#But also he looks so fucking ugly like that. That big ass coat needs to go with the long hair. I hate to admit it but Gin is onto something
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clownakai · 1 month ago
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Sopping wet beast
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wildheartsalwaysburn · 1 year ago
OP men taking care of their SO
Gn!Reader (I tried)
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Corazon
CW: mentions of ED (starving, vomiting, overexercising), bad body image/body dysmorphia, cursing, SH, slight nsfw for Kid
Notes: I'm in a terrible mental state rn, kinda relapsing. OP hyperfixation fixes stuff so I decided to write some HC how they would act when noticing their SO is struggling with an ED.
Trafalgar Law
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he had a bad feeling about your eating habits a while ago
noticing you rush to the bathroom after every meal and "showering" excessively
but didn't mention cuz he knows to leave people alone (he's the same tbh)
it hit him during the monthly physical examination
he listens to your heartbeat and notice it being really low
"y/n, would you step on the scale?" he asks in a cold but also concerned tone
as he notices you getting anxious when standing in front of that thing, he sighs and puts a hand reassuring on your shoulder
"it's ok. I'm here. Just step on it, please." his voice still concerned but warm and soft
he looks at the low numbers in shock and takes you carefully from the scale before you can see the numbers
"y/n-ya. What's wrong?" he'll take your cold hands and sits right in front of you
if you break out in tears, he'll just sit there and hug you tightly, til you calm down by yourself
if you stay cold and stubborn, he'll get annoyed but also takes care of you
either way, you talk a lot and will make a rehab plan, he'll watch over you as much as he can
he won't miss a moment to show you how much he loves and cares for you
"you're the most beautiful soul I know, y/n-ya."
"I know it hurts, but I cannot lose someone I love dearly, again."
"We get through this, ok?"
all in all, he's a doctor and acts like one, but he'll support you whenever needed
Eustass Kid
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he notice during working out together
the last times you'd been skipping meals and even alcohol, working out without him even in the middle of the night
first he thought you'd simply want to get stronger than him and teases you daily
but on that day you've overdone yourself, your body can't take it anymore and you get dizzy and weak all of a sudden, letting the weights fall down with a thud
"y/n?! Fucking seriously?" he first yells at you (rule: never let weights fall down)
you sink on your knees, mumbling sth like you'd be fine
"Fine my ass!" he swears and lifts you up to carry you to his room
"what the hell are you thinking?!" he's clearly pissed
he'll put on his too big warm clothes and coat, still staring at you angrily
forces you to drink water and hot tea, he still stares at you
"so what the fuck is wrong with you, y/n?" angry, annoyed tone
when you start to cry, he's overwhelmed and feels bad not being able to help, so he just sits there and pets your head
when you glance back and pout/get angry you'll get into a fight and storms out throwing the door
just to come back and hug you tightly after finally understanding
his soft side comes out when you tell him you feel weak and ugly and fat
he laughs: "stupid girl/boy! you're the strongest pirate I know! and the sexiest! besides me"
if you don't or don't smile enough (which will be most likely the case), he'll just tower over you and wrap you up in his arms, roaming with his hands over your body and repeat how amazing you are
he'll get overprotective, remind you to eat enough through the day (sometimes forces you to)
He makes you different playlists to lift up your mood
also he'll seek help from Killer from time to time (but won't tell you)
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He’ll notice when you stop joining to cook in the kitchen
Notices your rapid weight loss really quickly
Sits down next to you, lights up a ciggy and asks worried what’s wrong
Poor boy thinks it’s his fault
Eventually he’ll tear up and just hug you, telling you how much he loves you
“You can tell me everything, ma chère!”
You instantly felt understood and tell him
He’ll look at you in shock, not understanding how such a beautiful person can think of themselves like that
“But you are the most beautiful woman/man, I know, y/n-swan”
He cups your face and gazes into your eyes before kissing you softly
“We get through this, together. I promise.”
And he’ll make it true. He’s the most supportive boyfriend
Forehead kisses, reassuring soft hugs and touches, always keeping an eye on you
Spa Days, telling you every second how much he loves and adores you, would never force you but beg you to try his food at least
Makes the most delicious looking meals
Reads all about EDs so he won’t accidentally hurt you even more
Will hold you in his arms when you’re freezing or crying
Hides the scale
All in all the perfect man
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He’ll notice when following you to the bathroom after dinner
Already had a bad gut feeling about your bruised up and red hands
He holds them all the time so he knows their appearance by heart
“Y/n-chan? Are you ok? I’m here for you! Are you sick?”
Music plays from inside and the tab runs
When you came out after minutes, eyes swollen and red, hands wet and even redder than before you’ll earn a concerned look
“Don’t tell me you’re fine, y/n-chan.”
Weirdly sniffs and notices the smell of vomit
Eyes in shock and starts crying
“No no no no my dearest y/n-chan!! Please don’t tell me it’s true!”
Wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, crying his eyes out
Overdramatic as fuck
Eventually taking your weak body to a quiet room, cleans your face and gives you something to drink
Will listen to each of your words really carefully to understand
Always pleasing you, always bring you water and tea, will not force but desperately beg to you eat something
Will accompany you to the bathroom any time, watching that you don’t hurt yourself anymore
Around you 24/7, will provoke and beat up everyone just trying to say something bad about you
Literally overprotective l, like a guard dog
Will try to lift your mood by telling stupid jokes and stories, tattle about Law and other “not cool non strawhats”, showing off his collection
Proud as hell every time he’ll make you laugh and forget that illness for a second
Corazon/ Rosinante Donquixote
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He’ll notice when picking you up as usual
“Y/n, you’re so tiny?!”
Shocked at first and lifts you even higher
Can’t believe you’re that light, you’ve always been to him, but now it’s different
Immediately throws you over his shoulder, covering you with his warm feather coat
“We’re going to a doctor, no back talk.”
His tone is stern but also warm and caring
Carries you to different doctors and hospitals, always holding your hand or thigh to show you he’s there
Will yell at anyone who says that can’t treat you
Throws literal tantrums at some doctors for being “incapable”
Will end up trying to fix and heal you himself
Showers you in love and care, eg bringing you water, tea, let’s you borrow his lighter to fidget with (even lend you his cigarettes if you smoke)
Will always smile at you and be more clumsy on purpose to make you laugh again
Will cook for you, whatever you want, burns it a few times by accident
Let’s you wear his clothes, when you feel bad about your body
Or wraps you up in them to get you warm
Will be extremely careful when touching, hugging or lifting you up
Afraid he’ll break you
Will inform himself about EDs to make the best of it
Never leaves your side, towering above or behind you, so no one can hurt you
Even lends you hit hat from time to time if he can’t be around for a moment, so you won’t feel alone
Gets sentimental when you sleep and he drinks, petting your head, sits right next to you talking about how beautiful and amazing you are
"I love you so much! You deserve everything in this world, my heart!"
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degenerate-gremlin-blog · 3 months ago
I need to talk about Adrian's character design (And why his Villain defeat bothers me)
I just really like his design. Not only because it is a sick-ass 90s-early 2000s design. But because it incorporates dragon elements perfectly.
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What do I mean? Well you see, Adrian is half fire-dragon. Now here's the thing, right? You'd think that detail would be more important. And not just a throw away line to get into how Nicky was told his mother was a goat his whole life. After all, that detail is all over his design. The etching on his coat looking like dragon scales, the flames on it, his turtleneck top also having a scale pattern, and his dragon claw on his finger. Even in terms of being a prince, it exceeds that aswell. The fuzz on the end of his sleeves, the cool demon necklace, the kick-ass satanic logo on the back. And the hair? Well, it just looks cool. Overall, it makes him look very regal and villanous which makes sense as he is the major big bad of the film and the one that actually manages to be king. It also captures his smart and cunning aura.
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Even his Satan look, though very ugly, also had dragon details on him. What with the literal spikes on his red robe and how in the movie when he drops down, it mimics that of the dragon. So you'd think since they put it all over his design, that it'd be important. Right? Right? Fuck no.
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Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ungrateful for Bat Adrian. I love this little goober. But in terms of story, it's a letdown. Then you see his defeat. Then it became a cop out. He's defeated by Ozzie Osborn (yes the Ozzie Osborn) biting his bat head off and then getting spit out into the flask. For a villain so great, he had a pretty lame defeat. (I mean seriously. Adrian could've easily flown away there. But he just stood there to be grabbed because of plot I guess). Y'know what would've been better? If Adrian ends up turning into a big horrible dragon. And Nicky has to slay him, but thinks it's impossible because he's a massive dragon. THEN he gets help from Ozzie and using holy magic, he turns into a sword and Nicky uses it to fight Adrian and cut his head off. It would've been so much more epic than what we got. And if I could get a little self indulgent here;
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That's a dragon skeleton. I just figured it out recently that that's what it was. And Adrian and Cassius sat near it which would've been a great bit of foreshadowing to Adrian's defeat here. (Also real talk for a second but it's been bugging me if dragons are native to hell in this universe or not and this bit answers that for me). It would've been so awesome and so cool to have the final battle be like that and much more rewarding and satisfying. But no no, he had to turn into a bat so that Ozzie could eat him because while performing on stage, a fan threw a dead bat on stage and he picked it up and ate it's head off. Jeez, that's so funny. I'm laughing right now typing this (sarcasm btw). And that's the thing with this movie for me. I can't properly put it into words just yet but a small part of feels like the movie prioritizes comedy than anything important. Of course you should prioritize comedy in a comedy and it's not like the story is bad. It's good actually. And maybe I'm expecting too much from a movie made by Adam Sandler of all people. But I feel like this movie could be so much more, and do so much more. But that's going have to be a discussion for another time in a separate post.
That's about it. Overall, I just think it should've played into the dragon aspect and give a pretty good villain and much more better defeat than what we got (maybe it would've been even funnier but it's probably going to be in a "wtf" kinda way than a genuianly funny way but who knows).
I have alot more to say about this film (both in praise and criticism) so look out for that. If I have more to say on this topic I'll reblog. Bye!
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hotdamnhunnam · 4 years ago
Hi, I haven't seen any request with Raleigh Becket, so him with🥶,☕,😚(kiss). (Also I'm sorry I barely ever request anything and I suck at picking characters and emojis or prompts). Hope you won't have much trouble with this.
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! No need to apologize at all, this is great lol, and I’m glad to have gotten a Raleigh request! 💗
Iced Coffee Kisses
Pairing: Raleigh Becket x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, Raleigh crushing on a girl & being the awkwardest turtle in the world Word Count: ~1.2k Emoji Prompt: 🥶☕️😚 (key words are in bold)
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It’s fucking cold.
The frigid air bites through his coat as falling snow dampens his hair to darker gold. He really isn’t one to bitch about conditions, but he shouldn’t even be in this position. Though his shift is done, the officer in charge is in the middle of some speech, some protocol he needs to teach, and he wants everyone to listen. Raleigh Becket is a good boy so of course he feels compelled to do as told.
There’s a completely selfless reason as to why he’s fucking miffed: he picked up coffee for somebody at the tail end of his shift. It’s in a little paper cup with a cheap plastic lid, and cooling off with every passing minute. He’d have just gotten a new one, when this stupid speech is done—but as the officer goes on and on and on, it’s getting late and Raleigh knows, by now the cafeteria is fucking closed.
When he’s at last released he hurries to the dormitory halls—toward your room—rushing as briskly as he can without the risk of spilling cooled off coffee all over his balls. From all the cold his crotch is numb, so if this drink splashed from the cup and stained his pants he probably wouldn’t even feel a thing at all.
Maybe it’s good if his dick’s broken ‘cause whenever he gets close to you it tends to want to stand up stiff and tall.
When he arrives and softly knocks his frostbit knuckles on the closed door of your dorm… for the first time all day he finally feels warm.
Warm turns to hot now as the door swings open, and you’re wearing your pink panda bear pajamas just as he was hoping. Or not hoping, to be more precise—he always loves to see you looking so damn cute, till he reminds himself it’s rude, and has to turn away his eyes.
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The pink of your pajamas pales against the rosy petals of his lips. He’s just a friend but times like this you wish that he would fucking grab you by the hips… slam you against the wall and claim your ass as his, with a big fat passionate kiss…
Of course that isn’t what he does. At least not yet. He’s still the same virtuous golden boy he always was, even more bashful and respectful now than back when you first met.
“Hey!” he greets you with a goofy smile as he holds the coffee up, big hand wrapped tight around the small white cup. “I, uh—I know you said that you’d be working on that huge project all day, most likely staying up all night. Figured some coffee couldn’t hurt, right?”
Beam at him sunshiney bright. “Aw, that’s so sweet of you!” I seriously love you.
“It’s… it’s more like iced, I guess,” he tells you with a grimace. “Got held up but tried my best.”
“I love iced coffee,” you reply honestly. “Thanks so much Raleigh, this—this is really sweet.”
You take the cup he came to offer you and all you feel is heat.
“I like your dorm.”
He instantly regrets that you invited him inside ‘cause now he’s sitting here beside you on your bed and starts to squirm. He’s saying stupid shit and finds his mouth is spouting off impulsively before the thoughts can form. “It’s… really warm.”
You don’t want him to feel embarrassed or ashamed, but seeing him all shy and awkward is so cute you can’t be blamed. Your tone is playful and indulgent and you hope he knows that you don’t mean to mock him. You just really want to fuck him. “Leigh, you do know that our rooms are all the same?”
The only person in the world who gets to call him by a girl’s name.
Rolls his eyes, hoping you don’t notice the bulge between his thighs. “Obviously. But the, uh—pictures you’ve put up are really lovely.”
Gestures at the walls. You’ve been meaning to decorate a bit more but you’ve not gotten around to it at all. There are, like, two photos hung up but otherwise you can’t deny your room is ugly. Even more so when in contrast to the sheer beauty of godly golden Raleigh.
Though he knows your bed is just the same as everybody else’s, he can’t help but feel it’s extra fucking comfy. He feels home here on your mattress. Warm and fluffy. “How’s the coffee?”
“It’s… it’s iced,” you answer with a tender smile as you take another sip, lick the cool liquid off your lip. Shift closer toward him on the bed. “But like I said—I really like it iced. It’s nice.”
“I like your eyes.”
Dude, what the fuck. He wants to hide under a rock. There’s not a rock in sight though so the poor guy’s out of luck. He wants to run but he’s forgotten how to even fucking walk. You touch his forearm through his coat and it’s as if you touched his motherfucking cock.
“I like yours too. They’re really blue,” you coo, sweeping a tuft of snow-kissed gold off to the side so you can see his blushing face in fuller view. “Leigh, you do know I’m really into you?”
He swallows hard and doesn’t think he’ll make it through, if you continue. He’ll combust to fucking pieces if it’s true. “…Into?”
You nod and set the nearly empty cup of coffee on the nightstand, freeing both your hands. “I’m really not that subtle with my hints to you.”
“What hints?” This blonde buffoon is seriously sitting here without a fucking clue.
Even that one time when you literally asked Raleigh if he wanted to take you on a date he thought you meant as friends or something and he still wasn’t convinced.
Leigh sees you as some kind of Disney princess way beyond his league—your bravery and brains and beauty make him weak—he doesn’t have a clue that he’s your fucking prince.
So you decide your hints are gonna have to get a little bold. “You know the coffee that you brought may have been cold… but you’re still super fucking hot.” You watch his eyes widen to take in what you’ve told. Whether he finds himself believing it or not. “Believe me, Leigh—I like you, like, a lot. I think about you every fucking night and get off on the thought.”
Oh my God what the fucking what. Now any chance he had at answering coherently is shot. He fumbles frantically for words and gives you what little he’s got. “I do… I do that when I think about you too?”
He says it like a question as if there was any doubt that you already knew.
“I know you do,” you purr. Lean in to finally kiss him hungrily and hotly—then shift suddenly—down to your knees before him on the floor. You love his kisses but you’d love to kiss him elsewhere even more. “You know I never thanked you properly, for that lovely iced coffee that you got me… thankfully that is exactly what this slutty little mouth of mine is for.”
Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
@happyhunnams @band--psycho @est11 @edonaspanca @starbooty @innerpaperexpertcloud @i-love-scott-mccall @six-camelot @alexa-rae-dreamz @coffeebooksandfandom @thesuicidalflower @flaireandsynch @helloheyhihowdyheya @gemini0410 @waywardodysseys @zozebo @bettergetusetoit @emilykjh @little-diable @rocketqueen @mrspeacem1nusone @miss-smutty @rayslittlekitten @abby-splace @chubbychubbs28 @miraclesoflove @tegggeeee @hunnambabe @missusnora @kesskirata @vixenrebellion @thexhostess @pomegranatearildreams @kandii395 @severewobblerlightdragon @itspdameronthings @niki-xie @cind-in-real-life @saweetspoiled @poge-life @few-proud-emotonal @samanthaisnthome @melodranas @soaharleys @charlie-hunnams-old-lady @simpmasterjr @nataliewalker93 @lovebarefootblonde @marvelousmermaid @tsukuyomi011 @sciapod @midnight-dreams-23
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goldentsum · 4 years ago
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— love, you can’t run away from me forever.
PAIRING: soulmate! suna rintarou x reader
GENRE: smut, soulmate au but make it dark
SUMMARY: growing up in a world filled with soulmates was magical but with news about people going crazy and killing people for their “love” made suna repulsive to the idea of soulmates though when you came along, he finally understood why those people did it. 
WARNING: dark content, smut, noncon, manipulative tendencies, cussing/cursing, creepy! and delulu! suna, mean! reader, masturbation (male), photos and audio recording taken w/o consent, kidnapping, oral sex (fem receiving), bdsm, sadistic! suna, dom! suna, violence, abuse, blood, suna is a dick, reader who tries to fight back
AUTHOR’S NOTE: another one cus why not! you guys seemed to liked my first dark fic so here’s another one! <3 might be bad idk prob cus of my writing HAHAHHA also, suna just being a creepy and psychopathic aquarius. DO NOT INTERACT/READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR OR DON’T LIKE THIS TYPE OF CONTENT. 
REMINDER: this is not love and i do not condone this type of behavior. do not romanticize this, this is fiction and in no way am i telling people this is okay. if you don’t like content like this, please click away or block the tag tw.darkcontent
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‘the world is fucked up,’ suna thought, looking at his phone as he saw all types of news about people killing and committing all types of felonies to prove that their love for their soulmates were real. 
the stoic male grimaced at one news he came upon when he scrolled up, a young man killed his family and friends because “he doesn’t need anyone else beside his soulmate”. now that was fucked up. suna never thought he'd lose faith in humanity even more with each passing day. it was actually impressive with how fucking stupid and delusional people get when the topic of soulmates come up. 
gold eyes narrowed at the inked skin of his wrist. “(l/n) (y/n)” or whoever that is better not mind never having a soulmate because there’s no way in hell suna’s going to be all lovey-dovey and accept the soulmate bullshit. 
he thinks that soulmates are a scam. it was a hoax to make people do stupid shit and suna will not tolerate that type of bull. if he’s gonna end up with someone, it’ll be because he likes them not because of ‘fate’ or whatever decided it for him. 
he will never conform to society and its standards. 
