#Buttigieg 2020
suchananewsblog · 1 year
Bill Maher Says Objective Journalism Is Dead On ‘Real Time’
Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host went after mainstream media for accepting opinionated news over objective journalism as the new way of reaching the public. Maher’s panel included two media pros: Ari Melber, host of MSNBC’s The Beat With Ari Melber and staff writer for The Dispatch, along with Sarah Isgur, host of The Dispatch Podcast, and contributor and political analyst…
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carolinemillerbooks · 2 years
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/abandon-fear-ye-who-enter-here/
Abandon Fear Ye Who Enter Here
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A friend of mine took a series of tests to determine her mental decline as she aged. Happily, for her, the tests were comforting.  Even so, I admired her courage.  What she’d done was like poking a sleeping bear with a sharp stick.  If the news hadn’t been good, how would she have coped? Alzheimer’s, for example, has no cure. Early intervention is key for dealing with Alzheimer’s, experts say.  But to what end? A few months of clarity before drifting into that good night and all the while knowing the Good Ship Memory has left the dock? When there is little to be gained, I prefer not to know. Many will think differently.   Fear affects us in different ways. It can leave us catatonic and in denial. Or, like people prancing across hot coals, it can initiate a frenzy to save ourselves.  In every case, fear tests our sanity. People like my friend who face reality with courage leave me in awe. Pete Buttigieg, the U. S. Secretary of Transportation, is also unflappable. Asked about the current state of our democracy, his answer is matter-of-fact.  Our system of government is designed to pick winners and losers.  For the process to work, people have to accept outcomes. Buttigieg’s response is so simple, it smacks of naïvite.  That’s the beauty of truth.  Once grasped, It is simple and profound, like E=MC(2).  Finding the truth is where the complexity lies. After two years and several ballot box investigations, ending with no evidence of wrongdoing, some Americans continue to believe Donald Trump won the 2020 election. They believe the lie because that is the outcome they wanted– as if wishing could make it so.  Like flat-earthers living in a spherical world, they close their eyes to truths that distress them.     If the outcome of an election is difficult to grasp, for many the knowledge that climate change is about to exterminate our species is unfathomable. Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine arises from that consummate ignorance. Ukraine belongs to Russia, he insists. But what does that mean to a dead planet? Absurdity’s crown goes to Iran’s Mullahs, of course. They worry about women’s headgear while the ground crumbles beneath their feet.   If the flat-earthers and their ilk would open their eyes, they’d see the time for rancor is passed.  We must work together if we are to save our species. Unfortunately, too many scrunch their eyes against the light.  They insist Time has a reverse gear that if thrown would return us to better days. Better days aren’t the same for everyone, as we know.  White supremacists long for the era when they were allowed to see themselves as superior beings, a superiority that justified imperialism and slavery. People like Marjorie Taylor Green cling to the notion of race.  It flies in the face of science but it serves her purpose. “…illegal aliens are on the verge of replacing you [whites], replacing your jobs and replacing your kids in school and coming from all over the world, they’re also replacing your culture.  And that’s not great for America. By 2050, half of the U. S. population will have darker skin pigmentation than today’s mix. Pigment means nothing. We don’t discriminate against people based on hair color. Why concern ourselves with skin? Race warriors should attend to the date 2050 for a different reason. That’s the year scientists predict the earth becomes uninhabitable for humans.   Fear can galvanize people into action, as I’ve said. Too often the outcome ends in mindless hate. Ukrainians are as pigment deprived as any Russian.  Even so, one propagandist for Putin’s invasion insists the children of his enemy should be drowned and burned.  Why are people “freaking out?” a researcher asks in response to the times. No one has an answer. Like the stars, black holes, and the universe, being made of stardust, perhaps humans sense the cosmos is shedding tears for our demise.  Is there a cosmic consciousness? Some speculate it exists. To align ourselves, they urge us to move beyond science.  As useful as reason is to us, they insist it is  too narrow a framework to integrate other aspects of the mind, creativity, intuition, or empathy, for example. To discover a different harmony, our inner world will have to experience a shift of epic proportions. The evolution could take a century. Unfortunately, we are running out of time and so we blind ourselves to the future, choosing to engage in a frenzied suspicion of  “the other.”  Reason has no power against the fires of insanity. Insanity must burn itself out, taking us with it.    I cringe to hear talk about saving the planet.  What colossal hubris.  Earth will spin on its axis regardless of rises in temperature and water levels. A few birds might continue to sing. Climate change is about us.  Will we decide to work together or close our eyes to what lies ahead?  Which is to be,  earthlings?  Courage or cowardice?   
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reportwire · 2 years
As Democrats try to hold on in November, it's Pete Buttigieg who's in demand on the campaign trail | CNN Politics
As Democrats try to hold on in November, it’s Pete Buttigieg who’s in demand on the campaign trail | CNN Politics
CNN  —  A selfie crowd formed around Pete Buttigieg as he stood in line for coffee at the airport in Washington. One woman said she wasn’t going to stop because she wasn’t sure it was him. “It’s me,” the Transportation secretary replied. An older man explained to his wife, “That’s Pete BOOT-GUG,” missing the pronunciation and the emphasis. “He’s the President’s…” the man said, unable to come…
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Things not in the news anymore….
(Version 5)
-Maui wildfires.
-East Palestine, Ohio
-Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator.
-Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon.
-Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn.
-Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW)
-The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth.
-The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons.
-Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to.
-Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6.
-Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals.
-Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography.
