#Butcher Of Paris
readersdailycrisis · 2 months
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us <3
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drasticemotions · 5 months
I have many inappropriate things to say about this
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6ebe · 2 months
China and Taiwan sharing a joint bronze medal in horizontal bar is a hilarious unintentional unparalleled sports diplomacy moment 🤣😭
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afrowrites · 2 months
Norman F Rockwell
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Black reader (plus size too!) x Homelander
Your a hardworking widow and single mother who works at vought in the graphics department, when a certain all American hero is intrigued by the sight of you, or maybe the scent of you...
Warnings: Stalking, Mentions of Death.
Wordcount: 1,891
Rating: Teen and up
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A woman stands alone with her ten-year-old son weeping next to her, her stomach holds the last legacy of her husband. And as they lower him into the ground a rifle can be heard to signify a fallen soldier. And a single tear runs down the woman's face knowing she must stay strong.
“~[Your name]~, did you get the final layout for the Homeboy Kids’ book yet?” She asked as she turned towards her coworker's voice, “Oh yeah, I got them, they look pretty good with all things considered.” 
The woman smiled, proud of her co-workers' adherence to her notes.
“Well, that's good, because you have to present them to Ashley today.” The woman said, dropping a bomb and slipping out of her office.
“Wait, I have to do what?!” You half shout.
You frantically search your emails trying to figure out why today you had to present in less than… 
“Oh shit! I gotta do this in an hour!” 
You were wearing your comfiest business casual clothes but were not ready to entertain your boss today, and the email mentioned that others would be attending. ‘Probably those weirdo's in marketing.’  You thought to yourself. 
You stumble down the hallway towards Ashley's office, holding your layout tubes while trying to zip up the back of your skirt. Thank God you had an emergency “I didn't just have a baby” outfit and some heels. 
You fluff your afro up, put on some lipgloss, take a deep breath and open the door to walk into Ashley’s office.
You could see Ashley's permanent furrowed brow shift into a fake plastered smile she gave to all her employees when trying to save face.
“Good afternoon, miss {Your Name}. Have a seat, please”
“Sure” you answer, feeling a bit awkward.
Seth and Evan are engaged in a calm conversation, tucked away in the secluded corner of the room. Meanwhile, you're absorbed in organizing your layouts, your back to the entrance, when the sharp sound of a door swinging wide pierces the silence. Out of the periphery of your vision, you notice the room's occupants abruptly rise to their feet in a unified, almost military precision.
"Uh, Homelander, welcome," she greets with a strained smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, her voice tinged with a detectable quiver betraying her anxiety. Indeed, the atmosphere has shifted palpably; a heavy cloak of tension settles over the room, making the air itself seem laden with foreboding.
“Ashley,” he notes her presence. Uninterested. 
“ Hey Seth, Evan, good to see you.” Now a hint of sarcastic enthusiasm sets in his voice.
He sets down into his chair, and as he sits he turns his head to you. He sniffs the air realizing something. Even before you'd know, he finds you leaking, and suddenly his interest in you increases tenfold and with a sudden interest in you he introduces himself.
“Why hello there,” his devilish grin and piercing blue eyes startle you, “you know it's a shame I never get to meet all the wonderful people here working at Vought, what's your name Ms…?”
“Rodriguez, although people just call me [your name].” You smile professionally. 
“Well Ms.Rodriguez,” he takes your hand in his, brushing your soft knuckles before planting a kiss on them. “I do hope to enjoy your presentation.” As he gave you a soft wink. 
You find his introduction performative but also slightly genuine.
The marketing guys gave their little spiel on how to market the homelander’s son, Ryan. 
You soon make a suggestion. “I believe that would go well with young adult males, but we aren't thinking of the bigger picture here. We know how Homelander is when it comes to women.” 
You see his jaw tighten, so you tread lightly when you continue.
“We’ve already seen the comic books, so how about we take a look at something more child-like for mothers, show the soft story about Homelander becoming a father raising a child all on his own, raising him to be a good American hero.” 
