#Buy Story Roller Bag
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 4 months
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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞
Pairing: Chan x Lee Know little sister!fem!reader (non-idol au) Genre: Fluff + Smut angst kinda >.>(im bad at writing it forgive me...) Word Count: 8.6k (HOLY SHIT THATS THE LONGEST ONE YET) Warnings: mutual pining, mentions of cheating, protective Minho, underage drinking if you pay close attention, fighting >.> <.< DONT DO IT, unprotected sex pullout method >.>, cringe ending as usual. i think thats everything?
A/N: I genuinely started tweaking writing this uh requests are open until like august. this request is old... so... im sorry i only just got to it ;-; I'm also so sorry if the story is >.>... cringe T_T my brain has been like fried eggs lately.
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The first time Chan agreed to go to Minho's house, he was in his sophomore year of high school, when Minho had mentioned he had a sister, Chan hadn't thought much of it.
Until Chan saw you; the pretty, sweet (to him at least), smart 8th grader that was Minho's little sister.
You had poked your head into Minho's room, "Bro have you seen my hair rollers?"
Chan looked up at you from his book.
Minho looked at you and made a face. "I don't know where you put that stuff."
"Minho!" You threw the door open and frowned at him. "You borrowed them!"
"I DON'T FUCK-" You paused, eyes flicking to Chan.
Minho smiled evilly. "I'm telling mom!"
"MIN!" You shouted, "OH!" You stomped your foot for a moment before huffing. You took long strides to Minho's bedside table and grabbed his wallet.
"Where are you going!?" He shouted as you went back to the door.
"Buy more hair rollers." You said, slamming the door behind you.
Chan looked at his book and cleared his throat trying to disguise his laugh. You were cute, just a little bit.
Minho looked at his friend before his eyes narrowed. "Hey."
Chan looked at him, "Huh?"
"Chan... You're my guy. My best friend." Minho got up from his bed and smiled genuinely at him, "For the sake of our friendship, don't..."
Chan raised a brow. "Don't what?"
Minho made a face. "Chan."
Chan laughed. "Minho. I couldn't. Be for real. She's your sister. I'll be with her and be constantly reminded of you." He shuddered.
"Haha." Minho punched him. "Promise?"
"How old are we?" Chan raised a brow.
Minho looked serious.
Chan sighed. "I promise."
Yet... he couldn't keep that promise. Not while you were so busy being you.
You pulled into your parents' driveway. You had just finished your sophmore year of college, you checked your phone and messaged Minho saying you were home and to open the door.
You waited for a few minutes, scrolling on instagram before checking to see if Minho had read your message. It was still on delivered..
You sighed and called his phone. It rang and rang, but he didn't answer. "MINHO!" You made a face and finally decided to check your brother's location.
He was an hour away. At the mall.
You were about to call him again when he called you first.
"Oh, you're home already?" he asked, munching on something.
"Yes." You exhaled. "Why aren't you here to let me in?!"
"HEY HEY HEY!" He said, "Someone is there."
"Who?" You fianlly got out of your car and grabbed your bag from the trunk, dragging it to the front door.
You made a face and rang the doorbell. "Yada yada."
"Hey, respect me. I'm older than you!" Minho huffed.
"Ah hush." You rang the bell again. "Is that weirdo friend of yours even here-"
The door opened and you looked at the man standing there, his hair was unruly and he looked like he just woke up. You looked him up and down for a moment- he looked different, older, more muscular, the tank top wasn't helping much, you could see the outline of his pecs. "Chan?"
"AH I told you he'd open the door-" Minho started but you hung up the phone.
The muscular man crossed his arms. "Do I know you?"
"Uh- I live here?" Your brows furrowed.
"The only women I know live here is Minho's mother and a silly 11th grader I haven't seen in years." Chan sighed, "Minho doesn't take squatters. He already has 3."
"Bang Christopher Chan." Your eyes narrowed. "Did you just call my babies SQUATTERS????"
Chan's mouth fell open. "Y/n-"
"I'm telling Minho!" You pushed into the house and Chan trailed behind you.
"Let me carry that bag for you-"
"No, no, no!" You swatted his hand away. "You think my babies are squatters." You huffed and ran to your elder brother's cat, Soonie, that happened to be looking around the corner.
Chan rolled his eyes and you picked it up and started baby talking to it. "It's a cat-"
"You speak fluent baby to Berry. Don't judge me." You walked with the cat up the stairs to your room.
Chan sighed deeply.
"Chan, bring my bag upstairs thanks." You smiled sweetly and skipped back up the stairs with the cat.
Chan tongued the inside of his mouth a bit annoyed, you hadn't changed one bit. You just looked more mature. More like a woman, the curve of your waist more defined to your hips, you seemed prettier, your- … What are you thinking...
Chan pursed his lips and grabbed your bag, taking it up stairs.
He watched as you entered your room.
"Did Minho touch any of my stuff?" You asked looking around.
"Not that I know of." Chan hummed setting the bag on the bed.
You turned and gasped. "MY GUDETAMA PLUSH IS GONE!"
Chan tilted his head. "Your what?"
You fumed. "MY EGG PLUSHIE!"
Chan's face fell. "The one that was over there-" He pointed to your desk.
Your eyes narrowed. "Bang Christopher Chan. Where is my egg-"
"HERE!" Minho shouted, sliding into your room, holding up a Gudetama plushie.
You looked at your older brother. "Minho. It's not even the same plushie."
Minho opened his mouth then closed it.
"It was Changbin's idea!"
"OHH!! LEE MINHO! GET OUT!" You fumed.
Chan and Minho scurried away before Minho burst out laughing as he got to the bottom of the steps. Chan rolled his eyes and laughed.
"I'll give her the money to replace it later." Minho sighed, "Tryna get some drinks? Jisung is paying."
Chan nodded, grabbing his phone from the table and staring at your cat Dori. The brown, grey striped cat tilted its head at Chan and the man pet it gently. "Tell Y/N I'm sorry yeah?"
The cat purred and Chan smiled before following Minho out.
Chan finished off his alcohol and turned to Hyunjin, "Hyunjinnie."
The long, dark haired man looked at him, "Huh?"
"That egg thing Jisung covered in paint."
"What about it?" Hyunjin asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
"What was it called?"
Jisung looked up from his food. "Gudetama?"
"Yeah that." Chan hummed. "Where do I get one that looks like it? Exact replica.."
Hyunjin shrugged. "Google it."
Chan huffed, and started searching.
Minho looked at him, "Why are you wondering?"
Chan pursed his lips. "We did mess it up."
Minho grabbed Chan's phone. "Chan." His face was expression was blank.
"Minho, I'm just trying to replace it." Chan grabbed his phone back and sighed.
Hyunjin gave Minho a look and kept eating.
Minho didn't say anything to Chan until everyone was going home only saying "see ya."
It was over a week later you came home with your friend Sua to hang out and when you opened your bedroom door you smiled at the sight of the a new Gudetama plushie. The CORRECT one.
"Where did that come from?" Sua asked as she sat on your bed, grabbing your Cinnamoroll and hugging it.
"Minho probably got it." You grabbed the egg and admired it except as you brought it to your face and inhaled, past the scent of the store... you smelled the cologne it smelled like... You pulled Gudetama away from your face and stared at it for a long moment.
"What?" Sua asked.
"Nothing..." You murmured.
Sua took the Gudetama from you and inspected it. "It's definitely new.. it smells like the store but..." She smelled it again. "Who's cologne is that?"
You rolled your eyes and grabbed it back, hugging it. "Doesn't matter.." But as you thought about the way he'd looked at you when he opened the door, the way his muscles seemed to strain against his shirt as he crossed his arms... You shook your head. So what if he had grown up a little bit. So had Minho's other friends, it didn't matter.
Yet recognizing the faint scent that lingered on the plushie, the faint scent you'd picked up from him as you pushed past him, you hugged the plushie just a little bit tighter.
Chan spun in the spinning chair in the library. He looked up at the ceiling, brain racing with so many thoughts. Had you seen it? Had you liked it?
"Chan." Hyunjin flicked his forehead. "Did I write my part good?"
"Uh huh." Chan said dismissively.
"You seem lost in thought..." Jeongin said, rolling over in his chair. "Something on your mind?"
Someone.. "No, nothing." Chan shrugged.
Jeongin's eyes narrowed, "I think..."
Chan looked at him. "Wha-"
Jeongin grabbed Chan's laptop and ran off with it, "THE SECRETS ARE HERE!" He shouted, "PROTECT ME HYUNG!"
Hyunjin tried his best to hold Chan in his chair but the latter easily sprang away and sprinted after Jeongin.
"INNIE RUN AWAY!" Hyunjin squealed.
As Chan was about to pounce on the younger man, the library assistant, a young woman with dark hair and brown eyes with a small mole on her cheek, cleared her throat. As Chan got a better look he realized the woman was your friend, Sua.
"Please be quiet." She rolled her eyes before walking into the small room and pushing the chairs back into place, she sniffed slightly, as if sick and Hyunjin offered her a tissue which she gratefully accepted before leaving the room.
Chan grabbed his computer from Jeongin and sat back in his spinning chair. "There is no secret."
The younger men looked at each other, "Sure," Hyunjin said, "Totally," Jeongin huffed.
As Sua walked away she smiled to herself and looked back. So that's who got Gudetama...
You were out with Sua at the mall, "Y/N." She smiled, "This would look so good on you." She pushed a very short skirt into your hands.
"Are we going to a strip club??" You stared at your friend in shock. "Min will kill me if I wear this."
She nudged you, "You can't stay so single and innocent forever." Sua's eyebrows bounced comically. "But then again.." She pulled the skirt to herself. "Do you think Seungmin would like me in this?"
You rolled your eyes. "If Seungmin noticed you."
She shoved you. "MEANIE!"
You giggled and kept looking for clothes.
"Ok..." She sighed.
You turned to the jewelry area and left Sua looking at bottoms alone. As you looked at the earrings and necklaces and bracelets, a pair of earrings caught your attention, it was simple, small silver half hoop earrings. You moved down the glass to get a better look and as you rested your hand on the glass display, a hand brushed yours. You looked at the hand for a brief moment before seeing the veiny arm, your stomach flipped.
You looked at the man, he looked at you, brow raised.
"Sorry." You pulled away.
"It was my fault." The man laughed. "I was just looking at those earrings." he pointed to the earrings you had your eyes on.
"Oh-" You smiled slightly, "I was looking at those too."
His eyes widened slightly, "You probably saw them first-"
"No it's fine." You were about to move away.
"It's fine really." the man waved over the store clerk. "How much for these?"
Your brows furrowed. "I-"
"550,000 sir." The clerk said.
The man slid his card across the table and smiled at you. "It's the least I can do, I think I made you uncomfortable."
You opened your mouth then closed it. What was this guy doing..
"I'm Minseok." He put his hand out to shake yours.
You smiled sheepishly. "Y/N, and really you don't have to get me these-"
The store clerk came back with a key and opened the glass display, closing the earrings box and putting it in a bag. The clerk handed the bag to Minseok with his receipt and card.
"I insist."Minseok handed you the bag.
"Y/N, did you find someth-" Sua came over, carrying a lot of bags and looked at you then Minseok and back at you, a devious grin spread across her lips and you wanted to hide.
Minseok wrote something on the back of his receipt before handing it to you. "Call me?" He smiled and walked out of the store.
"WHO WAS THAT FINE GLASS OF WINE????" Sua grabbed you, "What did he give you?" She grabbed the bag and smiled at the earrings, "Oh my, a man of taste! What's his name-"
"SUA!" you grabbed your friend's face. "Stop rambling. He bumped into me."
"And bought you earrings for 550,000 won as an apology?"
You sucked in a breath.
"He was definitely into you." She smiled dreamily. "If only I could find Seungmin in such a way."
You rolled your eyes. "Let's go."
But you had ended up shooting Minseok a text... why not?
Chan came over with the guys to celebrate Minho getting a promotion. "Ah, look at the best dance instructor this city has ever seen." Chan hugged him tightly as he entered the house.
Minho rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah."
"Congrats man." Jisung patted Minho on the back, "Now with the money you're making you can finally pay when we go out to eat."
Minho made a face.
"Stop annoying him," Jeongin smiled. "But really congrats."
Minho smiled, "Come on in guys," He led the men in and to the dining room, "Tada!"
The men smiled at the sight of the barbecue and they all began eating. Chan teased Minho most of the evening until, he heard steps on the stairs. He turned to look at the stairs and his heart skipped a beat.
You were coming down the steps with Sua, dressed up to go out, skirt that showed your perfect legs and a shirt that drew attention to your curves and cleavage.
You came to your older brother and gave him a quick hug, "Congrats Minho."
As you started to pull away he grabbed your hand. "Jacket?" He asked.
You held up your jacket.
You held up your phone the yellow Gudetama case that Sua had bought you drew Chan's attention momentarily.
"Pepper spray?" Minho tilted his head.
You shook your purse a bit.
He smiled, "Have fun. Don't let a creep touch you."
"Yeah yeah." You followed Sua out.
"Where's she going?" Changbin asked, munching on his beef.
"Party." Minho shrugged.
"Bound to get attention dressed like that," Hyunjin sipped his soda, "Who's party?"
"Some guy from college apparently." Minho shrugged. "Sua's with her so she should be fine."
Chan's eyes narrowed, "Minho, you're letting her go to 'some guy's' party?"
Minho looked at him. "She'll call if something happens, besides she knows not to drink."
Chan sighed, "Alright."
The other men looked at them, but no one said anything.
After the little celebration Chan was driving home, it was almost 1 in the morning, he came to a red light in front of a bar and tapped his thumb on the wheel to the rhythm of the music. He glanced out at the bar and his brows furrowed. There was a girl who looked suspiciously like you, stumbling out.
Chan was about to ignore it when a man came out of the bar after the girl. He sighed, the cars at the cross section slowing down and just as he was about to drive he watched as the girl reached into her bag for something and pulled out a yellow case with lazy egg.
Chan pulled off to the side and got out of his car as the man grabbed your shoulder. You shoved him off in your drunk daze but he was persisting.
And right as he grabbed your wrist Chan grabbed his forearm. "Can't you see she doesn't like you?" Chan's eyes narrowed, "Get out of here before I beat the shit out of you."
The man stared at Chan for a moment. Chan gripped the man's arm tighter.
"Bitch." The man released you roughly and stormed off down the street.
"Chan-" You looked at him, about to speak.
"Get in the car." He said lowly.
You opened your mouth, then closed it as he tilted his had at you daring you to say something back. You walked to the car and he opened the door to let you, closing it a you entered before going to the driver's side and entering.
"Please don't tell Min." You said as he settled.
"Where's Sua?" Chan turned to you.
"She ran off with some guy.." You said quietly.
"Why didn't you leave then?"
"Who are you my dad?"
You looked at your hands. "I didn't want to."
Chan hook hi head and tarted the car again, before pulling back onto the road, he was about to go back to your house as he scolded you when you suddenly covered your mouth.
Chan sucked in a breath. "Y/N no- Not in my car-" Chan pulled over by a tree and you jumped out of the car and ran to the tree.
He cringed as you vomited and stepped out of the car, carefully taking your hair into his hand and holding it out of the way until you were jut dry heaving.
"You good now?" He asked.
You nodded.
Chan got you back in the car and gave you water.
"Chan..." You said after taking a drink. "Don't tell Minho. Please."
"Ok, ok, I won't." He sighed.
"Don't wanna go home."
"You have to."
"CHANNIE!" You whined.
Chan turned so fast, his head could've spun off his shoulders. He blinked before turning back to the road. Chris. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
"If I go home, Minho will know I'm drunk and he'll tell our parents and I won't be allowed out again." You grabbed his arm. "Chan.."
Chan sucked in a breath. "Just this once."
You smiled and hugged his arm. Chan felt his face getting hot but kept driving back to his place.
Chan had really trusted you when you said you were fine, you vomited again, outside his apartment complex and this time it had gotten on your shirt. So when you had gotten into his apartment he forced you to the bathroom and gave you some of his clothes to wear.
You were lying on Chan's couch, half asleep while he got you food because you wouldn't stop asking.
Your phone rang.
Chan was about to grab it but he froze. What would Minho think...
