#But Ugh how I wish to write something with Makoto finding him again and just pointing out...
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
au where majima fly kicks the doc for having the gall of getting romantically involved with a patient. thats a break of the medical code of ethics bro.
NO DUDE TRULY TRULY I SAID THAT /IMMEDIATELY/ WHEN I GOT TO THAT POINT IN 0!! I quite literally like. Live messaged my friend my whole playthrough and I just said "UM? That's unethical as all shit what the fuck?" Like Makoto is recovering from a gunshot wound, regaining her vision and she's just lost her brother- and here's this little doctor who is almost certainly at least a good few years if not maybe a decade older saying he's in love with his patient? Nah. Wack. Someone smack him or I will.
Also a tiny detail that makes me even sadder is that Makoto tells Majima when she's massaging him 18 years later that not even her husband knows that story, I.e the story of what happened to her- and I know the writers at rgg probably weren't thinking too deeply about it but to me that detail is heartbreaking because that means Makoto has carried this big, tragic history around on her shoulders in silence all this time- not even her husband knows... That's just why I can't agree with everyone who says Makoto got a happy ending. She lost everyone, every single person dear to her and not only that, but she can't even share the full truth of it with anyone.
And then on Majima's front, I can't even be truly mad at him for this because it just shows how low his self worth is- Any random civilian is more worthy and safe for Makoto than he is, so he'll stiffen his upper lip, tell the guy to hurry up and admit his feelings and quietly walk away into the street, his heart in shreds because, again, Makoto deserves better than him. And surely a doctor is better than him? It's a respectful profession- A profession of good men, men not like him. so sure this random doctor who is claiming to be in love with his traumatised patient must be better for Makoto than he ever could be... Oh Majima, I don't know if should kick you or kiss you.
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vgckwb · 3 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 41: Varying Kinds of Trash
Monday was the clean up day the school had organized. Instead of classes, students had to go to the park to clean it up. However, only half the day was mandatory. Monday was also the day the Phantom Thieves would meet up to plan the Madarame heist. Ren woke up, stretched a bit, and then proceeded to get ready for the day.
One her way to Shujin to pick up her gym clothes, she heard someone say “Hey beautiful” in a slimy voice. She looked and was horrified at the sight. One that was all too familiar. Sumire was being harassed by someone. “How are you?”
“I’m fine,” Sumire insisted.
“OK OK” the guy said. He looked her over. “So, you go to Shujin, huh? I’ve heard things are getting a bit rough there.” He took out his phone. “If you need anything, we can exchange numbers. You can give me a call, and I’ll be over in a jiff.”
“Please stop,” Sumire told him.
“Huh?” the guy said.
“Sumire…” Morgana lamented from the bag. He looked at Ren. “Huh?”
Ren was having a conniption. The girl she liked was in the midst of getting harassed. Yet she knew, she KNEW, that doing something was what got her in trouble last time. It could get her in trouble again, and it would jeopardize more than herself. It would jeopardize the Phantom Thieves, and by extension, the world.
However, Ren couldn’t let this go. Come Hell or high water, she knew she had to stop this. She dashed over. “She told you to stop,” she said, confronting the creep.
“Huh?” the man said.
“Senpai?” Sumire said.
The man looked over. “Is she your friend?” he asked. He grinned a slimy grin. “We can all be friends here. There’s no need to get jealous.”
“I’d prefer not to,” Ren said.
“What was that?” the guy jerked.
“She SAID she doesn’t want to!” Sumire interrupted with force, taking both the creep and Ren by surprise. “And I SUGGEST you respect her wishes.”
The perv got angry.”Maybe YOU ought to learn some manners.” He lifted his hand in an attempt to strike one of them. However, someone grabbed his hand before he could unleash his anger. The three of them looked over to see that it was Kosuke. Kosuke gave the man a look that could kill.
The attempted playboy was scared. He broke off from Kosuke’s grasp, put his hands in his pockets, and regained his composure. “Tch” he said in a huff. “Fine! Be like that. You’re not special anyway.” He walked off, frustrated.
The girls sighed in relief. “You alright?” Kosuke asked. The girls looked up at him. They nodded. “Good.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry.” The girls were confused. “I’m sure you could have handled a creep like him on your own. I didn’t mean to underestimate you.”
Ren chuckled slightly. “It’s OK. When it comes to people like that, I’ll take all the help I can get.”
“Fair,” Kosuke chuckled back. He then realized. “Hey. You’re that girl from the coffee shop, right?” Ren nodded. “Thought so. Hey, just so you know, your portrait will be ready tonight. Will you be at the coffee shop then?”
Ren got slightly embarrassed. “I’ll be there, yeah.”
“Great,” Kosuke said. He began to walk off.
“Wait!” Ren called out. Kosuke turned back. “Uh, how much do I owe you?”
Kosuke grinned. “It’s alright. You can have it for free.”
“Are you sure?” Ren asked.
Kosuke nodded. “Positive.”
“Well, if you say so…” Ren said, sounding unsure. She bowed. “Thank you.” Kosuke nodded and walked off.
Ren and Sumire began walking towards Shujin. “So, that’s Kosuke?” Sumire asked. Ren nodded. “Hmmmm. He seems nice, despite...you know…everything…”
“I bet he is usually nice,” Ren explained. “Remember, we had to fight Shiho before, and she’s practically the salt of the Earth.”
“...You’re right,” Sumire said. She sighed. “I guess I should have known that. I know what it’s like to change dramatically when faced with difficult situations…”
Ren looked over at her. “I get it,” she said. Sumire looked up. “It’s jarring because you’ve only seen his mean side. I’m sure if you knew him better, you might see that kind of interaction as the norm, rather than the exception.”
Sumire thought about that. “I guess that that’s how Yusuke-senpai sees him then. Usually, anyways...”
Ren was shocked. “Hm. I guess you’re right.” She smiled, gazing at Sumire as the two continued heading to the school. Upon arrival, they headed to the locker room to get changed. Once they got into their gym clothes, they headed out towards the park for cleaning.
“OK everyone!” Makoto called out on her megaphone. “Today, we are doing our part to clean up the park. You will be split into groups of four. Each group will be given a section to clean. A lunch will be provided. After lunch, you can decide to stay, or leave if you would prefer. Now, find your assignments, and get cleaning!”
The students checked the assignment list. To their surprise, Ren, Ann, Ryuji, and Sumire were in a group together. “For real?!” Ryuji wondered.
“That’s quite the coincidence” Ann remarked.
Makoto walked up to them and just said “You’re welcome” before leaving.
There was a slight pause. “I guess Niijima-senpai did that for us.” Sumire concluded.
“Huh” Ryuji said.
“Well, I guess we can’t let a good thing go to waste,” Ren said. “Let’s get cleaning and see how far in our planning we can get.” The others nodded.
“Wait, what’s Morgana going to do?” Ann asked.
They all looked at Ren. Morgana popped out of the bag. “I guess just keep me close.” The teens nodded and started cleaning.
“So, do we have any ideas for what the card should say?” Ryuji said. “Cause I’ve been thinking, and boy howdy, do I have some ideas.”
“I think we should let Yusuke handle writing it,” Ann said.
“Yeah, this is kind of personal to him,” Sumire added.
“Oh. Sure. That makes sense” Ryuji said. He sighed. “I guess it’s mostly his demons we’re tackling here.”
“It’s fine,” Ren said. “Believe me, I have some choice words for him as well. But I think it worked for Kamoshida because we all had a bone to pick with him on a personal level.”
“RIght…” Ryuji said.
Sumire was thinking. “How should we distribute it?”
Morgana popped out. “That’s a good question.”
“Hmmm” Ann thought. “If we send it to Madarame’s house, he’s sure to get it.”
“Yeah, but I doubt that Kosuke would see it” Ren reminded them. “We need something that gets his attention too.”
“What about the exhibit itself?” Sumire asked.
“Good thinking!” Ryuji said. “Kosuke’s guarding the place as it is.”
“Right, even if he’s not there, he’s in charge,” Ren said. “I’m sure they’d call him in for such an event.”
“Wait!” Ann said. “That place is guarded by cameras and stuff. If anyone gets caught, they’ll know for sure it’s us!”