-Gay porn film in Senate hearing room.
-Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans.
-Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it.
-Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East.
-George Bush’s false WMDs.
-3 service members killed in Jordan.
-Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”.
-J6 political prisoners that are still in jail.
-85,000 missing children at the southern border.
-Epstein’s clients.
-Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.
-Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election.
-Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”.
-The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died.
-Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.)
-Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection.
-The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House.
-House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie.
-The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general.
-Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege.
-Vaccine side effects.
-“Lab leak” out of China.
-The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes.
-Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision.
-Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them.
-Obama’s chef “passing away”.
-HRC’s chef “passing away”.
-The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii.
-P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations.
-Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine
-Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt.
-Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan).
-The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”.
-Biolabs found in California.
-Joe Biden’s impeachment.
-The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag.
-The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”.
The distractions are out of control. This is such a small list of everything that has happened and I’m starting to run out of room!
Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now.
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@stevelovesammo 👈🏻
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1,000,000 stranded Southwest passengers deserved better from Pete Buttigieg
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The catastrophic failure of Southwest Air over Christmas 2022 was the worst single-airline aviation failure in American history, stranding over 1,000,000 passengers. But while it was exceptional, it was also foreseeable: 2022 saw Southwest and the other carriers rack up record numbers of cancellations, leaving crews and fliers stranded.
It’s not like the carriers can’t afford to improve things. After pulling in $54 billion in covid relief, the airlines are swimming in cash, showering executives with record bonuses and paying titanic dividends to shareholders. Southwest has announced a $428m dividend.
This isn’t a new problem. Trump’s Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao was a paragon of inaction and neglect, refusing even to meet with consumer advocacy groups. This is bad, because under US law, state attorneys general are not allowed to punish misbehaving airlines — that power vests solely and entirely with the Secretary of Transport.
It’s been two years since Biden appointed Pete Buttigieg to be the human race’s most powerful aviation regulator. Buttigieg started his tenure on a promising note, meeting with the same consumer groups that Chao had snubbed, but after that hopeful beginning, things ground to a halt.
As Corporate Crime Reporter details, William McGee of the American Economic Liberties Project was impressed by the Secretary: “He was intelligent, articulate, he had good questions for us, he was taking notes, he seemed concerned.” But 18 months later, McGee describes Buttigieg’s leadership as “lax.”
Buttigieg likes to tout a single enforcement action as his signature achievement: fining six airlines and ordering them to issue refunds to US passengers. But only one of those airlines was a US carrier: Frontier, which only accounts for 2% of all US flights. The US monopoly carriers have gone unscathed.
The US carriers are in sore need of regulatory discipline. In 2020 alone, United racked up 10,000 consumer complaints, twice as many as any other carrier. Under Buttigieg, the DOT investigated these airlines and closed every one of these complaints without taking any against them.
This is part of a wider pattern. In Buttigieg’s 18 month tenure, not a single airline has been ordered to pay any fines as a result of cancellations. In the absence of oversight and accountability, the airlines have made a habit out of scheduling flights they know they don’t have the crew to fly (they used public covid funds to buy out senior crew contracts, retiring much of their workforce).
This gives the airlines the flexibility to offer many flights they know they can’t service, and to allocate crew to whichever runs will generate the most profit, stranding US passengers and holding onto their money for months or years before paying refunds — if they ever do.
Consumer groups weren’t alone in sounding the alarm over the deteriorating conditions in the airline sector. In 2022, dozens of state attorneys general — Democrats and Republicans — sent open letters to Buttigieg begging him to use his broad powers as Secretary of Transport to hold the airlines accountable.
What are those powers? Well, the big one is USC40 Section 41712(a), the “unfair and deceptive” authority modeled on Section 5 of the FTC Act. This authority allows the Secretary to act without further Congressional action, to order airlines to end practices that are “unfair and deceptive,” and to extract massive fines from companies that don’t comply.
As McGee told CCR, “the scheduling and canceling of flights is both unfair and deceptive.” In order to force the airlines to end this practice, Buttigieg would have to initiate an investigation into the practice. The American Economic Liberties Project called on Buttigieg to open an investigation months ago. There has not been such an investigation.
Even on refunds, Buttigieg’s much-touted signature achievement, the Secretary has left Americans in the cold. US law requires airlines to give cash refunds to passengers on cancelled flights. But to this day, passengers are sent unfair and deceptive messages by airlines offering them credit for cancellations, and fliers must fight their way through a bureaucratic quagmire to get cash refunds.
McGee and other advocates met with Buttigieg twelve times sking him to address this. When he finally took action, he ignored the domestic airlines — which racked up 5,700% more complaints in his first year on the job than in the previous year — except for tiny, largely irrelevant Frontier. If you are an American whose journey on an American airline was cancelled, there’s a 98% chance that Buttigieg let them off without a single dollar in fines.
McGee isn’t an armchair quarterback. He is an industry veteran, an FAA-licensed aircraft dispatcher: “I canceled flights. I rescheduled flights. I diverted flights. I delayed flights. I did that every day.”
Apologists for Buttigieg claim that he’s doing all he can: “Pete isn’t in charge of airline IT!” But while USC 40 doesn’t mention computer systems or staffing levels directly, it doesn’t have to: the “unfair and deceptive” standard is deliberately broad, to give regulators the powers they need to protect the American people.
In understanding whether the million fliers that Southwest stranded on the way to their Christmas vacations could have expected more from their DOT, it’s worth looking at how other regulators have used similar authority to protect the American people.