You grabbed your phone and answered. "Hello... No... I'm at Sua's... Chan? No I haven't heard from him... No I didn't drink... No I didn't bring a guy with me to Sua's... Okay... Tell my babies I love them... Good night Min." You hung up the phone and looked at Chan. "All handled."
Chan turned to face you and his stomach did somersaults. You standing there in his shirt, his sweatpants, looking so...
You tilted your head. "Are you drunk too, Channie?" You hummed.
Chan shook his head. "Haha. Here eat."
You smiled and took the food, going back to the couch, munching. Chan closed himself in the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. He rubbed his hands over his face for a moment before tuning on the tap and splashing his face. "Christopher... It's Y/N." he told himself. "It's just Y/N.."
A knock on the bathroom door made Chan look up. He patted his face dry with the towel on the bar and opened the door.
You stood there, looking at him. "Are you okay?" You asked.
He nodded, "I'm just really tired."
"I'm sorry for bothering you." You muttered, "Thank you.."
Chan felt his heart flutter and he smiled gently. "It's okay. Sleep in my room 'kay? I'll take the couch."
"I can't.." You mumble.
Chan made a face, "Why?"
"I don't have Gudetama.."
Chan opened his mouth then closed it.
"It keeps me safe at night." You looked down and gripped the hem of your his shirt tightly in your hands.
What was Chan supposed to say... What could he say without sounding weird or mean..
"Stay with me?"
Chan broke out of his trance as he heard that. "What?"
"Stay with me.. Because I'm scared.. I won't tell Minho."
What could he have said....
You woke up, head pounding, in the softest bed you've ever been in, as you opened your eyes you winced as the sun entering through soft grey curtains assaulted your already pained brain. You felt a breath against your hair and were about to jump away when the scent hit you... You looked around momentarily, it must be really early.
It wouldn't hurt.. You relaxed against his chest and hugged the arm he had around your waist. He was warm. Infectiously so. You felt warm in more ways than one. You smiled contentedly and closed your eyes again. Minho didn't have to know.
When you woke up again you heard voices, you sat up and slowly got out of Chan's bed. Your head throbbed slightly but you ignored it out of curiosity, you poked your head out the door and listened.
"I'm screwed, Hyunjin..." Chan said softly.
"If you tell Minho I'm sure he won't be that mad." Hyunjin replied.
Mad why? Because Chan helped me?
"Hyunjin." Chan said, more firmly. "I promised."
"Chan, it's completely human to feel like tha-"
"Hyunjin-ah!" Chan said a bit loudly before quieting himself. "It's not that I feel like that, even when I'm not feeling like THAT, I feel like..." Chan sighed deeply.
You backed up into the room. Feel like what... You wondered before grabbing your phone and texting Sua to come pick you up with a change of clothes.
When you got in Sua's car you looked at her.
"Do I have a lot to tell you?" She said giddily.
"I don't want to hear about what you did last night-" You started.
"Not me you dummy! The guy you met at the mall."
You turned to face her completely. "What about him?"
"He followed me on instagram this morning, I think he was seriously into you. He wants you to call him so he can take you out." She raised her brows stupidly.
"I-" you closed your mouth and thought about it for a moment, what harm could there be in going on one date? "I'll give him a call later."
"Atta girl!" Sua squealed before turning on her car and pulling out of Chan's apartment complex, "But guess what?"
"What?" You raised a brow.
"I SAID GUESS!" She wined.
"Ok, ok..." You racked your brain for a moment. "You bought new shoes?"
As Sua came to an intersection she slowed to halt at the red light and smacked your arm. "No."
"OW!" You huffed. "Tell me."
"I got Seungmin's number!"
You blinked. "How?"
She smiled, "Well, as I was going home with that guy yesterday Seungmin happened to be around and saved me-"
"Didn't you ask that guy to go home with you thou-"
"HUSH I'm not done!" She huffed, turning back to the road as the light turned green. "And Seungmin saved me and told me not to go home with strangers and if I get drunk again with no ride, I should call him." She sighed dreamily before her expression snapped to one of confusion. "How did you end up in Chan's apartment?" Her eyes widened, "DID YOU GUYS-"
"NO!" You shrieked. "No, he kept his distance."
"And you slept alone? YOU?!"
You pursed your lips. "When I woke up he was in bed too bu-"
"SUA! NO! WE WERE CLOTHED!" You felt your face getting hot.
"You were drunk, in a man's house and you didn't do anything?? Not even kiss?"
"No." You slapped your cheeks. "We didn't do anything."
"But.. did you want to?" She glanced at you before looking back at the road.
"No." You rolled your eyes. Then you remembered. How he'd looked at you in his apartment, like he wanted to pounce on you. "Bu-"
"Did he want to do something?" Sua drove into a café's parking lot.
"I..." Your face felt hotter as you remembered how Chan held you. "I don't know..."
That was all Sua needed to ramble about how Chan must be pining over you. And it was for that reason you didn't mention what you'd heard Chan telling Hyunjin that morning.
You'd called Minseok that evening, he insisted that you stay home and get past your hangover and that he could meet you another day. Though it wasn't intentional, you and Minseok spoke almost on the daily, before he asked you if you wanted to go out for lunch. You were about ready to go out when someone knocked on your bedroom door. You opened it and blinked at the sight of Chan.
He was looking at his phone for something. "Minho wanted to know when you'd be back so we could get dri-" He froze as he looked up at you.
"Chan?" You tilted your head slightly.
"Uh.. You look really pretty." He said.
You looked down and smiled slightly.
"Who are you even going to meet up with?"
You opened your mouth then closed it, no one knew about Minseok except Sua and Minho. "A guy."
Chan visibly stiffened. "Who?"
"I'll tell you about him later-" You tried to move past him but he blocked the doorway with his body.
"Where did you get those?" He pointed at your earrings.
My date.. "Sua." You lied.
He nodded. "Okay.."
You moved past him and managed to dodge your brother's inventory check as you skipped to the door. Right as the bell rang.
You opened it and smiled at Minseok. He smiled gently before his gaze flicked behind you.
You looked back at Chan and smiled.
Chan wanted to kill that guy. He didn't like him one bit, not the way he smiled or the way he took your hand to lead you out. Nothing. But more than that, Minseok always always looked at Chan as if he'd won something, as if Chan had lost the battle and the war he didn't even know had started. Two into your relationship and Minseok still had that look for Chan. Two months.
Minho had invited Minseok along with the guys for drinks. The entire night Minseok was giving Chan sideways looks. Until Minho asked, "How did you meet Y/N?"
"Oh," Minseok smiled fondly at his drink. "I bumped into her at the mall and I made her a bit uncomfortable with how awkward of an apology I gave so.. I bought her a pair of earrings and gave her my number. I didn't expect her to call back really... But fate is nice.."
Chan's brows furrowed. "What kind of earrings?"
"Silver ones-" Minseok started.
"Half hoops?" Chan pressed, gripping his bottle.
"Yeah." Minseok said, "Small, silver, half hoops."
Chan leaned back in his chair. You'd lied... You'd lied to him. For Minseok..
"Channie-hyung-" Jeongin reached for him.
Chan pushed back his chair and smiled at Minho, "I'm going to head back early," He waved at the other men and rested his gaze on Minseok for a brief moment.
"You're drunk, let me at least call you a cab-" Minho started.
"I want to walk."
"It's dar-"
"Goodnight guys." Chan turned and left them all at the table in confusion.
Hyunjin shot Seungmin a knowing look and kept drinking.
Chan wandered aimlessly for a while, lost in thought. He eventually found himself at a playground and sat down on a swing. As he swung back and forth, he thought about you and Minseok. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all..
He felt his eyes welling with tears. "What are you even crying about Chris?!" He groaned in frustration and wiped the tears from his eyes.
He cared too much, about you and Minho. He cared too much to see you with someone else. He cared so much that it hurt to care. Even as he took deep breaths to compose himself he couldn't stop the hot salty tears streaming down his cheeks.. But-
He looked up at the sound of your voice. You stood there, in a sweater that definitely wasn't yours... It was probably Minseok's... and a pair of sweatpants.
"Why are you crying?" You sat in the swing next to him and stared at him.
If only you knew...
"I've just been thinking recently." He muttered.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
Chan stared at you for a long moment and then simply leaned over and rested his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder.
You stared blankly for a moment before relaxing and stroking his dark hair gently.
"Can I ask you something.." He muttered against your skin and you felt a chill go down your spine.
"Anything..." You breathed.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes. "Will you stop me?"
"From doing what?" You stared at him in confusion for a moment before he leaned into you, breath mingling with yours.
"This.." He muttered, plump lips grazing yours before they finally met your own in a gentle kiss. He pulled away for a moment, giving you the opportunity to shout at him, to slap him and ask if he was okay mentally.
But you didn't..
And he kissed you again, deeper this time, his tongue prodding at your lips for entry. You clutched Chan's shirt as his tongue slid into your mouth, the taste of alcohol still on his lips, but you didn't pull away. Not when he kissed you like that, kissed you like he'd been meaning to for months... years even. You didn't pull away even as you felt the burn of your lungs begging for air. But he pulled awa, his eyes dark, pupils blown, clouding over with something you hadn't seen before.
You sat up in bed and slapped your flushed cheeks. What on earth were you thinking...
Chan noticed you were steering clear of him like the plague. You were going back to school soon so maybe that's why. He saw you when he and Jeongin came over to see Minho but even then you only waved at him at the door and kept about your business. Maybe he had done wrong kissing you like that.
You were leaving again. Bags all packed and ready to go back to your dorm.
"AH!" Changbin hugged ypu tightly. "You're leaving us again! Who will come to Changbin Salon if you go!"
You giggled. "I'll be back in a few months for Christmas guys. Don't worry about me-"
"Y/nnie." Minho sighed, smoothing out her clothes, "Just take care of yourself. Don't get drunk. Don't stay up late. Don't talk to weirdos-"
You hugged your brother and rolled your eyes. "Whatever."
Your parents started bickering with you about taking care of yourself.
You gave Minseok a kiss and he hugged you tightly, whispering something in your ear that made you giggle.
You finally looked at Chan and smiled.
Chan smiled too, eyes widening in shock slightly as you hugged him tightly. He relaxed and hugged you back. "Take care."
You nodded, "Bye!" You got into your car right as Changbin and Minho finished throwing your stuff into the trunk.
They all waved as you pulled out of the driveway, and you were gone again...
Chan stuck around for a bit longer chatting with Minho and your parents before deciding to go home. As Chan made his way to his car he stopped as he heard someone.
Chan turned and stared at Minseok. "Huh?"
"Do yourself a favor," Minseok pulled out his own car keys and unlocked his vehicle. "And stay away from Y/N. 'Kay?"
Chan raised a brow. "Is there a problem with me being around her?"
"A little bird told me, you just want to get your dick wet. So I suggest you find someone else." Minseok shrugged.
He stared at the other man for a long moment. "What if... I just want to take her from you?"
Minseok's eyes went wide.
Chan unlocked his car and got in before Minseok could say anything.
You'd been in school for a couple of months, sure, you called Minseok everyday, it didn't kill the feeling of him being so far away though.
You had gotten back from class and were doing your homework when you got a text from Minseok. You smiled slightly and picked up your phone to look at it. As you read his message you rolled your eyes and called him
He answered almost immediately. "AH! Baby. It feels like I haven't talked to you in forever."
You rolled your eyes and giggled. "We talked this morning."
"Exactly, forever." He joked.
You put the phone on speaker and set it down as you started getting your materials for studying. "When did you get so needy?"
"When did you get so distant?" he countered.
You laughed. "I'll be around soon."
"Take your time with your studies.. I don't want to mess up your brain right now."
You smiled. "It's fine really."
"I'm gonna be really busy soon."
"Oh?" You flipped through your textbook, taking notes. "With what?"
"Work stuff." he said dismissively.
"Don't overwork yourself."
"Says you."
You pursed your lips and sighed. "Minseok."
"AAH! Okay.. I have to go now, sleep early. Make sure you eat. AND DRINK WATER." He said.
"Okay. Good night baby."
"Good night y/nnie."
You hung up and leaned back in your chair thoughtfully. You should visit home soon..
The next following day you called Minseok after class he didn't answer. You shrugged it off and assumed he was busy with work as he said he would be.
You called Jisung and he ranted to you about how Minho was being annoying and how Seungmin was bouncing off the walls about Sua.
You smiled as you thought about how vividly she used to squeal about Seungmin. As you were about to go to sleep, your phone rang and you looked at the contact, smiling at your boyfriends ID before answering.
"Hey love, sorry I didn't answer. I got held up at work." he said.
"It's fine," You rolled onto your back and put the phone on speaker, yawning as you asked, "Anything happen at home?"
"You sound tired." he aid, "And no."
You hummed. "I am tired."
"Sleep. You have classes tomorrow."
"Fuck class. I'd rather stay up listening to you."
"When did you get so needy?" He teased.
You giggled.
As you listened to Minseok rant about work and other things you relaxed and fell asleep even though you said you wouldn't..
You didn't notice it at first, but almost a month later, you realized that Minseok never answered your calls; he always called you back, and always very late. You could try to blame it on his work, but something just didn't sit right with you. But you ignored the feeling. Planning to visit during your break in the fall and catch up with everyone.
What reason did you not have to trust Minseok?
When you called him the day before your trip he didn't answer. Which didn't surprise you at all. But you still felt a small pang as you looked at the box you'd purchased just a week earlier. What was surprising was that he didn't call you back.
Still you got in your car the next morning, and drove all the way back home.
Minho and your parents greeted you with bear hugs and kisses.
You went out with Minho later that day to go eat and after an intense game of rock paper scissors, you had to go to the front and order. As you made your order and Minho's you noticed Chan sitting at a table with a very pretty woman. You finished your orders and approached waving slightly at Chan.
He looked at you and smiled. "You're back in town already? How's school?"
You laughed. "I'm on break. School's fine." You noticed the way the girl stirred her drink with her straw. "Who's this?" You asked.
Chan looked at her then back at you. "Yeojin. She's a friend."
The girl gave you a small smile but you felt a bit tense. As if you were challenging her... "It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand out out you."
"Likewise." You smiled and took her hand gently shaking it before turning back to Chan, "I've gotta go, maybe we'll see each other around?"
He nodded. "It was nice seeing you." As you walked away you noticed how he spoke to Yeojin so passionately, taking her hands in his. Your heart panged. You should be happy... You should be happy he finally got over what he told Hyunjin that day... Yet it annoyed you. It made you so mad you wanted to scream. But you didn't. You ignored the feeling. You had Minseok. What more could you need?
"Have you heard from Minseok?" You asked your brother as he spun in the spinning chair by your desk.
"Not recently why?" He looked at you.
You shrugged, looking at your phone. You checked Minho's location and saw he was still at work. You'd wait for him to get to his apartment then you'd surprise him with your gift and everything would be good. "He's been stressing about work recently... I just wanted to make sure he's alright."
"Go see him then." Minho said, rolling his eyes.
"When he gets back from work." You smiled, looking at the box in your bag.
So almost two hours later, when you checked your phone and saw he was finally home. You took a cab to his apartment and eagerly, pushed the button at the elevator. You jumped a bit before calming yourself. It was just Minseok... your sweet, caring, affectionate, handsome man.
Yet as you got to his floor, as you approached his door something in you twisted. You felt wary for a reason you couldn't explain. Even as you typed the passcode for his lock and it beeped in affirmation, as you opened the door to his dark apartment, something in you still lurched in suspense. Like your body knew what was coming and your heart and mind couldn't accept it. Even as you rounded the corner of the hall and saw an extra pair of shoes by the entrance.
You still walked through the living room and kitchen area. Right down to the other hall and to Minseok's bedroom door. Even as you heard them through the crack in the door you opened it.. and the tears that had been welling in your eyes since you walked into the dark apartment finally fell at the sight of Minseok, his dick buried in some other girl.
"Cho Minseok."
He sprang up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights as he finally took in your prescene.
You threw the box on the floor and whispered. "You asshole."
"Y/n!" You ran to the elevator and got in just in time to turn and see him running as the elevator closed, bedsheet wrapped around his waist as he called after you.
As the elevator went down your mind and heart finally caught up with the rest of your body and you fell to the cold floor and cried.
The last place Chan expected to see you, was bumbling down the street at night. Drunk.
