“guilty as sin?”
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relationship: loki x fem!reader
summary: you were caged in a loveless marriage with thor. ever since you were little, you were in love with his brother. it was never meant to be, leaving you to dream about being with him instead.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of cheating
notes: this is (obviously) inspired by “guilty as sin?” by taylor swift!! i hate that this plot line always puts thor in this situation, but it’s too good not to write it :) also the “poem” mentioned at the end is actually lyrics from “the downtown lights” by the blue nile that is referenced in taylor’s song!!
Before you took your first breath, you were already considered royalty, born to the closest Lord and Lady of the Throne of Asgard. Before you took your first step, you were promised to one of the sons of the Throne. It seemed like you had little say in your own life; never once did you get to pick out your own clothes, do your own makeup, make your own meals. You yearned for a sense of control in your life as soon as you understood what control was. Being locked in the cage of regality was the bane of your existence, but there was no getting around it.
To be fair, you loved your parents. Though they gave you little room to breathe, they always made sure you were happy and taken care of. They supplied you with plenty of books, plenty of journals, and other things to keep your dreary days in the palace occupied. You loved the king and queen, as well. Odin and Frigga viewed you as one of their own.
And as for the two princes— Well, they were your closest friends in the whole world. You grew up together, experiencing your firsts side-by-side. You couldn’t have dreamed of better partners in life than Thor and Loki. Your personality was a bit of both of them—the fiery spirit of Thor and the intellect of Loki. No matter who you were with, you always had a good time.
When the three of you became teenagers, feelings started to get in the mix. Your parents had warned you that you would eventually marry one of the brothers. In your mind, that meant you could choose, and you had no doubt who you would pick.
Thor was sweet to you. He always made sure that you had a good time, that you were treated as a gentle and precious woman. That’s not to say he wouldn’t want to battle or get muddy with you, but he would always make sure you had a glass of water and a fresh pair of clothes afterwards. You appreciated his kind gestures, and you noticed his conventionally attractive features.
But it wasn’t him you wanted.
Loki had stolen your heart since you first learned what love was. He was much quieter compared to his brother, but when he did speak, his words were so eloquent and thoughtful that you had no choice but to swoon. You would listen to him talk about his favorite books, his favorite spells—hell, even his favorite rocks if it meant watching his blue eyes glow and his slender fingers gesture as he spoke. He was your confidant, the one you told all your secrets to because you knew he would never betray you. His title meant nothing to you; you never saw him as the mischievous, devilish boy that everyone else saw. You saw his charm, his intelligence, his kindness, his imagination, his drive.
When you were both just teenagers, you were sat in one of the many courtyards of the palace. Loki was rambling about something his father said that ticked him off, but you were just watching him speak. Soon, you saw how frustrated he was. His shoulders slumped as he sighed, staring down at his feet. Your heart broke for him. In a moment of bravery, wanting to offer him comfort, you gently took his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder. He looked at you with surprise, but leaned back into you. Your heart was beating so fast when you eventually looked up at him. His big blue eyes stared back into yours, and he quickly closed the gap between your two lips.
That moment, you knew you were in love.
Then, two days later, your parents broke the news that you would begin a courtship with Thor.
See, when they said that you would marry one of the princes, they failed to tell you that it was the first-born prince. You never had a choice; there was never a chance of you marrying Loki. It shattered your heart.
After they told you, you ran to your room and slammed the door, locking it behind you. You flopped on your bed and screamed into your pillow. It was so unfair that you never got to make any choices in your own life. For once, you found an escape from the thick iron bars that your parents locked you in all your life. But as it turns out, you were never free from that enclosure.
Thor began your courtship with a giant bouquet of flowers and a pair of diamond earrings. Both gifts were thoughtful, but they did nothing to pull your heart away from Loki.
For the remainder of your teenage years, Thor did everything to impress you, to show how much he loved you. He would hold your hand on late night walks along the river. He would bring you new books that he thought you would enjoy. He would keep you close to him at formal affairs, introducing you as his beautiful future wife. The phrase made you cringe internally. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t love Thor. Sure, you had love for him—but you loved him as a brother, as the best friend that you grew up with. You never felt any romantic love for him.
In secret, you yearned for Loki. You thought about him at times when you should only have been thinking about Thor. At dinner, you sat next to your betrothed, but you snuck glances at his brother whenever you could. In the moments you were alone, you went out of your way to attempt to bump into him and strike up a conversation. You pictured him as the love interest in your novels.
But it seemed like Loki didn’t want anything to do with you.
Ever since you began your courtship with Thor, Loki became distant. Your long talks in the courtyards or late night chats in the library became fewer and far apart until they completely stopped. He didn’t smile at you in passing, send you a wave across the room, or send you small notes under your bedroom door. You didn’t understand it; you thought it was obvious you didn’t want to be with Thor. Why wouldn’t Loki take the hint?
But you were wrong.
Loki couldn’t stand to look at you anymore because he was also hopelessly in love with you. He, too, had been in love with you since you were little kids. Loki thought—no, knew—you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He wanted to be the one that you spent the rest of your life with, not his stupid brother. Every time he saw you, it broke his heart all over again.
Sure, he flirted with maidens and even brought a few back to his room. But he had the same thoughts as you—he saw your face in all of theirs; he dreamed that it was you when he was kissing them. They were nothing to him, just things to fill the ever-growing void in his heart.
He wanted to love you. He wanted to be the man that you deserved. He didn’t want to buy you flowers or gifts; he wanted to love and cherish you. He wanted to listen to your worries, celebrate you in your moments of joy, and talk to you in the way that only the two of you understood. Loki knew he was better for you than his brother could ever dream to be.
But Loki couldn’t tell you any of this. It would be breaking his brother’s trust. He did think about it, because what did the God of Mischief care about trust? But part of him knew that it would be breaking your trust as well, and that was something he could never bring himself to do.
On your wedding day, you felt nothing. Not even sadness or anger - just nothing. During the ceremony, you kept sneaking glances at Loki, but he never once looked up at you. Tears were welling up in your eyes, but you never let them slip.
During the reception, you managed to sneak away while Thor was busy chugging beers with his best friends. You went to one of the balconies in the main wing of the palace and leaned over the railing, staring out at the beautiful spring landscape of Asgard.
“I did not expect to see you out here, Princess,” a deep voice that you knew all too well muttered.
You sighed, “I needed some air. It was getting quite hot in the banquet hall.”
Loki stood beside you, grabbing on to the railing in the same way you were. You looked over at him, admiring how beautiful his face was up close. You were so attracted to him, his fair skin and bright blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. Your heart skipped a beat.
“I was always told that your wedding would be the happiest day of your life,” he said, finally looking at you. “But you don’t seem so thrilled.”
You shrugged. “The day is not quite how I pictured it.”
“How so?”
You looked back down at your hands.
“I just—I feel like I have never had a sense of control. All my life, I’ve been told what to wear, what to say, what to do, who to talk to… I have just been locked in this tight cage. I always thought that my love would be the one thing I could have control over. But as it turns out, I can’t even have that.”
“Do you not love my brother?”
You snapped your head back to Loki. He stared at you with a specific look, like he knew the answer to that question but was dying to hear you say it. You opened your mouth to answer, but you were cut off by a guard calling your name.
“Princess, Prince Thor has been looking for you. They are about to start the toasts.”
You nodded, adjusting your dress then walking towards him. You looked back to see Loki again, but he wasn’t looking back at you. Your heart broke again as you followed the guard back into the party.
The biggest change after your marriage was that everyone went from addressing you as Lady to Princess. Your feelings never changed; you still loved Loki and felt indifferent towards Thor.
Now, you shared a room with Thor. He would hold you in bed every night, trying to initiate some sort of moment for you two to share. Most nights, you said you were tired and brushed him off. On the nights you let him go further, you still just pictured Loki.
Your only solace was the fact that Thor started going on warrior missions to other realms. He would travel for days, sometimes weeks at a time to either serve as a diplomatic figure or a traveling soldier for different places throughout the cosmos. Those times were the only times you finally felt like yourself again. You got to sleep in your own bed, come and go as you please, and best of all, you didn’t have to worry about being physical with Thor.
Eventually, you cracked the wall that was put up between you and Loki. When Thor was gone, you spent nearly every day with him. It was almost like nothing had happened, no years were lost. You laughed and joked and told stories just like you did when you were kids. It did nothing but deepen your love for Loki, but at least you found some kind of relief for your longing.
Because in your twisted mind, these thoughts meant nothing; if you never took any action, never touched or felt Loki, you were not guilty of any betrayal.
One rainy night, the two of you were locked in the palace’s library, going through countless books of poetry from the different realms. You read them dramatically to each other, making the other laugh and laugh. When you reached a Midgardian book, you found a poem that especially struck a cord.
“Sometimes I walk away,” Loki began, propping one leg up on a couch while projecting his voice for the entire library to hear. You giggled as he continued.
“When all I really wanna do, is love and hold you tight. There is just one thing I can say, nobody…” he began trailing off, losing the excitement in his act.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, your smile running away from your face.
“Um…” he said quietly, not moving his gaze from the book in his hands. This was so unlike Loki; it was rare that he was at a loss for words.
“Sorry, it just caught me off guard,” he finally said, clearing his throat. He looked at you, his big blue eyes blown as he finished the line that he was stuck on.
“Nobody loves you this way.”
You stared at him, your heart skipping a beat when you realized why he stopped at that line. It resonated with your situation, the longing and dreaming that had gone on for years and years. You stood up, moving closer to Loki as his eyes never once left your face. You placed a hand gently on his chest as one of his wrapped around your waist. The two of you leaned in, ever-so close to the moment that you shared when you were merely teenagers.
“Princess!” one of your maidens called, sprinting towards you. You quickly stepped back from Loki as he did from you. The two of you acted like nothing ever happened as she approached you.
“Princess, it is well after midnight. You must head to your bedroom. You have breakfast with the Allmother tomorrow, remember?”
You nodded. “Yes, very well. Goodnight, Prince Loki.”
“Goodnight, Princess,” he replied, nodding his head at you.
You followed her towards the exit. You turned around once to see Loki, expecting him to ignore you like he usually did. But this time, he flashed you a smile and winked. Heat rose to your cheeks as you quickly spun back around, fighting the smile that was taking over your lips.
Once you got back to your bedroom, you closed the door quickly behind you, reminiscing on the moment you two almost shared. You giggled like you were a teenager again, spinning around before crashing into your bed. That night, you dreamt of a marriage with Loki, but this time happily instead of bittersweet.
But the next day, your husband returned, and this time bearing news that he would be back for a while. He embraced you excitedly, happy to be home with you. But you couldn’t feel worse. Thor being around meant Loki would go back to pretending like you didn’t exist.
The more time Thor spent around you, the more you wished to finish the moment you had with Loki. Those few seconds ate away at you like nothing you experienced before. You thought about it when you woke up, when you went to sleep, when you were alone in bed, imagining what it would have been like to finally have your lips against his again. You begged to be set free.
Some days, you really did consider throwing caution to the wind and knocking on Loki’s door. But every time you got close, nerves would take over and you quickly kept walking past. When you saw him in the hallways, you had the same temptations, but again he ignored your presence.
It only got worse with pressure from everyone around you to have a child with Thor. Your mother, your father, Queen Frigga, and even your husband pressed you about when you were finally going to start a family. The first anniversary of your marriage was nearing, and everyone said that it was time for you to produce the next line of royalty.
As a result, Thor tried to be physical more often. It became harder and harder for you to brush him off. Afterwards, he would roll over and fall asleep while you laid in bed restless.
One of those sleepless nights, you heard something rustle near your door. Curious, you gently stood up and walked over, finding a piece of paper that had been slid under your door. You checked to make sure Thor was still asleep then crept to your en-suite, softly closing the door and turning on the light. You read over the note, gasping when you realized what it was.
Through all these dreadful years, you were holding back the urge to cry. You felt like you were not allowed to cry. After all, you put yourself in this situation. You were the one that was not willing to let go of Loki. You were the one that dreamt of cheating on your husband with his brother. You were the bad person in every light of this situation. There was no reason for you to feel self-pity and let those tears fall.
But tonight, you finally let it happen. For that note was no regular note. No, rather it was a piece of paper torn from a book, annotated and signed by Loki, the Prince of Asgard, the God of Mischief and Lies, your true love.
And the note read the poem that you two had shared those few weeks ago. The poem that reignited your flame, that sealed your fate in the loveless cage forever.
Sometimes I walk away,
When all I really wanna do
Is love and hold you right.
There is just one thing I can say,
Nobody loves you this way.
#imagine#oneshot#marvel#marvel imagine#loki#loki x reader#loki imagine#loki laufeyson#the avengers#loki fanfic#loki x you#loki fluff#marvel loki#thor x reader#thor the dark world#thor#Spotify
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— — — —
relationship: loki x fem!reader
summary: you were loki’s teenage love, but he lost you too soon. in his quest to save the sacred timeline, he time-slips to you, not knowing that you are the one thing that could help him.
warnings: none! :)
word count: 2.6k
notes: i guess i’m back in my loki era! this contains some spoilers for season two, so please read with caution if you have not seen it yet!
The pain was like no other; time-slipping felt like Loki was being torn into a million pieces while being squished into a small box at the same time. Light flashed around him, making him feel dizzy whilst experiencing the excruciating pain. After the blinding few seconds that the phenomenon lasted, Loki finally landed in whatever spot the force thought he needed to be in next.
At first, he was confused. He was surrounded by trees and mountains—no where he had ever teleported to before. Once he got his bearings, he realized where he was.
It was strange. Each time Loki time-slipped, it was to a place that he had unfinished business in, whether it was the TVA in the past or the McDonald's in the way past that Sylvie worked in. He thought he had no unfinished business in Asgard.
He groaned. Unless it was to deal with his brother or his father.
