#But eventually his heart makes sense of it all and he chooses not to marry topanga and wants to figure things out with shawn
dekariosclan · 1 month
Attention Galemancers: Gale thinks you are wonderful
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In celebration of Galemancer week, this post is dedicated to all my fellow wizard-lovers 💜
We’ve talked plenty about how much we love Gale—but in this post I want to talk about how Gale Dekarios loves us, too. Very, very much.
From Astarion-to-Gale pipeliners, to the gamers who played BG3 not intending to romance anyone, to players who thought they’d just play the game casually and mayyybe smooch the hunky Druid elf guy or hot fiery lady, we all played BG3 thinking we had a pretty clear idea of how it was going to go—only to find ourselves rizzed by the wizard.
But we didn’t just choose Gale—Gale chose us.
Remember, Tav does not initiate the romance; Gale has to choose to start the weave scene. So if you’re reading this and you’re a Galemancer, it’s because Gale wanted you to be one.
That’s right Galemancers: Your Pixel Husband©️ took one look at you/your Tav, liked you immediately, and told the other romanceable companions, ‘I beg your pardon, this one is mine.’ The rest is history.
Gale loves us just as much as we love him—and this goes for ALL GALEMANCERS, no matter how your romance went:
Did you go into the game already liking Gale and actively wanting your Tav to romance him? Then Gale applauds your excellent taste. It’s one of the many reasons he chose you! To like so many things about him, and right from the start…he thinks your generosity is quite wonderful.
Did your Tav choose another companion first, and only romance Gale later on/during a second play through? No matter. He knew that you would come to your senses eventually! (just like he’s sure Minthara will appreciate him at some point…) He just had to be patient. It’s fine; you were worth the wait, after all.
Did you get Sneaky God Gale and have to re-do your run/start a new one to get your human proposal ending? Gale knew from the start that you were special—and that you would love him enough to replay the game and fix any bad outcomes. He knew you would do whatever was necessary to correct his path so he could marry you! Seeing you do all that for him…well…it only makes him want you more.
Did you encourage Gale to become a God & have him ascend your Tav, too? Then GodGale is beyond thrilled he chose you. Like he says in the human epilogue: ‘I could spend an eternity in your company.’ Now he can finally do that! (One small request—please keep his ambition in check, but do allow him to continue to troll Raphael as often as he likes.)
Did you romance Gale, but have your Tav go to Avernus with Karlach to help her? Gale always knew you had a heart of gold, and that’s one of the reasons he chose you. A little distance & time won’t hurt a bond like yours—and he’ll have his hearth & home waiting for your return.
Did you read online guides to do Gale’s & Tav’s romance correctly and get the ending you wanted from the start? What divine calculus plucked you from the heavens and thrust you into Gale’s arms? He knew you were studious and detail-oriented from the moment he met you, which is why he chose you! To know you studied so hard in order to get a good ending for him…none have loved him so purely before.
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In short: Gale Dekarios doesn’t toss the ‘L’ word around lightly. He only picks someone to be a Galemancer if he truly thinks they are wonderful—and that’s not just anyone.
In conclusion: Galemancers, you are wonderful!
Now go enjoy the rest of this week with your well-earned and well-deserved pixel wizard—who chose you 💜
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thatrandomidiot182 · 2 months
Pt. 2! This might be a bit vague and confusing so I might come back and edit it, but my internet is being super spotty and slow but I hate cliffhangers!!
Continuing on with Velaryon! Reader who...
Has spent her whole life preparing for a succession everyone told her she'd have, (Queen/Lady).
Everyone told her that Driftmark was her birthright, that she'd be one to ascend the Driftwood throne and rule. That, unless she willingly gave up the title, it was assured hers.
They said if she did choose otherwise, an even greater title would surely be hers. After all, no other girl has proven themselves quite as capable, or deserving, of being the future queen as she.
It was guaranteed she'd be titled sooner or later.
It was fate, that she'd be a gracious, caring, benevolent ruler at some point.
It was supposed to be her.
Yet, in one thirty-minute meeting, all of that was taken away from her.
Her birthright, her inheritance, her future, her throne, gone.
All instead given to a bastard.
A bastard, who has no knowledge of ships, or the sea, or anything about politics.
A boy, of fire and blood.
Whereas she, pure salt and sea, has been groomed for it her entire life.
Readers so furious. Like, body numbing, ear ringing, jaw clenching, blood drawing furious.
For once, she agrees with Vaemond.
The king had no right to declare the heir of Driftmark.
Alas, she's far more in control of her emotions than her uncle.
Aemond is just as angry as her. Lucerys took his eye, and now takes his wifes birthright away from her! That just won't do...
Aemond is the only one who knows how much Reader has sacrificed and gave to make herself worthy. How much she's suffered and endured just to gain her parents' approval. All the dreams she's pushed aside, opportunities she's lost, blood she's shed. He's been right next to her all throughout her journey, so of course, he's the only one who ever truly understands her. (Man is rlly delulu but it's kinda.... 😍)
He also sees this as an opportunity. Now that she's lost everything, she's more likely to go along with his plans, seeing as she does not have many other options.
Jace is flabbergasted. Appalled, disgusted, and terrified. Does this mean he can't marry Reader? Why couldn't Rhaenys just announce their engagement instead? It would've made sense. Everyone knows she was going to marry him eventually, so where did Baela come from? Was his mother keeping something from him? Was this Daemons doing!?
Yeah, he's taken so off guard, but he's also wary of Readers' next actions. He knows of her ambition, and he knows how far she's willing to go for it (no he doesn't) and he knows she already dislikes Luke bc of Aemond. He's really conflicted.
Rhaenys has had enough of Readers' indecisiveness and decides to make the choice for her. In her mind, the worst case scenario, is that Reader was going to choose Jace, and they end up marrying the boy to two women.
Best case scenario is that Viserys accepts Rhaena and Baela as 'the great unification' instead and allows Reader to marry anyone she wants. Anyone besides Aemond.
(Bad parenting on her part)
Reader is pissed, sad, and panicking, so what does she do?
She goes to Rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra, who has always pursued her heart over anything else.
Rhaenyra, who has consistently pushed aside duty and perception for love.
Rhaenyra, who is her last shot at securing the iron throne.
Reader approaches Rhaenyra in private and breaks down. She begs Rhaenyra to wed her to Jace alongside Baela.
She loves Jace! She's always loved him, but never had the opportunity to inform anyone of her feelings (which is true tbf). She's fine being a second wife as long as she gets to spend the rest of her life with him.
She really sells it. Kneeling, tears, snot, the whole nine yards.
Rhaenyra believes it. She has seen how much her son cares for Reader and mourns the future that could have been. However, she's hesitant to go against Rhaenys. She trusted the older woman to help her and her sons, and she did. So she must have had a good reason not to announce Reader and Jace rather than Baela and Jace.
"I am afraid it is not my decision to make."
"You will be queen one day, if you speak it, my parents will have no choice but to heed your wishes."
Rhaenyra is torn, but in the end, she prioritizes her children above anything.
"I will ask your mother to reconsider once the dust has settled, whatever choice she makes will be final."
"If you do not command it, she will never reconsider! The longer we wait, the more people will know and if that happens, it'll never be accepted!"
"I am truly sorry."
Oooooh now Rhaenyra is on Readers shit list.
So, Reader feels backed into a corner. She's hurt, angry, embarrassed, and ashamed. She feels as if she's lost everything, all within the span of a few hours.
Then, Aemond visits her. He comes to her with open arms and sweet words. He kneels before her and proclaims his love and devotion and his desire to make her Queen.
Reader is so angry at Rhaenyra and her parents that she allows herself to believe his honeyed words and sweet smile. She loves him as much as she loves Jace, so it's not a total loss. Besides, Aemond has proven himself willing to do anything for her.
She announces their engagement that night at the dinner table.
Viserys is stoked. Three engagements in a day!!
Otto and Alicent are also happy. Otto just thinks this has been a long time coming, and Alicent is relieved to finally have Aemond off of her plate. (These two have no idea what's coming 💀)
Rhaenyra is flabbergasted. Literally, like an hour before, Reader was begging to marry her son, and now this???
Jace is utterly heartbroken. He understands that realistically, it was inevitable, considering he was now betrothed to another, but the pain was the same nonetheless.
Rhaenys is pissed. She did all this to avoid Reader marrying Aemond, and she turns around and does it anyway!?! She can't speak up though because it makes her appear weak and not in control, and she'd never willingly show that to anyone, much less with Daemon present.
Luke is terrified, his two worst enemies are now engaged!?
Helaena is so excited to have Reader as a sister in law!! Her dreams have shown her great things about this marriage. She makes sure to include Reader in her toast as well lol.
Aegon finds it hilarious. The two dragonless Targaryen's getting married, ha! (He'll regret laughing later lol)
Daemon is unnerved. He's probably the only one who sees the marriage as what it actually is. A power move. One unseen by anyone but him. Though he'd never admit it, he was sure he could handle Aemond or Reader alone, but together? Together, they might just be unstoppable...
That night was the last time Reader danced with Jace before the war.
Aemonds toast was unexpected, but Reader felt it was justified and even broke Baelas nose when her niece got up to help Luke and Jace.
Jace was astonished.
Aemond had a sexual awakening lmaoo.
The night King Viserys dies, a shadow flies above kings landing, quickly followed by a terrible storm.
The next day, during the search for Aegon, Reader approaches Otto, and offers a backup plan.
She knows that all he truly wants is a puppet, that he has no care about 'rightful' heirs, which is why they chose to be so insistent on Aegon being crowned.
She also knows how much Aegon despises the thought of ruling.
They both know that Aemond would do anything for the crown.
But only she knows that he'd do anything for her.
So she proposes a deal. Should Aegon falter, it would be best to replace him with Aemond.
A war is inevitable, and they both know that, despite his temper, Aemond would be far more likely to win against Rhaenyra and Daemon than Aegon has any hope of.
Aemond is also as loyal as a hound to his beloved, and if Otto agrees to crown him, Reader would ensure that Aemond heeds his grandfathers every wish for as long as he lives...
Otto hesitates. He has come to see the kind of woman Reader is and has no reason to believe that she would lie. He agrees with everything she says, as it is all the truth. He also sees her as another pawn he could utilize as he believes she respects him and listens to him well. (🤡)
He accepts her proposal but insists that Aegon be King for as long as rationally possible. After all, it was Viserys' dying wish to crown him so it wouldn't look great to immediately replace him. He also reminds Reader of Alicents loyalty to Viserys and his wishes.
Reader isn't very happy with the deal, but accepts it nonetheless. She's waited this long right?
In the meantime, she swears loyalty to the greens.
Aemond is surprised to hear of this deal, but is elated at how much easier this would make their succession. He's so impressed and in awe of Reader!!
Rhaenys and Erryk attempt to take Reader with them to Dragonstone, but she vehemently refuses.
"You have humiliated me countless times. Ruined my childhood and painted false images of honor and glory in my head only to whisk it all away without a second thought!! Now, you ridicule me for choosing the only person who has ever truly loved me? Scorn and curse me for not bowing down to the mutts who took MY birthright from me!?! You speak of honor and oaths... You are nothing more than a hypocrite."
Rhaenys is gutted. She finally sees how big she fucked up. Still, it's not like she can do much so she leaves without her, swearing to come back for her once she 'sees the truth.'
Thus, Aegon is crowned king, and the Reader chases Rhaenys out of kings landing on the back of a huge black dragon.
