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blue-howlite · 9 months ago
Going non-verbal
Doom breaker headcanons
When you get so overwhelmed you just stop talking altogether, how are they reacting?
Warnings: ooc, self indulgence, temporary non-verbal issues, very short piece because it's very spontaneous and I'm tired.
Author's note: going through one of those rough patches, so of course writing a comfort piece is a solution! Very fluffy thing, I should get to Ned's NSFW alphabet poor guy, he gets zero attention yet he's my favourite...
Knows how to comfort you without even asking, knowing by heart all your likes and dislikes, can even guess what overwhelmed you: Zephyr, Altair.
Prefers to check every time with a simple "yes or no" question system, asking what you need and letting you answer by shaking or nodding your head: Ned, Lucius, Dariel.
Is pretty much lost, leaves you alone to deal with it thinking you need space, but will stay if you manage to communicate that you want them close: Fade.
Is pretty much lost, stays by your side to comfort you and wait for you to give them directions somehow, will leave if you manage to let them know you wish to be alone: Ophelia.
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henrikpukerud · 4 years ago
Stemmene blir lydløse her
Jeg sitter i baksetet. I midten som alltid. Jeg liker ikke å sitte foran. Høstmørket trenger inn i bilen og de gule gatelyktene er det eneste lyset som tidvis streifer over oss. Mamma kjører forsiktig. Motoren fusker litt, det høres ut som små fugler der inne, små fugler som ikke kan fly. Det har vært slik lenge nå, det blir ikke gjort noe med. Pappa fikset det aldri, han klarte vel ikke det heller, han tok bare den beste bilen og reiste. Jeg var tolv år da det skjedde, Sandra var fjorten. Men det snakker vi ikke om lenger. Mamma pleier å sette radioen høyere når fuglene blir høylytte, men nå er det bare reklame. Da er det lettere å høre kvitteret fra motoren. Hun har plassert matvarene i setet ved siden av. Det krøllete håret hennes hviler på skuldrene, faller litt hver gang hun kikker til siden. Jeg ser øynene hennes i midtspeilet, innrammet. De ser alltid litt triste ut nå for tiden. Jeg husker da hun var pen. Plutselig ser hun opp, rett på meg. Det er noe skarpt i blikket hennes, som om hun har lest tankene mine. Vi har øyekontakt i et halvt sekund før hun ser rett frem igjen, tilbake på veien. Ofte lurer jeg på om hun synes jeg er pen. Vi kjører langs trærne nederst i hagen vår, snart hjemme. Jeg vil ut av bilen så fort jeg kan. I det vi kommer inn oppkjørselen ser vi henne. Det er Sandra. Den bleke huden hennes, lårene, magen, armene, ser nesten selvlysende ut i lyset fra bilen. Hun har tatt mitt undertøy. Det er alt hun har på seg. Den hvite blondetrusen sitter trangt og unaturlig, som om den ikke er dratt ordentlig på, de svarte kjønnshårene synes på oversiden. Jeg blir uvel og vil se et annet sted. Mamma sier ingenting, men jeg ser at hun begynner å skjelve, frykten i øynene hennes blottlegges i midtspeilet. Frykten for det hun ikke skjønner, den er umiskjennelig. Bilen humper bortover, nesten kveles av mammas ustødige fot på clutch-pedalen. Hun sier fortsatt ingenting, lar bare bilen rulle et par meter før hun setter den i fri og drar i håndbrekket, med en kraft som gjør at jeg skvetter til. Alt skjer så raskt, i en bevegelse. Plutselig minner hun meg litt om pappa, sånn han var rett før han dro. Jeg blir sittende i midten, lener meg litt frem, kjenner frykten stige i meg også. Mamma tar forsiktig av seg setebeltet og åpner døren. Høsten blåser et kjølig pust som fyller bilen. Hun tar matvarene med seg i det hun stiger ut. Lar døren stå åpen. Som om matvarene er viktige, som om det haster, at det ikke kan vente. At livet bare skal gå sin gang uansett hva som skjer. Det er som om hun tror hun kan fikse det denne gangen. Men hun stopper ved panseret og setter de fra seg der, pent, forsiktig så de ikke skal falle ned på den fuktige asfalten. Men hvorfor slår hun ikke av bilen? Hun sa ingenting til meg om hva jeg skulle gjøre, hun så ikke på meg engang. Frontlyktene på bilen lyser opp hele Sandra der hun står i undertøyet. Det flate brystet hennes ser enda mindre ut i dette lyset, uten noen skygge. Hun bare står der, helt urørlig som en statue. En skamfull statue, bare ser ned i bakken, enser ikke at mamma står og ser på henne engang. Kanskje bare driter hun i det.
Første gang dette skjedde var på ungdomskolen, sommeren før hun begynte i niende og jeg i syvende, rett før alt ble annerledes. Det gikk ikke så bra med Sandra etter at pappa reiste, den sommeren ble alt enda verre. Den gangen sa mamma alt for mye, mente for mye. Til og med jeg som var tolv år skjønte at det hun sa var galt. Jeg skjønte det, men sa ingenting. Mamma snakket generelt mer på den tiden, til meg også. Nå sier hun ingenting. Hvorfor sier hun ingenting? Det er som om ordene har druknet i henne. Plutselig faller den ene bæreposen ned fra panseret, jeg ser den bare falle, hører den treffe bakken og noe rulle ut. Noe  i meg håper at det er posen med eggekartongen. Mamma bøyer seg for å plukke det opp igjen. Det er da jeg legger merke til det; arrene på innsiden av lårene til Sandra, de er helt lilla, jeg greier ikke å ta øynene vekk fra det, tårene presser på, blikket blir sløret og i noen sekunder er det som om ingenting av dette skjer, som å være tilbake i syvende klasse. Pappa er der, han kjører bilen, mamma sitter i passasjer-setet, de smiler. Jeg er ikke alene bak, vi er sammen, jeg er lykkelig, men Sandra. . .
