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thepinkelephantcafe · 2 years
Fresh Coconut Milk – The pink Elephant
Do you know what Fresh Coconut Milk is? Coconut milk is a rich and white liquid obtained from the grated meat of mature coconuts. Its oil content is mainly saturated fat, and the milk has a strong coconut taste. Coconut milk is widely used in Southeast Asia, Oceania, South Asia and East Africa. But where is it used? This article will provide you with a basic introduction to this coconut product. After reading this article, you will be able to make your own coconut milk recipes and enjoy the delicious, healthy benefits it has to offer.
Purchasing young green coconuts is the best way to get Pure Coconut Milk. This type of coconut contains a lot of water and is easy to crack open with a machete or Buy Coconut Milk. Use the spoon to remove the brown skin. When choosing an older coconut, go for a fresher one; the older ones are tougher to work with. Once you have the coconut meat, grate it using a food processor or box grater.
Whether you drink coconut milk on its own or mix it with other beverages, the benefits of fresh coconut milk cannot be understated. While canned coconut milk is convenient, it will never compare to the taste of freshly pressed milk. To make fresh coconut milk at home, find a mature brown coconut and use common household tools to harvest it. Whether you choose to buy coconut milk in a can or a carton, make sure it contains only coconut and water.
You can use Pure Coconut Milk in Delhi immediately or store it in an airtight container for up to 3 days. While fresh coconut milk keeps well for this amount of time, it will separate after a few days. This is completely normal and the milk will become grainy and runcid if it is refrigerated for more than a week. To avoid this, keep it in the refrigerator. Just remember to shake the container before using it.
Fresh coconut milk is a healthy fat source and a great dairy substitute. It is also inexpensive and easy to prepare at home. And the fruit itself is quite nutritious! Fresh coconut milk is rich in trace minerals such as manganese, copper, selenium, iron, and Vitamin C. It also contains vitamin B6 and folate. It also contains unusually high amounts of medium-chain fatty acids, including caprylic acid, which is found only in human breast milk.
To make your own coconut milk, you need a coconut, water and a food processor. It takes about 10 minutes to make the coconut milk, but the time will depend on how you open the coconut and remove the meat. You can also use coconut water, which has no added sugar, and can be consumed without any ill effects. Make sure to refrigerate your coconut milk before using it. Then you can use it for any recipe.
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Once you have collected the meat from the coconut, prepare a blender. Put the blender to work. Pour the water and coconut meat into the blender, and blend until smooth and creamy. Don't forget to remove the husk. Then, you can use the coconut ice cube trays to store the coconut milk. Once you have the coconut milk, you can store it for later. It's a great addition to smoothies!
Once the milk is ready to drink, shake it well to make sure it's as smooth as possible. If you notice solid chunks of cream, the coconut milk is too thick. Simply pass it through a cheesecloth-lined fine-mesh sieve to reshape it. If the cream isn't too thick, strain it through a second time to make it smooth. Then enjoy your Pure Coconut Milk in Gurgaon!
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While fresh coconut milk tends to hold its flavor well, canned coconut milk contains preservatives that shorten its shelf life. Fresh coconut milk lasts about half as long as canned. After you've made your coconut milk, you can either store it in the refrigerator or use it immediately. You can also freeze the extra. Using coconut milk in recipes is both healthy and delicious. It can even be used to make smoothies and milkshakes!
Creamed coconut is made by dehydrating the fresh meat of a mature coconut. Once dried, it forms a semi-solid white paste. This coconut product can be used directly in recipes that call for fresh coconut. It can replace coconut in chutneys and in cooking. Its creamy white texture adds a rich, creamy flavor to dishes and beverages. It has the same flavour as the fresh coconut. So if you're looking for a dairy-free substitute, try using Fresh Coconut Milk in your recipes!
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healthcareequipment · 3 years
Food and Drinks that Cause Trouble for Oral Health
It is often said that you are what you eat. This is clearly visible in your teeth. Often at times we eat many foods and drink beverages that may cause plaque. This may harm our teeth. Plaque can also result in gum diseases and tooth decay. When we eat food with high sugar content it releases bacteria which releases acids and bother tooth enamel. After this enamel breaks down cavities are formed. 
Cavities are one of the serious which young children of age group 6 to 19 years can face. This is accompanied with problems like pain, problem in chewing and other teeth problem. If teeth are are not properly brush or flossed then this plaque can harden and become tartar. This can further lead to gingivitis and gum disease. 
Food that cause oral health problem:
Listed below are the few eatables that should be avoided to maintain oral health
1. Sour Candies
Candy is not good for the mouth. A sour candy has various acids that are not good for teeth. As these candies are chewable and stick to your teeth and can cause tooth decay. You should avoid giving candies to kids. If the problem of teeth worsens in your child, then contact a pediatric dentist in gurgaon. If you have a sweet tooth and are craving for something sweet then have chocolate instead. It can be chewed easily and wash off. 
