#Byoldervine series
byoldervine · 10 months
Hiya, welcome! This blog is about my current writing WIP, a queer superhero fantasy novel called Byoldervine, and is basically a space for me to share things with others who are interested and to engage with other writers who have such amazing ideas and themes that can inspire me to keep writing. I'll be sure to add more things as I go along if I think they'll fit here or if I get asked a lot, and as I go along I'll also use this as a master post for links to character sheet posts and other things like that. If you have any further questions about my writing, always feel free to ask, I love answering your questions!
What is Byoldervine about?
The Byoldervine Sickness got its name twenty-five years ago, when the human realm's goddess Byoldervine became the first Celestial to die. Now, another god has fallen ill with the same disease, causing his powers to uncontrollably open portals between his realm and the human realm and thus sending through monsters and myths into a world not prepared for such creatures
Two heroes rise to the challenge; Persephone Foster, an immortal human intent on protecting these otherworldly visitors, and arrogant illusionist Angelus with every plan to bully Persephone off the job. But when the two vigilantes learn of a way to cure the dying god, they must set aside their differences and work alongside new allies as they venture into a realm of fables and fantasy, discovering devious plots and the shocking truths within the conspiracies of their pasts along the way
What are the four realms and who are their gods?
In Byoldervine, there are four realms, each ruled over by a Celestial god;
Aegis rules over Tyrion, a realm filled with angelic beings
Corrus rules over Nexus, which is essentially the afterlife and filled with dead souls and demonic beings
Nordsvark rules over Paracosm, the fantasy realm filled with all things mythical and magical (picture your typical DnD world)
Byoldervine used to rule over Terran, the human realm that's separated from the other three
Basically they're just heaven, hell, fantasy world and human world, if that's an easier way to think about it
Where and when did this project originate?
The concepts that make up Byoldervine have been floating around in my head for an ungodly amount of time, haha. The furthest back I can think for actually getting down to write them would've been around the start of lockdown, when I started writing a silly Wattpad fanfiction of all things (I will not be sharing what fandom it was for, fortunately I never published it)
The plot of the fic revolved around two immortal superheroes that would fight crime in their town, but slowly caught on to much bigger events that they learned were connected to their mysterious pasts and the powers they held. I eventually realised that all I needed to do was change a few names around and I'd more or less have a whole standalone novel, so I decided to write it for real, combining it with other ideas as I went down the line until I had Byoldervine. I'm not using the fic for reference, just the general idea, a character or two and a few plot lines that could be easily separated from the source material. Due to how niche I was working even when I was only writing the fic, I can't imagine there's any real overlap with the source material
Is this a series or a standalone novel? What are 'Unholy War' and 'The Heir and the Cure'?
I originally planned for this project to be a duology, a Byoldervine series featuring Unholy War (the superhero fic turned original story) and The Heir and the Cure (the fantasy realm aspect of the current story, focusing more on the adventure across the fantasy realm to cure a dying god)
The intention was to have them both take place in the same universe, with both stories dealing with different sides of the problem; the fantasy party would work to stop the problem at its source by curing the god of his illness while the superheroes managed the clean-up of safely returning the creatures to their home and handling the collateral damage on the human realm. There would be some overlap, but largely it would remain two separate sides of the same story
I later realised I could get more out of the two stories if I combined them fully; it would reduce character clutter, it would solve several plot-based problems, it would give me more to work with in terms of side quests, etc. Overall I'm very happy with the decision to combine it all into one book - though there will definitely be room to turn this into a series again in future if I want to reuse the universe, and I've already got multiple concept ideas for it that I'm holding back on using until I'm at least done with my first draft of Byoldervine
Master Lists
Character Sheets:
Persephone Foster
Alicia Foster
General Harkrow
Queen Wink
Princess Kynne
Clay Acaron
Sy Cantor
Aegis Cantor
Mary and Arthur Foster
Nordsvark Attolus
Lazulai Cantor
Connor Warden
Mullo Cantor
Anessa Cantor
Layni Warden
Weekly One-Shots:
Persephone at a family dinner
Kennedy’s nomad days
Connor brewing potions
Sy’s fashion project
Carpentrio’s coffee shop AU
Other Helpful Posts:
All glyphs
Kennedy Concept Art (WIP)
Sy Concept Art (WIP)
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friendfromdsmp · 2 years
Got a new secondary blog to cover all my writing stuff! I’m going to use @byoldervine to share facts and rambles about a series I’m writing called the Byoldervine series, which includes the story I’ve been sharing here that’s gained a small bit of interest, which I’m currently calling The Heir and the Cure. Feel free to ask any questions you’d like about my writing, I absolutely love sharing!