Jeg tørker tårene og Sandra er tilbake igjen. Den samme som hun har vært lenge nå, den likbleke statuen. Hun ser opp, ikke på posen, ikke på mamma, men rett inn i bilen. Blikket hennes går mellom de to forsetene og treffer meg. Jeg vet ikke om hun kan se meg, men jeg kjenner det stikke i brystet. Øynene hennes er helt svarte, desperate. Stikkingen blir bare kraftigere. Jeg ser henne, hun står der, men jeg greier ikke flytte meg. Maskaraen har blitt til svarte strier under øynene hennes. Nye tårer fortsetter å renne, slipper kinnene og faller tungt mot bakken. Den røde leppestiften er smørt litt utover.  Ut av ingenting begynner regndråper å treffe frontruta. Jeg kikker bort på mamma, ser at hun ønsker å si noe, men klarer ikke, leppene skjelver. Kanskje vet hun ikke lenger hvilke ord hun kan bruke, eller hva hun selv mener. Det spilles en monolog inni henne, det er like før den når leppene, men et sted der inne kuttes den rett før. Hun har sagt nok allerede. Jeg har aldri sagt noe. Jeg observerer bare alt gjennom frontruta, som på kino, en film jeg har sett før. Jeg bare er her.
De holdt hodet mitt under vann den sommeren i syvende klasse, guttene på trinnet. Men det gjorde ikke noe, det var da jeg kunne gråte. Jeg ble et utskudd sammen med Sandra den sommeren, på grunn av henne, men det var ikke hennes feil. Sandra var det ingen som rørte, ikke fysisk. Kanskje turte de ikke. Det var frykten for det man ikke skjønner som levde i de også, umiskjennelig. Alle er redd for Sandra, virker det som. Men ikke jeg, ikke nå lenger, jeg ser henne, jeg vet hva hun tenker, men jeg sier fortsatt ingenting. Jeg er på feil side av glasset, jeg er under vann. Alle stemmene blir lydløse her.
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blue-howlite · 5 months ago
I love you too. You literally feed into my delutions of the doom breaker guys and gals ❤❤❤
Anyways here is another request for the doom breaker guys and gals (especially Ned and Fade) I was thinking soulmarks, a timer that counts down to when you meet your soulmate, the first words your soulmate says to you gets tattooed on your body(this one can be funny), and so on.
I just think it would be funny especially for zephyr, that because he return back in time instead of his timer is on the negatives and going up till it goes to 0 (signaling how much time till he remeets his soul mate again)
Happy to be feeding the delulu!
Also sorry it took me so long, creativity is not creating. But! I wrote some mini scenarios of how the meetings would go!
Feat. Zephyr, Ned, Fade.
Warnings: prob ooc, big creative liberties, soulmate au, goofy misunderstandings implied.
Author note: I'm making up some sort of fate deity that can see the future and ties people's fates to eachother. Keep it in mind while reading so that if I mention a "god of fate" you know what I'm referring to. Also the soulmark is a counter, and it doesn't tell what time measure it's using, so it can go from 1 (year) to 11 (months), or 1 (day) to 23 (hours) and so on, it's up to who has it to understand it.
Also everyone's counters suddenly change when Zephyr gets ten years into the past, since the original timeline has been altered. Prepare for chaos.
Zephyr (you're from Altair's court)
He scoffs when he sees his counter is set to negative. A gift from the god of fate, who fixed his timer according to the new timeline he was going to create. And it was much sooner than he remembered from the last time.
They met the princess, they talked with her and everything went fine. Zephyr's anxiety seemed to rise with every instant. The counter was moving properly, changing every hour, from -23 to -22, to -21, and so on. When the number changed from -1 to -59, signaling that less than an hour was keeping him apart from his soulmate, he started to struggle masking his nervousness. He knew that the counters of everyone had changed when he came back in time and had assumed it was because he was messing with the timeline and many people would meet earlier or later in life; but what if his messing around had changed too much, what if the god of fate had played a trick on him and changed his soulmate?
He had to hide it carefully or someone could have guessed something was off with him. But he would check it everyday, to make sure it was moving properly.
His counter reached -23; it was the day he was going to meet his soulmate again. Zephyr had glanced at the mark many times. It was a calming feeling, knowing that there was one certainty among all the things that could go wrong, knowing that at least you would be there. Ned had noticed the change in his behaviour, the way Zephyr seemed excited yet oddly relaxed; something was going on.
But right when he saw the counter reach -1 and finally get to 0, someone bumped into his shoulder.
He was at the party and making an effort to keep the mask on using the special techniques he knew. His counter reached -1, then -59 again. It was changing fast, it was a matter of seconds now. He still couldn't spot you anywhere. He couldn't help but be nervous. The gods could be so cruel, he knew that, what if they wanted some more entertainment by messing with his love life?
«I'm sorry, I wasn't looking-»
No trick was played. He turned around to find you, flustered and nervously glancing at your counter. You must have been distracted looking at it and didn't notice him. Both your counters had reached 0.
«It's alright. I'm Zephyr.»
His mask had completely fallen, he looked just like himself now, too relieved to focus on his looks. And you were too busy noticing his counter to realise the change in his appearance. You had met your soulmate, and he had re-met you.
Ned (you're a shadow apprentice... that can't have attachments)
This is going to be cruel, but in the original timeline he didn't meet his soulmate. His counter was an eternal 1, as in "1 lifetime". The god of fate knew already that he'd die before meeting anyone of interest, but caught a glimpse of the second chance Zephyr, and by extension Ned, would get.
In Zephyr's second run, Ned's eternal 1 suddenly changed into a different number. Ned was aware that the 1 mark since he was a kid probably meant that he'd never meet his soulmate, so the sudden change shook him. The god of fate had made a mistake with his counter? Or was this the sign of a bigger event coming up, one that even the gods couldn't control?
At first he didn't know what the new number stood for. Years maybe? He soon realised it was months. The counter had changed from the eternal 1 to mere months until he met his soulmate.