As Loki began to curse whatever force was behind his teleportation for bringing him here to deal with his family drama, he heard a voice off in the distance. He paused, trying to determine where he knew this voice from. Then he heard it again and his heart skipped a beat.
"It can't be," he whispered under his breath, peeking around the tree that he spawned behind. But it was true. There, you sat, the first and greatest love he ever had.
You were on a stone bench in the middle of one of the many gardens of Asgard. Your hair was blowing in the soft summer breeze as you read aloud—your favorite way to read—a Midgardian book. Loki watched as you smiled or frowned with each line you read, taking in all of the features of your face that he missed so dearly.
You and Loki had met when you were teenagers. You lived in a cottage near the palace with your parents, both prominent jewelers in the realm. He came to their store one day with his brother to pick out a pair of earrings for the queen's birthday. You just happened to be sitting behind the counter talking with your mother when they arrived.
As soon as Loki laid eyes on you, he knew he wanted to marry you. You were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. While Thor worked with your mother to find the gift for Frigga, he walked over to you and began a conversation.
Loki came to the shop almost every day for two weeks, asking about you every single time. You never really frequented the store, so most of the time, your parents would turn him away. After his thirteenth visit in fifteen days, your father had enough and finally took Loki back to your cottage, where you were baking, another favorite hobby of yours. Your father explained that this "obnoxious prince" had tormented the store for too long and just wanted the pain to be over, as Loki stood behind him with a sheepish grin. You laughed and invited Loki to sit with you.
The rest became history. You and Loki officially began dating after a few outings, mostly walks along the forest or snacking on fruit in the palace's courtyard. Loki was enamored with you, as you were enamored with him.
But the worst happened just seven months after your relationship began. Loki left the palace that morning with the intention of bringing you to the library within the palace, somewhere you had expressed interest in seeing but never had the chance to visit. He planned a whole day: explore the shelves, allow you to pick as many books as you wanted, then have dinner with him and his family so you could meet them properly.
As he approached your neighborhood, he noticed swarms of people standing outside the perimeters as guards blocked anyone from approaching. Curious, Loki walked up to one guard that he recognized and asked what had happened. The guard explained that last night, a group of bandits had broken into the home of a jeweler with the intent to steal some of the more precious jewelry that they kept there. The family woke up in the process and they slaughtered all three: a mother, a father, and a daughter.
The words struck Loki like a knife. His heart sank as he started to push past the guards, but they refused to budge.
"Your highness, we cannot let you through. They are removing the bodies."
"No! You must! That's my love!" he cried, still trying to push past. But it was no use. He peeked through the gaps between the guards to see if he could catch a glimpse of the scene. The only thing he was able to see was your hand, one that he recognized because of the gold ring you always wore. It was covered in blood.
Loki shook the flashbacks out of his head as he continued to watch you read on the bench. Quite honestly, he never got over that day. It sent him into a dark spiral, one that probably led him to making all the poor choices he did and landing in this godforsaken TVA in the first place. But then he wondered, why would the slipping bring him here?
He tried to move closer to you without being obvious, hoping that there was something in the surroundings that would explain his sudden landing here. As he tiptoed closer, however, he stepped on a branch, leading to a loud crack! Your head snapped up at the noise, and you made eye contact with him. Loki froze, unsure of what to do.
"Loki?" you asked. "Is that you?"
He hesitated before saying, "Uh—Yes. It's me."
You smiled softly. "What are you doing? Why are you hiding? Come here."
You shifted to the side as you closed your book and placed it on your lap. He took a breath before emerging from underneath the tree. He could see you clearly now, and your beautiful face made his heart began to race all over again
How could this be happening? he wondered. How could you be here?
"You look... different. What's with the outfit change? It's so strange," you said through a giggle.
Loki smiled at your laugh, something that he hadn't heard in so long but always brought him comfort. He cleared his throat and answered, "Um, I was trying something new. Do you not like it?"
You shrugged, "I wouldn't say it's my favorite look of yours, but I could get used to it. Come sit next to me. I missed you."
He took another deep breath before sitting beside you on the bench, moving so carefully in case you were to disappear at any sudden movement. You reached over and brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear, noticing a new scar on the side of his face.
"What happened, sweetheart?" you asked with a frown, tracing your finger over it. "How could this have happened since last night?"
"Uh, it didn't," he replied, panicking for a response.
You furrowed your brows. "Then how have I never noticed it before? And why do you look so... different?"
You leaned back and looked at him closely, noticing some key differences. He looked older than you were used to, so much taller and so much stronger. He looked exhausted and frustrated and anxious all at the same time. Something in you said that this was not the Loki you knew.
Loki sighed, deciding to come clean. He could tell you knew something was up. And of course you did; he was foolish to think that he could ever pull the wool over your eyes. You were never one to fall for his tricks.
"The truth is, I'm from the future. I'm stuck in this... bureaucracy that controls the timeline of the universe. Something happened and the timeline is falling apart, and I've been slipping in and out of different places in time as a consequence."
You looked shocked for a moment, then laughed. But when Loki's face didn't change, you stopped.
"You're serious?" you asked with a surprised expression.
"Unfortunately, I am," he replied, hanging his head. "For some reason, I spawned here. I have no idea why. You—You're dead. You died, darling. And I don't know if this is some sort of torture from the bastard at the end of time or if there is some other motive—but it's breaking my heart to see you."
You looked at Loki as he sat beside you, breathing heavily and shaking from the emotions coursing through him. His words sat in your thoughts—you die? Well, obviously, you die at some point, but you die young?
You had a million questions to ask him about this circumstance, but you knew that wasn't the reason he was here. You decided to focus on him instead.
"Loki," you began, placing your hand on his shoulder. He looked up at you with tears running down his face.
"Don't cry, my love. You were brought here for a reason, and I doubt it was torture. What are you trying to do with this timeline? Do you need to fix it?"
He nodded, "We have to stop it from branching or—or this dangerous man will escape and start a war."
"Right," you said with a nod, although the entire situation confused you. "So what is stopping you?"
Loki sighed and looked back down at his hands. "I—I keep doing this time-slipping, and I don't know why. I cannot figure out what I am supposed to do. I've been working at it for centuries at this point, and every time I get remotely close, something happens and it doesn't work. And there's one final option left—but I just can't bring myself to do it."
Your heart broke at his lament. You loved him so much, and you hated seeing him so beat down like this. Then, he froze before picking his head up and looking at you with that mischievous grin that you recognized.
"I know! I know why I was brought here! I'm meant to save you!" he claimed excitedly. "I-I can save you from your death, and that way none of this would have ever happened. I can correct the wrongs of the past and just be happy."
His smile dropped when he realized you didn't return his excitement. Instead, you placed your hand on his knee and gave him a sad smile.
"I don't think that's the solution, love."
"No! It is! It has to be! This is the only place that the time-slipping has taken me to that had nothing to do with the people I met at the TVA. Clearly, I'm meant to prevent your death so that we can live happily together and I never made the mistakes I did."
"Loki," you said with a sigh, taking both of his hands in yours. "You said you had a choice to make, that there was a final option. Why won't you do it?"
He looked at you right in your eyes, clearly confused as to why you wouldn't just accept the fact that he wanted to save you. "Um, well, it would mean I'd never get to see my friends again. Like, physically. I'd be able to see them but they'd never be able to see me. And ever since you have been gone, I have had the hardest time finding a group of people to accept me again. I am not willing to let that go quite yet."
"Love, have I ever told you the story about my old dog?" you asked.
Loki looked at you with a puzzled expression. "Uh, no, I don't think so."
"Well," you began with a smile. "Her name was Daisy. She was this gorgeous little retriever who could brighten anyone's day. I got her when I was just four years old, so we pretty much grew up together. She was my favorite thing in the whole wide world. Then, just a few years ago, Daisy started to slow down. She was tired all the time, and she wouldn't eat or play. So, we took her to the closest animal expert. He said that she was really sick. We had to make the decision to either try a medicine that might work but could leave her in pain for the rest of her life or let her go out on her own terms. Do you know what we did?"
He shook his head.
"My parents left the decision up to me because she was technically my dog. I decided to not try the medicine and let her die on her own. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make. I would have loved to have more years with my Daisy, but I knew that she would not be happy. In the end, I had to make the choice that I knew was right, even if it meant losing something I loved."
Loki looked at you with wide eyes, nearly on the verge of tears again. He leaned into your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. Somehow, you always knew just what to say to make him feel better.
"So, my love," you began again, holding him close to you. "Sometimes we have to make the hard choice. Sometimes you have to give up something you love. But in the end, it will be worth it."
You held him for a while, no words spoken between the two of you. You could tell that Loki needed this, he needed to just be around you for a little while longer.
Loki, now knowing what he had to do, just took in the moment for as long as he could. It had been years since he felt you. He memorized every curve of your body, every feeling he had touching you, the way you gently rubbed circles on his shoulder, the way you placed a soft kiss on his forehead every so often.
"Thank you," he finally muttered, sitting up and looking at your eyes again. "I just miss you so much."
"I know, sweetheart," you said. "But look at the life you have without me!"
Loki shook his head with a cynical laugh. "I tried to kill Thor, destroy Jotunheim, then take over Midgard until I was captured and forced into this bureaucracy. I have had no life without you, darling."
You looked at him in disbelief for a moment, trying to figure out what to say to all that. "Well, now you have the chance to make up for all that. Be a hero, my love. What's that thing you always say? Greater purpose?"
He laughed, "Glorious purpose, yes."
"Yeah, that! Do that, sweetheart. I'll love you forever, no matter what happens. You know that."
He nodded and stood up, finally feeling ready to take on his mission. As he rose, he noticed the world around you starting to turn into string. He could not bear seeing you disappear again like he saw all his friends. It would be too much, losing you twice. You looked around in confusion as well.
"What's going on?" you asked with a puzzled look.
"It's no matter. Just look at me," Loki replied. You turned to face him. He smiled, memorizing your face one last time.
"Thank you again, my darling. I love you more than you'll ever know."
You smiled at him one last time.
Somehow, Loki had figured out how to control his time-slipping. He felt it in his veins as he was able to spawn back in the TVA without any excruciating pain or blinding light. He looked around at all of his friends—all the people he met on this journey. He closed his eyes and pictured you, the beautiful you he saw sitting on the bench and reading your book. He took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and formulated his plan to save the world.
#loki#imagine#loki fanfic#loki x you#loki tv#loki imagine#loki fluff#oneshot#marvel#loki x reader#loki laufeyson#marvel imagine
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— — — —
relationship: loki x fem!reader
summary: you meet loki in a chance encounter at the winter ball, and he absolutely steals your heart. but the encounter ended much too soon, leaving you wondering if he ever felt the same way.
warnings: none! :)
word count: 3.2k
notes: WOW has it been a while! i honestly lost interest in posting, but i never lost interest in writing. i finally had the energy to finish this short that i began after speak now (tv) was released last summer, and i couldn’t not share it. so please enjoy!!!! it is inspired by enchanted (tv) by taylor swift!!
The grand ballroom of the Asgardian palace was aglow with warm lights and excited chatter. The golden walls radiated from the energy of the party. The floor was filled with men and women: talking, dancing, laughing, and drinking.
It was the annual winter celebration ball. Royalty, politicians, and socialites from all nine realms were invited to Asgard to celebrate the winter season and accomplishments from the past year. It was an exclusive yet highly-anticipated event. Everyone dreamed of an invite to the party. Ladies commissioned dresses months in advance, hoping to be the most beautiful girl there.
It was your first year in attendance. Your parents had gone ever since you were born. Your father was a consult to the Asgardian throne, hailing from Vanaheim. He traveled across the realms at least twice a year, always including this illustrious event. You dreamt of going since you were little. You constantly daydreamed of the dress you would wear, how you would do your makeup, and all the boys that you would dance with.
At sixteen, you were finally of age to come. Your mother helped you pick out the dress you were currently donning: a stunning dark green ball gown, draped in velvet and adorned with gold pearls. It was everything you could have ever dreamed of. You felt absolutely stunning.
However, the ball itself was dreadfully boring to you. You expected to be blown away by the crowd, having the most enriching conversations and dancing until dawn with a handful of young men. But you were stuck against a pillar, crossing your arms as you scanned the floor.
You were let down. In your mind, this ball was a scene for magic and ultimate grandeur. It was a fairytale - something you would have read in a book when you were little. But now that you were here, you realized it was nothing like that. It was a political scene, a show of wealth. There was nothing for you to do; no boys to whisk you away or girls to gossip with in the corner.
A few people spoke to you in the beginning when your parents were still by your side. They asked you about basic things, such as your studies and your interests. Nothing deeper than surface-level information. You faked smiles and laughs during these conversations, ignoring the pit of disappointment deep in your stomach. As your parents disappeared deeper into the party, so did your social interactions.
The golden walls once lit with excitement became dull. Everything seemed like a facade. There was no real beauty in this room. It was a show, an insincere display for you to judge others and for others to judge you. It no longer seemed like a privilege to be invited, more like a formality.
You sighed and leaned further into the pillar. You looked around, noticing others faking laughs and making faces at those they did not like. You wished you were home in bed with a book, not hiding in a corner in a dress that was feeling gradually more suffocating.
Suddenly, you saw him. A pair of striking blue eyes met yours from across the room. Your heart skipped a beat as you locked in on him. Unable to look away, you took in his features: those beautiful eyes, raven hair, pale skin, sharp cheekbones. He was tall, thin, and utterly graceful. But his eyes—oh, those eyes. They were bright yet broken, sparkling yet sad. You felt like you could see his whole life in his eyes. They were fixated on you, as you were fixated on them. He seemed to be searching his mind, perhaps wondering if he had seen you somewhere before. Your mind began to race when you noticed his silhouette moving closer and closer to you, pushing past others in the crowd. His eyes were still focused on you.
He made his way up the steps, now just a few feet away from you. You reached for the emerald charm on your necklace and began to nervously fidget with it as he approached you.
