#But you're afraid to make diagnosis which doesn't help anyone at all
reserwrekt · 2 years
Went to a new mental health place yesterday. It's been weeks of phone calls and waiting. I mentioned I've been struggling with executive dysfunction enough that it's ruining my life. Explained I don't leave my apartment for weeks at a time. Explained I don't leave my room much less, bed.
The caseworker has been chronically late for our phone calls but this place strictly expects me to adhere to their appointment times.
I got tired when caseworker was 2 hours late for a phone call. Got depressed that I was forgotten about. Continued misgendering.
I told her I didn't answer the call that day.
She got offended and accused me of not wanting help. As if I didn't exhaust myself to get here.
Mental health facilities here suck.
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etherealspacejelly · 3 months
i've sent an ask before about self-diagnosed autism and whether or not it's valid (i would link it but i can't because i'm anon and i'm too socially anxious to reveal myself grrr). first of all thank you so much. i quite often reread it to remind myself im valid. <3
i have a follow-up question/kind of a rant. i have a friend who's diagnosed audhd, and she's the only neurodivergent person in my life who seems to think i'm not autistic (she thinks i'm neurodivergent though, but nothing applies well to me other than anxiety which idk if that's generally considered a mental illness or a neurodiversity??). it's so weird how she expresses this too, for example, saying i "have a lot of autism symptoms, but don't seem autistic" (i mask a LOT). and every time i vent about my autism symptoms and how they affect me, i literally swear i can see it click for her that i'm likely on the spectrum and she STILL chooses to invalidate me.
what makes it worse is that another person in my friend group self-diagnosed with autism and dx friend is so validating of him. which is good for self-dx, but it makes me upset that we receive different treatment from her despite both having the same symptoms and diagnosing with the same thing (which may be a selfish thought, i have no idea but i don't intend it to be). self-dx doesn't ever point this out, then dx and him act like they're the only autistic people in our friend group, and it gives very much a "you can't sit with us" vibe. therefore there's only two people in my friend group who i'm fully comfortable with talking to about my neurodiversity (and are now aware of this issue but don't really know how to help).
ig it's just starting to piss me off. every time i post about or even mention autism i hear dx's voice in the back of my mind telling me i'm not really autistic. do you have any ideas on how to handle this? i've been friends with this person since we were in kindergarten and she's a great friend besides this, so i don't wanna cut her out of my life or anything, but i really wanna call her out on this bs without making her feel bad or making her too upset.
i'm so sorry if this is bothersome at all ghjfks feel free to ignore if thats better. thank you again for your past help, your posts have been so nice and comforting to see <33
hey anon! i remember you. im glad that post helped!
sounds like your friend has some internalised ableism going on. thats a real shame.
its absolutely not selfish of you to be upset that you're being treated differently than your other friend, thats really unfair.
also her arguments dont make any sense??? if you have enough autism symptoms then. you're autistic. thats how that works? you wouldn't be like "well. you have a cough and a runny nose but you just dont seem like you have a cold." like thats. a fucking weird thing to say?
idk what to suggest honestly. i know it really sucks but, maybe its time to start to pull away from this friend a little? it sounds like she doesnt really respect you.
if you're going to call her out on it, shes probably going to feel bad. you're going to have to reconcile that im afraid. its the consequences of her own actions that will cause it though, its not your fault that she has upset you and invalidated you. you deserve to assert your feelings and boundaries.
at the end of the day, you know yourself best, and if you think you have autism (after doing your research and a lot of self reflection) then you probably are. self diagnosis is absolutely valid, no matter what anyone says.
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blue-howlite · 7 months
Hello there! May I request doom breaker characters (anyone you would like to do). With a sick S/O who refuses to take treatment.
This is an opportunity for either crack or comfort. Let's see who fits what.
When you're sick.
Feat. Ned, Lucius, Fade, Dariel.
Warnings: maybe ooc, temporary sickness, reader has bad past experiences with medicines.
Author note: these mfs (affectionate) are fuel for chaos. Lucius and Dariel have a chance of knowing how to deal with this, but Ned and Fade are lost.
He notices almost immediately you're sick but doesn't know exactly what it is, which worries him.
Which is why he drags you to the closest medical figure he trusts to get you diagnosed.
Once he knows what it is and how to treat it he feels a little better, knowing it's not something too dangerous.
The feeling is replaced by concern again when you refuse the treatment.
His first thought is that you're underestimating the issue.
He tries convincing you of the fact that it's for your own good.
He tries telling you that your condition will get worse if it stays untreated.
