#But if Yuta was real 🤔
poppy-thatcher · 1 year
Kintsugi (Bakugo Katsuki)
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A/N: I don't even care if anyone reads or likes this one. It's 100% self-indulgent. Though, I guess they all are. But this one let me get stuff off my chest that I've been bottling up.
All this to say... I've recently broken up with my boyfriend of 6 years.
The argument at the beginning is, more or less, how our last conversation went. I held back on some of the more cruel things he said to me. And the part after... that's me mending my broken heart the only way I know how to. With protective, cocky, Pro-Hero Bakugo.
You thought he was your forever... but who knew forever had an expiration date. But no worries... your shattered heart won't stay broken for long. And him, he plans to mend your shattered pieces with gold.
Warnings: Cursing from you-know-who. Suggestive talk.
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Everything with him tonight felt forced. His smile wasn’t as bright, his attention a little spacey. When I gingerly walked him to his car, clutching my hurt side tightly in my hand, he spun to face me. The sheen in his eyes glossed them more than normal. My heart hammered in my chest. This look was very familiar to me. One I didn’t want to see ever again, one I was promised I’d never bear witness to again. A look I witnessed when we took our 3-month break after 3 years of being together.
With a wavering semblance of braveness, I stepped in front of him, my eyes immediately catching his as I spoke words I didn’t want to. 
“Just… just talk to me, please,” I muttered, trying to get him to open up to me, to relay an ounce of what he was feeling. “I can see the pain in your eyes when you look at me, please stop hiding whatever it is you’re afraid to tell me!”
“I’m… I’m moving back home in a few months!” He shouted, a single tear streaking down his handsome face.
He knew this new adventure was something I couldn’t follow him on. He knew I had things here that tied me down to my location, my home.
“I love you more than I’ve loved anyone or anything,” he gently smiled at me, “But I can’t stay here with you any longer. This place makes me feel like my life is stagnant, like I’m wasting my time. I need to get out of here.” 
“Oh.” I quietly said.
“We don’t have to split up right away. I’ll be here a few more months before I head back. We can spend our last months together, making memories.”
I nodded, a hollow feeling in my chest, and stepped back. For the first time in our 6-year relationship, I didn’t feel like seeing him or being in close proximity to him.
“Are you okay?”
 I didn’t know how to answer that loaded question. My recent surgery left me weak, mentally and physically. Then the person my life circled around, the person I sacrificed pieces of myself for to make sure stayed happy, felt as though his life was stagnant. I had felt like the world’s biggest failure. What good was I if I couldn’t even make my closest friend feel like life with me was something worth sticking around for? Adding an impending expiration date on what we shared didn’t seem like the healthy option but my nerves made me keep those thoughts to myself. Maybe, just maybe, the little time afforded was better than nothing.
Silent tears streaked down my face. I gently wiped them away and looked into his alluring eyes.
“I understand that you have to go. But remember that I’ll miss you more than you can imagine.”
And he tightly pulled me into his chest, holding me close.
I quietly whispered, “I wish you would stay with me, but I understand why you have to go.”
He scoffed and pushed away from me a bit, “That’s a really selfish thing to say!”
I blinked rapidly, my eyes making contact with his, trying to figure out if his loud tone was genuine or if he was joking.
“Sorry?” I said, or more like questioned, unsure how to handle the new situation. Apologies always fell so easily from my lips in an attempt to stop the ever-ticking time bomb from combusting.
“Are you really though?” He asked, his brows furrowing as he kept me at arm’s length.
“For telling you how I really feel? No. I guess I’m sorry that I shared my feelings with you though.” I snapped back.
He gently pushed me away from his hold, pushing himself a few steps away to create space between us again.
“My life is stagnant because you made it that way! You,” and he exhaled, running his hands through his shoulder-length hair, “you made my life stagnant. You’re this burden I didn’t ask for, this dead weight that I can’t bother to carry. I deserve to live my life without dealing with your problems. I have my own to take care of.”
I loudly swallowed, attempting to keep my tears at bay. I pushed as far away as I could, not wanting him to hear the moment my heart shattered beyond repair.
“I didn’t ask for your help…” and he quickly cut off my rant.
“You’ve done absolutely nothing with your life and I don’t want that to be me! If I stay with you, here, I’ll end up sad and pathetic like you. So I’m moving.” 
I nodded, putting my head down to not display the silent tears streaking down my face.  
He stepped close, heavily sighing, and raised my face to look into his stupid mesmerizing eyes.  
“Making you cry was the last thing I wanted to do.” 
I pulled my face out of his hands, keeping my eyes to the ground.
Knowing someone I cared deeply about felt this way about me broke me to my core. He knew I felt this way about myself. He knew hearing these things would undoubtedly hurt me beyond repair. He knew this was something I struggled with immensely. Feeling like I was a burden, like I wasn’t enough, like I was just wandering through life trying to find my purpose and coming up empty-handed every time. 
“We can stay together until I move, if you want. I don’t want us to end this way, on this horrible note.” 
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, wondering why he thought that was something I’d even want to do. No matter how much I stupidly still loved and cared for him, being with someone when there was an expiration date didn’t feel all that healthy. Even more so when I knew I was nothing but a burden to him.  
“I’d really rather not. No sense in staying some place I'm not wanted.” I exhaled, trying to stay strong and stop the tears from flowing.  
“I thought you loved me?” he snarled, scoffing back at me.  
“Funny, I could say the same to you. But you don’t feel that way about someone you love. Someone you love is never a burden, never dead weight. They’re someone you encourage… not put down.” 
“Oh, now you’re just being a selfish asshole about it!” 
I scoffed again, realizing this idiot never loved me. Not in the way that I loved him. He couldn't possibly love me with the way he was dismissing my feelings so casually. The way he always did, now that I thought about it. It was clear that he only ever loved himself.  
I spun to go back inside my apartment but was quickly turned to face my new ex.  
“There’s no coming back from this. Walk away now and I’ll not look back, I’ll not love you ever again.” 
I roughly yanked my arm from his grasp, “Like you ever did.” 
And I slammed the door in his face.  
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I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, mindlessly trying to juggle everything in my hands while I made my way through the people to get to the cash register that sat on the other side of the store.
I could see my destination in sight. But before I could even make it that far someone bumped into me, sending all my held items tumbling to the floor.  
I pouted and kneeled, beginning to pick them up slowly, mentally trying to figure out how I would balance them again by myself.  
His voice cut through the air as he called my name. My heart clenched and I quickly looked up into his familiar mesmerizing eyes.  
“Wow, it’s good to see you! You look…. well... you look great!” he smiled down at me, not helping me pick my things off the ground, just watching as I struggled.  
I smiled and quietly thanked him, not wanting to be rude and have him cause a scene. I went back to my task, paying him no mind. After a few struggles, I stood, hands full once again, and saw that he was still standing in front of me. He looked down to my full arms and gave me this smug look.  
“Retail therapy? Still brokenhearted after all these months?” he smirked that deadly smirk that always made my heart race.  
It did absolutely nothing to me this time. 
I lightly laughed.  
“You think I’m still hung up on you?” 
And he leaned in close to me, making me try to take a step back, newly realizing I was already far too close to a clothing display to afford that luxury.  