Ideally, and in my head, its Balerion. The parallels of Vhaegar and Balerion being the previous dragons of Visenya and The Conquerer and now Aemond and Reader are too compelling!! If you prefer to be a bit more canon compliant, I also can see her claiming a son of Vhaegar and Balerion, hatched during the conquest and hidden away. Maybe Vhaegar leads him to Reader cuz she feels a war is coming.
The smallfolk see it as a sign. Since they love Reader so much, they view her obtaining a dragon in such a time as a promise that she is destined for greatness. In the light of the battle for succession, word flits about the people of kings landing that perhaps it is time for a change. Perhaps Reader and her Husband should sit the Iron Throne. After all, they ride dragons from the days of the conqueror, and have shown much more care and compassion for the true good of the realm than either Aegon or Rhaenyra.
Corlys and Rhaenys mourn the relationship they ruined with their only daughter. Corlys' only requirement to swear to Rhaenyra is that his daughter be spared, no matter what happens. Rhaenys and Jace back him up. Rhaenyra agrees. (They're all delulu and believe Aemond has bewitched her or manipulated her in some way)
Reader uses the time between Aegons coronation and Lucerys' death to bond and train with her dragon. While Aemond was sent to deal with Lord Borros, offering gold and slaves, Reader flew to Driftmark and rallied a good portion of sailors and soldiers. She has a good reputation amongst the people of her home, and many of them refused to live under and serve Lucerys when she was their one true ruler.
When Aemond returns to kings landing with the news of Luke's death, Reader is disappointed and vexed.
She wasn't mad that he killed Lucerys, but because he did so at the worst time. Otto was bound to see this major fuckup and completely reconsider their deal.
Aemond is so upset bc he disappointed her.
Jace is now resolved to 'save' Reader from Aemond, if he killed Luke what's stopping him from killing her??
Reader now has to work to save Aemonds reputation. Not only is he 'deformed' but now he's a kinslayer! Any claim he has to the throne is dwindling the more he acts.
She also has to figure out how to deal with Alicent.
And find a way to get Helaena and her children out of the keep before all hell breaks loose.
Okay, officially, the end of season 1! Season 2 might take me a bit longer to write because there's a lot more to figure out. Also, I like how this was originally supposed to be a vague outline and just fleshed into a whole rant, lol. I'm kind of forcing myself to finish this format bc I really want to write more in depth one-shots showing some scenes but I can't until I finish posting these.
Idk what to call these. It's not a full fic, it's not really headcanons either...
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
Hello how are you?
you could write Aemond offending Y/n in a moment of rage but he regrets it and asks for forgiveness
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Warnings: Angst, eventual fluff. Word count: ~1700
She breathes a withering sigh as her hand strokes the cold, empty space in the bed next to her. It is now the eighth night in a row that Aemond has not come to bed when she has. Sad as it is to admit, she is becoming used to falling asleep alone. 
She knows that Aemond always joins her eventually; even in sleep her subconscious mind registers the dip in the mattress as he climbs in beside her at whatever godforsaken hour he has finally finished his crown duties. But then when she wakes in the morning he is gone again, rising before her to get a head start on the day. All that lingers of him is his scent and the subtle warmth of his body on the sheets. Both are long gone by the time night falls again. She misses her husband.
Deciding that she can take no more of her and Aemond being passing ships in the night, she slips out of bed and pads barefoot to the library, the space she knows he is now spending all of his evenings, evenings he used to spend with her. Her hair is loose and she is dressed only in her nightgown but she doesn't care; the hour is late and there is no one around to see her.
She pushes the heavy wooden doors open - not all the way - just enough for her to slip through the gap without causing too much of a draught or a disturbance. There he sits, her husband Aemond. His eyepatch is discarded on the table next to him, his hair though still in its usual half up, half down style is disheveled - the likely result of how many times he has run his hand over it in exasperation. He is hunched over a table littered with scrolls, furiously scribbling notes as his good eye occasionally flickers towards the papers spread out around him. He does not even register her presence.
“Aemond…” she whispers, causing his head to finally rise from his note taking as he looks towards her, his brow furrowing with concern.
“What is the matter, my love?” He asks. “You ought to be asleep by now.”
“I am missing my husband.” She purrs, stepping behind him to rub his shoulders.
“Mmm. And the realm will miss its Prince Regent and Protector, while Aegon recovers, if I neglect my duties.” He says matter of factly.
“What about your husbandly duties?” She asks, rounding his chair to face him. “I have barely seen you in over a week. You are neglecting me.”
She can sense the irritation in the flare of his nostrils and the furrow of his brow as he looks upon her, but she hopes that she can win him around. She has always managed to in the past.
She moves to sit in Aemond’s lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and leaning in to whisper to him. “Can your wife not provide a welcome distraction, even for a moment?”
The force with which Aemond shoves her off of his lap plants her bottom firmly onto the cold flagstone floor. She stares up at him wide-eyed. If she had thought that action cruel then the words that tumble from her husband’s lips next are a death blow.
“I have no taste for your depravity.” His voice is cool, but his tone is spiteful. “If you wish to parade around the Keep like a common whore, and believe yourself more important than the Crown, then I believe you’ve married the wrong brother.”
She flinches, her heart constricting painfully as she scrambles to her feet.
Aemond’s face immediately softens, rising from his seat to reach for her but she backs away, a soft whimper escaping her with the force of which she is holding back her tears. She runs from him, throwing open the library doors and hurrying down the hallway.
She does not return to their shared marital bedchamber, choosing instead to retreat to her own. It is a room she has not entered since her and Aemond were wed. Neither of them ever felt the need to make use of their separate rooms following their wedding night, preferring to sleep together.
There is a coldness and an overbearing sense of emptiness in the air that serves only to deepen the ache in her chest. As she lays upon the now unfamiliar feeling bed the tears finally come; hot, salty and relentless.
There is a rational part of her that knows that Aemond does not mean what he said. He is under immense pressure at the moment and is struggling to juggle the responsibilities of being both a husband and a Prince Regent. His reaction was one of frustration at feeling backed into a corner. Duty has always weighed heavily upon his shoulders.
However, knowing all of this does little to remove the sting from his words or the pain in her heart. Perhaps she should have gotten dressed before seeking him out. Maybe he really doesn’t think they are suited for each other.
The thoughts swirl continuously around in her mind as her cries turn to sniffles, before she falls into a fitful, dreamless sleep.
For a few brief moments upon awakening the next day, she forgets, and all feels right in the world. Then the room swims into focus as she drifts fully into consciousness and she takes in her foreign surroundings. It is as though a large weight has suddenly been placed upon her chest and she groans, pulling the blankets up over her head as she curls in on herself. She cannot face the day today.
When her handmaidens enter her bedchamber, offering to help ready her for the day, she dismisses them. She claims she is not hungry when she is told that breakfast is being served. She remains curled in a ball, miserable thoughts consuming her mind and breaking her own heart. She wonders if Aemond feels as broken as she does. Somehow she doubts it.
As morning bleeds into afternoon, she finally rouses herself from her bed. The ceaseless rumbles of hunger in her stomach making it impossible for her to wallow any longer.
Taking in the lack of possessions in the room - she has moved almost everything to her marital chambers - she silently curses herself and wishes she hadn’t spent all morning sending away the various servants that had attempted to tend to her.
In only her nightgown, she makes the inelegant, but thankfully short, walk from her own rooms back to the ones she shares with Aemond, seeking clothing and perhaps a bath.
She freezes at the sight that meets her as she opens the door, her heart feels as though it has leapt into her throat. Aemond sits on the bed in a sorry state. His hair is untied and he is wearing only his undershirt and breeches. 
He looks up as she enters. It looks as though he has been crying. They stare at each other in silence for a few moments, neither one of them knowing quite what to say. Usually he is in council meetings at this hour of the day, she was not expecting to see him.
“I- I didn’t think you’d be here…” She finally confesses.
Aemond gives a small nod. “I have asked Grandsire to lead in my stead today. I said I was unwell.”
She has never felt so awkward or uncomfortable in her own husband’s presence before. She shifts from one foot to the other, keeping her hands clasped in front of her. “I…um…just came back to get something to wear. All of my clothes are here…at the moment.”
Aemond’s face twists in anguish at the last part of her statement. He rises from the bed, taking her hands in his. “Here is where they should stay. I am so very sorry, my love.”
Considering the heartache she has felt since leaving the library the previous night, she surprises herself when she doesn’t melt at Aemond’s words, instead she bristles with anger, yanking her hands away. “What you said, what you did to me, was terrible.”
Aemond bows his head slightly. “I know…I should never have said it. I did not mean it.”
“Then why did you say it?” She folds her arms across her chest, looking at him defiantly.
He sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. “It has not been easy for me these past few weeks. There is so much pressure on me, acting as Protector of the Realm. My duties pull me away from you. I am only able to hold you when you are sleeping. I feel like I am failing as a husband and when you confirmed that I am…I lost my temper. I am sorry, my love.”
“You aren’t failing as a husband, Aemond, you are just busy. All I wanted was a little of your attention.”
“I am trying. Everything I do is to make you proud. The thought of holding you when I return each night is what gets me through every tedious Council meeting.”
“You hold me?” She asks, a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips.
“Every night. Except last night. When I returned you weren’t here...” She glances over his shoulder to see that her pillows have been heaped onto Aemond’s side of the bed.
He follows her line of sight before turning back to her sheepishly. “They smelled like you…”
She huffs a small laugh and he looks at her hopefully.
“Do you forgive me?”
“I will work on it.” She says honestly. “You really hurt me, Aemond. I need you to remember I am your wife. Don’t treat me like an enemy. I am on your side.”
“I know. I never meant to make you feel like I thought otherwise. And I will spend every day proving to you that I am worthy of having you on my side.”
He steps forward cupping her cheeks and gently pressing his forehead to hers.
“We should get dressed, people will be wondering where we are.” she whispers. 
“No”, Aemond murmurs, “The realm has all of me every day, but today they will not have us.”
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dipperscavern · 14 days
stop dippy im blushing
can i do potion brewing: enemies to lovers with Robb? feel free to throw in some smut
congrats again💕💕
hi my love, absolutely!! i apologize so dearly for the length omg
so, let’s say you’re a lannister. cersei’s daughter, and traveling with jamie to (eventually) make your way to kingslanding. except you both get captured by robb & his army
even if robb has a lot of distaste for your house, or you specifically, he would not tolerate any mistreatment of you whatsoever. sure, he wasn’t as gentle with jamie as he could’ve been, but jamie wasn’t thoroughly mistreated. and neither shall you be.
robb would find himself visiting you more often then not, and be quite frustrated with himself, because he doesn’t just grow to tolerate your company — but enjoy it.
would have an internal pull, and would go a few days without visiting you sometimes. he’s fighting with his head and his heart, as he feels like he’s betraying his house
you find you enjoy not just robb’s company, but catelyns as well. the more you realize what house stark stands for, the more you start doubting your loyalty to your own last name.
if you’re the open-minded type, you and robb would have some really interesting conversations. hearing his side of the war, and how it actually started (compared to what your mother told you), and i think that’s when your loyalty switches (whether you know it or not)
you don’t sleep much that night, mind keeping you awake. you have some sense of faded loyalty to your house, but will it be blind? will you choose what you’ve been told to, or what is right?
when morning comes, you swear allegiance to house stark.
it would take a while for you to actually gain the trust of anyone. and you would stick by catelyn (and brienne) virtually all the time.
you would give advice to catelyn when you think it might help, keep your head down, and do any task assigned to you in a test of trust.
you’re kept very far away from jamie, and any request to see him is denied.
robb distances himself from you for a while, things with your loyalty too fresh to be seen “catering” to you.
but, eventually, fate decides to bring you back together. sneaking to the kitchens of the castle hosting robb and his army, and catching robb up late at night. he’s reminded how easy you are to speak to.
you’re trusted more as time goes on, and you and robb strike a sort of understanding. you both are desperate for someone that will listen to you, and your gazes keep finding the others lips — but none of it will ever be said aloud.
you’re by him & catelyns side as they find out about bran and rickon, and slowly, they begin to put their trust into you.
as their political situation worsens, talk of a betrothal begins to reach your ears.
you and robb have a conversation. he says he wished to marry for love, and you laugh. you tell him the only ones that marry for love are the lucky and the lowborn. but you also tell him that love can be developed over time, and he nods. you both have an understanding.
you’re given more responsibilities and they show their (almost) full trust in you as you and robb become betrothed (officially). you decide to be fully devoted to him, and one day visit your uncle, still bound in his chains.
you tell him the truth. about your shared house, about your mother, your grandsire, even jamie himself. and you tell him you’re wiping the lion-maned stain off your name. you tell him of the love once held for him and your mother, and you tell him goodbye.
he calls out for you, but not by name. “traitor,” he says — and you turn your back on him. he may rot.