Exhibit A here has to be FTC Chair Lina Khan, whose powers under FTCA5 are nearly identical to Buttigieg’s power under 41712(a) (the DOT language was copied nearly verbatim from the FTCA). Two years ago, Khan began an in-depth investigation into the use of nonompete agreements in the US labor market.
This investigation created an extensive evidentiary record on the ways that workers are harmed by these agreements, and collected empirical observations about whether industries really needed noncompetes to thrive (for example, noncompetes are banned in California, home to the most profitable, most knowledge-intensive businesses in the world, undermining claims that these businesses need noncompetes to survive).
Then, right as Southwest was stranding a million Americans, Khan unveiled a rulemaking to ban noncompetes for every American worker, using her Section 5 powers. Khan’s rule is retroactive, undoing every existing noncompete as well as banning them into the future.
This is what a fully operational battle-station looks like! Khan and Buttigieg are among the most powerful people who have ever lived, with more and farther-reaching regulatory authority, more power to alter the lives of millions of people, than almost anyone who every drew breath.
And yet, when Secretary Buttigieg jawbones about the airlines, it’s all pleading, not threats. As McGee says, “If you have a Secretary of Transportation who does not punish the airlines when they act terribly, then we should not be surprised when they continue to behave terribly.”
State AGs from both parties are desperate for Buttigieg to back legislation that would return their right to punish airlines. So far, he has not voiced his support for this regulation. When the Secretary of Transport won’t act, and when he won’t support the right of other officials to act, the American traveler is truly stranded.
Image: Tomás Del Coro (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/tomasdelcoro/24575277589
Japanexperterna.se (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/japanexperterna/15251188384/
CC BY-SA 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
Tarcil (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:La_Brea_Tar_Pits_Elephant_Statues_1990_right.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: The La Brea tar-pits. A Southwest jet is nose-down in the tar, next to a stranded mastodon. In the foreground are the three wise monkeys, their faces replaced with that of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.]
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deadpresidents · 3 days
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My inbox is filled with a ton of messages asking some form of this question, so here's what I would do it I was appointed the Pope of the Democratic Party and had the absolute power to shape what happens next.
First of all, I'd wait a few days until the news cycle is less of a hurricane. But once things calmed down a bit, I'd get a number of the past and present leaders of the party together to go visit President Biden and discuss the way forward. The best-case scenario would need the President to be on board with stepping aside, and I think that would require some serious conversations between Biden and his family and the party elders/leaders. The heavy-hitters would need to go see the President. I'd send President Obama and President Clinton and the other surviving past Democratic Presidential nominees: Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry. (Obviously, President Carter is still alive but he's 99 years old and in hospice care, so he wouldn't be involved.) They'd be joined by other Democratic heavyweights like Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Bernie Sanders, Jim Clyburn, etc.
It will be a difficult conversation because Joe Biden has spent his life wanting to be President of the United States, and he finally reached the pinnacle and nobody wants to give up that position if they don't have to. But I'd make sure they appeal to his sense of duty and patriotism -- the same things that led him to challenge Trump in 2020 when it seemed like Biden was finished with electoral politics in the wake of his son Beau's death. President Biden knows how dangerous Trump is and what this election truly means, and the Democratic leaders would need to hammer home the idea that while he was the person best able to defeat Trump in 2020, things have changed in the past four years and he's not that guy anymore.
In order for it to work, Biden would need to release his delegates and allow the Democratic National Convention to be an open convention. There are going to be many people and many reasonable arguments that Biden should endorse Kamala Harris since she is his Vice President. But the nominee would be chosen by the delegates to the Democratic Convention, so Biden couldn't just crown Harris as his heir. If he feels that she's the best choice to be the nominee and he feels a sense of loyalty to her, then I think Biden has to go further than stepping aside as the candidate. I think he would have to resign as President and allow Kamala Harris to assume the Presidency and go into the open convention as the incumbent President. That would give her a significant advantage and probably swing the nomination her way. But that's an even bigger thing to ask of President Biden, so I can't imagine being able to talk him into that. Even if he steps aside as the candidate, I think he's going to want to finish his term and he deserves that. I'm a longtime fan of Kamala Harris -- I campaigned with her for Barack Obama while she was still the DA in San Francisco. But I'm not sure she's the best candidate, either. Still, she will be in the mix and one of the favorites in an open convention.
I think an open convention would be really fascinating for people to see in 2024 since it hasn't really happened in 70+ years. It might be good for the Democratic Party and allow fresh candidates to come to the surface. I don't think there's any doubt Vice President Harris would be a candidate and it seems likely that California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer would be major possibilities. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Maryland Governor Wes Moore are rising stars, but I don't think they have the name recognition to be the nominee this year. I really like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and think he has all of the tools necessary to be a good President, but I'm not sure where he would stand nationally. I don't think Michelle Obama is a possibility. I know she's the dream candidate for a lot of people, but I don't think she likes politics and I don't think she has any interest in running. I think a real dark horse would be Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear. The only Democratic Presidential candidate to win Kentucky since 1980 was Bill Clinton. Beshear has won three statewide races in that very red state, and he won the most recent election in Kentucky by running as a pro-choice candidate defending a women's right to choose. I've seen Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia mentioned, but I feel like his Senate seat is so important that he's needed there more than as President.