Ned wasn't one to scare easily, but the sudden news shook him. He didn't contact his master only because it would probably be a waste of time. Ned already knew what course of action he'd have to take regarding his soulmate: kill them. His master wouldn't approve of any 'loose strings' or attachments, even if Ned decided to leave their soulmate behind; loyalty was key to the plan's success.
The timer made Ned extremely anxious. Many people excitedly waited the day they'd meet their soulmate, but he? He dreaded it, as if he was to fight a formidable foe. Maybe his soulmate would be just an unlucky adventurer that ended up being aided and enslaved by the church; but maybe they'd be a powerful warrior who wouldn't go down without a fight. Whatever the answer to that, he needed to be ready. Other people from the church noticed that he was training more than usual, and he was more severe with his subordinates. He didn't sleep at all when the counter went to 3, the days until the fateful meeting.
On the last day, he spent it almost entirely in his room. He had gotten some potions for himself, to make sure the sleep deprivation wouldn't weaken him. Before drinking them, he stepped into the garden to get some fresh air and calm himself. It wouldn't do him any good to face his enemy - that's how he thought of his soulmate - with a nervous mind.
'Just a minute', he thought to himself as he sat under a tree, breathing deeply and focusing on the present instead of the future.
'Just a minute'
And before he knew it, Ned was asleep.
Ned jolted up to glance at his own counter, also at 0. Then his eyes found yours, and you both spent an awkward moment just staring at each other... until you broke the silence.
All his preparations and plans rendered useless as almost an hour later you walked up to the sleeping man. Your master had sent you after receiving updates from demon followers on an odd slave that caught Ned's interest, and you were to take Ned's place in case something went wrong with the retrieval of the dragon heart. There were suspicions that the slave was Ned's soulmate and that his loyalties had shifted.
Ned sensed your presence approaching, but he was still half asleep so he just opened his eyes. The first thing he saw? Your troubled face as you looked down at your counter, that had reached 0.
«Well, at least it wasn't the slave...»
Fade (you're "White Rose"'s partner in crime)
Fade... got genuinely pissed when his counter suddenly changed. His original timer, at the time the change happened, marked 3 years until he met his soulmate. The change of the counter messed up his future plans quite a lot, since now it was just a matter of months.
He also got pissed when he found out someone was producing poisons with Persephone's techniques. He had to take a little detour at the third parish and visit a certain dealer, the one selling the poison, "White Rose". He knew his counter was dangerously close to reaching zero, but timing wasn't on his side and he decided that he'd just cross that bridge once he got to it. Or burn it, depending on the case.
Finding out a nun was running an illegal market of artifacts and monster parts wasn't too surprising to Fade, he had seen how deep corruption could go in the world. Finding her, and interrogating her were his priorities to find out if the one producing the poisons was the same man that destroyed Persephone.
The matter of his counter... Fade didn't like to think about it. Meeting his soulmate wasn't something he ever felt thrilled about. He just hoped it wouldn't be a troublesome person; in the best case scenario, Fade thought he'd tolerate the person. Getting along with them, or even getting to know them? That was a luxury he probably wouldn't have, given the circumstances. During his journey to reach Lucius Giornetti, Fade guessed that his soulmate would be someone from the third parish, due to the time left on the counter and the time until he reached his target.
«I just hope it's not White Rose.» he murmured before entering the third parish. He had one hour left before the fateful encounter, and he was getting increasingly annoyed at the god of fate for meddling with his life.
He had contacted the poison dealer a few days earlier, pretending to be a client interested in the products. Infiltrating the parish was easy, despite the lockdown. Fade soon came face to face with the infamous White Rose, known to the people in the church as Anna Primrose. To his own relief, his counter still had ten minutes on it; his soulmate wasn't the dealer. As pretty as she was, she also had a mannerism that annoyed Fade. She was beating around the bush too much and acting too friendly for someone she barely knew. It took some time to get the poisons he was interested in, and the moment he saw them he knew he was in the right place.
You were clueless to what was going on with Anna's mysterious customer, another underling of hers just came to call you and tell you she wanted to see you. You were her partner in crime, working with her and running the black market around the third parish; it was normal for Anna to call you whenever there was a client that worried her. So when you stepped inside the room and found your friend on the ground, and a mysterious man threatening her... You pulled your weapon out and prepared to fight the stranger. You didn't think of checking your counter, that had reached zero the moment the other man glanced at you, and didn't notice you were facing your soulmate.
Fade noticed though. And cursed the god of fate's name out loud.
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blue-howlite · 8 months ago
May I request doom breaker (anyone of your choosing, especially my husband Ned) b3ing constantly teased by their S/O. Who is teasing them because they know they are busy and can't do anything till they are free
He's such a silly guy! I love him too and am very biased towards him. Also the concept sounds so fun (for the one teasing, the one being teased will have fun later).
Teasing them
Doom breaker headcanons
Feat. Ned, Altair, Fade, Dariel.
Warnings: prob ooc, NSFW implied although nothing too heavy, reader being a bit of a brat tbh.
Author's note: nothing much to say, I just love messing with these guys and how they would react to different situations. And I'll work on Ned's alphabet I promise I'm sorry...
The gentle and easily flustered man.
He's a very patient person.
He can mistake a few subtle touches for accidents or simple affection, and won't be very bothered by them.
When you kiss his neck it becomes unmistakable though, you're teasing him.
He tries focusing on the task at hand, knowing that he can't just leave everything and take you somewhere private.
When your teasing continues, he starts physically pushing you away. He has restraint, sure, but it would be easier without your hands on him.
He might use the stealth bracelet just to avoid your teasing after a while, especially when he gets a boner and needs to hide it from not only you but anyone who could be around.
His solution to badly timed arousal is basically hiding from you. Which he greatly dislikes.
However he does finish the task quicker.
You're in for a fun time once he's done with his work because he's going to find you with the stealth bracelet still on himself and give you a taste of your own medicine.
Before dragging you to a more reserved place where he can actually give you a taste.