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byoldervine · 10 months
Once again laughing about the fact that the main ship of my WIP is basically just a reverse gay panic
Main Character: Fuck why am I feeling this way about him? I can’t actually like him, can I? He’s a man, I don’t like men, do I?! I mean what the fuck is this?! I’m a lesbian! I want a woman!
Love Interest, much later in the book: I have lied to you, I am actually not a man. I hope you can forgive me for my misdeeds and for leading you astray, and I completely understand if this ends everything between us
Main Character, sobbing: Oh thank fuck I love you so much you have no idea how much stress you put me under we need to buy a cat please
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byoldervine · 1 year
Do you remember what it felt like,
To be a child falling asleep in the living room?
To feel your eyes closing against your will,
Even as you fought off the siren song of slumber?
The adults all talking amongst themselves about silly grown-up things,
Nothing of interest then, such seemingly pointless drabble,
Because grown-up things, they wear anyone down eventually,
It’s no wonder they wore you down too,
And as if a mirror, their grown-up chatter bores on and on,
Dragging and droning, laboured and automatic,
Children don’t always notice how hard grown-ups work,
For their right to some semblance of ‘fun’ they still dread,
Their minds and bodies tired, worn down over the years,
Years of toiling and troubling and putting on acts,
Grown-ups are always pleasant and happy, never mad or frightened,
And yet here you are, so peaceful, so tired,
The tail-ends of their labours turned into a labour of love,
Working oh so hard to provide a mere moment of peace,
A pocket of tranquility, where the clock seems to stop,
The sand dial slips it’s final grains through the fingers of time,
They say all good things must come to an end,
But perhaps endings, however abrupt or chilling,
Are not always a punishment or cruelty,
And as your vision fades, and you try in vain,
To eke out the last of your strength to keep your tired eyes open,
You feel that comforting final embrace,
Swept up in their arms, too far gone to feel anything else,
But the comfort of being taken to rest,
Gentle coos surrounding you, those who care surrounding you,
Enveloped in a cascade of calm,
Limp-limbed and lethargic, you cannot make the trip alone,
But, of course, you aren’t alone,
Because as those strong yet gentle arms carry you away,
Away to a better place of peace and rest,
Away to heavenly comfort and security only these arms could know,
Away from toils and troubles, from unloving labours,
And a triedness not preying on those merely sleepy,
Away from noses on grindstones and clocks ticking away,
Away from the boring, exhausting prattle of grown-up talk,
You aren’t dreading the end of the night anymore,
Because so long as you can still hear the laughter from the next room,
The final symphony of survival echoing to your sleep-addled mind,
You will rest, and know true peace
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byoldervine · 10 months
The Cantor Family
So I've already touched briefly on the Celestial gods in my WIP book Byoldervine, but there's one royal godly family that's bigger than all the others; the Cantor family, who rule the realm of Tyrion
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First off, we have King Aegis Cantor, God of Order. Aegis has been referred to by his children as a workaholic and if he's not found in his meeting room or out attending to other business then he's got his nose to the grindstone in his study. He does his best to get his children involved in his work as well, expecting them to attend meetings and functions whenever he requests
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Anessa Cantor, at twenty-five years old, is the first born child of Aegis and the heir to the throne of Tyrion. Anessa is a rather quiet person with a strong desire to live up to her father's expectations of her. Aegis has been preparing her all her life to one day succeed him and take up the throne - though Anessa doesn't quite understand why this is the case, considering her father is an immortal god. She secretly wonders if he's grown afraid after the death of his fellow Celestial, Byoldervine, though she wouldn't dare to mention it to him. What Anessa lacks in empathy she makes up for in sympathy and compassion, and she does her best to rule justly and fairly, despite appearing rather stoic at times
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Lazulai Cantor is twenty-three years old and, unlike her older sister, is very emotionally-inclined and expressive. She's naturally curious about the world around her, and adores reading and learning about Paracosm and all the fantastical beings there. Aegis brings Lazulai with him whenever he needs to stop by Paracosm, and Lazulai has grown quite close with Nordsvark, who is always happy to share stories about all his creations. If Lazulai were able to do anything with her life, it would be to explore all of Paracosm and discover all the secrets and sensations it had to offer
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Sy Cantor is twenty-one years old and identifies as non-binary, though they haven't told Aegis yet and try to hide it from him. Sy can be very lax and informal compared to their siblings, even a little rebellious at times, and is a regular at the Ampitheatre, a sort of opt-in school their best friend Persephone volunteers at and used to attend herself. Sy is very passionate about fashion design and is often working on new pieces or window-shopping at their favourite fabric shop. Sy also doesn't have the best relationship with Aegis; he was the one who insisted they attend as many classes at the Ampitheatre as possible, though he doesn't expect the same of his other children, and unlike the other three he never takes Sy to the other realms on business. The reason why Sy hasn't told Aegis about being non-binary isn't because they believe he'll be mad - that's not really a thing in Tyrion - but because they already believe that Aegis loves them less than he does their siblings and so they don't want to take big risks on how Aegis might percieve them