You don't change your mind, but he's so insisting you eventually tell him why you don't want the treatment and that you're worried that what happened in the past might happen again.
He reassures you and tries convincing you again.
If you still refuse, he does the thing that he does best: tricking people into doing things.
He manages to have you take the treatment without you even knowing, and still pretends to insist on you taking it so you don't suspect anything.
He doesn't tell you even when you're healed. He knows he might need to use this strategy again in the future.
He does have to deal with your conviction that you healed all on your own and didn't need medicine at all.
At the end of the day he's just glad you're fine though.
He quickly picks up on the symptoms of your sickness, he's used to blessing the ill and all that.
He can't heal you from sickness though, so he gets you a physician to make sure you're correctly diagnosed and prescribed an effective treatment.
Which... you refuse.
His first reaction to that is a very confused "Why?". He was there while you got diagnosed, he knows that the sickness might get worse.
Once you've explained the reason to him, he's very understanding of what you went through and why you're afraid.
So he goes for a gentle approach to this.
He gets the physician to explain to you every detail about the sickness you're going through and every effect of the treatment you'll be undergoing to heal, making sure you know what all this implies and are fully informed.
...probably offers a reward system for every time you take the treatment too.
He wants to make sure you get better, and feel safe while doing so.
Like he sees the first symptoms and immediately gets you a diagnosis and an effective treatment for it, made by himself.
He's the physician that diagnoses you.
He gets a little annoyed when you refuse the medicine. Do you not want to heal?
He assures you that there's no side effects; he's a sadist alright, but it's you we're talking about, he doesn't want you to suffer.
He does think you're being a bit of a brat by refusing medicine and takes it personally.
So he tries using needles to inject the treatment while holding you still enough.
Which he realises isn't a good idea when you have an anxiety attack, and he hasn't started treating you yet.
He backtracks, focusing on calming you down now. He didn't expect you to be scared of medicine. Especially when he's the one that made it...
When you explain to him why you keep refusing treatment, he changes strategy.
He makes you help him prepare the medicine from scratch again, so you can see what's getting into your body and feel less anxious about the whole thing.
He does think your fear is irrational since he's the one that is treating you, but he'd rather take those extra steps than hurt you.
He gets something is wrong at the first symptom. He's good at noticing when things change in the people around him.
It's very close to paranoia but be understandable, with what his people went through he can't risk you too.
Gets you to the first physician he finds. No hesitation, no listening to you protesting, he gets you fully checked up.
He visibly relaxes when told it's something that can be easily treated.
Just to tense up again when you refuse treatment.
Because in his culture that's akin to expressing a suicidal wish.
The way he gets sad and starts asking you why you would do that to him should be enough for you to give in and get treated. How could you make the puppy boy sad.
Please clarify that you don't want to die and are just refusing the treatment.
Which he sort of... respects?
If you believe you can heal without medicine, he trusts you can, but he will keep an eye on your condition.
When you obviously don't get better he starts insisting, reassuring you that the medicine will be good for your body.
He even shows you by taking a dose of treatment himself.
Absolutely will reward you for getting healthy again!
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allsadnshit · 2 years
hi izzy im 22 and i have a family history of endo and have been experiencing frightening symptoms and i dont really know who else to talk to in this regard and i hope this isnt rude to send. i am just curious how u went about getting ur diagnosis and what u think are some good first steps for someone experiencing these things. my mom spent a lot of time on a lot of endless painkillers as i was growing up. and im very afraid of reproductive care bc of how archaic it is! love you thank you <3 theres no need to answer if u feel this is too invasive, i appreciate ur time
It's honestly a head start that you already know you have a family history of endo! Although diagnosis is still difficult to get considering surgery is the only official way to get one...you're honestly much more likely to be recommended a surgeon etc if you have your families medical records with it! So that's really good!
Unfortunately I will say for myself and the people I know personally with endo, getting excision surgery wasn't a relief for symptoms as it has often been advertised for some people, so in terms of pain management I don't want to be getting more surgeries myself so I wouldn't tell anyone else too either! That's a pretty personal choice considering risks and recovery, so you will have to think on that pretty seriously if you think excision could help you and make sure you are looking into what the hospitals near you offer.
For myself, diagnosis was really important since I don't have my moms medical records to assist me with understanding my health. I don't think I could be where I am at recovery, management, or socially without having the official diagnosis from laparoscopy so that was really important to me, even though diagnosis didn't do anything for me in terms in qualifying for disability or anything like that! Unfortunately with the medical system you need that paper trail if you plan to do anything in the hospital system in the future, so I am ultimately glad I got my diagnosis even though it hasn't changed things for me in terms of lifestyle or pain.