The market guys roll their eyes and scoff in protest, but before they can open their mouths you hear clapping.
“Wow that’s… well that's good,” To you he sounds almost genuine but his mind is still working on you. You breathe a sigh of relief at his approval. 
You mutter off a “thank you, sir.” And scurry back to your seat.
After muttering a quick, “Thank you, Sir.”, you scurry back to your seat.
“Well I think this has been a great meeting, thank you all for being here. I-” 
Homelander interrupts, “Ms.Rodriguez may I have a moment to ask you something?.” 
Stunned, you respond, “Oh-uh sure,” you give him a weak smile. 
“Great,” he grins a menacing grin. “Let's take a walk.”
It's quiet for the first few minutes, almost bone-chilling . He clears his throat to break the silence.
“So, Rodriguez. What do you do here?” He asks in a way that sounds like he's interested but also way too critical. 
“Well sir, I work in graphics and art, but I do most kid's artwork and stuff.” You chuckle nervously.
He nods at your answer, and he continues, “Well I think that is just super!” He still smells your body producing his favorite thing (well maybe second favorite thing). 
He continues the walk in silence until you guys reach your office, he scans around the room trying to find ways to see you more often. Until he sees, “Oh, you have a family,” you turn the picture towards him.
“Oh yeah, my babies,” you sigh at missing them. “Rafael and America.”
“Wow, what a name for such a cute baby,” he feigns interest because as stated before he's only interested in what's under your skirt.
“Yeah, their father named them.” You feel a sharp twist in your heart when mentioning your husband's name, Homelander sees this and with his well-learned acting exclaims, “Whatever he did to you I'll get him.” He places a hand on your shoulder as he jokes with you.
You look up at him with teary eyes before wiping them away. “Oh no it’s not that my husbands not with us anymore.” 
He feels indifferent to your plight, yet he pulls you in for a comforting hug. He smells like warm spices but underneath he smells metallic almost of blood. It’s unnerving.
He releases you from his grip, only to take a long look down and clear his throat. 
“Hmmm I think you might wanna…,” You look down horrified. You're leaking.
Standing at your threshold, the rich oakwood panels seem to reach out, inviting you into the warm embrace of home. Before your hand can grace the knocker, your mother-in-law materializes, her eyes alight with the joy of your arrival. "Hola mami!" Your greeting is tinged with fatigue, yet her presence ushers in comfort. "Hola, {insert Spanish nickname}, how was your day?" Her inquiry is simple, yet it's the undercurrent of genuine concern that touches you. "Well, Mami, to be honest, it was a bit perplexing..." you admit, the words trailing off as you grapple with the day's events.
Your exchange is gently fractured by the delightful pattern of small feet drumming against the floor, a familiar and heartwarming cadence. It's a sound that signals the arrival of one of the most precious joys in your life, a guiding light that brightens even your darkest days. The architect of your daily smiles, your cherished child, the ever-sweet Rafi, bounds toward you. This tiny being, the center of your universe, radiates unadulterated happiness, infusing your mornings with meaning and your heart with boundless love.
"Hey, Mamacita!," He says, 
"Hey there, Papito" you greet, the corners of your mouth turning up in a weary but warm smile. "You're not gonna guess who I bumped into today!"
His eyes sparkle with curiosity. "Who was it?"
"The one and only, most amazing superhero of all time!"
Glancing down, you notice he's clutching his beloved Homelander action figure, its edges frayed and colors faded from love and time. It was a gift from his dad. The sight fills you with a bittersweet mix of joy and a pang of sorrow, knowing the layers of memories it holds.
Sighing, you reply, “Well I met the one and only…”, pause for dramatic effect, “HOMELANDER!”  You see his gorgeous little eyes light up, you love to see your little guy happy. He jumps around the house as his grandma yells at him.