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Mullo Cantor, aged nineteen, is a rather cold and standoffish person who is very aware of his status as the only prince of Tyrion. He doesn't appreciate others telling him what to do, even if it's someone more knowledgeable on a subject than he is, which makes him a struggle to deal with at times when he attends lessons at the Ampitheatre. For all the grief he gives, however, his tutor has noticed just how intelligent he really is; Mullo is incredibly studious, though he expects nothing less than instant perfection from himself, and the idea of trial and error is a dangerous concept to him. Mullo largely attends meetings with the Acaron family in Nexus, aka the realm of the dead, when Aegis requests his company. Mullo very much enjoys attending work meetings with Aegis, and has grown very intrigued by Nexus and how it operates, though he doesn't much get along with its crown prince and heir to Corrus Acaron's throne
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byoldervine · 10 months
More character Picrews to share! This time I've got the Celestials of the Four Realms to share - having them all planned out definitely helps me keep track of them in my head
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First off is Aegis Cantor, King of Tyrion and God of Order. Since Byoldervine's passing, Aegis has worked hard to protect the beings of her realm from any realm breaches or other threats they may face, even forming the Guardians to oversee events and step in if necessary
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Next up is Corrus Acaron, King of Nexus and God of Souls. Corrus largely keeps to his own realm, overseeing the safe passing of all living beings and ensuring all souls obey the rules they are bound to, whether that be by contract or law. He's supposed to be more red but I couldn't get it right using Picrew, gutted about it
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Moving on, we have Nordsvark Attolus, worshipped deity of Paracosm and God of Creation. Nordsvark is the original being of the universe and creator of the four realms. He gave life to his fellow Celestials, crafting their physical forms to match their own desires, crafting their realms to match their own desires, aiding them in forging new worlds and creatures and entities
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And last but not least, we have Byoldervine, Overseer of Terran and Goddess of Free Will. When Terran, also known as the human realm, was forged for her by Nordsvark, Byoldervine wanted to learn more about the beings her new world possessed. She saw her fellow Celestials forming empires and ruling over the beings of their lands, but she wanted to see what the beings would do without a leader in charge. Instead of ruling over them, Byoldervine lived among them, aiding their growth without involving herself too much. Over time, she began to retreat entirely, only appearing now and again to experience it as a simple human, until the humans largely forgot her existence beyond fables and folklore that expanded into religions and faith strong enough to shape the world, for better or for worse. Her death was not felt by her people, but it shook the other Celestials to their cores - they never knew a god could die
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byoldervine · 10 months
I've made some Picrews of some of the characters in my Byoldervine story! Granted these aren't the final versions whatsoever, just some basic concept stuff so I know roughly what I'm working with
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First off, we have Persephone Foster, our main character for the story. Pronouns She/They
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Next up we have Persephone's best friend Sy Cantor, pronouns They/Them
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Following Sy, we have their older sister Lazulai Cantor, pronouns She/Her
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Moving on to a much more mysterious character, we have Kennedy, pronouns She/Her
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Here we have Kennedy's close friend and ward, Connor Warden. Pronouns He/Him
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And last but not least, Connor's older sister, Layni Warden. Pronouns She/Her
I'll absolutely be adding more info on the characters later on, but I'll save that for their own individual posts. I'll also be leaving out the heroes and stuff since I have no idea how to make those in Picrew, so characters such as Angelus will have to wait until I can design them myself
In the meantime, please feel free to ask about the characters!
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byoldervine · 1 year
A Change Of Heart - An excerpt from the first draft of Unholy War
My scythe swings down at the Guardian, clashing against their spear. Just as I wanted. With a smirk concealed below my mask, I manoeuvre my scythe to hook the spear and wrench it from their gloved hands, discarding it across the pavement. The Guardian quickly backs up, their allies flocking over to defend them, but the flash of light behind us notifies us all that they’re too late
We turn, watching Angelus as he sends the final harpy back through the realm portal, a final screech escaping it as it returns to its home world. Angelus raises his wings, the white feathers shielding our charge as they go on their way, only lowering when the portal is closed once more
“Shall we wrap things up?” He suggests, golden helmet turning towards me. “We shall,” I return, pulling out a spell tag from my belt
“No, sto-!”