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fqreverwinter · 4 months
“guilty as sin?”
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relationship: loki x fem!reader
summary: you were caged in a loveless marriage with thor. ever since you were little, you were in love with his brother. it was never meant to be, leaving you to dream about being with him instead.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of cheating
notes: this is (obviously) inspired by “guilty as sin?” by taylor swift!! i hate that this plot line always puts thor in this situation, but it’s too good not to write it :) also the “poem” mentioned at the end is actually lyrics from “the downtown lights” by the blue nile that is referenced in taylor’s song!!
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Before you took your first breath, you were already considered royalty, born to the closest Lord and Lady of the Throne of Asgard. Before you took your first step, you were promised to one of the sons of the Throne. It seemed like you had little say in your own life; never once did you get to pick out your own clothes, do your own makeup, make your own meals. You yearned for a sense of control in your life as soon as you understood what control was. Being locked in the cage of regality was the bane of your existence, but there was no getting around it.
To be fair, you loved your parents. Though they gave you little room to breathe, they always made sure you were happy and taken care of. They supplied you with plenty of books, plenty of journals, and other things to keep your dreary days in the palace occupied. You loved the king and queen, as well. Odin and Frigga viewed you as one of their own.
And as for the two princes— Well, they were your closest friends in the whole world. You grew up together, experiencing your firsts side-by-side. You couldn’t have dreamed of better partners in life than Thor and Loki. Your personality was a bit of both of them—the fiery spirit of Thor and the intellect of Loki. No matter who you were with, you always had a good time.
When the three of you became teenagers, feelings started to get in the mix. Your parents had warned you that you would eventually marry one of the brothers. In your mind, that meant you could choose, and you had no doubt who you would pick.
Thor was sweet to you. He always made sure that you had a good time, that you were treated as a gentle and precious woman. That’s not to say he wouldn’t want to battle or get muddy with you, but he would always make sure you had a glass of water and a fresh pair of clothes afterwards. You appreciated his kind gestures, and you noticed his conventionally attractive features.
But it wasn’t him you wanted.
Loki had stolen your heart since you first learned what love was. He was much quieter compared to his brother, but when he did speak, his words were so eloquent and thoughtful that you had no choice but to swoon. You would listen to him talk about his favorite books, his favorite spells—hell, even his favorite rocks if it meant watching his blue eyes glow and his slender fingers gesture as he spoke. He was your confidant, the one you told all your secrets to because you knew he would never betray you. His title meant nothing to you; you never saw him as the mischievous, devilish boy that everyone else saw. You saw his charm, his intelligence, his kindness, his imagination, his drive.
When you were both just teenagers, you were sat in one of the many courtyards of the palace. Loki was rambling about something his father said that ticked him off, but you were just watching him speak. Soon, you saw how frustrated he was. His shoulders slumped as he sighed, staring down at his feet. Your heart broke for him. In a moment of bravery, wanting to offer him comfort, you gently took his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder. He looked at you with surprise, but leaned back into you. Your heart was beating so fast when you eventually looked up at him. His big blue eyes stared back into yours, and he quickly closed the gap between your two lips.
That moment, you knew you were in love.
Then, two days later, your parents broke the news that you would begin a courtship with Thor.
See, when they said that you would marry one of the princes, they failed to tell you that it was the first-born prince. You never had a choice; there was never a chance of you marrying Loki. It shattered your heart.
After they told you, you ran to your room and slammed the door, locking it behind you. You flopped on your bed and screamed into your pillow. It was so unfair that you never got to make any choices in your own life. For once, you found an escape from the thick iron bars that your parents locked you in all your life. But as it turns out, you were never free from that enclosure.
Thor began your courtship with a giant bouquet of flowers and a pair of diamond earrings. Both gifts were thoughtful, but they did nothing to pull your heart away from Loki.
For the remainder of your teenage years, Thor did everything to impress you, to show how much he loved you. He would hold your hand on late night walks along the river. He would bring you new books that he thought you would enjoy. He would keep you close to him at formal affairs, introducing you as his beautiful future wife. The phrase made you cringe internally. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t love Thor. Sure, you had love for him—but you loved him as a brother, as the best friend that you grew up with. You never felt any romantic love for him.
In secret, you yearned for Loki. You thought about him at times when you should only have been thinking about Thor. At dinner, you sat next to your betrothed, but you snuck glances at his brother whenever you could. In the moments you were alone, you went out of your way to attempt to bump into him and strike up a conversation. You pictured him as the love interest in your novels.
But it seemed like Loki didn’t want anything to do with you.
Ever since you began your courtship with Thor, Loki became distant. Your long talks in the courtyards or late night chats in the library became fewer and far apart until they completely stopped. He didn’t smile at you in passing, send you a wave across the room, or send you small notes under your bedroom door. You didn’t understand it; you thought it was obvious you didn’t want to be with Thor. Why wouldn’t Loki take the hint?
But you were wrong.
Loki couldn’t stand to look at you anymore because he was also hopelessly in love with you. He, too, had been in love with you since you were little kids. Loki thought—no, knew—you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He wanted to be the one that you spent the rest of your life with, not his stupid brother. Every time he saw you, it broke his heart all over again.
Sure, he flirted with maidens and even brought a few back to his room. But he had the same thoughts as you—he saw your face in all of theirs; he dreamed that it was you when he was kissing them. They were nothing to him, just things to fill the ever-growing void in his heart.
He wanted to love you. He wanted to be the man that you deserved. He didn’t want to buy you flowers or gifts; he wanted to love and cherish you. He wanted to listen to your worries, celebrate you in your moments of joy, and talk to you in the way that only the two of you understood. Loki knew he was better for you than his brother could ever dream to be.
But Loki couldn’t tell you any of this. It would be breaking his brother’s trust. He did think about it, because what did the God of Mischief care about trust? But part of him knew that it would be breaking your trust as well, and that was something he could never bring himself to do.
On your wedding day, you felt nothing. Not even sadness or anger - just nothing. During the ceremony, you kept sneaking glances at Loki, but he never once looked up at you. Tears were welling up in your eyes, but you never let them slip.
During the reception, you managed to sneak away while Thor was busy chugging beers with his best friends. You went to one of the balconies in the main wing of the palace and leaned over the railing, staring out at the beautiful spring landscape of Asgard.
“I did not expect to see you out here, Princess,” a deep voice that you knew all too well muttered.
You sighed, “I needed some air. It was getting quite hot in the banquet hall.”
Loki stood beside you, grabbing on to the railing in the same way you were. You looked over at him, admiring how beautiful his face was up close. You were so attracted to him, his fair skin and bright blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. Your heart skipped a beat.
“I was always told that your wedding would be the happiest day of your life,” he said, finally looking at you. “But you don’t seem so thrilled.”
You shrugged. “The day is not quite how I pictured it.”
“How so?”
You looked back down at your hands.
“I just—I feel like I have never had a sense of control. All my life, I’ve been told what to wear, what to say, what to do, who to talk to… I have just been locked in this tight cage. I always thought that my love would be the one thing I could have control over. But as it turns out, I can’t even have that.”
“Do you not love my brother?”
You snapped your head back to Loki. He stared at you with a specific look, like he knew the answer to that question but was dying to hear you say it. You opened your mouth to answer, but you were cut off by a guard calling your name.
“Princess, Prince Thor has been looking for you. They are about to start the toasts.”
You nodded, adjusting your dress then walking towards him. You looked back to see Loki again, but he wasn’t looking back at you. Your heart broke again as you followed the guard back into the party.
The biggest change after your marriage was that everyone went from addressing you as Lady to Princess. Your feelings never changed; you still loved Loki and felt indifferent towards Thor.
Now, you shared a room with Thor. He would hold you in bed every night, trying to initiate some sort of moment for you two to share. Most nights, you said you were tired and brushed him off. On the nights you let him go further, you still just pictured Loki.
Your only solace was the fact that Thor started going on warrior missions to other realms. He would travel for days, sometimes weeks at a time to either serve as a diplomatic figure or a traveling soldier for different places throughout the cosmos. Those times were the only times you finally felt like yourself again. You got to sleep in your own bed, come and go as you please, and best of all, you didn’t have to worry about being physical with Thor.
Eventually, you cracked the wall that was put up between you and Loki. When Thor was gone, you spent nearly every day with him. It was almost like nothing had happened, no years were lost. You laughed and joked and told stories just like you did when you were kids. It did nothing but deepen your love for Loki, but at least you found some kind of relief for your longing.
Because in your twisted mind, these thoughts meant nothing; if you never took any action, never touched or felt Loki, you were not guilty of any betrayal.
One rainy night, the two of you were locked in the palace’s library, going through countless books of poetry from the different realms. You read them dramatically to each other, making the other laugh and laugh. When you reached a Midgardian book, you found a poem that especially struck a cord.
“Sometimes I walk away,” Loki began, propping one leg up on a couch while projecting his voice for the entire library to hear. You giggled as he continued.
“When all I really wanna do, is love and hold you tight. There is just one thing I can say, nobody…” he began trailing off, losing the excitement in his act.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, your smile running away from your face.
“Um…” he said quietly, not moving his gaze from the book in his hands. This was so unlike Loki; it was rare that he was at a loss for words.
“Sorry, it just caught me off guard,” he finally said, clearing his throat. He looked at you, his big blue eyes blown as he finished the line that he was stuck on.
“Nobody loves you this way.”
You stared at him, your heart skipping a beat when you realized why he stopped at that line. It resonated with your situation, the longing and dreaming that had gone on for years and years. You stood up, moving closer to Loki as his eyes never once left your face. You placed a hand gently on his chest as one of his wrapped around your waist. The two of you leaned in, ever-so close to the moment that you shared when you were merely teenagers.
“Princess!” one of your maidens called, sprinting towards you. You quickly stepped back from Loki as he did from you. The two of you acted like nothing ever happened as she approached you.
“Princess, it is well after midnight. You must head to your bedroom. You have breakfast with the Allmother tomorrow, remember?”
You nodded. “Yes, very well. Goodnight, Prince Loki.”
“Goodnight, Princess,” he replied, nodding his head at you.
You followed her towards the exit. You turned around once to see Loki, expecting him to ignore you like he usually did. But this time, he flashed you a smile and winked. Heat rose to your cheeks as you quickly spun back around, fighting the smile that was taking over your lips.