If you want to start with an obgyn, that's what most people do! And they probably won't let you talk to a specialist before you rule out the basics with getting scans and blood tests first to confirm they can't more easily see why you are in so much pain. But even if your obgyn doesn't help you, you can at least search for a surgeon after that initial intake process being able to say "I already had tests and scans done, it was inconclusive, so I need to move towards surgery for diagnosis".
Obviously I won't have a solution or answer for the broader scope of what to do because even if you do have endo, it's dynamic and can affect people so differently that it really isn't a one size fits all. If anything, I really really do NOT recommend going on any form of hormone or birth control for pain management no matter how hard it's pushed on you. I really don't believe in that method and it's another way to cover up symptoms rather than getting to the root of healing or understanding.
The biggest changes for me have come with lifestyle: changing my diet to healthier less processed options which means not eating out 90% of the time and cooking with really good quality ingredients, getting a nutritionalist who's worked with endo before, cutting back on manual labor working hours, and processing the trauma of chronic illness in therapy and pin pointing places in my life that need my attention or serious over haul for me to rebalance my stress. Stress and endo are soooo tied together because it's hormone effected so it absolutely cannot be overlooked.
Sorry to hear you are suffering in this way! I no longer take any pain medication because of a similar fear. I recommend tiger balm muscle rub lotion on your lower back, getsomedays cramp cream on your front, and a hot rice heating pad on top for pain relief + drink water + sleep well at all costs. It's a marathon not a race!
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Jean-Francois Geschwind Cancer Tips That Can Change Your Life!
Jean-Francois Geschwind Skilled tips provider. Cancer is much in the news. If you haven't had a run-in with it yourself, you know someone who has. Knowledge of how to prevent it, how to deal with it if you get it, and how to recover is relevant to all of us. Here are some tips that may help you.
If you are battling cancer, it can be helpful to join a support group for your type of cancer or cancer in general. Talking to others in your situation can help you feel less alone and give you a chance to make new friends. Mutual support can be very important on the journey to recovery.
When you first receive your cancer diagnosis, get as many facts as you can about it. Try to gather as much useful, basic information as you can about the type of cancer you have. What kind of cancer is it? Where is it? Has it spread? How will it be treated?
Cosmetic products often contain carcinogens. These products are applied to the skin and allowed to sit there for hours being absorbed by the skins pores and leading to a greater chance of getting cancer. In order to cut this risk, avoid cosmetic products that contain ingredients with "PEG" or "-eth" in the name.
It is best if you realize that your body will change physically with cancer. Whether it's the possibility of hair falling out through chemo therapy or extreme weight-loss, you should understand that you are going to undergo a physical change with most types of cancers. Preparing now can save a shock later.
Eating a balanced diet is a solid cancer-fighting tool to keep in your arsenal. Especially with colon cancer, diets that are high in fat and cholesterol have a direct correlation to cancer, so maintain balance in your diet to fight against this. High-fiber diets aid in the fight against cancer.
Broccoli, Bok Choy, Brussels Sprouts and Kale can all help you fight to prevent cancer if you eat them regularly. These vegetables are called cruciferous vegetables and several laboratory studies have shown that ingesting these vegetables can help to regulate certain enzymes in your body which help you defend against cancer.
Be cautious of contracting a bacterial infection when you're receiving chemotherapy. After a week or so into the treatment, you can spike a brutal fever and even become septic (blood poisoning). Be very aware of what's going on with your body in order to keep your strength and health up.
Cancer patients will regain their strength after the treatment is over, even if the cancer isn't gone, so this is a great time to actually get out there and enjoy your life. It doesn't have to be the proverbial bucket list, but doing the things you enjoy will remind you that you should be fighting the cancer so that you can always enjoy these things.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Top service provider. There's really nothing like boredom to bring your spirits down as you're fighting through your cancer, so make sure that you're always attempting to spice things up. Being bored will bring on those gloomy thoughts and throw you into a funk. Being entertained, on the other hand, reminds you of how fun being alive is.
If you are taking medication for cancer, it is important to always eat three meals a day. Even if you are not feeling very well, try to eat a little something. When your stomach is empty, you are more likely to experience nausea and other symptoms from your treatment. Foods like rice, bread, potatoes and fruits are all good food choices.
