#But it's not the same
marigoldendragon · 7 months
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Floyd was later found dead
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herearedragons · 5 months
pillars of eternity chanter thoughts
fighting a group that has one chanter is tough. fighting a group that has two or more chanters working together is a nightmare. the power of a chant grows exponentially the more people are contributing, and the more complex it becomes musically (with harmonies, overlapping phrases, etc), the stronger the magic is
a group of chanters casting together is called a choir
however, you generally don't want to rely on chants that are too long or too complex in combat, because even one chanter falling leaves the others struggling to compensate for their absence. when armies make use of chanters, the optimal choir size is considered to be three to six (in rare cases it goes up to ten), with multiple choirs present on the battlefield
phrases from old lore make the best components for chants because they evoke concrete and intense imagery/feelings, but technically any combination of words can become a chant if it's appealing enough to the souls floating around. depending on the location, even a single spoken word can make a powerful chant if it carries meaning for the local spirits
sometimes a new chant can be created by a chanter composing it and then chanting it over and over for a time period somewhere between months and years, essentially teaching it to the spirits around them. there are rumors of chants that have been created overnight or in a matter of weeks, but whether that's actually possible is debated
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fromkenari · 20 days
Captain Does The Right Thing Always To A Fault Over And Over And Over Again And Never Budges From That Stance, Not Even Once In Six Seasons In The Face Of Everything, Including His Own Death, The Death Of His Crew, The Death Of The Woman He Loves, You Would Think He Would, Just Once, Do Something With An Ulterior Motive, But No, Never, Ever, Ever, Ever, He Would Rather Kill His Own Beloved, Necissity To Life, Coffee Machine Than Blame Someone Else For Anything He's Chosen To Do And It's Not Even To Have Clear Conscience Because This Bastard Has Such Trauma And A Savior Complex Bigger And Heavier On His Shoulder That He Should Be Flattened By Now But He's Not He's Still Fighting Still Doing The Right Thing And Even His Devout Crew Is Like Why Is This Guy Still Doing The Right Thing Even If It Means We Lose And He's Not Even Chasing A Happy Ending, He Just Wants To Do The Right Thing, Period.
Anyway, that's one reason why The Expanse is my favorite Space Opera, and it's always Crying About Captain James Holden hours.
P.S. He does this even when he fucks up by doing the right thing by chance in the first episode and gets his original crew and the woman carrying his unborn child killed, and it's six seasons of this guy pushing to do the right thing by sheer grief that all started when he was a kid and his 8 parents told him he was going to save the galaxy until his birth mom told him none of that was true and he fucked off and did every selfish thing he could possibly do in the military until he punched a superior officer and got discharged so he fucked off again and did ice hauling to other planets while quite literally dicking around with the crew until he chooses, in a brief moment where everyone is telling him to ignore the thing, to not ignore the thing and do right by it and boom, it cascades into an interplanetary war and so much more. Watch. This. Show.
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
Buck discovers he loves giving handjobs (to Tommy). It's quick, efficient, and gives the best results.
Five stars (yes, he has his little rating system).
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dnpsuck · 13 days
honestly not having a silly outlet for my every minuscule thought is starting to drive me insane
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yarpharp · 6 months
Some people who are game nerds eternally seek the return to nostalgia; a game that makes them comfortable or fond or experience the same level of thrill. People playing Harvest Moon end up loving Stardew Valley. Folks who played Pokemon are probably still playing Pokemon, or one of the popular catch-em-all copycats that are essentially Pokemon but with better gadgets.
But me? I eternally chase after a game that mentally and psychologically challenged me in the same way Myst did. I remember when my sister and father played it; they played together and they had fifty pages worth of notes and it took them months to beat the game. My sister had a special edition copy that came with a puzzle with the entire Myst game map on it. The music was haunting yet terrifying yet dreamy in that eerie sort of fashion. When I finally got a chance to play it, I became absolutely Apeshit Obsessed and I loved how it looked and played and everything.
Do I have four different copies of Myst? Yes, for four different game platforms. Do I have the remake available on Steam? Yes. Have I played their other games? Yes, but they do not capture The Vibe or The Challenge.
But good fucking God, I crave a game that drives me bonkers like Myst.
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static-radio-ao3 · 2 months
i'm excited to write in james' pov again... haven't done that since pygmalion au,, missed him <3
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
The people who do facial reference sheets, pose sets, stock reference and figure drawing sets are absolute gods. Absolute goddesses. Heroes. Saints.
