#But did i really really want it? Yeaaaa
j-jinxee · 7 months
Suggestive under the cut!
"Holy shit Alastor! Is that a lipstick stain?" Angel asked, referring to a red smudge on the collar of Alastors white button up.
The hotel staff had planned a nice dinner night for all the new guests they'd gotten recently, meaning everyone wore their best suited attire.
"Ha! You're seeing things my good man."
- flashback to earlier -
You'd just finished applying your lipstick, setting the tube down on your vanity as your date for the evening came out of the bathroom. You were so thankful that Alastor was interested in you, everyone knew he wasn't really one for romance, yet here he was as your dinner date.
"Oh my stars! You look so good in that outfit! I knew it'd suit you." You were the one who bought him this outfit, since he wasn't used to wearing anything but his usual dress coat.
"I'm glad you like it my dear! I wouldn't be wearing it for anyone else." It was rare to see him without some sort of coat covering his figure, so you wanted this outfit to be absolutely perfect.
You got up from your vanity and made your way over to the doorway he was standing in. Reaching up to straighten his collar, then looking up to meet his eyes. The smile he wore was hypnotising, and the effect it had on you was serious, it made you smile too - most likely from intimidation. You shifted to your tip-toes and gave him a peck, forgetting about your lipstick that wasn't kiss-proof.
"Oh!" You giggled at the sight of Alastor with lipstick on, yet he didn't know what had occurred. "What's so funny darling?" You laughed and lead him to the mirror, letting him see what you'd done. "Would you look at that..." he spoke, "you've marked me, that's different." His eyes grew darker as he observed the vibrant red on his skin, "you want some more?" You asked with a smile.
"How could I say no to a smile like that? Go ahead my dear." He said, crouching down a bit just so you could reach his neck. You hands grasped his collar, keeping him still as you peppered kisses all over his neck and jawline. Giggling the whole time because of how pretty he looked, absolutely covered in your affection. His hands started to drag up your dress, which was already short to begin with. The room started to fill with lust, you could feel it surrounding you, moving up to Alastors lips to capture him in a proper kiss. Feeling his tongue invade every inch of your mouth, smudging the red substance all over him in the process. His hands got dangerously close to your heat, ready to rip off your dress and take you right now, but suddenly-
*bzz* *bzz* *bzz*
"Oh shit Charlie's calling! Uh helloooo"
"Where are you guys? We started like 10 minutes ago and you know I hate leaving people out."
"I'm so sorry Charlie, I uh- we'll be down in a sec I promise!" You ended the call and turned back to Alastor, getting a proper look at your work. Oh how you wish you could take a photo.
"We're late! We gotta go now." You said, scrambling to the bathroom and grabbing some makeup wipes to sort out your messy lips. Alastor slowly followed behind you and did the same, a little sad he had to rub it all off so soon."As much as I would love to show this off, something like this would tarnish my reputation. I'm sure you understand my dear." You smiled, happy that you found something else he enjoys in the bedroom. Little did he know, you accidentally got some on the side of his collar, very obvious since the shirt was white as well. Oh well.
- back to the present -
"I know a lipstick mark when I see one! You can't fool me old man." Of course Angel noticed, you couldn't wait to tell him what actually happened between you two in your next gossip session.
This came to mind outta nowhere and I was like FUCK YEAAAA so aha hope u like itt x
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jadeddangel · 7 months
Creepypast & Marble Hornets headcannons:
Jeff the Killer:
100% sneaks into your house/ room just to wake you up randomly to spook you
If he ever took you on a date it would 100% be to the cheapest cinema in town cause my man's is broke
Your the breadwinner, you can make $2 a month and still be the breadwinner
He buys axe body spray and sags his jeans like a middle school boy and you can't convince me otherwise
Opened a nesquick Powdered milk tub with a table saw cause he couldn't get him open
Doesn't know how to undo child proof locks on meds no matter how many times you explain it to him
"No Jeff your not listening. Press down and then turn it," your voice scolded
"I'm trying! Damn you woman!!" Jeff yelled back
Yea, he never opened the jar right
It started with you and Tim dating and then when you met masky you trying getting to know him
He ignores you at first, more focused on doing his job then dealing with his other half's lover
He's smart, he'll pick locks open jars and complete puzzles in no time flat
He doesn't make money but Tim does so indirectly he's the breadwinner
He'll start hanging out with you after getting tired of sleeping on the downstairs couch
He's not nice, like at all, he's very blunt and when it comes to any type of criticism, constructive or not, he's pointing out every miniscule flaw
Don't bother lying to him, he can see right through it and it pisses him off
It doesn't matter your gender or your sex. He's turning around when you change any form of your clothes. He's big on privacy
"Masky? C'mon masky, it's just a sweater you don't have to turn. I'm wearing a shirt underneath, " you sighed, pulling your sweater off
Masky shook his head. "I don't care sometimes you don't wear a shirt under them, and i don't wanna see your nipples," masky spoke bluntly
Yeaaaa, if you can't tell your sex life is totally (not) amazing with man
As I said before Tim has a job, he Linda needs it to pay for his smoking habits
Speaking of smoking, he hates when you do any kind of drugs, he doesn't want you to end up like he did
He's surprising clingy behind closed doors and really likes being your little spoon
He constantly takes showers and cleans your shared home, even if no one except for you, him and masky will see it.
He has this bad habit of just buying whatever he craves, so when he goes to the store, expect the bill to be rather high
As I said before he's clingy behind closed doors but when it comes to pda the most he'll do is lock your pinkies together
"Tim, pleaseeeee I just wanna hold your hand! Just five minutes, and if you don't like it, you don't have to keep holding my hand. " You tried to bargain
Tim sighed "fine fine but you're giving me your box of cigarettes. Don't think I didn't smell them on you"
He has a sharp nose, so there's no point in trying to hide things from him
Hoodie was beyond confused when he first met you, he had a whole "who what when where why?" Moment
You and brain both pay for everything so there's not really a breadwinner
Hoodie is rather quiet, it's not because he's awkward or shy, he just has nothing to say
Hoodie Hates coffee, he's more of a tea or energy drink guy
I hate to say this(no I dont), but he's a stoner, he hates all vape or smoking products except for weed
He usually sticks to weed vapes since it's less work and he can be a bit lazy when it comes to that
I mean his hygiene is ok he doesn't really shave or trim any thing but his beard but yknow he do him
Speaking of , he leaves his beard shavings all over the sink and leaves the toilet seat up
"HOODIE! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE NOW" You shouted to get the man's attention
Hoodie walked in. "What?" He said monotonely
You pointed at the sink and then the toilet "pick up your fucking mess!!"