“Well, almost anyone…” Morgana said. They all looked at him. “I mean, I look like a cat to most people. If they saw me, we’d be clear.”
After a slight pause, Sumire said “Right. And since your fur is black, and we’ll be doing this at night, you’ll be harder to spot.”
“How does that help?” Ryuji asked.
“It’s simple,” Ren said. “If Morgana’s hard to see, they can’t trace it back to me.” Sumire nodded.
“Oh. I see” Ryuji said.
“Wait!” Ren said. She sighed. “I can’t take Morgana tonight.”
“Why not?” Ann asked.
“Because Kosuke told me he’d be bringing my portrait in tonight” Ren explained.
“Wait, when did he tell you that?” Ryuji asked.
“This morning,” Sumire said. Ann and Ryuji got really confused. “The two of us ran into him.”
“I see,” Ryuji said.
“What’s he like?” Ann asked. “Out here I mean.”
Sumire smiled gently. “He’s actually really sweet and considerate.”
Ann was shocked. “Wow. I did not expect that.”
“Neither did I” Sumire explained. “But it makes sense when you think about it. In the end, he’s only after Madarame.”
“Right…” Ann said.
Morgana looked on uncomfortably. “Sumire…”
Sumire smiled. “It’s fine.”
“What is?” Ryuji asked.
“Oh, uh, it’s just the circumstances of him crossing paths with us weren’t ideal” Sumire told them.
“‘Weren’t ideal’ how?” Ann asked.
“Well…” Sumire began.
“Some creep was trying to get close with Sumire,” Ren said.
“WHAT?!” Ryuji said.
“I stepped into help, and then Kosuke came to help when he tried making a pass at both of us,” Ren continued.
“Well, he jumped in when he threatened to hit us when we didn’t comply” Sumire clarified.
“That’s… not better,” Ryuji said.
“Ugh!” Ann grunted. She sighed. “Well, I’m glad that things didn’t get worse.”
Sumire nodded. “Thanks.”
“So, where were we?” Ryuj asked. “I got so mad thinking about that guy I lost track.”
“Oh, right,” Sumire said. “We were talking about how to distribute the calling card.”
“Ohhhhh, riiiiiiiiight” Ryuji said. “Ren can’t do it because she’s meeting with Kosuke tonight. Yeah, I’m caught up now.”
“Well, I don’t think my parents would want me out so late,” Sumire said.
“Yeah, I don’t want to walk in and wake up my mom,” Ryuji added.
“I guess I’ll do it,” Ann said. “My parents just left for a business trip, so I’ll be fine.”
“When did they leave?” Ryuji asked.
“Just last night” Ann said. “And it’s only for about a week, but still.”
“Hey” Ryuji said, placing his hand on her shoulder. “If you need anything, you can always give me a call.”
Ann smiled. “Thanks.”
Ryuji let go. “So, is that everything?”
“I think so,” Ren said. “We’d need to meet up with Yusuke and Jose to finalize everything, but this is pretty much everything I could think of.”
“Well then, let's finish cleaning up,” Ann cheered. They continued to clean the area they were given.
“OK everyone!” Makoto called out. “It’s time for lunch. Please line up in an orderly fashion.”
As the students began to line up, the thieves managed to be first in line. Upon getting to their food, they were greeted with a surprise. “Dr. Maruki?” Sumire called out.
“Hi” he responded.
“What are you doing here?” Ann asked.
“I’m doing my part to help,” Maruki answered. “I, and some other students, spent all morning preparing lunch for you all.” Ren looked on and saw that most of the students helping Maruki were girls helplessly infatuated with him. Although to Ren’s surprise, she noticed one of the guys helping him was infatuated with him as well.
“You can cook?” Ryuji asked.
Maruki chortled. “It’s a skill you need to develop once you start living on your own. Although I’m not as good a cook as…” The thieves looked at him as he made no attempt to finish his sentence. “Well, anyway, enjoy your food.”
“Uhhh, not as good as who?” Ryuji asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Maruki said. “For right now, just enjoy some food.”
“Uhhhhhhh, OK?” Ryuji said.
“Let’s not push it for now,” Ren whispered. She walked up to get some food. “Thank you, Dr. Maruki.”
“You’re quite welcome,” he replied.
The thieves took their lunch to a bench and began eating. “So, what do we do after lunch?” Ryuji asked.
“Well...” Ann pondered. “There’s not much we can do. We’d have to wait for Yusuke and Jose to be done with school before doing anything.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Ryuji said.
“We could stay here and clean,” Sumire said. “We’re allowed to do that after all. And… I dunno, I’ve been having fun.”
“Not a bad idea,” Morgana said.
“You’re just saying that because you don’t have to clean,” Ren noted.
“Hey! That’s not… entirely true” Morgana defended.
“So it’s partially true?” Ann questioned.
Morgana continued. “It’s a nice look. You were all called out by the principal, were you not? This might help improve your image.”
“I getcha,” Ren said. “Plus, it’s a nice deterrent. People might not think we're the menacing Phantom Thieves if we’re among the few who stick around on a cleaning day.”
“...I guess” Ryuji relented.
“Were you not having a good time, Ryuji-senpai?” Sumire asked.
“Not entirely…” Ryuji said. “But I guess hanging out with you all has been fun in its own way.”
“Well, it sounds like we have a plan,” Ren said. “Let’s finish lunch and continue cleaning.” The others cheered, and they continued eating.
After they were done, They messaged Yusuke and Jose about meeting up, then they spent the rest of what would be their school day cleaning up some more. However, since most of the other students and staff were gone, they were a bit more free to just have fun at times. Once they got a reply from Yusuke, the group headed out.
They met up at the access hall. “So, are we ready to make a move?” Yusuke asked.
“Almost” Ren said. “We need to go over a few things first.” Ren explained to Jose and Yusuke what she and the others had discussed.
“I see…” Yusuke said. “Well, as much as I would love to write such a calling card, Madarame would recognize my prose immediately.”
“Oh” Ren said.
“Hey, why don’t I write it, and you can punch it up a little?” Ryuji offered.
Yusuke smirked. “What a marvelous idea.”
“Um, where?” Jose asked. The thieves looked around.
“I guess this place isn’t really conducive for writing, huh” Ren lamented.
“Condu-whu?” Ryuji wondered.
“It’s not a good place to write,” Sumire said.
“Oh. Why didn’t you say so?” Ryuji asked.
“She did,” Morgana replied.
“May I suggest that beef bowl place you took me to Ryuji?” Yusuke asked. “I’ve been wanting to go again.”
“Do they allow cats?” Ann asked, looking at Morgana.
“I don’t think so,” Ryuji said.
Yusuke looked sad. “Perhaps another day.”
“The diner on Central Street it is then!” Jose said.
“Would it look suspicious if we kept going there though?” Ryuji asked.
“Not really,” Jose pointed out. “I’ve seen groups of people going there daily. It wouldn’t seem odd in the slightest.”
“It is kind of a popular place,” Ann added.
“And thei cuisine is excellent” Yusuke said.
Ren smiled. “I guess being a place that’s welcoming has it’s advantages. Let’s go.” The group proceeded to make way to the diner.
While Ryuji was drafting the calling card, Ann took out something from her bag. “Hey Yusuke.” Yusuke looked at her. Ann slipped him a piece of paper. “Could you perhaps redesign our logo?” Yusuke looked at the piece of paper. “I designed it when we sent our calling card to Kamoshida… but I think it needs a bit of touching up.”
Yusuke looked it over. “Just to confirm,” he began, “what is this a picture of?”
“It’s a thief peering through a top hat,” Ann explained.
Yusuke looked at the image again. “That’s what I thought.” Yusuke continued to look. “Ah! I think I have something!” He sketched something. He showed the rest of the group. “What do you think?”
They all looked at it. “I like it,” Jose said.
“Me too!” Ann exclaimed. “It had the spirit of the original, but there’s something fierce that wasn’t there before.”
“It looks really cool, Yusuke-senpai!” Sumire chimed in.
“You did a really good job,” Ren said.
“Thank you,” Yusuke said. “Although I would like to thank Ann for her guidance.”
“Aww, you’re too kind,” Ann said.
