#But I wrote something similar to that with Soap in mind once :>
cerise-on-top · 16 days
Heyyy! And could you write ghost and price with a chubby reader? :))
Hey there! Of course I can :-)
Price and Ghost with a Chubby!Reader
Price: It genuinely does not matter to Price whether you’re chubby or not. However, if you are chubby, then you better believe this man will not leave you alone. He loves you so dearly, he just wants to be with you whenever he can. And if you’re chubby? Oh, he’s never letting you go. He’s gonna hold onto you like a koala because you’re honestly just so precious. Will put his head on your tummy and use it as a pillow. This is an incentive for you to run your fingers through his hair so he may snooze for a little bit. If anyone ever dared to make fun of you for your size then he will throw hands. He’s a captain, he demands respect wherever he goes, so naturally the same goes for you as his partner. That fucker will end up with a broken nose, if not with a few broken ribs as well. And when you’re home? He’s gonna make you a nice and lovely meal. I feel as though once he’s gotten a taste of your chubby self he would become someone who genuinely likes chubby people. They’re just really soft for holding, you know? What’s better than putting your weary head on the lovely and soft thighs of your partner? Besides, he’d probably take the “if you have thick thighs you can fit more kittens on top of them” post to heart and might put a few kittens on top of you to see how many you can fit. Overall, he has heart eyes whenever you walk by. You’re beautiful, gorgeous, showstopping, and he’s gonna show you that he genuinely thinks that way about you. Besides, he’s kinda chubby too. So, you know, solidarity and all. However, he will blush if you ask to see his tummy. He won’t say no, but he’ll be embarrassed.
Ghost: Another man who thinks he doesn’t care about your size, but in reality he loves chubby people. He’s a big, rough, and rugged man, so would he really complain about his partner being soft? Do you really think he would? Like Price, he also has some chub around his tum. A healthy amount that makes him cute as a button, for a man his size, that is. He’d love to pick you up and throw you onto the bed or couch just to hold onto you. He’s probably gonna learn how to become an even better cook just to be able to cook you nice meals and keep you nice and fed. It’s his way of saying “You’re so fucking gorgeous, I love you, please never change”. And if it comes from Ghost you know it’s genuine. If anyone ever hurts you then he’s going to plan their murder in his head the second those insults leave their mouth. You’d need to hold him back so he doesn’t just kill that asshole. When you get home you can count on him being all over you, kissing you oh so gently everywhere you let him. He’s gonna do everything he can to make you feel like the royalty you actually are. You’re precious, you’re wonderful, he loves you. All those things are final. Besides, no one would ever dare to make fun of him for having some chub, right? So why would they make fun of you? Ghost usually isn’t a man of many words, but he’ll say whatever comes to mind to help you feel better. Overall, I kind of feel as though you’d help him feel better about himself as well. He’s not self conscious about his tummy per se, but you being chubby yourself, and him being so attracted to you and loving you this much, makes him feel better about himself.
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Soap comforting reader
Masterlist Comforting series: König comforting reader Price comforting reader
AN: I've got requested for something a bit similar for König and decided to make a series. There will be different traumas, CoD boys help us all overcome. (Königs version coming soon)
Here Johnny helps the reader deal with her neglectful family. I kept everything mild, so no TWs here really.
You are nervous about that family gathering. Of course, it's Johnny, you'll follow him anywhere, but a mere thought of a full family gathering in one house… 
Someone will not like your clothes, someone will criticize your career, someone will quarrel with you because of politics... And at some point there will be ‘THE talk’ about children and grandchildren, and you will choke in guilt and shame.
No, you never met Johnnys relatives before. But you knew well, how is it usually going: “Hi guys, look, whom I found, please like her as I do”. And then the show starts.
It didn't help as well, that your own family gatherings often ended with you gagging on your tears in the bathroom, pretending, you were just washing hands.
“Hen? You nervous? We can always pull off the road, so you can take a breather.” Johnny puts his hand on your knee and gives you a beaming smile.
"No, no, I don't want to be late. Your sister wrote that she was already there."
He stops on the next parking lot nevertheless. “If she is already there - it means, my parents are already entertained enough by her kids. Come on, lets walk.” And before you could react, Johnny drags you out of the car, takes your hand and leads you in a field beside a parking lot.
It helps, but by the time you two step inside his parents house, you feel your pulse drop once again. 
“I'm so happy to finally meet you!”, “Johnny, what took you so long to bring her here? Oh, you've been dating for not that long? What took you so long to find her then?!”, “He is so lucky to have you!”
Yes, they don't just quietly accept you - they absolutely shower you in love. You usually don't hear that many nice words, even on your birthday.
And they are all fantastic people: they are kind, open-hearted, love a good joke. You feel like you could talk to them forever. 
You see, what it takes to raise such a treasure like Johnny: he has mothers eyes and fathers voice, he shares his bubbly personality with his sister. 
His family still has their little heartwarming rituals, when they call their son to lick the spoon after mixing cookie dough. Only now Johnny picks up his nephew and gives him the spoon. Or when they all gather together on the terrace after dinner, lay out blankets and pillows on the plank floor and make themselves comfortable with mugs of tea.
Johnny sits with a notebook in his hands and sketches something, his sister stealthily peeps over his shoulder, then glances at you and smiles. You are stolen by his nephew to build a pillow fort.
Before you go to bed, you help his parents clean up. His mom walks over to you while you're wiping down the big dish and hugs you. "Thank you for letting him into your life. Johnny has always been a sweet, cheerful child, but It`s the first I see my boy literally glowing with happiness."
Although normally, you wouldn't like being touched by someone you've just met - this time you don't mind. In fact you even find yourself enjoying this little warm moment.
Later that night, sitting on the edge of bed in Johnnys childhood room, you ask yourself if this is what a family feels like. Or maybe MacTavishes were just an ideal family and in fact it was ok to cry at every family gathering, to avoid texting and calling your parents more than once a week. Maybe everyone didn`t share their feelings with parents and siblings, just like you? And there were rare exceptions to the rule here and there, and you just met one?
You didn't even hear Johnny entering the room and coming closer.
“Heeeey, what's with the wet eyes? Anyone let you down?” He slowly lowers himself to the floor and puts his head in your lap. "Wait, or did I say something stupid? That joke about my next deployment is just a joke, I swear!”
You smile and wipe away tears hastily. “No-no! Nobody let me down. Its just your family… You are all so good to me and to each other.”
Johnny lets you go on with the thought, asking questions and encouraging. He has long noticed that your relationship with your family is not like his, but he has never commented on this before.
"I know it's stupid, but... I didn't want to go to bed, just to spend more time with them. I wanted to remember how a family can feel. And now I'm afraid that in a week I'll forget this feeling... Sorry, I must sound like an edgy teenager right now."
He pulls your torso in a firm hug, not raising from the floor. “They… We all are your family, if you want us to. They love you, bonnie. You know, how many times they asked me to finally bring the woman who makes me smile constantly to our family house? How long have they all wanted to meet you? You know, how many times they pulled me in some corner today just to ask when am I going to wife you up?”
You frown. “Oh no…” “Oh yes, sweets. They are rooting for us.” “Wait, that's bad, that's really bad…” “How is that bad?” “I like them so much, I want them to be happy, and if you have second thoughts, if you decide, I'm not worth it, they'll all hate me for not being that girl, for wasting your time, for not being good enough…”
The speed with which you find yourself knocked over on the bed and his hands holding you tight against his chest is beyond any belief. You are cut out mid-sentence.
“Breathe in…” His hand moves to your spine and traces a long line up to you neck. “... and out.” His fingers now travel down your back.
Johnny repeats it a few times and when he feels your pulse steadying, he finally speaks. “There are and will be no second thoughts. Happy or not - you're stuck with me, sweets. I may joke around other matters, but I am dead serious with this. You are the one. For me, which also means - for them. I know it, they know it. You are welcome here, you are loved, you are so much awaited. They are part of me, so they always come with me, if you choose to have me.”
As he speaks, you feel his breath tingling back of your head and his fingers drowning in your hair. This all feels surreal, but you want to believe him. They are slowly becoming your family. Your home. 
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itsohh · 3 months
As One
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A/N: Female reader. This is an alternative branch in my vampire AU series to the fic 'My Perfect Girl'. Or rather that fic is the alternative branch as this is the main branch? Thats the Graves route and this is a continuation of the I guess 141 branch. I orginally wrote this back in April and was always on the fence about posting it if I wanted to make all the relationships a branch situation like Graves or a poly situation. Then overall I wasn't ever quite happy with the lack of action in this but I wanted to post something on my birthday a couple of days back but busy. Anyway, heres to that.
Summary: Stuck at Los Vaqueros base, you had one chance to escape when all the shadows turned on you and the rest of your allies. With the help of Rudy you manage to get away and reflect on the days events, hoping to see your lovers again.
Word count: 4382
Warnings: smut, blood kink
AO3 Series Masterlist
Despite the constant anxieties that had settled into your mind, you managed to grow comfortable with Rudy. Perhaps he was naturally kind and comforting or perhaps he knew those feelings that plagued your mind. They weren't something new of course, whenever you saw any of the boys go out for a mission you couldn't help that gnawing sensation inside of you. It came with territory. It had something that had formed over time. 
You could still recall back to when you first started being their handler, it was never there. Perhaps it's because of all the missions you did with Price and Gaz, you were able to be there in person to see to their safety. Or perhaps it was simply because of how much you grew to care for all of them. 
Either way, you knew that being in person wouldn't help. Not this time. You were called when needed and being there without would only be a hindrance. Rudy was a good distraction regardless, they wouldn't be gone forever. Only a few hours. With that much firepower, you were sure how they could lose. 
“Soap speaks highly of you,” Rudy spoke as he poured you a class of cola. The pair of you were in a small kitchen separate from the main cafeteria.
“I swear no one gossips like your kind.” You muttered and he laughed. You had encountered teammates in the past who gossiped but no one gossiped like vampires. 
“I assure you it was less gossiping and more gushing if anything. Soap was like a high school boy and Ghost? Ghost seemed rather protective I don't think he let Soap mention you at all once the Shadows showed up.”
You rolled your eyes and brought the glass to your lips. Rudy looked off to the side for a moment in thought. “I suppose I can't say much, Alejandro's rather similar.” 
“Yes yes we all saw the eye sex you two were having in the five minutes I was with the pair of you.” You said. 
Rudy let out a cough and rubbed his face in embarrassment. “I admit I thought my feelings would have died down over the years but they have not.”
You looked down at the glass. That feeling deep inside felt stronger than normally a gut feeling that something was going to happen despite all the logical factors saying otherwise. 
“It must be overwhelming at times to be the mate of two vampires let alone being human.”
“Uh- three.” 
Rudy cocked a brow in question. 
“Another operator in 141, Gaz. It's like a separate relationship.”
“Well, it's Soap, Ghost and I then there's Gaz and I.” 
“Ah, I understand. It makes sense, lives can be so short and if they all care for you why not share?” 
You closed your eyes as his words sunk in. Your life was so incredibly short compared to theirs. A shaky breath left your mouth and you desperately pushed those thoughts down. Now was not the time to have that kind of existential crisis. 
“I apologize, I didn't mean anything by that.” Rudy quickly spoke, not oblivious to the effect they had on you. 
“It's fine. Just a lot on my mind.”
“How about I walk you back to your room, some rest might do you good. I promise to wake you up when they get back.”
You nodded and stood up from the stool. “Yeah that sounds good-”
Your voice was interrupted by a shout down the walkway. Both your heads whipped towards the sound. Rudy was faster than you but the both of you peeked out of the door to see a pair of Shadows holding a Vaquero at gunpoint. 
"The fuck are you doing gringo?!”
“Nobody has to get hurt, just follow us.”
“What the hell you mean?”
“Graves’s orders. You're going with the rest.” 
The pair of you ducked back and looked each other in the eyes. “They're rounding up all your people.”
“From the sound of it, Graves has taken control of the base.” Rudy furrowed his brows as he spoke. 
“Fuck. Who the fuck does he think he is? That shit’s not legal.”
“Graves is not a man to care if something is legal or not.” 
You glanced towards the door and then scanned the room with your eyes. “We have to get out of here, where does that window lead?” You gestured to the windows at the top of the room. While they were high up, it was certainly possible for you to climb on the counters and escape. 
“It leads outside, we can go down between the buildings. It's dark so we should have cover.” Rudy locked the door and was quick to climb up to the window and open it. 
He climbed out and you promptly followed him. Rudy waited and braced your drop but you were quick to start moving. In a crouched manner, the pair of you crept down. Through the cracks of the buildings you could hear the Shadows round up everyone. Rudy let out a small curse and you glanced at him. 
“Graves won't get away with this.” You promised. 
“We have to get out first before we think about Graves.” He focused on the fence up ahead. You removed your jacket and as you both got close, you threw it up on the top of it to protect you. 
“Here I'll give-” Rudy’s voice was cut off as you charged at the fence and scaled it with expert ease. You dropped over to the other side and broke your fall with a roll. When you looked back you saw Rudy jump down with the bend of his knees. 
“Didn't expect that.” He chuckled and the pair of you started to run.
“I wouldn't be of much use in the CIA if a big wall could stop me.”
“Ah, that's where the Agent title comes from.”
“Mhmm, used to do your usual shit. Espionage, spying et cetera et cetera.” Rudy took the lead and you ran quickly behind him. 
“Why did you stop?” 
“It wasn't because I was bad if that's what you’re wondering.” You joked and gave him a weak smile to try and break the tension. “Originally I thought it was because I didn't like the field but after a while of being a desk jockey, I realized I missed it. I missed working with people. Real people not fucking bureaucracy day in and day out. Laswell's offer was a good one, despite its struggles it's a position I'm glad I accepted. Don't tell the boys but I think I wanted to quit being in the field because I was just lonely.”
“The life of a spy is not a pleasant one.”
You had worried your confession about your past would cast suspicion, that your spy past would paint you as perhaps a spy against again him but when Rudy looked back at you in the moonlight, you didn't find any concern. 
“Come on.” He smiled. “I know a safe house.”
Eventually, your chatter died down and as the pair of you jogged (for your sake) you couldn't help but play the previous forty-eight hours in front of your eyes. From the moment that Laswell spoke to you to that moment. Did she know you would end up in that situation when she had spoken to you that morning?
“How's your Spanish?” Laswell asked. 
“So-so. Good enough.” You answered. 
“Excellent, you're going with Soap and Ghost to Las Almas.”
“I'll be with Gaz and Price. They should be relatively well stocked there but I have to warn you. You will be in contact with a lot of vampire kind.”
“I will?”
“Los Vaqueros is what the team you will be meeting is called. Colonel Alejandro Varges is old blood. Very old.”
“Should I be on my best behaviour then?”
“He's a friend, you shouldn't have any worries about him or his mate, Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra. It's who else aside from them that is there that's important.”
“Who else?”
“Glad you asked.” The pair of you left the elevator and continued her fast pace. “You will be working with Shadow Company. Shepherd's favourite PMC. Commander Phillip Graves runs it-”
“Phillip Graves as in-”
“Yes, yes fill up graves.” She waved her hand. “He's new blood. Think about Soap's age. Graves turns a lot of his higher-ranking officers. It's amazing how he can have so many in line and I have to commend him for it. But it's still a lot of our kind in one spot.”
“I'll keep my eye out. Will I be in combat?”
“No, just your usual posting.” She paused. “I recommend against allowing the boys whatever Graves is feeding his team.”
“You don't trust Graves?”
“I don't trust most people. Alejandro is someone I do trust. Tensions may be high, he hides it well but he hates Americans.”
“Why bring Shadow Company at all?” You asked. 
“Shepherd was insistent on the support. He said it was to get around the red tape.” You could see there was something off about her eyes. She wasn't happy. Laswell abruptly stopped walking and turned to face you. “That's why I want you there. Look after them.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
As the conversation died from your thoughts you close your eyes. Your mind went back to the two men. Where were they? Were they safe? If Graves had orders on the base what was he doing in person? How would they react? How would Alejandro act? Was Ghost and Soap even still alive? Surely they wouldn't stand for what Grave was pulling. 
The thought of them gone plagued your mind, it pierced your heart and you swallowed briefly as you thought back to the last time you properly had seen them, not the brief moments you had when they brought in Valeria.
It had to be on the transport ride over. 
Admittedly you were a little late for the flight but the pilots were on orders not to leave without you. An operator in the cargo hold helped you on board and closed the bay behind you before he radioed to the pilot. 
You had changed out of your office ‘uniform’ into something far more practical. Despite being on base the entire time it wouldn't hurt to have a good pair of shoes on.
“Agent! Didn't realize you were tagging along.” Soaps hand slapped on your shoulder. One would think you would have become used to the boys appearing out of nowhere but no, your heart still jumped.
“Yeah, Laswell wants me to make sure you two don't get into any trouble.”
“What? Us? In trouble?” Soaps' voice was a tease. 
Ghost approached the pair of you. His massive stature loomed in a way that would have anyone shit the bed. Yet you stood there nonchalantly and looked him in the eye. 
“Heard Alejandro is an old friend.”
“Right with that one. Old as they come. Has a good heart, not many men like him anymore.”
“Shadow Company?” You prompted. 
“Worked with them a few times, rich boys with a lot of toys. There's been a lot of discussion about creating a vampire army but he hasn't broken any law as far as we know.” Ghost leaned against the cargo next to you. 
“Hmm. Vargas will be supplying the pair of you. No taking anything from the Shadows.”
Soap cocked a brow. “That's an order.” Your face grew serious and the two vampires exchanged a look. It was very rare that you ever made an order. You could probably count on one hand how many times you could. 
“Understood.” Soap nodded and you allowed your body to relax. 
“Good. Now that's out of the way I'm off to take a nap. Wake me up when we get close.” 
It was dawn when you landed with the rest. Sleep was still on your mind but after a few moments you collected yourself. “Fuck me Agent I don't think I've ever seen you go to sleep that quickly.” Soap smiled, he had been the one to wake you. 
“It's been a long couple of days. I gotta get some sleep when I can.” You stretched. You picked up your bag and slung it over your shoulder before you followed Soap down to the cargo hold. 
“First time I've been to Mexico.” He admitted as the door started to open. 
“Well it's a lil hot but there's no yellow filters here.” 
His head glanced to the sky. “Ghosts going to hate it.”
“Talking about me are we Johnny?” Ghost appeared behind the pair of you with a scowl in his voice. 
“Just talkin’ ‘bout the weather sir.”
“Hmm.” Ghost glanced at the repair of you and continued down the ramp. 
“He's like this in Urzikstan too. Hot weather's got his knickers in a twist.” Soap winked. 
Soap made a demonstration to zip his lips and hurried after the man. At a leisurely pace, you followed them. 
“Ah Ghost, good to see you again!” A new voice came and you watched as the man gave him a half hug. 
“Wish it could only be in better circumstances. This must be your mate.” Alejandro's eyes turned to Soap. 
“One of them.” Soap grinned. “Got the other-”
“Johnny!” Ghosts cut him off and Alejandro chuckled as you found your place behind them. Alejandro was quick to spot you and as his gaze lingered would couldn't help but almost shiver at it. Oh, he was a powerful man. There was an aura about him that had your heart race and your breath hitch. 
All the hair on your body stood up as he was the only person in the world. You were a minuscule atom compared to his large stature. He could crush you like an ant under his finger, he-
“You must be their handler.” Just like that, the feeling was gone, cleared by his warm and welcoming voice. “Laswell spoke well of you, it's a pleasure Agent-”
“Agent is fine.” You smiled and he nodded.
“I'll introduce you to our quartermaster in a moment. For now allow me to welcome you to Las Almas, my home.”
Alejandro had welcomed you in like family. He had allowed Graves and you all in. This is how he was repaid. Graves tuning in his and stealing his home. Reflection finished, you were glad you took a nap earlier. It allowed you to have energy as you continued to jog with Rudy in the middle of the night. 
Despite being in the middle of nowhere, Rudy slowed down to a stop. You cocked a brown when he turned to face you. 
“Take a break for a couple.”
“I'm fine, let's keep going.” 
Rudy looked like he wanted to argue but he nodded and the pair of you pressed onwards.
It has been at least an hour, possibly two hours before you reached what most would have described as an abandoned old shack. You weren't most. Rudy led you in safely but he didn't turn the lights on. He wandered further in and returned with two rifles. There was certainly more to the safehouse than met the eye.
His voice was quiet and gestured towards a ladder for you to climb. “If anyone else made it out they would come here. But stay on your guard.” 
Time ticked away and the pair of you spent it whispering to each other until he held his finger up to his lips. There was something he could hear that you couldn't. Rudy's finger flicked towards the window and you readied the pistol that had been strapped to your leg. 
A figure dropped down the window and you saw Rudy's laser hover over them. A knife flicked through the window as you heard his voice. 
“Ghost.” You spoke and his head snapped up to your location. They both did. 
Ghosts' shoulders slacked as you jumped down and Soap intercepted you with a hug. 
“Rudy.” Ghost's eyes found the other man's.
“Thank God you're okay.” Soaps' voices slurred in your ear and you pulled back a little. 
“Is he okay?” You asked Ghost and he shook his head once. 
“I'll be okay.” Soap muttered and pulled back. 
“He took a shotgun to the side, he will heal but it will take time.” Ghost turned his focus to Rudy. “Are there any packs here?”
“We have everything but that. You can't store them for long periods so we don't keep them in safe houses.” 
“I'll be fine.”
“Need you to be more than fine.” Ghost helped Soap over to the side. 
“I'm just happy our girl’s okay. Fuck when Graves said they had you…” His eyes went to Rudy's. “Pretty happy Rudy's okay too.”