“You’re not?” And he brushed his fingers across my new bangs, carding his hand through my hair as I tried to find a way to make space between us.  
“I’d sure as hell hope not. Not when she’s got someone like me to turn to!” I heard the gruff voice behind him.  
I exhaled, finally feeling more at ease.  
Katsuki pushed my ex out of my personal space and grabbed all the clothes I had in my hands, tsking and glaring at my ex for not even offering me any help. He winked my way and went to the cash register, everyone parting ways for the big Pro-Hero.  
My ex opened his mouth like he was going to say something. But Katsuki’s booming voice cut him off.  
“Oi, short shit… get that perfect ass over here!” he said, knowing his words made my face heat up and my cheeks and ears to tinge pink.  
“Sorry,” I said to my ex, passing him.
Old habits die hard.  
My ex, unknowingly to me, followed slowly behind. No doubt, to see what I was doing with a Pro-Hero.  
“Do you have to be so loud?” I quietly murmured, blushing Katsuki’s way.  
He smirked, making my face that much more red, and pulled me tightly into himself, coiling his hands around my waist and resting them at the apex of my butt.  
“I don’t havta be, sweet cheeks,” he said, nudging my nose with his perfect one, “but I want that idiot of an ex to stay the fuck away from what’s mine.” 
“Yours, huh?” I smirked back, biting my lower lip.  
Katsuki’s eyes immediately drifted to my lips and then his vibrant vermilion eyes met mine quickly.  
“Why did you have to get so much stuff?!?” he whined, turning to the cashier who was still ringing my items up, but not daring to remove his hands from my waist.  
“You said go wild!” I laughed, “You could have gotten here sooner, ya know? So you could reign me in!” 
“No, no. I wanted ya to get the things ya wanted. I just… I need ya like right fuckin’ now. And this is gonna take us all day!” 
“It will not, you’re such a baby!” I laughed as he grabbed me tightly in his arms, nuzzling his head into my chest as I ran my fingers through his soft hair, making him purr. 
“So… you using the hero for his money?” my ex said, finally making himself known.  
Katsuki didn’t move from his position, just turned his head to make eye contact with my ex. He didn’t say anything but the glare he gave him made my ex take a step back.  
“It’s just… she wasn’t particularly well off when we split. And it’s only been a handful of months since then. I didn’t think she’d replace me that quickly. Not to mention, she’s probably not found anything she’s particularly good at, right? She still kinda stagnant in life?” 
I loudly swallowed, trying to not let my ex’s words get to me. Before I could say anything Katsuki stood straight up but kept me tightly in his arms.  
“I’m gonna explain shit to you so your dumbass might learn somethin'. One, she’s not using me for my money. I care for her deeply and takin’ care of all her needs, gettin’ to see that beautiful fuckin’ smile is worth more than money can ever buy. Two, she’s not required to figure herself out in a set timeframe. Some of us take time to grow and learn what we want outta life. What she needed was someone to challenge her, inspire her, and encourage her to do and be whatever the fuck she wants to be. Whenever the hell she wants to be it. I got nothin’ but time when it comes to her.” And he pushed my bangs back, kissing my forehead, as I blushed again.  
My ex stood there, brows pulled together, mouth agape. Katsuki turned back his way, keeping me tightly to his side as his hand rubbed methodically on my bare arm.  
“By the way. She’s not stagnant. I’ve had her for 4 months and she’s blossomed into everything I could have needed her to be. She’s attentive and a people pleaser. I might have taken advantage of that fact a few times. She’s understanding of me and my hero work. And she’s just genuinely great at everything she does. I wouldn’t change a fuckin’ thing about her beautiful ass. How’s your life goin’ though, pal? Weren’t you supposed to move back to your hometown or some shit like that?” Katsuki laughed, handing the cashier his card, “hey, your loss is my gain. And I ain’t letting her go as easily as you did. I’m gonna marry her and make her have all my fuckin’ kids.” 
“Jokes on you, she didn’t want kids!” my ex laughed.  
Katsuki smirked at him, then looked at me, “She probably didn't wanna have them with a man-child like you. But she’ll have my kids. Won’t ya, kitten?” 
I nodded, blushing, thinking about all the things Katsuki was promising me. I had never met a man who knew what he wanted before. It was shocking and very refreshing.  
“Also, it’s her birthday, fuck face. I’d spend my whole paycheck on her if she’d only let me.” 
The cashier handed me my bags and Katsuki quickly took them from me, tucking me into his side and kissing my forehead.  
“I’m not sure why you’re still hangin’ around. But we’re headin' to my place so I can give her another, bigger, better birthday gift. You’re not invited. I don't share. Later, idiot.” And he pulled us past my ex, making me smile from ear to ear.  
When we stepped outside I pulled myself from Katsuki’s side, bending over, hands on my knees, to catch my breath.  
“Damn, babe. Are you okay?” Katsuki asked, gently trying to move my curtained hair from my face so he could assess me.  
I took a huge gasp in, throwing my head back, finally releasing my loud laugh.  
He rolled his eyes lightly chuckling to himself.  
“You scared the shit out of me, asshole! Jeez!” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his fancy car that Valet had brought around.  
“Sorry, but goodness. I couldn’t have asked for a better chance encounter with that jerk. You have just given me the most incredible birthday gift ever!” I said, finally standing in front of him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and playing with his hair that loosely hung at his nape.  
“Nah, don’t think I’m done now beautiful. I got ya a lot more things waitin' up at my place.” He smirked.  
“If it isn’t a puppy, I don’t want it.” I laughed, joking with him.  
“What if I beg instead?” he smiled nice and big. A sight I didn’t see too often.  
“I guess that works,” I said, laughing at him while he ushered me to the opened passenger door, waiting for me to get inside.
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Unnecessary Extra A/N: If you did, thanks for making it this far in my ridiculous little self-indulgent story. That first bit hurt to re-read. I haven't cried much over the split. Like yeah, the first day absolutely killed me. My eyes were pretty much glued shut. I wasted 6 of my years with someone I thought was my forever. Not only that, but I was still recovering from emergency surgery and on strong pain meds. It all felt like such a horrid nightmare. But yeah... I cried reading that scene this time. Part of me sometimes thinks I overreacted to the situation. But the rational/logical part of myself felt like the split was a long time coming. Looking back at it now, the relationship was incredibly toxic. He suffered from really bad depression (way worse than my own) and I feel like I sacrificed a lot of myself to try and make sure he was happy. In doing so, I lost myself. I lost that person who loved to be artistic, crafty, and loved to write. I spent so much of my time with him, worrying over so much, that I now have the most horrid anxiety. Some days I feel I'm beyond repair. But the episodes are getting further from each other. I have felt more my original self in our time apart than I have in quite a long while. And I'm incredibly thankful for that semblance of peace I've managed to regain. Sadly, we run in the same circles, so seeing him will always be a possibility. Hopefully, I get the same kind of relief my written self got here. Someone who can appreciate me for who I am and encourage me to be an even better version of myself. I'm definitely not in a rush, since I want to get my old self back and do things that make me happy again, but patiently waiting for my Bakugo! 😆
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optimistictalia · 2 years
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the one two sevens
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runabout-river · 6 months
Just read the new chapter (spoiler) and I'm going to write my thoughts on it in the next few hours but I needed to get this out real quick.