“You could say that again,” Ryuji said.
“What was that?!” Ann snarled.
“N-nothing!” Ryuji whimpered. “Good job Yusuke, good job.”
“That’s what I thought,” Ann said.
“You’re doing excellent as chief artist for the Phantom Thieves” Morgana said.
“Why does Yusuke get to be chief artist?” Jose asked. “I’m an artist too.”
“Well, uh…” Morgana panicked.
“You can both be chief artist” Ren offered.
“Huh. OK” Jose smiled.
“What a splendid solution,” Yusuke said.
“That worked?” Ryuji said. “Anyways, I think I have the calling card written out.” He handed it to Yusuke. “What do you think?”
“Hm” Yusuke said, observing it. “Question: How long have you and Ann known each other?”
“Since middle school” Ryuji answered.
“But we were pretty close,” Ann said. “Wait, why are you asking that?”
“I’m getting a similar feeling looking over both your logo and Ryuji’s calling card” Yusuke said.
“Oh. Well, I guess that makes sense” Ann said.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Yusuke said. He took some time, but he rewrote Ryuji’s calling card. “There. A nice combination of mine and Ryuji’s work.”
“Wait” Ryuji called out. “Should it go through a few more people to hide your voice?”
“I think this is fine enough,” Yusuke said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ryuji asked.
“It means your style and his clash a lot” Ann giggled.
“Um, didn’t he say that Ryuji’s card reminded him of your drawing?” Jose asked.
“Yeah, and-” Ann answered. “Hey!”
“My apologies,” Yusuke said. “It’s just… very different from what I’m used to.”
“We do go to Kosei,” Jose said. “The people there are top notch artists.”
Ann kept her glare for a bit. She dropped it to say “Well, in that case, I’ll forgive you.”
“Yeah. What she said” Ryuji tagged on.
“Well, it seems like we’re pretty much set,” Ren said. “All that’s left to do is drop it off.”
“I’m ready!” Ann said.
“A whole evening with Lady Ann” Morgana said, grinning ear to ear.
“Before you go, I have a question,” Ren said. “Is it not possible for Jose to do it?” They all looked at her. “I just don’t want him feeling left out.”
Jose smiled. “It’s OK. I’m fine with being more of an observer for now. And I can’t go. The dorms have a fairly strict nighttime policy. You can go out, but you have to sign out and state your reason.
“Yeah, I guess I can see where that’d be a problem,” Ryuji said. “You can’t just say ‘delivering Phantom Thief calling card’, otherwise they’ll get you.”
They looked at Ryuji confused. “I was thinking more ‘this outing corresponds to witness accounts and security data’” Jose explained.
“Oh” Ryuji said, embarrassed. “That too, I suppose…”
“Ryuji…” Ann said, facepalming.
“Alright then” Ren said. “I’ll message you once the coast is clear Ann.” Ann nodded. “Are we all set then? Tomorrow’s our only shot at getting Madarame’s treasure. Failure is not an option.” They all nodded. “Let’s get a good night’s rest, and bring the storm tomorrow.”
They all began to leave. Morgana slid between Ren’s bag and Ann’s. Ann took the calling card with the new logo and headed off, while everyone else returned home.
While in LeBlanc, Ren was working on some schoolwork when she and Sojiro heard the door open. They looked up, and sure enough it was Kosuke carrying a canvas. “Hi,” he said. He set the canvas down in the booth across from Ren. “What do you think? I call it ‘Portrait of a Girl in Love’.”
Ren was absolutely stunned. “It’s...amazing,” she said.
“Heh heh” Kosuke giggled. “I’m glad you like it. It’s been a while since I got to paint something like that. It felt really good to do. Thank you for being such a wonderful subject.”
Ren smiled. “Thank you for painting such a beautiful painting.”
As Kosuke was about to leave, Sojiro called out. “Wait!” Kosuke stopped. Sojiro threw down a wad of cash on the counter. “Here.”
Kosuke walked over. “What’s this?”
“Heh. Don’t think I’m letting you leave without paying you for that painting” Sojiro told him.
“Oh, it’s fine,” Kosuke said.
“I insist,” Sojiro said.
Kosuke looked at Sojiro, and then the money. “Well, if you insist.” He took the money. “Thank you.” He left.
Sojiro looked at Ren and the painting. “It really is a nice painting.” Ren nodded. “Were you planning on paying him for it?”
Ren was taken back a little. “Well, I ran into him this morning and he said he would give it to me or free after I asked about it.”
“I see,” Sojiro said. “What a wonderfully peculiar man.”
Ren smiled. “I agree.”
“Well, I’m gonna call it here,” Sojiro said. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight” Ren called out. Sojiro left. Ren messaged Ann. Ann and Morgana had just finished, and started to head over to LeBlanc. Ren changed into her pajamas and hung up her painting in her room while she was waiting.
She got the arrival message from Ann, and went down to meet her to pick up Morgana. “How’d it go?” Ren asked.
“It went purr-fectly” Morgana said.
“Ugh” Ann said. “I was nervous the entire time. But it went well, so that’s good.”
Ren nodded. “Thanks.”
“No problem!” Ann said. “I should be heading home now. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight” Ren said.
“Goodnight Lady Ann” Morgana called out. Ren carried Morgana up to her room and plopped the both of them on the bed. Ren got under the covers, while Morgana curled up, and the two fell asleep almost instantly.
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shadowtarot · 6 years
Poor Mishima... who's going to track him down?
Thieves in Inaba Part 9!
Akiharbra, Tokyo
Summer time meant new video game releases, and Yuki Mishima wasn’t about to miss the release of the newest installment of Innocent Sin Online. Having waited about three hours in line to get his copy, the former volleyball team member was starting to get restless.
“Ugh, why do game stores have to open in late mornings anyway? Geez…” He taps his foot impatiently. “I guess I could see if anyone’s up at this hour while I wait.” With that, he takes out his cellphone and sends a text to Ren.
> Hey, I know it might be really early for you but I’m stuck waiting in line for something and I need help passing the time so….what’s up?
Two minutes pass before he gets a response from him.
-If I had to guess, is it ISO Armageddon?
> How’d you know?
- I got early access ;D
Yuki sighs. Once again it seems that Ren is one step ahead. But then he notices his friend typing.
- Keep your guard up heading home from Akiharba, Mishima. 
This…was concerning…what’d he mean by that? Gluping a bit, he decides to ask.
> What do you mean? Did something happen?
- There’s a group trying to snoop on us. And it’s not any of Shido’s goons.
> By us…you mean…?
- Yeah, anyone related to our group. Futaba managed to wire tap the phone of a guy who’s apart of it, thanks to Makoto’s sister tipping us off beforehand, but they don’t seem dumb. Avoid anyone who introduces themselves as Yu Narukami.
> Got it! I’m not letting you guys down, I promise!
- thx, and enjoy your game. 
With that, the text chat ends. “Great, seems like there’s still some people who have it out for us…”  But just then, a dog barks.
“Huh? Someone brought their dog?” Mishima looks over to the source to see an albino Shiba, and who was possibly their owner. The dog has some sort of strange collar. 
The owner walks up and can be better seen. Black suit-like clothing with white gloves, brown hair and tall…much taller that Mishima but it seems the two are the same age. “Ah, sorry about that. Koro get’s excited sometimes.” He laughs.
“It’s totally fine! You waiting in line for ISOA too?” Mishima asks, trying to break the ice.
“Actually no, unfortunately. After why happened with a friend of mine who played the original, I have no interest in the series…I’m actually looking for someone.” He sighs. 
“Oh? How come?”
“Well, this place used to be heavy with Phantom Thief supporters, and I’m writing an essay about their effect on people’s lives.” The young man kneels down to pet his dog.
He’s asking about Phantom Thief related topics…this could be a trap. The only way to find out is to learn his name…
“Do you mind if I get your name?” Yuki asks, squinting his eyes a bit.
“Ken Amada, I guess I should have introduced myself sooner” He responds. “And you are?”
“..Yuki Mishima.” While he answers his name, he’s already texting Ren behind his back.
> I’m getting bad vibes from a guy who just walked up to me. He has an albino Shiba Inu. Not Narukami, but I’ll try to not say anything revealing none the less. Ken Amada.