She's the menace, she does the teasing.
She can sense you're thinking of teasing her from the first touch.
Will she allow it?
Not really.
Since she can tell your intentions even before you actually do anything, she decides to get an early start and be the one to tease you.
Little touches that aren't so subtle, kisses a bit too close to your sensitive spots, even showing her body and moving in a way meant to tease you.
Of course things will end up in bed, but she will give you a run for it.
She still has work to do after all!
She'll purposefully keep herself busy with tasks while teasing you only to make you more impatient.
Will you regret teasing her?
Not really, the princess knows how to reward you after waiting so much for her to finish her tasks.
But might make you wait some more for the final reward... You were so patient until now, what's a few more moments?
Can't miss teasing the feral cat.
Is it a good idea? Depends on your definition of good idea.
At first he's very straightforward and tells you to "knock it off", even though you think you're being subtle he can tell at the third time you accidentally caress his thigh.
He doesn't like distractions while he's working and won't get particularly aroused by your attempts to tease him.
Unless you whimper in his ear. That gets him really turned on, almost instantly.
His reaction is pulling you on his lap. You caused him a boner, so take the responsibility of hiding it while he works.
You're his prisoner now. He's keeping you there with a hand, while the other writes or works with poisons. You have stuff to do? Should have thought about it before teasing him.
If you try teasing him some more he bites you. Your hands, your lips, your neck. Just chomps whatever he can until he's done with his task.
Gets veeeery sadistic in bed when he has to let out all that pent up energy and arousal you caused him. Expect to be bullied a lot.
The little puppy. Our baby boy.
He's pretty calm about your teasing to be honest, if anything he'll calmly scold you for being indecent while he's busy. Very controlled man and even though he might get a bit aroused he won't feel the need to act on it.
Sitting on his lap and wiggling around? He'll keep your hips still with one hand while lecturing you about manners and timing.
Caressing his inner thigh? He just takes your hand, kisses the back of it and asks you to wait.
Kissing his neck? He'll chuckle and tell you that this is not the right time, he's got things to do.
But if you kiss the palm of his hand, for some reason that really gets him. Is it the intimacy of the act? Is it because it's a part of him that is usually holding a weapon, yet you're kissing so gently?
That really gets him and he shows it.
He gets a bit more soft and gentle when asking you to wait until he's done, because he doesn't really want to wait.
Might, and I say might, kiss your face as a way to let out some of his energy.
He slowly goes from the task at hand from finding a private place for some alone time with you.
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blue-howlite · 9 months ago
Alright this is going to sound weird at firts. But how about the doom breaker guys and girls (who ever you are comfortable with). Receiving a very explicit picture of their S/O while they are in a mission.
Only if you are comfortable with it of course
Dear I've written straight up smut, power dynamics and even a prey-predator (non sexual) one shot once, this is probably one of the most normal things I have on this blog. But thank you for being considerate, it's very much appreciated!
Spicy pics
Doom breaker headcanons.
Feat. Ned, Altair, Ophelia, Lucius
Warnings: implied nsfw, use of magic to make spicy self portraits, use of magic to teleport said portraits, characters being needy af, maybe ooc.
Author note: I'm sorry if you wanted a modern day scenario, I like to mess around with magic and its possible uses. The idea is that reader is a magician or sorcerer or magic-able person that can conjure images on paper and then teleport them to someone or somewhere.
When the paper scroll materialises itself in his hands, he gets really happy. You have a habit of sending him letters through your magic whenever he's away.
You didn't tell him you recently learned a spell to conjure pictures. So he when he starts opening the scroll he's surprised to see your face, but smiles softly.
Until he sees the full image.
He gets visibly flustered and averts his gaze from the paper he's holding... but looks at it again after a few seconds, unable to resist the sight.
He's putting that scroll away in a safe place, where he keeps your letters... Although maybe he should consider finding a different place, more hidden. He'll talk to you about timing once he's back.
He never gets used to it, no matter how many times you do this. Every time he gets all red in the face and with a problem to solve... Which can be a bit embarrassing if he's teaming up with someone else.
He's super touchy once he comes back to you and very much needs your attentions. The fact that he had to wait until he finished the mission makes him much weaker to your touches later.
She gets flustered of course, who would have expected to receive such a thing?
Not that she complains though.
She conjures a message that she sends back, scolding you about your indecency and lack of shame.
She does mention a punishment though... Wonder what that is about huh?
You'll have fun finding out once she's back.
Then she establishes a new rule to correct your misbehaviour: every time you send her a spicy portrait while she's on a mission, you have to recreate it when she's back. Not on paper.
Useless to say this doesn't really work to stop you.
The party is worried about her health, as of recently she always heads straight to her quarters as soon as they get back from a mission, is she that tired all the time?
You know she's not by all the energy she puts into scolding you.
The first time she almost tears the scroll apart. She was very surprised to receive such a provoking portrait of you.
She manages not to and puts it in a safe place, then hurries to finish the mission to get back to you. That was quite bold of you dear, once she sees you there will be consequences...
She sort of gets used to it over time, still getting flustered but managing to control her reaction.
She even tries looking indifferent (she really doesn't), especially when there are other people around.
Other people can even tell at this point that you're sending her something particular because when you do, she is very quick to deal with the mission.
She scolds you every time she comes back... But most times end with you two in bed together, with varying levels of nudity involved. You teased her after all...
He's very worried about someone else seeing it of course so he hides he portrait the moment he sees it. What he doesn't hide is how much into it he is.
Sure the timing isn't great since he's on a mission, but he doesn't mind it at all.
He sends you back a message of appreciation for this "token of your affection".
And when he comes back he's anything but a saint, acting like he's scolding you but subtly teasing you.
Wish I could say that he tells you to not do it in the future, but he doesn't.
If anything, he encourages you, directly and indirectly, to continue with this scandalous behaviour.
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blue-howlite · 10 months ago
Hello there! May I request doom breaker characters (anyone you would like to do). With a sick S/O who refuses to take treatment.
