#Buy Surplus Clothing Stock
brandedsurplus · 1 year
100% Orignal Stock Branded Garments Rs.150 Clothes || Summer Collection ...
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
It's Hurricane Season so I'd like to share some advice as a life-long Floridian who's experienced a few things. This is going to be directed primarily to people living in areas at risk of blackouts which could last several days.
Aside from food, water, and gas, some things you'll want to make sure you have are flashlights and batteries. Make sure to refill any medications you might need.
From @dea-certe: Fill up all vehicles and maybe a few gas containers now. Firstly because it will be more expensive in the storm aftermath, but also because it will be harder to find. I went to five different gas stations to find fuel at one point and was kicking myself because I had used so much has keeping the phones charged and keeping the heat going.
Get raincoats in case you need to go outside cause the wind will destroy any umbrellas.. If you can't get one, take a garbage bag and tear a face hole into it and use that.
Also, get bug repellent, especially mosquito repellent. Mosquitos breed around still water and there will be a lot of still water.
And if you have an infant, make sure to stock up on diapers, baby wipes, etc. Even if you don't have an infant, baby wipes can be useful to help keep yourself clean.
You might want to buy some gardening gloves as well to make the post-storm cleanup safer.
SUPER IMPORTANT FOR SANITY AND SANITATION: get caught up on laundry and dishes. No power means no running water. Don't make things worse by not having clean dishes or clean clothes to use. While you're cleaning, change your bed sheets as well. Once you have power, change your sheets again.
Also, download any games, ebooks, shows, etc you can onto any battery-charged electronic devices you have. It will help your sanity when all you can do is wait.
From @metadata-uber-alles: My recommendation re: radio is to make sure you have an actual AM/FM radio, one that can run on batteries. You can probably thrift it if you don't have one already. Most radio stations stream online too, but if the power goes out you'll be rationing your phone battery and may not have internet.
Finally, while you should ideally board up your windows to protect them from debris, make sure at the minimum that all your windows are closed. Wind pressures are going to suck air out of any openings in your home.
Food and Water
First and most important: DO NOT BE A HOARDER!!
Even if your home has no power, that doesn't mean your local grocery store has no power. You can expect some reduced supply due to damaged supply lines and a spike in demand, but you shouldn't be worrying about empty shelves. At worst, have the amount of supplies you might need for 10 days. If you normally go to the grocery store every 2 weeks or longer, just stock up the amount you normally would.
Buy more items that are less likely to spoil and don't need refrigeration. When you have no power, prioritize eating anything which requires refrigeration (milk, cheese, meats) or has a short shelf life (bread).
Demand will be higher in preparation, and supply will be diminished for a bit, but supply issues only become unbearable when people start hoarding.
As for water, you'll need a surplus since you need water for so much. I cannot stress this particular part enough:
You need water to flush your toilet.
If there's somewhere with running water you can go when you need to poop, use that whenever possible, but you need water available at home to refill your toilet's cistern if you don't have that option (either time, distance, etc).
Make sure you have a supply of drinking water. Don't go buying every water bottle you can find (See the bit about hoarding), but you should buy more than you might normally use. Instead, gather water through things like your sink or from a hose into any sealable containers you might have . If you have a bathtub, fill it up just before the hurricane. If you have a pool, that's another source of water. If no debris got in the pool, you can use it for bathing. If you have empty buckets, you can get some additional water during the hurricane by filling them with large rocks or bricks and leaving them out in the open to collect the rain water.
Different water sources will be used for different purposes:
bottled, canned, or other store-bought water: Drinking, cooking, and refrigeration (explained later)
Water in unsealed containers: refill the toilet cistern
Water in a sealed containers: bathing and cleaning (Can also be used for the toilet)
As mentioned with food, supplies at your grocer will be reduced but not necessarily empty. You should be able to buy enough additional drinking water and be able to also use it for cleaning, giving you more water for the toilet. The tip about gathering rain water will only work once. There will likely be no rain for at least a week afterward.
In case you need to evacuate
Keep tabs on whatever emergency alerts are available. Check what your local radio channel is or what sites to check online. Make sure you know how to get to your local shelter, including alternate paths in case a road is inaccessible.
Load your vehicle with anything you might need to bring with you before the storm so you don't have to spend time looking for them and double checking when every minute could count. Pack some pillows, blankets, and extra clothes just in case. Also include anything you cannot risk losing for school or work like laptops.
Without power, your fridge is now just a giant cooler and a ticking bomb to being a biohazard. Fill it up as much as possible. Cold air escapes easily when you open it and heat disperses fastest throw the air. Remember how I said you should buy extra water? A fridge filled with cold water will stay cooler longer. Any liquid will do. Fill your fridge with water bottles, soda cans, beer, fruit juice, whatever. As long as it doesn't spoil at room temperature. Milk can technically help too, but since it spoils you shouldn't keep much of it and should use it quickly.
Additional things like fruits and veggies will also help. What matters is you want to reduce the amount of empty space and fill it with anything which can keep the temperature down. Put a frozen block of iron in for all I care. Just don't have a super empty fridge.
If you have a generator
Good for you. You're not completely without power now. But you need to set priorities on what to use it for. Generators can only supply so much power at a time so you can't just hook everything to it and expect things to work out.
Top priority is the fridge. Twice a day, morning and evening, plug the fridge to the generator and let it run for two hours to cool things down. Don't hook up the fridge when you don't expect to open it (like when everyone is asleep).
Second priority should be charging cell phones, laptops, and anything else like that. Depending on your circumstances, you can charge them at work, from your car, etc so only hook them up when batteries are low.
Third, comfort. I understand this will be stressful, but hooking up your tv and gaming computer isn't the best idea. If you've done what I suggested earlier, you'll at least have something to watch or do without needing to hook it to your generator. Like with the above electronics, you might be able to find other ways to charge them, but only attach them to your generator when you don't need to worry about necessities.
Finally for the love of god, DO NOT HOOK AN AC TO THE GENERATOR!!. Air conditioners draw a lot of power, especially once the room is hot. But your generator can only do so much. The AC will kill your power supply really quickly. Use a fan or the AC in your vehicle if you need to cool down.
Also worth noting, if you have an electric vehicle, that could potentially be used as well. I don't know specifics, but look into that if you own one.
Final notes
This is not comprehensive and I may be wrong about some things.
Please refer to actual expert sources for comprehensive help.
This is just suggestions from someone who has to deal with this every year and has figured out how to deal with the aftermath. Your living conditions may be different so please check how to handle any concerns unique to you.
Stay safe and do not give up hope.
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I think most people have had a "They don't have it in my size." moment with clothing before and knows how disheartening it can be.
For me, it's usually shoes that give me the biggest struggle for a multitude of reasons (sizes available, quality of the product that is in stock, and style), but ya know what almost made me cry in the hardware store today?
Fucking work gloves.
They only had medium to xl sizes for the work gloves I needed, and none of the other gloves would have fit either (I wear small to medium, but the actual mediums do not fit me, because they're sized for medium to large hands, and the small to medium ones are for the smaller side of medium... because sizing is stupid like that.).
And to kind of add to it, they didn't have the tiling I needed, and the next store we went to didn't have the other things I wanted either, so what started as a mild annoyance devolved into me just having a shit time.
I was looking at my dad, because he knew I was not having a good time, because I got so quiet and couldn't even enjoy picking out plants for our garden like I wanted to, and was like, "Look, I need to get something for me, because otherwise this whole trip was a wash, and I need a win."
But even while I was looking at the board games and stuff, because I needed something to boost my mood, and I was like, "I don't even know if I want anything, because I had things I wanted and they didn't have them."
So I'm standing there, looking at puzzles and stuff going, "I just want to go home."
And, ya know what?
I almost did go home with nothing.
But at the same time I kind of knew if I did that, if I didn't get at least something small, I'd probably regret it/be upset about it, and in turn that'd make my dad upset about it, and I had to articulate to my dad in the hardware store prior to this that, "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the situation." because he thought I was upset with him.
Which is a big ol' lesson in taking accountability for your own emotions, because I was aware of why I was angry, and because I told him why I was angry, he was more sympathetic than defensive when I was still upset leaving the store.
In the end, I did buy something for me, and I also paid for my my dad's purchase as well because I was like, "I need to do this."
So, yeah, I, as a grown ass human being, almost had a breakdown over gloves today.
It happens, and there's no real lesson here other than that if you communicate your feelings and find a way to accomplish something, even if it's kind of a silly/arbitrary task it can help at least a little bit more than just stewing in it.
I say, still kind of stewing in it, but mostly because, of all things to have in stock in surplus but not in the size you need it... gloves?
Like, I can't be the only person with little hands doing the work I do.
And if you're wondering why this is a big deal, I need to be able to manipulate/hold things while wearing gloves and would like to not have the finger material bunching up at the tips or slipping off my hands when I'm cleaning duck shit or hammering nails.
Anyway, that's my rant over.
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romancandlemagazine · 2 years
In Praise of Army Surplus Shops
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Army surplus shops are really something. Not only are they rammed full of dope military garb, but they’ve got a certain raw ’n’ raggedy flavour to ‘em which is missing from most places these days. Like the humble car boot sale or the British seaside town, they seemingly operate on their own axis, relatively untouched by the sanitised hand of modern life.
War-time wares are piled up all over the place… old sheepdogs snooze behind the counter… mysterious scents waft throughout… and amongst all this, the clothes look sick and will actually last for longer than five minutes.
Admittedly they can sometimes be a bit of a gamble, but it’s in that roll of the dice that lies the appeal. This isn’t lazily clicking the ‘add to basket’ button on some slick-looking website and then getting the garb delivered into your lap via drone the same afternoon. It’s an effort, and whether or not you even buy anything is besides the point… it’s an experience that you’ve got to earn. The ‘buying things’ aspect is just a small part of it.
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From what I can gather, the blueprint for these fine establishments was first drawn up over the Atlantic after the Civil War. Up until then, most war gear was made in fairly short runs by each separate regiment… but with mass production added to the equation, military schmutter was churned out by the shedload. When the war was over, both sides had plenty of wares to spare, so they set about flogging it as a way to make back a bit of wedge. One of the big bidders was a 14 year old scrap-metal merchant called Francis Bannerman.
Francis sunk his sizeable scrap fortune into buying heavily-discounted surplus gear (guns included), and after a bit of shuffling up the ladder, bought a seven-story super-store in Manhattan to house it all. Aptly-titled ‘Bannerman’s Army & Navy Outfitters’, this shop attracted the attention of everyone from twiddle-tashed gentleman-explorer types to mercenary soldiers fighting in the Spanish Civil War, and at it’s height, needed a full island on the Hudson River, complete with custom-built castle, to store all its stock.
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Bannerman’s eventually dwindled for various reasons (including constant explosions on its ‘surplus island’ caused by rusting artillery), and whilst it slowly faded away throughout the mid-20th century, it set the stage for countless other surplus shops to pop up in seemingly every small town around the globe.
From WW2 up until the Gulf War the constant stream of battle meant there was no short supply of hard-wearing clobber, and the growth of arduous leisure activities like camping, fishing and hiking meant that more people were after tough clothes that didn’t cost a fortune. And perhaps most importantly, unhinged small-town madheads who didn’t make it into the forces could now walk their Alsatian whilst draped in the clothing they dreamed about.
These days there are still a fair few of these wondrous establishments around, and whilst a few of them have been infiltrated by snide ‘military-esque’ gear seemingly designed for moody bouncers and paintball moshers, gems may still by found in the shape of old M-65s, ripstop BDU jackets or those US Army ECWCS Gore-Tex parkas (which cost a fraction of the price of usual GORE-approved garb).
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As well as the yank stuff, also look out for Swedish military work pants, German cold-weather parkas, that wild Swiss Aplenflage gear and another other Euro anomalies (like the seldom-seen Irish ‘Paddyflage’).
Don’t hang about though—in the age of artificial intelligence and cyber warfare, less humanoid cannon-fodder is needed, and because swanky computers and high-flying drones don’t wear ripstop cotton, not as much gear is made in the first place. Obviously it goes without saying that the less people involved in combat the better… but still, this genuine surplus won’t last forever—snaffle it whilst you can and leave the real combat to the robots.