Again, Gojo is absent from the timeskip flashback
He does appear in a flashback but that's the pre-Shibuya/end of the movie timeline. Why is Gege so hellbound on excluding him from everything to do with the skipped training arc? Miguel even called Gojo out for his absence when Yuta and Larue came to convince him to fight with them against Sukuna.
At this point this is intentional and my guess is that:
Gojo did something completely else during the 1 month timeskip and that's why he doesn't appear during all the shown flashback preparations
What though? 🤔
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saintobio · 4 months
i hope you are doing okay and recovering well from your wisdom tooth removal.
i dont really read sukuna fics because i dont like him but blank canvas was good ! you did it so well. but it felt a lil bit too real when sukuna found his better half and getting married to them :') the sukuna in my life story also getting married this year. i've moved on and made peace and idc anymore. im just hoping my satoru will come to me soon !
and LLTV ! i cant wait for more ! the scene where yn ran out to because she had a breakdown seeing satoru again made me so :( also i have a question, is yn the only one knows that she got reincarnated? no one knows the past life right? also why do i get the feeling that yuta also got reincarnated? hm 🤔
thanks for reading bc still !! :D why do i keep hearing you guys have your own sukunas and that he’s found his other half 😭 like that’s just painful. but i’m happy everyone has moved on and are waiting to meet their satoru 🫶🏻
as for lltv, well we have knowledge that only yn has regressed. but yes, so far no one knows about her past life except her !! :)) and based on the final events in ayli, even yn had no idea that yuuta became emperor after she & satoru died so that’s gonna be an interesting ride
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prinzrupprecht · 10 months
funny thing is, Manjiro is born in 1990 and I’m born in 2005(guess you could say he ‘groomed’ me going by some of these peoples logic 🤣) turned 18 recently and I’ve had loved him and many characters in the series, since starting it in 2021, yet somehow I’m a nonce for thinking they’re hot 😂 make it make sense. If you look at some official arts you’ll see the fan-service on them. Heck Yuzuha had her panties out in that one panel. The word pedophile doesn’t mean shit on this website or on Twitter because it’s been watered down by idiots. Cyber tip it, get the police involved or go to the station if you came across that type of material so that minor can be saved but they won’t cause even they know deep down it’s all bullshit and just want the attention and praise, going after someone who causes real harm is too much effort so the best they got is to go after people liking anime characters. So dumb, sorry for the long ask op, just annoyed 😒.
People listen, Megumi will not thank you, Bakugou will not thank you, Yuuta will not thank you, Manjiro will not thank you, Yuji will not thank you, Nagi will not thank you…why? Because they’re not real, you could draw them dead for all I care and they’d still be just fine, why? Cause they ain’t real! They can come back from whatever shit someone draws and/or writes about them, shit I might not like myself, human being such as myself can’t.
But you still want to save the fictional anime characters? Then use this link below ⬇️
To report an incident involving the possession, distribution, receipt, or production of child exploitation file a report on the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)'s website at http://cybertipline.com, or call 1-800-843-5678.
again, my apologies for popping of on your blog again, but I just find this whole thing absurd and a waste of time. Also, why now? Why does everyone care about the anime character being sexualised now? I remember being told shit when I was back in high school and college, still am by the way, that ‘he’s not real’ ‘the anime boy won’t date you’ ‘that’s cringe go speak to real boy’s’ compared to nowadays🤔 I just don’t get it, now they’re real? And not to mention, Yuji and Megumi are born in 2002 and Yuta in 2001, they’re 3-4 years older than me and yet I’m a weirdo for them hot?! I’ll just say these boys ‘groomed’ me going by this silly logic and the police can arrest their fictional asses, it’s just so dumb 😂🤣
This is the most truest thing I’ve read all day. Beautiful, I’m in tears. I guess people will still find ways to connect reality with fiction constantly. When all it is, is just fantasies. I find 90% of the men in JJK hot asf, from Yuji all the way to Higuruma. I can’t help myself with the way Gege draws his male characters super hot. Had to limit replies, seems like all I’m getting is L takes on my argument. There’s a lot of smut with these characters, I couldn’t care less since they’re fictional. 😭💀
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 days
No because it was fr just a weekly “lmao get ready for the WHERES TOGE text” but EVIL INUMAKI??? WHY LMFAOO???? I’m crying wtf PLEASE PLOT RELEVANCE true though that’s actually kinda sad omg Inumaki erasure too real….i will just be glad that he’s alive (gege also gave him back his arm in that color spread celebrating the end too??? Either I didn’t read well enough or Akita also forgotLAMAOA)
LMAOOO I’ll never say no to a good tiktok edit…but also no pressure to scroll through because sometimes I do that and I mentally kick myself because there’s sm I have to scroll back through for
FR they really made it so it’s very children target audienced like big round eyes just round EVERYTHINF and the jokes and interactions from what I’ve seen are also very kid targeted imo…
LMAOOO otoya truly would not exist without any Ls but AHAHAH protractor hair and Mr white and green in historical drama I totally forgot about that immersion factor I’m laughing
FR you should just buy the rights from Justin Bieber atp imagine at some point otoya gets to meet reader too by proxy of Karasu and he gets shut down real fast he barely gets a word in and she’s like “you look like a fboy yikes” AHSHAHAH
- Karasu anon
i think they were predicting he was the second traitor (who ended up being like some random higher up iirc) because he didn’t do anything else but kept showing up LMAOO also i’ve seen people complaining about that but actually no it’s not an inconsistency!! it’s in one of the final chapters where they’re talking about how rika needs to consume some part of someone to use their technique or smth and that’s why they haven’t regenerated inumaki or hana’s arms yet…not sure why that was added in there because yuta uses cursed speech beforehand and tbh i didn’t care enough to figure it out but yeah i do remember something along those lines being mentioned i think it’s right after the double jacob’s ladder
OKAY WAIT i’ll add them in at the end i’m typing this on my ipad so i’ll save the draft before going on my untrustworthy ahh tumblr mobile app on my phone to paste in the tik tok links SKLHDFJS
CAN YOU IMAGINE WATCHING A HISTORICAL DRAMA and it’s all dramatic and whatnot (i think reiji hiiragi can maintain his canon appearance the black hair with lavender eyes is very mysterious and fits the vibes it’s giving targaryen from got almost?? and same with yukimiya he’s okay) and then we get to the scene where otoya’s revealed and it’s just…the fuckass green streak