This is an opportunity for either crack or comfort. Let's see who fits what.
When you're sick.
Feat. Ned, Lucius, Fade, Dariel.
Warnings: maybe ooc, temporary sickness, reader has bad past experiences with medicines.
Author note: these mfs (affectionate) are fuel for chaos. Lucius and Dariel have a chance of knowing how to deal with this, but Ned and Fade are lost.
He notices almost immediately you're sick but doesn't know exactly what it is, which worries him.
Which is why he drags you to the closest medical figure he trusts to get you diagnosed.
Once he knows what it is and how to treat it he feels a little better, knowing it's not something too dangerous.
The feeling is replaced by concern again when you refuse the treatment.
His first thought is that you're underestimating the issue.
He tries convincing you of the fact that it's for your own good.
He tries telling you that your condition will get worse if it stays untreated.
You don't change your mind, but he's so insisting you eventually tell him why you don't want the treatment and that you're worried that what happened in the past might happen again.
He reassures you and tries convincing you again.
If you still refuse, he does the thing that he does best: tricking people into doing things.
He manages to have you take the treatment without you even knowing, and still pretends to insist on you taking it so you don't suspect anything.
He doesn't tell you even when you're healed. He knows he might need to use this strategy again in the future.
He does have to deal with your conviction that you healed all on your own and didn't need medicine at all.
At the end of the day he's just glad you're fine though.
He quickly picks up on the symptoms of your sickness, he's used to blessing the ill and all that.
He can't heal you from sickness though, so he gets you a physician to make sure you're correctly diagnosed and prescribed an effective treatment.
Which... you refuse.
His first reaction to that is a very confused "Why?". He was there while you got diagnosed, he knows that the sickness might get worse.
Once you've explained the reason to him, he's very understanding of what you went through and why you're afraid.
So he goes for a gentle approach to this.
He gets the physician to explain to you every detail about the sickness you're going through and every effect of the treatment you'll be undergoing to heal, making sure you know what all this implies and are fully informed.
...probably offers a reward system for every time you take the treatment too.
He wants to make sure you get better, and feel safe while doing so.
Like he sees the first symptoms and immediately gets you a diagnosis and an effective treatment for it, made by himself.
He's the physician that diagnoses you.
He gets a little annoyed when you refuse the medicine. Do you not want to heal?
He assures you that there's no side effects; he's a sadist alright, but it's you we're talking about, he doesn't want you to suffer.
He does think you're being a bit of a brat by refusing medicine and takes it personally.
So he tries using needles to inject the treatment while holding you still enough.
Which he realises isn't a good idea when you have an anxiety attack, and he hasn't started treating you yet.
He backtracks, focusing on calming you down now. He didn't expect you to be scared of medicine. Especially when he's the one that made it...
When you explain to him why you keep refusing treatment, he changes strategy.
He makes you help him prepare the medicine from scratch again, so you can see what's getting into your body and feel less anxious about the whole thing.
He does think your fear is irrational since he's the one that is treating you, but he'd rather take those extra steps than hurt you.
He gets something is wrong at the first symptom. He's good at noticing when things change in the people around him.
It's very close to paranoia but be understandable, with what his people went through he can't risk you too.
Gets you to the first physician he finds. No hesitation, no listening to you protesting, he gets you fully checked up.
He visibly relaxes when told it's something that can be easily treated.
Just to tense up again when you refuse treatment.
Because in his culture that's akin to expressing a suicidal wish.
The way he gets sad and starts asking you why you would do that to him should be enough for you to give in and get treated. How could you make the puppy boy sad.
Please clarify that you don't want to die and are just refusing the treatment.
Which he sort of... respects?
If you believe you can heal without medicine, he trusts you can, but he will keep an eye on your condition.
When you obviously don't get better he starts insisting, reassuring you that the medicine will be good for your body.
He even shows you by taking a dose of treatment himself.
Absolutely will reward you for getting healthy again!
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blue-howlite · 10 months ago
Day off
Doom breaker edition, headcanons
Feat. Zephyr, Ned, Lucius, Altair.
Warnings: probably ooc.
Author's note: I didn't write about all of them even though I wanted to, but I just couldn't bring myself to imagine Ophelia, Fade and Dariel on a day off and didn't want to force some bad writing. Maybe I'll make a part two for them in the future, but I'm posting this now at least. It sat in my drafts for long enough.
One nice day with no scheming, no training, just chilling with your partner.
You can make some plans together! Like going on a hike, or spending the day reading together... but you'll have to compromise.
A nice hike will likely turn into a chance for him to make you train on a different ground. Reading? More like studying ancient texts that you need for your next quest.
You'll have to impose on him a little to get a day of actual rest that won't turn into another part of his strategy.
It's not that he's obsessive about saving the world... but it is a pretty big deal that occupies most of his mind most of the time since it's about, you know, saving the world.
That's why you have to help him relax a little whenever he can, reminding him that his mental health is also needed for the plan to work.
It might be just a walk in the nearest town with the others, but if you can manage to successfully get his mind off his worries for a few hours that's going to do miracles to his mental health.
He'll thank you for it the next day, giving you lots of affection. Like a lot. Like he'll probably overwhelm you without meaning to, just because he feels better.
He also makes sure your mental health is in a good state. It's one of the other things he worries about, besides the "save the world" plan, and the only one you won't be able to make him forget during your off time.
Little things like words of affirmation and subtle touches while you walk are his way of evaluating your mental state, by checking your reactions.
By the end of the day he makes sure you're also feeling better after all you guys had to endure until now.
Day off? What's that?
He doesn't know how to unwind. When it looks like he does he's probably just doing it for someone else's sake, so he's only half enjoying it.
Days where you and him can just chill are usually days where you try out different things, to find out what makes him actually relax.
Training is one of the first things he tries. Unfortunately, his brain associates training to imminent danger... so he just ends up more on edge than when he started.
Chess games are good for training the mind, but that does little for his need to relax. Card games have the issue of the unpredictable outcome unless very strict strategies are applied... that's also a no for relaxing.