There are also two wild card candidates with such strong national name recognition that they would totally shake up the race. However, they'd also be controversial in many ways, but particularly because Biden would be stepping aside because of his age and these two candidates are roughly the same age as Trump. It would eliminate the argument of a fresh Democratic candidate taking Biden's place, but no one would question their experience or star power. The first one is a pretty obvious one: Hillary Clinton. I think she'd energize women voters even more than she did in 2016 because it would be a chance to get back at what happened that year. Plus, she did win the popular vote against Trump. I mean, it's a simple fact that more people voted for her in 2016 than the person that she lost to the election to. The other person also won the election that they "lost": Al Gore. I don't know if he'd do it, but you couldn't find a better advocate for fighting climate change as President than Al Gore. He's also been out of politics long enough that he might seem fresh, even if he's only two years younger than Trump. And it would be a great story -- redemption for the election that he lost at the Supreme Court rather than the ballot box.
I don't know who I would choose if I could pick the nominee, but I think an open convention would be healthy for democracy and for the Democrats. Either way, I think Biden would deserve the opportunity to save face by having him speak to the nation and explain that he is stepping aside as the nominee as an act of political courage and duty to a country facing an existential threat named Donald Trump. Let him talk about how proud he is of the things his Administration has accomplished and that he was able to stop Donald Trump once and by doing this, he is making sure America stops Donald Trump one last time. And guess what? Then he can do what I'm sure it is breaking his heart to not be able to do right now -- he can pardon his only surviving son because he'll be a lame-duck and won't have to worry about the political blowback.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
The Biden administration issued final rules Wednesday to require airlines to automatically issue cash refunds for things like delayed flights and to better disclose fees for baggage or canceling a reservation.
The Transportation Department said airlines will be required to provide automatic cash refunds within a few days for canceled flights and “significant” delays.
Under current regulations, airlines decide how long a delay must last before triggering refunds. The administration is removing that wiggle room by defining a significant delay as lasting at least three hours for domestic flights and six hours for international ones.
Airlines still will be allowed to offer another flight or a travel credit instead, but consumers can reject the offer.
The rule will also apply to refunds of checked-bag fees if the bag isn’t delivered within 12 hours for domestic flights or 15 to 30 hours for international flights. And it will apply to fees for things such as seat selection or an internet connection if the airline fails to provide the service.
Complaints about refunds skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, as airlines canceled flights and, even when they didn't, many people didn't feel safe sharing a plane cabin with other passengers.
Airlines for America, a trade group for large U.S. carriers, noted that refund complaints to the Transportation Department have fallen sharply since mid-2020. A spokesperson for the group said airlines “offer a range of options — including fully refundable fares — to increase accessibility to air travel and to help customers make ticket selections that best fit their needs.”
The group said the 11 largest U.S. airlines issued $43 billion in customer refunds from 2020 through 2023.
The Transportation Department issued a separate rule requiring airlines and ticket agents to disclose upfront what they charge for checked and carry-on bags and canceling or changing a reservation. On airline websites, the fees must be shown the first time customers see a price and schedule.
The rule will also oblige airlines to tell passengers they have a guaranteed seat they are not required to pay extra for, although it does not bar airlines from charging people to choose specific seats. Many airlines now charge extra for certain spots, including exit-row seats and those near the front of the cabin.
The agency said the rule will save consumers more than $500 million a year.
Airlines for America said its members “offer transparency and vast choice to consumers” from their first search.
The new rules will take effect over the next two years. They are part of a broad administration attack on what President Joe Biden calls “junk fees.” Last week, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced that his department will let state officials in 15 states help enforce federal airline consumer protection laws.
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zoethebitch · 8 months
Ron DeSantis wearing those 2 inch heels to the debate tonight just like Pete Buttigieg in 2020 is so funny both parties really are just alike they both have old genocidal rapist lead candidates and deeply insecure pathetic little trailing candidates who everyone mistakenly took too seriously
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lifewithchronicpain · 11 months
The U.S. Department of Transportation is finalizing regulations requiring that many new commercial aircraft be more accessible to people with disabilities.
The agency said that new single-aisle airliners with 125 or more seats will need to offer lavatories “large enough to permit a passenger with a disability and attendant, both equivalent in size to a 95th percentile male, to approach, enter, and maneuver within as necessary.”
Until now, accessible lavatories have only been mandated on airplanes with more than one aisle, but increasingly, single-aisle aircraft have been used for longer flights. The smaller planes accounted for 86% of flights between 1,500 and 3,000 miles in 2021, the Transportation Department said, double the level in 1991.
Such flights can last for four hours or more, forcing people with disabilities to resort to extreme measures such as dehydrating themselves, using adult diapers or catheters in order to fly, the agency indicated.
“Traveling can be stressful enough without worrying about being able to access a restroom; yet today, millions of wheelchair users are forced to choose between dehydrating themselves before boarding a plane or avoiding air travel altogether,” said Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “We are proud to announce this rule that will make airplane bathrooms larger and more accessible, ensuring travelers in wheelchairs are afforded the same access and dignity as the rest of the traveling public.”
The rule issued under the Air Carrier Access Act will take effect 60 days after it is published, but the changes will phase in over several years.
New single-aisle aircraft with 125 seats or more delivered three years after the rule is in place must include grab bars, accessible faucets and other features. In addition, on-board wheelchairs must be able to partially enter the lavatory adequately to allow an individual to transfer to the toilet, among other improvements.
The mandate to include larger, accessible lavatories will apply to new single-aisle aircraft with 125 seats or more ordered 10 years or delivered 12 years after the effective date of the rule. They will also be required for any new aircraft designs filed one year after the effective date.