Hoodie shook his head "Nah I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though. "
You would probably try and beat him up if he couldn't just wollop our ass
He's such a sweet boy,it like he's made out of cotton candy
He's mostly did cleaning and cooking on top of his job but after switching back from hoodie, he's out of commission for like a week
He picks up after himself, and does his own laundry and there's never beard trimmings in the sink
He occasionally forgets to put the toilet seat down but it's rather rare
He's not too clingy but he does cuddle up sometimes
"Brian pleaseee get off!! It's the middle of summer! It's too hot to be cuddling" you huffed sleepily
"Shhh just let me hold you.." Brian muttered
Ticci Toby:
Your the breadwinner. Period
You think this man has a job? Hah funny
He hates when he tics especially when you are trying to have intimate moments together
You guys have to be silly during sex especially when he has a verbal tic and just yells bird
"Fuck toby right there~" you moaned out holding onto his shoulders tightly
"I'm so c-*whistles* shit sorry~" toby moaned out a bit embarrassed
"Toby it's ok it's normal~.." you muttered a bit trying to keep your voice even
Toby nodded "fuck I lov-Birds!" Toby shouted
You both looked at eachother before bursting out laughing just holding eachother close
Overall aside from Toby's horrible moodswings at times and his "work" you guys have a pretty helpful relationship
No, Just no
This man is toxic asf when you guys first meet, definitely a manipulator
He tones it down after a bit but still gaslights you into getting what he wants
When he gets angry, please down run from him- he will track you down and may or may not resort to physical violence to get you to learn your lesson
If you ask about the missing children he WILL gaslight you into thinking that's he's told you before and it hurts that you forgot and won't tell you again
Sex? What sex? You think he would let you even get close enought to see that shit happen hah very funny
"Slenderman? Cmon I'm sorry you know I didn't mean to hurt you.." you muttered softly
"No. I already told you, and you forgot.. it is insensitive of you and unwise of me to tell you again, " he responded through your mind. And though he doesn't have eyes, you could only assume he was glaring
He's not healthy for you, but you've got yourself into this for life and there's only 1 way to get out
Eyeless jack:
Just like Jeff he'll sneak into your room
You literally can't get rid of him
He won't talk or anything, just stand and stares
He doesn't cuddle and he barely touches you
He definitely tried to offer you a kidney as a way of telling you he appreciates you
No hygiene whatsoever, he doesn't shave and it takes a month before you even get him to shower
He mostly just grumbles and groans to let you know he understands what your saying
He's really smart, puzzles, locks ,and riddles are no match for him
He's blunt, when he does talk it's rare, bit it's honest and unfiltered
You guys barely have sex and honestly you've probably never seen his face
"Jack, please!! I just wanna see your face, " you whined, laying yourself over his lap
"I said no, and if you keep asking, I'll eat you. Literally, " Jack retorted
Yeaaaa he meant it literally and you could tell
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mysticovo · 8 months
hey so could I possibly get a scenario where Splinter is on about none of his sons will ever give him his grandchildren one day. He has zero hope. And s/o of Donnie is just like “Donnie has 5 robots that call him dad so you’re already a grandpa. Donnie maybe your dad’s feeling left out?”. What happens after this?
Omigosh yeaaaa!
Splinter was bored out of his mind…..looking through the family album as his old Lou Jistsu movies played in the background. As he started at the pictures of his 4 sons as young children, reminiscing…he couldn’t help but sigh. All he wanted was to experience it again….having the small tots running around the lair. But…differently.
Of course his sons had to deny him of that feeling. He kept flipping through the pages. Eyes grazing over each one. ”Oh my sons…” He sighed out once more, not realizing he was thinking out loud.
“Splints? You alright?”, a calming voice called back. It shook him out of his thoughts as he looked up, seeing you with your hand on the back of his chair.
“____, yes…just thinking.”
“About…? It’s like that time your favorite show was over run by that…horrid puppet show.”, you paused and looked at him with a soft expression, “Don’t make me get Dr. Delicate Touch or Dr. Feelings.”
He sighed once more before asking real bluntly….“When am I going to get grandchildren?”
That was certainty not what you were expecting…but it had to come out some point. Apparently even Leo’s been thinking about it since he was what, 14? You’ve had to hear that conversation in some of Donnie’s old recordings from when they were kidnapped.
“I-um-well..”, you tried to find the right words but nothing sounded correct or be able to be verbalized. To say you were red was an understatement.
“I….I need to go and babysit Shelldon..”
And with that, you quickly left without another word. This was a conversation you desperately did not want to have…especially right now. As you walked through the halls of the lair, thoughts plagued your head. I mean…was that even possible?
Oh…it sort of was…
Your voice had rang through the lab, the sound of machinery was the only other noise. Once he heard it, he immediately looked up. Shelldon was currently curled up on his lap asleep as he worked on another turtle robot, this one a baby.
“____..”, his voice had a small breathiness to it as his eyes filled with love. You were basically a small family by now with all the robots calling you two their parents.
You sat on a stool and rolled over to him, stopping an inch away from him. Your hand made it’s way to Shelldon’s head and gently stroked it.
“Just had an awkward conversation with your dad.”
“When is it never?”, a small smirk laid on his beak as he continued to tinker with the small robot.
“Oh har har…but..I think your dad’s feeling…it’s hard to explain.”
Looking down at your lap and hands, Donnie slipped a hand into yours. He squeezed it softly and left a kiss on your hair.
“Scoff, describe it. Maybe my non dum-dum brain can make sense of yours.”, he really didn’t mean it in a bad way…more of a playful, teasing way. Sometimes it was certainly hard to decipher.
“He asked about grandchildren. I think…I think he might just feel left out of this whole entire thing..”
“He told you what?! I mean…he really shouldn’t have even done that! The pressure it would…just…nyeh!” He slammed his screw driver down onto the work desk and turned to you. “I am so sorry..”
“It’s not your fault…I asked why he was upset.”
“Still…”, He sighed, he gave you a look before giving you a pat on the head with his battle shell’s robotic arm, “Pops is just…look, I’ll talk to him. I’ve been able to scold him before and I’m not afraid to do it before.”
He then decided to go on a ramble of the tv shows and docs he was gonna rig to Splinter’s glorious tv/projector. As he ranted and rambled, your thoughts ran. “Donnie…what if he’s feeling sort of…I don’t know…left out? I mean we have Shelldon who he barely interacts with and he’s basically our son. Then this one..”, As you gestured to the two turtle robots, Donnie looked back at you with loving eyes.
“I guess I didn’t…calculate that factor.”
He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. He sighed softly again before getting up, placing a small blanket Mikey made onto the unfinished robot.
“I’ll try to talk to him…”
“Without that tone.”
“Yes, yes…without that tone.”, Donnie softly laughed and rolled his eyes. With that, he walked out of his lab and lingered for a few moments.
“Hey _____..”
“Yea Dee?”
“Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea..” With a soft smirk, he finally left. Leaving you with a shocked face and your mouth opening and closing like a fish.
Hey! Hope you all liked it, sorry it took so long! Ive just had a few things going on and stuff but I’m still working on and accepting requests! Like always, I’ll see you later my Mystic Deers! (^∇^)
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charliesarchivee · 1 month
this is my initial rundown of cabaret scene by scene I just needed to get this off my chest then I can be normal again and have normal thoughts and be a cats fan on main
Willkommen: A celebration!!! Eddie redmayne is a delight on stage and Gayle rankin walking through the mezzanine is so cool
Train: the emcee freezes in a tableau of playing with a toy train on the rotating stage which is delightful. Also, I saw the understudy for Clifford Bradshaw (he was AMAZING.) and his hat fell off of his suitcase and kept rotating around and I think at one point somebody picked it up bcos it disappeared!