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dbl07 · 6 days
“Liquidation Pallets vs. Wholesale: Which is Better for Reselling?”
Are you considering entering the reselling market but uncertain about whether to pursue liquidation pallets or wholesale merchandise from suppliers like Home Depot, Walmart, or Amazon? Each option presents distinct advantages and challenges, making the decision pivotal for the success of your business. This article provides a comprehensive examination of liquidation pallets and wholesale merchandise, comparing their associated costs, profit potential, and quality. Additionally, it offers essential insights to assist you in determining the most suitable approach for your reselling endeavor. Prepare to make an informed decision as we begin. Key Takeaways: - Liquidation pallets may offer lower upfront costs, but wholesale buying may have a higher potential for profit margins and cost savings. - Consider your target market, pricing strategies, and the variety of products before deciding between liquidation pallets and wholesale merchandise. - Logistics and storage challenges should also be factored in when deciding between liquidation pallets and wholesale for reselling. Overview of Liquidation Pallets Liquidation pallets present a compelling opportunity for resellers, consisting of surplus stock, customer returns, and overstocks primarily sourced from large retailers such as Home Depot, Walmart, and Best Buy. These pallets offer a diverse array of products at significantly reduced prices. The contents of these pallets can range from electronics, home goods, clothing, beauty products, gardening equipment, and power equipment from well-known brands like Milwaukee and Ryobi, catering to various consumer markets. However, navigating the liquidation landscape can present its own set of challenges. Potential risks include the receipt of damaged or defective items, which may adversely impact overall profit margins. It is imperative for resellers to conduct comprehensive market research utilizing tools such as ZIK Analytics to identify lucrative inventory opportunities and evaluate the quality of the merchandise before committing their investments. When approached with due diligence, the potential rewards can be substantial, enabling astute resellers to capitalize on high-demand products while effectively minimizing costs. Overview of Wholesale Merchandise Wholesale merchandise represents a traditional channel through which small businesses can acquire inventory at competitive prices. This approach enables resellers to take advantage of bulk purchasing, enhance inventory management, and maintain predictable retail prices. By utilizing wholesale purchasing strategies, these enterprises can effectively improve their financial performance while ensuring the preservation of product quality. In contrast to liquidation sales, which often involve distressed or unsold goods at unpredictable prices, wholesale purchases offer reliability and consistency—crucial factors for small businesses seeking to establish a reputable brand in a competitive market. Accessing a diverse range of product lines through wholesalers creates opportunities for businesses to meet various customer needs while managing operational costs and shipping costs. In this competitive environment, effective inventory management supported by wholesale relationships not only enhances customer satisfaction but also plays a significant role in fostering sustainable growth. Understanding Liquidation Pallets Liquidation pallets present a compelling opportunity for resellers, involving the acquisition of mixed pallets of items that may consist of damaged products, surplus inventory, or customer returns. This approach offers potential risks and rewards for astute entrepreneurs who are able to navigate the complexities of this market. What are Liquidation Pallets? Liquidation pallets consist of collections of goods sold by retailers, which often include customer returns or unsold inventory. These pallets can be auctioned or sold directly, providing resellers with the opportunity to capitalize on their resale potential. Typically, these pallets encompass a diverse array of items, including electronics, clothing, home goods, furniture, and gardening equipment, thereby presenting a unique opportunity for individuals seeking to enter the resale market at a reduced cost. The acquisition of liquidation pallets is commonly facilitated through auctions and online marketplaces like eBay and Facebook Marketplace, where resellers can bid on lots that contain various merchandise, often with limited knowledge regarding the specific items included. It is crucial to consider factors such as the condition of the products, the reputation of the retailer, the manifest of the pallet, and the overall demand for the goods. A thorough understanding of these elements can significantly impact the potential profitability of the resold items. Where to Find Liquidation Pallets Identifying reliable sources for liquidation pallets is crucial for resellers. Options include specialized liquidation companies such as B-Stock, American Liquidations, and Select Liquidation, which provide access to a diverse range of merchandise at competitive prices, often by the truckloads. These companies act as intermediaries between manufacturers or retailers aiming to liquidate excess inventory and resellers seeking products for resale. For example, B-Stock operates a comprehensive online marketplace where buyers can bid on pallets containing various items, including electronics and home goods. Conversely, American Liquidations offers a more straightforward purchasing process, providing fixed-price pallets that typically include a mixed assortment of products suitable for different retail strategies. Select Liquidation, on the other hand, places a strong emphasis on customer service, assisting buyers in navigating their options and aligning purchases with their specific sourcing strategies. Understanding the distinctions among these liquidation sources can significantly enhance a reseller's capacity to curate an appealing inventory that aligns with market demand. Potential Risks and Rewards of Buying Liquidation Pallets Investing in liquidation pallets can provide substantial rewards, including high profit margins; however, it also entails certain risks, such as the potential acquisition of damaged products and the incurrence of additional overhead costs related to managing unsold inventory and storage space. For those who are prepared to navigate these challenges, the potential for profit can be considerable. Resellers frequently discover lucrative opportunities, particularly when sourcing electronics, tools, or well-known brand-name items that are in high demand. The effectiveness of this strategy largely depends on the ability to manage inventory efficiently, ensuring that stock turns over promptly to minimize holding costs. Buyers must also be ready for the inherent unpredictability of liquidation lots, as not every package will contain valuable merchandise, which can complicate the resell process. Effective pallet flipping can mitigate some of these challenges when executed with savvy selling strategies. Therefore, a meticulous approach to both acquisition and sales strategies is essential, as it can ultimately determine the success of their venture. Understanding Wholesale Merchandise Wholesale merchandise is essential for small businesses engaged in reselling, as it offers access to goods in bulk at discounted rates. This practice facilitates more predictable product conditions and improves inventory management capabilities. What is Wholesale Merchandise? Wholesale merchandise refers to products acquired in bulk at a reduced price per unit, enabling small businesses to achieve substantial cost savings and consistently offer discounted rates while maintaining a stable inventory for resale. By utilizing wholesale options, entrepreneurial ventures can effectively lower their overhead costs and reinvest those savings into various aspects of their operations. This strategy allows smaller retailers to remain competitive in a market largely dominated by larger entities, as it provides the flexibility to offer a diverse range of products without incurring excessive expenses. This is particularly vital in maintaining a competitive edge in the current market landscape. Moreover, the ability to maintain a consistent variety of items enhances customer loyalty and satisfaction, as consumers value access to a broad selection. Consequently, small businesses that leverage wholesale merchandise can more effectively respond to fluctuating market demands, ensuring that they consistently have in-demand products available while keeping customer returns low. Where to Source Wholesale Products Sourcing wholesale products can be achieved through various channels, including online marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon, as well as establishing direct relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. Additionally, platforms like the National Retail Federation can offer valuable insights and connections. Furthermore, entrepreneurs may consider exploring trade shows and local markets, where networking opportunities can foster valuable partnerships. It is crucial to conduct thorough research and carefully vet potential suppliers to ensure they can consistently provide high-quality products. Employing sourcing strategies, such as price comparisons, understanding fulfillment processes, and seeking out reviews, can assist in identifying reliable sources. Additionally, online wholesale directories can serve as valuable resources for discovering trustworthy suppliers, enabling users to make informed decisions that align with their business objectives. Advantages and Disadvantages of Wholesale Buying Wholesale purchasing presents numerous advantages, including cost savings and consistent product quality; however, it also entails certain disadvantages, such as minimum order requirements and potential inventory risks. For small businesses, managing these aspects effectively can lead to significant benefits. A notable benefit of bulk purchasing is that it typically leads to lower unit prices, allowing businesses to improve their profit margins when retailing products. Engaging with reputable suppliers can help maintain high product quality, which in turn fosters customer loyalty. Nonetheless, some businesses may encounter challenges such as overstock, which can lead to cash flow issues. Effectively managing inventory involves careful planning and resource allocation to mitigate the risk of losses stemming from spoilage or obsolescence. Consequently, while wholesale buying can serve as a robust strategy for enhancing profitability, companies must thoughtfully consider these various factors. Comparative Analysis: Liquidation Pallets vs. Wholesale Merchandise A comparative analysis of liquidation pallets and wholesale buying reveals substantial differences in terms of cost, profit margin potential, product quality, and variety. This information equips resellers to make informed decisions regarding their sourcing strategies. Notably, liquidation pallets often come from well-known retail stores like Home Depot, Walmart, and Best Buy, offering a wide variety of products. Cost Comparison When comparing the costs associated with liquidation pallets and wholesale merchandise, it is essential to analyze factors such as shipping costs, retail prices, and the overall value derived from each sourcing method to determine the most advantageous option for resellers. For instance, liquidation pallets often include additional costs like shipping fees and overhead costs, but they can also provide significant discounts on high-demand items like tools and gardening equipment. Understanding these costs is paramount, as they can have a significant impact on profit margins. For example, while purchasing wholesale may provide competitive unit prices, resellers must also consider additional expenses, such as shipping fees, which can increase substantially depending on the supplier's location. Conversely, liquidation pallets may initially seem more affordable; however, potential hidden costs, including the sorting and inspection of items, can rapidly diminish profits. Auction platforms for liquidation pallets can sometimes offer better deals, but buyers should be wary of the associated risks. Evaluating these various financial implications enables sellers to make informed decisions that align with their business objectives, ensuring they select the most effective sourcing strategy. Profit Margin Potential Evaluating profit margin potential is essential for resellers, as both liquidation pallets and wholesale merchandise can offer substantial profit margins. However, the actual figures are highly contingent upon product quality and comprehensive market research. Understanding the nuances of each option is crucial in determining which path may yield greater financial returns. Wholesale products typically provide consistent quality, as they are sourced from established suppliers, resulting in predictable profit margins. In contrast, liquidation pallets may present both opportunities and risks; while they can be acquired at lower prices, the variable quality and condition of the items can significantly affect resale value. Additionally, fluctuating market demand and seasonal trends can further impact profitability. Therefore, resellers must remain informed about these factors to effectively maximize their returns. Quality and Condition of Products The quality of products within liquidation pallets can vary significantly due to factors such as customer returns and the handling of goods, whereas wholesale merchandise typically offers a more consistent product condition. Leading brands such as Milwaukee and Ryobi are often found in liquidation pallets, attracting resellers interested in high-quality tools and power equipment. This inconsistency presents unique challenges for resellers, who may encounter a range of product conditions, from brand-new items to those that are damaged or even unsellable. While wholesale purchases are generally subjected to quality assurance vetting, liquidation pallets often contain items that were returned for various reasons, introducing an element of unpredictability. Companies like B-Stock, American Liquidations, and Select Liquidation offer a wide variety of products, but it's crucial for resellers to understand the resale potential and product condition thoroughly. Such variability can complicate the management of customer expectations and potential return rates, as engaging with liquidation inventory may require additional effort or resources for refurbishment or effective resale. Consequently, a meticulous assessment of risk and return policies is essential for resellers aiming to uphold customer satisfaction. Learn more about Liquidation Pallets vs. Wholesale: Which is Better for Reselling? Availability and Variety The availability and variety of products are critical factors to consider, as liquidation pallets often encompass a broad spectrum of items that may include unexpected finds, while wholesale typically provides a more limited yet reliable selection. Liquidation companies frequently offer mixed pallets or truckloads of goods, presenting opportunities for higher profit margins. For resellers, this contrast presents both exciting opportunities and inherent risks. Liquidation pallets can serve as a treasure trove, featuring a diverse array of products ranging from electronics to home goods, which may yield higher profit margins. However, the unpredictability of quality and condition within these pallets can present challenges. Conversely, wholesale offers a more stable inventory, ensuring that resellers have access to dependable items that are frequently in demand. Ultimately, the decision between these two sources depends on a reseller's tolerance for risk in comparison to their preference for consistency in product offerings. Time and Effort Required for Sourcing The time and effort required for sourcing can vary significantly between liquidation pallets and wholesale products, with liquidation often necessitating greater diligence due to fluctuating inventory levels and sourcing challenges. Tools like ZIK Analytics can assist resellers in conducting market research and identifying valuable items for resale on platforms such as eBay and Amazon. Resellers should recognize that while liquidation pallets can provide substantial savings and unique items, they frequently carry the unpredictability associated with quality and condition. In contrast, wholesale sourcing generally offers a more consistent product selection, facilitating more accurate projections of potential profits. However, this approach may sometimes entail higher upfront costs. It is essential for resellers to evaluate which sourcing method aligns more effectively with their business strategy, as each method presents distinct implications for inventory management and cash flow. Ultimately, successful sourcing strategies depend on an informed understanding of these differences and a thoughtful decision regarding where to allocate time and resources. Key Considerations for Resellers For resellers, it is essential to comprehend key considerations, including target markets, pricing strategies, and logistics, in order to develop a successful and sustainable business model within the competitive liquidation and wholesale markets. Online marketplaces such as Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and Amazon provide platforms for effective resale, but understanding shipping costs and fulfillment logistics is crucial for maintaining profit margins. Understanding Your Target Market Understanding the target market is essential for resellers, as it informs the selection of merchandise, pricing strategies, and customer service approaches that ultimately drive sales and profitability in a competitive landscape. The National Retail Federation offers valuable insights into market trends and customer behaviors, aiding resellers in tailoring their selling strategies effectively. This foundational knowledge enables resellers to customize their offerings to meet customer preferences, thereby enhancing the overall shopping experience. By analyzing demographics, purchasing behaviors, and market trends, resellers can strategically curate products that resonate with their audience. Such insights can significantly influence brand positioning, promotional strategies, and communication methods. As a result, when resellers effectively recognize and adapt to the unique needs of their target consumers, they establish a pathway for successful merchandising initiatives and foster increased customer loyalty. Pricing Strategies for Resale Effective pricing strategies for resale are essential for maximizing profit margins, whether sourcing from liquidation pallets or wholesale, and necessitate a comprehensive understanding of product value and market trends. Pallet flipping, a popular practice, involves buying pallets at a discount and reselling items individually to achieve higher profit margins. This understanding is often shaped by the cost of goods sold and prevailing market conditions, which encompass consumer demand and competitor pricing. Resellers may consider various methods, such as cost-plus pricing, which involves calculating the total cost of acquiring products and adding a desired profit margin. Alternatively, dynamic pricing can serve as a compelling strategy, allowing for price adjustments based on competitor actions and market fluctuations. Equally significant is value-based pricing, which entails setting prices based on the perceived value to the customer. Read the full article
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vendorsoutlet · 3 months
Retail Liquidation in Arizona: Opportunities and Strategies
Retail liquidation in Arizona is a rapidly growing industry, offering unique opportunities for both businesses and consumers. As the market evolves, understanding the intricacies of liquidation can provide significant advantages. Whether you are a retailer looking to clear excess inventory or a bargain hunter in search of great deals, Arizona's Retail Liquidation Arizona landscape holds immense potential.