"You don't seem too pleased to be here," he said with a smile.
Your mouth ran dry. His voice was smooth and deep, cutting through the chatter like a knife. It was so attractive and charming, but shocked you at the same time. And that smile. He seemed so sincere in a place filled with falsities. Yet, he still came off playful and fun. You cleared your throat and collected your thoughts.
"Yes, well, it's awfully dull if you don't get off on gloating."
He laughed, "Says the girl in the green gown that takes up half the room."
"I had different expectations for tonight," you muttered, looking down. He chuckled and extended his hand.
You looked back up at him, his hand still out but yours still gripping your necklace.
"Like the prince?"
"I suppose so," he replied. Your eyes widened as you finally took his hand, shaking it lightly as you said your name.
"To be quite frank, I am also bored out of my mind. What do you say we get out of here?" Loki asked with a mischievous grin.
You furrowed your eyebrows. "To where?"
"Not far. Just around the corner. We'll still be close enough to keep an eye on the party."
You nodded hesitantly. He tightened his grip on your hand and began to lead you out of the ballroom. He took you through a small door just on the other side of the wall. You were both outside now, the cold winter wind biting your skin. You tensed up in the chill.
"Are you cold?" he asked with a puzzled look.
"Yes. Aren't you?"
"Honestly, I've never been bothered by the cold. But here, let me help you."
He dropped your hand and flicked his wrist. You suddenly felt a weight on your shoulders, followed by a warm sensation. You looked around and noticed that a cloak appeared out of nowhere and was wrapped around your body. Your jaw dropped in disbelief as you looked over at him.
"How did you do that?"
Loki smiled. "Just some light magic. Do you feel better?"
You nodded. Your stomach was filled with butterflies. How was this happening? Just a few minutes ago, you were facing the reality that there was no magic, no princes, no dreams coming true. Was this in fact a dream? Had you fallen asleep against that pillar?
Another cold breeze snapped you into reality. This wasn't a dream; this was really happening.
"Are you from Asgard?" he asked.
"No," you answered. "Vanaheim. My father is a consult to the throne. This is my first year at this ball."
"Ah. Well, it doesn't get any better. I can assure you that," Loki said, making you laugh.
He guided you to a golden bench in the middle of the gardens. It sat amidst all of the bushes and flowers that went without blooms in the winter. It also overlooked the windows of the ballroom, allowing you to peek in and see everyone still talking and drinking. It was the perfect place to escape the party.
You sat next to Loki as he began light conversation. You talked about basic things, but then you slowly realized how similar the both of you were. You shared a love of literature, of nature, of horses, of magic—though Loki practiced it while you were just fascinated by it. He showed you a few tricks, such as conjuring a butterfly or making the few falling snowflakes pause mid-air.
The conversation grew deeper and deeper. He confessed his feelings of self-doubt and disappointment from living in the shadow of his glorious older brother. You confessed your feelings of loneliness and longing from being an only child with two busy parents. You found solace in this conversation, finally knowing that there was someone out there who felt just as dissatisfied as you did. It was like you found your missing puzzle piece.
Loki was just absolutely charming. He made you feel wonderstruck; you were completely enthralled by him. From his quick quips to his heartfelt words, you hung on every sentence he spoke like it was the most beautiful thing you ever heard. You wanted nothing more to than just sit here forever listening to him talk while looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.
You lost track of time. You had no idea how long the ball lasted, but you honestly did not care. All you wanted was for this night to last forever. You did not want to stop talking to Loki.
"Hey, I think they're playing the waltz," Loki said mid-conversation. You both turned to look inside and noticed couples joining together. Soft music began to play. You smiled when you spotted your parents in the back, holding each other and spinning around.
Movement in your peripheral caught your attention. You looked up and saw Loki standing with his hand extended.
"May I have this dance?" he asked with a cheeky grin.
You laughed and took his hand. Before you even had a chance to stand, he pulled you out of your seat and into his arms. You gasped as you fell into him.
"Heavens, Loki!" you said through laughter.
"Oh, loosen up," he replied.
You got in position and began to dance together. The faint sound of the orchestra carried through the bitter cold wind. But you didn't mind.
Loki's blue eyes were once again locked with yours. Your heart was beating out of control. He was so charming, so beautiful, so perfect. No one ever listened to you like he did tonight. No one ever talked to you like he did tonight. He made you feel wanted, seen, and absolutely adored. It was hard to believe that you didn't even know him six hours ago. Now, your thoughts would be consumed by him for days to come.
It was a chance meeting, but it completely changed your life. This was the ball you dreamed of. You were so glad you finally found it.
The dance came to an end. The music was replaced by the sound of applause and the Allfather making an announcement. But the two of you didn't care. You stayed in his arms, gazing up at him. He was smiling down at you.
"It was so wonderful to meet you," he said softly.
"You too. Thank you for turning my night around."
"Of course. You made mine a million times better."
You smiled as he began to lean in. Your eyes fluttered shut as you began to feel his breath against your lips. You leaned in to finish the kiss, but were stopped by someone calling your name.
"There you are!" your father yelled as you stepped back from Loki's embrace.
"We've been looking for you!" your mother said. "The ball is over. We must be going home."
"Oh, well—," you began.
"No. Say goodbye before we miss our carriage back to the Bifrost."
You sighed and turned back to Loki. "Thank you, again."
"Surely. I hope to see you again soon."
He gave you a soft smile as your mother grabbed your wrist and quite literally dragged you away. You stumbled with her quick pace until you caught up, yanking your wrist back. You looked behind you one last time as the palace grew distant, trying to see if you could spot the beautiful prince. But unfortunately, you were too far away. Your heart sank as you sighed, following your parents into your carriage.
“Who was that? Was that one of the princes?” your father asked as the carriage began to drive away.
You nodded, “He and I were both bored, so we decided to go outside and talk.”
“Bored?” your mother said with a laugh. “Isn’t this the ball you’ve been looking forward to since you were a little girl?”
“I guess the actual event just wasn’t for me,” you shrugged.
Eventually, you reached the Bifrost and took your journey back to Vanaheim. When you got into bed that night, the memories replayed in your mind. Your heart warmed but longed for the prince that whisked you away so elegantly. He was handsome, charming, intelligent…. just simply enchanting. You fell asleep with the hope that you would actually see him again.
Over the next few months, Loki never left your mind. Though it was one small interaction, it left a lasting impression on you forever. You were completely enamored by him. His voice, his striking blue eyes haunted you in your sleep. So many nights did you fall asleep praying that he still felt the same way, that he wasn’t in love with anyone but you.
The spring came and went on Vanaheim. Since the realm was known for its exquisite nature, the outdoors were absolutely gorgeous. The trees were in full bloom; the hills were adorned with bright flowers and green grass; the lakes sparkled in the afternoon sun. You spent so much time sitting in the garden of your family’s cottage, just reading and daydreaming about the Asgardian boy that stole your heart. Everything was about him; you even read his name as the male protagonist in all of your romance books, picturing that those were your story that got the happy ending.
Your father went to Asgard again at the beginning of summer for a few days to deal with some business. You begged and begged for him to take you, but he repeatedly refused. It broke your heart to know that you were so close yet so far from seeing Loki again. You did not want to wait for the winter to finally have another dance with him.
When your father returned, he had a bright smile on his face. He sat you and your mother down at the kitchen table for a big announcement.
“Family,” he began, “we are moving to Asgard.”
Your mother’s face dropped as you gasped, a smile forcing its way onto your lips. Did he actually just say that?
“What do you mean, dear?” your mother asked him.
“Old Vidar has finally decided to retire as the live-in ambassador from Vanaheim. They have elected me as the replacement. In two weeks, we will start our lives in Asgard.”
You cheered and ran to give your father a big hug. He laughed and hugged you back, albeit a little confused by your reaction. You immediately ran to your room as you started to pack while your mother pried him for more information.
Two weeks later, you were loading up the carriage to travel to the Vanir palace to access the Bifrost. You were more than excited; you could not wait to finally see your prince again. As happy as you were, there was some sense of doubt still stuck in you—What if he didn’t feel the same way? What if he had moved on? It had been nearly seven months since you last saw Loki. A lot can change in that time.
But you chose to remain hopeful as you began your journey to Asgard. You felt the warm sensation of the Bifrost and suddenly, you were back in the golden room of Heimdall. A carriage was already waiting on the rainbow bridge to drive your family to the palace, where a feast was to be held to honor both the outgoing ambassador and your father.
Once you had your luggage arranged in the carriage, you began the drive to the castle. It felt like the drive was taking ages. Your knee bounced with excitement. Your mother placed her hand on it, and you turned to look at her. “Sorry,” you muttered under your breath.
Finally, you arrived. Your heart was in your throat as you spotted the royal family on the golden steps of the palace. They came closer into view as your carriage approached the castle. Then, you saw him.
His raven hair was slightly longer, he was a little bit taller, and he stood with more confidence. Finally, his striking blue eyes locked with yours again. You saw right through him again—all the happiness and pain that he’s experienced. But you couldn’t quite get a read on how he was feeling. Did he move on? Was he still as infatuated with you as you are with him?
Your head hurt with anxiety. You prayed that he still thought about you as much as you thought about him.
The carriage slowed down and pulled alongside the steps. Your father stepped out first, offering his hand to help your mother out and then you. The three of you stood in front of the royal family. You nearly quivered underneath their intimidating stare.
“Welcome, Henrik and family. We are thrilled that you will be joining us in Asgard as diplomatic figures from Vanaheim. We look forward to working with you,” Odin declared.
The three of you bowed. Guards escorted you up the stairs as you began to follow the family inside the palace. You looked at Loki with a smile, but he remained stoic, turning around and following inside. Your heart shattered in your chest. Holding back tears, you looked down and kept walking.
Something grabbed your arm and pulled you back. You gasped as you fell right into a familiar pair of arms. You looked up, meeting the blue eyes you longed to see after nearly seven months.
“Loki,” you whispered, a small smile growing on your face.
“Did you think that I’ve forgotten about you?” he said with a playful grin. “How could I forget the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen?”
A heated blush rose to your cheeks as you giggled, shocked by his forwardness. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms again.
“I was so scared that you had moved on,” you confessed. Your face vibrated against his chest as he let out a deep chuckle.
“I couldn’t possibly have moved on. Your name was the only one in my mind ever since that night.”
You pulled back, looking at him with disbelief. “Really?”
He laughed and nodded. “Really. I could not get your face out of my head. It drove me quite mad, honestly.”
You laughed, mostly still in disbelief. This couldn’t be real. How could this beautiful, charming prince—one that definitely could have any maiden he desired—be so infatuated with you?
“My parents will probably be taking yours on a tour of the palace before dinner, so that gives us about an hour to do whatever we want,” Loki said with a smile.
“A tour? Shouldn’t we join them?”
He shook his head dismissively. “I’ll give you a tour some other time. Why don’t we catch up first?”
You nodded with a big smile. He went to remove his hands from your waist, but you stopped him, placing your hands on top of his.
“Wait,” you said, moving your hands to cup his face. “I want to try something first.”
Loki grinned, then he leaned in and closed the gap between you. Finally, you felt your lips on his, and it was magical. You draped your arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss, moving his lips against yours. After a few moments, he pulled away, leaving you absolutely breathless. He smiled at your flushed face, then released his grip on you and grabbed your hand.
“Follow me, I want to show you the courtyard.”
With a smile, you let him lead you away from the steps. He talked to you, but you were still in a daze. You couldn’t believe that you got so lucky; you felt absolutely enchanted to meet him.
#loki#loki imagine#loki x reader#loki laufeyson#marvel loki#loki x you#loki fanfic#loki fluff#imagine#oneshot#marvel#loki smut#the avengers#thor#Spotify
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unfortunately i’m going to have to postpone the next part of “lost in the memory.”
due to personal reasons, i was unable to find time to write & edit a polished product. i aim to have the best work put out, especially since everyone is loving this series and i am very proud of it
part two: “august” will be out wednesday, may 18th!
thank you for understanding!
xoxo, liv
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#oneshot#marvel#peter parker x reader#andrew garfield#marvel imagine#spider man no way home
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part one of the “lost in the memory” series

IN WHICH peter loses wendy
OR you find out your boyfriend’s infidelity.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: cursing

It was day three of refusing to leave your bed. The late summer sun shone through the cracks in your curtains, but you stayed under the covers. You clutched the sweatshirt in your hands as tears slowly rolled down your cheeks.
You knew this would happen eventually. Peter Parker was handsome, charming, and God-awfully insatiable. Nothing was ever enough for him.
It wasn't enough that you loved him with your whole heart. It wasn't enough that you were willing to break every rule to be with him. It wasn't enough that you were missing assignments, family events to spend time with him.
You weren't enough for him.
But, God, did you want to be.
You let yourself believe that you were enough for him. You gave him everything. And Peter did love you. To him, you were the most beautiful girl. He loved sneaking you out of your room at three in the morning to swing around the city, or skip down the sidewalk, or makeout on the rooftop.
But Peter loved attention, too. At school, he would ignore you to talk to as many people as possible. At a party, you were left in the corner while he goofed off with a group. It always took you by surprise, considering how much he hated crowds and socializing. But that insatiable need for attention kept him popular at all these places.
The little moments you shared alone are what kept you convinced that you were enough. He was always sweet when you least expected it. From stumbling home after a party to watching him skate at a construction site, you thought that all he needed was you.
"I love you," he slurred one night, placing a sloppy kiss on your hand. "You're the best girlfriend in the whole wide world."
"Peter," you giggled, stopping under a streetlight. "You're wasted."
"I know, but it's still true. I love, love, love you," he repeated, leaning in. You laughed again and wrapped your arms around his neck. All you tasted on his lips was the cheap vodka he drank all night, but he kissed you with so much love that you ignored it.