 “Papito! You're gonna wake the…,” she’s already too late. And as your second little bundle of joy starts to cry, your mother-in-law is about to get the spoon on Rafi, “Don’t worry mami, it’s fine I wanted to see my baby anyway.”  You smile at her as you trudge towards your baby's room. “Hey Meri, how’s my girl doing?” You coo at her. She has your husband’s beautiful green eyes, gorgeous fluffy curls and chubby cheeks. You hold her close to you, your heartbeat calms her down. You sit for a while ignoring the noise from the street corner thinking of when her father took you to New Mexico, 
The evening air is warm and the breeze carries the simple romance of the night through the air. He cradles you in his soft loving arms as the stars pale in comparison to the sparkle of his eyes peering into your own.
“Y’know (y/n), I was just thinking,” “Oh that’s never good.” You snicker to yourself.
“Hey, that hurts.” He pretends to get shot in the chest. “Whatever,” You roll your eyes 
“Well, what I was going to say was, what if we get married…” He sheepishly says that last part.
“Um well, to be honest, I want to, after all, little Rafi-,” He interrupts. “Or Meri, I plan on having ten beautiful girls, well eleven because of you.’
You laugh a hearty laugh. “Yeah right, let’s just focus on the first one, but yeah I wanna be married.”
“Okay great because I have this ring in a box and I didn’t know who I was gonna give it to.” He yawns sarcastically. 
You wide-eyed stare at him for a little, until it sinks in. You sit up and push his shoulders to the ground. “Oh my God!” You kiss his face all over.
“Hey mami, watch the baby. They ain’t finished yet.” He chuckles “I love you, baby.” he smiles with his gorgeous lips. 
“I love you too, papito.” You lean in for a kiss all while smiling into his lips.  And while you once again fall in love, your favorite song plays.
~Como la flor, Con tanto amor, Me Diste tu~
“Se Marchitó, Me marcho hoy,” You sing to the bittersweet words of Selena, “ Yo sé perder, Pero a-a-ay, cómo me duele, A-a-ay, cómo me duele.” 
The smells of your cooking penetrate the room and seep out of your window into the cold air of a New York night, the warmth and love from your kitchen emanating from your apartment.
Unfortunately for you, a certain pair of eyes enjoyed your little performance, and the ethnic food smelled to him albeit too much spice for his taste, he could still feel a distant mother’s love through those smells.
And when you decided to close the window, he took that as a challenge to get into your life and ruin it. 
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dandunn · 1 month
"noooo you can't write accents into writing it's so hard to readddd 😭😭"
Well u see the thing is.
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I do what I want.
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picsandbones · 2 years
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FLYGOD - Westside Gunn
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
So incredibly pleased to see fans sexualizing not just old men but fat old men!
Something inside me just sings to know that Pat from BBC Ghosts could inspire such a large amount of lovingly crafted pornography on AO3!
As a fat fellow who hopes very much to be a fat old man myself someday, what a gift!!
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(Actually, as a short fat white boi with brown hair, I bet could do a pretty easy cosplay! OMG AND MY TALL WIFE COULD BE THE CAPTAIN. OMG. DEAD MUSTACHE HUSBANDS. OMG.)
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robelibe · 1 year
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Butcher Shop Sapphires and Diamonds. House of Boucheron, Place Vendome, Paris, FRANCE
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Couples Night @ The Golden Globes Awards - 2023.
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A list of song quotes i like + recommendations (will be updated as i live life):
Give me recs based off what u see!