The outrage of the Guardians is cut off with coughing and spluttering when I cast the smokescreen, and Angelus uses his illusions to further conceal us as we make our escape. “Good work today,” he murmurs to me, sparing a slight glance my way. I raise a brow at this, but nod. “Hm. Same to you…”
We tuck ourselves away around a corner while we wait for the Guardians to leave, still invisible thanks to Angelus’ magic. At long last, after combing the area, they make their move, leaving us both sighing in relief. The illusion falls
All is silent for a moment or two as we take a breather from the fight. Then, briefly nodding to Angelus in goodbye, I move to scale the nearest fire escape - that is, until Angelus grabs my wrist. His touch is firm, but oddly gentle
“Can I… talk to you for a minute?”
His words are quiet. Unprovoking. I frown slightly, but slowly nod. “Uh, sure…”
He pulls on my wrist, knocking me off-balance into his chest, where he puts a hand on my shoulder to steady me. My eyes widen in surprise and my mouth opens to ask what the hell he thinks he’s doing, but before I can protest he drapes my arm around his shoulders. His own hand meets my waist, and suddenly our feet are carried off the ground as he beats those powerful wings of his
“Where are you-?”
“Just to the rooftop. Bit more private.”
He flies us up to the roof and lands, setting me down the moment it’s safe to do so, raising his hands in mock defence. I take a step away to put some distance between us
“What did you need to talk about, then?”
Angelus seems to consider for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. His head tilts between me and the view of the city
“… I… I have to apologise. To you.”
I pause. This certainly wasn’t what I was expecting from Angelus of all people. He takes my silence as permission to continue
“Since that fight with the sand wraith, I just… I’ve treated you like crap, I won’t lie. I know that. Before you even knew me, I was already taking credit for your work, and you still came out just to protect me. And… I was just awful to you, wasn’t I?”
“… You were,” I agree, watching him closely. “So what’s changed here? You’ve gone from an insufferable asshole to self-aware in half a day.”
A sigh escapes Angelus at this, his weight shifting from one leg to the other. “… I thought I had reasons. I thought… I thought I knew who you were. And I didn’t want to put the person I thought you were at any risk. So… I thought I’d take the blame for the griffin to protect them.”
I blink. I hadn’t considered this. “… Who did you think I was?” I ask tentatively, but Angelus shakes his head. “Can’t really say. But that’s why I was being such a jerk. I thought… maybe if I acted like that… doing all the things she’d hate… she’d call it quits. Go home angry, but safe.”
He sighs again, sitting down on the edge of the roof. “But you kept coming back. And the more I tried to push you away, the more you stuck around. You’re so… stubborn… just like she can be.”
I sit beside him, waiting for him to continue. Just watching the stars over the city skyline. It all seems so peaceful. So quiet. As if there had never been a harpy in the streets only minutes prior
“… You’re not her.”
He sets a hand on my shoulder, making me look back at him
“You’re not her. I know that now. And… I’m sorry for treating you the way I have. That wasn’t fair to you. I’m supposed to be-… I want to be better than that. It’s more than just an obligation.”
I don’t know how to answer all this. I bite my lip, considering his words. But nothing comes to mind. Nothing appropriate for such sincere candor
“You don’t have to give me an answer,” Angelus assures, adjusting his helmet. “I know I… well. Frankly I don’t deserve much sympathy for the way I’ve treated you. But I hope you know I mean what I say now.”
“I do,” I nod slightly. “I know.”
“I’m glad.”
And just like that, it’s as if there’s nothing more to say. The silence settles into something of comfort, of understanding. And while I can’t say for certain that things are going to change between us… this feels like it could be the start of something better than our usual bickering and antagonising of one another
A feeling of protection from the chilly air surrounds me as Angelus wraps his wing around me, keeping me warm. I look to him, noticing how he’s staring off at the skyline still. Or is his mask simply not betraying the true focus of his eyes?
“You must be cold,” he notes calmly. “What with that costume of yours.”
I can’t help but to chuckle, and for once, I don’t mean it condescendingly. “Are you still on the costume?”
“Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great look for you - but is it practical? Not in the slightest.”
“Says the guy decked out like a tin can~”
“It’s armour,” he corrects. “Functional. Practical. We’re vigilantes, not models.”
“Yeah, well, your armour is shit.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Clunky as all hell,” I tease. “And real subtle, by the way; white and gold? What are you, a dress nobody can agree on the colour of?”
There’s a pause for a moment, followed by a confused; “What?”
“Oh, right; you’re not from here,” I brush it off with a dismissive wave of my hand. “Never mind. Just a thing.”