For the first seven months of your relationship, it seemed just like a dream. He'd spend weekends at your place; you'd spend nights in his car. The two of you loved to go on late night drives, pushing both of your curfews to the point that your mother started tracking your phone. But you didn't care; you were much too giddy to care.
You and Peter signed up for all the same classes at school. You made sure to sit next to each other and annoy the teacher by getting completely distracted during lessons.
"Mr. Parker," your civics teacher scolded the one day. The entire class turned to look at you two as your conversation abruptly stopped. "Am I going to have to move your seat? This is the third time this week I've had to stop class because of you two talking."
"No, ma'am. We'll stop."
She resumed the lesson. Your face was beet red, but Peter started snickering. He looked over at you with that cheeky grin.
"That was so funny," he whispered.
"She could've written us up."
"Who cares? We're just having fun."
"I care, Peter," you whispered back.
"C'mon, darling, loosen up."
You didn't look at him as he continued to nudge your shoulder. Eventually, you cracked a smile. It was kind of funny, the way she just turned and snapped at you.
You hated that Peter was such an influence on your behavior. But you loved feeling so free around him. You were convinced he was the one, that you were going to marry him and have kids with him.
He was your best friend, the person that you trusted above everyone. He was always there for you, even when you spent nights crying in your bed over your absent father. Peter understood; his parents died when he was little, leaving him to be raised by his aunt and uncle. He craved that parental guidance just as much as you did.
Peter lifted you up on your worst nights. He would show up at your door with a bouquet of flowers and your favorite candy bar, his brown eyes lit up. You always have him a big hug at the door before leading him to your room. He would just hold you while you laid in bed, running his hand through your hair and trying to soothe you.
"I love you," he'd whisper. "You're my favorite person in the world. You mean so much to me."
While you dealt with your feelings more internally, Peter dealt with his by being a complete extrovert. He was that life of the party through junior year: the guy that could hold a conversation with absolutely anyone. Girls swooned over his infectious smile and little quirks. You were constantly reminding them that you were his girlfriend.
There was one girl in particular that Peter clicked with: Gwen Stacy. She was a textbook sweetheart, with bright blue eyes, perfect blonde hair, and the best grades in the class. She was already in a major science internship and had colleges begging her to attend their schools. Gwen was always talking to Peter, always offering him help on homework and always making him laugh during class. It annoyed you to no end.
You really liked Gwen, though. She gave you answers to the math homework whenever you didn't feel like doing it. She saved a seat for you at lunch if you didn't have one. She seemed to respect the fact that you were dating Peter, but that didn't stop them from getting close.
But you tried your best to ignore it. Peter was still devoted to you, after all. You were the one that he'd stay up until the sunrise talking to, the one that he'd play childish games with just to see you smile.
"I'm gonna marry Peter someday," you told your mom at dinner one night. "I just—I know he's the one."
"Sweetheart, you're barely seventeen," she said with a laugh. "You don't know anything about real love yet."
"That's not true. I love Peter. I can't see myself with anyone else."
"I don't know. You're so young. A lot of things can change before you get married."
Her comments made you mad. You knew a lot more than she thought. You knew Peter was the one, but you also knew that being in a lengthy relationship with him was not going to be easy. You knew that no matter what happened, he was going to leave a mark on you forever.
But you didn't know that he was already lying to you.
The jealousy started to poison your mind. Your future plans stayed at the forefront of your thoughts, reassuring you that Peter loved you and wanted a life with you. But the way he spoke to other girls, the way he pushed you aside to talk skating with his friends, all became too much.
And for how much Peter ignored you for others, you still couldn't get him to go to a school dance.
"Pete, please?" you begged him the night before your spring semi-formal. "We don't have to stay the whole time. I just want to go, take some pictures with friends, and dance for a little bit. Nothing else."
"You know how much I hate dances," he answered.
"Yeah, I do. It's why I skipped homecoming and winter formal. I just want to do this one thing."
"And I'm not stopping you. I'm just not gonna go."
"Can't you do anything I want?!" you almost yelled. "Peter, this means a lot to me. I really want you to go."
He rolled his eyes and stood up. "I gave you my answer. I'll see you in homeroom."
You were left in tears in your floor as he left your house. You called your best friend to rant, and she assured you that you wouldn't be alone at the dance.
So you went anyway. You hung out with your friends and danced to the awful music the DJ played, but you missed Peter. Something in you prayed that he would show up and sweep you off your feet, but he never did. Luckily, Flash Thompson agreed to be your dance partner for a few songs.
You always got along with Flash; Peter never did. You didn't understand why. He kept claiming that Flash was in love with you and wanted to steal you from him. You told him he was crazy; Flash was your friend since preschool.
As junior year ended and summer began, Peter became distant. He no longer spent nights with you. He rarely texted or called. He stopped showing up at your door and holding you when you were upset. It made you so stressed at a time when you were supposed to be enjoying life.
On the occasion that Peter actually spent time with you, you made sure to make the most of it. You'd take him on late walks through your neighborhood, dancing along the cobblestone streets while holding his hand. It was as if you were trying to convince him that you were his girlfriend, that you were worthy of his time. You never asked where he was disappearing to all of a sudden; you just wanted to reinforce your importance to him.
But as summer came to an end, you got a damning message from Inez Hardy.
Inez was your school's local gossip. She somehow knew everything about everyone, and she loved to start drama. You never had a problem with her, so you didn't know why she texted you, then subsequently called you.
"I felt like I needed to tell you in-person rather than text," she said.
"What do you mean?" you asked as you took a seat on your bed.
"Well, there's no way to put this plainly. Peter's cheating on you."
You scoffed, "Inez, please. There's no need to start anything."
"I'm serious! He's dating Gwen Stacy, too. My sister saw them hanging out at the mall last week, and then I saw them myself, driving around in her car."
"A-Are you sure it was Peter?" you asked, the story sounding a little more believable.
"I'm positive. I'm so sorry."
"Okay. Goodbye," you said quickly, ending the call. Your heart shattered into a million pieces. With tears in your eyes, you burst into your mom's bedroom and told her everything.
Later that night, Peter stopped by for the first time in almost a week. He met you with a smile as you opened the door, but you stayed stoic. You stepped outside and shut the door.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I think you know."
"I honestly don't, babe, that's why I'm asking."
You rolled your eyes, "You and Gwen?"
His face fell. "How-How did you know?"
"Inez told me."
Peter scoffed, “So you’re gonna believe her? Really?”
“Well you’re not exactly denying it!”
“She spreads rumors, babe.”
“Is it a rumor?!”
He paused then looked down. “No.”
Tears began to form in your eyes at his confession. You cursed yourself for being so stupid, for falling for his tricks while being aware of his insatiable need for attention.
“God, Peter, how could you do this to me?! I love you! Am I not enough?!”
“No! You are!” he fired back. “I just—I just…”
“You just what?”
“I felt…pressured. She swept me up. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Well, you did. So congrats. And get the fuck away from my house.”
“What?! No! Can’t we talk about this?”
“What is there to talk about?” you asked, crossing your arms. “You cheated on me. There’s no coming back. Goodnight, Peter.”
Before he had a chance to respond, you stepped back inside and slammed the door in his face.
You spent the rest of that week depressed and in your room. You loved Peter so much; you didn't want to break up with him. But it was clear that dating him would only hurt you. You refused to accept it.
Something in you told you that he'd come back to you eventually. Peter was just an insatiable attention-seeker. He loved you. Once the thrill of a secret relationship with Gwen died down, you knew he'd crawl right back and beg for your forgiveness.
A knock came to your door. You looked over and saw your best friend Mary Jane step into your room.
"I'm here to cheer you up," she announced, throwing open your shades. "I'm sick of you sitting here crying while it's 90° outside."
"MJ," you groaned. "I can't."
"No. I'm not letting some stupid boy ruin our summer. This is our last one before graduation! You need to enjoy it."
"I miss him," you whispered, feeling the tears start again.
Mary Jane huffed and sat on the edge of your bed. "Enough of the wallowing. Let's throw a party. That way, you can drink and have fun and forget about that asshole.”
"No," you muttered.
"That wasn't a question. We're doing it. I'll take care of everything else if we have it here."
You shook your head.
"I'm serious! This is happening, whether you like it or not. Now go take a shower so we can grab some lunch."
She grabbed your arm and pulled you up. She stared at you with her icy blue eyes until you groaned and stood up.
"Fine. But I can't guarantee I'm going to enjoy it."
"Don't care!"
You sighed and made your way to the bathroom, turning on the shower. A little spark in you was excited for the party. Peter couldn’t stay away from events like this—especially if it meant he could see you.
@florqlness @s3xymoonman @sweetpeterparker @rqmanoff @yesiamobsessesdwithmarvel @polaroidinscreamingcolor @marvelwasmadeforthebis @filmlibra @flicksturz @butterflyreads @lovethat4you
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#oneshot#marvel#peter parker x reader#andrew garfield#marvel imagine#peter parker fluff#peter parker angst#peter parker imagine#tasm peter x reader#tasm peter parker#andrew!peter x you#based on a taylor swift song#cardigan#spiderman x reader#spiderman imagine#tasm fic#gwen stacy
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lost in the memory
a folklore love triangle
“would you trust me if i told you it was just a summer thing?”
~ a tasm au inspired by folklore by taylor swift

betty {the reader}
“when you are young, they assume you know nothing”
james {peter parker}
“the worst thing that i ever did was what i did to you”
august {gwen stacy}
“so much for summer love, saying ‘us,’ cause you weren’t mine to lose”

table of contents:
PART ONE: cardigan
in which peter loses wendy
PART TWO: august
in which she was living for the hope of it all
in which he shows up at your party

comment to be added to the taglist!
#peter parker#spiderman#peter parker x reader#tasm peter x reader#imagine#marvel#oneshot#andrew garfield#marvel imagine#andrew!peter parker#andrew!peter x you#taylor swift#based on a taylor swift song#marvel series#spiderman series#peter parker imagine#peter parker fluff#peter parker angst
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bad thoughts
— — — —
relationship: tobey!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: peter parker never thought he could love someone as much as you, until he held his daughter for the first time.
warnings: none!
word count: 3.5k
notes: this was cut down from a very long imagine i wrote, so i apologize for the choppiness!
The only sound in your apartment was your anxious foot-tapping on the hardwood floor. It was well past one in the morning, and you sat on your couch, facing the open window which allowed a chilly November wind to blow in. Goosebumps dotted your skin as you shivered in the cold, but you didn't care; your mind was a million miles away, worrying for the worst. You absentmindedly twisted your wedding band around your finger to give some sort of release from your nervous thoughts.
Peter Parker was your wonderful husband of almost two years. He was sweet, handsome, kind, selfless - everything you ever dreamed of in a significant other. You met in an upper-level biology class in your junior years of college. You two were the only ones willing to answer the professor's questions, which led to a rivalry, which led to a friendship, which led to a relationship.
As much as you loved Peter, you always felt that he was holding something back. He would cancel dates abruptly and often without explanation. When he actually spent time with you, he seemed so far away. It led to a lasting fight and ultimately a break from your relationship. You had no idea why Peter couldn't just tell you what he was hiding. You felt betrayed, confused, and he seemed to show no sympathy.
One night during your break, you were laying in bed with a book. A sudden knock on your window startled you. You jumped when you looked outside, spotting Peter bloodied and bruised on your balcony. You sprang out of bed and opened the window. He crawled inside, and you gasped when you saw the red and blue suit he donned.
"You-You're—You—," you stuttered, unable to speak the words that sat on the tip of your tongue.
"Please, can we talk about this later?" he groaned, wincing as he tried to take a seat on your bed. "I-I really need some help."
"Uh—Yeah, of course. What happened? How can I help?"
You were a nursing student on your way to a doctorate, so you instantly knew what to do to help Peter. He looked inches from death as you tugged his suit down his chest and tended to the gash across his abdomen. It broke your heart to see him in so much pain, but you both knew that you were the only person who could take care of him.
When he was all bandaged up, you offered him a change of clothes and a cup of tea. You helped him get comfortable in your bed, then you curled up next to him.
"So, I'm—"
"Peter," you said softly, looking up at him. "It's okay."
His ice blue eyes looked into yours. You could tell he felt bad; he felt like he needed to explain. You simply shook your head.
"You don't have to tell me anything. I love you. I just want you to be safe."
"I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you."
"I know," you responded, laying your head on his chest. "Thank you."
After that night, your relationship was different. There were no secrets between you and Peter. You were able to be closer, more intimate, more loving. Every night, Peter left in his Spiderman suit to protect the city. And every night, you sat in bed willing him to come home safe. Most nights, he was unharmed, but once in a while, you would be up until the sunrise stitching his cuts and icing his bruises.
About a year after you found out his secret, Peter proposed to you. It wasn't the most romantic moment, but it was definitely memorable. He was acting weird for days leading up to the proposal. Initially, he planned to do it at a fancy restaurant with his Aunt May's engagement ring. Midway through dinner, your best friend Mary Jane walked in with her fiancé. The two of you were so surprised to see each other there. You begged Peter to let her share a table. He didn't want to make anything obvious, so he agreed. Then, his best friend Harry Osborn walked in with his new girlfriend on his arm. You were so excited by this coincidence, and Peter still didn't want to disappoint you, so he let them join your party as well.
Eventually, Peter became frustrated enough with the interruption and just got down on one knee. You were shocked, to say the least, but said yes. After all, you got engaged to the love of your life in front of your best friends.
The next few months of your life were filled with pure bliss. You made sure to thank Aunt May for her ring and promised to never take it off. And you didn't. You told everyone that you were getting married, from your fellow nurses in your resident program to the customers you served in your part-time job as a waitress.