OMG WAIT SPEAKING OF OTOYA REVEAL I NEVER TOLD YOU HOW READER FINDS HIM!!! actually wait maybe i did i don’t even remember if i did i’m sorry for the repetition but if not hehe spoiling hollyhock time once again basically it’s the last night of the month they agreed on giving her to find him and she hasn’t found him yet but they’ve been talking every night and they’re lowkey kinda close at this point?? like otoya clearly is fond of her and she seems to like him as well…anyways otoya’s like okay well i guess tomorrow night’s the night you take me to kill your half brother and she’s like okay but can you do me a favor tonight?? so bro’s like idk what’s the favor and she asks if she can touch his face and ofc otoya being otoya thinks he’s managed to rizz her up so he’s like sure 😏 and lets her put her hands on his face and then it seems as if they’re about to kiss like they’re leaning in and shit yk but right before they can reader opens her eyes and she’s like i found you you’re mine now and he’s like 🤔 you’re not allowed to open your eyes at night #cheater 🤨 and she direct quotes him (apa formatting for citations) LMAOAOA she’s like “no you said once the moon rises i had to keep my eyes closed until daylight (m1ckeyb3rry, 32) but there is no moon tonight” and in fact it is a new moon and otoya’s so impressed that he straight up switches sides LMAOAOA my man thought he was the rizzler nah he is the rizzee SKDFJHSK he was not immune to her slightly insane charm
HELP i basically am justin bieber maybe i need to do a justin bieber theme next with the amount of times i reference him…smh young mira would be disappointed she was too #notlikeothergirls to ever be a belieber she’d be sad i quote him sm nowadays /hj
okay edit compilation they’re not all mahito because i saw some while scrolling that made me be like wait let me send HAHA
hak edit
inumaki meme edit ig?? lowkey us asf
megumi edit
another megumi edit (bro…i think i miss my wife 😓 also s1 artstyle SO GOOD anyways i liked megumi for two years watching my old saved edits of him is making me emotional)
THIS NANAMI MEME oh my god fanon shidou and i used to quote it all of the time it is SO funny
mahito edit (finally…sadly most of the ones i had saved from earlier got deleted but here’s one?? tbh he doesn’t have THAT many good scenes so if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all)
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tyonfs · 1 year
idk if it sent the first time but ❖ for fight club and that's rich 🤔
pick 2 fics and i’ll combine them somehow
thank u for sending me an ask anon !! sorry for getting to this late :’)) this one is very interesting bc they both have the rich girl/boy dynamic in different ways 😵 but i feel like this could go in an interesting route
mc is still a spoiled rich girl and is pining after jaehyun as usual. most of the dudes are part of the fight club (which is still kept on the down low ofc) so mc jumps at the chance to go with jaehyun bc she just wants to get close to him. no one told her about the rule that she HAS to fight if it’s her first time tho so she’s in for a real shock when she gets there. especially when she’s against yuta nakamoto, who doesn’t miss an opportunity to show off his strength. but maybe he sort of doesn’t want to hurt mc 😔
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baekhvuns · 1 year
I'm glad EXO is having a comeback, but it's so bittersweet, no Kai in the MV ://// and HOW MANY VERSIONS, SM needs more money they won't pay them??? The fact it's titled Exist, idk if it's coincidental, but it feels so poignant to me. I can't imagine the atmosphere with the lawsuit going on. Lawsuit at 4, dance practice at 6 for real 😭😭😭😭
The pre-release dropped?! Not them putting Kai on the thumbnail, also what happened MISTER ROVER. I can't listen rn, but apparently it's an emotional track?
Me opening football news every few days: 😐🤚🏼🤔🙄😫😡💀🥱🤭🤨🤢
Girl, I met some F1 fan, but she supports Ferrari, because her boyfriend works for them, I immediately thought about you
This https://twitter.com/its5HINee/status/1668061530061955073?t=_Ukix1ExZTRHiJ4NoPDyAQ&s=19 will either be a banger or the most annoying song ever, knowing SM... I was already taken aback by DCM, but it grew on me. It's Shinee so I'll take whatever, but EmbarrasSMENT better not fuck this up!!! the "teaser" with Key randomly saying H A R D I died jshshhshahdhagahsjsns. The Feeling got me feel all the feelings, weird ass SM with their inconsistency about including Jjong though, his name was on the map, but didn't appear on the screen, thankfully Minho and the rest will not forget to include him EVER
Yes, SM is shit, but they have the creativity! They also have great idols with cool vision so there's that. So you noticed the lack of interesting facial expressions in Ateez's photos too? I've been talking about it since 2021 and some people thought I was shading the members... it's also on the photographer to bring something out of their models. Only Hwa, Joong and Mingi deliver in this department :/ others get same poses, same face, boring clothes and whitewashing. *Taeyong's Ghost playing in the distance* ???? Why
https://twitter.com/shiningstarhwa_/status/1667539149224812547?t=M17uc9le6MGGf7w2PXXiTg&s=19 for real, this is dizzying... I'm glad they're getting to see more fans, but 🔪🔪🔪🔪 at what cost
Stop this is my nightmare, stop trying to make the grillz happen!!! 💀💀💀💀 https://twitter.com/pshsource/status/1668067391937314816?t=tG3-4fYKvgoLsSs5lUt99w&s=19 and rapper Hwa, see I'm not opposed, but... as we established, he's not a gangsta rapper ajdhjahsjaahhshahs also I hope he sings as well, I know people go crazy whenever he raps, but I love his vocals and get disappointed whenever he sings, but with an autotune or his parts are more like sing-talking :/ anyway I'm trying not to be too negative. But I also don't believe Ktinys descriptions, because they usually talk out of their asses, I'm sorry 😭 I hope something delivers and they prove me wrong, cause so far I'm not exactly excited for this cb. But I was meh about Stray Kids too and couldn't believe what I was hearing at first, but now I'm kinda addicted to their album, lmao
At least I'm not gonna go feral over the potential Seonghwa grillz photocards, but everyone else stay safe, they're gonna be priceeeeeey
Lmao western pub, I totally forgot the word saloon existed 😅 I didn't buy much at the pop up I also got a jumpscare cause there was a framed photo of Hwa with grillz 🙈 it was fine, but so disorganised. They had a whole ass mechanic shop in there too?! And bikes, lol
When I thought I couldn't hate LA kpoppers even more KCON LA had to come into play 🔪
Now, this is fucking crazy, because I talked about it with my friends a few days ago. We were like "there weren't many random idols spotting" and that's true, yeah I saw some ex-Wanna One members, a boy group and a girl group we couldn't identify, a few actors too, and my friend saw Xiaojun (I missed him by 15 minutes) and then YESTERDAY we were minding our own business at Starbucks, it was rather late, not many people inside when... YUTA. See I managed to embarrass myself cause unbeknownst to me at that time my friends were already having a convo about him, cause they heard some girls outside whisper about Yuta, but I was too busy to notice, so when I heard his name I was like "Yuta what?" and long story short: HE HEARD ME 🤡 but he was very nice and chill, we chatted, he gave us his autographs, also held my phone and noticed my Taeyong lockscreen and Felix photocard, complimented me and my friend on our Japanese 😆
Then my other friend used me as her spokesperson and told me to tell him a few things in Japanese, so while we've waited for our orders I was like "uhm, well, so..." but I composed myself and then my other friend chimed in. In the end when we were outside he waved at us and my non-kpop friends asked if he was our friend sjhahhdhhahshagshaha. See, I'm already besties with Ten CLEARLY, now I'm befriending Yuta (he was on Music Core cheering for Taeyong, so he's obviously stalking me) I'll get that tea on SM soon!!!
About Tyong, some NCT members came to his showcase, it was so fun, only 300 people so I felt special <3 Shalala grew on me, I didn't dislike it on my first listen, but I wasn't sure if I'd listen to it, but all the challenges he's been doing convinced me! My fave bside is 404 File Not Found and Ruby is so 💔 normally I don't care much about the lyrics, but its for his dog that passed away 🤧 also Taeyong x Felix my highlighers squad https://twitter.com/xieyunpretty/status/1667780155631345664?t=TplStZ6TMsssC11QDXvtrg&s=19! Stray Kids adopting him in general, I saw a lot of cute interactions between them during the music shows, TY was so awkward being there without his group. I went to Inkigayo too and Mark and Haechan came to watch him, Mark was so fucking loud!