Once you got back to your bedroom, you closed the door quickly behind you, reminiscing on the moment you two almost shared. You giggled like you were a teenager again, spinning around before crashing into your bed. That night, you dreamt of a marriage with Loki, but this time happily instead of bittersweet.
But the next day, your husband returned, and this time bearing news that he would be back for a while. He embraced you excitedly, happy to be home with you. But you couldn’t feel worse. Thor being around meant Loki would go back to pretending like you didn’t exist.
The more time Thor spent around you, the more you wished to finish the moment you had with Loki. Those few seconds ate away at you like nothing you experienced before. You thought about it when you woke up, when you went to sleep, when you were alone in bed, imagining what it would have been like to finally have your lips against his again. You begged to be set free.
Some days, you really did consider throwing caution to the wind and knocking on Loki’s door. But every time you got close, nerves would take over and you quickly kept walking past. When you saw him in the hallways, you had the same temptations, but again he ignored your presence.
It only got worse with pressure from everyone around you to have a child with Thor. Your mother, your father, Queen Frigga, and even your husband pressed you about when you were finally going to start a family. The first anniversary of your marriage was nearing, and everyone said that it was time for you to produce the next line of royalty.
As a result, Thor tried to be physical more often. It became harder and harder for you to brush him off. Afterwards, he would roll over and fall asleep while you laid in bed restless.
One of those sleepless nights, you heard something rustle near your door. Curious, you gently stood up and walked over, finding a piece of paper that had been slid under your door. You checked to make sure Thor was still asleep then crept to your en-suite, softly closing the door and turning on the light. You read over the note, gasping when you realized what it was.
Through all these dreadful years, you were holding back the urge to cry. You felt like you were not allowed to cry. After all, you put yourself in this situation. You were the one that was not willing to let go of Loki. You were the one that dreamt of cheating on your husband with his brother. You were the bad person in every light of this situation. There was no reason for you to feel self-pity and let those tears fall.
But tonight, you finally let it happen. For that note was no regular note. No, rather it was a piece of paper torn from a book, annotated and signed by Loki, the Prince of Asgard, the God of Mischief and Lies, your true love.
And the note read the poem that you two had shared those few weeks ago. The poem that reignited your flame, that sealed your fate in the loveless cage forever.
Sometimes I walk away,
When all I really wanna do
Is love and hold you right.
There is just one thing I can say,
Nobody loves you this way.
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etherealphosphor · 1 year
Stay With Me, Please.
⟡ Contains: Dottore x Gn!Reader, Reader has an incurable disease, Reader is married to Dottore, Sfw, Angst, No happy ending, Death, Mentions of blood
⟡ Edited <3
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Dottore valued you above anything else in his life; you were his one real joy. Before he met you, his life had been dull and monotonous, the days almost seeming to blend together. Passing out at his desk after working too late into the night was a common occurrence back then. However, that wasn’t the case anymore, as his career was far from his biggest worry.
You, his lover and his number one priority, suffered from an incurable disease. That ailment caused your body to become fragile and weak, and as time went on, more and more of your strength was slipping away without any hope of recovery.
You coughed quite a bit, too; the sound made Dottore’s heart sink awfully every time he heard it. It was beyond painful for Dottore to see you in that state, and he tried his best to make life as easy as he could for you.
However, naturally, he did mess up on occasion. Although he promised to stay by your side every night and never to choose work over being next to you, he’d sometimes lose track of time. When that happened, you’d slowly walk step after step to the door of his office to ask him to come back to bed.
When he’d see you standing at the door, your legs shaking with the effort to keep standing, a wave of guilt would come crashing over him. Immediately, Dottore would drop all of his research and run to wrap you up in his arms, apologizing over and over for working as late as he did. 
You’d always put your arms around Dottore’s neck as he carried you, resting your head on his shoulder. Even just walking to his office drained you of all your energy. As you two reached the bedroom, Dottore gently set you down before laying down next to you and pulling you into his arms. 
He’d stroke your hair gently as you were lulled by his heartbeat, whispering to you about how much he loved you and how things would be okay. Only in those moments did you feel truly alright, as you almost forgot all about your debilitating sickness. If only things could stay the same way forever. 
As the months passed, your body only got weaker. Your hands shook any time you tried to use them, and when you walked, you’d only fall over. You could feel your time slipping away. You would die, and you could only wait for it to happen. Stuck in the same bed, day after day.
All you wished for was to become even a just a little bit stronger. To regain the strength in your hands so you could pick up a hobby or two would be a miracle. But as much as you wished for your disease to be gone, nothing would improve. 
Dottore could sense you were dying as well. Your cough had gotten worse as of late, and when he held you at night, your body was so fragile it was almost like glass. He was terrified he’d break you just by being beside you. 
He knew something had to be done. Dottore began working all day—and some nights—on a cure for your disease. Since you could no longer walk properly, you weren’t there to remind him to come to bed, and he’d get swept up in his experiments. 
On the nights he didn't end up by your side, you cried yourself to sleep, hugging your pillow for the comfort you were missing, until you eventually ran out of energy and passed out. You couldn’t let Dottore see you like this; you knew it would absolutely break his heart. 
Dottore hated being away from you all day, but he felt that if he put in enough effort, maybe he could find a breakthrough. Maybe he could save you if he tried his hardest. All the time he spent away from you would pay off once he was able to cure you, right?
This was the only time in his life that he was really, truly worried about anything. And he’d never say a word out loud, but this was also the first time he doubted his abilities on a subject. You were what brought him joy when nothing else did; you were his entire world. He couldn’t lose you. He needed to try everything in his power to keep you alive. 
One night, while you were lying in his embrace, you spoke slowly, your voice shaking. In recent times, you hadn’t been speaking much since your throat had begun to feel painful due to how much you had been coughing. 
His eyes widened; your tone sounded serious. "Yes, my love..? What is it? Also, please try not to speak too much; I know how much it has been hurting you."
"There’s no progress, is there? In the cure, I mean. Love, I think you should just drop it at this point." You said, coughing a little.
"What? Why would you suggest that? Don’t.. don’t you want to live?" Dottore stared at you with a worried look in his eyes. He didn’t like what you were suggesting at all.
"I do, darling.. I do, but I don’t have much time left as it is, and we both know that." You stared into those deep red eyes of his. When you first met him, you thought of them as quite unsettling, but now they were one of your favorite things about him.
Dottore ran his hand across your cheek, giving you a sympathetic gaze. "Just give me a while longer, okay? I promise you, I’ll make progress, just—"
You cut him off. "No, darling. If you keep trying to cure me, I’ll be gone before you know it. Just.. spend these last few months with me, okay? I just want to make every second last with you."
Dottore’s voice was filled with concern. "But then.. [Name], you’ll surely die; shouldn’t I at least try to save you? There’s still a chance; I’ve made a little progress—I just need more time, my love. Don’t give up yet."
You put your hand on his, the one that was already stroking your cheek. "Darling, I know it won’t work; I’ve already come to terms with that. I just need your company, that’s all. I can’t die without regrets if you stay in your lab all day."
Dottore tried to object again, saying, "I—[Name], we can still spend time together. I can set up a bed in my lab for you to rest in while I work; I promise you won’t be lonely again. I have to try to save you, don’t I? We’ll never know if we don’t try, [Name]."
You felt awful; you knew that you were all Dottore had, and telling him this was making the realization sink in: he was going to lose you. He had tried to deny it, ignoring it by working on a cure, but the truth was that you were dying, and there was nothing he could do about it.
"[Name].. please. Let me try it." Dottore begged you, his eyes shimmering with tears.
It hurt you to see him like that—it really did. But you couldn’t give in. If you did, you wouldn’t be able to spend your last days the way you wished. You knew Dottore was desperately holding on to hope; he was the smartest person you had ever met, so of course he already knew that his efforts were of no use.
"Dottore.." You reached out to stroke his hair, which was something that always calmed him down. "You know that it’s not going to work, right? You’re the one who’s been studying my disease for years now; there’s no way you don’t know."
A tear fell from Dottore’s eye, and it rolled down his cheek. A couple of years ago, Dottore practically didn’t even know how to cry. He was a stern man back then who showed no weakness. 
Nowadays, though, it was commonplace to see him with tears running down his face. Often times, he would lay his head on his desk in the middle of his research and let himself sob where nobody could hear him. Dottore never let you see him cry, as he didn’t wish to make you lose hope in finding a cure.
However, now that you had accepted your fate, silent tears flowed down his face. You tried wiping them away and saying gentle words to soothe him, but it seemed like nothing would calm him.
"I— I.. I don’t want to lose you, [Name]. There has to be another way, something.. anything. What can I do? I don’t want you to die. You’re my everything, [Name]. I can’t live without you. If only I could just switch our places.." Dottore’s voice was choked up, and he was speaking in between sobs.
"Dottore, my love, it’s okay. Please don’t worry so much. I still have a couple months left, maybe even a year. We’ll spend every minute together, and make the most out of what we have. That, or you can spend your time cooped up in your laboratory. How does the first option sound to you?" You continued to stroke his hair, speaking in a very comforting tone.
Dottore just nodded, tears still flowing down his face. He wanted to make you happy, but it was so hard to let go of his hope of saving you. Eventually, you and Dottore fell asleep together, with him holding you tightly. 
In the month following that conversation, Dottore reluctantly dropped his research on your disease to spend all of his time with you. Winter was soon approaching, and your condition was only getting considerably worse. Dottore could feel that you didn’t have as much time left as you thought you did. 
One day, Dottore woke up to the sound of your coughing. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, hunched over a little.
"Love..? What’s wrong?" Dottore asked, moving closer to you.
When you turned your head toward him, Dottore’s eyes went wide. Blood was dripping from your mouth.
"[Name], are you okay!?" Dottore took your face in his hands, gently wiping the blood off of it with his thumb.
"I’m alright, Dottore.. it doesn’t hurt too much." You assured him.
"I need to get you to my lab immediately." Dottore said, moving an arm around you to pick you up.
"Love, I’m not getting any better; there’s no need." You objected, but he scooped you up regardless.
"I didn’t say I was going to cure you, darling; I intend to get you some pain medication." Dottore explained, faking a calm tone as he walked.
Once you reached his lab, Dottore sat you down on the medical bed and began to look around the shelves for the correct medicine. Once he found it, he brought the little orange bottle back to you.
"Here, take one of these with water; it might hurt a little, but I promise you’ll feel better in the end." Dottore handed you a glass.
You quickly took the pill, wincing as the water touched your throat.
"Good, good.." Dottore said, distractedly. It seemed his mind was elsewhere at the moment, but you didn’t know exactly why. He snapped back into reality and went to pick you up again, saying, "I’ll take these pills with us."
Throughout the rest of the day, you coughed up small amounts of blood. The next day, it was more. And the day after that, still more. You could see it in Dottore’s eyes; you didn’t have long left to live. At night, Dottore silently cried while holding you in your sleep. He knew you’d leave him eventually; he always did, but not like this. Not this soon.
Another month passed, and now you could barely keep yourself awake. Dottore had to make sure you took your pills and that you didn’t choke on the blood you coughed up. Blood stained your white bedsheets, a constant reminder to Dottore that you had a couple of days left, at most. In the few minutes you were awake at any given moment, he had to tearfully tell you how much he loved you, or else he might never get another chance to.
You were so exhausted. Mentally and physically. At this point, you just wanted the pain to be over. At the same time, you wanted to cling to life, but archons, you were so tired. You drifted in and out of consciousness, almost to the point where you didn’t know what reality was anymore. All you knew was that tears flowed down your beloved husband’s face, and he was desperately trying to take care of you.