The Transportation Department first proposed lavatory improvements to better serve airline passengers with disabilities in 2020 and subsequently issued a secondary proposal in 2022.
Meanwhile, federal officials have indicated that they are working on a rule to allow travelers with disabilities to remain in their own wheelchairs on commercial flights.
Separately, in another bid to improve accessibility on planes, United Airlines said last week that it is the first airline to add Braille to the interiors of its aircraft. The airline said it expects to add the signage marking rows, seat numbers, lavatories and more to its entire mainline fleet by the end of 2026.
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cupcakepirate123 · 1 year
So fucked up that we still voted Biden into office after he unhinged his jaw like a snake and swallowed Pete Buttigieg whole during the 2020 Democratic primary debate
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evilelitest2 · 10 months
Was Sander's Robbed in 2020?
Ok so lets walk to the past for a bit. Its 2020, the Democratic primary is getting heated. Biden keeps leading in all the polls, but after three primary elections, he has been coming off short. Moderates are panicking and it looks like Bernie Sanders might be able to get the nomination after all. He was counted out after the heart attack, and yet he kept on going.
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So Sanders going in 2020 had two options for how to run his campaign. About 30% of the party loved him, about 20% of the party absolutely hated him, and 55% were mixed more ambivalent about him. He could either
Try to win over the parts of the party that aren't already supporting him, in particular the black community (Sanders does this a bit with the Latino democrats, his latino outreach very impressive and very underreported in the Democratic party
Try to hold unto your 25-30% of the party and hope rest of the vote is split between all the different moderates, so he can win with a plurality of the vote. due to the weirdness of the Democratic primary rules he can still win the nomination even without the majority, the winner only needs a plurality. if the moderate votes are split between Biden, Mayor Pete, Bloomberg, and Klobuchar, then Sanders could squeak in a victory with less than a third of the party.
Biden is the frontrunner, is polling ahead of everybody else, particular among the all important African-American segment of the democratic electorate. However he isn't beloved and there are a ton of Moderates running against him, and all of them are focused on attacking Biden in the hopes that they could take his place.
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Sanders too option 2, which was risky. Winning with a plurality rather than a majority always leaves a lot of sore feelings, and had Sanders won the 2020 primary he would have to have dealt with the 70% of the electorate who didn't vote for him feeling sore, but maybe he could have handled it, we will never know. The advantage of his plan is that he just needed to hold unto his base, who already loved him. The danger is that if the moderates ever managed to rally around a single candidate, suddenly he is very outnumbered. Risky play but he did it. This is the same plan that trump use to win the Republican primary in 2016 (to be clear, that isn't a moral judgement on sanders, Trump isn't bad because he won with a plurality, he is bad because he is a fascist). There is one key difference though the Republican primary uses a winner takes all approach, so who ever wins the state gets all of the points, which allowed Trump to expand his lead. This is because Republicans don't believe in democracy.
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Those are some great mittens
So far this plan has been working well for Sanders. The moderates have split the vote, Sanders won Nevada, New Hampshire and either won Iowa or it was so close that he basically won Iowa. Biden has yet to do well in any of the first three states.
But Then, South Carolina, the first state with a large black electorate. Biden secures a key endorsement from US Representative and Civil Rights activist Jim Clyburn. The results were a pretty stunning turnaround for Biden, who won 49% of the votes and got 39 of the delegates. Sanders came in second, with 20% of the vote and 15 of the delegates. Buttigieg, Warren, Steyer, and Klobuchar didn't get a high enough percentage of the vote to get any delegates.
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Biden almost won more than the rest combined.
So lets take a moment to talk about the US primary system, because it is both illogical and needlessly complicated. Rather than have all the states vote at once like a normal fucking country, each individual state plus the territories plus DC hold there own primary, most of which are not in order. So for example, the great state of NY, fourth largest state in the country and the center of the global economy, has its primary at the literal end of the process. So yeah, I've never in my lifetime gotten to have any effect on a presidential primary, because the race is already over by the time it gets to NY. So who wins a primary is not necessarily the most popular person with the party, its who ever can stay in the race longest, its a marathon. A super popular candidate could still drop out if they aren't popular in the first few state. Maybe Elizabeth warren was super popular in New York and if she had been able to hold unto those state she would have won, but we will never know. this system sucks, and I hate it.
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So the way the primary goes down is that you have 4 elections from individual states. Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina. Then you have something called Super Tuesday, where Virginia, North Carolina, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, California, Oklahoma, Texas, Minnesota, Colorado, Alabama, Arkansas, and Utah all go at once. So basically you go from 4 individual states to a fuck tone of state (including the two largest) all at once).
So another critical thing about the democratic party is demographics. While the republican party is a white Christianity identity party, the democratic party is a diverse coalition. The most important part of that is the African American vote, who have steadily become the deciding vote in the Democratic party since the 60s. About 90% of African American voters are democratic, and African Americans make up just over a quarter of the Democratic party. They are also by far the most organized and proactive voters, due to years of having to fight against voter suppression (especially in the South). The black electorate in the democratic party is one of the parties greatest advantages, and it also why the party has become steadily less racist every year (Obama really accelerated this process). To be clear this is a good thing, the Democratic party is better for it.
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For a series of very complicated reasons I could get into another time, Sanders had never done particularly well with African American voters and Biden has. This isn't universal, the African American community is not a monolith and has a diversity of views but that is how the demographics played out generally in the primary. Most importantly, apart from Biden was the only candidate, moderate or progressive, who seemed to excite the African American voting bloc.