He also tries to do things you enjoy to make you relax, but that doesn't always work in his favour...
The best choice? Hanging out with the others.
This wannabe introvert actually needs socialising and bonding, and it makes him feel better somehow to just spend a day with his friends and you just talking (and maybe drinking a bit).
He constantly checks up on you to make sure you're also enjoying yourself and aren't doing this only for his sake. If you get tired after a while he'll bid goodbye to the others and stay with you instead.
He just needed a little extrovert time, then he can spend the rest of the day with you.
He loves days off.
He has a 24/7 job as a saint, days where he can just relax are the best.
Work? Training? That can wait.
He knows how to put boundaries down, even if it's just a little paperwork for the church; if it can wait, it will wait. You come first.
He's an introvert at heart and his social battery is already at its limits from work and quests already, so he'll prefer being with you alone. He might check up on the others and how they're doing, but aside from that he will forget they exist.
He'll still ask you if you want to spend time with them, it's a day off for both of you after all. You can compromise, like saying hello to the others and then doing your own thing; but he will find a way to drag you away from the rest and keep you to himself.
There's also a "no magic/extra abilities" rule for you two during days off. He doesn't like being reminded of why he has the powers he has when he just wants to relax. Not that he doesn't take pride in being a saint, but he really wants to take his mind off work stuff.
He enjoys childish games; hide and seek, chasing, maybe some play pretend even. He grew up too fast and never really got to enjoy them, so now he finds an odd delight from playing with you. Especially if he gets to touch you.
He likes having you close and being able to hold you. It's a bit sad for him if you don't like that, but he will manage somehow.
...by lots of acts of service.
Like lots of it.
Yeah it's a day where both of you should relax but he does love doing little things for you and it doesn't stress him.
She loves days off.
The concept of day off is quite flexible with her, but generally it means "No duties nor people to meet nor letters to write to anyone important".
Spending it in bed is an option, cuddling or reading together.
She's really good at avoiding any sort of non-relaxing activity; she never mentions business or business partners when you talk, and keeps away from paperwork and any other sort of thing that has to do with work.
...unintentionally, that is.
Sometimes she will pause the "day off" to deal with her duties, prioritizing that over her rest. Most times it's because someone came for her.
She's a big introvert though, so she keeps business short and goes back to you immediately, usually having you be her pillow while cuddling or reading to eachother.
But the truth is you can do pretty much anything on days like these, as long as you're with her.
Maybe not hiking or physical training, she still wants the resting part.
But otherwise? Anything goes.
You're her safe space, just be by her side.
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blue-howlite · 11 months ago
Love languages
Doom breaker edition, headcanons.
Feat. Zephyr, Ned, Lucius, Altair, Ophelia, Fade, Dariel.
Warnings: maybe ooc, proofread? we don't know her, writer that can't write.
Author note: let's go with the first fluff piece; since the poll had two votes for that, I'll focus on that genre for the next independent pieces. NSFW had one vote so I'll also cook something for that (heheheheheh). As usual, remember you can send requests for specific scenarios!
His main love language would be acts of service.
It's what comes more naturally to him and he doesn't really realise it.
He's used to doing things for others for money (being a mercenary) so he doesn't think that small attentions like that are considered a love language. It's just what he's expected to do, and he thinks you're just kind if you do it back.
Although he does appreciate a lot when you do little things for him, he might think that's your love language and that he enjoys it because you're the one doing it, not because it's his love language too.
...yes he's not too bright in this department.
He thinks he's more of a words of affirmation guy. It's what he does consciously and how he perceives love more easily.
He likes having open communications with you and telling you that he's proud of you or thanking you for the small things you do for him.
And he's not afraid to apologise to you if he does something wrong. Which is rare, but still happens.
He's really a balance between quality time and physical touch.
He's not used to having control over his own life, so deciding that he can spend time with you is already a lot to him
And he's also touch starved, which makes cuddles and affections with you especially important to him.
He always tries to get assigned to work with you and stay close to you. If he can't, he'll probably still use his stealth bracelet to see you and kiss you while he's invisible (after making sure you know he's there).
And he's aware of all this.
Sometimes a bit too aware.
He might worry he's stealing your time by always trying to keep you to himself, since he knows what it's like to not have your full independence.
Or that he's making you uncomfortable or being too clingy, since he doesn't have an idea of how much affection is enough or too much.
Help him understand when he's overthinking, most of the time he'll hold back a bit in fear of bothering you.
He's your physical touch teddy bear.
Embraces, kisses, holding hands- that's how he expresses his affections. Sometimes he'll just hug your waist from behind and hold you there while he talks with you.
He's not completely aware of it. He notices that he does this with you but he thinks it's more about the fact that you're a couple and it's normal to do this with eachother.
His secondary love language would have to be receiving and giving gifts, mainly due to the fact that he's used to just be a representative of the church and receiving things for the church, not himself. This is more subconscious though, he doesn't realise he does it.
If you give anything to him he'll make sure to use it or at least have it on himself every time he can. Sometimes you can catch him smiling to himself as he looks at something you got him.
Also he'll see something that reminds him of you and just gift it to you. He spends a lot of time thinking about it though, wondering if you'll actually like it. Sometimes he'll look for something similar because he realised that exact thing doesn't match your usual aesthetic or taste.
When I say "aesthetic" one might think this only refers to clothes or accessories, but he'll literally get you daggers, writing equipment, books- he knows your passions well enough to make accurate gifts.
One of her more evident love languages is quality time.
She might not spend much time with you because of her busy schedule, but she always makes sure it's meaningful and you two do something you both enjoy.
She might use her authority to get you away from your duties now and then... Hope you don't mind that too much!
However acts of service are her actual main love language.
She's used to commanding people and ordering them around, or courtesies because of her status, but genuine small attentions? She doesn't get many of those.
She doesn't have big reactions but she notices all the little things you do for her. There's that little shine in her eyes when you offer her your arm on the side of her non-dominant hand; or when you pull the bed blankets over her shoulders so she doesn't get cold.