And his photocards game SO FUCKING STRONG https://twitter.com/meongmeongiiee/status/1667037360167735296?t=kjRYsolGGOjnHy8AkmaQtQ&s=19 I've already secured a few 🙊 the photo books from his album are truly masterpieces, he fits every concept so well!
Me: I hate boxing! Also me: Ooooh a new Dohwan boxing drama... The things I sacrifice for some men...
I've been watching this anime called The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion and I immediately thought of duke Seonghwa, the guy has black hair, so naturally......
Oh wow, finally more challenges https://twitter.com/1024updates/status/1668168804461948929?t=wo93MHIBykWLfQMouFnTqg&s=19 Ateez x Taeyong PLS PLS PLS - DV 💖
I'm glad EXO is having a comeback, but it's so bittersweet, no Kai in the MV ://// and HOW MANY VERSIONS, SM needs more money they won't pay them??? The fact it's titled Exist, idk if it's coincidental, but it feels so poignant to me. I can't imagine the atmosphere with the lawsuit going on. Lawsuit at 4, dance practice at 6 for real 😭😭😭😭 /// The pre-release dropped?! Not them putting Kai on the thumbnail, also what happened MISTER ROVER. I can't listen rn, but apparently it's an emotional track?
im also vv glad, 4 years of not hearing their voice did things to me and this pre-release fulfilled my every wish, the r&b the harmonies the BYUN BAEKHYUN
19 VERSIONS IM ACTUALLY GOING CRAZY BC WHAT THE FUCK???? exo beat the disbandment allegations with EXIST ngl like this is crazy wdym 800% increase??? by an 11yo group???? damn???
omg anon. yea it’s emotional but in exo way. the song. exo is back. the harmonies, the r&b, their voices, kai’s honey voice, their theories, the german shepherd doggo 😭😭😭 here’s my reaction to it actually lost my mind it’s been waay too long,, when u listen to it pls put headphones on the harmonies will make u levitate
just baekhyun im a bbhl now, not even my bias but he’s on a mission and it is accomplished
me actually at their concert
and the audacity of sm to put baekhyun’s album for a higher price than the other members who had regular????
like wHAT?? sm it’s going down. in baek we support
Me opening football news every few days: 😐🤚🏼🤔🙄😫😡💀🥱🤭🤨🤢 /// Girl, I met some F1 fan, but she supports Ferrari, because her boyfriend works for them, I immediately thought about you
LMFAOOOO AND NOW THE RACE FOR MBAPPE HAS STARTED 😭😭😭 does ur friend pass on some autographs by any chance
This https://twitter.com/its5HINee/status/1668061530061955073?t=_Ukix1ExZTRHiJ4NoPDyAQ&s=19 will either be a banger or the most annoying song ever, knowing SM... I was already taken aback by DCM, but it grew on me. It's Shinee so I'll take whatever, but EmbarrasSMENT better not fuck this up!!! the "teaser" with Key randomly saying H A R D I died jshshhshahdhagahsjsns. The Feeling got me feel all the feelings, weird ass SM with their inconsistency about including Jjong though, his name was on the map, but didn't appear on the screen, thankfully Minho and the rest will not forget to include him EVER
Yes, SM is shit, but they have the creativity! They also have great idols with cool vision so there's that. So you noticed the lack of interesting facial expressions in Ateez's photos too? I've been talking about it since 2021 and some people thought I was shading the members... it's also on the photographer to bring something out of their models. Only Hwa, Joong and Mingi deliver in this department :/ others get same poses, same face, boring clothes and whitewashing. *Taeyong's Ghost playing in the distance* ???? Why /// https://twitter.com/shiningstarhwa_/status/1667539149224812547?t=M17uc9le6MGGf7w2PXXiTg&s=19 for real, this is dizzying... I'm glad they're getting to see more fans, but 🔪🔪🔪🔪 at what cost
no bc however we shit on sm, their art and their idols are truly on par. YES I DIDDDD every photobook it’s the same which is why i tend not to buy them bc it feels like a direct copy but in different designs like even the camera angle is the same,,, mingi really did deliver in the deja vu comeback and honestly he better in this one too,,, like let’s make ateez’s photo books feel like a full fledged magazine shoot— use hands, give props, move the body, the angles of the photos, zoom in parts of the face for the aesthetic,,, like lessgo u got the budget make the photographer do something !!!!!!!
for ex :
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Stop this is my nightmare, stop trying to make the grillz happen!!! 💀💀💀💀 https://twitter.com/pshsource/status/1668067391937314816?t=tG3-4fYKvgoLsSs5lUt99w&s=19 and rapper Hwa, see I'm not opposed, but... as we established, he's not a gangsta rapper ajdhjahsjaahhshahs also I hope he sings as well, I know people go crazy whenever he raps, but I love his vocals and get disappointed whenever he sings, but with an autotune or his parts are more like sing-talking :/ anyway I'm trying not to be too negative. But I also don't believe Ktinys descriptions, because they usually talk out of their asses, I'm sorry 😭 I hope something delivers and they prove me wrong, cause so far I'm not exactly excited for this cb. But I was meh about Stray Kids too and couldn't believe what I was hearing at first, but now I'm kinda addicted to their album, lmao
and if he doesn’t put his tongue inside w those grills it’s on sight. YES U ARE SO RIGHT THE MESH WITH AUTOTUNE IN HIS VOICE JUST BE RANDOM,,, challenge to not use any sort of autotune in their voices so we hear the raw vocals, the deep parts and the harmonies pls kq pls 🤲🏻😭 i know one of them said it sounds kinda annoying like the chorus but annoyingly good???? so i don’t even know what to expect but i hope for the best! a good chorus and a bridge that connects pls ! ! ! still have not heard skz’s yet idk if i want to from what ive heard from clips 😭😭😭
At least I'm not gonna go feral over the potential Seonghwa grillz photocards, but everyone else stay safe, they're gonna be priceeeeeey /// Lmao western pub, I totally forgot the word saloon existed 😅 I didn't buy much at the pop up I also got a jumpscare cause there was a framed photo of Hwa with grillz 🙈 it was fine, but so disorganised. They had a whole ass mechanic shop in there too?! And bikes, lol //// When I thought I couldn't hate LA kpoppers even more KCON LA had to come into play 🔪
OH ABSOLUTELY THEYRE GONNA BE OVER A 50$ 🔫🔫🔫 JUMPSCARE PLS UR HATRED FOR GRILLS ON HIM IS MAKING ME LAUGH RHWKHDWKHDWKDHKW a whole mechanic shop?? i thought we were pirates what happened 😭😭😭 having kcon in LA is so helping, bring it to europe and see the actual craze 🤚🏻
Now, this is fucking crazy, because I talked about it with my friends a few days ago. We were like "there weren't many random idols spotting" and that's true, yeah I saw some ex-Wanna One members, a boy group and a girl group we couldn't identify, a few actors too, and my friend saw Xiaojun (I missed him by 15 minutes) and then YESTERDAY we were minding our own business at Starbucks, it was rather late, not many people inside when... YUTA. See I managed to embarrass myself cause unbeknownst to me at that time my friends were already having a convo about him, cause they heard some girls outside whisper about Yuta, but I was too busy to notice, so when I heard his name I was like "Yuta what?" and long story short: HE HEARD ME 🤡 but he was very nice and chill, we chatted, he gave us his autographs, also held my phone and noticed my Taeyong lockscreen and Felix photocard, complimented me and my friend on our Japanese 😆 /// Then my other friend used me as her spokesperson and told me to tell him a few things in Japanese, so while we've waited for our orders I was like "uhm, well, so..." but I composed myself and then my other friend chimed in. In the end when we were outside he waved at us and my non-kpop friends asked if he was our friend sjhahhdhhahshagshaha. See, I'm already besties with Ten CLEARLY, now I'm befriending Yuta (he was on Music Core cheering for Taeyong, so he's obviously stalking me) I'll get that tea on SM soon!!!