A break from your wedding planning happened on the week of MJ's wedding. You were a bridesmaid, so you spent the whole week running last minute errands and calming her nerves. On the night of the wedding, you and Peter took full advantage of the open bar. It was rare that either of you had the money to buy your own alcohol, so this was a godsend. Both of you had a little too much to drink, claiming it was to fully enjoy the '90s throwbacks the DJ was playing. You stumbled home together, hand-in-hand and giggling like two teenagers in love.
A month later, you were staring at two pink lines on a pregnancy test.
Peter was ecstatic, to say the least. When you told him the news, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. With a big grin, he squeaked, "Really?"
You nodded. He started laughing, pulling you into his arms and peppering kissed all over your face. You giggled and basked in his attention.
"Oh my god," he exclaimed after a minute, holding your hands in his. "We-We have to get a bigger apartment and a crib and a stroller and—What about the wedding?"
"Can we wait until after the baby's born?"
"The baby," he repeated in an excited tone, the words sounding so alien yet so fitting. "Yes, of course. Whatever you want to do."
The next few months went by in a delightful blur. Peter took a job at Oscorp in chemistry and kept working at the newspaper to earn extra money, which always went to an unnecessary amount of baby clothes and stuffed animals that he insisted on buying.
His favorite purchase was a small stuffed Spider-Man doll that he bought at a craft market. He was so excited when he brought it home, and you couldn't tell whether it was because he was happy to buy anything for the baby or he had an ego-boost from someone making plushes of him. Either way, Peter proudly displayed the Spider-Man doll on a shelf in the nursery of your new apartment.
Suddenly, towards the end of your pregnancy, Aunt May suffered a stroke. You and Peter spent the night in the hospital while she fought for her life. But just fifteen hours later, she passed away, with Peter holding her frail hand.
He was completely shocked and heartbroken, as were you. He went days without eating, smiling, talking, or donning the suit. You tried your best to comfort him, but in your state, there wasn't much you could do.
Until five days later when your daughter was born.
May Elizabeth Parker was the ray of sunshine that finally brought a smile to Peter's face. She had the same striking blue eyes and fluffy brown hair as her father. When the nurse handed her to Peter for the first time, you saw how his face just lit up. He could stop smiling as he cradled her, whispering sweet nothings and placing little kisses on her forehead. Tears were constantly streaming down his face, but he didn't seem to notice.
Over the next few months, Peter finally returned to himself. He was the same geeky, charming boy that you fell in love with, but now he had a baby to take care of. May was never out of his sight. He woke up with her and put her to bed, and he would always be the one to get up in the middle of the night to feed her. He rocked her, played with her, and read her stories. It was clear that May was attached to him as well, but you noticed that she got sick of him occasionally and cried to be with you.
Peter even went back to his vigilante life. Every night, after rocking May to sleep, he put on the Spider-Man suit and got ready to patrol. You were so nervous every time he left. Crime spiked after criminals believed Spider-Man finally retired, but they became much more angry when he returned with a vengeance. He started coming home with cuts and bruises again but still swore he was fine.
"I have to protect May," he told you as you bandaged up a cut on his arm. "I need to be out there to keep her safe."
"But you can't be risking your life like this, Peter," you argued. "She needs you as her father just as much as she needs you as her hero."
"I'll be okay, babe," he promised. "It's nothing I haven't been through before."
You sighed, knowing he was just going to continue to be stubborn. "Can you at least try to avoid your face until after the wedding? I don't want to look back at our photos and see you with a black eye.
Peter laughed, "Deal."
You officially became Mrs. Parker later that summer. May was seven months old and had a bright smile on the whole time. She wore a tutu that matched the colors of your bridesmaid dresses, and Mary Jane took care of her all day, much to Peter's chagrin. But you could tell he enjoyed the party and having a break from constantly worrying about his daughter. He still checked on her every hour, though.
As May started to grow up, you fell into a rhythm as a loving family of three. You took a day-shift job at the hospital, while Peter continued to move up in his job at Oscorp. A nanny stayed with May during the day until you returned from work. Peter came home not long after you. You enjoyed dinner together. Once May learned to talk, she would tell Peter stories until bedtime. The two of them were birds of a feather. He chased her around the apartment while you made dinner, then he played dolls with her while you cleaned up. Watching your husband and daughter always brought a smile to your face.
However, you kept Peter's alter ego a secret. Every night after he put her to bed, he still put on the Spider-Man suit and swung around the city, busting robberies and protecting innocents. He slipped in through the window quietly as to not wake May, let you take care of any injuries, then went to bed. May loved to watch clips of the hero on the news or look at pictures of him in the paper, but she never knew that it was her father.
You kept this secret from her for mostly her protection. When you found out years ago, Peter feared every day that he put you in danger. He was so worried that an enemy would find out you were his girlfriend and try to harm you. But he was even more worried for May. Peter knew you were capable of protecting yourself if needed, but she was just a baby. He needed to keep her safe at all costs because she would not be able to defend herself. Plus, she was a kid, and she could easily blab to anyone that Spider-Man was her dad.
Peter returned from his patrols earlier now. He said it was because he couldn't stay away from his family, but you knew he wasn't the kid he used to be. He spent his days working and chasing around a toddler. There was no way he could be fighting crime until the sunrise anymore.
That's why tonight was such an anxious night for you. Peter was always home by midnight, one in the morning at the latest. As the clocked ticked past two, you knew something was wrong.
There were rumors of a lizard mutant terrorizing the city. Peter had yet to meet him, but he was hunting him down for days. The lizard was rampaging at night, often scaling the tallest buildings, then disappearing into the sewers. Out of all the supernatural beings that your husband faced, this one terrified you the most.
A thud against the window shot you out of your daze. You gasped as Peter stumbled through, his mask in shreds and deep cuts along his chest. You helped him inside and sat him on the couch. He winced at every movement, clutching his chest in pain.
"Oh my god, what happened?!" you whisper-shouted, holding his bruised face in your hands.
"That—That lizard," he spoke through broken breaths.
"Holy shit, Peter," you muttered, running into the bathroom and grabbing the first-aid kit. "How did he get you this bad?"
"His claws," Peter said, finally catching his breath. "It—It was Connors."
"Connors. He was the lizard. He...Experiment gone bad."
"Dr. Connors? From college?"
He nodded, his face screwed up in pain as you peeled his suit away from his chest. The gashes were long and several layers deep, but they stopped bleeding for the most part. You felt a few tears slip from your eyes. Seeing your husband, the man you loved more than anything, in this condition broke your heart. He looked worse than the night you discovered his identity, and you never thought you would see him that way again.
"Oh, babe," you sighed, dabbing at his cuts with alcohol. "You're gonna need stitches."
Peter just nodded, hissing as the alcohol burned. You bit your lip and muttered a few apologies as you continued to clean his wounds. You began setting up the needle to patch him up, but he placed his hand on top of yours, stopping you from continuing.
"What?" you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion. He put a finger on his lips, shushing you, and looked around. Something was setting off his senses.
"Daddy?" a small voice called. You looked up to see May standing at the edge of the living room, holding her favorite plush dog.
"Hey, sweetheart," he groaned, attempting to sit up. You pushed him down and shook your head.
"May? What are you doing awake, honey?" you asked gently.
"I got woken up by bad thoughts."
"Bad thoughts? Did you have a nightmare?"
She shook her head. "No. Bad thoughts. I got scared and felt bad, so I was woken up and came here."
Peter looked over at you with a smile, and finally, you connected the dots. Before she was born, both of you wondered if she would inherit any of his powers. However, she never exhibited any sign of enhanced abilities—until now. Peter assumed that the "bad thoughts" were her senses going off, something that used to wake him up until he learned to control them. He let out a light laugh and lifted an arm.
"Come here, baby. You're okay," he said soothingly.
May shook her head again, looking him up and down. You could see a look of fear in her blue eyes as she clutched her stuffed animal.
"Why not?" Peter asked.
"You're Spider-Man," she said softly. Peter nodded.
"I am, but it's okay."
"But you're hurt."
"I know. Mommy's gonna make me all better."
On cue, you began stitching up his first of three cuts. He winced a little, but he still begged May to come by him.
"I'm scared, Daddy. Bad thoughts."
"I know, honey, I know. I know how those bad thoughts feel. But you're okay, everything's okay."
Eventually, May tiptoed over and sat next to Peter. He pulled her close to him and gently kissed her cheek, running his hand through her long hair.
"I'm sorry you got woken up," he whispered. "Those bad thoughts can be very scary, but you're so strong, May. You can beat them."
You smiled as you watched Peter soothe her. He was such a good father, and their relationship was going to become more important as she developed more powers.
Finally, you finished patching up his last wound. He thanked you and sat up, pulling May into his chest. His fast healing was a godsend on these bad nights. The pain stopped bothering him a few minutes ago, so now he was free to hold his daughter.
"Why don't I tuck you back in while Daddy gets changed?" you asked, and May nodded in response. You took her out of Peter's arms as she nestled close to you. You gave your husband a small smile as you walked back into her bedroom and put her back to bed.
"Have you had those bad thoughts before?" you asked as you pulled her quilt over her body. May nodded as you sighed.
"Don't be afraid to tell me and Daddy anything. We love you very much. We will help you with anything."
"I love you too, Mommy," she whispered, making you smile as you placed a kiss on her forehead. You bid her goodnight and left, gently closing her bedroom door.
You went back into your bedroom. Peter traded in his suit for a pair of grey sweatpants, examining his injuries in the mirror. Once he noticed your presence, he turned around and pulled you into a tight hug. You buried your head into his chest and began to cry. Peter held you close, gently rubbing your back and placing light kisses on the top of your head.
"I was so scared, Peter," you admitted through tears. "I-I thought you weren't coming back."
"I'm here now. Everything is fine," he assured you. "I...took care of Connors."
"What do you mean?" you asked, looking up at him. He bit his lip and sighed.
"He's dead."
"Wh-What? You killed him?"
Peter nodded. "He was going to turn all of New York into mutants. I didn't want to...kill him. I only planned on getting him into custody. But as we fought, I kept thinking of May. I thought if he was strong enough to climb buildings and throw cars off of bridges, he was strong enough to break out of jail."
He paused for a moment, looking down, like he was about to cry. "He knew who I was. He recognized me. I thought if he escaped, he'd hunt me down, and he'd hurt you and her. I could never let that happen, so I killed him while I had the chance."
"Peter," you sighed. "You can't start killing people to protect us. It's not right."
"It wasn't just to protect you. He'd hurt more people if I didn't. I don't regret killing him, but I'll never shake the sound of him calling my name."
You shook your head and leaned against him, pulling him tight. "May and I will be okay. You are so strong, Peter. I love you."
He kissed you gently, leaning his forehead against yours and holding your chin. He kissed you with pure love and passion, assuring you that everything he did was to protect you. You knew he loved you more than anything. It was the whole reason he risked his life every night. Peter was completely devoted to you and forever thankful that you gave him the greatest gift, his sweet May.
You pulled away breathlessly, closing your eyes in content.
"Do you wanna go to bed?”
Peter nodded, "I think I'm gonna go spend a few minutes in May's room. I just—I need to make sure she’s okay.”
You smiled at his love for her, giving him one last kiss. "Goodnight, my love."
You crawled into bed as Peter snuck through the door and into his daughter's bedroom. He gently lifted her out of bed and into his arms. She stayed asleep, but rolled close to him. Peter took a seat in the chair in the corner and leaned back, allowing May to stretch out comfortably. He looked down at her with tears in his eyes.
To him, May was the most beautiful thing in the world. She was his everything: the person that saved him when he was at his lowest.
Peter never thought he could love someone as much as he loved you. He swore that there was no room in his heart for someone else. But every time he laid his eyes on his daughter, he proved himself wrong.
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#marvel#oneshot#peter parker x reader#marvel imagine#tobey maguire#spider man no way home#peter parker imagine#peter parker fluff#dad!peter parker#spiderman x reader#andrew garfield
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i’m in my dad!peter era so expect a lot of fics of him w kids 🥰
(or if you wanna send requests that’s cool!!)
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hi! i don’t really know how to make a request i’m kinda neww
but if you had time i was wondering if i request something with tobeys peter parker?
it would take place in NWH
tobey and the reader were highschool sweethearts and she just happened to get bit by the same radioactive spider as peter so she became “spider women” and that’s how they fell in love. but she died in a fight in his universe but in NWH since all the spidermen were there tobey excepted the reader to be there as well but she wasn’t. and once they were fighting all the villains she would come appear in and help them and her and tobey kinda reunite
i loved this request but hated how i wrote it!! i hope you enjoy this nonsense :)
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relationship: tobey!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: in the heat of the multiversal battle, the three peter’s get help from an outside hero. and one peter misses the love of his life more than anything.
warnings: light cursing
word count: 1.4k
It was quickly becoming too much: sand, electricity, giant lizard creatures. The three Spider-Men were uncoordinated and nervous. While they were supposed to be working as a team, they found themselves biting off too much at once and struggling to top the villains.
"Peter Three!" Peter One yelled, holding off the Lizard. "Toss me the cure!"
"Uh," Peter Three responded, dodging the lightning bolts chasing him. "I'm a little tied up here!"
"Peter One! Sandman cure!" Peter Two called, being drowned in the sand of his enemy.
"Hang on!"
The oldest Peter was struggling to breathe as the sand went past his mask. He reached out a desperate hand, and suddenly, he felt the metal contraption in his grasp. He flicked the switch and felt instant relief as the sand around him began to disappear.
"Oh my god," he gasped, yanking off his mask. "Thank you."
"No problem, Spider."
Peter froze. That name, that voice—It belonged to one person. But it couldn't be. You passed away years ago. How could you be here?
Against his better judgement, Peter looked up, and sure enough, there you were. You stood on the edge of the statue, your hair flowing in the wind. The flashy yellow and red of your bodysuit stood out against the dark night sky. Peter thought he was dead for a second.
You furrowed your brows, "Why do you look so surprised? You know I'm always here to help."
"But—But..." he stuttered, unable to speak a full sentence.