“suna! what’s with the ugly face?” atsumu snickered, plopping down on the seat beside suna making the taller male groan. 
“oh fuck off, atsumu. i’m not in the mood for your bullshit” 
“when have you ever been in a mood for bullshit?” 
suna raised a brow and hummed, “good point” 
atsumu shook his head and turned to the counter where his brother was standing behind. “’samu! i want 3 tuna onigiris!” 
osamu glared at his brother and scowled, “get it yourself, lazy ass” 
“i’m paying you!” atsumu whined like the little brat he is but osamu ignored him and tended to the other customers in his shop. suna groaned at the noise, “for fuck’s sake, tsumu. shut up. your voice is so annoying” 
atsumu glared at the man and punched his shoulder, making suna winced and scowled at his former teammate from highschool. the older miya twin huffed and ignored his words, continuing what he was about to say before suna insulted him, “anyway! what i was trying to say earlier was that people around us are finding their soulmates while i’m stuck with you bums! how is that fair?!” 
suna groaned, annoyed, at the same old topic of soulmates. “soulmates are overrated. it’s a scam. you’re lucky you haven’t met yours yet if anything.” 
the setter scoffed at suna’s old same line of bitterness towards the topic of soulmates, “what’s with you, anyway? what’s with the bitterness towards soulmates?” 
“it’s bullshit, is all” suna replied easily, not bothered nor giving a shit. atsumu smirked and threw an arm over the male’s shoulder, “one day, you’ll meet your soulmate and everything’s gonna change.” 
“did you just curse me or?” 
“I don't know, did i?”
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oh for fuck’s sake. atsumu really did cursed him. suna stared in awe, uncharacteristically so, at you while you glared at him. you clicked your tongue when his gaze was still as dazed and lovesick since you two have met. 
“fuck off, rintarou! i told you i don’t want any soulmate bullshit!” 
suna chuckled with a small blush on his cheeks, “i love it when you call me, rintarou--”
“because that’s your name, stupid! you know what, i’m not even gonna bother. and for the last time, stop following me!” you growled, stomping off to get away from your creep of a soulmate but the man didn’t mind your words. it was quite amusing to him to be honest. 
you’re so cute and small and so angry at the world that it’s so endearing to him. with every glare you give him, it sends pleasant shivers down his spine. ah, so this is what it felt to be with your soulmate. it’s addicting. you two could rule the world together if you want to. 
“love, you can’t run away from me forever. i’m your soulmate” 
you groaned at the persistent male, “i don’t want you as a soulmate! why can’t you understand that?!” 
suna stopped following you after your harsh words. you also stopped, your anger subsiding a bit when you realized what you said and all of a sudden, there was a pain in your heart. you cursed at the soulmate bond that was not letting you reject your fate. guilt resurfaced in your gut when you looked at suna who’s staring at the ground, eyes hidden under his bangs. 
“r-rintarou?.. look i’m sorry, okay. but i don’t really want any soulmate business in my life-...” you tried to explain but quickly cut your words off when suna started chuckling. 
scared and terrified at the creepy laugh and unexpected action, you stepped back and looked at him with wide eyes. suna then looked up at you and smirked, the dark glint in his eyes gave you the creeps, his breath heavy as he panted like a dirty pervert! his eyes were so filled with emotions. lust, obsession, and ‘love’ but you don’t  even know if you can call it ‘love’...
“did you feel that? it shows... no matter what you do. we’re connected.” 
oh fuck no. this psycho is not worth it. you grimaced at his words and turned back around swiftly, walking faster to get away from him. 
“fate will always bring us together, (y/n). the quicker you accept that, the easier life gets” you heard him shouted after you and it only made you quicken your actions, heart beating rapidly at what just happened. 
suna smirked at your figure as it grew smaller and smaller. he figured he’d let you go for now. it’s not like you can hide from him. you can try but the ink on your skin will always remind you where you belong and that’s with him. 
the tall male looked at his phone, the screen showing a picture of you sleeping. he traced your features through the phone with a loving sigh and quickly stuffed it back to his pocket. he whistled a small tune under his breath on his way back home, his thoughts filled with you. 
suna walked inside his apartment, shrugging his shoulders to loosen the tight muscles. he groaned in annoyance when his shoes got stuck on his foot but quickly shook it off. the moment he was in his bedroom, he removed his shirt and plopped down on the bed, opening his phone again. 
in his phone, there was a whole album of you. sleeping, eating, at the gym, when you were at the library. suna also opened one of the files in his phone as sounds of you breathing when you were sleeping echoed in the room. 
a small moan escaped the phone, suna’s eyes shining slyly at the sound. oh how he wants to hear it in person. he wants to hear every lovely sound you can make. he wants to know everything about you. 
what type of weather do you like? do you like cereal at night like him? do you have a special place for cats in your heart like he does? do you hate heat like him? and do you like getting fucked so hard the only thing you can do is scream? 
suna sighed at the last thought as rapid images of what you would look like popped in his head. would you look pouty? would you cry? would you be quiet and shy? or would you moan like a bitch in heat? 
the familiar twitch in his sweats made suna antsy. a hand drifted to his pants to palm himself through the cloth. 
suna massaged his hardening cock through his pants, letting out sighs as he did so. your soft breathing from the phone was making him harder. he imagined you beside him, sleeping. looking so innocent and safe from all the vile things of the world. safe with him. 
your plump lips curled into a small pout as your brows furrows while you dream then waking up, needy for him. suna groaned and swiftly tugged his sweats and boxers off him. he spat on his hand, hissing when he started stroking his thick cock. drifting to the sensitive head of his cock, he massaged it with the slick spit as it ooze out pre-cum. 
he quickly coated his digits with the precum and slicked his twitching cock with it for the smooth friction he was craving. he panted at the feeling when he tightened his grip on his dick, trying to imagine your tight wet pussy instead. 
“s-shit, baby... feels so good’“ he slurred, closing his eyes to focus on the feeling of the tight grip, stroking himself to a slow rhythm. in his mind, he can see your pretty face. 
he can imagine you on top of him, rolling your hips slowly to not overstimulate yourself with his large cock inside of you. suna licked his lips, a small smirk appearing on his face as he imagined the cute little noises you made when you tried to fit him in you. 
his thick cock hitting so deeply inside you but oh how you like it, you slut. you’d look so gorgeous, moaning on top of him, hands on his chest whilst you ride him. 
“r-rintarou” he can hear your lewd voice calling out, your breath getting heavier with each stroke of his cock, dragging in your tight wet walls. your big doe eyes filled with tears as you look down at him, trying to get some help from him to fuck you good already.
he cursed when he felt a familiar band trying to snap in his lower stomach, his hand getting faster. wet slapping sounds echoed in the room along with your soft breathing on his phone. his violent and aggressive movements were getting him closer to his release. 
this is how he wants it to be. him fucking you so violently making you cry, hands gripping you tight that your pretty skin would bloom with violets and blue. 
he can already see it, how your tongue will roll out your pretty lips whilst you get fucked so hard that all you can do is lay and scream for him, your soulmate. your other half. you belong to him. 
“ha-ah-!” suna groaned deeply when his release hit him, thick warm cum hit his clenching abs as the spiraling pleasure made him shiver. his hand pumping his dick fast to ride his orgasm, his chest heaving deep pants. the male gulped down, trying to wet his dry throat as he slowly calmed down. lazy yellow eyes stared up in the white ceiling of his bed. 
he needs you. he wants to feel you. he wants to be with you. now. 
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you sighed as you walked home to your apartment, it has been a week since your crazy soulmate tried to bother you in accepting him and it was making you jumpy. his eyes just showed so much when you last saw him that it made you paranoid with every movement that was happening around you. 
you entered your room, exhaling a deep breath of relief as you felt the warm air of your safe home. it was nice to be in your apartment again. no one to bother you. safe from the crazy man that suddenly stopped messing with you. 
after shrugging off your coat, you enter your kitchen to get a glass of water. all the overthinking about the mess that fate got you into was making your head hurt. as you greedily gulped down the water to soothe your dry throat, a movement from the dark living room made you choke on it. 
“shit” you cursed and looked at the wet floor. you put the glass down and looked at the dark living room, trying to catch any movement. you then quietly went to the knives beside you and grabbed one, walking cautiously through the room. you flickered the lights on, ready to strike if something attacked you, but as the lights went on, you sighed in relief when you saw no one. 
you let your hand drop beside you, rolling your eyes at yourself at the paranoia. you cursed the man that did this. now you were overthinking stuff and seeing shadows.
when you were about to turn around, a large hand covered your mouth and tightly gripped your wrist that held the knife, making it clunk to the floor as you screamed but the hand muffled it. 
“stop fuckin moving already.. you’re gonna just tire yourself” the familiar voice made your body stiff, your blood went cold. crying against his hand when you felt his lips touch your ear, teeth grazing it. 
“you’re so pretty” he cooed, his voice heavy and slow. tears pricked your eyes as you struggled against his hold but the tall man was obviously stronger than you being an athlete. you tried to stomp on his feet but the man nudged you forward with his weight as you two tumbled into the couch. 
you can feel the vibration of his chuckle as his chest was against your back. you heard him sigh and a small grind on your ass was enough to make you feel disgusted and dirty. 
“i apologize for this next action, (y/n)” suna muttered beside your eyes and he leaned back, quickly turning you around. before you could even scream, pain blossomed on your cheek. your vision turned blurry at the impact, dizzy.
this motherfucker just punched you. you faced him again and spat the blood on his face, your lip busted as well. “f-fuck you!”
suna growled at your actions but quickly smirked, wiping away the bloody spit on his eye while he held you down. 
“a tough one~ i like that” he whispered and you could feel a hard nudge on your inner thigh making you grimace. this man was fucked up... he just got hard from punching you and you fighting back-
suna smirking down at you was the last thing you remember then everything went dark.
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the room was cold. and your limbs ached with each movement you did. you opened your eyes and panic hit you when you couldn’t see anything. you tried to call out but there was a gag on your mouth. 
you cried through the gag, you cursed everything. you hate fate for getting you into this mess. you curse soulmates bonds, you were right. soulmates are a bunch of bullshit. just look at where that ended you up in. most importantly, you hate him. if you can, you’ll kill him on the spot. 
the fucking psychopath. your soulmate. 
you bit the cloth on your mouth as the binds on your eyes got wet from the tears that escaped from your eyes. your feelings were a mess and all you could feel is anger, shame, and dread. 
“oh, you’re awake. that’s good. i thought i hit you harder than i intended to, thank god that you’re okay” you heard the familiar voice that you loathe. you growled through your gag but suna could only laugh at your pathetic attempt of dominance when you’re gagged, blindfolded, and tied to the bed. 
“now now, no need for that. we want to get along, don’t we” he muttered, walking closer to you and sat on the bed, beside you. 
you flinched when you felt his weight beside you and his hands caressed your cheek. you whimpered at the dull pain when he touches your cheek. this fucker touched where he punched you--
“that looked like it’ll bruise” you growled again at his words. you wanted to scream at him. hit him. make him feel the pain of what he did to you. 
your fussing about stopped and you stiffened when you felt him shift on top of you, going in between your legs. you tried to close your legs but his hands were faster than you. 
he maneuvered you like a doll he owns, fixing you into a position he liked. suna gazed at your tied-up body, his cock already starting to harden in his pants. he wants to touch you already. 
his hand went up and tugged your blindfold as he smiled at your dazed look that changed to a mean one. suna chuckled at your spirit. it was making him excited. 
“you’re too cute, love” he muttered, leaning closer to your neck and nuzzled into you, taking in your scent loudly making you flinch in dread. 
“you smell so sweet,” he said against your neck, an unconscious shiver running up your body. suna smirked when he felt it and continued to nuzzle his face in your neck. his hands touching and groping your body while you growled through the gag but he barely even paid attention to it, too caught up at the feeling of finally touching you and being with you. 
“i wanna taste you~” he whispered lewdly, looking deep into your eyes with a smirk. your eyes widened at his words and mustered up all the strength you had and hit his head against yours. 
you were disoriented after it but it was worth it when you heard his curse as he leaned away. your forehead was red you were sure and it’ll bruise with how hard his head was. 
“you bitch-!” your moment of victory was cut off when large hands wrapped around your neck, squeezing it. you choked, wriggling around to get away from suna but he leaned all his weight on top of you. 
he glared down at you, watching with sick satisfaction when your eyes slowly fluttered close and your struggling gradually ceased. suna can snap your neck right now if he wants to. the power he has over you almost made him drool, his cock twitching excitedly in his pants.
he let your neck go, heart beating fast when he saw finger marks on your neck, the shape of his hands on your skin. he watched you cough and try to inhale air, desperately. 
suna then grasped your chin in a tight hold and turned you to face him, making your dazed eyes look up at him, “do that again and i’ll make you bleed.” 
he let your chin go harshly and climbed off you, going out of the room. you gulped and intake the precious air, looking at the door with fear and anger. 
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being with suna was an absolute nightmare. you don’t know how long it has been since the psycho kidnapped you and it was agitating. you fought back but suna liked it because it gave him the excuse to hurt you. you knew this but you just can’t give him the satisfaction he craved of you submitting to him. 
your body was slumped into the bed whilst you cried as suna ate you out. his fingers pumping viciously in and out of you, tongue lapping on your swollen clit. he denied you 4 orgasms already and your body was so sensitive from it. 
“just fucking accept this already!” suna growled against your pussy, the vibrations sending violent shivers in your body. you writhe and keened, your body in his mercy. 
you shook your head, tears streaming down your red and bruised cheeks. your neck was decorated with purple and red, bite marks and fingerprints alike. your wrists red and raw from the rope he used on you constantly.
suna rolled his eyes at your disobedience but let you be. he knows you’ll be his good girl sooner or later. he just has to try harder, he guesses. 
he sucked on your clit messily, tonguing your wetness. his fingers caressing your walls as he hit your g-spot making you arch your back. suna smirked and continued his ministrations, ignoring your pleading to let you cum already. 
he felt your walls clenching on his fingers as he stopped altogether making you cry in desperation. suna leaned on his feet, admiring the way your body tried to hump him to get the satisfaction of cumming. 
your body is so beautiful. before it was pristine and void of any marks and flaws but now your skin was decorated with purple and red courtesy of his love for you. 
“you really wanna do this, (y/n)? you rather be a bad girl than be my precious girl?” suna tried to reason with you, his tone was as if he was talking to a child. you scowled at him, “fuck you, asshole!” 
suna’s eyes turned dark at it. one thing he can’t tolerate was you saying such crude and bad words. he raised his hand and slapped you, the force of it made you turn to the side as you gasped at the pain. 
blood dripped from your nose. suna then grabbed your cheeks, squeezing. he glared down at you. “when will you learn... and here i thought you were smarter than that” 
you cried at the pain of his grip on your face and the sting of his slap was still there as his fingers pressed down to the bruises you had on your face. he shook your head, growling, “what do you say when you do something wrong” 
he continued to shake you, your aching limbs hurt at the violent movements. you whimpered and unconsciously replied, “i’m sorry-!” 
suna stopped and removed his hands from you. you looked up at him with teary eyes and saw him smiling softly at you. his mood swings were scary. you don’t really know what type of suna you’ll get before it’s too late... 
“atta girl...” he muttered and started to remove his pants. you panicked at his actions and tried to move away but the painful slap on your thigh was enough to make you stop. 
“now, let me fuck you” 
suna grabbed your ankle and pulled you down on the bed further, closer to him. he pumped his cock at the sight of you, so pretty and crying
“rintarou please-! d-don’t!” you cried, feeling so helpless and all your fire from earlier and the past days gone. the dark-haired male grinned at your sobbing and fussing about. 
“tsk. be a good girl, (y/n). just accept it.” he leaned closer to you, whispering against your wobbly lips. his dark yellow eyes stared straight into yours, lust swirling around his orbs. your body shook in fear and a small cry leaving your swollen lips. 
in one swift movement, suna entered you. he captured your lips, muffling your screams because of him suddenly entering you. the wet squishing noises were triggering your tears. you felt disgusted with yourself that you were enjoying the stretch and the feeling of being filled up by this psycho. 
maybe in another world where you two have met differently. a perfect world where things weren’t complicated. if you two worked it out and things were different then maybe you’ve actually loved him and accepted him as your soulmate. but not in this world. not now. 
you cried when suna started moving, hitting your g-spot with every thrust. your body arched on the bed, feeling the pleasure. suna panted above you, arms caging you and his muscles contracting with every movement he does. 
suna cursed at the feeling, it felt so good. you feel so good. your wet and squishy walls sucking him so eagerly. the lewd sounds of your wetness and his constant thrusting was making him more excited. 
he stopped for a moment, pulling out from your pussy to put you in all fours and then entered you again when he moved you the way he likes. suna groaned, fucking deep into you. his tip grazing your cervix making you squeal. you can feel your orgasm coming faster because of the orgasms suna denied you earlier. you sobbed, hips unconsciously thrusting back to his dick. 
the male chuckled breathily, sneaking a hand between your legs to play with your swollen clit. you choked on a moan when you felt him massaging your clit. you let your head plop down to the mattress, arms wobbly, and all you could do was moan as your body jerking at the pleasure suna was giving you. 
“oh honey, you should see how slutty your body gets when i’m fucking you” he snickered behind you, hips never relenting with his fast and hard thrusts. 
you felt tears trail down your bruised cheeks, you don’t know if it’s because of the shame you felt earlier or the pleasure. the fast circles suna gave your clit made you whine and moan as you felt your orgasm wash over you. 
you howled at the satisfying feeling of the violent orgasm, finally cumming after the torture of not coming four times earlier. suna smirked at the way your body convulsed beneath him. 
the unwavering fucking from behind was sending you to overstimulation and suna’s fingers still rubbed down your sensitive clit. you whined and keened, drool slipping past your lips. 
“so fucked out” suna muttered and bent to lean against your back, his dick twitching in your wet walls. he then angled his thrust differently making you gasp. 
he leaned back again, staring at your sweaty discolored back, from his bites from the past fun times you two had, and the way you leaned against the pillows as your pretty face contorting into a fucked out expression, so lewd.
a large hand trailed down to the back of your neck, grabbing it and letting you lean against suna’s chest. his hand then wrapped around your dainty neck, squeezing, as he felt the vibrations of your moans. 