2. Bread
Think before you buy bread. While chewing bread, the saliva breaks down all the starch and converts it into sugar. This is further transformed into gummy paste and the break sticks to teeth. This can cause cavities. So bread is also not a good food for your teeth. If you want to have bread then try whole wheat bread as it contains less sugar. 
3. Alcohol
It is a well known fact that alcohol is not good for health. When you drink alcohol your mouth is dried out. A dry mouth has less saliva and saliva is utmost important for healthy teeth. Saliva does not let the food stick to your mouth and it carries away any food particles present. Saliva also helps to solve problems like tooth decay and oral infection. So avoid drinking alcohol as it dries out saliva. Instead drink plenty of water and use fluoride toothpaste.
4. Carbonated Drinks
It is known to everyone that soda or pop is not very good for health. It has been noticed that intake of large amounts of carbonated drinks can worsen your teeth problem. Such drinks create plaque on teeth and produce more acid and result in tooth enamel. Moreover it also dries the mouth and as result less saliva is produced. Also carbonated drinks can stain your teeth. Also remember not to brush your teeth immediately after you have soda. 
5. Ice
We all know ice only contains water. Do you think is it okay to chew rice? No, as chewing a hard substance can hurt your enamel and lead to many dental problems.  Ice can be used to chill the drinks but remember never to chew ice. You can drink chilled water instead without ice. 
6. Citrus fruits
We all love to eat juicy oranges and lemons. They highly taste and drink rich in vitamin c. But they contain acid which can wear away enamel and result in tooth decay. Even if you put lemon juice into your drinks the acid content will be added. This acid can also result in mouth sores. You can have a limited quantity of citrus fruits and drinks and rinse with water thereafter.
So these are some of the foods and drink that are not good for your health. You can avoid having them or eat in a limited quantity.  If you find any dental problem then you can consult the best dental clinic in Gurgaon. 
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dermatologist98873 · 3 years
Dermatologist In Mumbai
Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta is the Leading and best Dermatologist In Mumbai and runs her own Isaac Luxe clinic. She did it after graduating from leather studies at a tertiary institution from Cardiff University.
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Dr. Geetika has been certified in Aesthetic Dermatology by the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine(AAAM).
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As a dermatologist in Gurgaon, She has over 10 years of experience and is active in the fight against aging, cosmetic treatments, hair treatments, and new facial features.
She was nominated as the 'Best Skin Skills of the Year 2019' at the Vogue Beauty Awards. Dr. Geetika is known as Gurgaon's leading dermatologist.
Glow up over the summer
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Eat healthy - You are what you eat. Literally.
Sleep well - I know this is debatable, workaholics and those working late night shifts or overtime never have enough sleep… a good 6 hours sleep is the minimum you should get! Never underestimate the power of **power naps**!
Confidence - You have to feel good from inside to look good on the outside! Confidence is key! If you feel like million bucks, you will look like a million bucks!
Water baby - Hydrate yourself! Drink at least 10 glasses of water everyday! Every time you step out, make sure you’re always carrying your own water bottle! Lemon water, coconut water, natural fruit juices, are other excellent hydration options!
Exercise- Make sure to walk atleast for 1 hour everyday if you’re in the age group of 13–30! Walking is a destresser and extremely healthy for your mind! You can either walk alone listening to music or have a companion! Motivate each other everyday!! Perspiration is a must to have clear skin!
Tomato face pack to exfoliate your skin
You can't ignore the most important tip: Drink 8 glasses of water or more if you exercise. You must exercise for 20 minutes every morning for better results.
Eat cucumber. Rub cucumber on face, neck and hand.
Always apply sunscreen with good SPF (SPF 40) before going out in the sun even if it's a rainy day.
Eat fruits, juices. Don't eat non veg much during summer.
Try cooling masks on your face.
Wear cotton and comfortable outfits.
Scrub your face once or twice a week. You can make one at home using lentils (orange masoor ki dal) and rice take in equal quantity and grind it dry. Make it powder and you can use it by mixing with plain water or rose water.
Apply pure aloe Vera pulp. Don't use the store bought. Buy one aloe plant and take care of it. You can also eat one inch every morning. It will do miracle to your skin. Result will take time. Have patience.
Home Tips To Control Hair fall
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1. Cover up!
Use a scarf or hat to cover your head when you’re out in the sun. Not only does this provide extra UV protection, but it also helps your scalp to retain moisture. A hat reduces damage caused by wind, especially if your hair is prone to tangling, and protects colour-treated hair.
2. Condition always
Rinse with apple cider vinegar diluted in water for a quick natural conditioner. Use some coconut oil or shea butter (careful with this, since it can be heavy) to smooth, de-frizz, and moisturize your locks after washing. The oil will give some shine and, if you have wavy hair, create natural, air-dried curls. Try a natural deep conditioning treatment once a week to get that extra bit of moisture into your hair.