You died. He was sure of it. He watched you bleed out that awful night, as the color drained from your skin and your chest heaved with every breath. He was there as they lowered your casket into the ground, as the seasons changed and grass grew on top of your grave.
So how were you here now?
"Peter?" you asked with genuine concern. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"I'm looking at one right now!"
"Who? Dr. Octavius? Because I thought he was dead, too. What is he doing here?"
"I—I mean yes, he's dead. But-But so are you."
"What?" you laughed. "I'm pretty sure I'm alive, honey."
As he went to explain, you felt a tug on your wrist and you were flung across the sky. A giant lizard wrestled you as Peter sprung into action.
Some other Spider-Man came to your rescue, however. You had no idea who this man was, but he was not your Peter Parker.
A green gas exploded from a bottle as the lizard creature fell off of you and began to transform into a man.
"It's okay, Connors," the other Spider-Man said.
"Um, who are you?" you asked, sitting up.
"I'm Peter Parker. You must be—Actually, I have no idea."
He pulled off his mask to reveal a much younger hero; he couldn't have been older than eighteen. He looked nothing like your husband, though.
"You're Peter Parker?" you gasped. "Then—How?! I'm married to Peter Parker!"
"It must be one of the others. There's this whole multiverse-thing going on and we have to cure all these villains so they don't die. Are you, like, Spider-Woman or something?"
You nodded, "I actually am. So, a whole bunch of realities collided and now I'm here?"
"Basically, yeah. You can help us fight them, if you want."
And so you did.
Although you weren’t a Peter Parker like the guys, you were also bit by a spider that fateful day at Columbia. Just like your Peter, you hid your powers from everyone, eventually running into the other vigilante of the city. It was a love story for the ages; two heroes cursed with the same gift.
The two of you fought crime throughout your college years and into marriage. When you weren’t fighting crime together, you were dancing around your small apartment and planning a family life together. You dreamed of a small house in the suburbs with two kids and a dog.
Until that dream was taken away from you.
It was a cold night in February. A gang of ex-convicts with automatic weapons was terrorizing the city. You and Peter sprung into action to help the NYPD. As you swung from building to building trying to rip the guns out of their hands, a stray bullet hit you right in the chest. Peter’s heart stopped as he watched you fall straight down. He shot a web to save you from hitting the ground, but he wasn’t quick enough. A crack! echoed throughout the dark streets as you slammed against the pavement.
He knelt next to you as you slowly died. Blood gushed from the wound on your chest and trickled from your nose.
But you didn’t know this. As far as you knew, you were pulled from seconds before that fall. One second you were fighting those gunmen, the next, you were in some unfamiliar Times Square.
Something in you told you to rush to the Statue of Liberty. There, you saw Spider-Man. Well, several, actually. But you saw your Spider-Man first.
Once the group of you cured all of the villains—and witnessed the youngest nearly kill Dr. Osborn—your Peter picked you up and swung you to the top of the statue. The sun was rising as you landed.
“Peter? Are you okay?” you asked as you saw tears form in his eyes.
“I miss you,” he sobbed. “I miss you so fucking much. I can’t believe I’m looking at you right now.”
You didn’t know how to answer him. You didn’t know you were dead. Hell, you had no idea when, where, or how it happened. But clearly, something happened that left him broken.
“I’m sorry I’m not there anymore, honey,” you replied, pulling him into your chest.
“You don’t understand. I’ve been a mess without you. I—I haven’t talked to any of our friends in years. I don’t go anywhere, do anything. I just stay home and pray that some day you’ll come back to me.”
“Babe,” you said softly, running your fingers through his hair. “You can’t do that to yourself. I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life in grief.”
“I can’t live without you.”
“But you have to.”
“Maybe—Maybe I don’t have to. Maybe we can go back to the school and I can make you a cure, too. For the bite. So that way, you would never have been out with me and—.”
“Stop!” you shouted, pushing him back. He looked at you with hurt in his eyes. “I don’t want to know how it happens. And, Peter, it’s fate. You shouldn’t ‘cure’ me too.”
“But we cured all of them so they can live. I don’t want them to live as much as I want you.”
You sighed and kissed his forehead, something that always calmed him down. Peter leaned his head against yours.
“I love you. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” you whispered. “I wish we could go back to the way it was. I’m sorry that whatever happened, happened. But there’s nothing we can do. I want you to go back home and get it together. Rekindle those friendships, go and get a drink somewhere. Move on. It’s okay.”
“I can’t move on from you. You—I’ve loved you since high school.”
“Peter,” you repeated. “I know. But you can’t just sit in that apartment and live in regret. You’re so handsome and so sweet and so caring. You deserve to find someone to spend your love on.”
A crack in the sky let you know that it was almost time for you to go home. Peter looked up at the spell that surrounded the sunrise, then back at you. God, he missed looking at your face. He pulled you in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you close to him, never wanting to let go.
Eventually, you pulled away, feeling an unfamiliar tingle in your body.
“Peter Parker, I swear to God, if you go back home and don’t move on, I’m gonna break up with you in whatever reality I land in,” you threatened him.
He sucked in a breath, “I’ll try. At least I get to remember you like this now, and not—.”
“Don’t even bring it up,” you said sternly as you saw him start to fade. “I love you always and forever, Spider.”
In the blink of an eye, you were gone.
Peter woke up in his apartment. He looked all around, praying by some miracle the multiverse allowed you to come home. He called your phone just to make sure, and it still went to the old man that took your number when you died.
He stared at your picture by his bedside, then decided to call a different number. His heart rate doubled as the phone rang until it was answered.
“MJ? It’s Peter. I was wondering if you’d like to maybe get dinner and catch up.”
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#marvel#oneshot#peter parker x reader#marvel imagine#tobey maguire#spider man no way home#tobey maguire x reader#tobey!spiderman#tobey!peter x reader
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“little league”
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relationship: tasm!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: you can’t help but admire the way peter cheers on your son in little league baseball.
warnings: light cursing; entirely fluff
word count: 1k
notes: i got this idea while at a game and saw all the dads watching their kids. peter would be such a supportive dad, and this idea kept bugging me, so enjoy!
The sight never got old; Peter standing in the grass field, his hands gripped on the wire fencing and his eyes focused on the baseball field. He looked like the young dads you saw when you were little, wearing laid-back jeans, white sneakers and a baseball cap. You saw him shift his weight from foot to foot, letting you know that the anxious kid you fell in love with was still in there.
"Hey, honey," you said softly as you came up behind him. Peter turned around and smiled, his big brown eyes lighting up. He placed a quick kiss on your lips before turning back to the game.
"How was work?" he asked.
"Oh, just dandy," you snickered. "Harry always gives me shit when you're not there."
"Harry gives everyone shit, darling," he muttered. "But I'll kick his ass tomorrow for taking it out on you."
You laughed and leaned into his side. A smile grew on your face as you watched all the little boys excitedly running around the field and dancing in the dugout. You giggled when you saw #16, your adorable son Ben, swinging his bat around as he waited in line to swing.
"How is he doing so far?"
"Well," Peter began with a sigh, "he struck out on the first one, which isn't bad. He did pretty good. But then he started feeding sunflower seeds to the birds instead of getting in line, so he's short one round."
You shook your head. "He takes after you, y'know."
"Yeah, I know," he sighed with a smile. "But at least he's having fun."
Ben turned around and spotted you. His little face lit up as he waved at you excitedly. He flashed a grin, which was missing a tooth, making you laugh.
"Ben!" the coach called. "Come on, buddy."
You smiled and nodded him towards the plate. He gave you one last wave before picking up his bat and skipping out. Peter shook his head and looked down, laughing the whole time.
"He's a piece of work."
"But he's so fucking cute," you whispered.
"Yeah, we make pretty cute kids," he chuckled, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles.
The rest of the game went by pretty slowly. As exciting it was to see your son play baseball, it was still a little league game. They never got exciting, no matter who was playing. But Ben had the time of his life out there. While he barely stuck to the game—he dropped a few catches and struck out a few more times—he was so happy to be out there with his friends. He fed some more seeds to the birds, which Peter put an end to before he was about to miss his turn again.
At the end, Ben ran right off the field and towards your husband, calling, "Daddy!"
Peter smiled and bent down, lifting him off the ground and tossing him into the air. “Hey, buddy! You did so good!”
“I got to first base,” Ben said with a proud smile.
“I saw! You did a good job.”
“And then I got to pet the birds.”
Peter laughed, “I saw that, too. But you gotta focus more on the game next time, okay, Ben?”
He nodded as Peter kissed his cheek. His little batting helmet was still on his head and almost falling over his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched Peter take it off and ruffle his messy hair. The two were nearly identical twins; both had brown eyes, brown hair, the same smile, and the same nose. It made your heart flutter whenever you saw them together. Peter was the best father, and Ben loved him so much.
“Why don’t you go get your stuff and all three of us can go get some ice cream?” Peter suggested, making Ben’s eyes light up.
“Yeah!” he shouted. “Can we go to the one with the blue sprinkles?”
“Yes, we can,” your husband responded.
“Parker!” the coach called, making both the boys turn to look at him. “Come on, dude! We’re gonna huddle.”
Peter set Ben down on the ground, but not before giving him one last kiss on the cheek. Ben hugged your legs quickly before running over to his team. You smiled as you watched him go.
“I want another one,” Peter told you, looking over at you with a hopeful smile.
“Do you?” you said, feigning surprise. You saw this coming for months now.
“Yeah. I mean, if you’re ready. It’s up to you.”
You laughed, “I think we can send Ben to Nana May’s for a weekend.”
He did a geeky fist-pump motion, making you laugh harder and roll your eyes.
“Don’t make me change my mind.”
“Alright, alright,” he said defensively.
“And not to be a bitch, but it seemed like you were struggling to toss him. Are you losing your touch, Spider-Man?” you snickered. Peter dramatically placed a hand over his chest.
“I’m offended that you would even say that. I once caught a bus, you know.”
“Yeah, when we were still in college.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m not losing my touch.”
“I’m kidding,” you giggled, kissing his cheek. You were about to make another comment before you felt tugging on your coat. You turned to see Ben standing by you.
“Mommy, I don’t wanna ride with Daddy to ice cream. Can I go with you?” he asked.
“Of course, honey.”
“Why does no one like me today?” Peter said, picking Ben off the ground again and putting him on his shoulders. “Ice cream was my idea, dude. I can easily change Mommy’s mind.”
“But we always get ice cream after baseball,” Ben whined as Peter grinned.
“I know. I’m just kidding.”
And as you walked off the field and to your cars, you couldn’t help but stare at the two boys next to you. When you met Peter, he was a nerdy kid who carried a skateboard anywhere. And now, he was still a nerdy kid, but he traded in the skateboard for your beautiful son.
And of course, he added a corny baseball cap.
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#oneshot#marvel#peter parker x reader#andrew garfield#marvel imagine#tasm peter x reader#tasm peter parker#andrew!peter fluff#peter parker imagine#peter parker fluff#andrew!spiderman
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Hey I saw that you were looking for requests! Could you make a little one shot of the reader where she and Peter are in the same class and she sees her talking with one of her friends about her friends date? And once she’s done talking with her friend she immediately shuts herself out from the world and seems pretty down. And she catches peter staring at her and she gets nervous, so she leaves and peter finds her and asks her what’s wrong and then they confess to each other?(I was thinking that the reason why the reader is said, is because her fiend went on a cute date with a cute guy and she wishes she could have that with Peter, but she thinks that Peter doesn’t like her because she’s a really outgoing person and annoys people sometimes when she’s just being herself. If that makes sense? I’m sorry if this is kind of confusing) Also, thank you for taking the time to read this, I know that you were looking for mini one shots to write but I still appreciate you taking the time out of your day to make people happy, we need more people like you in the world ❤️❤️ (sorry if that was sappy haha 😅)
no this is so sweet!!! i love this idea! and i appreciate ur message omfg thank u <3
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relationship: peter parker x fem!reader (although i imagined mcu!peter!!)
“So he ended up getting me the flowers and the teddy bear!” your best friend Katie exclaimed, making you laugh.
“What are you supposed to do with something that big?” you asked through a smile.
“Honestly, it’s just sitting in the living room. I have no idea how it’s gonna fit in my room. God, I just wish guys didn’t think that girls want all this sappy stuff. I have so many useless gifts at this point,” she complained with an eye roll.
“At least you get dates,” you muttered under your breath. Katie didn’t hear you, and she just went back to obsessing over how she got the captain of the football team to ask her to the upcoming spring formal.
Your mind drifted. You couldn’t stand another minute of Katie going on and on about boys. You didn’t care about boys—except for one specific boy: Peter Parker. Sweet, shy, genius Peter Parker.
You had a crush on him for years. In your eyes, he was the cutest guy in school. His social awkwardness should’ve turned you off, but it made him even more charming to you. But you weren’t even sure if Peter knew you; sure, you were decently popular, but he never seemed to acknowledge your presence. It broke your heart into pieces.
As your thoughts continued to wander, Katie finally wrapped up her rant. You were brought back to reality when she said, “So that’s why I landed on Jake.”
“Cool,” you said with a nod, pretending to know what she was talking about.
“Anyways,” she said with a sigh. “I gotta go return this book to the library. Wanna come with me?”
You shook your head, “I have some calculus to get done.”
“Suit yourself,” Katie replied. “See you at lunch.”
You waved as she went up to the teacher for a pass. You felt yourself retreat inside your head. Usually, you liked to be loud and outgoing, jumping on your friends and making silly comments. But when Katie was around, she made you feel drained. You loved her, but she had this little way of always trying to be better than everyone. It wore you out to no end.
While staring at your blank math homework, you felt someone staring at you. You turned around to catch Peter’s brown eyes looking at you. He quickly turned away, however, and acted like nothing happened. Your heart beat doubled.
Was he really looking at me? you thought.