“… You’re very strange.”
“Yep, that’s what my therapist said.”
“Of course you’d need therapy.”
“I need it after just meeting you.”
“Alright, golden boy, wrap it up.”
Angelus chuckles and removes his wing from me before rising back to his feet. “Still as sensitive as ever, I see~”
“And you’re still just as much of a prick,” I retort, hoping my mask is doing a decent job of hiding my amused smile. “Are you heading off now?”
“I’ll have to be getting home before somebody notices I’m gone,” Angelus confirms. “I’ve used enough bad excuses already.”
“I feel you there,” I nod, sighing. “Gonna get my ass in trouble at this rate. I won’t keep you, then. Have a nice night.”
“You too,” he hums, wings spreading out before he takes off across the night sky. I watch him leave until he’s merely a speck of white amidst the darkness, hardly distinguishable from the surrounding stars
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byoldervine · 1 year
Okay so for the first time in ages I’ve actually buckled down and done a good bit of writing (TWO FIRST DRAFT CHAPTERS COMPLETED I AM ON A ROLL HERE! 🎉) but also damn my chapter-by-chapter plan just reads as so stereotypical and cringe and I have to keep telling myself ‘it’s okay it’s just a plan it’s not supposed to be well-written’ but fuck me it’s like I’m reading tropes off a screen and while that literally is what I’m doing at this stage it’s also just… just why?!
God I hope my chapters don’t read the same way but also I have plenty of time to edit them they’re literally first drafts so they not only don’t have an obligation to be good but they probably shouldn’t be good so it’s fine but also it’s not fine and WHY CAN THINGS NOT JUST BE INSTANTLY PERFECT AND COMPLETE I DON’T WANT TO WRITE THE BOOK I WANT TO HAVE WRITTEN THE BOOK DAMMIT!
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byoldervine · 2 years
Persephone’s Power - A brief exert from my first draft of Unholy War
The thought causes my eyes to wander up to the rooftops, reminiscing on the time after I discovered my power. I got bold, I wanted to run across the rooftops like some kind of superhero. I think I was about ten when I worked up the courage to start trying. Had a good few failed attempts, but it worked eventually. I’m able to run about up there without many worries now, or at least I was the last time I attempted it.
And then of course after some time I started to grow accustomed enough to it to take matters into my own hands. I knew what happened. I knew I’d come back from it. As crazy as it sounds, it never seemed so much of a big deal to me after that. It was just… visiting Nexus the old fashioned way, so to speak.
And as I finally approach my grandparents’ street, I pass the very spot where it happened for the first time. The road isn’t so busy here today, only the occasional car or two passing by. They’re not stopping. There’s no screech of the breaks while the driver panics and swerves just a little too late. There’s no distant scream from my nan as she finally realises I’ve wandered into the road. There’s no moment of frozen terror where I’m just barely registering what’s about to happen, but I can’t do anything to move out of harm’s way.
I was nine years old when that car crash marked my first death.
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byoldervine · 2 years
Elven Lore in the Byoldervine Series
So I’ve made a previous post about sirens in my writing, but now I want to discuss a fantasy race that are pretty much a staple of the genre; elves
Like almost every fantasy race within this series - with the exception of Tyrions (effectively angels) and Nexus Beings (effectively demons and other creatures of the afterlife) - elves are found in the realm of Paracosm, within which they have been native to the Kingdom of Zeilona for centuries. All elves have lengthened lifespans, with the average life expectancy being ~300-350 years, as well as a natural ability to heal plant life. They can’t accelerate growth or revive dead plants, but they can perk up droopy plant life or set small branches back onto trees where they fell from. It’s nothing major and oftentimes not particularly useful for much other than maintaining a garden, though it does attract a lot of woodland beings tied to nature to seek out elves when injured
Elves are technically part of the fae, but their membership is sort of… the best way I can explain it is that elves are to the fae what asexuals are to the LGBTQ+ community, if that makes sense? Nobody can seem to find an agreed upon reason why they wouldn’t be part of the fae, but there is a little frowned-upon discourse about elves not ‘counting’? Honestly I can’t find a better way to word it but hopefully I’ve conveyed the vibe. And just to be clear, nothing against asexuals, I’m aroace myself, this is simply an observation I’ve made concerning certain people in and out of the LGBTQ+ community
So what about the elves themselves? Well, for centuries the elves lived in Zeilona in relative peace, but one day the ruler was overthrown and King Agnos the Usurper took the throne. King Agnos certainly had the form of an elf, but there are rumours that he was another species altogether, though there isn’t a prevalent idea of what said species might be. Agnos introduced dark magic to the elves, granting those who swore allegiance to him the power to manipulate shadows and darkness, ashes, he even trained his few prodigies in necromancy. All this created a divide between the elves; some viewed these new abilities as incredible, but others saw it as undignified and immoral
Those who were against Agnos’ dark magic began to refer to the users derogatorily as Dark Elves, while they themselves adopted the term High Elves. Agnos’ rule was cut short after decades of High Elves resisting and eventually forming a rebellion to assassinate Agnos, leaving the Dark Elves - many of whom had never truly been loyal to Agnos in the first place, simply pledging a false allegiance - without their leader’s protection against the High Elves. This day is known in elven history as the Day of High Treason
