lemowned · 4 years
heyo! Lordy
a couple of ya was very nice to check up on me, everything is a okay! Been a fucking literal age and a half. Still love half life but legit......forgot everything about half life. My soul left my body looking at a lot of old draws, who knows what occupies this body now. wanted to post like an updated draw of gordo and alyx and barney.... but they fucking look bizarre as shit. I lost it.
 I hope yall are doing a okay. Seriously hl people are legit the coolest people on this bitch earth. I love hlvrai and i love hl givin me the will to fight against an evil alien government. hope yall doin the same!! Fuck the Combine(d racist institutions that make up the US)
im not on tumblr anymore but if u want i got an insta @smellodies. 
Sorry I just left but i guess that is how i do
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
I am so sorry to ask this again but would there be anyone out there willing to commission me? I am in a really bad place financially and everyone I know is unemployed or extremely broke. I have no food or gas. I was out of work for a month because my company had to rehire me (really stupid story) I was briefly hired somewhere else but had to quit because I had a complete melt down. I am trying to look for another job but everything seems really bleak 
I feel so ashamed about where I am right now. I've had to drop out of school because of my anxieties and my dad won't speak to me because of this. I've been daily having panic attacks. I know I need to go to the doctor and try and help myself but I don't even have 15 for a copay. 
God I'm sorry if this sounds whiny I just don't know what to do. Any good vibes you can send my way would be apperciated
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lemowned · 10 years
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Gordon you loser those flowers you spent all day picking are weeds.
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
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For 64gigs!
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lemowned · 10 years
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Ah, tech support. (full version)
illix: Gordon Freeman is actually the patron saint of graduate students illix: even though he’s technically a postdoc illix: 1. despite his advanced qualifications he is forced to perform menial labor for his superiors illix: 2. he gets blamed when his bosses screw up illix: 3. he is forced to fix everything on his own illix: and 4. he’s not allowed to complain about any of it
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
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I see it as sort of a bros with benefits situation. Bronefits if you will.
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lemowned · 10 years
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I really hope Valve pull a Beyonce and just drop Half-Life 3 out of the blue and surprise everyone.
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
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lemowned · 10 years
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Me: I DEFINITELY WAS NOT EATING THEM IF THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE INSINUATING illix: THAT WOULD BE WEIRD AND UNSAFE Me: DEFINITELY NOT SOMETHING WITH A PHD WOULD DO illix: actually that sounds exactly like something someone with a phd would do
From some im convos while playing Ep2.
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lemowned · 10 years
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plays 10 year old game draws nerds kissing
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