“Love after you / A miracle that’s dying out / Every stupid poem you would write about / Is laughing in my hands” - Love After You (Madds Buckley)
“I scratch while you relax / Ruffling feathers watching storm clouds pass / Hoping I’ll make you hate the thunder too / Digging in my claws will make you hate me too” - DogBird (Madds Buckley)
“And we settle in the comfort of / The bones that rest beneath / And I’d lose every penny that I find / To keep your soul with mine” - Anything Anything Anything (Madds Buckley)
“I’m the gamble to your loaded dice” - I Lose to You (Madds Buckley)
“Be the light that I see when the light has left me / When you hold me I feel holy / When you kiss me I bleed” - Wine and Wheat (Madds Buckley) listen to it
“You’re slipping through my fingers with the sands of time / And I’m missing the piece of you that used to be mine” - Everything Changes in Time (Madds Buckley)
“Wonder if better now having survived” - Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene (Hozier)
“Anyway, you say you're too busy / Saving everybody else to save yourself / And you don't want no help, oh, well / That's the story to tell” - It’s Called Freefall (Rainbow Kitten Surprise - cover by Paris Paloma)
“If the sun don't rise / 'Til the summertime / Forgive my northern attitude / Oh, I was raised on little light” - Northern Attitude (Noah Kahan ft. Hozier) ironic because i’m in a hot desert climate
“And I'll dream each night of some version of you / That I might not have, but I did not lose / Now you're tire tracks and one pair of shoes / And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do” - Stick Season (Noah Kahan)
“Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns / It's quicker and easier to eat your young” - Eat Your Young (Hozier)
“And all things end / All that we intend is scrawled in sand / Or slips right through our hands / And just knowing / That everything will end / Should not change our plans / When we begin again” - All Things End (Hozier)
“I wanna run against the world that's turnin' / I'd movе so fast that I'd outpace the dawn / I wanna be gonе” - De Selby Part 2 (Hozier)
“Of the goodness, love, I still carry for you / That I'd walk so far just to take / The injury of finally knowing you” - Unknown / Nth (Hozier)
“My love, you're something special / I've never met someone like you / You'd make me fall from heaven” - The Fruits (Paris Paloma)
“The sky set to burst / The gold and the rust / The color erupts / You filling my cup / The sun coming up / Like I lived my whole life / Before the first light” - First Light (Hozier)
“And have your guarded heart be lifted like a child up by the hand / In some town that just means "Home" to them / With no translator left to sound / A butchered tongue still singin' here above the ground” - Butchered Tongue (Hozier)
“When you hate the body you are in / Oh, love, you're actin' just for him / As he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower / Our fear, it lines his pockets, love, so take that rage and bottle up” - as good a reason (Paris Paloma)
“We're born at night / So much of our lives / Is just carving through the dark / To get so far / And the hardest part / Is who we are” - Who We Are (Hozier)
“All of me changed / Like midnight / Rain, he wanted it comfortable / I wanted that pain” - Midnight Rain (Taylor Swift)
“But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze / My footsteps on the ground / You'll see my face in every place / But you can't catch me now” - Can’t Catch Me Now (Olivia Rodrigo)
“Because your child will be smarter than you and their children will be smarter than them / Each generation smarter than the last / And these trees will grow and grow until there's an entire orchard of you / And yes they will get old, yes they will get sick, yes they will die / But in the process they will discover” - Apple (The Narcissist Cookbook)
“When my time comes around / Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth / No grave can hold my body down / I'll crawl home to her” - Work Song (Hozier)
“On sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything” - Francis Forever (Mitski)
“On some level, I think I always understood / That a ship could never really love an anchor / So, I did the only thing that I could / And severed the rope to set you sailing from my harbor” - Never Love an Anchor (The Crane Wives)
“And I'll be okay / Admiring from afar / Cause even when she's next to me / We could not be more far apart” - She (Dodie)
“Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned / Everything you lose is a step you take / So make the friendship bracelets / Take the moment and taste it / You've got no reason to be afraid” - You’re On Your Own, Kid (Taylor Swift)
“Leave all your love and your longing behind / You can't carry it with you if you want to survive” - Dog Days Are Over (Florence + the Machine)
“We creep up on extinction / I pull your arms right in / I weep and say goodnight, love / While my organs pack it in / And here it is, our final night alive” - As the World Caves In (Matt Maltese)