Rudy chuckled and placed his hand on Soap's shoulder. “She's your mate. I know she's your first priority.” 
Your eyes locked on with Ghosts as the pair of you silently communicated. The wound was far worse than Soap was letting up. If Ghost was asking for a pack that meant Soap needed blood to heal up. 
Your eyes closed for a moment. One day you were going to really get sick of being everyone's blood bag. As Soap and Rudy spoke, you sat down next to Soap. His eyes landed on you as you offered him your wrist. 
“Come on, heal up.” 
“Are you sure?” Soap took your arm like you were made of glass. He rotated his body to face you directly. Your arm turned so that the back of it faced you and the underside of your wrist faced him. 
“I'll check the perimeter.” You heard Rudy speak but you didn't take your eyes off Soap. 
“This might hurt a little,” Soap warned a second before his mouth made contact with your wrist. A small cry left you as his two canines sunk into your skin. Unlike Ghosts, his teeth felt far larger. Half a second later Soap started to suck. His eyes closed and you swore he moaned into you. 
With a sudden push of power, Johnny pushed you onto your back by your wrist. He climbed onto you, his knees on the side of your thighs as he ground his hard cock against you. 
Your eyes grew wide in surprise and you heard Ghost's gruff voice. “Enough Johnny.” 
It took a couple of seconds but Soap pulled back with delight in his eyes. 
“Did you really get hard from-” Soap cut off your voice as his lips smashed against your own. The taste of your blood filled your senses. It was a metallic taste that died down as his tongue ravished your own. 
Your bloodied wrist hung over his shoulder while his hands started to feel up your body. His hands found your thighs, your ass, your breasts. Like a child in a candy store, he couldn't decide on what he wanted more. You tore your lips from his and gasped out for air but he didn't stop. Johnny placed west kisses next to your mouth and then trailed down to your neck. 
A sharp pain had you cry out once again and then Soap was gone. 
You blinked a couple of times to see Ghost with an unimpressed expression on his face. Your hand went to the side of your neck to feel a small amount of blood that had pooled in his bite. 
“I told you enough.” 
Soap had a blissful drugged-out look on his face as he grinned. 
“Mm got a little carried away. My bad.” 
Your eyes went to his side to see that his body had knitted itself back together like brand new. His raging hard-on was still rather predominant. 
“Johnny gets a little excited from real blood. Forgive him.” Ghost growled, his disapproval obvious.
“God, she tastes so good. Fuck Ghost-”
“I know. Control yourself.”
Soap blinked a couple of times and his head finally turned to look at Ghost. “You know?”
“Had a close call a while back. Was shot in the head, she nearly got herself killed.” Ghosts' eyes met yours.
“You never told me.” Soap sobered up a little. 
“Wasn't important. It was a while ago, back when she first started working with us.” Ghost let go of the cuff of Johnny's shirt and went to investigate the bites on your body. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“I'm okay, a little woozy but I'll be okay.”
“Good- we'll need you to get Alejandro back.”
You spent most of the planning phase seated. Despite being focused on the plan, everyone always kept an eye on you. There was a guilt that had formed in Soap's eyes. Reality had impacted him. Yet the matter went unaddressed. 
“You're sure you're okay to do this?” Soap asked as everyone geared up. 
“You didn't take that much, relax Johnny. I'm good as new.”
“Really Soap, I wouldn't have offered it if I minded it.” You punched him lightly in the shoulder. “Come on, let's get everyone back.”
“It's kinda weird to see you all geared up.” Soap spoke as the group of you walked. 
“In a bad way?” You cocked a brow. 
“Nah. Makes you feel like you're part of the family.” He winked and you rolled your eyes. 
“It's a little heavier than what I'm used to but I'll adapt.”
“What are you used to?” Rudy asked. 
“Suits and light vests.” You looked down at the automatic rifle in your possession. “Pistols.”
“Stakes.” Ghost added and your eyes shot towards his direction. 
“You've been bit.” It was the first thing Price said directly to you as everyone settled back at the safe house. 
“Soap got peakish.”
“Soap?” He rubbed his beard. “‘Suppose it makes sense with your relationship and all. Surprised you lot had the time.” He nodded in thought. 
Your confusion directed his attention onto you and he chuckled. “Been around that boy long enough to know what he's like with human blood. I don't think I have to talk to you of all people about being focused on the job, try to keep it in your pants-”
“-Soap was injured.” The words tumbled from your mouth in an instant. You were rather unaware of Soaps' reputation. 
“Ah.” Price reached into his jacket and pulled out a cigar before it slipped between his lips. “Of course.” 
He felt for his light but you were faster. Automatically you had pulled out your own and flicked it on. Price nodded to you and leaned over to light up the cigar. For a moment the pair of your eyes met and something unspeakable was said. 
Eventually, he spoke up once again. “Good to have you back safe, Agent.”
“Good to be in safe company, sir.”
“We’ll get Graves for this.”
“And Shepard?” 
“Shepard too. Go retire for the night, you deserve the rest.”
A yawn left your open mouth as you slogged back to your dorm. Now that your guard was down everything seemed to catch up and you could feel the exhaustion that had crawled into every inch of your body. 
The door which you opened wasn't to your own room but Ghosts. They had retired far earlier than you had. Two sets of eyes fell on you. Both of them were partially naked. Soap's shirt was missing and his pants were pushed down to his ankles. His face was buried into the pillow, only turned to the side to look at you. Soap’s ass was up in the air and Ghost's cum had coated it which gave it a slight shine as Ghost cleaned the man up. 
Ghost was also void of any shirt and while his belt was missing he still had pants on. Only his softening cock was pulled out and casually hung out of his pants. 
“Where have you been?” Soap practically whined out, his eyes licked up the sight of you and Ghost gave his ass a decent slap. The sound vibrated off the walls and mixed with the purr of a moan that left Soap's lips. 
“Talked to Gaz for a bit but also had to give both Laswell and Price a proper report on everything.” 
You rubbed your eye with the back of your hand and went to remove your jacket. Something changed in Soap's eyes and his eyes softened. He sat up from his position and fully removed the pants from his ankles. Soap grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on as you dressed down and found one of Ghost's shirts. 
“Mmm don't let me disrupt you.” You yawned and lazily stripped from your clothes. 
“You're tired, come on.” Soap pulled you into his chest where he kissed the top of your head.  
“I'll be fine just-” Again you yanked but this time it cut off your sentence. Soap led you onto the bed where Ghost had changed up his position. No longer was his cock in view but tucked back into his briefs. 
“Your guys didn't have to stop on my account. I've slept through worse.” You found your spot in between the two men and Ghost gladly accepted you when your face snuggled up to his bare chest. 
Neither of them replied right away, instead Ghost wrapped an arm around you and pressed his lips to your head. The heat from Soap's body warmed your back as he buried his face against your neck, completely pressed flush against you. 
“Going to be in debt to Rudy for the rest of our lives,” Soap mumbled. 
“He kept you safe.” Ghost clarified. 
“I like to think it was a joint effort. If the Shadows wanted to take us then they shouldn't have made such a racket.” 
Despite your voice being muffled by Ghost's chest both of the men could hear you rather clearly and you could feel Soap shake as he laughed. You turned your head so only half of your face was pressed against him. “Besides we got Alejandro back, right? I think that is sufficient enough payback.” 
“She's got a point LT.”
“Hmm.” Ghost looked down at you but didn't say a proper word. Instead, he tightened his grip on you. Soap’s hand found its way into yours and you gave it a small weak squeeze. Your eyes closed and your breath steaded, safe in your lover's arms.
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absolutebl · 1 year
BL & Critical Analysis
Pop culture critique & a how to do it... or something
This meaty question came from the lovely @huachengeye Thank you!
Codicil: I do not get paid for pop culture critique (although I once wrote book reviews professionally, long story). So I’m entirely a dilettante. 
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The Question!
Q1: Can you can shed some light on your process (of critical analysis)
This is a little like training your eye to edit a document (I bet you can tell that's not one my strong points). Or training your mind to look at data and data collection in terms of the results it may yield and what the initial survey says about the questioner's bias (or can bias results).
First, I have to ask... 
Do you really want to train your eye to critique?
Because it will become a lot harder to immerse yourself in a piece of media if you constantly feel obligated to step back mentally and think about it from various perspectives. 
In other words, you may enjoy BL, or all live action dramas, LESS if you try to think about them critically.
I have an intimate who is a pretty well known writer. She mostly writes humorous fiction. She's open about the fact that this means every time she laughs, she stops and thinks about why that happened and whether is could be used in her prose. She never gets to be fully absorbed by narrative ever anymore because her critical eye is always turned on, especially for the written word.
What you may sacrifice for critique, is a certain level of childish wonder. 
I’m not sure i would necessarily advise doing this. 
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My Process 
My process is essentially now visible in this blog. As I watch a show I take a few notes on it (which show up in the weeklies) and then at the end I go through those notes, consolidate, try to be witty about it, and write up a review.
The review usually has something about:
characters, tropes, plot 
narrative & story structure & pace
how this BL fits in with the greater BL genre & history
any thoughts I have on the quality of the production, acting, and/or directing 
my own personal feelings about the show
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Thus my reviews tend to take into account several criteria.
For #1-2 I have a background in lit crit as an undergrad (and, like I said, I did once review books for a living) so these are kinda ingrained in me. I’m working on seeing the influence of soap operas, fan fic, and non-western story structures as critically valid, so these are the things I’m actively learning more about the most these days. 
For #3: How does this fit into the history of BL? Since I’ve made it point to watch pretty much all BLs, I feel like I’m set up to think and talk about this. AKA the spreadsheet made me do it. But since I also have anthropology in my academic history, I’m very interested in how a BL represents for its country’s BL oeuvre. I try to judge KBLs against other KBLs (and Kdramas) and look for patterns and trends in how that country’s interpretation of what it “means to be BL” shift over time. 
For #4: my IRL job is tangential to the entertainment industry so that’s accidentally trained my eye for film. I don’t know that I like this part about myself, but it’s happened whether I like it or not. And I don’t have a proper background in film critique. 
Final #5: will discuss further in a bit.
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Suggestion? Establish A Rating System 
Come up with your own personal 10 star (or 5 star) rating system.
Write it down. Don’t be afraid to modify or adjust it. It’s yours, your tastes change, nothing is set in stone. 
Pick one ideal example BL for each category that you’re very familiar with for your reference point. Then you can ask yourself, after you’ve watched a new one, whether you liked it more, less, or about the same as that show. (relative rating, similar to grading on a curve) 
I change my examples regularly as my taste changes and as new BLs are added. The bar gets shifted, so to speak. 
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My Rating System 
Your reasoning for rating a BL will be different from mine, but here’s mine as an example. 
(Also I never feel bound by this, sometimes I give a show a 8/10 just because it feels like that’s what it deserves.) 
10/10 - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - my favorite precious squee!, faithful to tropes, happy ending, good chemistry, few flaws, high rewatch potential, makes me happy, examples: Semantic Error, Until We Meet Again 
9/10 ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED - loved it and good rewatch potential but probably a few pacing issues or one big flaw, still made me feel good/comforted, examples: Cherry Magic, Bad Buddy
8/10 - RECOMMENDED - some concerns around tropes (like dub con) or story structure/filming but still satisfies as BL, moved me emotionally, rewatchable in parts or not rewatchable but important, examples: Love By Chance, Between Us
7/10 - RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS - i.e. isn’t quite BL, convoluted, not strictly HEA, too short/long, and/or chemistry issues, may have impact on other BL fans but not me (or on me but not others) examples: Make it Right, KinnPorsche
6/10 - WORTH WATCHING BUT FLAWED - probably around the ending or in narrative structure/cohesion or censorship, disappointed expectations, unlikely to rewatch, examples: My Gear and Your Gown, Love Mechanics
5/10 - WATCH IF YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO - but don’t expect much, it’s a total hot mess interesting only because it's BL and I'm probubly pretty conflicted about it, examples: Advance Bravely, Even Sun
4/10 - FATALLY FLAWED - but still basically BL, however... do we want to support this kind of behaviour? examples: Precise Shot, Work from Heart
3/10 - I DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM WATCHING AND NEITHER DOES IT, just seriously why did this get made? examples: Blue of Winter, Physical Therapy 
2/10 - IT'S DEPRESSING - they killed/tortured/etc the gay, save yourself, examples: The Effect, HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count
1/10 - IT'S AWFUL, I WATCHED IT SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO, has all the flaws of 4-3 plus something even more egregious, personally triggering, example: My Bromance series, Round Trip to Love
dnf - self explanatory, but usually I drop because I feel like the narrative is already a #3 and/or headed for a #2 or #1 and then I’m told later that is went there, example: My Tempo
I hand out the fewest 1s & 10s. The most 8s and 7s. Everything else is pretty much on the bell curve you’d expect. 
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Q2: What resources do you use to build your reviews?
I listen to a lot of pop culture review critiques in podcast form, often about stuff I'd never watch. But I like the way professionals talk about these things, even if they aren't MY things or don't jive with my personal opinions.
Mark Kermode is my favorite film critic and we like the opposite stuff, but the way he talks about film is very interesting to me. His podcast mini series on the "business of film" is probably one of my must listens. For his main podcast (Kermode & May’s Take), I always skip over all the interviews, people talking about their own films bore me to death (especially if they are actors on the promo junket, save me please). His rants are some of my favorites of all time (try Pirates 3 or Iron Man 2). Someone else’s list. 
I also like Pop Culture Happy Hour from NPR because it brings in multiple perspectives and varied cast of critics who often disagree and the "things making me happy" is a grab bag of fun.
The Bechdel Cast is a feminist critique podcast from Hollywood insiders and they do recaps as well as critique, and it's always fascinating to me to hear what people latch onto in a narrative. However, I only listen if I am already familiar with the film they are discussing.
My background is in anthropology and I've lived all over the world so that helps train me to think in terms on culture's impact on narrative as well as linguistics and so forth. As a personality I’m also quite reserved and deadpan, grumpy, stiff, strict, and kinda cold. I think I gravitate to being an observer and an outsider which helps if you want to analysis stuff. Which is not a claim to objectivity, I don't think there can be objective analysis of pop culture.
But it does make me pause to think, "that made me FEEEL something" why? What am I feeling? How did the actor do that? The script? The direction?
These shows are meant to entertain, whether they are successful or not, for me (and what "successful entertainment" means to me) and how they are doing it is the first question I always ask myself.
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Q3: What are the things you look out for when watching a BL?
I ask myself a lot of things I would when looking at any piece of art. Or even when shopping for clothing or a new car or reading a book.
Did I like it? Why did I like it?
Did it move me? Why did it move me? 
Did I react? How did I react? To which bits? Why? 
What tropes and narrative beats was it using to manipulate me and my expectations? Did it meet those expectations? The promises it set up at the start? Did it fulfill the watcher-contract during the course of the narrative? 
Did the filming successfully telegraphy the journey I was meant to take? Did the actors? 
But also... would I rewatch it? Am I tempted to do so the moment it ends? For which bits?
The statistician in me wants to point out that these questions say a lot more about me and my relationship to art than it does about the art itself.
For example
Did I like it? Means... I'm motivated by pure taste and personal preference and complete subjectivity. This is in part formed by a person's background, life state, whole experience with culture and pop culture and society, family, friends. Taste is also just "that" bit. You know, that bit? Likes lemon deserts over chocolate ones, gravities to spicy food, favorite color is green, decorates with potted plants. Just my taste is my taste. I like what I like. 
Yes I have some criteria that subconsciously come into play: I look for clever story structure, subversion or manipulation of tropes, parody, not hitting any of my dislikes (like dub con). But also I have other biases impacting whether I like it (like physical appearance) which I can try to check but usually can't fix. (For example GMMTV's Gawin/Fluke looks so much like an ex of mine I really struggle with his screen presence.)
Did I like it?
The fact that this is the first question I ask myself also should tell you I'm motivated by the emotion these narratives engender. I want them to transport me and move me. I my case I want to feel comforted and satisfied and happy. The ones the make me feel discomfort, especially for too long in the narrative, I am simply going to like less. Sometimes less than I feel like I should (see my struggles with masterworks like ITSAY, YNEH, or The 8th Sense). The very BLs that most professional critics would tout as the best examples of the genre for a wider audience often turn out to be the ones I struggle with the most. (They are also, fortunately for me, the least representative of the bulk of the genre.)
In other words there is ALSO a part of me that genuinely likes and enjoys the trashy stuff. Even the trash I trash watch.
So I would advise you to come up with your own questions. Ask yourself what you want from these shows when you watch them. 
What motivates you? 
Why are you watching them at all? 
What brings you joy from an art or entertainment experience? 
What do you want them to do for you? To you?
You are going to experience them (and therefore analyze them) from this perspective whether you like it or not. So understand yourself is paramount. It's about your relationship to the art, not the art itself.
If I were to give you an assignment I would say start with one BL you really enjoyed, perhaps not your favorite but one level down. And then do one you really did not enjoy. And think about why... 
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Happy analyzing! 
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or-something-better · 2 years
August 29, 2022
(Nightly RP      Sam & Ruby wrote)
at the bunker I grab a beer and sit at the map table I’m still really concerned about Sam its bot like him to leave like that and not acknowledge us
at the bunker with the team you guys that is not like Sam to just ignore us that way.
I agree. He’s been acting very off.
+even after we all were hollering for his attention… I agree with you all. this is not normal behavior for Sam+
I still blame Ruby! She’s done something or played some part in it. That bitch acts like his friend then drags him into this kinda bullshit it’s not the first time!
It is very strange behavior for him.
He’s never acted this way before. I know that for sure.
Maybe he had ear buds in and really didn't hear us.  thinking maybe not at the same time
Has he ever acted like this
Bullshit there was something wrong with him something bad like before
Or maybe he had a lot on his mind and wasn't thinking clearly.. he did just have a huge ordeal and woke up grumpy thinking of how snappy he was before he left
What about the mark on his arm? What is it?
I’m telling you something happened to him and she’s involved
+Mary, do you clearly remember that tattoo? clearly enough that you could draw it?+
very stern and direct dean just cool it. Ruby has done alot for this team.
nods. Gets a piece of paper and draws the mark
I take the paper from Mary and open my laptop to see if I can find anything similar on the hunters web.
+well, I’m coming up with nothing here guys. I have no idea what this mark is. I’ve never seen it before+
watching DAMNIT! there’s gotta be something on it somewhere
Well shit. Where else do you think he would have gone?
can't believe there's nothing on this mark, wonder if it's in any lore books
Wherever the hell ruby is!
shoots a glare at dean as to say stfu!
I grin widely at everyone as I appear in the middle of the Bunker and interrupt them  Guess who's baaaaack! Back, large, and in charge. Oh have I got some fun plans in store for everyone... We're gonna have a blast guys!
jump then rush and get in your face what the FUCK are you doing here?!? You aren’t in charge of a DAMN thing!
Ooh Deano- cool it huh? snap my fingers and offer him a small tin breath mints?
You are never in charge. No way would anyone let you be in charge
Fuck off bitch! knocking it out of your hand funny you being here all things considered but Gabe won’t allow you to have power dumbass!
Tch, maybe I should have offered soap instead, for that nasty mouth. snaps my fingers and offers a bar of soap
kicks it out of your hand why the fuck are you even here?
No one has to let me do anything sweetheart.  I take what I want.
Gabe will have a hell of a lot to say about that and cut your ass down to size AGAIN
Dean, dean- why are you so spicy today. Though kudos. Didn't know you could get your leg up that high.
Well stop you, and so will Gabe!
There’s no way we’re gonna let you take over, Luci!
Awww... see this I motion at all of them, cooing like they're fussy children This is just so adorable. You're all so cute in your ignorance. I'll leave you all to wallow in it some more. Toodles I wink and vanish
Once I finished making our sandwiches and put them on a plate.
I reach out to Ruby telepathically Ruby. Little chat? Meet with me..  the hillside we spoke of earlier...
I start for the bedroom when I get a mental message from Lucifer telling me to meet him at the hillside. I hand Sam the plate with both sandwiches while letting him know Lucifer just told me to meet him at the hillside.
Sits up straighter on the bed and looks up from the manuscript I’m reading He just told you? What… you’ve got an angel-radio kinda thing going on with Lucifer now?
“It’s a little different than angel radio because I can actually see him as well as hear him.”
Even more concerned now Does it work both ways? Does he see you?
“I can project an image to him. He can’t just see me in the shower if that’s what you mean.”
Files that information away for later to ask Able about Where are you meeting Lucifer?
“The hillside.”
Be careful. Don’t take any chances Ruby. I’ll be here where you get back.
Once at the hilltop, I call Lucifer, and wait for him to appear.
Starts on the sandwiches.
About damn time you showed up. I appear behind her from the shadows
"Got somewhere to go?"
Ah, ah, ah, dont start with attitude nowshhh.. You've been such a good little demon. No no, I really mean it..
"Get to the point"
A few chuckles escape me Why is everyone so spicy today? Sheesh... Anyways, cheer up some. You're gonna be rewarded handsomely. Especially since you got my vessel. And to think.. Tch- I tried so damn hard! A flicker of anger and annoyance behind my eyes There was just something about Sammy.... But ah well, this one does well enough for me in the meantime.
At his words, it feels like ice is in my veins. Have we been set up?
Oh don't look at me that way! Relax. I'm not taking Sam's meatsuit. I snort I couldn't even if I wanted to. No, no.. you bringing him on board this little 'team' of ours? Yeah, next best thing... That new little tattoo, is going to make sure of that. One more thing I picked up from dear old Dad. My nose wrinkles a little at the mention of him
“Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to make Sam a Knight of Hell. You’re still thinking about them as mere humans. They’ve stopped the apocalypse more than once!” I place my hand on his arm “You used to rely on my advice.  He’ll be like a dog with a bone.  You’ve seen the Winchesters in action!”