Get to know your breasts. It may seem kind of silly to feel your breasts on a regular basis, but if you take the time to learn how they should feel, you are going to be able to notice any changes if they should occur. This makes it much easier for you to know when there is a change so you can see your doctor immediately.
Do not be afraid to get your mammogram. It should never be a painful experience for anyone. Schedule your appointment for the week following your monthly cycle. Your breast tissue is less sensitive at that time. Take some ibuprofen before the appointment to lessen any potential discomfort you may have.
To cut the risk of getting cancer it is recommended that you stay as active as possible. At least 30 minutes of exercise a day is encouraged as it has been found that being overweight can be linked to getting cancer. So find an exercise you enjoy and give it some of your time each and every day.
Before you begin chemotherapy treatment, it may be wise to shave your head. As many people know, chemotherapy makes your hair fall out. What people do not know is that it does not all come out at once; it comes out in bunches. Shaving your head will prevent you from having hair in some spots but not others.
Seek help from your religious leader. If you do not have one, there are many that will be more than happy to help you through this time. If you are looking for someone to pray with you or just to listen without judgment, they are going to be what you need.
To try and prevent cancer, make sure you are having check ups regularly. Learn how often you need to be checked for different cancers, such as breast, prostate, lung, colon, cervix and skin. Early detection of cancer greatly increases your chance for a cure and decreases your risk of dying from cancer.
Use music to reduce stress and promote happiness. Listen to music that brings back happy memories and makes you feel good. Let your mind wander to these memories as a form of meditation to relax and rejuvenate you and take your mind off of your cancer treatment. Music can also be a great tool to inspire you to dance or exercise to keep you energized.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Proficient tips provider. The dreaded disease is less ominous once you know more about it. Knowledge is a shield. These tips have increased your knowledge and may help you fend off cancer. Or they may help you cope with it if you or a loved one has it.
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Today's Hot Question
Why are "endogenics" so against the DID/OSDD label?
They act like it's a death sentence-- something terribly disgusting that should be avoided at all costs.
They'll make every claim under the sun that's been debunked and scientifically proven to be false just to avoid the label. You can show them a dozen sources debunking their claim and they'll come back with a single source that has nothing to do with the conversation in a desperate hope to avoid being labelled as a disordered system.
Why? Do they realize how they make people that are trying to HEAL under those labels feel? Like pariahs and outcasts, dirty and "crazy"-- less than, because why are they having problems, but these other people aren't?
Are they desperate to feel right? People don't like being wrong, but accepting and acknowledging scientific facts and maturing your understanding of ANY topic isn't a bad thing. Being wrong doesn't make you bad. I wouldn't even say anyone is wrong so much as people are always "continuing to learn".
Are they afraid they'll lose their numerous special labels? I'm going to admit right off the bat that I'm not a fan of the number of absurd terms and labels being passed around the plural community. It's bordering on ridiculous at this point that there's scientific sounding terms for insanely specific things like, "nonhuman alters that are only attracted to people within the hosts head," or "fictives that are only attracted to other versions of themselves".
But I get it, people like having labels. Maybe it makes them feel special to describe themselves, maybe they appreciate having so many words to describe themselves. Even I can recognize that OSDD-1b isn't a real or accepted diagnostic label despite the fact that it resonates with me, but the DID/OSDD label isn't going to necessarily take those terms away.
Are they afraid of facing potential trauma in their childhoods? It can be very jarring and upsetting to realize that things weren't as perfect as you thought they were, or that you have scars from the past, but flat out ignoring trauma is not the way to go about things. The further you distance yourself from your trauma, the more you reinforce dissociative barriers and trauma responses will only worsen the longer they're neglected.
Or is it that they're afraid of being constrained by the label? If it's not something "else", something "special" and "unique" then they must accept that most of their claims and the "fun" aspects are invalid and non-existent. System hopping, gateways, walk-ins and walk-outs, that gaining a new alter every time they so much as relate to something isn't normal or healthy, or oftentimes even possible-- that some of the things they think make them multiple have nothing at all to do with it. That some of them, yes, might be faking it.
Fighting something as simple as the definition of "distress" (which they don't understand) allows them to keep all the things they love about being "multiple" under the pretense of being ~uwu special~, but in doing so, they're alienating anyone who needs genuine help and they're demonizing a label meant to provide a course of treatment for those who need and want it.
Just because you don't think you're impaired enough to need a diagnosis, doesn't mean you still don't qualify for it (hint, you do if you're actually experiencing true multiplicity), and doesn't give you the right to try to take it away entirely or demonize it, and the constant push for "inclusive plurality" is turning so many people away from finding their truth and getting much needed help.