3. No more swimmer’s hair
If you’re a blond who turns green after a dip in the pool, try rinsing out your wet hair with ¼ cup apple cider vinegar and 2 cups water to get rid of discolouration and dullness. It helps to get your hair wet before entering the water because then it won't absorb as much chlorine.
4. Add some sunscreen
There are shampoos that contain UV protection, but most of those are chemical-laden, conventional shampoos that I’d recommend avoiding. One quick way to add some protection is to run your hands lightly through your hair after applying sunscreen to your body.
5. Try a hot oil rinse
Coconut, olive, and avocado oils are good at penetrating the hair shaft. Shampoo hair as usual, then work in oil from ends to roots. Rinse, then condition as usual. Your hair should feel moisturized afterward, but not greasy.
6. Fake that beach look if you haven't been there
One blogger recommends this homemade sea salt spray, made with 1 tsp sea salt and 1 tsp coconut oil, mixed with water in a small spray bottle. Spray and scrunch to get that desirable wavy beach look. The coconut oil will counteract the dryness of the salt.
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grandbazaronline · 3 years
Home Delivery Grocery Gurgaon
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The food storage Grand Bazaar Online home delivery grocery Gurgaon provides you with high-quality ingredients for a balanced family. In Gurgaon, you can purchase hundreds of food online. We supply your homes with newly manufactured and prepared food. Purchase foodstuffs by visiting our home delivery grocery Gurgaon food shop.
 Why should you choose Us?
Bringing satisfaction and well-being to the lives of people by sensitizing people to healthy consumption with pure, basic, and high-quality foods. To be a responsible organization for society and the community.
In 2020 nature hit the reset button and allowed each of us to look introspectively, look after their santé and see what we eat. The new mouthpieces are smoothness, immunity, and safe eating. In the mid-20th century, Ludwig Feuerbach, the Greek philosopher, said that "he is what he feeds." Even before the pandemic, the urban population began to realize that, but people were immediately remedied by the pandemic. People today consume nutritious food, and everyone is more knowledgeable and able to eat whole foods than processed foods. In the future, the emphasis is on online grocery in Gurgaon with seasonal, fresh, and pure food in India.
The new standard in 2020 is to take a break, go back and eat what our ancestors used to eat. The pandemic has led everyone to change their eating behavior, change their lifestyle, and in urban areas, this is clearer. Everyone is compelled by the pandemic to eat and shop differently. All of a sudden, the careless food purchase of visually attractive items has stopped, people buy nutritious food with concentrated shopping lists. Today, the advantages of nutritious foods are clearer than ever for people. People began watching whole grains, millets, jaggery, ghee, local spices, local seeds and dried fruits with new eyes, and other nutritious foods.
Our palates are globalized by Gurgaon grocery delivery, and we try to find a balance between the palate of today and the nutritious food our ancestors consumed. In the kitchen under one roof, we want to provide you with everything you need for nutritious meals. It will be our continuing endeavor to inspire people to consume safe and nutritious foods and to select the best available ingredients. Grand Bazaar online grocery delivery in Gurgaon will sell people ingredients of high quality, fresh, wholesome, and pure food, which are collected locally, as far as possible. We want to make the foods we have forgotten like millets and jaggery known.
 How are we different?
As a corporate principle, we have a "customer first" strategy and encourage our consumers to "choose what you want to eat," not to "go out of stock." We develop groceries to purchase, engage and build long-term relationships with our customers. Grocery is not a single transaction, it takes place more than once a month at least once and more often.
We will do our best to never deceive our consumers by using any of our goods on the "out of stock" label. We will never sell any refined product as a core business manager; we will only provide whole grain flours, whole cereals, militias, free chemical jaggery, unpolishing pulses, and the list goes on. We will never provide any refined goods. When you order, anything we sell will be packed.
We will sell special items such as gluten-free meals, diabetic bread, flour, and much more. Our spices are obtained from the highest quality regions. All the spice powders we sell online grocery delivery in Gurgaon are only new ground if you request, to keep all the aromas and to give them to you fresh. Our selected variety of pickles comes from homemade women. We make sure the best ingredients are used, but the recent is the true recipe of our grandmother.
For more,call us at: 0124-4223776 , 9717349098   &   visit us:  https://grandbazaronline.com/
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farmeruncle-blog · 7 years
FarmerUncle is a Gurgaon based online platform that helps customers to directly buy from the farmers all over India. FarmerUncle has tied up with lots of farmers from all over India and they get you the freshest fruits and organic stuff at your doorstep in Delhi NCR. FarmerUncle is probably the only platform in the country that is solving this huge problem. We just happen to sell organic dry fruits online, wanna buy?
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pooja15-blr-blog · 7 years
Buy dried fruits in gurgaon
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chefcapspices · 6 years
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chefcapspices · 6 years
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