Nerves overcame you. You cleared your throat and closed your notebook, deciding to go for a walk to clear your mind. You got a pass from your teacher and rushed out of the classroom. You exhaled as soon as you stepped outside.
You wandered down the hallway for a few seconds then decided to go to your locker. As you arrived, you felt someone behind you.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You turned to, once again, see Peter Parker looking at you. He stood right next to you, a look of concern on his face.
“Uh—Yeah, yeah,” you stuttered with a dismissive wave. “I’m fine. Why?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted with a shrug. “You just seemed a little—upset. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you sighed, leaning against your locker. “It’s just Katie problems.”
“I thought you guys were friends.”
“We are. She can just be a little…much, sometimes. Like today she was going on and on about her date yesterday and all the gifts she’s gotten from guys. I can’t stand hearing all of that in one sitting.”
Peter laughed, “Yeah, Valentine’s Day really brings out the most obnoxious side of people.”
“I know right! Like I don’t care about your date or your exes or—Anything! Katie just wants to brag that she has a boyfriend and I don’t.”
“Didn’t Flash ask you out?”
You groaned, “Flash makes my brain hurt. I’d never go anywhere with him. Besides, I kinda have my eyes set on someone else.”
“Oh?” Peter said with a surprised look. “May I ask who?”
“Oh—Uh,” you said sheepishly. “God, this is gonna sound so bad but it’s—.”
“—You,” you and Peter said simultaneously. Your eyes widened as his lips curved into a smile.
“Wh-What?” you stuttered. “You…like me?”
“Of course I do,” he confessed. “I just didn’t think you’d like me back.”
“I felt the same way!” you gasped. “I thought you’d think I was obnoxious and annoying or something. I’ve been too scared to say something to you.”
“I thought you’d think I was a geek,” Peter said with a laugh.
“Well, you are a geek, but that doesn’t matter to me.”
“Really?” he said with a smile.
“Really,” you repeated. “And it feels so good to finally get that off my chest.”
“So, uh—Can I take you out then? For Valentine’s Day?”
“That was yesterday,” you said with a laugh. “But sure. We can call it an anti-Valentine’s Day date.”
“Perfect. I’ll uh, pick you up at seven?”
“I’ll be waiting, Parker,” you said with a smile as the bell rang. Feeling a rush of confidence, you leaned in and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. Peter looked at you with blown eyes and a rosy blush. You felt your own cheeks heat up, but you kept your cool.
You adjusted your backpack on your shoulder and turned to go to your next class, while Peter stood there, still in shock.
With a giggle, you added, “And don’t be late.”
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#marvel#oneshot#peter parker x reader#spiderman x reader#tom holland spiderman#tobey maguire#andrew garfield#spider man no way home#marvel imagine#request#peter parker fluff#andrew!peter fluff#tom!peter parker#tom!peter x reader
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would anyone be interested in like a little one-shot/blurb ask? i’m working on a series but i could use some short ideas to get warmed up!!
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#oneshot#peter parker x reader#spiderman imagine#spiderman x reader#tobey!peter x reader#andrew!spiderman#tom holland spiderman#mcu spiderman
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okokok i have a series planned for harry osborn’s little sister!reader x tobey!peter but i just needed motivation to write plz help
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“rock bottom”
— — — —
relationship: tobey!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: peter realizes the consequences of his double life, but it might just be too late.
warnings: major heartache, description of death
word count: 1.6k
notes: decided to give tobey’s peter the gwen stacy treatment bc i’m cruel & i love writing sad stories :)
A fatal mistake.
His fatal mistake.
You were so sweet, so smart, so innocent, so caring. And he loved you more than anything. He wanted nothing more than to protect you, to keep you safe. Whether or not it was with him, he knew you had a bright future. He saw you with a good job, a happy marriage, and an adorable family. It was what you deserved.
But this—This wasn’t what you deserved.
You didn’t deserve to be held by your throat, dangling over the Brooklyn Bridge and facing the river below you. You didn’t deserve to be plucked from your apartment while you were baking a birthday cake for your mother. You didn’t deserve to be terrorized by a demented enemy: his demented enemy.
“Peter,” you choked out, wrestling with the grip on your throat.
The word tormented his heart. He loved the way his named rolled off your lips, whether it was getting his attention while you walked in the park or giggling after he kissed you.
But right now, it was none of those sweet intentions. You were gasping his name, fighting for air while he stood frozen. He looked between his nemesis, the Green Goblin, and your fragile body. His heart was torn as the Goblin teased him.
“I gave you a choice, Spider-Man,” he taunted. “And you decided to ignore me. Now, you’ll have to suffer the consequences.”
The world seemed to stop as the Goblin released your throat and sent you falling. Peter’s heart rate tripled when he heard you scream and saw you start to descend. He didn’t hesitate before jumping off the edge and falling after you.
At first, you were scared. The blast of cool air hit you as you started to fall. Your heart was beating out of control as you desperately flailed, knowing that there was nothing for you to catch yourself on.
Time moved slower after that. You counted over your life in those few seconds, knowing that this was definitely it for you.
You thought about your mother. Tomorrow was her 50th birthday: a milestone celebration. You planned to take her out for a mani-pedi in the morning, then to her favorite restaurant for dinner, then to your apartment for dessert. You were all she had. Your father died years ago and you had no siblings. God, your heart broke, knowing that she would have to grieve her only daughter on her birthday.
You thought about your best friend, Mary Jane. She was always there for you. From high school breakups to your worst nights in college, she stuck by your side. You loved MJ more than anything. The two of you were supposed to go glamping in the Catskill Mountains next weekend. Instead, she would be attending your memorial.
You thought about your cat, your sweet little Frannie. She wouldn’t have you anymore. What would happen to her? Would your mother take her in? MJ? Peter?
Peter B. Parker: the love of your life, your best friend since preschool. You grew up just next door to each other. Through highs and lows, sweet and sour, success and failure, you were both right next to each other. You knew you loved him since the fifth grade when he offered to fix your Walkman because it wasn’t playing anymore. He was the sweetest, most loving boyfriend in the world. And you wouldn’t trade a single second with him.
After graduating, you both moved to the city for college. He attended Columbia while you attended NYU. Both schools were highly demanding, but you managed to meet up for date nights and small outings at least once a week.
Then, you discovered Peter’s secret identity.
You weren’t supposed to; he made sure of that. It was a goof on all of your parts. Harry, Peter’s best friend and roommate, let you in one day while he was out. You said that you were supposed to be going for lunch and you just wanted to wait at his apartment. Harry guided you up to his bedroom and said you could wait on Peter’s bed.
A few minutes later, Spider-Man, the infamous hero, crawled through the window. You gasped when he took of his mask, revealing the beautiful face of your boyfriend. Peter didn’t even notice your presence until you made that noise. He snapped towards you, bright blue eyes blown, and muttered, “Shit.”
There was no denying it. You saw his alter ego with your own eyes. Peter just owned up to it, and you were so much more accepting than he ever could’ve imagined.
You didn’t let the discovery change your relationship. You treated him the same. He was still Peter to you—sweet, nerdy, shy Peter Parker—just with a new side-job. He was hesitant to be so open about his crime-fighting at first, but you assured him you would be okay. You grew up in Queens; you could easily defend yourself from an angry mugger if needed.
Then, there was the Green Goblin: an angry, sick supervillain with a vendetta against Spider-Man. He wanted to recruit the vigilante, Peter explained to you one night. But his sense of morals kept him on the good side. The Goblin wasn’t handling the rejection very well. He wanted to corrupt the saving grace of New York City.
Peter’s most fatal mistake was something as innocent as climbing into your apartment window. He had no idea that his enemy was stalking him on his patrol that night. He thought nothing of it when he crawled into your room, just as he did almost every night. But learning of your existence gave the Green Goblin an upper-hand and revealed Spider-Man’s Achilles heel: you.
The next night, he got a call from your apartment, just as he was getting ready to patrol. He answered, expecting to hear your sweet voice on the other end, but instead got the sickening voice of the enemy.
“Meet me at the Brooklyn Bridge or you’ll never see her again.”
Peter swung as quick as he could to the scene, cursing himself over and over for being so stupid. He lived every day trying to protect you from the evils of his secret, but he slipped up, and now you were going to pay.
You didn’t want him to feel guilty. You knew the risks of being Spider-Man’s girlfriend, but you chose to be with him anyway. It was your choice to be in this position.
You looked at him as you fell, staring into those big white eyes of the Spider-Man mask. God, you wished he would take it off. You didn’t want the hero to be the last thing you saw: you wanted Peter.
You wanted to see his big blue eyes, his bright smile, his messy brown hair. You wanted to see the small freckles that dotted his fair skin, the perfect eyelashes that rested on his cheeks when he was fast asleep. You wanted to see him one last time: your boyfriend, the love of your life.
Heartache started to set in when you realized all you were going to be missing out on. You would never get your college diploma, never get married, never have kids, never get that big promotion. You would never get to live the life you and Peter planned out. This was it: this was the end of the book for you.
Peter watched as you closed your eyes, seemingly relaxation or acceptance settling in your body. He refused to let you accept this. This wasn’t your fate. You were fated to live a beautiful, happy life, not die at the hands of a wicked supervillain.
He wanted to have that life with you. He had a beautiful, silver diamond ring already purchased and sitting on the desk in his apartment. He had a journal filled with house listings that the two you could afford right out of college. He had a list of baby names that would fit with his last name, both of your last name, that would mean something to the two of you. He had this life picked out, but he felt it slip through his fingers as he watched you fall.
He reached out and shot a web in a desperate attempt to hold you up. You were nearing the rough surface of the water, and you could feel the salty air against your skin. His webs latched onto your chest, but not before your back slapped against the river. The noise echoed, making his heart break in a million pieces. He shot another web to the side of the bridge and pulled you up, flipping over the side and gently setting you on the concrete.
“Hey, hey. I’m here. You’re okay,” he muttered, taking his mask off. He ran his hands through your now wet hair, trying to get you to open your eyes.
“Stay with me, okay? Stay awake. I’m gonna get you some help. You’re gonna be okay. Please, be okay.”
There was no movement in your body, no breath filling your chest. Tears poured down his cheeks as he gently shook you, trying to coax you out of whatever state you were in.
“Please, wake up. Please,” he pleaded, pressing kisses along your soft skin. But it was no use. A single drop of crimson red blood poured out of your nose, and he knew what happened.
Peter cried out in anguish, clutching your lifeless body.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered through tears. “I’m so sorry.”
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#tobey maguire#peter parker x reader#tobey maguire x reader#tobey!spiderman#tobey!peter parker#tobey!peter x reader#marvel#oneshot#spider man no way home#andrew garfield#marvel imagine#tom holland
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I’m craving some Tobey!Peter x f!reader fics rn😩
my speciality!! hope you enjoy, my love <3
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“my hero”
— — — —
relationship: tobey!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: after the dashing hero spider-man saves your life, you can’t help but notice something so familiar about him. once you realize who he is, you decide to have a little fun of your own.
warnings: light cursing
word count: 1.4k
notes: i love writing fluff, so enjoy this while i work on a big angsty imagine!! (stay tuned!!)
You quickened your pace as the footsteps behind you got closer and closer. Refusing to turn around, you kept running, hoping that eventually you would pass someone on the sidewalk and the footsteps would leave you alone. But you weren’t that lucky.
Suddenly, you felt a tug on your purse. The strap snapped off your shoulder and you fell forward, scraping your palms on the concrete.
“Hey!” you yelled, finally turning around. A man with a black sweatshirt stood over you, scrounging through your purse. Your favorite lipsticks fell to the ground as he pulled out your wallet and all your cash.
You knew better than to fight back, but something in you felt brave. You kicked his shin with your stiletto, making him groan out in pain and drop your bag. You quickly reached for it, but yelped when you saw a blade in front of your face.
“Don’t you dare move, little lady,” he hissed, reaching for the bag again.
“Help!” you screamed desperately. “Someone help!”
“Shut up!” the man yelled back, moving the blade close to you. Tears started streaming down your face as you closed your eyes, preparing yourself for any injury.
Suddenly, you heard a whoosh! and the mugger yelled. You hesitantly opened your eyes and saw the man dangling by a web. You gasped, realizing you were just saved by New York’s favorite vigilante. A flash of red fell in front of you, and suddenly, you were face to face with the man himself.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he said softly, brushing the tears off of your cheek. “Don’t cry. You’re okay.”
You smiled at his kind gesture. Something about his voice felt so familiar yet so distant at the same time. He picked up your bag and started putting all your belongings back in it, then offered his hand.
“Come on. I’ll walk you home.”
You gently took his hand and he helped you stand up. You slung your purse back over your shoulder as Spider-Man wrapped a strong arm around your waist.
“Hold on tight,” he warned you.
“Wait! Nononono,” you cried, shaking your head. “Please don’t swing. I have awful motion sickness.”
“Oh,” he said, moving his hand. “I had no idea. We can just walk, then.”
“You don’t have to escort me. I’ll be fine.”
“No, please. I insist. I want to make sure you’re safe.”
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“I promise. Now, come on. We can walk and talk.”
You smiled and nodded before you started walking. Spider-Man quickly rushed to your side. His presence still felt so familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it.
“So, any big plans for this Friday night?” he asked. You could tell he was disguising his voice to sound deeper, but why?
“Nothing really. My boyfriend is coming over and we’re gonna cook dinner.”
“Boyfriend?” he repeated in a surprised tone. “I should’ve known a pretty thing like you wasn’t single.”
You giggled, “Nope. His name’s Peter.”
Spider-Man nodded. “I hope he treats you well. You deserve it.”
“Aw, thank you,” you said through soft laughter.
The two of you continued to make small talk as you walked to your apartment. Something still felt off, though. It was almost like he knew where you lived, but he was trying to pretend he didn’t. He still felt so familiar to you, and you had no idea why.
Within an few minutes, you were outside your building. You stopped walking and turned to the hero next to you.