Sometimes she struggles giving you the same small attentions; or well, she thinks she does. In reality it's a very spontaneous thing for her, she often helps you with your duties for example (or getting out of them to be with her).
But if she asks you what she can do for you, try asking for something, even a small thing; telling her "nothing" might make her overthink it. Even something small will give her the sense of accomplishment and the reassurance that she's doing well in the relationship.
She's really into quality time.
But she's not the best at asking for it.
Most of the time she'll make something up like training, or helping you. Admitting that she just wants to spend time with you is really hard for her and will rarely happen.
With that being said, after some time into the relationship she is less shy about it.
She'll still find a reason for you two to spend time together, but sometimes it can be something like just keeping each other company.
Another love language that she often manifests is acts of service.
It's something that comes easily to her and her main way of showing that she cares.
She can be a little overwhelming at times, but it comes from a good place. Just put some boundaries if it ever becomes too much.
If you do little things for her... it really gets to her. She needs a few seconds to elaborate, then thanks you and probably keeps it in mind for the rest of the day.
He doesn't have a love language, he has an "I tolerate you" language.
I'm joking, he's just the least stable of the bunch.
But he does have ways of showing affection. His main love language would be words of affirmation.
I discussed all his attachment issues in a few other posts, but basically it means that he loves you so much he will communicate openly with you even when he's having a bad day.
He might just tell you "Sorry, not right now" but that's already a lot coming from him. He tends to verbally express himself a lot with you.
And he also appreciates you talking to him, being honest but thoughtful at the same time in how you express yourself.
However, physical touch is another way that he has of showing you his affection.
He doesn't like keeping his hands on you all the time, but he likes occasionally coming up to you to hug you or kiss you.
It's his thing.
He'll especially seek these things when he's tired.
He's a receiving and giving gifts guy.
And the way he expresses it is very similar to a crow bringing trinkets to people they like.
Shiny rocks, freshly fallen flowers, he just brings it back if he thinks it's pretty.
He is able to make less impulsive gifts, but he has that labrador retriever energy that makes him bring back everything he finds aesthetically pleasing.
He also loves receiving similar small gifts. If they're wearable he has them on 24/7. If not, he keeps them safe. Don't pick flowers though, elves are very protective of nature. The ones that fall off trees or petals are fine though.
He also really likes physical touch.
Hand holding, forehead kisses, he's touching you every chance he gets. Discreet but not shy at all.
He gets really flustered when you're the one touching him though. He doesn't dislike it, but he's a bit awkward and doesn't know how to handle it.
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blue-howlite · 1 year ago
Physical affections
Doom Breaker edition, head canons.
Featuring: Zephyr, Ned, Altair, Ophelia, Lucius, Fade, Dariel.
Warnings: maybe ooc, self indulgence because why not.
Author note: let's hope Blue Deep gets back to health soon! In the meantime, let me offer a self indulgent piece.
At the end of the day, when you two retire to your shared bedroom, he likes spooning. He's the big spoon of course, so he can take advantage of the position to kiss your shoulders and neck.
During the day he likes to steal a kiss now and then when no one is watching. He doesn't care if anyone sees, but he prefers privacy.
But he also likes sneakily caressing you when there are many people around. Like resting a hand on your thigh while you're sitting to talk with the rest of the party members, or briefly touching your hand with his own as you walk. Especially if these things fluster you.
Generally speaking he's not super cuddly, but he likes the feeling of you.
He can't fall asleep unless you're beside him. He likes having you close, and even if he might not say it out loud, he loves being the little spoon when you two cuddle. Often though he'll turn around so that he's facing you and embrace you.
During the day he's really shy about physical displays of affection in public. Mostly he'll glance your way and smile at you. He might hold your hand if you're close enough and there aren't many people around.
He'll use the stealth bracelet very often to kiss you without being noticed by anyone else. If you feel small kisses on your cheeks but can't see anyone kissing you, it's him.
He isn't clingy, but he really likes being affectionate with you and is kinda cuddly.
She will demand to be held when going to sleep. She will tug at your shirt until you wrap your arms around her and she can nuzzle her face in your neck. Your presence is reassuring to her, and feeling your love is something that eases her a lot especially after a long day.
During the day she doesn't hide her affections for you, holding your hand every chance she gets. Maybe she doesn't make a show of kissing you in front of others, but she sneaks a peck now and then. Of course with decor and class, she's a princess after all.
When you're walking through a crowd, she likes clinging to your arm. Not because she needs to, she simply likes to do that.
She likes cuddling a lot and will use you as a pillow, 10/10 cuddler.
When going to sleep, she doesn't like to hold or be held; it gives her anxiety to have her movements restrained in any way. But she usually leans her forehead on yours, to have some sort of contact still.
She's not the clingy type during the day either, but she prefers other ways to show affections: sitting next to each other with your knees touching, or fixing one of your accessories that looks a bit crooked, or even linking arms when the situation allows it. She will sneak a little kiss now and then.
In public she doesn't physically cling to you, but she doesn't take her eyes off you. If there's a risk of you getting lost in a crowd, she holds your sleeve and leads you around like a dog.
Not big in cuddling, but her love language is probably acts of service so if you really like cuddling, she might do it for you (she'll enjoy it, it's just not at the top of her favourite activities list).
He likes being your pillow. Like just lay your head on his chest, get comfy and sleep, and he'll be happy. Also he can't fall asleep until he's sure you're sleeping.
During the day he's the type to just kiss you all over your face, especially if you haven't seen each other in a while. Any excuse is good to have his hands on you, he can be kinda clingy.
Of course he has to be more mindful of his actions if many people are around, he's still the saint of light, but he usually gets away with holding your hand and a peck on the cheek now and then.
One hell of a cuddler, if it was up to him you'd never leave his side.
He's got some good days and bad days. On good days, he holds you in his arms as you fall asleep, even nuzzling his face in your neck. On bad days, he prefers to keep his distance... but once you fall asleep, he grabs your hand and leads it to his face. Then he falls asleep as well.