Yet when he finally convinced you to get in his car he groaned and looked at you. "What on earth are you doing?"
You didn't answer, staring blankly out of the car window.
"I'll call Minseok to come get you-"
"Don't." You said quietly.
"Y/n." He sighed. "Minseok won't judge you for getting drunk, he probably won't tell Minho eithe-"
"Minseok is busy right now!" You snapped.
Chan stared at you. "Busy with what?"
"How is it your business?" You snapped. "You hate Minseok, I get it. but our relationship isn't your business."
"When are you going to stop him from running all over you, Y/N!?" Chan shouted.
You froze."Why do you care... go back to Yeojin."
Chan stared at you. "i have nothing with her..."
You took a few shaky breaths before you buried your face in your hands.
Chan took your hand and squeezed it gently whispering. "What happened?"
You looked at him, his coffee colored eyes so sincere. No judgement or ulterior motives, nothing but patience and empathy.
You leaned against him over the console. "He's with someone else."
"Since when?" He asked, his arm wrapping around your shoulders.
"I don't fucking know and I don't give a damn."
He hummed. "You wanna go home?"
"I don't want an earful from Minho." You said, closing your eyes.
Chan pulled away and started the car. The alcohol finally claimed your consciousness. You woke up a while later on Chan's bed, you sat up, still a bit tipsy. You stood from the bed and stumbled slightly as you walked. You saw Chan on the couch, staring at the ceiling.
"You left me alone again..." you said softly.
Chan looked at you. "I thought you'd be alright."
You stared at him.
"Come here.." he muttered.
You moved to him and sat beside him on the couch, leaning into hiss body heat.
You sat in silence for a few minutes, then your mouth ran faster than your brain could help and you asked. "Do you like me..."
Chan's body stiffened.
"Be honest.."
"Tell me."
"Minho would be angry at me-"
"CHAN!" You snapped, pulling away from him. "No... I understand. No one really likes me because I'm jus-"
He cut you off, kissing you. Your eyes widened momentarily before you relaxed and kissed him back. Your already cloudy mind felt like it was covered by a drape of emotion you couldn't understand, taking all your air away, wrapping itself around you like an anaconda. It squeezed the very passion from your veins and pushed it all into that kiss.
Chan pulled away for air first and your eyes met as he finally whispered. "I don't like you. I love you."
You kissed him again as he leaned into you, pinning you to the couch. His lips moved from yours to your jaw and neck before he froze. Minho... He started to pull away. "Y/n we can't-"
You grabbed his face in your hands and whispered, tears brimming in your eyes, "Please..."
Chan couldn't tell in the rush of getting you from the couch into his room how he ended up beneath you. Staring up into your pretty eyes before you leaned down to kiss him, his tongue fought with yours as your hands lifted his shirt and ran over his chiseled abdomen. When you moaned softly into his mouth something in his snapped and he grabbed you. Flipping you both and pinning you to the bed, staring down at you.
You smiled up at him and he rolled his eyes before kissing you agan, his lips moving to attack your neck and collar bones before he pulled off your shirt. You whined and tugged at his before he pulled it over his head and tossed his somewhere. You reached up and caressed his stomach before he took your hand in his and your fingers intertwined as he pinned it to the bed.
"We shouldn't..." He mumbled against your lips.
"Want you to.." You whispered.
"Fuck.." he moaned softly against your lips and rubbed his crotch against your clothed heat.
You pulled your hands free and wrapped them around him, pulling him down to you. Your world seemed to blur and darken, your only focus the man above you. How he worshipped you, lips moving from your jaw to your throat, decorating your skin with love bites. Moving lower and pulling your pants down slowly.
It wasn't painful or rushed. He kissed you slowly, filling you to the brim and more, each thrust met with soft cry from you. His hands at your hip pulling you into each push of his pelvis against yours. He leaned down and kissed you, his body caging you in, you held onto him tightly, nails digging into his broad shoulders as he bucked into you again and again. Knocking the air from your lungs every time he fucked into you, pushing deep, deep.
Mesmerized by the sight of of your pussy engulfing his cock as you whimpered and mewled beneath him.
"Are you going to cum for me?" He mumbled in your ear. "Gonna milk me dry, sweet girl?"
Your back arched off the bed at that, Chan groaned and reached between you rubbing your sensitive clit.
"Cum for me princess." He breathed into your neck, pulling out slowly before stuffing his cock into you roughly again.
"Channie!" Your pussy clenched tightly around hiss manhood and he pulled out. Pumping his cock until his release shot onto your breasts and stomach.
He held himself over you. "Fuck..." He dragged himself up to get something to clean you but when he came his eyes went wide at the sight of your hands on your face the soft sound of your sobs reaching his earss. "Y/N- I shouldn't have. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry-"
"Not you." You said, taking a deep shaky breath.
You took your hands away from your face and smiled. "I love you Chan.."
He smiled gently and kissed your forehead before cleaning you and getting back into bed.
"Can I ask you a question?" You said in the quiet darkness.
"Huh?" He turned to you.
"Did you replace Gudetama?"
Chan smiled. "Was it so obvious?"
"It smelled like your cologne.."
"You paid attention to how I smelled?" he gasped in shock.
"Shut up." You smacked his chest and rolled your eyes despite your face going hot.
He smirked and kissed the top of your head. "I don't mind."
You rolled your eyes but moved closer, relaxing into his warm embrace before falling asleep.
Chan hugged you to his chest, staring up at the ceiling as he caressed your hair. He heard something buzz and looked at your phone on his bedside table. He took in your peacefully sleeping face and smiled about to ignore it. Then it rang.
He moved away from you slowly and reached over you grabbing the jingling device. Minseok's face flashed across your screen. Chan made a face and answered, pulling the covers over your bare body before bringing the phone to his ear.
"Y/N! I'm so glad you finally answered! Baby it's not what you thought! I don't even know her real-"
"Y/n is busy," Chan said, looking at you sleeping.
"Chan?" Minseok asked, confused. "Pass her the phone."
"She's exhausted," Chan said, "and it's because of you. I doubt she'll call you back, so please don't call my girl's number again."
"YOUR GIRL??" He shouted on the other end of the line. "BANG CHAN! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"
Chan smiled to himself as he said. "Going to sleep with my girlfriend." He got back into bed and smiled at your sleeping face. "Good bye Minseok."
"Oh, Chan I swear-"
Chan hung up and pulled you close to him again.
"What was that about?" You asked half asleep.
"Nothing." Chan kissed your forehead. "Go to sleep."
Chan drove you home the next morning. You were still a bit sad, but as you unlocked the front door your eyes widened at the sight of a disheveled looking Minseok sitting in your kitchen with your elder brother. Chan followed close behind you, his eyes narrowing when he saw the men.
"Y/N!" Minseok jumped from his seat and ran to you.
"Don't touch me!" You shouted as he tried to hug you.
Minho turned to you and Chan. "Minseok told me everything."
"Then why would you let him in-" You started.
"Bang Chan." Minho said quietly. "Get out."
"Minho-" Chan started.
"Get out!" your brother shouted.
"Y/n baby what happened?" Minseok touched your face and you slapped him away.
"What did you tell him?!" You pointed a finger at Minseok.
"What there was to be said." He grabbed your hands and you pulled away.
"Minho. I know what you're thinking-" Chan tried to calm your brother who was standing up now.
"Oh you do?!" Minho said, clearly getting aggravated by Chan's prescence.
"Listen to me-" Chan said, putting his hands up as MInho approached.
But he was cut off by punch to the face that made your eyes widen.
"Bro-" You tried to grab Minho but Minseok grabbed your hand.
"Let's talk about this-" He said before you slapped him hard.
"I told you to stay away from my sister." Minho said, walking up to Chan as he took several steps back.
"Minho let me explain!" Chan said, trying to stay out of his friend's range.
"There's nothing to explain!" Your brother shouted.
"Bro please!" Chan tried.
"Minho!" You grabbed your brother's arm.
He whipped around to face you. "You can't seriously defend him! Y/N!"
"Maybe I am!" You shouted, you walked between Chan and Minho. "No.. I am defending him. He didn't do anything wrong."
Your brother stared at you before looking at Chan and muttering. "Leave."
"Minho." You said softly.
Chan bit his lip before grabbing Minseok and dragging him out with him.
"Why would you do that?!" You shouted as Chan slammed the door behind him.
"Chan wouldn't care about you! IF you knew LIKE I DO you'd understand!" Minho yelled back.
"I don't know him like you do! BUt you should've let him explain!"
"What was there to explain?! He dragged you to bed when you were drunk-"
"DO YOU KNOW WHY?!" You cut him off. "MINSEOK IS AN ASSHOLE! Minseok cheated on me! Chan didn't want to go that far. I asked him to! I like Chan A LOT! Whatever rule or whatever shit you have that keeps me from being with him needs to stop..." You trailed off. "Because you might lose me too."
Your brother stood there in shock as you ran up the stairs.
It was a week later when Chan was out with Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin.
"Just tell Minho you're sorry." Changbin said sipping his cola as the three waited for their food.
"He wouldn't even let me talk." Chan groaned, burying his face in his hands.
"Tragic really." Jisung sighed.
Chan and Changbin looked at their friend with blank expressions as if to say be fricking for real.
Jisung sipped his drink. "I think you should just wait a bit. You know? I doubt Minho will stay mad forever, he's your good friend..."
Chan nodded. "I should just apologize whenever he calms down."
"If he doesn't just walk away from the toxic controlling friend." Hyunjin shook his head.
"Apologize now then."
Hyunjin jumped in fear at Minho's voice. "HYUNG!"
Minho looked at Hyunjin. "You'll eat tissues later."
Chan stared at Minho. "How did you even know I was here?"
Jisung looked completely invested in the bubbles floating in his soda suddenly.
Minho laughed and Chan sighed before standing. "Minho I-"
"I'm sorry for punching you." Minho said, "I'm sorry for accusing you of... things... and I'm sorry for making you stay away from Y/N..."
Chan smiled at his friend. "It's alright, I mean I didn't say I liked her before you threw that ban on me suddenly.. I'm sorry too."
The men smiled at each other.
"Hug it out! Hug it out Hug it out! Hug it-" Hyunjin started only to shrink away in fear as Minho grabbed a bunch of napkins from the dispenser on the table.
You laughed and Chan turned to you. "You're here.."
"Someone had to stop Min if he ended up attacking someone." You smiled.
"THEN HELP ME!" Hyunjin started only to get a mouthful of tissues.
You giggled and smiled at Chan as MInho gave him a look.
"May I kiss you princes?" Chan smirked, leaning into you.
MInho acted like he was going to vomit. And Jisung dramatically passed out.
"You may."
Chan pressed his lip against yours.
"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!" MInho said rolling his eyes. "You should compensate me for the mental and emotional distress I went through, I say buy me pizza!"
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© 2024 xxkissesforchanniexx. DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE MY WORK
@asahisimpnation, @juskz
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nyankochan · 14 days
TWST Headcanons: Housewardens at Disney World
Pairing: boyfriend!housewarden x gn!reader
Content warning: none
A/n: inspired by my recent trip to Disney. For sake of the story, it will be at Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Florida (though I have been to the one in California and Tokyo!)
Riddle Rosehearts
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Has never been to Disney before. It’s his first time
Lowkey scared of roller coasters and you tease him about whether or not he’s actually tall enough to ride
Fantasyland is his favorite area. Really liked Its a Small World
Did like the Mad Tea Party at first, but the spinning made him motion sick and he was pretty much done after that
Wants to get autographs from the characters, but worries it seems too childish. You have to basically initiate every character interaction
Definitely gets a sunburn from waiting outside in the long lines
Gets pins as souvenirs for Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater
You two get matching keychains which he clips to his school bag as a reminder of your trip together
Leona Kingscholar
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Farena was taking Cheka and forced Leona to go along to make it a family trip. He begrudgingly agreed to go along since he was allowed to bring you.
Begrudgingly also wears the “Kingscholar Family Disney Trip” shirt you and his sister-in-law get
You guys stay at one of the park resorts
Leona really has no interest in any of the little rides, though he puts up with it because it excites you.
His favorite area is Frontierland. Big Thunder Mountain is his favorite ride (though he will never tell you that)
Also really liked Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean rides.
Hates waiting in lines and buys the fast past for everything
Doesn’t want any souvenirs (thinks they’re dumb) but caves and gets a couple pins and a matching shirt for you guys to wear at the next park you go to
He’s honestly ready to go after a few hours. The walking and heat get on his nerves, but he sticks it out for you (and Cheka)
Azul Ashengrotto
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Also his first time to Disney
Complains about the price of the food (it’s freaking expensive so who can blame him)
Also not really a big rollercoaster fan, but doesn’t mind going on some of the rides like Peter Pan’s Flight and Under the Sea-Journey of the Little Mermaid.
Gets motion sick
While on Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, the ride captured an ugly photo of him screaming during the big drop and you refuse to delete it, despite his protests.
Turns collecting and trading pins with the cast members into a literal auction. Manages to get a bunch of rare and exclusive pins
Blushes furiously when taking pictures with any of the Disney princesses
Nearly passes out from exhaustion by the time you guys make it to your hotel. He’s never walked so much in his entire life
Kalim Al-Asim
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World’s biggest Disney Kid
You guys probably stay at one of the top resorts right by the park, so you get there right as it opens.
Offered to buy out the entire park but you vehemently opposed.
Loves Adventureland. The flying carpet ride is his favorite
You practically have to keep a tight leash on him or else he’ll run off without you
Very much spends money carelessly in the gift shop. He wants to get a souvenir for EVERYONE he knows and whatever you want he will get without hesitation
Buys several pairs of ears and depending on where you’re at in the park, he rotates them out to be able to wear each one.
Enjoys taking pictures with all the characters. His autograph book is basically filled by the end of the day
Gets you two basically VIP seats to the firework show at the end of the night. You have the perfect view
Vil Scheonheit
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Wears matching couple Disney shirts
Is overly prepared: sunblock, check. Water bottles, check. Snacks, check. Umbrella, check. Rain poncho, check. Anything else you could possible need, he has it in his bag
Takes the world’s best photos of Cinderella’s castle. How he managed to do that with so many people is a mystery. (He doesn’t post anything until after you leave to avoid fans)
The rides sometimes take photos of the guests during them. Every photo Vil looks flawless while they manage to catch you screaming or not paying attention. It’s infuriating
Honestly, Vil cares more about taking pictures with the characters than getting on any actual rides, but you do a nice mix of both.
People lowkey mistake him as a prince or someone as part of the cast that they can get an autograph from
Refuses to get on any water rides or rides on water as he’s worried it would ruin his hair and makeup
During the fireworks show, pulls you in close to kiss you in front of the castle. Props to one of the photographers who happens to catch that magical moment on camera
Idia Shroud
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Did not want to go at first. Only goes because Ortho really wants to. The three of you wear matching shirts
Hates the crowds. Like, a lot
Obsessed with Tomorrowland. You have to literally drag him to other parts of the park. Otherwise he’d stay there all day
Space Mountain is his favorite ride.
During Monster’s Inc Laugh Floor, he gets picked out in the audience during the skit, the spotlight shining on him. Nearly dies then and there
Buys a bunch of the munchkins surprise boxes and is trying to collect the entire set
Also the type to buy fast passes. Or he hacks into the system to code your cards to have infinite passes. Waiting in line? Never.
Secretly knows all the lyrics to most Disney movies. You catch him singing along during the parade
Though his social battery is damn near dead by the end of the night, he toughed it out because of how happy it made you and Ortho
Malleus Draconia
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It’s his first time at Disney too. You get him a first time visitor button from the guest services desk, which he is very giddy about
Lilia and the others tag along, but Lilia makes sure that Sebek isn’t breathing down Malleus’s neck so that he and you can actually enjoy the park
The Haunted Mansion was his favorite ride. He loves the dark ambiance of it. He makes you all ride it at least 3 times.
Mickey ears don’t fit quite right around his horns, but you make it work
Likely believes that the princesses are actual princesses of different neighboring kingdoms and you don’t have the heart to correct him
Also doesn’t really understand that the characters, like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are people in costumes
When you can’t see the parade well, he lifts you up with ease.