“With each love I cut loose, I was never the same / Watching still living roots be consumed by the flame / I was fixed on your hand of gold / Laying waste to my lovin' long ago” - Would That I (Hozier)
“C'mere to me, I wish I was a mayfly on the River Tay / I'd fit all my joys and my pleasures in one perfect day / I wish I was the sunlight, just sitting on the Mississippi / I'd settle for a shopping trolley in the Liffey / In a shot, I'd swap my body for a body of water” - Anything But (Hozier)
“Honey, I laugh when it sinks in / A pillar I am of pride / Scarcely can speak for my thinking / What you'd do to me tonight” - Dinner and Diatribes (Hozier)
“I'm untetherin' from the parts of me you'd recognize / From charmin' to alarmin' in seconds / I'll be bedridden, I'll let the pain metastasize / But that's mornin', I'll forget it / And the dial tone is all I have” - Dial Drunk (Noah Kahan)
“I knew that look dear / Eyes always seeking / Was there in someone / That dug long ago / So I will not ask you / Why you were creeping / In some sad way I already know” - Like Real People Do (Hozier)
“I can be an old tattoo / To remind me when I get bad news / That I do not exist to die / But live to die while saving you” - She Calls Me Back (Noah Kahan ft. Kacey Musgraves)
“Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago / Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword / Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know / I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door” - From Eden (Hozier)
“I hate the beach / But I stand in California with my toes in the sand / Use the sleeves of my sweater” - Sweater Weather (The Neighbourhood)
“You asked me why I wasn't sayin' a word / I'm namin' the stars in the sky after you / It was a work of art / That's the hardest part” - Your Needs, My Needs (Noah Kahan)
“You said my heart has changed and my soul has changed / And my heart, and my heart / That my life has changed, that this town had changed / And you had not” - Orange Juice (Noah Kahan)
“Now I know your name, but not who you are / It's all okay / There ain't a drop of bad blood, it's all my love” - All my Love (Noah Kahan)
“Everywhere, everything, I wanna love you / 'Til we're food for the worms to eat / 'Til our fingers decompose, keep my hands in yours” - Everywhere, Everything (Noah Kahan)
“It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again / The things that I lost here, the people I knew / They got me surrounded for a mile or two / The car's in reverse, I'm grippin' the wheel / I'm back between villages and everything's still” - The View Between Villages (Noah Kahan)
“The memory hurts / But does me no harm / Your hand in my pocket / To keep us both warm” - Abstract Psychopomp (Hozier)
“All the tales the same / Told before and told again / A soul that's born in cold and rain” - Sunlight (Hozier)
“The birds will still sing, your folks will still fight / The boards will still creak, the leaves will still die / We ain't angry at you, love / We'll be waitin' for you, love” - You’re Gonna Go Far (Noah Kahan)
“Now that it's done / There's not one thing that I would change / My life was a storm, since I was born / How could I fear any hurricane?” - Francesca (Hozier)
“Heaven is not fit to house a love / Like you and I” - Francesca (Hozier)
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honneythatsgay · 1 year
So to show what the music I listen to is, I went on spotify and played 15 songs from my On Repeat playlist with the shuffled option. Here is the list:
Butcher Babies - Sleeping with the Enemy
Paris Paloma - fruits
Halestorm - I Miss the Misery
The Pretty Reckless - Make Me Wanna Die
Halestorm - Amen
Halestorm - Heavy MeNtal (Fuck Yeah)
Epica - The Last Crusade
The Pretty Reckless - Hit Me Like A Man
Within Temptation - Don't Pray For Me
Epica - Sensorium
Epica - The Skeleton Key
Arch Enemy - Reason to Believe
Halestorm - Familiar Taste of Poison
The Pretty Reckless - Going to Hell
Epica - Kingdom of Heaven prt. 3
Sorry I don't have much of anything besides rock and metal to offer (with an honourable mention to Paris Paloma)
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cassiopeia-lost · 2 years
several years later…I am finally making that trip to Paris happen.
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Butcher shop window, Paris
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petrichoraline · 2 years
sometimes i think oh maybe i can be language studying buddies with someone yknow like i offer help with a language and they help me with japanese for example. then i think how everyone can help them with english so :( but then i remember my native isnt english so :D and at last i realise barely any foreigners want to learn my language so the percentage of japanese natives about my age whod enjoy doing that is practically nonexistent :')
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