“Well Yuki, do you mind telling me what you can? From the way you responded it sounds like you support the Phantom Thieves.” Ken asks.
“Sure, I’ll tell you anything you need…”
Mishima suddenly wishes he had stayed home today.
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can i request headcanons for what hanamiya, kise, aomine, kagami, himuro, akashi would do when them and their female partner and getting frisky in le bedroom, and they are both ready to get started but they find out they dont have any condoms & its too late @ night to go out and buy some? thank you in advance !! :D
Bahaha I love this ask, and this answer.  It was hella fun to write… I was in a good mood and you could tell lol  This is the first of the really good answers coming up (I’m looking at you cliche!anon ;) )
Hanamiya Makoto
He’s just minding his own business, reading when you startto accost him.  First of all HOW DAREYOU.
Just kidding, he knows your game the second you startit.  From the first brush of yourfingers along his arm, he knows what you want. His dick.
He makes you work for it though, ignoring you for the mostpart as your touches get bolder and bolder. He makes you touch him all over, press your breasts to his back and wrapyour arms around his shoulders.  Onlythen does he pull you into his lap, and then it’s just to hold you there.  
He goes back to his book.
You’re pretty mad, because damn it, why isn’t hereacting?  Basically, he’s fucking withyou.  He wants to see how upset youget.  Truth is, he’s already hard.
Determined not to be thwarted by him, you leave open-mouthedkisses along his jaw.  You might eventry biting him, this makes him suck in a breath of air, but other than that, noreaction.
If your horny enough, you better start begging, becausethat’s what he really wants to hear.  Hewants to hear your voice squeak as you whine for him to fuck you, because damnit, he’s goddamn hot and how are you supposed to survive?  Pretty much, he wants to know your mad forhim.
When he finally reacts, you are overthrown.  He pins you to the bed and purrs in your earwhat a naughty girl you’ve been and how you should be punished.
Is going to take forever to get to it, because he’s in atorturing mood.
When he finally, finally gets there, and reaches forcondoms only to find there are none, he pauses and tilts his head.  You complain, and say something aboutgetting off another way.
Yeah right, reader-chan.
He says fuck it, and fucks you so hard youscream.  Literally doesn’t care if it’sbare back, when he wants to ride, he rides. You should have checked before you started your little game with him.
Goes out and buys Plan B for you the next day, and you hatehim a little bit for the whole thing because that shit isn’t fun.
Kise Ryouta
When he gets going, he gets really into it.  His hands are EVERYWHERE.
He has a pretty high sex drive, so expect to entertain him alot, as much as he can get away with really.
Sometimes lets you control it, but most of the time, you’realong for the ride.  This night’s nodifferent.  He leaves marks on yourthroat and shoulder, even though you tell him not to because it’s a pain in theass to explain.
His hands and mouth attach themselves to your breasts and itbecomes pretty obvious pretty quickly that he’s trying to get your going.  You were only so-so when he started.
But you’re sitting in his lap so you can feel his raginghard on, and he makes it easier to feel but grinding up into you.
Okay, so he’s got you going.  There’s something so hot about him rearing and wanting you sobadly.  You can never say no.  He’s too pretty.
And he knows it.
“___cchi,” he whines, panting in your ear when he’s donemaking your nipples rock hard and sensitive. “I’ve waited all week for this.”
Liar, it’s been two days.
When he reaches for the condoms and finds the box empty,he’s devastated.  Like, mortallycrushed.
You have to sooth him, run your hands through his hair andkiss his forehead.  “We can have lots offun without that, you know?” You tease him, because you’re into it nowtoo and he better not leave you unfulfilled.
That’s all he needs. His fingers seek you out right away and bury themselves in side ofyou.  Your moan of approval makes himshiver.
Finger fucks you until you cum all over his hand, then helicks it clean.  Honestly, so hot youwant him all over again.
But he’s been a good boy, so you reward him.  Shifting, you push him back onto the bed andtake his cock in your mouth.  Groans andimmediately tangles his hand in your hair so he can control your pace anddepth.
Accidentally comes all over your face, much to your chagrin.
Aomine Daiki
Purposely forgets the condom anyway.
It’s your fault forbeing so fucking attractive.  Youliterally haunt his daydreams and he wakes up hard.  After that, he’s restless and cranky and everyone can tell.
You’re just minding your own business, finishing up someclub work when he appears, eyes dark and full of meaning.  You’ve seen this look before.
You sigh, because honestly, he’s such a handful.
He drags you off to some semi-private place and then pushesyou against a wall.  He’s going todevour you, so you might as well just give in. Thrust your fingers into his hair and pull and he’ll growl delightfully.
You get swept away in his fervor, because how could younot?  He’s aggressive in his style andit’s so easy to lose your mind when he’s nipping at you bottom lip andsqueezing your breasts through your bra.
Before you even realize it, your legs are wrapped around hiswaist and his hands are on your ass to push you closer.
Your moans only make him more frenzied and his hands quicklyleave your ass and one somehow gets beneath your skirt to stroke you throughyour underwear.  Is unaccountablypleased to find you already wet and ready for him.  
Literally can’t wait. Even if you protest the location, he’s going to convince you that it’ssafe enough even though it’s not. He shoves aside your underwear and unzips his pants at the speed oflight.  
That’s when you realize what’s happening and that he mostcertainly doesn’t have a condom. “Daiki, don’t you dare-”
Too late, he’s inside you, hissing and groaning and justgenerally a mess.  You don’t fight himthough, and you could have.  His stanceisn’t so solid that a push couldn’t have dislodged him.  “You better not come inside,” yougrumble, but he’s kissing you, so it’s really hard to talk.
One of your feet is on the ground now, while the otherdangles as he has one arm  under yourknee.  It’s hard and fast like this andyour head hits the wall behind you in the heat of the moment.
To his credit, he doesn’t come inside you, he comeson your thigh and it’s gross and sticky and you actually wish he had just comeinside you.
Doesn’t help you clean it up.
Kagami Taiga
This one just straight up forgets to restock.  Just the thought of sex is enough to makehim blush, so it’s usually you that has to buy them anyway.  
So it’s really your fault.
Things get heavy after he makes you a pretty awesome dinner,which has put you in the mood as it usually does.  The adage that the way to a girl’s heart is through her stomachis true… or maybe that’s a guy’s stomach. Either way, you want him pretty bad by the time dinner is done.
You’re patient though, because he’s structured and likes todo things in order.  It’s a date night,so in Kagami speak that means dinner, movie and cuddling, then maybesex.  It’s not that he doesn’t alwayswant sex, he just doesn’t want to pressure you.  Precious baby.
Too bad you’re about to pressure him.
You decide you can’t really wait until the movie is over –you’ve seen it anyway.  About half waythrough you throw your leg over him and straddle his lap, your hands movingover his chest and shoulders until they find his jaw so you can pull him into akiss.
He blushes, of course, but doesn’t protest, and his handscatch your hips pretty fast.  Despitethe red in his face, he’s not at all shy about touching you.  He runs his big hands over whatever he canreach, and the situation devolves pretty quickly into a makeout-pettingsession.
When you decide that you’ve had enough of the couch, youclimb off of him, grab him by the hand and haul him to his bedroom.
Clothes fly everywhere and his attention is centered on you.
You’re ready, he’s ready, unfortunately, when he opens hisbedside table drawer and finds nothing, you are both left incrediblydisappointed.
Worry not, however, because he’s actually prettyenterprising.  He’s gotten pretty goodwith his hands.  He gets you turnedover, stretches out beside you and touches you.  He starts slow, because he doesn’t want to leave youdissatisfied, and oh boy, you aren’t by the time he’s done.  You come moaning into his mouth as he kissesyou gently, moaning with you.
You can’t let such devotion go unrewarded of course, becauseguess what?  You’ve gotten pretty goodwith your hands too.
Himuro Tatsuya
This one knows he doesn’t have any condoms before thefrisky-business starts.  He’s a littlehesitant, because you both have a tendency of getting carried away and that is nota risk he’s willing to take.
But he’s also pretty creative.  There are so many other things he can do to you, afterall, and no one’s going to be disappointed.