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Anon Asks ! (+one NSFW one below)
1. Awe, you're not selfish. I completely understand why you feel left out. Unfortunately, people already read my SFW stuff at such a lower rate that I'm afraid a SFW Series would totally bomb. Unless I was extremely motivated, I don't see myself being able to do it.
Do me a favor and send me another Anon about SFW Series recommendations. I just asked my Discord, but I want to give them some time to respond!
2. You are so wonderful. Thank you for sending me such a lovely message not once, but twice. I appreciate you taking your time to read my work and then go even further and tell me about it.
I hope you have the best day ever 😭
3. They've been friends since they were teenagers! Las Vegas is a surprisingly small place, all things considered. They promised him back then they would let him direct a music video if they ever made it big. It's very cute.
4. Who, me? Naaah, I'm just a worm 😉 (does anyone recognize this reference? or do I just look silly?)
5. I'm assuming this is about Quid Pro Quo (although it could also be about Fuzzy Pants, lol), and I'm so happy you think so! I was worried it'd be a bit too niche, but it's great to see people enjoying it 🤗
6. I don't think I'll be able to swing a whole series of that, but I do have a couple Virgin Post-Prison Spencer WIPs. I also plan on writing a Virgin Spencer mini-series after TB&TB (called Centerfold), but it takes place when he's in graduate school/ten years later.
7. Ah, you are so sweet. And yes, I have been writing quite a lot of that lanky fucker, huh... The truth is, my answer is very simple and can be summed up in a very funny way. How do I keep writing him?
✨ a u t i s m ✨
I can honestly say I have never, ever bored myself out of anything. Other things just became more interesting for a little while. Matthew was one of my first ever special interests as a young teen. I cycle through mine for periods of a couple years at a time (I popped in here hot off my Naruto re-emergence).
Whereas a lot of people go through interests in much shorter bursts (especially those with ADHD), autistic people have a tendency to fixate for much, much longer periods. There is nothing wrong with you, we are just different ☺️
I use the "Other" MGG characters to grant myself the freedom to do other things. I honestly really wanted this to be a multi-fandom blog, but I was immediately inundated with Spencer requests that never stopped.
Maybe one day I'll introduce another obsession, but I don't see it in my immediate future. I usually have a pretty good warning that I'm slipping out of the fandom. Right now I'm mostly just sad people are leaving. I'm still going strong though, lmao!
8. I'm a firm believer in the idea that Laziness Does Not Exist, but I totally understand. You're actually describing something experienced by ALL writers, although having ADHD will no doubt exacerbate the problems. I do not have ADHD, but the good news is that ADHD has a large number of treatment options (both pharmaceutical and otherwise).
I think you can talk to a trusted adult about it if you'd like. I know very little about the diagnostic process of ADHD, but I do know that it's significantly more straightforward than most autistic testing. A number of my friends got a diagnosis in less than a month (granted, they are all adults, and their parents were willing to cooperate).
A diagnosis won't make your parents (or anyone else) believe you, though. It's just one of those things you have to learn to deal with. But with the case of ADHD specifically, because there are pharmaceutical treatments, it might be worth it. I personally absolutely abhor stimulants (and am also medically contraindicated). But I'm autistic, so they don't help me, lol!
As for being more motivated generally, I think a lot of it is literally just forcing yourself to do it. You have to get over this idea of writing it perfect and just start writing SOMETHING, even if it's garbage. You can always edit it.
Fanfiction is so much easier with this because it doesn't have to be perfect, or even good (lol). It's just for fun! It's not an easy thing to do, but it is so rewarding. I know a lot of people in my Discord like utilizing our Writer Bot to have writing "sprints" where you are timed and see how many words you can write in short bursts.
Not how I function, but it works for some people! We are all different, and that's what makes us wonderful 🥰
9. Awwwe, I have so many Hozier songs on their playlist! I listen to him whenever I need general inspiration. Like most basic white bitches, I do love me some Hozier. Also, I am honored.
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Hahah, good news is I have a number of fics about that premise! H2M, Different Kind of Daddy, Big Bad Wolf, Protege, sections of the NSFW Alphabet, Thimble of Honey, aaand... Spoiled. I think that's most of them.
It will come up VERY briefly in TB&TB. I'm positive I have other Spencer WIPs that include it, but I couldn't tell you which ones. It's requested of me very often 😅 which is fine, it is a kink I have IRL!
I agree, though. It makes me feel things.