"Please drink your water; you’ll feel better, okay?" Dottore put the bottle to your lips, his voice shaking with sobs.
You just stared at him. You really didn't have the energy to drink water right then. However, you took little sips anyway, hoping that maybe he’d smile just a little bit.
"There you go, [Name].. that’s good.. drink some more. It’ll help you." Dottore spoke gently as you drifted off into sleep again. The last thing you saw was him trying to force a smile to encourage you through his endless tears.
Your dreams were all odd and terrifying, blending together into a chaotic mess. This made for restless sleep, contributing to your drowsiness and lack of energy.
The next time you woke up, it took a minute to make sense of where you were. However, once you remembered what was going on, you felt strangely calm. Blood flowed slowly from your mouth, making new stains on the sheets.
".. Dottore.." You managed to sputter out.
"Yes, my love?" Dottore said calmly, but inside he was quite surprised that you were speaking. He hadn’t heard your voice for a while now, due to your condition. 
"I love you, Dottore.." You smiled at him, blood still leaking from your mouth.
Dottore stroked your hair gently and cleaned the blood from your face. Tears still fell from his eyes, soaking into the fabric of your shirt. However, he smiled back to reassure you, his voice breaking. "I love you too, [Name], more than anything."
You gazed up into those deep red eyes of his. Oh, how you loved those eyes. "Can I have one more kiss?"
Dottore nodded. "Of course you can, my love."
Dottore gently tilted your chin up and leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to yours. Your lips tasted distinctly of blood, but that was the last thing he cared about. He hugged you closer to him, running his hands through your hair and kissing you passionately. Tears still flowed steadily down Dottore’s cheeks as he pulled away from you. He could feel your breathing getting slower.
"No.. no, don’t leave me now. [Name], hang on!" Dottore’s eyes went wide, and he spoke in a panicked tone.
You simply gave him the faintest of smiles, whispering again, "I love you, Dottore."
Dottore held your face in his hands, desperately willing you to stay alive. "No, no, no, no! Don’t give up! You’re all I have left; you can’t leave me now!"
However, he could feel your heartbeat slow. His tears were flowing down his face faster than ever. "Please, [Name]! I can’t take this, please!"
Dottore had his arms tightly around you, and so he knew exactly when you took your last breath. He knew there was nothing he could do now.
The sorrow was too much to bear, and Dottore began to scream in pain. "NO! PLEASE COME BACK, [NAME]! DON'T LEAVE ME! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! STAY WITH ME, PLEASE!"
That scream was the anguished scream of a man who had just lost everything he had left to live for. He buried his face in your chest and let out a wail of pure agony. 
You were gone, and you took everything Dottore loved with you.
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posletsvet · 1 year
I had another one of those thoughts that are bordering on slightly delusional.
Chances are it's already been pointed out by someone before me, but. How come Geto's body reacting to Gojo calling out to him was 'a first' for Kenjaku? Did they only ever choose those who happened to have no loved ones that would want their person back? But we have Itadori's parents, and they deeply loved each other and didn't stop loving till the very end. Is the bond between Satoru and Suguru really so strong as to surpass the one between a happily married couple? And then it sort of struck me that perhaps it's the first time Kenjaku so openly and directly violates their host body's will.
I like to entertain the thought that Kenjaku is not at all detached from human connections and emotion. While they are capable of seperating their conscious from the experience that comes along with the body they're inhabiting, this experience is still an intrinsic part of that body. All romanticization aside, one's personality is dictated by one's physiology. Our feelings are something biological, a network of interconnected structures and chemical levels within our bodies. Who we are is engraved upon our hearts, in a literal sense. To quote Kenjaku themself, 'The body is the soul, and the soul the body'. If it were otherwise, they probably wouldn't be able to mimic various people's personalities so accurately and convincingly as to fool their closest friends and family.
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So maybe Kenjaku does feel their host's lingering emotions and is to some degree influenced by its impulses. Maybe while in Kaori's body they did feel the love that remained in her for Jin, did feel the body's budding affection towards a child it gave birth to, did have some maternal instinct. But knowing full well those feelings are but a product of their current body, I imagine they have a far better grasp on them, too, and treat them as tools at their disposal, just sometimes indulging in what the body tells them to do. In Kaori's case, I think they could afford to go with the flow more. They felt the body's urges and responded by acting upon them -- because why not? They're an epitome of 'mess around and find out'.
With them taking over Geto's body, it's different. They're no longer eminence grise operating from the shadows, they've entered the game they'd been orchestrating for so long. Now they're truly proactive, and no longer being under disguise they're more themself than ever, too. And it directly contradicts with the person Geto is (or was). We do not yet know what Kenjaku's true intentions are, but it's unlikely they align with what Geto would want to put his mind to.
And Geto never wanted to do any harm to Gojo. In those ten years, never once did he make a move directly against him. Meanwhile it's an inherent part of Kenjaku's plans. So when it comes to it, Geto's very nature, those tiny glimpses of him still lingering somewhere within his body, cries out against it.
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Caring for people around him was Geto's defining trait, and his body still carries those attachments, that love. Responding to Gojo is an instinct his flesh still remembers. Trying to protect him is engraved upon Geto's muscle memory. Kenjaku's actions are essentially at odds with all that, so that puts the body and the soul in discord -- and they clash eventually, getting out a reaction from otherwise dormant and inanimate flesh. No wonder Kenjaku calls that poetic.
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christmascheeseballs · 2 months
Till Death Do Us Part - An Arthur Morgan x OC Story *Part One*
Content Warnings – Kidnapping, Death Threats, Micah Bell, Unplanned Pregnancy, Trauma, Angst, Character Deaths, Eventual Happy Ending (not in this part)
Word Count – 1.3k
Part One - 1.3k words (17th July 2024)
Part Two - 1.7k words (17th July 2024)
Part Three - 1.2k words (19th July 2024)
Authors Note – Some of you may have seen my desperate search for the fic I read years ago along a similar storyline to this. Despite constant searching, I never found it and am genuinely starting to think that it came to me in a dream. So here I am, writing a fic yet again. This will be my first fic since the days of Marvel One-shots over on Wattpad back in 2019, so sorry if I’m rusty!! This’ll either be 2 or 3 parts, should all be published within a week or so 😊
Also, can anyone let me know how to write masterlists/link fics? So that I can do the whole ‘part one here, part two here’ thing?
A quick introduction to the OC of this fic – Florence ‘Flo’ Morgan – 26 years old (1899, 34 in 1907). Married to Athur Morgan since the summer of 1896, and a part of the Van Der Linde Gang since 1885, as Florence Nelson, at 12 years of age. After spending her childhood growing up alongside young Arthur Morgan and John Marston, with Dutch and Hosea as her mentors and honorary parents, her and Arthur eventually became sweet on each other, choosing to court from 1890, learning that they were the loves of each others lives.
“Flo, please, go. I’m sorry” whispered Arthur, the both of you hidden just outside of the entrance to Beaver Hollow. A single tear slid down his cheek as he held your shaking hands, his cerulean eyes glistening with pure heartbreak.
You both knew the truth – the gang was well and truly at an end. It had been an unbelievable 19 years since you’d first found your place in this family of misfits, but the time had come. To make matters worse, you knew that you were to be continuing with life alone. Your husband, the sweet, strong, seemingly invincible man, was dying. And you knew it. He never told you, but he should have known by now that after 3 years of marriage, and even longer as simply clueless soulmates, you knew him better than he knew himself.
At your silence, Arthur gently pushed you towards your horse. A loyal mare, a sweet grey thoroughbred named Darcy. She had been a part of the gang since you and Arthur first developed your relationship, almost 10 years ago now. Sensing your wrecked emotions, she gently nuzzled the back of your neck, seemingly knowing exactly what Arthur was expecting you to do, and preparing herself for the long and emotionally draining ride ahead of her.
“Arthur, please. Let me come with you. We can do this together”, you sniffle, grabbing desperately at his hands once again. Even though you knew exactly what reality held for you, you still plead for a second chance, a glimmer of hope inside you that together, you could beat Micah and Dutch, and live out your happily ever after. In your heart, you knew that would never happen, so even going forward with the love of your life to inevitably die together would suffice your aching soul. Sure, it wasn’t the way you wanted it to go, but at least you’d be sticking to the promise of ‘till death do us part’.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I really am. But you know I can’t let you come. I need you to be safe”, he responded, holding onto your hands, squeezing them gently. “You have to be safe”. Taking your waist gently, Arthur lifted you into Darcy’s saddle, his arms as strong as ever for you, despite his developing weakness. He always found strength for you. You had no regrets in this relationship, or life in general, not really. But you wish Arthur could’ve brought himself to tell you the truth about his illness. You suppose he’d rather that you believe that he’d died in the inevitable fight against Micah and Dutch, not succumbing to a fatal illness. It was a pride thing, you guessed.
Holding back a sob, you settle in your saddle, your feet sliding instinctively into your stirrups. Arthur takes your hands once again, shaking palms sliding into yours, and stares into your eyes. His face says a thousand words, but instant he mutters four simple ones. And they mean so much more than usual.
“I love you, Florence.”
You lean down for a final kiss, pressing your forehead against his, trying to put the last 9 years of love and devotion into this last moment together. A sudden rustle from within the now mostly derelict camp makes Arthur break out of his trance, quickly bringing him back to reality. He reluctantly pulls himself away from you, giving you a final look and a bittersweet smile.
Arthur gives Darcy a final pat, thanking her for her years of loyalty to the both of you, and you gently spur her forward, encouraging her away from the camp, away from the danger, and away from the love of your life. As she falls into a gentle canter, you look behind you one last time, giving Arthur a wistful look as he turns around, readying himself for the oncoming fight.
2 months later
The last 8 weeks of your life had truly been the most traumatic time. But the morning you had just experienced made the whole thing a lot more real.
After the loss of your husband, you had managed to reunite with John, Abigail, and the others. While you were far from safe, it definitely felt a lot more relaxed than the past few months you had gone through. Although you were on the run from the law on a daily basis, you finally had managed to rid yourself of the constant fear of the gang literally killing each other. The remaining portion of the gang had managed to set up a small camp just north of Ambarino, in the state of Oregon. Constantly on the look out of people following you, it was far from relaxing, but felt like a paradise in comparison. If only Arthur was there to see it, you couldn’t help but think.
However, a new fear had come to head. Whilst you originally put the lack of your monthly bleeding down to stress, new symptoms had caused Abigail to start giving you knowing looks. Looks that you didn’t even understand, to begin with. But after a serious conversation, your condition was clear. Pregnancy. With the man who you became a widow to 2 months ago. Due to be born to a life of running, at least until the extensive bounty was off your head. The worst case scenario.
Curse your mind. Your overactive brain couldn’t help to focus on one small light in this dark, dark time. You were getting a part of him back. What if they had his eyes? His laugh? His dry sense of humor? His intense way of caring and loving for anyone that mattered?
If this didn’t make you feel guilty, you didn’t know what would. How could you be finding joy in this time? Knowing that your child would be doomed, and yet still feeling a sense of happiness in it? Knowing that you were to live a life of single parenthood, knowing that your Arthur would never get to even know that his child was ever even a thing?
While your future was terrifying, the chance of having a part of your love back healed a small part of you.
1 month later
As your stomach slowly began to swell, the inevitable change in your life started to dwell on you. Yet still, the only person to know the truth was Abigail. Dear, pure Abigail. You don’t think you could’ve done any of this without her. Her knowing looks and careful tone was all you needed to come to terms with your condition. Speaking of, you knew she was looking for you, knowing that the impossible conversation was long overdue.