I pause and glance at her, tiny little frown on my lips as I step back a bit. Considering what was said. ... I'll call you when I need you again, my dear. I vanish into thin air
I serious think all of this is fucked up. Luci....amara.....theres bigger things here than you guys realize! Somewhere now Sam’s involved too He shouldnt be back! Not like this!
I agree that something is going on. But Cain is also back. And if he's the father of evil. What could it mean? Not just for us but the world
+you don’t suppose… do you think Lucifer and Amara are building armies to help them take over?!+
listening carefully to everyone's opinions and doing some thinking look we have no idea what Lucifer and Amaras relationship was like before they both got locked away. sighing maybe they were one big happy family rolling my eyes at that thought maybe they're not here against each other but to stand together against Gabe. can't believe that just came out of my mouth you know joining forces..
And if Cain is joining the mix who knows
I cover my mouth in shock +no… that just couldn’t be!+
We'll have to find out more if we could find clues
Well we gotta think of something here.
I agree
If that’s true the we are gonna have to figure out how to stop the damn apocalypse yet again! thinking to myself but not sharing what if Luci has something to so with whatever is going on with Sammy
Another message from Lucifer comes through. Standing at the counter I let Sam know the latest. Lucifer wants me back at the hill and wants me to bring you with me.
So what, you’re just at Lucifer’s beck and call now?
Don’t shoot the messenger Sam!
I know she’s right and try to dial my attitude back a bit. Any idea what this is about?
No idea, but what choice do we have? Reaching over and wrapping my arm around Sam’s arm “3-2-1” and pop us to the hillside.
I spot the both of them appear, my grin as unsettling as ever- it’s never a happy one but definitely unsettles people Well hello dynamic duo... Need the two of you to go play errand boy-- I glance at Ruby and hold my hands up - and errand girl, and go pick something up for me. Here. I hand her a paper with the address and description
Puts the paper in my pocket
I slide up my jacket sleeve showing Lucifer my new inking. We might have a little bit of a problem. The orders I signed on to follow were those of Able, not yours. I’d like to speak to him about this… if you don’t mind.
I feign a huge pout Oh come on Sammy. Why ya gotta be that way? There's supposed to be trust between us old pals, huh? We can be friends at least.
I stiffen at the word friends We aren’t friends, and in truth… not sure that I ever see that happening.
Ouchie. That stung. I wave my hands hurriedly, dismissively at them Fine fine fine... Just deliver to Abel when you get it. It was for him anyways. I roll my eyes and vanish again
I look back over at Ruby, since what I do here is surely to affect her too. That’s acceptable to me…
I read Sam the address, telling him where we need to go, and pop us over.
Once my feet are on solid ground again, I look across the street and see that we are at a Storage Facility, much like the one my Dad has stashed stuff in for years. Looks like someone’s got important things stashed for safe keeping, like Dad.
Catching sight of two guards, I can’t believe it. “Shit! Of course they are…I recognize them. They belong to Crowley.”
Also sees the two guards come around the side of the unit. Of course they are, why is nothing ever simple? Okay. I wonder if this whole place belongs to Crowley, or if he’s just hiding his shit in plain sight.
“It doesn’t matter to us. We just want the one item. In and out.”
Points to the hedge along the south side of the building Pop us over there and we can bring them to us. Slips the demon blade from pocket.
Touches his shoulder and pops us over there.
Solid once again, I reach over and surprise tickle Ruby, causing her to laugh out loud and alert the demons to our presence.
I unexpectedly burst out laughing. If you’d have told me 10 minutes ago I’d be laughing during any of this I’d have thought you were nuts.
Both demons approach the side of the building and as they turn, before either expect it, the first one finds my demon blade deep in his middle. Sending him back to Hell.
The second one’s face meets my knee and Sam tosses me the blade which I catch and I finish him off. I pull the keys off his belt and take them with me, pulling out the paper Lucifer gave me, and begin looking for G47. At the unit, I unlock and pull off the padlock.
I reach down and grab the bottom of the rolling door and shove it open. With my hand on the blade in my pocket, I pull my flashlight and step inside.
Follows Sam in. “Mahogany box with Angel warding sigils on it.”
Got it I turn to the left and begin looking. Be careful of trip wires. Dad always used them, I could see Crowley setting traps too, don’t touch anything you don’t have to.
Cautiously watching my step I search on the right. After searching for less than five minutes I find the box behind a mill press. “Sam, this is it!”
You sure? Walks over to Ruby
“Yes. Mahogany box, angel warding sigils.”
Let’s get out of here. I close the unit and put the lock back in place. As we walk to the street, I toss the keys onto the body of the guard, just before Ruby pops us back to the apartment.
Back at the apartment I place the box on the coffee table. Going to the fridge, and grabbing us both a beer, I sit on the sofa, looking at the box. Curiosity gets the better of me and I set the beer down, picking it up.
I start to chuckle You know, I thought you’d last at least 15 minutes…
I punch his shoulder “You know you want to know just as much as I do jerk.”
Open it
Carefully opening it, I peek inside. I feel let down. Looking disappointedly at Sam. “It’s a cremated body. But I’ve never seen one this color before.”
Drinking my beer, while Ruby investigates the box. What color? Reaching for the box to see for self.
“Whitish blue.”
My heart starts to race a little and I look inside. Shake it a little bit will ya?
Carefully, I do just that. As I do, I see a chain sift to the top and show Sam.
I see the chain as well and reach down to get a pen off my journal by the sofa. Using the tip of the pen, I pull the medallion out of the cremains and my heart drops. Ruby, this is really bad.
“ ‘Have a bad day’ bad or ‘apocalyptic’ bad?”
I’m pretty positive these are the last remains of Chuck…. I’m also positive that we really shouldn’t be handing them over to Abel without more information as to their use.
“Better Abel than Crowley, Sam. We don’t have the luxury of not doing this. It’s too dangerous.”
getting frustrated You know what? I can’t sit here anymore and not doing anything I’m out with it without you all! heading to the stairs
Just STOP Dean. shooting daggers at him
No! You all can fucking stand here if you want to I’m done! grab my keys running up the stairs and open the door....
standing right there in the doorway I laugh and casually prop a hand up against it blocking the entrance What? Can't a guy check in on his pals? Been a minute since I dropped by the Bunker now.
I can’t let Dean go at this alone, so I follow him
What the hell?
follows you and Dean to the door.
What the fuck man no what the hell you  doing. Here? I’m so sick of this bullshit!
Just doing house calls, what's wrong with that? Can't visit old friends now?
Fuck off since when would you call us friends!
What friends? I wasn't aware of a friendship
After plowing Dean and see Luci standing there the doorway shocked me.
That’s for good reason you haven’t been here in awhile!
I snap my fingers and silence her voice, dark look in my eyes
I step in front of jo trying to protect her
I fling my wrist and slam Ellen against the wall to pin her there Honestly! What is it with you pesky humans-- it's like you never learn! I eye Mary and slowly start to approach her next
trying to protect jo, I feel myself hitting the wall  watching lucifer as he holds me against the wall trying everything to be released from grasp
backs up silently. Not sure what to say at all
seeing Lucifer approaching Mary, I step in front of her. +back off, bitch+
What gives? I'm smiling evilly Everybody's so jumpy lately.
Jo, Seeing the dead rise will do that to someone.
I start laughing Seriously? You all should be used to that by now.
Not when a mother fucker been killed with the first blade jackass!
I roll my eyes Well you saw Cain. Also seems you forgot he was a twin...
Whatever... Hasta la Vista. I'll be back. I wink then vanish again
Getting back to the apartment with the groceries, I notice a note stuck to the door, and grab it.
Follows behind I’m carrying the supplies for tonight’s dinner and a six pack. See’s Ruby find a note attached to the door. Oh no, Come on! It’s another one, isn’t it?
Sighing “Sam, this is what we signed up for.” I set a bag of groceries on the counter and say out loud, “Don’t get your panties in a wad.”
Steps inside and closes and locks the door Oh this is what we signed up for? I don’t remember anything being said about a gopher job for monsters.
“It’s an address to take the ashes to. It’s Abel’s address.”
That is at least a piece of information that I’d been wanting to get my hand on.  Well, then, let go do it. The sooner I finish all my fetch and carry responsibilities, maybe I can sit down a minute and try to put these pieces together. Does it happen to say what Able wants the ashes for?
“I agree with you. I know it’s frustrating, but I’m sure when we need to know, they’ll tell us what we need to know. Right now it must not be our concern. It’s just got to get done. You want something to eat before we go?”
No I’m good, I had a couple of late sandwiches…
I roll my eyes and mumble, “I’m sure you did.”
after Dean and I tell the others to get searching to find anything we possibly can on Abel, I pull out my laptop again and do my own research
[10:09 PM, 8/29/2022] Ellen SPN: finding books and books and reading on everything we can in the lore.
Trying to read everything
tries to find anything useful in the books. Looking up everything
everything om finding just talks about Abel’s death and then Cain dam I'm not seeing anything here.
I'm not finding anything at here either. Are we missing something
You know what? I wonder if killing Cain brought on another prophecy, or something else sharing my thoughts with the team
So far, it hasn’t been in anything I’ve read.
phone starts going off. As I pull it out I see that it's Ash Hey Ash what's up?
Hey Ellen, how’s it goin’? Listen, something suspicious is happening near the old moldavite mine on the outskirts.
Well Ash.. I’m a little busy at the moment
It’s important, Ellen! Lucifer has been seen up there and we needed to know what he wanted.
All right well be there. Thanks Ash hangs up the phone
putting my phone away, I fill the team in hey guys, Ash just called and apparently lucifer has been seen up over at Moldavite mine. We need to gear up and go now!
gets my gear together and waits for the others
grabbing my gear I head for my truck who's riding with?
I am mom!
Damnit lets go! Who riding with me in baby?
I will Dean
+eh I don’t particularly care but sure I’ll ride Dean+
after everyone piles in. I push the clutch in and the start the truck. Drop it in first, then second, the truck starts sliding sideways, and hitting third hard we straighten out as we speed towards Moldavite Mine.
grab my duffle bags and head to my car and wait for those riding with me to get in I start it up
I pop us to the mine.
At the entrance to the Moldavite Hollow mine, I turn on the lights at the side of my helmet and pull the smaller helmet out of my bag and hand it over for Ruby. It doesn’t look like the ground has much moisture, so as long as we avoid loose rocks might not be hard going. You ready?
“Right behind you, boss.”
we pull up outside and I park
Looking out the opening to the mine, I catch sight of the team from the bunker, hurrying Sam forward. “We’ve got company.”
Looks back at her Good kind or bad kind?
“Brother kind.”
we pull up to the Mine and park the cars
Making our way inside the mine, we search as we walk. What kind of idol could be hidden in a mine anyway? I brush my hand across a smooth rock surface and feel an almost tingle of electricity. Hold on Ruby. I pick up the rock, it feel different than an ordinary rock, and almost appears to glow.
Watching Sam hold the rock up, I see his eyes change. “Sam, the longer you hold that your eyes are turning darker.”
I think we’ve found what we were looking for. I can feel the energy starting to move up my arms.
I catch Ruby out the corner of my eye walking into the mine.
I catch sight of the mine entrance, which, conveniently, was covered in “KEEP OUT! DANGER” signs +dammit. it just HADDDD to be a mine. couldn’t have been.. oh I DONT KNOW, a wide open PRAIRIE?!+
Eli, stick with me and Mary and we’ll keep you calm.
completely pissed off about the entire situation i told you! I fucking KNEW that bitch was in on it!
taking in what Dean just said. Hoping he's not right about this, but he just might be
+yeah thanks Jo, but I’m not sure you quite get how the whole claustrophobia thing works. just having other people generally doesn’t make the problem go away+
Watching Sam hold the rock up, I see his eyes change. “Sam, the longer you hold that your eyes are turning darker.”
I bust into the place grabbing at the idol Give me that Sammy!
Dean! Tries to hold to the rock and moves back away from him
I tackle you to the ground and take it and get back up no you dont need this crap Sammy come on get your damn head on straight!
As Dean grabs for the idol, I haul back my fist and smash it straight into his nose as I fall. Back off Dean! You don’t know what you’re getting yourself and everybody else into here…
I grab my face but still keeping the rock in my hands DAMNIT Sammy! We're brothers! Stop this shit man! This isn’t you!
coming up on Dean and Sammy fighting please Sam just come home with us. We can work all this out later! I try to plead to Sam
Climbs back to my feet breathing hard Look, Dean we are brothers... we are of course.…I just know a little bit more about that idol than you all know. Hand it back to me and I’ll show you… and if you still think that it should go with you. I won’t try and stop you. I swear.
I slowly make my way closer to Sam.
runs into the room Sam, please think about this. You're better than this. Please come home with us m
Dude, this isn’t you talking man come on we need you to come home.... What do you mean you know about it? Besides its part of the reason you aren’t you.
+Sam. please come home with us… this isn’t you! we’re your family. whatever your going thru, let us help! please Sam+
Steps closer and holds out my hands Please, trust me..
Yeah because you ignoring us and just disappearing is so natural and everything start to hand it over how can I be sure?
Course... I take the Idol back Now, everyone… watch my face and my eyes… I hold tight to the idol with both hands
When Dean hands over the idol, I rush over, grabbing Sam around the waist and pop us back to the apartment.
Damnit Sammy! Maybe DAD WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU!
I grab Dean by the shoulders, standing in front of him look at me boy, look at me. making eye contact with dean you don't mean any of what you said. Your just upset, we will work this out. You know your family wouldn't do anything like this unless it was to protect us! trying my best to comfort this poor boys heart. I hate seeing Dean so hurt and upset
No! I mean every damn word! Dad was fucking right!
I can tell you right now Dean. I'm always going to be here for you. Now let's try to figure out how to help your brother.
Back at the apartment, I lay my head back on the couch and send a message telepathically to Lucifer letting him know that our mission was accomplished.
I respond telepathically, praising them Very well done. But… tomorrow is going to be the real test. Wait for my message and I'll set up the meeting with Abel.
“What is all of this for?”
Every knight needs his weapon... and Abel? He was an incredible blacksmith in his day. He wants to make his own, and you and Sam are going to help him.
Eyes still shut, I’m not sure what he means by that and I just nod my head, showing him I’m paying attention. Worry begins to creep in.
Today was one of those days when it felt good to be getting back home all in one piece. Looking at the cloth wrapped idol and the mahogany box of ashes, it sure felt like an unreal day. If we just hadn’t unexpectedly been thrust head to head with my brother and the Team, I’d have considered it a success all round. Okay, do you think it’s safe to assume we’re off the clock. I look over at Ruby and see her eyes closed. I know she had to have been under even more pressure today than I’d been. Hey Ruby… let’s call it an early night, sound good to you? I cross to the sofa and hold out my hand.
Opening my eyes, I smile at him. You know what Sam, that sounds good to me. We had a successful day. Taking his hand, I let him pull me up.
Pulling Ruby up in to my arms I give her a kiss on the top of the head
After he scoops me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him tight, laying my head on his chest.
I hold her tight and walk us back to the bedroom
To Be Continued
1. At the bunker, Dean, Eileen, Ellen, Mary and Jo talk about Sam’s odd behavior yesterday and not being able to catch up to him even after they called out to him. They discuss why he might be acting this way. Dean still blames Ruby and Ellen tells him to cool it. Mary asks if they’d ever seen this before. Jo tells her no.
Mary remembers the tattoo she saw on Sam’s arm and brings it up. Eileen asks Mary if she can draw it from memory, which she does and then Eileen does an image search on the hunter’s web to see if she finds anything. She doesn’t and they all react, and start brainstorming where to look next.
Lucifer shows up  in the middle of the bunker and tells them he’s back and in charge. He hints of great things to come. Dean gets in his face and they argue back and forth. The other’s also say that there is no way Gabe or the Team are going to let him regain power. There isn’t anything any of them can say that spoils Lucifer’s fun. Lucifer thinks they are all just ‘so cute in their ignorance’ and leaves.
2. Sam and Ruby are at the apartment and Lucifer mentally tells Ruby to come meet him at the hillside they spoke of earlier. Sam tells her to be careful and not take any chances. Ruby makes her way to the hilltop and calls to Lucifer. Lucifer appears with a smirk and smart remark. Ruby responds with one of her own and Lucifer shushes her, telling her what a good little demon she’s been. Ruby’s attitude shows, but she says nothing, for now.
He tells her she will be rewarded, especially since she got his vessel! He had tried so hard, but he was satisfied with the one he had now. He muses that there was just something about Sam.
Ruby looks alarmed and Lucifer assures her that he wasn’t taking Sam’s meatsuit - he couldn’t anyway. But felt bringing him onto the …
3. Dean and the Team discuss the seriousness of Lucifer being back. No one is sure if this is becoming a War between the big powers, Lucifer & Amara. Mary speaks up and reminds them that Cain is also back from the dead, maybe he’s involved too. Eileen says that maybe Lucifer and Amara are each trying to build an army to help them take over. Ellen considers the ideas everyone is throwing around and suggests that no one really knows what kind of relationship Lucifer and Amara had before they were both locked away. What if they had been really close and were now not coming to fight against each other, but joining forces to knock Gabe from his spot as God. Everyone is shaken by her suggestion and Dean says that if it's true then they are going to have to figure out how to stop the apocalypse one more time.  
Dean also worries to himself that maybe Lucifer being back has something to do with Sam’s recent odd behavior. But he doesn’t share this with the others.
4. Lucifer sends another mental message to Ruby to return to the hill, this time with Sam. Sam and Ruby discuss what they’re getting into, and Ruby says all they can do now is wait for more instructions. Ruby pops them to the hillside and Lucifer is already there. Lucifer tells them that he needs them to go and pick up something for him and hands Ruby a paper with an address and description. Sam tells Lucifer he signed up to follow orders from Abel and he’d rather speak to him. Lucifer questions why he’s being that way, there should be trust between them and they could be friends. Sam retorts and Lucifer relents, telling them fine, they can deliver this item to Abel themselves once they get it, it was for Abel anyway. Sam says that is acceptable to him and Lucifer vanishes. Ruby shows Sam the address and item they are to pick up, then pops them to the address.
5. At the storage facility. Ruby recognizes the two demons out front guarding it and realize they belong to Crowley. We pop into the side of the unit and call them over. They kill both and get the keyring off one of them. They carefully make their way inside, find the correct unit, but Ruby can’t pop in. They use the key to open it and once inside, thankfully the locker is well organized, and it doesn’t take long for them to find what they are looking for. We look for the mahogany box with Angel warding sigils on it. Once back out of the unit, Ruby pops them back to the apartment to safety. Ruby can’t help herself and has to look at the contents. They’re both a little shocked. Sam begins to have second thoughts. Ruby says it's too dangerous, they can’t.
6. Dean says he can’t sit idly by anymore and gets up to get his keys. Ellen tells him to stop and dean argues and heads to the door. Jo, Mary and Eileen follow and are shocked when dean opens the door and Luci is standing here. Ellen swears and dean takes a step back, asking what he is doing here. Luci laughs and says he was just checking up on his friends, it has been a while since he had been at the bunker. Jo says that’s for good reason and Luci silences her. Ellen tries to protect jo and Luci holds her against a wall with his powers asking if any of these pesky humans would ever learn.  Mary stays back and doesn’t know what to say as Luci approaches her, Eileen gets protective. Luci asks why they’re all so jumpy and jo says seeing the dead rise will do that to someone. Luci laughs saying they should be used to that, and Dean says not when they were killed with the first blade. Luci makes a remark about them seeing Cain, and how they forgot Cain was a twin. He cracks another joke and vanishes.
7. Upon arriving at the apartment, there is a note on the door from Luci- saying he has one more job for them today.  Sam curses, and Ruby reminds him that this is what they had signed up for. She continues reading to find out this, along with the ashes needed to be delivered to Abel. Sam questions what Abel needed the ashes for, and Ruby tells him it’s not their concern-for now, this mission needed to be completed. She was going to make them both some lunch and then they would go. Sam grumbles a bit but agrees.
8. Back at the bunker Eileen and dean have told the others to see if they can find any information about Abel. Mary and Ellen are reading everything they can find along with jo Eileen and dean. Most everything about Abel talks about his death, and then Cain. Ellen wonders if Cain's death brought on another prophecy of some sort. Jo speaks up and tells her it wasn’t in anything she had read so far.  Just then Ellen gets a call from ash, telling him something suspicious is happening near the old moldavite mine on the outskirts. Ellen tells him she’s a little busy, and ash says it’s important, lucifer had been seen up there and they needed to know what he wanted. Not needing to hear any more Ellen tells the team to gear up, they’re going for a drive. They all get ready and go in baby and Ellen’s truck.