His attachment issues really fuck up the way he perceives and shows affections. Usually he likes embracing you from behind and just resting his head on/against your shoulder. Sometimes though he's like an angry cat that doesn't want to be touched. There's usually a logic behind this: if you're in dangerous territory or if he needs to think about something he'll be a hissing cat, but if you're in a more familiar place or he just wants to relax, he'll be the tamest kitten.
Not a fan of displays in public, but he does stick to your side all the time, even subtly putting an arm around your shoulders if he gets the chance.
His cuddling goes with his mood, he can be a 10/10 or a -10/10 depending on it. Not in a simple "I'm not in the mood" way, he's straight up a jerk.
He'll usually try to give you space when you fall asleep, but he always ends up embracing you in his sleep, as he seeks your presence. He gets flustered when he wakes up, but doesn't really move away.
He's discreet with his affections, but not shy. Usually he kisses the back of your hand like a gentleman, but he also likes to kiss your forehead if he thinks you need reassurance.
In public he prefers to hold your hand, especially with many people around. He doesn't see showing your bond as inappropriate most of the time. If he can't hold your hand, he'll try subtle touches like brushing your arm with his or leaning a bit too close.
He likes cuddles, mostly giving as he sees it as the best way to show his affections. He's a bit awkward when receiving them though.
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blue-howlite · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
I'm being totally normal about this chapter I swear.
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blue-howlite · 2 years ago
Being their significant others headcanons but with a low self esteem.
Feat. Zephyr, Ned and Lucius from Doom Breaker/The return of the suicidal battle god.
Note: this was a request but I lost the message with the ask, anyway I hope I understood what you asked!
Zephyr is the type to compliment your strengths.
If you feel insecure about your body, he'll distract you by complimenting all the things he likes about it.
If you feel like you're not skilled enough, he'll praise all the things you're good at.
If you feel like you're not very smart, he'll recount all the times your ideas were of help.
If you even try to think he should date someone "better" oh honey, you're in for a treat.
He will reassure you of course, but he's also a bit of a bastard. I said what I said.
He'll have fun with public displays of affection to show you how much he loves you.
If you're really uncomfortable with PDA then he'll just show you off, like whenever you do something good or remarkable he'll say "That's my woman", "I'm so lucky", "Sorry friends, she's mine" and so on, he's just so proud of you and loves you so much.
His idea of helping with insecurities consists on making you focus on the things you're good at and accept your imperfections, insisting that he loves them as well.
For days when you're not like super insecure, you're just like "Meh, not really feeling it" he'll joke saying that you don't have to worry, he's enough for the both of you.
Bonus pet names, I feel like he's the type to call you by your name a lot, sometimes nicknames that are just a short version of your name. But also "kitten" when you two are alone, I don't care if you're taller or shorter than him it just seems something he would call his SO in private.
Ned is the type to help you get better.
If you're insecure about your body he'll still compliment your good features, but he'll also offer ways to help with it (example: you feel like you're overweight, he offers to help you with specific exercises to lose weight).
If you're insecure about your skills, he'll pick up a weapon and take you to the training ground. «Come on, we can work on it until you're proud of your abilities.»
If you feel like you're not smart enough he'll just offer to play strategy games like chess, so that you can get better.
Let's be honest, all of the above just give him reasons to spend time with you, and this takes us to our next point.
Because if you ever say that he should date someone better he's not going to let you go. Ever.
He'll get very clingy. Whenever you go, he's coming with you.
He hopes that this way you can see that he intends on staying with you no matter what.
He's been abandoned by his own teacher so I feel like you thinking he could just leave you for someone else tugs at his trust issues. He won't leave your side until you take back what you said and he's sure you're not afraid that he might leave you.
His idea of helping with insecurities is fixing them whenever it's possible, this way the insecurity will eventually disappear. Of course he loves you as you are, but he thinks it's important that you also focus on yourself and work on the things you don't like.
For days when you're less insecure about yourself he'll give you lots of praises and compliments, knowing that it's easier to accept them when you're feeling better about yourself and that it's also easier for yourself to actually see what he's complimenting you for.
Bonus pet names, I see him as the type to use "Love" a lot. He's a traumatized child and you were the first thing that reminded him of what it means to be loved, so he feels like this name suits you. He'll use your name during serious occasions or if there are a lot of people around, sometimes when you two are alone, but mostly you're his "Love".
Lucius is the type to compliment your insecurities.
If you feel insecure about your body he'll compliment exactly the things you don't like.
If you don't feel great with your skills he'll just praise you for all the times those same skills proved to be perfect for the task.
If you think you're not clever he'll just say that you're adorable and you actually have your own ways of being smart, giving examples of it.
But... you say that he should date someone better?
Well yes he could do that of course, but he doesn't want someone "better", he wants you. He'll say that loving someone just because they seem perfect isn't true love, and that to truly love someone is when you love their imperfections as well.
But he's going to be more attentive whenever you bring this thought up.
He'll be more careful of what, when and how he compliments you. Maybe he did something to make you think that he wants someone better.
Alright he low-key panics, let's be honest. He's just really good at hiding it.
He's going to spend way more time with you, but will also be very careful not to be too much and will give you space whenever you seem uncomfortable.
He will give you letters. Even if you two live together and see eachother almost everyday, whenever he has a busy day he'll give you a little letter where he tells you how much he loves you and cherishes you.
His idea of helping with insecurities is making you see the bright side of it, making you see how your imperfections are actually really beautiful and adorable.
When you don't feel too much insecure he'll give you gifts, mostly things that actually make you go against your insecurities (example: you're insecure about your body, he gifts you a dress that suits you).
Bonus pet names, this man has a vocabulary only of names for you. Your name, "dear" and "darling" are for when you're in public, depending on the circumstances, but in private he goes all out: "my love", "sweetheart", "my treasure", the list goes on and on. This man melts for you.
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