So what: Bebe Neuwirth is a legend. A legend. That is all. Also Frauline Kost was HILARIOUS
telephone song: yes I know it’s not REALLY the telephone song but emcee hanging off a pillar (there were four pillars around the round stage) and reaching for Cliff as the whole cast echoes (and I mean it they had echoes on their mics) WELCOME TO BERLIN… FAMOUS NOVELIST… sent chills down my spine and to my toes like I think that gave me more chills than Alan cumming standing on top of the set with his head up and his chest out as if he was possessed
Don’t tell Mama: at one point she flopped on her back and kicked her feet up and went WAA WAA I WANT MY MAMAAA and I wept this was so funny and some lucky gal in the front row got her stage cigarette that she threw into the audience. Also when she said the convent part she was like “yea i know right” and the France part she went “haugh haugh haugh” like French laughter
cliff and Sally telephone: cliff was like “and somejwere men are laughing and somewhere childrenshoutbutthereisnojoyinmudvillemightycaseyhasstruckout” which is SO canon and was SO funny. And Sally’s face dropping as she deadpans “oh you’re American.” elicited like lots of laugjter
outside the klub: Sally just undresses right in front of him which was funny. At my performance there was a laundry hamper behind her and she threw her don’t tell mama dress out behind her and it did not land in the basket which, planned or not, made everyone laugh. Also, when Bobby kissed cliff, someone in the opposite mezz screamed “YEAAAA!!” Which like truth
Perfectly marvelous: Sally came in with this GIANT pink floral suitcase which she pulls articles of clothing out to put on cliff which was rly funny and fresh. Also- WERE HER PRAIRIE OYSTERS REAL?? Her recacrion seemed so genuine omfg.. also she buried herself under his coat for “nearly invisible perfectly marvelous girl” which was so cute and yes canon. Also I noticed she hugs his knees a lot in this show so cute
Two ladies: YES!! and they invited everybody to jump out of Sally’s big suitcase and just love!! It was so good!! During the dance break everyone was rotating around just getting it up and Herman (there’s nothing funny about Herman) was just on stage with a deadpan look and a mop, going back and forth to the beat, literally going under people’s legs, etc. one of my fav moments that I noticed cos I was just mesmerized by his mop was that someone came around jacking off to a book and then they held out their hand to Herman and he just wiped it with the mop disgustedly. SO FUNNY. Also Eddie redmaynes tights had little eyes on them so even wjen his pants r pulled down you know he’s always watching eek. Also now would be a good time to mention that the people sitting at the tables near the stage had little tea lights that would turn on during the Kit Kat limbo stuff (like two ladies and if you could see her) and they would turn off if we were in the apartment or the street or whatnot. A lovely little touch that my dad noticed! Also also when he credits the Kit Kat girls he says “rose lulu frenchie texas fritzie and My Helga!!” And he seems to really take a liking to Helga which is so canon and yes
It couldn’t please me more: she has this little headband on that I love. And also, I was gauging how many people would be shocked after If You Could See Her in this number. My hypothesis was if many people were pleasantly surprised/laughed at the pineapple reveal, then many people would have the bomb dropped on them during if you could see her. So I was paying attention! Anyway at the end he gave her the bag to put the pineapple back in and I KNEW WHAT WAS COMING but he slowly licked his two fingers, opened the bag, and slowly placed the pineapple inside very smoothly. Then they went their separate ways but on the orchestta button they turned around, smiled at each other, and she reached out her hand and he gleefully ran and took it and they exited together. SO cute. I love this staging. It is SO fresh after watching so many sam mendes recreations (not to say those are bad I love those too!)
Tomorrow belongs to me: when Eddie redmayne came out and started singing my first thought was “this can’t be right!!” I had only been accustomed to emcees sitting over a record player, or writers in the klub bursting out in song. I’ve only seen one production of cabaret have the emcee sing tbtm, and even then they had literal strings attached to them being pulled by uniformed men. So this was completely different for me! And also the arrangement of the song was beautiful if the song wasn’t an in universe Nazi song I would suggest it in choir it was really good sonically! And the mic echoes ATE. And SPOILER the cast had little plastic figures up to my thigh of little blonde boys that they placed in a perfect circle around the emcee (who was on a raised platform) and they were rotating around as the emcee looked around at everybody like “yeah look at what happens now..” and he TAKES OFF HIS RED WIG and literal GOOSEBUMPS UNDER MY SILVER TIGHTS.
Cliff and Sally apartment: they are so intimate makes me happy! Also the delivery of “a horrid little German infant with a mustache ordering us around” was superb and got audience laughter
maybe this time: literallt in her head voice because she’s UP IN HER HEAD like YES SLOW AND INTIMATE MAYBE THIS TIME SAVE ME SLOW AND INTIMATE MAYBE THIS TIME PLZ
Money: I have been predisposed to the money choreo being about prostitution, but this felt way different to me. I think in this song (bear with me) the emcee IS money. He’s dressed very bedazzled, rhinestones on his coat, sparkly long nails, but also scary, with a helmet and stark makeup, because money can be scary! Also, all of the dancers, dressed in uniform rags, were constantly following the emcee around and reaching for him, and he would often lightly brush or peck them, which makes me think thag he represents money in that song specifically! I asked my dad about it on the way home and he said that money is just another reason people have to bury their head in the sand when important shifts are happening in their world. I agreed.
married: at one point in the sneaking around scene, Herr Shultz comes out wearing a floral cardigan and runs back going “oh this isn’t mine! This isn’t mine!” And frauline kost (and the ajdience) had a laugh. Also this song was so sweet and tender. Great job everyone!
engagement party: SCORE THING: the underscoring switch from the beginning of maybe this time to if you could see her as the party comes up was CHILLING. there was no scene in between married and the engagement party, so frauline Schneider had an impressive on stage quick change into a dress! Also, Herr Schultz getting tipsy on schnapps was hilarious. I had another hypothesis too here which was If a lot of people gasp at Herr Ludwig’s reveal, then a lot of people will have a bomb dropped on them at the end of If You Could See Her. And in fact, a lot of people did gasp! I literally felt a chill just descend on everybody as the weight of this sank in.
tomorrow belongs to me (reprise): SCARY. The emcee comes up at the end on a small raised platform in his money outfit (here I think he represents power) and he has a baton and he’s conducting everybody!!! Also he conducted correctly in 3/4 I was so warmed to notice that he wasn’t just flailing about like he did that right thank you Eddie redmayne for doing it right
Entracte: I need to make a seperate post about the prologue and entracte performances. Oh my lord. Words cannot describe. Just chills.
kick line: YES. I love any production that adds the German counting and I loved how they transitioned into the march in this one! Like they started by (in a ripple may I add) reaching out all inviting and then dramatically pivoting around to reach all inviting to the other side and then it slowly turned into a salute and a goose step!! And then the emcee comes out the center with a CLOWN COSTUME AND A COMIC ORANGE GUN with a little swastika flag in it and then he hands it to the last person on line who marches away with it. V scary. Props.
married reprise: there is a heartbreaking moment where Herr Schultz asks “how much time do we”- and then he breaks off and cries. Oh my gosh. Also the emcee is doing very slow magic tricks in the corner like producing an orange. And producing a glass. And then he stands up and shows the audience he’s putting the glass in a napkin like he’s about to release a dove and at first I’m thinking “oh instead of a dove he’s gonna throw a brick right?” But NO. He excitedly puts the glass down.. and at the very last minute HE REARS BACK AND STAMPS ON IT (like at Jewish weddings!) AND THE STAGE GOES DARK. Theres screaminf and when the lights come back up, the entire stage is covered in little triangles of white paper like broken glass. Those remain for the rest of the show. The emcee then goes to the middle of the stage, looks Herr Schultz in the eyes, and drops the glass and towel down this seemingly bottomless pit and then Herr Schultz gets really scared and runs away and then the emcee closes it up with a wave of his hand. I think in that moment Herr Schultz was face to face with the gravity of his situation.
if you could see her: chilling because the gorilla isn’t even a gorilla in a dress. It’s practically a real animal. It walks on all fours the whole number and sits and like picks at its fur or whatever gorillas do. And the emcee is tempting it with a banana the whole time. Now i seriously prepared myself for the last line here I was ready for very hesitant applause and maybe even gasps but NO Eddie redmayne delivered it like a punchline (not his fault the Nazis are getting more and more powerful so this would be a joke) SO a couple people around me LAUGHED before realizing snd they like cleared their throats. Also they used the rotating stage in this one and when it turned on he said “oh we’re moving my little one!” Which was a nice touch but is also this song so
Cliff and Sally apartment 2: cliff gets like visibly upset when Sally wants to go back to the klub he’s like leaning on furniture which is a nice touch! Also after what would you do when he said “you’re going a lot further than the Kit Kat klub you’re going home. My home. America,” somebody in the audience went “YES!”
what would you do: LEGEND. Bebe Neuwirth was phenomenal. The platform rose her up too it was amazing. What would you do hits something in me that I didn’t know was there.