Is amazed by the fact that there’s ice cream shaped like Mickey Mouse
Gets you a reservation at Cinderella’s Royal Table. The dinner is like a fairy tale, with character appearances and fine dining. You guys have the perfect view from your table to watch the fireworks
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scotianostra · 4 months
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12th June 1997 saw The island of Eigg pass into community ownership when it was purchased by the Eigg Heritage Trust.
After years of instability, neglect and lack of secure tenure, the Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust was able to purchase the island on, largely due to the generosity of around ten thousand members of the general public
The Hebridean island of Eigg is second to St Kilda as the most famous of the smaller Scotttish isles. While St Kilda is renowned for its extinction as a place of human settlement, Eigg is celebrated for its rebirth. After overthrowing its eccentric, authoritarian owner two decades ago, this 31 sq km (12 sq mile) patch of moor and mountain was reborn as what is sometimes mockingly called the People’s Republic of Eigg.
This triumph of David versus Goliath has forged an apparently inspirational, sustainable community of 100 people.
A series of owners tried unsuccessfully to run some sort of business on Eigg during the latter part of the 20th century, from the Welsh Farmer whose Hereford cattle promptly died of bracken poisoning. Disheartened, he got rid of Eigg for £110,000 in 1971 to Bernard Farnham-Smith, self-styled naval commander, head of an English charity that wanted to run the island as a school for disabled boys, by 1973 the Eigg’s own school had only one pupil. Rather more successful was eccentric Keith Schoenberg, a dashing, Yorkshire-born businessman and former Olympic bobsleigher, acquired Eigg.
He was a charming, persuasive adventurer, who, over the next 20 years endeared himself to the guests by allowing them to perch on the running board as he drove them to beach picnics or moonlit games of hockey. One failed marriage after the other ended with him reluctantly having to sell the island in 1992 in his divorce settlement, in a surprise move he ended up bidding and became sole owner of Eigg, this didn’t go down well with the Islanders who were tiring of him, culminating in a fire in sheds on Eigg’s pier, with Schellenberg’s Roller inside. Police arrived but noone was ever brought to justice for the arson attack, maybe the Polis were just happy to get off the island alive rather than ending up in a wooden effigy atop a bonfire! “It was once the laird’s factor [his estate manager] who went about burning people out. Now it seems OK to burn out the laird himself,” fumed Schellenberg.
By 1995 he had enough and put the island up for sale, but refused to sell to the population, it should really be of no surprise that the knew owner seemed more eccentric than the previous one, self style Professor Gotthilf Christian Eckhard Oesterle was a fire-worshipping German artist and self-styled “professor” who went by the name of Maruma having read the new name in a pool of water in Geneva.
He declared it was impossible to own Eigg and vowed to improve opportunities for the community, build a swimming pool, and replace the dirty diesel generators that provided electricity with an integrated system of wind and solar power. The press discovered that, unfortunately, Maruma was not quite what he seemed: he was unknown in the art world, he wasn’t a proper professor, and he had used Eigg as security for a £300,000 loan at a punitive 20% interest rate. He promised to remove the island’s rusty old cars, but a pile of wrecks soon accumulated by the pier: locals dubbed it “the Maruma centre”. In July 1996, the island was put up for sale again, at an inflated price of £2m.
The Islanders Trust rthrew themselves into raising the asking price. . The story of the islanders who wanted to buy their own island was portrayed as a jolly romp in the style of Compton Mackenzie’s Whisky Galore, in which Hebridean islanders rebel against British bureaucrats. Eigg folk didn’t particularly relish this stereotype, but it captured imaginations and raised money.
Donations began flowing in at the rate of £1,000 per post bag; soon it was £30,000 per bag. Concerts took place in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Tyrone – and even Detroit – to raise funds. A mystery benefactor, a woman from northern England whose identity remains secret. gave £900,000. Most donations came from England. Outsiders were shocked by the feudalism that the islanders endured – the owners even decided which of them, if any, could eat Eigg’s seaweed – and worried about the possible fate of its pristine environment. The wildlife trusts, including the Scottish Wildlife Trust, were particularly effective at mobilising their members to help Eigg.
Meanwhile, the island’s Trust feared that Maruma’s German estate agent would sell Eigg to another international client. The agent described the Scottish islands on his books as “the Van Goghs” of 120 personally inspected paradises: “There is a sense of romance in buying islands. It is the ultimate purchase you can make, a complete miniature world of which you can be king.” Maruma’s creditor, a German clothing exporter, finally put the islanders out of their misery. After Maruma defaulted on his £300,000 loan, the creditor used the Scottish courts to force Eigg’s sale. His solicitors accepted the islanders’ offer of £1.5m on 4 April 1997. Finally, the people of Eigg owned their island.
Eigg has been hailed as Scotland’s most Eco-Friendly Island and the community trust are doing a great job of running a successful business, which includes offering accommodation, courses and working holidays for volunteers, you can read more about the Island on their website here. http://www.isleofeigg.org/
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rjzimmerman · 5 days
Why ‘chaos wheat’ may be the future of bread. (Washington Post)
Excerpt from this Washington Post story:
Farms were once a riot of biodiversity. A single field might have contained five different varieties of corn, a mix of oats and barley or whatever jumble of grains suited farmers from France to Ethiopia.
These offered a hedge against hardship: plant mixes in the field shifted with the weather. More rye one year, less wheat another. The French even had names for such flours with shifting ratios of grains, from “grande meteil” to “ble ramé,” each one rising into a delicious bread all its own.
But when industrial roller mills arrived in the late 1800s, the supply chain coalesced around white bread virtually overnight, writes Stephen Jones, founder of the Breadlab at Washington State University. The new mills meantwhite flour could be produced at enormous scale for low cost. Professional wheat breeders developed strains for refined white flour, stripped of its nutrient-rich germ, which could be stored longer. In 1890, 90 percent of U.S. households baked their bread at home. Forty years later, 90 percent were buying mass-produced white bread instead.
This transition to monoculture helped drive a fourfold increase in U.S. wheat yields. It also created a food system vulnerable to climate shocks and reliant on enormous inputs of agrochemicals. Today, global grain production emits more greenhouse gases than Russia, Brazil and Germany combined, while researchers in the journal Nature estimate that wheat yields in North America could fall 1 to 10 percent for every degree of warming without adaptation.
So I was intrigued when I saw King Arthur’s “climate blend” flour in the baking section of my supermarket. Could it be the vanguard of a new breed of crops making their way into everyday products?
I bought the flour for my kitchen. And I also obtained my own wheat seed climate blend from the Breadlab — a mix of Salish blue, a perennial released in 2021, as well as hardier varieties developed over the last few decades.
I wanted to see what it’s like to grow a wheat crop in my own backyard — and share it with readers around the world to hear about their experiences. Here’s what I learned trying to grow what the Breadlab calls “chaos wheat,” and why we still have a long row to hoe before the food system is on a sustainable path.
King Arthur Baking Company, the employee-owned company that released its Climate Blend Flour last year, is probably the most well known. The blend of wheat varieties, including a perennial capable of growing for years rather than being replanted every season, is part of King Arthur’s push to source 100 percent of its flour from “regeneratively grown wheat” by 2030. The result, says King Arthur, is a rich, nutty flour that can work in any whole-wheat recipe (something I confirmed in my own muffins).
The scale so far is tiny (just 120 acres), and prices are higher: A one-pound bag of Climate Blend Flour sells for $2.98, compared with $1.12 for standard whole wheat. But the company says it hopes to drive down costs as it assesses the climate benefits. “We believe in this work and understand it needs to be a long-term commitment,” Janis Abbingsole, the chief operating officer at King Arthur Baking Company, wrote in an email. “We need to allow time to listen to our growers and support them as they test and learn.”
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atinylittlepain · 2 years
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Rad Times at the Roller Rink - A Steve Harrington Story
Steve Harrington x f!punk!reader/f!oc
Steve's feeling like he's losing his touch with the ladies. He meets someone new, and her piercings make him weak in the knees. Maybe he's still got it.
warnings | 18+ but really no warnings, just fluffy exposition
a/n | this follows directly from the events of my Robin Buckley fic, so I recommend reading that first as this might not make much sense without it. I think I'll probably continue this little roller rink AU for both Steve and Robin :)
Steve is not having a good night. Hell, he’s not really having a good week. Max has been prodding him around the roller rink for the last thirty minutes, and the two times he’s fallen flat on his ass, she’s skated circles around him, laughing at his flailing attempts to get back up. He thinks to himself that this must be some sort of karmic retribution for all the bullying he did in highschool. 
He was supposed to be going out with Gina Hemshaw tonight, but she had canceled last minute, and that plus the rejection from the new girl at Family Video earlier in the week isn’t doing much for his ego. He supposes that’s why he got wrangled into chaperoning his little band of dipshits for the night, a distraction from the seeming reality that Steve was losing his touch with the ladies. 
After his third fall of the night, Steve decides he’s had enough, leaving Max to torment some other poor soul while he wobbles off to a bench to get these damn wheels off his feet. As he’s unlacing his skates, Robin’s scraggly converse come into view. She’s a wheezing wonder as she motions to his fanny pack. The kids had given him endless grief for the little bag he slung around his hips, but how the hell else was he supposed to keep track of two inhalers (Robin’s and Dustin’s), car keys, an epi-pen (Mike’s), and a wad of presumptuous band-aids? 
He passes her her inhaler (an “R” sharpied on the side to tell the two apart) and she’s quick to calm her gasping breaths down.
“You. are. Never. Going. To. Believe. This!” She thrusts her forearm right under Steve’s nose, barely catching a glimpse of the scribbled numbers.
“Holy shit, who?” Robin’s got a smug grin as she tells him it’s the new girl, the one that came into Family Video earlier, the very same one who had rejected him. Steve high fives his friend, doing his best to look excited for her, but on the inside, he’s a swirl of relief and horror.
Relief that now there was a very good reason for her rejection of him, namely that he was a him. Horror that he had asked her out in the first place. Sure, Steve could be clueless, but he had genuinely thought she was flirting with him. How could he not tell she wasn’t interested? Damn Harrington, you really are losing it.
Robin snaps him out of his thoughts, waving her hand in his face, “earth to Dingus. Come in Dingus, you alright?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. That’s awesome, Robs. Hey, I need some fresh air, will you tell the kids I’m out by the car?” She sighs, “yeah, no problem. You sure you’re ok?” He finishes lacing his own shoes back up, standing, “yeah, just have a headache.”
Robin seems to buy that answer, flittering off to get a soda and find the kids. Steve returns his skates and heads out to the parking lot, leaning up against the driver’s side of his car, letting his head tip back. He sighs and the exhale turns more into a groan. 
“You ok?” 
“Jesus christ!” Steve’s startled straight out of his skin, he whips around to see where the question came from.
“Not quite, just me. Sounds like you’re having a rough night.” He swallows hard, seeing that it’s a girl who scared the living daylights out of him, and Steve has to do a double take when she steps a little closer to him. He does his best not to let his eyes linger too long on her fishnet-clad legs, wandering up to a short tartan skirt that’s adorned with a dangling chain belt. He assumes she’s wearing a band tee, but he can’t be sure because he doesn’t recognize the name and the shirt is also cropped and chopped like crazy, neckline stretched and sliced so it hangs off her one shoulder. A denim vest to top it off, with safety pins clipped through the button holes and a few sewn-on patches mottling the sides. 
“Hey, buddy. You good?” Steve blinks hard a few times, finally focusing on her face. 
“Um, yeah. Sorry, just ready to go home I guess.” He can’t stop looking at the piercing in her nose, a thin metal cuff wrapping under her left nostril. She’s also got a hoop in the corner of her one eyebrow. Steve’s never seen anything like it. Certainly not in Hawkins. 
She kicks the toe of her Doc Martens into the ground, sidling up next to him to lean back against his car.
“Is the roller rink not really your scene?” Steve snorts, glancing over at her, “I feel like I should be asking you that.” She laughs, throwing her head back and Steve swears he sees something glinting on her tongue. Suddenly his throat feels very dry.
“Nah, definitely not. I’m just here to pick up my sister.”
“Do you always get this dressed up to pick up your sister?” Steve regrets it the moment it’s left his mouth. What the hell was he thinking? She however just laughs again, and yeah, her tongue is definitely pierced.
“I’m on my way home from a concert. Told my folks I’d grab her on the way back. So what about you? What’s brought you to this lovely roller rink parking lot?”
“My kids–”
“You have kids. Either you started way too early or you have a serious skincare regime.” Steve laughs hard at that.
“No, no. They’re not my kids, well they’re–”
“Steve! I need my inhaler!” Ah, Dustin Henderson, always a master of timing.
The young teen comes barreling up to Steve, not giving him a second to react before he’s grabbing at the fannypack still slung around his front. Steve swats at his hands.
“Jesus, man! Just, patience, alright? Back off. Here, take it.” He passes the inhaler to Dustin who promptly takes two succinct puffs.
“Thanks, you’re gonna skate some more, right? Max said you fell on your ass a bunch but you can’t get better if you don’t practice.” Steve could strangle the kid, honestly. Before he can say anything more though, Dustin’s attention is drawn to his female companion.
“Woah. Your face.”
“Henderson!” Steve is mortified. She however is cackling.
“Cool huh, kid?” Dustin nods his head frantically.
“Those had to have hurt. How bad did they hurt?” She shrugs, “eh, these two weren’t so bad. This one however,” she briefly flashes her tongue to them, showing off a metal ball right in the middle, “yeah, that one made my eyes water.” 
“Holy shit. So cool. Wait, why are you talking to Steve then?” Steve huffs, grabbing Dustin by the shoulders and spinning him back towards the rink entrance.
“Alright, that’s enough, Henderson. Go skate some more, yeah? Tell the others to come out when you’re all done.” He pats him hard on his back, more of a light shove really, and for once, Dustin seems to get the hint, shuffling back into the rink with a few mutters under his breath. 
He turns back to her, rubbing the back of his neck. She quirks her eyebrow at him, metal glinting with the movement.
“One of yours, I presume.” He sighs, mumbling, “yeah, something like that.” He tries to discreetly unclip the fanny pack from his waist, tossing it into the open window of his car. 
“Well, Steve. Since I know your name I should probably formally introduce myself,” She extends her hand out to him, telling him her name as they shake. He feels like a dope for thinking that he likes how her hand fits with his.
“I feel like I would’ve remembered seeing you around. Are you new to Hawkins?” She nods, explaining that her family just moved here this past week. A lot of folks moving here all of a sudden. She tells him that she’s just living with her parents for the summer, having graduated from college in the spring. She’ll be moving into an apartment in the fall, starting as the Hawkins Middle School music teacher. Steve does his best to not look shocked at the idea of her working with kids, but she catches his raised eyebrows and grins.
“What, you think these piercings aren’t removable?” He stutters, “No! I just– Well, I um– You–”
“I’m just messing with you man. But yeah, it’s not that hard to tone it down, you know? Just gotta go like half-punk, or maybe a quarter punk in this town.” He swallows his embarrassment, nodding.
“Well, if you’re here to stay, whatever fraction of punk you are, maybe I’ll see you around. I work at the Family Video in town.”
“Oh yeah, my sister went in there the other day, said there was a really chatty dude working, tried to ask her out.” She huffs out a laugh, shaking her head. Steve blanches at her words. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit.
Just then, someone calls her name and sure enough, it’s the girl from Family Video, the one who rejected Steve and scribbled her phone number on Robin’s arm, walking out of the rink. For a moment, Steve ponders the desire to be struck by lightning, or even to spontaneously combust. Anything to get him out of this interaction.
“Hey sis, good concert?” Family video girl sidles up next to her, throwing her arm around her shoulder.
“Eh, not much of a scene here in the sticks.” She scrunches her nose, pushing off of Steve’s car to walk them both over to her station wagon. Her sister glances at Steve, eyes widening in recognition.
“Hey, I know you! Steve, right?” Steve wants to say “no, wrong guy, sorry” but all he can do is sheepishly nod. He thinks to himself, great, she’ll want nothing to do with me after her sister tells her I was the creep who hit on her.
Before Family Video girl can talk, cool girl chimes in, “Steve here has been keeping me company while you stayed later than you said you would. It’s five past midnight, duck. I said 11:30.” So-called “duck” looks between her sister and Steve, seeming to decide something. She mutters a slanted “sorry” before huffing over to the passenger side and slipping into the car. Steve turns his attention back to her, raising his eyebrows.