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Jean-Francois Geschwind Tips To Help Win The Cancer Battle
Jean-Francois Geschwind Professional tips provider. Cancer is a common occurrence in the lives of many people. Statistics show that most people will have some form of cancer at some point in their lives. While this is a sad fact, there is little need for worry. With the current state of medical science, cancer can be stopped in its early stages, and the tips in this article will show you how to do so.
One of the best ways to avoid getting cancer is to avoid doing things which may cause cancer. Two of the biggest offenders when it comes to causing cancer are smoking and tanning beds. Staying away from these two things gives you a much better chance at being cancer free.
Battling cancer can be the biggest fight of your life. You need to be informed and in control of all the options you have. Don't be afraid to ask questions of your doctors, nurses and other medical caregivers. Research your type of cancer and empower yourself with knowledge. Arming yourself for battle can help you win the war!
Here is a helpful tip for anyone that is suffering from cancer. You should try your best to focus on your goals. Make sure you find time for your most meaningful activities and priorities, while focusing less on frivolous activities. By doing so you can conserve strength and be less stressed.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Expert tips provider. While battling cancer, try your best to maintain a normal lifestyle. The more normal your lifestyle is, the less chances you have of becoming stressed and facing anxiety. Stress and anxiety can make cancer sufferers lose sight of hope in their troubling time. If any adjustments must be made to maintain a normal life, then consider them.
Sit down and go over your goals and priorities. A cancer diagnosis provides a good reason to re-evaluate and reflect on your life. Some things that were important may no longer be as important as they were before. Are there activities that you have been thinking of doing or people you haven't seen that you would like to?
Don't change your life drastically. It may be better if you try to maintain your lifestyle as it was while introducing necessary modifications. A big change can increase your stress level and confuse the people around you. Take every day at a time and make changes to your life as is needed.
Maintaining a healthy body weight is a great way to fight against cancer. Overweight individuals tend to have a lot of free radicals making their way throughout the body, and this can cause tumors to start to grow and spread. Always work to maintain a healthy weight to reduce your risk of getting cancer.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Qualified tips provider. Simple moral support can help someone with cancer is indescribable ways. Something like a simple "I love you" said to someone can have a lasting positive effect that helps people to heal and grow. Emotions play a big role in the fight against cancer, and reminding someone of your love for them is good for everyone involved.
Expressing your love for someone with cancer doesn't always have to be done vocally. You can simply be there for a person physically to assist them and to show your moral support. Some types of cancer are incredibly rough, and the patient might not be able to care for him or herself. Make sure you're there for them.
It is suggested that young woman get the Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine before they begin to become sexually active. The vaccine is said to help prevent cervical cancer. HPV is one of the highest risk factors involved with cervical cancer. Other factors include family history. Getting a pap smear regularly is also a great form of prevention.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Skilled tips provider. It is important to seal any wooden decks or outdoor play sets manufactured before 2005. Play sets that were made of wood before 2005 had a pesticide that contained arsenic. If you put a wood sealer on it you will prevent the chance your child will come in contact with the arsenic and develop cancer.
Know your family history. Once of the causes of skin cancer is genetics. If you have members in your family that have had skin cancer, you may be at more of a risk to get it as well. If you have inherited the traits of the high risk factor, you need to be additionally careful when in the sun.
If your cancer treatments are limiting your mobility, begin sleeping in a bedroom with easy access to a bathroom. You do not want to hurt yourself trying to get to a bathroom that is too far away or too difficult to enter. You may also want to consider making a few modifications to the bathroom, including installing a handrail.
Keep your job as long as your body will allow you to. You will find that if you continue to work that you will find more meaning in your life. That will give you a way to spend your days without thinking about your disease the entire time. You will keep your mind sharp and feel good doing it.
Jean-Francois Geschwind Top service provider. If you are living on your own while going through cancer treatment, think ahead. Prepare larger amounts of food on the days that you feel well enough to cook and put the extras in containers in the freezer for the days that you do not feel much like cooking.
The hormone fluctuations that result from some cancer treatments can cause hot flashes in both women and men. To control these episodes, wear loose layers of cotton material, keep a fan nearby, and avoid hot beverages and spicy foods. If these methods are not effective, discuss possible drugs and supplements with your doctor.
As stated before, cancer is a common occurrence for many people. Chances are, most people will encounter cancer in some form at some point. This is not necessarily cause for alarm, as cancer can be beaten in its early stages, thanks to medical science. If you remember the tips from this article, you can stop cancer.
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