9. Ruby and Sam have made their way to the mines, just as the others pull in. They hurry inside hoping they hadn’t been seen. Dean and Ellen park their cars, and jo catches a glimpse of ruby as she enters the mine. (Which is covered in keep out signs) Eileen swears, then explains she does not like confined spaces. Jo tells Eileen to stick with her and Mary, they’ll help keep her calm. Dean just looks angered and tells Ellen he knew Ruby was in on it. Inside the mine Sam and Ruby are looking for the idol that lucifer sent them for. Sam asks what kind of an idol is hidden in a mine. Suddenly Sam touches a rock, that feels a bit different than the other stones in the room and he picks it up, it seems to have an otherworldly glow to it, and ruby watches Sam’s eyes grow darker as he holds it. Dean busts in and tries to take the idol. Sam fights him telling him to back off, he didn’t know what he was getting into. Dean argues that they’re brothers, and they’re soon joined by the rest of the team. They all try to talk Sam into coming home with them, Sam argues, but then has an idea, telling the team he knew something about what Dean had taken from him, and he’d share…but he needed it back. Giving ruby a knowing look at the same time. Dean hands over the idol, ruby rushes over and grabs Sam’s shoulder, popping them both out of there. Dean rages and says maybe his dad was right all along. Ellen tells him he doesn’t mean that and tries to comfort him
10. Back at the apartment, Sam and Ruby examine what they’ve managed to gather, and ruby sends a telepathic message to lucifer telling him it is done. Lucifer tells her well done, but tomorrow was the real test. She needed to wait for his message, and he’d set up the meeting with Abel. Ruby asks what all of this is for, and Luci tells her every knight needs his weapon, Abel was an amazing blacksmith in his day—-he wanted to make his own. Ruby and Sam were going to help him. Ruby doesn’t know what to do with this information so she just nods. When she opens her eyes, she tells Sam that so far, they’re succeeding. But who knew what tomorrow held
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pentechnics · 2 years
So you know how our darling tin can isn’t the best with words? He likes to speak more with this actions and he thinks he plays it pretty cool but I very much see him being the type to hover near you when he’s feeling needy. Like if he’s just needing some of that close contact he’ll almost be your shadow all day being right there but never actually touching you. And then when it’s time for bed, you will find yourself squished under one very broad mandalorian who has flopped himself right on top of you 🙈
This isn’t a request or anything I’m just feeling needy The Yearn™️ today and thought of this and wanted to share 😘
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AWWWW OMG you’re absolutely right, my dear. And I cannot thank you enough for sharing such a delightful thought with me! 
I know you said this wasn’t a request, but. What if. What if I wrote a teeny lil' something anyway 👀
Din Djarin x gn!reader, straight up fluff 100% G
You were no stranger to his behavior. 
Like plants knew leaves, like the galaxy knew stars, you knew Din. 
All day long, as the two of you went about performing your normal round of maintenance on the Crest, he never strayed very far from you. 
You’d go to organize the supply shelf, and he’d be right there, polishing his armor on a nearby crate. You’d start to clean the weapons and he’d appear beside you, grumbling something about it being a faster process with you both before returning his focus to the task at hand. 
Not that you minded. It was endearing; Din was a man of few words, and over the course of your relationship, you’d come to learn his body’s language. How to tell when he was frustrated, tired, elated, hungry, all from a single movement or stance. It was amazing to see. 
So you welcomed him. You brushed up against him whenever you walked past, or gave his arm a squeeze as you spoke with him – little answering gestures that you hoped reached him in a similar way. You let your hands linger in case he wanted more, but throughout the day, he continued to simply hover. 
While he launched the ship into hyperspace, you prepared for bed. The routine was second nature at this point: wash up in the ‘fresher, change into comfier clothing, crawl into the bunk, and turn out the lights. Din usually stripped off his armor in the hull, then joined you under the veil of darkness. 
You were teetering on the edge of unconsciousness when the hiss of the door pulled you back. You smiled and kept your eyes shut, listening to the sound of Din’s body climbing in beside you. 
Once the doors shut, a sudden weight all but dropped on top of you. 
You let out a huff as your lungs deflated. Din’s arm flopped around you, his leg swinging to rest on top of yours while his torso trapped you under its breadth. He laid his face on the back of your neck, each little exhale fanning over your skin. You tried to wiggle around him, but to no avail. You let out a chuckle.
“Need some cuddles?” 
He nodded against you. You giggled and tapped his arm to get him to move. 
You resituated yourself to face him, and let his arms encapsulate you. His head came to rest on your chest, and as if on instinct one of your hands threaded itself into his hair. You placed your head on it and breathed in his scent: metal, leather, and a hint of whatever soap he was currently using. 
Your free arm snaked around and squeezed him closer to you. You felt him smile as he returned the gesture.
“Goodnight, love,” you whispered. 
“‘Night,” he mumbled. 
He leaned deeper into you, effectively trapping you under him once more, before his breathing evened out. The pressure from his body was comforting, like a weighted, heated, snoring blanket. You listened to the soft rumble and weaved your fingers through his wavy locks until you drifted off, giving Din one last squeeze before falling into your dreams.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
The one with two Pietro’s
Pairing: Pietro x reader, Wandavision!Pietro (Peter Maximoff) x reader FORCED 
Synopsis: you find yourself in Westview living with Wanda, Vision, the boys, and your boyfriend Pietro. But happens when you start to remember your Pietro and figure out what Wanda’s doing to you and everyone else? 
Word count: 1.4k+
Warnings: Swearing I think. Angst. Fluff if you squint. Mind control. Forced relationship. Briefly mentions the idea of a forced magical pregnancy. Bullet wounds. Death. Grief I suppose. Mentions pmsing. The over use of italics. Kinda feel like I make Wanda a psychotic asshole. SPOILERS FOR WANDAVISION!
A/N: This was so much fun to write! Probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, if you can really call it dark. Writing for Wandavision was a fun little challenge. Takes place in the 90′s so my title is a reference to friends, and so is a tv show character I use in the one shot. Pretend Evan Peters’ hair isn’t that blonde cause I will always see him with the silver he has in xmen and wrote him as such. 
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"Vision, that's not my Pietro," you mutter in horror to your friend as the two of you stand in the kitchen. 
You’re not quite sure what makes you say it, but you’re glad you do when you glance at the new Pietro in the living room, he's been playing video games with Tommy and Billy for close to an hour now. He's sweet and funny, but he's just not your Pietro.
"I'm afraid not, (Y/N)," Vision's voice is sullen, but he's glad you're not in on Wanda's mind games. Unless you are, and this is just another way for Wanda to mess with him. He’s not quite sure what’s happening, but he knows from what you’ve reminisced in passing to him about Pietro on nights when Wanda isn’t in the room, that that’s not the Pietro you know and love. 
"Oh my god," you murmur, hand coming to your mouth as little bits and pieces of memories race through your head. The genuine pain, horror, and sadness that cross your face make it obvious to Vision you're being manipulated like everyone else, even if you are Wanda's oldest friend. "My Pietro, he had an accent."
Your knees buckle when you hear his native accent saying his catchphrase in your head, 'you didn't see that coming.' Vision rushes to your side to help you stand more firmly.
"His face was longer, hair a white blonde not silver, his body more toned, and he had gorgeous blue eyes- bluest eyes I've ever seen," you grip onto Vision's arms as you imagine moments with your Pietro.
You grew up in the cell beside his and Wanda's, immediately forming a sisterly connection with her at a young age while Pietro hated you. He would tease you, pull on your pigtails, and steal some of your food on the off chance you three were eating outside of your cells. Over the years the teasing turned to flirting, and your dislike for him turned into a huge crush.
One night-a night you can normally remember with full clarity- after Hydra fell and before Ultron, the two of you were out on a walk, much to Pietro's chagrin. You were telling him about this new book that you were reading and how the characters annoyed you so because they were obviously in love but wouldn't admit it. Pietro zoomed in front of you, causing you to smack into his chest and almost fall to the ground, you would have if not for Pietro's arms wrapping around your waist and bringing you close to his toned chest.
The wind was blowing his hair into his eyes ever so slightly, so without thinking you reached up to move it out of his face and away from his eye. The small act of tenderness that you had displayed caused Pietro to give into his desires, he leaned in and his wind chapped lips descended onto yours. You melted into the kiss, clinging tightly to his biceps to ground you. One of his hands slipped down from your waist to squeeze your ass, the other wrapped more tightly around your waist and kept you anchored to him.
"I love you, Printesa, I have since we were kids," he admits when you pull apart for air, leaning his forehead on yours.
"I love you too, Quicksilver," you use the superhero nickname he gave himself when you were twelve. He grins before attaching his lips to yours once more, it was an unforgettable kiss that filled you with warmth and hope for your future.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Vision's voice brings you back to reality, or whatever this is.
"No," your voice cracks as you remember the last kiss Pietro planted on your lips, right before he protected Clint. The memory that still haunts your dreams, seeing him with all those bullet holes and knowing there was nothing you could do to save him. "What kind of person forgets the love of their life? I'm a terrible person Vis!"
"No you aren't (Y/N)," the sincerity in Vision's voice makes you really believe him. "Wanda's doing this, she didn't want you to remember."
You gasp as another memory floods your mind. You had agreed to go on a road trip with Wanda after being resurrected from Bruce's snap and defeating Thanos. You both wanted a break, or so you thought.
Wanda had stopped right when you had passed the entrance into Westview, she claimed to be checking her directions when you asked why she had stopped in the middle of nowhere. And no matter how weird it was that she chose to stop at the border to the town and not at a gas station, you believed your best friend and sister in law because she had no reason to lie to you.
A moment later her eyes and hands were glowing red as she touched your temple. She pushed all your memories behind a wall in your brain, then filled your head with memories of a happy life with her and Vision in Westview.
She did it again when 'Pietro' showed up on your guy’s doorstep, this time filling your head with memories of him. Memories of a different first kiss, but an eerily similar first date to the one you and your Pietro had. It makes sense to you now, you and Pietro had never told Wanda the real story of your first kiss, instead telling her you had it weeks later on your first date. You had tried to keep your relationship a secret for a little because you didn't want to make it awkward for Wanda if it didn't work out.
Another thing she didn't add was your engagement and subsequent marriage to her brother. In this reality you and 'Pietro' are just dating. You have to assume that it's because it happened weeks before the battle against Ultron and she doesn't want to remember anything that close to her brother's death.
The thing about the new Pietro is that he seems to rub Wanda the wrong way, something your Pietro never did. He makes comments that you know yours would never, and Wanda always tenses up near him. This Pietro likes to show you off more than yours did, which is saying a lot because your’s used to cling to your side, praise you, and show you off in town when girls would flirt with him. Every time this Pietro kisses you it doesn’t feel right, it’s nowhere near the earth shattering kisses that you had somehow managed to remember from the deep parts of your brain. 
"My ring," you shudder in horror when you realize the diamond ring that your Pietro stole from the jeweler in Sokovia is no longer sitting delicately on your left ring finger like it was before entering Westview. You hastily search your body for your most prized possession, sighing in relief when you find it hanging from a simple silver chain around your neck.
"(Y/N)," Vision says gently, resting a hand on your shoulder, it’s one of the few times he doesn’t know what to say. 
"He's dead," you cry, knees buckling under your weight again. This time you catch yourself on the kitchen table, before sinking in the seat to your right.
"Who's dead?" Wanda appears in the doorway out of nowhere. She has an innocent, concerned expression on her face, but the tilt of her head tells you she'll come take your memories away again if you slip up in the slightest.
"Dr. Drake Ramoray on Days Of Our Lives, the soap opera I was watching this afternoon when you and the boys were out. He fell down the elevator shaft, and I'm apparently taking it harder than I thought I would. I must be pmsing or something."
"Or maybe you're pregnant," there's a red glint in her eyes that scares you to no end.
"Oh," you swallow the lump in your throat, and hold back the bile rising up your throat from anxiety. "I don't think so, I'm not ready to be a mother yet."
"It would be so fun though," 'Pietro' zooms behind your seat, leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek. "Little mini me's and you's running around the house with Billy and Tommy."
"I think two super human children are enough for the house right now," you let out an uncomfortable giggle. You and Vision side eye each other, both very aware that you'll probably be as pregnant as Wanda was a few days ago within the week.
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alaskasmonsters · 4 years
Play Fights | Modern Levi Ackerman
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requested by @windex-princess-gia​: HI! i absolutely love LOVE “patch-up” and was wondering if you wrote for modern levi? I love the idea of him and his s/o play fighting and being all cute and sweet <3 if you do write something tHANK TOU
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pairing: modern!levi ackerman x gn!reader
w.c: 1.642
warning: none
a.n: hii, thank youuu!!! <3 i hope this is what you imagined and i hope you like it!!! i am so sorry it’s so short, i hope it’s still okay. :3
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Your eyes drifted to Levi’s form, who was bent over the dishwasher to collect the contents, checking every single piece of tableware for remaining dirt. He never trusted the dishwasher to do its job, hasn’t since the two of you had moved in.
You found it endearing sometimes, his mania for cleaning. Your place was always clean, too, and it was cute when he scolded you for wearing a hoodie again, that he had already deemed ready for the washer (although it was your favorite hoodie and it’s so comfortable and it was just a little bit of dirt).
He would have that face, all emotionless and unblinking and you knew he had to hold back not to hit you on the back of the head for being an idiot. Then he’d force you out of it and instead throw one of his hoodies to your head, knowing that’s what you wanted.
It wasn’t fun however when you wanted cuddles, needed them actually (you were quite needy with physical touch most days) and Levi was rather ogling the plates that actually reached his high expectations of cleanliness with satisfaction, rather than already get it over with it and watch a movie with you, his significant other.
“Levi,” you whined for what felt like the tenth time already.
He barely turned to glance at you, already knowing what you wanted. Seemingly unimpressed he gave you an onceover before turning back to the teacup he was just inspecting.
Losing against the charm of clean tableware, you really should feel threatened at this point.
You let out a groan, falling back on the couch.
“Stop being whiny and help me with the dishes the stupid washer hasn’t done a good job with, if you want cuddles so badly,” Levi scolded and when you sat up again he was just placing the cup he’d been inspecting on the “not good enough” pile, glaring at it as if it had personally offended him.
It was his favorite teacup, one you had given him before you had ever moved in together, to the first birthday he had celebrated with you, and in his opinion the washer never did a good enough job on it.
It might have warmed your heart, but the thought of having to wash already clean dishes to get Levi’s affections, and probably not even doing a better job on it than the dishwasher...you could just hide beneath the blankets.
Instead you got up and made your way to the kitchen sink, because let’s be honest, if Levi did this all alone it would probably take another 20 minutes, with how thoroughly he inspected every piece of tableware and you wanted your cuddles.
You’d risk being scolded for not using enough soap or too much soap, you couldn’t really tell how he decided which one it was, but it didn’t really matter to you.
Levi looked up to give you a smirk, damn well knowing you had no desire to actually help him, that you only did it out of desperation. You stuck out your tongue at him, making him shake his head with a roll of his eyes.
Taking down the faucet sprayer from the attachment, you already eyed the several pieces of tableware with disdain.
“You know, I'm just doing this because I love you,” you teased, playfully shaking the faucet in his direction with a warning glare.
You weren’t sure what Levi would have responded, probably rolled his eyes at you again and told you he loved you too. Either way, his words died on his tongue the moment cold water hit him in the side of the face.
You noticed in horror that you had accidentally brushed the button at the bottom and activated the faucet sprayer, drenching Levi’s hair and upper part of his hoodie with water. He stood there, unmoving, frozen in shock, until he slowly turned to you. His eyes glaring at you with utter annoyance.
The water was trickling down his face and his hair was sticking to his forehead. Combined with the pissed off expression, he reminded you too much of your cat Mustard after you’ve given him the annual bath.
You couldn’t keep in the snort.
Clasping your hand over your mouth you looked at Levi with wide eyes, knowing damn well you were already toeing the line and it wouldn’t be long until he looked for revenge.
His voice was dangerously calm and you quickly threw your hands up signaling your surrender, biting your lips, trying to keep the laughter from spilling out.
“It was an accident. My finger slipped!”, you hurried to say, but you couldn’t suppress the giggles escaping your mouth.
Slowly, Levi put down the plate he’d been holding, fully turning your direction, eyeing you like a hunter eyed it’s prey. You froze in anticipation, mind already whirling.
He came towards you faster than you could process and with a squeak you pressed down the button again, spraying Levi once more, hitting him square in the face.
That wasn’t enough to stop his advances and you quickly threw the gadget into the sink and raced to your connected living room, jumping over the couch in your attempt to escape.
Laughing loudly at the top of your lungs, you slipped on the floor, scattering across the room. Levi was right behind you, it wouldn’t be long until he would have caught up to you.
He’s always been much faster than you have, so it was only a matter of time. Still, you always tried anyway. Whenever you and Levi were being silly and goofing around (which occurred quite often, despite him appearing mostly cold and distanced), you were aware that your boyfriend had significant physical advances.
It made it just the more satisfying whenever you were the one to win, if only due to luck.
Levi caught your arm and pulled you back until you stumbled against his chest. Before you could even attempt to wiggle free he bent down to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing at all.
You huffed dramatically, trashing in his arms as he carried you all the way towards the couch to throw you on top of it and pin you down.
Looking up, you saw the smug look on his face.
“Not fair!” you pouted, but Levi wasn’t done with you, yet.
The only warning you got was a single finger lifted in the air (he pinned both of your wrists down with one arm now) and a little smirk and then you were already squeaking and wiggling beneath his grip.
His finger dug into your side without mercy, dancing across your skin, then pinching again. You giggled and wheezed uncontrollably, helplessly trashing under his weight.
“No! Stop! Levi!” you whined out between laughs, trying to kick out with your legs, but he was sitting on top of them.
He paused for a second and you sunk back into the pillow, gasping for air. Your boyfriend was looking down at you with an eyebrow expectantly raised in the air.
“Pretty please, it was an accident I swear!” you pushed out between gasps, giving him your best puppy look.
He cocked his head to the side, motioned for you to go on.
“I’m sorry i splashed you with water,” you apologized and because the image of his similarity to your cat still lingered at the back of your mind you added, “And that you look like Mustard who’s just gotten a bath.”
Levi snorted.
“Do I now?”
You nodded, grinning up at him.
He scoffed, clearly bemused, if not a little annoyed at you.
There was a moment of peace, where the both of you just looked at each other, then Levi dove down, rubbing his wet hair against your face.
You squeaked at the wetness and tried to push him off, but he wouldn’t budge, rubbing against you like….well, a cat.
“Ew, Levi,” you laughed, huffing when one of the wet strands almost got into your mouth, “You win, wou win. Mercy.”
He removed himself from you immediately, a cocky half grin on his face as he let go off your wrists.
As soon as your hands were free you pushed against his chest, trying to wipe off the uncomfortable feeling of dampness on your cheeks that Levi had left there.
“Don’t you know I always win, darling?”, he teased, making no move to get off of you.
You rolled your eyes, a sly grin forming on your face as an idea popped into your head.
Before Levi knew what was coming you’d reached out and slung your arms around his neck, pulling him down so he was almost lying on top of you. He had reacted quickly enough, only thanks to his agility so he could catch himself with his arms before actually falling on top of you. Both of them were propped next to your head as he was kneeling between your legs.
He found your eyes, his face devoid of any emotions as he stared at you in complete silence. You chuckled at the sight of that face, your fingers dancing across the shaved hair of his undercut.
“I got you to get on the couch, though,” you explained, giving him a toothy grin, “Haha!”
Levi shook his head, but the soft smile on his face told you he didn’t mind as much as he would like to pretend. After all, your boyfriend liked it when you were cuddling on the couch and watching a movie just as much as you did.
That man was secretly the biggest softie.
“You’re a brat.”, he countered, voice free of annoyance.
You laughed, unashamed, then pulled him down the last inches to connect your lips to his in a short kiss.
“Love you, too.”
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bending-sickle · 2 years
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it has come to my attention that, time being a relentless river, some of you may not know about the biting pear of salamanca (original art by ursula vernon, pictured left) that was a staple meme (pictured right) of the internet back in the day as the lolwut pear.
The surrealist painting of the laughing fruit, titled The Biting Pear of Salamanca, was posted to deviantART on February 27th, 2006 by Ursula Vernon. Inspired by pop surrealism, she wrote that the pear "lives off low-flying birds, hand-outs, and the occasional unwary sightseer." As early as November 2006, a user on 4chan's /b/ (Random) message board had associated the photo with the caption LOLWUT.  - knowyourmeme: lolwut
ursula vernon even made a biting pear soap label (and presumably there was once soap to go with it), painted a similar biting bunny pear, and there were once apparently still are plushies for sale.
about the pear’s fame, artist ursula vernon says:
Yes. I know. LOL WUT. Yes, yes. I'm aware. Really, I don't mind that y'all are havin' fun with the image*, the internet is a very silly place and all, but if you could make an effort to include a link to the original when you're posting it, I'd be really grateful. [x]
(I have a strange relationship with my beloved pear--on the one hand, I love it and am very proud of it for having gone on to such weird internet fame. On the other hand, it went on without me, despite the best efforts of fans to point out the original creator, and it has gone to some REALLY strange places...)  [x]
Weirdly enough, I hadn't ever really re-painted the Biting Pear before,* despite the fact that it got loose on the internet and became something of a phenomenon. (It writes home now and again. I occasionally get photos of it protesting Scientology. I feel good about that.) However, I've had a few people ask for sketches of the pear at conventions (and a couple who want photos of themselves with me and the Pear, who are apparently delighted to have found the original creator. [x]
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missjanjie · 3 years
Taste of a Poison Paradise | Chapter 8
Title: Taste of a Poison Paradise Summary: Life at Jackie Cox’s strip club, Poison Paradise, isn’t just lapdances and g-strings. There’s enough drama, lust, and heartache to rival any soap opera. None of the girls know what to expect on any given shift, especially while navigating their torrid, complicated relationships. Word Count: ~3k (this chapter) / ~24.2k (total) Relationship(s): Lemyanka (Lemon/Priyanka), Crygi (Crystal Methyd/Gigi Goode), Sportsdoll (Jan Sport/Nicky Doll), Jaidie (Jaida Essence Hall/Jackie Cox), BVK (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo/Kameron Michaels), Rosnali (Rosé/Denali Foxx) Rating: E
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Chapter Summary: Things seem to be going well for Lemon until they go really bad really fast. Things are actually going well for Jackie and Jaida.
