atomic-kirby · 2 months
That moment when I realise I'm killing people off (in my book to clarify.) Because I'm butthurt about a character in a different book dying.
(Cough cough MATTHIAS.)
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k4sp3rsw4g · 2 months
Poop fart
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localcementeater · 2 months
To me, as someone who’s taken history of arts, people getting upset at the opening of the olympics mocking the last supper feel like if I were to get mad at the life of Bryan for making fun of megaman. Like sure, the parallels are there but it’s really something else entirely
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toxic420tak · 8 months
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6pisztolyzenekar · 4 months
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ezek a csalfa szavazópolgárok, ha tudták volna, hogy rosszul fog esni ennek a drága embernek.
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kstripling · 4 months
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9kylian · 8 months
Nothing more satisfying than these haters crying on my tl
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ferdifz · 7 months
Elon Musk needs a hug so badly...
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posted by Elon and screen-captured my multiple people all over the Web on Oscars day, March 10th, 2024
I'm reminded of that old Czech saying that goes something like,
"Oftentimes the person who needs love the most is the person who least deserves it."
Elon really, really needs a hug right now. You can feel it. It's so palpable. So thick in the air.
...I'm still not unblocking him on Twitter though, no. His mental health is not worth my mental health. And I personally can't help him anyway.
Also yes Elon, you do need to be awake to make a movie.
And you also need to be awake to run a social network, or a public forum. And to run public-facing companies, too.
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jesse-pinko · 2 years
Me when a post appears on my dash that I disagree with even slightly
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blk-chauvinist · 2 years
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Think about THIS, the next time you call a man who triggered you, "Incel..."
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shitpostroundhouse · 10 months
IDK who needs to hear this but,
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What I meant to say was, I'm just glad my butthole doesn't hurt today. Or my ankle, which I tweaked on Tuesday on the way to work... a two hour shift, that I opted for.
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fnozaidmagenta · 1 year
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clairehadenough · 11 months
but people she has worked with who speak very highly of her on record
Actors will always speak well of their co-workers, it doesn't mean they are telling the truth! We ourselves speak highly of our co-workers, even those we don't like for ethical reasons! Her colleagues praising her means nothing! The same for him or any actor!
Sorry but admitting you speak highly of someone even though you don’t like them only shows you’re a hypocrite, nothing to flex about.
And it’s funny when someone praises her on record ‘it doesn’t mean they’re telling the truth’ but when someone says without any proof whatsoever that a coworker said she is antisemitic you are happy to believe it? Do you not see what’s wrong here?
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wfodicks · 11 months
mike and travis are joined this week by filmmaker/actor/renaissance man john fallon. his new movie “malicious” is available on demand. get it here! follow john on instagram here. they discuss the following topics….. the road to the making of malicious…. the war in armenia…. the drive to achieve goals…. killers of the flower moon…. sylvester stallone doc “sly”…. “butthurt” the exorcist:…
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simplyvladimir · 1 year
My ass is absolutely not on fire about "Castlevania: Nocturne".
Well, if you remove the word "Castlevania" from "Castlevania: Nocturne", you'll get a pretty good animated series. It needs to be said that I watched first Castlevania just with common facts of this universe and game experience of Lords of the Shadows. I liked the show (tho it had it's own disadvantages). And I really waited for the continuation of it. Even when I saw the first trailer of Nocturne my expectation were at the veeeeeeery low level. The idea of taking course to the historical events seemed not very good to me, because if to mix them with Castlevania's world it will surely turned into goo-mix of something strange and unlogical. Designs were +\- okayish, despite piano in the bushes - Drolta. Like, wtf is this mix of Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga doing here? By the trailer it was already a fact that happened classic Netflixifiction, but I forced myself to think that it's not that bad. So I watched this new season. Aaaaaand if to be short - it's bleh. Thank you for your attention, have good day, bye. If not to be short - hmmm, where should I start? Promotion said the events will take their place at French Revolution, but we see like 0 things about except few very short scenes and the main idea of the Crew of Fighting Kids. Maybe it will be shown in the future seasons, but not now. The biggest dissapointment to me - characters. Richter Belmont, the most powerful of the all generations of Belmont clan is... weak crybaby. He can do shit. This is all. Annette is absolute OC. She changed her race, story and I bet she could kick both Drolta's and Erzsebet's asses with her left finger, but Netflix decided that it will be too much. Drolta went through bimbofication and now she is a vampire? a demon? a latex inventor? I think that the creators of the show themselves do not fully understand this. Erzsebet now is the egyptian goddess avatar and even older than Dracula. Typical white-skinned egyptian (I swear I almost heard her saying "Eat shit old dick"). You know, these new extra-powerful sequel's characters whom anyone never heard anything about. Olrox, aztec gay vampire. Aka Quetzalcoatl. Powerful bottom. Mizrak, mestizo\mulatto gay Malta knight. He is such a himbo that chainmail fits tight on him and his barber secretly make his job every fucking day. The plot, motivation of the characters, logic - this all were thrown into the toilet. Yep, in one scene we see that vampires kills a lot of people just in one town, people terrified, and in another - how they are partying with humans on the streets. In this season vampires can beat the sun with umbrellas, levitate, turn into half-demons and hell knows anything else, but can't fly away from the wide cage in their bat-shape. Annette don't give a shit about Richter and even get really mad about him, then BOOM. She is suddenly have romantic feelings to him. And he have feelings to her too (but this is lie, we are all know that he likes milfs). This all looks like the situation with Resident evil Netflix tv series, when the absolutely side story used the brand name to get views. It's also very obviously that the budget was terribly cut, because some animations looks like they were at least halfly AI-animated. No offence to the real animators of the show, you did good work, guys. As I said before - it could be a good show if it was just "Nocturne". Thank you for your attention.
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nando161mando · 1 year
It's fucking hilarious when some 2-bit shit bigot from florida gets butthurt and they have no power over you and they suffer a mental breakdown because their god abandoned them long before they were even born. Fucking die christofascist hypocrite scum!
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