I don’t care much: everybody knows this is my favorite song to ever come out of cabaret. I LOVE this song and it’s just dear to me. When Eddie redmayne came on stage in a suit and he was NEWLY BLONDE I cried I was like no way. And when he went WOORDS SOUND FALSE he frantically tied to get the pieces of glass I was just in shambles. And then he GRABBED SALLY BY HER WRISTS and practically spat the last “I don’t care” in her face and then SUFFOCATED HER IN A HUG and I feel like in that moment he was still a reflection of a changing Berlin, beating on people like Sally. I have a whole analysis of this
Outside the klub 2: the emcee is leaning on a pole and Sally starts to walk toward him to enter tne klub and then cliff walks in and is like “DONT GO NEAR HIM SALLY!!” And I don’t think the emcee is the emcee in that moment tbh I think he’s a pimp but anyway. When cliff gets beaten by Nazis Sally is sitting deadpan on the end of the stage with her back to everything. She doesn’t even flinch. She physically turns her back on everything
cabaret: no words in any language can describe how remarkable this was. That is all. Also when the emcee introduces her he comes up and poses and nobody clapped cos this was kind of a dark moment and he was like “…thank you..thank you..” all small and shaky and I think that nearly killed me it really did
Cliff and Sally apartment 3: when herr Schultz was like “I’m leaving” someone said “NO!” Which liek truth. This scene was just heartbreaking. Cliff like raised his hand to hit her and literally broke down and I BROKE DOWN JUST WEEPING ALL OVER MY SEAT
finale: YIKES. When cliff started singing wilkommen I also wanted to scream “NO!!” As well but I did not. The emcee yelled where are your troubles now? Forgotten? Right at cliff which scared me. And he had a baton and was conducting everybody again! Also also the entire cast mirrored the first ever tomorrow belongs to me and stood in a perfect circle all dressed in brown and at the drumroll hit the lights darkened immediately on the emcee but stayed dim on the rotating circle like saying “THIS IS YOU!!” Also the bows didn’t have music and were very solemn.
ok danke merci thanks!
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l3viat8an · 1 year
In the art of war, one of the most efficient ways to win is to make your enemy desperate. Cut off supply lines, destroy their bases, and dwindle their numbers until the loss is too big to ignore.
Being an Admiral and a former General, Levi knew this. When he was on duty, he was calm and composed. He had to be after all, war punishes those who are impatient– one of the many reasons people doubt that Grand Admiral Leviathan is the same as Levi. But it does show.
When the brothers are playing games, when Lucifer tries to bond with Levi through playing chess, when he has to report for active duty and his subordinates stand up tall– not wanting to receive punishment from their Admiral.
But you? You soon saw this every time you made him jealous(which was often). It was the least likely you would ever see confident and ruthless Levi.
But it made sense, The Avatar of Envy seeing his human be so friendly with the other demons. You were communicating with enemy forces, and he had to punish that.
So, can you really blame him for your predicament? Tied up and crying, vibrator on your puffy clit as his cock stayed inside you to keep warm. It was a suitable punishment, he thought. The punishment for traitors was their tounges being cut off, and your punishment for being a whore was the denial of your orgasm.
A punishment befitting the Crime.
"Did you have fun making me jealous?"
"God, even after fucking Diavlo and my brothers and fuck know's who, you're still this tight? Maybe I should put both dicks in, hmm? You betrayed me henry, be glad I didn't do this on camera"
Ya ever read something where your brain stops thinking for a minute and it’s just *TV static* yeaaaa-
Like just imagine the smug smirk on Levi’s face too, he’s the one you’re crying for now….
He’s the one who get to decide when and if you get to cum and really you haven’t done anything to earn it yet.
Yea your whining and begging is cute and it makes his cock twitch inside, the other cock pressed between his stomach and your ass, oozing little beads of pre-cum and smearing it against your ass whenever you jerk your hips.
But he’s still jealous, still mad at you. So he’s not ready to let you cum yet….and gods forbid if you cum before he gives you permission he’ll start the whole ordeal all over.
Pushing both cocks inside your tight little cunt and leaving the vibrator on your clit….turning it up too-
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doppiodrips · 1 year
that mean dom kyo was delicious thank you for the juice and oh lawd a 4some with the moon bros??? i think i will ascend. just- ugh all holes filled?? please please please i wanna read it please make it 🙏🙏🙏
Glad you enjoyed it! ALSO YEAAAA 4SOME MOONBROS Also Aster cross dresses in this, bcs sucking someone's dick with their skirt up is hot idc what anyone says. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ILUNA was hosting an event that all the students were outside attending, they often don't get the chance to go outside onto the massive field to compete against their fellow student body, but no one seemed to notice that their top students were missing. Only person who knew about what they were up to, was you. Everyone knew you four were a thing, but they also didn't know you were the infamous moon bros cocksleeve, ready to please them in whatever way they wanted, and today was one of those days, as the three men have been so stressed as of recently, and you were such a good way to relieve stress! Ren was behind you, fully inside your ass and fucking you at a merciless pace. His was different from the other two, his cock had a bunch of patterns that made every moment like this all the more addictive. "You take it so well.. you really are a slut" He said through the slaps of him fucking you. As much as you wanted to try to deny it to remain some shred of pride, you couldn't respond as you were taking down Aster's cock in your throat, every time you would take more in your throat his skirt would graze against your face.