They went for Agnos’ prodigies next, slaying the necromancers before they could have any hopes of reviving their fallen king. Only one was able to escape this massacre - Eilonwy - with the aid of her lover Ivy, an earth Elemental. By combining their powers of dark magic and florakinesis, they were able to raise an enormous thicket that formed a barrier between the Dark Elves and the High Elves, protecting the former from the latter. Ivy was lost in the battle not long after this, and in her sheer grief Eilonwy was able to use every last measure of her power to merge Ivy’s soul to the thicket, which remains sentient with Ivy’s soul to this day, protecting the Dark Elves from harm by devouring any High Elf that should get too close
The thicket, which had morphed into a weaving, creeping plant with dark magic pulsing dimly through each tendril and vine, became known as the Tainted Ivy, the High Elves using this in further cruelty but the Dark Elves using it to praise the sacrifice Ivy made and the display of the very magic ‘tainting’ the Dark Elves being used in such a selfless manner, proving their power didn’t make them inherently evil
Eilonwy declared the land encompassed within the Tainted Ivy to be a safe haven for the Dark Elves, a land now known as Blackwood, with Eilonwy becoming the first Queen of Blackwood and the Dark Elves. When Eilonwy passed at the end of her long reign, it is said that the Tainted Ivy grew stronger and larger than ever, claiming even more land, and the Dark Elves believed the souls of the two lovers had been reunited at long last
Queen Eilonwy’s descendants continue to rule Blackwood to this day, the current Queen being Wink of Blackwood. The war between Zeilona and Blackwood has continued with little fruition, though in the last few years Queen Wink’s only heir, Princess Kynne, went missing mere days after a High Elf spy was discovered in the palace and executed, leading the Dark Elves to believe that Princess Kynne was kidnapped by the High Elves, who are denying such an accusation. The heightened tensions have escalated the war stances and resparked the centuries-old rivalries between the elven factions. The formal military-esque warriors of the factions, known as the Drow, are on high alert, awaiting the orders of their respective rulers to launch a full-scale attack on their enemy
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byoldervine · 9 months
Forbidden Characters
So I've got a few characters that were originally planned out for my WIP book Byoldervine, but have either been removed from the story or didn't make the cut in the concept phase. I figured it would be fun to introduce them to you guys as they may appear as background characters later on if needed, and I think it's funny to look back on what these characters could've brought to the story and why it didn't fit the vision
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First off, we have Perianth 'Peri' Attolus, and to be honest she's the one I'm most upset about losing. Back when I was still writing Byoldervine as a duology, Perianth was going to be a main character in 'The Heir and the Cure', in which Perianth was going to team up with Kennedy and Connor to travel Paracosm searching for a cure for the Byoldervine Sickness. If you've read my other post concerning the Celestials, you might've worked out that Perianth was intended to be Nordsvark Attolus' daughter - her motivation would've been to complete her father's work to find a cure. Perianth is very sweet and friendly, but also quite naive due to her sheltered upbringing. Perianth would've been considered a 'powerless goddess', not worthy of taking her father's place as the realm's deity in the event of his death, though it would later have been discovered that she has shapeshifting abilities
The reason I cut her from the story was the realisation that she served very little purpose to the actual plot aside from providing the inciting incident, and I had this realisation when I figured out that I could combine my duology into one book. Her notable traits were also very easily filled by other existing characters; there's an overabundance of godly princesses already, Sy loves fashion and experimenting with their appearance, Connor is very chipper and friendly, Lazulai has a close connection with Nordsvark that can provide the same inciting incident/plot progression Perianth would have, etc. Plus I figured I'd need to do as much as possible with the Cantor siblings as possible to justify so many names to memorise. Ultimately Perianth was pretty expendable to the plot, even if it sucks that she's been cut
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Next up, we have Sadie, who was also originally planned for 'The Heir and the Cure'. Sadie is a selkie who lives on the island of Haffolk in Paracosm, working as a lifeguard to ensure the safety of anyone who may hear a siren singing in the water. Originally Sadie was going to join the main gang after helping them out when they arrived in Haffolk. Sadie is another sweet and friendly person, one who is naturally helpful and curious, though at times she can put the safety of others before her own. Sadie's language is also Mer, which as I've discussed before is largely just a game of humming and singing at a certain pitch and frequency to communicate. Because of this, she struggles to properly communicate with the rest of the gang, but she always does her best despite being largely non-verbal