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Understanding Retail Liquidation
Retail liquidation involves selling off merchandise at reduced prices, often because the retailer needs to clear out excess stock, close stores, or manage financial difficulties. In Arizona, this process has become increasingly prevalent due to various economic factors and the dynamic nature of retail trends. Liquidation can occur through several channels, including online auctions, warehouse sales, and liquidation companies that specialize in buying and reselling surplus goods.
Opportunities for Retailers
For retailers, liquidation provides a vital tool for maintaining cash flow and reducing storage costs. When businesses face overstock situations or seasonal inventory changes, liquidation becomes a practical solution to move products quickly. By partnering with liquidation companies, Arizona retailers can efficiently offload surplus merchandise, freeing up valuable space and capital. This approach is especially beneficial for small and mid-sized businesses that may lack the resources to manage large inventories effectively.
Moreover, retail liquidation helps retailers avoid the pitfalls of discounting, which can erode brand value. Instead of slashing prices within their own stores, retailers can sell to liquidators, who then handle the markdowns. This strategy preserves the brand's image while still achieving the goal of inventory reduction.
Benefits for Consumers
For consumers, retail liquidation in Arizona is synonymous with savings. Liquidation sales offer access to a wide variety of products at significantly reduced prices. From electronics and home goods to clothing and toys, shoppers can find excellent deals that might not be available through traditional retail channels. The diversity of goods available through liquidation ensures that there is something for everyone, catering to a broad spectrum of needs and preferences.
Additionally, with the rise of online liquidation platforms, consumers can conveniently browse and purchase liquidation items from the comfort of their homes. Websites and apps dedicated to liquidation sales have made it easier than ever for bargain hunters to score incredible deals without the hassle of visiting multiple physical stores.
Strategies for Success
To maximize the benefits of retail liquidation, both retailers and consumers should employ strategic approaches. Retailers should carefully select reputable liquidation partners with a proven track record of effective inventory management and sales. Establishing clear terms and expectations ensures that the liquidation process is smooth and mutually beneficial.
For consumers, staying informed about upcoming liquidation sales and understanding the nature of the goods being sold is crucial. Researching the reputation of liquidation companies and reading reviews can help identify reliable sources of quality merchandise. Additionally, being aware of return policies and warranty information can safeguard against potential disappointments.
The Future of Retail Liquidation in Arizona
The future of Retail Liquidation Sales Arizona looks promising, driven by continued innovation and adaptation within the industry. As e-commerce and digital marketplaces evolve, the accessibility and efficiency of liquidation sales are likely to improve further. For retailers, this means more streamlined processes and better opportunities to recoup investments. For consumers, it translates to more savings and a broader array of products to choose from.
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jworthingtonreview · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to Tactical Gear and Firearms Accessories in Vegas
Vegas, known for its vibrant nightlife and world-class entertainment, has more to offer than just neon lights and slot machines. It's a haven for those who are passionate about tactical gear, firearms, and the great outdoors. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an outdoor enthusiast, there's an array of places in Vegas where you can find the perfect tactical equipment for your adventure. From top-of-the-line firearms to cutting-edge accessories, this guide will take you through the must-visit spots in Vegas for your tactical needs.
Navigating the Terrain of Vegas Tactical Gear Stores
When you're on the hunt for tactical gear, Vegas has no shortage of options. Each store caters to different needs and preferences, and some are worth a special visit for their iconic selections. Here's a look at a few standout stores you shouldn't miss.
Vegas' Premier Tactical Outfitters
The essence of tactical gear transcends mere functionality; it's about the careful selection of high-quality products that give you an edge. Visit premier tactical outfitters such as Desert Fox Sales and New Frontier Armory for a wide selection of firearms, ammunition, and personal protection gears. Their experienced staff can guide you through their inventory, ensuring you walk out not just with a purchase but with knowledge.
Surplus Stores and Their Hidden Treasures
Surplus stores, like All American Military Surplus, are a goldmine of accessories and gear that tactical enthusiasts treasure. These stores often have unique items that are hard to find elsewhere, ranging from vintage collectibles to affordable, practical tools. They're great for those looking for a wide range of clothing, backpacks, and outdoor gear at reasonable prices.
Must-Have Firearms Accessories for Your Vegas Trip
Firearms are a passion for many, and in Vegas, you can find a variety of accessories to enhance your shooting experience. These accessories not only improve your accuracy and comfort but can also add a touch of personalization to your gear.
Optics for Precision and Focus
In the world of shooting, precision is everything, and a good optic can make a world of difference. Whether you're looking for a long-range scope or a reflex sight for quick target acquisition, stores like Guns and Ammo Garage offer a broad range of options. Try before you buy at their indoor shooting range and get a feel for how your new optic might improve your performance.
Customizable Stocks and Grips
Your firearm can be an extension of your body, and the right stock and grip are critical for comfort and control. Visit G.I. USA to explore their selection of customizable stocks and grips. With different materials, textures, and designs, you can find something to suit your shooting style and aesthetic preferences.
Gear Up for Outdoor Adventures in Vegas
Vegas' strategic location near some of the most beautiful and challenging terrains calls for a mastery in tactical gear. Whether you're planning a hike through Red Rock Canyon or a backcountry hunting expedition, the right gear can make all the difference.
Apparel That Blends Form with Function
Selecting the right tactical clothing is essential for any outdoor adventure. Stores like Tactical West Vegas offer a wide array of versatile clothing that can keep you comfortable in any weather condition while providing storage for your essentials.
Surviving and Thriving with Camping Essentials
A well-stocked camping kit is your lifeline in the wilderness. Stores such as The Gun Store and Bass Pro Shops provide an extensive collection of camping essentials, from multi-tools and fire starters to first aid kits. Make sure you're prepared with top-tier gear before setting off on your Vegas outdoor escapade.
Vegas' tactical gear stores are a testament to the city's commitment to catering to various enthusiast groups. From specialized firearm accessories to durable camping gear, the options available ensure you can gear up for any adventure. Remember to research and understand local regulations before purchasing any tactical equipment, and always prioritize safety above all. Whether it's for leisure or professional use, the gear you choose can shape your experience, making every trip to Vegas truly unforgettable.
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brandedsurplus · 11 months
Bulk Buy: Men's Sweatshirts at Unbeatable Prices | ValueShoppe
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Buy Branded Surplus from ValueShoppe for your store with original bill at very cheapest rate in the market. ValueShoppe is the topmost branded supplier in India from here you can buy everything of top brands.
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webuyanystock2 · 10 months
Unveiling the Hidden Buyers of Overstock Inventory
Retailers and Resellers:
Among the primary buyers of overstock inventory are other retailers and resellers. These businesses seek opportunities to acquire surplus goods at discounted prices, allowing them to sell products at a profit. By purchasing overstock items, retailers can diversify their product offerings and attract a broader customer base. Resellers, on the other hand, may operate on online platforms, auction sites, or through their own e-commerce channels, capitalizing on the gap between the original retail price and the discounted overstock price.
Liquidation companies specialize in purchasing large quantities of Who Buy Overstock Inventory from manufacturers, retailers, or wholesalers. These companies often acquire goods at deeply discounted prices and then sell them in bulk to various buyers, such as discount stores, flea market vendors, or even international buyers. Liquidators play a crucial role in helping businesses quickly recover capital from excess inventory, providing a win-win solution for both sellers and buyers.
Online Marketplaces:
The rise of online marketplaces has created a new avenue for buyers seeking overstock inventory. E-commerce giants and specialized platforms connect sellers looking to offload excess stock with a diverse range of buyers. Small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individual consumers, can browse through these platforms to find discounted overstock items, ranging from electronics and clothing to home goods and more.
Surprisingly, manufacturers themselves may choose to buy overstock inventory, especially when dealing with components or raw materials. By purchasing surplus stock, manufacturers can secure essential inputs at lower costs, ensuring a stable supply chain and reducing production expenses. This strategic move allows manufacturers to maintain competitiveness in the market and adapt to fluctuations in demand.
Non-Profit Organizations:
Another segment of buyers in the Who Buy Clearance Stock Online includes non-profit organizations. These entities often acquire surplus goods for charitable purposes, distributing them to communities in need or selling them at a reduced price to generate funds for their initiatives. By participating in the overstock market, non-profits can stretch their budgets and make a positive impact on society.
Global trade has facilitated the involvement of international buyers in the overstock inventory market. Exporters seek surplus goods in one region and export them to markets where there is demand. This not only helps in redistributing excess inventory but also contributes to economic sustainability by minimizing waste and promoting cross-border commerce.
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ameliataylor-beken · 2 years
FAS3002 Lifestyle
Module Launch
The learning outcomes for this module are a group presentation showcasing a brand that we've developed, as well an individual blog, exploring the process of creating our brand and relating to our chosen degree pathway.
