#Majima did the same. He didnt let her get to decide for herself.
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
au where majima fly kicks the doc for having the gall of getting romantically involved with a patient. thats a break of the medical code of ethics bro.
NO DUDE TRULY TRULY I SAID THAT /IMMEDIATELY/ WHEN I GOT TO THAT POINT IN 0!! I quite literally like. Live messaged my friend my whole playthrough and I just said "UM? That's unethical as all shit what the fuck?" Like Makoto is recovering from a gunshot wound, regaining her vision and she's just lost her brother- and here's this little doctor who is almost certainly at least a good few years if not maybe a decade older saying he's in love with his patient? Nah. Wack. Someone smack him or I will.
Also a tiny detail that makes me even sadder is that Makoto tells Majima when she's massaging him 18 years later that not even her husband knows that story, I.e the story of what happened to her- and I know the writers at rgg probably weren't thinking too deeply about it but to me that detail is heartbreaking because that means Makoto has carried this big, tragic history around on her shoulders in silence all this time- not even her husband knows... That's just why I can't agree with everyone who says Makoto got a happy ending. She lost everyone, every single person dear to her and not only that, but she can't even share the full truth of it with anyone.
And then on Majima's front, I can't even be truly mad at him for this because it just shows how low his self worth is- Any random civilian is more worthy and safe for Makoto than he is, so he'll stiffen his upper lip, tell the guy to hurry up and admit his feelings and quietly walk away into the street, his heart in shreds because, again, Makoto deserves better than him. And surely a doctor is better than him? It's a respectful profession- A profession of good men, men not like him. so sure this random doctor who is claiming to be in love with his traumatised patient must be better for Makoto than he ever could be... Oh Majima, I don't know if should kick you or kiss you.
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