For the next couple of weeks, it seemed like Lemon was on the mend. She had finished her finals, gotten through her senior year, and now it was time to celebrate. Hers and Gigi’s graduations were only a couple of days apart, so the group decided to combine their graduation party that weekend.
It was one of the rare times the club was closed on a Saturday, but Jackie wanted to make sure everyone could celebrate together and turned the main room into their party space. “Cheers,” she said, raising her glass, “to Lemon and Gigi, college graduates!”
The group clinked their glasses together and drank, everyone resuming their casual conversation, relaxed, and enjoying one another’s company. With the exception, of course, of Lemon and Priyanka, who were still trying to avoid each other like the plague.
“Look, I love those two as much as the rest of y’all, but I’ve stopped feeling sorry for them — at this point, it’s just annoying,” Kameron remarked as she watched the way they behaved with a grimace. “Not that it’s any of my business, but it kind of is considering how often I have to witness them, but how long were they hooking up for anyway?”
Vanessa furrowed her brows as she counted on her fingers. “Dunno, like four months?”
“Shit, that’s like a lesbian year,” she murmured, sipping her drink. “This isn’t gonna fix itself is it?”
“Not as long as Pri’s got that rock on her finger.”
“It could be worse,” Brooke Lynn chimed in, her lips pursed around the straw in her glass, “at least she doesn’t wear it to work, can you imagine the fit Lemon would throw if she had to stare down a diamond every day?”
The three of them looked at Lemon, who, at least for the moment, appeared to be enjoying herself, then at Priyanka, who was talking to Crystal and looking stressed.
“So, dress shopping is happening on Wednesday?” Crystal asked. “Does she know?”
“Of course she doesn’t know,” Priyanka scoffed and shook her head, “I have no idea how to keep her from knowing, no one can keep a secret in their family.”
Crystal winced but nodded. “Well, good luck,” she offered before Gigi made their way to her side and her attention immediately became divided.
“Thanks,” Priyanka mumbled, her gaze drifting to Lemon, who was talking animatedly to Jan and Rosé, “I’ll need it.”
By the time Wednesday rolled around, Priyanka’s nerves hadn’t quelled in the slightest. Lucky for her, at least, those with her — her mother, sister, and future mother-in-law wrote it off as pre-wedding jitters. Scarlett knew better, but there was no need to blow up her best friend’s spot like that.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to a more traditional store?” The mother-in-law asked, “I know Mark doesn’t want your culture to be ignored.”
“It will be two separate ceremonies,” Priyanka’s mom cut in before she could speak for herself, “she will be wearing her grandmother’s sari for that.”
Priyanka had to fight off the pained expression that tried to twist its way onto her face. It was only when she had broken the news to her family that she remembered what a big event weddings were in her family. She wasn’t about to get off lightly with this. Instead, she let the assistant at the shop lead her to a rack of dresses and suggested a few. She agreed to them without giving them a proper look, figuring she would let a majority rule.
Once she was in the first dress, she returned to the main room and stepped up on the platform in front of the mirrors. Right away, the women began discussing and debating the pros and cons of the dress — where it fit right, where it’d need to be taken in. But she couldn’t bring herself to focus on anything, instead zoning out to the song playing through the store’s speakers.
I'm living for the only thing I know I'm running and not quite sure where to go And I don't know what I'm diving into Just hanging by a moment here with you
Normally, Priyanka would roll her eyes at this sort of song, at the cheesy love in the lyrics. But with her only alternative being actively participating in shopping for a wedding dress, she listened to the music and let it resonate.
Desperate for changing Starving for truth I'm closer to where I started I'm chasing after you
She winced but blamed it on accidentally being stuck with a pin. They didn’t have to play a song that hit so close to home, she thought. It made it that much harder to ignore the feelings that bubbled up inside her. It was only then that she realized someone was talking to her. “Huh?”
“I asked if you liked the dress,” Scarlett replied.
“Oh,” she cleared her throat. “Yeah, it’s fine.” She then realized she should have been more convincing because she found herself ushered back into the dressing room to try on dress number two, which she would then force enthusiasm for so the day would end as soon as possible.
“Are you okay?” her mother asked with sincere concern.
Priyanka nodded as she stepped off the platform. “Just a little lightheaded, I didn’t have breakfast.”
“Well, let’s get this dress taken care of, then we’ll go get something to eat.”
She nodded again as she went back to change into her regular clothes. Maybe she did just need to eat, she thought. Maybe some food or a nap would bring her back into reality. The reality where she was preparing to get married. The reality that Lemon could no longer be the main character in, no matter what some stupid song was trying to tell her. Or even worse, no matter how much she wanted her to be.
“You don’t normally ask me to make house calls,” Jaida remarked as Jackie let her into the apartment, “is everything okay?”
Jackie exhaled deeply. No matter how many times she had rehearsed what she was going to say, she still ended up tongue-tied the second she laid eyes on her. But she was determined to work her way through this and not let nerves get the best of her. “I watched the video you did with Denali. I… I watched it more times than I’d like to admit,” she confessed. “And I can’t get the image of you fucking her out of my mind. But more specifically… I can’t stop picturing myself in her place.”
Jaida had to put all of her mental energy into fighting off a smug grin. She wanted to choose her words carefully, not wanting to overwhelm an already anxious Jackie. “Since we’re being honest here, that’s kinda what I was aiming for,” at Jackie’s confused reaction, she continued, “you could have been less obvious with your username and how you talk online. Maybe it’s ‘cause I know you so well, but I could read all of your messages in your voice.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured to confront how you felt, considering your coming out was still fresh for you. I just wanted you to know that the option was there whenever you were ready.”
There was a silent beat before Jackie swallowed thickly and told her, “I’m ready.”
“Then tell me what you want, baby.”
“I want you to fuck me.” The words felt foreign for Jackie to say, the phrase has never left her lips with any sort of sincerity before. But at the same time, she had never been more certain in her life about what she wanted and how badly she wanted it.
Jaida moved to Jackie, wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing her deeply. “I’m gonna take good care of you, okay?” she promised as they made their way to the bedroom.
And Jackie trusted her, she trusted her more than she would have anyone else in this position. She let Jaida take her to bed, let her take her time undressing her and pressing kisses to every newly exposed inch of skin. She eagerly helped her clothes off as well, letting her hands roam her body in ways she had only fantasized about.
“I don’t want you to be afraid of being loud,” Jaida told her. “I wanna hear you, wanna know how good I’m making you feel.” As she spoke, her fingers glided down Jackie’s body, stopping between her thighs before starting to rub her clit in small, firm circles.
Jackie’s head tilted back into the pillows, soft moans spilling from her lips. Her body yielded to Jaida’s touch and her moans grew louder as the other woman eased one finger into her, thrusting and curling it before adding another and picking up a steady rhythm.
“Good girl,” she praised, trailing kisses down her body. She then slowly eased her fingers out and replaced them with her tongue, licking and thrusting at a similar pace while her fingers moved to rub her clit in tandem.
It wasn’t long before the sensation became overwhelming and Jackie’s hips started to jerk erratically. She barely managed to squeak out a warning before she came harder than she ever had before, her body trembling when she was spent. “Oh my god…”
Jaida came back up and laid beside her. “Are you okay?” she asked softly, pushing the hair out of her face.
“I’m good,” Jackie assured. “I just… I haven’t… it, um…”
“Jackie…” she furrowed her brows and sat up a bit, “have you ever been with a woman before?”
Jackie’s face turned a deep shade of red. “I have, kind of. It’s been hard to work through so many years of repression and internalized homophobia, you know? I’ve made out with girls, fooled around a bit. But I guess no, I’ve never properly had sex with another woman before. I wouldn’t have wanted to put that pressure on you anyway. Besides, I couldn’t have asked for a better first time.”
Jaida exhaled deeply, suddenly becoming aware of the weight that’d built upon her chest. “Then that’s all I needed to hear.”
“There’s a birthday party out there tonight,” Gigi remarked offhandedly as they and Lemon got ready in the quick-change room. “I know how much you love those,” they added with an overly exaggerated eye roll.
Lemon groaned. Birthdays and bachelor parties were tied for the worst groups of men to deal with as clients, the only exceptions being the ones that take it as an opportunity to go all out and tip well. “And you’re on the stage next?” she let out another disgruntled whine when they nodded, finishing off her cocktail. “Gonna get a refill, gonna need it for doing rounds.” Naturally, when she went to the bar, she went right to Crystal. The downside was Crystal knew to cut her off after three drinks and she had to flirt with men to keep the drinks coming.
“You’re getting your third one this early?” Crystal questioned as she mixed it for her. “Something on your mind?”
“Nope. Just got a birthday party that’s probably all gonna want lap dances,” she replied, taking a swig as soon as she got the drink in her hand. Sure, it didn’t help that she had seen Scarlett’s instagram post of Priyanka in her wedding dress earlier, but she wasn’t about to hash that out, especially not with the bride-to-be all of four feet away.
And Crystal wasn’t entirely convinced, but she knew there was no use in pushing further. “Well, good luck,” she offered.
Lemon set her empty glass on the counter before making her way through the crowd. It took a little while before she ended up in the vicinity of the group of men, and not long after that, they flagged her down. At first, it was business as usual, though she couldn’t shake the feeling that one of the men seemed familiar.
“Hey Mark,” the man celebrating his birthday remarked, “maybe we should come back here for your bachelor party. I bet Priyanka won’t mind!” he laughed.
That made Lemon freeze in her tracks as it all clicked. She saw red and her blood boiled with a wave of anger and loathing she had never felt before. Something inside of her took over, she hadn’t even realized she had thrown a drink in his face and screamed at him until Kameron was pulling her away and all eyes in the club were on her, including Priyanka’s, who had dropped everything to run over the second she heard Lemon scream.
“Who the hell are you?” Mark asked incredulously.
“I’m who your fianceé thinks about while you’re fucking her,” Lemon snarled while locked in Kameron’s grasp.
It was then that both Mark and Lemon realized Priyanka was right there. “What the fuck is she talking about, Pri?”
Priyanka felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach as she prayed for the floor to open up beneath her so the ground would swallow her whole. She knew she had been playing a dangerous game, but she could have never predicted that it would blow up in her face this badly. “I-”
“She’s never gonna love you,” Lemon continued with disdain in her voice. But then her tone softened to a calm, albeit distant one. “But don’t worry,” she looked towards Priyanka, their eyes meeting, “she’s never gonna love me either.”
Other than the music playing in the background, the room was silent as Lemon let Kameron take her upstairs to the common room. “How are you feeling?” she asked gently as she sat at the other end of the couch, resting her hand on the smaller girl’s leg. “You really caused a scene back there.”
“Whatever,” she mumbled. “He was gonna find out eventually. You can’t live a lie forever,” she hiccuped as she sprawled her barely-dressed body out. “I need another drink.”
“The only thing you’re drinking is water,” she said sternly, getting up and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and bringing it back, propping Lemon up enough so she could drink. “I’m gonna call Rosé and have her take you home, I don’t think you should stick around tonight,” she told her as she fished her phone from her pocket.
Lemon nodded and pushed herself to sit up properly. She hung her head down, intentionally hiding her face from Kameron as she sniffled quietly. “Pri’s gonna hate me now, isn’t she?”
Kameron winced, unsure of how honest she should be with someone both drunk and emotionally unstable. “I think once the dust settles, you two are going to have to have a long talk. It’s not gonna be easy, but it’s gonna be the only way you two have a shot at healing.”
“I ruined her marriage.”
She shook her head. “She ruined her marriage the moment she said yes to someone she didn’t want to be with. She probably would’ve gotten cold feet and left him at the altar,” she mused, both out of her honest belief and the hope that she could get Lemon to crack a smile. And once she did, she felt comfortable getting back up and calling Rosé, warning her of exactly what happened.
“I got here as fast as I could,” Rosé announced once she made it upstairs. “Three different guys tried to buy lap dances off me on the way, sorry,” she added before rushing to her cousin’s side. “You’ve done it now, huh, Lem?” she shook her head as she helped her to her feet.
Vanessa emerged from the locker room with the rest of Lemon’s belongings. “Here, you might wanna get her changed before you take her back outta here.”
Kameron furrowed her brows. “You know her locker combination?”
“Um… yes?” she tucked a bobby pin into her back pocket. “This ain’t about me,” she was quick to change the subject and helped Lemon get changed.
Rosé effectively ignored the entire exchange, saying her goodbyes to the other women before driving Lemon back home and getting her changed again, this time into pajamas. “Mik isn’t home, you can sleep in her bed,” she offered.
Lemon chewed her lip for a moment, then shook her head. “Can I stay with you? I just… I don’t wanna be by myself.”
“Of course, baby,” she assured and tucked her into bed. “Do you need anything? Water? Something to eat?”
“Need to wake up in a world where none of this happened.”
Rosé sighed sadly. “Fresh out, unfortunately.” She changed as well before joining her in bed. “Just wake me if you need anything, okay?” When she got a nod of confirmation, she turned the lights off and called it a night.
But that wasn’t the case for Lemon. No, she wouldn’t be so lucky. Even though she had been drunk, the incident replayed in her mind in great detail no matter how many times she tried to shut it off. That, coupled with struggling to sort through the mix of emotions still swirling through her, kept her awake for another hour or so before exhaustion took over and she passed out.
And back at the club, everyone else was left to pick up the pieces of the explosive incident. But as much as the clientele was willing to move past what they’d witnessed, none of the employees could get themselves to carry on. So, with Jackie’s blessing, they called it an early night and nearly everyone went back home.
Priyanka hung back, seeking solace in Jackie’s office, knowing her boss might be the only one that could understand the gravity of the fallout. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now, Jackie? This is effectively outing me to everyone. And I look bad too, they’re gonna find out I’m gay and a cheater in one go. What should I do?”
Jackie sighed, her heart truly breaking for her. “I wish there was an easy answer for this. I think, for now, you just need to get through the night.”
And Priyanka would, though she was afraid to fall asleep, overwhelmed with the need to postpone tomorrow as long as she could, because she had run out of ways to hide or lie her way out of it.
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trixcuomo · 3 years
Daily Writing Challenge, Day 3: Romance/Compromised
Another lovely talk show interview, this time with a slew of my Night Elf rogue OCs. And some fun re-caps of hilarious stuff I wrote.
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Trixany: *after the Goblin pop theme music dies down* Helloooo and welcome back to DMD! Daily Mail Dalaran is an Azeroth celebrity gossip show where, if you survive the scandal, you're bound to have a good time. And I mean it. Our last episode was a little, uh fiery.
Recorded audience: *staticky laugh track*
Trixany: The stage set and all these red couches are brand new, since the uh *she itches her nose* incident. We haven't re-done the audience section yet. Some of the seats are still smoldering. *she taps her earpiece*
Oh yes, of course. I've just been asked by our producer to find a way to tastefully segue into a moment of silence for the audience members who were lost in the dragon attack from our last episode. *she stares at the camera, then goes 'oops' and bows her head.*
Man. That was so... moving. And um, silent. Now, on with the show! As an exciting change of pace, we are going to focus on something saucy today. Romance and getting so-called compromised is today's theme--haha! So, of course, I reached into my deepest bag of Horde B celebrity tricks yet and brought you... *drumroll sound effect* the entire cast of the acclaimed The Romancers fanfiction series on fanfiction.net! You guys know how I love to break the fourth wall. Alessandre, Wisthera, Opalbane, Faltheriel and the rest, get on out here!!
The Romancers: *a big group of well-dressed, waving Night Elves, two of whom look related with pale blue skin and similar white braided hairstyles, and one blonde Blood Elf in black warlock gear walk onto the stage. An intense, yet playful soap opera themesong plays involving saxaphones*
Recorded audience: *more fake applause and wolf whistles*
Trixany: Yes!! The Romancers! I'm so excited to get you all here at once. Your fic could have been called The Romancers and the Compromised, right? I mean, the mix of spy versus spy and love affairs in that story were the real deal. And I mean that's what daytime drama is all about, getting lost in another world, reading about your favorite video game when you're supposed to be working.
Alessandre: Haha, yes! *touches his black leather saber fang choker* We're all rogues, I guess. The Romancers and the Compromised... that would have been perfect.
Trixany: *fangirl squeal* You're actually here, that sexbomb Alessandre! And how does it feel, everybody? To finally get a cool interview about your years of hard work. And some crazy, steamy scenes, am I right?
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The Romancers: *all clap and cheer, share hugs*
Trixany: Damn all the Night Elves here, and you too Faltheriel, are all so beautifully attractive. Hi Faltheriel! You and I actually go way back, you got me this interview.
Faltheriel: *says something sexy in demonic, in his very tempting voice* Vakka tu raxka, melin omderu prushika.
Trixany: Okay, that was hot, and creepy? How do you even do that??
Faltheriel: *the blonde Blood Elf man winks, with eyes done in heavy dark liner and eyeshadow* I won't go into certain details about my life with the Legion. All those stories were based on our real lives, you know.
Trixany: Oh? I suspected, but... really? Honestly, a lot of that was true? Wait, let's start from the beginning before I get carried away. What were your favorite, juiciest scenes from season one, the very first fic. Wisthera, Onyxbane and Priestess Feathershine, I think that was mainly you three, right?
Wisthera: Ho man, well Onyx here was the star. But I guess I'd better re-cap for those folks out there. Mind if I tell it? So, Onyx here was in love with me and a Human mage, Willypearl--she couldn't make it today.
Feathershine: She's moved on--
Onyxbane: Oh, she hates us.
Trixany: Oh? Drama already, it seems!
Wisthera: Yeah, that's the thing. Girlfriend lost her man to moi, a wiley rogue. But the twist was, ontop of all that... Onyxbane had some seriously confused feelings about his own adoptive foster mother.
Trixany: I remember that scene, when everything was kinda tip toeing around that, then he finally came out and said it. Oh my gods--
Onyxbane: Im an excellent uh, actor. So thankfully I was able to pull it off. Yeah, acting that out, that weird confession alone in the mirror was sorta gross but, like at the same time, I was lauging inside, hard. I was thinking like 'this guy is so fucked' haha! 'No matter what happens now, whoever he ends up with, Willy or Wisthera, he is so fucked.' Because it was so ridiculous, right? I mean who actually goes and does that? It was obviously just a setup, a way for me, Onyx, to get slapped in the face after all he put everyone through. His sister Opal was arrested in Stormwind, then they got dragged to Menethil Harbor and had to suffer through his sloppy not wanting to forgive Wisthera who already got arrested, kinda because of him and his family? Then they trek to Silithus and face death multiple times, and he is still flirting with all these women in their group and unable to choose any of them. That 'I'm in love with an older woman who kind of raised me too' mirror scene was just to have people laugh real good at Onyx's bad, bad mistakes.
Trixany: *waggles eyebrows* So, what happened?
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Feathershine: What do you mean? I yelled at him and threw him out of my cabin on the ship after he made his pathetic love confession, of course! The writer was cheeky, but that was the point-- Onyx was obviously not going to have an affair with a priestess of Elune, a woman who saw herself as a mother figure to him. I mean matronly women are beautiful too, we deserve love. Priestesses of Elune other than glamorous Tyrande do fall in love and find love, to be sure. But in this case, it was a fantasy within Onyx's own silly himbo mind. Certainly not!
But it was so hard to keep a straight face all through Onyx trying to confess he actually saw me as a milf. And how did we go from the tragedy in Felwood to me being a priestess of Elune and a milf, I don't know.
The Romancers: *all blurt laughter*
Feathershine: It was so, soooo awful! Once an innocent teenage crush that went wrong, I guess. But that boy grew into a pervert, and I could have killed him. I guess that's why I finally snapped and threatened to in season three--or was it four? Something like that.
Trixany: Alright, so we got Feathershine and Onyx's favorite scenes I think. Wisthera, what was your favorite scene from the first fic? Give us something romantic and compromising, okay?
Wisthera: *holds Onyx's hand and leans back, laughing* Ho goddess! Um... I would say the cave scene, yes.
Alessandre: Oh, the cave scene! Yeah!! Haha--Wisthera stepped on this scorpid and then after... well, it was so good. I mean, I hated her and I couldn't have written a better scene for her. The vain, sexy Night Elf woman rogue who had it coming. But, then again, it's also how Wisthera and Onyx finally got together.
Recorded audience: Awww.
Trixany: I have an idea! And it is seriously the best idea. Clips up on the big screen there are one thing, but we have you all here, live! Let's act it out right here. Let's do a scene!
Onyxbane: *raises his white eyebrows* Oh?
Trixany: Yes!! Guys, get on the floor, right now. Let's see how the most romantic, hottest part of the uh, The Romancers series went down. No shame, no judgment. Just go for it, live!
Wisthera: *blushes, stands up from her seat, then thinks carefully and stands on one leg, balancing* Okay, so Onyx? Let's say the stinging scorpid was here and I just stepped on it. Maybe you come in from this side and carry me off in your arms to the cave?
The Romancers: *awkward silence*
Feathershine: *simmering rage as she looks down at Onyx who is kneeling nearby, and has placed his hand on her leg.*
Onyxbane: So... We're not doing this scene? You said we were doing the hottest scene. *turns red* Trixany, you said no judgment!
Wisthera: Onyx! We're married now, or so I thought. What the fel is wrong with you?
Onyxbane: I got confused, or excited--excited to do the scene, I mean!!
Opalbane: *in her spooky, impassive shadowpriestess drawl* This just in, my brother Onyx is still a pervert. This time for real.
Feathershine: Onyx, I thought we got through this phase. I raised you, you freak! I'm your mother!
Onyxbane: No, I already had a mother. She died back in Felwood when I was a teenage boy and grown. But then this hot older priestess of Elune shows up, named Feathershine, and she tries to raise us--
Feathershine: Right! I adopted you, I'm your foster mother!!