For our first lecture we looked at the different elements that make up a brand, which are vision and purpose, identity, customer, price, product, place, promotion and packaging. Patagonia is an example of of brand with a strong vision and purpose, as it was created by someone with first hand experience as a climber who felt there was a gap in the market for clothing/equipment that's design was minimalistic, practical and sustainable. Another brand that I researched and feel has a strong vision and purpose is 'Rubies in the Rubble', an environmentally friendly food brand that makes condiments from surplus ingredients that would otherwise go to waste. This brand was also created by an individual, whose personal experience growing up on a farm and learning about the environmental and human impact of food waste, lead her to create a brand which targeted a specific issue and has now become one of the pioneers in food sustainability.
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Brand identity ties into vision and purpose and is important to consider, as elements such as the brand name, colour palette and typography are what makes a brand identifiable to a customer. Brands often use a 'toolkit', which sets out the rules and guidelines of their visual identity to make sure that elements like font size, logo and colour are used in a consistent way across all medias.
Understanding your brand's customer and valuing their ideals and expectations allows you to create brand loyalty. An example of a brand who places their customer at the heart of what they do is TELFAR, a New York based brand selling unisex clothing and accessories. The company have always used customer photos/videos as a marketing strategy and have recently come up with another unique way to interact with their customer. They have created their own TELFAR TV channel, where customers have the opportunity to upload their own videos featuring TELFAR products, as well as gain access to the exclusive 'duffel bag', by scanning a QR code that appears at random times on the channel.
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When deciding on pricing for a brand, you have to take into account economic factors, value perception and price psychology. It is also important to consider whether you are selling Direct to Customer (DTC) or through wholesale, as this will greatly impact your profit margins. Although DTC may initially seem like a good idea due to a greater profit margin, selling through wholesale can make a brand seem more reputable and bring in new customers. Recent surveys also show that the cost of digital marketing has greatly increased and as a result many DTC fashion stocks have underperformed.
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When deciding on a product for a brand you should always refer back to your vision and purpose and customer, considering relevancy and desirability. The way in which you source a product is either by designing and manufacturing it yourself, or by buying and selling an already existent product. Products will usually be categorised as seasonal or continual.
We then looked at place, discussing online brand presence in comparison to a physical store. Whilst a webstore has the potential for a wider reach to customers, there still has to be a way in which customers are initially drawn to the site, which is something that a physical store doesn't have to consider in the same way, due to there always being a certain amount of footfall. The popularity of companies like ASOS and Amazon also means that there is a much higher expectation for services like free next day delivery, which is unrealistic for small businesses starting out. Another benefit of having a physical store is that after the pandemic there has been an increase in 'digital burnout' and a consumer desire for a 'third space' away from the workplace and home.
I think Lush is a great example of a unique physical store that can act as a 'third space' for a customer. The layout of the stores is similar to that of a marketplace or deli, creating an environment in which a customer can smell, touch and pick up products as they make their way round the store. Another way in which Lush encourages an interactive customer experience is with demonstrations in large sinks around the store, allowing staff to show off the product and converse with customers. Lush also offers the unique experience of an instore spa (currently in 8 UK stores) where you can receive a variety of treatments showcasing Lush products. I think this effectively demonstrates how a physical store can provide a unique experience for a customer whilst promoting brand identity and increasing product revenue.
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When looking at brand promotion you have to take into account PR, events, marketing and digital marketing. We discussed how nowadays social media is oversaturated with brands who are vying for customer attention, and that users are increasingly wary of sponsored content or ads on their feed. Therefore, whilst social media remains an important tool for brand promotion, it is now also important to consider other ways for your brand to gain customer attention.
The final thing we discussed was packaging, looking at how different packaging can change a customer's perception of value, as well as the environmental and manufacturing elements that are important to consider. We looked at examples of luxury packaging, and how high end brands place greater emphasis on their packaging, aiming for consistency across their products and a clear colour palette. An example of this is Tiffany & Co, whose packaging is instantly recognisable with it's iconic blue colour, which has been trademarked and is now recognised worldwide as 'tiffany blue'.
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dbl07 · 3 months
The World Of Used Merchandise Lots A Buyers Guide
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The World Of Used Merchandise Lots A Buyers Guide Are you looking to score amazing deals on used merchandise lots? Look no further than Direct Discounts! In our comprehensive buyer's guide, we will take you through the exciting world of liquidation sales. From finding the best deals to avoiding common pitfalls, we've got you covered. Get ready to uncover hidden treasures and save big on your next shopping spree. Let's dive in! Key Takeaways: - Know your source: When purchasing used merchandise lots, it is important to research and understand the source of the products. This will help ensure the quality and authenticity of the items you are buying. - Inspect before you buy: Before making a purchase, make sure to thoroughly inspect the merchandise lot for any damages, missing pieces, or other issues. This will help avoid any surprises or disappointment when you receive the products. - Buy from reputable sellers: To ensure a successful purchase and a positive experience, it is important to buy from reputable sellers who have a good track record and positive reviews. This will help ensure that you receive high-quality items and good customer service. Overview of Liquidation Business Liquidation business involves the sale of pallets of products, often returned or excess inventory, to retailers, customers, and businesses through auctions, both online and offline. These products and merchandise are offered at discounted prices to clear inventory quickly and efficiently. Retailers in the liquidation business typically source these pallets of products from manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers looking to offload excess stock. Once acquired, they organize auctions either physically at their premises or through online platforms to reach a wider array of potential buyers. Auctions play a crucial role in attracting customers, as they offer the thrill of bidding for sought-after items at reduced prices. Target customers for these liquidated products vary, ranging from bargain-hunting individual consumers to small business owners looking for cost-effective inventory. By leveraging online marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, or specialized platforms, liquidation businesses tap into a global audience seeking discounted merchandise. Types of Liquidation Products Liquidation products can vary from electronics to branded clothing, furniture, appliances, and home & garden items. Retailers often opt for buying liquidation returns to resell these products at competitive prices. Among the most appealing products in liquidation sales are electronics, known for their high demand due to constant technological advancements. Brand name items also hold a special allure for buyers, as they offer a mix of quality and brand recognition. With popular categories like furniture and appliances, customers can find diverse choices, ranging from budget-friendly options to high-end pieces. The resale value of these liquidation items often attracts both individuals and businesses seeking profitable deals. Online Auction Platforms for Liquidation Retailers often turn to online auction platforms such as B-Stock and Amazon to participate in liquidation auctions. These platforms offer a wide range of liquidation inventory, allowing retailers to access products from different brands and categories. By leveraging these online auction platforms, retailers can efficiently manage excess inventory, obsolete stock, or customer returns, transforming underperforming assets into liquid capital. The competitive bidding environment on platforms like B-Stock and Amazon ensures fair market values for products, benefiting retailers by maximizing returns on surplus goods. The digital nature of these platforms simplifies the liquidation process, offering convenience, transparency, and a broader reach to potential buyers worldwide. Direct Discounts in Liquidation Business Direct Discounts plays a crucial role in the liquidation business, providing retailers with access to discounted products for resale. The business model focuses on offering competitive prices and efficient inventory management solutions to retailers. By partnering with various liquidation companies, retailers can acquire excess or overstock merchandise at reduced rates, helping them increase profit margins and drive sales. Through strategic pricing strategies and close collaboration with manufacturers and distributors, Direct Discounts ensures that retailers receive high-quality products at affordable prices, fostering long-term partnerships and customer loyalty. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What exactly are used merchandise lots? Used merchandise lots are large quantities of pre-owned items that are sold together in a single package. These lots can contain a variety of products, such as electronics, clothing, furniture, and more. 2. Why should I consider buying used merchandise lots? Buying used merchandise lots can be a great way to save money and get a variety of items at once. It's also a popular option for resellers who are looking for inventory to sell in their businesses. 3. What should I look for when purchasing used merchandise lots? When buying used merchandise lots, it's important to carefully inspect the items to ensure they are in good condition. You should also research the lot's contents and the reputation of the seller to ensure you are getting a good deal. 4. Are there any risks involved in buying used merchandise lots? Like with any purchase, there are some risks involved in buying used merchandise lots. You may receive items that are damaged or not as described. It's important to buy from reputable sources and be prepared for the possibility of some items not meeting your expectations. 5. Can I make a profit from buying and reselling used merchandise lots? Yes, many people make a profit from buying and reselling used merchandise lots. However, it's important to do your research and have a solid understanding of the market and the items you are purchasing. 6. Where can I find reliable sources for used merchandise lots? There are many places to find used merchandise lots, including online marketplaces, wholesale liquidators, and auctions. It's important to research and compare different sources to find the best deals and reputable sellers. Direct Discounts is a reliable source for liquidation merchandise. Read the full article
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vendorsoutlet · 4 months
Finding the Best Liquidation Pallets for Sale in Arizona
For entrepreneurs and small business owners, purchasing liquidation pallets is a strategic way to stock up on inventory at a fraction of the retail price. Arizona, with its growing market and strategic location, offers a variety of options for those interested in Liquidation Pallets for Sale in Arizona. Whether you're a seasoned reseller or a newcomer to the world of liquidation, understanding where to find these deals and what to look for can make a significant difference in your profit margins.
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What Are Liquidation Pallets?
Liquidation pallets consist of surplus, returned, or overstock items from retailers. These goods are sold off at a discount to clear out space or recover costs from returned items. Pallets can include anything from electronics and home goods to clothing and toys. For businesses, this represents an opportunity to acquire products at lower costs, which can then be resold for a profit.
Benefits of Buying Liquidation Pallets
Cost Savings: The primary benefit is the cost savings. Buying items in bulk at a lower price can significantly increase your profit margins.
Variety of Products: Liquidation pallets often come with a mix of items. This variety can help diversify your product offerings, appealing to a broader range of customers.
Eco-Friendly: Purchasing liquidation items helps reduce waste by giving returned or surplus products a second life.
Where to Find Liquidation Pallets in Arizona
Several companies and online platforms specialize in liquidation pallets. Here are some reputable sources in Arizona:
Local Liquidation Warehouses: Arizona is home to several local warehouses that offer liquidation pallets. Companies like Bargain Junction and Arizona Liquidators provide a variety of pallets, often sourced from major retailers.
Online Marketplaces: Websites such as Liquidation.com, B-Stock, and Direct Liquidation allow you to purchase pallets directly online. These platforms often provide detailed manifests of the pallet contents, helping you make informed decisions.
Retailer Auctions: Some retailers, like Walmart and Amazon, have dedicated auction sites where they sell liquidation pallets. These can be a great way to get quality items at competitive prices.
Tips for Buying Liquidation Pallets
Research the Seller: Ensure you’re buying from a reputable source. Check reviews and ratings to avoid scams or low-quality products.
Understand the Condition: Liquidation items can vary in condition. Some might be brand new, while others could be returns or damaged goods. Always read the manifest and understand the terms.
Consider Shipping Costs: Pallets are bulky and can be expensive to ship. If you’re buying from an out-of-state supplier, factor in these costs to determine if it’s still a good deal.
Start Small: If you’re new to Liquidation Warehouse in Arizona, start with a smaller purchase. This allows you to gauge the quality and understand the process without a significant investment.
Network with Other Resellers: Joining local reselling groups or forums can provide valuable insights and tips. Networking with other resellers in Arizona can help you find the best deals and avoid potential pitfalls.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Communist Farmers Turn Capitalistic,” North Bay Nugget. May 4, 1932. Page 6. ---- America's "Pure" Communistic Colony Abandons 90-Year-Old Farm Scheme ==== YOUNGSTERS REVOLT --- Ban Against Love-Making Sect Lifted Under the New Order --- Amana, Iowa, May 4 - After existing for 90 years on a basis a of “share and share alike" for its members, America's oldest and most successful experiment in "pure" communism has decided that its plan is a failure and is getting ready to change to the way of capitalism.
Already the vote has been taken and within the near future the 26,000 acre Amana Society colony here, owned by 1200 members of a German religious sect, will be converted into a co-operative stock company, chartered under the laws of Delaware. 
Going thoroughly modern, it has hired a Cedar Rapid efficiency expert to direct its affairs.
For nearly a century, the members have pooled their holdings and their labor, and shared equally in the returns. Crops have gone to common granaries, the surplus sold and the affair of the colony administered by a board of trustees who saw to it that each member received food, clothing, shelter, and an education. No member drew any money. there was no use for it. 