"M-mm.. h-hahh... your so pretty like this you know? You can take so much more though!!" He gripped your hair and pulled you down further, you moaned against him which caused him to grip your hair even more. "Aww look!! Your cock is dripping!! Don't make such a big mess okay? We don't want others to know what a dirty little whore you are for us!!". All that did was push you further into lust, focusing on nothing but pleasing the three men. Ah right three men. Kyo was busy treating your hands like it was his personal fleshlight, anytime you lost rhythm or got too distracted with Aster or Ren: He slaps your cock "Fucking focus, come on you can keep going" He says while pressing onto your tip, causing you to mewl and clench around Ren tighter, making the alien groan. You kept pumping Kyo's cock, trying to focus on him just so he can keep touching you, you wanted to cum so bad but anytime you got close, Ren would just stay still inside you watching you attempt to bounce on him but with his hands on your hips to keep you still, you couldn't beat him. "Finally your being good" Kyo said through wheezing breaths. Ren continued to speed up from behind you, causing you to moan more against Aster, he pulled you fully against him, grinning at the slight bulge in your throat. "Should we let him cum? Has he been good enough for you two?" Ren said, trying to calm down his breathing. "Y-yes! They'll look so cute all dirty and ruined from us!!!" Aster said while moaning loudly, he always seemed to enjoy this no matter what you did to him. Kyo grabbed your cock and started to pump it, trying to copy them rhythm of Ren's thrusts. Ren thrusted faster, almost as if he's trying to compete with Kyo. The familiar feeling in your stomach started up, it was nearly burning you, you were so lost in the feeling of the three boys using you like a toy, you could tell all three of them were getting close, since Kyo was pumping you an a insane pace, with Ren trying to follow suit, Aster was gripping onto your hair to hold you in place. Soon enough, you moaned against the bi haired male, arching your back causing the bulge in your stomach to become more prominent, and you finally came, the floor under you stained with your juices. Not long after, the three men came all over you, Aster's cum was dripping down your chin as you struggle to swallow it all down. Kyo's cum completely covered your hands while Ren slowly pulled out of you, admiring the amount of liquid dripping out of you, all three got up and looked down at you: Covered in their and your own fluids. Aster gripped your chin, making you look him in the eyes: "Don't worry my star, we'll clean you up so well!!" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
A/N: I believe in dick drunk Aster tbh.. maybe that'll be my next Aster fic Also XSOLEIL men foursome soon, along with a late Ike birthday special!
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niyanoireee · 8 months
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“You should be more careful, Kate.”
THIS IS BASED OFF A RP ME AND @silkroaad DID. Context under the cut! + infos and extra !
reblogs appreciated!
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no shading faces, ANYWQYSS.
Basically, This rp was never finished but it started off as Kate hearing someone in the woods and thinking it was a civilian. So being the obedient proxy she is, she goes over to try and attack them. Poor rouge!! She was just relaxing to the sound of the nearby creek, and she’s singing and minding her business. SOOOO. Kate hasn’t recognized that who she is seeing is Rouge, because she’s so slow smh. Kate grabs a rock from the ground and goes to attack Rouge but WOAH. Rouge turns around while Kate runs over there extremely fast and then Kate realizes that it’s rouge and her COMPLETE DUMBASS REDIRECTS THE HIT TO HER OWN WRIST. boom, hit to the wrist that hurt like a bitch. (i rhymed heh.) So Kates like seething because she low key did want to attack rouge either way and rouge’s like. “You dumb bitch act like a proxy not a coke whore” SHE DIDNT WDTYQLLT SAY THAT but close enough i don’t remember. Yeaaaa. ANYWQYS
little information about this AU; Kate is the second favorite proxy, Rouge is the most favorited, (slenderman’s opinion) Both Kate and Rouge have forest duty, meaning they both have to be at the same area together. Not really the same area, but more like the forest in general. Kate stays in the DARK DARK areas while Rouge is more on the lighter sides where green leaves cover the whole top. Basically they have to ward people off and away from the forest to make sure everything can stay in order.
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uchihaharlot · 8 months
Hello, could you make a scenario in which Shisui meets a girl and is delighted but she plays difficult in his conquest 😔 I hope you are well ❤️
Oh no 😟 poor Shisui!! We can’t always get what we want, but Shisui is a shinobi of high caliber and precision, he’s determined!! 😩😭🫶
Very SFW; a very cute Shisui just trying to get your attention; maybe a bit stalker-ish, but not really.
• They probably meet when she is assigned on a mission with him, she is most likely a fill in for one of his usual subordinates.
• Oh, she’s good. Very good. Knows lots of powerful jutsu and is even capable of breaking out of a genjutsu. Which intrigues Shisui to no end. He is Konoha’s golden genjutsu boy after all. This will be interesting.
• Tries to be cool and ask her on a date after their arrival into the village but she’s like, ‘yeaaaa sorry, but no.’
• ‘I beg your pardon?’ He almost said, but he really just laughed it off. Did this girl just reject him? Did he have leaves in his curls or something? No.
• Shisui executes his plan of attack. Which is really him just making sure they run into one another and trying to not look weird about it. He also considered straightening his hair but decided not to, why should he???
• She avoids him like the plague, still. Shisui is so cute though, she has to make sure he is serious. It’s not every day you have Uchiha Shisui calling on you.
• Sees her doing a minor a surveillance routine outside the gates one day and knows he has her cornered. She can’t leave active duty, that would be abandonment and there aren’t any rules that say he can’t accompany her either.
• She catches his drift at her back and takes off, maybe he this boy really is hell bent on garnering her attention? It’s not that she isn’t interested, no way! Shisui is a fine specimen of a man. She is just just precautions to not get hurt.
• This girl, despite Shisui being quicker than the speed of light. Is giving him a run for his Shunshin. It’s not that she is shy or reserved. She absolutely would love going on a date; but she can’t understand why one of Konoha’s strongest men are after her. An Uchiha, no less.
• She hits a dead end…(been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty), well not really. She can’t leave the surrounding area unattended and that’s when he asks, ‘did I do something wrong?’
• ‘uuhhhhh….no?’ Then why is she being so..so avoidant? ‘I just didn’t think you were that serious?!’ LIIARR. She was scared shitless once the sound of his feet hit the dirt behind her. Man is wicked fast.
• Shisui’s mouth drops a bit, ‘I’m very serious. I couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t at least try.’
• This girls interal monologue is screaming. ‘SAY YES YOU DUMB BIYCH.’ ….’oh, uh…about that date then?’
• Oh honey, she is caught full force in that disarming smile of his, the full length of his mouth spreads devilishly. A quick wit without a conscious equipped. ‘Thought you’d never ask.’ Shisui could be a little high on himself, but in the best of ways.
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klaart · 9 months
I know the season has passed but I really loved all the holiday cards you made but am a bit confused. It says "6/12 Holiday Cards" and "We're half way through!!" I thought that meant there were 6 more cards coming, was I wrong? Or did you not have time to finish them and it'll have to wait next year to see the other 6 half.
Haha yeaaaa it was during my exam period and ended up spending more time than I thought I needed revising,,, and just did angstmas instead
But luckily for you,, majority vote wanted to see the rest so hopefully you’ll be getting the rest of the Christmas cards soon
(Don’t hold me accountable for that tho)
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
okok but would tim be on curly’s or angela’s side for the whole curly getting with pony while angela has a crush on him and really what would he say,,,how would angela eventually get over it? pls
tim would have zero fucking clue what to do, he doesnt get involved w love lives he barely has one of his own, and its like he understands both sides
yeaaaa its fucked up that curlys w pony now when angelas been crushing on him but at the same time its not like angela can rlly force pony to like her, especially bc now he knows about it so the chances of that just went down by like a million
he feels like picking a side would just make everything worse, fucking up angela and curlys relationship even more so it wouldnt solve anything, so he doesnt rlly pick a side, BUT in the back of his head if he to, 100%, had a gun to his head, absolutely HAD to chose a side, it would b curlys, bc 1) he DIDNT KNOW m, its not like he did it to spite 2) curlys trying to fix everything at least and 3) its obvious pony doesnt like her like that, she cant rlly force anyone to feel how she wants them to, shit sucks but thats life 4) what do u want curly to do about that, like realistically😭
however he wouldnt allow them to come into the house, the house for pony is just off limits, he doesnt agree w angela but he respects her feelings at least and would try comforting her id assume in his own weird older brother way
and yea i think angela would get over it, but it takes time, and she wouldnt ever rlly warm up to pony, but she did at least threaten pony that if she messed w curly she’d kill him so theres that
that was a stressful few hours at the shepard table ill tell u that much
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strawhatkia · 11 months
sunspot lover.