The reason why this matters is that Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada don't have very large black populations, Iowa and new Hampshire are lily white, and Nevada is less than 10% African American. Despite being more than a fourth of the party, the first three states are not representative of the African American vote (maybe we should have one nation wide election eh?)
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So once biden won South Carolina, it became obvious that A) Biden's defeats in the first three states were not affecting his popularity in the larger states B) none of the other moderates had any real African American support. This is what leads to the supposed "betrayal"
The Day before Super Tuesday, Obama called up the remaining moderates, and convinced most of them to drop out and endorse Biden. They did so, and it basically shattered Sander's chance of winning. With most of the moderates unified, Biden won 10 states to Sander's 4, wracking up 726 delegates to sanders 505. Biden got 286065 votes to sanders 74,755. Not only was this a great victory for Biden, after super Tuesday all of the other moderates withdrew, allowing him to crush Sanders going forward. Biden had 2709 Delegates to Sanders 1,113, but more importantly Biden won 51% of the votes, with sanders getting 26%. Some Sanders fans have blamed Elizabeth Warren for not dropping out, but even if Warren had and every one of her votes had gone to standers (and there is a lot of evidence to suggest a third of her votes would have gone to Biden), that would only make Sanders at 33% to 51%.
To put this in raw numbers, Biden won 19 million votes. Sanders had just under 9.7 million. Biden won 10 million more votes than Sanders (Elizabeth warren got 2.8 million)
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So I see a lot of leftist types claim that this was an example of democratic treachery, that the DNC party robbed sanders of his chance of winning, this was Nixon style Ratfuckery that destroyed Sander's populist campaign to put Biden, who nobody likes anyway, in charge. And as a progressive who didn't want Biden to win, I have to say it sucked...but that wasn't a cheat.
Biden won the popular vote, love him or hate him, he did win more than half of the democratic votes, that makes him the candidate, that is how democracy works, sometimes you lose. Some have claimed that Obama calling up the other moderates and getting them to drop out was a cheat but....how? The moderates knew they couldn't win after South Carolina, and they were ideologically closer to Biden, so they dropped out and endorsed the person they agreed with more. Most Sanders fans wanted Warren to drop out, so I knew you guys understand that importance of consolidating behind a winning candidate. Thats just good politics, the fact that Sanders didn't bother to try to court other candidates to drop out is actually a major weakness of him as a candidate. If the situation had been reversed, and the moderates were trying to win with only 30%, wouldn't you guys want the other progressives to drop out behind sanders
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Because Sanders is a populist, and his rhetoric is so tied to the idea of "The people rising up against the elites" that idea that he lost demographically is sort of a trauma his more radical followers can't really deal with, so they retreat to conspiracy theories. Remember, a conspiracy theory is something people turn to to avoid facing a difficult truth. If you identify yourself as populist, and you lose demographically, you have to face some difficult questions. Maybe sanders was the wrong candidate? Maybe he made mistakes? Maybe his fanbase sabotaged his chance of winning, maybe his hardcore fans make a mistake in there understanding of the political situation. Maybe he didn't do anything wrong, it just wasn't the year for a progressive? Or maybe Sleepy Joe Biden actually was a more cunning political operator than they gave him credit for and they were duped.
Or most difficult of them all. Maybe most Americans just don't agree with Sander's position?
Those are hard questions, but you kinda of have to answer them if you want to be a progressive who accomplishes things. I might do later posts that address them if people are interested.
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There is a segment of the left who are moving into purple
However, for those who can't face difficult choices, they retreat to conspiracy, and they claim that Sanders was robbed
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Hey you know who hasn't been saying that Sanders was robbed by the DNC? Bernie Sanders, because he is an adult who understands how democracy works. He lost, he took it gracefully and then he endorsed and campaigned for the winner, cause sanders actually cares about the cause and not faux revolutionary nonsense.
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(Fun fact, Biden and Sanders are friends Irl. Like no joke, those two get along personally)
I didn't vote for Biden in the primary and I was not happy when he won the Primary. However I never thought Biden was senile, or a fool, or a hack, I think that he is a very cunning politician who has a public persona that encourages people to underestimate him And become people can't stand the idea that they could lose to Biden, they retreat into fantasy. This is why MAGA denies the election, they can't face the reality that most of the country doesn't like them, and they can't admit that they lost to a man who doesn't fit there mental image of an impression leader
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Yeah...that ends well.
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kangamommynow · 5 months
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#9 June 2020
I’d wanted to get this one since March of 2020 because that’s when Pete Buttigieg dropped out, which devastated me. I’d been involved in Pete’s campaign for a year. This is his Rules of the Road, a guideline for how the campaign would be conducted. It’s also a good list of rules for life. It’s on my right arm so that I can read it.
Tattoo places shut down during the pandemic, of course, at least at first. As soon as I could find someone who was open to appointments I had this done.
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
For queer people, our “normal” is relatively recent
I know it’s scary with all the legislation & accompanying rhetoric being made against the queer community. Trans people are having their medical care taken away, and basic parts of their life, such as the ability to participate in athletics or go to the restroom, regulated and restricted. Gay people are being called "groomers." People are told queer people are a danger to children, and recognition of our existence is being removed from some schools and libraries.
Please remember, there are a lot of people on our side. We will work to remove these abominable laws. We will work for increased tolerance and acceptance. Things will get better. 