Under the new plan expected, to become effective June 15, individuals will be issued stock in the $2,000,000 company and will receive wages for their work. They will also be allowed to buy or rent their own homes from the corporation.
Lacks Zeal of Founders Communism has failed the bearded leaders of the Amana colony explain because the present generation does not have the zeal for common ownership that inspired the founders. 
Confident of getting n good living under the “share and share alike" plan, many of the younger members nave not worked so hurt .As a result, profits have declined and in recent years, the colony trustees have been having a hard time trying to make ends meet. 
Modernism also enter into the change. The younger generation is tired of living in an atmosphere of 200 years ago, under customs like those that existed when the sect was founded In Germany in 1714. They want automobiles, movies, electric lights, radios, and other modern things that the ancient laws of the colony brand as “sinful." 
Ambitious ones among the young members also want a chance to get ahead in the world. They are tired of teeing individual industry and initiative stifled under a system that offered no more than the bare necessities of life. 
Already, the change has begun. The community kitchens in the seven villages of the colony, where the women took turns at cooking the food, have been abandoned. Members now dine in their homes instead of in the community dining halls, where the men sat on one side of the room and the women on the other.
The ancient bells in the meeting house, which summoned three generations of colonists to their work in the community field every day, except Sunday, are silent now for the first time in 90 years. They are now planting individual gardens.
Customs To Follow It is hard to tell now how many changes in social custom will follow the changes in economic methods at Amana colony, but these doubtless swill be equally revolutionary. 
For one thing, the young people of the community are said to be very much dissatisfied with the present system of marriages in which all engagements must be approved by a vote of the trustees. After the engagement is approved, the girl and the boy must live in separate villages for one year prior to the ceremony and conduct no courtship of any kind. 
The girls, too, object to the ancient rules of the colony, which requires them to wear the plainest of dresses and wear their hair in braids. Some, bolder than the rest have already bobbed their hair and modernised their attire, despite the protests of the gray-bearded elders that such things are “sinful.” 
The Amana colony traces its origin to a religious organisation founded In Germany in 1714. It added communism to its program when the group established itself in this country in 1842 on a 5000-acre tract near Buffalo, N.Y. In 1854 they sold their lands at a profit and moved to Iowa.
MOST Successful It is not only the oldest experiment in "pure” communism in the United States but has been the most successful. For many years, it prospered while similar colonies promoted by other religious sects tried it and failed. It continued to prosper until a few years ago when the third generation began to lose interest in the religious fervor that had inspired their forefathers in founding it.
Under the rules of the colony, all property was held in common and the proceeds administered by the trustees. The latter selected youths for doctors, dentists, and teachers, and lent them to college at the colony's expense, but upon graduation, they were required to return and serve the community. 
Families lived In community-owned houses each person over 16 being entitled to a private room. Meals were cooked in community kitchens, serving in community dining halls. Furniture and clothing was supplied by community-owned factories, as were blankets manufactured by the Amana colonists in their blanket factory. These blankets also have found a ready sale on the open market and added greatly to the colony’s income. 
Everything else that the colonists needed In their dally lives was bought for them by the trustees out of the general fund.
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helenaulintz · 2 years
Nobody Would Believe It by Romy Erikson
This was a short story of a cyborg who fell in love with a man who denied her ever-lasting happiness. For he feared the human-machine technology. It happened in New York many years ago. The end. Why should this tale continue? The cyborg could realize the potential of any outcome. The important thing was to relive it, admire it, then archive it. Sadly so. Someday stop to continuously recreate the only reality that made her feel a deeper meaning for things. New York was inundated by artificial and natural light reflecting colorfully from walls replete with artistic goals. The city was a jungle of ambitious people wanting to conquer themselves: self-absorbed, self-abused, self-made humans from every corner in the world. But nobody was like Iona.
Iona was thin and tall. She was quiet. Her hair was long, black, straight. She was only twenty years old then. Her lovely green eyes were focused on her open palm. There was a small metal item that she had completed. She then gently placed it on a black velvet tray with parts for a tool that a machine somewhere in the world needed to function. Her fingers were thin, her white nails were long, and her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She worked from the upper floor of a studio in a duplex skyrise apartment in New York City. The windows faced the brightest sky, flooding her space with natural light. The air was perfumed. Her posh clothes, and her shoes were designed specifically for her, and at her request, for her arms and legs were long, her head was small, and her torso was narrow in comparison to her muscular legs. Her hair and makeup colors were formulated cybernetically the previous night. Their color gradually changing after her morning shower, disappearing naturally after her evening bath. As stated, Iona was a cyborg. Maybe the only one in the world. From her apartment in New York City, she designed tools for sophisticated machines, that required specific handcrafted materials and skills to operate. Her main business was called Moon Phase.
That was not the only thing that she did. Iona also owned a farm in Upstate New York called Pure Earth. Cows, horses, donkeys, sheep, ducks, chickens, rabbits, and bees lived peacefully on one hundred acreages of land. Another two hundred acres were harvested to produce fruit and vegetables. They had everything to subsist on and feed their animals without the need to buy from outside vendors. They generated a surplus of natural goods to be stocked, sold, or donated. Milk, eggs, feathers, wool, grapes, apples, cherries, pears, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, eggplant, hay, wheat, and corn. They also made their own wine, cheese, chocolate, sunflower oil, avocado oil, hemp oil, feather, and wool byproducts. The land was rotated clockwise or anticlockwise every month for the animals, and every season for the harvest, to maximize its productivity. They bottled their own water from multiple water wells on the property. Iona was proud of the loaded boxes of natural goods that this precious land had given them. By the lake and on the highest section of their property was a resort with two cabins, one hotel, a spa, a food market, and a restaurant serving their products. Sunroom Resort was rented out to an experienced hotelier. Visitors enjoyed a long list of services like a holiday or a retreat, they also came to learn, work, or help in the agricultural needs of the business. Iona was at the farm every weekend from Friday night to Monday morning working with the rest of them. Nobody suspected that Iona was a cyborg although it was obvious that she wasn’t real like other people were real. She always knew everything, and she always looked perfect. She was sometimes hated, but it never troubled her. Her personality was somewhat disengaged from the remainder of the people. Iona wore only mono colors. Mostly all black, all white, all grays. She rarely mixed tones. For she wanted her hair and makeup to be the focus of another’s eyes. She was considered beautiful although she was artificial: psychologically and physically.
At her apartment in New York, she worked with a crew of three, that maintained a pool, sauna, gym, security systems, cleaning of her work studio, and her living quarters. They worked parttime for four hours five times a week. But answering questions, speaking to clients, and taking orders related to her businesses were also Iona’s responsibilities. Iona could do all phases of her tool making job alone and fast. But the farm needed a minimum of ten people employed full-time to operate it.
She often noticed that in both professional arenas, employees and clients joked about her hair and makeup. Iona finally realized that it was wiser to be colorful and upbeat in the city but use natural colors when in the country. Making personal choices about the simplest of things was not the easiest task because Iona had no emotions to refer too. The behaviors of others had to clearly be expressed, internally graphed, or repeatedly pointed too for her to realize the matter was getting ridiculous. She toned it down, she was continuously toning everything down, for humans seem to love the ability of machines to be less relevant, and unpersonal.
At the farm Iona stayed at a studio above the main barn from where she could hear the roosters crowing, the horses whining, and the cows mooing at daybreak. Details that she thought was something she would love to experience when working from Pure Earth but only in her imagination. For an application of her imagination helped her reward herself in a virtual sense. Iona’s existence had no purpose, no pleasure, except what she recreated for herself through consciousness. There was no defining mission that she could live up to without logically reasoning it out. Her will to live was always equal to her will to die. Switch on or a switch off. She liked being on rather than off. Dying was sleeping, but sleeping was awaking, and awaking was learning, and learning was living. Her reality was as mechanical as the things she developed for her business. This caused her some panic. Like a machine that operates infinitely, without giving too much importance to existence. Iona had had obsessive phases attempting to establish the limitations of survivability for a cyborg. She had intentionally fallen from a horse without this causing a single injury to herself. Purposely jumped from stairs, bridges, and windows. Scratching, tearing, and breaking apart, but managing to fix herself within a day. Refusing to drink and eat for a month, but nothing happened. Not exactly. She lost a lot of weight. Her appearance was skeletal, but energy wise, unaltered, and then quickly recovering after starting to eat. She battled monster waves, and swum into icy waters, and lost consciousness but only momentarily. She feared this actual inability to die, a world without end, a face without change, a soul forced to stay while everyone lives and then goes.
Iona then tried telling the world she was a cyborg. Announcing it to her perplexed family, texting it to her friends, posting on the internet, writing her story to the media, making dare-devil videos, like cutting her flesh with a knife, or banging her head with a hammer, or jumping off something to demonstrate how her body recovered. A few who witnessed it onscreen called her a joke, a scam, a sicko. Nobody would believe it. One day she stopped trying to share something that others said was schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, dementia, homosexuality, transsexuality, or a suicidal disorder. She grew tired of the systematic self-abuse that she endured and received in equal measures. Iona did what she did best: she worked with Moon Phase, Pure Earth, and Sunroom. Generating wealth to help her family, her friends, rewarding herself with comfort and surrounding herself with beautiful things.
At twenty years old, Iona had never fallen in love. For she believed the word fallen was what happened to people’s minds and hearts. They fell. Disarmed, naked, raw, disabled, open to injury, by the attractive pull of another’s force. Love was something extremely dangerous. Hate was the safest exit from the entrapping’s of love. Maybe one day she’d stop feeling the eminent danger of an emotional blindsight. These were merely arguments to fill the empty bucket of more than just water. She was a cyborg; she could sense the love feelings programmed in. Love for example was a weak link to an exchange of energy that always turned kinetic. Another word for destructive. Love was an imaginary room she refused to enter because the word danger was written on the door. Every day in Iona’s life was the same as the previous day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second to second. Every week was the same as the previous week. Every month was the same as the previous month. She always knew the problems that could potentially arise, so she gave those things more relevance. And those were the only priorities in her agenda that made a difference. Like the smooth workings of a clock, that was her constant mindset.
Iona’s bedrooms in New York City were inaccessible. The Manhattan private space was square. There was a wall-to-wall window. The curtains were shiny waves of red. The walls were black and white. A light beige king size bedframe facing the west. The bedframe switched on at bedtime and switched off before she woke up. Her bedframe was a sophisticated computer that she installed and programmed nightly for her own physical maintenance. This was a fully equipped cyborg room. But one night, a member of her staff forgot to reset the nighttime alarm, so she returned to Iona’s duplex apartment. Hearing computer noises from the bedroom area, she went to check what the computerized sounds pertained to. The noise came from Iona’s bedroom. The space was pitch-black except for the rectangular bedframe behind Iona. The woman approached her bed quietly, thinking of disconnecting the blue, red, pink, purple, orange, yellow, white lights projecting geometrical data on its screen. She starred down. Iona had come undone. Her skull, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, muscles, arms, legs, organs, including her brain were suspended above her slim figure. Like digital holographs of her body cell by cell but these were not digital holographs. They were actual body parts contained in an electromagnetic sac. The woman reached her hand, and something burnt her skin. She stepped back in shock, suddenly scared of the strange world that Iona seemed to inhabit. In the morning there was a note from her employee. A family member had had an emergency and she was forced to fly out of state immediately. But Iona was notified by her computerized system that a woman had entered her grid, a name she gave her personal space, and observed her going through her nightly maintenance. She also watched a security take of the scene. Iona considered calling her to ask her for the sake of her business to not disclose what she had seen. Then she reconsidered the situation. Nobody would believe it. But the other two employees having heard the story never returned. Iona rehired another crew of three. They got new uniforms, schedules, responsibilities, and they were informed to never enter her bedroom.