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INCLUDES ! zenitsu agatsuma x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! general relationship hcs for zenitsu
WARNINGS ! demon slayer!reader, mention of killing (demons), cursing, me slandering zeni a bit cause he’s an idiot, lowkey crack treated seriously, me having to do extra research to figure out how a black person’s hair would survive in the taisho period with fucking demons, edited!
A/N !  repost from an old account ! i love writing for zenitsu despite the slander i give him, dude's a really good character! now onwards my beautiful black zeni luvr, read and enjoy!! (present a/n: honestly i'm down to write a drabble on the hair part where zenitsu helps you grow it back and it's symbolic and everything...i just might do that)
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊ 🗣⚡✧
yup! this is YOUR silly, goofy ass man right here!
can't even deny him with the way he follows you around like a lost puppy
now as much I slander him, I do love him and his personality.... no really! i do!...he's just a lil extra sometimes
everyone was shocked when he bragged about copping you…or however they say it in the taisho era…what is it? courting you? 
how did this silly fool who can’t even stand on his own two feet at times, get someone as beautiful and as strong as you? 
but anywho, you do love zeni with all your heart no matter what anyone says
tanjiro was slightly confused (as everyone else was too) but glad that his friend had found a partner and inosuke…could careless, he just wants to fight but you’ll grow on him
meetin’ nezuko with him was too much for his lil girl crazy heart to handle; “two goregous girls!! in the same area as me!! this might be heaven!!” 
remember how he was chasing nezuko around? yeaaaa.....he’s doing that to the both of you now...
“zenitsu, sit down somewhere and stop chasing us you fool!!” “aw, don’t be like that! you love me, we’re together! and me and nezuko are good friends, aren’t we?” *concerned nezuko noises*
once he gets you in his hold, he’s not letting go for anything, not even for missions to which you scowl at him for
“ahh~ you smell so nice and you’re so warm and-” “zenitsu we have to go! you know, to kill the demons?” “noooo!~ i wanna stay here and cuddle with you!” “…..”  “HEY! WHAT’S WITH THE FACE!! DON’T MAKE THAT FACE- ALRIGHT! FINE! I’M GOING!!”
don’t be too harsh, he really cares about your opinion of him and, at times, finds himself getting insecure about your relationship
it's not that he truly cares what other people have to say about your relationship but it does hurt that he hears it a good chunk of the time
just gently hold his face and tell him that you love him very much, he really needs it
be careful though cause he’ll get really dramatic and loud and go “ha! you hear that guys! my girlfriend thinks i am amazing and she told me loves me!” or go bright red and now you have a koala that is determined to cling to you, crying into your haori
…a drama queen but he’s your drama queen
he’s can’t ever keep his hands to himself and absolutely loves PDA 
now listen sis, you gotta make a choice during meetings; it’s either you let him stay clinging to you and kinda disrupt the meeting or restrain him….but he’ll look like you just tore open his heart drama queen
please at least let him hold your hand or he’ll get worse as the meeting continues and now he’s just depressed
he is really dependent on your affection, you can get him to do anything and i mean anything
“zenitsu, if you go in there and kill at least two demons then i promise to hold you the entire night when we sleep” *he’s a new man now…a man with purpose, a man with dedication!* “for you, my love, anything.”
.... yea, it’s definitely that serious
speaking of sleeping, he loves sleeping on your chest, close to your heart with his ear right on top of it
with his super good hearing abilities, he likes to listen to your resting heart rate to fall asleep and it works like a charm
he listens so closely that everything else drowns out, it's his favorite sound in the whole world second only to your voice
he memorizes what you’re heart beat sounds like and uses that memory to peacefully fall asleep when he’s away on missions
or conversely, he taps his chest in the same rhythm as your heartbeat when he needs help calming down during missions
he could hear your very presence and immediately know it was you since he’s memorized that as well
“ Oh heeeyyyy y/nnnn!” “zeni, how did you know it was me? i was 15 feet away from the door.” “i memorized your resting heart beat so I just knew it was you!!” *heart squeeze*
during missions, it truly is the thought of you that gets him through the worst of it and immediately after he's done, he's rushing through most of japan to get back to you im sobbing pls he's so cute
he has a knack for doing and saying romantic shit randomly and not noticing how smooth he really is
“you know…i really love you and i’m glad you’re still with me. I want to spend a long time with you, whether it be killing demons or just settling down, i’d follow you anywhere”
now imagine he said that with a nice, warm smile and soft eyes, looking directly at you
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and now all of a sudden, he's a lil poet im-
he just…loves you very much and is a total simp
now onto the part i am dreading…wash day
face it, we are in the taisho era in 'ye olden japan', ain’t no conditioner or shampoos or products at all made for your hair
HOWEVER!! there is aloe vera and many different herbs you can find and thank god for that!
just ask shinobu for help on making it and voila! you have shampoo and conditioner made from aloe vera and other herbs that shinobu herself made!! do not worry black woman, your curls are saved!
with that being said, zenitsu heard about it and when you explained to him that your hair is different and requires more care, he was on top of it!
whenever your products are running low, he's the first one to go to the butterfly mansion to ask for a refill! especially, if you've gone on a mission, he diligently checks those bottles to see how much you have left and makes sure they're full before you come back
he had always loved your curls, always playing with it to help him calm down or just as a stim
learning to take care of your hair was actually quite simple although he did mess up a few times but nothing you can’t fix 
he really loves to take his time brushing out all the knots and absolutely loves when you melt into him anytime he massages your scalp during shampooing
he really loves to take care of you no matter but doing your hair is like his favorite pastime, you're relaxed, safe away from demons, and he feels like he's filling out his boyfriend role
when you guys have time, you both sit together and do finger coils or twist each curl and then he’ll sit with you on a windy hill to help it dry or just fan you until it's dry enough man of dedication
he really loves wash day and counts down the days since you last washed your hair to make sure he's there when it is time to wash it
even if you're a lazy natural, if you let him because he really really really really wants to, he'll just do your hair by himself
but for plot sake, let’s say you both go on a mission and you're forced to cut your hair short because it's caught in a demon's grasp
whether it bothered you or not doesn't really matter because he is pissed
fun fact! in 'ye olden japan', a girl's hair means a lot but mainly that they are loved and cared for so when cut, it basically means that that she has been banished or rejected from her home to the streets
now to put that all into context, zenitsu is livid and worries that people will think you're loved at home by him. that demon gets the beating of a lifetime before it's killed but even then he's really upset and blames himself
it's a whole thing but he just really cares about you is all.
but to wrap it all up, he’d do anything for you and to this day he always thanks you for staying with him and for loving him the way you do, he appreciates you more than you think
oh! and when he saw gramps again, he told him everything about you and as he was leaving, he declared “hey, gramps! by the time i come back, the girl i was talking about will be my wife and then you’ll get to see her!! i know you’ll love her!!” 
i’m so fucking soft
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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check back later !
taglist: @megurulvr
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by yourbestiename, maluma, princeroyce, cozane, urbanwyatt, and 7,345,876 others
yourusername Married no more, but can’t help but miss how I used to eat his ass…… jokes aside, that used to be my mouth and lip filled with his load.