“Yours, I presume?” She laughs, nodding, before shooting him a crooked smile.
“Something like that.” She tilts her head at him, “maybe it’s the feet fumes wafting from the rink driving me to madness, but would you wanna keep each other company again some time?” Steve’s heart kicks, he smiles.
“Yeah, I’d really like that.” “You got a pen? Can I give you my number?”
Steve pats his pockets, panicking for a moment when he comes up empty. And then, like a strike of lightning, he remembers the fanny pack.
He mumbles, “give me one sec” as he gracelessly shoves his torso through his car’s open window, fishing around for his pack. Mercifully, there is a pen amidst the first aid detritus in the little bag. Thank god for fanny packs. He wiggles back out of the window, cheeks flushed. She’s smirking at him.
“Quite the show you just put on, Steve.” He flushes a little harder as she takes the pen from his hand and grasps his wrist, tugging up his sweatshirt sleeve and scrawling her number on his forearm. He’s never found forearms to be a particularly erotic part of the body, but suddenly, watching her black-polished nails wrap around his wrist, he’s reconsidering that stance.
She hands him back the pen, sending him one more crooked grin.
“Call me, yeah?” He smiles, “Yeah, I will.”
He rests his chin in his hands on the hood of his car, watching her get into her station wagon, sending him a little salute. Her sister also looks at Steve, and shoots him an ‘ok’ symbol with her hand. His stomach drops, but he decides to interpret that as meaning she’s not going to tell her sister about their first encounter, at least he prays that that’s what it means. 
As he watches their station wagon pull out of the parking lot, he hears Robin calling his name, turning to see the brigade coming towards him and his car. The kids all pile into the back and Robin takes shotgun, immediately turning towards Steve in a flurry of activity.
“So I did talk to phone number girl a little more. We shared a cherry cola, isn’t that rad?” Steve quirks his face at Robin using the word “rad,” but lets her continue. 
“And, I assured her that you’re not a pervert, just a very hopeless guy who isn’t good with social cues and she said it was all good which is great because that means we can all hang out and it won’t be awkward because of your painful attempts at flirting and she said she has a sister who’s also been striking out in the dating department so maybe we could set you two up and maybe one day we’d even be in-laws, oh my god, that’d be perfect we’d actually be family and she’s so cool, did I tell you that already? She said–”
Just then, Robin glances at Steve’s forearm, shirt sleeve still rucked up.
“Hey! Look, we both lucked out tonight, dingus! Who’d you pick up in the parking lot? You know, I get that you’re desperate, but honestly, Steve? That’s a new low even for you, hitting on people in the parking lot of the roller rink. You’re better than that, and honestly as your friend I think that–”
“Hey, Robs. I think there’s more tootsie pops in my pack. It’s on the floor by your feet.” Her eyes light up and she’s already forgotten the word vomit tirade she was on, digging around in Steve’s fanny pack for a sucker. He knows her too well. She obviously hadn’t taken the time to compare hers and Steve’s temporary tattoos, because if she did she would’ve found that Steve had the exact same numbers scrawled up his arm that she did, a shared landline between the two new sisters in town. Steve figures to himself that that’s on a need to know basis, and right now, there’s no need to get Robin worked up again when she’s already got another tootsie pop in her cheek.
When he gets home that night after dropping everyone off, he stops in front of his bathroom mirror. He knows it’s silly, but for a moment he wonders how he’d look with a nose ring.
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everything-on-red · 2 years
ladies and gentlemen, to make good on my promise to @daniel-profeta, a list of my 40 favorite songs.
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“No Children” - Mountain Goats
Made me cry, made me feel seen, made me feel like a grape in a microwave, cooking from the inside out, dying on the vine, stuck in a box, about to explode, glowing with light. Made me confront my family life, made me ascend to a higher plane of being, made me a sad bastard.
“Staring At the Sun” - U2
I wish I had written these lyrics. I spend 90% of my life in denial so I felt very targeted by this song. I fly up in preparation whenever I hear it starting, and remain floating for the entire song, drifting in the ribbon clouds.
“It’s Alright” - Jack Stauber
This song just grabbed the otherworldly concept of placid hopelessness and frantic optimism and blended it all up in a blender and released a thousand screaming beautiful animals like sun spots on your eyelids in an empty indoor water park where you go skinny dipping with your favorite person and everything feels warm and electric.
“Only Skin” - Joanna Newsom
I have listened to this song probably over 40 times (and it’s 16 minutes long! So that’s 10 hours) and the lyrical tapestry of it is still an explosive mystery to me. It makes me weep and be very happy to be a woman because my body and brain are twisting in a living fairytale fever dream.
“Oh Comely” - Neutral Milk Hotel
How the fuck is this song about so many things and yet one thing. It is some of the most beautiful poetry I have ever had the pleasure of washing over me. Especially the part where it turns into a story about Hansel and Gretel freezing to death after they run away from the circus. See what I mean? It’s about so many things, but it’s about one thing. One solid feeling that you can’t get anywhere else.
“Hey” - Pixies
This song is a screaming roller coaster like an apocalyptic car ride down into the red and blue twilight city, divorce, and the Devil tarot card. Does that not sound like a good time?
“Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing Reprise” - David Bowie
This may be cheating, since it’s 3 songs, but the instrumentals in this suite are INSANE, the lyrics are SO FUCKING RESONANT I’M LITERALLY RESONATING, and Bowie is vocal goals here. Wailing makes everything better. “With you by my side it should be fine. / We’ll buy some drugs and watch a band, / then jump in the river holding hands.”
“Never Let Go” - Tom Waits
You know a song is magnificent when it can be both a loud tavern song and a quiet campfire song. This one reminds me of my father, so I can’t say too much else for fear of revealing my bias. But it’s beautiful, and like all Tom Waits, gives weepy 1930s vibes.
“All Eyes On Me” - Bo Burnham
Y'all ready to retreat into the dream and slowly disintegrate as we assimilate into the digital opiate hivemind in death as natural as a river at the end of the world? Because when I listen to this song, I feel fucking HYPED.
“Liquid Smooth” - Mitski
This is a song about Mary and you cannot change my mind. It is achingly powerful and desperate, ringing with the fear of death and ugliness and impotence, the intense and inescapable body horror of our mere existence as bags of throbbing flesh, the bottomless maw of sex.
“Rainbow Connection” - Kermie Da Frog :D (Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher)
This song always makes me smile, and I am proud to be a writer. I feel strong.
“Rock ‘N’ Roll Suicide” - David Bowie
The fumbling and melancholy mundanity that builds into such a beautiful plea for understanding and empathy. I get the sense that everyone who has ever reached out their hands is reaching out for a reason. They hold that reason tight to their chests and ride it into the ethereal plane. “Oh no love, you’re not alone!” The scream is so powerful. We are all David After Dentist. Even David.
“As The World Caves In” - Matt Maltese
Similar thematically to the last entry. Words cannot describe the feelings that the story in this song gives me. “It’s you. / That I lie with.”
“Freedom” - Teddy Hyde
This song is downright picturesque. The sentiment is beautiful, the instrumental is meltingly lovely. And oh my god the horn part. You are not prepared for this, it will pulverize you (tenderly).
“Down By the Side of the Road” - John Prine
This one is definitely about Mary, and it’s one of my favorite stories I’ve ever heard. I highly recommend listening to this, it is the missing link in a long line of ghost stories.
“Toes” - Glass Animals
You ever just wanna feel all the horror of The Island of Dr. Moreau PLUS The Most Dangerous Game in less than 5 minutes? Well with Toes by Glass Animals, now you can!!!
“The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn” - The Pogues
“I Bleed” - Pixies
This is my favorite Pixies song, despite the fact that Hey is probably better. I love the desert. I love coterminosity and cyclical time. I love devolving into the fluid consciousness of the past! And I love the weird, dissonant harmony in the final chorus.
“505” - Arctic Monkeys
I’m in love again. The smoky hotel rooms and wet streets. I’m drifting away, catch me. Or don’t.
“Pizza Boy” - Jack Stauber
The perfect song to sing for any empty room, rainy day, life change, mental breakdown, or lovely person. And sway away.
“Los Ageless” - St. Vincent
This is just a really really really good song about Los Angeles that has some of the sickest guitar I’ve ever heard. It also happens to be one of the horniest songs I’ve ever heard, and I would not trade it for anything.
“Body of Years” - Mother Mother
Every writer should hear this song.
“Rockets fall on Rocket Falls” - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
The first instrumental on this list, because I generally prefer lyrical songs, but this song tells a story in its own right. I feel like I’ve listed a lot of apocalyptic pieces so far, and this is perhaps the apotheosis of apocalyptic vibe.
“How Long” - Anais Mitchell
There is a deep kind of mystery to this song that is not in the other songs on Hadestown. A sense of inscrutability, despair, and wide separation that not even love can fully heal. A sense of bitter and cold resignation. And an amazing chorus, both lyrically and melodically, that builds with vocal layering and lyrical changes in a way that just makes me so fucking happy.
“Life During Wartime” - Talking Heads
The lyrical world of this song is so expansive and immersive and exciting and escapist and terrifying. It’s so fucking fun, it makes me want to jump around and get all sweaty.
“Love Love Love” - Mountain Goats
Raskolnikov reference, automatic W.
“One Summer’s Day” - Joe Hisaishi
I have extremely nostalgic attachments to this beautiful piano piece from my favorite animated movie, which is also the movie I happened to watch before leaving for college, appropriately.
“Atlantic City” - Bruce Springsteen
WOAH BREKAING BAD REFERENCE? This song low key gives me the same narrative and visual vibes as Hey, only with very different lyrical sensibilities. A beautiful, mournful melody and lyrics packed with sharp, astute characterization and wistful, desolate imagery.
“Wriggle” - Cosmo Sheldrake
Gospel song. Baptism song. Edward Lear would be proud. I am screaming and cheering.
“The Mind Electric” - Miracle Musical / ミラクルミュージカル
“Pepper” - Butthole Surfers
Something tells me this fountain was not made by the hands of man… idk though… this song makes me want to die in a parking lot on a summer afternoon.
“Dead Flowers” - The Rolling Stones
No explanation needed.
“An Open Letter to a Ruby-Shoed Pixie” - Teddy Hyde
Incredibly well written, the poetic flow is astounding. You can tell it comes from a place of raw and tender unfiltered love and that’s impossible to ignore.
“Hymn 131,513” - Daniel Profeta
The force with which this song is vaulted into the world is unparalleled. You can feel the heart pumping behind it. The lyrics tumble into each other, each truer than the last. Weird tangent--the “look above you, I’m never far” obviously implies some satanic or corrupt element, but I am also kind of obsessed with the idea that this God is simply chthonic. We’ve had too many sky daddies, we need more earthly pantheons. We need to walk on the gods. “Bury me a thousand feet deep in a form-fitting coffin an inch shorter than me.”
“Sunny Afternoon” - The Kinks
I’m partially nostalgic for this song, but also, I think it’s one of the best the Kinks have to offer. It’s just an utter vibe from beginning to end. I feel like I’m sliding down a half-medicated poolside chair into the rotisserie pit of my own mistakes.
“Moonsickness” - Penelope Scott
From the first line this is extremely relatable. Penelope Scott managed to write a song about periods and womanhood that is about so much more than that, that is universally relatable and painful.
“Sundial” - Lemon Demon
There’s just something I can’t describe about this song--the lyrics, the unique rotating melodies, all feel so quirky and fun and engaging.
“Paris 1919” - John Cale
We are all ghosts dancing to this song, “down on darkened meetings on the Champs-Elysees.”
“I’m Always In Love” - Wilco
Describes me to a T. I have problems. And you know I had to put Wilco on here.
“You’re Mine” - DAGames
Don’t eat ass in the halls.
Phew. That's it.
I wanted to put a Clipping song on here but I feel like I haven’t explored their catalog sufficiently yet. I also wanted to put an Advance Base song, but that might be one of those situations where none of his songs stand out tremendously, but Nephew in the Wild is still one of my favorite albums.
Thank you to @my-ancient-marss and again to Daniel Profeta for the inspiration for this list. It was a lot of fun to sift through and organize, and I definitely have a new appreciation for some of the songs on this list. Anyway, I hope others will follow suit. See you all on the flipside!
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walkawaytall · 5 months
Hollywood Studios was…okay, look, if Galaxy’s Edge and/or Toy Story Land had seating in abundance like Magic Kingdom seems to, we’d probably still be there. But it doesn’t, and it was hot, and I was getting cranky, and I was like, “Do we actually want to hang around for two more hours doing virtually nothing and getting more irritable by the minute just to ride this one ride that looks fun, but is, at the end of the day, a simple roller coaster?” And the answer was, “No,” so we left.
But I did buy a Chewie plush. And also a cool bag. And my braided space buns were comfortable all day, which is not usually the case when I wear space buns. And my mom got an arm pat from Chewie. So, there’s that, I guess?
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slutwithagut · 10 months
Post #2
The amount of cigarettes I’m smoking is insane for someone with no income! It’s time to ration. It would be cheaper to roll my own… but I don’t know how to roll. Maybe now is the time to finally learn? I digress. We will worry about that at a later time n date.
I have a close friend who employs me to give him rides home from work. Usually every Monday he needs a ride home from work around 8:10 pm because he goes in at 8 something the next day. Occasionally he asks for rides from the local trolley stop that’s about a 10 minute drive from my house.
I bring this up because my weekly income is about $28 on a good week.
So I need to chill on the tobacco.
Things were easier when I smoked spliff bowls (mole bowls, moke bowls, party bowls, whatever u wanna call them) which is cannabis mixed with tobacco. I’ve purchased a great many bags of bugler tobacco. It’s much more cost effective then buying a pack of cigs. The bugler pouch is roughly good for about 30 cigs versus the 20 you find pre rolled. It costs $7/$8 while a pack of cigs is $10/$11
I had purchased a joint rolling machine and filters earlier this year to roll my own. I found it just didn’t hit the same. I also proceeded to break the joint roller. A common theme in my life. Breaking useful objects due to carelessness and or intoxication. If only y’all knew me when I did XANAX and drank heavily while popping. I broke so many things… three lovely bongs, a babyliss hair straightener, bottles, and endured countless bruises and scratches. I also strained some of my personal relationships as you don’t give a single solitary FUCK when your xanned out.
So moral of the story is I am going to start rationing out my cigarettes.
I might buy a vape but I have to go on the black market for one and it seems like such a hassle.
Smoking cigarettes may seem glamorous and look cool. It feeds my oral fixation. But it makes you stink. I literally need to buy gum, scented hand sanitizer, and a small bottle of body spray so I don’t smell bad.
Wish my luck my loves! It ain’t easy trying to kick my vices.
It’s also 12:19 a.m. while I write this. My brain is tired but my body is on high alert. I do suffer from insomnia and weed helps that a lot.
It’s tough to learn how to live my life with out mind altering substances. I also find myself becoming more irritable. I might need to up the dosage on my medicine. I also kind of want to ask my doctor for sleeping pills… but it seems wrong? Since they have a potential for abuse. It would be nice to actually be able to fall asleep around the same time every night. I’ll probably be up until 2 or 3.
If I fall asleep before that I usually wake between 3 and 4 to pee. Then toss and turn till 6 or 7. Get up, smoke a cigarette and if I’m lucky fall back a sleep for a bit. I awake groggy and feeling worse than when I first woke. But still I nap after waking up. It’s a vicious cycle.
I’m going to start wearing my FitBit smart watch to bed again so I can track my sleep. It lets you know how many times you wake up, how deep your sleep was, etc. and it gives you a sleep score for the night. I want to see if my sleep is truly fucked up enough to constitute medicine. The less pills I’m on the better. But sleep is important and staying up late with my thoughts is not the most pleasant experience.
At least now I have you guys to talk and write to, to pass the time.
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Target Open Story Review - Toiletry Bag & Compression Bag Set
This is a repost of my original blog post on my website, https://crosseyedcricket.art, from this post here! i would appreciate if you would subscribe to my blog or follow me here!
Open Story Small Hanging Toiletry Bag – Blue 
This toiletry bag comes with a handle and a hanging hook, with two zipper compartments, two mesh compartments, and the main body of the bag. For $13 ($12.99 technically), this is the size I would expect. I love the blue color. 