“pretty baby~” 
his other hand gripped your hips, stilling your wiggling around as he fucked into your harder at the newly changed angle. you whimpered at the way his thick cock reached so deep into you. 
suna moaned beside your ear, hips slowly losing his rhythm as he chased his own orgasm. his self-control snapping into something greedy and feral. he ignored your cries and fucked you so he can finally cum. 
the way he used you wasn’t supposed to feel this good. although he didn’t have any intention to make you feel good, the way his dick stuffed your full and the way his thickness stretched you was made you feel the familiar band in your stomach trying to snap once again.
he unconsciously squeezed your neck, breath heavy, when he felt his orgasm getting closer. he growled, thrusting sloppily in you, the sounds of your wetness echoed in the room along with your broken moans and rasps. you can feel him twitching inside you sending you into another orgasm.
you screamed, body arching against suna. the way your pussy squeezed him and the feeling of you cumming again triggered his own. suna moaned, painting your insides with his cum as he rode his orgasm, ignoring your whining. 
he panted, removing his hold on you and letting you hit and slump unto the bed. you whined at the action. suna pulled out of you as he admired the way your pussy was filled with his cum, dripping down to your thighs and down to the sheets. he licked his lips at the sight and leaned closer to you as if he was lured in. 
you gasped and cried when you felt his tongue wiggling around your sensitive pussy. you squeezed your eyes close tightly, body shivering at the overstimulation but suna barely paid any attention to you. he only wanted to satisfy his desires.
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you gazed at the plain ceiling, dully. the soft breathing of the insane male beside you was making you grimace. he just finished fucking you or what he calls, “soulmate bonding time” but all he did was make you cry. 
the sun was up and it was probably noon now but suna normally sleeps in and today was no exception. the phone beside suna’s side on the table started buzzing, circling a little because of the vibration. you heard suna groaned, always the light sleeper. you quickly closed your eyes and hid your face in the covers and pillows. 
you felt the male shifting and after a while, he started talking in his annoyingly attractive deep voice. sleep taking a toll in his vocal cords making it all husky. you internally cursed the soulmate bond trying to make you see him in another light or some bullshit like that.
“hey, what’s up?” 
you continued to listen to the one-sided conversation as you pretend to be asleep. your heart skipped a beat when you heard suna’s words. 
“yeah, come over. i’ll introduce you to her” 
your body stiffened but tried to relax. maybe this was your chance to expose him. you have to try something, you can’t keep letting him do these things to you... 
a soft sleepy groan, the sound someone makes when they stretch, rung inside the quiet room. the covers shifted a bit and a disgustingly familiar body heat hit your skin as two large hands caressed your skin. 
“baby? i’m gonna introduce you to my friends, that’s okay right? it’s time i show off my pretty baby~” you heard him coo. you bit your lip, how can this man act like your relationship with him is normal... you then became painfully aware of the bruises and scars on your body making you self-conscious as you tried to make yourself smaller. 
“they’ll see all of these” he whispered sweetly with a dazed look on his eyes as he traced the marks that were in purple-y and reddish hues that it was too nauseating to look at but suna thought it was so beautiful on you.
suna spent all afternoon dolling you up, fixing your short dress that shows every mark he gave you. your eyes looked at your reflection. you teared up at the sight. you didn’t look like yourself anymore... 
tired eyes that sagged with dark bags under it. a deep purple bruise on your cheek. your bottom lip was cut from suna’s slap, neck decorated with hickeys and fingerprints, skin discolored.
the man behind you started whistling the godforsaken tune he always sang under his breath as he combed your hair. after fixing your hair, he let his hands down on your shoulders and looked at you through the mirror. 
“ain’t you a pretty little thing...” he muttered, admiring you. you let your gaze shift down to your lap as the male carried you to the living room. 
“now behave.” his word was final as always. do not question it nor do you go against it. or he’ll hurt you... again and again...
a loud voice cut through the quiet atmosphere in the apartment and impatient knocks was heard. “suna! open the damn door, already!” 
the dark-haired male sighed and went to the door. your heart started beating a little too fast. when his guests see you, or your state, you’ll get away from here... or maybe he’ll hurt them too... you shook your head. trying to stay positive so you can get out of this hellhole.
a tall man with golden dyed locks entered the room along with someone who looked similar to him though their hair was different. honey brown eyes lock with your tired ones, you were hopeful when you saw the confusion in his eyes. 
the man looked back to suna who stood next to him, you knew you were saved when the two identical men glared at him but then they started talking--
“geez! here i thought you’ll be gentler now that you met your soulmate!”
“suna? gentle? like hell. now where’s the food. you promised me food, suna” 
your eyes got teary as you suppressed a gasp. of course, his friends were as insane as he was. 
the golden haired male then smiled at you like there was nothing wrong. like he doesn’t see all the fucking bruises on your body, “hey, darlin’~ suna’s been beating you, huh? were you misbehaving~?” 
suna growled at the man and shoved him, “shut the fuck up, atsumu” the two started bickering like everything was normal as they ignored you...
you sniffled and turned to the light nudged from your side, you looked at the other male that entered the apartment. the man offered you some pudding as a spoon was hanging from his lips. “you look like you need it, miss” he said, his face unfazed. 
you took the pudding with shaking hands and lowered your head as the three men walked around the room, conversing with each other. 
maybe, suna’s right... life would be easier if you just accepted him. you were stuck with him now and always and his name on your skin will forever be the reminder of that. 
fate has a weird way of pairing people up and you can’t do anything about it. 
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natsukitakama · 4 years ago
Headcanon : Control feat Floch Forster
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"Well since some writers claim that Floch would be rough in bed then how about smut Floch with a fem soft s/o, she’s not exactly a tease person, she’s just incredibly shy, needy and sensitive who gets embarrassed easily. I’m really curious if Floch would be rough or gentle with her if his s/o is soft and shy but when she’s naked, she gets embarrassed and cover herself"
Author note : Gotta admit I’m a little bit curious too, I mean the big boi got a huge switch energy. Like I can’t totally picture him being a 100%DOM or a 100%SUB maybe it’s just me but I feel like he is a switch a big one. I wrote a headcanon + a tiny scenario.
As usual I apologize for taking so long I hope you’ll enjoy it ♡
Also I don’t know what to do with my life anymore lol was it nasty enough ? Was it good ? I need to write more caliente headcanon I’m still insecure about it lol
Warning : NSFW / SMUT / Mention of spoil from season 4
SMUT : mention of spanking, mention of spitting, mention of rough sex, a little bit of hair pulling nothing bad
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Sex with Floch is difficult, there’s nothing wrong with neither of you.
Since his return with Shinganshima, he kinda lost a part of him. He was never the tender one but this event surely broke what was left of his kindness.
It doesn’t mean he would act violently toward you, but he became easily frustrated and not in the good way. Meaning sometimes he will get angry easily, he tends to be violent each time someone doesn’t agree with him. He became a monster but he hasn't known that yet.
Now, he was really in love with you and knowing your personality he couldn’t really be too rough on you.
A part of him really enjoy being rough on you, knowing he was corruption you a little bit more each time he was thrusting into you. It fascinated him the way you would bend at each of his command, opening your mouth when it told you so, screaming begging when he gave you an order. Instead of being rough for the thrill of it, he was rough on you because he loves seeing you getting all red from pleasure not being able to talk because he was fucking you dumb.
Since back in Shinganshima he couldn’t control anything, he would be in control now especially in his sex life and since you were just co compliant with him. He couldn’t just leave this opportunity.
The fact that you were so shy around him even though you’ve been naked in front of him a lot of times never felt to tease him to be a little more rougher on you. Your personality just triggers his « dark instinct »
Now, we must not forget that in the beginning Floch was and would remain a switch, which mean sometimes he needs to feel you taking care of him. To put it simple Shinganshima broke him, and since no one tries to bring him back, he works on his own to not just fall apart.
Some times he needs comfort, some times he needs to be in control. Especially for sex, during a period, when he felt especially « weak » or at least fragile, he would put extra roughness on you meaning he’ll tend to bend you over a desk or anything for that matter as long as he can bend you over, moving your ass up spreading your legs widely so he could get a nice view of your ass and leg.
He might even went as far as to took a bunch of your hair and pull it so you would scream at the pain, and while your mouth would be widely open he won’t hesitate and spit into your mouth.
He also tends to put extra slapping at your ass just because he feels like it
You’re lucky that he is hitting all the good spot, cause the man is too lost on his own pleasure to even notice that well he is particularly rough. But don’t worry, you two got safe word just in case he is too lost on his feeling.
Or, when he feels cocky or just because he is tired from his works. Floch would just lay down on his bed, hands behind his head as you’re looking at him expecting to be taken by him. Then he will just narrow one of his brown eye and say « what ? You’re expecting me to take care of you ? Naah it’s not how it’s work (scuse me sir aren’t you the one who broke me last night ???) you want me y/n then take that cock cause I won’t put a single finger for you ».
But when he feels lonely or sad, or just because you feel like you needed to put him at his place. Spank him, edge him, overstimulate him, make him beg for release and that fucker would even cum harder than usual (little bastard). There’s one thing he might be against, it’s pegging, like a finger or a two why not but a whole toy in his butt ? You’ll need to be a little more convincing for this one (read : fuck him dumbs until he can’t even remember his name and he won’t even whine)
But to do that you’ll need to be extra confident with that, cause even though he is a switch don’t forget that he is most and foremost a jerk, so basically he won’t let you have his way with you easily especially if you tend to be super shy.
If you think that fucker won’t tease the hell out of you for being cocky ? You don’t know Floch.
« Well well what do we have here ??? And here I thought you were innocent Y/N »
« S-Shut up Floch »
« Make me. »
Damn brat *cough cough*
Anyway, if during foreplay or even in the « it » of the moment you felt insecure or sad, use your safe word, Floch isn’t really good at reading people and he might think you were acting extra shy as usual while in fact you were feeling bad over something. Then proceed to explain to him what’s wrong.
He is the stupid worshipper. Always like « Huh ? You think you’re ugly ? Are you stupid ? Of course you’re hot look at you ? I thought you were smarter than y/n » damn buddy it hurts coming from you. Also the dirty worshipper.
« Such a nasty hole you are y/n look at it all clutching around nothing waiting for me to fill it entirely. Fuck you’re wonderful y/n »
« Mamama look at those legs they were made to be wrapped around my hips »
« Damn it y/n you sure know how to suck a cock »
« Look at you taking my cock so well, I swear your swallow me without a blink of an eye what a good slut you are y/n »
Yeah that’s his praise
I’m sorry
He’s doing his best
So yeah he might be a switch if you’re too shy to dom him, well all he has to do his to take the leas right ?
Now if we’re focusing about your first time not just with him, like if you’re a virgin that would be another story.
A part of him want to be extra rough on you like he will corrupt you, you know ? Not really a kink of him but the thought of it got his dick hard as rock so safe to say that he is not against the idea of fucking you dumb.
But as the thought was starting to drive him crazy he realized that for a first time, knowing your personality being quite shy and embarrassed easily he might not be the best idea to just jump into you. Maybe taking your time together would be for the best, so both of you would learn about each other’s body, sweet spot, what to do or not do.
He won’t be too vanilla because that’s not how he is especially now that he joined the yeagarist, in fact his return from Shinganshima changed him into a cold man, mentally instable but somehow strong when it came to follow his belief, but still as I stated before he always needed control but also need a way to get out of his nightmare. So being rough with you in bed sound like a perfect way to escape his reality, of course it’s not healthier way but it’s work so he won’t complain.
Now that being said, even if it won’t be your first time together I can’t see him forcing you into things that make you uncomfortable. He is a dick, but he cares about you. He might try to convince you to at least give it a shot, especially if he felt that the reason that you’re refusing it’s just you being shy (even if he told in his own way that there no need to be shy round him). But he felt that something scares you, he won’t force you and won’t even bring it again.
I don’t feel like he is into gun play/ arm play for that matter, not into blood play either. He is surrounded by blood and weapons all the time, sex with you is supposed to be a safe place where he can escape his old demons so no gun for the baby.
In conclusion, the fact that you are shy angel won’t stop him for being you so it’s up to you to tell him what’s good for you or not.
I know for a shy person it’s difficult to talk about the sensitive subject but remember that communication is a key, he might be a dick and sometimes you’d feel like you can’t talk to him like he is an ass (he is but hey you love him) like he didn’t care about your opinion but that’s not true, you are important and probably the only thing that matter to him (aside from saving paradise but you includes so) so don’t be afraid.
Tiny scenario because it took me forever to post it as a compensation :
« Fuck yeah you feel amazing y/n »
For some reason today Floch was particularly generous with you, not that usually he is not. But today he felt like spoiling you. At first it started with multiple hot make-out session everytime you two were alone. Pushing you against the near wall or holding you against his firm chest, it’s like his lips couldn’t leave yours for like one minute. One of his hand was behind your neck keeping your head firmly against him as the other left for your ass to grab it. Your body was caught between his body and the wall, so all you could do was putting your arm around his neck and just enjoy his warmth as he was greedily kissing you. After all, you hadn’t got the chance to see your boyfriend for a while, to be exact after your mission in Mahr and the capture of Eren you barely caught a moment together to share a kiss. He claimed that there was nothing against you and that he was just very busy since the situation between Mahr and Paradis was still tight.
So, his little greediness was welcomed, you couldn’t help but starting to feel touch starved. You were missing him to the point that you started to wear some of his coat just to be able to catch some of his warmth. Of course you didn’t say anything about it, knowing your boyfriend you wouldn’t see the end of it. After kissing you for like the tenth time, Floch finally moved a little to be able to see you from your entirety. Lips swollen slightly open as you were taking your breath since he barley left you time to take a breath, hair a little messy for the way he was grabbing it firmly, cheeks all pink (probably because you were both embarrassed and turned on by his action). It was definitely a view that was worth it. Since his return from Mahr, Floch hasn't had time much to his dismay to mange some quality time with you, hell he couldn’t even remember the last you two has gone on a date together. Knowing the situation, and what was about to happen with the yeagarist he won’t be able to take you on a date before a long time. So he felt like he needed to take every occasion to have his way with you, kissing you, stroking your body, feeling you against him cause who knows when he’ll be able to have you close to him again ? He was starting to feel angry and eager;
Alongside, let’s be honest the yeagarist didn’t do anything to help him. All the time, he could hear them whining about some soldier who apparently wasn’t on their side, or about the fact that yeah some of them have spent a couple of days in jail. They were starting to get on his nerve, most of them were just spoiled brat who never went into hell and here they have the guts to complain about their condition ? What a shame. He started to feel his shoulder getting heavy. His muscles too were sore, his patience was slowly disappearing worst, he started to have nightmares again. It all started because he wasn’t with you, because he barely spent time with you. He needed you. He needed you right now.
« Floch a-are you okay ? Y-You keep staring at me »
« Do I ? Sorry you just looked amazing all fucked up because of him »
« I-I’m not fucked up »
« Yet. »
A race and a couple of clothes on the floor later, here you were bending over his bed. Face down with a hand firmly against your neck, ass up all good for Floch as he was grinding against you as if it would be the last time that you two would have sex. You were used to Floch being rough against you and to be honest you didn’t mind it since he was hitting all the good spot, and the way he is grunting each time you were clutching against him was music to his hear. Also the dirty talk didn’t help. But today was different, for some reason the foreplay lasts longer than usual, you noticed that Floch took extra time kissing each inch of your body, stroking everything that he might forget. He also ate you out longer than usual putting extra time to make you cum multiple time before he could even put the head of his dick in you. You didn’t mind though, it was good to be spoiled by Floch without even begging for it.
« I could spend my life between your leg y/n but now it’s time for the real fun, come on I want you on four for me. Spread those gorgeous legs of yours for me cause I can’t spend any minute without being in you »
As he was thrusting into you senseless, you felt that he was slowing down but still keeping a firm rhythm against you. Then you felt your body moving, so you could be face to him, he moved his own body too bringing your ankle around his head as your legs were now on his shoulder. The light coming from the windows highlight his toned chest and his arm muscles, his hair were a mess from all the time he put them in place. Even after getting intimate with him multiple times, getting naked in front of him was still something that embarrassed you. He knew that. So it was no surprise for you that you hear him chuckled at your state before slowing down putting your knee at your chest, so he could kiss you again for like the hundred time.
« You felt like heaven babe I’m not kidding I can die now it would be perfect. So tight and warm for me »
And then as if nothing happened, he roughly starts to thrust into you. Floch’s head was now in the crook of your neck as he was breathing heavily, your hand were now on his hair grabbing it each time he was hiding your sweet spot. His movement were kinda slow though as he was taking time to thrust deeply into you reaching whenever spot he was looking for, you swore you could feel his head on your stomach or maybe it was just you losing your mind. It didn’t help that you suddenly felt his hand between your leg touching you, stroking you, teasing you so you would approach your climax quicker than him. No doubt that Floch planned to either edge you or overstimulate you, knowing how he spoils you before, he might overstimulate you until you would be nothing but a mess.
How long would you last before loosing your mind ? That’s what Floch was about to know.
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drakenology · 4 years ago
Their S/O is shy. With Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya!
author’s note: HIIII! So I got this idea from work today. I’m a shy, reserved person in real life and I imagined a headcannon where y/n was an uwu girl. enjoy! I’m going to do the Bakusquad next time. 
warnings: suggestive themes, light violence, fluff, and cussing.
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thinks you’re the cutest
teases you a lot. 
will smack the shit outta anyone who tries taking advantage of your kind and shy demeanor.
loves how your shyness comes to play in the bedroom; he likes trying to get you to loosen up a little.
Would butter you up with compliments and praises.
“I dunno what you’re so shy about. You’re fuckin hot.”
likes how he’s the complete opposite of you
VERY protective over you. 
You and Bakugo are out at a restaurant on a date. You’re looking through the menu to see what you want, not being able to decide between the burger or the quesadilla (yum!). 
“I think I’m gonna get the steak. What about you, babe?” Katsuki asked, peering over to look at your menu. 
“I dunno.. I think the burger sounds good. I think that’s what I’ll get” You say, sitting your menu down. Bakugo is staring down your dress, oogling at your ample cleavage popping out of the v-neckline. You notice his gaze, blushing profusely. 
“S-Stop it, Katsuki.” You say, covering up your chest with your menu. He smirks and runs his hands up your thighs causing you to fold your legs to try and stop the wetness coming from your panties. Even though you never admit it out loud, you loved when he groped and stared at you. It made you feel like the sexiest woman in the world. Katsuki grabs your chin and kisses you.
“You’re gonna get it tonight, princess.” He whispered in your ear. You blush as you notice the waiter coming your way, swatting Katsuki’s hands away from you. The waiter walked towards your table and sat your drinks down.
“Thanks. Ready to order, babe?” Bakugo looks towards you. You nod, feeling a little nervous to order yourself. You were very soft spoken, so ordering food was a bit of a challenge for you. But today, you had worked up the courage to order without Bakugo’s help. 
“Hi, u-um.. I’ll have the burger, please. Also could I get that without any onions? I’m allergic.” You say, looking down at your menu instead of at the waiter. 
“Certainly. And for you, sir?” The waiter said, motioning to Bakugo.
“I’ll have the steak please. Well done. I don’t like my steak pink. If I see pink, me and my lady are leaving without payin’, ya got that!?” Bakugo said aggressively. To anyone not knowing him, they think he’s being rude and difficult but you know he’s just trying to make the waiter nervous on purpose as a joke. 