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foundfeast · 3 months
I SO badly want my blog description to be
The most fun-gi a girl can have without taking off her clothes
But it exceeds the mobile layout word count by ONE word
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zipquips · 3 months
i was so ready and excited to move out of state and away from home a few weeks ago but now that i'm starting to see friends and family for the last time i'm becoming so sad
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darkacademiaarchivist · 4 months
do you ever listen to Scott Street by Phoebe Bridgers and just..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA???
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phiralovesloki · 5 months
Deep cleaning the house is such an emotional challenge because you'll spend an hour really getting stuff clean, and then you sit down for a quick break and look over your work, and it's like ...
... DID I actually clean anything? It looks the same???
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bluespring864 · 24 days
i've seen too much bo5 slander on my dash
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spockandawe · 9 months
Okay! I'm rapidly reaching the point of needing some creative self-care, or I'm going to crash even more viciously than I'm already starting to. Bad things: work is about to be SO fucking intense for the rest of the month, and while my home is unpacked, it is Comically unorganized. Good things: being unable to walk to work leaves me with more free time and less exhaustion per day, and I've recently refreshed myself on what supplies i have. I also am all set to start figuring out how to paint a house as soon as I can test my samples and clear a room. This will scratch the novelty itch, so i can be responsible and avoid buying new things. But i also can't lose focus on the organizing or I'll Adjust and never finish 😂
Let me see
Crochet in general: crochet is what I've been patching the mounting anxiety with, and i DO want to use up yarn, but it's hard on my wrist already, I can't afford to get too deep.
Baby blanket: almost done, could probably finish tomorrow in meetings, but because it was pretty bland, it won't be that fulfilling
Big Boi blanket: god, it's been years, I want to finish, but i WILL need to buy some yarn
Rocky horror lips: tedious single crochet, fun concept, but need to avoid wrist fuckery
Cross-stitch starscream: yes! I want to do this!! But this will be the opposite of quick gratification
Art........?: ALSO YES, goddammit, i want to figure out the stupid tablet! But good LORD, it's hard to decide what to do. And I'm in one of those phases where I'm not FAST, and I'm not vibing with what i make. The solution is just to draw more often, i know. But fuck.
Hc/mq: had a conceptual breakthrough, maybe? But i still don't know how it will proceed, so idk whether to commit the energy
Bwx/xl: this is half done already, AND outlined, I don't know why I can't do it. If i make myself, maybe i can find my groove
Lqg fic: it'll be long and intimidating 😭
Bingge lite: it's been 84 years...... But i really really really really love it and want to be able to share it. But the scope will be Horrendous, it may need percolation and warmer weather
Raksura core: i, uh, um 🫥 (i want to finish it! I really do! I can't focus worth SHIT)
Quilting: that would be good! Use up stuff! I want to be better! But god, the PREP WORK
Addendum: can i think of a fandom quilt i could pull off? Even if it was. Idk. Bingqiu colors. That might help me focus. But i also need to use up my stash :T
Long furby: would be good. I've had the materials for-fucking-ever
Pyrography: ooh, maybe. Especially if I can find art i dont have to compose. But if i set off the smoke alarm while it's this gross outside ill Die
BOOKS: heavy lifts and decision paralysis all around. Could be star wars (long, not for me, have to match existing volume), cnovel (several wips, but each is so much work to format, good god), ofic (not for me, also have to revamp formatting), ilcbt latest edition (needs the luxury treatment, which requires brain), pof latest edition (needs the luxury treatment, which requires brain), and all of the most appealing projects need a lot of materials, and I'm still in debt, lmao
Peerless fic: I've had the concept locked down for years, but i need to refresh on more of their late-stage characterization before feeling confident
Fourteenth year of chenghua fic: i also have the concept locked down! But i want to see the final evolution of wang zhi's relationship to the other two first
2ha fic: I ALSO HAVE THE CONCEPT LOCKED DOWN. but i still haven't...... finisheddddddddd, and this is going to need to be a fairly lengthy fic to wrangle xue meng in a believable way
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kimboo-york · 4 months
I've had three (3!!!) separate friends all ask me over the past week "What are you doing to nourish yourself?"
Because I'm obviously stressed out and ridden with anxiety, I guess.
I had no answers for them, because even "fun" things stress me out and/or exhaust me these days. My attention span is scatter shot. My ability to relax is not functioning. Working has become its own solace, in all the wrong ways.
Until I realized that what I need, and will never get, is a day off.
Not a day off from work, that's too easy. I mean a day off from life. A day off from adulting. A day where someone else takes care of me.
A day where I don't have to worry about walking or feeding the dog; or cooking myself food; or washing the resulting dishes; or checking the mail; or doing another load of laundry; or the cost of groceries; or how to beg a ride to go shopping (as I don't have a car).
But I don't have a spouse (or two) and I live alone. Normally I'm very happy this way but for right now, I just want want a goddamn break.
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