I used this bag on a recent, 7-day 6-night trip, where I was able to pack most of my toiletries I needed in this bag. For reference, I brought nail care, my shampoo & conditioner bar, body wash bar, tea tree oil, face wash, face cream, facial sunscreen, toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear liners, perfume roller, lip balm, chafing stick, travel poopouri, and a body lotion pump. I carried my deodorant with me in my backpack, just in case, so that did not go in this bag. A lot. All of that comfortably fit in this bag and nothing in the bag was damaged or broken when I arrived at my destination or when I arrived home. Again, a note I travelled by car, not plane, so this has not been through luggage abuse.
I love the size of this bag— it is just right for me. It’s bigger than a cosmetic bag, but smaller than the toiletry bags the men in my family use. I’m sure I would be able to fit more into this bag than what I brought if I really planned out where it would go. This is currently my go to. 5/5 stars. 
Have these photos to show all what I fit in there, it fully packed, and its size in relation to my hardshell luggage and weekender bag. 
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Open Story 5pc Compression Bag Set
This compression bag set comes with 1 small, 2 medium, and 2 large bags. These bags are not for vacuum sealing; instead, the way you use them is like this: you fill, zip them with their zipper enclosure, and roll the bags to push out the air. Once they’re closed, they’re airtight and waterproof. They’re $20 ($19.99 technically). 
I recently purchased these for a roadtrip where I wanted to take a couple of sweaters; I’ve put my clothes into zip bags before and pushed out the air, but that really only works if that apparel item fits into a gallon size bag. So, I figured, these would be worth a try and the investment. 
I used these for a wool duster from H&M and a men’s large cotton knitted sweater; I used the two medium size bags for these. They fit the items very well and I was able to organize them in my hardshell luggage well. Overall, very pleased with this. 
For my return trip, I filled one of the large ones with my dirty clothes, consisting of undergarments, socks, and shirts. This fit all of them and didn’t seep into any clean clothes I was taking home. Again, very pleased. 
I really enjoy these. I can see me using them in a lot of different ways, for storage and travel, and I love that they really do condense down a puffy sweater that wants to take up half of my suitcase with no vacuum. 5/5 stars.
I hope these reviews were helpful for you and were in depth enough to fully get together all my opinions! I certainly would recommend both of these products, but don’t feel inclined to buy something because of these types of posts. Only get something if you need it or will use it. 
Happy travels! – Annie, The Crosseyed Cricket
I run my blog with my personal issues in mind, and that includes eye strain, eye issues, and being autistic, so i try to run my blog in a way that is accommodating for me and those like me. I cover travel, my art, and a few beauty reviews.
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sugarlove-01 · 2 years
The Cruelty
Ok this is my story of DwayneXReaderXDavid based in Santa Carla with my own character. I loved the Lost Boys! Always have and always will. They were my favorite characters so I had to write a story about both of them.
Be warned: this isn't a happy fic, this is fanfiction that is based on obsession, stalking, murder, abuse, and death. Some themes are triggering, so be warned.
But it's also a love story.
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If you know one of these. You know them all.
You’re born.
You live.
You die.
There you go, life sucks.         
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Chapter 1:
Your POV:
Monday, June 13th
9:13 in the Morning
“Mom, can I go down to the beach? And the carnival, please?” I asked.
“Yea, sure. Go out. Explore,” replied my mom.
“Ok, thanks. And I moved in all my stuff to my room.”
“Did you take out all the boxes?”
“Yea. I brought in your purse, too. You forgot it in the truck again.”
“Ok thanks. On your way back, can you bring back some milk?”
“For cereal?”
“No, for Oreo cookies this evening… And cereal tomorrow.”
“Ok. I’ll be back…”
            I walked out of the house. Noting to myself to go to the gas station later this evening for milk. My mother, calling a few friends on the phone, talking about a book club. I rolled down my sleeves. Got my green jacket and my brown shoes on. The weatherman predicted a cloudy day in Santa Carla. Maybe a few winds. Going to the shed, I got out my bike. Unlocked the chain and peddled off.
            Not much has been happening in Santa Carla. Not for the past week that I’ve been here. The moving trucks weren’t needed anymore and my mother had all the help she could get from my father. My father was sleeping on the couch infront of the TV when  had left. He always looked so restless ever since we moved. Maybe it was the exhaustion of moving, or he missed our old house as much as I did.
            As I rode, I passed Tom on the way down the road. He was taking out the trash. He was a neighbor, the one who first greeted us when we moved in. He always took out the trash at 8:15 in the morning, every day. He worked at a hot dog stand near the carnival. He was, in truth, an artist actually. When we first met, I promised him I’d try one of his hotdogs when I went down to check it out.
            I rode out of the neighborhood and down the road. Down the road I looked around. Two men were hanging out at a gas station. One man with dreadlocks was looking at a magazine with a plastic bag in his hand. The other was reading a newspaper. The both of them stood next to a bulletin board that had paper fliers on it. Fliers for concerts, yard sales, puppies, and lost children.
            I got to the pier. The beach looked occupied and warm, with trash all around it. But there were a few men with trash bags picking everything up. I attached my bike to the railings that had bubblegum underneath it. There was strange people here who looked at you and snickered. It seemed they had a thousand piercings and a thousand tattoos and with many different hair styles. They were wild kids.
“So this is Santa Carla….”
            I chained up my bike. With money in my pocket I got in and looked everywhere for something or anything interesting. And there was many in fact. Clowns juggled. Boys danced on cardboard. Cotton candy stands and other sweets were open. Men tried to talk you into buying lotions and cellphone chargers. Even shops for mini golf and leather jackets. Souvenir shops. Tobacco shops. And others.
            I passed my way by, not bothering the roller coaster or other carnival rides. So I walked around the carnival in a circle. There was a drink stand and I decided to buy a pretzel. The cashier inside wore a red and white shirt. He went to get my order. I waited. There was women in bathing suits eating at the tables and shirtless men who watched them. They looked at me sometimes, but didn’t bother.
            The man in red and white came back with my pretzel and a napkin. He asked me for anything else, I said no. When I finished my fingers were buttery and tasted of salt. I went looking for a trash can. At the corner of the stand I found a trashcan, and I 6 men there. One man held a boom box over his shoulder. One man whistled at me, wearing a red spiked dog collar with high eyebrows. I threw away the napkin.
“Hey sweety…” He clicked his tongue.
            I looked at him. And his friend chuckled. I kept walking. Soon I found myself looking in a comic book store. A man and a woman were behind the counter, looking as if asleep. They wore black glasses. I paid no attention. But there were two boys. They packed comics out of a box, placing them on shelves, and organizing them. I didn’t mind comics. What I loved most was the art work and the action.
            Later that evening, I began looking for a hotdog stand. I didn’t have breakfast this morning. But it wasn’t just any hotdog stand. It was where my neighbor worked, Tom. He said I could come right over if I wanted. I found it. It had yellow and green neon lights with a picture of a hotdog man. Tom was there, at the counter in a white and red worker outfit and waiting for someone to approach. And I did.
“Hey Tom…!” I smiled.
“Oh hey! How ya doin, girl? Likin‘ Santa Carla? Or hatin’ it already?”
“It’s ok. I’m just looking around.”
“Ok, cool. You want anything to eat? And guess what’s on the menu!? Hotdogs!”
“Like, omg, no way! I would never have guessed....” I laughed.
            The menu was awesome. There was hotdogs on there that I didn’t know existed. Tom worked with a smile and made my small dinner. A hot dog, french fries, an ice-cream bar and a Coke. The Coke came in a glass bottle with a straw for it. Tom talked to me more and said there were seats I could sit on with umbrellas and eat. Where no one could bother me. And when he’s off, he could walk me home.
            I was glad, because that man with the spiked collar creeped me out. It was exciting to be here. There wasn’t much to do. I watch wild kids run with shopping carts, playing duel. Men flirting with women. The security guards watching the boys with spiked hair and alcohol. The tattoo people get more tattoos in stands. The people with piercings get more piercings. And kids dancing to heavy metal on the street.
            Rolling down my sleeves, I went to the beach. That was where it was most hectic. A lot of people were sunbathing and surfing and making sand castles and digging big holes on the beach. A bunch of seagulls were flying over picking up small stranded Dorito ships and Cheetos. Even dogs were on the beach, trying to steal a snack or two from their owners or from strangers. But they were just playful.
            It wasn’t later until I went across the Boardwalk watching men in black and white juggle random objects and others host magic shows. Near there I found a Videotape store. The best selection in Santa Carla, and perhaps I could agree. The shop was covered with neon lights, fliers of lost children, and a weird smell around it and with a white dog at the entrance. There was even posters in the corner.
            Finally after a long day at the carnival, I made my way back home. Tom said that he could meet me at the gas station. Tom knew that this the streets could be dangerous. It was a long day. I approached the gas station. The bulletin board seemed to have been added more pictures of children and other people who were lost. That was the thing I noticed most about this new home of mine. All the fliers.
            Peddling towards the gas station, I went inside. There were more fliers of lost children, and a security guard with a mustache. Going inside, I looked for the milk and a newspaper. It was only 8:15 in the evening, but I felt it was time to turn in. And I was tired. And plus my mother probably waited long enough for the milk. The newspaper was for me. Tom was already inside, and we both walked home from there.
David’s POV:
Monday, June 13th
6:30 in the Evening
            As soon as the boys woke from their sleep, they were hungry. Their fangs showing and their eyes fiery and ghoulish. So they found more Surf Nazis, laying around on the beach far from any civilization to hear them scream. So it was perfect. They tore them apart and drank their blood. The Boys were cheerful that night. They threw their bodies into the fire, sizzling. Their skin, cooked, crispy, and curled. They were dead and drained and gone. The boys were satisfied as they howled in laughter. Paul, Marko, and Dwayne were in high spirit tonight.
            David laughed as well. They discarded the bodies, and soon they had to meet up with Max. David lead the way, flying towards the pier. He was well rested to go the Boardwalk and look for her. Yes, dear reader, he’s looking for someone. She must be walking around at this time. David knew that this girl was out and about. Walking about, vulnerable and open. She was new. It was not long ago when David saw her, but it was an accident. Less than a week ago. And that’s when the wheels of fate began to turn. For better or for worse, he didn’t know.
            A walk down memory lane, he remembered when he first looked at her. The sighting was an accident. David thought that she was Star, but was wrong. She had straight hair, different colored eyes. She wore different clothing, not like the gypsy wardrobe Star had for herself. By the look on her face, she didn’t really know Santa Carla or its people. In a way, David, thought it was adorable how she looked so lost and vulnerable to everyone and everything. She was so polite, that even if she ran into a wall she would excuse herself. Prey.
“Hey, yo! Hey! Where ya goin’ David!? I thought we were all goin’ out together, dude?” Marko called out.
“Where’s he goin? It’s not even 8:00 and he’s already ditching us for…. some chicks that he’s either gonna bang or eat!” Paul grinned.
“I don’t have to baby sit you guys all night. Make your way on your own…”
“Aw, come on David. This is the 5th night that you’ve ditched us for god knows what. The hell is goin on? Where the hell do you go buddy?”
            David closed his eyes, gained back his patience, and gripped his bike handle hard. Gripping that bike handle was great restraint on his part. They others mounted their bikes and began their engines.
“Why the hell would he--- Oh nevermind,” Dwayne looked away.
“Oh god. Would you all shutup? I’m goin my own way… See you guys back at the cave…” David seated his motorcycle.
“What? We’re not good ‘nough for you? You leavin us for someone else?” Marko joked.
“Oh, David, is that true? I thought we all had something special!” Paul put the back of his hand on his forehead, swaying backwards.
“Get outta here!” Marko pushed Paul and laughed with him.
            David started his bike and sped off. Leaving his brothers in the dust. Paul and Marko had stupid smiles on their faces.
“Wow, he just chucked it didn’t he?”
“David has no time for us anymore, huh?”
“Just hit it and quit it…”
“Always been my motto…” Paul nodded his head.
Dwayne’s POV:
Monday, June 13th
7:00 in the evening
            The three boys drove off their own way. Their leader flying away to wherever he was gong. The boys didn’t really mind, so they flew off to the carnival. Going off to the Boardwalk, where they dominated all the other gangs in sight. Dwayne looked back, thinking where David really went. It would be easy to ditch Paul and Marko, since they were geeky losers. Something was up, and he didn’t like the fact that David was being mysterious and suspicious. David didn’t have the leader-like qualities like he used to, and that was something that couldn‘t be tolerated. So the boys walked, talking about going to the Videostore. But the quiet one of the group had other plans.
“I’m out,” Dwayne started to walk away, going to find David.
“Hey, whoa there. Where you are going?” asked Marko. Paul noticed and turned to him.
“What’s it to ya?” Dwayne groaned and turned towards Paul and Marko.
“It’s David and now you? What the hell is goin’ on?” asked Paul.
            Damn, Dwayne thought they wouldn’t notice him leaving. Paul was on his right side and on his left side, Dwayne was sandwiched in between them. Being irritated by their very presence.
“None of your damn business! Just drop it.” Dwayne rolled his eyes.
“Ya know, this is the first time this has happened. We’re separating.” Marko pointed out.
“What are you? A lost puppy? We don’t need to be together all the time!”
“Just pointing it out, man! Just wondering where the hell he is!”
“David! That’s who! Ya know!? The one that keeps ditching us for the past 5 days!”
“Shit, man. Maybe you two are the reason he leaves in the first place, damn it!”
“Oh, Dwayne! That was cold!”
“Shut up and get outta my way! Shut your mouth and move it!”
“Ok! Ok! You don’t need to snap, man! Damn, Dwayne! Just chill! Just chill!”
“Well, ya know what I--”
“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Can’t you see you’re tearing this family apart!?” Paul gasped and put both his fisted hands on his face with his knees bent towards eachother. What a joker.
“Drama Queen…” Dwayne whispered. Paul noticed.
“Hey, I heard that!”
“Good! It was meant to be heard!” Dwayne called back, leaving them alone.
            So the silent one of the bunch left, and searched for their fearless leader. He walked through the crowds, people looked at him but only saw him as a bored and peculiar man. Some looked at him as a very serious and dangerous man, that could out-silence the dead. Of course the boys had a reputation around Santa Carla. Maybe some people knew his name. Even the other gangs on the beach feared him and his brothers, and try to keep to themselves.
            After walking around for about 20 minutes, Dwayne sat down, lifted his knee to his chest and sighed. The seat was oddly comfortable and clean. No bubblegum or spray paint. Yellow and green neon lights glowed on him. He looked up to see a picture of a hotdog man. A really stupid thing. Dwayne looked at the man at the cashier, dressed in red and white. Maybe Dwayne should tip him in the tip jar. He decided yes, because that guys life as a hotdog man sucks. Then he saw the customer.
            Her long hair. Her jaw line. Her nose. Her ears. Her brown shoes and green jacket. Her hands. In a way, when he first saw her, she looked like Star. But he was mistaken. She was…pretty. She was ordering a hotdog from the worker in red and white. Then something caught his attention. The smell of hotdogs and mustard didn’t catch his nose, but it was her shirt or jacket.
            Dwayne looked at her face, and she didn’t have any wrinkles or any evidence that she did any drinking or drugs. She looked clean. Healthy. But she smelled like cigarettes, alcohol, and… blood. He could obviously see that she wasn’t a vampire or anything. He knew it was all on her jacket. Was that jacket hers? Did she drop it, let it get trampled on by bleeding crack heads, and then wear it again?
            But it was familiar. And he knew it, but couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Then she came over and sat down on the tables and began eating. For some reason, he was intrigued by her. She looked… normal. More normal than anyone here in this whole damn place. She didn’t notice that he was sitting near her. But she just ate, and sat there, and just…looked cute. She looked deep. Real. Like a book with no ending. And soon after a quick 5 minutes, she finished and began walking again.
            He saw her once. But decided to leave it be. He searched for David again. But never found him. Near midnight or so, Dwayne feasted on a lone homeless man before finding his way back to his group. Paul and Marko only wasted their time chasing cats and talking about Max and the Videostore and getting Thorn a spiky collar. Near the time of morning, they hid their bikes, flew back to their cave, hung themselves upside down, and by that time Dwayne had forgotten all about the girl.