He takes his sweet time. He’s into body worship and he employs it now.  He loves the sound of your soft cries and he drags his tongueover your collar bone and down between your breasts to your belly.  
He’s very gentle, no biting here, just enough pressure totease and make you pant.  He smiles ashe does it, eyes watching you carefully as he strokes in perfectly calculatedtouches that have you writhing in no time at all.
His mouth gets a little more daring as he reaches yourthigh.  His teeth scrape over your softskin and earn a long, pitiful whine that makes him chuckle.
Doesn’t mean to be teasing, but totally ends up being soanyway.  You kind of hate his pace,because it’s frustrating and your burning so brightly and damn it just getto it already!  “Taaatuyaaaa…” youmoan, hoping to encourage him.
“Ahh, ahh,” he replies, smirking against you before pressinghis tongue to your clit.
Ugh, reader.exe has stopped working.
Licks and sucks until you come all over his face, hipsrising so much he has to hold you down. He’s proud of himself, because he’s all about your pleasure.
Doesn’t even want anything in return.  Pushes your hands away when you try sleepilyto help him.  He wipes his faceoff and spoons you until you fall asleep, which is pretty quickly.
Then gets up and jerks himself off in the bathroom.
Akashi Seijuro
Let’s face it, he’s never going to forget, especiallynot something so crucial.  He probablycarries one around in his wallet just in case. He’s 100% prepared 100% of the time.
The only way it happens is… actually, I can’t actually thinkof a scenario when he isn’t prepared.
But there are often logistical issues to consider, timeswhen getting a condom on and off just weren’t practical.  That’s the kind of situation you foundyourselves in this time.
You’d forgotten something in your classroom and onlyremembered after his practice was done and he was set to take you home.  Of course, being Akashi, he refused to doanything other than escort you to said classroom to retrieve what you’dforgotten.
Normally, he’s above such impropriety and base instinct, buthe’s keyed up that day, his hormones high from practice and the knowledge thathe was going to play a practice game against one of his former middle school teammates.
It doesn’t take much to make him want you.  You drop something and bend over to pick itup, and his eyes fall to your ass and it’s over.  Your skirt helpfully decides to give him a flash of your veryadorable kitty paw print underwear.
He strikes before you even know what hits you.  Catching you about the waist, he drags youagainst him and backs up until he’s leaning against the bolted down teacher’sdesk.  He fastens his mouth to yours,one hand cradling your face, while the other moves over your ass and under yourskirt to squeeze.  
“S-Sei-kun!” You protest, but you know it’s fruitless.
When does he ever not get exactly what he wants?  Okay, the Winter Cup, but still.  Too soon?
The hand on your ass pushes your hips up until you arestraddling his thigh and pressing your center against it.  He moves his leg rhythmically, removing yourinhibitions astonishingly fast.  
He wants to hear you come for him, so he makes you ride hisleg towards oblivion.  The whole timehe’s whispering in your ear in between soul-searching kisses.  “Does that feel good, my ____-chan?” “Didyou know you’re panting?  I can think ofother uses for that mouth of yours.” “If we were in my bedroom I would make you ride me properly, I do solove being inside you.”
You get the idea.
He takes your hand and moves it to his cock, forcing yourfingers around him through his pants. He doesn’t moan or groan, but he does grunt, and hum and that’s all youreally need to fall over the edge.
When you’ve calmed down, you are pushed to your knees.  “Wouldn’t you like to return the favor,___-chan?”
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sak-a · 7 years
Bubblies (Toukomaru)
Word Count: 2,783
Soapies to Bubblies, I’m terrible with titles.
Someone requested for Komaru taking a bath with Fukawa to help overcome here fear. I hope you enjoy the fluffy cheese. °˖✧ (◕u◕ ❀) ✧˖° 
*     *     *
     “Touko, do you feel okay?”
     “A-as about as ‘okay’ as I can be without s-seeing.”
     “Got it. I’m gonna take my hands away in a second.”
     “A-alright.” She hears the water splash when Komaru drops her arms into the water.
     “… Touko?”
     “Your eyes are still closed…”
     “I know! Just…” She exhales deeply, hoping to sooth her nerves, and feels the other’s hands intertwine with hers.
     “Don’t look down. Just look at me.” She feels her hand being gently squeezed. “I’m right here with you.” The ordinarily gloomy woman bites her lower lip, counts to ten, and opens her eyes to Komaru’s wonderful smile, even more radiant and warmer than the sun. The water had been cleverly obscured by the brunette’s suggestion of using bubble bath solution. The gentle, flowery scent wafting through the air made it difficult for her to stay tensed. It would have been better if the hotel bathtub was a little bigger; the two sat on their knees to avoid accidentally snagging Touko’s hair.
     Komaru stretches, getting comfortable and wiggled a little in place. “What do you think? There’s no way you can see the marks with all these bubbles, right?”
     “Y-yeah…” Touko slouches and slinks lower into the water until it was above her shoulders.
     “I can’t believe you’ve never thought about using bubble bath before!” Komaru leans back against the wall and lifts her legs, drawing her knees close to her chest.
     “That stuff’s for little kids! I’ll have you know, not even my mothers bathed me in it!”
     “What?! That’s so sad! Bubble baths are like, the only reason kids even take them! I’ll have you know that Makoto and I used it every day! He made the best bubble Santas!” Komaru claps her hands excitedly. “Oh, but sometimes he’d use so much that he’d still have soap in his hair when he went to bed!” Touko’s eyes narrow as she shares that, looking away and sinking lower into the water to hide her pouting mouth.
     “You bathed with Naegi when you were little? Of course you would, you brocon…”
     “Hey, it’s normal! There’s nothing weird about that!”
     “Sure there isn’t.” Komaru sits up and scoots closer to Touko until she feels their toes touch. “Wh-what?”
     “You aren’t jealous, are you?”
     “Wh–!” Touko nearly shoots out of the bath at the suggestion. “O-of course not! Why would I be jealous over you talking about Naegi every day and having to hear how your life was without talking about him?!” Komaru jumps at the outburst and stares wide-eyed as she watches Touko’s face go through a number of expressions and turn red before shrinking back in the bubbles.
     “I-I was kidding! I’m sorry!” The former writing prodigy slams her face into the water. “Aaahh, please don’t try to drown yourself! I was just teasing! I’m sorry, Toki!”
     “Don’t call me that!!” Or at least that’s what Komaru thinks she said, with her speech garbled and all. Touko raises her head and Komaru has an apologetic smile.
     “Besides, we’re sharing a bath right now. And it’s different between us.” She leans forward until their foreheads touch. “We eat together, sleep together, wake up together… mostly. And fight together. As… girlfriends.” Her cheeks turn pink as she says the last word and glances into her reflection below. “My love towards you is different than towards Makoto.”
     The dreary woman bites her lip again; she can’t tell if it’s Komaru’s forehead or hers that feels hotter.
     “Those are lines definitely inspired by a sh-shoujo manga enthusiast,” she grumbles. “Have you no shame in saying them?”
     “Just a little bit,” she giggles. “I’m not great with words like you are, after all… It’s fine to borrow some if I really feel that way, right?” She looks back at Touko, all traces of irritation slowly fading away as she sighed before closing her eyes.
     “Fine. Only if you really mean it…” Komaru’s eyes close as well as she leans to the side, rubbing her cheek against Touko’s.
     “Are you all warmed up now?” Komaru pulls back and looks over her shoulder, grabbing the shower head and slowly turning on the water. “Turn around, okay?” Touko does so silently, brushing her hair back. Then, she feels her hair get heavy with water as Komaru guides the shower head over it and closes her eyes. Seeing the unease in the lines forming in her forehead, Komaru tries to keep talking to help her relax.
     “D-don’t you dare think about how I look like The Grudge!”
     “I wasn’t! B-but now that you mention it…”
     “I’m sorry! H-how much time did it take you to grow it out this long, anyway?”
     “… I don’t remember.” She opens her eyes somewhat, staring at the water as she tries to dig past the memories of her other self. “It’s been like that for m-most of my life.”
     “You’re more like Rapunzel than The Grudge.”