you met who, what. WHO. WHOMST?
HE DID NOT FUCKING HEAR U PLS OH NY GOD DHWKVDQKDJWLDHWK AND U GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ME WHEN OH GOD ME WHEN OHHHH MY GODD IM GOING THRU IT 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭
About Tyong, some NCT members came to his showcase, it was so fun, only 300 people so I felt special <3 Shalala grew on me, I didn't dislike it on my first listen, but I wasn't sure if I'd listen to it, but all the challenges he's been doing convinced me! My fave bside is 404 File Not Found and Ruby is so 💔 normally I don't care much about the lyrics, but its for his dog that passed away 🤧 also Taeyong x Felix my highlighers squad https://twitter.com/xieyunpretty/status/1667780155631345664?t=TplStZ6TMsssC11QDXvtrg&s=19! Stray Kids adopting him in general, I saw a lot of cute interactions between them during the music shows, TY was so awkward being there without his group. I went to Inkigayo too and Mark and Haechan came to watch him, Mark was so fucking loud!
RUBY IS ACTUALLY THE BEST ONE FOR ME 😭😭😭 THE MEANING BEHIND IT HAS ME SOBBING??? taeyong is art. i wish he did a ty track ty track for nostalgia dbwkdhwk HIGHLIGHTER SQUAD 😭😭😭 JDBWNDWK MARK AND HAECHAN ANON U MET THE WHOLE OF NCT ATP?? not surprised considering how many they are BUT DID U SEE MORE OF DREAM??? MARK WAS LOUD?? AS HE SHOULD BE REPRESENT 🤚🏻
And his photocards game SO FUCKING STRONG https://twitter.com/meongmeongiiee/status/1667037360167735296?t=kjRYsolGGOjnHy8AkmaQtQ&s=19 I've already secured a few 🙊 the photo books from his album are truly masterpieces, he fits every concept so well!
oh my god i wANT THEM ALL what the fuck???
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AND U GOT THEM SECURED OH LORD BFMWBDKWHDKW ANON DBANDKA IM GONNA ROB EVERYTHING be really is so versatile where tf did sm get him from omg 😭😭
Me: I hate boxing! Also me: Ooooh a new Dohwan boxing drama... The things I sacrifice for some men... ///// I've been watching this anime called The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion and I immediately thought of duke Seonghwa, the guy has black hair, so naturally......
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STOP I HAVE ALSO WATCHED THAT ANIME BUT I CANT FIND MORE THEN 5 EPS 😭😭😭 the black hair yes very naturally it is seonghwa. yes. desperately waiting for my happy marriage bc this. this is also that park seonghwa guy w silver hair. and the character is a military captain who’s heartless ☺️☺️
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Oh wow, finally more challenges https://twitter.com/1024updates/status/1668168804461948929?t=wo93MHIBykWLfQMouFnTqg&s=19 Ateez x Taeyong PLS PLS PLS - DV 💖
did not know we needed lsf x atz AND YES WE NEED ATEEZ X TAEYONG would it be too much to ask for a exo x atz 😭😭😭😭😭 BUT I NEED A SAN OR HWA X TAEYONG ID DIE
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Nanabean loved round 2 of Vol 0 and seeing his black flashes!! 🥰🥰🥰
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klimtjardin · 2 years
hm... 🤔 como eles passariam o dia dos namorados?? preparariam algo especial, seria algo mais soft, ou só é mais um dia comum?? (isso seria um pedido de hc? lembrando que não tenho intuito de ofender nenhum artista 🤗) bjs klim <3
NCT e dia dos namorados:
» gosta de comemorar tudo e qualquer coisa, então vai ter presente, almoço/jantar, passeio, noite juntos, e o que mais você quiser. E se puder, tudo: Taeil (se empolga e quer fazer várias atividades com você), Taeyong (curte um passeiozinho e um skincare enquanto vocês conversam, no final da noite, e adora recusar convite dos outros dizendo “não dá, hoje vou passar a noite com a minha gata”), Yuta (gosta de sair pra dançar), Jaehyun (faz uma programação super cult tipo ir no teatro, depois voltar e ouvir os vinis dele) Winwin (se entusiasma escolhendo presente pra você), Jungwoo, Renjun (planeja uma viagem), Jaemin (jantar fora, passeio e te levar numa loja pra você escolher um presente), Sungchan (algo super romântico, como manda o figurino), Shotaro, Chenle (cineminha, que ele fechou só pra vocês, e skincare em casa após).
» faz mais a vibe caseiro, vai querer comprar os ingredientes pra vocês fazerem algo juntos, abrir um vinho e etc: Johnny (pq eu vejo ele querendo fazer pizza com você? 🤔), Lucas, Mark (toca violão pra você, pedem uma coisinha pra comer, assistem um filminho), Xiaojun (faz cabaninha na sala e fondue),  Hendery (gaming night, mas toda vez que ele ganha ele te beija).
» é ele quem faz o jantar pra você: Kun, Doyoung, Jeno (se gasta nos dotes culinários que talvez ele não tenha), Jisung (ele tenta, mas no fim das contas vocês vão ter que pedir comida).
» ele quer fingir que não liga, mas liga sim, fica todo pomposo quando você pergunta o que vão fazer: Ten (a programação também vai ser meio diferentona, tipo pintar um quadro juntos), Haechan (na real ele vai querer ficar grudado em você o dia todo, não importa muito o que vão fazer), Yangyang (também viagem de casal, talvez com o Renjun e a namorada dele junto).
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satorugojowidow · 3 years
What do you think makes yuji stand out from other shounen protagonists/heros? Something about him is 🤔����
I love Yuji as the protagonist and I love JJK as shonen for all the things that are reversed of regular shonen. Let put this things in order:
Yuji’s characters.
JJK as shonen.
Why I love him.
Everything will be elaborated surrounding the idea of “save others” that is the typical element in shonen stories.