“Yes, sir. Coming right up.” The waiter says, leaving in a hurry. 
“Katsuki, you’re giving the waiter a hard time.” You say softly, your voice sounding like a disappointed mother. He sighed, grabbing your hand and kissing it. 
“Alright, I’ll lay off.” He said, laughing. You two chatter about what you guys did for hero work that day, laughing and enjoying each other’s company until the food came. Finally, the food comes; the aroma coating your nose as you get excited to eat.
“Enjoy.” The waiter said dryly, clearly not liking Bakugo’s attitude. You both shrug it off and prepare to dig in. Bakugo seemed to like his steak but your burger had onions all over it. Even if you had picked them off, it still wouldn’t have been safe to eat. You sigh, poking at your burger in disappointment.
“What’s wrong? How come you’re not eating?” Bakugo asked, his mouth full as he wiped steak sauce from his mouth. You shake your head, not wanting to make a scene. He looked at your plate, seeing your burger teething with onions. He’s way angrier than you are, waving the waiter over to your table with fervor. 
“K-Katsuki, I can just take them off it’s not-” You’re interrupted by Bakugo, who isn’t having any of it; already knowing what you’re about to say. The waiter clearly didn’t like Bakugo’s attitude so he messed your order up on purpose because he noticed how soft-spoken you are. He didn’t chance fucking up Katsuki’s order because he knew he’d have a fit and probably kick his ass if he got short with him. 
“No Y/N, it is a big deal. Look at it! It’s got onions all over it. You can’t eat that shit, you’ll get sick even if you pick ‘em off. I’m givin that asshole a piece of my mind!” He shouts, still trying to get the waiter’s attention who was clearly ignoring you two. 
“HEY! I KNOW YOU FUCKING SEE ME. GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, NOW.” Bakugo shouts. Oh god. The waiter rolled his eyes, walking over to your table.
“Is there a problem, sir?” He asks, not eager to help at all. 
“You’re fuckin’ right there’s a problem. What did my girl order, huh?” Bakugo says, standing from his seat. 
“Katsuki, please.” You say, tugging his sleeve trying to get him to sit back down.
“She ordered a burger.” the waiter answered with attitude. 
“Yeah, with NO ONIONS you idiot! GO TELL THEM TO FUCKING FIX IT OR I’M TELLIN’ YOUR BOSS AND YOU’RE FUCKED.” Bakugo yelled, grabbing the waiter by his collar. The waiter; scared out of his mind, is now sweating with fear. 
“V-Very sorry, sir. I’ll fix that for you right away!” The waiter said, running back to the kitchen to fix your order. Bakugo sat back down in his seat, going back to eat his steak as if nothing happened. The whole restaurant was staring at you both, you sinking into your chair from all the eyes on you. 
“THE FUCK ARE YALL LOOKIN AT!?” Bakugo yelled, getting everyone in the room to turn their attention back to their own tables. He looked back to you, seeing a frown on your face. 
“Don’t you think you went a bit too far?” You ask, crossing your arms. 
“Nope.” He said, feeding you some of his steak until your new burger came. 
“Nobody messes with my baby.”
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is such a mom omg
just as protective as Bakugo (if not more)
encourages you to open up
supports your small wins (awww)
fucks the shyness outta you hehe
loves you and your shyness no matter what 
You and Shoto are getting ready to go out when you’re having a difficult time deciding what to wear. You had pulled out a few garments to wear; a red strapless bodycon dress that Shoto got you to accentuate them curves of yours or a simple bulky sweater and jeans. You were a little nervous to dress sexy for Shoto, unsure of yourself and your body not to mention all the potential unwarranted stares from others. You sigh and start dressing yourself in the boring outfit you picked out and sat down at your vanity to do your makeup. Shoto walked in the bedroom from your bathroom to see the dress sitting on the bed. 
“Why aren’t you wearing your dress, love?” He asked, concern written all over his face as he stood next to your vanity. 
“I-I just don’t want all the attention on me. I’m nervous. What if everyone stares at me?” You say, tears burning your eyes. Shoto takes you by your hand and leads you to the full body mirror mounted on the wall of your bedroom. He pushed your hair back and kissed your neck, running his hands on either side of your body. 
“You don’t have to worry about the stares. I’m going to be there to protect you, okay?” He says, sweetly kissing your cheek. You smile warmly and nod. He was right. You change into the dress and slipped on some heels to match, giggling at the praises and encouragement from your boyfriend as he reached for your hand to kiss it. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby.” Shoto said, taking a good look at your curves. He feels himself harden at the sight of you, involuntarily groaning as he pulled you close to him for a deep kiss. 
“How about we stay in tonight instead?” 
He was determined to make you open up... one way or any other teehee.
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loves you SO MUCH OMG
doesn’t care that you’re a little shy and soft-spoken
speaks for you when needed
stands up for you
loves to motivate you 
thinks you’re sinfully adorable
You and Midoriya are walking through the supermarket, shopping for food for your shared home. Izuku was always such a huge help, lifting all the heavy things and putting them in the cart or reaching for things that were too high for you to reach. You loved shopping with him and he loved it too because he could look after you and spend time with you at the same time. 
“Crap, I forgot we need meats for dinner tonight. What did you want again, Izuku?” You asked, looking up from your shopping list. 
“Pork, please. You always make the best pork curry, Y/N” He said sweetly, kissing your forehead. You blush and walk over to the meat department while Izuku gathers the rest of the ingredients for dinner. You stand in line with your number and waited your turn patiently. Suddenly, this big burly man comes out of nowhere and cuts right in front of you in line. You hated when situations like this happen because it was always so hard for you to stand up for yourself. You gulp and muster up enough courage to confront him...sorta?
“U-um excuse me.. I was ne-” You’re interrupted by the man shouting over you.
“Shut up, bitch! I’m in a hurry so why don’t you just wait a little while longer.” He yells. You’re shocked at how he spoke to you, clearly this man lacked manners. You stand there, dumbfounded and scared. You were so frustrated with yourself you’re brought to tears, wiping them away as you stand in line and wait your turn. 
“Bitch?” you hear a familiar voice repeat. It was Midoriya, standing beside you with your cart in toe. “You thought this woman was alone, didn’t you? Fucking coward.” Izuku walks towards the man, intimidatingly calm. The man scoffs until he sees Izuku’s face. The pro hero Deku was standing right in front of him and he was angry.
“H-Hey.. I had no idea okay? I’ll back o-”
“If it was me standing there would you have cut in front of me and called me a bitch?” Izuku asked, grabbing the man by his shirt. “You get off on bullying women don’t you, you spineless bastard? Think that just because your big and ugly that you can just push people around? People like you make me sick. Get in the back of fucking line before I lose my temper.” The man does so, glaring at you as he walked to the back of the line. You sigh in relief as your number is called, Izuku leading you to the counter with his hand on your back. He turned around and glared at the man who gave you a hard time one last time. 
“What would you like to order, miss?” The butcher said with a smile.
“Pork, please.” You sigh.
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bokunosimpfiction · 4 years ago
Kidnapped Yandere!Heisenberg x Reader Pt.5
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Summary: You feel emotions other than rage and sarcasm oh my god 
A/N: The reason I took a break from this series was because I had no idea where to take it from that cliff hanger, and I felt that character development needed to be done before we dive head first into the plot. This is part of that, but keep in mind it’s not filler like Chapter 2 became. I think it’s funny that this was SUPPOSED TO BE A FUCKING ONE SHOT BUT APPARENTLY FUCKING NOT. I’ll be posting another chapter for this series soon. Also feel free to send me asks about this series. I’ve been getting comments on my ao3 that are a) genius b)hilarious and c)heartwarming. Talk to me. Please! Ask and anon should be open right now let me know if they aren’t!
Masterlist link for previous parts:
Link to this chapter on AO3:
Taglist: @localdepressedvampire​ and one person recieving updates via email
The fresh cold late-autumn air made your lungs sting. And the layers of clothes didn’t help fight the chill you didn’t know you were facing. Has it been that long since you’ve been outside, to see the sun? You stick your arms in your armpits under your outercoat. Well, Heisenberg’s spare trench coat. It was much too big, the cuffs of the sleeves going well past your fingertips and the bottom half an inch from the ground.
You were so used to the fluorescent lighting and the warm dry air of the factory, that your body went into some type of culture shock. It felt like an allergic reaction to the outside world itself. Adjusting to it once you escaped would be hard.
“You’ve clearly become less fit since you started living with me,” Karl says in a matter-of-fact tone. You’d be insulted if you didn’t hear him say weird stuff about the other lords or the occasional brain-washed villager who brought up offerings. One had sewed you a wool and fox-fur dress and brought it up in September, in preparation for the winter. He’d thought it dumb at the time, but it protected you from the November chill better than anything you’ve ever worn.
Did they think you were a woman? Whether they were right or wrong, it didn’t change the fact that it was comfortable, warm, and made you feel better than the clothes you’d been wearing before in the factory or even before. You felt safe.
“Of course, I have, I’ve been sitting on my ass,” you retort.
“Still see that sass is intact.”
“It’s something that’ll never leave me.”
“You’d make a terrible house-spouse.”
“That’s the point,” you sigh hard, and you can see the cold air in front of your face, “I had a whole ass college degree before I came here and got my ass kidnapped.”
Karl whips around and looks at you, tilting his head down to peer at you from above his glasses. “You have a college degree?”
“Why are you surprised? Did you think I was that stupid?” Even if the question is sarcastic and witty, you felt a pang of hurt reverberate in your heart. Did he really think you were that stupid? Apparently so.
“I have two masters. One in aerospace engineering and one in mechanical engineering. Double majored in those fields for my bachelors at Oxford on a full-ride scholarship of robotic engineering.”
His mouth drops open. “And I didn’t know about this because?”
“It never came up.”
He pinches his nose, “you could have been helping me this whole time in the shop, and I let you sit on your ass and play care-taker.”
“More like forced me.” At this point, you’ve stopped walking, and you’d be able to see the manor of Benviento if it weren’t for the fog.
“Besides the point.” He looks stressed. His eyebrows are furrowed, a deep frown is on his face and his whole disposition makes him look genuinely conflicted and upset. “Let’s just go.” He gestures for you to follow him and stomps up the path.
You follow him, trying not to slip in the mud. Converse doesn’t have great traction, you realized. Maybe you should have worn hiking boots. “Listen, dirty Dr. Doofenschmirtz-“
“I don’t want to listen to your dumb nick-names right now.”
You stop again, and your fists ball up at your side around the fabric of the sleeves of his coat. Your coat. The coat you’re wearing.
“Why the hell are you so mad at me!” It’s not a question. It’s an exclamation of emotion. For some reason, it hurts. Even if you despised him, hated him with all your being, having someone love you unconditionally felt nice. He was toxic at best, sociopathic at worst, and yet he loved you so strongly it tore the both of you so part. To feel that admiration has gone missing, even if for a second, sent you reeling. You can’t explain why you softened towards him.
“I’m not.” He keeps walking before he realized you stopped. He turned around to look at you. “I’m not mad at you. I’m just…” He looks for the words. He’d never been good at expressing himself, you realized. Better through actions than words. But you didn’t want him to act on whatever he was feeling.
You wait in silence, eye-watering, trying not to cry.
He sees and rushes over to you. His left arm wraps around you and his right hand gently grabs your chin, his index finger underneath to lift your chin up to look at him. “Don’t cry, you know I hate it when you cry.”
You struggle to take a deep breath, choke on it, and the world feels so much more dangerous. A million malicious eyes gazing into your soul, whispers of panic fill your brain, and flashing thoughts of running right now, of hurting him or you flash through like lightning in a foggy storm. Every damn thing feels hazy and thick and you’re choking on the lump in your throat. “I don’t want to. I don’t want you to be mad at me, I don’t want-“
“Take a deep goddamn breath.” You feel his tobacco-scented breath on your face. You can see panic flash through his eyes for a moment. You hate the smell, and it suffocates you even more. “You need to breath.”
You swallow around the lump in your throat, and your breath shakes like a wasp nest about to fall from the highest branch. “Why are you mad at me?” This time you genuinely ask. You don’t want a reason, but rather a reassurance that he isn’t at all.
His lips form into a snarl that doesn’t come out before he presses them in a tight line. As he thinks. It makes you even more nervous. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at the fact that I had an opportunity that went to waste.”
You look up at him. “Okay.”
He wraps his other arm around you and places his chin on your forehead. “Let me know when you’ve calmed down.”
You rest your forehead on his shoulder and breathe.
In. Out.
In.          Out.
In. OUT.
In… out
 … out.
“Do you feel any better?”
You wait a moment. “Yeah, I think so.” You ponder for a moment. “I think I had a lot of pent-up anxiety from everything.”
He stays quiet. “I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
He places a kiss on the crown of your head, his beard ruffling your hair. “Are you not going to forgive me?”
You take a deep breath. “I don’t know yet. It’s…” How do I phrase this? “I worked hard for this anger. This anger to love me, to know I didn’t deserve this, to be kidnapped, to have my head ready to be mounted on a stick.” You continue, “if I stop feeling angry, if I forgive you, I’m afraid I’m losing that. That’s why I tried to escape because I loved myself, I wanted better for myself.”
“Was I… Was I not providing enough for you?” His question strikes you like an arrow.
“I-“ You stumble on you’re thoughts for a moment. “It’s less of you not doing enough, but more of the rough foot we started on.” You sniffle. “When I gave up, I felt like I lost a part of myself, all that I worked for. That degree included. I felt all my efforts, all my struggles that I faced outside this goddamn village had gone to waste. That it wasn’t worth it. That I wasn’t worth it.”
You had promised yourself to keep him at arm’s length, to not give him clues to manipulate you. But you poured your heart out into his. You felt him shake and squeeze you tighter.
“Never. Ever. Feel like you aren’t worth it.” You feel something wet on your scalp. “You deserved better than each challenge that you faced, and each bit of hurt you felt along the way.” It’s his turn to choke on his words. He takes a shaky breath above you, and you can feel his heart pound faster. “You, darling, are worth everything.”
Something small inside you breaks. He’s just as human as you are, you realize. In this desperate attempt to escape, to fuel this hatred that’s worn you down, you’ve villainized a man that’s felt even more pain than you. A broken man, who thinks you’re the glue to put him back together. You shouldn’t feel any obligation to, but you do, because you’ve felt a fraction of the pain he’s felt, that he’s currently feeling, and it’s made your mind and bones ache far after the situation ended.
“And so are you, Karl.”
He unwraps his arms from around you. “Come one butter-cup, let’s go. Ugly-ass-psycho-doll is waiting for you. Says she wants you for a fitting and some tea party with her demented child, Angie.”
“Angie? Who’s she.”
“Well, you’re about to find out.”
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officialscaramouche · 4 years ago
Can I request an Angst to fluff for Scara? With a hint of jealousy pls.
I’m sorry, Mona for always making u the other woman 😭 I love her I promise but I also love to hate her
pairing: gn!reader x scaramouche (I hope ur not tall bc he isn’t yikes)
word count: 1,382
tw: jealousy, angst, themes of infedelity
You woke up once again to a cold, empty bed. Rolling over to stare at Scaramouche’s side of the bed, you wondered why you still sleep on one side. It’s not like he’d come home to sleep with you anyway, so what would it matter?
Getting up to brush your teeth, his side of the counter looked untouched as usual. This shared bathroom, shared house, was starting to feel more like you lived here by yourself.
No notes as usual, not a reminder that he’d be coming home today or any update on how much longer he’d be working on this project. You understood that Scaramouche’s job was important, and you knew that there would be times when you wouldn’t see him for weeks or months. But whenever the two of you were apart, he was usually in another country. Mondstadt, Liyue, Fontaine, somewhere else. Not like now, when he was here in the same city.
He had warned you that he’d get busier. He told you one night over dinner that the Tsaritsa had given him a big project— planning the capture of the traveler. He complained, saying that he also had to negotiate terms with an outside party about assistance, and how the Tsaritsa double booked him with work. He always hated getting important roles, but he never half-assed his job. His title as the Balladeer came before anyone and anything. He was a hard worker, if nothing else. But you knew this, and you told him that you would make it work but knowing he’s maybe thirty minutes away from you in the same city made it more painful that he didn’t come home.
Was he avoiding you? Did you do something wrong? Did he meet someone else, and simply not bother to break up with you? Maybe he was hoping you’d break up with him and he wouldn’t have to deal with confronting you. Whatever the case, you wished you knew the truth and if he was going to break your heart, you at least want to know the full story.
You packed him a lunch, hoping that he’d have time to step away and share a meal with you. If he hadn’t been coming home, he also wasn’t eating well. He would rather skip a meal or two than fall behind on work, but hopefully he’d make an exception.
When you got there, the agents already knew who you were. Hardly anyone stopped to say hello out of respect, knowing who you were dating. When you got to his office, the agent guarding the room stepped in front of the door— something he didn’t do before.
“Hello, Javert. I’m dropping off Scara’s lunch. Is there a problem?”
“I’m sorry, [Y/N], he’s not taking guests right now. Please see him at another time.”
You stepped forward, reaching for the door. “No, I’d like to see him now.”
Javert put a firm hand on your shoulder and pushed you back. “Please, this is an order from him directly, I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
“I don’t care!” You spat, shoving him aside and quickly throwing open the door. “Scara, we need to talk—”
Your eyes met his, along with someone else’s. He sat on the outside edge of his desk, his hand on a woman’s chin— someone you had never seen before. His nose was not even an inch away from hers, a smile on both of their faces. “[Y/N],” he said in surprise, letting go of her chin and gently pushing her aside. “What are you…”
You drop the lunchbox onto the floor. “So this is what you’ve been so busy with, huh?” You bit your lip as it began to quiver, your fists shaking with rage. “This is why you couldn’t be bothered to come home?” Your heart pounded against your chest, the stinging pain too much to bear.
“[Y/N], wait. She’s—”
“No, fuck you! I’ve been waiting for you like a puppy, and you’re fucking around on me? We’re done!”
Kicking the lunchbox across the room, you turn and slam the door closed, Javert looking away to avoid making eye contact with you. You stomp down the halls, agents stopping to look at you. With the way you shouted, you didn’t doubt that everyone here heard you. Some people looked at you then quickly looked away behind you. Others tried to stop you from leaving, as if to beg you to stop and calm down.
It wasn’t until your fingers wrapped around the doorknob did you realize they weren’t looking at you or trying to stop you because not far behind, Scaramouche was stalking down the halls with an ugly scowl on his face. He grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, pressing you into the door. “Do you not hear me calling you, [Y/N]?” He hissed, holding your stare. “This is my workplace, you can’t just come in here and make a scene! Mikhail,” he snapped at one of the passing-by agents. “Open a conference room and escort the astrologist out of my office, please.” You pushed at his wrist holding you still against the door. “Please behave and come with me to my office.”
