dragon.
But I was hoping they would not forget about another dragon game, if you know what I mean.
I can't wait for Byuu to suffer in 3D or HD-2D.
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kawaoneechan · 2 years ago
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The Asspull IIb was a training exercise to show a complete moron how CPUs and emulators work.
Skip ahead to page 16 for the first appearance of the Asspull.
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Six pages later, I started on the IIIx which at that point was going to run Thumb code instead of 68K.
Pre-empting the obvious, the original Asspull was something I made for use in my father's CS class when he was a teacher.
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coolerdracula · 1 year ago
my hands were so in pain after I fell that Frank fed me a couple ibuprofen (eye byuu pro fin) and sips of water to take it with while I was like clawing open some bandaids and it was just very sweet of him and also who does that
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jacksonsdrumstick · 2 years ago
I have challenged myself to recreate the characters from some old JRPGs in the sim-universe.
Because I currently can't run "The Sims Medieval" on my computer (which is a great shame), I stick with "The Sims 4". So, these versions of the characters in question are sort of modernized.
My current choice is "Bahamut Lagoon", which has a freaking lot of playable characters. Really, the gameplay itself kind of implies it.
These sims are for the base game. Can't buy any add-ons right now (otherwise, Byuu would get some animal-related traits). Which is kind of an issue when it comes to recreating the Mini-Devils.
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bitegore · 2 years ago
alphabet transliteration rules etc etc
VOWELS (no dipthongs, say every vowel)
a - ah like in odd e - eh like enter i - aye like in eye (or, like, I) o - oh like in open u - u like in ooh y - yu like in you (yuh sound included, unlike in u)
c - a click. sort of a k-h sound. like. if actor is a word pronounced like this, it goes ahkk-(eh)tor. like saying doctor in a stereotyped german accent cc - hebrew ch sound, like in chai d - d g - voiced g h - voiced h j - regular j like in "joy" jj - ch like in "chapter" k - hard stop/pause, sort of a quiet (g)/(k) sound kk - spoken K sound, normal k l - l m - m n - n b - b - like a soft p p - p - regular p/hard b r - trilled r rr - longer/harder trilled r (like rrrrrrr rather than rr) s - s t - t v - v or f, depending on which is "flows" easier to say. not distinguished. older transcription systems use fs instead sometimes. z - zh like "je" in "je ne sais quoi" or the s in "asia" ' - unvoiced h, like the secret h in "everest" before the vowel or the h in "white" after the w. rare, largely appears in words with long strings of consonants (syetkk'vri, pronounced syoo-et-k(uh)-vri, would be unpronounceable without it)
moving/on a locational vector - sole (suu-leh) still/anchored/not vectoring anywhere - byake (byuu-ah-(g)eh)
toward self - dyk- sole dykka (dyuu-kah) out from self - tak - sole takkes (tahk-ess) parallel to self - [empty] - sikke (sigh-keh)
vertical (z) - pye - sole pyete (pyuu-eht-eh) horizontal (x / east-west) - 'vros - sole evrus ( ev-roos) horizontal (y / north-south) - kkiste - sole kkistakke (kice-tak-eh)
vertical (z) up/to surface - pyelite (pyuu-ehl-ite-eh) vertical (z) down/to ground - pyalu (pyuu-ahl-ooh)
to open - sev - sole sevrekk (sehf-rek) to wall - kkyk - sole kkykkot (kyuu-kote)
west-of-self (translated often as "right" when used metaphorically) - kkye - sole kkyes (kyuu-ehs) east-of-self (translated often as "left" when used metaphorically) - set - sole setke (set-keh) south-of-self (translated often as "forward" when used metaphorically) - teki - sole tekeit (teh-(g)eh-eyet) north-of-self (translated often as "backward" when used metaphorically) - aru - sole aryok (ahr-yuu-oh(g))
horizontal (x) west-of-self to open- vroskkysev (vross-kyuu-sehv) horizontal (x) east-of-self to open- vroset'tev (vross-ehttev) horizontal (x) west-of-self to wall- vroskkykkuk (vross-kyuu-koo(g)) horizontal (x) east-of-self to wall- vrosesekkyk (vross-ehs-ehk-yuu(g)) horizontal (x) west-of-self - vroskkye (vross-kyuu-eh) horizontal (x) east-of-self - vroset (vross-set)
horizontal (y) south-of-self - kkisteki (kice-te(g)-eye) horizontal (y) north-of-self - kkistaru (kice-tar-roo) horizontal (y) south-of-self to open - kkistekisev (kice-te(g)-eye-sehv) horizontal (y) north-of-self to open - kkistarusav (kice-tar-roo-sahv) horizontal (y) south-of-self to wall - kkisteikkyk (kice-teh-eye-kyuu(g)) horizontal (y) north-of-self to wall - kkistarkkyuuk (kice-tar-roo-kyuu(g))
still/this moment (RARE word) - byesti (byuu-ah-steye) "on a temporal vector"/at any other point in time or experiencing time in motion - siste (sigh-steh)
south-temporal/forward in the future - teki - siste tekearr (teh-(g)eh-ahrrrrr) north-temporal/backward in the past - aru - siste aryorr (ahr-yuu-orrrr) in parallel/at the same time - siku - siste sikyuarr (si(g)-yuu-ahrr)
zero point - point of calibration, compass-location - byaksikketkka (byuu-ah-si-ket-ka)
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funnuraba · 21 days ago
ME: I just don't know where all this ends.
THE AFTERNOON MUSIC IN MY COPY OF ANIMAL CROSSING NEW HORIZONS: wyuu-eh... byuu-eh... skyuu-eh... dyuu-eh...
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