Yuji’s is a very well written character for how humans and how accurate to his age is. Yuji’s answer to the idea of saving others like any teen of his age would do: with naivety. And as all teenangers do he believes he actually understands what he is doing and what is happening, but he doesn’t and gets to learn in a bad way. The idea of saving others is beautiful, morally correct, Yuji knows is doing the right thing. What he doesn’t know is that things are always more complicated and saving others many times doesn’t depend on us. Plus, the idea of self-sacrifice is more easy to be spoken than to be lived. Yuji faces his own naivety when he fights for the first time against a special grade. He not only realizes how weak he is, but how painful the path he chose. The thing is when people think about dying for others they don’t really think of how horrible and painful is the process to die.
There is no payback to be naive. Yuji put himself in a situation he didn’t really understand and made a decision he didn’t understand, but had to deal with all the consequences.Many times young protagonists get to be protected by good people who appear to make things so they don't have to lose their innocence and kindness. With Yuji, even if he has allies, those people aren’t enough to protect him from the cruelty of the world he lives in. His naivety put him at a disadvantage in infront of evil.
Let’s quicky name a few aspect does show how the fact of him being too young put him in disadvantage:
-Not letting his grandpa speak about his parents. Even if we don’t know how much Wasuke knew about what happened, he lost the chance to have any clue to understand that everything that he is going through is not just coincidence. And he probably did because it was a painful conversation and he avoided it.
-His resolution to give dignified death to others. That is more a copy mechanism to him than a real life goal. He went to a dead end with that.
As he is too young to understand what is going on he is following other people's lead. Doing the best he can in the middle of the mess. So, Yuji is not a protagonist that can and actually solve everything.
JJK as a shonen seems to want to reverse the idea of saving others, of heroism. In regular shonen, the possibility to save others depends on the will of heroes to do the effort to accomplish such a goal. But this idea of salvation is too short. Is salvation surviving only? In JJK salvation is not just surviving and for the same reason the possibility of saving others doesn’t only reside in the strength to rescue others from deadly circumstances. Thereby, Satoru can stop Yuji and Yuta executions, but can’t save them. Yuta found his salvations as he was able to deal with Rika’s curse. Yuji is still in danger. It depends if he can die in peace with his resolutions and everything he went through. In Suguru’s case, Satoru wasn’t able to save him. So, salvation can mean much more than just surviving another day. Thereby, what is a hero?
In JJK heroism it is not single attached to the idea of saving others (because it doesn't always depend on the hero) but to a system of values. Hero/heroine is the person who stands for the good things. That takes us to the villains.
In JJK villains are not just some people who want to do bad things, but everything that opposes what is good. That is how we can think in the social structures of jujutsu society like some kind of villains. Our heroes resist and fight against them as they are victims of it. With such complicated villains we are faced with the idea that winning is not a matter of a final fight. World problems don't get solved in a fight against the final boss.
Why do I love Yuji? Because it is so easy to sympathize with him. He doesn't have grand speeches to which bore us before each fight like other shonen protagonists (“I used to be like you and etc”). He is just a boy. It’s possible to recognize in him all the violence of the villains and thereby feel empathy for him. Just a regular person doing his best in a terrible situation, too young, too innocent. Even living his own tragedy he doesn’t dramatize his life, maybe as a way to carry on. And not being overdramatic is a great aspect of him, since Evangelion came out most of the young protagonists are bad copy paste of Shinji.
Sorry if the ideas are not fully elaborate, something like this requires more time to write. To end I will say that no Yuji or Yuta are the protagonists of this story, Satoru is.
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bestwrestleralivetm · 3 years
I lost to Yuta last night, but I got to scissor SO many people!
So who's the REAL winner here? 🤔
#MicDrop 🎤⬇️💥
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thetypingpup · 2 years
ok i have a soft spot for jason todd/red hood so this development with the state of yuta's morality towards supervillains feels familiar (though his motivations and background are COMPLETELY different and yuta does value one life above others, even though i'm sure he sees eliminating the villains as a common good as well. i'd like to think his personality is still at the core similar to irl, just with the differences brought on by the obsessive traits)
it's the way i had The Red Hood movie playing in my head as i'm coming up with these characterizations that's my FAVORITE dc animated movie like omg. i thought about it and honestly, he doesn't care nearly as much as jason todd did. jason at least believed in the greater good and that his way was the real way to make a difference. yuta could truly care less about the battle btw good and evil. he just so happened to get caught in the cross fire bc the one he loves is right in the middle of that fight. he'd think of it as an objectively good thing, but in his mind all he's doing is just getting rid of people who could take you away from him, so is that the right reason or not? does his reason really matter if his overall effect is good? 🤔
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m1ckeyb3rry · 26 days
You’re fr doing us all a favor by writing about deconstructed popular tropes I LIVE for it!! I’m crying don’t remind me abt hollyhock Karasu or else I’m gonna start swerving again and I’m gonna forgot that otoya is the male lead
I loved the pi ending I feel like the balance of bittersweet was just right with all the tragedies that happened along the way plus Yuta losing his ce
You’re cooking too well with oaeu the ideas are genius but I’m DYING THE KARASU ONE??? LMFQOOOO HOW TO BECOME A HOMEWRECKER 101 “aiku is so experienced with that” is BRUTAL HAHAAH so true though I’m so excited!!!!
All hail irl tullia counterpart!!! Tell her Karasu nation (and bllk and jjk community too) owe her one for getting you to post your writing omg but I’m actually crying and laughing so fucking hard the epigraph is too good
I love chigiri bestie content….actually I love chigiri content in general too but he also just fits so well in a best friend role too!! I’m crying maybe the peregrine Nagi was the friends (reo) we made along the way LMAOO it’s ok what’s a good long Nagi fic without reo meddling in the storyline
DHDGSHS it’s ok…trust it’s coming soon!! Im pissing myself WHAT is that edit the first pic of Rin as Sukuna has me rofl wtf (yeah what’s sad is how his face card is giving more than wtvs going on in the current match smh) WHAT IN THE TARGETED AUDIENCE?!?! Bro I need more yotd on my fyp now that you’ve shown me this but omggggg also I’ve been Lowk kinda obsessed with the song they used something about the harmonies hits hard but that’s besides the point erm anyways. ok but like…….strike while the iron is hot yk…don’t wanna lost the motivation for these fire ideas…yk…..having inspiration and motivation while writing truly brings out the best flavors so I meaannnnnn whatever works yk! That’s true though I thought both of those slapped I wouldn’t have guessed that you weren’t working with any inspo for those at all
DISCORD KITTEN HAHAHAAH REAL new idea for the bllkverse is bllk gaming/streamer/youtube era I’ve seen fanart of people drawing the characters over some iconic meme YouTube videos and they’re so funny
SAMEEEE epinagi is actually serving us starving children because speaking of DID YOU SEE THE CH?? I love you epinagi thank you for the meal and delicious panels of the characters we don’t see in the main series
- Karasu anon