Back in his office he relieved Javert of duty to try and give the two of you some privacy. You stand by the door, refusing to move closer to his desk where they probably fucked every night, her sweat and come coating the surface. It made you angrier to think about it.
Scaramouche crouched down by one of the shelves as he picked up the contents of the lunchbox. “Thank you for making me lunch,” he said with a chuckle. “Even though I won’t be eating it now.” You didn’t say anything. You just stood there with your arms crossed, tapping your foot angrily. “Baby, please stop being mad. I already told you about her.”
“No you didn’t?! You didn’t tell me shit about some skank!”
He tossed the lunchbox on his desk, pulling his hat off and hanging it on the back of his chair. “Yes, I did. The assistance? She’s an astrologist, she can read the future.”
“So?! Why did you have to put your hands on her then?!”
Scaramouche made his way toward you slowly and deliberately. He extended his arms out to gesture for a hug. “Scare tactics, honey. She knows not to pick a fight in one of our bases. Look, she’s friends with the traveler. I have to make sure she won’t betray us.”
He stood in front of you, arms open and waiting for you to reach out to him. “I don’t like you touching her,” you spit, eyeing him up and down.
“Okay, baby. I won’t touch her again.”
“And I don’t want her alone with you in your office anymore.”
“Fine, you wanna start coming with me to work?”
“Are you actually going to come home?”
Scaramouche raised a brow at you. “What do you mean? I’ve been coming home.”
“No you haven’t! Your side of the bed is always untouched! And your sink, too!”
Scaramouche rolls his eyes and leans into you anyway, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tight. “You do know I only get, like, three hours of sleep right? Because I get home so late and I leave so early.” He cups your cheek, eyes darting from your eyes to your lips. “I can’t sleep without you, [Y/N]. Don’t be silly, you think I like being in this office? I’d much rather be at home, napping all day and getting lectured about the trash.”
You finally relax into the hug and hang your arms over his shoulders, letting him pepper your face and neck with kisses. “You’re not lying to me, are you?”
“Lying is a waste of time. You’d only find out the truth eventually.”
“I guess,” you pout, knowing he’s never been one for lying. “If I ever found out you’ve been having sex in this office behind my back, I’ll—”
“You’ll kill me, I know. Trust me, the papers on my desk are more important than pussy.” He pulled back to look at you, your blush heavy from embarrassment and pout prevalent on your lips. “But if you want to—”
“Okay! Geez, just saying!”
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tatestripedsweater · 4 years ago
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Billy Hargrove NSFW Alphabet
Stranger Things Taglist: @tatesimper
Warnings: Mentions of Drugs (Cannabis), Mentions of Abuse from his father
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
If you were another pointless one night stand then I think he wouldn’t really care for cuddling you, maybe offers your a cigarette afterwards. But if you were in a relationship then Billy would be more affectionate, stroking your back as you lay on his chest. Often asking if you’re okay and making sure he didn’t hurt you, no matter what he always smiles after sex. Always.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Like a typical guy, his favourite part about himself is his dick. Or his arms/abs, he’s worked hard to get his body where it is so he liked to show it off at any chance he gets.
Billy’s favourite part of his partners is their ass, he’s such an ass man and he’s always squeezing and pinching it. Not even caring if the both of you are in public, it’s almost to show everyone else your taken.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
As much as a fuck boy he is the boy is smart and never leaves anywhere without a condom. Billy always carries more than one in the pocket of his wallet, he rarely cums inside of anyone just incase or pregnancy (if you’re able to get pregnant) or STD’s. Billy wouldn’t mind coating his lover in his cum though, cumming all over their chest or breasts (if you have them). Also would adore to cum on your ass, he sees it as him marking his territory.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He steals your underwear, keeps them in his pocket and laughs to himself when you go on about not being able to find them. Billy is secretly an underwear sniffer and you can’t tell me otherwise on the matter.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s very experienced in the bedroom department, he knows how to get you to your orgasm and won’t stop until you’ve came at least twice before he fucks you. Billy enjoys sex very much as it allows him to get his pent up anger out without doing any serious damage.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
On all fours because he likes to grip your ass while he fucks you, but Billy wouldn’t be opposed to you riding him. But just because you’re on top doesn’t mean that you’re in control.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He isn’t really goofy/humorous during sex, but if something happens like a funny noise/ugly orgasm face then you two would most likely giggle about that. But otherwise he’s rather serious as he wants to bring you the most pleasure he can, not make you laugh.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Have you seen this boys hair? He doesn’t manscape, maybe trims what he has below the belt to keep it under control, but he never goes bald. Billy wants to feel and look like a man so he never shaves everything off.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Like I said before it depends on if you’re a one night stand or if you two are in a relationship, he’s romantic for the right person, rarely shows his vulnerable side to just anyone.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Billy masturbates any chance he can get if he’s single or by himself, he often uses porn magazines or rents a porn VHS video to watch while he pleasures himself. If Billy is with someone, just picturing them or having a photo of his lover near us enough to help him jerk off.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Goodness where do we start? He’s got a few kinks: Public Sex, Degradation, It’s not a kink but he likes when his hair is being pulled, a slight daddy kink but would rather his partner scream his name, Masturbating with his partner as they watch porn together.. the list goes on.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The Pool, Showers, His Car, Your House, The Woods... although that last one is questionable to say the least.
Anywhere that isn’t at his own house so he doesn’t have to face his abusive father.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Boy doesn’t need much motivation, all his lover has to do is bend down and he’s ready to go anywhere anytime. But the one thing that does send blood rushing to his cock, is when he sees you sucking on a lolly. His mind goes straight to the gutter.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything with bodily fluids would be a big no for him (unless it was spit or cum), Billy also would like to slap you on the face. It didn’t matter if you were into that or you asked him too, Billy wouldn’t due to the abuse his father displayed towards him. He wouldn’t want to hurt you like that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Billy loves blowjobs, he would often ask for head when he’s driving for the ‘thrill’. Gripping your hair and bobbing your head until he’s practically hitting the back off your throat, but he also loves giving him oral. He could spend hours between your legs just taking in how you taste, wanting more and more until your begging him to stop. He also likes it when you sit on his face, having you grind against his tongue.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the type of sex and who he’s with, he’s sometimes slow and sensual but nine times out of ten you’re getting your ass spanked with him pounding his cock inside you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s up for quickies if the two of you are between jobs, Billy fucking you in the changing rooms while he’s on a break. It he prefers proper sex where he can take his time with your body, taste and feel you completely.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Billy loves public sex so risking getting caught by someone turns him on a lot, he loves making you moan loudly to see if anyone hears him fucking you. He’s willing to try some things once, if he doesn’t like it then you two don’t do it again but if he likes it.. boy you’re in for one hell of a night.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go around 2/3 rounds due to him working out a lot, his stamina is pretty good. Billy won’t cum unless you do (unless he’s punishing you then he cums and deprives you until you’re begging). Billy can hold back from cumming for a while, but the first time you two had sex he nearly came almost instantly which is something you won’t let go.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Billy isn’t one for toys as he enjoys to pleasure you with his tongue/fingers and cock. He wouldn’t say no to a vibrator or a cock ring if you really wanted to try but he draws the line at a dildo. The only cock he wants inside you is his own.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing is his middle name. Billy adores having you right on the edge of an orgasm before pulling away completely, he likes to hear you whine and beg to cum. He doesn’t like to be teased but he loves teasing his lover, if you ever tried to tease him he’d have you pinned down almost instantly.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Billy can get pretty loud when he wants too but he mostly moans against your skin to muffle it (he’s somewhat embarrassed by the noises he makes). Sometimes he grunts but he’s mostly a growler and moans loudly when he cums.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
High sex. There’s no way this boy doesn’t do weed, with the effect of the cannabis in both of your systems and the emotions of feeling horny would be the best sex you could ask for. Billy would most likely order pizza afterwards.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I’d say he’s a decent size, nothing too overwhelming where you’re scared it wouldn’t fit. 7.5 inches, but he has more of a girth than anything. Also not to go into too much detail but he also has big balls, they’re often slapping against you when he fucks you which only adds to the pleasure.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Through the fucking roof, very very high. There isn’t a day that goes by that the two of you haven’t had sex, and if there is for whatever reason, he’s the type of guy to complain about ‘blue balls.’
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
After he’s had his cigarette after sex, Billy usually doesn’t fall asleep very quickly; it depends how rough/rampant the sex was. He usually showers first but if it was tiring then the boy would fall asleep after he’s smoked.
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littlesniggy · 4 years ago
Yes, Sir Part Two
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@onepieceya Hay Sniggy! I'm really excited about this new box opening and I would love to request the second part of the Lucci scenario "Yes, Sir" if it's also allowed... I'm not sure lol
Thank you a lot for your awesome blog and posts, your writings are mind blowing ( ꈍᴗꈍ) I feel like I could read everything you post... And of course I will send a few requests for the more "unpopular" characters even if I feel like they are still very popular haha!
Well, I was gonna write it either way but this way I got a little more motivation 😂 So, as promised, Part two of "Yes, Sir"
Warning: 18+, nsfw, Master/slave, choking, maybe a little bit of pet play, spanking, orgasm denial
Pairing: Rob Lucci x female reader
Word count: 1.9k
Part One Here
Rob Lucci had gotten up and went over to the table, grabbing the belt that was still lying on top of it; the black leather was fitting perfectly in his big hand. He came back to you, not minding his dick bobbing up and down while he moved. You would’ve jumped right at him but you knew he wouldn’t let you; and more importantly, he probably wouldn’t fuck you either and be thrown out of his room the way you were.
He stopped in front of you and crouched down, holding his hand up to present you the belt. “I’m gonna put this expensive piece of leather around your worthless throat.” He announced. He didn’t need to tell you – you wouldn’t object to him either way – but he wanted to. “Yes, sir.” You whispered, watching his hands put the belt around your neck, feeling the warm fabric press against your skin and how he slowly tightened it.
Only when you felt him choke you did you snap out of your trance like state and your hands instinctively grabbed at the leather, pulling it away from your wind pipe. In response, Rob Lucci pulled harder, denying you the ability to breathe almost completely. Dry and ugly sounds left your body, your face turning red and it felt like your eyes about to pop out.
Out of the corner of your eyes you saw his dick twitch a little at your desperate attempts of staying alive but ultimately being completely at his mercy. And this thought turned you on despite the situation you were in. He loosened the belt just so much that you could breathe again, the wheezing sound not really flattering but you didn’t care. The air burned in your lungs but you were thankful he decided against killing you.
“What a lovely sight that was.” He purred, getting up again, his dick almost touching your face when he got up – almost. Your eyes followed his member with a longing look in your eyes and the agent couldn’t hold back his low laughter. “What a whore….yearning for my dick. You want it that badly?” he asked, holding the ‘leash’ tight that was wrapped around your neck while looking down at you.
“Yes, sir.” Was your automatic response. Rob Lucci’s eyes bore into yours, the animalistic glit becoming more and more prominent. With a short nod with his head he ordered you to crawl towards the bed. You obliged, turning around and slowly crawling on all four towards the huge king size bed. But it was rather difficult since the belt around your neck made you choke with each step.
“Slowly there. The more you pull the longer it takes us to get there.” He chuckled, his eyes wandering down your back while you crawled in front of him. He licked his lips when his eyes stopped at your still clothed ass, already imagining how good you’d feel around him. And since your master didn’t see the need to fuck you he was sure that you haven’t had sex that often. There just wasn’t that much time as a slave.
When you finally got there he ordered you to jump on it like a dog, watching you in amusement. This was getting more and more fun to him which was your luck because otherwise he’d have to make it fun for him in a different way and he wasn’t sure if you’d still be so eager once he went all out.
“Take your dress off. I can’t fuck you otherwise.” He demanded, watching how your hands swiftly removed your dress completely, exposing your panties and your stockings. God, this just got a thousand times hotter. He loved stockings; especially if you were wearing nothing but stockings. “Underwear.” He ordered again, his voice sounding a little impatient for the first time this night.
After taking off your panties, you wanted to remove your stockings as well but he pulled harshly on the belt, making you fall face first on the mattress in front of him. “I didn’t tell you to remove your stockings. Leave them on.” He growled, a shiver ran down your spine at his words. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry.”
He pulled you up by the belt again before he pushed you on your back. Your legs were spread wide open, exposing your dripping cunt to his hungry eyes. You mewled under his intense stare but didn’t dare close your legs. Rob Lucci took in this sight, his dick twitching once again, pre-cum gathering at his slit and dripping down in long strings. You had to suppress a moan at this sight.
“P-please…” you whispered, your eyes catching his attention again. “Is there a reason why you speak up?” he wasn’t pleased. His eyes were narrow and he was mad that you distracted him from his staring. “Touch me.” You pleaded, your eyes looking at him beggingly. “Touch you?” his voice sounded almost disgusted at your request as if he found the mere thought to be appalling.
He propped himself up on the hand that was holding the belt right next to your head and his other hand grabbing your pussy almost violently. “Like this?” he asked, pressing the heel of his hand down on your clit. A loud moan rumbled through your body and you arched your back, pressing your pussy against his touch. He felt your juice coat his hand and run down his fingers when he started pushing two inside of you, feeling your tight walls around him.
“Yes!” you panted in a high pitched voice, moving your hips against his fingers, Lucci not even needing to do anything beyond just keeping his hand like this. “Yes what?” he asked dangerously, curling his fingers upwards and pressing against your g-spot. You’ve never heard yourself make such a noise but you couldn’t help yourself – if felt just so good.
“Yes….sir!” you panted, spreading your legs even wider for him to have better access. As a reward he started moving his fingers inside of you, spreading them in delicious ways, making you moan shamelessly. “Nasty slave.” He commented, listening to the wet sound his fingers were creating by thrusting into you.
“God!” you moaned when he hit your g-spot again, grabbing your thighs with both hands and bending them in an inviting motion. Rob Lucci’s eyes moved over your legs that were still adorned by your stockings and between your bent and spread legs. He wanted you.
“Stay like this.” He said when he removed his fingers, leaving your pussy feel empty and wanting. He also let go of the belt in his hand and sat back on his feet, still fully clothed and not intending on changing that anytime soon. He put his big and warm hand on your thighs right under your own hands, squeezing your flesh and leaving red marks when he scratched over your delicate skin with his nails. “Don’t move.” He said again, lining himself up on your entrance before thrusting into you in one smooth go. Your own nails dug into your thighs, your back arching once again and a loud, animalistic moan left your mouth. He was filing you up completely and you loved every inch of him.
“As expected….” He just mumbled before he started moving inside of you. He used slow but deep thrusts, wanting to feel your walls clench around his member. But this wasn’t enough for you; you wanted to be fucked senseless and he was just teasing you! So, you tried to take matters into your own hands by moving against him but he didn’t like it.
A harsh but not too painful slap stung in your cheek and you looked at him in shock but your pussy clenching around him even harder. Rob Lucci couldn’t restrain the small growl at the feeling. “I said don’t move!” he growled at you, stopping completely and just staying like this, buried deep inside of you.
“I’m sorry…!” you apologized, looking back up at him. But he didn’t move, he was completely still. The longer this went on, the more you squirmed under him, your walls clenching again and again around him. “P-please….” You whispered. The agent’s hands moved over your hands and up your legs, feeling the thin fabric of your stockings before his hands closed around your ankles, holding them tightly.
And then, without a warning, he started to ram himself inside of you, your body moving closer and closer towards the headboard by his sheer force. You screamed at this feeling, letting go of your thighs and instead pressing your hands against the headboard behind you in order not to bump your head and possibly getting a concussion.
Rob Lucci spread your legs in the ear even further apart, his hips smacking hard against you, the sounds your pussy was making became even more lewd. “God!” you moaned, throwing your head from side to side, letting him fuck you like the little slave you were.
The man above you panted slightly, his face not giving away how good you made him feel. Only the low growls from time to time betrayed him.
Suddenly, he let go of your legs, pulled out of your hot core and spun your around on your stomach. His hands deftly opened the belt around your neck and removed it – but you wouldn’t be missing it for long since he grabbed your arms and tied them together behind your back, rendering you unable to move.
His hands grabbed your hips, pulling them up and without a warning he buried himself deep inside of you again. Another moan erupted from your throat and you pressed against him as much as possible. He started moving again, his hips snapping against your ass, raw sound of skin on skin filling the room.
You felt his hand move overt your back, scratching your skin before it moved up and grabbed your hair. “Hngh!” you panted as he pulled your whole upper body up from the bed just by your hair. Small tears gathered in the corners of your eyes but the dick inside of you made you forget about the pain for the most part.
When he started smacking your ass cheek on top of that, you were completely at his mercy – and you loved it. “Cum…..G-gonna…..cum….!” you panted, your tongue lolling out the longer he continued to fuck you.
“Cum?” he panted slightly, not even close to his orgasm at all. “Why would I let you cum?” he asked but not stopping his assault. “C-can’t…..can’t hold it….back….!” your wild moans made it difficult for you to form coherent sentences. Another smack and you clenched even more around him. He felt how your insides got ready for your orgasm, ready to cum around his dick. And when felt you almost cum – he pulled out.
Just a little bit longer! Just one more thrust! Why did he pull out? Why didn’t he let you cum? “Don’t do this to me!” you whined, trying to look at him over your shoulder but it was impossible due to his harsh grip in your hair.
“You’re coming when I tell you to cum. Not a second earlier. And as it is right now, you don’t deserve to have your orgasm yet.” The tip of his dick teased your slick lips, gliding over your slit and the sensitive tissues. A long moan was your response but you didn’t start arguing. Maybe this way he would be a little more lenient and let you cum faster but you doubted it.
“Let’s continue, shall we?”
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rezzyromance · 4 years ago
Oooo I had an idea- Moreau with a reader who is very cuddly n’ caring as well as very patient, but, once you make them mad, b o o m full angy creature mode. (Maybe someone makes fun of sal while testing the readers patience so they defend sal or something idk- (;^^)
This page is slowly turning into a Moreau fan page and I couldn't be anymore happier!!
You've been waiting patiently in the shack that you and Moreau stayed in together. He was called to another one of Mother Miranda's meetings along with the other Lords. As much as you'd like to join him for the meetings, him and the other Lords agreed that it would be safer for you if Miranda didn't know of your existence. Moreau understood the importance of keeping you a secret from his beloved "mother", but he failed to stay silent about you to the other Lords. He was just too proud and happy that he finally found someone who loved him like the people in the romance movies he watches love each other.
To try and make time pass by, you began to clean slightly. The shack was a bit messy when you first started living with him. Now, you like to help out and sweep from time to time. He also began to pick up after himself better, hoping to impress you. After sweeping for a while, you could hear movement in the distance. You look out the window to see Moreau returning from the meeting, his head hanging lower than usual.