David’s POV:
Monday, June 13th
7:05 in the Evening
            She was at the hotdog stand with Tom. Talking. Tom was her neighbor down from her house. From the distance David was, she seemed comforted by Tom. Of course David knew that he was the only friend that she knew. In the crowd all alone, she seemed to be so out of place and awkward. People passed by, and he was delighted that he easily blended in. He transformed himself into a hunter. Teaching himself patience and strength to keep his distance and learn everything. Not telling the boys.
            The hunter that hadn’t made his move yet. He would attack soon, but not just yet. He had to have some sort of tactical plan to get close to her. A gameplan. He had to expand his grounds and know everything about her. And so he did, not telling the boys. After he first saw her a week ago, he followed her home. He saw her parents. They looked like any other couple, looking out for their loved one and all that crap. Enough of them. Around town, she didn’t really have a routine, but just wandered.
            The hard thing was that he slept all day, and knew she was out and about all day. The other hard thing was that she retired too early in the evening for him to see her. So instead he watched her from inside her home sometimes. Her parents obviously looked very delicious, and it was all due to the smell in their veins. She was definitely new in Santa Carla. She moved from Washington. Why she moved, he didn’t know. He learned some small things about her as he continually watched her every move.
            She liked to help her mother with the garden up front, watch her dad cut out magazine pictures and paste them on paper, she loved to see movies every weekend all by herself, talk with Tom in his front yard about Santa Carla and it’s people, her favorite snack were smores, she liked to arrange her room differently each day, she liked to talk with her friends on the phone, play with her hair, watch television and listen to the radio at the same time, and sit in her room and do nothing. She was fascinating.
            So for the rest of the evening, he followed. Keeping his hands in his pockets. Soon he followed her to the gas station where she was suppose to meet Tom and he could walk her home from there. She walked in after looking at the bulletin board. David walked up and entered the gas station himself. The girl didn’t notice him. David walked past the magazines and refreshments to the small shelf of cigarettes and lighters. Tom looked up and smiled as he looked at her. And…David didn’t like Tom.
            David knew that if he tried to get near the girl, then Tom would interfere. For example, if David attacked, then Tom would get in the way. He would be reported and leave an entire mess and have a search party or something. And plus, Max said to keep a low profile. Plus, Tom seemed to be the only reason that the girl left her house and go to the pier in the first place. So…David knew that the damn bastard had to live.
            So Tom and the girl stood in line. Tom’s shoulder was in contact with hers, and David didn’t know if it was a public display of affection. Tom didn’t have anything to purchase, but she had milk and a newspaper. Tom offered to carry her things, but she refused him. David stood right behind them, waiting with them in line. David noticed that every once in awhile, Tom would look over at her and smile. And she would look back and smile, hugging the milk closer. Squeezing the newspaper a little.
            Slowly, but cautiously, David raised his hand and made a small trace down her jacket. Touching her. His glove made a line down her back. David’s been doing this for the past week, and she had never noticed. Putting a small, tiny, teeny fraction of his scent on her. The cashier rang in their stuff, and put the milk and newspaper in a brown paper bag. The girl said to Tom that the milk was for Oreo cookies and cereal, and Tom nodded and smiled at her again. After they left, David purchased his stuff.
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merakiui · 2 years
that anon rating pulls, omg similar story but opposite happened dbbdbd
Vil: bastard man, bad man, absolute menace !! took 200+ pulls, he took all my gems and absolutely ran with them
Cater: this boy tried avoiding me but gave up after 50 pulls, so not bad but still would've preferred earlier
Jade: absolute star, came 2 times in the first 10 pull (but I'm sure he knew I would suffer with vil and cater which is why this happened. i just know he was making me hopeful for the other cards, knowing the horror i would face)
Azul: best boy out there, he came like 3 times in a ten pull and then 3 keys later again!!
Lilia: hmm, mixed bag. sometimes he would, sometimes he wouldn't and ik he was playing w/me emotionally.
overall: emotionally and financially taxing ‼️
im very f2p and had saved 10k+ gems for this event and vil took like 6k of them (I haven't pulled in this game for so long until now omg) 💀 im worried for tweel birthdays now but ill have to manage. i have around 2.5k left so now im praying (I would spend money on the game but I'm not from the US and the game won't let me buy gems which means every time I pull it's an actual gamble fnfbf)
Aaaa that sounds like a roller coaster!!! At least everyone came home to you, but it would have been nice without any struggles. Vil really is hoarding all of the gems he took lol. He’s the type who will want you to work extra hard just to prove to him that you are someone worth coming home to. >_< just be nice and come home, Vil!!! >:(
Jade,,,,,,, coming home twice,,,,,, in a tenfold… _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): that’s amazing luck! I’m so happy he blessed your account!!!! Now you can have mummified eel to welcome you every day!
Azul is the best boy!! I’m happy to hear he came home without any issues. As he should! As a reward for being so good, he will get a kiss. More kisses will be given out for each time he comes home without any problems. Positive reinforcement hehe!!
Good luck with your summons for Jade and Floyd birthday! I’m sending you good vibes and great luck!! Hopefully the tweels will come home within the first few pulls! ٩( ᐛ )و
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wordsmith30 · 2 years
Black Lightning 1×05: “And Then the Devil Brought the Plague: The Book of Green Light”
Okay, Jefferson’s stunt double is easily recognizable in the flashbacks. They have completely different head shapes.
A new suit upgrade from Gambi gives Jefferson the ability to fly. He’s certainly having fun. (I also really love the soundtrack for this show.)
And then he sees a Black kid on Green Light getting taken down by the cops. Jefferson’s intervention is absolutely perfect. Stop shooting people when they have mental health breakdowns. They need help, not a body bag!
That’s how you de-escalate a situation without killing. “Next time, try using a taser first!”
Uh oh. Now something’s wrong with his mask. Jefferson shrugs it off and says he wants to keep practicing.
At headquarters, Gambi checks the security footage to see … Tobias. Tobias is in his shop! Gambi, don’t do anything stupid.
What do you mean you had a deal? Gambi, you knew he was still alive?
“Only thing I’m gonna measure you for is a coffin.”
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Ooh ... Okay, so maybe you’re not a whole traitor yet.
So apparently Tobias and his sister can’t age because of a serum they took? Well, that’s just wonderful.
Tobias says that Gambi’s working for the ASA, which means he has access to valuable intel. Intel on Black Lightning.
Gambi says he doesn’t know anything, but this raises some new and important questions. What is the ASA and why does Tobias think that Black Lightning would be Gambi’s enemy?
I’ll give Jefferson credit; he’s managed to keep his secret identity under wraps for a long time.
If Tobias is going to be paying Gambi visits, they’ve got even more problems.
Anissa, meanwhile, starts doing some research on metahuman abilities and stumbles across this video about an experiment in Freeland. Actually, how far is Freeland from Central City? Are they on the same Earth?
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And then, of course, Jen interrupts her. I love their sister relationship. Two of my younger sisters are the same size, so they’re always trading clothes or stealing from each other.
“I said shut the door!”
Apparently, nine superpowered kids disappeared in Freeland thirty years ago.
At the roller rink, Jen is harassed by two girls from another school who take jabs at both her and Khalil. When one of them shoves her, she puts them both on the ground. Yaas, Jennifer! Once again, don’t mess with Black Lightning’s daughters.
And then her friend just shows up like, “Girl, for real?” 😂 Sorry. She didn’t start this fight, but she finished it!
Later, Jefferson steps in to help this man trying to buy medicine for his daughter. How do you have three-year-old medicine sitting on your shelf? Don’t you restock?
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The fact that this cashier automatically goes for a bat when Jefferson shows signs of distress is just a microcosm of how quick people are to label Black men as threats. The other man at least has the decency to ask if he’s okay.
Hold on. Their grandfather, Alvin Pierce, was trying to expose a story about vaccines that gave people superpowers? Maybe Jefferson was one of the nine.
Jefferson goes hunting down another potential Green Light spot only to run into a white man with a shotgun. Time to run.
“Lawn jockey”? Oh, heck no, buddy. You’re about to get it.
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The man finally says that he gets the chemicals from a guy named Joey Toledo and Jefferson is ticked. Apparently, Toledo worked for Tobias. Now Jefferson is working the Alvin Pierce story from the other side. Seems like you’ve been keeping a lot of secrets, Gambi. Was Joey Toledo supposed to be dead, too?
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Gambi! Why won’t you tell him the truth? Whose side are you on? You know Tobias is the one behind all of this – Jefferson’s arch-nemesis! If he finds out about Tobias on the streets or Tobias catches him by surprise, he’s going to be absolutely livid.
In the middle of his rant, Jefferson keels over like a board, no warning whatsoever. Gambi calls in Lynn to take a look at him and they deduce that the headaches might be due to the suit upgrade.
Jeff wants to go after Toledo, but he’s in no shape. Lynn tells him to rest.
Tori tells Tobias that he shouldn’t have gone to see Gambi because “Lady Eve won’t be happy.” What the heck? Gambi knows her, too?
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We learn a lot about Tobias’ character this episode, from his rant about needing to be respected, his offensive use of the word “Negroes”, and the way he was treated by his father growing up because of his albinism. I’m not going to lie. I was a bit on the fence about the show having a villain with albinism as it’s so rare to see that condition represented at all, but in the context of this story, it opens up so many conversations about colourism and internalized prejudice. Tobias was never “Black enough” for his father and so he’s spent his life fighting for acceptance and respect. But in the process, he’s distanced himself from other Black people, positioned himself as being above them. As a result, he’s a very self-hating Black man with nothing but contempt for the Black community.
Still, tossing the word “Negroes” around in front of his dark-skinned sister is very tone-deaf.
Tori says that the only way he can move forward is by dealing with his first enemy: their father.
Finally, a talk between Anissa and Jefferson! Seems these girls don’t know much about their family history. Why did I want him to say, “Your grandfather ... was Black Lightning”? No, but that would’ve been cool! 😆
I was hoping that would be a longer conversation, but Jefferson doesn’t seem to like talking about his dad too much. Anissa, however, is not letting this go. She’s following the trail.
She finds the old editor of the Freeland Gazette, David Poe. Bro, that look on his face when she brings up the missing kids … 😨 Nobody wants to talk about this!
Anissa leaves when he kicks her out, but not without telling him that he was supposed to be “a champion for the common people.”
Black Lightning pays Henderson a visit. We’re going old school Quentin-and-the-Hood! Jefferson even gives him a burner phone and everything. 
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He tells Henderson that Joey Toledo is back and that he’s prepared to go get him.
“The Black signal.” 
Stop this! 😆😂
And then he disappears just like Batman. Typical.
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Lynn is not happy about Jefferson resuming his Black Lightning duties again, but they’re interrupted by …
Aw, great. It’s the girl from the roller rink and her moms. 
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If she didn’t want her behind handed to her, then she should have kept her mouth shut! She attacked Jennifer first!
One of them looks like she’s got a bone to pick with Jefferson, too.
Wait, you’re leaving already? I thought you were waiting for Jen so that you could do the disciplinary talk.
Not all three of them side-eyeing her on their way out the door. Keep walking!
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Jefferson’s anger fades when he learns there were two girls (that’s why you hear both sides of the story), but Lynn’s not having it. “Not everybody solves their problems with their fists!” she says, looking pointedly at Jefferson. 😂
Editor Poe seems to like Anissa better today. He knows she’s not going to stop, so he gives her everything he has. But that information also got Alvin killed, so she needs to be careful.
Oh, the Whale siblings are going to resolve some daddy issues tonight!
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While going through Alvin’s articles about Tobias and the vaccines, Anissa finds a key to an old storage unit. Oh, please don’t go there by yourself!
“Jennifer, do you have my black hoodie?”
Jennifer, fully wearing the hoodie: “No, I’ve got my own hoodies!” 😆😂
Anissa chooses her catsuit instead.
Jefferson’s with Jen now! Finally, we’re actually getting some father-daughter talks for once.
“Sin of omission. Our family doesn’t communicate that way.”
Oh, really? So you’re going to tell her that you’re Black Lightning?
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Jen tells him that it’s not exactly easy being the principal’s daughter. Yeah, I definitely get that: loads of pressure, perpetual teacher’s pet, everyone thinking you’re a brat or being afraid of you, this huge reputation to uphold …
Her dad tells her that the best thing she can do is put the fire out.
And Anissa ripped her catsuit. Time to go shopping!
Brighter? Isn’t the idea not to be seen? You don’t want to stand out.
“Red would be great.” Nope. She wants her Beyoncé blonde! 😆
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Um, he said “superhero.” He does think it’s a costume party, right? 😳
Henderson gives Jeff a tip-off about a girlfriend of Joey Toledo’s.
Jefferson, don’t be dumb. Let Gambi fix the suit.
Tobias, meanwhile opens a letter from Lady Eve filled with white dust. Oh, that’s cruel. What does it say?
Anissa shows up to the storage facility in her new gear. Alright, girl, I see you! That’s not bad for a first-time suit. Although, the emblem on the chest does look a bit like Batwoman’s.
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“If you wanna be a superhero, you can’t be afraid of dead rats.”
Oh, honey, there could be so much worse in there.
She breaks into an old safe to find a vial full of chalky white crystals. Tell me that’s not the vaccine.
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Jefferson finds the girlfriend without a hitch and confiscates her phone. Now we’re catfishing Joey Toledo. 😆 Sorry, Joey. Your girl’s not coming.
Oh, wow. No hello or anything. Jefferson’s just throwing hands.
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Just like Gambi warned, the headaches start up again. This is why you don’t go out with a faulty suit!
Lynn’s going to be ticked.
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alysegarrett · 5 months
Chapter one: To the sea I go
Scotland - late October, 1769
Since passing through the stones Mckenna had made a mental checklist of everything she had to do to complete her journey and warn her grandparents successfully. Now in line to buy passage on board of a ship going to America for her and Elizabeth (her new companion for this trip), she was reminiscing how in just a few weeks she already felt different. Like when you start exercising and using muscles you never knew you had, and now your body aches and feels stronger at the same time. Getting help from Joanie to escape her vengeful mother and having uncle Ian's assistance to find a boat safely was making Mckenna feel more hopeful about her journey and reaching her grandparents in time.
Mack's throughts were interrupted when the person in front of her left and she was next to speak with the sailor sitting behind a small square table with a big thick leather book in front of him.
"I'd like to buy passage on the Gloriana." She said taking a few coins out of a small bag, "For two."
The man began writing on the book, "Your name?"
She hesitated before saying her last name and at the last moment decided on using Fraser. Not because she wanted to forget about her step father, but because she didn't want to leave tracks of her real identity. She wanted to warn her grandparents, meet her real parents and return to her own time without leaving any breadcrumbs or messing any more with history. Walking towards the ship,she gave Lizzie some space to say goodbye to her father, and seeing them share their last hug, mckenna felt as if Roger was also blessing her departure.
With the money her uncle Ian gave her, Mckenna was able to secure a small room with two beds, one on top of the other, so that she and Lizzie could have a bit more privacy and space during the harsh voyage.
Walking up towards the ship to embark along with the other passengers, Mack stopped to take in the great wooden galleon that would be her home for the next long weeks. A light breeze directed her focus up to the sails that were slowly moving with the wind and moving her eyes towards the quarter deck where a man caught her eye. He was wearing a tricorn hat over his dirty blond hair, a dark leather jacket that went down to his thighs, and as he spoke to a sailor next to him he moved his hands where she noticed a couple of rings on his fingers which made Mack begin to question exactly what kind of ship she had just embarked since that man seemed to be the captain and did not look like the captain she expected.
Soon he turned his face from the sailor and his eyes looked down to the main deck where they met hers. While there where many people walking about, Mack knew for certain he was staring back at her but she couldn't break her focus. Even in the midst of that cloudy day she noticed his darkish blue eyes, squinting at her.
for the next seconds, that seemed like hours, neither one pulled away and Mack began feeling her stomach tighten like the first time she rode on a roller coaster. A mixture of excitement and the sense of falling from a 20 story building all at once, the same felling she felt when she passed through the stones.
Lizzie's voice pulled Mack from their brief- albeit intense - stare down, and she blinked her now dry eyes. Shifting her gaze up once more she saw him smirking and later seemed to be laughing while turning away to continue on his work.