“This is me,” you said with a smile. “Thank you for saving me and for taking me home. I really appreciated your company.”
“Of course. It’s what I’m here for,” he said with a shrug. “I liked talking with you, although I hope we don’t have to meet under these circumstances again.”
You giggled, “Me too. Thanks again, Spider-Man.”
You placed a small kiss on his masked cheek and headed towards the main door. Spider-Man shot a web and blasted towards the sky, shouting “Woo-hoo!” as he swung through the city.
Now that sounded familiar.
You wrestled over who the masked hero could be as you rode the elevator up to your floor. Who was that voice? How did he know where you lived?
As you stepped through the door of your apartment, realization slapped you across the face.
“Son of a bitch!” you gasped. “I’m dating Spider-Man!”
It all made sense to you: why Peter was always a few minutes behind, why he always had healing cuts and bruises, why he was the only one able to snap a picture of him, why something about the hero felt so familiar.
An almost giddy feeling replaced the shock. You thought you were dating the nerdiest guy in the city, but it turns out, you were dating the most amazing guy in the city. And if Peter didn’t want to tell you, then you wanted to have some fun with it yourself.
An hour later, there was a knock on your door. You set down the bottle of wine you were pouring into two glasses and ran to open it. Peter was standing on the other side, holding a bouquet of flowers. His bright blue eyes lit up when they landed on you.
“Hi, honey!” you said with a smile, stepping to the side.
“Hi,” he responded, placing a light kiss on your cheek. “You look gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” you said, taking the flowers from his hands. “These are so pretty.”
“I know tulips are your favorite.”
“Yes they are!” you answered as you poured water into a vase. You placed the flowers inside and set them on the table.
“I have everything for pasta out and ready. All we have to do is put it together,” you explained.
Peter nodded, “Just tell me what to do, my love.”
You tasked him with chopping veggies for a salad while you worked on cooking the sauce. Some soft rock played in the background while you two cooked.
“How was your day?” Peter asked. You smiled to yourself, knowing this was your opportunity.
“Oh, pretty okay. Spider-Man saved me on my way home.”
“Saved you?” he asked. “What happened?”
You looked over to see him hiding a coy smile. With a playful grin of your own, you said, “I was getting mugged, but he came to my rescue. It was so cool.”
“Mugged? Are you okay?” he said with concern, setting the knife down to look at you.
“Oh, I’m fine now. Spider-Man made sure of it. I can see why he’s so popular.”
“What do you mean?” Peter asked, standing behind you as you stirred the noodles.
You shrugged, “He’s really charming. I bet he’s super handsome under that mask.”
Peter furrowed his brows. You kept playing, though, and pretended not to notice.
“Y’know, my friend at work got saved by him once, and now she’s in love with him. I definitely felt like a high school girl when he saved me: all giddy and smiley.”
“What are you saying?” Peter asked, a little disappointed.
“I don’t know,” you said, setting the spoon down and looking over at him. “He told me I was pretty.”
“And did you tell him you had a boyfriend? Who you love very much?”
With a smile, you shook your head. “Nope.”
A flash of emotions went over his face, from confusion to hurt. “You didn’t?”
“Why would I? It’s not like sexy superheroes save me every day. I should be allowed to shoot my shot.”
Peter frowned, “That’s not fair.”
“Relax, honey. Nothing happened.”
“I still don’t think that’s fair. I don’t want you flirting with anyone else.”
“Peter, it’s not like I’m ever gonna see him again,” you explained. “Don’t get so worked up. Besides, don’t you know him? You’re the only one who gets pictures of him for The Bugle.”
“Yeah, and that’s why I’m a little upset.”
“Oh, honey,” you giggled, draping your arms over his shoulders. “You know I’m kidding.”
“No, I don’t.”
You fake pouted and planted a kiss on his lips. “Stop being so angry. I love you.”
He sighed and finally cracked a smile. “I love you, too.”
You kissed him again before stepping back to stir the sauce. He returned to making the salad, putting all the vegetables in a bowl before grabbing a spoon to toss it.
“Besides, I don’t think it counts as cheating if you’re Spider-Man.”
He sent the spoon clattering to the floor. “What?!”
#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#spiderman imagine#tobey!spiderman#tobey!peter x reader#peter parker x reader#spiderman x reader#oneshot#marvel#marvel imagine#andrew garfield#spider man no way home#tobey maguire
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“Can you pleaseeeeee write a story where the reader turns out to be Tobey’s secret wife and she comes to visit on set, and the other Garfield and Holland try flirting with her? I LOVE your stories!”
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“the catering girl”
— — — —
relationship: tobey maguire x fem!reader
summary: you can’t pass on the opportunity to see your husband don the iconic spider-man suit one more time, but there is one setback: no one knows you’re married, especially the two other spider-men.
warnings: cursing, some suggestive content but no nsfw
word count: 1.9k
notes: i love this request! (and to the anon that submitted it — sorry it took so long!!! i had no idea the inbox was a thing as i’m still very new to this site) anyways, hope you enjoy! <3
Just bring some food and tell them you're catering.
You re-read the text for the hundredth time as you anxiously bounced your knee in the back of the taxi. The line for security clearance was long, and the more you waited, the more nervous you became.
Tobey, your husband, invited you to the set of Spiderman: No Way Home. He was reprising his iconic role as Peter Parker almost twenty years after his first film premiered, along with his successor, Andrew Garfield. Their appearance was to be top-secret with absolutely no one outside of production knowing. For this reason, clearance to be on set was nearly impossible to get, even for family.
For you, however, it was simply impossible.
Tobey was your husband, but your marriage was kept secret. Only both of your families knew. Even when you started dating, he had taken a break from the public eye. Dates were usually held at tiny restaurants or at either of your homes just to avoid any cameras. Your wedding was very small and intimate, but you couldn't ask for anything more. After all, you loved Tobey: not his fame.
Being able to live life as a normal couple was a dream, especially for Tobey. He was launched into the starlight when he was barely an adult and lived his entire life being harassed by paparazzi. Being able to wake up next to you every day knowing no photographers were outside your door was a relief. He seemed happier than ever.
When he got the call to be a part of this movie, you weren't sure if he'd accept. You knew how much he loved being Peter Parker, but he loved the quiet life, and he was not twenty-something anymore. But Tobey didn't even hesitate before signing onto the film. The night he signed the contract, he took you out to an expensive restaurant to celebrate.
He was more than anxious in the months leading up to shooting. There was so much pressure, so much anticipation for this movie. Tobey was a little rusty at acting, and he was nervous his deliveries would be off. You assured him day and night that he would do well, that audiences would love the film no matter what.
You were not allowed to accompany him to table readings, both for personal and professional secrecy. Even though Tobey would be spending the next few months with this crew, he was determined to keep your relationship private.
"It's not that I'm ashamed of you," he explained to you the week before filming started. "I am absolutely not ashamed. I love you more than anything. Because I love you, if our relationship ever got out, I don't wanna have you be bombarded with cameras and press. I want to protect you."
Although you were a little disappointed, you understood. But you told him you'd agree on one condition: you got to see him in the suit. With a laugh, he agreed. He said he'd figure out a way to get you on set for at least a few hours.
On the first day of filming the suit scenes, Tobey said you could come in. He created an elaborate scheme to sneak you onto set without anyone knowing you're his wife: pretend you were catering. He got as much information on the catering company as he could, hired a driver, and trained you to lie. He said just pick up some trays of food from the grocery store and play it off as gourmet.
You were nervous, to say the least. Instead of picking up food, you spent the whole morning baking, just in case someone would catch your bluff. You tried your best to dress casual in order to pass off as a worker. You rehearsed the information while you got ready. In the car ride down, your heart never stopped racing. You were so scared that you would be caught, no matter how much Tobey told you it would be fine.
Finally, your driver made it to the front of the line. He ran through all the information, even flashing an ID that was definitely not for this set. To your surprise, the guard let you through. You let out a breath and thanked whatever deity was watching over you.
You tipped the driver after stepping out. Carrying the trays onto set, you looked for someone in charge. Instead, you ran into a complete surprise: the three Spider-men. You hid your smile when you locked eyes with your husband.
"Hello! Sorry to scare you," Andrew said in his charming accent. "But we just wrapped a scene and whatever you're holding smells so good."
You laughed, "It's okay! If you can find me a table to set this down on, you can have all you want."
Andrew smiled and looked around, eventually finding an empty spot on the one catering table. He and Tom eagerly led you over while Tobey trailed behind you. He placed a hand on your lower back and let it trail down. You shot him a quick look. He responded with a cocky grin and pulled his hand away.
You set the trays down on the table and took off the lids. After scouring Pinterest and some stray cookbooks, you decided to make bruschetta crostini, stuffed mushrooms, and mini meatballs. Immediately, the three actors started picking at all the snacks while you watched with a proud smile.
"These are so good," Tom mumbled in between bites. "Usually, they just give us little wraps. Nothing ever this fancy."
"I know. She's beautiful and she can cook," Andrew said with a smile. You saw Tobey shift slightly, a little offended by the comment, but he couldn't let them know. You giggled at his reaction and looked back to the other two.
"I appreciate it. No one ever compliments my cooking like that."
"I bet that's not true," your husband answered quickly, giving you a quick glance. You laughed and winked at him.
"It's a shame. I'd die to have someone cook for me like this. What is your name, by the way?" Tom asked with a sweet smile. You told him and extended a hand. Tobey noticed that you weren't wearing your wedding band, and he started to become even more upset. He cleared his throat as your handshake lasted a little too long, making Tom step back with a smile.
Tobey opened his mouth to intervene, but someone on the set called him over. He sighed and excused himself, quickly rushing over. You watched him go with a hint of disappointment, but you turned back to the other two.
"So, are you going to be staying here long? Are you replacing the other catering girl?" Andrew asked, flashing you a charming smile. You giggled a little bit.
"Sadly, no. I'm just here for today."
"Aw. You are so much better than the usual lady. She's old and mean and doesn't make fancy snacks."
You laughed, "My snacks aren't fancy."
"They're better than the ones at any gala I’ve been to," Tom said with a smile. "Seriously. You're good."
“Aw,” you said with a slight blush. “Thank you.”
“I’d love it if you’d teach me sometime,” Andrew said with a charming smile, popping another meatball into his mouth. “My friends would be so impressed, with you and the snacks.”
“Oh-Uh—,” you were about to make a comment back, a little taken back by his straight-up words, when you heard your name whispered. You turned to see Tobey walking towards his trailer, beckoning you as he stepped inside. You wanted to stay here and bask in their praise a little longer, but you were reminded that he was still in that skin-tight suit, and you couldn’t pass that down.
You turned to the other two with a smile. “I’ll actually be right back. I have to—um, sign a form saying that I dropped this off. Y’know, company policy stuff.”
“No problem. We’ll just be here, eating everything in sight,” Tom said, winking. You let out an airy laugh before waving and walking off, picking up your pace as you neared his trailer. You didn’t even bother to knock; you swung open the door and started to giggle.
“Were you seriously standing there and letting them hit on you?” Tobey asked, a hint of disbelief on his face.
“I was selling the act,” you countered with a sly smile. “I was trying to act like I wasn’t married.”
“It was very scary how well you did it.”
“Aw, honey,” you said softly, wrapping him in a hug as you saw his smile fall. “Are you jealous?”
“Not really. I just—Maybe this was a bad idea. I didn’t like that they were flirting with you.”
“I was just playing, Tobey. I love you,” you assured him, planting a quick kiss on his lips. You saw him start to crack a smile.
“Besides,” you teased, running your hands down his chest, feeling his muscles underneath the spandex. “You look fucking amazing in this suit.”
All the jealously left his system as the words slipped out of your mouth. Tobey crashed his lips onto yours, pulling you close to him. His hands gripped your waist as yours draped over his shoulders. He was kissing you hard, teeth clashing and tongues tied.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and it swung open. “Tobey? They’re ready to—Oh shit,” a distinguishable British voice spoke, nearly gasping at the sight before him.
You pulled away from your husband, staring back at the two other actors with messy hair and wide eyes. You cleared your throat as Tobey fought back laughter, amused by their shocked expressions.
“Oh my god—You’re hooking up with the catering girl?!” Andrew gasped.
“Well—Actually, um,” you stuttered, trying to adjust your sweater.
“We’re married. She’s my wife,” he finished with a proud grin, gently taking your hand.
“You’re married?!” Tom nearly shouted. “And to the catering girl?”
“I’m actually not a catering girl,” you confessed with a light laugh. “This was just his elaborate way of sneaking me onto set.”
“So did you actually cook those snacks?” Andrew asked. “Because, if so, you are a lucky man, Maguire.”
The both of you laughed, and you leaned against your husband. “Yes, I did actually cook those, although it took me several hours.”
“I’m still not over the fact that you’re married,” Tom said. “You hid that from us?”
“We had reasons,” Tobey answered with a shrug. “I’ll tell you guys some other time, but just promise you won’t tell anyone? We could get in real trouble.”
“My lips are sealed, man,” Andrew said, holding his hands up. “And I’m sorry for my behavior. It was a little uncalled for, whether you were married or not.”
You smiled, “It’s perfectly fine. Now, go before the director comes in here yelling.”
Everyone ushered out of the trailer, but you grabbed Tobey’s hand and pulled him back. He spun to face you with a big smile. You gave him a lingering kiss and giggled as you pulled away.
“Break legs, Spider-Man,” you said with a coy grin, squeezing his bicep through the suit. Tobey winked before following the other guys to set. You watched him go, eyeing how he moved in that suit.
Laughing to yourself, you muttered, “Yep. Totally worth it.”
#submission#peter parker#spiderman#imagine#oneshot#tobey maguire x reader#tobey maguire#marvel#andrew garfield#marvel imagine#peter parker x reader#spider man no way home#tom holland
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ladies and gentlemen: him.

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