     Touko scoffs. “A-as if. There have been boys who have pulled my hair but never wanted to be my p-prince. A-and I’m nowhere close to some helpless pretty princess.”
     “No, you’re not helpless.” She hears the water shut off when she feels her hair is completely damp. “You’re really, really strong, Touko. Not just for Syo, either.” She groans at the pun. “And you’re beautiful.” She feels the other woman’s fingers comb through her hair, taking bundles into her hands. “So beautiful.” … Ordinarily she would retort with her usual self-deprecating quips but she can’t find the words to argue with Komaru’s genuine feelings. She never could.
     Touko opts to look away as she feels face getting warm again. Komaru pumps shampoo into her hands and starts lathering her hair. “I’ve always wanted long hair too, but it’s so hard to maintain it,” she sighs. “I probably wouldn’t have looked as good as you do.”
     “Are you fishing for compliments from me now?” Touko grumbles, closing her eyes again when she feels her hands get close to her forehead.
     “You’d look good. You’re above average in c-cuteness, after all. So don’t say stuff like that.” The brunette stares at her for a moment before letting out another laugh while patting her hair down.
     “You don’t want me to take your character trait, right?”
     “Sure, let’s go with that.”
     “Because it’s not like you like me or anything, right?”
     “Oi, oi, don’t try to label me as a trashy tsu-tsundere!”
     “Hmm, but you do act like one to me…”
     “Sorry, sorry~” She hears the water start running again and Komaru washes the suds out. Touko sits quietly in thought; even though her hair should have had knots and tangles from her hygiene habits, she didn’t feel a thing. Komaru truly was a gentle girl.
     “Hey.” She looks over her shoulder. “When you’re done, let me do your hair too.”
     “Huh? I-it’s alright, you don’t have to!”
     “I’m just returning the f-favor. You’ve helped me enough already.”
     “It’s alright, really!”
     “J-just let me do this!”
     “I-if you insist…!” She passes the shower head and they both face the other way. Touko runs her hand through the brunette’s unkempt mop of hair, surprised by how silky it was. Is this what her hair should feel like? How other girls’ were supposed to be?
     “Turn the water off and give me the bottle.” Trying to copy what Komaru did, she starts scrubbing her scalp. It didn’t take much to notice Komaru’s hands balled into fists and her head was pushing back against Touko. “H-hey, if it hurts, then tell me!”
     “I’m supposed to be saying that!” She sighs and Komaru can feel her fingers shaking in her hair. “I-I’ve never even bathed with my mothers before. I don’t know how to do this sort of thing for another girl…” Touko relaxes her hands. “C-could you show me?” She feels a nodding motion against her palms and Komaru turns around, putting her hands over Touko’s.
     “You don’t have to try so hard for my sake or anything,” she laughs and guides her. “Um, it made me really happy, though.” When Touko gets a better feel for how she should go about it, she finishes the rest herself and rinses the soap out. When Komaru lifts her head, Touko’s greeted with a smile so full of adoration she thought her heart would burst. “Thank you.”
     She can’t help but kiss her, unable to even find words from her own stories or vocabulary to figure out what to say. Komaru’s eyes widened in surprise and when she’s about to return the kiss, Touko yanks herself back and holds herself defensively, as if to say she couldn’t handle any more affection. Komaru takes what she got and giggles, touching her lips as she turns the valve off. “Are you ready to get out?”
     “Y-yeah.” Komaru stands first, returning the shower head to its spot on the wall and gets out of the tub to dry herself. She turns back and Touko closes her eyes, reaching her hands out for Komaru to take and help guide her out. She feels the former pat her dry for her, being especially careful not to linger around her marked thigh, and helps her into a bath robe. Touko ties the front herself and opens her eyes as Komaru hands her her glasses before putting on her own robe.
     “Whew! I didn’t think that would be so much work,” she laughs, stretching her arms. “That wasn’t too bad, was it? You don’t feel uncomfortable?”
     “… No.”
     “Ahh, that’s great!”
     “Th-thank you.”
     “Don’t thank me yet, let me dry your hair!” She gestures for Touko to come stand by the mirror. She watches Komaru plug in a hairdryer and pick up a brush in the reflection.
     “D-did you used to do this kind of thing for your f-friends or something?”
     “Oh, yeah! At sleepovers and stuff, typical girl jumbo. No one had hair as long as yours, though!” Her head feels lighter as the water evaporates. “Wow, it’s gotten so straight and shiny…” Touko gently bit her lower lip, surprised to see herself like this for the first time. “I wish we had some ties so I could braid your hair!”
     “Huh? Haven’t you ever wanted to braid another girl’s hair?”
     “Of course not…” Komaru makes quick work to dry her head off before moving onto her own. Touko moves back to give her room and watches the girl take great care in styling her short hair, witnessing the miracle of how fast her ahoge dried off and sprung back to life. They walk back out of the bathroom and sit on their bed, waiting for their clothes to air dry on the backs of chairs after being washed.
     “I can’t believe the electricity works in this hotel but not the washing machines,” Komaru pouts as she flips through a light novel she found on one of their Monokuma raids. “I can’t believe how hard doing laundry by hand is!”
     “Be thankful there was even a-anything we could use to wash our clothes in the first place. And stop r-reading that garbage!”
     “There’s nothing else to do! And this is actually really good, Touko! See, it’s about–”
     “I don’t want to hear it.” She puts her hand over the flimsy excuse for a book. “I’m too worn out from dealing with the brats and Junk Monokuma. I want to sleep…” Touko’s gaze trails off to the lack of pillows and blankets; the covers were also taking their sweet time drying.
     Glancing back to Komaru, she decides to tease her back for embarrassing her so much earlier. “Oi, Komaru, your fun bags are real, right?”
     “F-fun–?! O-of course they are!” She’s immediately flustered and turning red.
     “Let me rest my head on ‘em. I wanna see what all the nonsense is about.”
     “Aren’t you confusing that with a lap pillow?!”
     “Your thighs are probably hard with muscle from all the running around we do.”
     “They are not!” Komaru’s cheeks puff up for a moment but her expression relaxes as she composes herself. “B-but if you want to, Touko, then…” Her face is getting hot again when she’s surprised by how readily she agreed; She wasn’t going to insist in the first place, but she couldn’t back out now. She had to save face.
     “P-pardon the intrusion, then.” Touko’s pretty sure the bed springs couldn’t creak any louder as she slowly leans to the side, her temple eventually touching Komaru’s chest, and the first thought she has is how much softer it was than a pillow. However her courage runs dry and she zips back, sitting straight up.
     “H-how was it?!” Komaru yells unintentionally, too anxious to speak calmly.
     “Y-y-your heart’s t-too loud!” Although it was actually her own that was ringing in her ears.
     “Well sorry! I can’t help it!”
     “Ugh, I’ll just dry the sheets myself!” Touko grabs the hairdryer and makes the bed with haste, her energy leaving as she leaves the dryer on the table and falls back on the bed, sinking into the mattress. “How late is it?” She lets out a deep sigh, closing her eyes.
     “Close to ten. I guess we can turn in now.” Komaru flicks the light off and plops down next to her.
     “I’m passing out either way.”
     “Ahh, Touko, don’t hog the blanket!”
     “You always do, anyway!”
     “Don’t be so cold! I’ll catch something!”
     “You’ll catch these hands before you do!”
     “Aaahh, don’t be mean!” As Touko turns onto her side, she gets an idea. “Fine, it can’t be helped!” Touko jumps when she feels her arms snake around her stomach and Komaru’s front against her back. “Keep me warm, okay, Toki?”
     “Don’t call me that ridiculous nickname!” But she doesn’t resist, letting the other snuggle into her and curls up. “… Don’t start tossing and turning in the middle of the night when we’re like this.”
     “I won’t! I’ll make sure of it!” She feels Komaru press her face against the back of her neck and plant a kiss. “I’ll protect you!”