I thought we could use a reminder of how recent it is that we gained the rights and visibility and acceptance that we have become accustomed to. Our ‘normal’ is fairly recent and it’s good to remember that there have been people fighting against us all the way, and yet we made progress and culture became more accepting. Sadly, there are groups of people trying to undo all of that.
Less than 3 years ago in the summer of 2020, it became illegal to discriminate against gay and transgender employees at work if they're doing something which is allowed for others. If a woman is allowed to wear a skirt to work, and a trans woman comes to work wearing a skirt, the employer can't fire her for that. Likewise, an employee who joins a gay softball league can't be fired for that if other workers are allowed to join softball leagues.
In the last 5 years Pete Buttigieg, an openly gay man, was confirmed by the Senate to serve in a Presidential Cabinet position. Colorado's governor Jared Polis is the first openly gay person to be elected as a state governor. Virginia's Danica Roem is the first openly trans person to be elected to a state legislature. Sharice Davids from Kansas is the first openly lesbian woman elected to the US Congress.
In the last 10 years openly trans individuals were finally allowed to join the US military. Oregon's Kate Brown became the first openly bisexual person elected governor. Marriage equality became legal across the nation, same-sex couples can now marry in all US states. The American Psychiatric Association retired the concept of a "gender identity disorder" because being trans isn’t a ‘disorder.’
15 years ago, Barack Obama was running for president and said he didn't support gay marriage. If he'd been in support of it, he'd lose many votes from Democrats. 15 years ago people didn't come out in high school, maybe they told some close friends, but generally they weren't OUT out. 15 years ago Hillary Duff made a PSA to inform people it's not nice to call things "gay" as a way of saying they didn’t like something.
20 years ago, most people didn't know anything about trans people, hadn't even heard of the concept. 20 years ago the Supreme Court forced 14 states to decriminalize homosexuality. 20 years ago celebrities still lost jobs in television and movies if they came out.
The way things were 15 and 20 years ago feels so alien to us now, but it wasn’t that long ago. There were major setbacks along the way, and we’re experiencing some major setbacks now, but I trust that science, medicine, reasonableness, and civility will eventually win out. Truth is on our side. Meanwhile, it sucks that people today are having to deal with this mess.
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steveyockey · 2 years
Often, people use “queer” as a way of marking a kind of difference — a style of politics, a way of feeling, a type of community. It’s a way of claiming political virtue, of being adequately progressive, maybe even radical. And sure, maybe that’s a worthwhile goal. But I wonder if this usage simply reduces the many raced, classed, and gendered differences between so-called “gay” and “queer” spaces and communities to the terms themselves, rather than to the dynamics that produce those spaces and communities as such. In this sense, “queer” obscures as much as it reveals.
“Queer” cannot do the heavy lifting of actually creating communities of mutual aid, experimentation, and radical resistance. We can yell and scream about being queer enough as much as we want. But if people like Buttigieg and his army of normal gays are any indication, then our politics and our work must go beyond the assertion of difference, the demand for inclusion, and the desire to be part of something that seems important. It has to be motivated by a commitment to undoing the systems of political and moral policing that make “normal” possible.
Maybe, then, there is no such thing as a “queer space.” Instead, there is only us, together, now: an assemblage of people and ideas and practices, a reminder that another world is possible.
Alex V Green, “‘Queer’ as in… what exactly?,” The Outline, January 13, 2020.
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Things not in the news anymore…. (Version 5) -Maui wildfires. -East Palestine, Ohio -Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator. -Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon. -Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn. -Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW) -The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth. -The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons. -Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to. -Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6. -Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals. -Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography. -Gay porn film in Senate hearing room. -Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans. -Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it. -Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East. -George Bush’s false WMDs. -3 service members killed in Jordan. -Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”. -J6 political prisoners that are still in jail. -85,000 missing children at the southern border. -Epstein’s clients. -Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. -Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election. -Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”. -The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died. -Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.) -Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection. -The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House. -House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie. -The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general. -Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege. -Vaccine side effects. -“Lab leak” out of China. -The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes. -Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision. -Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them. -Obama’s chef “passing away”. -HRC’s chef “passing away”. -The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii. -P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. -Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine -Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt. -Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan). -The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”. -Biolabs found in California. -Joe Biden’s impeachment. -The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag. -The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”. The distractions are out of control. This is such a small list of everything that has happened and I’m starting to run out of room! Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now. If you have liked this post, consider giving me a follow!
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The learned helplessness of Pete Buttigieg
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The apocalyptic airline meltdown over the Christmas break stranded thousands of Americans, ruining their vacations and costing them a fortune in unexpected fees. It wasn't just Southwest Airlines' meltdown, either - as stranded fliers sought alternatives, airlines like AA raised the price of some domestic coach tickets to over $10,000.
This didn't come out of nowhere. Southwest's growth strategy has seen the airlines add more planes and routes without a comparable investment in back-end systems, including crew scheduling systems. SWA's unions have spent years warning the public that their employer's IT infrastructure was one crisis away from total collapse.
But successive administrations have failed to act on those warnings. Under Obama and Trump, the DoT was content to let "the market" discipline the monopoly carriers, though both administrations were happy to wave through anticompetitive mergers that weakened the power of markets to provide that discipline. Obama waved through the United/Continental merger and the Southwest/AirTran merger, while Trump waved through Virgin/Alaska.