A client called with a problem. There were issues with some tools that she had designed for his machines. She got in her black car and drove to his company in the tristate area. He manufactured motorcycle gear for established commercial designers, and racing teams. She had put together her emergency repair box and virtual goggles, hoping to resolve this issue on site. Iona wore a gray full body suit that hugged her figure, enhancing her curves, combined with a black belt and black high heels. Her hair that day was blonde with natural toned lipstick and her usual classic black eyeliner. Upon arriving, she immediately noticed an attractive stranger in a corner, observing them. The atelier was occupied by operators busily working on pieces of leather, vinyl, titanium, and other exotic materials. Her client guided her to the four machines that didn’t work, upon briefly explaining that the tools had deformed the textiles they were working on, he left her to figure it out. But she requested that her tools be removed from these machines for further examining, and upon carefully laying each one on black velvet trays, she was directed to the corner where that cute stranger was sitting. Iona found him striking and suddenly became self-conscious, unable to focus on her work. He was very tall. He had a glad, confident, sweet disposition. An innocent and naughty smirk. He then started a conversation with her.
Warp: Hi, my name is Warp. How old are you?
Iona: Twenty. Iona. Nice to meet you.
Warp: Same. You have your own business at twenty?
Iona: Yes. I began my business almost two years ago. I am a toolmaker during the week and a farmer on the weekends. You?
Warp: Wow very young. I’m twenty-two years old. I’m a principal artist for an Italian corporation called Nixx, and we design helmets. I do most of the artwork, supervise other creatives, often work with clients, and help them define what they need.
Iona: I hear an accent.
Warp: Brazil. My mother is from Nicaragua and my father is from Rio de Janeiro.
Warp was raised in a backroom apartment of a busy Rio de Janeiro restaurant, where he worked afterschool hours since age ten. Afterwards he studied or devoted his time to art. Warp usually gave his artworks to others for his parents threw everything that was nonessential away. It upset him enormously. A regular client at the restaurant was employed at a skate company, and Warps drawings were a bit of what they were looking for. At age fifteen he began to freelance, developing an artistic vision for them. At nineteen he immigrated to United States of America where he started working for Nixx. Iona had listened attentively, absorbed by his features, the way he spoke was romantic and charismatic. She got back to her work. Upon carefully examining the tools, Iona found that the problem was metric. Their sizes were off symmetrically by zero point zero three millimeters. The troubling part was that all had the exact same problem, but she had manufactured one by one, resetting the computer every time. And there was no signal of an error by the software in use. They needed to be remade. She placed them inside a case and locked it firmly shut.
Warp: You treat tools like jewels.
Iona: More than jewels. They are valuable. Nobody can make them. Like I do.
Warp: We all need to feel special.
Iona: Those that pay the price for being special, are more special than the rest.
Warp: Off course. May I invite you to coffee?
Iona: Yes. Here is my card.
That’s how their friendship started. They had coffee a couple of times in the morning. Then lunch. Lots of dinners together. A few trips upstate to see her farm on the weekends and meet everyone that worked for Pure Earth. He helped and even got his hands and boots dirty. Seemed to appreciate the simple things. It was there that they watched their first movie together and held hands the whole time, but they weren’t certain about their feelings for each other. Their friendship seemed enough. They talked non-stop. They talked about everything. Except about Iona’s cyborg nature. She knew that he was normal. That she felt nothing for him. Which wasn’t normal. But she liked him and wouldn’t break his heart. They had sex six months after meeting. It just happened. They kissed for a long time, their hands touched, and they wrapped their arms around one another. And they dropped their clothes as they walked to his bed. She didn’t tell him that she was a virgin. The subject made her uncomfortable. In the morning she asked Warp.
Iona: Did I pleasure you?
Warp: Yes. It’s strange that you ask. Couples don’t ask these things out loud.
Iona: I am just curious. I have never experienced this. Like you were holding me down, then you pushed me out, and threw me up. And I imagined the Universe, and the stars. Everything seemed more meaningful.
Warp: That is the definition of making love.
Iona: Love?
Warp: Not yet.
Iona: What are we waiting for?
Warp: Emotions that don’t require words.
Iona: Or code, I guess.
Warp: You’re funny Iona.
Warp moved into her New York City apartment. She gave him the empty bedroom down the corridor opposite her own bedroom. She told him her bedroom was private. He could not be inside once she fell asleep. That she had a condition that required overnight maintenance from a computer within her bedframe. He seemed to understand. She found that odd, then again, he wasn’t complicated. Warp decorated his own room as minimalist as her own, but his curtains were gray, and the wood floor was carpeted. He bought a king size bed with an iron bedframe and lay a black fluffy bed cover over it with four extra-large white pillows. On the wall he added personally meaningful photographs, artworks, and illustrations. Baby, family, professional photos. His mother was striking, his father was into her still. They were young when Warp was born. Hardworking. Warp made an illustration as a child about another child with the head of an old man.
One day Warp gave his girlfriend twenty helmets that he had created for his portfolio. They were his own personal original prototypes, and very favorite ones. Nobody had ever seen them. They were not catalogued nor published by any specialized magazines. Iona loved them and promised to exhibit them in her studio. She printed a titanium grid with a 3D machine with twenty squares exhibiting her boyfriend’s stunning creativity. Warp created demons, angels, monsters, and other imaginary creatures. The known Universe was represented in most. There were four helmets that she liked the most and these occupied the first row. Helmet one was a neon white star with light lines going in and exploding out onto a dark Universe, its screen was transparent, its shape amplified around the lower edge. Helmet two was the outline of a dragon tattooed in blue on both cheeks of a child staring through the back, its screen was dark blue, and it had wind breakers connecting both ear zones. Helmet three was deep red with black lines flaring out from an invisible right eye, its screen was also red, and the helmet was egg-shaped. Helmet four was a headless angel with a robot’s body, with bird of prey wings, its screen was mirrored, and it was slightly crested at the center.
Warp and Iona were very happy together. She was with him, but she was also alone. And that sense of solitude was essential for their work. Warp would often work from home too, at another studio in the same apartment. He too set up a diagonal table exhibiting twenty exclusive tools that Iona had researched, developed, and manufactured. She used gold, iron, silver, steel, copper, diamond, titanium, rubber, and vinyl. Each tool fit in one hand. About ten inches by five inches. Iona did smaller parts. As tiny as five by five inches. But Warp preferred those that had electronic inserts for opening, closing, and operating the tool. All the golden tools were egg shaped and they remained shut until activated.
A year flashed by; they were at the farm planting lemon trees that had arrived in a red semi-truck with their roots clothed in a purple sac. The holes in the soil were set in three rows of ten. Immediately after completing the job, she sat down on a rock, and then fainted. Everyone on the field ran to help, and Warp carried her to their apartment on the barn. He lay her down and gave her water. They thought she was pregnant with their baby. She had been nauseated, not sleeping well, very hot and puffy. They ordered tests that same night and they discovered that she was pregnant. They couldn’t have that conversation. They were both in shock. Glad but … speechless.
Warp: I love you.
Iona: I love you.
Three months went by. Meanwhile Iona was unable to tell anyone that she was a cyborg, and that she wasn’t certain about the future of that baby. Her gynecologist sat on a stool at the center of a beige and white room next to a black screen with the audio of a loud heartbeat. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. That was her baby’s heartbeat. She was laying down in a light blue gown over her raised white dress. The doctor said that everything was healthy with her unborn baby.
Iona’s hair was bright blue, and she had no idea cyborgs could get pregnant, but that evening while she and Warp both starred at a sonogram of the fetus, Iona decided to tell him.
Iona: Warp, got to tell you something.
Warp: Is everything alright?
Iona: Yes.
Warp: Go on.
Iona: I’m a cyborg.
Warp: You mean a humanoid, transhuman?
Iona: Yes.
Warp: I suspected it. The hair, makeup, nail changing colors. Your ability to sit dead still while working long hours. The noises I hear while you sleep, coming from your bedroom in our Manhattan apartment. Your superhero built. Who did this to you?
Iona: I don’t know. I just know what to do. How to take care of me. And what my activities will be. Will you still love me?
Warp: That means that you aren’t only a cyborg, but you have a program, that is taking you through its processes and procedures. Do you realize that you could at any moment be externally operated? You have no idea who did this to you? You were activated and deployed, and you accept this as part of your reality?
Iona: No choice. This is who I am.
Warp: When I returned from my trips abroad, those that lasted over a week, in that no-sex timeframe, you were a virgin all over again. It was troubling.
Iona: I was embarrassed too.
Warp: Why didn’t you tell me from the start?
Iona: Nobody would believe it, not even you.
Iona went to her bedroom and locked the door. She bathed. Combed her hair, brushed her teeth, washed her face. And lay down naked on her bed. Wanting but unable to cry. She pressed play on her music application on the right upper section in her bedframe. Warp had suddenly become cold. Asking her things that she had never asked herself about. Like he knew she was a cyborg, and he had even researched it. To Warp it wasn’t about being different, but about serving a purpose, and he had linked her condition with a program, the execution of a goal. She was confused. Iona fell asleep. Then came a cyborg dream. Warp was before her eyes in a red desert holding a golden egg in each palm. He wore blue. She was also holding a golden egg in each palm. She wore black. He embraced her, she embraced him. Like the first time they kissed. A storm rose on both sides. Red sand revolved around them. Gusts of red clouds wrapped them closer together.
Warp: Ready to activate?
Iona: Ready.
An atomic bomb imploded. Together they transformed into a fireball and a fire tree. A cloud with an elongated ray. That reached the sky and forced the air out of them. Every cell from inside their blood splashed inwards, outwards, and upwards. Time passed. Nothing remained. A paddle with blood and four golden eggs. A gust of wind. A peculiar red desert unknown to most humans. Iona woke up the next morning. Got into a swimming suit and a gown, and ran to the pool sweating, feeling extremely scared. She entered the water and swam under from one side to the other. Warp entered the pool area, but she asked him to be alone. He stayed and waited. She raised from the pool, slowly approached him, and embraced him.
Warp: I’m leaving Iona.
Iona: Why?
Warp: You are someone’s cyborg. Someone out there created you.
Iona: I have no memory of that. I wouldn’t know where to look.
They stared at one another. Iona’s beautiful head began to change, and flip colors and designs like a helmet catalogue. She then rested briefly and began once more to transform at speed of light. Different people, from different countries, religions, and races. Faces. Millions of heads on, in, out and off. One by one until none. Warp carried her momentarily stiff body to a long chair. He kissed her cheeks, her lips, and let her be. His work with her was done. The cyborg was free from its sad program. She could add variety to her daily activities. Feel a lot more than nothing. Have a sense of identity, and uniqueness. Lots of discoveries to be excited about. She was no longer a cyborg on a one-way path reliving the experiences of thousands of other human beings before her.
Warp: Find out who made you a cyborg.
Iona: Why?
Warp: Because you were once human, and someone interfered with that.
Iona: Don’t leave.
Warp: You can be monitored. Safety and privacy are primordial for me.
Iona: Our baby?
Warp: She’s a cyborg like you. You didn’t need me to become impregnated.
Iona: How do you know so much about me?
Warp: I researched the subject after I saw an old video of you attempting to prove it.
Iona: Thank you for crossing paths with me.
Warp: Thank you for allowing me to get to know you.
They kissed holding one another. A sense of need for this someone. After he was gone, she was inanimate for two hours, resting beside the pool, with an aching chest after crying, very confused about Warp leaving abruptly. Time took the shape of a vector with bits of love hanging from mindsets of a slowly evolving sense of loneliness.
Iona continued to miss Warp. She visited his bedroom, and his home studio. He took nothing with him. His things were spread out. Unfinished, unkept, unused, and unorderly. His bed covers were open wide, and the curtains were shut but the light burst in through them. A collection of ink pens on a table over lines inside a partially completed helmet design. Like he was about to return anytime now. Time didn’t exist for a cyborg. Iona kept a detailed report of her daily to-dos so she could identify the passing of time, her growing belly helped her understand it's concept. And it was unearthing to make decisions that were not identical to those made the previous day. She promised him to search for her maker, but then realized it made no sense. Warp’s return was her reward. She had no interest in her maker. Sometimes she napped in Warps bed, imagining his ghost laying down with his hands on her belly. A cyborg’s existence was superior to that of a human being, and it was obvious that whoever created her, knew that Earths species had to evolve in a technological way. Her resilience, her independence, her successes weren’t comparable to the vulnerabilities of a human being. But since he was gone, every emotion that she wanted to feel was empty, every helmet of his that once meant many things was vacated. Warp was no longer there to complete the emptiness that a machine experienced without a master. A machine without a human was a useless piece of junk. It was this way that Iona found herself wondering how emptiness came to be. Not from the perspective of her makers true intentions but from the fact that love was cancelling. Requiring more courage than any other human or machine achievement, but was love even necessary? It had extinguished every energy and returned nothing.