The reasons why Sadie was cut are pretty much the same as for Perianth; so little plot impact and so many other characters who could take on her notable traits - save for the lanaguage barrier. Sadie wasn't originally created for the story, anyway; she was first created as a Wattpad roleplay character back when I was in my early teens, and I figured it would be good to bring her into the story. I'll likely bring her in as a minor character if I have the current group head to Haffolk, but unless I get to that point Sadie's going back to just being an old roleplay character
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This final character is interesting because she was never actually planned as part of Byoldervine at all; Eleanor Stevens was Persephone's half-sister back in Persephone's concept phase, before Byoldervine was even an idea in my head. I cringe thinking back on all this, but back in lockdown I started writing a fanfic (I'm NOT saying what the fic was from, I never published it thank god) whose main character was Rory Stevens. The plot was something along the lines of a superhero team trying to learn the secrets of a new and much more publicly-respected superhero, trying to form alliances and gain an understanding of their mysterious powers and all that stuff while also navigating further plots from supervillains, cultists, demons and even their own manipulative leader. Eleanor was Rory's beloved half-sister who she tries her best to always look out for, with Eleanor even being the reason Rory became a superhero in the first place. Eleanor was a very shy girl working hard to improve her social skills, though when she was with her older sister or anyone else she was already comfortable with, she would be chatting your ear off and making random or even occasionally inappropriate jokes. She also had quite a strong sense of justice, which could lead to her going feral if someone was giving her or someone she cares about a hard time. She was very fun to write
I eventually realised that "Hey, this fic could actually work as a standalone story if I changed some character names around, nobody would even realise it's supposed to be a fic of X media" and Rory Stevens became Persephone Foster for the book 'Unholy War', which by this point is just going to be 'Byoldervine' since I've combined the two books into one. Unfortunately I couldn't work out a legitimate reason for Eleanor's existence when Alicia can always just text her existing daughter back once in a while if she wanted to be a mum again. I could potentially introduce Eleanor as a step-sister for angst if I feel like it, but I don't think I'll be going down that route unless I get a sudden burst of inspiration down the line
But yeah, these are my characters that didn't make it into Byoldervine and the reasons why. It's actually really cool for me to be able to reflect on these characters and realise just how far this has come, especially since Eleanor shows just how far back the general plot pre-dates even Byoldervine's conception
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byoldervine · 10 months
First Draft Plan
I'm currently working on the first draft of my WIP Byoldervine and I've currently got a plan worked out for getting a fully edited first draft sorted. I know this probably isn't the way most people would view the work but I've decided to split the first draft workload into four separate stages:
1. Plotting
I like to plot as I write so that I can switch up my plans and adapt to new ideas as I go. I'll plot out about five chapters in one go using bullet points for each new thing I want to happen followed by indented bullet points beneath those to get a little more specific with it. I usually leave funny comments behind as well while I'm there so when I'm coming back to the plotting notes as I write I can have a laugh
2. The Initial Draft
I have one rule when it comes to writing my initial draft; no writing tips involved. I don't watch any writing tip videos, I don't look for advice on how to improve, I don't go back to edit or improve anything. This isn't the editing stage, this isn't even the final outcome of the first draft, this is just making this project exist in tangible for. At this stage, you don't have to worry about how it looks or if it's clear or consise or conveys it in just the way you want. You can't edit a blank page, so get it down so you have the ability to edit
Additionally, if I get to a bump in the road and don't know what to write - say I'm trying to work out X clever solution to Y problem, but while my character is clever enough to figure it out, I'm not - I can just put a brief summary of what needs to happen there in brackets, make it stand out with underlines or bold or italics or highlights, and then carry on from after that scenario. This is acceptable in the initial draft phase, because this isn't even a completed first draft. If it can stop me from breaking my writing momentum, I'll take it and come back to it later. I don't have to be smart or clever here, I just need to dump out a bunch of verbal diarrhoea and call it a day
3. The First Edit
So now I've completed my initial draft (I wish) my next step will, of course, be editing. I like to go through first just amending any SPAG mistakes and filling in any blanks I left in my writing, such as finally getting around to working out X solution to Y problem as we mentioned earlier
Once all the minor corrections and blanks are handled, I properly jump into editing, playing around with different word choices, checking character voices and motivations are all consistent, peppering in little moments of foreshadowing here and there, anything I think can improve the quality of what I currently have and tying it into everything else I have. It's so much easier to edit with fresh eyes rather than trying to do it as you go, and it also helps you to identify certain issues in a way you just can't without time out, such as working out which character is speaking in a string of dialogue without tags
4. The Clean Draft