He's laughing at me! What the hell is wrong with me? Why was I staring at him like a freak? Mack's face began to feel hot, her whole body cold as if all her blood ran to her cheeks to display her embarrassment. She turned to Lizzie, who had a puzzled look on her face when she saw how flushed Mckenna appeared.
"Is everythin' alright, mistress? Do you ken that"man?' Lizzie questioned looking up at quarter deck.
"N-no, no, I don't. I was just looking around on the boat." Mack answered, moving her eyes away from now companion, and herself, that she wasn't just 'googly eyeing' some strange guy like a teenager.
"They said we have to accommodate ourselves in our chambers, we should be settin sail soon." Lizzie motioned for Mckenna to go ahead of her while trying to contain her own nerves. She never travelled by boat and as much as she wanted to show Mackenna her gratefulness, she was still processing leaving her father and her homeland.
The first couple of days aboard the ship were the most difficult. They hadn't faced any storms but the constant swaying of the ocean took getting used to. Six to eight weeks - that's the amount of time it could take to get to America, if the wind was on their side. Starting to feel cramped in her small room with Lizzie, who wasn't feeling her best, mackenna decided to venture off to get some fresh air.
Making sure she wasn't getting in anyone's way, Mack kept along side the rail but discreetly looked around the sailors at work. She had forgotten the weird feeling she had once boarding the ship that this wasn't just a reqular one. The Gloriana probably wasn't just transporting passengers and legal goods. Mackenna was so focused on getting on the first galleon sailing to Wilmington that she overlooked the fact that this for certain was also a smuggling ship, commanded by pirates. In all her research of that time she forgot that piracy was still a popular profession in the 18th century.
A small cry coming from further along the rail caught Mack's attention and she noticed a young women cradling a baby in her arms, gently shushing so the little one wouldn't attract the attention of the stern-faced sailors.
"Fresh air sure is nice, isn't it? Mackenna said with a soft smile moving closer towards the young woman.
"Oh, yes." The woman smiled back at Mack.
"I'm Mackenna, Mackenna Fraser." She said holding out a hand towards her new friend - to - be.
"Morag Mackenzie." The woman moved closer to Mack and shook her hand softly.
"And this is Jemmy." Morag added smiling down at the baby.
"Nice to meet you both." Mackenna replied with a silly smile to Jemmy. She had never been too drawn to children nor babies, but Jemmy for some reason had captured her heart with his round shiny cheeks.
She looked up at Morag, who had her brown hair tied up in a bun under her white cap and brown eyes that looked kind and exhausted.
"Mackenzie?" Mack repeated Morag's last name,not sure she heard correctly the first time since she was mostly paying attention to Jemmy
"Yes, it's my husband's last name. Do you ken any Mackenzie's?" Moarg asked,
Roger.. At that moment it dawned on Mack that since passing through the stones she hadn't thought about Roger. Not even once. Looking down a bit ashamed she answered morag:
"I do. My grandmother on my father'sside was a Mackenzie."
She deliberately left Roger's name out since he wasn't even born yet at this time and it would be easier to say who her grandmother's family was. Clair had given Mackenna Jamie's family history so she could know more about who he was.
"I didnae ken if I have seen you down there."
"I'm staying in one of the rooms wi-" Mack stopped mid-sentence when she saw him over Morag's shoulder, the man that seemed to be the captain, as he opened the captain's cabin door and stepped out unto the main deck.
Morag turned her head to follow Mackenna's gaze.
"Oh, that's Captain Bonnet. He looks young for a captain with a ship grand as this, doesn' he?"
While Morage spoke, Bonnet climbed the stairs to take over steering the ship. As he was releasing his first mate and going into position his gaze fell on the redhead he's seen the say they left Scotland.
Mackenna smiled at Morag and Jemmy and as they walked away, she looked up at where the Captain was standing, the bright sun that morning made his hair seem lighter blond color than she remembered. Following the few blond strands that were loose but tucked behind his ear, she saw him smirking at her and later changing his focus to the ocean in front of him as if she was a mere bird that had landed on the rail in a funny way. Mack felt her throat dry, cheeks hot and flushed as she felt exposed and stupid for staring again. What had just happened was the reason Mackenna had tried to remain in her small, stuffy room these past couple of days. She didn't want to put herself in the same embarrassing situation like before,and here she was unable to stop staring, like he was one of the seven world wonders.
Her parched throat now began to make her cough loudly and almost choke as she tried swallowing some saliva, which attracted more attention to her already embarrassed self. Bending forward a little mack gave small pats on her chest as she coughed/choked.
" Here ye go, miss, have a drink."
With a face the color of a tomato, Mackenna rose from her crouched over position and accepted a flask handed to her by one of the sailors. Tilting her head back to have the water reach her burning throat swiftly, she gave a quick glance up at the Captain to see if he had noticed her make a spectacle of herself, and indeed he had. Bonnet was chuckling but did not look back at her.
Wiping her lips with the back of one hand she returned the water flask with the other to the sailor who had come to her "rescue".
"Thank you. I appreciate it." She said with a hoarse voice.
"We're surrounded by water but the salt in the air makes us thirstier than on land." The sailor said taking back the flask and smiling sympathetically at Mack.
Back in her own time Mackenna wouldn't accept to drink from the same bottle as someone she knew, let alone a complete stranger whose hygiene habits were questionable. But in this time, she couldn't afford to be picky, she tried to maintain hygiene the best way she could but refusing water was something she wasn;t doing anymore and could no longer feel repulsed by it.
Laying in bed underneath Lizzie's that night she played with the bracelt Roger had given her. She never took it off but she felt sad and selfish that not once since arriving in 1769 she thought about Roger. Not because she didn;t have time, her mind wondered a lot, she often would make mental notes of things she saw that she wanted to draw to somehow eternalize that experience, she thought about things she needed to do to reach her grandparents every day, she though endless things, however her ex-boyfriend, who she still cared for, was not one of them.
There was one person that hadn't left her mind in the couple of days... Captain Bonnet. She now knew his name, thanks to Morag. She dreamed of him the past nights, the way he caught her attention, his piercing eyes, the way he smirked his lips.
"Ugh" Mack exasperated softly covering her burning face with her hands remembering the loud coughing fit the hand on the main deck earlier.
After that specific scemario, where she once again kept staring at Captain Bonnet for way to long in her opinion, she managed to avoid him the rest of the day.
It's a big ship with lots of people, avoiding any contact with him will be easy. He;s a busy man. Mackenna thought to herself not knowing what fate had instore for her the next weeks at sea.
Slowly drigting off to sleep, feeling the slow waves of the ocean, mack began to dream.
"Bonnet.." Her lips whispered unconsciously.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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12th June 1997 saw The island of Eigg pass into community ownership when it was purchased by the Eigg Heritage Trust.
After years of instability, neglect and lack of secure tenure, the Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust was able to purchase the island on, largely due to the generosity of around ten thousand members of the general public
The Hebridean island of Eigg is second to St Kilda as the most famous of the smaller Scottish isles. While St Kilda is renowned for its extinction as a place of human settlement, Eigg is celebrated for its rebirth. After overthrowing its eccentric, authoritarian owner two decades ago, this 31 sq km (12 sq mile) patch of moor and mountain was reborn as what is sometimes mockingly called the People’s Republic of Eigg.
This triumph of David versus Goliath has forged an apparently inspirational, sustainable community of 100 people.
A series of owners tried unsuccessfully to run some sort of business on Eigg during the latter part of the 20th century, from the Welsh Farmer whose Hereford cattle promptly died of bracken poisoning. Disheartened, he got rid of Eigg for £110,000 in 1971 to Bernard Farnham-Smith, self-styled naval commander, head of an English charity that wanted to run the island as a school for disabled boys, by 1973 the Eigg’s own school had only one pupil. Rather more successful was eccentric Keith Schoenberg, a dashing, Yorkshire-born businessman and former Olympic bobsleigher, acquired Eigg.
He was a charming, persuasive adventurer, who, over the next 20 years endeared himself to the guests by allowing them to perch on the running board as he drove them to beach picnics or moonlit games of hockey. One failed marriage after the other ended with him reluctantly having to sell the island in 1992 in his divorce settlement, in a surprise move he ended up bidding and became sole owner of Eigg, this didn’t go down well with the Islanders who were tiring of him, culminating in a fire in sheds on Eigg’s pier, with Schellenberg’s Roller inside. Police arrived but noone was ever brought to justice for the arson attack, maybe the Polis were just happy to get off the island alive rather than ending up in a wooden effigy atop a bonfire! “It was once the laird’s factor [his estate manager] who went about burning people out. Now it seems OK to burn out the laird himself,” fumed Schellenberg.
By 1995 he had enough and put the island up for sale, but refused to sell to the population, it should really be of no surprise that the knew owner seemed more eccentric than the previous one, self style Professor Gotthilf Christian Eckhard Oesterle was a fire-worshipping German artist and self-styled “professor” who went by the name of Maruma having read the new name in a pool of water in Geneva.
He declared it was impossible to own Eigg and vowed to improve opportunities for the community, build a swimming pool, and replace the dirty diesel generators that provided electricity with an integrated system of wind and solar power. The press discovered that, unfortunately, Maruma was not quite what he seemed: he was unknown in the art world, he wasn’t a proper professor, and he had used Eigg as security for a £300,000 loan at a punitive 20% interest rate. He promised to remove the island’s rusty old cars, but a pile of wrecks soon accumulated by the pier: locals dubbed it “the Maruma centre”. In July 1996, the island was put up for sale again, at an inflated price of £2m.
The Islanders Trust rthrew themselves into raising the asking price. . The story of the islanders who wanted to buy their own island was portrayed as a jolly romp in the style of Compton Mackenzie’s Whisky Galore, in which Hebridean islanders rebel against British bureaucrats. Eigg folk didn’t particularly relish this stereotype, but it captured imaginations and raised money.
Donations began flowing in at the rate of £1,000 per post bag; soon it was £30,000 per bag. Concerts took place in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Tyrone – and even Detroit – to raise funds. A mystery benefactor, a woman from northern England whose identity remains secret. gave £900,000. Most donations came from England. Outsiders were shocked by the feudalism that the islanders endured – the owners even decided which of them, if any, could eat Eigg’s seaweed – and worried about the possible fate of its pristine environment. The wildlife trusts, including the Scottish Wildlife Trust, were particularly effective at mobilising their members to help Eigg.
Meanwhile, the island’s Trust feared that Maruma’s German estate agent would sell Eigg to another international client. The agent described the Scottish islands on his books as “the Van Goghs” of 120 personally inspected paradises: “There is a sense of romance in buying islands. It is the ultimate purchase you can make, a complete miniature world of which you can be king.” Maruma’s creditor, a German clothing exporter, finally put the islanders out of their misery. After Maruma defaulted on his £300,000 loan, the creditor used the Scottish courts to force Eigg’s sale. His solicitors accepted the islanders’ offer of £1.5m on 4 April 1997. Finally, the people of Eigg owned their island.
Recently the Island's trust advertised the two raree jobs on Eigg of a head teacher and a warm homes manager
Eigg has been hailed as Scotland’s most Eco-Friendly Island and the community trust are doing a great job of running a successful business, which includes offering accommodation, courses and working holidays for volunteers, you can read more about the Island on their website here. http://www.isleofeigg.org/
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heavenridersindia · 11 months
Kinner Kailash Trek: A Heavenly Misadventure with the Heaven Riders!
Hey there, adventurous souls and fellow thrill-seekers! Today, we're diving headfirst into the hilarious world of trekking with the Heaven Riders India as they embarked on the unforgettable Kinner Kailash Trek. Buckle up, folks, because this tale is filled with stunning landscapes, unexpected surprises, and enough laughter to send you rolling down the mountains!
The Trek That Lured Us In
Our story begins with a group of intrepid adventurers gathered around the campfire, discussing their next epic journey. Amidst the debates over trekking destinations, one name stood out - Kinner Kailash! Located in the picturesque Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, this trek promises stunning views of the Kinner Kailash range and a sense of spiritual awakening.
Now, don't get us wrong; we Heaven Riders India are all for self-discovery and a bit of soul-searching, but the idea of trekking to Kinner Kailash seemed like the perfect combination of awe-inspiring beauty and spiritual quest, with a dash of humor thrown in for good measure.
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Preparation: From Packing to Pondering
The Heaven Riders' packing strategy can only be described as a cross between a garage sale and a survivalist's checklist. We had everything from high-tech trekking gear to an inflatable unicorn float (you know, just in case we encountered a mountain lake). To say we overpacked is an understatement.
But what's a trek without some quirky essentials, right? Our group was divided between those who had read up on the trek and those who simply packed enough snacks to survive a zombie apocalypse. The discussions were as epic as our trek was about to be.
The Trek Begins: Day 1
As we set off on our journey, we were met with a flurry of prayer flags and the melodious chimes of Buddhist monasteries. The first day was relatively easy, and our spirits were high. But the Kinner Kailash trek has a way of humbling even the most confident of trekkers.
Picture this: A bunch of city slickers, decked out in their shiny new trekking gear, trying to keep up with a sprightly local shepherd and his herd of mountain goats. The goats seemed to mock us with their nimbleness as we huffed and puffed our way up the trail.
The Camping Chronicles
Camping on the Kinner Kailash trek was a unique experience, to say the least. Our tents were pitched on slopes that could rival the steepest roller coasters. Sleeping bags became sliding bags as we tried to stay put on these inclines.
The campfires were a different story altogether. Let's just say that altitude and marshmallow toasting don't exactly go hand in hand. Our marshmallows went from white and fluffy to charred and unrecognizable faster than you can say "s'more."
The Mystery of the Missing Socks
Now, every trek has its share of mysteries, but the Kinner Kailash trek added a peculiar twist. Socks, yes, socks! One by one, our socks started disappearing. It was as if the mountain had a sock fetish. We blame it on mischievous mountain spirits who couldn't resist the allure of our socks.
Our guide had a theory that the socks were simply lost to the wind, but we weren't buying it. We even named the sock thief "Sock-achu," a mythical creature believed to have a sock fetish.
Altitude and Attitude
As we ascended to higher altitudes, the trek became more challenging. Altitude sickness became our faithful companion, turning some of our group members into unintentional comedians. At 15,000 feet, even the simplest tasks felt like Olympic events. Putting on socks? That's a gold medal performance right there!
Our guide was a source of endless amusement. His casual dismissal of our symptoms with a simple, "Drink some water and walk it off," became our mantra. We had come for spiritual awakening, but it felt more like an initiation into the Society of High Altitude Clowns.
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The Summit: Triumph and Tears
Finally, after days of laughter, misadventures, and the occasional bout of altitude-induced drama, we reached the summit of Kinner Kailash. The view was breathtaking, the sense of accomplishment overwhelming, and the tears, well, those were mostly from laughter.
As we gazed at the majestic mountains before us, we couldn't help but reflect on the absurdity of it all. We had come seeking spiritual enlightenment, and instead, we found a bunch of lost socks, marshmallow mishaps, and altitude-induced hilarity.
The Descent: Lessons and Laughter
The descent was a mix of euphoria and nostalgia. We couldn't help but laugh at all the mishaps, from our overpacked bags to our altitude-induced buffoonery. We may not have found enlightenment in the traditional sense, but we did find something equally precious - a shared adventure filled with laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories.
In Conclusion: Heaven on Earth
The Kinner Kailash trek may not have been the spiritual awakening we anticipated, but it was a journey that brought us closer to each other and to the mountains. We learned that sometimes, the most profound experiences come with a healthy dose of humor.
So, if you're considering the Kinner Kailash trek with the Heaven Riders India, be prepared for the unexpected, embrace the quirks of mountain life, and most importantly, pack some spare socks. Because in the end, it's not just about reaching the summit; it's about the laughter, the lessons, and the memories you make along the way.
As we bid adieu to this epic misadventure, we can't help but smile at the thought of our socks dancing in the Himalayan winds. Until next time, fellow adventurers, keep riding the waves of hilarity and may your trekking tales be as epic as the Kinner Kailash trek with the Heaven Riders India!
Source: https://heavenridersin.blogspot.com/2023/10/kinner-kailash-trek-heavenly.html
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