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urbanwyatt You play too damn much 😭😭
druski I love this 😂😂 so messy and I’m here for it.
jackharlow I can’t keep defending you 🤦🏼‍♂️
yourusername Huh? Wdym?
yourbestiename PENDEJAAAA
yourbestiename CUENTA EQUIVOCADA!!!!!!
yourusername Oh shit 😳
yourbestiename DELETE
yourusername No, it’ll be worse if I post and delete. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😬
user not you bashing your baby daddy
urbanwyatt Where did she bash me? Because all I got from that is she misses when I used to hit the back of her throat.
yourusername LMAAO I HATE YOU!!!!
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, cozane, neelamthadhani, selenosunni, and 6,235,876 others.
urbanwyatt She did the damn thing 🖤
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jackharlow She really did.
neelamthadhani The most stressful few days getting all this planned. Glad everything came out perfect and that the stress it’s finally over 😮‍💨
urbanwyatt Knowing the both of you, I know this was probably so stressful.
user Oh Urby gots a new girl? And she planned him a surprise party? GOALS ASF. He said thank you next 💅🏼
yourusername HAHAHHAAAAAA
user You’re laughing that he moved on so fast? Be happy he found someone better because you weren’t it mama.
yourusername Well MAMA, sorry to burst your bubble, but I did this set up. So, thank YOU, Next.
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, yourbestiename, selenosunni, neelamthadhani, and 7,345,966 others
yourusername Happy birthday to my favorite chair. Here’s to more craziness and messiness between us. Thank you for giving me some of my happiest moments, and for our beautiful baby girl. I love you for life.
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urbanwyatt 😂😂 I love you.
jackharlow 🤦🏼‍♂️ Y’all are a whole mess
druski Not the favorite chair!!!!!! lmaao you still be hitting that?
yourusername 🤫
user Girl give it up already!!! move on. he’s not yours anymore
user no really, she tries so hard to make it seem like they’re in good terms but you know she misses him.
user she wants to stay in his life when she’s been homie hopping since they broke up.
yourusername That’s still my baby daddy, my best friend. I don’t play about him, so y’all can fucking chill. Bothered over someone y’all don’t even know on a personal level. I haven’t even been entertaining a man because I’m not ready. Homie hopping? Lmaaaooo okaaaayyy yeaaaa, my next victim is Avatar
cozane I’m down, hop your way over here now!!!! 🙄
druski Damn all this under his birthday post? Y’all savages.
urbanwyatt Don’t act like you’re not eating this up.
druski You’re right, I love it 😈
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Liked by yourusername, selenosunni, cozane, neelamthadhani, brysontiller, and 6,345,876 others
urbanwyatt Started my birthday flower picking with my little one, ended up fucking up the strip club with my baby mama 😜 she’s better than yours 🤭🫡
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yourusername 😛😛😛
cozane strip club with y/n is always crazy
urbanwyatt It always is……
druski So are y’all fucking fucking? Or just fuckingggggg???? 👀
yourusername LMAOO 🙈🫢
druski Answer the question
yourusername NO
druski No as in ya not fucking or no as in you’re not answering?
urbanwyatt How about mind your business
yourbestiename HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST TIO NINO TO MY MIA BUG. Thank you Urby for loving my babies, you’re the best uncle ever and the greatest best friend to my husband and to me. Our lives wouldn’t be the same if you aren’t in it. Cheers to 25 and cheers to many more years. We love you and I hope you loved the little art and crafts present the kids made for you.
urbanwyatt 🥹🥹🥹 it’s my birthday and I’ll cry if I want to, because I’m definitely crying right now. The kids and Cassie made this birthday 100 times better. Thank you.
druski So can I tell them that Y/N cried in the Harlows guest bedroom and wanted to leave the part SHE HELPED MAKE???
urbanwyatt You’re annoying
druski We’ve been known that.
wehateynclub 🤭 She cried lmao
hateryn Because she lost her man
stassie Happy birthday baby zaddyyyy 😋
urbanwyatt fuck off
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, yourbestiename, 2forwoyne, cozane, and 6,356,577 others
urbanwyatt Family vacation 🤞🏼 love my girls 💗 birthday celebration still going hard! Thanks to baby mama 😊😘
Comments on this post have been limited
jackharlow Enjoy brother 💜
yourbestiename Yay, so happy you guys are having a good time. I love you y’all
cozane Fam ♥️
druski where do you and Jackie boy get these girls because the way they celebrate y’all’s birthday is like a all month thing
druski But I guess happy birthday yet again loser
yourusername I love you, always 😜💗
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99
@cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95
@deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn
@xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09
@aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading
@stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld
@carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts
@itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz
@harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter
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namu-the-orca · 4 days
HELLO PEOPLE i just wanted to say that i read all your hashtags on your reblogs and honestly they bring me so much joy thank you ♥ thank you for being here and thank you for enjoying my art and thank you for marveling at the wonderful world around us together.
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@fuckblast first off thank you for the follow ♥ and i am really glad you like the painting as much as i do!! but most of all thank you for feeling these feelings with me. Like on one hand what an amazing life to live in the open ocean diving to dark depths where other mammals rarely go and to see all these things that would be so beautiful and alien to us. but at the same time how awful to perhaps be torn apart by a killer whale on any given day.
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@softomon WAAAAA YOU GET IT - to have escaped death only to realise you wish for nothing else.... that single line is the main reason i picked these lyrics to go along with the painting ;w; also i am very happy you liked my dream marshmallows too!!
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@handbellanon thank you for your insight regarding the layout! this is a painting i have struggled with for SO LONG it kind of messes up your view of it. and after finally finishing this version, i saw the old one again and went "huh". but i have to say that now i am preferring the current version more! also yeah don't you love how in your dreams things can clearly be (not) some thing but at the same time your mind knows they are definitely (not) the thing.
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@purplesaline hooraayyy another one for the current layout! i am glad it works out this way and you are right, all the fins in front may have been more distracting than interesting. loool i love the sperm whale x beluga vibe. friend shaped they are for sure! and it makes me really happy that you noticed all those tiny details like the blue edges!! i have to admit i mostly added them to make the painting pop and look edgy and cool because i see other cool artists doing it too and i love how their art looks haha. and the eyes!!! i made them slightly off putting on purpose, glad it shows >:D
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@lesbiangelbaby yeaaaa show some love for our butch mountain lion!! here they are in the flesh. i have been trying to find the original source but no luck unfortunately :( however i did find out its a well liked meme format in Japan and Russia so there's that. im really glad some of these scribbles are meaningful to you (and others) as well ♥ they were to me too at the time but sometimes now, reading back, they come across as kind of corny. so i am glad others are able to connect to them as well
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dj-banana-love-2 · 7 months
One of those days
Summary: It had been a bad day for Blizø. So Loona decides to make him feel better.
(Something happened to the lee Alastor and ler Rose fic I was working on so I'm just going to post this one)
It was one of those days for Blizø. So, when he got home all he wanted to do was flop face first in his pillow and scream as loud as he could. Which he did when he got their he played there for a second until he heard his daughter "Blizø I'll be ba-", she stopped as she noticed her dad face down crying. Even though she didn't show it much she still loved him and thought of him as her dad. "Blizø you okay?" she asked as she sat next to him " y-yea you go have fun" he told her fliping over on his back.
"Dad don't lie, just tell me what's wrong." She looked at him sincerely as she said that. Blizø was surprised a little that she called him dad which made him want to cry more. Then she got an idea. She wriggled her fingers at him and moved closer to him. "L-Loona what ar-" before he could ask she pounced on him, sitting on his hips. Pining his hands above his head with one of her own.