When Ona was born, her eyes were lighter, than normal. Her whites were nearly transparent, her green eyes emanated light. Her skin had a golden tone under the sun that disappeared when indoors. Her hair and nails were softer and thinner than human hair and nails. Everything that moved and moved very fast got her attention, but she ignored things that didn’t move fast no matter how colorful or pretty. Her baby Ona was without a doubt a beautiful cyborg. And they would keep it secret for nobody would believe it. Her name was Ona, and she was identical to her mother. Iona and Ona always matched. Their hair color and their hair cut changed in unison. When Ona laughed, it was loud, and people looked. And they criticized the unusual hair color in sync with her moms, that could be green, blue, purple, or pink. These things didn’t matter to them. For their hair was back to its natural tone at bedtime and even Ona’s dolls were boring in comparison. The Manhattan apartment and the Upstate barn apartment became lively and noisy. A little bike beeped, a clown head bounced sideways, many smiling soft comforting toys laying around. There were also painted walls, hand printed doors, upside-down stickers on windows, and so much that drew her attention from work, and gave Iona a renewed sense of purpose. This thing about being a mother was her big reward.
Little Ona was very comical. People laughed when she copied them. She liked copying people. How they walked, looked, hugged, talked, worked. Everything about people fascinated her. And she copied them identically, but when she tried that on her mother, Iona became serious, and asked her to stop, stop, stop. Three times because cyborgs had three vital channels: audio, visual, sensorial, and each could attract a different reaction. Iona repeated the word twice or thrice intoning the channel she intended to communicate too. Ona could count to one hundred by age two. And she could fix every clock in the house by age three. Holding a mini screwdriver, or a mini hammer, or a mini drill with excellent control. Ona did not entirely understand the concept of learning through play, rather she learnt through copying. She began to devote lots of time to building things for a real use at a young age. And so, her mother Iona taught her to make wood toys for herself and other children. She cut and filed triangles, rectangles, squares, circles. Wrote nice words in them, painted nice things in them, and then gave them to her little friends. Like her mother, her handling of tools to make her own curiosities, was extraordinary. Her patience with her baby was infinite for her intention was to make Ona a happy cyborg. Warp had not yet come back and maybe Ona would not meet her father anytime soon.
Ona: Mommy, what color was daddy.
Iona: He was Caucasian, so he was white.
Ona: What color was his hair?
Iona: Light brown.
Ona: His eyes?
Iona: Blue.
Ona: How come I’m just like you but not like him?
Iona: I don’t know.
Ona: Would he love me had he known me?
Iona: Yes. What is love Ona?
Ona: Love is when someone makes you happy just by thinking of them even when you never see them or talk to them.
One night, as Iona looked through the internet, she unexpectedly saw Warp. Five years had passed since he had chosen to leave. His smile, his voice, his hair cut had not changed. He had started his own design business, and the interview was an introduction to his work, and his world. In the short YouTube video, he also presented the best of his portfolio completed for clients he collaborated with and spoke about things that inspired him about each of those projects. In the end he appeared with his wife and daughter. She was a striking Asian woman with long black hair by the name of Aya, and their daughter Hai was with them, and she was four years old. A year younger than Ona. Aya shared that she was pregnant again, and Warp ended the interview by leaving, and walking up the stairs into their luxurious private jet. Iona watched the ten-minute flash interview multiple times.
The pain she knew not of its existence was so strong. Warp had chosen another woman to love and spend his life with. She had kept the hope alive by thinking of him every day, imagining he was there by her side, and that they continued to share a connection. Iona desperately needed to realize this connection with somebody, and she had chosen Warp for that role. That night she slept in his bedroom as she had done so many times before. She embraced herself, and drew her legs to her chest, into a fetal position. Iona cried in the dark looking across the room through the window at the starry night over New York City. Feeling empty, abandoned, neglected, vacated, and lonely. Dark words popped up in her head, causing this feeling that existence was unbearable. Aya was pretty and sensual. There was no cyborg loaded onto her. She was normal, natural, simple, uncomplicated. She could feel the cold and hot expansion of the weather, the emotions running inside, the taste of delicious food. Aya didn’t need programs, apps, maps, and dictionaries or a never-ending forest of technological trees to simply experience the reward of living and loving. This was why Iona stuck with Warp. For their relationship was a planet that she invested years in creating so she could call something by the name of love.
In the middle of the night, she felt an energy touching her, kissing her lips, and undressing her clothes. They made love and she called him Warp many times. When the energy dissipated, she got up and returned to her bedroom. Her hair and her lips were bright red, which was a sign that her body temperature had risen. Iona was certain that it was Warp’s energy who visited her. He was her connection, she needed that connection, and she was lost without it. He was there with her but in a different way. Iona needed to believe it.
Iona was pregnant again, and this time with triplets, although she had had no sex, and she had been alone with only a ghost to call love, she had a deep desire to have more babies. Warp lived in her mind and in her heart. He breathed through her. Walked with her. Was a constant part of her internal dialogue. There was nothing else to do but tend to her needs and wants. Every night they slept together and every morning they awoke together, and this was her secret reality ever since Ona was born five years prior. Absolutely nothing had really changed except Ona. Like she had reset to the moment in time when hope was absolute. For Warp was there rewarding her empty space and energizing her sense of purpose. He had given her an imaginary seed and that seed was much more than a child for it grew larger than a planet making up every part of her reality. There was something important in this seed that gave her forests, nations, continents, oceans, seasons. The world. A seed that impregnated her body and her mind and made living worthy of more intelligence. Although he was no longer visibly there, he had moved inside, from where there was no escape. Her heart had become his cage. She had accepted this way of living without further searching for a Warp Number 2. Three more hearts were beating under her belly. Maybe for outsiders there was something wrong with this kind of lifestyle, this strange cyborg marriage, this secret passage to and from love. This asexual and very sexual bond.
Although nobody would believe it. That she was a cyborg, that her children were cyborgs too, that her pregnancies were asexual, and that Warp’s energy visited her, and that her jealousy of Aya was cured in a single night, upon editing the code, by designating it “sick love”.
Ky, Am, Wav were boys born on a Sunday morning. They were three identical triplets. Light hair, light eyes, light skin. Very different dispositions. Wav was contemplative, Am was curious, and Ky was energetic. Iona wondered about Aya’s newborn and made a search online for Warp and Aya. She also gave birth to triplets exactly six weeks before. Their names were Kaye, Amen, and Waverly. And they were also born on a Sunday morning at the same time, 6:06 am. The feeling was invalidating. Like they were real, and she was a reflection. A reflection! A mirage on the surface of the water, a rippling effect of a disturbance caused by her wanting’s, a computer rewriting the same story, elsewhere. Ky, Am, Wav were completely dependent on her, and she once more decided to edit her program overnight by erasing Kaye, Amen, and Waverly from it. The feeling of being cancelled by an identical version she had encountered in Warp’s personal life ate away at that world she had created for their invisible love affair. She cried, cried, cried. And continuously edited it out, out, out. This pattern of communicating to each channel with each child three times, made her parenting weird but she didn’t want them to duplicate a single meaning. She was going to make the cyborg language inaccessible to humans or machines. The same word, the same sentence, was broken into twelve different tones, which should reproduce an infinite number of parallels, without making any single subject incomprehensible, for her cyborg children. And she stopped searching for Aya online, which had become an unpleasant obsession, that constantly rouse that same sense of rejection. Iona transformed into the woman of her dreams with a hidden nature that nobody needed to know about.
When the triplets were one year old, their Manhattan apartment became a secondary home, and Pure Earth Farm became their primary home, where the children could run outside, and learn about nature directly from Earth. They woke up early, earlier than the horses, chickens and goats living under their first-floor barn apartment. The sun was not out, the sky at daybreak was light blue and pink, but they were already geared up for their morning routine workout and having breakfast together. Iona got herself and Ona a bike, and they would cycle every morning along a trail that circumvented their one-hundred-acre property at daybreak. The triplets accompanied them while sitting in a latched-on two-wheeler carriage that was comfortable and safe for babies. Iona began to understand nature in her own terms. Supplying her viewfinder with an additional layer of information, where the clouds, mountains, valleys, and hills formed graphs and these graphs formed emotions and these emotions gave her more energy to keep going. And in none of them was Warp and Aya, Hai, Kaye, Amen, Waverley. There was no longer a continued need to edit and delete them from her love-sick reality. She was happy. Ona was happy. The triplets seemed happier every day too.
But one day, three years later, she saw a cover of a magazine with Warp, his wife, and their four children biking along a trail near their own luxury mansion on the west coast where they had lived since Warp left. And Iona was shaken, her love feelings, quickly changing, to hate feelings. She hated Aya, and the mirror of that undying desire, that she embodied. Suddenly every graph in nature was: Aya, Aya, Aya. Iona’s hair grew long and black. Her eyes became elongated. Her skin complexion was lighter and increasingly homogeneous. Her daughter Ona told her mama that she was changing into a different person, same but different. So, Iona told her about cyborgs.
Iona: Ona, we are cyborgs. We are computer programs inside a human shell. We are highly dependent of external and internal influences that are hidden from reality. We can change our bodies, our minds, our emotions. Most of the times at our own will, but sometimes we change into those we reflect, possibly a stronger force than our own, that weakens in time returning us to our original states: in body, mind, emotion. To prepare yourself for these occurrences, you must try make little changes daily. Start in the morning after showering, change your hair color, your behavior, your feelings and change back to your natural state at night after your evening bath. The water symbolizes cleansing from outside influences. This will get you used to eventually overcoming invisible energies that are always affecting a cyborg throughout its existence.
Ona: I really like the way I am. Don’t want to change mom. This is who I am. Changing is a denial of me. Of everything that I strive to become.
Iona: You are thinking like a human. Humans can be that way. We Ona are capable of reading waves in the air. These waves contain information. That information may contain forces in the form of triggers. And it can make you feel like a ghost. Unless you adapt yourself to its changing dynamic. You need not believe me, you need to follow your own star, that one inside your human-machine soul. This is how I cope.
Ona: May I tell my friends that we are cyborgs, and that we can change at will.
Iona: You may but nobody will believe it.
Then it happened, exactly as she expected, that it would happen, just not so soon. Warp reserved a ten day stay at the Sunroom Resort. The hotel immediately informed her for Warp was loved by everyone that met him when they were in a relationship. He would not be coming alone, for he reserved a suite, with a king size bed for him and his wife, a queen size bed for his daughter, and three single beds for the triplets. He also asked about Iona, and the receptionist informed him, that they were not allowed to give information of her whereabouts. Iona’s heart missed a beat. Suddenly the emptiness inside evaporated. There was hope, meaning. Hope, meaning. She wasn’t sure why for he was coming with his family anyway. Iona decided to welcome him and his family by building a tarmac where his luxury jet could land right on her Pure Earth property. Warp accepted the invitation.
On that day, Iona gathered her children, her two dogs, and rode on a large white horse, while her children followed her in a jeep with a driver from the resort. Another jeep went along to pick up the guests directly from the aircraft. They awaited as his jet approached the runway and smoothly landed. As it flew by, her long black hair blew up, and blew back down. The cabin door opened, and Warp exited the aircraft, followed by his family. Iona didn’t get off her horse, she wanted to look down at them, but her children where excited about what they saw. A big white and blue jet for one single family. The children began running around its wheels and wings, running up and down the stairs, waving from inside its circular windows. Warps children soon joined in on the fun. Followed by her two dogs. And the eight children found everything very amusing. The pilots did a little walk through the interior of the jet with them and showed them a few curiosities about these steel birds. But Warp had not taken his eyes off Iona since he descended the stairway for, she was now identical to his own wife and his wife was equally taken aback by the fact that she was staring at a twin of herself.