"Hello love!", you call out to him from the window, waving to greet him. He glances at you and lifts his hand as a low effort way to respond. This wasn't usual for him. Usually he would greet you with open arms and a smiling face. Your heart began to sink slightly, worried about what may have caused him to seem so sad. Once he made it through the door of the shack, you walk over to him and place a hand on his cheek. "Is everything okay, Sal?", you ask him. You noticed how his cheeks were wet, streams of tears falling on each side. "Heeyyyy what's wrong?", you ask in a comforting voice, pulling him in for a hug. He doesn't hesitate to throw his arms around you and hugs you tightly. You could hear him sniffle as his crying continued. "Let's calm down for a sec and then you could tell me what happened, okay?", you ask him as you start to lead him to the couch. "..okay", he gives a quit answer as his sniffling continued.
Once you made it to the couch, you threw a large blanket over the both of you. You pulled him closer and wiped away his tears again. His breathing started to grow rapid as he tried to stifle his crying. You began to quietly comfort him, saying things like "I got you." and "You're okay.", as you held him close. His sniffling finally slowed to a stop and he seemed to be calm.
You pulled away from holding him and had your eyes meet with his. "Now.... what caused this?", you asked, wanting him to open up to you. He hesitated and looked away. "It's okay. It doesn't matter", he sighed. "C'mon Sal. It matters to me.", you say. "Well.... Angie called me ugly again..", he seemed embarrassed. "Ugh that piece of plastic? Can she even see with those marble eyes of hers? Obviously she doesn't see what I see.", Angie was a bit well known to be harsh with her words. It wasn't uncommon for her to say something rude about his appearance, but it also wasn't common for Moreau to be upset by her words. He was good at brushing off her harshness, so what else could be bother him. "..and.. Heisenberg laughed... and..", you could see the tears begin to pool in his eyes once more. You started rubbing his arm. "What else?", you push him to open up more. "He called me a moronic freak.... and said he doesn't understand how you.. love me and.. you use me to have a roof over your head..", he admitted.
You had stopped rubbing his arm. Your hand was now balled into a fist as rage began to boil inside of you like a volcano ready to explode. "Is that all?", you ask him, unaware of how aggressive your tone was. "Yes.. Mother split up the meeting after that and he laughed as he left..", he sulked. "You know that none of what he says is true right? You know damn well you deserve love more than his bastard ass. And you know I will not let him bully you like a child." he was caught off guard by your tone. Your jaw was clenched and your brow was furrowed. He was happy that Heisenberg's words weren't true, but he was worried about what his words may cost him.
"Where is he?", you ask as you stand up from the couch. "W-What?", Moreau stood up as well, unsure of what you were planning. "Where is Heisenberg? I need to...talk..to him.", you say. "He said he was going to visit the Duke and buy some stuff...", his hands anxiously began to fiddle with each other. "Take me to him. Lead me to where he is.", you demand. "I don't wanna make him mad!", he panicked. "Don't worry big guy. I'm just gonna talk to him a little bit.", you lie. You knew damn well you were going to do a little more than talk to him. "Okay..", he took a deep breath and began to walk and you followed.
There's never a good way to know exactly where the Duke is. He seems to pop up almost anywhere and always has exactly what you need. He did have a few specific spots that he would set up shop at though, and in one of those places is where you found him. You could see his carriage set up between a few trees on a trail. The Duke was discussing something with Heisenberg. "Ah (Y/N)! What can I offer you today?", the Duke asked once he saw you. Heisenberg looked over and smirked once he saw you with an anxious Moreau following.
"What's this? Did you snitch on me, Moreau?", he said with a cackle that followed. You never stopped walking, nearly marching, towards him. He was still laughing when you stood in front of him with little to no distance between the both of you. His laugh made you sick. So sick that you reeled your arm back and slapped the man across the face as hard as you could. His glasses flew off his face and landed in the snow and his laughing ceased. Moreau covered his mouth to muffle a gasp and the Duke did the same in hopes to muffle his chuckle. "Listen here you pretentious fuck.", you snap as your anger peaked. The man jerked his head to make eye contact with you. His gaze was sharp, but not sharp enough to cut away your rage. "How miserable do you have to be to get a kick out of acting like a bully on the school house playground? You have a lot of fucking guts for a man who dresses like he's living on the streets!" He leans in close to you to try and get you to react or budge. You don't move. "And you have a lot of fucking guts for someone who I can kill within seconds.", he threatens. You respond by slapping off his hat which had been poking your forehead. He grabbed you by the wrist and began to squeeze tightly. "Do you know who you're fucking with?", his breath hit your face. "Yeah, an ugly mother fucker.", you say as you kick him in the ankle. It didn't hurt, but he was shocked by your boldness and the way that you didn't even flinch. He knew you were aware of his powers, yet still you continued to taunt him and stand your ground all at once. You could tell he began to feel overwhelmed as his eyes looked around and his posture began to change. He knew he couldn't break you down. He took a deep breath and walked over to his glasses. When he bent down to pick them, you grabbed him by the back of his coat collar. You leaned in real close to his ear and whispered, "You better fucking believe me when I say I will fucking kill you if you ever make that man cry again. I don't give a damn if you're an oversized magnet. I'll rip you to fucking shreds if you even fucking look at him disrespectfully. Do you understand me?", you nearly spit in his ear. "Yes. I do.", he says as he rises up. You stand up straight as well, handing him his hat that you knocked off earlier. He takes it and looks over at Moreau and the Duke. Both of them had a smile on their faces, obviously enjoying the show they had witnessed. His whole body grew hot with embarrassment as he tried to act cool, putting on his hat and glasses. He gave a nod to the men and walked away.
"My, my, (Y/N). I've never seen anyone stand up to Lord Heisenberg like that. It was quite the sight.", he gave a guttural laugh. "What can I say? I won't stand for slander of any kind when it comes to him.", you motion over to Moreau who began to walk over. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?", he nervously placed his hand on your shoulder. "Absolutely. I made sure Heisenberg won't bother you ever again.", you say before placing a kiss on his forehead. This caused him to smile and wrap his arms around one of yours. "Well now that we're here, Duke do you happen to have any cheeses?", you ask. "I always come prepared for my loyal customers!", he says before handing over some type of exported cheese. You pull out the amount of Lie needed from your pockets and hand it over to the Duke.
The day ended with you both curled up on the couch in each others arms, watching a new romance movie neither one of you have seen, as Moreau enjoyed his new exported cheese. He couldn't stop smiling as he held you close. After today, he truly understood just how willing you were to fight for him.
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angellesword · 4 years ago
Kim Namjoon was a smart guy, genius even. But why couldn’t he figure you out?
"Persona, who the hell am I?”
word count: 2.4k (one -shot) PART OF INTRO SERIES
pairing: professor!namjoon x student!reader
genre & content warnings: kissing, dry humping, smut (not explicit)
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The club wasn’t the best place to hang out and Kim Namjoon knew it.
 It wasn’t like he was an introvert. He was actually the life of the party when he was still an undergrad student. College parties were usually held in his frat house.
Namjoon used to be a fun guy, always high and never dry.
 People liked him because of his personality. Everyone envied him for being a thot while still having the highest gpa in class; however, all of this changed when he decided to work at the university right after graduation.
 The thot guy with deep dimples was now known as the annoying and boring professor with deep dimples.
 This was why he knew it was a bad idea to go to a club. He wasn’t welcomed here anymore. Professors like him should be inside the office to work. He couldn’t afford to be seen by his students like this—by ‘this’ he meant that he couldn’t be seen when a girl was straddling his lap, kissing him fervently.
 He couldn’t help it though. You were so hot. Your soft lips felt good on the base of his neck. Your ass—God. He couldn’t even begin to describe the feeling of his big hands gripping your bottom.
 This was wrong in so many levels. You were sucking bruises all over his neck. He could only hope that he still had clean turtle necks or scarf to cover them. Namjoon knew it was inappropriate to show up in his class tomorrow while he was covered with hickeys.
 It was the first day of classes tomorrow. The beginning of new semester. He wanted to paint a new image in school.
 He wanted to appear like a cool professor. He no longer wanted to be called annoying and boring. He wanted his students to see him as a person who didn’t just care about getting As.
 Biology was already a difficult subject for many. College students didn’t need an ass of a professor.
 But change was never easy.
 Namjoon was fifteen minutes late on his first day of class. He could feel the judgmental stares and smirks of his students.
 He was so embarrassed. Namjoon hated people who were always late. He was strict when it came to attendance. There was no grace period. If you were late, even if it was only a few minutes, you would still be marked as absent.
 “Uhm.” Namjoon cleared his throat. He was standing proud and tall. The stern look was back. He wouldn’t let anyone intimidate him.
 “I’m Kim Namjoon, your professor for this—” He abruptly stopped introducing himself when he saw you.
 Namjoon blinked.
 He only drank two shots of tequila last night so he was sure that the girl he fucked in the nasty bathroom of the club was none other than you.
 How could he forget?
 It happened not more than a day ago. He was silently waiting for his drink when you came to him. You were so bold and so sexy when you introduced yourself; the dress you were wearing hugged your body perfectly. Your makeup was also on point—it was so different from the girl he was seeing now.
 You were seated on chair at the back. The empty spots on your either side were empty. It felt like no one wanted to sit beside you, which of course, he did not understand.
 You looked like a sin last night. Right now, however, you looked as though you were a saint. Bare face. Innocent eyes and comfortable clothes.
 You were wearing a knitted sweater and denim jeans. The look on your face made Namjoon felt like you didn’t remember him.
 God. He could only hope that you did not remember him. The thought of you telling everyone about what happened last night actually sent shiver down his spine.
  Just...what the hell would people think of him? He fucked one of his students, for God’s sake!
 Namjoon felt so stupid. Out of all the clubs he could visit, why did he choose the one near campus?
 He must be out of his mind.
  Should he talk to you? Should he force—beg you to keep your mouth shut and forget about what happened? It was a onetime thing, anyway. He didn’t even catch your name.
 He was horny and so were you. You were actually the one who came to him.
 Did you know?
 Did you know that he was going to be your professor this semester? Did you know him? Have you heard about what people thought of him? Were you like them? Did you think he was boring and annoying too?
 “Professor Kim?” One of his students called his attention, pulling him from his train of ugly thoughts.
 “Right.” Namjoon cleared his throat again. He glanced at you once more before proceeding with his introduction.
 Namjoon was the kind of professor who didn’t want to waste time. He consumed the whole three hours of today’s meeting even though it was just the first day of class.
 There was even a pop up quiz so that he could test the knowledge of his students with regard to the subject he was teaching.
 “Park Jimin,” Namjoon called. He was ruthless. He was loudly calling the names of every student so that the whole class could hear their scores in the quiz.
 “Fifteen!” Jimin smirked. The boy was proud since he had a perfect score.
 Namjoon continued the roll call. His breathing hitched when he heard your voice as soon as he called your name.
 “Four,” your voice was soft.
 Namjoon blinked.
 Four? Did you just say four?
 “I’m sorry?” Namjoon narrowed his eyes at you, making you blush.
 “Four.” You repeated, this time your voice was loud and clear.
 Some of the students tried not to laugh. You had the lowest mark. They thought you were stupid. How could you come to Kim Namjoon’s class unprepared?
 Namjoon was also the type of professor who would call the students who had low grades to recite every meeting. He thought that this would force the students to study. 
 “Kim Taehyung?”
The students were surprised when Namjoon simply brushed it off. Normally, he would ask the students to stand and explain why their score was low.
 What changed now? Why did he let you off the hook?
 “Nine.” Taehyung announced his score and the rest was history.
 Everyone rushed out of the door the moment Namjoon announced that class was dismissed. You were the only one taking your sweet time fixing your stuff. It was as if you had no energy at all.
 Namjoon’s heart was beating erratically as he looked at you. He was contemplating whether he should talk to you or just let things be, but before he knew it, he just found himself walking towards your direction.
 The two of you were the only ones in the classroom.
 Namjoon was facing your back so he gently tapped your shoulder, startling you.
 “Sorry,” your professor blushed. He looked like a big baby. Kim Namjoon was tall, the lab coat he was required to wear made him more intimidating. His deep dimples were the only reason why he appeared soft.
 “I’m sorry.” You copied his apology, causing Namjoon to look at you quizzically.
 Why were you apologizing? 
 You flashed an awkward smile before answering him.
 “I know you hate students with failing grades. It’s just that...” You bit your lower lip, trailing off.
 Namjoon knew it was creepy, but he ended up staring at your delicious lips. He wanted to slap himself for being like this.
 He was in school. He should act like a professional.
 “Never mind. I’ll do better next meeting. I promise.”
 Namjoon could only nod. He didn’t know what to say. He wanted to confront you about what happened last night, yet you didn’t seem to care—it was as though this was the first time you met him.
 Should he act like nothing happened too?
 That’s probably the best thing to do.
 Namjoon realized that he shouldn’t worry about it anymore since weeks after your first meeting with him in class; you still didn’t act like you would expose him.
 You simply didn’t care about Namjoon. It actually made him think if the thing he had with you was only a dream.
 Except that it wasn’t.
 You proved him this when Namjoon was about to go home. His 8pm class just ended. He was walking in the hallway when you suddenly appeared, pulling him inside the janitor’s closet.
 “What are you doing—”
 You shushed Namjoon by kissing his parted lips. He was so confused, but he couldn’t make a sound because he heard a group of students passing by.
 “I hate Professor Kim so much!” One of the students wailed in annoyance.
 Namjoon’s jaw clenched. He was aware that his students hated him; though this was the first time he actually heard them say it.
 “I’ve been in his class for three fucking semester already! I just want to pass his stupid class!” Another one cried.
 Namjoon felt like he was going to explode. It wasn’t his fault that his students couldn’t reach his standards. He was simply doing his job.
 He wanted so bad to confront them, but you were stopping him—your mouth felt so good crashing against his lips. It was enough to distract him.
 The students didn’t stop ranting, though. They were still talking shit about Namjoon. You, on the other hand, busied yourself pleasuring him.
 “I’m going to give him zero stars in the evaluation sheet!”
 Namjoon clenched his fist upon hearing that. You heard it too, but instead of getting mad, you giggled.
 “Go to hell, Kim Namjoon!”
 “Don’t mind them.” You cupped both of his cheeks while humping your clothed heat against his thigh.
 Namjoon sucked in a breath.
 “You’re a piece of shit, Kim Namjoon!”
 “Focus on me, baby,” you kissed the shell of his ear and he couldn’t help but moan your name.
 The pain and pleasure continued.
 Pain of hearing his students talk shit about him despite him doing his best.
 Pleasure. The pleasure of your sweet mouth and cunt.
 You were amazing.
 Namjoon knew this was wrong. He always knew what was right and wrong, but then again, he still ended up doing the latter—he still ended up fucking you in the janitor closet and the next day, you still ended up ignoring him like nothing happened.
 It frustrated Namjoon.
 He should be grateful, right? You were keeping this a secret. You were acting like you weren’t down on your knees, facing his hips. What a relief. He still had a job. He was still feared and respected by many.
 This should be enough, but why did he want more? Namjoon was so attracted to you he felt his heart breaking every time you ignore him.
 “Fuck,” Namjoon crumpled your test paper. You failed the test. Again. Judging your output, he was sure that there was no way you would pass this semester.
 This frustrated him even more.
 He had an ugly thought. What if...you were only getting him all hot and bothered because you wanted him to give you high grades? If this was the case, then Namjoon was fucked. Doomed. Going to hell.
 He was certain you had him wrapped around your fingers. He would do anything you wanted. You just gotta ask.
 But you never asked—not even when he was rubbing circles in your clit.
 “N-Namjoon!” You bit your lip to stop yourself from moaning.
 The two of you were in his office. Anyone could walk in to you right now. Namjoon didn’t seem to care, though. He was lost in pleasure and you.
 You had him all riled up that he wanted nothing but to destroy you.
 You were acting like an innocent slut a short while ago. Namjoon didn’t know where you found the audacity to flirt with Jeon Jeongguk right in front of his face.
 But Namjoon wasn’t sure if he really hated it. He actually liked it when you were bold. He also liked it when you were acting all naive, like you didn’t know him.
 He liked both side of yours.
 However, he realized that he shouldn’t be unfair. He liked you, yes, but you were failing his class. He couldn’t just give you an A, right?
 Namjoon then decided to talk to Kim Seokjin, your coach. The former saw you practicing non-stop with your coach. Apparently, you were part of the school’s swimming team.
 Namjoon figured that the reason why you were failing his class was because you didn’t know how to manage your time. How could you practice five hours a day? Were you crazy? Were you trying to kill yourself?
 And so right after his last subject for the day, Namjoon went straight to Kim Seokjin’s office.
 Namjoon opened the door the moment he got the coach’s permission.
 “Good evening, Mr. Kim. What can I do for you?” Seokjin smiled at Namjoon. The latter cleared his throat before smiling.
 He parted his mouth to voice out his concern, but then no word came out. He was shocked to see you there.
 He didn’t realize at first that it was you who was talking to Seokjin before he entered the office.
 “Hello, Professor Kim.” The corner of your mouth turned up upon seeing his stunned expression.
 Fortunately Namjoon recovered quickly.
 “I’m glad you’re here.” Namjoon nodded at you. “We need to talk,” and then he switched his gaze at your coach. “With your coach.”
 Namjoon didn’t beat around the bush. He immediately told Mr. Kim Seokjin about his concern with regard to your failing grade.
 To Namjoon’s surprise, Kim Seokjin simply laughed.
 Namjoon felt insulted. This wasn’t funny. This matter was serious.
 Seokjin realized that Namjoon misunderstood his reaction, so he apologized.
 “I’m sorry, Namjoon. It’s just that you got it all wrong.”
 “What...do you mean?” The biology professor crossed his arms, his jaw tensing.
 “My dear mentee isn’t your student. I think you’re referring to her twin sister.”
 As if on cue, the door opened—revealing you. You came to pick up your sister.
 Seokjin saw how Namjoon’s eyes widened in complete horror, causing him to laugh again. This kind of encounter never failed to make Seokjin laugh.
 People always confused you with your twin.
 “Namjoon,” Seokjin smiled again. “I want you to meet the twins.”
 Namjoon’s world stopped.
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neoloves · 4 years ago
— 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧.
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| 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 | The second part to 'Oikawa, Tsukishima and Akaashi comparing you to their ex'
Part 1 can be found here ♡
| 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji and Tsukishima Kei
| 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) | swearing
| 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝.𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1.6k
| 𝐚𝐭𝐡.𝐭𝐱𝐭 | I'm not even gonna front, I wanted to do the part 2 angsty, but I didn't 🧍🏻‍♀️ happy endings for everyone! ✨ damn why this so long for
(also I just realized 'how to say sorry' by middle school is the perfect song to listen to when reading this 👁️👁️)
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「 Oikawa 」
Oikawa slaps himself one more time, his vision was getting blurry, his eyes searching for one person, that one person that's put up with all his bullshit and loved him thoroughly. "Fucking hell Oikawa, can you focus a little bit more?!" Iwaizumi yells at him, they lost the first set, all because Oikawa couldn't find you at the bleachers.