As you sat by the edge of your measly lakeside camp in North Western Oregon, gently stroking your tiny bump, you heard Abigail heading towards you, turning to see her striding in your direction with purpose set in her face. “Florence, you ready?” she murmured as she sat down next to you, digging her heels into the sand as she turned to watch you intently.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose”, you sigh, the weight of the world sitting heavily on your shoulders. “What’s the plan?”
Whilst the plan was simple, it was far from ideal. In short, you’d leave. Find a little homestead in the west, with the money Arthur left for you, as far from West Elizabeth and the surrounding areas as possible, and settle down. When the baby has come, move somewhere more temperate, more permanent, and just make your life work. A heartbreaking, lonely life, but the only one that would work.
The second part of the plan was the part that broke you more. When leaving, you’d tell nobody. Abigail would act none the wiser, and not even John, your brother since a child, would know of your situation. Not Sadie, not Charles, not anyone. A life where you were doomed to merely exist as a mother, until luck eventually found its way to you. If that ever was to happen.
You had a week until the end of your life as you knew it.
Thank you so much for reading, please like, reblog and comment for part 2 <3
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 5 months
The Temptation Chapter 5
Summary: Father Barnes is devout, steadfast, and undeterred by flirtatious congregants.  So why does this fallen angel tempt him so?  You cannot serve two masters.  Will he choose God, or his heart? A short one! Priest!Bucky x curvy!reader Warnings: eventual smut; religion (yes it's a warning); mentions of past sexual assault
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Bucky was not the same after that night.  He went through the motions of his priesthood jobs, but his heart was no longer in it.  He was still calm and friendly, but the light in his eyes had disappeared when she walked away.  It had been four weeks when Father Richards pulled him aside one day for counsel.
“Father Barnes, you have not been yourself as of late,” he started, folding his hands in front of him.
“I’m sorry, Father.  I’ve just been feeling a bit…off,” Bucky hung his head in shame.
“Hm,” Father Richards tapped his fingers on his other hand.  “Would this have anything to do with Miss Y/L/N in your room a few weeks back?”
Bucky’s head lifted, his eyes wide as he stared at Father Richards.  “I…”
Father Richards gave him a soft smile.  “Yes, I know.  I was coming to talk to you about the plans for the donation from Constance Y/L/N when I saw her enter your room.”  
Bucky’s lips tightened as his eyes filled with tears.  “I’m sorry, Father.  I have no excuse for my actions.  If it’s any consolation, nothing too…scandalous happened.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, at least not to me,” Richards said.  Bucky gave him a wary look.  “I’m going to tell you something in confidence because I feel like I can trust you.  I’m sure you’ve heard rumors of some priests living more worldly lives outside of their priesthood?”  Bucky nodded.  “I happen to be one of them.  You know how I take a few specific days off during the month and certain weekends off altogether?”  Bucky blinked.  “Those are the days I go home to my wife and children.”
“Your wife?  Children?  Plural??” Bucky scoffed.  “How?  You’ve…”
“Made promises?  Covenants?  Yes yes,” Richards waved away his concerns.  “I also met a woman 27 years ago that I couldn’t live without.  She’s not my wife in any legal terms, unfortunately, so I could keep this job as senior priest.  But she’s my wife in every other sense of the word.  And she and my boys are the lights of my life,” he smiled adoringly.  “Johnny just finished college, and Ben just got married to his husband a few weeks ago.  They’re working on adopting.”  Bucky’s mouth was hanging open comically as he stared at Father Richards.  “I understand what it means to love someone and love them so deeply that you feel like you would reject all this,” he gestured to the church around him, “for them.  I almost did.  And to be honest, I should have.  Because it makes me a subpar and dishonest priest to my congregation, and a near absent husband and father to my family.  You can’t have both.  Now if you choose to stay, then I applaud you for your devotion to God and His church.  If you choose to leave and live a life outside of the church, I won’t judge you and will commend your bravery.  But I would caution you to be prepared for the inner death you will feel no matter what you choose.  It’s up to you to decide which death you will be willing or able to overcome.”
Bucky nodded.  He sat there as Father Richards waited for him.  Bucky thought through his life.  He’d basically been raised to be a good Catholic, being an altar boy and singing in the choirs, going to Catholic school then Seminary.  He had had a choice to live a normal life or go to Seminary, and he’d chosen the church because it seemed safe and easy.  His parents had been proud of him.  He’d been a good student and had risen through the ranks of stewardship and learning quickly to become a priest.  He hadn’t realized that the other option could have brought him joy.  The church had been his life, so how could he know any different?  
Then a fallen angel had stumbled into that life and disrupted everything he knew to be true.  She made him question himself, the church, his knowledge of scripture and God, and showed him the joy and light found outside of it.  And the one night, the few moments he’d had with her, had made him realize he’d gladly drop it all if it meant being with her.  
Bucky gave Father Richards a sad smile as his epiphany shown brightly on his face.  “I choose her.”
Father Richards nodded solemnly.
The next chapter is the last one!!
**picture if from Pinterest, it's A.I. so there's no "artist" or "creator"**
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hihi! if you're still doing reqs can you make a oneshot or hcs with gabriel and a selectively mute reader? like she doesn't say much but she nods, smiles and lets out small hums or sounds to 'speak' but after one particular prank gabe sets on sam and dean (or a joke he makes) she laughs softly and he thinks its absolutely adorable? and on top of that she says thank you in a meek yet cute voice? thank you!
YEYEYEA💖💖Hope you like it!
Gentle Feathers
He wasn’t thinking of trying to make you laugh, but he was glad he did.
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You were a quiet one, choosing to speak very little. But it's not like you were a deaf/mute combo because you did vocalize things in your own way. You would hum, nod, and smile to acknowledge any questions or comments that were directed your way.
However, that didn't sit well with Gabriel.
We all know that he was full of fun and games, a loudmouth for lack of a better word. The two of you were polar opposites, yet he wanted to see you smile and laugh due to him. Laughter was a bit of a stretch, but the archangel was nothing if not determined. And still, these differences between you two didn't stop you guys from being friends.
Gabriel was gentle with you, even though he was a goofball. But he achieved the impossible one day.
The three of you got back from a case, one that didn't go very well. It was a simple ghost, but things kept going wrong from interrogating witnesses to an embarrassing fake name that Dean gave Sam, to them yelling at each other over different ways to handle the situation. And your quietness didn't help. Gabriel stayed at the bunker because, frankly, he was more of a pain than helpful when it came to this job.
And the archangel was sitting kicked up in a chair, making paper airplanes and using his angel powers to make them fly across the room, when you guys came, Sam and Dean bickering like an old married couple. A paper airplane was directed at the boys, causing them to both snap their angered stares towards Gabriel.
"Boys, boys, please...you're both dicks...what happened?" Gabriel, sounding like an exasperated father, approached the three of you. Immediately the Winchesters, mostly Dean, began to talk over each other with what happened, Dean cussing here and there.
"It was embarrassing." Sam stressed and you nodded.
"Oh please, after what you said to that girl? Made me have second-hand embarrassment and want to never return to that town again." Dean said, throwing accusation on Sam., who got a bit flustered.
"Guys...there's one simple question you need to ask yourselves when a situation like this happens again?" Gabirel said, hands on his hips. You moved to sit at the table he recently stood up from, and the boys just looked at him.
"What would Jesus do?" Gabriel said to the boys. Sam's eyebrows cinched together, and Dean gave him a weird look. The archangel smirked.
"Fake your death and disappear for three days." He said before laughing at his own sense of humor when it came to their situation. The boys gave him weird and confused looks, which eventually caused him to stop his laughter.
But your soft angelic laughter caught everyone off guard.
Gabriel couldn't stop the blush that rose to his face. Your laughter was so soft and gentle. Truly a magnificent sound to be in the presence of. Like the brushing of feathers against his heart, it touched him in a way that he's never experienced before.
"Adorable..." He whispered more to himself than to anyone else. However, you heard his words and blushed yourself, even more so knowing that he heard you.
"Thank you...I needed to hear that." You said in a meek yet cute voice, causing Gabriel to feel a bit shy. He didn't know if you were talking about the joke or his compliment, but either way it made him feel good.
"Uh...of course, cupcake. I'm here for you." Gabriel tried to go back to being suave, smiling all the way, but everyone could catch the nervous hitch in his voice. You smiled at his words, and the two of you stared at each other.
"This is weird." Dean deadpanned as he watched Gabriel sit beside you, smiling the whole time.
"I think it's sweet. I mean, Y/N doesn't say much of anything to us. To see that she spoke to Gabriel..." Sam tried to explain, but Dean was just giving him a look. More of your meek giggling could be heard, and they saw that Gabriel was whispering something to you. Red faces on both of you.
"I need a beer." Dean said, waving this off. Sam soon followed him, leaving you guys be.
"I can't stop myself. You have such a cute laugh." Gabriel said, placing his head in the palm of his hand as he rested against the table, smiling and staring at you.
Meanwhile, you just hid your red smiling face in your hands, much to his amusement.
Gabriel has found a new purpose, and that was to make you laugh. It lightened his spirit and gave him a newfound nervousness while also a slight feeling of giddiness. Seeing you laugh made all the shit he's been through worthwhile. It was something he didn't know he needed.
Your laugh, the feeling of gentle feathers brushing against his ears, was the most angelic thing he's ever encountered.
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
osferth - SFW alphabet headcanons
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side note: template taken from here. side note #2: finan’s sfw alphabet headcanon
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Osferth isn't an overly touchy-feely type of guy. His affection comes in the form of care. Taking care of you if you fall ill, asking if you're alright, making soup if you haven't eaten, etc. Osferth's affections are simple, pure gestures that show you how much you mean to him as he struggles to sometimes find the words to tell you. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’s shy at first, but once he becomes comfortable around you, Osferth would be the best friend that is your shoulder to lean on. He’s a great listener, even offers advice, but is careful not to over-step. If you are traveling with the men, Osferth will be the one to give you his furs to keep you extra warm. The two of you would have a strong sense of truth in each other, the kind of trust that feels like a warm hug.
The friendship with Osferth would start when he wanders into your village with the lads. You’d be helping your aunt at the Ale House, and as soon as your eyes meet Osferth’s, both of you would shyly smile. It isn’t until the help of Finan and Sihtric - after they finish teasing Osferth about it - that you and Osferth exchange names, and from there a beautiful friendship develops.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Osferth isn’t much for cuddling, at least not when the others are around. But he will hold you while you’re lying beside him. At first, it’s a way to help keep you warm. But over time, it becomes more of a safe embrace for both of you. Osferth struggles to feel seen, but when he’s with you under the stars or in the comfort of a home, he feels seen.
When Osferth and you do cuddle, it’s mostly you resting your head on his chest while he wraps an arm around you. Sometimes you would fiddle with his cross necklace hanging from his neck while Osferth talks about his day.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down is a topic that Osferth struggles to talk about, often wondering if he is worthy of such goodness. You wouldn’t rush him either. Respecting that Osferth isn’t like other men you have dated. But when the day comes, Osferth would make sure that a life with him is one that you will be happy with.
Osferth enjoys to cook, more so than cleaning. Per Finan’s advice, Osferth plays to his strengths and cooks you a meal for the first date. A hearty stew that he used to make all the time in the monastery.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Gently. With a delicate and remorseful demeanor. It would pain Osferth to break your heart. After a long conversation with Finan and Sihtric, even seeking a female perspective from Eadith and Hild, Osferth would sit with you by the river, struggling to get through his sentences. Eventually, with your help, he’ll say what he needs to. With one last hug, you’ll remain by the river. And Osferth will somberly walk towards the Ale House to meet with Finan and Sihtric. There, he will stare blankly into the cup, thinking about you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Several conversations would need to be had for him to feel safe and sure. Choosing a life partner is something Osferth takes very seriously, and it’s not a decision he would rush or make lightly.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Osferth is one of the most gentle people you have ever met. He knows you aren’t fragile, but there is enough violence and roughness in the world that all Osferth wants to do is counter some of that with kindness and a delicate hand.