She started squeezing his sides before he could say anything else. "loahahona" "yeaaaa" "stahshopit" "but I just started" she moved her hands to his ribs poking and squeezing them gently. He screamed begging her to move somewhere else. "But I thought you liked this spot" "NOOOO I DOOON'T HAHAH" "Blizø you know you love this" she was right he did love this but wasn't gonna tell her that.
"If you really want me to move somewhere else... hmm how... about here" she moved her hands to his knees making him kick a little behind her. "Loahaoahnahaa" "fine I'll stop" she slowed her hand and stopped. "You feel better now" "y-yea" he said still giggling a little. "Thank you" he said putting a pillow over his face. "Any time" she smiled back
(why did this take so long) 😭
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l3viat8an · 1 year
I'm sorry this is going to be really long but I've been thinking about this for so long now and I just need someone else's opinion on it--
So something I've been thinking about a lot lately is the way Obey Me! presents Satan's personality vs his actual behavior.
We've seen the game frequently tell us that he hides behind a mask of a smile, as if he has truly malicious intentions. I was reading a summary of his A Teasing Gesture Devilgram the other day on the Fandom wiki, and the final part of the Devilgram says that Satan asks MC if they aren't worried that they're being too trusting.
Again, this happens in one of the Season 1 Lessons when he gives us advice for the TSL quiz. If we choose to say "thank you", he wonders if we don't think we're worried about being fooled by him.
Then there's also his character introduction: "All smiles are just an act, the cynical fourth born", as well as his depiction as the Lord of Masks (again, hiding his true intentions behind a false smile). And in the Star event, even Asmo says Satan comes off as a friendly & approachable person "at first".
All in all, what I'm thinking about is, is that I feel like the way Solomare intends to present Satan as this malevolent person that hides his malicious intentions behind a fake smile, just doesn't fit with the way he acts overall all that much (and the reason why I say 'all that much' instead of 'at all' is because of his pranks on Lucifer, but we already know why he does that, but I kinda wanna exclude Lucifer so we can look at this in a broader perspective).
But the way I'm thinking is that Solomare want us to think of Satan as someone who'd be willing to betray the trust and hurt someone who didn't even do him wrong in the first place (such as MC), and maybe for the sake of his own entertainment.
I really feel like if Solomare wanted Satan to be this kind of sadistic, fake smile-malicious personality underneath kind of person, they would've done a better job at it. But I also feel like I could just be reading this depiction all wrong, and that it's just a way of saying Satan is trying to protect people from his wrath when he ever loses control of it. I feel like a could have also missed something along the way, or could be thinking a bit too hard, but for now I'm just going to leave it at this. What are your thoughts?
Don’t be sorry!! You’re fineee 🦢!!!
And I definitely agree with you! If Solomare really wanted to make Satan this absolute perfect demon in public and a fucking bitch in private they would have actually done it. Yk?
Not make him even softer and more open around MC when it’s just the two of them. (and yeaaaa that could be another way Satan’s just manipulating MC but I don’t think so-)
Satan always makes it clear that he’s being as open as honest with MC as he can be. In the main story and Devilgrams he tells them how he’s always worried he’ll lose control and end up hurting the people he cares about. It’s always in the back of his mind that he could hurt them and how he did lose control for a few minutes, which just like he’s afraid of; resulted in MC getting hurt. (when MC refused to make a pact with him in season one)
Soooo yea- imo it’s more like you said at the end ‘Satan is trying to protect people from his wrath when he ever loses control of it.’ even if that means putting up another fact mask. and always holding himself back.
Then again I could be reading him all wrong and he could be just manipulating MC. But after so long, I don’t think he’d bother keeping up the act. I think by now there would have been a bigger crack in his mask. If Satan was going to be darker and actually manipulative we would’ve seen more of it by now. 
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rockkandii · 5 months
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Hana: Wait- you like, WHO?!
Y/n: DONT! Hana, please, for the love of everything please don't lose it. Like I said, it's just a crush! Nothing crazy!
Hana: Oh come on, when do I ever 'lose it'
Y/n: Really..?
Hana: Uh, noted. But anyways, PLEASE tell me I heard you right!!
Y/n: Yeah, you did.. but, like I said it's just-
Hana: Yeah yeah, just a crush sure. But, I mean come on! You liking anyone is a miracle of its own but LUCIO?!
Y/n: GAH- can you not Shout his name please?!
Hana: Oop- ha, sorry. But seriously! You've got a crush on our designated music man?
Y/n: Well.. I mean yeah, we've been getting out on a lot of missions together lately and sometimes I'm a bit nervous before hand so he's been letting me listen to music on the way there to help calm me down and then.. well we got to talking and such and he's really interesting and ya know he's always been cute and- GAH im rambling! *Hiding their face while Hana is grinning like a madwoman*
Hana: So what I'm hearing is, you've gotten to know him and he's gotten to know you and nowwww we just need to find out if he feels the same?
Y/n: Oh lord, no Hana, please.. I couldnt. I don't need to know anything, for all I know he's just been very nice this whole time and it's one sided and I don't want it to be awkward..
Hana: Oh don't worry! You, don't need to do anything but stay here. Detective Hana is on the case, I'm a master of stealth and information gathering. He'll tell me everything without even knowing it.
**Later that night**
In the common room, Hana finally found Lucio who was scrolling through his phone while listening to music.
Hana: Hey Lucio! *Plops down next to him, scaring him out of his thoughts*
Lucio: Woah- oh! Hey Hana! What's up?
Hana: Oh nothing much, just been wandering around bored. How bout you?
Lucio: Oh ya know, just- listening to music, the usual. *Hana goes to look over his shoulder, but he leans the phone away a bit*
S-so uh, was there- did you- uh, didja need something?
Hana: Yes actually. *Stares at him squinting*
Lucio: Okay..? And that is?
Hana: Do you like y/n? *Lucio chokes on nothing trying to suck on a breath at hanas forwardness*
Lucio: Do i- huh?? Where'd you get that from? Why do you ask?
Hana: You're so nervous, so I take that as a yes? *Smirking at her totally "stealthy" accomplishment*
Lucio: *Sighs, setting his phone down and nodding* yeah, you got me. I've actually been trying to tell them for like, a week now but every time I try I get all jumbled up and can't get it out right. So, all day I've been putting together a playlist of songs that actually fit their vibe but also spell out what I'm tryin to say.
Hana: That's actually so cute, omg.. they'll be so happy, you totally gotta finish it and send it to them! *Hopping on the couch in happiness*
Lucio: Whoa wait, back it up, they'd actually be happy? Wait a minute, did they say something about me?
Hana: *Sweating in nervousness* uh- no? Oh wow look at the time! I've gotta go walk my mech, see ya later! *Bolts out of the room, leaving a blinking Lucio behind.
Lucio: Man, what?
**The next day, Hana returns from a last minute overnight mission.
Hana: What- huh? What'd I do?! *Notices it's y/n running towards her* oh crap.
Hana: *Completely confused now as she's getting shaken back and forth* what even, huh??
Y/n: Lucio, he came to my room last night sometime after you and the others left for the mission and he sent me a playlist.. it was so sweet and had so many good songs but then all the titles clicked and he likes me back.. and after we talked about all that he also mentioned your not so subtle way of asking about his feelings.
Hana: *Nervous laughter* haha, yeaaaa.. well I mean it all worked out, yea?..
Y/n: Yes, yes it did. Now, you go get your rest. I'll be with Lucio in the library if you need me.
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