     “D-don’t act like you’re some prince all of a sudden…”
     Komaru hums thoughtfully as she shimmies in place, trying to get more comfortable. “I just wanna be able to pay you back for everything you did for me.” Touko says nothing, letting her continue. “You helped me be strong and didn’t let me give up, after all.” She closes her eyes as she smiles, recalling those moments. “I wanna help you through your fear of baths and anything else you’re scared of.” Touko unconsciously touches her thigh as she speaks, unable to feel the scars inflicted on it through the fluffy material of the robe. “Now and… well, not forever since we’ll be gone from this world one day…”
     Touko suddenly turns around, facing her with a serious look in her eyes. “Don’t say something like that so lightly. I won’t let that happen if I can help it.” She doesn’t stutter, but despite the conviction in her words, her voice is shaking. “I-if that day comes, then we’ll be gone t-together!”
     Komaru can’t help but laugh. “Now who’s taking lines from shoujo manga?”
     “Sh-shut up, I couldn’t think of anything!” She touches her forehead against the woman who had a way with words, smiling even more.
     “Yes, let’s make sure it’s together,” she continues. “I always wanna be here for you.” The woman so wholly in love cuddles closer to her beloved. “Thank you, Touko. For everything.”
     “… Th-thank you, too. For accepting me.” Touko brushes the blanket over Komaru’s body, reaches her arms around her, and gets closer as well, until they were completely tangled with each other. “For being my first friend… my first real l-love… F-for loving me back…” She dips her head to avoid her eyes. “F-for being… here.” She feels Komaru’s warm lips touch her forehead and they both wiggle around for a while until they can relax, their weary eyes starting to close as they finally fell asleep.
     They would have exchanged those three words that every couple does, but they both knew well enough, already. Touko has long grown tired of them, its value lost in the sea of words among her novels and finds little meaning in repeating herself; Komaru, having more than enough vigor to say it faster than a machine gun, could never find the perfect way to profess it. Yes, trusting the depths of their feelings for each other was enough. That was all they needed to keep going in the cruel world still engulfed by despair; they were each other’s greatest hope. And they both had a heavenly rest, dreaming about each other after the same thought crossed their minds.
     I love you.
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vgckwb · 3 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 53: Blackmail
The next day, Makoto was called into Principal Kobayakawa’s office. “You wanted to see me sir?”
“Ah, Niijima-san,” Kobayakawa said. “I just wanted to apologize for yesterday.”
“Apologize?” Makoto wondered.
“Yes,” Kobayakawa insisted. “I got a little too heated, and I feel the need to clear the air.”
“I see,” Makoto responded, wondering what this conversation was going to turn into.
“Of course you know I want nothing but the best for these students,” Kobayakawa siad. “I didn’t mean to insinuate that I dislike the Phantom Thieves because they exposed Mr. Kamoshida. I’m just worried. They might think that honest, hard-working people, such as myself, might be a target for their changes of heart. All because I didn’t know about the heinous actions being taken by Mr. Kamoshida. And if they think I might be an acceptable target, who knows who else might fall under that?”
“I see,” Makoto said. “So, your worry is similar to that of Akechi-san’s, right?’
“Why yes,” Kobayakawa said. “That boy sure is smart.”
“Smart enough not to go to school here, apparently” Makoto whispered under her breath.
“Did you say something?” Kobayakawa said.
“Oh” Makoto said, a little embarrassed. She decided to play it off. “It’s nothing. Akechi-san just works with my sister a lot. I feel like I’m a bit jealous because he gets to see her more than I do these days.”
“Why, that’s nothing to feel ashamed about,” Kobayakawa informed her. “I’m sure you’ll be just as successful as your sister once I write you that letter.”
“Oh, right…” Makoto said.
“So, I’m sorry I put all that pressure on you,” Kobayakawa apologized.
“But you still want me to find the Phantom Thieves?” Makoto asked.
Kobayakawa nodded. “I understand, go at your own pace, but I would appreciate it. And so will you.”
“Hm. Thank you” Makoto said. She walked out.
“I knew she’d see it my way,” Kobayakawa said, once he was alone.
Makoto, outside of the office, sighed. “I used to think you were that honest, hard-working person you claim to be. I kind of wish you still were…” She walked off to class.
At lunch, the Phantom Thieves group chat went off again.
Ryuji: Yo. I was just thinking.
Ryuji: While we might be able to look for a new big target, we could do some Mementos missions if we have any.
Yusuke: Isn’t that the opposite of laying low?
Ren: We might as well.
Ren: I wanted to meet up today anyway.
Sumire: Why’s that?
Ren: Something happened last night, and I wanted to talk about that.
Yusuke: Very well then.
Yusuke: The usual place?
Ann: Yeah.
Jose: OK.
Jose: See you after school.
They put their phones away and turned their attention back to class.
After school, Ren and Ann were heading out when Ann’s phone rang. “Oh, sorry. That’s my agent, I gotta take this quick. You go on ahead, I’ll meet you all there.” Ren nodded as Ann walked off to take the call.
Before Ren could continue walking, she came face to face with Makoto. “Ah. Nice to see you, Amamiya-chan.”
Ren was caught a bit off guard. “Likewise” she responded.
“If you don’t mind, I would like to talk with you, is that OK?” Makoto asked.
“Uh, sure” Ren said, feeling unsure about what was happening. “I was going to meet up with some friends. Mind if I tell them I’m going to be a bit late?”
“That’s OK,” Makoto said.
Ren got out her phone and sent the message. “OK.”
“Great. Now, if you don’t mind, could you follow me to the student council room?” Makoto asked.
“OK” Ren said again, still a tad nervous. The two started heading to the student council room.
Morgana opened the bag just a crack. “You don’t think she’s onto us, do you?” he whispered.
“Well, she might be if she hears you” Ren whispered back.
“All she’d hear would be meowing,” Morgana said.
“That’s also a problem!” Ren fired back.
“Are you alright?” Makoto asked.
Ren seemed a little flustered. “Fine.” Makoto seemed curious, but decided to not push it right now. She nodded and continued on. Ren sighed and continued following her. Once the two of them entered the student council office, they sat down across from each other. “Is it just you today?”
“Yes,” Makoto answered.
“You...know I already talked to someone about Mr. Kamoshida, right?” Ren continued.
“Of course,” Makoto said. “I was the one that orchestrated all of that.”
“So, why am I here?” Ren asked.
Makoto kept calm. “I called you here because I want something, and I believe you can give it to me. You, and your friends.”
“Oh?” Ren said, matching her calm demeanor.”And what would that be?”
“Hm. I’d like you and your friends to change someone’s heart” Makoto requested.
“I see,” Ren replied.
“She DOES know,” Whispered Morgana.
Ren decided to not let that remark bother her. “Well, I know I did well on the show with Akechi, but I can’t be expected to be able to convince everyone of whatever you need. After all, I couldn’t even convince Akechi in the end.”
Makoto smiled. “Resilient to the end. I like that in a leader. I guess I have to say it to get you to move. I’m making a request to the Phantom Thieves to change someone’s heart.”
“Crap!” Morgana muttered.
“Well, there’s the Phan-site,” Ren pointed out. “You can use that.”
“Why would I?” Makoto asked. “I’m speaking to their leader right now.”
“That’s a big accusation” Ren stated. “What makes you think that?”
“Well, I could list off all the circumstantial evidence I have,” Makoto began, “but I’m willing to bet that one way or another, you’ll deny it or obfuscate. I’d do the same in your shoes.” She brought out her phone. “So, let’s go to the hard evidence.”
Makoto pressed play. On the phone Ryuji can be heard saying “we busted our asses as the Phantom Thieves to get him to confess!”
“Ryuji…” Morgana whined.
Ren’s face was beat red, and looking down. “So, I assume this is enough then?” Makoto asked.
Ren looked up, smiling. “How do I know that isn’t doctored?”
Just then, Ren’s phone rang. “It’s OK, you can answer it.”
Ren did, worried. Of course, Ryuji was on the other end, and of course he was loud. “Yo, Ann just got here. All we’re waiting on is for you, leader! C’mon! Let’s get to some Phantom Thieving!”
Ren looked defeated. “Are you going to tell me that was doctored too?” Makoto asked, shrewdly.
Ren sighed. “I’ll be over in a few. But there’s a bit of a change in plans. Also, next time we get ramen, you’re paying.”
“Huh? Why?” Ryuji asked.
“You’ll understand as soon as I get there,” Ren replied.