When it comes to physical affection, Osferth’s hugs and kisses always make you smile. They are the perfect cure after a horrible day or to improve your mood. Emotionally, Osferth provides a gentle shoulder for you. He listens, respects your feelings and if asked, he guides you with advice.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Osferth enjoys hugs but only from certain people. Hugs from Osferth are home. The one place that gives you a sense of safety and relief. When you’re wrapped up in Osferth’s arms, you melt into his embrace. He isn’t much of a hugger. But when you run into his arms after he comes home from battle or a long journey, or he sees you’re upset, he opens his arms and holds you for as long as you need.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’ll take some time before Osferth says “I love you”, and you wouldn’t rush him as the weight of such words matter to the both of you. But you also don’t need Osferth to tell you he loves you to know that he does.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Sometimes Osferth can’t help but get jealous. His thoughts betray him when he sees someone giving you attention that leans more on the flirtatious side. Osferth knows that he isn’t built with a body like Finan’s or Sihtric’s. He knows that his awkwardness and lack of experience in romance can hinder a lot of moments - first kiss, expressing how he truly feels. And often, Osferth feels like you deserve better.
When he does feel jealously arising, he seeks the guidance of God. Then, he goes to someone he trusts and asks for their guidance. Afterwards, you would notice Osferth being quieter than normal, ask him what’s on his mind and reassure him that he’s the man for you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Unsure at first. Since Osferth doesn’t have experience with that level of intimacy, kisses would take some time to get comfortable with. But once he does, Osferth’s lips are soft, and his kisses taste like everything good in the world. In the privacy of just the two of you, Osferth’s confidence increases, leading to playful kisses.
He loves to kiss you on the cheek. When you wake up, a kiss on the cheek is his way of saying “good morning”. When he returns home, a kiss on the cheek is his way of saying “I’ve missed you”. Since he’s taller than you, Osferth enjoys it when you lean up to kiss him, but get his chin instead. He’d smile, softly caress your cheek and then lean down so you can kiss him properly.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Osferth is great around children. His kind nature and sensitivity help kids feel safe. Whenever you see Osferth help a child who has fallen or is ill, you smile.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are spent in peaceful silence. Osferth wakes up before you, collects some fresh flowers and brings you breakfast. Afterward, if the weather allows, the two of you would take a walk around the village.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Most of the night is spent between duties, either on Uhtred’s request or Osferth helping in the Chapel. When he does return home, he kisses your cheek and gets ready for bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Osferth doesn’t talk about himself much. When he does, it’s often bits and pieces of information that has you feeling like he shared nothing at all. It would be one of the few obstacles in the relationship that takes some time to over come.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
You question whether or not Osferth even has a mean bone in his body. He is patient beyond what some deserve. Osferth prefers kindness over anger. Even in battle, he will not succumb to anger. He doesn’t want to waste his energy angry, and would rather focus on providing solutions than adding fuel to a fire.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Osferth remembers everything you tell him. At the start of the friendship turning into a relationship, Osferth would mention little details that cause you to blush. It would make you feel seen that he made an effort to listen and retain details about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first meal he cooked for you. The way you looked under the glow of the fire, the smile on your face when you tasted the stew he made. The shy laughter and nervous glances between each other. It was a evening that Osferth looks back fondly on.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Osferth is protective when and if the situation calls for him to be. If you are traveling with the men and danger arises, Osferth becomes your shield. While fighting is not something Osferth enjoys, if he needs to, he would fight a Dane or any present danger if it meant keeping you safe.
Osferth hates conflict and you’ll protect him by helping to reduce some of the conflict and tension. Especially, if it involves a situation where Osferth feels uncomfortable.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Osferth makes you feel special every day, but even more so on important moments. Show someone you care about them is something Osferth doesn’t feel embarrassed doing. The way your face lights up at any small gift he gets you while on his travels, brings him joy. Seeing you smile is what Osferth strives to do every day.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Putting up walls. It does become frustrating when you give so much of yourself and feel like Osferth doesn’t trust you to do the same.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very. Osferth ages like fine wine and doesn’t need to do much to look good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. Especially if you have been in his life for years. Osferth’s faith and his friendship with the men hold very special places in his heart. But you hold a piece that if Osferth lost, he wouldn’t be the same.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Every morning Osferth makes sure to give you a fresh bouquet of flowers. And whenever you look at the flowers, he hopes they provide some comfort when he isn’t there.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Feeling pressured. He needs to know that you’ll respect his pace, even if it doesn’t entirely match your own.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Osferth usually sleeps on his side. And sometimes, he sleeps with his mouth slightly open which you find adorable.
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octoqueen10 · 3 months
More info on Henry and Daphne
TW: divorce, self doubt, abandonment, blame
Since childhood, Daphne has been in the shadow of her fashion designer mom and her musician dad. While she was proud to be the daughter of two icons in their respective fields, she always wanted to be more than ‘Donita’s daughter’ or “Henry’s kid’. She didn’t get any of her father’s musical talent or her mother’s eye for fashion trends, leading her to believe she could never be successful. When she saw the internet become more popular, she capitalized on her chance to be a star, independent of her parents joining social media at a young age and becoming a large influencer with her good looks and sassy charisma. Daphne modeled all of her mother’s clothing except for her designs featuring live animals, instead encouraging her to use animal-inspired designs, which she did later at her daughter’s insistence. She tried to convince her father to allow her to use him in videos, but he always refused, so she eventually stopped asking and made travel content from her being with her mother constantly. Daphne loves to travel and is fluent in Greek, Spanish, and French in addition to English, something she has been able to use to her advantage in her travels. 
As Daphne grew older and more mature, her relationship with her mother blossomed while her relationship with her father struggled. She always viewed her Dad as her protector and #1 fan, even when he was off on tour in a faraway land. Henry always took her side when arguing with her mother, and insisted that everything he did was for her. Their relationship completely changed when her parents divorced and he married Allison. Daphne saw the whole ordeal as a total blindside and was upset with her mother, wanting to live with her dad full-time. Allison was another fashion designer, although much less established and respected than Donita, and often compared their work, insisting her’s was better. Allison hated the idea of Daphne and how she was a link to Henry’s more successful ex-wife and took it out on Daphne, saying she would leave Henry if Daphne lived with them. Daphne tried to convince Henry that she didn’t like her and was mean, but Henry refused to listen to her and asked her why her mother was filling her head up with lies, choosing Allison over Daphne, a recent pattern. They began to see each other less and less, particularly after her half-siblings came into the mix. The only reason Daphne comes over anymore is to play and interact with her little siblings, who are obsessed with her and want to be just like her, much to their mother’s disappointment. Henry was too busy with his new family for Daphne, and that shattered her heart. She began to question if love like the fairytales was even real if it was all made up or worse, not made for her. All the relationships she had, felt like the boy was using her for fame or money, making her question her own sense of self, independent from her job and family. She felt like she didn’t have hobbies of her own separate from her work, and her friendships felt one sided, with her putting in more work than she was getting. Who is Daphne Donata? Why couldn’t she answer such a simple question?
Henry felt bad about his relationship with his oldest daughter but truly believed that Daphne was lying about Allison and was jealous of her half-siblings. He instead began to focus on teaching his other children his talents, trying not to think about Daphne too much, even going as far as to delete his social media to not see her on his feed anymore, at Allison’s request. He also feels a lot of pent-up anger towards Donita for putting him in an impossible position, pushing his daughter away from him because of her issues with him. He resented her for never compromising in their marriage and for putting her work ahead of her family and marriage. The divorce wasn’t entirely his fault and he needed her to stop acting like it was and to get over her superiority complex over everyone, especially him. One day he wants to reunite his two families together and have everyone get along, but in the meantime, he is focused on being a better husband and father to his new family.
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issdisgrace · 8 months
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Max doesn’t care that you're a single dad. Why would he?
Just because your a dad doesn’t change how he feels about you. And it doesn’t change who you are. You are still you. And you having a kid doesn’t change any of those things.
But he will ask a couple of questions. Like what’s their name? How old are they? Is there mother in the picture?
You tell him what your son's name is, and that he is 10 going on 11. But it’s that last question that flips everything thing on its head. That’s when you tell Max that you are trans, so you are technically the mother. And that no the other father isn’t in the picture. Due to you getting pregnant when you where 16 and them wanting nothing to do with the kid.
Max is honestly very confused. Like he had no clue you were trans. But there wasn’t really anyway for him to know either way because you have been on testosterone for a long time, you've had all the surgeries, and your name had been legally changed for years.
But despite all these revelations, Max is still absolutely and utterly in love with you. These things don’t change that and he makes that clear.
However, he is worried that your son wouldn't like him or the fact that he is seeing you. You reassure him that your son has no problem with the fact that you guys are seeing each other and that your sure he will like him.
Your words put him at easy a little but doesn't squash all the what ifs that are running through his head. Then eventually you ask him if he wants to meet your son. And despite all his anxiety surronding meeting your son, he says yes that he does want to meet him.
You guys discuss a place and time. Letting Max choose where and when the meeting will take place, sensing his anxiety wanting things to happen in his own ballpark.
Max decides on a little family owned resturant that serves some of the best food in New York. He also decides that he wants to meet up around 1 pm for lunch next Saturday.
Leading up to the meeting, Max is extremely anxious. His worries that your son won't like him consumes him and he almost calls it off multiple time.
But the day comes and then the time. And he meets your son and they click. They get along great and all the worries fade from Max's mind.
It also helps that your son is a carbon copy of you. In looks, personalitly, and intrests.
Meaning he also has things in common with your son so that defintly helps the situation.
Things go fantastic so after lunch you guys go to the mall just to walk around. Your son wants to go into the Lego store. So you guys go in and it ends with Max dropping a couple hundred on different lego sets.
Max doesn’t really care about the amount he spent as he thinks it was worth it as it warmed his heart seeing how excited your son got over the lego sets. Max is also definitely coming over to help your son put the sets together. It’s also a good way to bond with him so that is a plus.
Anyway when the night comes to an end and Max goes home for the night he is thinking about how he wants to marry you and adopt your son and become his second dad.
So it is safe to say that Max will be around for a long time to come.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
Queen of Hearts: Let the Games Begin
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Series: Queen of Hearts
Pairings for this chapter: Riley x Liam
Word Count: 1,027
Rating: E
Warnings for this chapter: None
Series Premise: Riley is the crown princess and the men must compete for her.
Disclaimer: I am sure that I am not the first, nor will I be the last, person to flip the script in this way. This is simply my take on it.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley opened her eyes and smiled. The man snoring softly next to her had been an unexpected adventure.
Impossibly dark hair, perfectly coiffed the night before, now fell across his forehead mussy and messy. His eyes were closed but she knew they were nearly as dark as his hair. Striking was a good word for him.
He was the younger son of his house, so not an ideal match but a suitable one nonetheless. Not that she was trying to marry him. Or anyone for that matter. She was still young and in no hurry to settle down but she would be expected to choose a husband, or at least a consort or two, eventually. The council had been clear that they preferred it to be sooner rather than later, and her parents had arranged for every noble house in Cordonia to parade their heirs in front of her all summer.