Onyxbane: *hobbles over to Trixany while still on his knees, dodging blows from his female relatives* She's a milf. Why can't this woman accept she's a real-life milf? She's way too hot for her own good. That's how all this really got started--OW!
The Romancers: *all watch Onyx get smacked with couch pillows, then larger furniture, then get chased around the DMD studio.*
Wisthera: Pervert!!! You wanna get compromised? I got two poisoned daggers with your name on them, Onyx!
Trixany: Well, folks. *raises a red couch pillow as a shield* I can only apologize. This episode of DMD got waaay out of control...
Feathershine: Hooligan! I knew all along it wasn't acting because, you hack, you can't act ontop of everything else that's wrong with you!! *runs around and smites Onyx several times with her holy spells*
Trixany: What can I even say? *she laughs, watching the chaos unfold* Tune in next time for more of 'When keepin' your fanfic real goes wrong', here on DMD!
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brutal-nemesis · 4 years
E&T: Unfamiliar
Things are finally gonna get LABBY boys, I’m fuckin excited. Also this got so fuckin long so I Apologize
←Previous - Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: noncon touching (like. a lot. but its unsexy), painful magical healing, unsexy nudity (bro just takes a shower it ain’t graphic), emeto mention, drugging, noncon surgery mention
PART II: Monster Without A Name
The things that hit him first were the brightness of the sun and the overwhelming heat. They had teleported into a sort of palace garden, similar to the one they had just left, but at the same time not similar at all. As Erebus was led away, he couldn’t help but look around in terrified fascination. Everything about this place was so different, from the color of the stones to the plants to the way people were dressed, making it clear just how far from home he was. He tried to focus on the allure of seeing so many new things instead of the feeling of isolation that was closing in on him. 
Erebus knew that every step he took would lead him closer to his fate, but honestly, all had been lost the moment he had arrived in Taiyorum, so he let Rhys pull him along. He tried to remember the way, but there were so many twists and turns and steps going down and unfamiliar sights that he quickly got lost. Eventually, they stopped in front of a door. “I think I’ve got him from here,” Neteri said, taking the leash from the guard, “thanks, Rhys.” He nodded and left them. Erebus steeled himself as Neteri opened the door and ushered him inside.
The cell was larger than the one in Nathar, and Neteri hadn’t lied when she’d said it would be nicer, but then again that wasn’t a very hard requirement to meet. It had a bed along the right-hand wall and a desk on the left, with a small chest of drawers against the back wall. There was a door at the foot of the bed, though Erebus couldn’t quite see what it led to. He was too caught up in looking around to notice what Neteri was doing until he felt something cold clamp around his ankle. Why had he been expecting not to be chained up again? At least it wasn’t his wrists, and he would’ve been mortified if she had just attached the leash to the wall. Thankfully, she removed both it and the rope around just wrists. He stretched, happy to have his arms free for the first time in days.
“Alright, let’s get you fixed up for good. Do you need help taking your shirt off?” Erebus shook his head and gently pulled it off before sitting down in one of the two chairs in the room. She sat across from him and held out her hand. “Let me do your arm first.” He offered it to her, and she held onto his wrist as she gently unwound the bandage. She inspected the wound and nodded before placing two fingers on one end of the gash. “I know this is gonna hurt, but please try to keep your arm as still as possible.” Erebus nodded, bracing himself as she muttered the spell’s activation word, her fingertips beginning to glow faintly. She traced them slowly down the wound, and he gritted his teeth as an intense, itching pain lit up his arm. Thankfully, it was over soon enough, but he knew there was still a lot more to come.
His back was next, and he couldn’t help but wince as she removed the bandages around his torso, partially because of the pain and partially because the brand hadn’t mysteriously disappeared overnight as he had hoped. She had him turn around, and he hugged the back of the chair tightly as she healed each lash, pressing his forehead against the wood and fighting to keep himself from crying out. It was like he was being whipped all over again, each wound burning with agony as it was closed up. Every time he thought she might be done, she placed her fingers on another wound and the pain came back anew. After what felt like hours, she finally stopped. “You did great, Erebus! I think that was the hardest part, so your chest shouldn’t be as bad. We’re almost there.” 
As far as the pain, she wasn’t exactly wrong. The healing of his chest was a little less intense, a little less itchy. But he had watched her start to trace the burns, daring to hope that the healing would erase them completely, and instead saw them morph into very prominent scars. He screwed his eyes shut, he couldn’t watch that symbol get put on him a second time. He gripped the sides of the chair tightly, reminding himself he wasn’t up on that podium, there weren’t hundreds of eyes trained on him, he wasn’t screaming in front of them all. When Neteri was finished, he pulled his shirt back on as quickly as he could, covering up the brand along with the memories.
“There we go! Now,” she stood and smoothed her skirt, “I have unpacking and whatnot to take care of, so I’ll be back in a few hours. In the meantime you can get yourself cleaned up.” She gestured to the closed door and then paused for a moment, narrowing her eyes. “You can, like, do that yourself, right?” Erebus nodded, giving her an odd look. He hadn’t been that pampered. She held her hands up defensively. “Okay, just making sure. Oh, and that chain is enchanted so clothes pass through it, which is great because that means you’re not stuck wearing the same pair of pants for forever! There should be clean clothes in there, by the way.” She pointed at the chest of drawers. “Alright I think that’s it. I’ll be back eventually.”
Once Neteri was gone, Erebus took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. He was tempted to just bury his face in the pillow and cry and process everything, but he knew he needed to wash all the blood and dirt off himself first. The door Neteri had pointed to led to a small bathroom. His gaze went to the left first, where there was a sink with a mirror above it.
Upon seeing his reflection in the mirror, Erebus flinched. It was the first time he’d seen himself since his capture, not that there was much left that he recognized. Gone was his long, beautiful hair, his fine clothes, his prince’s circlet, and the smile that he’d always worn so effortlessly. The person looking back at him was defeated, collared like an animal, his eyes filled with grief and dried blood smeared around his mouth. And while his short hair didn’t necessarily look bad, it still wasn’t him in the slightest. Maybe Erebus really had died two days ago, and this was just...some other person looking back at him. Unable to bear the sight anymore, he tore his gaze away and looked around the rest of the bathroom.
He didn’t see a bathtub, so he wasn’t exactly sure how Neteri expected him to wash himself. There was a drain in the floor near the wall across from the sink with a couple bottles of soap nearby. And there, on the wall, there was some sort of lever. He hesitantly pulled it, unsure if it was a door handle or what, and suddenly found himself being sprayed with water. He cried out and jumped back to find that the water didn’t follow him. It appeared to be coming out of an oddly shaped piece of metal protruding from the wall that he hadn’t noticed before. It was like...an intense little rainstorm. While part of him found this new technology interesting, the other part was disappointed he wouldn’t even get the comfort of a bath.
Regardless, he still wanted to get clean. He removed his now wet clothes and stepped back into the water. It was freezing cold, but he soon figured out that pulling the lever further down made the water warmer. He felt a lump forming in his throat as he started washing his hair. He’d always loved taking time to care for it, and now it barely took a minute. It shouldn’t be worth getting upset over, and he knew it would grow back, but he couldn’t help missing it. He just didn’t feel like himself without it. And as he moved onto washing his body, the feeling lingered.
Before he knew it he was scrubbing furiously, not just trying to get off the blood and grime, but the feeling of hands, ropes, chains, that he could still feel trapping him, forcing him towards this destiny he didn’t want any part of. But he couldn’t get it to go away, even as the physical reminders of his captivity washed off. No, that wasn’t entirely true either. His wrists were still chafed, his ankle was still chained to the wall, his chest was still branded, his neck still had that horrible collar around it, and his mouth was still very much missing a tongue. He couldn’t forget where he was or what had happened to him for a single second. 
At some point he’d gotten off everything he could, so pulled the lever to stop the little rainstorm and dried off with the towel hanging on a nearby hook. He pulled a clean set of clothes out of the chest of drawers and got dressed. They weren’t anywhere near as nice as what he was used to, but they were an improvement compared to what he’d had on before. He collapsed on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. This was it, huh? Day after day he was going to wake up here and go through...experiments. He shuddered, pushing the thought out of his mind. Dwelling on it would only make him upset, and did not want Neteri coming back and seeing him sobbing. He’d already cried in front of her once today, and that was pathetic enough. 
Upon searching the desk, he found a blank notebook and a pencil, so he busied himself with drawing cats and plants and writing his name. He was never the best artist, and people always told him the way he wrote the “r” in his name was strange, but it was something else to focus on. After a while, Neteri came back with a notebook of her own and looked at his scribblings with mild interest.
 “Was that left in the desk? Huh. Well, whatever. I’m going to need you to stand up and take your shirt off again.” Erebus simply leaned back and raised an eyebrow. “What? It’s nothing painful, I just need to make some observations and take some measurements. And if you don’t cooperate I’ll just get Rhys again and we can take you down to the lab and strap you to the table.” She shrugged. “Either way.” Erebus sighed in defeat and did as she asked. He desperately wanted a break from being tied up and manhandled, and what Neteri wanted, even if it was a little humiliating, was harmless enough. At least it seemed that way, until she started.
Erebus had felt a bit objectified when Neteri had looked him over the first time that they met, but that was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. She was methodically scanning practically every part of him, making measurements and taking notes all the while. She grabbed and stroked and pulled and prodded with no regard whatsoever for his personal space. When she moved to study his chest, he leaned back, but she hooked a finger through the ring in his collar and pulled him close again. He shuddered as she ran her fingers over the brand, she had to be aware of how incredibly uncomfortable she was making him given the way she seemed to be writing down his every reaction. 
He thought that’d be the worst of it, but once again he thought that too soon. Neteri pushed him so he was seated on the bed and started studying his face. He tried to turn away, but she grabbed his chin and forced him to face her. There was nothing he could do but stare intently at the corner of the ceiling as she pried his mouth open, no doubt studying what remained of his tongue. She even ran a finger along his teeth, paying particular attention to his canines. He desperately hoped that whatever she had planned wouldn’t involve messing with them. She moved to his eyes next, pulling at his eyelids and turning his head to force him to look her in the eye. He gave up trying to avoid her gaze and stared back. The way she was looking at him...it was as if she didn’t see him, just his eyes and his face, but not Erebus. 
Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she leaned back. “Why is your face so red? Wait...am I making you uncomfortable? I am, aren’t I?” Erebus instinctively smacked himself in the face with the palm of his hand, dragging it down a bit before nodding. She was looking at him that closely and just now noticed? What had she even been writing down, then? No, he didn’t want to know, he was certain it would just make him feel even more objectified. “Sorry, I just got sort of caught up in my note taking. I think I’ve got enough now. That was it for today so I’ll just...go.” Right then, as if on cue, Erebus’s stomach growled loudly.
“Oh wait, I haven’t fed you at all today, have I?” Erebus gave her an incredulous look and shook his head. “Shoot, sorry about that. I’ll run and get you something. Be right back!” She called over her shoulder as she dashed out of the room. Erebus sighed. Better late than never, but seriously? You’d think after how excited she was to...get ahold of him, she’d be a little more on top of things. His gaze fell on the notebook, and he belatedly realized he could’ve been using it to actually communicate with Neteri. The majority of the time he’d spent with her had been after... what she did to him...so being able to talk to her by any other means than making faces hadn’t even occurred to him. He spent a bit debating what he even wanted to say, but he eventually landed on a question he wasn’t even sure if he wanted the answer to.
When Neteri came back, profusely apologizing for her oversight, he handed her the notebook before he started eating. She squinted at it. “Is this supposed to be the letter ‘r’?” He sighed and nodded. “Your handwriting is weird. Anyway, to actually answer your question of what’s going to happen to you...I think a lot of things we’re just going to have to play it by ear. Nothing beyond that’s set in stone beyond the fact that you’ve got your first procedure tomorrow.” Erebus jumped out of his chair, backing up a few steps. His first what was when??! “I probably shouldn’t have told you that because now you’re just going to freak out. You know what, I’m gonna go grab you something, so finish your food.”
Erebus shakily tried to do as Neteri asked while she was gone, but fear and nervousness were starting to make him feel ill. He forced down as much as he could, knowing he really needed the nutrients. The word procedure kept echoing in his mind over and over. He’d known she was planning on doing that sort of thing to him, but it had seemed like some vague, horrific future that wouldn’t come to pass, and suddenly it was happening tomorrow, and any hope of rescue had been ripped away, and it was inevitable, the procedure was tomorrow, the procedure was tomorrow, the procedure was tomorrow-
“Hey, hey, you’re alright, you’re gonna be okay.” He jumped as Neteri started stroking his back; he hadn’t even heard her come in. “There, there, let’s get you to bed.” She helped him stand and walked him over the bed, forcing him to lie down. “This will help you sleep, so drink it, okay?” she pressed a small vial of dark blue liquid to his lips. He hesitated a bit, but ultimately drank it. As much as he didn’t want tomorrow to come, he’d rather get whatever hellish thing she had planned over with instead of agonizing all night. He closed his eyes as drowsiness overtook him, trying his best to pretend that the person stroking his hair wasn’t going to cut him open tomorrow.
Tags:  @dramaticcollapse @thehopelessopus @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump @galaxywhump @mnmlover2002 @tears-and-lilies
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hauntedelation · 4 years
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Gif found on this blog, I couldn’t find the original poster :(
Description: You weren’t sure about him, this melancholy paramedic who you met through a close co-worker. Yet from the start, everything felt right. Several months stretched by with you growing closer and closer to Evan. It was pleasant, sometimes more than that. For a while there you could say that you were in the most bliss you had ever experienced. 
Except, something called to you. A feeling in your gut that transpired during a long-awaited reunion on the night of Valentine’s Day.
Pairing: Gender Neutral Black Reader x Evan Marshall
A/N: I recently watched Blood Creek and again, I really liked Henry’s character. Evan is a sweetie and of course this doesn’t follow the plot of the movie. I don’t really know where this came from, I didn’t mean for it to end so...puzzling? 
I wrote this with gender neutral pronouns and with a Black reader in mind. This was supposed to simply be sad and angsty but, I liked how it went. I still mean for this to be a sad romance, hopefully I portrayed that well enough. The man just needs that affection in his life. (Proofreading happened, sorry for any errors.)
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: fluff, hint of smut at the end (18+), cryptic dialogue, and a dash of angst
~Please enjoy guys! <3
When Walter Marshall told you that he had a younger brother, you purely rolled your eyes and sent him a snort. For as long as you knew the stoic detective, he never mentioned a hint of having any other family in his life—other than his daughter and his ex-wife. 
The man uttered it with a shallow weight like it had been a musing about the weather, "Oh, when you come over this Sunday, I can introduce you to my little brother, Evan."
With a turn of your head, you made a face that resembled a scowl; but, you weren’t irritated. Walter had caught that look and hid his amused smile behind the lid of his coffee mug.
You both had clocked into your adjoining shifts and sauntered side-by-side down that long, fluorescent hallway. Walter's comment emerged the moment you reached that left turn into your office. When the words finally soaked in, you paused.
"Wait, you have a brother?"
That was the detective's cue to turn and continue walking a few doors down to his office. He possessed something of a smirk under that dark nest on his face. And, with your frantic, "Walt? Walt how come you never told me—"
He only replied with, "You never asked."
You recall the mystery brother standing by an old grandfather clock in Walter's living room. His eyes were fixated on the television screen in front of him, his body subconsciously leaning toward the thrill of the game.
There was a beer in his hand, and he took a long swig from the glass rim before letting that hand drop and adjusting his stance to rest against the wall. He wore a soot-colored canvas work coat with a light grey hood below. From what you could see, under that hood was a dark navy uniform.
Within the loud commotion of another touchdown, the detective abandoned the traditional method of gaining his brother's attention and settled on placing a hand on his back. 
Evan was in the middle of another swig. Upon turning around, his brows raised and his fatigued eyes shined at the sight of Walter standing behind him. In a pleasant greeting, Evan pulled the beer away from his lips, placed the bottle down, and greeted his brother with a big hug.
"Walt! Hey, sorry I couldn't catch you when I came in."
Once the two stepped away from each other, the air between them was light and affable. For the first time with knowing Walter, you heard a buoyant laugh fall from his lungs. 
"Don't worry about it," he waved away the apology, "I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine.”
Walter stepped back and gestured his hand to you.
"This is Y/n, a dear co-worker and someone who has been with me through many hefty cases. They haven’t annoyed me too much, so that’s why I figured it was time to introduce them to you.”
You clicked your tongue at Walter's comment and took a step toward the stranger. With a soft smile, you shifted your hold on a glass and held your hand out toward him, "It's nice to finally meet you, Evan."
The look in his eyes was curious and they drifted over Walter's for that short moment. A grin crept on his stubbled face. When those eyes slid down to you, they straightaway lost focus and softened.
Without breaking his gape on you, Evan removed his free hand from the confines of his jacket pocket. He encased your digits in his and shook. 
You remember distinctly, how the warmth from his hand enveloped yours, almost like it chased the lines in your palm.
It was a little over five months ago, five months from first shaking Evan Marshall’s hand, from observing how he would stop and let his eyes glide over your face, from listening to his steady voice and wondering exactly how it was that he didn't have an accent like Walter. 
'We don't share a Mother,' he said.
Evan was American and was living in West Virginia for a while before he decided to move back up to Minnesota. He told you he was down there to take care of his sick Mother while studying to become a paramedic. 
You remember leaning against the kitchen counter, and watching how the low light illuminated his face. Evan was an average man, not as broad and mountainous as his older brother, but, he still towered over you. 
He was incredibly gentle, albeit hesitant, but throughout that night you could see him slowly unfurl before you.
Where are you from?
What do you like to do? He asked you.
While taken with his interest, how you spoke induced many smiles and responses from the man. Eventually, you asked him the same.
He was currently a paramedic in town. He doesn't get very much free-time due to it but he seemed to enjoy cooking, playing the piano, or listening to music whenever he could. 
Evan pointed to a large bowl containing some sort of pasta salad to the right of you.
'I made my own dressing this time, I wanted to see if it would improve the recipe.'
You took a closer look and saw how the bowl was just about empty. When you thought more about it, you recalled having a sizable helping of that pasta much earlier, and couldn't help grabbing more.
Under the kitchen light, you could have sworn that you witnessed Evan's ears burn when you pointed that out.
You made it a goal to learn as much as you could about him. There wasn’t many things that you could hold on to, but you had a handful.
He liked to listen to the old rock songs sometimes, the grunge and garage sounds. He listened to just about every band with that vibe but, he seemed to enjoy the ones from way back when the most. 
Every time you heard that music from his truck radio, it brought you back to being younger, where you would watch the T.V. and see teens in acid wash jeans with cigarettes between their fingers. 
You could just see him when he was younger: hair long, unkempt, his ears holding silver earrings, and black boots on his feet with words etched into the side that probably meant something to him at the time.
Evan shook his head at you and hid a smile behind his hand, ‘You were close...I was more into sneakers, but I still wrote dumb stuff on the sides of them.’
You were close, the photo he showed you that day did show a young man with his curly hair in his face, the look of a perfectly misguided youth. Now, Evan was an upstanding man, he didn’t wear those same clothes that he used to. 
Still, he liked to keep that part of himself, to remember who he used to be, and to hear those songs that his younger self hung onto. You decided to as well.
You memorized everything that seemed to make him the happiest: going for long rides in his truck, holding his hand and walking with him with the night air surrounding you both, even dragging him to the grocery store just to buy your favorite bag of chips.
A recent one was laying in the sunlight and watching him play his piano. 
You never knew that Evan was as talented as he was until he sat down one early morning and decided to play. He was awfully timid when his fingers first grazed those keys, but, your kind words, your encouragement shooed away his apprehension. 
After that particular morning, Evan only wanted to play when it was just you two.
The Marshall brothers shared a similar woe in their blue eyes, it had to have been in the blood, but Evan possessed a more quelled spirit within him. You noticed from the way that he handled himself, how he would always cross his arms around his body as if he was shielding everything away. 
You could see the way that the man drank in your touch during the close moments you spent together, how those very eyes seemed to never want to leave your body. 
He was completely enamored with you. 
Those times you observed him, your teeth chewing at your nail, you would question to yourself:
How come Walter never told me about you, really? 
"Get in the tub with me, please?" Your lips tickled the collar of his shirt and smoothed up over the swell of his throat. Below your mouth, and through his thin skin, you could feel the vibration of a hum crawling its way out of his body.
You did a lot for tonight, the 14th of February. Like some sort of fanatic, the bathroom was littered with red shiny balloons with images of cupid on the surface. 
He took in the condition of the heated room, drifting his attention from the candles sitting near the rim of the tub to the burgundy and cherry rose petals dotting every surface. There were towels, fresh soaps, and oils shelved on top of a rack. Next to those items were a change of clothes for the both of you.
You even purchased chocolates. There was a container set on the countertop, it was unopened and showcasing various flavors and coatings through the clear casing. They were tempting, though, in the back of your mind you knew that those packages would remain intact.
When he came through your front door, you had a plate full of his favorite food hot and ready. You had a feeling that Evan would be ready to eat, but you didn’t expect him to be as starving as he was. 
He had shoveled large bites of meat into his mouth, and while he did stop to enjoy the taste, you ended up returning to the table with his third plate.
Evan never failed to appear weary or to eat like he wasn’t deprived. During his worst, his skin was dusted pale, seldom words fell from his lips, and a shadowy curtain hung under his pretty eyes. The weight on his shoulders was heavy and you knew he would constantly fight to keep those lids open. 
Tonight was no different for him.