"Oh I'd love to, but you see Y/N-" Iwaizumi cuts him off, "Y/N didn't come today because she's still hurt you ass! Now get your head back into the game," Iwaizumi sends him one last glare. Oikawa scoffs, you were his lucky charm, whenever you were there to watch his games he was more motivated to win but without you, it's almost like it's not worth it.
Even after all of the things Oikawa said, you couldn't help but watch his games, it felt like a routine for you. The game finished with Aoba Johsai winning, the gap wasn't big but they won and that's all that matters. You quickly made your way out of the gym but someone's hand stopped you from doing so, looking up you see Iwaizumi. He was the one that ran after you instead of your boyfriend, he helped you calm down during that time, "Y/N can we.. talk?" He asked.
Looking around, you didn't see Oikawa anywhere so you agreed. Walking just outside the gym, there he stood, the moonlight was shining down on him so beautifully, fuck. "Y/N, please have a listen to what he says, he's been a wreck these days.." Iwaizumi says, offering you a gentle smile before leaving you two. "So.. what did you want to talk about? That you wanted to break up? That you found someone that's way better than me? Someon-"
"No! No one is better than you! No one can ever replace you y/n, so please listen to me. The shit I said before was because I wasn't thinking straight, it was never you, I just- I just thought that you might see the real me, pathetic little athlete and leave one day, I didn't want that to happen.. I'm sorry," Oikawa said, his chest heaving up and down, his pretty hazel eyes had tears flowing down his cheeks.
You couldn't watch Oikawa cry, all you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him and tell him that it was alright. Instead you approached him slowly, taking his hands into yours, "I forgive you Oikawa, but it'll take time for me to put in trust in you," You said, giving him the slightest smile. "T-That's do-able, I'll wait until you're ready again, and I promise to not break your heart again," And he plans to keep that promise.
「 Akaashi 」
Akaashi tells himself that he'll be a better boyfriend, he'll make it up to you. But why can't he send you a single text? Maybe call? No, he wants to apologize in person, the longer he drags this fight out the more he realizes how much of a wreck he really is without you. He starts to ask himself, 'What would y/n do?' or 'Have they eaten yet?'
The last time he's seen you was at the hallways, he's always seeked you out but you always avoided him, the calm and composed Akaashi Keiji, going crazy over you. "How do I even make her listen to me Bokuto? She won't even spare me a glance.." he muttered, Bokuto felt pity for his friend, 'Maybe this is how y/n felt when I ignored her,' he told himself.
"Just walk straight up to her, say that you want to talk and apologize, don't make excuses, say that you're sorry, wholeheartedly," Bokuto says, smiling at him. "Easier said than done," Akaashi sighs, it's the first time he's ever dealt with something like this, but for you, he'll keep trying
He found the perfect opportunity to face you when the teacher had asked Akaashi to help you with some subjects you were failing, you've skipped school for a week prior to the argument. It's been hard to catch up with all the work, so Akaashi was sent to lend you a hand. You were more than surprised when Akaashi comes up to your door step, "Uh.." You said, slamming the door onto his face, but he was quickly to catch it, leaving the door slightly opened.
"Y/N I was sent here by the teacher to help you with school.. and to apologize," He said, hesitantly, opening the door once again. You let Akaashi in, you couldn't tell but Akaashi was nervous as hell, all the words he's rehearsed were forgotten the moment he saw you. He curses himself for hurting you, "Sorry, you were forced to come here to help me," You said, keeping your gaze on the floor. "No, I should be the one apologizing,"
"It was unfair of me, ignoring you and then lashing out like that. I don't know why I did that, but I want to apologize, I never wanted to hurt you, some boyfriend I am," He said, his mind replaying the scene over and over, he can't forget the hurt look on your face. "I'm supposed to protect you, not hurt you, so.. you can decide if you still want me or not, I'll respect your decision," He said, "I– You know I still love you so much Akaashi, of course I want you back, but please, give me time.." You said, your heart feeling way lighter.
"Of course Y/N, I'll give you all the time you need, I'll be waiting," Akaashi smiles, he can wait for a lifetime, maybe even forever just to have you back in his arms.
「 Tsukishima 」
Tsukishima can't help but glance at your seat from time to time, it was empty, it's been empty for a week now. You weren't the type to skip school, but he guesses you have an excuse to not come anymore. How would Tsukishima let you know that he didn't mean all the shit he said? How would he let you know that it's always been you?
Even Yamaguchi started to make up excuses about not being able to hang out, Tsukishima fully knows that Yamaguchi would meet up with you, but he doesn't why. He guesses that it's to console you, but it's making him feel bad. Having his friend comfort you instead of him, but he can't really say much as he's the cause of this. So he'll endure it until he can't anymore, jealousy is an ugly emotion and he knows that fully well.
He's been seeing you and Yamaguchi together more often, sure it tugs at his heartstrings but what the fuck can he do? He's a coward that runs away from emotion and bottles them up until it comes around to bite his ass. That's exactly why that argument between you two happened in the first place, he's been dealing with personal issues with college and his life that he ended up bursting it out on you.
"Nothing I do is ever good enough, fuck," He curses, as he misses another ball. "Are you alright Tsukishima? You're usually not this distracted," His teammate asked, "It's nothing, just tired, let's get back to practice," He replied, not wanting to answer anymore questions. His teammate seemed to have gotten the message and left him alone, "How about we go eat out tonight? My treat," Their captain suggested, "Sorry but I think–" Tsukishima was going to decline but the captain insisted.
So now he was getting dragged to a barbecue house, what Tsukishima wasn't expecting was to see you and Yamaguchi at the same restaurant as he was in. He couldn't turn away, you looked so much happier with Yamaguchi, would it be right to let you go? Should he keep fighting? You sensed someone staring at you for a while now, but when Yamaguchi leaned towards you to whisper, "Tsukishima's here, what do you want to do?"
"Nothing, I'll be perfectly fine," You said, minutes had passed but you've grown more and more uncomfortable with the amount of staring Tsukishima's done. This is so strange even for you, Yamaguchi sensed your uncomfortability and suggested that he walks you home. "Sure, I need to get back home anyway," you answered, Tsukishima was sure as hell that he's not gonna get another chance to talk to you unless he does it now, so he takes it.
"Tsuki?" Yamaguchi said, "Can we talk Y/N.. in private?" He asked, trying not to sound as desperate as possible, you stayed quiet for a couple of seconds but ultimately deciding to hear him out. You two step out of the restaurant, the streetlight flickering above you two. The atmosphere was tense, a little bit awkward, your gaze bounced all over the place, from his trimmed bangs, to his brown long coat, then back to his eyes.
"I'll keep it short, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I was inconsiderate of your feelings and how I didn't think about my words before spewing them out. I'm sorry for making you feel like you weren't enough, cause you were more than enough, and I feel like I should've shown you how much I appreciated you more.. but I couldn't, and I.. I'm sorry," He finished, his eyes unwavering, that was the Tsukishima you knew. His jaw was clenched, most likely to stop himself from crying.
You felt the sincerity from his words, that was more than what you wanted. "Thank you Tsukishima, I accept your apology, but.." Tsukishima was hooked on your words. "I'd like to be treated out for food so that I can see that you're really sorry," You said, obviously joking, but half not really. Tsukishima lets out a small chuckle, there was the y/n he knew. "Of course, pick any place and I'll pick you up tomorrow," Tsukishima said, starting tonight, he'll work hard to be the man you deserve.
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atsunflower · 4 years ago
Hospital for souls — The Line
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Rated: SFW
Author note: I gotta nothing to say. This took me really long and I struggled a lot to write it. Thanks for being patient with me. Also, big shoutout to @neonghxst, who helped me a lot with this one. I love you bby 💕
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of anxiety and this chapter contains gore towards the end.
IV — The line
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"I don't wanna go" Your voice showed distaste at the invitation.
Since the fight with Sakusa, you avoided all human contact like the plague. The only ones that talked to you were the maids and, occasionally, Komori, who had warmed up to you since you saved his ass — to be honest, you weren't very fond of his change of character.
"Listen, you're the new lady of this household." Komori explained in a tired manner."This gala is held every year in some sort of diplomatics, to grant no family crosses the line. All the important members must make a presence."
"Yeah, but I'm sure no one cares if I don't show up." You deadpanned looking at his face.
"It's just a fancy ass party. I'll take you to get a dress myself, but I gotta run some errands and find a suit too. If I'm late, then Izuna will take you." Komori saw you stiffening when you heard the name. Ever since you arrived in Itachiyama, Izuna was the most hostile towards you. "Hey, don't worry about him... He'll be nice."
"I gotta remind you that no one has been nice to me since I came here, Komori-san." You stated the obvious and the male before you grimaced.
"Look, we're not as bad as you think. Neither we are some sort of low life criminals, you know." His voice sent shivers down your spine. The hazel-haired man has been treating you better, yes, but you could tell the words you said to Sakusa that day affected him too.
"Yeah. But you all did nothing to prove me wrong." You stared at his eyes, the sincere tone meaning each world "If anything, all you did was make me miserable even though I'm not a threat. And you know it." You saw when the hazel haired male shook his head, face softening a little.
"I'll be back in a few." And then, Komori left. 
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To your relief, it was Komori himself who showed up at your bedroom door. Now, you were at some boutique somewhere in the fancy side of Shibuya, trying a beautiful strappy off-white dress.
You loved how the silky cloth hugged your body and how the pearly color complimented your skin tone. Definitely, it was the propper gown for an event as important as a mafia gala.
Taking in the figure reflected in the mirror, you recalled the last time you wore something so fancy was at your wedding. Suddenly, you felt ugly — after all, you were a woman of surgical scrubs and white coats. Wearing something like this dress was a reminder of what kind of life you were living now.
"[Name]-san, have you decided?" Komori asked with an undecipherable look on his face. 
"Ah, yes, I'm taking this one" You said to the salesperson, already getting back to the changing room.
From the inside, you heard a knock on the door. It was Komori.
"[Name], are you good?" He asked in a soft spoken manner, as if he was concerned.
You know it's not the case, don't let your guard down, you reminded yourself.
"Yes, Komori-san. Are we ready to go?" He hummed in agreement, saying he was going to do the payment.
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The two of you had yet to arrive in Itachiyama. The silence was heavy inside the car and you could see the man opening his mouth as if he was trying to say something.
"I never asked, did you see a doctor?" You started, breaking the unnerving atmosphere.
"Ah, yes. I'm all good, no sequels or whatever." He cleared his throat, side-glancing at you "Those guys took us by surprise that night, huh? We were lucky you were there to help us out." You hummed, staring at his elbow, as if you could see through the material of his jacket.
"I shouldn't have opened your arm that way. It was really irresponsible of me to do it and it was a miracle things ended up well."You said in a reflecting manner.
Does she regret saving me?, Komori couldn't help but wonder.
"The doctor I saw said the surgery was perfectly executed, so don't beat yourself over it. Besides, I can see the passion you have. You'd make it right anyways." The male said truthfully and you frowned. You didn't want his trust because he would never have yours.
You also didn't like the appreciative tone he used. A doctor isn't a hero, You reminded yourself everyday, to never let it go to your head.
"I'm passionate, but it's about my personal ethics, you don't need passion to be good at what you do. I think you know it very well." You still frowned, not liking what he implied. You never wanted to be some sort of hero, much less to someone like him. 
"Yeah, I don't need to love the yakuza to be good at it. But I don't think a passionless person would make a good doctor." He argued, trying to prove his point.
"In my line of work, a mistake costs your whole career. Passionless and unethical people exist everywhere, a hospital isn't a sanctuary." You said matter of factly — it wasn't about the romantic lenses people saw the health workers. After all, medicine was a field made majorly of people with the means and the money. You learned it the hard way when you made into med school.
"Why would you say that?" The traffic light signalled to stop. The Kobun used this opportunity to take in your figure, eyes roaming over your crossed arms and unfazed features.
Duty takes a toll in everyone, huh?, He internally stated.
"Because I know someone. And as passionless someone could be, he's still the best at what he does." And Komori didn't miss the feeling displayed in your eyes.
It wasn't merely passion. Something deeper resided in those irises of yours.
An awkward silence overtook the atmosphere as the car resumed its movement. He felt uncomfortable, trying to figure out what you meant.
"Well, what matters is that everything ended up well. Who would have guessed they would attack us that night?" Komori conceded, trying to break the unsettling quietness.
"Yeah, this whole yakuza thing is really scary." You said looking through the tinted window, a pensive look in your face.
"You'll get used to it. And it doesn't happen on a daily basis either" He brushed you off, turning in a curb.
"Yeah, but ignoring the threat isn't an easy task." You retorted, tiredly.
"How do you know it? Besides, since you're our lady, it's not like we'll let  something happen to you." The brunette said, in hopes of comforting you. It had the opposite effect, as a silent rage ran down your body.
"Komori-san, how do I know?" You bitterly laughed "My whole life, I was at the line. My mother didn't want me to be born, Inarizaki wanted my head since I was in the womb and you guys will get rid of me at any given opportunity." You saw him opening his mouth to argue "Your household won't protect me if the order comes from Sakusa." 
As if in a cue, the car approached the gates of Itachiyama. Komori was rendered speechless, knowing you were right.
Personally, you weren't one to offend people and make them feel bad. You couldn't help the pang in your chest every time you exploded at any of them. But by god, were you tired.
I just want my life back, you thought. After all, it was infinite times easier to be a target when you were somehow detached from the life inside the families. The Kobun said something you paid no mind to.
Banging the car door shut, you ignored his calling.
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The nagging feeling was a constant in his life.
Roaming through his memories, he could never pinpoint a time he felt comfortable under his skin. He was too anxious and life never treated him kindly to do so.
Maybe he overreacted a lot, too. But it wasn't his fault he had to be hyper aware of his surroundings.
The alert state was essential in an ambience full of people who could stab him in the back.
Fuck the diplomatics, he cursed.
It was one of those nights he hated the most. The suntuous ballroom was full of people going back and forth, bragging about futilities and throwing insincere flattery at each other. All because the ever so generous Karasuno was hosting a dinner at The Crow to assure no one disturbs the deal between the families.
Bullshit, he thought. It's only Karasuno trying to show off their influence over this frail peace.
And, as much as he appreciated said peace, he hated how everyone faked they got along with each other.
Not that he cared about politeness either. And his signature scowl did nothing to keep people away. After all, everyone wanted a piece of Itachiyama.
"Kiyoomi." The ravenette heard the deep voice from his back. A wave of relief washed over him.
At least, Wakatoshi-kun is here. I won't die from boredom, He mused.
"Wakatoshi." He responded, nodding at the other. From outside Itachiyama, Ushijima was the only one Sakusa considered a friend.
"I thought you wouldn't come tonight, I know you don't really like the crowd."
"People would find weird if I didn't, considering Inarizaki and everything."
"Speaking of which, did you bring your wife?" Ushijima asked, looking around. Sakusa nodded before speaking.
"Yeah, she went to the restrooms. Komori is with her." And speaking of the devil, you came into view.
He knew you had a fine taste for things, and he would be a fool to say you didn't look good tonight. But he would never admit it.
A Miya isn't worth you time, he repeated it like a mantra, observing as you made your way onto him.
Komori enthusiastically greeted Ushijima and you merely nodded out of politeness, looking at the bulky male with caution. Given Ushijima's intimidating vibes, Sakusa couldn't really blame you.
"I see you're Sakusa's wife. I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi." He offered his hand at you "It's a pleasure to meet you"
"Likewise, Ushijima-san" You introduced yourself as the Oyabun of Itachiyama watched the scene unfold before him, recalling how his friend was the blunt and introverted type. He couldn't help but admire the way the two of you conversed smoothly; earning Ushijima's sympathy required effort. You did it with ease.
"She's a good woman." Sakusa didn't see when your conversation died down and Ushijima turned to him. He found himself dumbfounded at the other's statement.
"She's a Miya"
"She worked with Shirabu. He spoke highly of her" A waiter passed by offering them whiskey. The rich scent of Yamazaki reached his nostrils as he drank it, throat used to the burning sensation "And you know he's not one to lie."
"Still…" His retort was halted when he felt the weight of a gaze on him. In the far corner of the room, none other than Oikawa Tooru had all his attention turned to the general direction of you all "What is he looking at?" He squinted at the brunette's direction, trying to make out his intentions.
"He seems to be looking at your wife" Ushijima bluntly spoke "But don't worry about him, Oikawa may have his reasons. He is a reliable man, after all."
"You're indeed soft today. What happened?" The other opened his mouth to respond before being interrupted by a startled voice.
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Your husband was doing a good job ignoring you while speaking to Ushijima — you wouldn't complain, since you didn't want any of his attention.
Listening to Komori speaking wonders of the whiskey he was drinking, you felt a little at ease. You imagined the gala to be much scarier than this, but all you could see was snotty people too full of themselves. It was almost comical hearring them bragging about things you couldn't even dream of.
"This is a 25 years old Yamazaki. It's a favorite of mine and Kiyoomi—"
"Is this real life?" A surprised voice cutted Komori's middle sentence.
Before you, a handsome man looked appalled, staring at you with an emotion you couldn't identify. You were feeling uncomfortable as everyone around you was paying attention to your interaction.
"I'm sorry, sir. But am I supposed to know you?" You asked, in hopes to remember if you knew him by any chance. He beamed brightly at you.
"Of course you wouldn't remember me!" And he laughed again, earning a frown from your husband.
"Do you have any business to do with my wife?" Sakusa's cold-steel voice asked. The pretty man ignored it. And, at this point, everyone in the area stopped their actions, watching the scene with interest.
"I'm Oikawa Tooru, the Oyabun of Seijoh. Two years ago, you saved my nephew's life in an accident at the Dinosaur Bridge, only using a needle. After it, you held his hand until the ambulance came." The man bowed deeply, and only now you noticed he was accompanied by another spiky-haired male, who was also bowing at you. Observing them, you faintly remembered saving a little boy in a traffic accident a couple of years ago "For that, I'll be forever thankful. In return, I wanted to say you have Seijoh's gratitude whenever you need it." He stood tall again, staring at you dead in the eye to confirm he meant every single word he said.
You were speechless.
"I… sir, I'm thankful, but I did what had to be done. You don't owe me anything." You said uncertainly, glancing at the startled faces of both Komori and Sakusa. Ushijima looked fondly at you, as if he knew something.
"You had a choice that day, and you choosed to help us when we couldn't do anything. And it's enough for us to pay you back." The spiky-haired man said. It was rare for someone to address you with so much respect and sincerity. You appreciated it wholeheartedly.
"I— thank you." And you bowed at them, trying to show your gratitude to both males.
"Well, we won't disturb you anymore. Please have a good night" The Oikawa guy said, handing you a business card which you secluded inside your clutch.
"See?" You heard Ushijima saying, but you were too stunned to register it.