While these firms were allowed to privatize their gains, Uncle Sucker paid for their losses. Trump handed the airlines $54 billion in covid relief, which the airlines squandered on stock buybacks and executive bonuses, while gutting their own employee rosters with early retirement buyouts:
Incredibly, the airlines got even worse under the Biden administration. In the first six months of 2022, US airlines cancelled more flights than they had in all of 2021, while the airlines increased their profits by 45% - and kept it, rather than using it to pay back the $10b in unpaid refunds they owed to fliers:
Dozens of state attorneys general - Republicans and Democrats - wrote to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, begging him to take action on the airlines. After months without action, they wrote again, just days before the Christmas meltdown:
For his part, Secretary Buttigieg claimed he was doing all he could, trumpeting the order to refund fliers as evidence of his muscular regulatory approach (recall that these refunds have not been paid). He assured Americans that the situation "is going to get better by the holidays."
But the numbers tell the tale. Under Buttigieg, the DOT "issued fewer enforcement orders in 2021 than in any single year of the Trump and Obama administrations."
As the crisis raged, enraged fliers and opponents of unchecked corporate power blamed Buttigieg. So did opportunistic, bad-faith Republicans looking to score political points. The "liberal" media lumped all this criticism together, insisting that Buttigieg had done everything in his power and declaring it unreasonable to expect the Transport Secretary to prevent transportation catastrophes:
Buttigieg's defenders trotted out a laundry list of excuses for the failure, ranging from the nonsensical to the implausible to the contradictory - Pete's Army continued to claim that the aviation meltdown was the weather's fault, even after Buttigieg himself went on national TV to say this wasn't the case:
Buttigieg is the Secretary of a powerful administrative agency, and as such, he has broad powers. Neither he nor his predecessors have had the courage to wield that power, all of them evincing a kind of learned helplessness in the face of industry lobbying. But there is a difference between being powerless and acting powerless.
To see what a fully operational battle-station looks like, cast your eye upon Lina Khan, chair of the FTC, another agency that has a long history of dormancy in the face of corporate power, but which Khan has transformed - not through ideology, but through competence. Khan - and her fellow Biden administration trustbusters Jonathan Kantor and the recently departed Tim Wu - have an encyclopedic knowledge of their powers, and they haven't been shy about using them:
Over the Christmas break, even as the airline industry was stranding Americans far from their families, Khan proposed a rule to ban noncompete agreements, which are widely used to prevent low-waged workers like fast-food cashiers from quitting their jobs and seeking better pay from competitors:
These are, as Matt Stoller writes, a form of indentured servitude, used by private equity crooks to lock in their workforces. "30% of hair stylists works under a non-compete, as do 45% of family physicians." Noncompetes destroy the livelihoods of workers who start their own businesses, too: "One comment to the FTC came from a graphic designers for signage who was bankrupted by a lawsuit from her control-hungry former boss and a small town judge":
Noncompetes are a scourge, and there should be bipartisan agreement on this. If you're a Democrat who believes in labor rights, noncompetes are manifestly unfair. But that's also true if you're a Republican who believes in competition and the power of entrepreneurship.
Nevertheless, noncompetes have trundled on, with neither Congress nor the administrative branch showing the courage to act - until now. Khan's proposed rule bypasses Congressional inaction by invoking powers that she already has, under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.
Section 5 gives the FTC broad powers to prohibit "unfair methods of competition" - an incredibly broad power to wield, and one that the FTC hasn't bothered to use since the 1970s (!):
Which brings me back to Secretary Buttigieg and the airlines. Because Chair Khan isn't the only federal regulator with these broad powers. As David Dayen writes for The American Prospect, "the Department of Transportation has the exact same authority":
Under USC40 Section 41712(a), Buttigieg has the power to unilaterally ban transportation industry practices that are "unfair and deceptive" or "unfair methods of competition." Per the DOT's own guidance, this provision is "modeled on Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act":
The are a lot more recent examples of the DOT using this power than there are of the FTC using its Section 5 authority, like the Tarmac Delay Rule. But as Robert Kuttner writes, the airlines reneged on their end of the $54b bailout, slashing staffing levels and failing to invest in IT modernization - examples of the "unfair and deceptive" practices that the DOT could intervene to prevent:
As Dayen writes, "The definition of 'deceptive' is 'likely to mislead a consumer, acting reasonably under the circumstances.' If the airline scheduled a flight, took money for the flight, and knew it would have to cancel it (or, if you prefer, knew it would have to cancel some flights, all of which it took money for), that seems plainly deceptive."
This is the same authority that Buttigieg used to fine 5 non-US airlines (and Frontier, the tiny US carrier that flies 2% of domestic routes) for cancelling their flights - his signature achievement to date. But as Dayen points out, this authority isn't limited to taking action after the fact.
The DOT can - and should - act before Americans' flights are canceled. It can use its authority under 41712(a) to "say that the cancellation itself is an unfair and deceptive practice and issue a fine for each canceled flight." It could "promulgate a rule saying that cancellations due to insufficient crews, or due to dysfunctional computer scheduling systems, are unfair and deceptive, with stiff fines for each violation."
Both of these were within Buttigieg's power months ago, when the State AGs begged him to take action to prevent the mounting epidemic of cancellations. Both of these are within his power now. Heads of federal agencies are among the most powerful people in the world and they can use that power to materially improve the lives of the American people.
Just ask Lina Khan.
Image: Gage Skidmore (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/49560191032
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
[Image ID: A vector drawing of a man slumped at a desk with his face on his laptop. The man's face has been replaced with that of Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He has a DOT logo on his shoulder. There are also DOT logos on a coffee-cup on the desk and behind the desk, on the wall.]
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