You hadn’t seen Evan in a little over two weeks. Your schedules, unfortunately, did not align and he happened to work the same grueling 24-to-48 hour shifts. When he first explained his lifestyle to you, it was rather strange and difficult to understand. 
‘You work a day or two at a time? Is that even humane?’
It was a standard though, at least with the small town that you all lived in. Evan was used to it and a large part of the time was him sitting at the station and waiting for the next 911 call. The silver lining brought him three days off after those long shifts. 
Tomorrow would mark the first of those three days with him.
So you called him earlier that afternoon, you had the holiday in the back of your mind and you planned to make it special. You asked him to come over once his shift ended, and he didn’t show an ounce of protest. 
It had been over 2 weeks.
While you were putting everything into place, laying down those velvet rose petals and candles, you worried. What if you were doing too much? This kind of thing would easily borderline sappy and romantic. You weren’t sure what you were aiming for while decorating that bathroom. 
But, you reflected, and you knew one thing.
Your heart was in the right place. Every dollar you put in on the colorful balloons, the bouquet, the food, you knew that it was well spent. As you looked to each item in the bathroom, you only wish you could have spent more.
It was all for him, it couldn't be that silly.
There you were, holding him in your arms, standing by a filled tub, and coaxing him, "I promise it will be relaxing. Please, let me take care of you, Ev.”
Though he was stiff when he first saw all of the decorations, the uncertainty layering his face slowly fell away. Evan let you grab hold of the hem of his shirt. You slipped it over his head, following after was the rest of his clothes. 
The garments were discarded to a pile in the corner of the bathroom. In return, Evan guided your clothes off of your body.
No words were added from either of you. The touches lingered and, as if you two were afraid, they were lighter than air. He gazed at your fingers working along the goosebumps on his chest and his stomach. 
Evan had a fascination with your ability to ostensibly paint those bumps on his skin. It was your gift, and ever since that first time you did it, he did not want anything else.
Steam filled the entirety of the bathroom, smudging the mirrors and leaving beads of water to drip down the tile on the wall by the tub. The surface of the water met just under the rim and was littered with bubbles and rose petals. 
Evan’s legs stretched along the length of the tub, his knees bent at a slight angle and provided some space for his body. He leaned against the edge of the tub, his head resting against a folded towel. Under heavy lids, he watched how you rinsed the washcloth and folded it over the chrome water spout.
After helping each other wash off, you decided to soak in the water with him. There was no rush for the two of you and the aroma of the oils in the water had begun to soothe you both, Evan more especially.
His lids were fluttering as his head laid more weight on the makeshift pillow. You lounged back on the opposite side of the tub, with a tender smile on your lips. Your feet shifted to sit in his lap and you felt his hands move to gently grasp at your ankle. 
Evan peeked through his lashes and began to massage from your heel to the sole of your feet with his fingers. You leaned your head into your palm and took in his movements. While he continued pressing the tips of his fingers, wonderfully deep into your skin, you mused out loud,
"Shouldn't I be the one doing this for you?" 
He cocked a lazy brow at his hands and glanced to your face, a boyish grin pulling the corners of his mouth, "It's alright, and plus, you know how ticklish I am."
Your fingers crept under the surface of the water and toward the side of your torso, where his foot was resting. Evan's expression was soon morphing into alarm and he pulled his legs up with a light-hearted chuckle. 
His hold on your ankle was released and a teasing curl pulled on your lips. You began to shift your body to move closer to him, careful to not disturb the water and spill any over the rim. Evan fell quiet as he watched you close the distance between the both of you. Your thighs surrounded his hips and your hands moved to rest on the side of his neck and his shoulder.
He sat up more and followed the weight of you on top of him. You felt your chest press against the soft hairs on his and those wet palms smooth up your back. Evan looked up at you with a particular expression on his face, still not saying a word but simply filling his vision with you. 
It was too long. You studied his stubbled face, the dots of freckles on his nose. Your fingertips were brought up to brush around his lips up to his cropped hairline. 
You wiped at a remaining spot of shampoo near his temple from when you washed his hair. He titled his head and caught the pearly suds on your fingers, inquiring, "How come I couldn't wash your hair?"
Evan met your eyes and you slid your hands to his nape and his jaw.
"It isn't wash-day for me, that will be tomorrow," you chuckled. 
You figure that he would enjoy helping.
He bit at his lower lip and his arms tightened around your middle, pulling you closer. Between your legs, you brushed against Evan’s stiffening length. And kicking your hips into him drew hushed noises from both of your lungs.
Two weeks.
You don't want to sound dramatic, you don't want to sound clingy, but you almost forgot the feel of his body. Those calluses on his palms, the rhythm of his breathing in his chest, his scent, and how it blanketed you. It was all him, Evan, each little detail was renewing in your mind. 
He was longing as he traced your face, he always had, but tonight you could see something pulling him lower. 
You decided to pry, "Is everything okay?"
Evan released a sigh from the depths of his body, his dark brows drew together and brought a look of shame on his charming face. He dropped his eyes to the bubbly water around you. 
"I...I'm sorry we haven't seen each other."
He followed the other decorations around the room and lingered his stare on the balloons, "It's been really busy at the station, so many calls came in and, fuck...I forgot about today."
You shook your head and cupped his jaw in your wet hands. Your thumbs massaged his facial hair and over his lips. Evan's eyes fell back to yours, regret highlighting them and his contempt slipping away more. 
"Ev, it's alright, you know that I understand."
Your lips brushed over his, still gently stroking his face, still holding onto him. His eyelids fluttered as your hands slid down below the water, grabbing a hold of his erection and caressing. 
"Don't worry about all of this, I did it for you. Just let me..."
His hips were latent, they shifted to pressed into your palm. You broke contact with Evan and watched your knees position to sink onto him. Just passing the ridge of his head, the rest of him continued to stretch into you. From his lips, he breathed out a sigh against your cheek.
Evan slid his hands down to the side of your hips and there they remained, those same calluses brushing against your smooth skin. The candlelight flickered and shone near the corner of his eye, reflecting a warm amber on your face.
Again, there was something unreadable behind that reflection, you couldn't place your finger on it. He was looking at you like you were some sort of beacon, but it didn’t seem to reach too far in his lidded eyes.
"Just let me feel you, let me feel that you're right here with me."
Your forehead nuzzled into his the instant he settled fully inside you. It was honeyed, a thick pressure that burned away every other worry. The kind that worked through your muscles and broke every knot apart. You could feel it the moment all of him nestled inside. While you listened to Evan’s breathing, and how it began to pick up in pulses, you curled your arms around his shoulders melted into him.
The moon was out by the time you laid into bed. Your curtains split and allowed in the cool blue light into your bedroom. It covered your shelves, your family pictures, and the dark screen of your television.
And, it fell upon your bodies, kissing the back of Evan's head, his cotton clad shoulders, and legs. You watched from your position on the bed, you hand bathed in some of the soft light, only if you lifted it from the surface of the covers.
You didn't move much though.
His breaths warmed your neck, the weight of his body not crushing but anchoring you there on your bed. You knew that he would be out as soon as you left that bath, and you let him slump on top of you. You let his lips slant against yours and his words slur into something incomprehensible. He tried so hard to stay afloat and to talk with you all night, but—
...but it could wait. 
He laid his head in the crook of your neck, his clipped hair tickling your cheek and the side of your jaw. You wrapped your arms around his back, and you shushed his throaty sounds. He fought it until you rubbed your palms against his back, and soothed your fingers through that short hair of his.
You watched the moonlight on the items of your bedroom, on his body that was slowly rising and falling, on his arm that was tucked around your middle.
It had been two weeks. 
Your mind raised that question, long ago that you never seemed to find an adequate answer to, How come you never told me you had a brother, Walt?
You remember the way he looked at you and his brother. You remember the fond expression behind his beard when he saw Evan laugh at your jokes, and how much Walter asked about him while you two talked. What did you miss?
Evan began to minutely fidget in his slumber, his arms securing around you and his face burying more into your neck. You closed your lids, shifted your head on the pillow, and breathed him in for the first time in two weeks. For the first time in that long while, you felt Evan’s weight seep clear to your bones. 
That damn answer, it remained prodding,  
Because you never asked.
Taglist: @mansaaay @hope-to-hell @thetaoofzoe @feralrunaway @inlovewithhisblueeyes​ 
I really didn’t know who else would like to read 😅 if I missed you I apologize!
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Thomas Hewitt/Selectively Mute! Reader, part two
Part One
Summary: The Sheriff picks you up after you broke down on the side of the road. You know this can’t end well, but he makes you an offer you can’t refuse; use your nursing skills to heal the giant man he brings you to, and you can go free. Unfortunately for you, he obviously needs more than a nurse. (And how can you be sure he’ll really let you go when ‘Thomas’ is healed?)
C/W: Medical use of maggots, self-harm references. Also, please do not use anything here as medical advice. This is a slasher/reader fic, not a manual on first aid.
Note: As I said, I have no self control.
You wrote down an explanation for the maggots, trying not to let your shaking obscure your handwriting. Hoyt snatched it from you, obviously suspicious after your last note. The woman was glaring at you openly. Whatever points you’d briefly won with her were lost. Hoyt grunted. “Hmmph. They’ll eat the dead skin. Leave the good skin. That right?” You nodded. He grunted again, still skeptical. “Why can’t you just cut it off, huh? Ain’t like the boy hasn’t done it to his own—“
“Charlie Hewitt, you better not finish that sentence, ‘less you wanna see if I can still give you a good spanking.”
He turned his glare on her, mockingly parroting her words back at her before adding, “You don’t scare me, woman.” But you noticed he didn’t finish his sentence. He focused back on you. “Well? Just cut it off.” You shook your head, reaching for the pen and paper again. He held it out of your reach, mouth turned upward in a smirk. The woman slapped a hand to his chest, earning an aborted swear. “Mama, what the hell was—?”
She snatched the pen and paper, passing it to you. “You brought her here to fix Thomas. I ain’t gonna let you harass her while there’s something she can do to help him.”
He grumbled something to himself but pulled away to lean against the wall, picking at his teeth while you wrote. You hesitated a moment, then added a question at the bottom. You passed the note to the woman. She eyed it, then eyed you.
“Luda Mae,” she said, in answer to your scribbled question. “Charlie, go get the girl her maggots.”
“Go on,” she said, “We got plenty of ‘em around here. You know where to look.” He sighed. “You’re getting too used to giving Tommy all the dirty jobs. Don’t think I ain’t seen it. Go. She ain’t a surgeon or a doctor, and she don’t wanna make it worse for him. She says maggots’ll help? Well we got maggots to spare. I’ll see what I can do about the rest of this list but...” She shook her head. “Ain’t likely to find much.”
You swallowed. It was just your luck that you’d end up in the backcountry of Texas, inside a home with an abundance of maggots and a complete lack of medical supplies—and with your life riding on your ability to heal the man in front of you.
It was almost funny, if you looked at it like that.
You nodded and shrugged, trying to convey acceptance without words. They—somehow—seemed to get it and left you to your devices, though Hoyt grumbled the whole time. Just before he shut and locked the door, he reminded you not to do anything stupid. You nodded, and he stepped outside. The door shut and the lock clicked, leaving you alone with your patient.
You exhaled slowly, a lot of the tension leaving you with their absence. You could almost pretend this was just another house call. You eyed the gash across his chest and swallowed. Almost.
Stepping close to the prone man, you pulled the blankets down to his waist to check for any additional injuries. Minor cuts and bruises littered his torso, and you shook your head. “What happened to you?” you murmured. You found no humor in the irony that you had no trouble talking when other people weren’t around. (As Thomas was unconscious, he didn’t trouble you either.)
Setting a hand on his abdomen, you pressed lightly to see if there was any internal damage—and if there was, both you and he were screwed, because there was no way for you to fix that. Thankfully, you couldn’t find any unusual swellings or broken ribs, and his bruises all seemed to be surface injuries. You pulled the blanket the rest of the way off, but his family had apparently decided to preserve his modesty; his trousers were still on, though they were stained with blood and dirt. “These definitely need to go, big guy,” you told him, “I’d like to change the sheets, too, but I can’t imagine we’ll be moving you, huh?”
If you were in a hospital, you’d have had orderlies and other nurses to help you muscle the big man onto a gurney or another bed, but even with Hoyt and Luda Mae, you didn’t imagine you’d be moving him anywhere anytime soon.
You scribbled down a few more items you would need—scissors, a bedpan or at least a bucket—then resumed your exam. The flesh around his injury was red and angry-looking, or blackened and starting to rot. His torso was covered in coarse hair, and you added a razor to your list...then noted that the skin around his injury needed to be shaved, when you realized they probably weren’t going to give you anything like a weapon. Soap and water went on the list, as well as clean rags.
You pressed the underside of your wrist to his forehead. You hoped Luda Mae could find acetaminophen, or something similar, because his fever needed to be taken care of first and foremost. He was burning up, and that could kill him faster than anything else.
You hurriedly added latex gloves and a face mask to the list, but you were certain they had nothing like that around. It wouldn’t hurt to ask, though. You raised your hands, putting your fingers to his pulse-point and checking your watch to take his pulse, only to jump when a huge, hot hand engulfed your wrist. Your eyes met his, and your breath caught. Pure rage stared back at you, and your heart-rate skyrocketed once again. His hand squeezed, and the strength in his grip was terrifying. He sat up and seemed to loom, despite his obviously pained hunch. You licked your lips nervously, trying to calm yourself. He was likely delirious, and you’d seen the kind of damage even small women could inflict in a fit of delirium—you didn’t want to find out what this man might be capable of when he wasn’t in his right mind. It was hard to find your words, but you managed to say, “Thomas?”
That caused his eyes to widen a fraction, the anger evaporating into surprise. Exhaling hard, you smiled in relief. “H-hey there, big guy. Your family—“ You swallowed. “Found. They found me, Thomas.” You kept saying his name, hoping it would ground him. “Looks like you’re hurt, but I’m gonna take care of you, okay? I’m a nurse. I’m here to fix you up.” His other hand reached up to cover his face, and your brows furrowed. “Is there something wrong? Are you breathing okay?”
He just stared at you, one huge hand spanning the lower half of his face. Then you remembered the deformities you’d caught sight of, and your stomach twisted. Was he...hiding them? “Your mama said you had trouble talking. Is that true, Thomas?” He didn’t respond. You licked your lips again, nervous. His hand flexed on your wrist. “Okay. Um. I have a few questions for you. Can you nod for me?”
For a long minute, he didn’t respond, and you were starting to worry he really was delirious, but he gave you a slow nod, and you smiled. “Good. Good! Okay. Nod for me again if you’re hurt anywhere besides your chest.” He shook his head. “Does your head hurt?” He shook his head again. “Good. I see you’re covering your face. Are you having trouble breathing?” Another head shake. “Good. You’re doing really good for me, Thomas. Thank you for answering my questions. I’m going to explain what I’m doing, but I need you to give me back my hand, okay?” He exhaled hard, the sound almost like a growl. Nevertheless, he loosened his grip, and you smiled at him. “Thank you, Thomas. I’m just taking your pulse. So, I’m going to put my fingers on your neck and count your heartbeats. Is that okay?”
He eyed you, then gave a subtle nod. You pressed your fingers to his neck and felt his throat flex against your fingers as he swallowed. You checked your watch, counting his heartbeats as the seconds ticked down. When you were finished, you smiled at him and said, “Good. Your pulse is just fine. Now we’re going to see about getting that fever down, okay?”
He exhaled, watching you warily, but exhaustion seemed to get the better of him. He laid back down, head resting on the limp pillow, but he never took his hand off his face. The door opened behind you, and you turned, happy to see Luda Mae. “Did you find acetaminophen?”
She handed you a basket. “I emptied the medicine cabinet. Look in there, see if you can find—Thomas?” She went to him immediately and started fussing over him. He didn’t seem to react to her, his gaze fixed on you. “Don’t worry about her. She’s here to help. Hoyt found her.” She leaned close to Thomas, and you could hear faint whispering, but you couldn’t understand what she was actually saying. It didn’t matter—you were too busy sorting through the medicine bottles.
You grinned, finding a bottle of penicillin and a bottle of ibuprofen. Their expiration dates were long past, but digging deeper didn’t net you anything helpful.
“T-thank you,” you said, belatedly, You struggled to read the label, but it was too faded and worn. You eventually gave up and measured out what seemed like too many pills, hoping to counteract the pills’ age-induced ineffectiveness. You stepped alongside the bed and took Thomas’ free hand. You turned it palm-up, and passed off your handful of pills. He watched you intently the whole time, looking from your hand—resting lightly on the underside of his fingers—and back to your face, searching your features. You smiled for him, trying not to get nervous under his gaze. “W-water?” you asked, unable to get the full sentence out.
He just pulled his hand free of yours and sat up, turning his big body away to hide his face while he swallowed the pills dry. “Oh.” You looked to Luda Mae, and seeing the hard expression on her face, you tensed immediately. Swallowing hard, you gave her your list. She skimmed it, pausing to eye you.
“What do you need a face mask for, girl?”
Her tone was harsh, angry, and you had no idea why. You took the pen and paper, scribbling out an explanation. “It’s for you,” she said flatly, “You’re worried about getting your germs on him?” You nodded. She shook her head. “Ain’t got nothing like that ‘round here.”
A handkerchief? you wrote.
She cocked her head, then nodded. “Yeah. I can probably find something like that.”
“Gloves?” you asked.
“Nothing like you’re asking for—we got leather workman’s gloves. Would that work?” You shook your head, vowing to wash your hands especially thoroughly. “I’ve already got water heating up. I’ll bring up some soap when that’s ready. Hoyt’s not gonna let you have scissors—that just to cut the guaze?”
You glanced at Thomas, then at Luda Mae. Since he seemed lucid, you turned to address him directly. “Thomas, listen, there’s mud and blood on your trousers. Your injury is already infected. We need to try to keep things clean so the infection doesn’t come back once we get it all bandaged up. Do you think you can take off your pants on your own? Or do you need help?”
His eyes went wide, and he lunged for the blanket—but you saw the moment the pain hit him. His features paled and his hand fell away from his face, grasping at nothing. He never uttered a sound, though, and he still managed to snatch the blanket, pulling it up to his ribcage. He lay back against the pillow, breathing rough and glaring at you when he remembered to cover his face again.
You pressed both hands to your mouth, appalled that he’d hurt himself. Luda Mae just sighed, shaking her head like she’d expected that. “Shoulda pulled them off while he was sleeping,” she said to you. Now you stared at her, equally horrified. “Thomas Brown Hewitt, you behave yourself and let her do her job, you hear?”
He didn’t respond, didn’t acknowledge that she’d spoken at all—he just continued to glare at you. Wringing your hands, you were having trouble finding your words again, but you shook your head when Luda Mae tried to tug the blanket out of his grip. You caught her hand, shaking your head when she looked at you.
You weren’t going to force him to strip. He was conscious, apparently not delirious despite the fever. You were going to get him to cooperate with you. You just needed to find your words.
Exhaling slowly, you shooed her away from the bed and leaned down to meet Thomas’ gaze. “Thomas, I’m a nurse. I want to make you feel better. Sometimes, I might ask you to do something uncomfortable or even painful, but I’m not going to hurt you. Promise. Now, your ma can find a fresh pair of pants for you to wear, and I won’t look while you put them on or while you take these off. Would that be okay?”
Thomas searched your face. You had no idea what he was looking for or what he found, but eventually, he exhaled audibly—not quite a sigh or a snort, but something between the two—and gave you a subtle nod. You smiled, patting his hand. “Thank you, Thomas.” He stared at your hand on his, brows furrowed as if he was trying to understand something. You hesitated, then said, “You know, you don’t have to cover your face like that.” His gaze snapped back to your face, glaring again. You swallowed when he growled at you, and you held up your hands. “Okay. If you don’t want me to see, that’s okay too. Your ma is going to get me a handkerchief for my face, so I don’t germs on your injury. Would you like one too? So you don’t have to hold your hand over your face?”
He gave a firm nod. Luda Mae shook her head, but there was a grim smile on her face. “I’ll get you what you asked for, but I suggest you start explaining the maggots to him before Charlie gets back.”
Hearing that, Thomas grabbed your forearm, his grip almost painfully tight. You met his gaze, and his demand for an explanation was clear enough, even without words. Your heart jolted, but you laid your hand overtop his, smiling nervously as you tried to find the right words to explain to him.
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julemmaes · 4 years
Prompt: person A comes home to Person B singing,dancing and just being really happy/laugh-y in the empty house and Person A is just all 🥰🥰😍😍
My Everything - October 5th
Feyre Archeron x Rhysand
A/N: I changed things a little cause it was way too similar to what I wrote for Fenrys/Asterin today and I couldn’t stand to do two things just the same, also, I’m sorry if I’m posting so late but I’ve traveled all day and I couldn’t find any plugs to charge my pc, really hope you guys like this.
One more thing, sorry. I added many of you to my acotar tag list because of the post/au I made about the IC being mean to Nesta and lots of the comments said that Rhys and the rest of their group aren’t your favs and bla bla bla, what I ask you is, if you are one of those who really cannot even read about Feysand cause *gag*, please refrain from leaving a “bad” comment on the characters.
Word count: 1,475
Rhysand was still in the shower sitting on the ground, taking the soap out of his hair, when he heard the door of the house open and the lively and amused laughter of his daughter and wife. He smiled instinctively when he heard Adelaide calling him from the other room.
"Honey, I'm in the bathroom," he screamed loud enough so she could hear it. He heard Feyre say something to the little girl, but he couldn't distinguish the words under the jet of water.
He heard someone running, laughing excitedly and slamming on the door. He laughed, knowing exaclty what had just happened. He was used to lock the bathroom door, although he hadn't lived with Cassian and Azriel for many years he was always afraid that they might come in and disturb his lazy showers.