You didn't have time to process the event, as someone announced the dinner was about to be served.
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"Seijoh's favour, huh? You sure are skyrocketing this mafia thing." Suna said, sitting on the chair on the opposite side of the table.
You all were addressed to a table with ten seats. It looked like Itachiyama was paired up with Inarizaki and another household you were yet to discover. The atmosphere was already stiff, as Sakusa kept throwing dirty glares at the twins.
"Impressive how you're doing well inside the yakuza. I thought you weren't going to last a month." Atsumu snickered as Osamu and the others ignored everything around them, getting ready for the dinner.
You mimicked their actions before Izuna joined you; you tensed seeing him taking the seat by your left.
Sakusa sat by your right, side-glancing at you. It looked like he had a newfound interest since the interaction with Oikawa earlier.
To your surprise, Seijoh was addressed to your table. Though, both Oikawa and Iwaizumi — Suna let you know his name and the fact he was also a Kobun — said nothing, sensing the tension hanging in the air.
None of the men said anything as the food started to be served. Instead, they busied themselves with the entree, keeping the smalltalk inside their household circle.
You heard Osamu saying something about the wine but you didn't register it. Soon enough, the waiters brought the main course in silver trays.
It smelled fabulous and your mouth watered at the scent.
"A lovely meal for the lady. Please enjoy it, I'm sure you won't forget this occasion." The blond waiter said, as he uncovered your plate. You took in the deep red sauce made of berries and the way the meat was perfectly cooked.
With fork and knife in hand, you went for it.
And indeed, you wouldn't forget the occasion.
Sliding the meat over the plate, you noticed it  hiding something. The scream was caught in your throat as you recognized the obnoxious structure, because years of unveiling the human anatomy would never fail you.
The cutlery clattered in the porcelain surface, spilling the sauce all over you. The white of your dress was now tainted with crimson, as if blood seeped out of your chest.
But you didn't even feel it. All you felt were hands shaking your body, trying to draw some reaction from you. The screams also came in a white noise through your ears, because all you could register was the sight before your eyes.
In the middle of the plate, a finger rested limp and dirty. Dead.
In a similar manner, you did too. 
Among the chaos, you sat there, also limp and dirty. At the end of a promise of death.
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❥ tagging: @keekee-732 @chiibichann @captain-shittykawa @fortheloveofiwaizumi @daisyjaebae @jihoonspout @floodinginstars @fl4mepillar @trash4sportsanime @neonghxst @starrystanze @teaanbiss @hqxreader @yskomiii @shadyjinyoung @julimausi1311 @hyoonx23 @keuromi @differentballooncollection @onigiriimiya @wolfiepirate @sekshi-namjas @tomo-uwu @atsumusgf @letmegetthisclear @katokanae @cherryonigiri @ushijima-meixiu @bimboiiying @crownedcupcake17 @tvwhoresblog @thenerdyrebel @idiot-juice-enthusiast @caprolls @keijination   @wakaitoshi @clowninfortodoroki @shiningotak-ku @kemochie @lilacshouko @sehunosh @kiyoojima @shimy-deko @bap-kingdom @raenebalgaire @ricefarmerkita @rintarose @xanaxdeity @reiningsun
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hercleverboy · 5 years ago
for better or worse
spencer reid x reader 
summary ↠ spencer and the reader deal with the repercussions of infertility.
category ↠ angst/fluff
warnings/includes ↠ infertility, endometriosis, swearing, self-depreciating thoughts. this story includes mentions of infertility as a result of endometriosis. Please do not read this if that is triggering or upsetting
word count ↠ 3.3k
“If the hurt comes, so will the happiness.” — Rupi Kaur
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Y/N had never thought much about having kids. She figured that if she met the right man and settled down with him, she’d love to have a family of her own. Though, if that didn’t happen, she wouldn’t feel incomplete if she never had children. She didn’t feel they were a necessity, like her life would be unsuccessful without them. Besides, she liked that she would always have the option. She didn’t have to have kids, but the option was there for her to choose the day she decided to wanted to.
So when she met Spencer, and fell in love with his beautiful brain and big heart, she knew that if she was going to have children with anyone, it would be him. She wanted to give him the family he so obviously desired. They discussed it, and Spencer admitted he was more than ready to be a dad, and Y/N told him she knew he’d be a phenomenal one, despite his fears. They agreed they’d start trying once their wedding was over, and they could be the family they’d always dreamed of.
At first it was exciting. Sex was fun and enjoyable as the couple anticipated creating a new life, a child for them to raise and protect.
 However, after 6 months of trying with no positive results, sex had become more of a chore. It was no longer about pleasure or done with excitement, but it was tired and half-assed, with only the goal of getting pregnant in sight. Y/N was worried something was wrong but she knew that unlike in the movies, getting pregnant does take time with some couples. She had faith they would get their baby soon.
Once they hit the one year mark, Y/N was terrified. It was odd, she thought. She always thought she’d been content, with or without kids. But when she looked at her husband, she was terrified she wouldn’t be able to give him the family he deserved, the children she wanted to raise with him by her side. She insisted they get fertility tests, and have doctors check them out to ensure that nothing was wrong with either or them. Spencer had rambled some statistics and facts, trying to explain that sometimes these things just take time, but once he saw the fearful tears in his wife’s eyes, he agreed and made them an appointment.
Y/N was silent and Spencer worried. She didn’t speak during the car ride to the doctors. Nor did she speak as they sat in the waiting room of the doctors, waiting for their results. Her leg bounced nervously, and he placed his hand on her thigh in an attempt to calm her down. Her leg stopped and she looked up at him, that same fear in her eyes. 
 “It’ll be okay, baby.” He promised. “Whatever happens, we will be okay.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and she nodded. 
It was then that a nurse came toward them. “Dr and Mrs Reid?” She asked, and they nodded. “Come with me.” Spencer found himself profiling the nurse, looking for any indication as to what the news they were about to receive was, but he found none. Y/N gripped Spencer’s hand tightly as they stood and followed the nurse.
Y/N had always been one of those people, where if someone told her she couldn’t have something, she’d only want it 10 times more. 
And there’s a harsh difference between choosing not to have something and being told you can’t ever have it at all. 
Severe Endometriosis.
She had Severe Endometriosis. She knew what it meant. She’d always experienced painful periods, but she’d always been told by her mother and other female figures in her life that it was normal, that she was making a big deal over nothing. Never had she considered it was something so serious. 
She stared at the wall in a state of shock, her hand dropping from Spencer’s limply. 
The doctor’s face showed sympathy. “It’s rare we get cases of endometriosis where the patient doesn’t exhibit symptoms until stage four.” 
Spencer couldn’t seem to find his words. Finally, he managed to string together a coherent sentence. “What does this mean for us?” He managed to get out. It wasn’t like he didn’t already know exactly what it meant. He had read up on the topic before, and was disgruntled by the lack of research into what caused it. He thought maybe the doctor would tell him something he didn’t already know. 
“Whilst there are treatments, It is unlikely you will ever be able to conceive, and if you do, the chances of Mrs Reid carrying that baby to full term without miscarriage or other serious complications are slim.” 
The tears slipped from Y/N’s eyes then.
He wasn’t the problem. According to the doctor, Spencer was ‘incredibly fertile’. 
He wasn’t the problem. 
She was. 
“I’m incredibly sorry I don’t have better news for you. Would you like to discuss possible treatments? I have some leaflets-” the doctor continued but Y/N wasn’t listening. Instead she stared blankly at the wall, tears falling silently from her eyes as the angry and hateful thoughts consumed her. 
“I’ll give you two a minute.” With a sad smile on her lips, the doctor left the room, the door closing quietly behind her. 
After minutes of silence, Spencer was the first to speak. “Y/N, Sweetheart.” He tried, a gentle attempt to get her attention. 
No response.
 “Y/N-” He tried again, but she interrupted him with a choked sob and a loud sniffle. 
“Take me home, Spence. Please.” He nearly sobbed at her pleading, heartbroken tone. 
“Okay. Okay, baby.” He moved to kiss her forehead again but she pulled away from him, standing up and swiftly leaving the room. 
The same deathly silence filled the room and Spencer could practically hear his heart breaking. 
On the car ride home, Y/N stared out the window whilst Spencer gave her longing glances. His wife, the love of his life. 
He felt like he couldn’t fucking breathe. 
What was he supposed to say? 
How could he make this better? 
He couldn’t, he knew. He also knew the horrid, self-depreciative thoughts were filling Y/N’s head and he wished he could stop them but he just didn’t know how. 
So instead of words, he reached across the centre console, taking her hand in his. He was pleased when she didn’t pull away. He brought her hand up, pressing a kiss to their wedding ring that sat on her finger. It served as a silent reminder of the vows they made. 
For better or worse. 
Their house felt empty. 
It was much too big for the two of them. They’d moved in 2 weeks after their wedding, promising to fill the empty rooms with children. 
So much for that, Y/N couldn’t help but think. 
Spencer took Y/N’s coat, and watched as she numbly slid off her shoes. His heart ached at the sight of her, so broken, so angry at herself. He spoke quietly. 
“Let me make you some tea, sweetheart.” 
Y/N just wanted to scream, “Tea isn’t going to fix this!” 
But she knew her husband, she knew he was wracking his big genius brain for any idea on how to help her and coming up empty. and besides, shouting wouldn’t fix anything. She couldn’t push him away when they needed one another most. 
She just nodded gratefully and turned toward the living room, taking a seat on the couch. Spencer came over, setting the tea down on the coffee table in front of them before sitting down next to her. 
He reached out to her, but stopped before he touched her.
Did she want him to hold her? Could that possibly make this any better?
He was almost afraid to touch her, as though she’d break like porcelain beneath his trembling hands. 
After minutes of an uncomfortable silence, Spencer cleared his throat and spoke gently. 
“I know what you’re thinking.” He started. Y/N looked at him confused, so he elaborated. “I know you think this is somehow your fault, like you had any control over this, but I promise you it isn’t.” 
“Isn’t it?” She asked quietly, but her tone was cold. She didn’t want to sound harsh, but she was so angry, at herself, at the universe. “What did I do to deserve this, huh?” She asked, tears now cascading down her cheeks. 
“You did nothing to deserve this, Y/N- “ She cut him off again. 
“God I wanted to give you a family so badly, Spencer. But no, I can’t do the one thing a woman is supposed to be able to do!” She cried, her voice rising as she stood from the couch. It was clear that the anger wasn’t at all directed at Spencer, only at herself. 
and it was breaking spencer’s heart. 
“Please don’t say that, Y/N.” He begged. 
“It’s true! If I can’t give you a baby I’m useless to you!”
“Stop it!” Spencer was shouting now too, standing up as well. “You’re not useless, Y/N!” 
She scoffed through her tears. “You heard what the doctor said, Spence! I’m the problem! Not you, me! You’re gonna leave me so you can find someone who can give you what you want-” She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. The look of hurt on Spencer’s face is something she had never seen before. Her insecurities were rearing their ugly heads and she couldn’t stop from confessing them. 
“Is that what you think?” He asked. He wasn’t angry, but he was so very hurt, and even mad at himself for ever letting her insecurities get so bad that she’d even think he’d consider that.  “That I’d leave you for someone else?”
Y/N nodded, ashamed. “I understand if you want to. You’ve always wanted your own kids Spencer, god knows what an amazing father you’d be.” She gave a dry, humourless chuckle. “I can’t give you that. but someone else can and-” She sobbed. “If it means you’d be happy, that you could have a family-” She broke down, harsh sobs wracking through her chest. Spencer was quick to bring her into his arms, and his own sobs hit him just as hard. 
After calming down a little he pulled back, using one hand to take her chin and make her face him. “Look at me baby.” He pleaded, and she did. “I never want to hear you say that shit again, okay?” His voice was stern, not angry. “I love you. I married you, for god’s sake.” He chuckled. “Us not being able to make a baby changes none of that. We don’t need a baby to be a family, Y/N. We’re already a family, me and you, and I am perfectly content I promise you. Just please-” His tone was begging. “Please don’t ever think I’m going anywhere, that I’d leave you like that. I love you, so much. and when we got married I promised you forever. I intend to keep that promise.” She nodded at his words, burying her head in his chest as he sighed, kissing her forehead gently. 
“I wanted to give you a baby.” She mumbled, and it shattered Spencer’s heart. Sure, he’d always pictured having children of his own, but as far as he was concerned, as long as he had Y/N, his life would be perfect. 
For her, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
“I know you did, sweetheart. but just because we can’t make a baby doesn’t mean we can’t have one. There are hundreds of children out there in the adoption system waiting for a family, waiting for a home that we could provide them with.” He reminded her gently, and she sniffed. She hadn’t really considered adopting, but now she could understand why it would be a good idea. “When you’re ready to look at other options, we’ll figure it out together, okay?” 
“Yeah, Okay. Thank you Spence. I love you.” 
It was a rough few months that followed. As a couple, they were stronger than they’d ever been, but Y/N still sometimes struggled with the burden that weighed her down. Whenever she saw Spencer entertaining JJ’s kids at events the team invited them to, she had to excuse herself to the bathroom for a minute to compose herself. It took a few months to wrap her head around the idea that even if their children weren’t theirs biologically, they’d be no different than if they were, still loved and cared for the same. 
In those months they also bought a dog. Well, Spencer bought one, a female golden retriever puppy that he brought home unannounced one day. He was afraid Y/N wouldn’t want one, but he figured that one way to help ease her upset would be to try and make their big home feel more lively- his solution was a puppy. 
Thankfully, Y/N fell in love with the puppy, who they later named Millie, and had nearly cried when Spencer explained why he bought the dog. 
“ I just wanted our house to feel a bit more like a home. and I thought she’d be a great addition to our little family.” 
It took 2 more months before Y/N decided she was ready. 
Y/N approached her husband as he sat reading on the sofa, Millie curled up next to him. “Hey baby. You got a minute?”
His brows creased in confusion, but he complied, marking his page and setting his book down. “Sure thing. What’s up?” 
She took a seat the other side of Millie, reaching out to stroke her soft fur. “I’ve been thinking, and I’ve had enough time to deal with and process everything that happened. I think I’d like us to look for some adoption agencies? I’d really love to give a home to a child who needs one.” She smiled and the grin on Spencer’s face was ecstatic as he jumped from the couch, scooping Y/N up in his arms and lifting her from the ground, the commotion causing Millie to bark. 
“Yes! Yes we can do that. I’d like nothing more.” He smiled and then pressed his lips to hers. 
They sat down together and filled out an application for a great looking adoption agency, and went through the numerous stages, including people coming to view their home to ensure it is a stable environment to raise a child in. Of course they were given the all clear, with Spencer’s more than stable income and Y/N only working part time, they were one step closer. 
One day they received a call from the agency saying they had a young pregnant lady who was around six months along but had decided she didn’t want to keep her child, instead, as soon as it was born, she wanted to give the baby to a family who couldn’t have their own. 
Y/N and Spencer met with the girl, Alicia, multiple times before Alicia decided she was more than happy for the baby to be adopted by the Reid family. 
Y/N and Spencer were ecstatic, spending all their free time shopping for baby items and decorating one of the upstairs bedrooms with little pink items, once they’d found out the baby was a girl. To say Y/N and Spencer were excited would be an understatement, and they were now just playing the waiting game, as Alicia was due to give birth any day.
Spencer was in the shower whilst Y/N worked on cooking dinner. She heard her phone ringing in the living room, and quickly washed her hands before walking to grab it, Millie trailing behind her. 
“Hi, is this Mrs Y/N Reid?” 
“This is she.” 
“Brilliant. I’m delighted to tell you that Alicia has gone into labour, so you’re gonna want to head over to the hospital now.” 
Y/N’s mouth went dry and happy tears sprang to her eyes.
“Mrs Reid?”
”Yes! Sorry! We’ll be right there, Thankyou!” She hung up the phone, standing in the same place as shock filled her. They were getting their baby. 
“Who was that?” Spencer walked down the stairs, hair still damp from his shower, dressed in a large shirt and jogging bottoms. 
“It was the hospital. Alicias in labour.” The words didn’t feel real as they left her lips. “We’re getting our baby.” 
Spencer’s mouth dropped open in momentary shock, before that beautiful grin broke out on his features. He pulled Y/N into him, laughing happily, happy tears welling in his eyes. “We’re getting our baby.” He repeated back to her in shock. 
They couple burst through the doors to the maternity ward, walking towards the front desk with a skip in their step.
“Hi! We’re having a baby!” Y/N spoke excitedly. 
The lady at the desk looked at Y/N and her obviously not pregnant belly. “That normally takes around nine months, honey.” 
“Right, yes uh- we’re adopting a baby who’s being born right now.” Y/N corrected herself, her hand reaching down to grab Spencer’s and squeeze it tightly. 
“Aw well, congratulations you two! Can I take the patient’s name?” 
“Alicia Ray.” Spencer spoke, the excitement evident in his voice too. 
“Alright, you’re gonna want to head down the hall and then take a right, she’s in room 206. You’ll have to wait outside but a doctor will greet you once your baby has been born, alright?” 
The pair nodded excitedly, and Spencer noted how she’d said “Your baby”, before turning quickly and speeding down the hall, Spencer nearly tripping in the process. 
12 hours later Y/N was at home holding a small pink bundle in her arms. She’d come into the world at 2:56 am, a healthy 7 pounds and 6 ounces, and they’d settled on naming her Alexandra Diana Reid, Alex for short. 
Y/N sat on the chair in the corner of the nursery, gazing down at her daughter, the child she would love as though she’d carried her for 9 months. Y/N could see now that it didn’t matter, Alex was their daughter in every way that mattered. Millie sauntered in, curling up by Y/N’s feet.  
Spencer entered the nursery, a smile on his lips as he walked over to his wife, watching as she slowly rocked their daughter, who slept peacefully for the moment. 
“Ah, there are my two favourite girls.” He joked, and a soft whimper came from  Millie. “Don’t worry, you’re my favourite too, Mills.” He laughed softly as he reached down to ruffle the dogs fur before perching on the arm rest of the chair, winding his arm around Y/N’s shoulders as he looked down at his daughter. 
“She’s perfect.” He croaked out, tears of pride filling his eyes. He reached down a finger, nudging her tiny hand with it, and nearly combusting with happiness when she wrapped her tiny fingers around his large one. 
Y/N let out a little scoff. “Look at that, she’s already a daddy’s girl. She’s barely a day old and she’s already got you wrapped around her finger.” 
Spencer chuckled softly. “She does. I’d do anything for her. I’d do anything for our family, you know that right?” He felt silly asking, but he needed to know she understood. That he would drop anything and everything for his beautiful little family. He’d quit the BAU tomorrow to protect them, they were his only priority. 
“I know, Spence. We’re so grateful.” She assured him, looking up at him with love-filled eyes. He leaned down gently, kissing her, the warmth and contentedness filling him. 
For better or worse
for as long as they both shall live. 
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