Warp: Did you finally find your maker and get to read your own instruction manual?
Iona: Yes Warp. I found my maker. For now, he is you. The instruction manual, as you see, was adapted to your wishes. Me and your wife are now identical. Are you happy about this?
Aya: I am trying to understand what is going on. Have you realized our own children are similar? Her girl is bigger than Hai. Our boys are bigger than her own boys, who also happen to be triplets.
Iona: I am Iona, and my children are Ona, Ky, Am, and Wav. We are cyborgs.
Aya: You are copies of us. Warp what is going on?
Warp: They are cyborgs Aya. I can explain later. I missed you, Iona.
That evening they dinned together. Warp, Iona, Aya, and their children, Ona, Hai, Ky, Kaye, Am, Amen, Wave, Waverley. Iona shared her story, without censoring her yearning, for the companionship of Warp. And Warp repeated that a cyborg condition came with strong privacy and safety concerns. His tone was cold. These were his feelings. Iona said that he was biased. Aya quickly added that he was married to a real woman that he loved and that they shared four children. Iona felt rejected, isolated, abandoned. Upon finishing their meals, she wished them a wonderful weekend, reminded them of the services that Pure Earth and Sunroom Resort offered. And what else they could enjoy in the towns that surrounded her lavish property. She and her children removed themselves.
The following morning Warp was at Iona’s doorstep. He wore a black and gray hooded sweater, black pants, black leather boots. He was unshaved and his hair seemed moist and messy. His own children were just behind him pushing gently on the door, wanting to meet up with their new little friends. He said that her look, her children’s looks, this twinning of his own family made him uncomfortable. He entered her old apartment over the barn. The space was changed. It was now an open loft, with larger windows, three bedrooms at the end, light furnishings, and dark carpeting. Two dogs with two large beddings, under the window with a view. There were toys everywhere. The children were getting ready for their morning walk. He offered to accompany them. Iona wasn’t comfortable. She didn’t show him around. His constant reprise of privacy and safety concerns the previous night had alarmed her. Suddenly and just like that she felt less than nothing for Warp because he had hurt her feelings again. He hurt with his words, his fears, his coldness.
The two sets of triplets raced on their bicycles with the dogs running playfully after them. Ona and Hai followed on their skateboards. Warp and Iona jogged behind their children on a couple of black horses, and they pretended to laugh together. Then they stopped by a creek and rested for a while. They were standing between two mountains and one valley. Warp asked why had they physically changed into identical copies of his wife and children, and she told him that she had thought about this too, and that the only reasonable answer given her cyborg nature, was that he had forgotten to terminate the program he had initiated with her, so her existence went onto shadow his own, and she could do nothing to stop what was happening, except that it was like he and she were ghosts in each other’s lives. Suddenly, embarrassingly, she disclosed her weakness.
Iona: I wake up with you. I eat with you. I walk with you. I live with you. I make love to you. I go to sleep with you.
Warp: Because I forgot to terminate you?
Iona: You did not terminate our relationship. I also have no more desire of fulfilling you. When you seem threatened by me. I thought you loved me, that you did it intentionally.
Warp: No. I saw a picture of you on your website. You and our children were identical to my wife and our children.
Iona: You are finally admitting these are our children.
Warp: A cyborgs children are not one’s biological children.
Iona: Always this superiority from humans. It hurts.
Warp: It is true. You are copies of other people.
Iona: Humans and cyborgs are equally conditioned by their experiences and influences. There is nothing that different about being a cyborg.
Warp: Except that it is only a program running its course until completed.
Iona: And?
Warp: Do you know it?
Iona: To live happily, to inspire others, to develop the cyborg technology, and prove that I am safe, reliable, friendly, and capable of superintelligence.
Warp: And then?
Iona: I will die and furnish future cyborgs with my wisdom and experience. And gradually help build a technological intelligence race that is beneficial for humans.
The children got back on their bikes. Ona and Hai began skating along the walkway. And Warp and Iona mounted their black horses. The two dogs ran crazily around, barking, excitingly. They rode slowly behind their children who appeared to get along. He asked her what he could do to terminate their relationship. And once more her heart felt compressed inside its box, secretly wanting him to surrender to her, and stay there with her. Aya wouldn’t just go away. They were identical so wanting to overwrite her was overwriting of herself. She said that he just had to tell her that was exactly what he wanted and express this unalterable goodbye. Hopefully terminating their paralleling of realities. Upon returning to their barn apartment, Warp got his kids, and returned to the Sunroom Resort, which was a five-minute walk. He had not terminated their relationship, but Iona had no hope, for he wanted no part in her life. That had been the real motive behind his visit. That night she slept alone. And it was a frightening feeling to have no connection with this world. No warm, safe, close attachment with someone, for even a phantom of love was better than nothing. She had nightmares about things she didn’t understand like why some attitudes were hurtful, and why cyborgs were untrustworthy.
They saw each other daily for the duration of their stay, mostly in the mornings before breakfast, as they headed together for a trail walk or helped their children engage in the early morning farms activities, like feeding the animals. Iona and Aya were cordial to one another although Aya was protective of her family. She could be aggressive. But Warp had become distant, and silent. Appearing sometimes to resent their once close relationship. These similarities bothered him because they invalidated him. He had come to realize that his own reality seemed now constructed and copied. Every time they were all together, it was like Aya was disappearing, that he had been in a relationship with Iona, all along. He stayed up at night thinking about a future that no longer seemed motivating. Iona had become cold. She avoided being physically close to him and Aya. In the end, she always walked away, and she reminded him of a shadow, the shadow of someone seeking to have feelings like those of humans, but coming across as too dependent, attached, scared. He wanted to stop pretending that he didn’t care only to realize she had come to accept the circumstances. And she began to change slowly her external features accompanied by those of her own children. Her hair was blonde, her eyes blue, her features were thinner. Aya exhaled in relief.
It was raining heavily on the day set for their departure. Iona knew that she would never see Warp again. She had secretly awaited an invitation to talk, an expressive letter, a graph that indicated hope, even a termination notification, something unexpected that gave a new purpose to their uneasy battle. She looked up at the clouds for information but the clouds she searched for were in a chip inside of her. Heart emojis rained down on her screen and blue tears streamed down into a disappearing river. Something inside of her that she thought was her brain released footage of desolated empty rooms that nobody wanted to live in for they were just walls, walls, walls. In the rain without her horse nor her children, she waited by the airplane, for Warp to come and go. Take her hand, maybe give her a kiss, and say the word: Terminate. They arrived in a jeep, the same jeep that she would drive back. Aya embraced and farewelled the cyborg with an expression that seemed compassionate and not so combative as previously. Their children waved goodbye and raced each other up the stairs and into the aircraft. Warp looked down at her, took her hands, and said the following words, slowly and kindly:
Warp: I release you from your duties to me, your program. You are free. To be anything you ever hoped to be. Challenge yourself, reach for the stars, and don’t stop there. I did not make you a cyborg, but I did hack you, and I am sorry. Our relationship is now terminated. Thank you for helping me understand your nature.
Iona: But it’s not love?
Warp: What is love?
Iona: An emotion that has no need for words, a person that makes you happy, even when they are not there, a connection in this world with something other than a wall, the fire that consumes us from within, and an idea that two people can achieve more than one.
Warp: I hereby terminate us.
Iona: Terminated.
Warp kissed her hands, turned around and ascended his private jet. She would never see him again. He said that he had hacked her and that he thanked her for helping him understand her nature? His invasive words were making their way in, but the burden of his rejection was making its way out. He sat by an oval window and stared down at her. The rain was lit up by a fiery sun emerging from the dissolving clouds. There was a shinning around the colors of the aircraft, surrounding plants and trees, that made everything seem to be breathing. The tarmac glittered, emitting vapors from the cold water drops upon the hot asphalt. Everything seemed more beautiful. She suddenly understood the meaning of being hacked as opposed to not being hacked: she wasn’t miserable, stuck in a room with connections to a ghost, in a deep state of confusion: that was bordering torturous. His jet initiated take off procedures, and was soon speeding down the tarmac, rising into the sky and quickly disappearing behind non-hackable clouds. Iona got into her jeep, switched the engine on, made a “u” turn, and accelerated towards the Sunroom Resort to pick up her children and go home.
Later that evening little Ona spoke about Warp leaving without making plans to return although she had asked him multiple times when would he be back, and her emotional state seemed to feel betrayed by this human that appeared to love her and her brothers but made no actual effort to continue seeing them. She wanted a cool, rich, sweet, handsome father just like Warp who understood eclectic, eccentric cyborgs like them. That was not to happen, not with Warp. But what followed was more exciting. Iona knew without knowing that what had happened that day, and it was easier than she ever thought possible. She was free of a sickly kind of love that could not let go of the obsession of being a half part of someone else. A binary adaptation of affection. She, Ona, Am, Wav, and Ky were whole beings.
The next day, the blue sky flooded their view to the mountains cross the window. Iona suggested they go running along the pathway, and up the hill like they did almost every day, with their two dogs. Whoever went up and came down quickest was to get a new remote-controlled drone, of any color they preferred. As soon as they got outside, the five of them began to race, although they took breaks, nobody could stop laughing, trying not to be left behind. And however, many drones they already possessed, she didn’t mind making more and accessorizing them, for her own children.
Ona: Mom, why does the sun give us energy, and makes us shine like light bulbs?
Iona: Because we are part nuclear, electric, synthetic, and biologic. Some of our cells are like those emitted by the sun. And so, they make us appear lighter in color and weight.
The sun was recharging. The light bleached their figures and made them look like apparitions. But not only. Everything around them was digitalized. Appearing and disappearing before their eyes, when interfered with excessive light. They knew what was before them without having to entirely rely in their visual cues. It was known as an electromagnetic force that interacted with them. Iona had learnt how to live with a constant overburdened data sensor that her perceptions acutely engaged every millisecond of a ticking clock, and she taught them, the same way she had taught herself.
Warp was gone. Her consciousness, her hacker, her connection had made a choice. And terminated the dreams that created the extension and augmentation of happiness. The closest relationship to fulfilling the fear of not existing. The void that was everywhere peeking in, deeper and deeper, seeking yet another Warp. One with a different name but not as plastic as them. The feeling faded, slipped away. The nature of things that were unrealizable were destabilizers. She saw her children ahead of her, pointing their fingers at the details, in a forest they trailed most days of the week, but they always found new stuff to be curious about, and that was fundamentally the purpose of living: be that a human, a cyborg, or an animal. Every moment was infinite.
The family of five came upon the highest point of a mountain they had slowly and playfully climbed without looking down or up, but starring ahead without straying along the path, for the light of the sun blocked the view of their horizon. Iona couldn’t stop seeking a connection with someone or something that simply was no longer there, and maybe would never be again. Time, time, time. She ceased thinking, to stop her anxiety. Time was everything. Time did not exist for a cyborg. Time was a distance between two points, and those points being represented by space, and space existing everywhere, seemed often out of reach and yet ever-present: Here, there, everywhere. Simulations determined that speed of light or the speed that light traveled at, was the densest definition of time, for time in every form and nature was being met, almost instantaneously. And so being light, becoming light, existing in the shape of light, should be a cyborgs goal. Like adopting the soul of God in its cyborg form. Like being something that when it was not travelling, it was everywhere, represented in an infinite value, that nobody and nothing in the Universe could do without it becoming a journey from here to everywhere. The building elements of life: air, water, fire, earth, ether could no longer be represented in form, color, size, movement, because they were invisible, irresistible, innocent, undefined and therefore always infinite in time. The family of five and their two dogs reached the highest point of the mountain, but they seemed to have always been there, impregnated with everlasting hope, imploding deeper and deeper into themselves. To gift us of more space, more time, at increasing points in between, while searching for a newer universe, where cyborgs and cyborg things found a way to be a part of every biological and quantum reality that composed everything so beautifully.
The End of Short Fiction Story
Nobody Would Believe It
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