DECONSTRUCTING POPULAR TROPES IS SO MUCH FUNN!!! LMAOO omg that’s so real though like yes otoya is the male lead…but karasu…🥹😩😓
agreed i think it felt satisfying because it’s not like a disney-esque happily ever after ending where everyone is happy and alive it’s more of a “making the best with what we’ve got” type of deal where things aren’t perfect but at least they have each other and they can kind of rebuild a new life?? like there’s a hint of hopefulness even though they’ve lost sm
LMAOAOAO IT’S LITERALLY AIKU GIVING KARASU LESSONS ON HOW TO RUIN A RELATIONSHIP now ofc normally karasu would never be a homewrecker but like…is it homeWRECKING if the home is already in shambles 🤔
irl tullia counterpart is fr the goat we owe so much to her 🤩 THE OAEU EPIGRAPH IS SO GOOD definitely my best work…yk aiku has the most devious grin on his face while saying that meanwhile niko’s just like 😐
FJSNDJS considering the current point that we’re at in the story is reo trying to get reader to be his friend it really is just all abt reo rn 😭 but reo slays we love him it rlly isn’t a nagi story if he doesn’t play a massive role!! and at least i’m not making him all psycho or a freak or smth…chigiri content always slays truly he has no better role than as a bestie imo
OKAY WAIT QUESTION DOES TIK TOK SHOW YOU MY ACCT WHEN I SEND THIS VIDEOS TO YOU??? I JUST LEARNED IT DOES THAT SOMETIMES LMAOAAO DO YK MY FULL GOVERNMENT NAME AND EVERYTHING I’M CRYING this actually is freaking me out i turned the option off so nobody will get my acct suggested to them in the future but i’m terrified at how many people have already seen it…genuinely sickening to think about…i’m like actually so paranoid about people from irl finding me online and vice versa so this is stressing me out so much 😓 i don’t rlly mind if you know because we’re besties so i would literally give you my socials and not care but like random people on tumblr 😰 ick ick ICK
THE RIN AND SUKUNA EDIT HAD ME CRYING IT’S SO RANDOM 😭😭😭 but agreed his face card serves more in the edit than it has in the entire pxg vs bm match 😓 anyways AHHH YES YONA EDITS i have so many shinah edits saved i think i ended up rewatching them because i was searching for audios so my fyp remembered that i love yotd and put the edit on my fyp!! and agreed that song is rlly good the way their voices blend together is so nice (bruno mars is insanely talented but he drops songs once in a blue moon so people always forget that i feel)
EEK that’s my thing i don’t want to put the oaeu off for so long that i stop caring abt it 😓 so i think i might just start it and post and honestly it is what it is…people have waited this long they can wait a couple days more…i’ve posted a lot of request stuff recently i think so everyone will just have to be okay with me taking my time 😩
I LOVEE WHEN PEOPLE MAKE MODERN MEMES AS CHARACTERS FROM MEDIA it always slaps…it’s like smaus but actually done properly instead of butchering the characters beyond belief
I DIDDD I JUST READ IT AND OMG KIYORA CONTENT??? truly aligned w the miraverse there also the way karasu is all “we’ll fight meatheads with meatheads 🥱 so here’s the ball kiyora 😋” VILLAINOUS LMAOAOA also nagi looked extra majestic fsr…and zantetsu having literal train aura was so randomly funny to me because everyone else has cool animals and motifs and shit (chigiri + panther, barou + lion, kaiser + roses/thorns) meanwhile zantetsu is just a literal bullet train 😭 he’s so goofy i hope he has a moment in pxg vs bm i miss him
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 5 years
How should I learn all of the NCT's names? And what should I learn to be in the fandom? I really want to but get confused all of the time
When I’m finding it difficult to remember who’s who in a band I try and attach one or two facts/memories/thoughts to a member, so each has a specific place in my mind, so for NCT 127:
D is for Doyoung
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Things I remember about Doyoung:
Sexy af
player af
king of my heart my god i love doyoung so muccccch!!!!
voice of an angel
mad fan service skills
no boyfriends like doyoung!
doyoungs moving castle
his X move !!! his goddamn x move !!!! please stop with the x move you prick!!!
Did us proud on King of Masked Singer havana dance in my lap you jerk
H is for Haechan
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Things I remember about Haechan
our baby full sun 🍼☀️
sweet and caring when allowed to be 
also the devil incarnate
like, school of baekhyun & key levels of evil
ridiculously talented (like, even in maknae only standings, hae is insane)
too smart for his own good
sassy af
that scarf
hopping out casket fresh
looking like a fashion show
has only just (like this fucking week) matured in appearance and all us NCT noonas are DISTRAUGHT!!!! BRING BACK OUR BABY
J is for Jungwoo
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Things I remember about Jungwoo
My precious baby and only child 🙏🏻
Sweet voice
Cute choreo
No not the Superhuman hair thank you
also Taemin’s clone/child
Dressed as Rose / lowkey romanced his entire band
NCT Recording Diaries 🥺
Soft for everyone
J is also for Jaehyun
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Things I remember about Jaehyun
definitely not @feedmeramyun​‘s nct 127 bias
the full and complete execution of sm’s decades-long prince line experiment™️
…as in he was made in a lab!!!
knows his worth
…as in, he’s a show off
walks with cheese
the biggest baby daddy dom in nct 127
J is also for Johnny Seo
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Things I remember about Johnny
our resident hot jock boy
tall af
sometimes thick af (in both senses)
one slick thrust
loves to laugh
perpetually making this face: 🤔
he was a skater boy
M is for Mark Lee
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Things I remember about Mark Lee:
Baby Lay Zhang in the making.
T is for Taeyong
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Things I remember about Taeyong:
my soft boi 🍦
mad starcraft skills
sparkly chair dance
bedtime vlives
white t shirt aesthetic
suited prince in bed
soft for doyoung
put him in soft hair and dance with him down the pier ✨
T is also for Taeil
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Things I remember about Taeil
lowkey sexy as fuck daddy in the making / school of suho vocal line
voice of a god
those high notes??
dropped out for nct 👏🏻
butch lesbian realness
zodiac prince
underrated in all senses
W is for WinWin
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Things I remember about Winwin
Never gets enough time
Never gets enough lines
did an AMAZING dance with Ten
Never gets enough time
Never gets enough lines
Y is for Yuta
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Things I remember about Yuta
Our Japanese flower 🌸
Those eyes
So soft for everyone
That goddamn transformer move in Regular
That goddamn breakdown in Superhuman
His goddamn hair at any and all times
Hope that helps!!! 
Ask me Anything!
PS. Also you don’t need to learn anything to be in the fandom! Have a listen! Have a watch! Try and learn their names and pick a bias! Congrats! You’re a fan! 
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hwajoongie · 3 years
what would be your dream khiphop/kpop/etc collabs? xx
God this is a QUESTION uhhhh
I think kid milli x woodz would be like. SO sexy even tho i cannot imagine what that would even sound like. I know we already got milli with taemin but I wish we got to see them interact like... what did they talk abt 😐😐
It's literally never ever going 2 happen but I want Yuta (just yuta) to collab with Miyavi because I want jrock yuta SO BAD
jo gwangil x woo wonjae 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
jo gwangil x kid milli, id sink to the bottom of lake baikal for real
changmo loves red velvet so much I think they should definitely collab sjfjjrntjsjfjdnf
maybe like,,, tabber with thama 😦 o shit. tabber with kid milli when it's not a smtm song (Reset ily tho)
this is a hard question tbh cause like.. khh artists collab SO MUCH that most of the pairings I could even think of have already happened, and I just can't imagine kpop/khh collabs like I know we've gotten bewhy with taemin and baekhyun with loco changmo AND beenzino, but my brain could not conjure up a pairing like that on its own 😭😭😭
I think a sunmi collab with a khh artist would be hot but like... with WHOM 🤔🤔🤔
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