“Um, OK?” Ryuji said back, sensing something was a bit amiss. “...Well, seeya then.”
Ren hung up. “Ugh.”
Makoto chuckled. “Don’t worry, I know how hard it can be to lead something.”
“Thanks” Ren snarked back. She sighed. “Though I doubt you actually have any ill intent towards us.”
“How do you figure?” Makoto asked.
“Because you came to us,” Ren answered. “You could have turned us into the police or something with something like that.”
Makoto was blindsided by Ren's deductive reasoning. “Yes, well, I am my own person, with my own opinions at the end of the day.”
Ren nodded. “Well, we should get going. We don’t want them to wait for the surprise.”
Makoto laughed. “You’re more relaxed about all this than I thought you’d be.”
“Eh, it’s something I’ve gotten used to,” Ren admitted. The two of them headed out.
The rest of the thieves were waiting. “Where is she?” Ryuji wondered.
“Hey everyone” Ren said, slightly nervously.
“Oh Hey Reeeeeeeee…” Ryuji said, as the thieves looked up to see that Makoto was also with her. “What’s she doing here?”
“I don’t know Ryuji, what IS she doing here?” Ren snapped back.
Makoto took out her phone and pressed play again. “we busted our asses as the Phantom Thieves to get him to confess!”
The thieves were surprised. “Ryuji…” Ann said, exacerbated.
“Oh…” Ryuji said, feeling guilty.
“That’s why you’re paying for our next ramen outing,” Ren said. “And don’t think I’m going to go light.”
Ryuji’s face went pale. “I’m...sorry…”
“So what are you going to do?” Ann sniped. “Take this to the principal.”
“Um, why would she be talking to us if she was going to do that?” Sumire asked.
“Sumire brings up a good point,” Yusuke said.
“She wants us to change someone’s heart,” Ren explained.
“Oh…” Ann said, now a bit embarrassed.
“Well, we’re willing to help,” Jose said. “Do you know who?”
“A mob boss,” Makoto said succinctly. The thieves were shocked. “You can do it, can’t you?”
“Of course we can,” Ryuji fired back.
“How are you acting so high and mighty now?” Morgan wondered.
Before Ryuji could angrily retort to the cat that Makoto doesn’t know can talk, Ann said “We’re going to need some more information. Like a name for instance.”
“Oh” Makoto said, taken slightly aback. “Well, we’re not sure yet. Maybe you can help with the investigation?”
“What?!” Ryuji said.
“Need I remind you what I have recorded?” Makoto angrily replied.
“No!” Ryuji whimpered.
“We’ll gladly help,” Sumire said with a smile.
“Excellent,” Makoto said.
Ren turned to Makoto. “So, what information do you have so far?”
“Well, not a whole lot,” Makoto admitted. “But they’ve been scamming school kids left and right. Not just at our school either. But we’ve received multiple complaints, and as student council president, I would like to put a stop to this.”
“I see,” Ren said, impressed with her spirit. “Well, we’ll join this fight.”
“And if you’re successful, I won’t release this audio,” Makoto said.
“Hm. Sounds like we have a deal” Ren said.
“Quite” Makoto agreed.
“Now, uh, if you’d excuse us, we’d like to discuss this as a team” Ren said.
“Oh!” Makoto said, surprised. “Of course.” She bowed. “Have a good day.” She walked off. Once she was far enough away, she sighed. “I guess they don’t fully trust me yet…” She continued walking.
Once Makoto was fully gone, Ann smacked Ryuji across the head. “Ryuji!”
“Ow! Sorry!” Ryuji said.
“No, I should apologize,” Ren said. “I should have known something was up.”
“Come now, it’s no one's fault,” Yusuke said.
“Besides, if we change this guy’s heart, then everything will be OK” Jose chimed in.
Ann groaned. “I guess…”
Ryuji similarly groaned. “I’m sorry…” he muttered again.
“So then, what’s the game plan?” Sumire asked.
“Well, we’d have to figure out who this mob boss is,” Ren pointed out.
“Do you think anyone knows in Mementos?” Ryuji asked.
“Even if they did, I might advise against it,” Morgana said. “That Makoto person seems keen to keep an eye on us. If we were to go through Mementos, we might have to explain more than she already knows.”
“I guess you gotta point there” Ryuji sighed.
“Still, you shouldn’t underestimate what you can get from this world,” Jose said.
“Jose and I will ask around Kosei to see if anything has come up there,” Yusuke explained. Jose nodded.
“We can ask around Shujin,” Sumire added. “And I can see what I can get at practice.”
Ren looked at her bag. “You wanna see if you can get anything tonight Morgana?” Ren asked.
Morgana popped out fully. “Well, I guess there’s no harm in trying.
“Great, so it seems like we have a plan then,” Ryuji said. “I guess all that’s left is to execute it.”
“Wait!” Ann said. She turned to face Ren. “What happened last night?”
Ren was surprised. “Oh, right. I did say I wanted to discuss it.” She proceeded to explain her meeting.
“Woah!” Ann said.
“Grah!” Ryuji said. “Usin’ people like that. Pisses me off!”
“Why didn’t you tell me last night?” Morgana wondered.
“Well, I figured it was best for the group,” Ren answered.
“Why should we believe her when she says that she hasn’t corrupted anyone?” Ryuji asked.
Ren sighed. “I believe it because lying about this isn’t Eris’s style.”
“But she’s all about chaos, isn’t she?” Jose wondered.
“Yeah, but her brand of chaos is obvious,” Ren explained. “She wants people to see what she’s wrought. She’d tell me to watch me squirm as I couldn’t do anything rather than lie, because if the truth is chaotic enough, it might make me think about joining her team.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Ann said.
“Still, it sounds as if Eris herself has the same resentment toward the people with palaces and such,” Yusuke noted.
“Yeah, I get that feeling too,” Ren said. “But she’s not doing all too good a job at endearing me to her side either. Her end goal might be similar to ours, we both want to expose the evils of society, but I cannot condone the way she’s doing it.”
“Well said,” Jose replied.
Sumire looked at her feet. Ren noticed this. “Sumire?”
“Huh?” she said, looking up. “Oh, sorry. It’s just… I’m wondering if I would have been someone Eris targeted… Or if I’d have a palace myself…”
“Sumire…” Ren said, gently.
“I was in a really bad place until recently,” Sumie said, tears starting to form. “Just the thought of one false move, and I’d be your enemy. I’d hate that.”
The thieves were stunned silent for a minute. “Hey” Ren said, walking over and lifting Sumire’s head up. “We’ve all had our share of bad days.”
“Yeah” Ann said. “And besides, who says we only fight people we dislike? I mean, I fought my best friend.”
“And I fought a fellow student, as well as someone I respected,” Yusuke added. “And once the battle was over, we respected each other again.”
“Yeah” Ryuji said. “Friends don’t have to agree on everything all the time. But if you’re still friends at the end of it, everything’ll be fine.”
“Even though I’m not all too well-versed with humanity yet, I can still see the power friends like these have” Jose said. “And as long as you have us, you don’t have to worry.”
“Yeah!” Morgana laughed. “If you need to talk to any of us, just let us know.”
Sumire smiled. “Thanks guys.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “I guess I’m a little more nervous than I thought. I have a big gymnastics meet coming up, and I think it’s starting to get to me.”
“Really?” Ren said. “Are you up for it?”
Sumire giggled. “Coach thought the same thing. She said she could get me out of this one if I needed it.” Sumire grew determined. “But I feel like I'll be ready for it.”
“Well then, looks like we’re going to need to clear our schedules” Ren said.
“Huh?” Sumire said.
“If we’re going to cheer you on, we’ve gotta show up,” Ren said.
“Oh, um,” Sumire started getting flustered. “You don’t have to.”
“Nope. We’re not taking ‘no’ for an answer” Ann said.
“Yeah! If it’s important to you, it’s important to us” Ryuji said.
Sumire started crying again, this time with tears of joy. “Thank you everyone.” She checked her phone. “Goodness, it’s getting a bit late. We should get going soon.”
Ren chuckled. “Yeah, alright.” The thieves left their hideout and headed home for the evening. Just as Eris said, trouble came knocking, but they knew that together, they could overcome it.
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