Finally, I can start putting my chapters together into Google Docs. What I'll do is set it up so both screens are displayed simultaneously, then start rewriting everything from the edited draft into Google Docs. This is the point of full-scale change happening if so desired, rather than just playing with what's currently there. I can still use what I've currently got, of course, but having both versions side by side and writing it all up a second time rather than just copy/pasting it over can help me to think how I'd write it differently. It means I'm thinking critically about each word I put down rather than just reading over it and calling it a day. I haven't done this stage yet for any of my personal projects but I did it for school ones a lot and it really helped, so I'm looking forward to seeing just how much better it'll be now I'm really passionate in the material
It's basically like the initial draft but instead of bullet points and general vibes I've actually got a full reference. Working from essentially scratch is a pain, but with the reference already complete, you can breeze right through, even if retyping a gazillion words takes a good while it's much quicker than having to think about every single detail
Additionally, you can now play with formatting and fonts and all that fun stuff once you've got the clean draft done, and you can have a more accurate sense of how many pages you've got. I'm really excited for the clean draft to be ready to start!
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byoldervine · 10 months
The Foster Family
Let's get a look at the concept Picrews I've made for the family of my main character in my WIP book, Byoldervine
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We'll start with the obvious; Persephone Foster, our twenty-year-old protagonist. Persephone is a very active and reckless person who can rarely sit still for long. One thing she really enjoys is parkour, and she's trained herself to the point where she can run along rooftops without much worry. She has very little fear - until you drop her into an unfamiliar social situation. Persephone also has a special interest in Paracosm's creatures, and frequently rereads the bestiary she got from Corrus Acaron himself that details a great many Paracosm species. This special interest was also what lead her to volunteer at the Ampitheatre
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Mary and Arthur Foster are Persephone's grandparents, having raised their only grandchild since she was a baby. They both love Persephone very much, and would do anything for her, though at the same time they don't extend that same love to their own daughter. Mary especially can be slightly passive-aggressive at times, but is also very sweet and caring. Arthur is very enthusiastic about things, and could make the most mundane anecdote into a fascinating epic. While Mary enjoys her knitting and sewing, enjoying watching her creations progress, Arthur is very passionate about tending to his garden
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Alicia Foster is Persephone's mother, and the CEO of a very successful company. When Persephone was born, there was no father around, so Alicia moved back in with her parents to help her raise this child. Mary and Arthur were very disappointed with Alicia for not having anything prepared whatsoever in terms of raising this child, having expected her to at least have the immediate provisions such as a cot or bottles or nappies, but it was as though Alicia wasn't expecting to have to raise a baby at all. Persephone was loved unconditionally since day one, and so tensions could be eased a little in her presence, but it all came to a head when, after many arguments and ultimatums on both sides, Alicia moved away for her career, leaving Persephone in Mary and Arthur's care. Since then, Alicia has been sending money over every month, even when Persephone was no longer living with her grandparents, but she rarely contacts her family due to how busy with work. Alicia regrets not having a stronger connection with her daughter, but believes that the situation is for the best; she trusts that Mary and Arthur can do a much better job of raising her than she ever could, and at least this way she can provide plenty of financial support for the whole family
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As a special bonus, let's also add Ellegaarde to this list. Ellegaarde is a teacher and runs the Ampitheatre, a school in Tyrion that teaches about the history of the realms, along with the beings within them and the magic systems present in different cultures, with glyph magic also being a popular unit that she teaches. Ellegaarde took Persephone in when she was around nine years old, bringing her to Tyrion in order to help her keep her abilities a secret and to help her search for the cause of it in a safe, open-minded environment that wouldn't just write her off as crazy. Ellegaarde is very calm, patient and encouraging, becoming an additional sort of mother figure to Persephone as well as a mentor and boss
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byoldervine · 10 months
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In case you haven't already noticed, I've made a new pfp! This one is based on the glyph magic I've got going on in the book. I'll have to drop all the glyph reference sheets I've made soon, I've got them all stuck up in my room like posters to help me remember them when I'm writing
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byoldervine · 10 months
Just realised something that’s either a bug or a feature but either way I’m finding it hilarious
My five man band currently consists of four queer magical royals of varying races
And then there’s just this one straight white guy
Connor Warden is officially here for the vibes and I adore him
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