And once their daughter was born, this habit seemed to have returned to him, as Adelaide had absolutely no idea what privacy meant.
Feyre let her into the bathroom with her as much as she wanted, Rhysand was more hesitant about the invasion of his personal space.
"Dada! The door is closed," said Adelaide in an annoyed voice. Rhysand chuckled again, standing up. His mood was already improving dramatically since he returned from work just thirty minutes ago.
"Of course it's closed, honey, I didn't want your mother to ambush me while I was showering," he joked, finishing off. He waited for his daughter to answer and when no joke came he wrinkled his forehead. He heard the door move again and then fingers popped out from under the door. He smiled, walking to the door and bent over on the floor, touching his daughter's fingers. She immediately took her hand away, screaming amusedly. They played that silly game for a little while longer, before Feyre yelled, "Ade leave your dad alone and go pack your backpack for tomorrow!"
Rhysand laughed when he heard Adelaide complainin. Feyre just told her that if she didn't pack her schoolbag at that time, the next day she wouldn't have the toys she wanted at kindergarten and Rhysand heard her gasp. And then Adelaide's hand popped out again under the door, her fingers moving upwards, "Bye daddy, I have to go do something important," he squeezed her fingers, smiling and looking up at the ceiling, shaking his head, "Sure, see you later."
He heard her running down the corridor and imagined her black ponytails flying behind her.
He returned to the sink, looking in the mirror and deciding at that moment he needed to shave. He turned on the electric razor and heard someone knocking at the door. He closed his eyes sighing, "What's wrong?"
"I just wanted to know if everything was alright."
It was Feyre.
Rhysand leaned against the sink, nodding and convincing himself more than his wife, "Yes, alright. I'll tell you later."
He heard Feyre move against the door, "If you have something to tell me, it means it's not alright." a pause and then the handle moved, "Come on, let me in."
"No, really, nothing serious." he reassured her, "And besides, if I let you in, we have to let Ade in too, and I don't feel like talking about work in front of her."
"Yeah, I know." she sounded down, but Rhysand knew it wasn't because he wasn't letting her in, more because she couldn't comfort him now. "I see you made dinner, thank you." she added.
"No need to thank me Feyre, you do it every night." he chuckled.
He heard her yawn, "And you thank me every night, so I can thank you too."
Their quarrel ended there, as Adelaide was calling her mother loudly, unable to find her favorite toy car.
Rhysand allowed himself to stay in the bathroom for a few more minutes, enjoying the steam from the shower and letting his hair dry without the need for a hair dryer. It was hot enough that he wouldn't risk catching a cold if he didn't.
He came out of the bathroom and headed into his room, trying not to make any noise and attract his daughter's attention. He managed to get dressed quickly and tiptoed to the kitchen, where his intention was to scare his girls, but once he got to the door he froze. Heart in his throat.
Feyre was holding Adelaide in her arms and they were dancing hugging. His daughter's head bent back in a carefree laugh. His wife was moving her hands on her sides as Ade tried in every way to free herself. As soon as Feyre stopped tickling her, she turned to Rhysand and screamed excitedly, throwing herself at her father.
He took her mid-air when she jumped up, clutching both hands to his arms and flew her into the air, covering her with kisses and continuing the torture that Feyre had begun.
He couldn't remember the title of the song, but he knew the words by heart, and when the chorus arrived, Feyre joined them, hugging his daughter from behind and leaning forward to kiss Rhysand on the lips. They looked into each other's eyes and those of her shone with emotion when they both sang, shifting their attention to Adelaide.
I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
Adelaide stopped squirming, bending over backwards and placing her chubby little hands on her mother's cheeks. Feyre smiled at her and made funny grimaces that made their child laugh. Rhysand held her tightly on his chest. She could feel Feyre's warmth so close to hers that it merged with Adelaide's.
They sang at the top of their lungs and at a certain point they were joined by the little one, taking Rhysand's ears in their hands and squeezing them.
Cause you are loved
You are loved more than you know
It almost made him cry when towards the end of the song, Feyre put her arms around his hips and began to swing, moving slowly. He looked at her again, leaning forward and leaving a kiss on those rosy, perfect lips.
"Dada I want a kiss too!" shouted Adelaide, taking his face in her hands and making him turn towards her. Feyre laughed, shaking her head and squeezing his side, "I don't think so. He is all mine." Rhysand laughed with her and whitened immediately afterwards as he heard Feyre's words, "You must find your beautiful man to make children with, I have worked so hard to win your father's heart."
Adelaide sulked and squeezed her father's cheeks. Before she could speak, Rhysand had covered her mouth with one hand, a hand that was big enough to cover most of her nose and neck. He looked her straight in the eyes and with a very serious expression, "You don't have to find anything at all. You are all mine," he said to her, kissing her forehead, "Don't listen to your mother," he specified, "and she didn't have to do anything at all, this slacker here, I had to fight to make your mother marry me."
Feyre giggled, taking Adelaide from his arms, "And yet, the day will come when you will find someone as beautiful as your father and marry him and give us many beautiful grandchildren." she looked at him with an amused expression, making fun of him.
"Ade, don't you dare listen to her."
Their daughter seemed unaware of that little bickering between her parents, but she didn't mind being passed from the arms of one to the other, receiving many loving kisses.
Feyre looked at him shaking her head, "Is everything alright?" she asked him, worrying that he wasn't getting any better. Rhysand nodded, "Are you sure?" she asked, just in case he was lying. He approached her, rubbing his nose against hers, "Sure. You are my everything, and you both seem more than alright."
Feyre snorted, "That was so lame."
"But you like me all the same." she nodded, despite herself.
They ate on the couch that evening, hugging each other, then put on a cartoon. One of those cartoons that Feyre hated so much, full of useless and morbid songs. Songs that seemed to drive her daughter and especially her husband crazy, who never complained about how many times Adelaide wanted to see a movie over and over again.
Feyre had parted from the other two for a moment to clean up the kitchen and when she returned she found them both lying on the floor on the carpet. Adelaide was lying entirely on her father's chest, who wrapped her with his arms. She decided not to wake her family up, both of them looking more than at peace with themselves, and she lay down on the sofa next to them, placing one hand on her daughter's back and falling asleep shortly afterwards.
acotar tag list (if you want to be removed/added send me an ask or dm me)
@tottenhamboys20 @sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @ncssian @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @ladywitchling @nahthanks
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wingedchildqueen · 4 years
Thunderstorm Kisses
Well my god. I wrote this five years ago, under my old tumblr account that I deleted by mistake and thought I had lost it forever, as I had also lost the laptop I typed it on. I suddenly remembered the name of it and took a chance searching it up and what do you know. Tumblr aint completely useless. The post still exists even though the account is dead. This is a dead fandom, I’m quite aware but I’m posting it here for documentation sake and for any lucaya fans who may be still floating around on this god forsaken platform. Much love and happy reading. P.S My writing has gotten better since this was written (God I hope) lol but I have not edited or altered anything because I think my 18 year old self's writing style should be left as it is for the sentimentality of it all. Warning: This is so cringy, cheesy and teeny boppy (if that's a thing) eeekk
He’d always wondered what she tasted like. If her kisses would be as electric as the thunderstorm in her eyes.  He knew it was wrong to have these thoughts when he had been in a relationship with her best friend for almost two years, and he loved Riley, he really did. But when this girl  was always in his face , challenging him, teasing him and threatening him relentlessly, all he could do was stare down at this raging blond fury, and over time he happened to notice that she had the pinkest lips he had ever seen, almost perfectly shaped, with a permanent smirk that was always directed at him and he began to wonder what they tasted like.
He would catch himself thinking about her at the most random times. Strawberry lips and sunshine hair would flood his mind and afterwards he would hate himself for it because he knew he should be thinking about warm chocolate eyes and chestnut hair, but it was hard to do that when a sea of electric blue always invaded and washed away these thoughts.
After almost two years of letting her verbally and physically abuse him, he had finally begun to fight back. Not because he was sick of it, or because he wanted to hurt her, but because he knew she liked when he did, and he would do anything to see that fire in her eyes intensify. The first time he had actually fought back, by responding to one of her verbal jabs with a very clever remark in his opinion, her eyebrows had shot up in surprise and he was not sure if he should stay or run from her wrath, but surprisingly she had smiled. Though, he could not have been sure, because it had only lasted for an instant, until her face fell back to its usual smirk and she proceeded to call him one of her ever creative names in response.  He noticed that she smiled a lot, especially with Riley, but he also noticed that a lot of her smiles were always a little too hard, or with a little too much teeth and they never really reached her eyes.  He had never seen someone so committed to assuring the happiness of their best friend. She would sell her soul for Riley. Riley’s happiness was Maya’s occupation and he wished that she realized her happiness was important too and sometimes he would want so badly to tell her she was worth everything and more, and she deserved the world  but he could not do that. They would be no windowsill conversations between them, no heart to hearts because he was Ranger Rick and she was his girlfriend’s best friend. And that was that.
He found her crying one time, underneath a staircase at school. He had never seen her cry before. The school was nearly empty and Riley had had cheerleading practice.  He was not sure what to do at first, if he should just walk away and call Riley, but then a sob came from her that nearly broke his heart, and never in his life had he felt such  a need to  fix someone. She sat in the corner of the staircase, her knees drawn to her chest and her face in her hands, her hair cascading down her shoulders. Her shoulders shook and his insides hurt. He didn’t think she knew anyone was  looking at her so he called her name. She remained in the same position and he called her name again. No response. She had to have heard him. She probably thought if she didn’t acknowledge him he would eventually go away but he refused to do anything of that sort. Without a second thought, he walked towards her tiny figure and slid down the wall next to her. He felt her body tense and then put his arm around her, pulling her into him. She lay stiff in his arms but he held on. After a few minutes he felt her finally relax against him and her head fell heavily against his shoulder. Her sobs had subsided but she still shook a little. His grip tightened and he rested his head against hers. Never did someone fit so perfectly in his arms. He heard her sigh, a sigh that sounded like it was filled with so much world weariness. They never spoke of it afterwards, it was as if it had never happened and though she had never told him to, he knew he was not supposed to tell Riley that he had found her crying. It was an unspoken agreement. The only acknowledgment that he got that had proven what had happened had not been a figment of his imagination was when the very next day their eyes had locked briefly across their lunch table with Riley and Farkle in the cafeteria and she had given him a small smile. Of gratitude? He couldn’t be sure but he thinks it was probably the most genuine smile he had ever seen on her face, even though her lips had only slightly turned upwards, but no matter how small, it had gotten to her sea glass eyes.
He could feel there dynamic slowly changing. He wasn’t sure he could say they were becoming friendlier with each other but they were becoming…something more than just two teenagers who tolerated each other for the sake of a mutual friend. They no longer needed Riley to be there to feel comfortable in each other’s presence. One day, all four of them, him, Riley, Farkle and Maya, were supposed to meet at “Topanga’s” to hang out but it had just ended up being the two of them as Farkle had ditched them to hang out  with the AV club and Riley had to babysit Auggie at the last minute. He would have thought that Maya would have left to go and help Riley with Auggie but surprisingly she had stayed and it was then he had found out that she was a really good listener. Sitting opposite each other in one of the booths, with her hands clasped together on top of the table she listened as he told her about Texas sunsets, and how beautiful the horses looked when they ran together in the fields and how he had always woke up at five every morning to do things around his grandparents farm. He told her how much he missed his old home and his family  and how sometimes New York could be so suffocating with all its skyscraper buildings and millions of people. Not once did she call him a name or interrupt him as he told her, she just listened. At the end of it, it was silent for a moment and she just stared at him with her piercing eyes, as if she was searching for something in him. After a moment she leaned back and said to him,
“ Even though here might not feel like home, always remember that we will always be your family, no matter what.” She told him this without her gaze ever wavering from his face and he thinks that that was the moment he started to fall in love with her.
He began to walk her home nearly every day after school especially on the days when they all hung out till dark. The first time he did, he realized how far she lived from Riley’s house, nearly  five blocks and her neighborhood was not exactly the safest, especially in the night. The first few times she fussed about it and told him it wasn’t necessary but   eventually she realized she could not convince him otherwise and it became a pattern. No matter how much she claimed she could take care of herself he always noticed how she would draw nearer to him whenever they walked passed a dark ally or she received a random catcall from a pedestrian across the street. In those moments it would take everything he had within him to prevent himself from enclosing  her hand in his just to assure her that he was right here beside her, that nothing in hell could hurt her with him here. In those walks he found out a lot about her. That her mom changed jobs all the time and worked triple shifts and sometimes days would go by without her seeing her. He learned that her sick grandmother lived with them and that she tried to get home as soon as possible to make her dinner and watch tv with her. He got the impression that aside from Riley, her Grandma was her best friend. Her eyes always lit up when she spoke of her.
One day after almost six months of walking her home, she finally invited him inside. He could see how nervous she was as she fumbled open the door of the apartment. “It’s not much,” she had mumbled to him and he had told her he didn’t care if she lived in a box on the worst alley in New York. She laughed at that and he saw her relax a little. Her laugh was like a  drug to him, and like any addict, whenever he rarely evoked one from her, he found himself on this high. She introduced him to her grandmother who hugged him with a grip so fierce it startled him. He could have seen that she had been beautiful when she was younger. He now knew where Maya had gotten her looks from. Her grandmother had held his hand while sitting on her rocking chair and studied him for a significant amount of time, with eyes very similar to Maya’s. She then turned to Maya and announced that it was abnormal for a boy to have such a beautiful face. He laughed and then heard Maya scoff behind him. He turned to her and winked and she rolled her eyes. She walked towards the small kitchen and he swore he glimpsed a smile that she tried to hide behind her hair. He helped her make dinner, despite her refusal, and though it was only Mac and cheese, it was probably the best meal he had ever had as he ate next to her on the couch in the living room, opposite her grandmother as they watched some Spanish soap opera with no english subtitles. Though he had no idea what they were saying he laughed along with Maya and her grandmother and he thinks this was the happiest he had ever seen her.  Afterwards he stood next to her in the kitchen by the sink as she washed the dishes and he dried and in that moment he felt like this was something he would like to do for the rest of his life, not just wash dishes, but just stand next to her,  unconsciously bumping shoulders, and brushing fingers, as she passed the dishes to him, that sent shivers down his spine.
He helped her make dinner at least three times a week and her grandmother loved him. She would pass him worried looks  whenever her grandma barely touched her food, which was most nights, and he would fix the antenna on the television on the nights they tended to get a lot of static. He looked forward to these nights, more than anything else and though she would never admit it, he didn’t know how grateful Maya was for him coming. He made her nights less lonely.
One night, just after they had washed the dishes, they heard thunder rumble outside and in a few minutes there was a full out storm raging outside. They stood by the window and watched as lightning streaked the sky outside. He felt her turn her head to watch him and he met her gaze. She shrugged her shoulders and turned on her heel, heading for her room. How he knew that that was her way of giving him permission to stay the night? He wasn’t sure, but at some point they had begun to understand each other without the use of words. He stood still for a moment and eventually followed her into the room where she had already thrown a sheet and pillow on the floor for him. He told her that he could sleep on the couch but she just shook head, mumbling something about her grandma groaning in the night and he would never get any sleep on the couch.  
Later on, they lay in the dark, with him on the floor and Maya on her bed. They lay in silence and he listened to her breathing and thought of a lot of things. He thought of Riley, innocent Riley, who was probably sleeping and he felt guilty because she was so kind, and beautiful and loving and he didn’t deserve any of it as he lay on the floor of her best friend’s bedroom, her best friend who he was falling in love with one Spanish soap opera at a time. And then he thought of Maya, and everything she was, and how brightly she burned in this black and white life she did not deserve and how underneath the entire tough façade she put on at school she was just a girl trying to hold it all together the best that she could with a sick grandmother and an almost absent mother and he thought of how he so much wanted to give her a life she deserved.
He heard ruffling of sheets and then the thudding of feet landing on the floor and the next thing he knew she was lying next to him. There was absolutely no physical contact, and they both just lay there, staring at the ceiling and he could feel her warmth, so close to him, part of her hair, which was fanned out on the floor tickled his neck. He turned on his side to look at her and she mirrored him and they both lay staring at each other intently. He fell asleep  drowning in a sea of blue.
They didn’t talk about how the next morning they woke up wrapped up in each other, feet intertwined and his arms around her and her face in his neck. They didn’t talk about how they lay there for a few moments, without moving, even though they both were already awake and should have long detangled. Those things remained unspoken.
He could feel Riley beginning to suspect something. Innocent Riley who should not have to suspect these kinds of things. He wasn’t sure exactly what had made her aware of it, maybe it was the lingering glances between him and Maya in the cafeteria or the fact that Maya taunted him less and less these days or that he and Maya stood a little too close to each other by the lockers. She could feel her eyes on him at certain times, especially when they hung out together as a group and he couldn’t help but feel terrible. It wasn’t as if they had kissed or anything but he could feel Riley’s eyes burning into him and feared that she could see into his mind and see exactly what he was thinking. Maya, Maya, Maya.
He knew Maya could feel her suspicion too and they cut down his number of visits to once a week as much as he hated it. It wasn’t as if they were doing anything wrong even though, in reality they really were.
One afternoon, both him and Maya stood at Riley’s locker waiting for her to finish cheerleading practice. They had begun to laugh about something, something entirely stupid but it had him gasping for breath as he laughed and she bent over holding her stomach. They were a mess, even though whatever it was had not even been that funny. He steadied her from toppling over with laughter and she leaned against him heavily. Eventually they calmed down, leaning against the lockers with their shoulders pressed against each other. He looked at her, her hair an absolute mess and laughed, gently pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear and smoothing down the rest with his two hands. She smiled as he did this and suddenly there faces were so close to each other and he could feel her breath on his face  with the scent of peppermint and she was so close and so warm and……
He heard someone clearing their throat and there stood Riley, her hands clenched at her sides and they both straightened up. He hated being responsible for that look of hurt in her eyes. Maya looked down at her shoes and he felt sorry for her as well.  She had been trying so hard , all her life, to protect her friend from the hurt of the world and here she was, the person to hurt  her, sealed and delivered.
Him and Riley’s three year relationship ended that night over the phone with a lot of silence and sharp words from her side of the conversation. You would think after three years he would feel hurt and be mourning the loss if his girlfriend, but instead, he felt free. He called Maya but she did not answer the phone. He tried a few more times but it went straight to voicemail.
He thought that maybe she just felt bad about the entire Riley situation and that at school he would assure her that everything was alright and that Riley was not even that mad anyways, but for three days she didn’t show up to school and he felt a panic rise in him. He didn’t ask Riley because she still wasn’t talking to him and obviously Farkle, his supposed best friend was taking her side. She still would not pick up her phone and with nothing else to do he found himself walking towards her apartment after school. He knocked on her door loudly and anxiously. There was no response. Where was she? He knocked again and shook the handle only to find that the door was open. The pace of his heart increased rapidly and his palms began to sweat. Why was her door open and why did he suddenly feel so scared? He slowly pushed open the door and there she sat on the couch, in front of the television that blasted a Spanish soap opera. As familiar as this scenario was to him, he could not help but feel something was missing. Only then did he realize the empty rocking chair and the door to her grandmother’s room that was wide open showcasing  a stripped mattress and boxes on the floor for packing. Everything connected and his eyes fell back to her on the couch, knees drawn to her chest and unseeing eyes glued to the television. If he looked closely he could have seen that her hands trembled as they wrapped around her legs. He could see that she was trying desperately to hold herself together.  “Oh Maya,” he said and he dropped his book bag to the floor and made his way to the couch. He enveloped her into his arms and this time she didn’t tense but completely melted into him. She buried her face in his chest and he rested his chin on her head, smoothing his hand over her hair and she cried and shook and soaked his t-shirt with her tears. And in that moment he held her together.
He held her hand at the funeral and stayed with her at the grave until everyone else  left so she could say her goodbyes without the whole world to witness and just him, and he was not allowed to stay because he didn’t matter, but because he did. He took her for ice cream afterwards instead of them going back to the apartment to be surrounded by sad stories and the sickening smell of flowers. He tried to make her laugh and she appreciated  it even though the most she could muster was a bitter smile. They stood on the sidewalk outside the ice cream shop and he held her hand tightly and whispered to her that it was all going to be okay and she rested her head on his shoulder. Death sucked, but it sucked a little less when you had someone to hold onto.
The first time he kissed her, they were on her fire escape. They had started to sit there a lot now because watching Spanish soap operas just really was never the same anymore. He was telling her about the stars in Texas and how when you looked up at night you could see billions of them dotting the sky unlike the too bright city of New York that drowned out the night sky. They lay on their backs looking at the sky and he had challenged her that she probably could not even count twenty stars in New York’s night sky. Of course she had looked at him determinately and started to count, hell bent to find twenty-one stars, the one extra just to make him look like an ass. And of course she did count twenty one stars exactly and she raised her arms in triumph above her head and then turned to give him the most breathtaking smile he had ever seen. This smile met her eyes and lit up her entire face, and she was brighter than any Texas sky. He took her face in both his hands and kissed her.  She tasted like coffee and strawberries and Spanish soap operas and night skies and he loved her so much his heart hurt. She pulled away from him and looked at him, her eyes wide and questioning. He nodded his head in response to her unasked question and pulled her back in and his hands threaded through her sunshine hair. Her hands wrapped behind his neck and their bodies fit in  ways that was too perfect too describe.
He no longer had to wonder if her kisses were as electric as the thunderstorm in her eyes. They were. And she tasted like everything he could ever want and in her arms and lost in her lips, he knew;
He was home
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