Not that she wasn’t enjoying it. There was a cornucopia of delights to choose from. The one currently gracing her bed for example. She had found him hiding on a balcony the night before.
The Annual Masquerade Ball was in full swing as she stepped out onto a vacant balcony to get a moment’s peace. Removing her shoes, she leaned over the balustrade and inhaled the night air deeply.
The sound of a throat clearing made her spin around. So, not alone after all.
“Sorry,” an impeccably dressed nobleman stepped out of the shadows, “I didn’t mean to disturb you, but I also didn’t want you to think you were alone when you weren’t.”
Heat spiked through her as she took in his trim but muscular physique, dark hair and eyes, the broad shoulders. A flirtatious smile curved her lips, “What a gentleman. I haven’t seen you at court before. I’d remember.”
The young man flushed with pleasure and embarrassment as he dropped his eyes to the ground, “I…ah…this is my first time.”
“Oooh, a court virgin!” she teased.
His flush deepened, “Yeah, I…my parents said I need to start learning how to represent the family at court in case my brother becomes king and I have to take over as duke when my father-“
She took a step closer to him and ran a finger down his cheek, “What makes them think your brother would be chosen and not you?”
He seemed stunned into silence for a moment before stumbling over his words, “Oh! Well, because he…I mean you…that is….”
“Let’s not talk about that,” she interpreted him, “I’m not planning to get married anytime soon despite what my parents, the council, or the press think.”
“But I should probably mention-“
“Whatever it is, it can wait,” she wrapped her arms around him with a sultry smile, “I have a better idea!”
Sunlight poured in from the balcony doors bathing him in a golden glow. He looked absolutely delicious. Just when she decided to wake him up for a little morning-after follow-up, a loud pounding sounded from her door.
She recognized the aggressive knock. With an aggravated sigh she called out, “What do you want, Bas?”
“Are you decent Your Highness?”
“No,” Riley smirked as she watched her companion’s eyes flutter open, “But I’m covered up and you may enter.”
Bastien Lykel was the head of her mother’s queen guard and a huge pain in her ass. He had no sense of humor or adventure at all.
“Your mother wanted to make sure you remember the luncheon today with the Ladies Historical Preservation Society-“ He stopped short as he noticed the man in her bed, “Oh! I…see why you disappeared from the ball last night.”
“Save the judgment, Bas. What time is the luncheon?”
“Noon, Your Highness. Shall I show the young gentleman out?”
“You shall not. Tell Mother I’ll be there. Have the kitchen send up breakfast for two and go away.”
With a disapproving shake of his head, Bastien turned and exited the room.
Riley turned back to her latest conquest and dropped the covers, “Sorry about him. Good morning.”
“Good morning,” he blinked up at her, and sleepiness was quickly replaced by something hotter as his eyes took in her naked body.
Two hours later, satiated, fed, and showered, they slipped out of her room and into the hallway.
“Please don't take this personally,” Riley shot him an apologetic glance, “But what was your name again?”
“Liam? Why does that name sound familiar?”
“Well, I-“
Whatever else he said was lost on her as they rounded a corner and she collided with the textbook definition of a Greek God. Tall, blonde, muscular, and oh so familiar.
“Oof!” His strong arms went around her, steadying her before she could crash to the ground.
“Leo!” She yelped.
“Hey there, Your Highness, I was hoping to run into you.” He grinned down at her with his signature sexy smirk, then his eyes flicked to the man at her side, and he froze. “What are you doing with my brother?”
“Your…what?” Her head swiveled from Leo to Liam.
With a sheepish smile, Liam said, “That’s what I was trying to tell you last night. I know who you are because my older brother is Leo Brooks.”
“Last night?” Leo’s smile vanished as he released her and took a step back, “Wait…did you sleep with my brother?”
“It would appear so,” she answered before turning back to Liam, “You’re not as sweet and innocent as you seem. Well played.”
“Well played?” Leo spluttered, “He…that…my brother, Riley!”
“Oh, hush! I didn’t know he was your brother and we,” she waved her finger at him then back at herself, “have never been a couple.”
“Friends with benefits, Riley!”
“Yes, and what lovely benefits they are,” she stepped forward and ran her hands down his chest, “I must run now. Things to do, and all that. Ta!”
“See you at dinner tonight?” Leo called after her retreating back.
“In the grand hall with everyone else, unless you have a better idea!” she called over her shoulder.
“I’ll text you!” he yelled before turning to glare at his brother.
But Liam had already slipped away and bolted for his room.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Was feeling down so I talked to one of my uncle's from my mom's side and he and his wife, my fav aunt, were telling me to catch the next flight as soon as my exams end and it then reminded me how much of a spoiled princess I am when I am with them.
Like even when I was a child, I used to visit them a lot and they're both like rich rich, very much self made (like my uncle's a lawyer with his own firm, kind of like Harvey Specter but more smart and without any arrogance and ego issues, and my aunts works in advertising for this really luxurious chocolate company).
Anyways, I was saying that I am super spoiled by them because like mu uncle would send me an airplane ticket whenever I was missing them, and they'd buy me loads of gifts and I loves staying at their "not really a mansion" but still very big house, that had more servants and guards and house help than I could ever count for, and they ALL LOVED ME TOO OMG. Like fr, even one of their oldest drivers and house guards are so protective of me to this day, that they'd still interrogate whenever someone would come by their house (usually my cousin's from dad's side of the family so I didn't really mind😭) and would still rather drive me around the city all day and night than let me get an uber.
And like my uncle and aunty, even though they have a kid now (who I love to death and regularly remind that even though she might be the apply of their eyes, I am still their princess. Yes, I am 11 years older than her. No, I still don't let her win in games. Yes, she has the same sense of humor as me and is also into anime. And yes, we practically do look like twins.) They still very much spoil me rotten. From taking to super exclusive restaurants where even A list celebrities struggle to get in, to literally taking me on those shopping sprees and you see in those chick flicks.
And I'm not even gonna start om their whole ass collection of the coolest cars😭😭😭 I do feel like a celebrity with them black tinted windows and the way the driver would just slowly drive ahead or away whenever he thought some guys next to us were "trouble" or "bad crowd".
And you guys might say? Yeah your family loves you. Big deal. Family is supposed to love family. Yeah, well i got a brother as well and I ain't seen 1 single picture frame of him at their house????? Not to mention the whole ass file of pictures of me in their phones???
In their eyes I can do no wrong, and the only time they'd yelled at me was when I tried to pay for a plate of tacos at a food festival (no cause my heart cracked a bit when my aunt pulled my hand away and literally told me off "Snow, stop making a scene. You are NOT paying." And when i was like 7, i was playing outside my house and then suddenly my uncle picked me up and to the side and yelled at me "CAN YOU NOT HEAR THE CARS HONKING?! YOU ALMOST GOT RUN OVER!!!" and i only burst into tears because why would my fav person in the world yell at me??? In hindsight, that shouldve been a sign for them to have me and my attention span checked out😭😭)
Anyways, now that I think about it, they are kind of like those protective yanderes that I write about. Even the house help and my little cousin's nanny act like that😫
The way these exams have drained me this year, I for real am gonna go there again this summer because I deserve princess treatment only😭
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With my brother's wedding coming up this year, my aunt was asking me about my love life and I told her I didn't have anyone rn, and that I probably will end with marrying whoever my parent's or my Muslim neighbours choose for me (no cause they're like family too and my friend's mom said that she can definitely set me up with someone who is worthy of me🥰🥰 and I though she was kidding but then she showed me like 8 guys and ngl... they were pretty. Like wattpad blue eyes with kohl, and tanned skin pretty) and they both kinda looked concerned at first and I assured them that whoever I would eventually marry would need to get your guys approval first and I'm not kidding when I say that my aunt had a sad smile om her face as she nodded and said of course, while my already stoic looking uncle looked even more upset before leaving to get himself a drink.
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strangefable · 1 year
Tarot Pairs Tag
tagged by @inafieldofdaisies, @josephseedismyfather, @aceghosts, & @simplegenius042 to do this uquiz, thank you lovelies <3
Our Sins Make You Mine (Micah x John)
the devil + the emperor there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise
obsession, devotion, blood, and religion of one another, yeah this should come as no surprise to anyone. micah and john are completely obsessed with each other, and no matter how much they protest, they like it that way. they were made for each other; when micah first entered his life, john unwittingly molded her into his perfect mate. and when they parted, she grew to match him even more than he could've imagined. their reuniting is when they each finally realize that they were always one another's home. (they're only gothy in the sense that they're like morticia and gomez, only more unhinged)
Wolves Can't Tame Snakes (Lilith x Jacob)
ace of cups + ten of cups your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did
from jacob's perspective, it was an innocent first meeting. in reality, she was coated in the blood of the man she'd just killed and was still sitting over, so. they're married long before either of them is happy about it (thanks joe), but they do eventually learn to appreciate and respect and even feel a kind of devotion. jacob gets there a lot sooner than lilith, though. their relationship is definitely a shock to both of them, but they do wind up happy in it, despite their best efforts
A Bartender and her Vicar (Lore x Max)
the tower + the lovers meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards
oh boy, yes. lore stomped into that mission and both their worlds collided in violent, unmistakable, irrevocable sparks. they challenged each other and changed each other to their very cores. she traversed space and time to find him, unknowingly. fate had a hand in them, but in the end it was their desire to choose each other that created the bonds that saw them through. their worlds collided and became one, like the creation of planets
But She Was Mine First (Lilith x [Redacted])
the two of cups + the star your romance is a wish granted. finally, finally, they're here. finally, *it's* here! the time where you don't have to feel lonely anymore - you'll never feel that way ever again. laughter, joy, sweetness, kisses - be at ease. all of these are things you have found someone to share with. your love is a dreamy fantasy of love and devotion and miracles. at first, your chest gets too tight when they're around - until they become as natural as the air in your lungs
these two are young love personified, so most of this is fitting, except for the 'finally' part. they're everything that is soft, sweet, innocent, puppy love. until she ruins it and lives to regret it. life has some surprises coming for them, though
Fuck Around Burn It All Down (Micah x [Redacted])
knight of pentacles + the magician if there's something you want, you will GET IT. nothing escapes your fingertips. after all, you're the power couple. your pairing sparks pure cosmic energy. you're fiercely driven to your goals - whether that be status, fortune, or power. you're also fiercely protective of one another. with the knight's earthy energy, you both prefer to purposefully make your way towards your ambitions, rather than playing cards too early or acting too loosely. meanwhile, the magician's half makes gives you a little fire. if they get too close, onlookers and threats to your relationship may get burned
oh hot diggity DAMN does this fit. every word is exactly on the money. they are definitely a powerhouse power couple. but don't expect anyone else to benefit from it
passing no pressure tags along to: @direwombat, @legally-a-bastard, @thisisrigged4, @adelaidedrubman, @henbased, @roofgeese, @florbelles, @harmonyowl, @chazz-anova, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @shallow-gravy, @jillvalentinesday, @cassietrn, @poisonedtruth, @marivenah, @voidika, @unholymilf, @confidentandgood, @v0idbuggy, @theelderhazelnut, @wrathfulrook, @trench-rot, @dumbassdep, @incognito-insomniac, @gayafsatan, @strafethesesinners, @turbo-virgins, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @asexual-wizard, @g0dspeeed, @euryalex, @mars-colony, @damejudyhench @eclecticwildflowers, @redreart, @derelictheretic, @fourlittleseedlings, @clonesupport, @the-lastcall, @mediocre-life-span, @beemot, @silver-horse, @glitchinginthegarden, and YOU, please feel free to tag me <3
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